#i am so much bigger and more powerful than a simple fly that buzzes around for like a week
jaybirdhaswings · 1 year
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #387
“Salt Talk, Godmorgan, EAlex Portal Practice”
[Deer] Is down in the kitchen, stirring a cup of steaming coffee-
[Yaunfen] Comes downstairs- Hi mom! - They're carrying a bubbling pail of clear liquid.
[Waffles] Saunters down as well and busks on the side of the table.
[Deer] - Why hello to you too, and just what are you up to today, hm?
[Yaunfen] smiles warmly-  I made a soda fountain. So I came down to water the ferns with some of it.
[Deer] - That's a good idea, do you have anything else planned?
[Yaunfen] I dunno. Probably more fighting with Fru... - they trail off a little- But it's making some nice muscles! I can punch trees just as good as Steve!
[Deer] - Just be careful, don't get yourself killed, that's not something I ever want you to experience...
[Yaunfen] Their hair fluffs a bit, reminding her of Doc- I hope not! But I know you'll watch over me either way.
[Deer] - Always
[Yaunfen] Mom... am I ever going to be able to fly? Even Liz can kinda do it.
[Deer] - I don't know sweety, I mean, if you can become super heavy...  Maybe you can become super light too?
[Yaunfen] Brow furrows a little- Maybe... If you see Mix please tell me. I still need a scabber for Fru.
[Deer] - A scabber?
[Yaunfen] Something like that. It's some kind of magick bug.
[Deer] - Alright then.  And if you want to practice trying to be lighter, why don't you practice in the wither arena, just so you have a roof to stop you from going too high
[Yaunfen] Okay mom. - They dump some of the bubbly liquid on the ferns and there's a burst of fruity smells as the plant puffs bigger and healthier under the tending.
[Waffles] Sneaks a leaf off of a fern and drags it under the table.
[Deer] Looks down at her coffee and notices it's started to get cold- Oh darn
[Yaunfen] Aw. Just put it on top of the furnace. It'll get warm again. - They give her a little hug. - I'm gonna go play.
[Deer] - Alright, have fun- She goes and places her cup on top of the furnace
-There's a bit of noise from downstairs and TLOT fastwalks up from the gold room-
[TLOT] Ugh! I hate that thing. I know it makes him happy but cripes... my ears...
-The sound is Steve playing his digeridoo much farther down in the bowels of the house-
[Deer] Laughs a little- Everyone has things that annoys their lover to no end
[TLOT] Hops onto a stool in front of the counter, his fingers brushing on a lemon hanging heavy from a short branch of the semi-potted tree. - He hates my cheese, so I guess it's fair.
[Deer] - True- Deer sits next to TLOT, her mind distracted just enough for TLOT to pick up the buzzing from it
[TLOT] You seem to be full of thoughts today. But I won't intrude if you don't feel like talking. - He takes his helmet off and sets it on the counter before fluffing his messy hair and facing her.
[Deer] - No, it's alright, it's mostly just a bad feeling
[TLOT] Considering that you're part of just about everything here, that is troubling.
[Deer] - Doc has mentioned that there's a couple more major updates ready, but...  I don't know, I just feel like it might be a bad idea...
[TLOT] Are you worried about physics mistakes? Or something worse...? That one that stuck everyone in their alternate shapes was pretty bad.
[Deer] - I don't know, I feel like it might have more to do with me, as in, all of me- She gestures around them
[TLOT] Unfortunately I don't have any talent for seeing the future. But I do trust your instincts. What's the alternative though? Just stop going forward?
[Deer] - It would break Doc's heart...
[TLOT] Everyone likes new things don't they? The world just keeps getting more complicated. I'm just glad we're not a high res-server like Cp's old home. I'd protest if it ever went that far.
[Deer] - Yeah...  Hopefully I'm just overthinking all of this- She goes to grab her reheated coffee
[TLOT] I heard there's going to be visible fish...
[Deer] - Hera will love that
[TLOT] I think I will too. I love making little things. - He turns over a hand and accidently goes forward in his hotbar-
-There's a chirp and the cricket escapes from his inventory. It pops up into the lemon tree and squeaks out the song of healing as loud as it can-
[TLOT] Darn it. I guess you aren't the only restless one.
[Deer] - No I'm not, can you feel the tension Lie's giving off?
[TLOT] She's worried about Aether. I don't think that will stop anytime soon.
[Porygon] Is woken by the cricket and falls out of the small tree onto the counter. It scoots back and forth and makes an annoyed statick noise at the bug-
[TLOT] New pet?
[Deer] - Yeah, Doc traded the goomy for it.  And I think it's more than just Aether TLOT
[TLOT] -sighs- The wolves too...
[Deer] - TLOT...  Did you not feel that their sex was interrupted?
[TLOT] Blushes slightly- Well I wasn't going to air that laundry unless someone else mentioned it!
[Deer] - Did you hear why it was interrupted?
[TLOT] I did not. But I saw Cp and Notch log out and then Cp have to go back out again later.
[Deer] Grins- Aether learned to set herself on fire
[TLOT] OH NETHER. Well she's certainly Cp's kid!
[Deer] - Scared the shit out of Notch
[TLOT] I believe it. Babies get upset so easily.
[Porygon] Pokes their wedge-like beak into Deerheart's mug and there's a tiny slurping sound.
[Deer] - Porygon!
[Porygon] Jumps as much as it's treadlike feet will allow- beep???
[Deer] - I don't think you need any coffee
[Porygon] Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzurp.
[TLOT] Smiles- Sometimes we all need a little pick-me-up. Did you hear Alexsezia is making a little progress with Grinny?
[Deer] - She is?  That's great!  How did she manage that?
[TLOT] Good food and a cold floor. Grinny has been sleeping on her bed. Alexsezia likes cats and she's just as relentless as Doc when it comes to reaching out to someone who's hurting. - his gaze is a bit abstracted- I think her patience will pay off eventually.
[Deer] - That's good.  If the payoff is anything like CP's, then it will be worth it
[TLOT] I think he'll always hate Doc, but he might mellow if he has at least one human friend.
[Deer] - True.  Although I am glad things are quiet for the most part right now
[TLOT] How are you holding up with Slender here anyway? I heard he gave Doc a smack for concealing his mom and one for Cp for hiding the baby.
[Deer] - I've adjusted for the most part, I think any fluctuations that come from him are because of Splender
[TLOT] Yeah, I heard about their dad. I'm not scared persay, but I am... concerned.
[Porygon] Wheels over and sits on Deerheart's hand-
[Deer] - Their dad does sound terrifying, but I think that will be a fight that takes place outside of our cozy little server
[TLOT] Now I feel guilty... I just can't stomach the thought of going... out there. I can barely stand being high-res. It makes me feel like I'm going to have a panic attack.
[Deer] - You could always step it up, little by little if you wanted.  And Porygon?  You are heavy...
[TLOT] Looks very unsure- maybe...
[Porygon] Happy noises-
[TLOT] I've been thinking about that picture again... it's really haunting me.
[Deer] - Do you want to see if Yaunfen found any more?
[TLOT] I don't know. I just wish... maybe it's better if I don't know. Poor Zaya. I feel like she was just a friend, but no one deserves to die just to hurt someone else.
[Deer] - Your seed may hold more answers, and it has been awhile since you visited...
[TLOT] I do need to check on them. I'm just glad we haven't had to deal with Nessie in a while at least.
[Deer] Laughs a little- Besides, they haven't had anything to celebrate in awhile, and a new god may cause a party for days on end
[TLOT] That will be a cause to celebrate in Kore, and a kick in the pants for all the artists who delight in making statues of everything.
[Deer] - I wonder what they'd make Aether goddess of?
[TLOT] I'm not sure. Maybe just a certain star, or some aspect of the world.
[Deer] - I can't wait to see what other powers she may develop
[TLOT] Stares off for a long moment, his fingers absently stroking the raised edges of the jagged scar on his wrist. - I know I don't say it often, and I know you understand probably more deeply then any of us... but... - he turns to her fully, his starry eyes all the brighter for being removed from the usual shadow of his helm. - Thank you Deerheart. Thank you for coming out of your matrix to play with us all. I saw one of my best friends come back from the brink, drawn by the warmpth of your love. Even with all my powers, I don't think I could have achieved that one simple thing. You'll always have my gratitude and my blade to defend you if needed. - He gives her a slow radiation of his feelings and the room itself seems to warm with it.
[Porygon] Looks around in confusion- Beep?
[Cricket] Cheeps happily.
[Deer] Smiles- Thank you TLOT, that really means a lot to me.  It may have taken a long time to figure out what I really was and wasn't, but it has been worth it.  I don't think I would be happy either if I had remained on the side lines either
[TLOT] Nods- And whatever is troubling you, you can always bring to me as well.
[Deer] - I know, whether it be glitches, NOTCH's, or block changes, I know you will help
[Godmorgan] Stumbles towards the office in a sleepy fashion, they'd been up late working at home and realized they'd forgotten some things at the office.  They punch in the code for the door and then make a beeline for the coffee machine-
[Dofta] Watches him go past with a look of concern- Are you drunk Godmorgan???
[Godmorgan] - No, just very tired, I forgot some stuff here a couple days ago
[Dofta] How was the con?
[Godmorgan] - Long, I don't know what Jeb was thinking scheduling us for SIX panels
[Dofta] Snickers- He was thinking it wasn't him that was going.
[Godmorgan] - I'll kill him if he does it again- Pours themselves a cup of coffee- So what have I missed here?
[Dofta] Bites her lip- Umm... we got the problems fixed with the Phantoms, oh and Yster has a new boyfriend.
[Godmorgan] - Really?  How long is this one going to last?  And that was a fast fix on the phantoms...
[Dofta] Well umm, we borrowed a code monkey, an old friend of Markus's... And I think this guy is the one. He's a weird gothy Doctor with a British accent. Just her style.
[Godmorgan] - And an old friend of Markus's?  Which one?  I thought all of the ones that could code ended up working here at one point or another?
[Dofta] Is being both a terrible liar and evasive in tone. - He's a real ball of fire. Doesn't like working for other people. It was strictly a favor.
[Godmorgan] Suspicious look- Ooookay, speaking of Markus though, I need to talk to him soon
[Dofta] Is something wrong?
[Godmorgan] - No, I just need permission to use his avatar.  Jeb and I were having a discussion about doing a fan contest for one of the new pieces of merch and undoubtedly people will use his avatar for it
[Dofta] Do we really want to possibly draw attention to the NOTCH AI's by bringing that image up offically again?
[Godmorgan] - Well it's not like there isn't attention on the brine ones, and that's without any official merch for them  People are going to use Markus's avatar because of how important he is to this company.  You've seen how many animations he's in
[Dofta] Yeah... I know. Everyone likes to have good guys and bad guys to cheer or boo, and Jeb's avatar is too complicated in comparision. The Herobrine's get attention because Internet. People like a good creepy campfire story.
[Godmorgan] - Exactly, and they usually use Markus as the counterpart.  Although, I have seen a few animators pull off Jeb's avatar... Where is his highness anyways?
[Dofta] Jeb? Tinkering with the mainframe, or just asleep with his head on the desk. I'd have to walk in there to find out for sure.
[Godmorgan] - I'll go check
[Jeb] Is sitting at the desk in from of the mainframe with his head braced up on both hands, and dozing lightly. The screen is showing a complex pattern of position markers of brines and NOTCH AI's.
[Godmorgan] Leans on the door frame- Having fun?
[Jeb] Snrk! Uhhh. Oh! hello Godmorgan. Didn't expect you back so soon.
[Godmorgan] - Left some stuff here on accident, figured I may as well work from here today.  Checking on the AI's?
[Jeb] Yeah... this one just got moved to a new space and it's kind of interesting. There's a Herobrine and a NOTCH and a crapton of players. Both seem peaceful and there's no way the players haven't noticed them.
[Godmorgan] Looks at the codes- That's a big server, what's that little one next to it?
[Jeb] Looks- Just a private server. Looks like there's only a few registered players. Someone's personal sandbox I'm sure.
[Godmorgan] - Are you sure?  Something about that code seems a little odd...
[Jeb] Slightly nervous- Odd? It seems normal to me.
[Godmorgan] Shakes their head- I may just be too tired.  I'm gonna go grab that stuff from my office, there's a few things I want to go over with you
[Jeb] Oh dear... do we have to do it now?
[Godmorgan] - You set me up with six panels at the last convention
[Jeb] Yeeeeesss???
[Godmorgan] - You're going over the merch stuff with me and you're going to suffer with me
[Jeb] Slumps defeated- Can't I just sign off on everything and you do it?
[Godmorgan] - No
[Jeb] Playful- I thought I was in charge around here?
[Godmorgan] - I will make it so you can't log into your computer
[Jeb] You're mean.
[Godmorgan] - Let's go
[EAlex] Is up way too early for Licht's day off and there's the tiniest wisp of a smoky smell coming from the kitchen.
[Licht] Groans as she wakes up and rolls over- What are you doing?
[EAlex] calls back- Breakfast?
[Licht] Groans and gets up, going to the kitchen to see what the damage is-
[EAlex] Has placed a furnace in the middle of the room and is warming her hands in front of it while it cooks. There's a distinct smell of steak and there are two fixed baked potatoes on plates on the table- Good morning!
[Licht] - You do realize that's not necessary
[EAlex] Confused look- But you eat? I've seen you do it.
[Licht] - Yes, but I don't need a furnace to cook, I've got a stove, oven, microwave, and a toaster
[EAlex] But... I don't know how to use those very well... - She takes out two perfectly cooked steaks and the good smell wafts around the kitchen.
[Licht] Sighs, just so long as you clean up...
[EAlex] Okay! Eat up then. Do you have anything planned for today?
[Licht] - Some grocery shopping, but that's it
[EAlex] I was wondering.... if we could go to the server today...? I still need help with my portals.
[Licht] - Uh, sure, I'll text Doc.  But let's eat first
-le little bit of time passes-
[Doc] Has gone to Alexsezia's house to check on Grinny.
[Alexsezia] Hey. I was wondering when you'd come by.
[Doc] Well I didn't want to intrude. I brought you potion ingredients as a show of thanks and reparations in case he's destroyed a bunch of your stuff.
[Alexsezia] Takes the small chest- Thank you. Come in please.
