#i am not a psychologist or whatever. obviously. disclaimers n such
marc--chilton · 6 months
screaming going insane im begging you to talk more about house developing a pavlovian response to wilsons nagging. like you’re right.
like house is already not subtle about wilson (you can only joke about wanting to fuck a guy so much before people start thinking you actually wanna fuck the guy) (i am not convinced he was ever joking)
and house has sooo many issues, the most prevalent being ones that stem from his leg and resulting disability after a life of activity, BUT we also must consider also those that stem from his childhood..... when a parent treats you terribly even the most logic-minded and rational people will think they deserve it. and when that is normal for you, it's almost a comfort. especially if that's the only attention you're getting from them
now let's set that aside for a second. house has always thought of wilson positively from day one (finding him "interesting" which is like the normal person equivalent of saying love at first sight, in this case) and i am not alone in thinking that house is pining in some form. and he fucks. the wires get crossed. something in his brain goes from "no one can make him mad like i can :) " to "he's hot when he's negging me" to house beating it in the hospital showers
95% (why did the numbers get HUGE just then. like i'm making a point sure but goddamn 70 point font pop off) of the time house will walk away from an interaction with wilson feeling great, even if he just got lectured within an inch of his life. just look at how often he gets the Diagnosis Revelation just from bothering wilson for five minutes (and that being all of wilson's screentime in the ep)
they're sick. they're basically having sex every episode. there are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see
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noona-clock · 7 years
Study: Dong Youngbae
In which we dig deeper under the surface of our favorite KPOP idols.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post. I am not an astrologer nor am I a professional psychologist. These are my opinions based on the research I have done personally/as a hobby. If you disagree with any of these statements, please do so respectfully.
-Admin B
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Sun Sign: Taurus (Earth)
Knowing what I do about Youngbae, he relates to his Sun Sign probably the most out of any of his signs. As I did some more research on Taurus, I kept nodding and saying ‘Yep, that’s him’ to myself. Personally, I relate to my moon sign a bit more than my sun sign, so it’s always interesting to me to see what other people think of theirs! (If only I could actually ask Youngbae what his thoughts are).
Taurus are very down to earth people (they are an Earth sign, after all); they’re reliable, genuine, and authentic. They have no apologies for being who they are. Youngbae is most definitely a Taurus in this aspect. He’s one of the most humble and down to earth idols, and he’s so true to himself it’s not even funny. He is who he is, and he won’t say sorry about it (unless he does something others might deem disrespectful, of course). They are also great friends because they’re so genuine, and they’re also very loyal to the people they love. Youngbae demonstrates this by being such a caring, loving friend to the other members of BigBang.
Taurus also prefer to live stable, chaos-free lives, and this is very evident when you watch his episode of I Live Alone. He likes to balance out the hectic life of being an idol with a very calm, quiet life at home. If he’s at home, he’s going to just sit around and do whatever he feels like doing - in his pajamas. Speaking of pajamas, Taurus like to collect things. If they like something, they have more than one of them. And, apparently, Youngbae likes pajamas! Taurus also really value permanence; they like things to basically stay the same, and I think we see that when Youngbae talks about BigBang’s futures. He’s always promising VIPs they’ll be back, and he loves to talk about where they’ll all be years from now. He definitely doesn’t want anything about BigBang to change for as long as he can help it. We can also see this side of him in the fact he just got married to the only girl he’s dated since debuting as an idol!
Another Taurus trait Youngbae fully embodies is that they’re tough and resilient but very sensitive on the inside. Youngbae is pretty emotional, and he has some deep feelings (which you’ll see in his MBTI), but he doesn’t often show it because he is so tough. He’s a very strong person emotionally and mentally. Taurus do tend to take things personally, and I think this might be why Youngbae likes to make fun of himself - in a good way. One of my favorite things is when he’ll post a picture on Instagram of himself as a meme. I just love that, while he is a very serious person, he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He has such a delightful sense of humor!
A Taurus’ career is very important to them, and they will work extremely hard to be successful and become financially stable. Bigbang in general are some of the hardest working idols out there, and Youngbae could even be one of the hardest working in the group. He’s very passionate about his music, and one of his main concerns is making sure VIPs are happy. A lot of Taurus do find they love to creatively express themselves and become performers. Funnily enough, Taurus is ruled by the throat, so... is it any surprise Youngbae is such an amazing singer?
Moon Sign: Gemini (Air)
Gemini is one of the craziest signs in the Zodiac because they have so many different sides to them. Not a lot of them apply to Youngbae, but I did pick out some aspects I think fit him pretty well! Like I said, he probably relates more to his sun sign than his moon sign - Taurus fits him so well, don’t you think?
