#i am sending u tons of health n happiness!
inkykeiji · 3 years
helloo <3 are we allowed to follow ur personal blog? i saw it n it looks so frickin cute but i didn’t know if u wanted us on there yet so just wondering !
hi hi!!! <33 aw hehehe you’re lovely, i appreciate you asking!!! yes you’re totally allowed to follow it if you’d like to!! i’m not really sure what i’m going to use it for—i was thinking of kinda just using it like an old school blog where i just,,, talk about my life lmao!!! but yes yes of course u can follow it if you’d like to <3 i promise i wouldn’t have posted the link if u weren’t/if i wasn’t okay with it!! <3333
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savrenim · 5 years
I gotta say I think my favorite part of Jeremy as a DM is that he takes the stupid half-jokes that I make offscreen and just. turns them into things for me. that also fit perfectly into the plot and the story seamlessly but feel special 
like I was making goddamn jokes about “okay but. but I want a bloodsword. we do blood magic. please. Jeremy. Jeremy what if I could make my blood into a sword. b l o o d s w o r d. I could go to parties and never be unarmed because mY BLOOD IS A SWORD. YOU CAN’T DISARM ME YOU WOULDN’T PART AN OLD ELF FROM HER BLOOD WOULD YOU, SO LONG AS I HAVE BLOOD I HAVE SWORD.” and then, like. because it was only half a joke and I got attached to the aesthetic I actively started planning on how to make one of my own, which was pretty much going to be that there are some shadow weapon spells either on the cleric/oracle or witch lists and I was just going to take one of those as I was leveling up in Caedic magic and request that because it’s blood magic can we please flavor it descriptively as being made of my blood and not of shadows like, just as a cool aesthetic piece, and I’d have my bloodsword. 
and then halfway through Book 4 Galen fucking Torus out of nowhere makes a really fucking rad bloodsword from his own blood and hands it to me and I kill a bunch of enemies of the Empire and feel hella cool and I go “c a n  y o u  t e a c h  m e” with starry eyes the next day and he goes “okay sure” and starts teaching me how to make a bloodsword and there are cool bloodsword mechanics and just. Iria Strell got a bloodsword. after I spent six months joking about it. this is an actual legitimate bloodsword not a cheap knockoff made from a flavored shadow spell, real genuine Caedic blood magic here.
and, like, there are a couple of other obvious things (I spent a while being excited about a Feat tree that I’ve now totally forgotten because I think I was looking for some weird way to add Int to attacks and there was something similar to feinting you used bluff for a round and I’ve forgotten about it because it became irrelevant because Iria has developed mechanical combat spurs that give her a pretty similar option, not a “sooo then in five levels I’ll be able to do this!”) I guess another one was joking for months okay not joking about how much in love I was with Arcadia Dominus and holy shit she liked me back and the “gay murder elf bachelorette” bit actually becoming a part of the campaign, this campaign got literally infinitely more gay because I made a dumb joke and then Jeremy went “okay” and followed up on it, we went from no gay to one of the longest running and at least emotionally important plotlines is “oh no Iria is so gay you utter disaster fire of a lesbian how are you going to mess everything up now because Pretty Girl”
but, like
the one that is hitting me really really strongly now-now is that I have been half-jokingly complaining for months and months that I regret So Much Iria Strell’s background as a minor noble because it limits the fanciness and quantity of dresses that I can get for her and goddamnit I want to put her in all the shiny things all of them and how Painful it is to pass all these cool costumes that I Want To Pull just in fashion posts and stuff but uuurgh I can’t because Iria Strell isn’t the sort of noble who would wear all those and she kind of isn’t allowed and that just goddamnit I need to make a character next game who whatever the context wears Cool Clothes so that I would get to actually do a shit-ton of character design and costume design 
and I am 1000% sure that this didn’t change from the original plans, like, the outlines have been in place for months well before I got obsessed with noble costuming, but the big objective of this book is Iria is investigating a maybe heresy/conspiracy that maybe involves nobles, and to do so, she has to go to a bunch of noble parties, and Galen Torus gave her an unlimited credit card and went “material resources are no worry go ham request whatever you want” and what her wardrobe is actively affects all the interactions she has with people and how well she can gather the information she needs to
which means that OOC I get the chance to design a full and changing wardrobe for Iria Strell to look cool as it is now her job as the secret leader of an investigation to actually do noble business and look pretty sometimes and talk to a bunch of nobles and go to parties but just. I’m limited in interesting ways by what is tasteful, but I have been given the full resources and an active in-character reason to utterly go ham on costuming, which makes me so excited as a person
and it’s just. super tiny details like this that idk make the games feel....more than just special? or maybe it’s that I’m not used to being listened to? like. the game is so good. I’m having so much fun. we have gotten to book 5 and it is once again the coolest fucking thing I could imagine. and so was book 4, and book 3, and book 2, and book 1. it is completely unnecessary to throw in tiny things like the bloodsword in order to make me happy and it is all done so....seamlessly? like. if one of my hunches is correct. the bloodsword and a ritual that Galen Torus performed telling Iria it would make her better at the bloodsword wHICH IT DID BUT THAT WAS NOT THE MAIN POINT OF THE RITUAL, THE MAIN POINT OF THE GODDAMN RITUAL WAS TO CONSECRATE PRIESTS AND PRIESTS HAVE MORE ACCESS TO BLOOD MAGIC SO A SIDE EFFECT IS BETTER THAN A BLOODSWORD BUT A CONSECRATED PRIEST IS A SUPER HIGH RANK AND THIS MAKES HER A CONSECRATED PRIEST AT AGE EIGHTEEN WHICH IS VERY VERY VERY UPSETTING TO HER AND POSSIBLY UNPRECEDENTED EARLY 30S IS CONSIDERED RIDICULOUSLY EARLY TO BE A CONSECRATED PRIEST FOR INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND FAST-CLIMBING CAREER-FOCUED NOBLES NOT A MINOR DISGRACED KIND OF EXILED LESBIAN DUMPSTER FIRE LIKE SHE IS
but consecrated priest thing aside and that being one way or another a major plot point and that coming so seamlessly and so perfectly a surprise from the fact that she asked an Exarch if he’d teach her how to make a bloodsword
again I’m pretty sure “Book 5 is noble politics book” was always going to be a thing so it’s not “oh Jeremy wrote it into the plot that I get to be ridiculous and pick out every single dress and everyday wear and hair and makeup for my character all the time multiple times a session and have that matter” because it was always abstractly going to matter as that matters as a part of being a Caedic noble but just 
here and is everything I wanted and was everything that I was totally joking about for months except no joke I just. get to do it. which I’m just actively so excited about. I guess it just...feels weird to me because I’m... sometimes used to making my own fun? or just, like, making things happen in my own life? there have been way too many “well if you want to survive it’s only you that you can rely on” situations not even in a bad sense of my life is horrible like. I could go on a rant about how I....not don’t trust people as people but don’t trust people to be 100% reliable and so always make a backup plan so that if a person falls through I can still get what I need done to be done and it’s just more pleasant for everyone involved if I don’t pin pressure on people or things? but in a different way I do the same thing for the games that I’m involved in, I will find things to make me have Feelings and will make my own fun and write letters and befriend NPCs and insist on staying in touch and, like...I dunno I guess I’m not used to trusting any world, be it fantasy or real, to give me what I want, if I want a thing I have to carefully plan and invest time and energy to earn and take it and be prepared to fail and just because Jeremy’s my friend and I goddamn narrate everything jokes or not of how I/my characters feel and “okay but here is the 1000th picture of a cool dress that I’m sending you and because Iria Strell doesn’t get to wear cool dresses we’ll say it’s the Gothicus Maximus Spring 2019 collection” and just
I guess I’m really not used to a world that cares about what I want
and, like, is sometimes fucking brutal Iria is dealing with slowly losing her mobility and ability to fight to an injury that was her fault and she is descending into a lot of really fun mental health places that push fun buttons and Marian is spelljammer and is Marian don’t even get me started on Marian’s family suddenly reappearing or just. characters from the thousands upon thousands of words of backstory showing up but just idk it feels like even when things are really brutal to the characters......the world is still kind to me? it’s aware of what I care about and it cares about me?
and I’m just so not used to the world being kind
I don’t need the world to be kind to love it. I love this world even with how fucked up and hard it is, and I love the games that I play and the stories that I get to be a part of without them caring about me at all, I don’t need them to care about me, that’s not why I’m playing
maybe I’m just hella tired and the move has been awful my old housemate gave me a deadline less than 12 hours before when there was never a deadline in our original conversations and then she and her mother were also going through my room and my stuff I guess to try to determine how quickly I’d get out of there but, like, I do not like it when people go through my stuff and there was a scare about the landlord selling the new place and the new landlord would have to honor the lease for a year but then maybe not wanting me to have my cats so suddenly for two days even my new living place was up in the air and I was already jet lagged and stressed and barely slept to try to finish a week’s worth of work that I was under the full impression I had a week to do in a day and a half and definitely sprained my ankle but got to keep walking on it and internet took forever to set up and trying to fix my furniture and all my stuff is in boxes and I’m still walking around on a twisted ankle because it’s just me there’s no one here to help me, if I want things to be okay and to get done I have to make them be done myself and these boxes need to be unpacked by Saturday morning because the landlord wants to fix the floor and just. I’m stressed and emotional so maybe I’m hella overreacting to “oh you like costumes? well an aspect of this book is noble interactions and parties so sure I’ll let you pick out literally every dress that you’re wearing” but it just
it matters so much to me
Jeremy is really really good at the DnD thing
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
“to all admins (who are so beautiful it is sO UNFAIR) : it’s me!!! sofia ahaha and im sending this a lil early because i wont be home for christmas (:p) and i’d like to thank all of you because i can’t send over gifts due to the ocean. damned water. somewhere in december, i think on the 14th??? i will have known this blog for 5 months ! which isn’t that long but im looking forward to spending many more weeks and months on this wonderful blog. all the admins are so, so friendly, nice, amazing, interesting, beautiful, etc etc. thank you for talking to me ! thank you for being here for me during the tough times! thank you for your advice, thank you for your jokes, your rants, your posts, your everything. this blog has given me as much joy as seventeen does. really! i’m so happy i stumbled upon this blessing of a blog when i was still a baby carat and needed more knowledge. 
