#i am saying I would give a LOT to read a Spider-Man comic by Hugo
fremedon · 4 years
Brickclub 2.2.2, “In Which Are to Be Read Two Lines of Verse Perhaps by the Devil,” and 2.2.3, “The Ankle-Chain Must Have Been Worked On Previously, to Break at a Single Hammer-Blow”
I don’t have much to say about 2.2.2 that isn’t said by @meta-squash​ here or @everyonewasabird​ here, so since I’ve fallen so far behind this week I’m just going to skip to 2.2.3.
The opening digression on the cost of cannon salutes is still depressingly relevant, mutadis mutandis. I remember being reminded of this passage when I read Patrick O’Brien: part of what makes Jack Aubrey such an effective fighting captain is that he spends his own funds--money he often does not have--to buy powder and shot out of his own pocket, because the admiralty won’t pay for enough extra ammunition to let him drill the sailors effectively. The money spent on ceremonial cannon-fire isn’t just taking bread from the poor, it’s taking training and effectiveness from the navy itself.
That’s the only part of this chapter I would actually call a digression--the long passage on the Spanish war is pretty thematically integrated. Briefly--Spanish forces being mustered at Cadiz to go and retake the rebellious colonies of Spanish America mutinied, sparking a liberal revolution that ousted King Ferdinand; France went to war to restore him to the throne.
(The Siècle on the Spanish war: Episode 18 and a supplement on Thiers’ war reporting.)
The Spanish war was unpopular with the left for obvious reasons and with the Ultras, who feared the monetary costs, the likelihood for opening another ‘Spanish ulcer,’ and the likelihood of the French troops mutinying themselves.
Militarily, the French intervention put down the Spanish revolution with surprising ease--enough that the war was not even terribly useful for stoking nationalist fervor. “It seemed clear that certain Spanish officers whose duty was to resist yielded too easily,” Hugo says. It is not just morally correct for revolutionaries to fight to the last man, to hold their ground as we saw at Waterloo and will see at the barricade--it’s also useful. The French armies leave Spain with no joy in victory and a loss of respect for the Spanish; readers in 1862 would be aware that in 1832 (and the insurrections that followed), even the monarchists were impressed and humbled by the dedication and bravery of the dead insurgents.
As for the Bourbons-- “They did not see the danger that lies in suppressing an idea by decree.... The seed of 1830 was sown in 1823.” Quite literally, the July Revolution of 1830 will begin with the attempt to suppress ideas by decree, by muzzling the press. But also, 1830 kicked off with Charles X’s invasion of Algeria--a foreign war specifically conceived to whip up conservative sentiments at home to sway the elections to the Chamber of Deputies. As in Spain, it was a surprisingly quick and overwhelming military success--a punitive expedition to shake down the Dey of Algiers in response to a diplomatic insult ended in the unexpected capture of Algiers and the start of more than a century of colonial rule. And politically, it did not work--it was seen from the start as a cynical political ploy (where it wasn’t seen as a mask for mobilizing troops to turn against political opponents at home) and only galvanized the liberal opposition, who won overwhelmingly. (And when revolution broke out over Charles’ attempts to dismiss the resulting liberal Chamber before they had even met, as well as cracking down on the press, the most loyal third of the army was still in Algeria. Oops.)
So that’s the current political situation.
"An army,” Hugo says, in the middle of this discussion, “is a strangely contrived masterpiece by which force results from an enormous amount of powerlessness.” The unquestioning obedience--a weakness--of soldiers comes together to create strength.
In contrast--and I’m going to quote at length because this is such a lovely passage--
"A ship of the line is one of the most magnificent conjunctions of the genius of man and the power of nature.
A ship of the line combines both the heaviest and lightest of components because it operates at one and the same time with the three forms of matter, solid, liquid, and gas, and must contend with all three. It has eleven iron claws to grab the granite sea-bed, and to catch the wind in the clouds it has more wings and feelers than any flying insect. Its breath is expelled from its one hundred and twenty cannons as from enormous bugles, and proudly answers thunder. The ocean tries to lead it astray in the frightening sameness of its waves, but the vessel has a soul, its compass, that guides it and always indicates north. On dark nights its lanterns act as substitutes for the stars. So against the wind, it has rope and canvas; against water, timber; against rock, iron, brass, and lead; against darkness, light; against immensity, a needle.”
In the ship, as in the army, small and weak things come together--ropes, lanterns, a needle--to create great strength. But the army wages war “by humanity against humanity despite humanity”; the ship contends with Nature, against which--as Hugo goes on to tell us--it is still immensely small, and can easily come to ruin.
Or, if it is lucky, to the drydock at Toulon, where it is gawked at by another of Hugo’s crowds: “Whenever immense force is deployed and ends up as immense weakness, men’s imaginations are stirred.” So the ship is also the opposite of the army--weakness created from the merging of strengths.
So, there’s a lot going on here. Going back to that line at the start of the passage--”one of the most magnificent conjunctions of the genius of man and the power of nature.” Possibly, after Waterloo, I’m seeing the Providence/Nature vs Fatalité/Man antithesis everywhere, but I think it is echoed here. If Waterloo is what Providence could create out of the threads of human choice, human fatality, in order to set itself right, the ship might be a model of what human choice--human genius, which is a phrase Hugo uses several times in Waterloo in contrast to Providence--can make of what Nature gives it: the sea, the wind, the magnet.
By that logic, the ship should be what humanity uses to set itself right. But if the ocean is still Society--that thing which is not quite humanity, but is of it--the ship is where the Man Overboard falls from; it’s human progress, humanity setting its own course. It’s functional institutions, legitimate government, networks of care.
And, moving back to the level of plot, we see a specific ship, a real man, overboard into a real sea--and Jean Valjean, whose presence immediately makes it clear why we’ve just spent all this time talking about the intersection of great strength and great weakness. 
