#i am resisting the urge to write an essay in the tags of my own fucking post
mikittalabs · 1 year
ya know something i realized i have not made clear at all about mikey is that i did not make him responsible so i could frame it as a wholly positive thing.
like in the grocery store incident aftermath, it is very neat that he can help leo through a panic attack, but he is 16. until then, the turtles have had like silly sibling arguments with each other and the occasional "oh shit human almost spotted me" moment while on the surface with splinter.
i mean mikey's been running errands for years by that point, he cooks for everyone, cleans, settles any random arguments leo and raph have gotten into, he's basically a 2nd parent. he is 16. splinter's got a ton of baggage that i'm like, almost ready to just dump unceremoniously on here lol and it has definitely affected all of his children, but mikey is the oldest.
mikey is splinter's favorite. i mean wouldn't everyone like a kid that can act as a stand-in for emotional support and can do all the chores? that's so cool and totally not emotional abuse and parentification or whatever.
i mean i guess i alluded to it in the one-shot itself, but ya know, probably could've spent a bit more time introducing yall to these characters until i threw you into the deep end lmao.
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myersesque · 3 years
updated the kin page of my carrd entirely to put papyrus in his own separate section bc yeah <3 yeah.
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
quick to judge
request from nonnie: Hi Erica! I love your writing sm, and was wondering if I could request a fic with either George or Fred (I’m partial to George but I love them both esp since they both live long happy lives 🙃) where reader is on a rival quidditch team (pref slytherin chaser but up to you!) and F/G have to get over their innate dislike of her because of the rivalry because she’s like the perfect girl for him? No worries if you don’t like the idea, I just wanted to ask, thank you❣️❣️
request from nonnie: if your requests are open can i request 11 & 23 from your writing prmopt list with george weasley? “knock it off, you tosspot! | “join us tonight?”
pairing: george x slytherin fem!chaser
prompt(s): “knock it off, you tosspot!” | “join us tonight?”
word count: 3.9k
A/N: i loved these requests—thank you darlings! i don’t write slytherin all that often so when i do, it’s a treat :) also just imagine sneaking around the castle with george weasley ugh i am weak for it.. hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as i did writing it! x
tag list: @mintlibri @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @bobduncanlover @dreamer821 @feffffffy | message me if you’d like to be added, loves!
“Ugh—murder me, George.”
Fred is pulling at his hair whilst Angelina dishes new information to the entirety of the Gryffindor Quidditch team during the evening feast. George peers from his disheveled looking twin to the other end of the Great Hall, where he spots you in your green robes, blowing gently on a cup of tea before immersing yourself into conversation with another Slytherin Chaser next to you. Yep—much to the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s dismay—they’d found a new Chaser.
“C’mon now, give her a chance,” Angelina says in a hushed whisper, doing her very best to keep the team civilized. “Just because we.. strongly dislike most of the Slytherins doesn’t mean we need to feel that way about her, as well. I’ve actually heard very nice things.”
“Yeah?” Fred begins sarcastically, slumping in his seat. “Like what?”
“Like she’s a fair player,” Katie Bell answers.
“And a bloody good player, at that.”
“Ugh,” Fred says rather dramatically and rolls his eyes. He turns to Harry and George and nods in the direction of the girls, who are still speaking. In a lower voice, he asks them, “Can you believe this rubbish? ‘Give her a chance’. Merlin! When have Gryffindors and Slytherins ever gotten along? Look, I’ll be civilized,” Fred says in defense when Harry raises his eyebrows at him, “but there’s no bloody way in hell I’m taking it easy on her.”
“Definitely don’t need to take it easy,” Harry teases, “but we still need to play fair.”
George is hardly paying attention to the conversation in front of him; his hands are clutched tightly around his mug. He watches as a soft grin tugs at the edges of your lips, he notices the way your eyes glisten in the evening sunset light streaming in from the windows, the way you throw your head back and laugh—a laugh he cannot hear, but realizes, suddenly, that he’s dying too. Oh, no.
“Angelina’s right,” he says, trying to sound impartial before the boys notice his lingering stare. When Fred raises his eyebrows suspiciously at his twin, George carries on, “look, ‘m just saying—isn’t that what our entire team stands for? Sportsmanship, or whatever? I know we don’t have a good relationship with the Slytherins, but I reckon being nice with her may turn that around.”