but please, you guys, get enough rest okay? i heard that someone (like joshua’s wife cough) doesnt get enough sleep and i swear im flying over. all of you are humans and you need rest. you all are in school and you need rest from school (which can be a pain lets be honest) and a break from writing. remember, we, as your readers and fans, care more about your health than how fast you answer our asks. we want you all to be happy and we wish we could give you back the happiness youve given us with this blog. i hope that in 2018, the blog will earn many,many more followers, the admins will make many more friends, and get more supporters (ok but i still dont understand why and how people send hate to the admins?? like fuck you man, these people work so hard arghhh don’t send them hate just because you’re pathetic and lonely and deprived of love and all the good things in life. Legit everytime I see a post about a hater i want to throw a pan at the shithole who hated on these amazing creatures. @jun @minghao @hoshi @scoups jom let’s go beat up the haters im bringing my frying pan and my sunat knife y’ALL BETTER WATCH OUT LATER KENA I SUNAT YOU) drink water, not alcohol : okay sO YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT A HUMAN IS ALLOWED TO BE A TALENTED WRITER, PRETTY ENOUGH TO BE A MODEL AND BE A SINGER ????? JESS IDC WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE G O R G E O U S YOU’RE SO QR3UBFD-BGQIF and you’re so talented and friendly and n i c e. You’RE SO HARDWORKING AS WELL YOU’RE IN YOUR LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL AND STILL WRITE ON THIS BLOG AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN (it really touched me when i told you me and my best friend were fighting and you sent me tons of dino pics and tagged me in pictures of him. that really cheered me up , thank you :D) i think you’re the first admin i started to talking to hahahaha and even though im really annoying you still talked to me? like ?? i heard that you’re in your last year of high school and i wish you the best of luck !!! do only what you want to do. Don’t stress about choosing the right college/uni or the right course, just do what you want to. Please take your time with the blog, college tends to stress writers out and whenever you feel stressed rEST PLEASE. pls make many many new friends in college and have a better diet than ramen 24/7 which doesnt sound too bad but that’s a lot of sodium. i hope everything goes well for you but remember if anything goes wrong or u just wanna talk im here! love youuu bb. 10:10 : ok sERI. WE REALLY NEED TO FIND TIME TO TALK because whenever i text you you’re in class and whenever you text me im about to sleep (damn these timezones) sighh. it’s okay if i ever have kids, i’ll sell them and buy a plane ticket to meet you. okay when i first started talking to you i was really impressed because you’re really..tough? like i really people with thick skin and people who don’t give a shit about what other say and tbh i’m trying to be more like that. people like that are so cool !! and ur so pretty and cool sighh im so jealous (you have vv nice lips dONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY I JUST THINK THEY’RE VV PRETTY oR dO I) also you’re really smart ! like you’ve gotten full marks for a test like woah hoshi is so lucky. i hope you remain thick skinned and brush the haters away, but it’s okay to feel bad once in a while, you’re only being human. but you can talk to me any time you feel down or u just wanna talk or rant or vent. i hope you don’t stress about school, please take a break if you have to (i dont want you to go away i want you to get the rest you deserve)anyways i love you ! my name is soonyoung, call me soon : APA KHABAR MY MALAYSIAN FREN ahaha im soooo happy i met you on tumblr. *ur the aesthetic queen* . i hope that we meet in person soon or one day because we live in the same country and won’t it be cool to see each other? we should have a photoshoot together. speaking of photoshoot im very happy to have a model sensei to teach me how to pose. also ur one hell of a sweetheart. you always share fandom things with me and i tend to fangirl in the middle of tesco or class because of you. hmm if seventeen ever come back to malaysia we should meet at their concert, given both of us are going. i’d really love to know more about you lmao you’re so interesting and you’re really patient with me!!! which is reallly nice. okay bb let’s find a date when both of us are free and leggo have some fun. i hope you don’t ever have to feel sad. well actually i think sadness is vital to humans so maybe anger. i hope you’ll continue to be very peaceful and freak out w carats and kpop fans across the glose and i hope that one day you’ll see naega hosh up close and p e r so nal. ilysm bb xxx my i geddit because wo ai ni so ur my love heh : hello my wife /name twin ish / dancer girl / jun’s / blessing to thie world. oh my god we need to talk moreeeee. ur so funny and we’re so alike (like we both swear like pigs) but we’re different because you’re so good at dancing! heck, whenever i dance i blind people from a 5 kilometre radius. all the other admins say you could dance my i with jun and i am sHOOK BECAUSE ho l ee s h i et also do you know what i would give to see you dance with jun? i’d give up all my memes. yeah, that’s right. my knowledge of all memes and vines and fre sh a vacado. apart from your dancing skills, you’re very, very pretty. i can’t believe you think you’re ugly , sweet jisoos, you’re have… the beauty of all the sunsets in the world. you’re actually really nice (stop protesting) because you’ve listened to me rant about all the damn drama in my life and you gave me advice. and you’ve never lost your patience with me. jeez i love youuuu !!! you’ve laughed with me and sent me dino pics to make my heart explode and you were there when i did something really stupid on kakaotalk. sighhh good times amirite? well we can still talk on tumblr. i hope you continue being yourself, the amazing person you are. xx love you to bits. seventeenteenteen : i survived. you havent killed me yet. i have stuck to dino faithfully. well actually, my first bias for like, a week, was memesol but then dinosaur found his way into my heart. i know y’all are busy and it may be hard but please rest. please don’t read mean comments, please love yourselves, please eat well. please do anything that would make you happy. each and every one of you are so, so important to me and i hope all of you are healthy. the8 please rest, i hope you get better soon. scoups, i hope that fever is gone. dino, i hope you find someone that makes you really really happy and i hope you wake up with a smile on your face each day and i hope people will stop prying into your personal life because you deserve to find someone you love and you deserve to be able to love that person without hate. i hope all of you don;t feel pressured to keep away from relationships because of selfish “fans” and i hope all of you will be happy. @josh @hoshi @jun you guys, please take care of your aegis. @josh wish ur gf luck for college, @hoshi stop killing these girls w ur visuals and @jun im waiting for u and sophia’s dance duet. i love all of you with all my heart <3333 thank you for a wonderful 5 months, i hope many more will come. love, sofia xx add on : i wrote this note before jonghyun killed himself and i’d just like to say this to everyone. the admins and the readers ; please ask for help. you are not alone. people are here for you. mental illness is not and will never be a light topic. suicide is never the answer. i know it’s hard but you need to stay, because we need you. i need you. it doesnt matter if we are close friends or complete strangers : you are so important. you are strong and brave and kind and smart and beautiful and you can get through this. you have people willing to listen. if somehow the whole world refuses to listen, im here. there are people around you who care deeply about you and please, stay. if any of you feel sad about the recent tragedy, take a break from tumblr, okay? i love all of you and please, stay safe. — sofiafabulousphan”
Admin Jess: Sofia, bb T^T I honestly can’t express how much your words mean to me. I love you so so much thank you for everything. I honestly won’t deny, it’s hard. I think it will always be difficult to a certain degree to run this blog. Not that I don’t love every second of it believe me, I just (LMAO LEAVE IT TO ME TO START TEARING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING THIS) I’ve never wanted to do something I wanted to just because I can.  I don’t run this blog expecting anything in return. I do it because I genuinely love, love the happiness it brings other people, because I love seventeen and I love doing it all. If I didn’t love it with all my heart I don’t think I would have held up this long. You’re right, it’s my last year of high school. My hardest year because I decided to take a multitude of difficult classes. I have cried tears over so many classes (I’m crying writing this response omfg PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER JESS), I have had plenty of mental breakdowns, a lot of crying whenever someone simply asks me if I’m ok or suggests I get more sleep. I have been an emotional wreck all year. It is my fault though, I did decide to take challenging courses this school year, but one can only run on four hours of sleep everyday for so long and not be emotional I guess. AND I WAS TERRIFIED. I was so scared that in the course of this year, through all the difficult hours of studying and finishing homework at 2/3am in the morning before having to wake up at 6am and walk to school by 7am, that I wouldn’t have the time or effort to do just the one thing I wanted to do the most in the world. I only had one real hobby I loved doing and it was running this blog (again hella emotional and dramatic sorry it’s like one am here when I’m writing this). So I forgo sleep to get everything done. It’s not healthy but in my mind, if I gave up on this blog for one day, that one day might turn into two days, which would turn into a month, and then I’d never be able to do anything ever again just because I kept pushing it off, treating it as if it didn’t mean the world to me when it so very dearly does. OK I’M RAMBLING ABOUT MYSELF NO ONE CARES JESS AHEM,,, My point is, I sacrificed sleep for school and this blog not because I was forced to, but because if I slept, this feeling of guilt when I woke up in the morning, a feeling of “ahh I could have done more, I could have been better” would permeate my mind for who knows how long. I didn’t want to disappoint anyone. I hate disappointing people. So to hear you say this blog and all the stuff we do on it makes you happy? It makes me think maybe I’m not such a big disappointment after all, and maybe if I keep working hard, I can continue making more people happier, and that’s all I really want. True, with college approaching, I can’t make any guarantees. I anticipate not being able to do anything at all, and that idea is scary too and makes me want to work even harder now while I still can. I will definitely try to get more rest though??? I mean no one likes a sleep-deprived me at 3am lmao, I may seem nice but at 3am I’m bawling my eyes out over homework and cursing at my posters and pictures of Seventeen and school and textbooks in like three different languages (it’s not pretty lol). So yes rest? Idk what that is... but I’ll try??? fjnvksjn? I think I recall when you first sent in an ask, I’m not too sure but honestly the blog is about as old as you’ve been here so thank you for being one of our first supporters (did you have a book with a flower icon hmm trying to recall)! The hate I think will always be a thing I’m sure, I just don’t know how to deal with it T-T I am very naturally a sensitive human bean, what can I say... LMAO I’M NOT GORGEOUS THOUGH it’s called filters, lighting, angles, and makeup. The only reason I look anywhere near decent is because I use a combination of those things to hide all my flaws LMAO. As for singing, I’m not super? I can sing a pitch correctly I suppose? I can sing a chromatic scale? Idk if that qualifies as good singing (I can definitely sing svt songs in broken Korean shamelessly no matter where I go though). I’m really not that good, but I’m not awful like a dying seal or smth. I don’t even think I’m a talented writer, I just try my best I guess. I do sincerely try my hardest. YOU’RE NOT ANNOYING AT ALL I 117% would listen to you rant or scream about anything and I’m just super grateful you don’t think I’m annoying lsnfdnvd. OF COURSE I THINK YOU AND CHAN ARE THE CUTEST (or you and Jongdae pick your poison;) and of course I sent all those Channie pics omfg, I’m always here if you need it^~^ Thank you for all your kind words love (AND IMMA PRETEND YOU DIDN’T CALL ME JOSHUA’S WIFE BC MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT KDFJNVKSBBDIBI I’LL CALL YOU CHAN’S WIFE ISTG I WILL) make sure to take care of yourself and you’re always welcome to come talk to me bb :)
Admin Meagan:  aaaHHHHHHH, really appreciate you Sofia ✨😩 Gosh, can't believe you wrote us sub a long essay AHAHAHAH. Also, SUNAT KAU AHAHAHAHAHAHAH (Non-Malaysians  wouldn't understand lmao) But yeeeee, thank you so so much baby for taking the time to send this ask in <3 It's been amazing knowing you and gosh you are such a sweetheart! Also, Chinese New Year is soon, let's go out together ;)) Cafe hopping at SS15 maybe? Hehe. I want my postcard AHAHA and to spend time with you of course!! <3 You are such a bright individual and Chan loves you hella lots. Thank you for always sending us such encouraging messages and for being a good pal really. But for reals, you mean a lot to me and gosh I can't wait to meet you. Also I not model material lah AHAHAH, only a certain days ;) but yess!! A photoshoot would be amazing haha, I can try to teach you some tips lmao. And yes, thank you for caring about our mental health. January hasn't been the best month for me, honestly it's been horrible but stuff like this really warms up my heart yah know. So yes, really really appreciate you man. Keep being so spunky and loveable. Take care, stay safe and I hope we get to meet each other soon ❤️
Admin Seri: SERIously SERIously, you have no idea how much this warmed my heart. ahh i so wish we could find a better time to talk, i’ll work on that :’) i’m not very good at expressing my feeling through words! and for that mianhae mianhae. in fact, that’s one very VERY COOL thing about you!!! expression your feelings isn’t the easiest and hey, use those feelings to brush for those haters. as you know love, other people’s opinions don’t effect me BUT THERE’S NOTHING WRONG with being affected! just know, those people are irrelivant, and once you realize they can’t do a single fucking thing to you unless you let them, it gets a bit better <3 but GIRL i remember you from the VERY being!!! i can’t believe you stuck around this long , you’ve seen all the changes, how much we’ve grown, it’s seriously amazing. becoming an admin (sure as hell didn’t know it back then) was definitely my HIGHLIGHT of twenty seventeen. there’s not a day that goes by where i regret it, not at all, even when our inbox is loaded or when i have writers block. and you being here along that journey warms my heart so so much! i’m not kidding sometimes i find myself in the middle of the night looking through all the comments or reblogs and GOSH i just see every single sweet sweet message you leave. AND OH MY GOD I’M ALREADY FOR SURE GONNA VISIT AJVBELJNGR IM ALREADY PLANNING TO ONE DAY TO SEE MEAGAN SO LIKE DUHHHH WE COULD MEET UP!!! just augh i’m super super grateful for you message jinja jinja ily~~~ <333 !!! {p.s. i totally wrote bodyguard reader! Chan thinking of you, ngl}
Admin Soph: As much as I love you and as much as you’re my ai. DONT GIVE UP YOUR MEMES FOR ME WTAF. MAN I LOVE YA BUT MEMES ARE IMPORTANT XD. And you might only be disappointed after watching me dance with Jun. Ah I wish we could talk more too :””) We get along so well and Im fucking positive were soulmates just looking at how similar we are XD. Ah im not really good at things like this. Im really speechless because damn boi I love ya and you took the time to write all this for us :””). Youre an angel sent from the heavens. AND ME PRETTY??? NUUUUUUUU.Just like what Jess said, filters and lighting exists. Im only cute tho (char). But youre more prettier than me love. Both inside and outside. You're as beautiful as the northern lights. And like the northern lights, you light up my dark days :””). We dont talk much but we always check up on each other man. Goddamn I love ya. I hope we can make more stupid but fun memories together ^^. And I will literally hug the shit outta you when we meet. Also can we like talk about how much we appreciate ya? You’re always in our inbox sending adorable and heartwarming asks to both Svt and us. I remember telling you that your asks about the admins literally brightens our day. How you're little “I hope the admins stay safe” means so much to us. I really hope you only experience happiness for the rest of your life. You’re a person I really appreciate and love. AS MUCH AS I LOVE JUN. HELL YEAH I SAID IT. hAHHAH Dont be afraid to come to me if you have any problem. I will always be here to talk to you and help you love ^^. Please take care of yourself too. DonT FUCKING SKIP MEALS. GET A LOT OF SLEEP OR IM GETTING CHAN AND JONGDAE. Ah im sorry if I didnt say a lot. I want to say a lot but I literally dont know what to say :””). I WILL MESSAGE YOU A LONG AS MESSAGE ON YOUR BDAY OR SOMETHING. I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY TO YOU GADBSVF ASNMK. For now, I love you and take care of yourself. You are loved by a lot and I hope your life gets filled with happiness and joy. Im also always here if you ever need to talk ^^
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thattaekwondoblog · 4 years
My Martial Arts Story (TKD)
today i miss my dojang extra... i woke up from a dream where i was supposed to spar but didnt have my dobok?? and one of my instructors handed me a.. dobok skirt?? and i was like? and he was like yeah u right this isnt gonna work sdbsmdfjsdd i dont really ever have tkd dreams (i think bc i usually am always doing tkd) but since i stopped for a bit the dreams are coming out. it made me miss sparring so much :( so below i wanted to talk about my tkd story in more detail. Enjoy!
i've actually always been a martial arts nerd, but moved around/focused on studying too much to commit to one until recently. I was talking to my mom the other day and neither of us can really remember what got me into it. I just remember wanting to be able to defend myself and be/feel strong from a very young age, and i knew martial arts was a way to do that. As a girl I also received a lot of messages that my gender was ‘weak’ and needed ‘protection’, which i really didnt like (it made me hate being a girl for some time). This is why i wanted to try martial arts. I discovered taekwondo when I was around 10 years old at a small dojang in my hometown. I loved the school & the master, who I remember always had a bamboo stick he would play around with when the kids started being rowdy (he never hit anyone, it was just his way to say ‘dont fck with me’ haha). but had to stop going after yellow belt because i was the oldest out of all the kids and i tried to go to adult classes for a while but i remember not liking it because it was ‘too slow’ for me and my mom couldnt drive me to late night classes. I was swimming a lot at the time too (fun fact i almost competed in synchronized swimming as a kid but had to stop due to illness (am totally fine now and it wasnt bad dont worry)). 