His name isn’t confirmed until the very end of the newspaper article that ends the chapter, but that is his name now. He is Jean Valjean, who combines the immense physical strength--and social deference, as we’ve just seen again in Boulatruelle--of the convict 24601, now 9430, with the social and legal knowledge, the wealth, and the unprepossessing façade of the bourgeois Madeleine. Valjean never successfully made an escape as 24601--to make this one he needed the skills he learned on the outside, the ability to wait, to plan for the future, to even imagine a future, just as much as he needed his strength. The chapter title says it all--he prepared the shackle, so he could break it with one blow. 
Fursona Watch: Valjean climbs the rigging “with the agility of a tiger-cat.” Tigers are the one feline that’s not uniformly positive in this book, and the only one associated with Javert.
On his way down to the struggling sailor, he looks “like a spider coming to catch a fly, only in this case the spider brought life, not death.” I think--as with Waterloo, and as with the ship, which also keeps people out of the ocean--that here we start to see Valjean as Fatalité in the service of Providence. We’ve seen Providence suddenly arrogate his choices to its own ends--starting with the purchase of his soul, after he rejects the softer path to humanity that the bishop offers him. Now he’s offering them up freely--creating, out of renunciation and self-abnegation, great power. And he’s basically Spider-Man, because we know what comes with great power.
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pixie-skull · 5 years
AU Disney Heroines # 2: A causal Day with your Cutie (no worries dates will happen)
Before I go, yes I am going to attempt to make this open to anyone, but this creator wants more LGBTQ+ AUs, so this one just if you and x character went and the character’s thoughts. Please share your thoughts if this good or not in my ask box? :D Here are the rules too.
P.s. Like mentioned in the first AU on Disney Heroines, I can not promise all featured like in the first one, but I try to list the ones that are fan favorites and please feel free to give kindly worded feedback. Lastly, I do edits with (non)Disney hand-drawn characters, so feel free to request. :D I kinda did the “what family thinks of you” here too. XD So two in one. I am aware some of these are borderline dates, but I do hope for date AU just list the character’s respected dream date.
Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs): 
*When hanging out, Snowy likes to learn how to cook a few things together. She not a perfectionist, but if you do tease her and try flavors without asking, she would be nervous. (kinda like Jenna Marbles with her cutie, I swear them cooking together is so cute).
*If not cooking then (very inspired 500 Days of Summer, down below) run around a houseware store and act like a married couple already, even though she acts bashful about it at first.
*At first a Grumpy (it is not you, it is him), Sneezy (you accidentally brought flowers once to Snow, that he was allergic too), and Sleepy (he felt you hanging out once with her, that laughing too much woke him) were not sure of you, but luckily Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful all liked you.
Cinderella (Cinderella):
*Cinderella favorite thing to hear your favorite little pins, designs, etc on various sites and saves up to make you something and even teach how to do a few sown tips. You act like you do not care, but you secretly make tiny projects.
*You give her letters that her animal friends (like her dog Bruno fetches it and gives to her) to the other and explaining how much you look forward to meeting “the secret admirer” who wrote this. Her (step*)sisters kinda like you, but her (step)mother does not, but you still happy to see your strawberry^^ blonde cutie.
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty):
*Aurora favorite thing to dance together, like walking down the street she hears a nearby song and dance a bit to it, but be she shy about it.
* She loves to go in tiny shops on healing stones and thinks of her aunts.
* Aurora enjoys the evening or sunset walks, the only downside she gets sleepy.
*Her aunts and parents all like you, especially when being aware she gets tired easily and take her home instead drag on the hangout.
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit):
*Jessica likes to dance like a dork, nothing sexy because she feels so comfortable with you. 
*Just get away the public eye and be just with you, so you both wear outrageous outfits. Her favorite when you wore a pair of rabbit ears and a colorful bowtie combo.
Ariel (The Little Mermaid):
*Swimming or even (yes an ex I had was like this, the first point here) run in sprinklers, while you stand watching and smile. The downside is holding her hand it is so wet and the respect side of your gets a bit wet too, and you try to not feel concerned about her catching a cold.
* Ariel loves more than anything to hold her breath in and see how it feels when inhaling.
* On clear days after rain, she loves to comment how clear it feels in the air.
*Her sisters' all different feelings of you, but secretly they all notice a trait about you that is complimentary. Attina felt you have a “good crown” or brain for how witty you are. Alama tries to socialize, yet a bit shy yet does say how romantic Ariel acts around you makes her happy. Aquata tries to make up for Alama and interact with you and encourages everyone to talk to you, while oddly enough by accident embarrasses everyone. Arista likes how much you think of Ariel and even her family, for when Ariel taking forever or late to an event (sadly common) she shows off her music skills. Adelle feels so touched you include, even not make mean (sibling teasing) on her weight. Andrina clearly being close to youngest goes through a lot of questioning and even has a girlfriend, she not ready to introduce to the family, but you overhear Ariel give words of comfort. **
*Ariel’s dad seems a bit standoff, like say little to nothing.
Belle (Beauty and the Beast): 
*Belle likes to find books on your passions and if not that, then a book she feels like you would enjoy. This, of course, includes comics, graphic novels, and more.
*She may not be a huge talker, but if you talk about what she loves or her recent book, she is happy to fill your time in her enthusiasm on either.
*Sometimes you ride her horse, Philippe and whoever in front, likes to hold the other closely. You have a soft spot when she in front, for how much she reads her horse’s mini responses so well.
*Her dad likes to be playful with you, but if drunk, be ready for him to list of all facts he knows relating to a machine and try to arm wrestle you while laughing a lot.
Jasmine (Aladdin):
*Jasmine is outgoing, yet she is an ambivert, so after a nice walk around the market, she wants to relax in her home.
