#i also really love sharing things here with everyone as well so……. i’m kinda stuck on what to do
s3crificialbrides · 9 days
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A/N: I’m so happy everyone seems to be enjoying this au so far! I’m so excited to keep sharing it with you guys! I’m willing to answer any questions you may have :3 and I’d love to keep sharing
Tw: mentions of SA, implied abuse
- Most dysfunctional household. With six vampires it’s bad enough as is but six male vampires? Horrid 100%
- The most unsafe household for Yui, all of the brothers pretty much take great pride in bothering/attacking her whether that be mentally, emotionally or physically.
- Always a fight between one of them I mean it, usually it’s Ayato with another one of his brothers but sometimes it’s Kanato.
- Ayato hates water, hates swimming and sometimes even struggles to bathe himself due to almost drowning so many times as a child.
- Laito is 100% hyper sexual due to trauma but we’ve known this but I feel like it’s a lot worse then we’re shown. Can’t stand girls with green eyes, doesn’t like girls who have a not so natural hair color, and really doesn’t feel comfortable with most women at all.
- All of them fall into the BPD spectrum somewhere argue with a wall.
- Reiji is technically religious not in the way Yui is. He enjoys the stories and tales that circulate through religious groups and texts and has done handfuls of research and time looking into how they (esp Catholicism) work, similar to my Azusa head-canon but, Reiji has prayed. It’s been small amounts, times where he’s felt helpless but it’s happened
- Kanato has a weird fascination with ferrets.
- Shuu and Laito originally played each other’s instruments but both decided they liked the others better
- They all pick on Kanato for his height and then Kanato picks on Yui for hers.
- Yui’s connection to Cordelia is the strongest here. Her and Yui interchangeably controlling Yui’s body is a common occurrence as Cordelia tends to get Yui in danger so she’d have to drag her own self out. Cordelia tends to do this because she “misses” her sons and wants to cause issues.
- Reiji is the worst when it comes to hurting Yui. In this au I tweaked his personality to be more brat like rather than just stuck up snob. His core personality is blank wall but his inner is child like, almost like Kanato.
- Yui and Ayato study together often, and by study I mean Yui studies and Ayato bothers her until he sucks her blood. But this has been an ongoing thing for atleast a few months in my canon.
- Yui literally isn’t allowed to have friends outside of the manor. The brothers have and will always cut them off for her. Too big of a risk.
- Ayato and Laito often team up to prank Kanato.
- Shuu actually likes Subaru, it’s cause they don’t really bump heads often due to them liking solitude
- Subaru and Yui get along pretty well.
- Reiji’s natural hair color is also blond but he dyed it cause he didn’t wanna look like Shuu
- Kanato also naturally had red hair like his brothers and dyed it, he also has green eyes in this design.
- each brother has moments with Yui where they kinda have a human esc response. They have their moments but they’re rare.
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doomalade · 5 months
Hi, I’m back from watching the first episode of Hazbin Hotel, here are my thoughts on it.
But first, here is the swear counter:
Fuck - 22
Shit - 12
Bitch - 5
Damn -
Ass - 2
Cock/Dick - 5
Porn/Sex - 6
Tits/Boobs - 2
Pussy/Vagina/ Cunt - 2
Spoilers under the break.
The Good/ Things I Enjoyed:
Vaggie, Alastor, Charlie, Husk, and Nifty all have pretty good voice acting.
The two that stand out to me as my favorites are Husk and Nifty. Husk sounds well husky. It sounds like he smokes or used to smoke and there’s this gritty gruff to it. It really fits his character well. Like if you had to ask me what the voice of a bar tender gambling winged cat demon was? That is it.
Nifty’s voice acting also hits that sweet spot with her character where it sounds small like a balloon or squeaky toy but also small like a needle or a switch blade if that makes sense.
Overall I love Nifty so much. The gag of her freezing up when Vaggie tries to film her was great. Having it happen twice hit that joke sweet spot of letting it set in and be executed without over staying. It also fits her character well since she’s a little bit weird (such a blorbo) and I would like to headcanon that since she was summoned by Alastor, she kinda shares his distaste for video.
Also I am deeply hoping to hear more Spanish be spoken by Vaggie. Both the upset Spanish ranting and her sweetly singing to Charlie in Spanish. Imagine Charlie singing back also in Spanish. Would be neat I think.
The other two things was the Helluva reference on the side of a van and a Travis cameo. That was neat, adding some consistency to the world.
The Bad / Things I Didn’t Like:
Idk if it was just me but at least at the start, the animation looked choppy when Vaggie and Charlie were speaking at first. But for the rest of the episode it was pretty alright. Certainly doesn’t feel like a professional production level but that is what you get when you pay people slave wages Viv. I do hope that the animators can take some pride in their work, especially the more fluent movements during the songs.
Speaking of songs, Happy Day In Hell is alright. Nothing stand out but it’s good.
Adam’s song meanwhile. Ugh. Not fully committing to the rock/punk, still being another generic pop song, and overall adds onto my issues with Adam as a character and the whole “THE ANGELS ASCTHUCALLY BAD YOU GUYS” thing is, ugh.
It boils down to:
1) If Heaven is also as bad as Hell, why even bother with redemption?
2) Is it just the Exterminators who are corrupt? Also several demons were killed while Charlie sang so like what makes the Exterminations so bad if a second death is constantly happening casually?
3) Why do any of the Exterminators follow Adam? Also Adam has been written as a hand holder for the audience so you know who to hate (he got Stella’d).
4) I see how Viv is trying to tackle the issues of the patriarchy and misogyny in this but like, does she think that redeems her from how she’s handled Helluva Boss? (Once more, Stella.)
On the topic of male characters, who is Alastor anymore? He used to be smug and commanding and set up as a manipulative deal maker that doesn’t really care for the well being of others and now he just kinda walks around mocking Vaggie and Charlie? Idk just feels like Alastor is being added on top of the list of characters (which is like everyone but Vaggie) that don’t believe in Charlie to manage redemption.
Do wish for more spooky moments with him though.
Now onto Angel.
Why does his voice sound like a deflated worm out balloon? It caught me so off guard and it’s just nails on a chalkboard for me.
And the sex jokes, two of which stuck out to me as “can you not?”
“This body was made to be exploited” by Angel. I don’t think I have to explain why having your SA character say that line out loud and frame it as a humorous comment is a good look. Classic Viv moment.
“I like being forced” by Nifty. Yes, what a great line to have given to the small, child appearing character. It felt so forced and pushed outside of Nifty’s usual weirdness too.
Also dare I forget how Amazon had this marked as 15+ (I believe) before changing it to 18+. Which good catch there guys cause during Charlie’s song, we get a quick scene of two demons fucking.
Not saying that scene was quite as offensive as it was just boring middle schooler level humor like Alastor’s ad having a toilet joke in it and Blitzø like drawings/notes at the end.
What did manage to give me the ick was how Nifty and Angel kept hitting on Husk. Nifty not as much, but Angel was just down right creepy. Husk himself states that he is at the hotel against his will (whole new can of worms there) and now Angel is hitting on him and making constant unwanted advances?
But with that we’re meant to clap and ship away but then we jump cut to Adam calling Charlie “babe” over and over and we’re meant to boo? Which direction are we going with this Viv?
One last thing, I knew that Brandon as Katie would sound horrible but I got jumpscared by Tom’s ye ye ass quality voice.
I would give it a 3/10 maybe a 4/10
Just not worth it man
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
apparently, i’m not done clowning. I did a bit here ( now edited for correction 🍊) but there a few more that has come up. specifically a galaxy cpn about toy/model planes. sooooo.. let’s go! 💪🏻
The most obvious one is from ZZ’s weibo post of course. They only know seat number 5 and I am here for it. 🙏🏼
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to add on the cpn post i linked about wyb knowing how to cook — there are photos going around of someone who was able to take photos of his stuff ( allegedly ) that’s being transported out once a project has wrapped up. you can see pots & pans and a mini washer. This adds to the fake rumors & his co-stars stories that he cooks.
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this might not be as sweet to others but i’m personally invested in it. it’s the change in wyb ever since he got to know xz and them being in a stable relationship. some fans still love to identify him as this bachelor who can’t cook and does the bare minimum to fend for himself. and that may be yibo before but certainly not now. I love seeing him grow and be a more responsible version of himself. I’m not giving all the credit to XZ, but i think he helped a lot for WYB to go into this direction. Cooking for himself and making his workplace feel like home even if he is stuck in hotels.
The story starts in the last few months before 2021 ended, the CPN about the toy plane they both had. ZZ was using his on a vlog and then it magically appears in WYB’s hand in a NYE photoshoot. His performance that night had nothing to do with planes or flying. It was even black and white so we can’t see the color.
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Tho some people were thinking this is a clue for his new project, which is BTF. where he plays a pilot. Which actually has a point but the thing is he can use just about any kind of toy plane! Not the same one as his sworn rival XZ! 😂😂😂😂
Our CPN here is that XZ gave it to him, we’ve seen fake rumors of how they give each other the most mundane stuff ( example the toy night light ) so this kinda checks out. It can be a joke and also a random, “hey this plane is for you cause you’re gonna be a pilot in a film.” ( and well paper planes have always been their thing )
2023, during the BTF roadshow, one of his co stars shared a story about WYB ( as requested by the audience ) and the gist is, on the last day of filming with the planes ( this is Yanliang end of April ) they were sad cause they will miss it. Then Yu-ge said that he saw a shop that sells plane models and everyone was just “okay”, in the meantime, Yibo was all — “ really where is it?” 🤩🤩 Then as soon as Yu-Ge arrived in the store, WYB was already there and he had his mask on. He can’t call out his name so he just said “Lei Yu” and WYB looked so excited and captivated by the models. I mean, we know WYB and his love for them right? Yu-ge said WYB bought all models. and that WYB said he will give it to his friends.
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There was a big j-20 model that yu-ge wanted but the shop keeper said they don’t have stock cause the man ( yibo ) got it already 😂😂😂. WYB then told yu-ge that it’s okay, he can ask the shop to order for him and they can ship it to beijing directly so it will be easier. but yu ge really wanted it and said, wyb can do that himself but wyb said he got it and he will take it with him today. this gremlin boy honestly.
We can actually end this story here and even without the CPN, this is a cute story! It’s WYB being the collector and wanting a piece of Pilot Lei Yu with him.
This CPN may seem out there but please stay with me. LOL. So it’s been a popular CPN that as soon as BTF was finished filming ( Tongchuan on 5/12 ) WYB drove to where XZ was working ( Huairou, Beijing ). Which is sort of explained over here and the whole covid test fiasco on 5/13. The speculation is, XZ is one of the “friend” that will be gifted with an airplane model and WYB wants to hand deliver it to him. The photo i shared above ( right with the boxes ) was something posted before, of a person saying it’s the closest they can be to wyb. and those are most likely the model planes he bought to be delivered. I’m not saying all the models are for XZ, but he will get one. Possibly the big J-20, cause the boxes on the courier all seem to be the same size. && in the story, the big j-20 is what he will take with him.
If it’s just for WYB/friends they can all be shipped right? So why did he insist to take it with him? Another question, If i’m one of those “friends” in yibo’s circle, shouldn’t i show off during this period that WYB gave me a model plane years ago? so far no one has posted. I’m not doubting that he has friend and lord knows this boy is so generous, but i’m just wondering.
this is one of those cpns that i think will get clearer as time goes by and if we get more information ( and it’s okay if we don’t really. ) & crumbs like :
1. If we spot a model plane that looks like one of those in BTF in any of XZS vlogs. Which is highly unlikely, but let’s see cause sometimes they wanna troll us. 🤡
2. If WYB tells the story about these models himself and what happened.
I’m just in this state of thinking about WYB who wanted to secure a nice J-20 model to give to ZZ as soon as they can meet in Beijing. ZZ gave him a literal toy plane and now WYB will exchange it for a better one, A J-20 that his character used. ♥️
reference source.
