#i am not maintagging this if you see it you see it haha
hiraganasakura · 4 months
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[ID: Various pictures of Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona 3 Reload. She is a pale-skinned woman with wavy, waist-length red hair, and brown eyes with hints of red.
The first image shows her in her school uniform: A white blouse with a red bow(?) on her collar, and a black skirt.
The second image shows Mitsuru in her battle gear. Over her school uniform is a black vest with a cape attached, elbow-length black gloves, and black knee-high high-heeled combat boots. She also wears a red shoulder guard labeled "SEES". Around her waist is a white belt with a gun in the holster.
The third image is Mitsuru in her battle gear, dramtically posed throwing her hair back as she looks down on the viewer. The art is washed in a reddish-pink tone.
The fourth and final image is Mitsuru still in her battle gear. She is mid-attack, raising her arm to snap her fingers and confidently smiling down on her opponent. End ID.]
I need her,,,
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decepti-thots · 2 years
MTMTE/LL script project.
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I am reposting an updated person of this post so I can maintag it for visibility!
tl;dr: I am attempting to digitize the MTMTE/LL scripts that exist for archival purposes to prevent any of them becoming lost media in the future. And I am looking for help in this!
The long version:
I am trying to get scans or clear, readable photographs of all the MTMTE/LL scripts that exist for the sake of digitizing them and making sure they don’t wind up lost media. (Needless to say, me currently trying to get ahold of fandom stuff from 20-30 years ago and constantly running into brick walls because nobody has scanned their copies of things got me thinking about this, haha.)
These scripts are, in a lot of cases, literally just printer paper stapled together and sold at cons to a very few people. I would hate to see these disappear in a decade or two because we all wound up forgetting where we left them, or stuck them in the attic and damp got them, or whatever.
Roberts has been selling nothing but spares/leftovers of these for a while now, including at this year's TFN, where he had very few left and none of them were new prints as far as I could tell. (Rusty staples!) In addition, he's said he does not expect to be doing more cons for some time. The one time he sold them online in 2020 or so, it was explicitly just old stock. So at this point, getting my hands on more for this project means either getting folks to kindly contribute scans or sell me their copies on.
(Sidenote: at the moment I'm not 100% sure if JRo has finished up selling these forever, though it seems likely for the forseeable given the above. Even so, I’m a little leery of making this stuff super public until such a time as he confirms he's got no future plans, because I hate to eat into a potential way for creators to make some well earned money off their own work if it turns out he’s gonna sell more later. This project is to make sure an archive exists as futureproofing, but I don't currently plan to immediately make this a massive public repository. But obviously, anyone kind enough to contribute can have access to the drive.)
Below the cut is a list of a) what I currently have, b) what I expect to have soon and c) what I know exists and do not have. If you have anything I don't, and would be willing to scan or photograph it to contribute, please let me know. Alternatively, if anyone has scripts I don’t already own which rather than scan they’re interested in selling on, hit me up. I am not made of money, but I’m willing to pay a fair price to get my hands on them if needed. Just be aware I’m UK based.
Unscanned, for me to do: Lost Light #6, This Machine Kills Fascists (standard)
Unscanned, being scanned by others: Chaos Theory
Scanned or photographed: More Than Meets The Eye #6, Interiors (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #9, Shadowplay Part One: Post Hoc More Than Meets The Eye #12, Before and After (standard) More Than Meets The Eye #16, The Gloaming (standard) More Than Meets The Eye #22, Little Victories (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #28, World Shut Your Mouth: Towards Peace (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #31, Twenty Plus One (standard) More Than Meets The Eye #35, The Custom Made Now (standard) More Than Meets The Eye #38, Elegant Chaos: Predestination, an Expert's Guide (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #39, The Permanent Revolution (annotated) More than Meets The Eye #40, Our Steps Will Always Rhyme (standard and annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #47, The Lopsided Triangle (standard) Lost Light #6, This Machine Kills Fascists (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #50, How Bright Their Frail Deeds (annotated) Lost Light #13, Sardines (annotated) Lost Light #25, How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2 (annotated) The Transformers Holiday Special, Silent Light/MTMTE #50 backup script (annotated)
Ones I am looking for and know exist: More Than Meets The Eye #4 (labelled #3), Life After The Big Bang (standard) More Than Meets The Eye #5, How Ratchet Got His Hands Back More Than Meets The Eye #14, Remembrance Day More Than Meets The Eye #21, Remain in Light: This Calamitous Life More Than Meets The Eye #35, The Custom Made Now (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #43, The One Where They Go To Earth (annotated) More Than Meets The Eye #55, The Dying of the Light: Do Not Go Gentle
(Note: the scripts often have preliminary titles that differ from those above that were used for final issues. Also, for earlier issues, sometimes numbering is off by one, because projected issue counts shifted. The above is mostly guesses based on numbers JRo mentioned for scripts on Twitter and final issue names.)