*Her cat loves you, but will play off as if hates you, but if you rub the right spot, this huge kitty is purring for you.
*Jasmine’s dad wants to get to know your family and traditions too.
Pocahontas (Pocahontas):
*Besides walks and talking (what can I say her love language is quality time and words of affirmation) she likes to go to dog parks and see all the different animals.
* She looks up what flowers are in the season and always plays with the idea of creating a garden or not.
* Her best friend Nakoma sometimes hangs out with you two, because of thanks to Nakoma you met Pocahontas and of Pocahontas’ exes (John Smith and John Rolfe, and even her semi-ex Kocoum), Nakoma thinks you are the most wonderful. 
*Pocahontas’ dad appreciates your consideration and respect to his child.
Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame): 
*Esmeralda’s friends and you all hang out together and you quickly get along with Quasimodo and you joke one of his three dogs, Hugo, (the gargoyles) are cute with her dog, Djali (her goat^* and yes I am aware in the first AU I misspelled XD) and are couple and older happy men (I am sorry, not clear in the first AU). You even jokingly make a wedding for the two, while Victor the best man and Laverne the maid-of-honor.
*With her, Phoebus, and you all play sword fighting, while Quasi’s cheer on whoever currently loosing, typically you sorry to say, but hey underdog you do make Esmeralda play easier when just you two because how much Esmeralda’s find you cute.
*Sometimes you go to Church events with Esmeralda and not she pushes you to convert to her faith. However, if you are Christian, she respects that she likes you for so much more then just that. 
Megara (Hercules): 
*She may not have the most friends, but the ones she cares about, she is loyal to, as much she denies she cares about anything. So when hanging out she may at first seem distant, but gradually she opens up.
*A tip you get from friends is complimenting her and she does like to be a flirty tease, but this fun game of seeing who can out cute the other. Once you both jokingly teased of how each of you can name 97 cute things of each other to see who would win but got so each other face, you almost ended up kissing, Phil though put you on blast of you two to stop.
*She though likes showing up to your place of work or something and make you flustered as she gives you “the look”. Oh yes, that is your Achilles’ heel. 
Mulan (Mulan):
*She likes to just relax, her family can have plans back to back, so do not feel her literal eyebrows be pulled it nice just hang out, drink tea and catch up.
*Sometimes her friends give you a hard time, especially when asking you do you like Mulan when more feminine, natural, or masculine. You do not know till later inside joke how one of Mulan’s friends was a former significant other, but luckily both are on good terms.
*Funny enough for a such a friend group of guys, all enjoy a good tear-jerking movie, while Mulan offers them all hugs.
*Mulan and you enjoy walking her dog, Little Brother and you jokingly call him all types of words like Dude, Kind Sir, etc.
*Her family, at first find you bit odd, but seeing you like Mulan, they warm up to you, especially her grandmother who loves to embarrass you both.
Jane Porter (Tarzan):
*You and her love to find little cute spots, like a turtle pond, and she draws away.
*When extra flirty and alone, you joke and pose and she too gigglingly to focus.
*Sometimes she brings a book full of haikus and it shocks you how such simple words strung together make such beautiful writing, that or you love hearing her British accented voice speak.
*Jane does get busy sometimes, so you have to visit her when she waits for her. Her father a professor, so when she waits for him you chat a bit.
Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire):
*You both hangout often at this cute little good well store, where she finds all types of goodies. Her favorite finding something and giving a fake history to it.
*Kida may act immature, but she seems so beyond her and your age.
*She loves to teach you self defense, even though sometimes she overpowers you even.
*If you have (sun)glasses she likes to take them and wear them to show off.
*She oddly can find any animal cute, even spiders she jokes are beautiful for their ability to make tapestries.
Audrey (Atlantis: The Lost Empire): 
*Audrey may joke her dad wanted sons for boxing and wrestling, but she knows a fair share of both; her recent passion is rollaring derby.
*Every once in a while when looking around her home town, you are shocked how much she can recognize about cars by just looking at certain types. She even offers to help with any car related trouble you have or friends and/or family.
Helga (Atlantis: The Lost Empire):
*Helga takes you back when you realize this femme fatal loves to go fashion.
*She is oddly though careful with her purchases to not waste money all at once.
*However when a good deal, she buys beautiful dresses, that either compliment her shoulders and slender neck, that sexy leg slit, or both. She also has a huge collection of racerback tank tops and a few designs too.
Nani (Lilo and Stich):
*Outside of being busy with work, Lilo, and even the once in a while Stich, you two go to the beach. She tries to teach you how to surf, but not much luck, but oddly body surfing you grow to love. The feeling of being pushed gently over a wave to shore is fun.
*If she does have Lilo with her, plus their dog Stich, you all enjoy hanging out at a dog park and have a picnic.
*You love hearing the stories of Stich, for you joke he is more Alien then dog.
Tiana (The Princess and the Frog): 
*When hanging out she excited make you try her new meals and even you learn a thing or two and she gives you feedback.
*Her few pets are frogs and she thanks you actually because you feel like a pet would be a cute surprise for her when hanging out by a pond.
*Her mother finds you so respectful and even already jokes how much hear the wedding bells.
Charlotte or Lottie (The Princess and the Frog): 
*Lottie first favorite thing to go shopping and does not mind spoiling herself and loved ones.
*Her favorite place to go outside shopping malls, is seeing puppies and kittens. She would tell you about her “Big Daddy” give her pets.
*Speaking of “Big Daddy” you try to not laugh at his nickname from her, luckily he takes it well, and already happy someone makes Lottie so that is his approval.
Rapunzel (Tangled):
*Rapunzel favorite hang out just hang out in your place or hers, yet she sometimes does like to go out. Bonus if a good clear and cool she draws with chalk, yet if not then paint inside to the rain.