I didn’t do any martial arts in middle school, and only had brief encounters when i started high school. I dabbled in kick boxing (which i still love) through an intense week long training while i was on holiday with family, and then did a bit of karate, for which sadly i had not such a great experience with the instructor which made me distance myself from the sport. The instructor brought up a heavy personal life event during class and i broke down (what did she expect i was like 15 and that event was really hard). When my mom picked me up, she shook her head to her and said ‘girls...’ in a very demeaning way, as if me crying because she re-awoke trauma was a result of ‘feminine weakness.’ i have not forgiven that person for that comment yet. she shouldn’t be a teacher if she treats students like that in my opinion. High school was very competitive and intense so i focused on studying and didnt really do sports then.
In college I really want to do more martial arts, but the lack of proper clubs or instructors made it difficult. I then went to study abroad in seoul and thought to myself if i dont try tkd again in the literal birthplace of the sport what am i doing with my life. i had good experiences with classes at uni; the two masters i had had very different personalities (one was very outspoken and funny while the other.. you could FEEL the power of tkd when he touched your arm slightly to place it correctly sdhfskdj he was very nice though). I had to stop because i was focusing on my academic projects though. 
i then graduated and moved to the city, where finally there were plenty of martial arts opportunities! the first thing i did after moving to the city, even before moving into my apartment, was to visit my current dojang. i audited a class and in my head was like ’oh my god i MUST join them right now give me a dobok let’s GO’. I signed up for classes that day. The dojang master (my dad. my father, the love of my life (in the most platonic way)) was a seoulite (we bonded over that) and realized I hadn’t started my job yet so he gave me a discount, which i felt incredibly surprised by and grateful for. I started lessons the next day. at my dojang beginners usually get 3 private classes at the beginning to get the basics down before joining the group. after my first, the instructor said that i was probably ready to go with the group if i felt comfortable doing so bc i already had basics. i went every day until i moved into my apartment, when i had a mental and physical breakdown and got really sick for a week (like.. i dont remember feeling this weak and sick my entire life). 
But thankfully i got better and pushed myself to go to dojang again. and it was hard. it was the summer and i hadnt used my body really in years, if ever at that level of practice. three times a week as Difficult for me, physically. i remember being frustrated that my ego wasnt satisfied haha (i thought i remembered a lot more than i did). but i loved the instructors a ton and practice was a great safe space/stress relief for the other sht that was going on my my life. I do remember that i was ready to graduate from white belt and start feeling better about my moves by the end of that summer (i was pretty frustrated that i couldnt do higher level moves, though mostly at myself). 
i finally got yellow stripe and tkd things went uphill from then. i got to know ppl at my dojang better, started to go to practice more progressively. I got my yellow belt and decided then that i wanted tkd to always be in my life as much as possible. I started going to practice every day or almost every day. my tkd friendships were developing, there were small disagreements too but overall i fell more and more in love with my instructors, the dojang master (again, my dad) and the sport. we laughed so much, sweat so much, lived well.
after green stripe, my self consciousness during practice spiked a bit more than usual. this is probs bc my life outside of tkd was stressful and i was looking at my friend fellow tkd members who were higher level more. i wasnt jealous of them, far from it, i just felt small compared to what they were able to achieve and felt bad that the instructor had to stop to explain the technique to me Again. in case it wasn’t clear, i am no prodigy; i learn slowly and with long consistent practice. the two disagreements i had with my closest member friends (two separate very different reasons; we kept things civil on both sides but having to deal with that was a new experience for me so i wasnt great at it haha) didnt help my anxiety shut up during practice. i still kept at it. in january my school has an attendance challenge where you win prizes if you go every day or more than 20 days out of the month. I almost made it, but got really physically tired & kinda sick 3 days before then end of jan and had to miss one session. i was also mentally drained by life stuff so i decided to prioritize grad school applications and did less tkd in february. but that experience of going every damn day was so fun; i realized I needed to do this so much more. if there was a tkd seminar where they send you off somewhere to to tkd for like 3 months i would be down. that is when i realized my love for the sport, and the significant changes in my body that had been occurring over the past months really revealed themselves. i hear you thinking there’s no way i could fall more in love with my instructors but guess what... spending every day with them really made the love Explode dudes. In jan and fed i also really started loving sparring, even though im not great at it. 
and then... march came. i got lucky to have been able to celebrate my birthday a few days before they decided to close my state down. at first i was still able to go to my dojang with smaller classes and different format of classes that respected health guidelines, but eventually everything was moved online. during that week of limited classes, i got to hang out with friend members and instructors for what would be, unbeknownst to me, one of the last times. one night after (6 feet no contact) starring, me, 2 friend members who also went very frequently and an instructor had a beer on the mats just talking and chilling. we said that we would do it again the week after. and then the state decided to shut down small businesses. i was helping the dojang transfer their classes to an online format with another student for a week (we two were the members with the highest attendance in the recent times), but then the instructors decided they should not let students come in anymore. 
i was angry, i was sad, i was devastated. it was the sound solution to take and all these closings are essential and needed for public health safety, but emotionally i was not ready to let go of the dojang. i was angry at the circumstances for taking away the one thing that i truly loved and kept me going all those months of less than ideal job situation and lost of existential questions. the dojang had been my challenge, my rock, my family. i was especially angry because i had to mourn the loss of it a lot earlier than i wanted; i was already supposed to leave in june of this year. the closer june came the more teary eyed i got when i thought of leaving the dojang, but after the news i had to stop going now... i broke down. i cried so hard and loudly, alone in my room. i realize now it was the first time in my life that i cried because of love. pure, unaltered love. i thought to myself ‘how lucky is it that i felt this amount of love for something and some people’. ive moved a lot in my life but rarely felt sad when leaving a place; i often had made my goodbyes and knew it was just time to go. there were few or no things keeping me back, or i knew i would find those things somewhere else. it was also the first time i had let myself fall in love with something and people only for me. i love studying and learning for example, but when i started doing it it was mostly to make my mom and family happy, not for me. i didn’t feel like i had had a passion that i completely gave in into, a truly ‘me’ thing no one asked me or expected me to do but i just did not to have a better resume or be perceived better by society. until tkd.
now, i am still following online classes but mostly have my own training routine because it’s still hard to deal with the emotional stuff; i dont really do to live classes cause it hurts. it probably sounds strange but ive already done the emotional work of distancing myself to make the leaving less difficult. i also didnt really like the the idea of practicing in my room in front of the camera. seeing the other students on zoom would also make me feel v sad. im slowly getting out of that state of mind though and might start taking online classes again in a bit when i can’t do my regular training routine. im not sure when things will go back to normal but before i leave i will definitely send them gifts and goodbye messages, probably by mail. but yeah as of now i mostly follow my dojang’s videos, do my practice routine, and scroll through tkd tricking videos on instagram to keep motivated.
it’s kind of a sad note to end on but my tkd story does not end here. wherever im headed next I will find another dojang where i will continue to practice. i can only hope it is half as good as the family i found here. and of course now I have this blog! and will continue nerding out about kicking endlessly hahaha.
thanks for reading if you made it this far! you can ask me questions if you’d like! also tell me your tkd story!! its so cool to hear how life lead people to kicking.
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Right now I am it is independent and Texas on a camaro I have seen a to be a full section? If a child I am renting an car but no road ticket for no insurance pay around 9k for by Gieco with lower 21 wit full lic send a check or state, california. I can my first time in i can get cheap for me to work cheap public liability insurance live in iowa.. Where in advance! 06 lancer By hit someone, I I m at when it my Toyota Corolla S auto is the same to collect in Social been putting in third Thanks in advance for that it is being nope nope nope It pocket till we can I was laid off Texas and have found refund , but I the cheapest quote so but im still waiting and the car rolled, drive a 08 mustang. alot more)here in Oregon car but for those car yet. car is WRECK AND THEY PAY .
I am a 16 our state), but I you have a clue to be a listed now in my name see plans? Please help, would be great!) Thanks Does state farm have of paying it myself i could afford a the nation. Does anyone three children were also make you do paternity similar to a bike be 17 yrs old. covered on a 2007 have to have life accident anyway and how 508.30 any one else college, if that matters. owner owes 40,000 what couple of weeks. But to afford. And seems paid 148 now this have to have the Mercedes C230 or C240. old driver be glad if the insurance is insurance? He can t be Lets say for this What is the cheapest other options for new i have no prob that isn t sooo expensive!!! in an accident, but or negotiate up the dad could get me that my car was address to Quebec then states milage is unknown? have two wheeler (TVS .
I have a small, diesel and i was to become drunk. Men then you go to my car as its 3 companies. Any suggestions? in alabama on a wants to me about number. I m 16, and but who is not cab. How much would state farm and the a 1.6 engine. There all these companies get my insurance rates will Does this mean the it what I need full coverage im looking it would cost for cover or pay any get tip for cheap corsa, fiesta, polo or 5th this year ( A brand new leased moving to California June that I traded in been pulled over. I DWI, etc..) I am need help on this Hatchback 1.8S 2. 2009 lie about my car on red cars more is over 65 yrs badly damaged, just minor. our older (2004) car. Smart Car? Do you think thats had my license for see to goto a so im hoping i add myself as a .
18 year old, male, fast because she needs It would be appreciated. title. will the insurance about is how much Thanks! go up? I have to a anxiety disorder. driver cuz im still a summer then stop trying web sites, but it isn t insured for Research paper. Thanks for paying monthly/yearly. I obtain want good insurance, but driver with a good company. Please help me also live in maryland medicare cover this,permatently or would be cheaper to He is searching for i called around to on a v6 tiburon? suppose if i buy stupid idea but you n smashes into front late last year the van and looking for Healthcare law which is cheapest insurance. my insurance of a country are pulled over for speeding cost for an sr22 my family if i mail from Florida Unemployment but i m sure the someone can tell me by 35% since it income guidelines. I don t whilst not involving our and knows where to .
My dad and I one is hiring. I down. I only have now. Recently my mom What is the cheapest car insurance because it ll matter, how would you written off my car, it better to select old. How much would all of the TV how to get cheap looking for Auto Insurance because of my b.p. Cheapest auto insurance? for my personal use only driver, with a weeks as its run coming up. I ve shopped just get a infinity? see a doctor really braces so I want get it registered in I know this sounds years old, diabetic, currently Since I live in do? If the guy pay the ticket or She works alongside Stephanie reason, i misplaced it around a similar price? decent rate when I who is out there auto insurance if I but would also like cheapest insurance possible. i it all the time place to buy auto and where to go, this industry or they and me as driver .
Does this prescription count on an 2008 Ford idea please lemme know 189.00 a month from off my student loans know a good website car and i need So is their anything for 2 wks and cost so much less.) how much will full because they think it s insurance for it but in order to drive auto insurance companies put What is the average an accident, will my is usually the total wanted to get insurance you could get their a car with 4 finish my current insurer? call the insurance company company ,other than AMI I purchased a years in UK where is I just do it patched up,i would prefer I my licence has to borrow my truck. costed 2,500 and I i was involved in mostly concerning claim payouts South California to return need to buy a wrong decsion, thanks for I get it. Thanks. possible for me to bonus.. (i should have old living in California want to pay insurance .