You can contact me either here or on Twitter. And if you could let anyone know who you think could help and signal boost, I would appreciate it.
Thank you!
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
You don't have to publish this ask but I just need to vent to someone who might understand, cause like, I'm over here like "I don't like fh or scott sorry, I promise though I won't talk about it or maintag just letting you know so you don't waste time since I know there's overlap between us, also I have a lot of interesting ideas about them still but I won't talk or write about them because I know that would make some of you upset and more than anything else I want everyone here to have a fun time and ship and let ship <3" and these unproblematic only fh fans will turn around and be like "oh so you're homophobic? You're the most annoying person on the planet? You're just trying to start a ship war? You're the problem with fandom" like BITCH?! Never met people so determined to make their actually quite comparatively good and healthy fandom toxic
This is where it stops being funny and actually genuinely really upsets me, is that very few people dare to talk about "toxic" Flower Husbands, let alone maintag it (and they should be able to! Because it's not fucking hate? Its valid discussion and expression of opinion that doesn't attack anyone). A few people have been more vocal about it recently and I've seen more people besides you come forth NOW, because you didn't want to upset anyone or get shittalked etc in the past for holding a different opinion to the overwhelming majority. I know people who've joked "am I just insane? Am I just stupid for seeing something here that everybody else is vehemently against?". There's evidently people who have just shut up because otherwise they'll get burned at stake, or they stay in their own little circles
And then a few too many FH posts that dare even imply any negative qualities about FH from a character standpoint get a little bit seen, and suddenly FH tag is full of 10 people defending their ship's honor because how dare you!! The way these people are so fucking volatile about fuck-all upsets me so much. Like, haha, we've been proven right I guess! You DO get burned at stake. These people probably aren't even bothering to read any such FH interpretations if they even SEE any, and don't just see 5 other posts claiming "oh my god can people just shut up about toxic FH and write characters breaking up for NORMAL reasons" (genuinely baffling concern that I've seen like at least 3 times btw??) that just leads them to believe that this is a wide-spread "problem" that needs neutralizing? They take even the thought of such posts as personal attacks that prohibit them from shipping FH for some reason? Like dude I fucking dig FH? Just for not always the same reasons as the majority but I guess I've sinned and shouldn't be allowed to speak lol. And these people don't HAVE to read interpretations they don't like, goddamn, look past?? Block if it hurts you that much?? As you said, the Tumblr traffic fandom is largely really kind and healthy so I can't fathom where the hell these guys come from. And then they proclaim the people who have largely shut up or kept to themselves "the problem", and that's the exact response that has been feared lmao
sorry. Long answer but fuck. I'm so sorry anon. The Flower Husbands scene is truly miserable if you dare think of them as anything other than cuddly and cute and teasing at most. Your interpretation is invalid because. ? homophobia I guess lmao
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riacte · 2 months
I really am grateful for the anons yelling in my inbox whenever stuff happens because: sometimes being in this fandom inspires a specific case of fomo in which if you don't pay attention to the specific things you like, there is a chance you will simply never see your sought-after crumbs or have no idea where to find it. A lot of the times a blessed person will put stuff in the maintags and you will thank them on your knees, but sometimes you will need to be that person and dig into four hours of transcript for a three second moment. Gotta pick up the shovel and dig up the treasure you seek.