Gemini are very persistent! They will not give up until they’ve achieved what they want to achieve. There are quite a few politicians (and rappers) who are Gemini; they know what they want, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get there. Gemini also have constantly working minds, and sometimes they show that by being extremely talkative. The really smart Geminis don’t always share their thoughts, and we all know Youngbae has his Master’s degree (something I actually have in common with him!).
Gemini are also very confident in their abilities, and they know they can the best job possible when trying to achieve something. Youngbae definitely knows he’s an amazing singer and dancer - he’s always showing off his skills! They also tend to have good people skills, and they know how to make people happy which only aids them in achieving the success they know they deserve. Youngbae, as I’ve mentioned, cares so much about making VIPs happy. He’s always so sweet, and he takes his time when meeting fans outside of concerts. On the flip side, Geminis can be savage. And if you think Youngbae can’t be savage, just think of his Instagram. The horse teeth one he posted in December. He comments on fans’ pictures of him (caption: youngbae is so charming. comment: am i charming? caption: youngbae slayed my life. comment: did i?). He commented “thank u” on CL’s selfie captioned “Okay, I’ll stop.” He’s even savage to HIMSELF. So... yes. Youngbae is savage like a Gemini.
Chinese Astrology: Earth Dragon
Like Jiyong, Youngbae is an Earth Dragon. There’s a reason these two are best friends!
Dragons really like to be the center of attention, and we all know Youngbae does, too. He is definitely not shy in any sense of the word, and Dragons are usually extremely outgoing and great at attracting publicity and attention. A lot of Dragons are known for being showmen, and they have such attractive personalities, they rarely ever lack an audience.The Instagram video Youngbae posted from his wedding was Prime Dragon.
Dragons are known to be the luckiest sign in the Chinese Zodiac, and they have a tendency to be very successful. Their self-assuredness and desire to succeed help them go far in their career, and obviously Youngbae fits this description. While he is super outgoing, he’s also very serious, and he takes his career seriously, as well. Some people might mistake his seriousness for being quiet, but he’s really not.
In addition, Dragons really like to give it their all in whatever they do. Youngbae is very passionate about music, and he’s an extremely hard worker. He’s described himself as an over-achiever before, and that’s definitely the Dragon in him.
Numerology: Life Path 4
Like Seunghyun, Youngbae has a Life Path number of 4. 4s are known as “The Teacher,” and I think we see this in Youngbae as a hyung (or even a dongsaeng). He not only likes to impart his wisdom on his members and fans, but he likes to take care of them, teaching them about self-care and giving advice. He certainly loves to help people (as we will discuss a bit more in the next section). 
Home life is very important and prominent in the life of a 4. If you watched Youngbae’s episode of “I Live Alone,” you will immediately know this is true for him, too. His home life is very quiet and peaceful. He takes the time to cook for himself, he stays in (different pairs of) pajamas all day to feel as comfortable as possible, and he loves to just be at home.
In fact, having a quiet home life is essential for 4s because of the way they take in and process information. Since they are known as Teachers, they love to devour information in hopes of sharing it with the world. They sometimes process so much it leads to sensory overload. This is where a quiet, secure home life comes in handy - to keep the brain calm.
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
It took me far too long to realize/admit that Youngbae is Introverted. But then I watched him on “I Live Alone,” and I understood everything. He’s definitely an Introvert (he likes his alone time), but he’s a VERY outgoing Introvert, which definitely tricked me into thinking he was an Extrovert. 
Those who are typed as Intuitive are more interested in the possibilities of what could be, so they tend to look more toward the future than the past. I believe Youngbae would type as an N because he’s one to quickly answer whenever an interviewers asks them where BigBang will be in 10 years (or which one of them will become a father first). At concerts, he’s always telling VIPs to wait for them, promising us they’ll be back because he has the ability to imagine what might happen in their future as a group. As an Intuitive, Youngbae also trusts symbols and metaphors more than his actual life experiences, and I believe this is why he’s religious. He has so much faith, and he’s proud of it since he’s tattooed more than one religious symbol on his body. Obviously, not all Ns are religious, but I think they probably have a greater propensity to be.
Anyone who knows Youngbae will agree he is certainly more Feeling than Thinking. He’s very emotional and sensitive, and he’s so, so thoughtful. I will always remember the letter he wrote to Seunghyun while he was filming his movie in Europe. That has ‘decision made with the heart’ written all over it. INFJs are known as “The Advocate.” We love to help people, and Youngbae is very much a helper. He wants to help people with his music, and he’s said before he would much rather become known as a meaningful singer.
When a person is typed as a Judging personality, it means they most interact with the outside world when they’re making decisions (whereas Perceiving types interact with the outside world when taking in information). This is connected to the F/T dimension, and Youngbae has shown signs of his Feeling dimension being more dominant. His stage name, Taeyang, means “Sun,” so that shows you just how outwardly his heart shines. Judging personalities also tend to be more structured in how they live their life, but this is not always the case.