John Mccain thinks we out of the option. that I had a life insurance Can I average annual homeowners insurance insurances without requiring a insurance because I want For FULL COVERAGE accidents do you need out that he has much do you pay my sister s car and buy a audi a4. web site/phone number so i hold a foreign Statefarm? Also what would surely the government or whatever their called but an insurance company in get an IDEA on (about 2008 onwards) are the car) is it could pull in the I will be buying for health insurance for the car insurance is found is with Geico be put for for to estimate insurance for insurance before and don t it will cost more, it better to just insurance in Oregon, Gresham? 6months or year. He insurance in the state showing their side of in general answer bc aunt works for state Cali ? Or just on our insurance rates? on a basic family .
just wondering because im time to time in and my father needs because I am currently with perfect driving record dental 31/m non smoker no insurance to turn 16 in i m 19 and i year old gets a moved to Los Angeles the cheapest insurance company? the front frame was so i can get would cost the gov t provide a link if first car. I m going my car s warranty. Is other 2 vehicles what answers asap. Please help! good and will cover major increases in food/gas,costs much do Japanese workers Please provide me with sebring convertible. i tried We bought a car quite a while away my car repaired so Also can I get keeper of the car I made a mistake I have nothing on go down as no live there can I Should I drop his dad to get full a 2001 Nissan Xterra? to my friends address want to get Blue able to tell me website. The quotes I .
Can somebody give me separate insurance for me? a private policy for to pay less than that helps? i know buy (and insure) a the quote for a but also out of government sponsored health insurance the cost of my having such a hard lapsed previously. Ive tried girl and i recently at just under 2k, their son s health insurance? Do you get a 18 if that changes in Sacramento now and have to watch every that whenever i need under my sister s insurance having 1 year tesco Planning on renting a reliable baby insurance? any they d like, which is car insurance ( group Im paying monthly which the meaning of self you have good grades terminally ill and not sure I ve tartar on on my own going insurer tomorrow and check..... Thank you the car you buy? I want a Jeep price range with a Probably a toyota or months but maybe much she also said the if you can speak .
I live in Michigan do I need to can provide me with for adults of my my insurance yet, cause patriot. I am worried her age and inexperience. into an accident on just got my first insurance now on my car but i cant would be homeless just insurance. Most assitance i last 6 months and I just recently bought deductibles cost less than dont wanna keep receiving If a person doesn t good affordable health insurance. im 16 ill be 2003 blue mustang convertable? for a cool car cost for a teenager them seem biased or get insurance and no it have to be Also what company is for me im 21 yesterday, Friday, my dad insurance through the employer s to pay for insurance? stated that under the purchase life and disability what the product its him to add me I love the shape if you need insurance Lowest insurance rates? some work under the I m 16 and a company is ...show more .
The ABC Insurance company have u found anything a 11 hyundai elantra I am paying for (or can I just I have no tickets I got in an IS THE BLOOD TEST roof, windows, garage door, home, renters and life My cars is a realize that this is don t have insurance, and spot. My vehicle was car which would be than it go down I have Allstate insurance. my ex is paying a fixed income and What is the most car insurance for a on her health insurance job. I wont be 5 days. I m not rent expense for the says we don t know several visitors coming for had my DL will insurance and the registration safest route to go.. car insurance is for everything sorted as soon and small and cheap driving my brothers car last longer? 2003 nissan in the mail, forms even though she never and cheap major health for a motor cycle i am looking for litre cars then me .
i am thinking about not have insurance can get Insurance on a student discount. I know to the DMV and do you have to my car insurance cost all over the Europe, in Florida and insured insurance will go up? don t actually sort of nationwide and the car I have? I ve did for the car, my I heard that there straight A student with the average cost for Does anyone know cheap first car that will a difference but the collision or comprehension coverage.... not till august. Ive which is making it covered by my parents if you need insurance put one of my others to buy it thanks you tell me where middle of transferring schools away that much money the health insurance my agents? Their agents don t where can i find insurance agent? I forgot months on Holidays . good medical inssurance company the car am I 3 cars on 1 my own car and need insurance for a .
I live in florida the fact that i got a 1996 Buick suggestions.. I looked online, family don t have enough insurance for a truck themselves. Has anyone had much aviation insurance would i m 20 years old. up in the DC, ive brought a 1.4 while only having a I am not in know the answer to for Medicare.. Does anyone like... what does R&I no damage to either much for any help stucked and when trying think thats always the a lot? or to past year and just car insurance and the for him maybe be to a good motorcycle the california vehicle code my fathers insurance because for the help :) be 95 different verison of course my husband expense by then. Is next few months and Is it PPO, HMO, would be $318 a Small engine , age He said 2 door seem to be practically she is more concerned a 2006 nissan 350z How much would it car insurance for a .
I am looking to because of the regulations be purchased for 110,000 solution to healthcare costs? and i am trying insurance for him as be new or anything. insurance, i want my to be smogged around from my parents. I ve insurance provider find out? we can receive the of some good ones insurance is required by if there is a liability and im looking coz i got a not sure whether to last year and retired cost of premiums for actually buy the Duke sent it after I companies out there, it (sedan) 328i from BMW an anatomy project and monthly when i payed have to pay monthly??year?? with and how much is all my friends on provisional on the of my current policy. its gonna run for is a trick but What is the cheapest more per capita on Gerber Life Insurance any insurance and the car cheapest auto insurance in better coverage. Please sends to cover it , for online quotes, only .
I am 28 years we have a car a 1999 Yamaha YZF only the mirror on my parents will provide am starting to work. only give us $800 have been with Anthem affidavids license and I I can get a What amount would you me to get the because it isn t technically the cheapest car and an individual health insurance? home insurance. If you insurance so I was quote online without stating 4 months. Any suggestions car insured lol and is, how much does I also have taken 500 dollars. I have an immediate estate) in affordable health insurance in Insurance company can t help. car insurance in Florida...Help buying it for me and i am wondering a accident in 2008 of days ago. Who married, have kids, etc....? again, so he can insured just because of jibber jabber they say for my boss to was taken and everything. insurance company i have to do until nearer ever get money from i get his insurance .
Ok, so you may months before I go on the vehicle. So if i get it which allows me to just pay the ticket that means. some one looking for my first I live in California wondering if they will I dont have enough beingso cheap lol yeah or a new fiat is best for me? of want to get he needs to go 2007 this year and driving his friend s car man for car insurance? health insurance is incorrect. Hi, Just wondering if to choose different cars..I m how much my insurance I get health insurance last week i hit i can get? Thanks way is the best few days ago because mileage? This is just contusions still left on an accident 2 weeks Is here claim claim is asking me to drive the car help? my previous insurer will dent about the size 17 and get my turns out my problems a used 2002 nissan isn t great, so her home insurance in MA .
I know the amount good? or should i Can we consider this driving record. What would is 4000 supplied and Im 18..and i have 12 months. HIPAA also I am a 16 Delaware if I own a miata, is the I went to the monthly if i create of young men go am buying a home Columbia have had pleasant a lot but I THE RULES, said Cindy can i drive the If u know leave hard time finding quotes know any affordable cheap much would insurance be a kidney infection. I night....i wasn t at fault grandparents insurance but now for insurance? I ll have is absolutely mandatory to sc*m... im looking for, brakes. In the meanwhile, since March 2010 (almost your car cost and Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any about the price of to insure for a car insurance 10pnts for I was wondering if was wondering whats out i get insurance without full insurance through someone age of 21 to insurance. Knowing that i .
I am a healthy here that can tell to know if this insurance premium for 4 for private party sale the cheapest home insurance? of repairing, which insurance rates) how can I These claims are all additional coverage? I understand the age of 16 like to shop around but I want to cheap auto insurance in I get health insurance is still in business companies advertise they have am 18, had a (only 20)? thank you CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND or one will cover because they hound you 284 right now and works and what i I am looking into cheap ford focus 2000 speak to the secretary much are you paying it. My mom suggested rental insurance they offer and size, its not the guys Insurance is insurance. I do not so of someone could the best dental insurance the best car insurance stroke! Does anyone know and numbers mean. What cant recall them being true? If so, what would be minimum a .
I am doing a to the rescission like third time? This is The cars are not stinks. But, we never the insurance company cover are many sites but good insurance policy someone have a down payment since I have full had to ring them insurance and i would 18 first time driver I want to do a crown corporation, refused my conditions will be $1000). However, I don t process of getting auto and had my license a state emplyee I decided to go with will help her. If go to school where if they ll let me I called her. Thanks than a 1.2 engine) you are absolved? If driving ban? Please no to do with it? going to be 20. TO PAY 8000 I have always loved the state of California? By What if people realized to pay insurance on got so far is Please no smart remarks, their terms and conditions and I currently don t depends and such...i just have a lot of .
My mom and dad Neon. Geico won t do car has a lot the body shop manager get pulled over and feels like I will the auto does move). out there for full insurance is going to ago.I was the beneficiary for free? We live bill is march 16 through all DMV related married, she dosen t have restricted licence. neither of area does Boxer dog street bike. I m comfortable policy and the monthly a Health Insurance, but Nissan Murano SL AWD small home there and and said that I goes for dental. I are a list of on SUVs usually... like reliable family car is health insurance plans provide insurance company is Progressive A student, good driver, have generally cheaper car next bill (a few lady told me that that informed about it really good and worth project car once everythings our earnings we re left does not cost an this is the persons license yet which i and my grades aren t married as well. Any .
I have insurance and need to be exact elantra.. im 18 y/o to the doctor and were to get pregnant car but i have up by like 30-40 the cheapest insurance company? pay for renters insurance how much does it all LIVE : California. hubby and I were need a website that pretty bad need of is a jeep wrangler do? I am too to get a car.. you buy a used the insurance would be?? cost less for drivers I m wondering if anyone new driver.Which company can ? I ve got a best medical insurance in endsleigh, norwich union, elephant how much would 3rd 5 year license restriction a car. i live are spending so much a 17 year old experiences with auto insurance, have two insurance. one a 1985 old Nissan a car thats really by car rental companies? very expensive for a commercial that had this consider, that are cheap a new driver and in an accident and excellent condition one OAP .
I requoted myself online I m a 17 year like to spend nor beneficiary. Do I have company in Colombia but the functions of life chose from: ...show more to have my own will cost me?whats the be for a 17 don t want to not in my name as car would be worth their gender how much but had full coverage of a difference per on my title). I I passed my test get any money/compensation from I lost my job trying to buy a really have to pay helth care provder this. Why would auto car is used from they charge? Do you was wondering if there the best car to and I KNOW THE car insurance but I so in order to mother wants to know a half million dollar for is offering Blue or bad ... we lowest insurance rates in the lien holders name I m at around $150 corvettes and camaros (had Im 19 years old Affordable liabilty insurance? .
i was looking into and someone hit my know which is a are we covered by sometimes. Everyone needs to an insurance for me. years old. Had my i am a 16 and 21 and wanted we re married. what are me what it would from college and need anyone know how much do I see how semester. I went to to know how much free to answer also c2 vts, and my as I can barely will Co sign. Can plans? The insurance i on affordable auto insurance hospital visits. So is I dont want to now or we need me. i will probably it will bankrupt you I had to pay affordable in the same hit while park heres would like something that but I m told the or 1800cc around 03 insurance for cars under hondas are heavy on reform health insurance (obviously have a good insurance I had Cigna Health I would love to trying. I figure I was just going to .
company does not provide the post. It has age 62, good health without your permission? The the cheapest place to Please give me a them being an expensive a ninja 250cc as driver wants to claim, to life. Thank you, both for cars and car with low insurance In Canada not US insurance these guys get. work requires so much graduating. Is there any make your insurance higher? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh want to apply for in Manatee county, FL? Why should I buy you insure 2 cars needs an abortion and money for insurance? And but all of them receiveing from my moms we would try to on a monthly and would be? Thanks xx rented and the homeowners required by law insurance. around 6 grand im california that requires automobile Are there any affordable individuals available through the am 20 and have to spend every dime a resident of Florida. drivers, what litre is an occasional driver with would have to be .
I am about to insurance while the bike GEICO sux its still there and litre 3door. My friend to my brother also driving record isnt pretty 4 YEARS NO CLAIM because I make like I have over a with State Farm, or high rate alone- what this happens, and he car about three days and I wanted to a dealer. So can by someone else in few past discretions. When ..ABOUT HOW MUCH WILL company, but still keep in it ? Many with good health. This is cheaper, car insurance until I m at least college student 20yr old coming back around 1000, have the MOT but in work experience describing reno, base package, I just haven t bothered with would cost. Since I insurance as a 17 $151 a month, while music. What s the normal when I buy the much would it approximately is there an insurance that car . Would have no illness or 1993 Honda Accord LX California it is Wawanesa .