Also I realise I feel obliged to stick to False to blog from her POV. Like yeah I need to yap about her because someone else will liveblog the other hermit POVs so I'll know about the highlights of other teams.
Anyways I am SO prepared for the massive fomo this MCC will bring. Take my hand, close your eyes and ears, it is alright to know about NOTHING. What's this new funny clip with 1k notes on your dash. What's this new duo that popped up. New strats for the new game. New meta. Idk my brain doesn't have enough space. It's finals week. I don't know anything but I know I miss youuuu.
Finally: manifesting Lime vs Yellow. If only to throw it in the face of (not you MCCReddit) HC Reddit. Like haha the two hermit teams you gave less attention to are now in Dodgebolt weeee. The OGs Cub Iskall False woohoo. My BBC famous streamer in Dodgebolt <3
Anyways I shall be waiting for Obligatory Ren Mention somewhere in False's stream because it always happens 'cause chat misses doggy 😭
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kyeterna · 10 months
Ok ok so context about this, last year at december, my friends and I in our discord server "constellation collective" were doing a challenge called Constellation Impact, where basically we created self insert characters in the Genshin Impact universe (I will post about mine when I have a comic ready which will probably be months from now because I am bad at being consistent). Some of the people in that groupchat wanted to participate but had little idea what genshin was so I took it upon myself to make a short (57 slides) presentation that explains very surface level stuff that I thought would be useful for the character creation, thought sometimes I would get really into explaining stuff that in retrospect would be completely useless for the character creation. The idea was that I would present it on call (hence why there were so many "presenting Kyeterna take it away" tidbits)
Here is the link to the presentation
Mind you this was made in like november 2022 so it is not up to date with current lore (which is why I am not AS insane in the presentation about scaramouche)
Also uhhh I am not gonna maintag it because there is Keqing and Alhaitham hate in there I mean I am not a fan of their characters but because of an ongoing inside joke I am being overdramatic about how much I hate them
If you dont wanna bother with the presentation here is the most important slide that you must absolutely see
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Nothing else matters
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musashi · 1 year
Regarding the von Karma theory: for what it's worth, I didn't agree with everything but thought it was good. Him suffering from an illness would've explain a lot of the behavior we see in-game. I don't understand why they keep calling you an apologist, though? Like, you never downplayed his actions once so that makes no sense??
i'm just obsessed with knowing why so many people are fixated on this one thing i said in passing? like in my video i spend a good long while talking about restorative justice, root causes of violence and crime, and why i personally like to dissect characters and see if i can puzzle out why they do horrible things. i wrote extensively on things i think could have contributed, how i think he got to that point, and why i think he did what he did. and then when i am like 'lol and imagine lead poisoning' it is presented, in no uncertain terms, as something a little more lighthearted and silly, because literally all it is is a headcanon that i thought about errantly one day and thought 'haha, that'd be funny and thematically beautiful, i like that' i'm not invested in it nor do i even really view it as ~the explanation~ it's literally just a headcanon i like? it exists on the same level as like, if i were to hc his favourite food or that he likes to play golf in his spare time. it is just a headcanon. that i can take or leave. i do not feel strongly about it, nor does it often come up when i am discussing manfred von karma, why i like him, why i think he did all the shit he did, etc.
and yet everyone on twitter is OBSESSED with it? and now people are MAINTAGGING it, vagueblogging me where i can see it?
like, of course i know what's actually going on here: i presented a take that was eloquently phrased and well-sourced, and it's pissing off people who prefer to discourse in 240 characters with snappy retorts, so they are focusing on a headcanon that takes up .1% of my video because it's easy to take out of context and laugh at. but i want them to try and tell me why that isn't the case. i wanna hear them try and explain this dumb shit.
even calling it a "theory" like you did in this ask is a little much for me. i don't care that much about it! it's not important and i don't think it's canon, it's literally just a headcanon i have. that's all. i wish people would stop giving it more weight than it has and obsessing over it, who the fuck cares, i just want to make posts about my silly murder blorbo in peace.