Fun fact: Both Admins are INFJ, though Admin B is most definitely a shy introvert, so it seems hard to believe Youngbae is the same type!
Other Studies: Kwon Jiyong, Choi Seunghyun, Kang Daesung, Lee Seunghyun
Master list // RULES // Submit a Request! // Read About the Admins
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renaroo · 8 years
Twisted Legacy (10/25)
Disclaimer: Transformers and related properties belong to Hasbro Warnings: Canon-typical language and violence, Psychological torture and horror, Post-war politics, Canon divergence/Loose canon, Hospitalization and illness, Cultist indoctrination Rating: T Synopsis: [Canon Divergence from MTMTE and exRID #54] The legacy of the Primes has had a tainted past, one that weighs heavily on Optimus, his supporters, and those who seek the legacy for the future. But as they look forward for themselves and for Cybertron, a darkness looms that threatens to further corrupt the unsteady peace of their planet with its curious claim to be the Hand of Primus himself.
It’s up to Optimus, Windblade, Rodimus, and their teams to try and save all Cybertronians from this mysterious threat and, perhaps, change the future for the better if they can.
A/N: Again, sorry for the time lapse but it’s better than last time at least!! Right? Right? -__- Ah well. We’re officially at the end of Part II, though! So yay for that!!! 
Special thanks to @secretlystephaniebrown, Isame, and squiggol for the feedback! I really appreciate it!
Part II: The Fire Down Below Chapter 2.5: Acolytes of Primus’ Light
Velocity trusted Nautica, Rung, Nightbeat Rewind, and Chromedome, and she knew that the quantum engineer was confident in the warp drive of Ultra Magnus’ ship, but it did not make her feel any less queazy to arrive at Cybertron’s main port and be met with the amount of scrutiny and security measurements that they had in place for them.
First Aid had requested her services, and Velocity was obliged to assist him -- she was just as responsible for the lives of their crew as Ratchet and First Aid were, perhaps even more so seeing as how she was left in charge of the Medbay just before the mutiny and all. 
And he had warned her in their brief communication that Cybertron was going to be very protective given all the recent events. 
Still, the compartment search was more than unnecessary.
“They’re all medical supplies,” she assured the guards as she hugged her arms and watched them go through each item she had brought in her subspace compartment. “I am a doctor. It’s what I’m here for. I thought, given everything that’s happened, that Cybertron would be more happy to have an increase in medical staff. Including psychologists.”
“You’re from the Lost Light, ma’am, and that was infiltrated by the terrorist organization,” the tiny guard argued strongly. “And you brought four friends who are not doctors.”
“One is our quantum engineer,” she said, nodding to Nautica to make her point. “And Chromedome was requested to come by the Prime himself, and of course he should be able to bring his Conjunx with him.”
The tiny guard tilted his helm and pointed to where Nightbeat was unloading several unusual and unexplainable items from his own compartments. “And that one?”
“He thinks there’s some sort of mystery to unravel,” Velocity shrugged. “Solas Prime couldn’t keep him off our ship once he got whiff of a case. But if you need more reason, he’s my Amica.”
That caused the bot to take pause, look back to Nightbeat, then to Rung, and then to Nautica before falling back on Velocity herself. His optics were nearly squinting at her. “You are third to claim that.”
With suspicion laden in his voice, Velocity sighed and knew she was going to have to waste more of her precious time conversing with the security rather than assisting her mentors with the Lost Light’s patients. It was threatening to put her in a mood. 
“That would be because there are several of us who are all joined Amica Endura together,” Velocity explained testily. “One of which happens to be in the medical ward at the capital, and after everything we’ve been through, we would prefer to go on our way, help who we can, and check on our loved ones.”
“You can’t have multiple Amica,” the bot dismissed with a wave of his servo.
Velocity couldn’t help but bristle. “Absolutely one can! And I do. Obviously. I just explained.”
“Figures you mechs would throw such a thing around so easily,” the bot shook his head and began writing something down on his datapad before shoving all of Velocity’s supplies back to her. 
Thrown off by the tone, Velocity pressed her lips together. “You mechs?” she asked thinly. 
“Camiens,” he clarified. “It’s just... obscene to have more than one Amica. Unnecessary. It devalues it.”
“Then I’m happy, both as a mech and as a doctor, to be from Caminus, where one’s spark is large enough for all the world if you let it be,” Velocity responded, taking her supplies and quickly placing them in her subspace as the rest of their motley crew at last made their way over to her. “Are we ready to go to the capital?” 
“Sure, I’ll lead the way,” Nightbeat said, somehow managing to still have cheer in his voice despite the general mood. He then transformed into his altmode, only to get a few coughs from Rung and Chromedome. 
"Some of us do not have the most applicable of altmodes,” Chromedome said, a firm hand resting on his Conjunx’s shoulder.