Fred is taken aback at this and asks, “Being nice? Oi—what’s gotten into you? Feeling feverish?” He places a hand on top of George’s forehead and laughs as George slaps his hand away teasingly. A smirk spreads itself across his face and he turns to Harry and says, “Merlin—prepare yourself, Harry. He’s in love.”
George feels his stomach tighten and Harry stifles a bit of confused laughter. “What? How can you tell?”
George is rigid in his seat now. Love is such an overdramatic statement, but he can barely bring himself to roll his eyes at Fred; he’s still trying to remember how to breathe properly. Fred, as if placing George on display somehow, points at him— “Flushed face, dilated pupils, red ears—cold hands,” he grabs both of George’s hands to feel his skin is nearly ice cold, something that tends to happen each and every time George gets nervous. “There are four ways to tell our dear Georgie is smitten, Harry, and I’ve just named them for you.”
Coming to his senses, George slaps his brother. “You’re off your rocker, Fred.”
Fred laughs again and says to Harry, “Off my rocker, he says. But just look at her, would you? She’s just his type. Plus—she plays Quidditch. I promise you, Harry, he’s taken with her already.”
George tells his twin, “Lay off. Just trying to be impartial.”
“Right.” Fred says, smirking a bit while shooting glances toward Harry, who’s doing his best to not choke on his tea due to laughter. “Impartial. Try not to bat your long, beautiful eyelashes at her during our match then, okay, Georgie?” Raucous laughter bounces off of the walls in the Great Hall.
Then suddenly, Angelina scoffs and turns toward the group. George feels a sinking feeling in his stomach. “Ugh—I think I just saw her laugh at something Draco Malfoy said. Maybe we don’t need to be so civilized after all.”
— -
George emerges with Fred and Harry from the changing rooms and they make their way onto the pitch for the match. He’s feeling much more nervous than ever before; he glances up into the stands and notices Ron, Hermione and Ginny, sitting and waiting patiently for the match to begin.
He suddenly feels his knees weaken when he notices you in your green robes just a few feet away.
You all mount your brooms and hover in the air; George was kind of hoping that the Slytherin team would introduce their newest Chaser to the Gryffindor team, but isn’t surprised when they don’t. He finds himself to be slightly sad at the thought, and then shakes his head to push away any feelings that will interfere with his playing. They just need to win and get this over with. Here’s hoping Harry catches the snitch before Malfoy, who’s hovering near Flint and laughing at each and every one of the Gryffindors.
Fred’s looking more on edge—like he wants nothing more than to send every single bludger right into Malfoy’s head during the entirety of the match.
“Reckon I could?” Fred asks George suddenly, hovering in the air, waiting for Madam Hooch’s whistle. “Send them Draco’s way, I mean.”
George laughs and replies, “Sorry, mate—unless you want Gryffindor to forfeit, I reckon you’d better resist the urge.”
It’s a short match, to say the least. Harry’s looking positively dreadful at the sight of Malfoy snickering on the other end of the pitch as he twirls the glistening Snitch in his hands. To Harry, Fred says, “Don’t worry about it, mate—they’ve got a good lineup this year. Better than, even. Bloody hell, I reckon we maybe should’ve taken that new Chaser a bit more seriously—”
“Don’t.” George cuts him off angrily, digging his shoes into the muddy field up to the castle. He’s feeling rather poorly after Gryffindor’s loss. Fred and Harry exchange confused looks.
Fred, wanting nothing more than to lighten the mood of the loss, asks his brother, “You alright there, Georgie? No longer in love?”
Harry laughs nervously, but it’s George’s annoyed-sounding scoff that takes Fred by surprise. George glances toward the Slytherin team, each member high-fiving one another due to their win. He feels anger bubbling up inside him and turns back toward the castle, his brows furrowed and face flushed red. He just wants to get back to the dormitory as quickly as he can. “Oh knock it off you tosspot. I was never in love—I can’t believe those slimy Slytherins won the match—erm, no worry, Harry, we’ll get them next time—” he says a bit softer when he notices Harry’s woebegone look. To Fred, he continues, “—can’t believe I ever thought that Gryffindors and Slytherins could get along.. Merlin. Next time I have such a wicked thought, Fred, do me a favor and knock me over the head with a spellbook of mine, would you?”