*She can be hesitant at first if a fun new drive, yet after a bit of encouragement she has so much fun.
*Her parents she was unsure how they react meeting you, yes her parents were missing her for 18 years and clearly show a type of love that kept their bond intact for so long, but she still understandable not too sure. However, her mother was excited to meet you, while the father was distant yet in an “I have respect for you and over time like you” view.
Merida (Brave): 
*If the hangout has a competition or competitive element Merida is happy.
*Her own brothers, help her win and sometimes shock you in how they help you. However, you enjoy letting the triplets winning and do a dog or should I say, bear pile on you. They are still young kids, so not too heavy.
*Her mother took time to give her approval for you but seeing how much a positive effect you on Merida helped her warm up to you. The father was so happy to someone who takes his jabs and sure awkward smiles ensue, Merida secretly appreciates you go with it.
Anna (Frozen):
*If it involves new foods, especially sweets, Anna so excited.
*She also appreciates you asking her on if tiny things are alright like it can hold her hand, hug, and more. You are aware you could just do it, but her various smiles are so adorable you can not help but ask, it is like each tiny thing is a tiny gift for her. She also asks you too and the most adorable one is when there one piece of food left and she asks in a tiny voice if can have, you typically say yes.
*Actually anything new and bonus can do with Elsa sometimes just as to the two alone, she is more excited. Or in other words, likes you find events or ideas for the two siblings to bond over.
*Speaking of Elsa, she actually did not like you at first. She worries Anna see too much good in people and not enough bad to be realistic. However the fact you would check on things that could be so simple, she wished someone did for her, but to see you care for Anna like this, makes Elsa happy.
*She loves the daytime for walks, seems more energetic by it.
Elsa (Frozen): 
*Very distant, she mistook your awkwardness as bad and luckily Anna helped her see good in you.
*You two just do tiny night walks (for some reason Elsa feels her powers more and therefore can show off).
*However she did struggle to open that side of herself to you, but when noticing things, she asked Anna to actually makeshift break up with you. Luckily when confused Anna said “it is not you, it is her” and accidentally implied too much. However luckily seeing you did not react poorly, with tiny steps to Elsa she opened up.
*Even though these hangouts are not quite dates, she does like how much you stayed by her side, even though she knows she can be hard to work with. No worries keyword above, makeshift, she does want to date you but gives it some time.
Moana (Moana):
*Swimming, dancing, singing, are her top three hangout ideas.
*However she loves adventure, so if you can suggest something new, she almost every time says yes.
*So much her family, minus grandmother, were getting worried but saw you always had each other back and were safe.
*Her grandmother actually loved how much you two would plan something impulsively, well Moana would do a tiny bit of research, but enough she understood what to pack.
*Your favorite aspect of Moana how much she loved her pets, yes simple, but she has such respect for the pig and rooster, you smile as they walk to you excited each time you visit.
*Her friend, Māui, he bit in competition to “prove yourself”, yet after a simple “quest” of certain rocks, leaves, and more to give him, he gives his approval. His quest was a leaf with you writing on why you like Moana, which after blushing, he liked what you wrote.
*=I have older step-siblings and I do not like how stepfamily is seen as evil, I may be lucky, but I love them as siblings. ^_^
^^=Yes, in the animated movie Cinderella, had strawberry blonde hair.
**= Heavily inspired by these two artists and please look at their amazing work. :D 
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(^ an idea of Snow White and you cooking)
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mental-itch · 7 years
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The Solar System Bunny Boy 🐇: I'm Bunny Boy but you can just call me Bunny. I'm Aromantic-Panromantic flux and asexual and Nonbinary and I use he and they pronouns. I'm an odd kid, 16 years old. I suppose I was the first person, or the original, but I don't like being called that and I'm not the host. I'm an artist, that's what I love to do. I want to be an animator/comic book writer!! I have bad anxiety and dissociate a lot, and I have ADHD and talk too much lol. The others (depending on who) pretend to be me in public when I can't front cause they want to avoid questions. I've been told I'm v caring and nice so don't be afraid to say heeeey (especially if you want to art trade). Astrophel 🌟: hi I'm astrophel but evrywon calz me aster! My ful naym meens lover of the stars becuz I luv space lots and lots!! I don't have a gender cuz I'm a shadow, the shadow uf the universe (who loves me very much). So um ya I'm not hyuman I'm a shadow person and I can shayp shift to whatever shayp. I hav sharp theeths and I don't hav an ayg. I hayt skool and I HAYT MATH SOOOO MUCH DONT TALK ABOWT IT WITH ME EVR.  I get upset eesy two soooo um hi Note from the others: also don't ever say anything about sex around them they are sex repulsed to an extreme, they couldn't even mention it it's so bad Room 🏠: I am an actual sentient room named Room. Many may consider me a strict caregiver/protector. I feel myself to be responsible when it comes to working because I am a business man. Yes, I am a man and use he pronouns. I am pansexual and panromantic. I try my best to be courteous, generous, and polite; if you ever need an ear to listen, I am here. I enjoy writing essays, reading, wearing suits and ties, spending time with my partners, cleaning, listening to and making puns, parenting, and the simple things in life, such as eating cookies. I project a human version of myself to better fit the body and convey myself more clearly to the others, but I am truly a room. I have several relationships and a few children (adopted and from giving birth myself; all are equal in my fatherly love). I have a facet system of my own that I try not to talk about it or split apart onto it. Logic is a kind sir, kindle his fire. Hugo 🔪: We decided to write this for him because we don't want to get hurt. But we are going to write what he says word for word."Hugo is the name, pain is the game. Cheesy I'm sure it sounds, but look how it rolls off of the tongue like a switchblade. Ahaha, formally, I am known as Hugo, Demon of Pain. But humble as I am, a simple 'Hugo' will often suffice. My story is a long one, for I was not always a demon, I was turned into one a long time ago... At one time I was a human, I had a spouse and two children. I worked in a graphic design business. Long had I suffered from