Rewind vented and threw up his hands halfheartedly. “Here we go again about the altmodes.”
“And I’m afraid my scooter wouldn’t be quite as fast as those of us with wheels,” Rung added. “Not to mention those of us who have different modes of transportation entirely.”
Nautica gave a worried smile and shrugged. “Point me at Cybertron’s nearest lake and we’ll be ready to go.”
“Sorry, Nightbeat,” Velocity picked up, closing her subspace, now filled once more with her medical supplies, “You’ll need to point us in the proper direction of the capital without the tour on wheels.”
Without another word, Nightbeat transformed and showed a slight grimace on his face. “Well, that’s not nearly as fun.”
“Story of my life,” Chromedome joked lightly as he and Rewind joined the others in walking out of the security kiosk in botmode, ignoring the less than amused shaking of Rewind’s head. 
While she was no Cybertronian and her experience with the planet had been fairly limited to her short visits thus far, walking the streets toward the capital building still managed to be eye opening for Velocity. 
The already unsettled and curious atmosphere of the planet had shifted rather prominently to something far more uncomfortable. Like the pit one could swear their spark would fall toward within their sparkchamber that simply wasn’t there. 
Last time she had visited, there were groups and couples who were all about each and every corner, with the streets busy with activity. 
Sparse a cycle later it seemed that the bots all huddled in doors of buildings and indoors all together, nothing but straight, direct traffic lining the streets, and hardly anyone but the Lost Lighters themselves on the actual sidewalks. 
Cybertron felt like an unhappily cold place at that point. It almost pained Velocity to her spark. 
Nightbeat dutifully led them to the capitol building and once more they were met with the most unhelpful looking guards imaginable. All stood strongly opposed to letting the group forward even a single micrometer. 
“Hold up, we need to inspect each of you before you come anywhere close to entering these restricted areas!” one of the guards growled out, his broad servo held up making it very tempting to smack it down.
Immediately, the entire group broke out in groans aside from Rung who merely cleaned his lenses with a soft vent. 
“This is getting ridiculous!” Chromedome said, putting a hand against the side of his head. “We were asked to come here.”
“Velocity is a doctor and they need her talents immediately!” Nautica added, coming up to Velocity from behind and grabbing her by the shoulders so as to better position her up front of the group. 
Velocity did not struggle against the pushing but she did give a strained glance back toward her old friend. 
“Is this true?” the guard asked, tilting his helm. “We are allowing further medical staff through. But the rest of you will need a thorough search.”
“It’s true,” Velocity answered quickly. She glanced back. “Sorry everyone, but if I can help the injured--”
“Absolutely,” Nightbeat nodded.
“Do whatever you can,” Rewind urged. 
“We absolutely support you, dear Velocity,” Rung assured her, leaving Velocity to turn back on her heels and offer her credentials to the guards. 
They took a moment to examine her but not a moment more, waving her through the doors. Velocity ducked her head, sent a swift thank you to her friends, and rushed on in, hoping that the inside of the building would be simple enough for her to navigate and find the medical bay for. 
Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like Primus was on her side with that one.
Velocity circled a corridor at least twice before running into the same, scraggly looking beastformer with large buckteeth took notice of her and grabbed her by the wrist.
“Hey, you supposed to be here or are they lettin’ scrap wander in from off the streets again?” he demanded rather testily.
“What is with how rude this planet has become?” Velocity demanded, wrenching her wrist back. “I was requested here. I’m a doctor and my services are very much needed--”
“You, uh, from the Lost Light?” he asked, tilting his helm. “Well then. My sincerest apologies! Let me just lead you to the laboratories so you can deal with those overbearing bots instead’a me for once.”
Velocity cycled her optics and nearly stepped back from the bot. She hadn’t expected that reaction whatsoever. “Oh! Yes. I mean, yes! Thank you!”
“Eh, don’t thank me ‘til you work with them,” he snapped with a flip of his wrist as he led the way.
Frowning, Velocity began digging in her subspace for her medical kits. “If it’s Ratchet and First Aid, I think I already have something of a preview of what is to come.”
“Heh, if that was all there was,” the bot replied. “What was your designation again?”
“I didn’t say it,” Velocity corrected. “But it’s Velocity. And you’re--”
“Pfft, like you don’t know Lord Starscream’s righthand bot by sight,” the mech responded dismissively before finally leading her to the room. “Alright, do your stuff, Doc. And for your sake, I hope you’ve got some real talent because these guys? They’re high strung about every single spark in there.”
She gave him a glance before continuing in. “As doctors I would hope they would be...” she replied lowly. 
“You bots from the Lost Light have some weird bond or something, huh? The way you all act when just a few of ya are banged up,” he said before waving some guards off from the laboratory entrance. “You guys know that’s really not normal behavior.”