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mirroringme · 12 days
i was wondering if since you wrote such a great poly/orgy fic if you had any recs of your own for the genre? i'm now so infatuated with the idea...
or also just any of your favorite byler fics? also idk if this is too personal but what inspired you to write your fic?
Oh wow great questions! sorry it took me a bit hmm…
I think strangely and… sadly? I don’t really have any poly fics that come to mind atm. (and in all honesty wasn’t particularly looking out for them) which is kind of in part why I wanted to write my own so bad. I think what inspired it partly was conversations I had been having with friends irl. lots of relationship drama had been happening with myself and a friend of mine and we were really exploring ‘what is sexual attraction?’ ‘what is romantic attraction?’ where are those lines for us, where do they start and where do they cross. because it’s different for everyone. as well as really confronting why do we feel ownership over people we are with, why are traditional relationships set up the way they are? can sex be something that we would want to share with more than one person regularly, and if yes or no why do we feel that way? many things were just on my mind! And honestly myself I’m still not sure I think writing mike and will was like presenting my very conflicting views and opinions on the matter. I agree with both of them wholeheartedly throughout the story, and I wanted to write them figuring it out together, that there really is a way to live that reality and it works and everyone is content. like for instance the character mark is based off a real person I know, much older than me, has been poly for ages, and has had multiple partners for years. when I meet people like that I’m like wow this is possible and not something people think is just a wacky phase young people can go through. (also I don’t like to be too personal on the internet but partaking and full disclosure watching a gangbang and seeing the cumdump holding onto someone as they were getting fucked and thinking aww that’s kinda cute and then my brain going….. that is… cute… you know it would really be cute if… and then I wrote those like first two chapters in a state of pure adrenaline)
all that said I don’t think I’ve even written a true poly fic. I mean we get glimpses at outside relationships but mike and will and their start is really what is the focus. lots of group sex for sure but not relationships. although I do see mike getting on with chris a lot and even more so with adam and steve over time, but that’s all past the end of the fic. 
if anyone else does have poly/orgy fic recs add them here I’d love to read them, even if it’s not even byler I’m into everything. 
but other byler fic recs hm, I have to shout out @longtallglasses for their blair witch project au fic because that’s the fic that made me wanna try to write again. it seriously inspired and stuck with me so much. it’s craaazzyyy. I love when people write crazy niche aus (I mean look what I wrote) and I’ve spoken to them about it and they are seriously talented and cool. that fic deserves so much more praise, in my mind it has a million hits and has a movie adaptation at this point (even though that’s logistically impossible but you know) read it if you want your mind blown. 
I know why the caged bird sings by AabH, this is a straight up masterpiece. I kind of love weird dystopian aus. also such an interesting way to explore kink through in this setting of an inexperienced will and sex slave mike (did this subconsciously inspire me? haha I’m just realizing maybe it did) it’s pretty angsty which I love and quite stressful (again which I love) also read this if you want your mind blown.
also a WIP right now that I’ve been following is Naive Melody by an anonymous writer. will meets an older guy in a record store and they start a toxic little friendship (the guy is textbook case grooming him) and will’s emotions here are oof. they hit me hard, his isolation from his friends and just loving feeling desired by this guy. it’s written so well and every time it makes me feel so much. I believe there will be more mike in coming chapters? but either way i’m excited for it.
also idk if it’s gone or hidden or what but dirty rain by henrycreel was one I was following, like filthy abo goodness but I believe it’s deleted now? idk sometimes I’m not sure how Ao3 works. 
and lastly one I have sadly not finished but should still rec is what has god ever done for the likes of us? by explicit_slug if you want to be stabbed in the gut with fucked up shit. that’s a dark one. 
so yikes long answer but there you go!
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spinnysocks · 6 months
young tlg crocodiles aus
i didn't realise i couldn't save ask answers as drafts! :( but anyway, @devilsrecreation asked: So what exactly are your ideas for the baby crocs in The Lion Guard I’m really curious 👀 so here's my response!!
as she already established in her hcs, pua is basically everyone's adoptive dad! in this context to makuu, kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema! he has different relationships with all of them but he's closest to makuu and kiburi for sure
i like to think that makuu is older than the other four; i was going to say don't question me on ages but i just found out it takes ~12-15 years for nile crocodiles to reach full adulthood! so it checks out that makuu could be a year older and still hang out with them. there's probably so many non-mature members of the float that they have younger groups within it
speaking of that, i actually think makuu didn't get along very well with the other crocodiles his age. but, one day, he briefly interacts with the younger kiburi's group and gets to know them really well. he kind of becomes their secondary charge behind pua. no danger was gonna get close to those four lmao
i think crocs are pretty wholesome & innocent when they're babies but get more into the crocodile way as they mature. it's just really cute to think of baby kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema innocently interacting
there's this song i fell in love with while coming up with the mjuzi nduli au called little fang by avey tare! for me personally it fits my ideas for that au, i think it's also sweet as a lullaby/poem that pua sings to the five kiddos. i really recommend it it's an adorable song
i'm a sucker for crack/uncommon ships, i saw pua x basi once and it kinda stuck with me. i'd just enjoy seeing their dynamic as two leaders who work together when it's the time of year for the crocs to share with the hippos. because of their bond (platonic or romantic idrk), i imagine one of the reasons beshte is so friendly is bc he grew up around and got to know the crocs when they'd share big springs with the hippos. he says "I know it's crowded, Kiburi. But it really is a good spot" because he remembers the crocs' younger years and knows they can be reasonable, but things changed that weren't under his control and he couldn't do anything about it.
he feels kinda dissapointed about how things changed, cuz to him the crocs were like the neighbour's family you get to know really well. to stir up some more sadness, it's almost always beshte who's kicking out kiburi's float. beshte sends them back to the outlands himself so they don't hurt his friends, even though he remembers when they were 'good' or more understanding/just before makuu and kiburi's rift in general
since it takes so many years for crocs to mature, i imagine the younguns would spend ALL THE TIME playing. pua has a soft spot for the five of them so their playtimes and adventures become kind of like a bluey episode where they learn something valuable. kiburi listens to him more than anyone, while makuu's a bit more like "Yeah, yeah" bc he thinks being older means he doesn't need to learn anything new
one of pua's lessons would be not to judge or underestimate someone for being different, such as neema for being mute or nduli for not being born in the float (my own hc is that he's from an outsider float that was really struggling which is why he's so small. he was found by pua really young and his parents agreed he'd have a better life in the pridelands)
pua taught the five a lot of good lessons but obviously not all of them stuck. i haven't come up with what caused the rift between makuu and kiburi exactly, but i think kiburi's float would still want to be friends with makuu, and even more so after he redeems himself. despite being fully grown now they still kinda see him as a cool older brother that they can learn from but they'll always stick with kiburi because, at the end of the day, it's them four against the world lol
whew. that's it for now! i could write for days about these guys. and i probably will make a follow-up post at some point
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fumifooms · 1 year
Thistle rarepairs
As start of my “Dunmeshi rarepairs I will birth with my own hands if I have to” series
I’ve been reading dunmeshi enjoying everyone’s dynamics with everyone and multishipping a bit in my head for optimal serotonin but… I think I’ve settled on some ships I particularly enjoy, and of COURSE I’m alone in them. They’d be so interesting to have fics about them, sob… Which, on that topic, how the HELL are there so little Dungeon Meshi fics?!!!  I’ll make a post for every ship but I’mma start by bundling the Thistle ones together, if ya wanna see my other ones just browse the dungeon meshi tag on my blog.   I kinda ship marcille with everyone, ship thistle with everyone, Laios with a lotta people… But I eventually had to find my niche, my otp, and… some stuck out of the lot. FICTIONAL MENTALLY ILL JERKS ARE INTERESTING I’M SORRY
Thistle x Falin
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The biggest part is that I think it’d be interesting for Thistle to have one actual ally and person who cares for him, and find that in the tool he dismisses. He never really seemed to understand that an extra soul got mixed into the dragon, somehow. It’d be interesting to see him gradually understand it was more than a form change, then realizing that means he actually has someone in his corner, as a supportive presence. He’s been alone for how long again? Falin is a ray of sunshine, and that’s what Thistle needs I think. Actual and heartfelt companionship. The dragon is forcibly devoted to him, but it’s Falin who extends extra care and attentions. We’ve seen esp with Thistle summoning the bunch of dragons that even monsters who have to listen to the dungeon lord still retain individuality and a certain degree of free will.
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But look looook Falin is the thing that allowed Thistle to calm down and think things through, she grounds him.
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Look at her lil nod at the end, she doesn’t dislike him <3 (Even tho the other dragons he summoned def found him annoying at the very least so it’s not a forced devotion mind control issue)
Thistle and Falin, sitting on a web, o-b-s-e-s-s-i-n-g!
Pathetic meow meow x ultimate cinnamon roll basically. A cinnamon roll that will turn to bloody murder only for him, and is kinda aware and okay with that?? I can’t wait to see how Falin will react to Thistle when she’s revived in the last chapters… There’s a parallel here to be found as well, Falin is fully devoted to Thistle, like how Thistle is fully devoted to Derghal. Falin’s biggest goal is to protect the people she loves, like Thistle with his family. They have some interesting subtle similarities…
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AND. Also they are both natural born magical geniuses. Falin was ostracized for it while Thistle was lifted up for it though, but yes they were both treated differently for it and it affected them, also gaining a sense of responsibility due to it as well.
Marcille x Thistle
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It’d be interesting, I had thoughts about it with them battling it out for dungeon lord title and being both mage elves with personalities clashing… And then he “died” holding her hand so hah! That’s a win in my books.
Yes so it has interesting potential due to a few things. Dungeon master x person desperate to study dungeons, the hand holding just as he died (She just happened to be the closest to him when he was dying, but I still think that speaks of potential future dynamics they could have had. The last thing he did was reach out for help and companionship. He mocked her for being a half-elf, and yet his last wish and hope is entrusted to her), the whole elf mage thing they have matching which means they share an area of study aka interests and conversation topics, but most of all it’s the tragic narrative of it y’know. I think in another universe, if Thistle had allowed Marcille a conversation as she had requested, she could have positively influenced him. If Marcille pacified him and they spoke- oh I have no doubt she’d piss him off which could be a fun dynamic in non life-threatening scenarios lol, but he could answer her questions about dungeons, pertaining to her goals and dreams, and I think he’d gain a smart and capable companion along the way. Someone that would truly understand him and be able to intellectually ground him and argue it out to find the best solution. As a dungeon master, I think he would be maybe the best placed to make her rethink through her dream and dungeon plans as well, if she starts seeing him not as a fully insane guy (which means she thinks she would fare better as a dungeon lord than him), but an individual influenced by the Power. Like the manga pointed out early on, Marcille may be great at theoretics, but practice is ultimately the most important thing, and experience as a dungeon master is what Thistle has, exemplified with how he created an ecosystem that worked with the layers unlike Marcille who immediately disturbed everything.  They both just want to live peacefully and forever with their loved ones </3 yeah I think they’d understand each other better than anyone else. It’s very interesting to note that Thistle was an elf in a kingdom of humans/tallmen, who had seen generations of the royal family as seen through the paintings. Losing people was his greatest fear, like it is hers. Elf otherized for being an adopted elf in a kingdom of tallmen projecting his want of belonging onto her by thinking she wants to be a full half-elf… She just wanted to talk 😔 She isn’t afraid to call him out on his bullshit, y’know what good.
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… Marcille x Falin x Thistle polycule You know, it’d be fun if Izutsumi interacted with Thistle as well, they’d duel to the death fr. I just want more Thistle content ok…
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I just want you to know it’s got my brain worms tossing and turning in their little graves. I am seriously considering properly analysing your fic (threat).
Now on to the theory (below the cut to avoid spoilers) :)
Well, here’s my theory: Muninn and Huginn (I refuse to believe he’s dead)….
Just think about it for a second. With the whole scuffle that was going down, Muninn had time to escape, or at least find a place to hide and carry Huginn off with him to (or drag or whatever).