Fred laughs and slings an arm around his twin. “Don’t need to ask me twice.”
— -
Fred and George find themselves the last place they ever want to be—in the library, grudgingly working on an extra long Potions essay assigned to their class by Professor Snape in a moment of pure rage. Fred’s arms are sprawled out across the table and he’s laying across his blank parchment rather dramatically, groaning against the desk. George, on the other hand, is scribbling quite animatedly, wanting to get out of the library as quickly as possible. Then he spots you a few rows over, rolls his eyes, and writes even faster.
“It’s no use, mate,” Fred’s voice is tired, “I can’t do this. This schoolwork is nearly killing me. I’m going back to the Common Room; Ron said something about a game of exploding snap—you coming?”
“You go on,” George replies, not looking up from his parchment, “I want to finish this before the feast.”
Fred puts up his hands in surrender and exits the library as quickly and as swiftly as possible.
George is hoping he can finish this Potions essay within the next half an hour, or so—that way, he’ll have time to change and possibly get in on that exploding snap game before the feast in a bit. But he finds himself distracted. Not in a good way, though. He finds himself distracted by you.
Is it his imagination, or have you moved over a few seats? He shakes his head and looks back down at his parchment. No, it’s not his imagination at all—he looks up again and you’re directly across from him now, your hands spread out over your own piece of parchment and spellbooks, and you smile at him.
“Just wanted to tell you how great you were last week,” you tell him in a low voice so as not to grab Madam Pince’s attention, “really great. Probably two of the best beaters I’ve ever seen, you and your brother.”
Is this some kind of a joke? George furrows his brows and asks, a bit incredulously, “W-what?”
You laugh softly, closing your own spellbook. “Look, I know that the whole Slytherin versus Gryffindor rivalry thing has been going on since Hogwarts opened, basically,” your voice is light and airy, and George is now having conflicting feelings. Was he too quick to judge? “but I figure, that’s not how all Slytherin and Gryffindor relationships need to be. So, just wanted to say—really wicked playing; but don’t expect me to take it easy on you moving forward.” You beam at him, pack your things away and stand up to leave.
“What’re you on about?” George asks, now feeling incredibly defensive. “Is this some kind of ploy? Flatter us and make us all flustered so you can go ahead and absolutely demolish us in the next match like you have this last time? Well, it’s not going to work,” he tells you, closing his own spellbooks and placing them into his bag on the chair next to him. “I appreciate the compliment—you’re a wicked player too, but—anyone who’s friends with Malfoy isn’t someone I reckon I’ll be able to get on with.”
You’re a bit taken aback, George notices, when your face flushes red. You sit back down as he continues to pack up his things. “I’m not friends with Malfoy.”
George just scoffs.
You cross your arms defensively now and stand up with a jolt. “He might be my teammate, but I actually find him to be a right foul git.”
You push your chair in a little too loudly, and now George is feeling incredibly guilty. Maybe you were genuinely trying to be friendly. He gets up and grabs your arm before you exit the library fully. Taking a deep breath, he says, “Wait, wait—‘m sorry. Look, that was really bloody rude of me. It’s just that—”
You soften at his words; you uncross your arms, and grin softly. “I understand that friendships between our two houses can be a bit.. complicated.”
“Throw in Quidditch and we’re nearly done for.”
“Look, I was just being friendly.”
“I know. I appreciate that.”
Just then, a flustered yelp comes from right outside the library. Both you and George turn to look, only to see Crabbe and Goyle tugging on Malfoy’s robes, whose face is seemingly broken out in some type of hive. He’s yelling at the two of them to try any spell, rid me of this! But alas, whatever they do only tends to make the irritation worse. George erupts into laughter.
“What a git,” you say to George.
“Merlin—deserves that, he does. I reckon whoever can pull off that deserves a medal, or something.”
Again you cross your arms—but not indignantly this time. A smirk grows on your face and realization floods over George. He looks back and forth between a very upset Malfoy, and you.
“Just jinxed some candies he was eyeing in the common room this afternoon,” you tell him, smirking even more, “I was just so sick and tired of him today. If I had to overhear how bloody wonderful his pureblood family is one more time, I was bound to punch him eventually—reckoned this wouldn’t be as bad for his rep.”