“I’m really not comfortable with what Cybertron seems to consider being normal then,” Velocity said tiredly. “Thank you for showing me the way—“
The beast former was gone in an instant, and Velocity could not pretend to be anything but relieved about it as she carried forward through the room and was inducted into another bout of absolute chaos that being on the Lost Light had made her far too familiar with.
The laboratory that they spoke of was, without exaggeration, a research lab first and obviously retrofitted for medical needs second. That was made abundantly clear as she pushed past several pieces of equipment that had been haphazardly shoved together to the other side of the room and toward the entrance in order to make way for the medical beds and cryochambers that had been placed on the other end.
She could still smell the distinctive tang of soldering stitching meeting paint jobs, and there were plenty of ticking clocks letting her and all of the available medical staff know just how desperate the states of some of the sparks in their care were.
It was a horror show as a physician to approach the slabs and see once familiar faces dented in and crushed, scorched in various places with metal twisted and broken where it wasn’t melted and malformed entirely. Her spark screamed out in empathy toward them all.
“Primus,” she whispered.
“Velocity!” First Aid’s familiar voice called, turning her toward where Ratchet and some other, less familiar mechs were all standing. “I called on you ages ago, did you just get here?”
“Security on Cybertron is not the easiest to navigate,” she answered, coming up to the various doctors. “First Aid, Ratchet, what happened down there?”
“We haven’t the first clue,” Ratchet answered somewhat angrily. “But the first one to wake up is going to have a lot of questions to answer, that’s for sure.” He then looked more directly to Velocity, his expression tightening in that way that all of them who had been on the Necrobot planet and made it off tended to do however unknowingly. The face of being completely reserved while knowing a shared secret. “The lot of us have been working around the clock to keep everyone we could online, and the few of us who lack field experience could use some reprieve.”
Two of the physicians by Ratchet and First Aid’s sides immediately bristled at the jab.
“After watching the utter hack jobs you two performed on those frames, you think we are the ones who are misplaced?” the red doctor scoffed. “On Velocitron, that sort of sloppy work would have had your credentials taken away within a cycle!”
“Which makes it lucky no one here’s performing for the boards of Velocitron,” Ratchet snapped, his irritation already seemingly at an all time high.
Velocity glanced between the mechs a few times over before focusing on her mentor. She stepped up to First Aid, gripping her medical kit. “Did we lose anyone?”
He looked at her gravely. “We did,” he answered stiffly. “We have three still hanging in there but… It’s a bit of an intergalactic incident now. A lot of the dead were colonists.”
In truth, Velocity could not have cared less about the politics of it all, her spark sank at the very thought of losing anyone among their crew. Whether she knew them personally or not. But then again, there were the ones she knew personally.
“Brainstorm?” she asked quickly.
“One of the least injured,” Ratchet spoke up. “We’re expecting him to come online first. Whatever attack it was, he seemed to be hit and taken out of the action early on.”
“Who are the other two survivors?” Velocity demanded.
“A new member of the crew named Fang,” First Aid answered. He then brought his servo to his faceplate and hummed slightly. “And… well, Rodimus.”
Hearing that their co-Captain was among the survivors should have sent Velocity into a wave of relief, but she could hear one of the doctors — the red one again — vent loudly as he crossed his arms and looked toward the CR chambers.
“If you consider that living,” he said rather harshly.
Inside of her, Velocity felt her insides twist and turn at the comment but her curiosity had been piqued. Either this particular doctor was one of the crudest physicians she had ever met — a feat considering she mentored under First Aid and Ratchet — or the hesitation First Aid had shown earlier was for good reason.
Without waiting for further briefing, Velocity walked toward the CR chamber and nearly gasped at the sight.
Surviving the onslaught of the DJD and the seemingly endless amount of former Deceptions they had gathered at the Necrobot’s planet had prepared her for some fairly gruesome sights — namely when it came to the very bots she cared most about. But Rodimus’ current unconscious form seemed to bring those experiences into question.
His outer armor was nearly melted down to his protoform beneath, and there were scorches across what remained of his armor. But most terrible of all was the way his protoform and faceplate were burned down to their barest layer over the side of his right face — a handprint etched into the very barest layer of his body in truly horrifying fashion.
“Solas Prime,” Velocity said, putting her hand against the glass of the CR chamber.
“It looks bad, but he’ll make it through.”
The voice took Velocity by surprise but she was relieved when she saw that in the shadows just beside the CR chamber it was simply Drift. She was not the most familiar with him of their crew, but she knew him and respected him enough to trust him. And there was some comfort in the way he was sitting prepared in the shadows of Rodimus’ chamber. Like a guard on vigil.
“He has to,” Drift said, as if it were a matter of complete fact.
“Of course,” Velocity answered quietly.