schizophrenia as a child, but as I got older it seemed to be less of a deal, small things, small psychotic breakdowns. Easy. I had medication that helped, too. But then, it turned on me, my mind, the things. These horrid figures with eyes, They touched me and spoke to me. They threatened to take away my family unless I did what they said. First, it was simple things like harming myself. At one point I had cut open my cheeks, wrapped it in a scarf and headed to work. I was told to stab my boss, and I did, in his leg. He didn't press charges since he knew me well. I was sent to a mental hospital, however. Horrible. Horrible. Eventually I was let out, with a different medication. My spouse and children were scared of me. I couldn't tuck them in at night. I misplaced the medicine. I was so far gone, they convinced me to do it myself. I murdered my family. As I stood in the bathroom of the empty house (in which I had set fire to), I stared at myself in the mirror, feeling the heat of the flames. I tried to kill myself, cutting my neck open, but I didn't die. Demons don't die. Thus I was sent back in time to live through the history of my dimension and never to be the same again. I was reborn, and I take supreme joy in the fear and suffering of others. I would be happy to share my many stories from that time, if you ask nicely. I have now ended up here in this human's mind. Disgusting. I'll ruin them. It shall be fun. Entertaining, even." So um yeah that's Hugo. They are genderfluid between a man a woman and Agender. They consider themself divine. They love to entertain people, they are like a scary clown. DO NOT ANTAGONIZE THEM. PERIOD. This is for your own safety and ours (mostly ours). M1nu5 (Minus) ➖: M1nu5 types in numbers and has difficulty typing so we will write his for him too. M1nu5 is an unfinished android who, in human terms, would be considered autistic. He loves math, trains, Pikachu, machines, metal, and lemon and mint flavored things. He goes mute a lot. He has a fear of loud noises, water, spiders and salty and sweet things (unless it's lemon or mint). He is very socially awkward. His creator was abusive to him and threatened to take him apart, so M1nu5 killed him (he's not very violent though really unless Hugo makes him do something). He can't feel pain and has a close relationship with Hugo. He lives in the Room's basement and tinkers with machines and stuff. Wybe X 🐾: so um this headmate is blind and so was will type their's too. So we just call them Wybe and they talk to us through speech bubbles. They are an upright standing alien dog from another world (they look like a furry lol) and their eyes were gouged out. When they front they lick people haha. They can take off their head because in their culture they could do that as a greeting, kind of like tipping your hat I guess. ~Doodle~ 🎨 and (Echo) 🎶: ~Hi my name is Doodle I'm 12 years old and I'm the god of art!!! Ps dicks:P~ (ugh I'm Echo and I am the God of Music and Literature.) ~I mean technically I'm hundred of years old but I promise I'm 12~ (...he's twelve) So those two are counterparts if you can't tell. Doodle is severely ADHD and very impulsive and loud and offensive and loves memes and bothering people, but he just wants attention. These two inhabit the minds of great artists, always together, because the one time they spilt up, Echo came back afterwards so depressed he died, but he came back as a ghost. So yes, Echo is dead, a ghost god. He's still very depressed and grumpy and mean. Doodle was raped a lot and is hypersexual. So these two fight a lot and stuff, but they have their good moments. Echo is a trans boy and Doodle is genderfluid between a boy and a girl. Mallow 😇: A small sweet blob of white, the true infant child cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. They talk funny. They try their best to help us when they aren't dissociating far away from us. They are actually the bastard child of the angels (where they are from angels were not allowed to be born, only made). Their parents were killed and they were stripped of their wings and halo. They still have an obsession with angels. Even with this past, they are still very innocent and sweet. Oddly enough, Aster can not see or hear them. They love animals very very much and claim they are all their friends. Say hello Mallow!: "The very much hello to the people in the phone!! Nice to do the meeting!!" Rags ✌: Rags is mostly a rag doll being who sits in the headspace. They were created to stop a war in another dimension, and freaked out when they got here. They rarely ever have consciousness, but are generally very soft and nice when they are (unless they are having flashbacks and then they're just scared). We don't know too much about them. They are a demigirl and use she/they pronouns Doomsday 🌋: this little kid is the child of Hugo and Room, very cute, but they have strange breakdowns. They are a funny toddler, being part demon and part room. They like to bite things (including people) and know only a few words. They like to draw and they like circles and the colors yellow and blue. They like to be called a crocodile and like crocodiles. They worship this being called 'W' that looks like a 'w' and we aren't sure why but I think it helps keep the bad things away or something. They spend a lot of time with their parents. They won't really be fronting because they can't type let alone spell, but you might hear about them!
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: Harley Quinn, Luna, David Gemmell, Frankenstein Jr.
Cinema (RT.com): The new DC Universe film ‘Birds of Prey’ is populated by despicable men, and feminist women who want to be just like them. The outcome: financial losses and moral bankruptcy. ‘Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)’ opened on Friday and stars two-time Academy Award nominated actress Margot Robbie reprising her role as DC Comics supervillain Harley Quinn.
History (Sputnik News): Michael “Mad Mike” Hoare, the world’s most famous mercenary, has died. In the 1978 film The Wild Geese Richard Burton played a character who was based on Hoare. One of the world’s most infamous mercenaries, “Mad Mike” Hoare”, has died aged 100. Hoare came to prominence in the 1960s when he led a group of mercenaries who fought in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Fantasy Fiction (Interesting Literature): In the 1980s, with his debut novel Legend (1984), the British author David Gemmell revolutionised heroic fantasy. Drawing on the stories of Robert E. Howard and the novels of Michael Moorcock and J. R. R. Tolkien, Gemmell also took inspiration from his favourite novelist, the prolific writer of Westerns, Louis L’Amour. L’Amour’s stripped-back style of writing, and his emphasis on the darker aspects of the Wild West, combined with the epic qualities of The Lord of the Rings, and Gemmell’s own strong belief in the power of redemption, to create a new model for heroic fantasy, with no-nonsense writing, fast-paced action, and superlative characterisation.