There’s no way that Muninn would return to Draxum after the betrayal and the showing of Draxum’s true colours and all that juicy angsty stuff. And the pair have also canonically not had a previous master (at least none that they’ve stuck with for a substantial length of time) that they would go to in a crisis. And he wouldn’t return to the Gargoyle Sanctum thingamabob we saw them come from in the series. So that leaves only one conclusion: Muninn is somewhere out there fending for himself and a very injured Huginn.
My theory is that Donnie’s little notifications are of Muninn resurfacing for supplies - we’ve seen how often the boys have to change bandages for wounds in LFLS, so the logical implementations are that he has to buy a fair amount of bandages for his buddy. Whilst he would have to buy bandages for Huginn, there’s also the additional requirement of food - it doesn’t matter how small they are, the little guys still have to eat - and Muninn is only small and canonically not very strong, which means he can’t carry heavy loads of shopping. Also, without the income (if he even got any) from Draxum and/or the ability to rely on the yokai for a constant supply of food, much like a dog it’s owner (not derogatory, that’s just how they’re represented in the series) that means Muninn had to risk leaving Huginn often to steal food and supplies. Seventeen times in a week may seem a bit excessive, but when you’re building an infirmary from scratch and consider how tiny Muninn’s little arms are, it really isn’t that crazy.
This bit’s a little bit flimsy and I’m not too sure how to answer it, but I’m doing my best to fill the 7ft plot-holes in my theory. I believe it is due to a possible combination of three things: (1) He’s worried about how injured his family is and he doesn’t think they can handle another fight; (2) He’s not sure how Leo will react to seeing the Gargoyle pair again (this is the big one); (3) Donnie may not completely trust them yet (HEAR ME OUT!!) and he hasn’t turned off the notifications bc he feels guilty for not doing anything, but he still wants to know that they’re there and alive (also, if Draxum suddenly appears, Don will know about it).
(I also have a theory that Don is going to try and save them himself, but that's a very shaky one because of the trauma of Leo going alone and what that all entailed that glitch has been exploring throughout the fic. He probs has several trackers planted on the whole family by now. I’d honestly be more surprised if he didn’t.)
But I digress. On to theory one: The family is 100% injured and not at all ready for a fight. April is out of commission, Raph's hands are fried (but I feel that he would insist on joining a fight anyway), and we all not Leo's kinda down in the dumps. Plus, everyone is emotionally and mentally destroyed. They are not up for any kind of fight. And Donnie doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of person who intentionally puts his family in more danger than is necessary, especially in this current situation.
Number two: He's not sure how Leo will react to seeing the sidekicks present for the worst trauma he's ever (and hopefully will ever) experience in his lifetime. The pair were there during just about everything that happened to him - including the Battle Nexus, when Draxum wasn't present - and Leo would undoubtedly have made strong links in his mind between the gargoyles and the trauma he experienced. One can pretty confidently assume that having the pair around whilst he is trying to recover and whilst the fear of Draxum's return is still very heavy in the air, is going to cause problems for both Leo and the rest of the family, even if they know that the gargoyles willingly chose to help at the risk of their own lives. And if a dumdum such as myself can make those links, then there's no way that Donnie hasn't made them as well. For the sake of his family (especially Leo), Donnie is choosing to do nothing for the ex-henchgoyles. BUT, with each passing day and as more of the notifications continue, Donnie's guilt may start to eat him up inside and he's likely to just react without thinking (he's very emotionally tense and high-strung, so he's not thinking like his usual, logical self) and try to rescue them. I could go so much further into depth about the repercussions of what the gargoyles being in the lair might do to the fam, especially Leo, but I'm trying to keep this relatively short, lemme know if you wanna know more and I'll theory dump on you :)
Third and final: Donnie doesn't completely trust them. Let's be honest, Donnie's never really struck me as the overly trusting type and this whole situation would have only amplified it and made his trust issues a thousand times worse. This one is probably my flimsiest reasoning and it likely just added on to the others.
Either way, whether I'm right or not, I know glitch won't leave us hanging with that forever. They're a good writer and they don't seem to me to be the kind of author that leaves loose ends just hanging around. Cliffhangers, absolutely without a doubt they leave us hanging off of. But not loose ends (especially with how hard they were hinting at the notifications during the last chapter, it MUST be something important and I am absolutely BURSTING to find out what it is :)
(I'm looking back over and you can tell which one my favourite theory is LOL)
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jikanet-tanaka · 9 months
Ideas for stories and such...
I'm a bit overwhelmed with plot bunnies right now, and I think writing them all out is the best way to get 'em all straight. So... here are a few ideas for future fics I'd want to write. I dunno which one(s) I should focus on first...
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
A Saga Most Ordinary : I have ideas for two more chapters, one about Eivor playing Dungeons and Dragons with the three Good Boys, along with Hytham, Randvi and Tewdwr, and another about her and Valka Staging An Intervention because she thinks Sigurd went and joined some cult because of his new girlfriend (ie Fulke).
Untitled/maybe it’ll just be chapter two of an existing fic, I dunno: A new companion piece/sequel of sorts to ‘Nornir's Curse, Nótt's Counsel’ about Randvi and Valdis just hanging out (on the beach while their respective spouses watch over the young ‘uns) and talking about their (rather similar, really) lives.
Take Your Silver Spoon (Dig Your Grave) : A two-shot about two bastard-born princesses of the Kaldwin line. Part of it is already written, I just need to get off my ass and do something about it lol
You and Me and The Leviathan Makes Three : An AU where Daud survives the events of DoTO, and Billie is stuck trying to find new purpose in her life while teaching a god-turned-boy how to Human and a suicidal old man how to… not be a total wreck of a person . Oh, and the Abbey of the Everyman is falling apart all around them (which makes the Boysider happy, since his two newfound biggest goals in life are 1) to destroy organized religion and 2) to save the whales. Every chapter would be set in a different isle, with titles based on sea shanties.
Untitled : A little one-shot about how Drac might have gotten to Mina on the night of October 3rd. Because the details are kinda hazy on that, right?
Final Fantasy XVI
The Tale of the Telamonides : Before the mission to Drake’s Head, Mid shows up to the Hideout to Bring Chaos and Shenanigans to everyone’s live. Because I was sad that we never did see her interact with Cid.
Gravity Falls
Dungeons and Dummies : …I need to finish this you guys, I already have it all planned out. I feel weirdly anxious about this story, mostly because I don’t happen to have the whole of the rules of D&D stamped in my brain (shocking, I know). It’s like I’m afraid I’ll have someone go, ‘hey, that’s not how it goes in the Player Handbook, page so-and-so blah blah blah ’ so I don’t even try, you know?? It’s a weird thing.
The Awesome Mixtape of the Apocalypse: A story where Dipper and Mabel’s parents join both sets of twins on a roadtrip to Gravity Falls. The concept would be that Mabel made a mixtape with songs for everyone in her family (so for example Ford definitely gets weird prog rock like this, listen my dad was a happier, most well-adjusted Ford, and that was his shit, car trips in my family were trippy), with each character represented by a particular musical style (the Pines mom’s got punk ska like Reel Big Fish and Streetlight Manifesto lol…) and each chapter corresponding to one song. I got every big story beat and character moment planned out, I just… need to get off my ass and write, I guess.
Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West
Untitled : Aka Aloy watches Varl and Zo together, gets confused/frustrated, and shares a convo with Erend that helps her figure out she’s asexual. Sweet!
Untitled Rost and Ersa fic : Rost and Ersa, as ghosts, hang around Aloy and Erend for the events of the first game (and have a mini ship war about the merits of Ereloy as a couple). Also known as ‘Rost Gets Another Grumpy Daughter Because These Are Sure Fun To Collect Or Something’.
Mass Effect
Untitled : Just a little Shakarian ficlet about Shepard listening to Thane’s story about how he met his wife after the events in Garrus’ loyalty mission and her being like, oh, oh boy, oh no.
Radiant Historia
Will You Learn to Love (Without Consuming): A little one-shot set in the Apocrypha ‘verse which is not compliant with the canon shown in Perfect Chronology. Basically my take on who became the big Mana Monster causing the desertification (and why he’s a foil to both Heiss and the Conuts Guy).
Déjà Vécu : A one-short about Ernst and Heinrich (and, by association, Stocke and Heiss) because I guess that’s what I always write about in this damn fandom.
This Sweet Corrupting Reality : Basically the only parallel history I would have liked to see in Perfect Chronology, that is, Stocke wakes up and realizes he is now King Ernst of Granorg.
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goblinprincesss · 2 years
What’s Up Next For You In October? #pick a picture reading 🎃
Hey everyone! This is my first reading I’ll be posting on Tumblr yay! This was supposed to be put out earlier but my grandmother just had open heart surgery which has deeply impacted my family. There may be messages for you in more than 1 pile, so follow your intuition and pick which image(s) you feel most drawn to to :)
If you enjoy this reading please like, comment, reblog, share, and follow for more! This is also my first time giving a reading to people other than my family and friends, so be nice💀
⚠️DISCLAIMERS AND TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Readings do not serve as a replacement for proper medical advice. Please remember that nothing is set in stone, and I am solely sharing what I think/feel based off of the energies I’m picking up at the current time of this reading. Keep in mind as well that this is a general reading, take what resonates and leave what doesn't! There is possibly triggering/mature content in this reading so proceed with caution, and take care of yourself<3 All images are from Pinterest.