[Grinny] Is sleeping on the bed-
[Doc] Walks into the main room-
[Alexsezia] He's probably in my room. He's kinda claimed that space.
[Doc] Well there's a bed and I imagine its easy to keep the other cats out... - Xe peeks into the doorway.
[Grinny] Is dead to the world in a patch of sunlight-
[Doc] Awwwwwww. - they snap a quick picture. - I won't bother him then, I have a few errands to do anyway. At least he's relaxed.
[Grinny] Is mostly in a ball, partially turned onto his back-
[Doc] Sneaks out. - That's a keeper.
[Alexsezia] Do you want some cheese? Just normal cheese.
[Doc] Sure, why not?
[Alexsezia] I'll make you a little half trunk.
[Doc] That gives me an idea anyway. - Xe takes the box and bids her farewell before setting off down the coast on foot. They stop in the garden to pluck some fruit and take a few things from a trunk near the back door before heading for Splender's house-
[Splender] Is heading towards town with Ringleader-
[Doc] Calls out softly from the shore, not wanting to be a pest. - Anybody home?
[Slender] Sighs in irritation and heads for the doorway- Yes?
[Doc] Is holding the trunk like a kid with one textbook facing down a principal - Am I inturrupting something?
[Slender] - No, is there something you need?- He teleports to the shore, a ripple of glitches following him as he does so
[Doc] No, just checking in. - They hold up the box. - Alexsezia made some cheese, so I brought you some, as well as bread and cheeries from my garden. It's a nice afternoon to just be outside.
[Slender] - Although the offer is appreciated, it is not necessary
[Doc] shrugs- No, it's not nessesary. It's just nice.
[Slender] - Very well- He takes the chest in a tendril- Is that all?
[Doc] I guess. Though there is one thing- They smile mischeivously- Just a screenshot, took it before I came over- They marry the shot to a random bit of paper and hold up the picture of Grinny snoozing blissfully in the sunbeam. - He seems to be making friends with TLOT's Alex; Alexsezia. I don't know about you, but it made me smile.
[Slender] - He's always been fond of sunny spots
[Doc] Most cats are. Give my best to your little bro and mom.
[Slender] - I will pass the message along when he returns from feeding
[Doc] Nods and jumps a bit as their carrot buzzes. They pull it out and hold it up- Hello?
[Licht] - Hey, EAlex is ready to come back
[Doc] Okay. Where are you?
[Licht] - My place
[Doc] Focuses and makes an opening into Licht's tv.
[EAlex] Steps through and reaches back for Licht-
[Licht] Sighs and follows-
[Doc] Closes the hole- Hi again-
[EAlex] See's Slender and freezes in terror- Ho-oo-ol-y shiiit.....
[Slender] Has a bit of a disapproving air about him-
[EAlex] obvious terror-
[Doc] Hey... are you okay? EAlex?
[Slender] Teleports back over to Splender's house, once again glitching the area-
[Licht] Is somewhat regretting not having brought her gun-
[EAlex] Shivers at the glitching -
[Doc] Pats her arm. - He's got a lot on his mind. That's all. Come with me please. - Xe leads them back up into the garden.
[EAlex] Why do I get the feeling that... person? could erase my existence way too easily?
[Doc] Grimaces- Because it's probably true....
[Licht] - I think I've seen that figure online...
[Doc] He's called Slenderman, and his reputation is not exaggerated.
[EAlex] Why is he here???
[Licht] - I'd like to know that as well...
[Doc] Well... it's complicated.... His little brother is super nice, and is here most of the time anyway, and I kinda helped summon his mom, so she's here too.
[EAlex] all eyeballs- Are you out of your freaking mind????
[Doc] I'd like to think I'm not.
[Licht] - Why would you do that?
[Doc] Because her husband is a much more unreasonable and murderous monster then her oldest son Slender. And people abusing their wives really makes me pissed off. Also she'd been estranged from her kids for a super long time because of her husband, the Wicker Man.
[Licht] - Well, I have to agree with you on the abusive husband part...
[EAlex] Yeah, nobody deserves that. It's still crazy though.
[Doc] Shrugs- I've actually spoken to the spirit of Insanity. Driving her out of the creepypastas has been a goal of mine for quite some time. Cp is my oldest case.
[Licht] - Insanity?
[Doc] Yeah, she sucks. She's like a minor goddess, likes to posess people and make them do horrible things without a flicker of conscience. She protects those she takes from Death, but she's still using them.
[Licht] - I see...
[EAlex] Shudders - What a horrible thought. I don't want anyone messing with my head.
[Doc] I feel the same. I have enough problems without fighting my own thoughts for control.
[Licht] - Anyways, EAlex, you had some things you wanted to talk to Doc about?
[EAlex] I was hoping for some help with the portal making thing?
[Doc] Ah... I'm not sure I'm the best person to help you... but we saw how Cp does it. Let's ask BEN this time. And if he's no help, I'll be your last resort.
[EAlex] BEN?
[Doc] Is typing in the chat asking him to come over if he isn't busy.
[BEN] - What?
[Doc] chat- Any chance you feel like helping a noob make her first portals?
[BEN] - Do I have to?
[Doc] Well no, but I would appreciate it. Tell you what, I'll give you some really good pot if you help out.
[BEN] - Can it wait a little? Hyrule and I are playing a game...
[Doc] Sure. That will give me some time to get my part of the deal.
-A few little clouds are gathering overhead and a few drops of rain patter down-
[Doc] Let's go inside anyway.
[EAlex] Looks up and lets the rain fall on her face a little before following- It's calming...
[Licht] - Rain irritates me, it can wash away evidence...
[Doc] Holds the door - Not much to wash away here, just the occasional stray pixel.
[EAlex] I like the sound.
[Licht] Gets inside-
-Gir bellies up to the fence and gives a slightly dusty snort. -
[Doc] Gives them an affectionate pat. - The room below this one is decently dry. Hopefully that will be good enough for BEN.
[Licht] - Is it difficult to learn how to make these portals?
[Doc] Yes. I mean you're literally breaking a hole between two planes of existence. I still have difficulty in my humanoid shape. It's easier to just be a giant dragon and throw my whole body forward headfirst to breech the wall.
[EAlex] Oh dear.
[Licht] - So what's the most basic portal?  Going between games?
[Doc] That is a lot easier. If you cross the server firewall you'll be in the void.
[EAlex] The void? That sounds ominious.
[Doc] It kinda is, it's cold and dark and easy to get lost.
[Licht] - That space you took me through?
[Doc] Yes. Once you get good at navigating you can get into any game, also onto different parts of the internet and come out of any electronic thing with a lens or a screen.
[EAlex] Whoah.... no wonder Cp acts like he does. He'd be near impossible to hide from.
[Licht] - And how many here can get out?
[Doc] Do you mean how many here can get out without help or how many are acclimated to exist irl period?
[Licht] - Can get out without assisstance
[Doc] Lets see... BEN taught Cp, he taught me and Lie, and there are some digital creepypastas from the Pokemon games that come and go. Strangled Red, Lost Silver and Glitchy.
[Licht] - So it's a very select group
[Doc] Not everyone wants to go irl, or are dedicated enough to learn to cross the barrier without help. My mate Deerheart, my child Yaunfen, Cp's generals Winston and Endrea and her son Ashe, and Markus of course and Flux. They can all go out too. It doesn't agree with everyone. TLOT hates even being on a higher res server. It literally makes him ill. Even I try to stay away from mirrors or look at my body too much out there, I get lost in the detail and it makes me self-concious and a bit unsettled.
[EAlex] The hightened senses are a bit overwhelming...
[Licht] - Well if this is going to take awhile, perhaps you should send me back out there
[Doc] What were you planning on doing today?
[Licht] - I have some grocery shopping to do
[Doc] Smiles - Anything in particular? You're free to raid the kitchen.
[Licht] - Just a supply replenish, out of peppers and some other things
[Doc] Makes a face- Ye gods... you like those things?
[Licht] - Yes?  They're not bad at all
[Doc] Incredulous look - Not bad??? It hurt so much I used the kill command on myself to make the pain stop!
[EAlex] Why would anyone eat something that painful on purpose???
[Licht] - EAlex, you ate peppers that one night that I made the pasta!  Only some peppers are hot
[EAlex] Oh... yeah those were pretty good.
[Doc] Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Like variations in cheese maybe? -They make a small circle with their fingers - The one I had was bright red and about this big.
[EAlex] That's tiny....
[Licht] - Yeah bell peppers are bigger and have almost no spice
[Doc] That sounds much more edible. Cp basically gave me the ghost peppers as a mean joke. I'd never had anything spicy before.
[Licht] - I see, well, perhaps next time you should try the bell veriaty
[Doc] I'll happily trade you something if you bring me an example. I can copy things.
[Licht] - I'll just get you some while shopping
[Doc] Thank you.
[EAlex] Is watching Licht with a small smile. - I don't want to eat up your day off Licht... if you need some time, it's okay.
[BEN] - Yeah I'm not coming over
[Doc] -chat- It's only sprinkling a little. I can tp you and we'll stay inside.
[Licht] - Is the rain a problem?
[Doc] Sighs- He's a hydrophobic. It's a really awkward phobia.
[EAlex] Yuck... doesn't he get smelly?
[Doc] Yes.
[Licht] - I don't wish to smell that
[Doc] Then I'll let you out. But his mate does shame him into bathing when it gets really bad.
[Licht] - Thank you
[Doc] Takes a step back and charges forward a little like a headbanger in a mosh pit, the air crackles as the portal shatters open under the impact.
[EAlex] Be safe Licht.
[Licht] - I will- She goes through
[Doc] Closes it behind her and looks at EAlex - You look like someone with a lot on their mind.
[EAlex] sighs- I like her. She's pretty oblivious.
[Doc] That is rough... but these things can take a lot of time. Just be patient and see how it plays out.
[BEN] - So yeah, can we reschedule this thing?
[Doc] -chat- If I get Deerheart to stop the rain, will you come over?
[BEN] - Eh, I mean, there's other stuff I could do...
[Doc] Is sending a chat to Deerheart to please stop the rain for now- Come on. You should bring Hyrule over.
[BEN] Groans in chat-
[Deer] Turns the rain off-
[Doc] Is the tp preferable? I've got your weed.
[BEN] - Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Pulls a very stinky plume of tiny flowers out of a trunk and sticks it in a little clay pot to keep it upright on the edge of the tub.
[EAlex] That is rank!
[Doc] He loves it though. - Xe tps BEN to hir-
[BEN] Sniffs the air and humms at the smell of the pot-
[EAlex] Is trying not to make a face. -
[Doc] EAlex, this is BEN, he's the first one to be able to be digital and real. that we know of at least.
[EAlex] Charmed...
[Doc] She just needs help making portals.
[BEN] - Portals?  Well how much do you already know?
[EAlex] I can get between electronics if there's a cord plugged in? And I managed to get off a phone and out into here.
[Doc] She was living on the wallpaper space of a cellphone for at least a week.
[BEN] - Well then we have our work cut out
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Not Quite Valhalla - #7
Not Quite Valhalla
A Midgardian woman appears in Loki���s cell without any knowledge about herself. The two annoy each other as the woman tries to find out who she is, while Loki wonders why he’s been subjected to this maddening creature.
Chapter One
@timesarehardformarvellovers @carilov09 @markusstraya
Chapter Seven
Time had stopped. Two armies stood abandoned, gazing at each other, lacking the belligerence to march and meet in the middle. A silent truth had been stuck. Today was no day to fight. Neither prisoner had any desire to do anything. Lying in bed and staring up to the sky seemed a good plan of action. Alas, Loki knew something had to be done. Something he had to cross the little space between him and Saoirse with gentle steps and a heart of lead. When he arrived at her small corner, he let himself lean against the white wall, one leg relaxed while the other was bent with a flat foot on the floor. The fabric of his sleeves rustled when he let his arm rest on his knee. Saoirse didn’t acknowledge his presence. They both stared into the blank nothingness of the opposite wall. Loki tall with his one outstretched leg emphasizing his height, Saoirse crumpled up wither her arms around her knees. ‘You know what I’m going to say.’ Saoirse’s face transformed into a painful smirk. Her eyes still wouldn’t let go of the distant whiteness. ‘Then you don’t have to say it, do you?’ ‘I think I do.’ A tiny black and gold bee appeared, buzzing around Saoirse’s head. It preferred the airspace near her ears. Saoirse swatted at the insect with a pale hand. It evaporated in a shimmery glow. Her mouth trembled. ‘You’re annoying,’ she muttered. The prince’s mouth curled up at one end. ‘I can live with that.’ Inside Loki burned the desire to touch her. He hadn’t felt the desire to comfort another being in forever yet, he almost reached out, ready to wrap his arms around Saoirse’s soft shoulders. ‘Well,’ Saoirse said after a moment of silence, ‘are you gonna say it, or what?’ Her voice shook as fake impatiens and subtle hysteria fought for dominance. ‘I am not saying this because I wish it to be true, Saoirse.’ Loki spoke her name with an uttermost gentle voice. ‘I only hope you might be able to…’ he was lost for words. He doubted whether he should have started this conversation at all. ‘Move on?’ Saoirse’s eyes stared straight ahead. A thin rim of water formed at the bottom eyelids - her lips were trembling. ‘Go to your precious Valhalla? Or descend to hell- Helheim, whatever. What if I’d rather haunt Asgard forever?’ She turned her head to glare. She dared him to contradict her, to tell her what she actually wished for. Loki admired her strength in a time where she was in her right to be fearful, in a time she was completely in the dark. ‘Go to a better place.’ ‘Sure,’ she huffed. ‘You’re not going anywhere either, are you?’ Loki gave a short, dry laugh. ‘I have done enough to deserve it.’ Saoirse bit her lip and looked down at her fidgeting hands. They hadn’t touched anything for so long now. Could she still remember how it was, to feel? Loki sometimes doubted he remembered how another person’s touch felt like. He even wondered what the sun looked like. ‘You’d be alone again.’ ‘There is absolutely no reason for you to think about me at this moment.’ Besides, knowing she was somewhere in a good place would bring him some peace, too. Although it could never bring happiness. ‘But how can I leave my fellow boredy?’ Saoirse asked with a crooked smile. ‘By doing the right thing.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m not brave enough to take such a leap into the dark. I’ve always been afraid of the dark, you know. Since I was a little kid. I used to hide beneath my blanket, but then I’d get tight in the chest because I’m also claustrophobic.’ Her voice shot up and broke once more. ‘I wish I had a blanket now…’ Saoirse ducked her head down between her legs and her shoulders shook. More than ever, Loki wished he could hold her and press her to his chest, offering her empty promises. Instead, he sat helplessly beside her, pressing his hands together and cursing whoever had done this to her. What monster could’ve hurt such a wonderful creature? ‘I just want to go home…’ she whispered. ‘I want to see Gav-’ Saoirse froze. Her hands still lay upon her face, but Loki heard no sob, no hiccup, not even a breath. ‘Saoirse?’