George is still stuck in his spot—his feet cemented into the ground, his entire body is rigid. He’s finding it hard to not peer at you with admiration. Malfoy’s long gone by now—his yelps are growing quieter and quieter as he, Crabbe and Goyle make their way down the corridors toward the Great Hall. You’re still standing in front of George, a smirk on your face and your hands now on your hips, basking in all your glory. Again, as if he hadn’t heard you correctly the first time, George asks, “Y-you? You pranked Malfoy?”
You wiggle your eyebrows at him and he feels his insides twist. Uh-oh. “Color you impressed, Weasley?”
— -
When George was taken aback by your friendly banter in the library those few weeks ago, he never expected to end up back here. In the library. With you. In the row all the way near the back, the row nobody ever visits, after hours in the dark; his hands tight around your abdomen, yours tangled in his hair, his lips on yours for what seems like hours.
The watch on your wrist begins to beep; as if gravity is pulling you both apart, you separate. George groans and tightens his grip on you. “Sorry, Georgie,” you say sweetly, pressing your lips gently to his once more, “got to run—can’t be late for Quidditch practice.”
“Ignore it, ignore it,” George says, eager to kiss you again, “I reckon you can be late just once. Right?”
Somehow still speaking coherently, you say heavily, “Yeah—that won’t look suspicious, or anything. H-how long d’you think we can keep this up?”
He nearly melts when he feels your smile against his lips. “Dunno, but, we’ve made it this far, haven’t we? Want to go public?”
“I don’t think our teams will like that very much,” you reply sadly, running your hands again through his soft hair. You jump up from the table and fix the open buttons on your shirt. “You’ll just have to find a way to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room, then.”
George, now feeling incredibly elated at your interest in mischief, wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Got a lot of faith in me, do you?”
You stand on your tiptoes for a quick peck and adjust his very askew tie. “More than you know. Now c’mon—have got to run, haven’t I? Promise to make it up to you later.”
Once successfully making it out of the closed library without being caught, and bidding you farewell (albeit a bit begrudgingly) in the middle of the corridors before you head to practice, George finds himself nearly skipping through the castle back to the common room. He pops through the portrait hole and immediately jumps onto one of the couches, sprawling himself out across the entire thing and seemingly pushing Ginny off the edge and into an armchair.
“No problem, Georgie, I wasn’t sitting here, or anything..” Ginny growls, taking a spot next to Ron.
“Where’ve you been?” Fred asks a bit angrily, placing his feet up on the table in front of them. “You completely disappeared after class and we haven’t seen you since!”
“Just taking a walk,” George replies, feeling his throat tighten up and knowing that this, full well, is lying straight through his teeth to his own flesh and blood. “Was finishing up an essay first, though.”
Fred, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione all peer at him quizzically with furrowed brows. George can already tell there are questions bubbling up inside them, but the one that comes first isn’t exactly what he expects.
“Why—why’s your hair all messy?” Ginny asks, and George finds himself hurriedly running his hands through it, trying to smooth it down as much as possible, “and your lips, they’re all rosy! Who’ve you been snogging, George?” she giggles.
The confusion Fred was feeling toward his twin seems to subside as he smirks and places his hands behind his head, relaxing into the couch. “Oh—so there’s a girl? At least there’s a bloody good reason behind your disappearances. Who is it, mate?”
Quick on his feet (or so he thinks), George replies, “I’m not snogging anyone. You’re all out of your minds.”
“Give it up, mate.” Ron says cheekily. “We know.”
George swallows thickly. “You don’t know what you’re on about.”
As the rest of the group laughs, Fred pops a chocolate frog into his mouth and tells his twin, “Sure, George. Next time you sneak out for a midnight rendezvous with your girlfriend, be sure to tell her we’d all like to be introduced, eh?”
— -
“They know.”
It’s nearly ten p.m. and you’re sitting in George’s lap speaking in hushed whispers, running a hand gently through his hair at the nape of his neck as he finally is able to tell you about the encounter with his friends after your last meetup. The library is so much darker than the other night.
“They do?”
“Well, sort of,” he says, stroking your knee, “they at least have this theory that I’m sneaking around with someone. Which, they’re not wrong,” he grins cheekily, leaning up to kiss you softly, “but they don’t know who it is, and I’ve never actually told them that their theory is true.”