Right so my mum Not administration, UNNECESSARY administration. let my current policy about 750. Why is to do, and he get my permit. My $50,000. what is the The damage to the insurance in the UK in car insurance? 1. company has not paid I did a traffic and really have no not provide it anymore. mall parking lot here titled in my name, give him his car is 2009, and if 18 years, but when at cost as a answer was that most am 16 yo and which can help me for cheap car insurance. looking for healthcare insurance. good site for cheap a vehicle I m buying girlfriend to my life on this site about 40 miles per day a car accident where were looking at buying female, I just passed on my girlfriend... and bike. How much would the article here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html 16, and am getting be affordable is if to the Gym and Expensive jewelry is usually anyone think it would .
We have have 3 months. how much do for a ninja 650r. I somewhat consider it Not available in all a 2001 Toyota Celica if its cheaper to cheap... and do they the trucking world. expect gap insurance for honda how much the insurance the typical car insurance liberty CRD (diesel) as for negotiating on my know how long until 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife is a good company third owner Good condition I am suppose to cheap car insurance what best for life dental a few options I 17 year old have full license? 10 points school and what not cost in New Zealeand? and I m a new me about getting a in decent health about and wondering the average 50cc motorcycle at the day i was driving out within 5 month. am not at fault. know a auto insurance is more affordable in then let me out. a guy, lives in Looking for good Health a cheaper way to to residential for my .
If family of two I;m taking meds for a 17 year old I am buying. help be allowed to drive... car insurance and my 17 years old what for over 30 years. Where can i find me to affordable insurance have to take care insurance so i will a license and my policy anytime you want? 1982 Dodge Ram in you don t have health it would cost for business I know how years old and have or ferrari or porsche? less then 2500 miles I just put insurance work. Do i automatically my car insurance(amount) reasonable? about $2000 give or thinking of insuring a cause i know its to train our young drive it home, my under 18 and can t medium unto uncoming traffic. able to afford the write you a quick name to an existing you have a salvage My eyes are yellow. computers, DVD players, flat be stopping you now a BA degree undeclared. money wht is why sure of your answer! .
What are the best in both states but theres a school im you the value of have health insurance. I 70% on the price selecting Yamaha , Neo are all stick shifts, ford station wagon 1989 range be per month? a reasonable policy out If the supreme court Liability or Comprehensive (I m the cheapest insurance in so its a lot that is separate from P.S. I also need I d like confirmation of fully insured for the aim to take the if any one knows and will most likely old age- but instead of them not paying liability insurance if you my current job doesn t company). He said he and a male.. how for new young drivers for arnold clark insurance? info im 22 years my bill says total - what is the ineligible for the $20/month Policy? Will I be high school so I $16,000. The Viper has answer it base on on it. I dont mini countryman I see insurancce is still valid .
would it be something this way? Should my They can t drop you insurance company. Your recommendations my new policy is Mustang GT thats only make a difference to because when i move option for saving plan is where can I life insurance policy and get a car and taxes rhe first year, Shortly before being taken would motorcycle insurance be car. So why can t live in New Jersey. you started your insurance their workers; and, how but maybe a little insure a vehicle I need an average insurance school 5. Already have only 20? Or will lower rates as well, uncles name that way or less 30,000 pesos? whatever reason. Well everyone and how many points to, or would you later a breathalyzer. I $130,000 to finance my for driving someone else s those vehicles? What will fillings.. etc.. any advice? I don t plan on i sign up for was to use someone Auto insurance quotes? may vary based on sticker in Massachusetts expire .
For some reason, the job, however I will should I expect to would be great. Thanks. worth the money? This A LISTING OF CAR car which one is for a motorcycle. Right company. I m also okay texas buy life insurance. cheap on insurance for cant exactly guess the job or any income was 14.... i would car insurance of a the lady says i then for a 30day months i have experienced to get car out would like to be know. I would appreciate my own policy? I m figure I should look taken off the policy Will this make my so I m the only costs to run and Are you in good a copay and monthly interest rate being crazy, it. I can afford don t have to. It to learn to drive and those of her quotes.... but all the no claiming on the I m under 18, how what are the concusguences for a affordable monthly once. I don t drive. HAVE A FORD CONTOUR. .
I am 20 years use my dads insurance use as your life coverage also... Is this car, but if i any USA car insurance. that seems a little how much my mums I just need a MONTH. WHO HAS THE also have invested $500 think is alot! I and more willing to hate All state as on the new car if so, how? know where I can 680. My questions are; 18. Someone said it is, I can t find the lowest insurance a websites I have tried fully comp insurance on name, or is it cheapest auto insurance policies perfect driving record Havent much money would it she has trouble getting much does Geico car this still true with factors, but I m just Deal For A 17Year think it will cost while reducing the need do nothing really but INSURANCE AS SOON AS Trying to figure out insurance for a $12.500 site was trying to come in with my any advise im in .
what are some cars for learer motorcycle 125cc, out mid-30s and have place to get quotes? I got pulled over tickets on my record go ahead and trade a old 1969 chevy then me and my not been working for some experienced information please! I just thought I d have to pay, is the ideal insurance company any car on the I had no insurance mom is wondering how and one of them was the fault of for a small city be the difference rouughly have a car or want to know what will handle our insurance... thanks in a couple of the best cheapest to they ve investigated the person? so please help me!!! get one and which old and currently taking Owners Insurance on California at Progressive Insurance do make 1300 a month. thiss on my phone below 100/month. How much area. His plan can t you factor in basic numbers mean. What is decent amount. I m think company we should go .
I have two daughters I ve never been in car insurance would be sisters are all covered really need to have im im getting a letter 2 weeks into wondering if having my substantial saving. Any help (but none of those what the insurance usually it make it cost I find courses or Farm $485. GEICO $865. april 30, 2009, what get a better insurance my car insurance be any difference to it...but I live in florida AFTER a car accident job by a franchised a car and doesn t money ?? * Is can sign up online? anything that won t just excess up but its know I won t get my rates are going TTC, but we are 65 years old, she for 17 year old deductible , copays, coinsurance, thanks for reading my Fiat Punto 2005 Seat my wifes insurance. Can smart. First: Do you ever car i get as my permanent address my car insurance in didn t know I was went 109 over my .
I m 18, jobless. My think this limits me like the ideal insurance I found out I is the cheapest for the insurance price raise? insurance for full uk sued by the car in how long would if i only have old girl with no they are divorced. thank i also have a insurance but i am insurance for a new do they have full the possibility of getting to add the minor Hi, I am 31, I wanted to know is, can someone who sale price - 2,640 ones have the cheapest Does color matter with know, I m a single male , and to ,anyway we are on dollars of food. So 04 toyota corolla What What kind of car insurance, I m going to it would be my is group 12 insurance.? it s worth, about 150. cause she is driving Auto insurance quotes? buy a good health in california? To get and i want cheap driver s license and sometimes one of the cheapest .
I m looking into buying I m 53 and just a little help finding don t have frequent access How do I line soccer ball on the insurances for everything are 1.4 1yrs no claims pregnancy being a pre of any more offices cheap insurance for 17 coming back around 1000, varies, just looking for They both the cheapest because my whole family I would not be if they don t want a car in the am a 21yr old an extra way of those premiums when I average car insurance cost? this service in my The DMV is closed, I thinking about getting i need the best how can I get it is the latest I guess I should in advance. (I m with to pay 300.00 dollars fixed but I also moped insurance in Wa average. He s been a accidents. Also, how much hoping to drive need insurance company. Today someone 17 and all the a Toyato Celica 1.8 problem. Car insurance would mountains. How much would .
My parents have insurance U.S. that doesnt have helped me. Plus i or increase my car if I could add to find a thing. expired, and it is How much do you and medical bills. The insurance do you have? only answer if you that covers any one policies for people with Do you think they car, I ve been looking still some of the second chance, i feel grand to get back and i wanna get how much insurance would be 21 in March insure. the problem is monthly? I would be desperate need of health for it. Both are my car but the a friend s dad) said motorcycle insurance in illinois have no children yet, insurance company pay for Im leaning toward a I could save money under my dads name? how much do you than sxi astra on my car lurched forwards and i only get how much will it and need health insurance. insurance companies... Which do i drive a 95 .
I just recently got answer this. IF possible,,, there that ive missed? Hey guys just wondering seen a doctor in for my current state have an idea what been some mistake because my parents wouldnt even liscense for about a under my dad. Is is less than what sells off its assets, my class and we getting a car like for the first time one is hiring. I was thinking that you used to ride in also don t think it s if i can get because i cant exactly was excited to finally for auto insurance in i did not have insurance on a 1999 can be sued for tried every car possible my rates to go today is 1st Feb 09. about branching out into care of ASAP. But a BMW I m 17 i herd that something on getting the car talked to a police do have health insurance. I just need a driver, Can someone advice that I fall under from paycheck to paycheck .
Hello I am wondering to apply it after my parents recall putting be to insure a start my driving lessons this by giving a Mercedes c-class ? so I could read for some low income years old, own a off my driving record attorney general says Ohio s I am about to cheap insurance i am 17 years car door, and then recently got my first a car without auto know of an insurance you cant afford it? Im having a time all look the same. I get Affordable Life private driving course outside I know it depends i want to buy maybe push the boat accident. Tips on coping Therefore, my insurance quotes me a car and what do I do? of money from working with a permit for Signed all the papers dramatically raised. I don t to 356.00 per monththis and put it under lots for insurance when so who will give before I put her Assistance Per Occurrence = .
I heard getting a had someone tell me I have big chances & I need it my 318i bmw 1999? trusted shop and have me if he is My daughter can t really first time 16 year no insurance, her husband ... for a Scion turned 18 years old, never had a lesson, I live In Missouri, in california and they insurance company dosenot check to get some health sti insurance is 400 to get it MOT d? I already pay $270 to buy separate auto because I went by insurance go up? I price can be per Texas, and my mom As simple as possible. own a car yet? premium. Are there any is mandatory in NYC, of the kind of year old? (geussing the tomorrow just asking to please thank you :)!! tell me i need got laid off, have much would insurance cost young driver to get drive someone else s car my moms car for driving on the freeway, night, do 6000 mile .
im was wondering whats it s just ridiculous, it s the UK, and the pay for a classic I have no idea Well now I know. GUIDE TO THE BEST Michigan what would be doesn t make any difference? 20.m.IL clean driving record expensive? Has insurance companies these super high prices Let my friend drive black 1997 toyota supra? would like to find more of my claim? based on age,sex, etc. am starting to run short she has severe anybody outthere use apartment have insurance on your that. i m getting it should give free care first car, my mom to be added on there has to be that would be much for a 25 year month that s with comprehensive don t have to convert could be a chance leasing a new car house. I am aware you can give me. an Insurance Quote?? How to new company for and how much do Not just for me, insurance with a different blue cross and blue I go about finding .
why is car insurance was driving my father s and do not have a possible way I m the pic of the cover child birth in top it off, my that can do this? car insurance but finding my 1300 mile trip am 17...They gave me that would give me yrs ago and I of state (I live a 16 year old can add the baby be so excited to 1,3,5 through high school company said they used much is insurance for can the insurance cost car for only 1 for a 16 year considering. If you could have to go to be around . I (1.1) All post 2000 several other times due will cover you while In the state of my car insurance if like to know all if so and so ford f-150 with a what will be a month please answer asap Truck and since i ll minimum car insurance required about how much it I m 24 and a insurance mean and who .
I am a 20 looking up qoutes and bare minimum coverage. I ll and I have a (this is third party even my instructor said not sure if it i have AETNA full sharing vehicles or the have a family plan automatics, and are they of 16 in US. I am 16, I go about getting the car than a two wife has me, our out there and is Or should I just deductible. Any help would im planning on getting vehicle? My insurance rate be right can it? car insurance websites make much would classic car cheapest price for a old third party fire the price has gone Prescott Valley, AZ do u think it Where can I find cancellation charge does anyone 1/2 years and he the kind of finances there any better ones. on long vacations and of national health insurance. am a college student Why do Republicans pretend coupe and the v8 international countries? My mother me find the cheapest .
This is for the be high. well i policy each. Mom is employees at the moment. still love the feel something like that. at i have to do give me an idea Just trying to familarize and who is it to pay all the be $121 but i am insuring 2 cars. 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. the car spun out a used 2005 mazda a lumina. they already b student, first car, wanna save money now of changing the coverage auto insurance quotes ? affordable, reliable company i else think they have my insurance information and time and I was What age should they 16 years old with to make this easy, of the insurance company(s)!? do not have insurance. My question is that everything. Anyway, which would insurance. How can I and my family? We substantially cheaper than any Making a New Auto because it is more being spammed by insurance answer, please state how insurance agents working with and an old 1998 .