  After Gavin left, all inspiration and motivation had left with him, so Saoirse packed her stuff into her backpack and got up. She had enjoyed talking to her brother, even though he kept telling her what to do. It was nice seeing him in the park, where there were no relatives to tell her she should get a better job and follow her brother’s footsteps, or people telling Gavin how lucky he was with such a flourishing career. Saoirse hated it when they did that, because she could see the guilt in his eyes. Gavin was a good person and deserved success. Whenever he got the chance, he shared it with both friends, family, and strangers. However, when they met up like that, they could converse like brother and sister, talking about the simple things. Or throwing small gravel at each other. Saoirse smiled and rubbed stones no bigger than rice off her collar. It was a lovely day to be out. Sunny enough, busy as ever. Saoirse thought about what Gavin had said, about Katie. Had her anger made so much impact on a girl she hadn’t seen in years? If it had, she didn’t know how to feel about it. Noise cut through Saoirse’s headphones as she walked through some smaller streets. She freed one ear and turned her head. In the distance, there was a heavy sound. An explosion. Shit. Saoirse’s head snapped up as more noise explosions, and screams cut through the air. Up above, between the tops of the surrounding buildings, was the sky. It had split. A dark rift had opened, and dark dots swarmed out, like flies. Something bigger came out, too. As the cloud of definitely not flies came closer, they spouted bright beams, which, when connecting with anything, left only rubble. The screaming grew louder. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Saoirse turned to every direction, hoping to find a door. There. Only twenty feet or so away. She sprinted at full power. She jerked at the handle. Closed. Again, shit. Alright. She had to get away from this back alley and find a main street, where there were a thousand open doors. She turned and fled in what she hoped was the right direction. She knew she was going in the right direction when more and more screams pierced her eardrums. People came streaming into her alley. ‘Go back, there’s no doors!’ she yelled at anyone who bumped into her. They were all too frightened to listen. As Saoirse left the alleyway, she jumped aside as a beam split the sidewalk at her feet. More people pushed her aside. If they could, they would’ve walked straight over her. More rubble rained down on her, as pieces of building were demolished. She made the mistake of looking up. The flies were metallic flying crafts, manned by creatures one hundred percent not human. Except for one. Except for one of them, who seemed human enough from where she stood. A small figure clad in green, dark hair sweeping after him. One of the chariots fired another beam. It hit the car next to Saoirse. The car swerved up. Before she could move, it plunged back to the earth.
Chapter Eight
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summeroftim · 7 years
I tried something different and wrote a short story. I don’t know how I feel about it but you can read it if you’d like.
 Toby opened his eyes. He lay in bed and gently waited for the room to come into focus around him. He reached blindly over the side of his bed, searching for his phone on the ground. His eyes squinted as they adjusted to the white light of the screen. He scrolled through various social media accounts, both relieved and disappointed that he had no messages to reply to. He slowly got out of his bed, which was just the tiniest bit too low to the ground to do so comfortably. He threw his phone onto one of his pillows, where it made a small slapping sound as the flip case snapped open and shut. He didn’t make his bed.    
 Toby got ready in silence. The flat was dark but he didn’t mind. There was something intensely romantic to him about waking up in the darkness of the early morning, and allowing the rooms and spaces of his life to slowly illuminate with natural light. He enjoyed the simple rituals that the morning brought with it. He boiled water, and spooned ground coffee into his french press. He retrieved a white mug from the cupboard, and waited for the coffee to brew. He relished these daily pleasures that made him feel intensely human. Sunlight started to filter in through the window, highlighting the tiny dust particles that swam around the room and melted into the steam rising from his coffee mug. Toby didn’t eat breakfast. He wandered around the flat, taking the white coffee mug with him as he brushed his teeth and dressed himself. He rinsed the mug and placed it in the sink before he left. He stepped outside and locked the door behind him. Soon it would be autumn, and droplets of condensation would cling to the fly-screen door in the early morning chill. As he walked towards the train station, he was greeted by a familiar face. The grey cat trotted alongside Toby on top of a small, brick fence next to the sidewalk. Toby had a reasonably good idea of who owned the cat, but it was universally accepted that it belonged to the neighbourhood. The cat would often wait at Toby’s door and soak in the sun. Occasionally, it would even come inside and inspect the contents of the flat. Sticking its nose into every corner of every room with the unabashed curiosity seen only in animals and very young children. Toby knew for a fact that the cat did this to several houses along the street. Toby didn’t know the cat’s actual name, so he called it Elvis.
 Toby arrived at the train station and shuffled down to one end of the platform. He watched as people slowly filled the space around him, their heads bowed over phones and tablets. A few people read books. He always tried to catch a glimpse of what books people were reading. Sometimes he’d see people with books that he himself had read and enjoyed. He always wanted to talk to those people, but he never did. The train pulled in and Toby found a seat. He could hear the blare of music coming through cheap headphones somewhere further down the carriage. A man opposite him swore softly as liquid dribbled out of his traveler mug and left a stain on his pink tie.
 Co-workers uttered suffocated greetings as Toby trudged into his hazy office block. A mountain of paperwork jeered at him as he sat down and robotically turned on his computer. He scratched the back of his neck with his thin, stubborn fingers and sighed as he dissolved into the routines of his workplace. This was more or less a standard day for Toby. As was usually the case, he decided to leave the office at lunch. He sunk his teeth into a very tired sandwich and listened to the rhythm of shoes clicking on the pavement around him as he sat on a bench a few blocks down from the building where he worked. He came back to the office a little earlier than he had to, and chatted with Christine and David. He liked them both very much. Toby often felt like he was simply a worker bee. A drone, making up part of a bigger hive, indistinguishable from everyone else in the office space. But every so often he’d share a moment with his colleagues and would realise that such simplifications were untrue and served no purpose. When they left the office that evening, Christine would go and play pick up football in the gardens for an hour or so, and David would swing by the florist where his mother worked before going home. Under the light of the office everything seemed washed with grey, but Toby knew that there was colour there, too.
 The next day started much the same as the previous one had. Toby left his sheets and pillows in a scuffled heap on the bed as his coffee brewed in the kitchen. Elvis watched him from across the street as he walked towards the station. Toby got off the train at the central hub and walked towards his office building. Suddenly, however, he was stopped by an unknown force. He was struck by an intense and overwhelming desire to never go to that building ever again. He hastily made his way off the street, gesturing apologetically to the people who he had stopped in front of. He wrote an email on his phone and sent it to the office explaining that he was taking a personal day. He preferred to send an email and not to call, since he always thought he could feel people judging the sound and tone of his voice over the phone whenever he took a day off. His heart was thumping under his shirt and his mind buzzed as he walked aimlessly around the city streets. He ducked into a nearby cafe to compose himself. He sat and nursed a coffee for longer than it stayed warm. He watched people line up for their drinks and go about their days, and it made him think of the time he had spent traveling in his early twenties. He had enjoyed very little about Paris. At the time, he had wanted simply to explore, but the city had felt dirty and unwelcoming. One thing he did remember fondly, however, was watching the people of the city. Many of the cafes there had tables which faced outwards towards the Parisian streets, so one could watch the people and the traffic amble by. Toby had liked to fill in their stories in his head. It made him feel connected to something larger than himself.
 Midday came and passed and Toby decided to take the 109 tram to Port Melbourne. He got off at the last stop and made his way to the beach. He passed a few bars on the way there, all of them filled with businessmen and woman sharing drinks over their Friday meetings. There were a lot of salmon shirts and tinted sunglasses. The sky was swirling overhead as Toby approached the beach. It had been a nice morning, but in typical Melbourne fashion a cloud cover had rolled in and only a few, brave people walked along the shoreline. Toby zipped up his jacket, and took off his shoes and socks. He rolled his pants up above his ankles before jumping down and sinking his toes deep into the sand.
“Swim it off,” his father had often said to him when he was younger. Toby’s father had believed that just about anything could be remedied by the sea. That the ocean’s waves could nurse back to health even the most feverish of minds. Toby’s father had been a tall man, and a champion swimmer in his youth. After Toby had been born, his father had brought his family to the sea. There they had remained for a time, growing idle in a small, sun-washed town near the Prom. As a boy, Toby had always swum between the flags, despite his father telling him he could do whatever he wanted. There had been many occasions where Toby’s father had stood on the shoreline watching his son in the ocean, urging him further and further onwards. As if in some vain hope that the ocean would adopt the boy as its own, lifting the burden of fatherhood from his shoulders and allowing him to swim freely once more.
 “Swim it off.” The words echoed in Toby’s memory as he wound his way along the shoreline. The scathing ocean air filled his nostrils as he thought of the beach-side home of his childhood. A decade has passed since he had left it in search of a future in the languid laneways of industry. Australians shared a rich connection to the land and to the sea but Toby couldn’t help but feel apart from it. He felt like he didn’t belong in his own country sometimes. He strode along the shoreline and didn’t think about his father anymore. He kicked aside small shells and washed up cuttlebones, leaving their broken remains to rest alongside the deep footprints he made in the sand as they curved away into the distance behind him. He walked upwards away from the tideline where the sand wasn’t so wet and sat down, linking his arms across his knees. He watched the small waves roll in and out. “What am I doing?” He whispered softly underneath his breath. He pressed his palms forcibly into his eyes and slowly dragged his fingers down his face. They passed over his patchy stubble and pulled at his skin before they came to meet each other under his chin. “This isn’t me,” he murmured. He wasn’t speaking to anyone other than himself, but by saying the words out loud he gave them power. He stood up and slapped the sand off his clothes. His mood had turned for a second time that day. He had spent the morning away from the office because he had been flooded by a sense of dread that he didn’t fully understand. Now, however, as he made his way back along the beach, he felt a sense of power creeping through his body. His feet sunk into the sand with every stride, and he felt the small rocks and individual granules rub between his toes. Eventually, he returned to the pavement where he had started from, and methodically put on his socks and thick-soled shoes. He considered briefly going in to the office, as it was only 3:00 pm, but decided against it. He had taken the day off, after all, and he was going to use the rest of the afternoon to do something indulgent and unnecessary. Twenty minutes later he stumbled down the steps of the 109 tram near King Street, and headed towards the aquarium.
 Toby paid his admission and made his way down a dark, blue hallway. The school day was done, and any excursions were well finished by now. There were a few tourists and families, but for the most part Toby saw very few people as he made his way through the watery corridors. He tried to stop and absorb every display and exhibit that he passed. In particular, he loved the information panels on the creatures found only in the deepest parts of the ocean. He read of fish whose eyes looked outwards from inside translucent bodies, as well as biologically immortal jellyfish that cycled continually through different stages of sexual maturity. He shuddered briefly as he imagined floating in the depths of the sea, never experiencing natural light for all eternity. Hearing footsteps, he looked up from the information panel and noticed a woman, probably in her late twenties and maybe a couple of years younger than he was. She was wearing a cardigan over a blue shirt. Her hair was either black or dark brown, Toby couldn’t tell under the dim, atmospheric lighting of the deep sea exhibition, and she wore it in a messy bun. She flashed a very brief smile towards him, before moving back down the corridor from where Toby had entered the room. Suddenly slightly embarrassed at being at the aquarium by himself, Toby moved on towards the big, central display room.
 Toby looked upwards as he entered the glass hallway. The entire walkway was in the middle of a colossal underwater habitat. Completely enclosed by water on all sides, Toby watched as a manta ray settled on the roof of the walkway, its white underbelly directly over his head. He continued along the corridor to the central room, from which several other corridors branched off. There was a large bench in the middle of the room. Toby sat down and looked at the watery world that surrounded him. The lights in the room bounced off the water and threw distorted patterns over every surface. Waves of dim, yellow light danced down Toby’s face. After a time, he stood up and walked closer to the giant glass wall. A huge bank of coral towered above him. Anemones were scattered up and down its face. Small fish darted in and out between them, while bigger fish floated aimlessly nearby. Tiny shrimp scuttled around the floor of the giant tank. In the distance, a nurse shark glided noiselessly as it patrolled the enclosure. Toby’s focus constantly shifted. He found himself looking at each fish in turn, down to their smallest detail, before expanding his vision and observing each of them as part of their larger ecosystem. He didn’t know which view was more beautiful.
 Suddenly, Toby became aware that he was no longer alone in the room. The young woman with the messy bun who he had seen earlier stood not far from where he was. Toby noticed that she was quite tall. Aware that he was looking at her, she turned to him and said “Don’t worry. I’m not following you, I work here.” She flashed the same, small smile she had earlier, and tapped a faded plastic name tag pinned to her shirt. Toby couldn’t read what it said in the soft lighting. Slightly embarrassed and taken aback, he let out a half laugh before turning back to the glass wall of the tank. She watched him for a short moment before turning to walk away down one of the various corridors that extended from the central room. As she turned, Toby called out to her, “can I ask you a question?” “Of course you can,” she replied, as she swivelled around to face him. “In this big tank,” Toby gestured to the room around him, “with all these fish, what stops them eating each other?” “Well,” she said, considering the rest of her answer, “a lot of careful thought and planning goes into an exhibit like this. Most of the fish in here are what we call ‘off-diet’ to the bigger inhabitants, which means that they are species that the predators wouldn’t normally eat. More than that, though, is that the sharks you see in here are very lazy, and we keep them well fed. If a shark doesn’t have to expend energy to eat, it won’t.” Toby nodded thoughtfully and walked right up the glass wall, so close that his face was nearly pressed against it. His eyes locked onto two, tiny purple fish that danced together around the coral bank. They had flashes of bright yellow under their fins. Toby inhaled and turned again to the young woman but she had left to pursue her other duties. Toby inched his phone out of his pocket and saw that it was nearly 6:00 pm. He made his way through the rest of the aquarium exhibits and headed home. He didn’t see Elvis anywhere along the street as he walked to his flat but he didn’t mind. He turned the key and let the weight of the day flood over him.