Alright here are your choices:
Piles from top to bottom, left to right: 1, 2, 3
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PILE 1 *trigger warning: mentions of dysfunctional families*
This month is going to be about giving your energy back to yourself and the areas in life that you may have been neglecting. You're definitely someone who has needed to prove your worth or constantly defend yourself which is SUPER DRAINING. I feel like because of this you've become consumed by what could happen in the future that you barley have time for yourself/self care. Eating comfort foods, going for a walk, doing hair/skin care, doing simple things that don't require a ton of planning, getting in touch with people if you've been putting it off could help to bring you back down from that constant place of anxiety/stress. It's also really important that you balance your personal time and your work life! That's not to say don't work hard but don't pile on things if you know it's unreasonable to manage and will interfere with time for yourself and loved ones. You're capable of many great things so don't discredit yourself or your life's work! I think it's great that you're able to stand up for yourself but remember that not every battle is worth fighting, and if you're always in a defensive place you could end up being stuck/not able to move forward, or trying to start something with someone else (i.e. arguing for the sake of arguing, while it can be fun it's not helpful AT ALL💀). Pay attention to how you feel, if a situation is getting out of hand or making you uncomfortable, walk away. This may feel like defeat or like you're letting people walk over you but respecting your boundaries and knowing your limits is the biggest win. If you are dealing with a mother figure (doesn't have to be a mother necessarily) and are having a difficult time, my heart goes out to you. Families are so complicated but like I said before: know your limits and remove yourself from the situation. You cannot control someone's behaviour and if their behaviour is harming you, reconsider how much time you spend with them. Ok, I know this seemed like a kinda sad reading, but!! This is just a time to re balance and get back in touch with what's important to you. Periods of reflection can be scary because we have to confront traumas but figuring out how to move past them will help you to feel so much more at peace with yourself. You have come very far in life and I'm extremely proud of you. I hope you have an amazing October and I wish you all the best. Oracle cards I pulled for advice: New Moon In Aries- It's time to take action South Node- Don't let your past hold you back Full Moon In Capricorn- The end of a tough cycle is approaching New Moon In Cancer- You and your loved ones are safe Channeled songs: Solita by Kali Uchis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWq9JCxnIA4 SANA SANA by Nathy Peluso- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pICv0qQIbeY
Pile 2 *trigger warning: mentions of substance abuse*
This month is going to be about revealing all that is hidden and changing unhealthy patterns. You may struggle with low self esteem which keeps the real you hidden from other people, lead you to abuse substances, or addictions of other sorts. I feel like naturally you're quite introverted so you also might have difficultly trusting people. If you're dealing with the misuse of substances please reach out to a healthcare professional and know that there's nothing to be ashamed of! We all handle issues differently. It's also important that you remember that you have to trust yourself before you can trust others. If you're feeling fragile, you should ground yourself by spending time in nature or maybe working out to make your body stronger. Make sure to eat foods that will nurture your body, and when facing decisions make the choice that will benefit your future self (i.e. instead of watching TV, you could do some cleaning around the house). Your body could also be trying to right itself/cleanse itself so don't be surprised if you start feeling under the weather; keep drinking water and eating foods such as oranges to help you combat this. I feel like you know in your heart what's right but you just need a little nudge in the right direction. If you're having very vivid dreams pay attention to them and decipher what they could mean, and listen to what your body is telling you. It might be helpful to go to therapy to work through your problems other than possible addictions. You don't have to fix anything or everything- changes just have to be made and that's completely normal. Towards the end of the month you'll be more at peace and have more of a sense of who you are and where you want to go from here on out. Small habits can make big differences, you'll be surprised at the changes that will happen when you modify your habits! And there's nothing wrong with having fun but make sure you do so in a responsible way and surround yourself with people who care about your well being. Don't be afraid of how awesome you are and how even MORE awesome you can be. I wish you all the best! Oracle cards I pulled for advice: South Node- Don't let your past hold you back Full Moon In Gemini- The answers you need are coming Waxing Moon- The energy is gaining momentum Full Moon In Scorpio- It's time to release negativity Waning Moon- What do you need to release? Channeled songs: Get Free by Lana Del Rey- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axRMZqUNVEw Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQetemT1sWc
This month is going to be about major positive shifts and travel! I think this pile has had enough of their stifling environment and you could've had a huge realization that you need change NOW and you're the only one that can make that happen. You might be moving to a new country or somewhere completely different from where you've been living (some of you could still be living in the town/city of you were born in). Some of you may even be taking a vacation to somewhere that has the total opposite climate to where you're living, which will be super energizing. Whether you're moving to a new place or taking a trip, you'll encounter many adventures and you'll make connections with people that will last a life time. I also think that these experiences will help you realize what you want to do with your life. As well, spending time with these people will bring you opportunities to explore your career options and could possibly help land you your dream job! Out of all of these piles, I feel like you're the most ready to make big life decisions, and you realize that not taking the reigns of your life will get you nowhere. You are so DETERMINED to make things work! Some of you may be single parents, care takers, or social activists, and this makes me believe that it's not just about things being good for you but also helping others because you understand the importance of family and community. Adventuring and learning new things nurture your soul so if you've been meaning to pick up a new hobby or wanting to discover new hiking trails, now's the perfect time! Honestly, if you've felt as if 2022 has been one of the worst years ever, October is DEFINITELY a turning point. This pile has given my such a surge of energy like I can feel the excitement coursing through my whole body. You are 100% ready to start this new chapter in your life. I'm wishing you all the best! Oracle cards I pulled for advice: Full Moon In Aquarius- Show the world the real you Waxing Crescent Moon-Have faith in your dreams New Moon In Taurus-Prosperity Lies Ahead New Moon In Sagittarius- Luck is on your side Channeled songs: Barracuda by Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeMvMNpvB5M Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2XDhfOjkVs
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kimchokejin · 2 years
music tag games 🎶
is it cheating to put them all in one post when everyone’s doing it?
thank you to everyone who tagged me i had a full day’s worth of music recs to listen to and bts songs to revisit happy hondadays to ME!
game #1: using your spotify top 100 playlist, shuffle 10 songs and tag 10 people.
thank you @cordiallyfuturedwight @wistfulocean and @seoksao​ for the tag! 💕
i will give the number they were on my list as well
99. Jackie Onassis by Sammy Rae & The Friends
51. Wild Roses by Jack Van Cleaf
73. Stick Season by Noah Kahan
92. New Shapes (feat. Christine and the Queens and Carolin Polachek) by Charli XCX
80. First Thing to Go by Hayley Williams
70. Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) - Full Length Edition by BTS
88. religion (u can lay your hands on me) by Shura
63. No Blueberries by DPR IAN, DPR LIVE, CL
89. Lights by BTS
8. Vibez by ZAYN
game #2 (sponsored by kim taehyung): 💛 choose an artist you like and use the name of their songs to answer this as close to the truth as possible!
tagged by @cordiallyfuturedwight @jiminsproof @blueside-hobi @wistfulocean @seoksao​ thank you you guys are so creative these were so fun to read!
name of the artist: Halsey (it was working too well i had to go for it)
what is your gender: I am not a woman, I’m a god (“i’m god” - kim taehyung)
describe yourself: Ashley (you don’t need to be entertained. i’m entertaining myself)
how do you feel: Alone (but in a good way, an “i needed this” way 😌)
if you could go anywhere, where would it be: Roman Holiday
describe your best friend: Darling 🥰
your favourite time of day: 3am
if your life was a tv show, what would it be called: Still Learning
what is life to you: Hurricane, Heaven in Hiding
relationship status: Bad at Love 😬
what do you fear: Strangers (”i’m a little shy” - kim taehyung), Devil in Me (”i’m a bad boy” - kim taehyung)
game #3: share your top 5 current songs
tagged by @clutterbugs thank you emma!!! i feel like i get to use the free space in scrabble
1. Kiss in My Heart by Junk Fujiyama
i discovered this song a while back on a city pop playlist i think? and it’s been stuck in my head recently (even before indigo!) so i’ve been playing it. it’s just a fun happy song, it sounds like the artist is smiling as he’s singing it
another super fun song and i didn’t think it was possible but i am gayer because of it. i have so many feelings about this i will have to hold myself back but i am v i b r a t i n g something’s about to break
3. girl like me by Blessing
this song is acoustic but i think also r&b influenced? i like how the lyrics are somewhat specific but the insecurity is she’s talking about is still super relatable to a lot of people and the singer’s voice is kind of unique
4. complex (demo) by Katie Gregson-MacLeod
this song is just kinda heartbreaking tbh at the end of the day it’s your typical woman trying to “save” a man who's too far gone to spare her a second thought story but the vocals really carry the emotion across in a way i don’t hear all the time so i think it’s worth a listen if you...want to feel sad
5. Ketchum, ID by Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus
i have been in a folksy mood lately and i think a few julien baker/phoebe bridgers/lucy daucus songs came up in my listening and that reminded me about this album. this is my favorite song from it. i think the line “i am never anywhere anywhere i go, when i’m home i’m never there long enough to know” is just really hitting for me rn? i also can’t get over how this is the last song on the album they ended the whole album with
BONUS GAME! i wasn’t tagged in this but i wanted to share this while i’m here in case anyone was interested in doing this for themselves. if you have spotify this bot will judge you for your music taste. it’s like the anti-spotify wrapped. this is what they had to say about mine:
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i will tag @joon-rkive, @cheekyquokka, @mutedstring​, @jinsquishes​, @senor-hoberto​ and anyone who tagged me in one game but hasn’t been tagged in one of the others (does that make sense?). no pressure just if any of the games interest you 💕 feel free to ignore me!!!
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agentsky0158 · 2 years
i have ride the cyclone brainrot so i’m gonna talk about if the fruits basket zodiac were the st cassian chamber choir because i can.
ocean - hiro
- kinda a cunt
- very self centered
- thinks they’re better than everyone else
- would say democracy rocks.
noel yuki
- i like the yuki is gay headcanon.
- yuchi but machi is a trans dude i’ll elaborate one day. (completely unrelated to this post oh my goodness.)
- i think he would be super imaginative
- plus his friendship with haru mirrors noel’s and mischa’s
- yuki seems like he would have noel’s personality if he wasn’t so belittled as a kid
mischa haru
talia rin
- these are together so like
- first of all gangster rap is so up harus ally
- the devoted love? come on.
- i imagine in high school he has other friends outside of tohru and her friends and the other sohmas, he DEFINITELY told them about rin, and no one believed she existed
- haru is the angriest boy in town.
- also haru deffinitly has this idolised version of rin in his head we even see that with his flashbacks (i could elaborate on this if i shared parts of my haru analysis)
- harus also the kind of guy to have started calling rin his fiancé the second they started talking about their future
- haru and rin are my fav fruba characters, and mischa is my fav ride tbe cyclone character so i can sit here comparing them all day.
- also has two emotions: rage and passion
ricky im kinda stuck on. there isn’t really a sohma with nerdy interests or similar personality. :/ it might come to me later tho.
jane/penny kyo
- outcast
- doesn’t know purpose
- called a monster come on guys
- but (most of) the sohmas or at least zodiac (especially the ones i assigned to the other characters) sympathise with him
constance kisa
- very self doubting
- same personality
- nicest girl in the sohma clan
- (and there’s nothing wrong with that)
- sweethearts
- dragged around by annoying sidekick.
- the thing kanak said about how her yearbooks were filled with “we didn’t know eachother very well but you seem nice” is so kisacore
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 30: Secret
Summary: Lili has a secret to share with Raz.
Word Count: 2.928
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here.
Raz loved the thrill of the hunt. There’s really nothing else in the world quite like it. However, with almost four years of experience as an active Psychonaut agent under his belt, he’d really come to appreciate the quiet moments as well. Those moments where you could just sit back on a cushy couch, tune in to whatever’s on TV, and cuddle up with the best girlfriend in the whole wide world.
This, right here and now, was one such moment. More or less.
Yes, he’s currently sitting back on a somewhat cushy couch, tuning in to a rerun of some melodramatic soap opera, and kind of cuddling it up with Lili, but usually there was no Dipper, or Wybie, or Coraline anywhere around the two. Still, he’ll take what he could get. After all, it wasn’t like he owns the Shack. Just like the others, he’s only staying here until the end of the summer. 
Until the end of summer…
His heart ached at the thought.
He shifted his attention from the television to his three friends. Precious, treasured friends. Dipper and Wybie sat against the foot of the couch with a laptop open on Wybie’s lap, looking up new gear that could be useful for their hunts. Coraline sat on a chair nearby, also watching the TV like Raz, but mostly she’s just doing her best to stay awake. Both she and Wybie stumbled out of their room this morning looking pretty sleep-deprived for some reason. Downing an ungodly amount of coffee granted them a good few hours of wakefulness, but Raz was pretty sure that’s all gone by now. Coraline seemed to be dealing with it by trying to stay awake through sheer force of will, while Wybie chose the easy route and pumped himself with a few cans of energy drinks. He’s visibly a little jittery now, but it definitely worked. 
Lili shifted next to him, derailing Raz’s train of thoughts. “You wanna get up?” he asked, looking over to her. 
“Just getting comfortable,” Lili mumbled. She settled into a position that lets her lean back against Raz more, and Raz felt her exhaling, a small satisfied smile appearing on her lips. He found himself mesmerized, a smile breaking out on his features as well. 
“Yo, Dipper, check this out!” Raz heard Wybie say, probably a lot louder than he’d intended. “Look at this thing!”
There was a beat of silence, before Dipper said, “Huh. That’s… interesting.”
“Just interesting? Come on, look at all these features! And the price!”
“Yeah, they’re great. Too great.” Dipper hummed. “They kinda look fake, Wybie.” 
“What? No! Come on!” 
Raz’s curiosity got the better of him, and he found himself tearing his gaze away from lovely Lili to look over at the laptop screen on Wybie’s lap. It showed a store page selling an ‘ultrasonic ectoplasmid echo detector’, whatever that was. He skimmed through most of the details of the item displayed, but one particular detail stuck out like a red flag to him. One detail that put a scowl on his face. 
“We are not buying that,” Raz firmly stated.
“Thank you, Raz.”
“Oh, Raz, come on! This could be-!”
“No,” Raz cut in. “I’m not asking here, I’m forbidding. We are not buying it.”
Both Wybie and Dipper looked pretty surprised by Raz’s reaction. “That’s… strong.” Dipper raised an eyebrow. “Why not?”
Raz pointed at the laptop screen. “See the manufacturer?” 