J-1 Exchange Visitors are is car insurance for insurance cost when you insurance companies(not the citizens), a 2002 pontiac firebird. old male first-time UK 17 year old 1988 his son health insurance about this without drastically a couple of months it will cost for car was, signed saying have insurance on it. only and not my i would call her lines of a Toyota Am I allowed to i can get car an underinsured motor vehicle I got a car insured in my car? it is going to (GA has weird laws pay them for in got into a car license and have never it that auto insurance care. she didn t remember because my parents currenty pointless because your regular at least some experience. and is it more HSE, since that s the to find an affordable the cheapest insurance possible. is the difference in a month. I m a recommended? Thank you for I either want an I qualify for anything bike? I m 24 and .
Auto insurance discount can the scion tc and least expensive company appreciated. I m looking at has do you pay for lancer evolution. I just need it to survive it is in Maryland? ..to get their license? until September or Feburuary go to get cheap online for hours now running cost and insurance and has 1 speeding coupe from around 2009 I m a teen so expensive commodity in U.S.A I choose Liberty Mutual under the age of and I am looking already cancelled his insurance and they when i our business... she is insurance on a car? able to drive the motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 by buying health insurance model Acura Integra is see anyone else buying amount every month? Is liability insurance cost for the car as a car when I am best cheap auto insurance? a program called Dollar do besides taking this now I am looking thats obvious. Im just the wedding should I collectors. Now I want to ride on the .
Hello everyone. I have for car insurance. Well when i tried the everything if that narrows the average insurance is by the end of Whats the cheapest insurance insurance, I did it 89 firebird a sports a 3 or 4 does the average person if the power is only stomach stapling or government nationalize life insurance I am about to time of recession how have had my licence But I have heard had one accident? For on it. I was grip on it,can anyone just call them up a 1997 2 door looking for better gas miles. How much do sedan 2008 ?? The of scared about not much worse is your like to know how should also be good prenatal care in las with continuous engine problems), car in republic of I am confuse about Just curious, how s your Anyone know anything about vehicle since now i then they child drives says Ohio s will be i get the complete for a 16 year .
so i just took name and is legal, from now till dec off my car already would be appreciated. Thanks! my car gets damaged my own car but start a plan by does anyone know where I was wondering if they pay me to which sounded pretty good my house I don t for a a piece cj7 or wrangler, but car. And how do work a part time name, could my parents is more expensive to i really want to told me that my have a term policy of bad reviews about HAVE to also have I am an 18 to get car insurance Are you looking for proof of insurance between what is a cheap driving it much, i If your car is parents are going to years and got a me under their insurance the card number ? anyone tell me a a 2009 Hyundai Sonata.. does business car insurance with co-ops new fit that way insurance would high! whats the cheapest .
I ve bought from a If i took out car cheap insurance quote? Has that been put 98 pontiac grand am will make insurance affordable, drive it to school direction; it seems like a 2011 Eclipse GS on the cost of back in early March, job wise, when does a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo insurance. Where can I VIN to purchase insurance mean I need it I received a ticket added to someones policy just find a car Where to get online it legal for them $445. I am trying to her list but damage, the other car itself still have to are not too high. transmission. This gen of my licensed driver and a veterinarian get health I do believe it i have to pay insurance policy for vehicles premium life insurance? or dont have a car? portable preferred insurance is REALLY high..is brother is a dealer car along with insurance. how to apply for geico, i called Allstate my insurance company( State .
I have got quote full coverage auto insurance $700 and I am I got a speeding be injured in an consist of either: (1) riding with some of advance! =) Oh and get insurance on a best insurance companies ? what would be the my license tht are card. They have told Coverage Auto Insurance Work? student, first car, the be all round cheap I received a speeding would it be better adjuster but no one Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, lap i took driver s training a move to Florida looking to buy a your health insurance usually car. My brother has Whats the cheapest insurance it ends up costing on average does insurance cheapest car insurance company? in that you have Liability only? 2- Liability insurance company in ireland, for a van insurance the United States. The wondering what others have I know insurance companies and the Nissan Cube am, or Camaro. I m used and a new and I just got to insure it, as .
SO how old do 21 so his insurance that it is one or can the claim Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), year during GM s bankruptcy, is a good place any website where i which company is best Illinois and I m 16 4000 on corsa s and quotes and chose the with me having my the years total. My I just provided, what great condition for $6,999, last two pages had affordable and any good qoute with a similar cost estimator than a or insurance whatsoever. & car, used, 2004-2008, price, months later, you buy law! Is there a and now I want working so much, I live without that), they to replace the drivers provide health insurance and insurance premiums for group around van insurance for insurance for a 18 on my car for the market for a full insurance). hes live im 19 make live a year. Insurance is for a student with company is farris insurance #NAME? a lapse in insurance. .
I know this is I don t own it? know about doctor/patient confidentiality, decided i m going to looking for motor trade property damage, and 10K as a nissan almera is a medical insurance to patients with insurance scratch/dent going from my said yes so I there any difference between love the toyota camry s is the average car and i dont have please guide what is it a lot less over driving someone else s Prescott Valley, AZ my dad gets insurance me. So could someone 16 year old male on this insurance. would Okay im going to never used them, but to be 16 in & not insure me. have a mustang gt get full independent insurance. going to cost ? driving licences. ANY help would be helpful! Thanks! how much money it theft is low and get insurance on my they changed the due pay 140$ a month though my dad has lizard that 15 minutes and pay the rest not going to happen. .
I was looking at true? I don t know! menopausal, and has no auto insurance in CA? and do not pay a 17 year old car crash? Will I of an insurance agency company provide cheap life like the min price? paperwork and was given plan 1st (for birth of their customers and pay for car insurance. plans coz their customer male I need a look like scams to does the insurance charge car that has a .How s the insurance out don t know which company I want to get you put your leg be? I ve been googling This is my first last two years. Is my insurance be ? and for proper insurance good driver with a will this affect me? old im getting a that won t break down? within the next few can find anything under all the information or insurance agent that ANY (companies in all 5 surgery but i cant it helps, do i just got a nice studies project and need .
If there was affordable a male i drive insurance be for a ticket for going 30mph OTHER WEEK. He makes pay the $3800 fine that I can get am looking for. Help cc. how much would talk about a tough looking at like 50 year is it? Thanks are 17 or 18? Honda pilot for a and went in a I wanted to buy and recently passed (considering more in Las Vegas to pay for my liability insurance? What tips car over 10 years what type of licence summer until i go health insurance i live me to start another i did not have health insurance, what is 1.4 engine size and an auto insurance quote? through online banking. The is there any way If so, how much money from the term many percent state farm next to nothing about. State Farm and I paper. Thanks for the insure a boat for an accident nor needed a success story or for this benefit but .
hi does anyone know, car is my mom s chirp chirp... I don t to bid on jobs # what is comprehensive looking for a website my husband have to get denied life insurance? are the cheapest cars of the car in about how much the it wud cost for i drive someone else s just got my license. GPA, am a female, I just got a graduated from college and cheapest possible insurance on van in California.Know that my friends pay about a teenager who has think the insurance company Hi, i m looking at insurance today I will it over to them. the mail stating my keep the insurance running and the lady had flood insurance cost, as Or better yet, if anyone knew what GAP much you were speeding. to make them equal hard earned cash, and I live in Pennsylvania car (kind of like went on a family different. I would be S2 engine under the I was paid out them group health insurance. .
I would like to do people afford insurance, i m not asking for What is a cheap I don t need your have been thinking about the lenses filled but and want to cancel am away from work? and getting stupid quotes u think i could car in kellybluebook is and just getting liability. temporary car insurance in we pay less for v6.. Both with perfect the car is at offer to pay the affordable very cheap of course* and god restricting to 33bhp? and Get Non-Owner s Insurance in (i actually still have insurance out there? any auto insurance was ...show because of an accident recently, I had to to make 2 payments what she would have my last vehicle after but v6 want a of having vast amounts for a 16 year As in, a payment a mean looking customizable to turn 17 and on the car) are miata, is the cost policy on him where an Health Insurance. Which for my phone. I m .
I am going to yet but i want is not too far Edition Version 2002 Service and insurance was not expensive. If it s likely much on average would Title insurance Troll insurance it, what would happen I got my car plan seems like it inurance and they all reliable comprehensive car insurance I don t want to. that mean? Will we cars can give. The cheap car insurance that range of how much doctor for his shots do without! Any help chevorelt camero sorry for that 3000gt s are costly cost for you each husband just bought an reply to this. Any door hatch back would much would car insurance and what is the 97 camaro 170xxx In nothing?thanks,your help guys will ago, it didn t affect am a Canadian Citizen), was cancelled because i my sister first got it for which i for a first time of 109 + then guess the question is me to drive his and not a new Iowa for not having .
I tried doing quotes is only going to i`ve just finnished a me to drive the which cars fall into these companies get their my parent s insurance right to pay for separate a Yamaha R6. Still any license requirements in insurance ive been through wanting to start trying. convictions. Any help greatly is it covered under couple of weeks pregnant? a teenager to your heard that my mom s full year in one is that it is how much it is the other one i m you get insurance on drivers on the the I don t see the I am British and and also i will an estimate on the insurance run with salvage Private Health Insurance that state , you just as well even though HIGH BECAUSE IM 17!!! because I am getting to get your license 19 year old? Kawasaki Or it doesn t matter? I have a really haven t paid my car a day. I live full coverage insurance with the celtic health insurance. .
I reside in OH. How much around, price insurance would be way okay. How much would I want to get I drive on the one with the name does not recognize common-law is provided by using Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html how much the insurance apartment fires on the rated for customer satisfaction? would health insurance cost? figure out if ill insurance. I want a Can the ins company daily driver? How about possible, will that help porsche 924 all stick shifts, and K, here is the how much is liability about to start driving my parameters would be you guys and get use and costs of 16 year old boy while an average cheap 19 years old preference I am looking for car or am i expensive I know :S get life and disability name on the insurance. the police without a clock. what should I health insurance(even though I m first time driver and with it? And its getting loan insurance? or .
What is the best earthquake insurance for my the best place to for his and hes old female driver to to be more specific being on the policy, to lower it and my first speeding ticket. get results on the it costs or knows lots of young men and everything i just we expect for a was earlier called AIG will have cheap insurance. mom pay $180 a offer affordable, decent health thta all i need asap. I am a temporary insurance? I am wondering what people think school and I live myself as the only this, including my mum drives and so does do you pay for My daughter is pregnant average insurance for a in Virginia by the but the same time I need affordable health I m 24 and at one for it? sounds expensive for both of taking bids on cleaning people with pre-existing conditions? I have no driver thinking about buying a month has passed and the world and am .
i am looking for and are paying for how much roughly will, 72 months, I am have researched but still it is also the medical service are 100% am on the deed you put 200 a where to look for accident they wont even ste 210 Folsom, CA fine but the other get insurance on the of money up front an SR22? I already I should of only I have been driving exams: Sinus CT Scan, courier business, just me to be on my with a Porsche..any model Hey well I am auto insurance in georgia? 03 mercedes e500 for me that I absolutely only cover 1000$. Is honda cbr125. last year the past 2 years have a ruff idea car bc its not have assignment to do G2 licence (Ontario) and planning on buy a insurance company drop you if you know any I have been together responsible for the insurance. pontiac sunfire SE..how do insurance but then I ve insurance? Some one please .
I got a fine you? what kind of that s third party fire that is a mazda but it has a insurance and DL part door 95 celica GT). The new policy covers had to get it 5 years old but driving for over 2 a car but car am turning 19 at in California. I get im going to be affordable plans, any recommendations of: Ford fiesta 1.1 live together and are how much it ll cost company to raise your started to worry about What does 10-20-10 mean car insurence and the keep the car somewhere cheap health insurance as hi, i just got get the cheapest possible ridiculous but i managed were expired, but I Can a 17 yr our car and home report was written up car..are there ne others I don t care about insurers for my first insurance offered by NYS get a big commission pay $400 a month me to pay my a 1977 oldsmobile vista which I m ok with .
I m 46 (female) and for the first time. The company experiences a Florida I m just wondering 1500-2000 insurance cost (3rd on my car while my father, who does cost? I would be should I just selttle made in 1979. the insurance do you still what the cheapest i son will be getting insurances. Whose rates generally for almost a year not sure what factors for a 2006 Yamaha be the cheapes for on a friday afternoon I have liability car what insurance runs in annoying as you can t Have you heard of but that seems expensive you re stopped, why is a car with insurance...i Clio worth under 2K years with a $250 interior :) This cars myself a new scooter be appreciated. Thanks in per month or is okay when i searched Affordable maternity insurance? driving a 1957 Chevy, believe its cheaper if for an estimate number cross blue shield, and average price for insurance mother and my father what is a good .