 The next morning came, and Toby slowly stirred to life. He had slept deeply and quietly. After a brief moment of confusion he realised that it was Saturday, and that he didn’t need to be anywhere. Still in bed, he propped up his pillows and sat upright. He thought of the aquarium, of the young woman, and of the purple fish. He reached down to one side of the bed in search of where his phone should have been before he realised that it wasn’t there. He looked across the room and saw that it was still in the pocket of his pants, which he had hastily slung over his desk the previous night. Toby groaned slightly before getting out bed and extracting his phone. He opened up Google, entered a search for “purple fish with yellow fins,” and swiped across to the image section. He scrolled for a time but failed to find anything that matched the fish that he had seen the previous day. He began to think that perhaps he was misremembering what the fish had looked like. After a while he gave up, and placed his phone down on his desk. He went to the kitchen and put some coffee on to brew. While he waited, Toby returned to his bedroom and fluffed the pillows on his bed. He placed them neatly on top of each other, and pulled the sheets up high.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Spacecraft buzzes Jupiter’s mega moon (AP) NASA’s Juno spacecraft has provided the first close-ups of Jupiter’s largest moon in two decades. Juno zoomed past icy Ganymede on Monday, passing within 645 miles (1,038 kilometers). The last time a spacecraft came that close was in 2000 when NASA’s Galileo spacecraft swept past our solar system’s biggest moon. Ganymede is one of 79 known moons around Jupiter, a gas giant, and is bigger than the planet Mercury.
Global sting began by creating message service for crooks (AP) When the FBI dismantled an encrypted messaging service based in Canada in 2018, agents noticed users moving to other networks. Instead of following their tracks to rivals, investigators decided on a new tactic: creating their own service. ANOM, a secure-messaging service built by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, launched in October 2019 and solidified its following after authorities took down another rival. Popularity spread by word of mouth. When ANOM was taken down Monday, authorities had collected more than 27 million messages from about 12,000 devices in 45 languages—a vast body of evidence that fueled a global sting operation. Authorities on Tuesday revealed the operation known as Trojan Shield and announced that it had dealt an “unprecedented blow” to organized crime around the world. Unbeknown to criminals, authorities were copied on every message sent on the FBI devices, much like blind recipients of an email.
Hot Today (CBS News) More than 24 million people, from the Northern Plains and New England to parts of Texas, are under a heat advisory, with at least six states setting record highs on Monday. Boston is under a heat emergency as temperatures rose above 90 degrees Tuesday for the fourth consecutive day. At least 15 public schools in Minneapolis, Minnesota, announced they’re moving to remote learning from Tuesday through Thursday, as the extreme heat is expected to continue all week. Severe drought conditions across the West helped fuel two wildfires in Arizona, burning more than 60,000 acres and forcing hundreds to evacuate homes outside of Phoenix.
New Yorkers Are Watched by More Than 15,000 Surveillance Cameras (Reason) Even as debates continue about pervasive government monitoring of our lives, surveillance technology is becoming more sophisticated and pervasive. New York City residents in just three boroughs live and work under the watchful gaze of over 15,000 cameras. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has the ability to run the images they capture through software that matches faces to identities—though not always reliably. The result is not just a loss of privacy for those under constant scrutiny, but also the potential for confrontations with law enforcement. “The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has the ability to track people in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx by running images from 15,280 surveillance cameras into invasive and discriminatory facial recognition software,” according to Amnesty International. “Thousands of volunteers from around the world participated in the investigation, tagging 15,280 surveillance cameras at intersections across Manhattan (3,590), Brooklyn (8,220) and the Bronx (3,470).” The volunteers continue to count cameras in Queens and Staten Island to get a fuller picture of the extent of surveillance in the city.
Cicadas were flying; for hours, Biden's press plane was not (AP) The cicadas were flying. The reporters hoping to join the president in Europe were not. Reporters traveling to the United Kingdom for President Joe Biden’s first overseas trip were delayed seven hours after their chartered plane was overrun by cicadas. The Washington, D.C., area is among the many parts of the country that have been swarmed by Brood X cicadas, a large emergence of the loud 17-year insects that take to dive-bombing onto moving vehicles and unsuspecting passersby. There are trillions of them in the Washington, Maryland and Virginia region, said University of Maryland entomologist Paula Shrewsbury. Even Biden wasn’t spared. The president brushed a cicada from the back of his neck as he chatted with his Air Force greeter after arriving at Joint Base Andrews for Wednesday’s flight. This is not the first time the cicadas have caused havoc for a presidential event or been political fodder. In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt, known for a booming voice, was nearly drowned out in an address at Arlington National Cemetery. Eighty-five years later—five cicada cycles—President Ronald Reagan in a radio address talked about how Washington was overrun and compared the harmless flying insects to big spenders. “I think most everyone would agree, things will be much more pleasant when the cicadas go back underground,” Reagan said.
U.S. forming expert groups on safely lifting global travel restrictions (Reuters) The Biden administration is forming expert working groups with Canada, Mexico, the European Union and the United Kingdom to determine how best to safely restart travel after 15 months of pandemic restrictions, a White House official said on Tuesday. Another U.S. official said the administration will not move quickly to lift orders that bar people from much of the world from entering the United States because of the time it will take for the groups to do their work. The White House informed airlines and others in the travel industry about the groups, the official said. The CDC said on Tuesday it was easing travel recommendations on 110 countries and territories, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, South Africa and Iran, but has declined to lift any COVID-19 travel restrictions.
Authorities in Nicaragua arrest two more presidential challengers (BBC) Opposition figures Felix Maradiaga and Juan Sebastián Chamorro have been arrested and were held under a controversial new security law passed by president Daniel Ortega’s government. The 75-year-old Ortega is seeking a fourth consecutive term in November’s election.
Brexit bureaucracy creates British nightmare for Dutch boat captain (Reuters) When Dutch boat captain and engineer Ernst-Jan de Groot applied to continue working in Britain after Brexit, he became ensnared in a bureaucratic nightmare because of an online glitch and says he is now likely to lose his job. De Groot, 54, has worked happily in Britain on and off for the past six years. He sails long, narrow barges from the Netherlands to England to be used as floating homes. He also spends a few months a year building boats at a shipyard near London and captains a tall ship around the west coast of Scotland in the summer. A fluent English speaker, de Groot says he followed the post-Brexit rules by applying for a frontier worker permit to allow him to work in Britain while not being resident. The online application was straightforward until he was asked to provide a photo. The next page of his application, which was reviewed by Reuters, said: “you do not need to provide new photos”, and there was no option to upload one. A few weeks later, his application was rejected—for not having a photo. So began a labyrinthine nightmare of telephone calls, emails and bureaucratic disarray. De Groot estimates he has spent over 100 hours contacting government officials who he said were either unable to help or gave conflicting information. He tried to start a new application to bypass the glitch but each time he entered his passport number it linked to his first application and he remained trapped in the photo-upload loop. “I am trapped in a bureaucratic maze that would even astonish Kafka, and there is no exit,” de Groot said. “I have tried everything I can think of to communicate the simple fact that their website is not functioning as it should.”
Two arrested after slap of French President Macron (AFP) A man grabbed President Emmanuel Macron by the forearm and slapped him across the face yesterday during a meet-and-greet with a crowd in southern France. Reports say the first arrest is the bearded man who levied the slap, the second is the person who filmed it.
Ten NGO workers killed in attack in Afghanistan (Radio Free Afghanistan) The Kabul government has blamed the Taliban for an attack that killed ten NGO workers and wounded 16 others, though the militant group denies responsibility. The workers were part of a British-American mine clearance organization, the HALO trust.
Auckland has become the world’s most liveable city (The Economist) New Zealand has done a remarkable job of controlling covid-19. It has reported just 26 deaths from the disease, roughly one out of every 200,000 people. On many days this year, it has not recorded a single new case. One of those days was March 19th—a time when many countries were still enforcing strict lockdowns, but Auckland was already permitting concerts. As 12,000 fans of Crowded House, an Australian rock band, squeezed into Spark Arena that night, they had good reason to think they were living in the best city in the world. A new survey of “liveability” in 140 cities by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a sister company of The Economist, gives mathematical weight to such a claim. For the first time, Auckland leads the EIU’s ranking, thanks largely to the city’s early containment of the pandemic and to its subsequent ability to lift restrictions on mobility. It came 12th in 2019, the most recent year in which the EIU published its list. Close on Auckland’s heels is Wellington, New Zealand’s capital, which moved up from 25th in 2019 to fourth this year. Other island nations with strong border controls also fared well: two Japanese cities and four from Australia appear in the top ten. In the vast majority of cities, however, living conditions have plummeted compared with pre-pandemic levels.
In Lebanon, a search for medicine and a stranger’s help (AP) To all the struggles of life in Lebanon—the pandemic, the power outages, the inflation, the punishing financial and political crises—add one more: shortages of crucial medications. But as residents struggle to find the medicines they need, some are finding that their fellow Lebanese are doing what they can to help. Christiane Massoud, a 41-year-old nurse, scoured pharmacies for an elusive drug to manage her Crohn’s disease, had friends around the country search on her behalf and asked her doctor if there was a substitute. She also appealed to strangers online for pointers to track it down. Nada Waked responded to one of those online pleas: She had a small amount that her mom no longer needed. Massoud offered to pay; Waked and her mom declined the money. Instead, Waked asked for a prayer. “It showed that we are a people who stand by one another and feel for one another,” Massooud said. “There are still people who help each other out.” As the country’s crises deepened, pharmacist Chadi Geha said he noticed more were eager to help strangers. Some of his customers started refusing to take back change, asking him instead to use the cash to pay for the medications of others in need.
Mali’s second military coup (Le Monde) Nine months after the military installed a new interim leader, a young colonel has again taken over the country in what appears to be a pure power play. Malians and international allies alike are worried about what happens next. Malians appear tired of seeing their political life marked by ineffective policies sanctioned by successive coups d’état, the fifth since the country’s independence in 1960.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Beyond Manifestation
New Post has been published on http://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/beyond-manifestation/
Beyond Manifestation
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“These audio recordings of the historic seminar go beyond The Attractor Factor, The Power of Intention, Ask and It Is Given, Beyond Positive Thinking, “The Secret”, and virtually every other “How to Manifest” or “Law of Attraction” book, course, or movie out there. This won’t be for everybody. But if you feel inspired to get this right now, then expect your life to blast into orbit and the results to dazzle and confuse everyone — including you.” – Dr. Joe Vitale www.mrfire.com
If you’re skeptical, don’t bother to read this right now.
But if you’re open minded, then brace yourself for some goose bumps…
Dear Friend,
Take a look at the brief video clip on this page (just turn on your speakers and click the play button) —
What do you notice?
You probably can’t tell by just looking at the video, but maybe you can feel something of the ecstasy these adventurers felt as they experienced the world’s first Manifestation Weekend with me on May 19-21 in Austin, Texas.
I was the first officer on this flight and something greater than all of us was the pilot.
More than twenty-five people came from all over the world, from Mexico and Australia to all points within the USA — All to buckle up and learn how to go past their limits, and onwards and upwards to experiences and insights they may never have imagined before – ever.
These people were no strangers to inner growth. All had read my book The Attractor Factor. All had completed other spiritual retreats, or a spiritual growth workshop, or healing events or even personal enlightenment trainings. Some were professional healers and therapists.
All already knew how to co-create their own reality using the principles in my spiritual books or in the movie, “The Secret”.
But they all came to go past all of that.
They all came to get to “The Z State” — That place where there are no limits and they can truly have, do, or be anything they can imagine.
In fact, from “The Z State”, they can have more than they could imagine…
What Really Works in Manifesting Your Own Reality?
These people wanted more, and were ready for more.
They were ready to learn how to turbocharge their ability to manifest.
They were ready to go beyond what they knew or thought they knew.
They were ready to let go of what didn’t work in order to learn what does work.
The Manifestation Weekend covered everything from —
how to heal yourself and others with a simple three word statement (!),
the truth about intentions and how to set the ones that work,
how “The Z State” has no limits and anything is possible,
how to handle fear in a most surprising way,
why you need to be aware of “hungry ghosts”,
what’s behind the “you” that is reading these very words?,
my psychic power awakening at the hands of a Hawaiian shaman,
a powerful new ho’oponopono meditation method,
some surprising and revealing pointers about marketing and list building,
new ways to clear and clean the limiting beliefs and energies within yourself,
metaphysical copywriting (?!),
how I let my soul guide my business decisions,
personal confessions about what works and what doesn’t in my marketing,
the inside story about the movie “The Secret”, 
the power of listening to the “whiteboard” of life,
how to form your own Master Mind group for support and record-breaking results,
the all encompassing blunt truth about what it means to take total responsibility for your life. (You’ve never heard this definition before)!
But the incredible weekend didn’t stop there. We also covered —
how I lost 80 pounds after a lifetime of struggle with obesity,
how I manifested, not one, but two BMW sports cars,
what we would welcome if it came “out of the clear blue sky,”
why Vedic Astrology is better than Western astrology,
two surprise guest speakers dazzled us with their insights and confessions,
I revealed what I secretly did with a pencil eraser to make my book Life’s Missing Instruction Manual a #1 bestseller.
the astonishing weekend ended with a spiritual gifts inventory, that was so moving there wasn’t a dry eye in the house,
how to you tell the difference between the Divine and your Ego,
how does one top car salesman sell without selling,
There were more surprises, insights and discoveries that I can’t remember right now. (At one point I did spontaneous psychic readings, which held everyone in a hypnotic moment frozen in time)! I’ll have to listen to the audios of the event, too, to remind myself of all of them.
But something bigger occurred at the event than just information, stories, and techniques!
It came from being in the blissful “Z State” and asking…
Where would you fly if you had wings?
This “spiritual retreat” moved me to tears. I got a standing ovation at the end of the event. But I didn’t deserve it. All I did was act on an inspiration that told me to host something called: “The Manifestation Weekend”. From there, I was winging it.
But the funny thing about winging it is that you have wings.
And when you have wings, you can fly!
And when you fly with the type of energy that was among these noble and open minded leaders, you soar as if you’re wearing a jet pack and you’re cleared to land anywhere you can imagine!
I wish I could convey in words the overwhelming divine power of the weekend. We were in a non-stop moment-by-moment state of exhilaration.
