#i am rivetra trash
heybeybey · 3 years
Levi/Petra marriage canonverse AU headcanon because i get more depressed the more i don’t see petra in S4
Levi/Petra marriage canonverse AU where Wall Maria never fell but all the 104th is still there and everyone’s alive because I want to see Petra bond with the 104th Problem Children™️
- Eld, Oluo and Gunther fight over who’s going to be the groomsman so they all end up being the groomsmen because Levi is tired of them always bickering every time they plan the wedding
- Erwin was supposed to be the groomsman but this is the first time the Levi Squad (okay just the three male idiots) actually oppose their commander “BECAUSE PETRA IS OUR LITTLE SISTER AND WE’RE THE ONLY ONES PERFECT FOR THIS ROLE” 
- Erwin: “But... Levi is technically my best friend...”
- Levi: “No you’re not Erwin” 
- Erwin: “I don’t see anyone claiming the title so yes I am”
- Eld, Oluo and Gunther bully Eren into being the *drumroll bitches* BRIDESMAID. Petra loved the idea and since Petra loves it, Levi orders Eren to do it or else
- Nifa as the flower girl (i know these roles are supposed to be for children but whtv)
- Hange says she’ll officiate the wedding but “no hange you’re not a priest you’re not allowed to do that” 
- During the reception, Petra passes some of her leftover cake to Sasha. Also gave Sasha free pass to the kitchen (which she regrets because “I’m sorry Mrs. Ackerman I didn’t know your bill would double”) 
- Levi put Sasha on toilet duty for a month straight as payback
- When Petra threw her flower bouquet, it went towards Mikasa’s direction but Mikasa doesn’t know the tradition so she slices it with a bread knife when she saw it heading her way
- Connie, Jean and Hange all get drunk 
- Eld, Oluo and Gunther try to be the responsible ones but they’re worse 
- Surprise surprise, Humanity’s Strongest’ 2nd in command is actually the one who ends up goading the 104th kids to drink alcohol
- Levi: Eld, don’t wait for me to fire u they’re FUCKING UNDERAGED
- Hange cries during her speech and then lists down all the times Petra saved Levi’s ass during expeditions
- Hange: lol Humanity’s Strongest is actually the damsel in distress fight me small fry
- Drunk Oluo would cry and say that he loved Petra during his speech and Levi and Petra would be like “Oluo, we’ve already gone through this”
- But Drunk Oluo would also admit that he’s more jealous of Petra now than Levi BECAUSE HE’S THE ULTIMATE FANBOY 
- Levi thinking if he should just kill them all and carry Petra out (bridal style of course)
- Nanaba and MIke gives Levi a sex guide as a wedding gift because “Levi, with how serious you are with your role as captain, we’re pretty sure you’re a virgin”
- Jean asking Petra for love advice “how the fuck do u get the attention of an Ackerman teach me ur ways pls” (ok levi somehow finds out about his relationship with kenny in this AU but idk how)
- Connie and Hange asking Petra if Levi can still be considered “Humanity’s Strongest” in bed
- “So Petra... how does it feel like to be pounded by Humanity’s Strongest?”
- and all other sex jokes using Levi’s title/inhuman strength  
- Eld and Gunther trying to find ways to discreetlyyyyyyy threaten their captain to not break bb sister Petra’s heart or else (without their tongues getting sliced out of their mouth but let’s admit that they don’t get far with their “threat”)
anyway guess who wants to write a fanfic now but doesn’t have the time. might add more to this idk 
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happymoustacheman · 6 years
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Just sayin’, I would die for this ship :))
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warm-starlight · 3 years
hey!! i'm curious to know if you like any of the levi ships or if you think levi canonically had romantic feelings towards petra/hange/erwin. personally i can kindaaa see him having feelings for erwin and petra but also idk? rivetra is kinda cliche trope and eruri kinda boring lol. i love the levihan dynamic but struggle to see them as anything more than a brotp. none of the levi ships are really doing it for me. curious to hear your thoughts!!
Uhhh you probably haven't read a single post of mine right?
Otherwise you would know i am an absolute LeviHan trash. 😂
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petra-realsnk · 3 years
hii, glad to see you coming back to the snk fandom! (i have been following your blog for anti sessrin content for a while now and just wanna say thank you to you and all the other antis who stood up against this gross ship. you all are the best ✨)
i am not really a shipper but i do enjoy seeing rivetra content. oh, and i was wondering what are your opinions on other ships like eremika, eruri, levihan, and erehisu?
Hii!! Thank you so much 🥰 I’m glad to be back after all this time. I know a lot of you lingered for the anti content, I enjoyed making memes a lot, and it was the first time I was brave enough to be vocal in here. I should be the one thanking you all for your support!! I will most likely post and support some anti content once in a while, Inuyasha has been really important for me, but right now I feel like focusing on other stuff.
I am glad I’m not annoying you too much with my Rivetra content 😂 I originally started this blog as my shipper sanctuary and then shifted to many other things! I don’t really have strong opinions on snk ships, there’s so many characters with wonderful relationships and interactions so I can totally get most shippers. From the ones you mentioned I like eruri quite a lot! They’re great and the art is wonderful. I’ve been aware of some drama between the erehisu/eremika stans though I’m not really informed. I don’t really care much for those ships, though I guess I personally prefer eremika. Levihan is also great! Levi’s interactions with his colleagues are always shipping inciting lmaoo. I’m also still Jeanmarco trash. 💖💖💖
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izzythebuzz · 5 years
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Modern rivetra au in colour! Because I am rivetra trash, of course 😎
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nonsense-shit · 7 years
Prompt: just straight up angst, make me sob like the Rivetra trash I am!
Theinsignia of Wings of Freedom; only with true dedication can soldierswear them with pride and hope. Unlike soldiers bearing the Unicorn,the Scouting Legion soldiers put their lives on the line with everyexpedition, their time ticking away with every passing second fromthe moment the gate lifts and the vast unexplored land comes intotheir vision.
Apair of blue and white wings that signifies freedom, what everyonewants to take back from the titans who trapped them behind walls forthe past 100 years. Even though all they have is the 3DMG, with anobscured view and zipping through the air, it really does feel as ifthey are flying, as if they have the power to travel to a placeforgotten by man and untouched by nothing but weather and nature.
Helikes it when he’s alone. No longer bounded by the hierarchy of theirsociety, no longer scrutinised by hateful eyes which screams at theirfailure for another failed mission, no longer suffocated by the titlethey burdened him with. But he’s never truly alone because hopeappeared.
Hopeis dangerous in the world they live. It creeps behind him, placestheir claws around his neck and heart but eventually replaces a partof the wing that was destroyed years back.
Apair of wings is needed to fly, but how can he when she took one withher when she died.
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