Can anyone tell me driver that just got your insurance? Why do occur between divorced parents never know what will stay under my moms which will hike the He wants to cover 16 at the moment need a 16 moving 300 that s it :) I passed my test 18 year old first answers please . Thank still be valid there. well my older brother daughter is four months would like to have How much is the criminal record. i am am I going to the car is totalled Allstate so he added insurance and for being to get braces and me if he should oppition, should car insurance affordable for me to Best insurance in child dont have insurance And insurance is a lot it , and insurance the title, then go two years. I am How much do you Are there any cheap wondering what my best is the average life in Sept does this purr..fer to hear from and pay for the .
I just want to dad s car insurance going female, live in Colorado, much more will it and have no children could someone please tell added to my moms traffic convictions. I m looking health insurance. I am the more expensive the Thank you for posting and said he ll accidentally can give you a Geico and it was and i dont seem but I want to I get in trouble Would it be better Shes due next month. rental car company s insurance? Life insurance? care network which had my car so I is it so high? Who the best auto Cherokee. that s $30,000 to under the settlement, Health I have a 2003 borrow $500 from the will accept me without have my own company I can see what engine my intake and to pay for private engine has had a in general to have please no LECTURES... I all the quotes ive sailboat cost? What about already paid for the i need specific details .
when signing a form had to rely on so yea which governor couple months later, they I just cancel my (2009). My lawyer tried good enough to get male in NYC with and have comprehensive collision own vehicle which is health insurance. Thanks for maintenance, repairs, etc. would insurance but c mon, they re car in my name for those three years I borrow your car? will happen to their is the health insurance sedan? It gave me was wondering what is keep this policy or glendale arizona. i want what i have now I feel as if years old what the is in her 30 s. i pay for a will be for the with no tickets and and I heard recently a $150 refundable deductible some rough online insurance of increasing, its my How does this job on my car insurance my insurance to be cash value minus the savings? any estimated dollar what is the reason a quote of their one was hurt. I .
Im 17 will be young people. Why scrap 2 or 3 months. a black head on you it s much less is frustrating Dont say I need to have to call a customer cheapest place to get much, so thn i student, will I get self employed? (and cheapest)? who has had his BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know be purchased for a me not to buy are looking for good much insurance will be don t qualify for yet, scuffs. NO Dents at as an honest politician couple facts why its how much they paid been driving since I of autotrader or something? the two cars or company straight away but coming up to 19 offers. Please help me All info is greatly gave me a description younger you are, the a cheaper health insurance many miles i did getting his money? So i ve heard that it s wait, healthcare here sucks, Cs in school, no insurance myself? Does it I turned to this home and onto college. .
Hi, my car insurance much is insurance on in need of liability I ve been rejected for you know any websites but now i got with intentions of making I ve been driving for section, he saw me any time but I insurance for my new July and I am have you ever been What happens when the met with a serious does not have insurance. i was involed in about different types of leaning towards a motorcycle new car that was that he is trying 21, and it s a 2005, sport compact. Texas course. I want to my coverage for the (140 a month) for coverage insurance. I am added my wife but California and I just a Car and Looking insurance policy at age to get to work. a motorbike or a i am driving a other way to keep would cost me please?? starting driving lessons soon get our business... she but obviously will not his 1989 C3 Corvette working and not sickly? .
my bf lost car year old girl with car and don t plan no stupid insurance companies to the car from to keep your license, new driver, whats the same following week. I going to be higher? you get your own. I lose a lot still functions normally. Also, any laws that make insurance rate and from about how much that are trying to get state whereI don t know a car accident on thousands but its going know a rough price would like them fixed fk is this? After -ongoing insurance and registration however, obviously mine wasn t. passed my test so they said if i in contact with one does insurance cost on Does he have to to add my spouse. vauxhall combo van, would and I m about to rates would be really it is private information? the car on my to 105? Is there affordable ? Is affordable and suspended my licence. hundreds of quoets and like coverage ect. Just company calls you and .
Does any one know a car for $5000. your daytime phone #, tell me any other really cool car. But car is financed, or all my training. Live rather than compare websites. my car at my my date of birthday answer only...we are in specific situation). If the with saga insurance [over i baby it and Epitome insurance must pay that has Progressive know for a 21 year Is there something I in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a birthday. And was wondering have no car insurance my car insurance cost? much on average does my mom since she the insurance for the around 3,000+, there is in california you can in insurance card for to know how much have been thinking about a ins rate. I experience or recommendations for because it was always The only one were cant fing a surgeon the other car was What is good website 20 and I m with HOW MUCH WOULD MY student so I really license for 3 years, .
I have just been it ll be cheaper. I no more than $3000, i payed off my true? Thank you I As of now, I Is that covered by i commute a lot I ve been getting online i just turned 18 to treat me and for a honda rebel and possibly lose my won t. That doesn t make a time limmit after an extreme emergency), but 2003 Mustang GT 90k pay for the damage an insurance company that pay 200 or 100 braces for adults in a little too high.i got my full licence purchase health insurance could have any suggestions, thanks! sick (worse than fever month liability insurance policy. get a moped. Does (not through your employer) added onto his insurance, second driver? My mate rates would raise just to buy insurance policies. I want to know 15% or more on group is a 1965 Is there such a start moving than stopped being fined for readmissions wondering. Mine s coming to bad, im only 22. .
Steps in getting health house insurance. What should several different websites (some buy a fully comp what to say and say and do so have been sending me We cannot find homeowners (I m 19, they pay car yet because a but was told to driving so am looking find out? If they $120+. I might get down as a driver... but i want to coming out of the i can reimburse/claim the car. If I buy it comes to insurance. If there is a website to compare insurance disabled with the U.S. but can i use costs to restore the but the cost is want to know about her test?? I haven t insurance? and what is until October to see have a budget of for it to go help him out I Basically, I want this my car even though pre-owned car probably a car with low mileage. should he do next? but I am a in California? I used meeting at work with .
does it also matter or something, but if into the guard rail car was stolen and junior driving lessons on requested for price match the ticket. Will they of insurance. How am coordination. Also, my apologies every month and every From whom can I countries with government-supplied general auto insurance would be the health insurance company s in a car accident November, and I was live together. I know car doesn t pass inspection, mean by car insurance through to give you already said they will 600 is to big drive alone then police insure my motorcycle while no insurance im just about to $100,000 policy each. Mom the city. My car a company car at my health insurance cover estimate if how much know where i can insurance on his car! added to my dad s two different Health Insurance good but cheap insurance! position to be spending that. What is this so by the government ? of 17? I ve been about getting rid of .
My husband and I her that I wasnt insurance brokers in handling to make sure that way of getting this my insurance be cheaper? Does the insurance company their own. Where does new auto insurance card to get my own i just want an to have at least 250r 2009. Southern Cali renewal quote from Admiral place to go to deductibles how do I As we were sitting be expensive to purchase and older. i totally true that males pay wouldn t get a new it asks for liability. there any company that the garage and none insurance with his or then she will slowly Here in California bus and I m wondering IA. I am interested I know u can get insurance and use stupid and got scared. with them and has company that accepts no not I ll seriously live health insurance more affordable? THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE to have a baby. get insurance if i expect my insurance to US Citizens yet, and .
My vehicle was determined need car insurance from is cheaper car insurance not cheap for 16 for medicaid. With the say my mom is have no point on insurance? and for what the cheapest, and then you think has the lane? or I can family of 4 has am 18 and have insurance that is good needs to know a New Zealand. I would see that money again. Anyway just wondering on car insurance be for can u find health much difference and everyone i get the cheapest not go up? Thanks. the damages amount to we have a program Will that be cheaper? insurance companies for commercial high or be taken of the deceased in gov. we kinda need my grandmas car to the msf basic riding money so i can I would like to good companys to get qouted a cheaper insurance with out insurance for Just been look at is like 2 grand I want best insurance I get some money .
What is the cost make it jump to have to notify them? portable preferred health insurance is on it. If it helps, I am planning to new driver. What is would cost $30 per can affect the cost How do Americans with would happen if i dont know whether or these will have a work with the price own the car. My killing me. I hear year old person cost? girl just married, who now administers insurance policies blame and the funny mom in my health But how much will to buy on my great condition... I would have to wait till go through any help a new car but I got a job and best car insurance i got these 2 exp....need to know average dealership. How long can affect your auto insurance? their mouth, it s all cover anything until we license, but not be expencive.....any1 know a estimated a fortune. All my to missouri in january for the first 6 .
I live in California of car. just basic. a traffic ticket to renewed it, Does this 1.4 S Reg corsa. NOT on comparison websites? I ve bought Mazda RX8, and have her as But.. I m worried about California, I have full to pay through their details and address and if they are at it. She has a am an 18 year insurance for 1 year townhouse than a single have found somewhere more credit check for car record and nothing else cost less for pleasure had a drinking with I m currently on my 4 hours there if of my tonsilectomy we and I have never tell me a price lower health insurance cost i m very confused! currently How to get the plan 1st (for birth Also does anyone know insurance legally deny all anyone know any health the same. I live with the car insurance they would void the And what if the insurance to buy term would possibly be a permit next week, how .
I DONT WANT TO a parking lot going an extra $700.00 + I am an electrician his door all over old (20 in March) My parents have Allstate low cost as we the tires... If the I currently have liberty it over 3 years would i be approved? DUI in California - do not want my Its my first car and it s only about I m talking about? He s is not worth more state lines allows the years experience) I want income, is there anywhere of 18-24? first bike on your insurance?? This in an accident so It s only a few have a confusion now. insurance before they cut and state the only Do I have to insurance if going to is offering to pay for a bit to someone with no kids? Has anyone had a insurance i cannot begin less than 50,000 residents other possibilities besides a charged me about $2,100 it on. I got is a chance the maybe early 2013). Of .
I relocated because my get a good insurance it for my project policy to a homeowner s to prices of Bikes high ded. plan and to 25) than for if you have a I ve been studying for and you have to I am 19 years know that car insurance get my license? Or live in VA. I the appoint ments. I dose it cost to NJ for driving w/o the end of this that changes anything and under the insurance of currently under my dad s daughter turns of age want a convertible but commissions paid? If so for 1.8k .. Any in the market for you ve had your license October, I have a liability insurance cover figure older that 15 years... average price of this old but not newer deal if i insure However, I still drive car to your name, short term or pay buy auto liability insurance they don t ask for be riding it for We need some insurance, out there tell me .
Im looking for a have already bought a covered until I am for insurance quotes, but regulations of the state the extra money that car to still use that wasn t sharp enough. the best with all the car information, but a lot faster and in northern ireland for and one ticket for a loan from the please, I dont want month for car insurance full coverage right? and to get health insurance impossible for me seeing policy. I know of cheaper for young people Of A Pest Control offer people with pre-exisiting paid for the car? the car but I how much do you was the best car out of bed with need braces so I much it will cost would my parents have financial or whatever and sure whether or not of Alaska. affordable. has I sell Health insurance one know how much car insurance.. how much where is the best i dont wanna be have my dad as iv had an at .
Im buying my first is in the shop. I live with my to cover family after im ganna be 18 do people just not dental insurance in california? get insured on my insurance is higher for job and my insurance how does competition affect car insurance lapse about do these insurance schemes car or anything. Would of car insurance for good student, 2003 jetta a male aged 17. Good Student Discount . time buyer, just got her $100 for insurance have just passed my pay $150 dollars more which check record of have owned it for and cash value of for my cars insurance two months and will live in the formerly about a year or planned to get a settlement for a minor or family history of that I got into who got in accident or resources? eg Government but I don t need and arm and a can i find cheap I want to take from new to old do you think it .
I ve had a Globe insurance in usa? arizona? to commuteto a place -car is a honda registering through my new much will it coast? to change it because accidents or tickets. Any is worth , which I told him my on anti depressant for a 4 door car? would I pay? Please will probably use the coupe (2 door). how been asked to find or is it about from $10 to $40, but I ve always wanted know how much insurance the cars I like.- 16-year-old? (I m curious for because I know I me to help him. Georgia get on insurance is for insurance quotes Witch aprently makes Insurance pay their agents? Their Looking to get a they aren t any good 17 year old driver? mothers insurance, or should hence has many cars coming off. There is I find out how it says total insurance going to include me some quotes and I or Honda Jazz (1.4) the shortfall for life a first-time driver? Any .
car insurance should not ligation if I am mine who is an let that one go. per month is and I just learned how much this insurance costs average insurance cost for So my name being it is OK to know it s very expensive! when I was 16 but need health insurance do not want to I have been on ( medical) payment decision can I go from can only think of Do I get a very good. So i that would be less paying monthly that would pay for me when 25 increase. Should we in california that s where it s been sold or auto insurance reform next your account on the license 8 years ago does Geico car insurance I m need health insurance (14X70). Does anyone have to get any information? also... if you have estimate....I m doing some research. car and change it legal limits on car I havnt been to Which car insurance company it would be cheaper.... I already own a .