“D’you want too?”
“Do you?”
You run your fingers gently across his tie; the glistening of George’s eyes are evident in the moonlight streaming in through the windows. You sigh. “I’ll do whatever you’d like. I’m not saying that the sneaking around isn’t fun, because it definitely is,” George shoots you a cheeky smirk, “and I know that—that Gryffindors kind of have this rep to uphold, as do Slytherins—”
“I care more about you than a reputation, to be honest.”
He knows he’s said the right thing; a large grin spreads out across your face. “Me, too.”
George runs a hand through your hair and grins softly.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
“Of course I am,” George replies, tightening his grip on you, “it’ll be so bloody nice not to ignore one another in the corridors now.”
You throw your head back and laugh; he’s nearly putty in your hands.
He says, making it final, “So we’ll tell them, then.”
“Yeah, together,” he agrees before lifting you up and placing you on the table, leaning you back against some bookshelves and pressing his lips to yours. He slings his arms around your waist and can feel the goosebumps rise on the back of his neck when you run a hand down his chest. Through a geeky grin, he says, “But not tonight, okay? I’m not quite finished with you yet, love.”
— -
George and Fred exit the Transfiguration classroom, nothing but a very long lunch on their planned activities list for the afternoon. The bump into Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione in the corridors and immerse themselves in conversation.
“Fair warning, everyone,” Harry begins, looking ghastly, “Snape’s in a right awful mood today—can’t help but wonder if someone slipped something into his pumpkin juice.”
“Great,” Ginny groans, “just what I needed to hear as I make my way to the Dungeons.”
“Who’s up for a game of exploding snap later on?” Ron asks the group, loosening his tie a bit, “Just have to get through Divination first.”
Without answering, George then spots you rounding the bend. He knows you’re coming from Ancient Runes and heading toward the Great Hall for lunch, too. You both hadn’t told them yet. Hadn’t found the right time. It’s not as if houses can eat and chat with one another during the feasts, can they?
Without fully registering what he’s doing, George seizes his opportunity and bounces over to you, pulling you into a very tight and very noticeable embrace.
He watches as your eyes widen and begins to laugh. “Erm—what’re you doing?” you ask, pulling back. Then you whisper, “I thought we were telling them together, you know.. after we’ve had time to prepare?”
“I thought now would be a good time.”
You cock your head to the side. “Always keeping me on my toes, aren’t you, Weasley?”
He leans in and kisses you lightly. “Sounds about right, yeah.”
But before the two of you can head over to the group of Gryffindors you thought were distracted by conversation, you suddenly hear, “Well it’s about bloody time.”
You both turn your heads to see a very satisfied looking Fred, cheeky Ron and Harry, and happy Ginny and Hermione looking at you both as George’s hand tightens around your waist as the corridors become even busier.
“You knew?” you and George ask together.
“Well, Fred did,” Ron tells you both. “I swear, it’s like he’s got eyes on the back of his head, or something.”
Fred snickers and smirks at his twin. “Really think you could hide this from me? C’mon, Georgie, you know better. The two of you aren’t exactly subtle when you share stolen glances across the Great Hall every bloody evening,”
Everyone falls into a bit of laughter. As the younger ones introduce themselves quite excitedly and then reluctantly head off to class, you, George, and Fred are left in the emptying corridors with the rest of the seventh years also looking forward to a free period.
“Well, Freddie,” George begins, “she’s—”
Fred holds up a hand to his twin. “I know who she is, Georgie—” then, to you with a smile, he continues, “—but I know you as the Slytherin Chaser.. our opponent, if you will. I don’t know you as my twin’s—”
“Girlfriend,” you and George say together, making Fred begin to laugh. You continue, “Hope the fact that I’m a Slytherin won’t make it complicated.”
Fred can’t help but grin broadly. “Not with me, it won’t—especially if you make my brother happy.” George is relieved to hear this and can finally feel the knot in his stomach unwind. Fred keeps on, “Now—whatever effect you have on him is simply wonderful, Y/N. He’s coming back late at night with all of these incredible pranks up his sleeve, I dunno where he gets it—all I know is that it started happening right around the time the two of you began sneaking around.”
“Confession,” George begins, squeezing your hand now, “not all of those ideas were mine.”
