#i am really really sdfg happy
Not the monster high rerelease triggering a want to work for Mattel again so bad I’m looking into internship programs
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newscarsting · 1 year
pom poms i drew to feed mu friend who absolutely goes feral everytime he sees pom pom
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+ eh steve driving a poorly drawn truck
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pontevoix · 2 years
UHIADFG that was so misleading i am sO sorry sdfughsdfg i turned 25 on aug 2 i'm just slow as shit with my messages sdfg i literally haven't replied to text messages since before then it's gonna make thanking family for birthday messages really weird BUT ALSO THANK YOU
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ratboysims · 4 years
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anonymous said: ur world save is so poggers bro → thank you so much but also never say poggers to me again
anonymous said: omg i also started nsb recently, currently just finishing gen 1. i love it, made me rlly love playing the game again → aw i love that!! i’m having a lot of fun too, i think it’s because the challenge forces us to actually do the in-game stuff i’m normally too lazy to do lol. like i’ve literally NEVER used the mineral display before but now i’m having my sim dig shit up left and right to finish it
anonymous said: your reshade burns my cornea 😵 → me too but we suffer for the Aesthetic. jk i’m gonna play around some with the settings this weekend, mindy is the palest sim i’ve ever had and it’s just not working out especially when it’s sunny outside!!
anonymous said: amanda meadows is SO adorable plsss → AW SHE’S ONE OF MY FAVES! idk how long you’ve been following me, but she’s the kid of my old main gameplay sim, her tag is here if you want to see more of her. she’s my baby
anonymous said: u don't know me but every time i read ur posts abt sim stuff i'm like god you are the most valid person ALIVE, i support u so hard in all ur normal ass sims posts. i love ur sims and ur taste in reshades. right on u funky little simmer!! → this ask made me so happy sdfg i AM a funky little simmer huh!!! for real though, normal sim posts are the best. i’m trying to just enjoy the game as much as possible and not worry about how it looks or how entertaining it is, and somehow i feel like that makes for better content?? idk man i like it at least
anonymous said: Loving the game play pics! Please have fun ❤️ → i love you anon!! everyone is being so nice to me i’m gonna cry
anonymous said: thank u for the plus size rep <3 <3 → as a fellow Plus Sized, i started using simstagram a few months ago and it really kickstarted my bitterness for how super skinny EVERyone’s (honestly including me too) sims are and i just wanted to make one shaped like a friend
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unsaidrose · 3 years
🌲 and 🐈 (pine and cat, just in case) - curvesomesunsets aka atlas lamenting he can't send asks from a sideblog sdfg
🌲 do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
i think it depends! in terms of weather, i love the snow (it really makes me so happy its ridiculous) but i think i just love warm weather the most? i like sitting in the sun and summer is better for running anyways! (it helps me w mental health but i cant go in winter bc men r scary and it gets dark lol)
🐈 do you have any pets? are there some pets you really want?
i have a german shepherd !!! shes just over two and she is so cuddly with us, but very protective! my dad also has two dogs over at his house but i dont see them much (used to go at the weekend, but then covid hit and i dont go as much anymore) i dont think theres any pets i really want, but id love a cat in the future. i used to have one, but we had to give him away when we got our dog (long story. i am still very pissed about it and its been years)
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yinseal-arc · 5 years
Hi Kim! Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had any follow recs for active members of the Naruto/Next Gen RPC? I'm new around here and I'm not sure where to start...
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        hey !  i’m more than happy to recommend some blogs  (  i should warn you though that i am,  myself,  not  …  particularly  involved in the naruto fandom sdfg  )  but !  there’s a few i really recommend !
       @foreaft ( tenten and kisame ),  @mortuiflores  ( deidara and hidan ),  @alightsun  ( naruto ),  @vrulence  ( sasuke ),  @kushimaki  ( kushina ),  @thousandslived  ( tsunade ),  @kakuzhu  ( kakuzu ),  @bakisensei  ( baki )
i know there are probably more,  but these are the ones i’ve interacted with most  /  been active most on my dash.  i hope it helps!