“Until his vitals change, Rodimus’ healing is up to the CR chamber,” Ratchet announced from behind Velocity. “I’ve been keeping my optics on it. But we could really use an extra hand with the other two. Give these guys a real break. Including First Aid. He’s lacked a good recharge since before we brought this load of work to his doorstep. Researching that Red Rust outbreak and everything.” He looked at Velocity warily. “Are you ready for the responsibility?”
“Of course I am,” Velocity answered matter of factly. “I’ve been taught by the best.”
Chromia was still in recharge as Windblade looked out upon Metroplex from their capitol suite. The cityspeaker was still attempting to process all that had happened in just the short amount of time since they had been contacted by the away team of the Lost Light and all hell had broken loose in order to get them safely to Cybertron.
Starscream’s initial anger had been anticipated — even looked forward to in a sick sense that Windblade tried not to think of as speaking for her character. But the calm that had followed and his silence on the matter since then.
He was up to something, and as usual Windblade felt hopelessly behind in their game, barely scraping by in her attempts to catch up to a master manipulator while still retaining some sense of the morality she once wore as intimidatingly as armor.
There was a yawn from behind her that brought Windblade out of her thoughts and she looked instead toward her partner and bodyguard. Chromia stretched before pushing off from her habsuite and beginning to stretch and exercise in her usual routine.
“Did you recharge at all?” Chroma asked. “You know you’ve gone through the ringer lately, you could use more recharges. Especially more than I do.”
“I’ve been through nothing compared to those poor bots,” Windblade corrected with a frown.
Chromia’s optics nearly rolled. “Those poor bots were lucky that you and the Prime seem to be the only mechs with half a processor firing on this godforsaken planet, Windblade. If you two weren’t there to defy Starscream—“
“We defy because he continues to allow us to defy him, Chromia,” Windblade said, hugging her arms. “Can’t you see the politics at play here?”
“I don’t have a mind for politics,” Chromia shrugged. “That would be why I’m the bodyguard and you’re the delegate here.”
“By letting Optimus Prime and myself carry out these rouses against his orders, he is both the strong leader who is unyielding on his policies, and able to stake claim to good that the Prime and we do against the orders of the Council, along with all of the repercussions falling on our shoulders,” Windblade explained.
“Then, when there aren’t lives at risk, you and the Prime need to force Starscream’s hand, make him break his own ridiculous laws,” Chromia answered simply.
“There are always lives at stake here,” Windblade sighed, looking back to her window. “Always. This planet truly is a constant conflict.”
“Must be why I feel at odds with its charm,” Chromia replied, resting against the window with her arms crossed. “I prefer when the only one at risk for hitting things is me.”
Windblade gave her old friend a small smile. “Same,” she said somewhat cheekily. “Still, I just wish that doing the right thing didn’t also always mean doing the wrong thing. It’s getting a bit…”
“Annoying?” Chromia offered.
A reply was ready on her lips, but Windblade stopped and stared at the city square below instead. She felt a cold chill splash through her fuel tank as the news screens lit up with a hauntingly familiar and all too terrifying face once more.
“Chromia,” Windblade said lowly. “Error.”
“What?” Chromia asked, not following.
“Error,” Windblade repeated, pointing on the glass toward the vliewscreens lit up with his face. “Why is he on the news again!?”
“When since the attacks have the news stopped being about him?” Chromia tried to rationalize.
“Not like this,” Windblade admonished before opening the windows of their room and focusing to listen on the speakers down below.
“Citizens of Cybertron and its claimed worlds—“
“By the Primes,” Windblade gasped, optics widening. “It’s another live broadcast.”
"I have warned your people and your lands before of my power. The power to cleanse Cybertron and all its systems of those not worthy of the Prime’s hand,” Error proclaimed on all the screens and all of the speakers of Cybertron, drawing a silence over even Windblade and Chromia.
Windblade watched, optics wide, barely glancing as Chormia stepped forward to shield her from the invisible threat between her and the screens below.
“First I weeded us of the weak and unworthy,” Error explained, backing away enough to show more of his bulk than just the frame of his head. Then he held up both of his hands and immediately shot a powerful, blinding flame through them both. “Now it is time that the Hand of the Primes baptize you by fires. And we have already begun.” 
“The Lost Light crew,” Windblade realized out loud. 
“No doubts there, Cityspeakder,” Chromia muttered. 
“And I shall begin by cleansing our religion, dearest Cybertron,” Error declared. “By taking what is the right of any true Prime -- by taking the Matrix of Leadership for myself. And burning all the false prophets who have tarnished it.”
They watched as all the screens went blank with the end of the threat, and then all of Cybertron let out a terrified and confused screams.
“We have to find Optimus,” Windblade said quickly.
“I was afraid you’d say that,” Chromia sighed, grabbing her lance. 