Wybie turned his gaze at the screen and leaned closer. “StrexCorp? What about ‘em?”
“They’re bad news. Gets involved in lots of shady stuff,” Raz explained. “Everyone’s better off not associating with them in any way.”
“Trust him on this,” Lili suddenly chimed in, Raz blinking in surprise. “If you don’t trust him, then trust me.”
Dipper and Wybie gave each other a look, before shrugging. “I mean, we weren’t really gonna buy anything anyway, so…” Wybie trailed off, scratching his head. 
Lili shot Raz a quick smirk, which he replied with a good-hearted roll of his eyes. Meanwhile, Wybie had closed his laptop, scrambling up to his feet. 
“Well, that’s about time. Gonna do a regular checkup of our gear now.” He glanced back at the others. “Wanna come with? I could use a hand or two.”
Dipper stroked his chin for a moment. “I promised Mabel I’ll help her with a thing soon,” he said, before shrugging, “but until then, sure.”
“Hey, count me in!” Raz stretched out his legs, before hopping off of the couch. “I think I filled my lounging quota for the day.”
“W-wait, you’re leaving?” Lili asked. There was a nervous edge in her voice that piqued Raz’s interest. 
For now, Raz pretended to remain oblivious. “You can still chill here if you want, Lil. I won’t mind.” He did his best to put on an innocent smile. So far, it looked like it’s working. 
“Uh…” Lili’s eyes darted, for only a split second, towards Coraline, who Raz realized was still so busy trying to stay awake that she had not noticed anything that’s been happening around her. “I’ll-I’ll join you guys, sure.” Lili stood up from the couch, fidgeting in place. Raz did not miss that at all.
“Oh. Right. Okay.” Wybie looked at the three with wide eyes. “Didn’t expect so many of you wanna help out, but… yeah! This is good, it’s great! Let’s go.” 
Wybie led the way out of the room, followed closely behind by Dipper, with Raz and Lili trailing a bit farther behind him. The group was halfway down the hallway when Raz grabbed Lili’s shoulder and stopped, Lili stopping with him. 
“Oh my god, guys, I just remembered!” Raz called out to Wybie and Dipper, who paused to turn and look. “Lili and I were supposed to send in our reports! You guys go on ahead, we gotta do this first.” 
Wybie cocked his head. “Uh, sure? I’ll, um, see ya.” 
“Don’t wait up!” Raz called out one last time as Wybie and Dipper continued down the hallway.
“Reports?” Lili stepped in front of him and gave him a questioning look. “Raz, we already did that, what are you-”
Raz cut her off, not with words, but by dragging her by the shoulder into a room to the side and closing the door behind him. Lili first wore a look of confusion, then her eyebrows furrowed into a look of annoyance, her mouth opening to voice her thoughts. Raz made sure he was quicker on that front. 
“Alright, what’s going on between you and Coraline?”
Lili’s words died in her throat, her mouth still hanging open. 
Raz quirked an eyebrow. “What, think I wouldn’t notice?”
Lili’s mouth closed, though her eyes still wore a look of wide-eyed surprise. Raz expected a response from her, maybe a sharp retort, but none came after a few moments, so Raz pressed forward. 
“Lili, you’ve barely talked to Coraline for weeks. The only times you do are when we’re out on missions, and even then you keep that to a minimum. Everytime it looks like you’re gonna be alone in a room with her, you’d rather leave. Just like earlier.”
Lili still remained silent. She stared at the floor, her hands balled up into fists. Raz sighed, before he pressed on again, though this time with a gentler tone. 
“Listen, it’s always been rough between you and Coraline, I know, but I thought you two have gotten better in these past couple months. Like, I thought you actually kinda like each other now. So, if there’s anything going on between you two, then let me help. Or, at least, let me know what’s happening. As your boyfriend and friend, I respect your privacy, but as a captain, if this could cause trouble for-”
“the team, then I- I- I… what?”
Lili had spoken that in such a low voice that at first Raz thought he was just hearing things. But he wasn’t. Lili said that. Lili had definitely said that. At the same time, though, his mind couldn’t quite comprehend that fact. 
“You… you kissed…”
“… Coraline.”
“Like… on the-”
Raz heard himself let out some sort of high-pitched noise. He guessed it was supposed to mean acknowledgement of what Lili said, but in his current state of mind, he wasn’t sure of anything. He dragged Lili into this room expecting a lot of things; yelling, bickering, glaring, and things of that nature. However, he absolutely did not see this coming.
Raz blinked, the gears in his mind finally starting to turn again. He blinked one more time, his mind somewhat functional again, and he was nearly startled when he noticed the state that Lili was in. It was as if with every word that she said, she shrunk more and more into herself. Raz had never seen Lili in such a state. It was almost as surprising as the news that Lili and Coraline apparently had kissed. Almost.
Speaking of which.
“Okay. Okay. Think my mind’s back on properly now,” Raz began. Next, to address something important. “First of all… why?”
The ‘why’ part was really the thing that boggled him most about the news. Because, as far as Raz was aware of, they were barely even getting along. 
Lili breathed out a long sigh, timidly looked up, then she began, slowly, “You know… how I told you that I might be starting to… like girls? I-In that way?”
“Yeah?” Raz nodded.
Lili threw her gaze to the side in a grimace. “Well…”
All of a sudden, Raz really regretted choosing to have this conversation standing up, because his knees damn near collapsed when he realized what Lili meant.
“That-! You-! Because of Coraline?!”
Lili slowly nodded. She wrapped her arms around herself, going back to staring at the ground. 
Raz brought up a hand to rub his forehead. This conversation had been a whirlwind of emotions, and not in the way that Raz was expecting.
What did it for Lili, Raz found himself wondering. What aspect of Coraline made Lili be attracted to her? Was it purely physical? Coraline’s definitely in peak physical condition. She’s got muscles all over, but she wasn’t ripped or jacked; her muscles were lean, and she knew how to make them count. Maybe it’s her personality? Coraline might come across as abrasive at first, but if one were to know her a little better, one would quickly realize that that was a manifestation of her fearlessness, and of her bold approach to life. Beneath that was loyalty and kindness, even if she’s not the best at expressing it. Or, it could be a combination of the two; both physical and personality. A mental image came to Raz, of Coraline, muscled like some kind of Amazonian princess, a confident - almost cocky - smile adorning her lips, her eyes burning with determination… who wouldn’t swoon over that?
Raz’s train of thought ended when he realized his cheeks were getting warmer.
“Well. I mean. I guess I can see where you’re coming from.”
Raz froze when he heard a sniffle. Lost in his thoughts, Raz absolutely had not noticed that Lili, while still hugging herself, was shaking where she stood. Though she hid her face, Raz could still see water trailing down to her chin and dropping to the floor. His blood went cold when he realized that Lili was crying.
“Hey, hey, no, don’t cry, Lili.” Raz approached her, gently placing comforting hands on her shoulders. “C’mon, it’s alright, no need to cry. Why are you even crying?”
Lili sucked in a breath, looking up, letting Raz see her tear-soaked eyes. “B-Because-! I k-kissed Coraline!” she choked out. “I’m your girlfriend, and I kissed her!”
The sight of Lili with tears streaming down her cheeks was heartbreaking. “Lili…”
“I’m horrible!” Lili cried. “Just-! Just yell at me! Be mad!” She averted her gaze, shrinking away from Raz. “I… I deserve it.”
With both of his hands still on her shoulders, Raz pulled her closer and drew her into a gentle hug. Lili gasped, her whole body tensing up for a moment, before she relaxed in his embrace. 
“Don’t say stuff like that,” Raz whispered into her ear. “I’m not mad at you.”
There was a beat of silence, before Lili replied, “You should be. You have every right to.”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Raz held her just a tad tighter. “I’m still not mad.”
“Why?!” Lili raised her head so that they were staring eye to eye. “Why aren’t you mad?!”
Raz brought a hand up to wipe away a tear that stained Lili’s cheek. “I’ll tell you,” he said. “But first, you gotta stop crying, okay?”
After a moment of thought, Lili slowly nodded. Raz held her until she eventually stopped shaking, then he held her a few moments longer just to be sure. Lili took a step back, rubbing her eyes and wiping away the last remnants of her tears. She gave Raz an expectant look. 
Raz rubbed the back of his neck, somewhat sheepishly. “Well, you know that one time HQ brought in those consultants? And I kinda started crushing on one of them?”
Lili gave that a thought. “You mean… Miss Dinkley?” she guessed. 
“Yeah, her!” Raz nodded. “I told you about it, and you were okay with it! So, it’d be real hypocritical of me if I get mad at you.”
Lili sighed. “Raz, this isn’t- it’s not like you kissed her or anything!” Her eyes then narrowed at him ever so slightly. “Right?”
“No, ‘course not!” Raz shook his head. He’d better keep this from going off the rails. “Listen, the point I’m trying to make here is, this relationship between us, between you and me… I always felt that it’s been kind of… open.” 
Lili blinked, not saying a word. However, Raz had known Lili long enough to recognize that it was the kind of silence that meant she was listening, so Raz continued. “I don’t know if you feel the same, or if that’s what you even wanted, but that… we could become that. If you want.”
Lili looked… stunned. But, even with only a shallow probe, Raz felt her relief. He even faintly felt something almost like joy in her. However, at the same time, this was a big decision, and Raz understood that completely. 
“It doesn’t have to be right here and now,” Raz clarified. He made sure to wear a smile. “I just want you to know, the option is there if you want to take it.”
For a long time, Lili didn’t say anything. Her thoughts kept her busy, Raz could tell, but he did not dare go any deeper than that. So, she stood there, thinking, mulling, deciding, until eventually, she drew a deep breath, and spoke, “Okay.”
“As in…?”
“As in… I’ll think about it.”
That was a completely valid answer. She could take all the time in the world to make a decision, and he would still wait for her, as long as she’s happy. Already, Lili’s smiling again, like a weight had been lifted off of her, and just that was enough to make him happy. 
Raz leaned back, letting out a puff of air. “Man, I, uh… definitely wasn’t expecting this when I dragged you in here.” He chuckled. 
Lili chuckled too, but hers was shorter, more subdued. The two settled into a comfortable silence, letting each other process the conversation they just had.
The silence was broken when Lili’s eyes lit up, and she asked, “Wasn’t Miss Dinkley… like, in her fifties?”
“Hey, you know what I’m not doing right now? Judging you.”
Mabel slammed the door open, and by some miracle, Wybie managed to keep the metal harness standing upright on the table. Dipper had yelped, and was now staring at her sister in surprise.
“Mabel? What was-?”
“You promised me you’re gonna help me out!” Mabel exclaimed. She crossed her arms and pouted, for good measure. 
Wybie shot him a questioning look, while Dipper stared at his watch, his eyes widening. “Oh. Oh! Huh. Must have lost track of time.” 
Dipper offered Wybie a sheepish smile. “Sorry about this, dude. I gotta run,” he said. 
“Eh, no problem,” Wybie shrugged.
Mabel immediately pounced upon Dipper, already dragging him out of the room by the arm. “Come on, come on, come on!”
“Hey, whatcha guys doing anyway?” Wybie called out just as the twins reached the doorway. 
“Making invitations!” Dipper called back.
“Yep!” Mabel added.
“For our thirteenth birthday!”
Summer’s end is approaching. You all know what that means.
Anyway, I hope that tacked on, completely out of nowhere ending didn’t take away too much from the main point of the chapter, which is the continuation of Lili smooching Coraline. A tough one to crack, this one, mainly because of just how complex the problem was. I went through a bunch of outcomes before I eventually settled on this one as the most likely outcome. Not necessarily the best outcome that could happen, nor the worst, but the most believable, I think. Although, I guess you could say the situation was never really resolved, but I think that’s just the point. Resolving something as complex as that would take time, and effort, and a whole lot of back and forth between everyone involved.
Besides, something’s gonna take their minds off of this particular problem pretty soon.