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bitchsexuality · 5 years
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ok first off i’m sorry i took so long to reply!! i’ve been busy in the most tedious way possible so my brain’s not exactly my best friend right now. second off: THANK U SO MUCH these were so fun to answer!!
i’m putting all of these in the same post because i started talking and i could not Shut The Up, and i think one atrociously long post is better than four long posts when it comes to like, scrollability. scrollpastability? scroll-Something. and putting it under a readmore too for the same reasons
SO, from top to bottom:
weirdest character idea for D-N-D:
it’s an idea i’ve already had because i can’t come up with anything right now dksjfgbd, but
once i made a druid for a D//N/D-based CRPG who only cast spells when they gave him something edible (in theory ofc, the game didn’t let me eat my summoned bears... thankfully...), so i ended up with nothing but goodberries and several animal summoning spells. then i proceeded to cheat my way through the game, which defeated the point sdfgsd, but it was still fun concept-wise
also made me spend too much time wondering if the entangle spell’s vines could be eaten. i mean you can’t eat the WHOLE thing but maybe you could like, munch on it a little, or try to slurp it up like a noodle. it wouldn’t be tasty, it wouldn’t be easy, and it most definitely would not be healthy, but it’s like. the principle of the thing 
if ur asking yourself WHY i did that… well there aren’t THAT many D/ND-based CRPGS out there and i’d already played that one —several times, in fact— so i wanted to try something different :0
i mean it’s not THAT weird tbh, but he’s the only OC i can think of right now that soooooort of fits? and my brain is like, a tundra of creativity at the moment. a deep tar pool that absorbs all inspiration and drags it, kicking and screaming, to its viscous doom. well you get the idea. or i hope you do because i sure fucking don’t
ideal ending for one of my characters:
hmmmm for like, original fiction characters i more or less have all their endings planned out? most of them ARE ideal because i am fully in control of their destinies and i am also a softhearted lidle bich who prefers stories with relatively uplifting/happy endings. or tbh even the ones that aren’t technically happy are still ideal in terms of character arcs, development, etc
(i might be giving myself way too much credit there though skdjgbdksjfg)
and —though this is super unlikely and mostly just me deceiving myself at this point— i do want to publish what i’m working on rn, so talking about endings would be a spoiler for something that does not exist and probably never will outside of my idiot fool head. so i’m gonna talk about an old OC that i’m not doing anything with anymore!
her name was elina and her entire deal was that she came from a family of very powerful witches who owned a, uh, i guess you could call it an archive? or a library?? idk, it was just an ABSURDLY large collection of magic-related books, and it pretty much contained all known arcane knowledge (though come think of it, “all known arcane knowledge” can’t have been THAT much because the archive was just one room. a huge fucking monster of a room yeah but like. still just One)
so anyway, her family members were very dutiful + responsible when it came to the archivelibraryroom thing, but they were also too traditional for her tastes? like they didn’t bother practicing/using magic, or experimenting, or looking for anything outside of books; they only cared about written things, and even then they did nothing but get the Very Important Books, put them in the archivelibraryroom and forget about them completely
then elina ran into a group of other magic-users who were investigating a weird phenomenon in her hometown, and she asked her family about it, but they essentially were like “oh if it doesn’t affect the books we don’t care lol anyway it’s your turn to clean the archivelibrary now”
but yeah i’m sure y’all can tell where this is going kjdfgbd elina was the typical YA protag in that she was super rebellious, so she turned her back on her family and left her house to help the group of inconveniently yet stereotypically teenage magic-users, made friends, learned about magic, blah blah blah
the issue is that i never gave that story an ending? like the closest thing to it was a vague “uhhhh elina goes back home to find the archivelibrary is burning down and pulls some kind of mysterious water magic out of her ass to save it; then her family apologizes, they begin to respect her and she stays with them to keep caring for the archivelibrary, But With A Progressive Twist”
the issue was that after writing around two chapters i realized i didn’t actually Have a plot, so i didn’t know what story that ending would be... ending... and since i couldn’t think of anything + i wasn’t THAT attached to the characters anyway i just gave up on it
but now that i’m thinking of it again, just for the sake of ending the Story That Never Was, i feel like making her earn the respect of her family just because she saved the books + proved she actually cares about that too is, idk, shallow? out of character? 