Games (Table Top Gaming News): Board games aren’t new. They’ve been around for thousands of years and some look surprisingly familiar. Smithsonian magazine has a nice story covering some of the most popular ancient games. Maybe some will make a comeback?  Long before Settlers of Catan, Scrabble and Risk won legions of fans, actual Roman legions passed the time by playing Ludus Latrunculorum, a strategic showdown whose Latin name translates loosely to “Game of Mercenaries.” In northwest Europe, meanwhile, the Viking game Hnefatafl popped up in such far-flung locales as Scotland, Norway and Iceland.
Writing (Kairos): The most eye-opening part of being a professional editor has been the fascinating look it offers into other writers’ creative process. There’s a lot of talent out there that oldpub would never give the time of day. These authors are finding audiences thanks to newpub. At the same time, you come to see that the skeptics did have one valid point about self-publishing. Zero barrier to entry does mean that KDP is flooded with work that’s not ready for prime time. That’s not a slight against new authors. Neophytes in any craft can be forgiven for not knowing everything, and for not knowing what they don’t know. Mastery takes practice.
Music/Critics (Wasteland & Sky): As can be seen, they ran wild with this attitude of self-serous fun haters for a very long time. Every Punk and Metal album is disregarded as trash because they weren’t “mature” or “grown up” enough for the clique. Hard Rock, Blues, and Boogie bands were all but ignored or tossed in the trash as redundant and not having enough important to “say”, as well. This sounds all too familiar, does it not? This behavior only makes sense if you understand they were working for an agenda and not to inform the customer about their interest.
T.V. (RMWC Reviews): Superheroes were big in 1966. The decade had started out with DC Comics revitalizing their superhero stable with new versions of the Flash, Green Lantern and more. Meanwhile, the publisher formerly known at Timely and Atlas comics renamed itself to Marvel and cemented its own legacy with The Fantastic Four. Batman got a revitalizing shot in the arm with a live-action TV series. The Fantastic Four and Spider-Man would get cartoon shows in 1967, but between then was Hanna-Barbera.
Fiction (Glorious Trash): Over the years Zwolf has mentioned the short stories that ran in vintage issues of Easyriders, and that three anthologies had been published of these stories in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. I decided to pick up at least one of them, only to find that all three were ridiculously overpriced on the used books market. Then I came across this ’84 British paperback and assumed it must’ve been a retitled reprint of Best Biker Fiction 1 (Dell, 1977) for the UK market.
Horror (Too Much Horror Fiction): Folk horror has been enjoying a resurgence in popularity in recent years, but it is certainly not a new subgenre. Fans have long spoken of the rustic, pagan, creepy charms of books and movies like Harvest Home, Blood on Satan’s Claw, The Wicker Man (based on the near-forgotten 1967 novel Ritual by David Pinner), Witchfinder General, The Ceremonies, “Children of the Corn,” “The Lottery,” most recently Midsommar, and of course back to the greats like Arthur Machen.
Fiction (Dark Worlds Quarterly): We live in a world that ignores its past. “Everything old is new again” is a kinder way to say it. Even Science Fiction does this. I was reminded of this when I finally got around to reading Jack Williamson’s The Legion of Space. Written in 1934 as a serial novel for F. Orlin Tremaine’s Astounding (the one in between the BEMs of the Clayton Astounding and the Golden Age of John W Campbell’s Astounding Science Fiction). The novel offers a roller-coaster ride of wonders, fights, and escapes, as you would expect before things got serious (and frankly often dull) in that “Golden Age.” What I hadn’t expected was the blueprint for hit after hit of Science Fiction’s most popular films.
Art (DMR Books): Today I’m going to take a look at the Frazetta art which features the space-faring hero, Buck Rogers. While I’m sure many hardcore Frazetta fans have seen most of the covers I’ll feature in this post, the backstory and legacy of those works seem to be less well-known. Frazetta began doing Buck Rogers covers for issues of Famous Funnies comics in the early 1950s starting with #209. n my opinion, the first few covers were not primo Frazetta, but by the time he got to #211, Frank was hitting his stride. My favorite out of the entire run is #214.
Reading (Karavansara): First factor: as I grow old, I have no more time for trilogies made of seven 1000-pages books, that seem to be the default format of fantasy these days. And indeed, I mostly go for short story collections, or for one-shot novels. Shorter works allow me to try many different authors and worlds, instead of chaining me to some overblown storyline.
RPG (Emperor Ponders): I think some of you may be confused about what RPGs are. I know it says “roleplay” in there (probably not the best choice of a word, but now we are stuck with it) but it’s not really acting or performance. Nobody requires you to perform anything. If you are in a group where people or the DM forces you to act or perform, just run away and don’t look back. You may be a bit confused, so here’s the general play pattern pretty much all RPGs follow, or should follow,:
Art (Silver Key): Some more Tom Barber art. Sent to me via email and reposted here with his permission. This first could/should be on the cover of a Dungeons and Dragons supplement. The latter is called “Holding off Distractions” and is beyond bad-ass, very sword-and-sorcery. Love the use of shadow in both. Amazing work here.