Since I can’t describe the event, I’ll let others do it…
Here’s what just a few of the attendees said —
Obviously, the buzz of high energy was thick at the event. People shared and connected and supported in ways I have never seen before, and I’ve been around the block when it comes to self improvement, personal growth, spiritual and marketing matters, meditation, and more. I’ve written about a lot of my own personal journey in my books, Adventures Within and of course in The Attractor Factor.
But this weekend was off the charts. When I asked the group to rate the event on a scale of 1 to 10, all gave it a 10 and most said it was a 15 or even a 20. It went way beyond their expectations, and even mine.
In fact, the entire weekend was about how to go Beyond Manifestation.
It was truly miraculous.
People paid $1,000 each to attend the event live.
Plus they paid their travel, room and board expenses.
The good news for you is you can now experience the weekend right where you are sitting. You can invest in the audio recordings, the transcripts and manual, and relive the energy, love, wisdom and more, all at your leisure.
And you can do it for far less than $1,000.
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for a miraculous weekend. Each and every one of you added to the magic of the weekend. Saturday was miraculous in being able to go 24 hours completely present with no “thinking” going on in the mind. I enjoyed spending time visiting with and getting to know each of you. It was so wonderful how we were able to connect at such a deep level and share all of the wonderful things we were learning with each other. Each of us had our own process yet we overlapped in many areas and could learn from each other.
I reached a whole new level of awareness that weekend. I came home Monday and went back to my “should be life” that I created for my beautiful 4 year old son. I spent much of Monday saying thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and I love you. I didn”t realize how many things I actually resisted or mentally pushed against in my world.
Coming home from the weekend was amazing to me because I had the experience of seeing how our projections affect our experience and how Ho’oponopono could help you change that reality.
I took my son to the park and he was playing with another 4 year old. Then three kids slightly older came into my view. One child was a bully and picking on the other two by pinning down their arms. They were yelling, “Stop it or we will tell your mom.” Immediately I felt my reaction to this “Bully” and at first just said, “Hey, that is not nice.” I wanted to say, “Why are you such a bully?”, and caught myself and started saying thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you.
For a few minutes he joined us in a different reality and asked my son to take a turn throwing his toy. He was sweet, courteous, and took turns. Then the parents called the boys over. Right after leaving us I saw him revert back to the agreed upon reality they had created of him being a bully. Coincidence?
I notice that today is day 4 of being home and the mantra seems to be decreasing but is much more intentional. I found myself using the eraser and doing the mantra on a project.
What fun I am going to have moving from my “should be life” to “my want to be life”. I hope some of us will be able to continue to share that process with our new found friendships.
Debra Kahnen RN, ND
I almost moved to Las Vegas because I keep running into debt conscious people who were not interested in anything about me, business or personally. Using Joe’s Attractor Factor principles I have manifested many wonderful things. I found my girlfriend after a Vitale event in February.
We talked after the event in the hotel bar for hours and starting dating a couple of days later. I’ve also manifested a new business in real estate investing that has more leads than I can handle right now.
After this weekend at the Manifestation weekend I am manifesting my idea for prosperity games. When like-minded people get together wonderful things happen. The weekend was truly inspiring.
I learned much more about how to manifest. Listening to what people are grateful for was priceless. I can’t wait for the reunion. I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. People at the weekend understand what this means. This event is for prosperous open-minded people that want to manifest more in their lives.
Thank you Joe for making this event happen. Also thank you for the ton of books that you gave away. You are truly a prosperous person.
Chris Sherrod, The Prosperity Guy
“Joe’s Manifestation Weekend has opened my heart and mind on a new level… I have spent many years working with energy, and this seminar, with its processes, as well as insights from other valuable people who were part of it, added a depth of understanding and experience that has already allowed changes and miracles. Joe’s willingness to be real — authentic and spontaneous– and to TRUST, made this event what it was… and helped me to know that I could trust my own self to be guided into inspiration and action, too…that I could trust, and be, myself in even more ways than I had been. I feel a clearer path as a result… and I wouldn’t have missed this for the world…”
Mathes Jones www.nostruggleplan.com
I truly feel that this weekend was an eye opening experience. I feel as if for the first time in my life I can see things clearly. The past weekend also gave me the opportunity to step away from my current life and to view some of the things I’ve been doing “wrong”. Amy
This weekend allowed me to put my goals into perspective and see how easily I can obtain them. It gave me a chance to look at myself and the message I am sending out to the world. Ronnie
We both felt that this weekend changed our lives forever, for the better, of course. We also feel very grateful to everyone for their ideas and support.
Thank you for helping to put this whole thing together.
Ronnie and Amy Terrill
Joe Vitale’s “Manifiestation Weekend” began with surprisingly open warmth among strangers and ended with amazing love and joy among friends–all unplanned. Joe and Dr. Len wrought glorious magic.
Evelyn Cole The Whole-mind Writer write-for-wealth.com
It’s been a mere seven days since I returned home from Joe Vitale’s Manifestation Weekend and I can hardly count the number of miracles since. Like a sponge, I soaked up the energy, the lessons and the message, and now my results are manifesting at lightning speed.
To name a few of my tangible results in the past 7 days: new clients are flocking to me, new contracts are appearing out of thin air, I’ve been approached for at least 5 joint ventures, my opt-in list has increased by a whopping 60%, I’ve been asked to make a ‘celebrity appearance,’ and I can hardly keep up with all the amazingly inspired ideas that are coming to me out of the clear blue sky.
All of this has happened with no force, no “trying,” no real effort at all on my part. It has all quite literally flowed to me, easily, effortlessly, abundantly. When I get an idea, I now take action immediately, and I am positively blown away by my results. Joe, thanks for sharing the “eraser” method, as I know this one tip has helped grow my business exponentially in just ONE WEEK. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Eternally grateful, Amy Scott Grant http://get.thesuccessmethod.com http://newsuccess.org
“The Manifestation Weekend audios are FULL of information that can TRANSFORM one’s life. I was especially in tears when others were in tears, smiling at the jokes and when I heard others smile in their voices, and laughing.AH, the laughing..I NEEDED THAT!! I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”
Jennie Maples Teleseminar Transcriptions
A few years ago, my husband, Craig, and I celebrated the birth of our youngest son, Hayden.
We delivered our baby via a home birth and we were thrilled to be blessed with what we believed to be a bouncing, healthy, baby boy. Then, two weeks later, while Craig was away on a business trip, without any warning, our child instantly turned black and died in my arms! He completely stopped breathing!
The ambulance arrived just in the nick of time and once we made it to the hospital, the diagnosis we received was that Hayden had a severe bladder infection, due to the fact that he was born with 4 kidneys and extra ureters, which also resulted in him having kidney reflux. We were given some interim procedures while we waited for Hayden to have his first major surgery. Unfortunately, there would be another emergency visit to the hospital for a secondary infection at 3 months old. This infection was later followed by a series of invasive tests, and later, a bladder surgery and circumcision at 18 months old.
Once home from this operation for a mere 4 hours, we had to take another emergency trip back to the hospital by ambulance, for Hematoma on his bladder incision, hernia and blood loss. Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, in November 2005, we made another midnight emergency visit to the hospital for a hernia and twisted testicle surgery.
After this entire ordeal, we believed that (according to our doctors), Hayden was out of the woods, only to discover 2 months later that he would need to have bladder surgery, yet again. We painfully discovered that his initial surgery only took on one side of his little body.
Our follow-up visit in February 2005, indicated that he would need another surgery to relieve blockages in the upper pole of the right kidney, causing fluid retention. The toll that this experience has taken on our baby (and the rest of our family) has been beyond words. After years of trying EVERYTHING (from healthy remedies, proper diet and nutrition, meditating, prayers, asking others to send us positive energy, utilizing the power of positive thinking and visualizing 100% health unto Hayden, and hundreds of other techniques, etc.), no matter what we tried, nothing seemed to create the solution we were in dire need of.
Then, one day, “out of the clear blue sky,” Craig and I were blessed to be invited by Joe to attend his Manifestation Week-end as his guests ” this was a gift that we knew we could not turn down and that, despite our busy schedules, we KNEW we just HAD to go, no matter what!
As a result of our attending the seminar, our lives have completely changed! We learned all sorts of new techniques to add to our magic bag of tricks and I BELIEVE that we were able to experience A MIRACLE because of it! The Monday, following the Retreat, Hayden had to go in for another check-up, in order to determine whether he would need his third major surgery or not.
Once we arrived at the doctor”s office, we couldn”t believe our ears”the doctors finally gave Hayden a clean bill of health! We were told that Hayden was not going to need anymore surgeries!!!!!!! And we owe this MIRACLE to all the incredible people we met at Joe’s seminar, at the perfect moment, at the perfect time, who helped us overcome such overwhelming odds! Our lives are forever changed and for that, what more could we possible say ” other than””..
Thank you I love you God Bless! Love,
Aimee Rousseau Perrine, Austin Artist
Hi Joe:
As you know, I played the role of the “resident skeptic” during Manifestation Weekend. As you also know, I completely loved every minute of the challenge, the growth and the fun. The skeptic (in reality, I merely ask great questions!) soon became the believer!
How many years have I been a Vitale fan? Geez…lost count. Hanging out with you in-person was great, but the group dynamic, no-doubt captured in audio, just rocked my world.
So, here’s my small testimony: on the way home to Dallas, my life changed forever.
First, I released a major personal issue that I was previously unable to overcome. The “cleaning” did the trick…so simple, so profound. Second, I made a declaration and intention to the universe for two things so HUGE — and both are now flooding into my life in ways that I never before would or could have believed.
Joe, your a man far beyond “marketing” — and the words “thank you” simply do not suffice.
But I’ll try ’em anyway — THANK YOU!
And, yes, “I love you.”
Jon Benson Creator, The M-Power Series www.mpowerseries.com
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And now for the best news of all —
It’s easy to order the audio recordings, transcripts, and manual to Beyond Manifestation: How to Achieve Your Desires By Entering “The Z State”.
Order the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
Click Here to order the Beyond Manifestation package which includes:
6 Audio Recordings
You’ll get all six audios of the weekend, which you can download and listen to or just click and listen at your computer.
6 Transcripts and
The Beyond Manifestation Manual
This manual is worth more than the entire cost of the package itself! 
You can go here and order the package, which includes the entire event on unedited audio recordings, transcripts for all the audios, and the private manual — all of which you will be able to download from your computer,  just minutes after placing your order.
While attendees paid $1,000, plus travel, you can have the complete package — the entire weekend on audio, as well as the entire course manual and all the transcripts — all for only $97!
Obviously, this is the deal of the year, as well as an investment in your life!
But only order if this feels right to you.
If you’re ready to go beyond what you think you know about manifesting your own reality, consider investing in the weekend that changed lives.
The investment is small.
The potential for change is colossal.
And consider —
Where do you turn when you realize you haven’t been getting all of your intentions?
What happens when you realize you haven’t been in control of every aspect of your entire life?
What would your life be like when you realize there is a better way to live — and you never knew what it was until now?
And finally, what’s better than all of the things you want for yourself?
Get all of the answers, and much more, in the audio program Beyond Manifestation.
There’s not much else to say, except —
Expect Miracles.
Dr. Joe Vitale
Order Now!
Fill out this form to start your Order for the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
Click the “Start my order” button to Order the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
P.S. — Normally I write something hard-hitting in a P.S., to remind you of the importance of grabbing this program right now. We all know that if you wait, you don’t take action. And if you don’t take action, you stay stuck, continuously getting what you’ve always been getting. But I won’t practice “bulldog marketing” or even “Hypnotic Marketing” in this P.S. Instead, I’ll just say I am grateful that you have read this far, and that I love you. Do what you feel inspired to do.
Dr. Joe Vitale www.MrFire.com Member BBB 2003-
PS – For more information about Miracles Coaching®, please see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com
Tell a friend and share this great site with others.
Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in the hit movie “The Secret,” bestselling author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, television guest star on Larry King Live and CNN, ABC, FOX, etc., is the world’s first self-help singer songwriter.
Media and Performance Requests Contact:
Email Joe’s booking agent: [email protected]
or call 888-743-2824 opt 3
Services are provided by Acheive Today, Inc., which has been selected by Joe Vitale to provide education and guidance throughout your program.
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sunriseoverastorea · 6 years
♬ Jeremy Soule - Secunda
Rajya Sleekfur grew up in the copper valleys of Ascalon. The lake near her fahrar was tainted, turned shifting shades of oily incandescence, so she didn't learn to swim as a cub. It wasn't until she became a full-fledged soldier, when a superior pushed her into a river because she had sneaked away to read a book, that she miraculously, by virtue of necessity, figured out how to keep her massive weight from sinking like an anvil into the murky depths of the water. The book had been ruined, swept away and soaked. The Priory forgave her for the loss. They never hesitated to loan her books.
Now, Rajya Sleekfur finds herself on the sea. She can't feel the waves, the swell of the ocean. Nor can she feel the sun, the blessed, blinding sun, or the sharp, salty wind that cuts through the ship's sails and sends sailors running about the deck, yanking on ropes and shouting orders to each other. She cannot feel, but she can hear, and see, as if in a dream.
The Unending Sea is bigger than she ever could have imagined. Of course she understood the concept of a sea, a huge body of water spanning hundreds of miles, if not thousands. If not millions. After all, it is called 'unending.' Is it simply due to Tyria's limitations, or could it go on forever and ever? Her chest tightens at the thought of such a thing. Sucked into the depths of an ancient, unknown world. All it would take is one storm, one undetected leak, one small mistake.
Pen Yfan pats her own shoulder, shaking her head as she turns away from the sea. “Do not be afraid. Nothing can happen to us, not as long as I am in charge of my body. You understand? No more screaming at the captain. He thinks sylvari are strange as it is. We will find her, wherever this ship takes us. I am sure of it.” She speaks softly, as if to a child. Rajya is conscious of this, on some level—condescension. She should be insulted. A seasoned scholar of her years. But she is not who she once was. A shadow of a creature, reduced to basic instincts—fear, brooding, longing, and love. She clings to Pen's words as to the hand of a mother, and knows that Pen would do the same with her.
The sylvari makes her way to the captain's quarters, dodging a scampering young deckhand as she slips through the swinging door into the cabin. Typhon Bashere sits at his desk, a large map spread before him, covered in scribbles of coordinates and notes. He holds his weathered head in his hands, deep in thought.