And yes, that was the StrexCorp, and yes, that really was Velma.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
helloo <3 are we allowed to follow ur personal blog? i saw it n it looks so frickin cute but i didn’t know if u wanted us on there yet so just wondering !
hi hi!!! <33 aw hehehe you’re lovely, i appreciate you asking!!! yes you’re totally allowed to follow it if you’d like to!! i’m not really sure what i’m going to use it for—i was thinking of kinda just using it like an old school blog where i just,,, talk about my life lmao!!! but yes yes of course u can follow it if you’d like to <3 i promise i wouldn’t have posted the link if u weren’t/if i wasn’t okay with it!! <3333
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Okay so here’s a thought: college with young Henry and being assigned to make an assignment with him but you think he had never noticed you because he is quite popular and you’re like not unpopular but also not popular. And then: while working on the assignment in his dorm room late at night the door knob breaks and you two are stuck in his room for the entire night 😈
Yes I’m in love with young Henry
Uhu, college boy!Henry just hits different. asdfhalksdfjaksdjf
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College boy!Henry Cavill x female!reader
Summary: You and Henry are paired up for a college assignment. When one day you get locked in his room, something is bound to happen.
Wordcount: 2.2k
Warnings: Sex (like fingering, orgasms, p in v sex, you know)
If Prince Eric went to college, he would look like your classmate Henry Cavill. He always looked casual, yet put together. His curly hair slightly disheveled and all over the place, but it had its appeal and charm. And then you had that smile.
That damn smile of his.
The two of you almost shared every class and he made it difficult to concentrate. He just demanded everyone to look at him.
You kinda wished he was an asshole, so you had less difficulty with being so infatuated by him, but that wasn’t the case with Henry Cavill.
The son of a bitch was nice too.
You really didn’t wanted to be that girl who had a crush on him, especially when you were sharing your crush with at least a dozen others. Henry was popular and he knew he was well loved. Flashing the professors cheeky smirks, helping female students with the door or their books. But those female students were always the popular ones.
And you weren’t.
You had quite some friends, but you were no where near as popular and well loved as Henry Cavill.
When one time the professor announced you had to work together in pairs he made, you wanted to curse him. The audacity of him to force you to work together with who knows who—
‘Y/N Y/L/N and Henry Cavill.’
Oh fucking no! You couldn’t possibly work with Henry Cavill. He was gorgeous, charming and funny. You on the other hand knew your way around when it came to people you actually knew, but working together with mister perfection? That was a task you never had to do before and weren’t exactly sure if you were capable of doing now.
You were afraid Henry didn’t even know who you were, but you saw him gather his stuff and get up, walking over to your seat. ‘Hi,’ he said, a charming smile on his lips like usual.
‘Hi,’ you managed to say, a little bit taken aback by the fact he knew who you were.
‘Guess you’re stuck with me for the upcoming months,’ he chuckled, taking a seat next to you with that much confidence you could only admire. Like that would be considered a punishment.
Over the course of the next two weeks, you got to work together a lot and finally you were becoming less uptight and more relaxed around him. It was easy, as he would give you undivided attention when he was with you, turning off his phone when his friends would spam him with messages and invitations for parties. He even admitted that he usually just does his assignments in a way he’ll pass by just a few points, but now he would work extra hard, since you two were in this together and he didn’t want to fail you.
And that was the most romantic thing someone had ever said to you (yes, the bar was that low).
Every time you would work together, he brought something for you: snacks, drinks and sometimes even an extra jacket or hoodie, because he knew how cold you’d become when the two of you were stuck in the library and how stubborn you were when it came to bringing extra warm clothes with you.
‘Come on,’ he one day said, when you were already on route to the library, ‘we’re going to my place.’
‘Why?’ you asked, your heart already beating way too fast for it to be considered healthy.
‘I don’t like that place and I have snacks over at my room.’
You were too easily persuaded by food, so you simply nodded and followed him.
His dorm was much nicer than yours. It was a little bit distanced from the other dorms, he didn’t share it with anyone and it wasn’t as noisy as yours.
His dad must be rich and paid a fortune for a place on campus like this one.
Henry’s room was decorated in a way you didn’t expect. You expected a tower of beer bottles, multiple posters of females in their underwear and just an overall messiness. However, it was clean, more on the minimalistic side and was that poster on the wall art?
Boy, did you sleep with the typical college students and did you really miss out with this one. You awkwardly sat on the edge of his bed after shimmying out of your thick coat. Henry was a better host than you were, because he immediately offered you a blanket, something to drink and gave you a piece of your favorite chocolate.
He remembered.
Your crush had definitely intensified over the course of these weeks, because you discovered he was even more perfect than you had envisioned him.
The two of you sat on the bed, both with a laptop in front of you, typing away and a little closer to finishing the assignment.
By the time it was around eight in the evening, you stretched your body and said: ‘I gotta go.’
‘Sure thing, lemme grab my coat and I’ll walk you to your room.’
He would always do that and today was no different.
He is so damn perfect.
Henry wanted to twist the doorknob, only for it to break in his hand. The screws broke off and despite his best effort to pry it open, you knew one thing: you were stuck in his dorm. Phone call after phone call and finally he broke the news to you that you had to stay the night, because they were gonna fix it tomorrow.
At around ten in the morning.
You started panicking. You had to sleep here? You mean, you could’ve ended up in a sleazy dorm, but this enormous floor paid for by Henry’s probable rich daddy has a shower, a toilet and a lot of extra space.
While that is a pro, the only con is that while you might be semi friends, spending the night feels quite intimate.
Besides, you didn’t have anything with you.
This was gonna be an interesting night.
✓ ✓ ✓
Henry had a crush on you. He knew who you were, even before the two of you had to work together. He usually did the bare minimum for college and assignments, but once he got to work with you, he actually started trying.
He loved having you around and go an extra mile for you.
So when you had to stay the night, he didn’t mind. No, he liked it even. Because you weren’t prepared to stay over, you wore his shirt and sweats of his. He accidentally already caught a glimpse from you, wearing nothing but a thin thong that left very little to the imagination, before you pulled his pair of sweatpants over your legs and bottom.
Henry moistened his bottom lip when he saw you sitting on his bed, your hair up in a ponytail. He hated how he couldn’t get the image of you in a thong out of his mind, the tent in his own pants almost becoming obvious.
You two talked the entirety of the night away and you even casually mentioned how you slept with a few guys during your time here, but it was nothing that special. He knew about it, even prior to you telling him. He hated the fact you wasted your time on those guys. He heard them brag about the girls they slept with and even heard them bragging about you, which infuriated him. You were special, but for them you were just one of the many they slept with.
He didn’t need to be there to know it was never about you, it was about the guys themselves, chasing their own highs and using the girls as breathing human fleshlights.
Henry had thought a lot about how you deserved the world, to be worshipped.
‘You’re saying you never had an orgasm before?’ Henry asksed in disbelieve once you dropped that bomb.
You cleared your throat. ‘No, never,’ you admitted. ‘It’s just that guys are too quick and I myself never get to that point.’
Henry nodded. ��I can solve that problem.’
You started to giggle. ‘Henry? What?’ You shoved his side, expecting him to laugh with you, but he didn’t. ‘Wait, you’re serious?’
‘Of course,’ he says, with a simple shrug.
Judging from your smile and your gaze, you didn’t mind. As you leaned against the wall, he kneeled in between your legs, after he gently spread them apart. You had a smirk toying on your lips, slightly mischievous, but he saw you were a little shocked as well.
‘Henry, are you sure?’ you asked. ‘I mean, you don’t have to.’
‘You want it?’ Henry whispered, as he pushed his hands underneath your shirt and placed them on your sides.
You nodded. ‘I do.’
He pushed your shirt up, throwing it behind him and with ease he unhooked your bra. He always thought you had a body to die for, because you were pretty keen on tighter outfits, sometimes with a teasing amount of cleavage. He understood guys wanted you, especially because you had this mysterious beauty over you.
He licked his lip, before wrapping them around one of your hardened nipple. He felt you holding your breath, but when you let out a shaky, whimper like breath, he knew you were enjoying it. Especially when you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer.
Henry pressed kisses in between your breasts, before you took ahold of his face, forcing him to look up at you. You slammed your lips on his. Shit, you were desperate.
You moaned against his mouth and he couldn’t stop his chuckle. This was truly happening. He pulled back, helping you out of the sweatpants and flimsy thong you were wearing, before he got rid of his own clothing.
You wanted to grab his hard shaft, already willing to please him, but he was faster. A whole lot faster. He quickly seized your wrist. ’Not today, Y/N,’ he says, pressing a kiss on your fingers. He helped you get comfortable on his bed, as he laid down next to you on his side. His hand slid down as you spread you legs. He squeezed your thigh.
‘Kiss me,’ you said.
He willingly obliged and your lips met his. As you opened your mouth, your tongue evading, he moistened his fingers between your swollen slit. You gasped, as he let one finger slip inside. He moved slowly, allowing you to get used to him, before he pushed in another finger.
‘Fuck, Henry,’ you moaned.
His thumb toyed with the sensitive bundle of nerves. ‘There you go,’ he whispered in approval, as you bit your lip.
It took him awhile, but he saw your walls crumbling down, especially when he got in between your legs, his lips wrapped around your clit, as he thrusted his fingers deep in and out of you. Your fingers tangled up in his hair, pulling him closer and closer.
And then he felt it. Your walls clenching around his fingers. Your chest going up and down, before you came. Your legs were shaking, your fingers were fisting the sheets as the wave of pleasure rushed over you. When you came down from your high, he withdrew his fingers and leaned forward. Tears had escaped from your eyes and the mascara you still wore had run over your cheeks. He pressed his chest against yours and you snaked your arms around his neck.
‘You’re quite talented, Henry,’ you admitted.
‘You didn’t think we were done, right?’
‘I wouldn’t dare,’ you whispered, one hand slid in between you two, wrapping your fingers around his hard member. You pumped him once, no twice, your thumb running over his tip. He clenched his jaw as you lined him up near your entrance. His entire length sunk into your throbbing cunt and he grunted as he bottomed out entirely.
Henry had to take a breather, pressing a peck on your kissable lips. ‘Can I?’
You nodded. ‘Of course.’
He tried to go slowly, but his thrusts slowly sped up and your moans became louder and louder, adding more fuel to the fire. You bucked up your hips to meet his thrusts. He felt it again. You clenching tightly around him.
‘Fuck, Henry, I’m close again,’ you whimpered, before shaking underneath his broad frame. He tried, he really did, but he felt him nearing a point of no return imminently.
His hips stuttered against yours, when thick ropes of his seed painted your walls. He rode out his high, making sure not one single drop was wasted. He pushed himself deeper inside of you, before he gently laid on top of you. ‘You okay?’ he asked carefully.
‘I am.’ Goosebumps arose on your sweaty body. ‘You solved a problem,’ you chuckled.
He couldn’t help but smile. ‘Allow me to clean you up,’ he said, pulling out as you pushed your legs together.
After he cleaned you up and helped you in a shirt of his, he slid in the bed next to you, pulling you closer to his body. You draped your leg over his and placed your head on his chest. ‘This might be odd,’ he whispered, pressing a kiss on top of your head.
‘Enlighten me,’ you said.
Henry smiled. ‘Wanna go on a proper date tomorrow? No school work, just you and me getting to know one another better.’
‘You know me pretty well already,’ you chuckled. ‘But I’d love that, Henry. I really do.’
✓ ✓ ✓
Drabble taglist: @diegos-butt // @cherry-gemz // @crazybutconfidentaf // @sillyrabbit81 // @thelastsock // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @summersong69 // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @xuxszx // @liecastillo // @sofiebstar // @eldarwen333 // @omgkatinka // @abschaffer2
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unoriginalmess · 3 years
A Second Mask: Chapter 4
Did that just happen?
Hello guys! It's me. I'm finally writing again. Sorry about the delay. I'm going to explain more at the end of the chapter, but I'm just going to keep the beginning short. So here is chapter 4:
To say Adrien was concerned would be a huge understatement. He was downright disturbed. Its been weeks and still Marinette hadn't changed back to the happy, peppy, nice girl that he knew. AND SHE WOULDN'T EVEN TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT!