Fantasy Fiction (DMR Books): A prequel to all of that mayhem is, of course, The Children of Hurin. That short novel is a perfect illustration of why there must be a delineation betwixt “heroic fantasy” and its sub-category, “sword-and-sorcery”. How can I put this? Clark Ashton Smith was a fan of The Lord of the Rings. Simple as that. Here is what Dr. W.C. Farmer–Clark’s last great friend–had to say about it:
Ian Fleming (Bloody Spicy Books): Ian Fleming’s James Bond has left a huge stamp on my life. After seeing 1995’s “Goldeneye” in the theater my love of super secret agents was firmly ignited. I wanted more and I dove deep. There was more movies? I rushed to Blockbuster (dating myself) and found myself discovering Sean, Roger, Timothy and even George. There were James Bond books? I dove in. Past the character I found out about Leslie Charteris “The Saint” via Roger’s show. “The Man From U.N.C.L.E?” I’m there. Hundred of hardback and paperback hero-spies later eventually it led me to the spawn of Bond, the Men’s Adventure paperbacks.
Appendix N (Goodman Games): Farmer found early acclaim in the pulps, winning the Hugo in 1953 for Best New SF Author only a year after the publication of his first tale in Startling Stories. He continued writing for Startling Stories where his work would be found beside that of other Appendix N luminaries like Jack Vance and Fletcher Pratt. Other early works can be found in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, a publication that features a letter to the editor from Gary Gygax himself in the August 1963 issue.
Robert E. Howard (Walker’s Retreat): I have a copy of this volume, as I have every volume in this series, and I can confirm everything Stewart says in his review. This is a fantastic volume, well worth buying a physical copy of and putting into your private library. You will be able to see where Howard got the ideas that would ultimately become Conan the Cimmerian, how that voice would develop, and yet this character–Kull–would remain separate and distinct from Conan.
New Fiction (John C. Wright): Jagi, here. You may have heard that the Planetary anthology series has changed publishers and is now coming out from Tuscany Bay Books (TBB). Today, TBB launches Planetary: Luna. I am particularly proud of this book because I was the co-editor before it moved to its new home. (I bowed out because I wasn’t needed.) This book includes excellent stories from many great authors.
Science Fiction (Locus Magazine): And so here we are in the quintessentially stefnal-sounding year of 2020, looking back forty-six years to the 1974 appearance of an anthology helmed by Jerry Pournelle and aimed squarely at our present day. And our first response to the book must invariably be, “Why did they not publish this in 1970, to make a nicely rounded fifty-year look-ahead?” This book’s entry at ISFDB offers a relevant tidbit: “This began as an original anthology with most of the work commissioned in 1971.
Sensor Sweep: Harley Quinn, Luna, David Gemmell, Frankenstein Jr. published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1270
Monday, July 15, 2019
 I'm not much of a gardener even though I worked for two years at a garden centre. Penny does most of the work and I am around for the heavy lifting. I try to be a supportive spouse and I assisted with some of the weeding yesterday. I get the same feeling of satisfaction after cleaning up a flower bed as I do after reading a pile of comic books. The added hubby points are a bonus.
 Detective Comics #1007 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Kyle Hotz (art) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The team-up with the Spectre concludes with the rescue of Jim Corrigan. This was a nice 2-issue story and now the Spectre leaves Gotham City. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
 Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #1 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Michael Walsh (art) Nate Piekos (letters). I thought this was going to be a tam-up story but it's the old switcheroo where the two super hero teams wind up in each others' universes. I'm guessing the rest of this 5-issue mini will be each team trying to return home. This is good exposure for Jeff Lemire's Black Hammer characters which I liked, so you should check it out.
 Catwoman #13 - Joelle Jones (writer) Fernando Blanco (art pages 1-14, 19) Hugo Petrus (art pages 15-18) Joelle Jones (art pages 20-22) John Kalisz (colours pages 1-19) Laura Allred (colours pages 20-22) Saida Temofonte (letters). That crazy Creel woman finally gets her hands on the artefact but the rest of the story will have to wait until Selina gets through the "Year of the Villain" (YOTV) tie-in. Catwoman is made an offer that she can refuse, or not.
 Thor #15 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) Mike del Mundo & Marco D'Alfonso (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Four Thors and seven realms ago this whole thing started. Now that it's over find out what happens to everybody in this epilogue to War of the Realms. I particularly liked the fate of Malekith. I am so looking forward to the next story arc with art  by Esad Ribic.
 Naomi #6 - Brian Michael Bendis & David F. Walker (writers) Jamal Campbell (art) Wes Abbott (letters). Origin story complete. From the looks of things on the cover, Naomi is going to meet up with Young Justice and that's okay with me. This book is every bit as good as Ironheart used to be.
 Ironheart #8 - Eve L. Ewing (writer) Luciano Vecchio (art) Geoffo (layouts) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Riri goes to Doctor Strange for help in finding out what's been happening in her life for the last few issues. There's s portal of power that she needs to track down so she goes from Chicago to New York City to who knows where else. This is so exciting and I've got to say I like the slightly more mature Riri that Eve is presenting.
 Symbiote Spider-Man #4 - Peter David (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Frank D'Armata (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). A new and different element is added to make things fun and exciting in this Spider-Man versus Mysterio story. This reminds me a lot of the old Amazing Spider-Man plots where Peter gets ambushed by some super villain while on his way to see Aunt May. Will our boy make it to breakfast? Find out in next issue's thrilling conclusion.
 Young Justice #7 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) John Timms & Dan Hipp (art pages 2-3) David Lafuente (art the other pages)  Dan Hipp (colours pages 2-3) Gabriel Eltaeb (colours the other pages) Wes Abbott (letters). Lost in the Multiverse part 1. This was a lot of fun. I really liked Doctor Fate.
 Second Coming #1 - Mark Russell (writer) Richard Pace (art) Leonard Kirk (finisher earth pages) Andy Troy (colours earth pages) Rob Steen (letters). Holy bible Batman, this is some weird super hero comic book. Here we have a wisecracking God and his hapless son Jesus trying to make sense of humanity. God sends Jesus back to earth to learn from a Superman-like super hero. I like this parody. It reminds me of Herbie and the Inferior Five. I will be getting s second helping of this book when #2 hits the racks.