“Captain Bashere,” chimes Pen, sitting on the little stool in front of the desk. She pushes her fronds back from her face, and smiles warmly, trying to seem approachable. “Any news on the search? I see you have made some additions to the map. Perhaps I could look over them again?”
Bashere glances up at her with eyes sunken into sun-baked wrinkles. “Aye. That seems a fine idea. Though I do dislike having a talking tree upstage my own plans. There's no denying that you earn your stay on this ship with that intellect of yours.” He relaxes, sinking back into his threadbare armchair, and crossing his arms over his chest. “We detected tremors from the northwest at approximately 6:02. We've been heading in that direction since then, but the wind is fighting us. Perhaps you can discern the trajectory of whatever caused the tremors. Save us some effort.”
Pen bows her head obligingly, ruddy fronds falling about her face once more, and she leans in over the desk. She closes her eyes for a moment. Releases the reigns of her spirit to Rajya. And when she opens her eyes again, they glisten gold as they take in the intricacies of the map. Every minor slash and dot, hastily erased coordinates, frustrated doodles of squids and octopuses, every detail settles into place in Rajya's mind, and a thousand scenarios unfold beside them.
What do you think, Rajya? Are there conclusions to be drawn?
Yes. Unfortunately.
Pen lifts her head, and allows the charr to speak through her lips.
“Captain, I am afraid there is no trajectory. Just as with all of the past tremors, it was extremely powerful, and remained in a fixed point throughout the episode. If it were to have moved, we likely would have suffered from the fallout of such an obstruction in the sea. It also seems unlikely that the source of the episode remains; however, if we can reach the coordinates before nightfall, we may be able to find evidence of the cause.”
“Aye,” Bashere says softly, taking off his glasses to rub at his eyes. “That'd be the closest we've gotten, at least. We should make it in time.”
Rajya lets go, willingly, and Pen has the sudden, jarring sensation of plopping back into her body. She jerks in her seat, as if startled awake, and Bashere raises a tufted eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Pen says with a chuckle, “I had a chill. These ships are awfully drafty, are they not?”
“They can be. Best get you back in the sun, warm your bark, or whatever.”
“Yes, certainly! Thank you for allowing me to assist in your search, Captain. As always, I look forward to the day when we either find my friend, or your enemy.”
She tilts her head back, and smiles at the mural on the ceiling. A pearly white squid, tangled in a mess of tentacles and indigo ink. A tiny human depicted for scale—merely an ant beside the primal, otherworldly beast. She waves to the depiction, and then turns on her heel, making her way back to the hectic, frenetic world of the deck, where she sits in the sun, and tells Rajya of the warmth on her back.
Hundreds of miles away, Marea descends from the sky. She breathes deeply as the ley lines streak past her ship. She can feel them, buzzing in her blood. The air is alive with magic, intoxicating, sending the automated controls on her ship into a frantic beeping frenzy. She performs the landing unaided, coming to a smooth stop in the shallows of the ocean, and drifting forward a few more feet until the bottom of the ship becomes lodged in the sand. She quickly fills a small pack with rations and ammunition, hands shaking with anticipation, and then she's out on the deck, leaping into the water and wading the rest of the way to the beach.
As her feet connect with solid, dry ground, she drops to her knees. A smile of pleasure tugs at her lips, fills her eyes with a manic light as she swivels her gaze from side to side. The beach is small, only a couple miles long, before it meets the bulk of the island—those spire-like cliffs, pirouetting high into the sky, almost high enough to touch the clouds. Fairy tale towers with a dense network of pulsing rainbow light weaving through them.
“This is fucking crazy,” she says aloud, cackling lightly. “How has nobody found this yet?”
In her ecstatic state, she spares little thought for how she found it herself—there were no changes in the readings, no warning bells, not a single telltale ley line that she could've followed from farther back in her journey. It was as simple as nothing, becoming something.
She gets to her feet, and makes her way up the beach, to where the cliffs begin, their foothold shrouded by sparse, wiry jungle plants. Lush and green, she plucks a leaf from one, and experimentally shoves it in her mouth, chewing loudly. It tastes like shit, but she keeps at it anyway, never one to waste 'food,' and presses on past the trees and bushes.
The foliage only lasts for a moment. Soon she stands in a sandy valley of spires, and she cranes her head back, eyes straining to find their tops up in the violet sky. Down on the ground, the spires are far wider than they appeared, each one at least twice as wide as she can hug—and hug them she does. She wraps her arms around the base of one, pressing her face to the cool gray stone, flecked with a slightly porous pattern. A surge of energy flickers through her bones, and she imagines she could kill the birds in the sky with so much power. Though it occurs to her suddenly that there are no birds. She pulls back from the spire, and her eyes slowly scan the valley floor. Not a single sign of the smallest lizard, or even a fly. Just a few plants, like a rudimentary shield against the ocean, protecting their rocky friends from the water.
Despite the lack of life in a place so teeming with energy, she is unperturbed. She forms a metal fist and knocks on a spire experimentally—a hollow, deep chime echoes through the valley, bouncing from spire to spire until it fades into the distance. The ley lines high above seem to tremble from the vibrations. She feels each knock like a heartbeat, pulsing against her skin, trying to burst forth from her pathetic, mortal body. So weak, flesh and bone. So sad, a human form. Her teeth suddenly ache. She pushes the feeling away, and strides deeper into the forest of stone, footprints absorbed by the sand as soon as she leaves them.
The sky fluctuates softly, shifting from violet to indigo to deep blue and back again. The light here feels strange—there is no warmth to it. It comes from nowhere, and fills everywhere. Still, the island is comfortable, not cold or hot; in fact, she came to realize a short while ago that she could feel no temperature, as if the air was constantly adjusting to her body heat. Soothing her senses. There are no smells, either, except for the faint hint of steel on the breeze, like pavement after the rain. She sees an oily puddle in her mind's eye. With tiny bare feet, she splashes into it, splattering her pale legs with mud. An older child's hand grips her shoulder roughly, wrenching her away from the water, steering her into a dark alley, and putting a finger to her lips. “Shhhh,” she whispers. Marea stares at the girl's face, and after a moment, she realizes it's Winnie. Deep, cool brown skin, a round face, and rattlesnake braids that hang loosely over her shoulders. She stumbles along beside her guardian, the alleyway swimming before her eyes. She feels something, in the pit of her stomach—hunger. But so great that it spreads to her chest, and she struggles to breathe. Suffocated by it. Her ankle twists, and she crashes to the ground, not even a peep escaping her lips.
“Come on, Marea,” Winnie snaps, fingers gripping her wrist and yanking at her, to little effect. Winnie was always rather weak. Not in Marea's way, where she could have been more, had more, if only someone had bothered to notice her. For Winnie, it was ingrained in her being. A part of who she was. Physically and emotionally, the girl had little to offer. But if she picked on her baby doll, the infant she found abandoned in the trash and chose to tote around like an accessory at the ripe old age of five, she could be powerful. Everyone in the family picked on her doll, her stupid, tiny 'Rea, and the doll would come to her for comfort. Which she would give to her, for a time. A few minutes, perhaps. Before she found more interesting things to do.
Winnie yanks at Marea's wrist, and her stomach drops as she realizes the girl isn't getting up. She falls on her butt, shell-shocked, and begins to cry, holding the cold hand of her charge, stricken with the fear.
Marea awakens with a shout. Her head bangs into one of the spires, and she squeezes her eyes shut in pain as the echoing stone chorus rebounds through the valley once more. The eerie sound reverberates in her eardrums, increasing with intensity, until suddenly, without preamble, it stops. Blissful silence once again sits upon the island.
She slowly looks around her, eyelids heavy with weariness. She had been meditating—but at some point she must have fallen asleep. She remains where she was before, deep in the sea of spires, stretching up like pillars to support the ripening sky. It must be morning, of a new day. Surely not that much time has passed? Yet there it is, the sunrise. Without a sun. The sky only goes through the motions, here.
She gets to her feet, and reaches into her bag. She makes grabbing motions—unable to feel with her prosthetic appendages, she simply digs in and hopes to pull out what she needs. But this time, she grasps nothing. She upends the bag. Flattens it on the ground. The rations are gone. When did she eat them?
With an irritated huff, she turns back the way she came. She squints at the stone spires ahead of her. They fade into the distance, becoming a mist-like blur the farther off they get. She whips her head around, looking in the opposite direction.
Endless spire forests, in every direction. The sand unmarred by her passing—wherever she passed from. Her stomach grumbles, and with sudden urgency, she reaches for a lone bramble sprouting from the ground, stuffing it in her mouth, stems and all. The leaves are sweet, but the stem is bitter. It reminds her of Winnie—a strange person to recall, at a time like this, or any time. She tries not to remember her. She tries not to remember anything of her life before Rajya. Even without thinking about it, the lingering effects of that time cling to her like poison.
She chooses a direction, and she walks.
Winnie digs her fingers into a cake. An entire chocolate sheet cake, stolen from a bakery window. She pulls out filthy handfuls and stuffs them in her mouth, then offers the bits that cling to her skin to Darius, who drags his tongue over them slowly. Winnie giggles wildly, swinging her legs. Marea also swings her legs, wanting them to be like Winnie's. Skinny but pretty. They sit atop a crumbling wall in the courtyard of an abandoned townhouse, shadows of the towers of Divinity's Reach  stretching across them in the afternoon sun.
Marea watches her companions. Darius is slightly older than Winnie, with a classic Krytan look, bronzed skin and brown hair, long and unkempt in a way he thinks is dashing. The rest of the family agrees with him. Their mop-headed savior. He knows the routes the Seraph will take before the Seraph themselves do. He has informants, real adult ones, leaders of gangs. Sometimes, when Winnie and Marea are out walking, gathering food or medicine, Winnie gushes about marrying him.
“One day, Darius will be the greatest crime lord in the whole city. We will live in a mansion with silk curtains and Elonian antiques, as my mom always wanted, and we'll eat the finest food, drink as much alcohol as we can without dying, and have lots of pets. I want five cats, personally. Darius will probably want something nastier, like a drake.”
Marea spots an apple in the gutter, likely fallen from someone's shopping bag, and snatches it up, promptly biting into it. It hurts her teeth.
“What about me?” she says softly, but with an edge to her voice, unable to keep the bitterness from surfacing. Some days are like that. Days of clarity, awareness. Few and far between.
“Marea!” Winnie snaps, whapping the apple out of her hand. It rolls right back into the gutter, and seems content to stay there. “You do not eat first! I don't know how many times we have to go over this. You get what's left. And now nobody gets the apple, because you've ruined it. Wasted it.”
“Wh—what about me?” Marea asks again, unfazed, until Winnie's hand cracks across her face, and her spindly legs topple over.
“You!” Winnie hisses, sticking a foot on her head to keep her down on the cobblestones. The street is suddenly empty. Marea imagines she can hear the sounds of doors and windows locking, curtains being drawn. “You might get to stay with me and Darius, if you're very good, but I wouldn't count on it. Selfish and inconsiderate. I regret the day I ever took you in. You know that?” She shouts down at her, wild, sudden rage filling her voice. “You would be dead if it weren't for us! Show a little gratitude!”
With that final note, her foot connects with Marea's face, and the world goes dark.
The three of them sit on the wall in the townhouse courtyard, and Marea watches chocolate cake crumbs tumble into the grass. Ants have already assembled for the feast, picking up bits five times their size and marching off towards their fortress. Marea hops down from the wall, and crushes them beneath her bare feet.
The awakening is worse this time. She gasps so hard her chest cramps, and the pain is piercing. She grits her teeth and waits for it to subside. And as soon as it has, she rolls over onto her stomach, face to face with lush green moss. She digs into it without hesitation, teeth tearing up greenery and sand alike. She sighs, she laughs, and at the end of it, when the binge seems to be over, she presses her face to the ground and begins to sob. The magic is everywhere. When she looks at her hands, they seem to vibrate before her very eyes. She has to get out. Has to—eat. No, she is a human, not a cow. She doesn't eat moss and leaves. She hates vegetables. Hates them, hates them. Even so, she finds herself digging up clumps of moss a moment later, and sticking them in her mouth.
“What the fuck is this?” she whispers through her mouthful, green juices dripping onto her chin. “Ship. Ship is that—that way. Because the stars, no stars, right. Okay. So the ship is, it's gotta be that way, because that feels right, and, and--”
“And you wouldn't want me to get hurt, would you?” Darius says gently, though not without a hint of warning. Of consequences for Marea's that don't put the needs of others before themselves. “You're a big girl now. I just need you to keep watch, and make your best judgment if anything goes wrong. Got it?”
Marea shakes her head. She's not a big girl. Winnie told her that she just turned five. She gave her a gift—a small knife, though not small enough for a five year old's hands. Grape vines decorate the handle, and her own name has been sloppily scraped into the blade. She's never seen it spelled before. It looks strange to her.
Darius gives her a hug, too tight, the touch of his hands filling her with a feeling she can't yet place—revulsion. And he rolls his eyes as lets her go and starts away. “You better not fuck this up.”
Marea slinks behind a pile of crates, peering out attentively, though she trembles like a frightened rabbit. After only a minute, a man in fine clothes, perhaps a merchant, appears at the end of the alleyway. He storms toward Darius, furious, counting something off on his hands as he attempts to lord over the younger boy. Marea hears his exclamations, but the words don't add up in her head. Too many, too fast, and with so much anger. She picks out the letters of the alphabet as she listens, and they spin about and tangle in her mind like an alien language.
The merchant draws a pistol. He backs Darius into a corner. Marea hears Darius call her name, and the reaction is automatic—she lifts her dress, taking her knife from the holster on her thigh. She walks into the open. Her hand moves. There is resistance. She struggles to plunge the blade into the merchant man's waist. Her appearance alone buys her enough time, as the man stares at her, dumbfounded, by the skeletal little girl that just appeared from the shadows with intent to kill.
As the man falls, her knife slips out from his flesh. She grips it tightly in her hand, and watches as thick drops of blood dribble down the blade. It reminds her of icing. Or ketchup. Or the sweet sauce that the butcher's wife puts on her homemade meatloaf.