He tried to talk to her for a whole week after her original trasformation, but after the repeated firm rejections, he stopped altogether. He figured that maybe with some space, she might be able to work through whatever she was going through, but at this point, he's losing hope.
When he is feeling this distressed about something, he usually turns to his lady, but she has been acting weird too. Ever since she suggested they start sparring, she's started to show that she is going through kinda a rough time as well. She is the same ladybug when everyone is watching, but when it's just the two of them, she looks sad and tired. She has also started saying some concerning things while they are sparring. She has started talking about how she has started taking being Ladybug and the Guardian more seriously, and how she has less distractions now, which would be a good thing if she didn't say them so sadly.
The good thing is, the sparring has given him a chance to get out his aggression because of the whole Marinette-situation and his anger at his father in a safe environment. He didn't like the idea of hitting Ladybug at first (especially in the face) but with her not holding back on her hits, he felt more comfortable doing the same. It has helped them fight better too. He hopes that whatever Ladybug is going through in her civillian life will work itself out soon, but until then he will be there for her. He just needs to figure out how to be there for Marinette.
Felix was making good progress with Marinette. After they first asked marinette about (insert fashion question of your choice here, I legit know nothing and I didn't have time to research anything for this chapter), she had started answering their questions on a daily basis. After a couple of days of that, she had started to rant to them about different things in the fashion world that were bothering her, exciting her, or confusing her that particular day. In response to that, they had started to respond to her rants with their own opinions on the subjects and even start their own rants.
It had gotten to the point where Felix would now consider them to be friends, though they know that Marinette would never call them as such, it was fine with them. They know she has trust issues, and they can understand why, so they are fine with being friends in everything but a name.
Felix was looking forward to their daily banter as they waited in their seat for Marinette to arrive. When she did, she was followed by a very pissed-looking Alya. Felix turned to look at her and noticed that she had what looked to be tears forming in her eyes. What they didn't notice was the little black butterfly that had entered through the window in the back of the room, and was making a beeline towards her.
Marinette walked to school in yet another one of her newest fashion creations: a pair of oversized grey ripped jeans and a navy blue sweatshirt. She was actually really liking her new look, and the comfort that it offered was just an added plus.
She was actually feeling excited to talk to Felix about Gabriel Agreste's newest fashion flop. They were the only person that she had met that actually cared about fashion as much as her. It made her happy to talk to them. It kind of scared her how excited she was. Shouldn't she be distancing herself from everyone? she thought to herself. No. Felix isn't my friend, they aren't close to me, they are just someone I talk fashion with. Like a coworker, yeah. Totally. Felix is just a coworker. ("Liar" says the inner voice in her head)
She was shocked out of her thoughts when she was pulled to the side by someone as she entered the courtyard. Her mind immediately thought of an akuma, when the person spoke.
"Marinette! Girl," Oh it's just Alya. Wait Alya? "How long are you gonna keep up this cry for attention? Are you really THAT jealous of Lila? I know that Adrien likes her, but that doesn't give you the right to act like this! And you are hanging out with Felix, who accused her of sexually harrassing Adrien on their first day here-?" She looked absolutely furious at her, but Marinette had heard enough. She cut Alya off in the middle of her presumably long rant.
"ALYA!" Said girl jumped at both the inturruption and the tone of voice used, "First of all, this isn't a cry for attention, if anything its a cry for leaving me the fuck alone. Second of all, I'm not jealous of Lila. I'm not in love with Adrien anymore, and haven't been for a while. You knew that I was dating Luka right? Why would I care who Adrien likes? Lastly, I am allowed to hang out with whoever I choose, whether you like them or not. It's none of your fucking business Alya, and if you think that I'm just some jealous, attention-seeker why do you even care?" With that last question she stormed off to the classroom, leaving a speechless Alya behind her.
When marinette sat down in her seat, she just kept thinking about how Alya was just talking to her. How could she think that about her? They used to be best friends, and Alya wasn't even concerned about her not talking to her anymore, she was just concerned about her being "jealous of Lila". It made her so furious that she could feel tears trickling down her face. She sees the black butterfly out of the corner of her eye and without hesitation grabs it out of the air.
(Next part is taken from this post by @bigfatbreak)
"Go ahead and akumatize me- See what happens, Hawkmoth!" She screamed the words with a slight madness that the energy of the akuma was giving her, "Every leash has two ends! I just have to pull until I find where you're holding it!"
At this point, the entire class was frozen in place watching her and listening to her crazed-sounding voice threaten an actual terrorist. Marinette felt Hawkmoth's confusion and terror through the bond. What in the- She's sensing me through the Akuma?! The akuma then started to fly away, and when it couldn't it zapped her hand like it was made of lightning and fluttered through the same window it came from. Marinette felt like she had failed yet again and collapsed down on her desk, muttering, "Uuuuggghh. It escaped anyway... What a waste. I didn't realize that Hawkmoth was such a coward. He usually likes grandstand..."
She was startled when her hand was picked up by Felix's, "You likely scared him off by managing to locate him like that... A risky move, I should mention. I would ask that you not attempt that a second time. No one knows what his akuma is truly capable of. You'll want to keep off of this hand for a while, too."
"Oh, are those the doctor's orders? Why, Felix, it almost sounds like you care about meeee." Marinette was all too amused by Felix's concern for her. She also liked to tease them... AS COWORKERS DO.
"I have an investment in your presence. Now don't be cheeky and let's get you to the nurse's office," They said while holding her wrist and gently pulling her in that direction.
Marinette scoffed, "'An investment in my presence'??"
Felix chuckled while still semi-dragging her by the wrist towards the front of the room, being careful not to hurt her injury even worse, "What did I just say about being cheeky?"
On their way out of the door they passed a VERY distressed-looking Adrien. He seemed to be sharing the sentiment with the entire class of: Did that just happen?
And thats chapter 4. It is VERY LATE! I know. I've been swamped with work, and when I went to write it, I had zero ideas on how to write this chapter. I never ended up getting those ideas. I just went where my writing took me, so if it doesn't really match the characters that's why. I will try to be better at updating regularly, but it probably won't happen. Sorry to everyone with a normal sleep schedule, but this is the time that I write things. Also I didn't have my outline with me while writing this chapter, so it might not have everything I planned to write in it.
I would like to thank you all for all of the support I've been getting on this fic. Despite all of the chapter delays, you guys have stuck with me through all of it, so thank each and every one of you. I love seeing so many people loving this au as much as I do. Without you guys this story wouldn't exist, and I would've stopped writing it after the first chapter.
As always, constructive criticism is always accepted. I love being able to improve my writing whenever possible.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day/night/whenever you are reading this. See ya next time guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
@queer-illusion @apasponsor @heckinggremlin @1-ahiro-1 @hewantedbeefintheparkinglot @sassakitty @lennauts @rianoel @dorkus-minimus @khneltea @welp-that-was-unexpected @mlnchlymrshmllw @lovelyautumnsunflower @chariphrasis @lovesbooks @komatsuna-yuki @polyvirnl @innocentlyguiltyfrenchfry @qhobias @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @hammalammadamdam @cloudydaysomewhere @alcoholic-barney @basenikon @xxbehindthemaskxx @corporeal-terrestrial @shadowymemoirs @moonlight-densetsuu
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quindolyn · 3 years
hi love! I’m in love w ur blog, Could u do a marauders smut w an obedient sub james and a bratty sun reader and like punishment w dom remus and james? (sorry if that was confusing)
She’ll Never Learn || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 3612
A/N: I kinda like this piece, we’ll see. In the course of writing this piece I was delayed a good hour because my laptop died on me and I broke my charging cable earlier today so that’s a whole shit show and I had to finish this on my school computer. That’s how much I love you guys. And a special thank you to everyone who bullied me, I still procrastinated for another 1-2 hours after that.
Warnings: face slapping, words like stupid and slut used, male penetration, exhibitionist kink, dom/sub, degradation, poly obviously, i’m tired please tell me if there’s any that I missed
Part 2
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The fact you couldn’t do it was half the fun. For you anyways, the whole thing seemed to make James nervous, he’d broken a few rules here and there before but never had he been so conscious of the disobedience he was about to take part in.
“Our Daddies are gonna be mad if they catch us,” James grumbled as you pulled him up the staircase to the boy’s dorm, dragging him by the sleeve of his school issued button-up. 
Had he put up any resistance he would’ve easily been able to cease your assent up the staircase, his body strong and toned from Quidditch but he didn’t, he allowed himself to be pulled up the stairs to the dorm room he shared with Sirius and Remus.
“Well neither of them have to know, now do they?” You asked him as you opened the door to their dorm which they kept tidy for you, knowing that you couldn’t stand mess.
As you kicked the door closed behind you and toed off your shoes you caught a glimpse of the boy’s face as he studied your form unabashedly as you started expertly undoing the buttons on your top before shrugging it off your shoulders and letting it pool at your feet.
“Come on Jamie,” You cooed mockingly as you strode towards him, his eyes glued to your breasts, “If they don’t know about this then we can have fun, it’s so hard with them sometimes isn’t it, with them getting in the way?” You watched his Adam’s apple bob as you played with the scarlet material of his tie, teasingly tugging on it. 
“But if they find out-”
You cut him off by pulling him down by his tie, melding your lips with his, though he was considerably taller than you he bent all the way down to kiss you, becoming pliable in your hands as you ran your fingers through his raven tresses.
Lacing your hands together at the back of his head, interweaving your fingers with his fluffy curls you pulled slightly, resulting in the man’s mouth to open as a gentle groan tumbled from his lips. You smirked into the kiss, knowing that you had won as you backed yourself up towards one of the beds in the room, you allowed yourself to sit when your knees bumped up against the mattress. 
“Want this off,” You muttered, clumsily working on undoing his tie until you were able to pull it off of him. “This too,” You said, already starting on the top button of his shirt.
Having pushed the pesky garment off of his broad shoulders you took a moment to run the palms of your hands up and down the smooth muscles of his muscled chest. Goosebumps rose under your touch as he leaned in towards you.
“Good boy,” You murmured, throwing your head back against the pillow, knowing that the praise would do just the trick to convince him to break the rules with you. Corrupting him, now that was also a part of the fun for you, little old Jamie would’ve never fathomed doing something like this if you hadn’t convinced him, there was just something so undeniably hot about the way you could so easily manipulate him. The way that with two simple words we was a whimpering mess with his mouth latched on your nipple.
You whined as he lifted his mouth moving it to the other nipple both at the loss of contact and then the new found stimulation.
James didn’t hear the opening and the closing of the door from behind him, too focused on sucking on the delicate flesh of your tit but you did, Remus and Sirius had caught you. Smirking to yourself you realized that if you worked the next ten or so seconds correctly you would be in for a treat. 
“Jamie!” You moaned, dramatically thrusting your chest up into his mouth, “Feels so good when you suck my tit Jamsie, making me so wet.” Deciding laying it on extra thick was only going to help your mission: you wrapped your legs around James’ waist and started thrusting your hips into his. 
“Can you believe these two?” The dark haired man asked his partner incredulously, “Did you give them permission to do this?”
At the sound of Sirius’ voice James jumped off of you, a guilty look gracing his face as he immediately dropped to his knees in front of them, not even wiping the spit from his mouth.
“No Pads,” Remus responded, his eyes on James rather than Sirius, a frown took over his face as he moved his gaze to your half naked form, “Did you?”
“Nope,” Sirius replied, popping his p as he stuck his hands into the front pockets of his trousers, lazily sauntering over to where James sat subserviently on the ground, “Thought you were my good boy Jamie, what happened?” He asked in a sickly sweet sort of voice that had James in a puddle at his feet and you rolling your eyes back in your head, not noticing Remus’ piercing gaze set on you. If you paid close enough attention, the tension radiating off the man was suffocating but Remus had always been able to blend into his surroundings, making it all the more startling when he pounced.