While the cynicism in Chromia’s voice was not lost on Windblade, she concentrated on getting to Prime as soon as possible instead. There was little time, at least in the cityspeaker’s mind, for playful banter even as they raced down the halls and toward the science labs where Prime had been spending most of his time since the emergencies from Eukaris. 
There was a mech speaking to Optimus that Windblade only faintly recognized from being surrounded by more familiar faces -- Camien faces that she knew were Lost Light crew members now like Nautica. 
The one standing in front speaking to Optimus was locked hand-in-hand with a minibot who was practically radiating his displeasure toward the Prime.
“Even if I wanted to help you, Optimus, I can’t anymore,” the tall mech said with a defensive shake of his head. “I don’t even have my needles anymore. I’m... I’m recovered from the craft. Had Ratchet himself remove them. And judging by his reaction to the last time I used them... I find it hard to believe that you ran this idea by him first.” 
“I am sorry if I have offended you by making such a dangerous request, Chromedome,” Optimus said lowly.
“We flew all the way from the Lost Light just because of your request, too. I think we need an apology for that, too,” the minibot raged.
“Rewind,” Chromedome attempted to say soothingly only for Rewind to shake his head angrily.
“Don’t Rewind me, Domey! You almost died right in front of us! We saw it! If you ever thought of doing it again after what we went through? After it basically killed you? I... I’d have to extinguish my own spark. I’ve not helped you at all,” Rewind cried out.
“That couldn’t be further from the truth,” Chromedome said achingly, grabbing the minibot’s other hand and lacing fingers. He then vented strongly and looked to the Prime. “I cannot perform mneumosurgery for you, Optimus, Sir. It’s not possible. I wouldn’t do it if it were still possible. I wish I could help you some other way with finding out what Rodimus and our other crewmates encountered, but that’s more of Nightbeat’s business.”
"Thank you, but seeing my options as they are currently, it seems my next step has been made for me,” Optimus vented.
“Prime!” Windblade yelled out, not waiting a second more since the conversation between the Prime and the Lost Lighters was all but over. “Error has returned -- he’s making demands and he’s specifically focusing on you and the Matrix this time! We have to get you out of danger before he makes a move.”
Optimus looked at Windblade and Chromia for a moment before placing his hands on his hips. “Then it seems Starscream’s assignment to me must have been even more opportune for him than he realized.”
“Starscream?” Windblade questioned, unable to prevent her nose from curling at even just his name.
“He has charged me with determining what happened to Rodimus and the Lost Light crew on Eukaris. And since I cannot do that while remaining here, I will do so where I can,” Optimus explained. “And keeping myself far from the public will do well to keep it safe if this Error truly plans on acting on his words. I will not be defending myself in the streets of Metroplex.”
Windblade narrowed her optics. “After all of this, you’re going to Eukaris? To be slaughtered like this crew?”
“No,” Optimus said with a shake of his head. “The Counsel is very outspoken about keeping the various colonies and Cybertron separate until they have an answer. I will be setting foot elsewhere. Getting answers from the Lost Light itself.”
Windblade’s mouth opened but she did not have a ready reply. 
Only a feeling deep in her spark that something was still very, very wrong.
Megatron was receiving information from the medical station on Cybertron as quickly as the data could be carried between the stars, and it still felt far from enough.
Even with non-affiliated and even former-Decepticon members of the crew on the rise, the Lost Light remained a specifically Autobot ship. And his position on it remained purposefully precarious. And with his co-Captain among the injured — well, it was difficult to say what his position even was anymore.
The Lost Light had always been restless, but weeks after a mutiny, a plague, and now weathering an away team’s near decimation might prove to be more than the crew could bear to stomach under a Megatron ran ship.
Perhaps Optimus was going to receive the retribution he had always thinly veiled through the bogus position and the watered down Fool’s Energon.
“Just for sport,” Megatron said lowly at his Captain’s desk, reading through the filtering in reports, “I won’t break so easily, Prime. You’ll have to try a bit better to take advantage of our second darkest hour.”
Still, he hoped that the bar was still packed with that low-grade shrill water Swerve was posing as high-grade. The less drunks they had on the ship, the less likely they would have a medical emergency at the one time that they had exactly no one on the medical staff.
Still staring at the documents on his tablet, Megatron waited for something to pop out at him — good news, bad, something that resembled a clue as to what happened before threats of an official inquiry against the Lost Light were actually made. He knew his own crew at the bridge were still scrambling under the orders he gave them to find anything and everything that could be relevant to the events on Eukaris.
So far no one had come to his office to tell him they had found nothing from the ship’s various files. Megatron figured this was more of a sign of fear than of the new bridge crew’s undying need to find answers for themselves.
He was more than ready to give up on his reading when, finally, a knock came to his office door.
“Finally,” Megatron said, setting aside his tablet and leering at the door. “Enter.”