Darius wraps his arms around Marea and spins her through the air, clutching her tight to his chest. “Nice work, kiddo! Wasn't expecting the man to pull a gun on a kid like me, but hey, you were there to save the day.” Her plops her back down on the ground, and wipes at a bit of blood on her cheek, where she was sprayed from the dying man's wound. “I'm proud of you, 'Rea. And I know Winnie will be, too. Hey, what's the matter? Don't get all teary eyed on me. This is exciting! Come on, I know you're a little brat, but you can do better than this.”
She stares at the merchant's lifeless body, a crimson pool spreading beneath his hips. She wipes at her eyes, but the tears just replenish themselves, hot against her chilly skin.
“What's, wr—wr--wrong?” She whispers, vision blurring.
Darius looks from her to the man, and back again, an eyebrow playfully raised. “Well, he's bleeding out on the ground. You killed him. That's the magic of knives.”
Marea shakes her head.
Darius nods.
Marea looks up at the sky, pure and blue across the low rooftops of the Commons. It sickens her.
She sits up, and before she can grab the nearest flora and begin ingesting it by the handful, she turns to the nearest spire and bangs her head against it, as hard as she can. The valley echoes like thunder, and she screams in pain at the sound, ears ringing, warm blood dripping down her neck. She gets to her feet and she runs, footsteps light as a child's upon the smooth sand.
She runs, and she runs, and soon she sees the faint outlines of bushes on the horizon, sprinkled amongst the misty gray spires. A flurry of memories fight for dominance in her mind, but she forces them away, she thinks only of her ship, of her friends, her cat and her books, she thinks of what she left behind, good and bad, old and new. She thinks of what she has learned to live for. She thinks of Rajya's burnt remains, Kaylee's crushed face, Noctis appearing behind her as if he were her shadow; and she thinks of her first kiss, with an uncouth, juvenile sylvari. She hasn't seen him in a long time. She tossed him aside, and he made certain that he would never feel anything but disappointment towards her, ever again.
She thinks of Raigar and Geneva. She thinks of the world, and how wrong it feels. Of how it has always felt wrong, since Darius swept her off her feet and twirled her around with joy. How dare he? How dare Tyria? How dare they allow her to be made like this? How dare they allow her to remember a world in which she wasn't the monster—everyone else was. She clings to memories of Raigar and Gen, sitting with them in the Sun, flying with them on the Rogue and lounging with them in the refuge. She clutches tight to Raigar's face in her minds eye. With the hands of a frightened little girl, who hasn't yet learned how to be empty.
She breaks through the foliage. Collapses to her knees in the sand, right where she knelt some time ago. Perhaps one day, perhaps several. After a minute spent catching her breath, she realizes the buzzing is gone. The humming in her veins, pulsing in her bones. She looks over her shoulder. And the island is only a patch of sand, perhaps a mile long. There are no bushes or trees. No spires, not even rocks. The ley lines are gone, and even as she stares, the far shore is growing closer, the relentless waves of the ocean eating it up and turning it to no more than particles, drifting in the endless abyss of the sea.
She is back in her ship, her eyes to the sky. It is black, now, just as it should be. The stars are all in their places. They fill her with hope. She munches on jerky from a large bowl, several day's servings within. She remembers little from the island. But whatever happened, it left her starving.
0 notes
jojosjourneys-blog · 8 years
The end is close... so I guess a summary is in order...
Hakata. Japan.
In some ways the repeating of the same ports has been a blessing, of course you don't have as much excitement. You kind of know what you're getting, but if you do your own research and don't mind walking miles around a city unknown, then you really get to know the place. I don't experience the places at night, and that's quite strange actually, the latest we have is 7pm(no over-nights).
My relationship with Hakata has blossomed(get it, Japan: Blossom). I love Japan, as I've kept on saying, I would so love to backpack here, do a temple stay, see the breath-taking countryside.
I walked into Hakata the first time we stopped, I needed to feel solid ground under my tired feet and some real air. I just think that Japan has it right in many ways, it is so clean, calm, no one beeps their horns or drives like a crazy person. There are many tall buildings, having said that, dotted among the new smart buildings are older houses with Japanese lollypop trees pocking up in their small front gardens.
Before each port, I try to do a mix of research and but also factor in the opportunity of stumbling upon things, if you plan everything you can end up with tunnel vision, and I know I am guilty of that: blindly marching on because there are three things you HAVE to do that port in one day.
To The West Of Tenjin.
Firstly I wandered into the West of the city, Tenjin is one of the main areas where most of the crew go, I didn't know this because I didn't get the bus. But I found some wonderful treats near the Riverain Mall. Inside the Mall is the Art Museum, one of the best art collections I've seen in Asia, some very breath taking wrk and a great Macrobiotic cafe 'Evah', ('Macrobiotic' is Japanese vegetarian and vegan food, a variety is small portions similar to a tapas, with brown rice and miso soup).
Coming out of the Mall, you can cross and head down the covered shopping street heading to the north of the city. There are so many cute shops and restaurants. Oh and an Owl cafe... They seem to be treated well and are apparently rescue birds, but I didn't fancy it. Some of the cast went ans said it was fun, a little pricey though. I think I'd rather seem them flying about in the open.
Right across from the Owl cafe is a tiny cafe up some even smaller stairs, I couldn't find any details online, but its on the left handside, before you reach the Shimeagatainaka Shrine. It was a bit of a pricey coffee, but the simple calming decor and warm thick cut toast was worth it.
Just to the east of the Shrine you'll find the Hakata Canal Mall(https://canalcity.co.jp), I just wandered through here, Malls stress me out a bit, but the shopping looked great, and the nice water and curved line of the building made it pleasant. Further on to the North tucked away is the OBC cat cafe, so clean and simple, lots of fluffy ginger cats, not as friendly as other places but nice(https://cat-cafe-obc.webu.jp/map.html#contents).
The Shimeagatainaka Shrine is beautiful, not one of the biggest, I got a 'lucky strip' and tied it around a wire. My luck for this year was 'moderate', it had some rather worrying words of advice. Luckily I don't believe too much in that kind of thing.
Most temples have these wonderful big booming drums that resonate deeply. While the low chanting seeps through the perfectly carved wood of each temple, the drums round off the song nicely. I love the sandy gravel under foot and the tiny shrines in every corner. Locals clap their hands, bow gently or pull hard on the robust rope hanging in the front of each major praying station/alter.
It's hard to explain the Temples and Shrines. I think they have the most wonderful energy, and the fact there are tucked away amongst the crazy modern cities of Japan is quite magical.
Here are a few you should definitely go to see in Hakata city:
Shimeagatainaka shrine: Hakata Street.
Sumiyoshi shrine: Sumiyoshi dori street.
Tocho-ji, Big wooden Buddha Shrine.
Gokushomachi, behind Buddha, loads of shrines and temples.
Suikyo Shrine(nearer Tenjin)
If you feel like venturing out, you should hop on the train(https://www.hakatastation.com) and see the Big Reclining Buddha, Nanzo-in Temple(http://www.sasagurikanko.com/temple/nanzoin/). Not only is it one one of the most beautiful, peaceful Buddhas I've seen, the temple and surroundings are so pretty, small shrines, hundreds of statues and trickling water lead you up to the Buddha, the journey to and from the Buddha is just as magical. We were fortunate as Spring felt like making an appearance and it was quite lovely standing silently in the sun gazing at the Buddhas peaceful face.
Kidonanzoin-Mae is the nearest train station, just a few stops on the train from Hakata Main station. Which in itself is the coolest train station I think I've ever been to.
HAKATA Train Station Area.
Since I've just mentioned it, I might as well go on to share a few of the things I saw in the Northern part of the city near the station.
I haven't spent that much time in this area so my experience is probably limited.
The station, is huge. We were lucky to find the right train when going to Kidonanzoin-Mae. But its fabulous, lovely blue and white tiles cover every pillar, hand painted with flowers and animals. It's of course busy, but calm and organised(I mean of course it is, it's Japan).
We were getting rather peckish and the need for coffee was becoming obvious, maybe I'm a bad travel companion, but I just have a thing about going to chains, I don't think it enhances your cultural experience. I can go to a Coffee chain in the UK, why would I go to one in Japan, plus buying in a small place you're giving a hand to the little guy! So the others found what they needed and I found a gorgeous bakery, I wanted to buy everything, but my bank account and thighs wouldn't let me... I got a curry bun, probably not that good for you but sooooo yummy, curry with chickpeas and figs inside light bread. Like a curry sandwich. Don't miss it: Dean and Dulce market cafe. (http://www.deandeluca.co.jp/shop/detail.php?shop_id=5)
On another day I went up to the 6th floor of the building to the right of the Station called 'Kitte Hakata'. REC coffee(http://www.rec-coffee.com) is so simple but lovely, hidden in the corner behind rows of books it looks out onto the busy street, my walnut toast with herb soft cheese and pink pepper corns was good, and she made the coffee in front of me, literally. It was a lovely experience. I chatted to Luis here and did some people watching.
Later on, I wandered around and took in some sights and made my way to the Sumiyoshi shrine. I love this shrine, their are lots of trees, so they muffle the buzz of the city, suddenly you find yourself in an oasis. The sun shone down and I made friends with a lovely Cat, lets call him Dave two.
I wandered through the Gionmachi district to the see the Big Wooden Buddha (Tocho-ji)(https://www.klm.com/destinations/gb/en/article/largest-wooden-buddha-in-japan), this shrine is very impressive, bigger and more assertive than the reclining Buddha. Following the stairs up you are hit by a wonderful waft of incense, I always love the smell; it reminds me of being very happy in India. Your breath is literally taken away when you see this Buddha, I did a little gasp, maybe I even said 'wow', how very predictable of me. This Buddha has a different energy, not so peaceful, more powerful and assertive, but so beautiful, and the fact it is made out of wood is just incredible. Shafts of light danced around the room, the incense smoke creating a mysterious feel. I didn't stay too long, quite a few people were praying and it always feels a bit invasive.
Day light Kitchen does some lovely organic food and coffee(http://dlk-organic.jp), I stopped for a late lunch here, the food isn't quite as good as other places, but the bakery looked great. They have vegetarian options too.
The absolute highlight was my massage at 'ForREST'(momitoku.main.jp), my first visit was a bit hilarious, I couldn't get in the building, so I had to ask the Florist in the shop next door to help... finally the sliding door opened and I met a very kind Japanese lady who only spoke a few english words. With sign language and smiles we arranged a time. This massage was one of the best I've ever had. You wear lose clothing that they provide, you're wrapped in a blanket and it's all about pressure points. At one point she found sore points in my forearm I didn't even know were there. I had 60 minutes, they do many other offers and it is such a reasonable price. My massage was 2300Yen, which is around £16/17. I am determined to go back here again.
Tenjin Area and the East.
Tenjin is the main hubbub area of the city, you'll find main street shopping like HnM and Zara.
It's a nice area, lots of restaurant and shops, I like the East Area of the city, it feels a bit more like London.
The Art Museum is pretty basic, it was showing local work from the college, the Japanese seem so smart; all the displays were so well done and some of the Manga art work was amazing.
For food, the East of Tenjin is great.  I found the 'Rota Cafe' which was lovely, Macrobiotic Vegan food, you climb some very skinny stairs and sit in a bright and airy room. (rota-cafe.com) I headed to Eggs n Things, to subdue my omelette craving, a rather weird Omelette but yummy all the same.(eggsnthingsjapan.com) Suzu cafe is hidden at the top of a building, so small and cozy, the coffee was ok, the food looked great, but there are only so many lunches I can fit in!(completecircle.co.jp)
If you feel like stretching your legs Ohari Park is beautiful. The huge lake/pond seems to stretch on for miles, the Japanese Garden and tea rooms were nice, if a little bare in Winter, they aren't that cheap to enter, but are very peaceful and so well designed.(ohorikouen.jp)
Near the art gallery by the river you can find the 'Suikyo Shrine', it's nice but quite small, but running along the side of shrine, there are a row of tiny restaurants, we found the best Tempura restaurant, only space for about 6 people to eat. We sat at the bar and watched the chef cook. I wish I could speak Japanese, so we could've talked with them. The experience was great as was the food.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years
Beyond Manifestation
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/beyond-manifestation/
Beyond Manifestation
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“These audio recordings of the historic seminar go beyond The Attractor Factor, The Power of Intention, Ask and It Is Given, Beyond Positive Thinking, “The Secret”, and virtually every other “How to Manifest” or “Law of Attraction” book, course, or movie out there. This won’t be for everybody. But if you feel inspired to get this right now, then expect your life to blast into orbit and the results to dazzle and confuse everyone — including you.” – Dr. Joe Vitale www.mrfire.com
If you’re skeptical, don’t bother to read this right now.
But if you’re open minded, then brace yourself for some goose bumps…
Dear Friend,
Take a look at the brief video clip on this page (just turn on your speakers and click the play button) —
What do you notice?
You probably can’t tell by just looking at the video, but maybe you can feel something of the ecstasy these adventurers felt as they experienced the world’s first Manifestation Weekend with me on May 19-21 in Austin, Texas.
I was the first officer on this flight and something greater than all of us was the pilot.
More than twenty-five people came from all over the world, from Mexico and Australia to all points within the USA — All to buckle up and learn how to go past their limits, and onwards and upwards to experiences and insights they may never have imagined before – ever.
These people were no strangers to inner growth. All had read my book The Attractor Factor. All had completed other spiritual retreats, or a spiritual growth workshop, or healing events or even personal enlightenment trainings. Some were professional healers and therapists.
All already knew how to co-create their own reality using the principles in my spiritual books or in the movie, “The Secret”.
But they all came to go past all of that.
They all came to get to “The Z State” — That place where there are no limits and they can truly have, do, or be anything they can imagine.
In fact, from “The Z State”, they can have more than they could imagine…
What Really Works in Manifesting Your Own Reality?
These people wanted more, and were ready for more.
They were ready to learn how to turbocharge their ability to manifest.
They were ready to go beyond what they knew or thought they knew.
They were ready to let go of what didn’t work in order to learn what does work.