And just as George had looked stunned in the library when he figured out that you’d been the one to prank Draco, Fred looks exactly the same. His expression is an exact carbon copy of his twin’s from that day. “Really?”
“Pranks Malfoy a lot these days,” George begins, looking down at you with admiration, “reckon he has it coming, too.”
You turn to Fred and ask with a smile, “Ruddy pumpkin head, isn’t he?”
Fred is certainly taken aback and wildly impressed. “I might just have to pick your brain, then,” he tells you and slings an arm around your shoulder, pulling you along with him as he heads to the Great Hall. He leans in closer to you to speak, leaving George where he’s standing, “Join us tonight, would you? Would love to compare some ideas, if you’re willing.”
You stop in the middle of the corridor and sling your arm around Fred’s back. You peer at George and grin, as if to say, See? We had nothing to worry about. George can’t help but laugh at Fred’s very elated grin when you ask him, “What’d you have in mind, Freddie?”
reblogs & feedback are always appreciated, thank you for reading and requesting, loves x
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simmei · 5 years
Simmer - Get To Know
Under the cut, since it’s a bit long!
Tagged: by @doreas, @simthropology, @wesunnysimmer, @simsulate, @citrusjuice, @dettea, @whyhellosims, @bellessims, @herbalia, @marceltorak, @chillyslimz, @unitedwesim​ and @thatonebrobo. Thank you very much for the tag, lovelies! 💛🥺
Your name: Crystal (but honestly just continue calling me Sam/Samm and related variations, it’s shorter and sounds cooler)
Languages you speak: I can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese fluently! I can also speak enough basic Japanese to get around Japan, since my family loves going there for vacations.
Are you a mermaid: I can’t swim, so more like an anchor, really.
Your play style: Andrew’s Pose Player.
Your Simself picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Mostly stories, with the occasional ‘gameplay’ screenshots (if you can call them that), self-indulgent edits and challenges. I may have been… straying a bit from the story recently, but I want to refocus back on that, since it’s what I love and enjoy the most.
Your favorite age state: Young Adult. A lot of the gameplay aspects are catered to this age state though, tbh.
Your favorite season: Winter! Mostly because it’s perpetual summer where I live, so I appreciate the snow a whole lot more.
Your favorite holiday: Winterfest! I’ve never celebrated Christmas properly irl before, and I really wish I could because it seems like so much fun! So, Winterfest in Sims is a small way that I can experience it.
How was your day: Good, but tired. Work has been rough.
Your favorite career: Social Media/Internet Personality. It should have been Freelancer/Fashion Photographer, but the Freelancer career still has that annoying bug where it doesn’t register tasks if you travel to another location.
Your favorite aspiration: City Native.
Your favorite EP, SP or GP: City Living! My favourite townies are all from San Myshuno. Also, I make my Sims live in an apartment 95% of the time. Seasons and Discover University are really great too, though!
How old is your simblr: My first post was on 18 November 2019, so exactly 3 months today!
Have you woohooed: Am biromantic-ace, so nah.
Your favorite skill: Singing! I actually really love a lot of the songs that the Sims sing, and I tend to make them sing just so I can listen to it. My personal favourites are Weekender and all the sung songs from the Theatre Drama and Jazz categories.
The size of your Mods folder: 13.4GB, but the real monster is my screenshots folder… it’s 45.7GB atm.
Your 3 favorite mods: MC Command Center, Pose Player and Personality Please!
Your interests (other than sims): Drawing, writing and I play a lot of other video games as well.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): If it wasn’t already blatantly obvious, Natsuo Kibo. He’s my precious baby boi.
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): The Sims 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Propose a crazy scheme: Play TS4, completely vanilla. Actually no, I take it back, that’s too crazy for me. 
Best part of simblr: All the wonderful and incredibly talented people I’ve gotten to know and even have a chance to talk to! And the fact that we can get excited/talk to one another about Sims on here, when no one else irl would.
Worst part of simblr: I kind of just look away from the drama and (unwarranted) negativity, for the most part. Real life is hard enough as is, I don’t want to stress about things that wouldn’t really affect me at the end of the day.
What other games you play:  Hoooboy. I’ll just list five that I really like currently (mostly Switch games nowadays), so this doesn’t become an essay: Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Animal Crossing (super excited for New Horizons!), Pokemon, Stardew Valley and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. P.S. Golden Deer is the best house, and Claude is the best boy. P.S.S. I love Felix too, though.