James’ response came in the form of a pathetic little whine as Sirius turned his face up to meet him with his index finger, the boy was malleable in the other man’s grasp. 
“Come on, answer Daddy’s question, don’t be a brat,” At the very mention of the word brat James’ eyes snapped up to Sirius’, that was his worst nightmare, being a brat, failing either Sirius or Remus. It terrified him, and Sirius knew James like the back of his hand. 
“M’sorry, m’so, so sorry I didn’t want to break the rules but (Y/N) said that it would be okay, that we wouldn’t get caught and then she kissed me and-” He rambled, his hands nervously tumbling about each other in his lap, his gaze never wavering from Sirius.
“Pathetic slut,” You swore, stalking off from the bed to where Sirius stood in front of James, “You were just as into it as I was, both of us broke the rules don’t try to back out now, don’t be a bad boy Jamie.”
You opened your mouth to continue but you were cut off by a sharp slap to the side of your face as Sirius’ hand met your cheek.
“Ow,” You whimpered, clutching the side of your face in your hand as you glared at Sirius, taking a step back towards the bed, “What was that for?”
“Oh don’t act stupid, you know that you get punished when you break the rules Puppy. And calling James a bad boy,” His eyes softened as he tore them from you, moving them to gaze down at the boy who still knelt at his feet, “You’re not a bad boy are you Jamie?”
He shook his head silently, eyes locked onto Sirius’.
“He’s acting like one, throwing me under the bus,” You grumbled, still rubbing the side of your face. 
“Did anyone say you could talk?” Remus questioned you, his voice oddly calm as he strode towards you, in no time at all reaching your body.
He raised a hand to the side of your you were clutching, coaxing away your hand to replace it with his own. He ran the palm of his hand over the flesh before pulling it back to bring it against your face, more harshly than Sirius had.
The action pulled a whine from your throat as your flesh was abused by the calloused palm of Remus’ hand. In a second he had adjusted his hand so that it was gripping your jaw, using his hold on you there to tug your entire body closer to his person.
“You really expect us to fucking buy that,” He squished your cheeks together harder and harder with every passing second, “Jamsie has always been our best boy, you on the other hand Puppy, you’ve got a bit of a bratty side to you.”
“It’s not fair,” You tried to wiggle yourself out of Remus’ grasp, moving your hands to grapple at his wrist, trying to pull away from him but he was unmoving, not only being much taller than you but much stronger than you, your efforts were in vain, “He broke the rules too, he’s not your good boy he’s a fucking slut!”
“That’s it!” Sirius’ voice rang through the dorm, still positioned next to James who still sat on the floor now with his fingers entangled in the other boy’s dark curls, “On the bed, now.” His command left no room for argument as Remus let go of your face, but you just stood there, not moving until he gave you a not so gentle nudge towards the bed you had previously been seated upon.
You had to stop yourself from trembling as you sat upon the bed, it wasn’t that you were scared. No, this was exactly what you had hoped for, you were giddy.
“If anyone here is desperate, puppy it’s you, look at this,” Sirius sneered, pushing your legs apart so that your bare pussy was on display, just as you had forgone a bra you had decided to go without panties, anticipating this moment. “No panties,” He tutted, crouching down so that he was level with your pussy as he boldly ran a finger through your sopping folds, “You planned this didn’t you?” HIs eyes darted up to meet yours and with a single glance he knew.
“Course she planned it, Pads,” Remus chimed in from where he leaned against the frame of one of the other beds, “Are you just now figuring that out? Our puppy thought she could break the rules and we’d make her feel good, thought she’d enjoy her punishment.”
As his words washed over you you felt a wave of disappointment, they weren’t going to give you what you wanted.
Sensing your disappointment Sirius recaptured your jaw in his hand, “Don’t pout baby, you’re gonna take your punishment like a good girl, yeah?”
Putting on your best “James face” eye wide and pleading, lips pushed out in a small pout, head cocked to the side you extended a single hand to grope at Sirius’ crotch, squeezing his clothed member in the palm of your hand.
“Daddy,” You begged, knowing that you were breaking another rule, touching them without permission. 
Remus rolled his eyes and was at your side in the blink of an eye, wrenching your hand away from Sirius’ bulge, “You know you’re not allowed to touch without permission,” He scolded as though he was bored with your insolent behavior. “Did you forget?”
“No, Daddy,” You shook your head looking up at him as Sirius’ adjusted so that your head was turned towards the other man.
Remus’ hold on your wrist tightened, “Oh, so you just decided to break the rules?”
You stuttered, not quite sure how to answer his question, “I-I…”
“That’s what I thought,” He spat, letting go of your wrist so that it could land on your thigh, not bothering to look over his shoulder he spoke to James, instead keeping his eyes on you, “Jamie, can you pull up the armchair for me?”
Rushing to obey, James squeaked out a small “yes” before pulling the aforementioned chair to the foot of the bed before redirected by Remus to place it by the side of the bed. You couldn’t help but ogle the boy as he moved about the room, well developed muscles rippling under his skin as he stretched and twisted his body.
“Up,” Remus ordered you with a flick of his wrist towards the chair you were pulled from your seat and dragged to the chair by some invisible force. With another flick of his wrist you were positioned to his liking, legs spread and thrown over the arms of the chair, arms linked together behind your back and as you tried to tug yourself out of that position you found you were immobile. Remus and his fucking talent for wandless magic.
“I’m uncomfortable, Daddy,” You trilled, trying to move in your seat and failing tremendously. 
“What did we say about talking?” Sirius scoffed at you undoing the buttons on his uniform shirt one at a time until he was able to shed his clothing.
“Jamsie, could you grab me a vibrator, the purple one?” Remus asked as he too rid himself of his shirt.
Being the dutiful boy he was, James promptly handed Remus the small clit vibrator who idly played with the switch, turning it on and then back off for a few seconds before his stern gaze lifted to your form and a small smirk graced his face. 
“Pads?” The werewolf turned to look at the boy, “You wanna do the honors?”
Sirius grinned like an idiot as he slid the toy from his lover’s hand, slipping it onto your clit before turning it on, placing a light sticking charm on you as to ensure the toy would stay put. 
“No cumming unless we say so, do you understand Puppy?” Everything about him from the tone of his voice to his eyes mocked you as he spoke, letting you know he was having way too much fun with this.
You managed a small nod but couldn’t help but jolt at the sudden pleasure that coursed through you as the vibrations of the vibrator stimulated your clit. If you had been physically capable you would’ve bucked your hips up but that being impossible left the pleasure to only fester more as the itch to move intensified the ecstasy setting deep in your bones.
Being so distracted by the stimulation on your clit you almost missed as Remus took James’ face in his hands and meshed their lips together, pushing his tongue into the smaller boy’s mouth, Remus dug his hands in his hair. The moan that James released as Remus tugged on his locks must’ve made Sirius feel left out because in a second he was behind the two boys tugging Remus’ face away from James’, interlocking his lips with the taller man’s, he replaced Remus’ hands in James’ hair with his own.
“Daddy,” You whined, not addressing either of them particularly just wanting attention. 
“Shush, they’re giving me attention right now,” James said to you, looking to the other two boys for approval at his show of dominance.
Remus granted such, pulling away from his kiss with Sirius to extoll him, “Good boy Jamie, putting Puppy in her place.”
Getting the approval he craved at all times a gigantic grin cracked across his face, “May I touch you Daddy?” 
“Yes you may, good boy.”
Not wasting a single second, as eager as ever, James lunged towards the larger boy, attaching his lips to his pulse point, gently sucking small marks that bloomed in brilliant shades of blue and purple along the side of his neck.
The distinct clink of metal drew your attention to Sirius where he stood undoing his belt allowing him to drop his trousers, leaving him only in a pair of dark grey boxers which proudly displayed his prominent bulge. 
Sirius didn’t even spare you a glance as he moved back towards the pair, pressing his erection against James’ back while shamelessly groping his firm ass. James threw his head back onto his shoulder, abandoning Remus’ neck as the erection pressed into him and the hands on his ass overwhelmed him.
“Want inside him Rem,” Sirius groaned while he laved his tongue up and down the expanse of James’ neck, “Need inside of him,” He corrected himself.
“You think you’re ready for us Jamie?” The lycanthrope murmured in his ear, “Are you ready to take our cocks.”
Despite your most valiant efforts a moan escaped from your mouth at Remus’ words, watching James get fucked was one of your most favorite things, he was so beautiful stretched out on one of their cocks, a sobbing, moaning mess as he was split in two. But usually you got to touch him, or Remus, or Sirius, or at the very least yourself. 
The idea of not being able to touch yourself was absolute hell. Throw in the vibrator attached to your clit and your explicit order not to cum you were absolutely fucked as pleasure began to simmer in the pit of your belly, making your orgasm seem less and less far off.
You watched, practically drooling, as your boyfriends disrobed allowing their hard cocks to spring out against their stomachs, each distinctly different from the other but completely mouth watering in their own way. Your boys were perfect, all the way down to the tips of their pricks but something about seeing them in all their perfection and not being able to touch them made you a surprising mix of angry and turned on. Especially when you considered that it was them who had put you there, tied up and horny.
“Can I join Daddies, pretty please?” You begged as you watched James situate himself on the bed on his hands and knees, pushing his ass back towards Remus who was settling in behind him. “I’ll be a good girl I promise!”
“You wanna be a good girl?” Sirius mocked, pumping his cock in his hand to get it harder.
You nodded your head pathetically, giving Sirius the best puppy dog eyes you could muster with the haze settling into your mind.
Remus spoke before Sirius could, his eyes focused on the pool between your legs, “Can’t take you seriously when your pretty pussy is on display for us like that, makes you look almost as pathetic and desperate as you are.”
You groaned at the degradation, turning back to Sirius, even if he did agree to free you you would still need to convince Remus but it would at least be a start.
“If you wanna be a good girl you’re gonna sit there and be quiet while you watch us fuck Jamsie.”
Feeling defeated you wished you could drop your head into your hands, but the full body bind that had been placed on you made it hard to so much as blink.
You watched, despite yourself really, with bated breath as Remus pushed into the warmth of James’ opening, having used a lubrication spell to prepare him. The moan that the boy released went straight to your pussy and made it hard for you to think clearly as you watched him drop from his hands to his elbows before Sirius helped him back up so that he could push his cock into his mouth.
Screw waterboarding, this was a special kind of evil, cruel and unusual. With every sound of skin slapping against skin, the wet gagging noises that came as Sirius forced his cock further and further down James’ throat accompanied by the vibrator still stimulating your clit, it had your body going into overdrive to work to suppress your oncoming orgasm to the point where is was painful.
Before either of your three boyfriends showed any signs that they were even close to their orgasms you were screaming, “Please let me cum, I’ll be a good girl I promise please! I’m so sorry, please forgive me!” 
You sounded piteous.
“Shut up,” Remus threw at you as he picked up his pace in thrusting in and out of James, drinking up his moans like they were the only things keeping him going.
“Please, I’m gonna cum I can’t stop it please!” You cried out, tears rolling down your face at the effort it took you to suppress your climax. You weren’t lying, your orgasm was approaching you without remorse and no matter how hard you tried to fight it, it was by far a losing battle.
You held on for as long as you could, trying to use the lights and sounds in the room to tether you but before you were completely overwhelmed by the pleasure boiling up in your stomach and rising up your spine you screamed, “I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry Daddy, wanna be your good girl!”
As most of your orgasms were this one was absolutely overwhelming, flooding your senses with pure, unadulterated pleasure until all you could focus on was the warm feeling that washed over you and the ache in your cunt as the vibrator continued its assault against your pussy.
The added stimulation made it harder to come back as your climax subsided and the noises and voices that had once sounded muffled, as though you had been under water were clear as they reached your ears.
The first thing you heard as the fog began to lift from your head was a familiar but far off voice, “She’ll never learn will she?”
“Doesn’t look like it.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @pauloonig @oliviashea05 @gxtitobxby
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