The Manifestation Weekend covered everything from —
how to heal yourself and others with a simple three word statement (!),
the truth about intentions and how to set the ones that work,
how “The Z State” has no limits and anything is possible,
how to handle fear in a most surprising way,
why you need to be aware of “hungry ghosts”,
what’s behind the “you” that is reading these very words?,
my psychic power awakening at the hands of a Hawaiian shaman,
a powerful new ho’oponopono meditation method,
some surprising and revealing pointers about marketing and list building,
new ways to clear and clean the limiting beliefs and energies within yourself,
metaphysical copywriting (?!),
how I let my soul guide my business decisions,
personal confessions about what works and what doesn’t in my marketing,
the inside story about the movie “The Secret”, 
the power of listening to the “whiteboard” of life,
how to form your own Master Mind group for support and record-breaking results,
the all encompassing blunt truth about what it means to take total responsibility for your life. (You’ve never heard this definition before)!
But the incredible weekend didn’t stop there. We also covered —
how I lost 80 pounds after a lifetime of struggle with obesity,
how I manifested, not one, but two BMW sports cars,
what we would welcome if it came “out of the clear blue sky,”
why Vedic Astrology is better than Western astrology,
two surprise guest speakers dazzled us with their insights and confessions,
I revealed what I secretly did with a pencil eraser to make my book Life’s Missing Instruction Manual a #1 bestseller.
the astonishing weekend ended with a spiritual gifts inventory, that was so moving there wasn’t a dry eye in the house,
how to you tell the difference between the Divine and your Ego,
how does one top car salesman sell without selling,
There were more surprises, insights and discoveries that I can’t remember right now. (At one point I did spontaneous psychic readings, which held everyone in a hypnotic moment frozen in time)! I’ll have to listen to the audios of the event, too, to remind myself of all of them.
But something bigger occurred at the event than just information, stories, and techniques!
It came from being in the blissful “Z State” and asking…
Where would you fly if you had wings?
This “spiritual retreat” moved me to tears. I got a standing ovation at the end of the event. But I didn’t deserve it. All I did was act on an inspiration that told me to host something called: “The Manifestation Weekend”. From there, I was winging it.
But the funny thing about winging it is that you have wings.
And when you have wings, you can fly!
And when you fly with the type of energy that was among these noble and open minded leaders, you soar as if you’re wearing a jet pack and you’re cleared to land anywhere you can imagine!
I wish I could convey in words the overwhelming divine power of the weekend. We were in a non-stop moment-by-moment state of exhilaration.
Since I can’t describe the event, I’ll let others do it…
Here’s what just a few of the attendees said —
Obviously, the buzz of high energy was thick at the event. People shared and connected and supported in ways I have never seen before, and I’ve been around the block when it comes to self improvement, personal growth, spiritual and marketing matters, meditation, and more. I’ve written about a lot of my own personal journey in my books, Adventures Within and of course in The Attractor Factor.
But this weekend was off the charts. When I asked the group to rate the event on a scale of 1 to 10, all gave it a 10 and most said it was a 15 or even a 20. It went way beyond their expectations, and even mine.
In fact, the entire weekend was about how to go Beyond Manifestation.
It was truly miraculous.
People paid $1,000 each to attend the event live.
Plus they paid their travel, room and board expenses.
The good news for you is you can now experience the weekend right where you are sitting. You can invest in the audio recordings, the transcripts and manual, and relive the energy, love, wisdom and more, all at your leisure.
And you can do it for far less than $1,000.
Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for a miraculous weekend. Each and every one of you added to the magic of the weekend. Saturday was miraculous in being able to go 24 hours completely present with no “thinking” going on in the mind. I enjoyed spending time visiting with and getting to know each of you. It was so wonderful how we were able to connect at such a deep level and share all of the wonderful things we were learning with each other. Each of us had our own process yet we overlapped in many areas and could learn from each other.
I reached a whole new level of awareness that weekend. I came home Monday and went back to my “should be life” that I created for my beautiful 4 year old son. I spent much of Monday saying thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and I love you. I didn”t realize how many things I actually resisted or mentally pushed against in my world.
Coming home from the weekend was amazing to me because I had the experience of seeing how our projections affect our experience and how Ho’oponopono could help you change that reality.
I took my son to the park and he was playing with another 4 year old. Then three kids slightly older came into my view. One child was a bully and picking on the other two by pinning down their arms. They were yelling, “Stop it or we will tell your mom.” Immediately I felt my reaction to this “Bully” and at first just said, “Hey, that is not nice.” I wanted to say, “Why are you such a bully?”, and caught myself and started saying thank you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you.
For a few minutes he joined us in a different reality and asked my son to take a turn throwing his toy. He was sweet, courteous, and took turns. Then the parents called the boys over. Right after leaving us I saw him revert back to the agreed upon reality they had created of him being a bully. Coincidence?
I notice that today is day 4 of being home and the mantra seems to be decreasing but is much more intentional. I found myself using the eraser and doing the mantra on a project.
What fun I am going to have moving from my “should be life” to “my want to be life”. I hope some of us will be able to continue to share that process with our new found friendships.
Debra Kahnen RN, ND
I almost moved to Las Vegas because I keep running into debt conscious people who were not interested in anything about me, business or personally. Using Joe’s Attractor Factor principles I have manifested many wonderful things. I found my girlfriend after a Vitale event in February.
We talked after the event in the hotel bar for hours and starting dating a couple of days later. I’ve also manifested a new business in real estate investing that has more leads than I can handle right now.
After this weekend at the Manifestation weekend I am manifesting my idea for prosperity games. When like-minded people get together wonderful things happen. The weekend was truly inspiring.
I learned much more about how to manifest. Listening to what people are grateful for was priceless. I can’t wait for the reunion. I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. Forgive me. People at the weekend understand what this means. This event is for prosperous open-minded people that want to manifest more in their lives.
Thank you Joe for making this event happen. Also thank you for the ton of books that you gave away. You are truly a prosperous person.
Chris Sherrod, The Prosperity Guy
“Joe’s Manifestation Weekend has opened my heart and mind on a new level… I have spent many years working with energy, and this seminar, with its processes, as well as insights from other valuable people who were part of it, added a depth of understanding and experience that has already allowed changes and miracles. Joe’s willingness to be real — authentic and spontaneous– and to TRUST, made this event what it was… and helped me to know that I could trust my own self to be guided into inspiration and action, too…that I could trust, and be, myself in even more ways than I had been. I feel a clearer path as a result… and I wouldn’t have missed this for the world…”
Mathes Jones www.nostruggleplan.com
I truly feel that this weekend was an eye opening experience. I feel as if for the first time in my life I can see things clearly. The past weekend also gave me the opportunity to step away from my current life and to view some of the things I’ve been doing “wrong”. Amy
This weekend allowed me to put my goals into perspective and see how easily I can obtain them. It gave me a chance to look at myself and the message I am sending out to the world. Ronnie
We both felt that this weekend changed our lives forever, for the better, of course. We also feel very grateful to everyone for their ideas and support.
Thank you for helping to put this whole thing together.
Ronnie and Amy Terrill
Joe Vitale’s “Manifiestation Weekend” began with surprisingly open warmth among strangers and ended with amazing love and joy among friends–all unplanned. Joe and Dr. Len wrought glorious magic.
Evelyn Cole The Whole-mind Writer write-for-wealth.com
It’s been a mere seven days since I returned home from Joe Vitale’s Manifestation Weekend and I can hardly count the number of miracles since. Like a sponge, I soaked up the energy, the lessons and the message, and now my results are manifesting at lightning speed.
To name a few of my tangible results in the past 7 days: new clients are flocking to me, new contracts are appearing out of thin air, I’ve been approached for at least 5 joint ventures, my opt-in list has increased by a whopping 60%, I’ve been asked to make a ‘celebrity appearance,’ and I can hardly keep up with all the amazingly inspired ideas that are coming to me out of the clear blue sky.
All of this has happened with no force, no “trying,” no real effort at all on my part. It has all quite literally flowed to me, easily, effortlessly, abundantly. When I get an idea, I now take action immediately, and I am positively blown away by my results. Joe, thanks for sharing the “eraser” method, as I know this one tip has helped grow my business exponentially in just ONE WEEK. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Eternally grateful, Amy Scott Grant http://get.thesuccessmethod.com http://newsuccess.org
“The Manifestation Weekend audios are FULL of information that can TRANSFORM one’s life. I was especially in tears when others were in tears, smiling at the jokes and when I heard others smile in their voices, and laughing.AH, the laughing..I NEEDED THAT!! I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”
Jennie Maples Teleseminar Transcriptions
A few years ago, my husband, Craig, and I celebrated the birth of our youngest son, Hayden.
We delivered our baby via a home birth and we were thrilled to be blessed with what we believed to be a bouncing, healthy, baby boy. Then, two weeks later, while Craig was away on a business trip, without any warning, our child instantly turned black and died in my arms! He completely stopped breathing!
The ambulance arrived just in the nick of time and once we made it to the hospital, the diagnosis we received was that Hayden had a severe bladder infection, due to the fact that he was born with 4 kidneys and extra ureters, which also resulted in him having kidney reflux. We were given some interim procedures while we waited for Hayden to have his first major surgery. Unfortunately, there would be another emergency visit to the hospital for a secondary infection at 3 months old. This infection was later followed by a series of invasive tests, and later, a bladder surgery and circumcision at 18 months old.
Once home from this operation for a mere 4 hours, we had to take another emergency trip back to the hospital by ambulance, for Hematoma on his bladder incision, hernia and blood loss. Just when we thought things couldn’t get worse, in November 2005, we made another midnight emergency visit to the hospital for a hernia and twisted testicle surgery.
After this entire ordeal, we believed that (according to our doctors), Hayden was out of the woods, only to discover 2 months later that he would need to have bladder surgery, yet again. We painfully discovered that his initial surgery only took on one side of his little body.
Our follow-up visit in February 2005, indicated that he would need another surgery to relieve blockages in the upper pole of the right kidney, causing fluid retention. The toll that this experience has taken on our baby (and the rest of our family) has been beyond words. After years of trying EVERYTHING (from healthy remedies, proper diet and nutrition, meditating, prayers, asking others to send us positive energy, utilizing the power of positive thinking and visualizing 100% health unto Hayden, and hundreds of other techniques, etc.), no matter what we tried, nothing seemed to create the solution we were in dire need of.
Then, one day, “out of the clear blue sky,” Craig and I were blessed to be invited by Joe to attend his Manifestation Week-end as his guests ” this was a gift that we knew we could not turn down and that, despite our busy schedules, we KNEW we just HAD to go, no matter what!
As a result of our attending the seminar, our lives have completely changed! We learned all sorts of new techniques to add to our magic bag of tricks and I BELIEVE that we were able to experience A MIRACLE because of it! The Monday, following the Retreat, Hayden had to go in for another check-up, in order to determine whether he would need his third major surgery or not.
Once we arrived at the doctor”s office, we couldn”t believe our ears”the doctors finally gave Hayden a clean bill of health! We were told that Hayden was not going to need anymore surgeries!!!!!!! And we owe this MIRACLE to all the incredible people we met at Joe’s seminar, at the perfect moment, at the perfect time, who helped us overcome such overwhelming odds! Our lives are forever changed and for that, what more could we possible say ” other than””..
Thank you I love you God Bless! Love,
Aimee Rousseau Perrine, Austin Artist
Hi Joe:
As you know, I played the role of the “resident skeptic” during Manifestation Weekend. As you also know, I completely loved every minute of the challenge, the growth and the fun. The skeptic (in reality, I merely ask great questions!) soon became the believer!
How many years have I been a Vitale fan? Geez…lost count. Hanging out with you in-person was great, but the group dynamic, no-doubt captured in audio, just rocked my world.
So, here’s my small testimony: on the way home to Dallas, my life changed forever.
First, I released a major personal issue that I was previously unable to overcome. The “cleaning” did the trick…so simple, so profound. Second, I made a declaration and intention to the universe for two things so HUGE — and both are now flooding into my life in ways that I never before would or could have believed.
Joe, your a man far beyond “marketing” — and the words “thank you” simply do not suffice.
But I’ll try ’em anyway — THANK YOU!
And, yes, “I love you.”
Jon Benson Creator, The M-Power Series www.mpowerseries.com
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And now for the best news of all —
It’s easy to order the audio recordings, transcripts, and manual to Beyond Manifestation: How to Achieve Your Desires By Entering “The Z State”.
Order the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
Click Here to order the Beyond Manifestation package which includes:
6 Audio Recordings
You’ll get all six audios of the weekend, which you can download and listen to or just click and listen at your computer.
6 Transcripts and
The Beyond Manifestation Manual
This manual is worth more than the entire cost of the package itself! 
You can go here and order the package, which includes the entire event on unedited audio recordings, transcripts for all the audios, and the private manual — all of which you will be able to download from your computer,  just minutes after placing your order.
While attendees paid $1,000, plus travel, you can have the complete package — the entire weekend on audio, as well as the entire course manual and all the transcripts — all for only $97!
Obviously, this is the deal of the year, as well as an investment in your life!
But only order if this feels right to you.
If you’re ready to go beyond what you think you know about manifesting your own reality, consider investing in the weekend that changed lives.
The investment is small.
The potential for change is colossal.
And consider —
Where do you turn when you realize you haven’t been getting all of your intentions?
What happens when you realize you haven’t been in control of every aspect of your entire life?
What would your life be like when you realize there is a better way to live — and you never knew what it was until now?
And finally, what’s better than all of the things you want for yourself?
Get all of the answers, and much more, in the audio program Beyond Manifestation.
There’s not much else to say, except —
Expect Miracles.
Dr. Joe Vitale
Order Now!
Fill out this form to start your Order for the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
Click the “Start my order” button to Order the Beyond Manifestation Package for only $97!
P.S. — Normally I write something hard-hitting in a P.S., to remind you of the importance of grabbing this program right now. We all know that if you wait, you don’t take action. And if you don’t take action, you stay stuck, continuously getting what you’ve always been getting. But I won’t practice “bulldog marketing” or even “Hypnotic Marketing” in this P.S. Instead, I’ll just say I am grateful that you have read this far, and that I love you. Do what you feel inspired to do.
Dr. Joe Vitale www.MrFire.com Member BBB 2003-
PS – For more information about Miracles Coaching®, please see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com
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Dr. Joe Vitale, a star in the hit movie “The Secret,” bestselling author of The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, television guest star on Larry King Live and CNN, ABC, FOX, etc., is the world’s first self-help singer songwriter.
Media and Performance Requests Contact:
Email Joe’s booking agent: [email protected]
or call 888-743-2824 opt 3
Services are provided by Acheive Today, Inc., which has been selected by Joe Vitale to provide education and guidance throughout your program.
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