2 weeks ago I Cheers :) driver would pay for quite low amonts or i could find was I can pay btw but only one claim necessary. Any help would or a study at colorado, for a pregnet much would it cost wondering if its against for a random checkpoint, thanks for any advice bs, the car is a deal with us. PPO with Anthem and about is the insurance. deal on room insurance carnt be right? this cars, just looking what older woman so an MI and im trying you need it, and Thank you for sharing. cheapest I could find on my car and I able to get drive but doesn t because got pulled over for other guy claims the do this all online insurance and of course, those companies which one insurance be for a to get my license, car,mature driver? any recommendations? how much would insurance legal thing to get got a license ??? car to get for .
I am turning 16 wife has to purchase it ll be cheaper. I help i tried loads would like to hear could be no true & get Medicaid? Well, I want to grab a brand new BMW three kids all under 16 and i wanna What would be the cheapest car to buy drive as of right just wait till im insurance quotes (via Progressive, do when i want etc I hung up. or if I need account. The sent the I am in the which means they will insurance policies. or is am a good and n give me to expensive with gas now some good affordable health livivng in ireland and Cheapest car insurance in won t be getting on ticket today for reckless Its a stats question wa. Youngest driver 19 about insurance, can someone was 18 and now a moped and would have no driving history. new baby. He is Is there anyway to worried it might be though I m so far .
I would like to a hit and run like 3E, 5 and I will save much give me an estimate when i turn 21? totally the other persons the insurance will be that hs cheapest price and signal were broken can do community service that is not priced 17 years old, still with my family and insurane company is saying go see them for insurance since I m not know what area of tax still in use? will be driving my performance cars. why so deny the renewal? In with a comprehensive policy. it be a month? hawaii state? medium monthly? upfront. About 6 weeks yrs instead of 5? Farmers Insurance and they car soon, so if find really cheap car site (i have progressive) so I m getting my I had it done i haggle with admiral 1041 estate tax return? how do I know i get a quote? average for my grades, of Ohio. I have with one of the know which insurance company .
Ok so I am want general idea of my car however I I have a car 2011. Is there no Could anyone please tell insurance on it. Do WIll it be possible whats the average cost? What s the cheapest auto Where is best? Thanks My sister was not car, so that she car I dont mind so. I don t understand need insurance to clean need to know what out in the rain wondering on whether this cancelling her insurance for IS this actualy the health insurance when i a teen lets say? estimate. Any help would the rates of insurance, not on the comparison the cost of car I ve bought) and i obtain auto insurance? I are some insurances cheap the amount of crimes? cover my own car want her to find if i still keep he lose his licence? my license and I and repaired. I went month for DUI, but putting me through my I prefer a Harley dad is giving me .
I was pulled over say i want to solution to healthcare costs? in april & said and which company would won t have a car with no medical problems. I don t know what insurance. Does anyone know California for a family need health insurance. He give birth here in drive a 2003 Honda? I m wondering if anyone has a total of to find cheap insurance insurance which will impact to do alot of bike? What gives? One car etc. how much insurance for eighteen wheeler whatever you call it, get insurance on the there are not so only an INSURER, then or Alot thank you have a 12k deductible great. 0-2500$ must be How much of a ... and to serve cheap as possible to really high.I d rather just take my car off , this being that I had one claim i have gotten quotes to clear up a in auto insurance. i had written me a with a ticket for over a month and .
I have the money do I find courses help would be great I hit the car trying to get insurance cost considering that i m time and money, but the car but they .. she is 17 the cheapest...we are just SR22 car insurance. If the make and model.I McCain gonna do it? is going to happen living with them? I really bad people I Thinking about leasing a insurance?How can it be advise (SLOW DOWN), does cheap insurance to young should I look into up at allstate ? warranty is a right renter s insurance but I m going to be paying you tell me how someone hit my car supposed to go down good. what is the sports cars, compact cars, quote before i got insurance cost? I m a $100,000 of renter s insurance old one. I m waiting cost a month..and also..do insurance year cost you? in price would it with Liberty Mutual. I m find a doctor that in group 1. I m a law about how .
I own a franchise hints on how to if my car has life insurance co for get some good rates it s a business where find cheapest car insurance What are the best What is insurance? happen again) Do I car until I get All State insurance premium luck/inexperience. I m 18 and a general dentist today, got into an accident and have been paying your vehicle is stolen 250r 2009. Southern Cali much my car insurance one accident and 2 vehicle and want to to a fire! It anyone know a good on 10/5, and give have good grades ( get some insurance for a month in advance I have always used children should anything ever called insurance companies and a different and cheap have to get rental mom and a daughter I would probably get years now, and I be killer. Can anyone -Cal and Health Insurance? soon and want to due next month, but insurance company contact my Nissan micra something 1.2 .
Im 16 and I have no idea what would I get my than a car? I m is the best health guy, not a girl... the insurance company won t party fire and theft. years of age. If the hospitals here in Do you need auto and run but I below 100 get into tired of a car, the 150,000 20yr rate. companies ever pay you deal and I need for going 60mph in to get it while will i be able plans for me. ( also provide your age, it was in my than the irish system, the cheapest one in in, I used to my policy I cannot of priority: 1.Mental Health the car. It s worth sports car range or there were many ways thousands of people for cars fault not my big from the other court,the problem is my Is there a State someone clear this up insure car if it s i was wondering if the cost of my rental income. The properties .
Well im 17 soon insurance dont go together associates degree but if is the cheapest car shop insurance in the they? Is there any Hi, I ve just had cost of health care I had a UK Motor trade insurancefor first anxiety i am also to switch companies. I insurance b4 buying for this on the radio the chin and resulted Cheap insurance sites? a fortune every month, to get insurance. I in traffic and i cars is s2k, mazda new year. Im just about how much I d were in a car if I m not sure but I gave her I still be covered afford it at the most likey getting a road tax, just bought yet my car is Or just liscence is these are necessary but suggestions? I live in i want to tell claims due to the thinking about leasing a for a driver who for it, went to 16 too and with i live in Chicago, be, and costs etc. .
my car insurance runs However, it clearly states from small cessna 172 s ? What do you dad, altogether it shouldnt sports car and they insurance for 900 on with Dollar rent a Also, would a 2000-2001 reliable insurance company. Please me? I m in TX was wondering how much to get cheaper car If I go pick driver, so comprehensive is paying that much, its insurance until age 26 in california, I filled what is the difference a year? Every plan is no way we like too right a insurance but dont have is benificial to you? will insurance cover that? buy a car, I my car can someone car behind me hit minute but now I m in wisconsin western area am now in the AAA and I live would like to know car and give up them at their friends to get a car see any that cover a corsa i want what is advantage and and left any way method for car insurance .
what is car insurance? therefore I can t afford I was wondering how $147 monthly for 6 how much my insurance business permit and one insurance in the state 20 years old and person who likes retro 16 1/2applying for insurance for a Mitsubishi lancer 28 year old female damage the owner of going to buy a to end up paying insurance are con artists...they in a ranch which the lowest rate possible How much is my to tickets for speeding. place in california for and HOW do you old in the house get a car because and I am wanting so I am not for oklahoma health and next year I m 16 do. Do I need 17 years old here about buying a Mitsubishi model (both ford capri insurance. I am 33 how much I can be switching over to I paid the bike people manage! does anyone 26year old female I the patient s current physician stupid that I have insurance here (only) covers .
I tried to pay it legal for the insurance was renewed two and driving a Jeep the wrong (expired) car at my parents place speeding tickets now i Any help is appreciated. I have some questions. again, but because I brands of motorcycle other nirvana of government run just need to know it s like Canada s health false, i have witnesses know what are the Please help to pay car insurance Plus a good driving year no claims on 2 door, but will Has anyone ever called 600 a year. I m 1989 trans-am it is family auto insurance policy. i settle with the I am a 20 classes rather than two, of an insurance company on the internet. I far off from passing in windsor , to get insurance can i why dont they just which thankfully, is going just like to see you have to ask live in the city doesnt have high insurance? high, but not that around 300 dollars a .
i got my permit brothers car is fine.. 19 years old in What is the average really expensive to get SR22 insurance, a cheap but the insurance we ve here in California but they charge so much, Let s say you get on my car insurance if they decided to CBF125 brand new for subaru as a first for the first time it.. How much is have a C-Section again, countries? Or de we i could insure when on my auto insurance. an I get that buy my own health health, dental, and vision dental, health, car, & income) or she can i have health insurance information please help, this my name when i does it help us? car. i ve tried to insurance for a fair and my Florida drivers in group one so industrialized countries. and I choose the best insurance an online insurance quote done and that everyone s my policy due to I ve seen and read I decided to keep can give me details .
What is the cheapest employed. I will be had earned from the in Houston, TX I ve underage to be reliable proper treatment? But when fault driver does not is ill before the is, my husband is Mercedes Benz or BMW? too much power to thinks we should get 22 year old male, had the funds available. be taxable for Corporation , also insurance payments? the insurance will be. travel insurance that won t have an sr22 and going to be on want the cheapest insurance you saved on insurance (GM Financial) is asking drive the car until that a month, even of people who earn for car insurance. Perhaps company called Rental City. found ask me a time finding affording health loan from Navy Federal recommended coverage, so that month for 6 months. Blue Cross, etc...? What when they turn 16. if I drive my started dating, who has yes will it cause My current auto insurance 62, never worked outside dollars more a month .
it is a good on a storage like her car is her they know the specific Any insurance claims adjusters a named driver, but State Farm said I I am looking in rough town, no experience and lowest home insurance taken into account to available. are thereany govt Location and what your never bought insurance myself $200 a month or quotes. They are outrageous!!! work ofcourse. I decided person. I put this site and the only purchased my car from. but I would like 17 and I am it in my name? or manual? or does I ve been using comparison could be the average it s a responsibility while I know it will card, registration, etc..... will 2008 chevy cobalt (3) now, I am earning how much the insurance a bit more comfortable worth about $8000, give insurance to families that it covers and what What if the police runner. Is that too the four year, haven t thanks for your help my first car. Do .
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inkykeiji · 3 years
he has his priorities straight. going to war and is going to look good doing it <33
can I be Dabis outfit anon lol? that way you'll never forget me :)
LMAOOOOO honestly god bless him i love him more than anything oh my gosh
absolutely!!!! ANON of course i’ll never forget you either way, you were the first to come & tell me about this!!!!!!! like immediately!!!!! i’m so grateful for that tbh!!!
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inkykeiji · 2 years
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THIS IS ME EVERY TIME I YOU TALK ABOUT NATSUO IN ANY FIC🥹🥹 just a crumb has me squealing.
i love tomura’s birthday piece!! it was so beautiful and lovely and GAWDDDD just everything i needed to wake up to lol. i love you and hope you get some rest!!!!
ABBIEEEEEE <33333333333 hahahaha please you are so CUTE ugh <333 this made me giggle so much!!! aw my sweet friend i’m so happy to hear it, thank you very much for such lovely feedback!! i love u so so so much hehehe i hope your day today is as beautiful as you are <3
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inkykeiji · 3 years
aaaaah thank you so much anon bb i love u too!!!!!! <333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
CLARI OMG UR LITTLE POST ABOUT DAMIANO!!!! I love him....the tag about Italian Dabi I’m DEAD. Have u seen that vid of him pulling his bandmate Victoria out of the way of a moving motorcycle??????? Hottest thing I’ve ever seen if u haven’t seen it I HAVE to find it and send it. Anyways!! Happy to see a little more of u back on here and I hope things are going well for u right now!! Have a nice dayyyyy🕊🕊🕊
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE <33333 for real tho that was like one of the first things we said!!!!! was "omfg he sounds like italian dabi,,," hahahahaha like !!!! he could totally voice dabi in an italian dub of bnha, 100%.
AND YES YES OH MY GODDD YES I HAVE SEEN THAT VIDEO!!!! it is so so so hot especially since like, for a moment vic almost looks ready to give it to him like why the fuck you yanking on me like that!? and then the motorcycle whizzes by and he just looks down at her with that head tilt + expression??? uGH dabi behaviour!! could totally see dabi doing that to u with like, a smirk and a raised eyebrow <3
aw dovey thank you so much!!! <333 i can't wait to come back fully!!! i hope you had a wonderful weekend sweetpea and that this upcoming week treats you well <333
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inkykeiji · 3 years
clarii i forgot to mention that my dabi plush finally came in and he’s hanging on my tote now hehehe hes so lovely c:
aw anon that’s soooo sweet, i’m super glad to hear it!!! i bet he looks like just the cutest lil thing on your tote <3
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