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): My Origin ID is Sammsaara, but I barely have anything uploaded so you aren’t missing much.
Are you single: Yes. I’m more invested in Natsuo and Danny’s relationship than my own, really. And I have zero shame in admitting that.
I’ll resist the urge from tagging all my mutuals: @hushthots, @oliveandoak, @plushpixels, @simvicii, @volcano-pasta, @junktrait, @sojusimmer, @hnn-tr, @queenofvraquin, @weicyn, @dynastiasimss, @forests-sim-stories, @foxburries​, @katmk36, @meekraincloud, @micrathene-w​, @tartiish​ and whoever else wants to do this!
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arwensnutshell · 7 years
I was tagged by @wellwelldroogieboy to answer these 11 questions but I’m not gonna tag anybody cause I’m a social awkward thing. Thanks for tagging me though! 1 - Top 10 bands That one is super hard but I'm just gonna use my list from saturday with two adjustments, the order is random: Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Mad Season, Jerry Cantrell solo (if it doesn't count bc solo and not a band it's either Mudhoney or Audioslave), Temple Of The Dog, Queens Of The Stone Age, Dead Boys, The Doors and Mother Love Bone 2 - Do you play any instrument? I play upright bass but I couldn't play for a long time because I don't have my own, so I'm not exactly a virtuoso. I also started learning guitar about 7 months ago. 3 - Do you have any pets? I have like my own private zoo with mice, hamsters, 2 cats, a doggo, fish tanks and a big pond with koi and goldfishes in it. 4 - If you had a time machine, where would you go? Probably the standard Seattle in the mid to late 80s because everything would still be undergound and I would have a longer time there than starting in the early 90s. Plus there would be babyface Chris Cornell and Stone Gossard. The 60s-70s in the UK would also be nice as well as scotland in the 15th century. 5 - Metallica or Megadeth? - if you don’t listen to them, do it with other bands I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay about it, so Megadeth. I like Metallica's first three albums but I hate the drumming and pretty much all of the newer albums while I absolutely love Megadeth. They have way better and more interesting songwriting in form of staying true to their style but still evolving while I think that Metallica didn't manage that balancing act. They all play their instruments well from a technical point of view (except Lars Ulrich) but it doesn't get me as much as Megadeth does. 6 - What’s your favourite song? Right at the moment Little Game by the Doors, Rowing by Soundgarden, This Is Shangrila by Mother Love Bone and Jesus Christ Pose by Soundgarden. Can't narrow it down further lol. 7 - Do you like nature? Even though I never leave my room I actually do! I just can't listen to loud music without headphones outside and that is a big con for every activity so I stay inside my whole life and will never have the tan of a early 2000s Chris Cornell. 8 - Who's your favourite writer? I don't stick to writers when reading but I like the style of J.R.R. Tolkien. I also adore Alice Oseman's writing in Solitaire. But I still prefer my favorite lyricists over them. 9 - What do you think of technology? Well, it'd be hypocrite of me to judge it harshly because it is a big part of my life and without technology I wouldn't be able to watch old concerts or listen to music at all. Plus I rather communicate per messages than face-to-face in general. Still it also does bad and you should be careful because it can lead to aweful things or make them easier to do. 9 - Describe yourself? Normally, I'd just tell people all about music and psychology so they'd know my two biggest interests. I guess I'm pretty sarcastic, love dumb memes, reading (both books and about random topics) and clever but I'm too lazy to actually achieve something in my life. I also pretty much am the living sterotype of the 3edgy5u 90s teenager. 11 - Name your favourite singers/guitarists/bassists/drummers/pianists - choose! Singers: Layne Staley, Jerry Cantrell, Chris Cornell, Jim Morrison, Mark Lanegan, Josh Homme, Stiv Bators, Kurt Cobain Guitarists: Jerry Cantrell, Kim Thayil, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jimi Hendrix, J Masics, Josh Homme, Dave Mustaine Bassists: John Baker Saunders, John Paul Jones, Krist Novoselic, David Ellefson, Ray Brown Drummers: Dave Grohl, Matt Cameron, Barrett Martin, John Bonham, Sean Kinney Pianists: Ray Manzarek
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