because she believed that her family’s fixation on history + Neatly Documented stuff was holding them back and making things worse for everyone. she left her home behind because her ideals re.: magic —that it should grow and change to fit the context + people’s needs, and not the other way around— were so strong
OOF THIS IS GETTING SO FUCKING LONG KSDJGB i’m just gonna stop here and say: elina’s new ideal ending is pretty much that while she ends up in friendly terms with her family —because, in spite of their fundamental disagreements, they never hurt her— she doesn’t go back home and chooses to travel around the world instead, helping people in whichever way possible and freely sharing her knowledge with anyone who’s willing to listen and, at the same time, learning from them
i mean, the concept’s not too original ksjdbg just something i thought of super quick, and that’s just a half-assed attempt at closure for an OC i made when i was like… 9
headcanons about my favs:
ok this one’s hard because i’m not into any like… fandom things right now? i haven’t found anything that rly interests me or that i could see myself being passionate about, which sucks because i do kinda miss being into stuff with Established Content :( 
so i’ve been focusing on my OCs + original stories and such. and i’m not sure if OC headcanons count as headcanons because i control canon so technically everything i come up with IS canon. then again it’s headcanon too because it’s a canon from my head because that’s where ideas come from. okay wait i’m not making any cents here x 
but uhh knowing me i might think of something right after publishing this, so if that happens i’ll come back and edit this post :0
also just saying but if any of y’all know of something i could get into then lmk, i’m open to suggestions! preferably free stuff though... i’m beset by capitalisms
a favorite scene that i loved:
i can’t remember any in particular right now, either from my #content or somebody else’s SDFKJGBDF god my mind 😔 well i mean i’m gonna be a little bit full of meself and say that i’ve written things that i really like, especially imagery-wise, but i Also want to publish those someday… like i’ve also written original/OC-related stuff that i don’t plan on publishing, but i’m not THAT proud of them tbh :/
i was —emphasis on was— trying to write a short story about jasna (one of my D-N/D OCs, a cleric of oghma) that never really went anywhere, but i did post a snippet on my OC blog, and that’s what i hate the least out of all my recent attempts at writing? so i’m just gonna put it here again ig sdfgs (not actually linking to the OC blog post because it’s kind of a mess rn, i need to fix the theme + clean it up a bit)
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if you got this far and read all of this nonsensical verbal monster: i love u with all my heart and i would legitimately die for u.
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gojosattoru · 2 years
Ana, you may not remember the first day we met - It is a cherished memory, I’ll never forget. To my friend who I hold so dear - My love & respect for you has grown over years. Thank you for the kindness you've shown me. Hope your days are filled with all the best for you to see. There's so much more to say - But for now, I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tumblr has been a joyous journey 'cuz of you. May happiness shine in whatever you do! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANA! 🥳💕🎉PS. Hope you like the gift! 😊
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AMINAAAAAAAA MY LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WISHES AND THE TWO MESSAGES OMGOSH YOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW MUCH IT BRINGS ME WARMTH WHENEVER I SEE YOUR MESSAGES BBYYY I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!! *HUGS YOU REAL TIGHT* Really appreciate your sweetness and kindness every time bby you're so precious, another angel of my life too!! thank youuu!! I apologize i'm late at replying, i was all day out yesterday!! I went on a trip with my parents and then at night i spent a bit of time with my sis and brother in law <333 ANNDD when i was answering the messages later... the power energy went down LOL what a timing LOLOL!!! So now I'm answering the rest of you guys amazing messages!! They always make me tear up you're so phenomenal and amazing persons!! I seriously am so so lucky to have known you guys and be able to make such awesome friendships with everyone <3333 hehehe it's been such amazing times i've spent on tumblr and every meeting was so important to me and i always remember the way we known each other Amina!! I still remember our first chat and the first interactions and how our friendship bloomed from then on!! And I save it on my heart with very much care darling!! You're so important to me and I love you so so so much!! With all my soul darling! You always were there when I needed most and helped me stand up and keep walking so many times bby!! I'll be forever thankful for that!! You never missed to bring a smile to my face, with our chats, with the fanarts you always sent to me to bright my days and to fangirl over and with such dear messages that seriously I save each one of them on my heart!! so i just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!! FOR EVEYTHING!!!! You're always in my mind and heart Amina!! Never forget that and how much we all love you, your blog and content!! Seeing them on my dash brings me so much happiness every time darling, they are always SO GORGEOUS AND GOOOOOSH THANK YOU FOR THE NO.6 GIFT I WAS INSANELY SQUEALING WHEN I SAW IT SXDFCGVHBJK HOW I COULD NOT LOVE IT!!!! THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS OTP!!!! SDFG THANK YOU FOR MAKING SUCH BEAUTIFUL GIFT FOR ME AMINA!!!! *GROSS SOBBING* Hope you are doing well my love!! Always sending you my love and great vibes to your way bby!! love you love you so so much bby!! hehe i won't ever get tired to say it hehe <33333333 Take care and stay safe Amina!! YOU'RE THE BEST HON!!!! *HUGS YOU TIGHT AND NEVER LETS YOU GO*
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jho-seok · 7 years
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