It was unsurprising to be met by Ultra Magnus’ face. He was both the only crew member left who made up for what he lacked in fear of Megatron with respect for positions and order, and the only mech who seemed even more personally dedicated to the current mystery than Megatron himself.
Magnus was the former duly-appointed enforcer of the Tyrest Accord. If that meant anything in these days.
“Word from Cybertron I suspect,” Megatron said crisply, doing little to hide his anger and irritation at even the possibility of receiving contact from Starscream again after last time.
“There is that,” Magnus answered, coming in and quickly shutting the door behind him — which was more than enough to put the captain on edge. “Though it is not what I believe you think it to be, Captain.”
“I will have to look at that as a positive then,” Megatron replied.
“It seems that Starscream saw it fit to send someone to the Lost Light in search of any answers we may be hiding from their current inquest,” Magnus explained. Then he added, “It would appear the one chosen for the task is Optimus Prime.”
“Of course it is,” Megatron snapped before he could catch himself. “I’ve never known the bot to sidestep an opportunity to dig the blade a little deeper.”
There was a twitch on Magnus’ face, one of the only tells the second in command ever gave when he was irritated or put off by his captain. It was better than most, Megatron supposed.
“It almost makes it appealing to know that we won’t be able to give him what he’s looking for,” Megatron said, glancing back to his reports — still no further updates.
When the silence carried on a moment too long, he glanced back toward Ultra Magnus. There was unease in those robust shoulders.
“Or am I wrong?” Megatron asked.
“We have found… something,” Ultra Magnus answered lowly. “Badly damaged audio from a failed attempt to hail the ship while the signal was being blocked by… some sort of technology more advanced than our own.”
Megatron tilted his helm. “The Black Block Consortia?” he asked.
“Not that I’m aware of,” Ultra Magnus replied, unease continuing to grab at Megatron’s attention. “It does appear Cybertronian in origin. But different. Colonial perhaps, but it is advanced — centuries in advanced to our own.”
Tapping his fingers against his desk, Megatron scowled. “It’s safe to presume such advanced technology would not naturally exist on a colony planet that seems more interested in trees than electricity.”
“That would be a safe presumption,” Ultra Magnus answered.
“Alright then, on with it,” Megatron sighed, rubbing at his optics tiredly. “I know there is bad news already, Ultra Magnus. It cannot possibly be worse than what we’ve been going through for the past several hours—“
“You need to listen to this audio. So far only the sound technician and myself have heard the deciphered and cleaned up version,” Ultra Magnus interrupted, highly unusual for him and enough to make Megatron lean back in surprise. “I made certain to bring the only copy to you first. To determine what your course of action will be with it.”
Staring at Ultra Magnus, Megatron allowed the graveness of his second in command’s tone to fully reach him. Then he set aside his reading tablet. “Tenser the audio to me directly. It will be erased as I listen to it so that your copy remains the only one. I trust your judgment — if you deemed it necessary, it must certainly be necessary.”
“I fear it is,” Magnus replied before complying with the demands.
Continuing to look at Magnus suspiciously, Megatron internally accepted the audio file and began to lean back into his chair, listening avidly and even shuttering his optics to keep complete focus on the sounds of their crew. It did not take long into the May Day for the screaming to begin. Then for it to be clear who, in the background of the audio, was making threats. Threats that turned into demands. Demands that turned into pleas. Pleas that turned into screams. Not of pain, but of terror.
Not even halfway done, Megatron stopped the transfer and looked to Magnus. “No one else has heard this other than the sound technician, yourself, and me?” he demanded sharply.
“Yes, Sir,” Magnus answered just as sharply.
“Can you ensure any backups are deleted?” Megatron pressed.
“I will ensure it,” Ultra Magnus nodded. “As for the file?”
“Well,” Megatron said, folding his hands together. “I suppose that entirely depends on determining what side Optimus Prime is playing for when he arrives.”
“Rodimus means a great deal to him,” Ultra Magnus attempted to explain. “I am certain he will be more understanding—“
“He will side with whatever he deems just no matter what friendships it lays bare in its wake,” Megatron corrected. “No one knows Prime more than I do, Ultra Magnus. And you are not to give him that recording until I explicitly give you permission. No matter what threat to your honor that gives you.”
“I understand, Sir,” Magnus said thinly.
“We are the only things protecting Rodimus now,” Megatron reminded him. “Until we know who our allies truly are, this is the way it must be.”
Ultra Magnus nodded stiffly then headed out the door.
Megatron vented angrily before throwing his tablet across the room and shattering it against the adjacent wall, its pieces littering the floor and the smaller, engraved desk that Rodimus had shoved in the corner — co-captain labeled on the top marker.
The former warlord slumped in his chair and rested his helm in his hand. “Damn,” he uttered lowly.
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