anyways, idk why people are calling me an apologist/defender either! i keep asking them to point out where i did that but no one ever answers me, it's soooo curious that!
i think people are just very uncomfortable with the idea of villains being human beings. they want them to be some unnatural other who were born innately evil, have some "abuser" disease (see: the way people use terms like narcissist and s*cio/psychopath) etc. the fact of the matter is that people who do bad things are just humans who have been pushed via a multitude of internal and external factors to their lowest and are in need of support and rehabilitation and to take AWAY those factors and/or help them heal from them.
but, as i said in my video, new-age puritans on tumblr and twitter are obsessed with "punishing" and othering. they will not acknowledge that they, too, could become violent and monstrous if given the circumstances, and they believe anyone who is so unlucky deserves to be hurt more because of it.
it's so fucking irritating to have to rehash it. i like it when manfred von karma is being a nice awkward vampire dad and giving his daughter pancakes. i also like it when he is looking like a possessed turkey vulture fucking pointing a pistol at all his problems and tasing a child for funsies. i think these things coexist, and here is how i think they coexist. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO MAD AND WHY ARE THEY SO INSISTENT ON PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH? THE VIDEO IS AN HOUR LONG I DON'T THINK I COULD'VE BEEN MORE CLEAR AND NUANCED???
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windfighter · 3 years
You can tell the hermitcraft influence is big because Xisuma showed the new ore textures and my brain just “oooh these could look great in buildings” wheras Before Hermitcraft the only use for ores was smelting them
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thiscatisbisexual · 3 years
You know, it's kinda weird how they don't acknowledge the fact that Zagreus and Thanatos thought of themselves as brothers until, like, a few days before the start of the game.
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pilferingapples · 5 years
First Five Tags Please
I feel like I haven’t seen an Intro To Tumblr post going around in a while and we all know Tumblr Staff doesn’t tell us a single solitary thing, so here is a Useful Thing To Know About Tagged Search and Maintags, for New Users: 
-”tagged search” is the search you’ll get with tracked tags. It looks like this : “tumblr. com/tagged/ Whatever Thing You Want To Find” , like  “tumblr.com/tagged/potatocat” 
-It’s more targeted and generally more useful for relevant results than searching tumblr with “search” (which is mostly useful on individual blogs IME but I digress)
-on any new post, only  the first five tags go into the Tagged search. So a post tagged 
#haha #comics #red #blue #potatocat 
will show up in the “tagged/potatocat” search; but a post tagged 
#haha #comics #red #blue #funny #sneakers # potatocat 
will not.  
- this only matters with new posts; reblogs don’t show up in /tagged searches at all. 
- What this means is if you want your art/fanwork/etc to be easily found, please tag your fandom or subject matter in the first five tags!
- if you want your art/fanwork/etc to be easily found, please tag your fandom or subject matter in the first five tags!
please I am begging you,  as someone who is in the fandom tags all the time and still misses so much  because the OP didn’t maintag it. As someone who sees sad fan artists heartbroken because no one has commented on their incorrectly tagged  work.  THE FIRST FIVE TAGS. USE THEM AS YOUR BANNER.  Tag Chat is great but save it for Tag #6 and later on your original posts!
( - by the same token, it’s a piece of Old Tumblr Etiquette that anything tagged after  the first five tags is understood as semi-private.  The first five tags are an invitation to open discussion/debate; the others are for personal organization/talk with mutuals, courtesy for blacklists, etc.   Arguments, conversations between mutuals, Character/Ship hate, personal news or rambling, WIP posts, whatever-- if it’s Tag 6 or Later, by this rule, people discussing it are doing the courtesy of getting the discussion out of the main square and should not be treated as intrusive.  This rule was never followed universally and is even less so now, since non-tag search has been in use, but when people say “don’t tag hate” or “keep it out of the maintags” or use five obvious filler tags before tagging the real topic, that’s what’s going on.)
- but most of all please maintag your fanwork please 
this post brought to you by me telling three artists in the past week why I couldn’t find their art in the tags 
thank you. 
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