 Invisible Woman #1 - Mark Waid (writer) Mattia De Iulis (art) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Did you know that Sue Storm was a part time spy for S.H.I.E.L.D.? Me neither. That fact sets up her mission to find her former partner, fellow spy Aiden Tintreach. Y'know, I was thinking that this story would have been better suited to the Black Widow and I was right on when I got to the last page. Mattia De Iulis's art was the main reason I read the latest Jessica Jones graphic novel and he's why I will add the rest of this 5-issue mini to my "must read" list.
 Batman Universe #1 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed (letters). There's another Batbook on the racks and this one's a 6-issue mini. I think Bendis is going to throw as many DC heroes and villains into this story as he can with the Riddler starting things off, leading to Jinny Hex. If you don't know who she is you should go read the most excellent Young Justice. The story goes international and this issue ends in Amsterdam with the appearance of Deathstroke and Green Arrow. I want to know why Oliver Queen is way over in Europe. Going to read the rest of this one too.
 War of the Realms Omega #1- If you're wondering about the spin-offs and changes wrought by the War of the Realms then this $4.99 US epilogue is the comic book for you.
 Daredevil played a significant role while wielding Heimdall's sword and his story continues in "God and the Devil Walk Into a Church" by Jason Aaron (writer), Ron Garney (art), Matt Milla (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters).
 The double-page ads for "Jane Foster: Valkyrie" has me looking forward to the first issue hitting the racks so reading "The Job I Have to Do" by Al Ewing & Jason Aaron (writers), Cafu (art), Jesus Aburtov (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters) was a nice prelude.
 The God of Mischief and now King of the Frost Giants has been a favourite character of mine for decades so I am also anticipating the release of Loki #1. Daniel Kibblesmith (writer), Oscar Bazaldua (art) David Curiel (colours) and VC's Clayton Cowles (letters) gives us a hint as to how Loki will rule in "Born Small".
 Finally, we can't forget Frank Castle the Punisher. His never ending war will continue in "Punisher Kill Krew" and the calm before the firestorm is chronicled in "War Orphans" by Gerry Duggan (writer), Juan Ferreyra (art) and VC's Cory Petit (letters).
 Marvel's mega crossover events may be predictable now but I like that this one makes some interesting changes to characters that I have followed for a long time. I loved when (spoiler alert) Jane Foster was Thor. Ditto when Loki was a good guy with the Young Avengers. I'm hoping that their new books are worthy of my time. I doubt that Daredevil having magic Asgardian billy clubs will change much in his book but it would be cool to see what they can do and how he uses them. And as always, the Punisher will continue to kill bad guys.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). When last we left Miles he had been captured by some unknown super villain. This issue details the extremely dangerous predicament that he's in. I know Miles will survive these tests and experiments but boy, they sure put him through the wringer this issue. The creative team did an excellent job of making me feel immersed in the story.
 Avengers #21 - Jason Aaron (writer) Jason Masters (art) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe "Jason" Caramagna (letters). It's practically an all Jason issue. The team relaxes in the aftermath of the War of the Realms. I don't like She-Hulk speaking monosyllabically but she thinks in proper sentences in her thought balloons so that assuages my annoyance. Black Panther didn't get the memo and confronts Phil Coulson and his Squadron Supreme of America. I think this is Jason Aaron's dig at the current administration in the White House. I'm waiting to see where the next global threat will come from. Will it be domestic or alien?
 Batman #74 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). "The Fall and the Fallen" concludes. I'm not a fan of Thomas Wayne being in this reality so I hope it's the last we see of him for a while. Comparing what Bruce and "his father" are doing with the story of the animals in the pit was very clever and the inconclusive ending heightens the suspense for the next issue.
 Black Cat #2 - Jed MacKay (writer) Travel Foreman (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). The Cat will burgle while the Sorcerer Supreme is away. Felicia and her crew break into 177A Bleecker Street in this weird heist. Getting in was easy. Getting out will be a problem. There was a double-page spread featuring an M.C. Escher staircase that could have had the word balloons and captions arranged better. I had to read the things a couple of times to get the flow right. Other than that minor annoyance this is another fine issue. The last page by Clay McLeod Chapman (writer), Alberto Alburquerque (art), Brian Reber (colours) and Ferran Delgado (letters) was a bit of a puzzler. Is it a teaser for the next story, or what?
 The Amazing Spider-Man #25 - Don't judge a comic book by it's cover. Case in point, this issue looked good so I saved it for last. We've got Spider-Man front and center with Mary Jane, Mysterio, Electro and Kindred in the background. This issue sets up a lot of stuff so let's have a look see.
 The main story is called "Opening Night" by Nick Spencer (writer), Ryan Ottley, Humberto Ramos, Patrick Gleason & Kev Walker (pencils), Cliff Rathburn, Victor Olazaba, Dexter Vines, Patrick Gleason & Kev Walker (inks) Nathan Fairbairn, Edgar Delgado, Dave Stewart & Laura Martin (colours) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) has a brief appearance by Kindred and Mysterio but it's mostly about Electro (the new female one) holding an actress for ransom at a theatre. Mary Jane is the one who comes to the rescue. The Spider-Man subplot has Peter rescuing Doctor Curt Connors from depression. A set up for future stories happens on the last page where a new team of super villains is introduced called the Syndicate. They want Electro to join. Then we have 5 pages that ends with the appearance of Spider-Man 2099. I wonder where Miguel has been? Then there's a 10 page story leading towards a team up with Doctor Strange. The issue wraps up with a 5-page cartoon for the kiddies by Keaton Patti (writer), Dan Hipp (art) and VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Yes, it's 60 pages of Spider-Mania but even a Spider-Maniac like myself cringed after reading this.
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