#praying for happy and healthy children
jaybirdhaswings · 1 year
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nutrapure · 2 years
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Hello, can you do a headcannon Yandere (father) King Henry and Yandere (mother) Anna Boleyn with their only surviving son?
❝ 👑 — lady l: I really like the idea of ​​them being platonic yanderes for a son, so I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of miscarriages, murder and implied cheating and toxic relationships.
❝👑pairing: platonic yandere!henry viii/anne boleyn x son!reader.
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Anne was desperate to conceive a male heir, her only hope of staying alive and maintaining the interest of the King who, after some miscarriages and the birth of a daughter, has already began to wander towards one of her ladies-in-waiting.
So when she discovered a new pregnancy, she desperately prayed for a son and that she wouldn't suffer another miscarriage. She could not bear the loss and pain. Henry was pleased with the new pregnancy, but worried. Anne had already had several miscarriages and was only able to produce one healthy child, a daughter.
Anne took great care of herself during her pregnancy, taking care of what she ate and drank and trying to maintain good health. The first few months were the most tense, with fear enveloping both Anne and Henry. As the pregnancy progressed and there was no miscarriage, Anne became more confident.
When the day finally arrived to give birth, she was anxious. Henry was also anxious and he was so nervous when he heard Anne screaming outside the room, he didn't know what to think. When a baby's cries finally came after what seemed like hours, he entered the room.
Anne held her baby on her lap and cried softly and when a doctor approached Henry and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. You have an heir", it was the first time that Henry felt complete happiness. When he picked you up, he was smiling from ear to ear. Not only were you the much-desired male heir but you also saved your mother's head.
Both of them would be extremely overprotective of their only son and those close to you will be scrutinized. Henry has become very paranoid about your safety and takes every precaution possible.
You are always by your mother or father's side, you cannot be alone at any time with a stranger. Anne, especially, would like to keep you sewn to her side all the time. She cares about you a lot and is always checking up on you. When you get sick, she becomes paranoid that you will die.
You are your parents' greatest pride and Henry doesn't try to hide it. He neglects all his other children and gives you all his love and affection. He takes you for walks, hunting and spoils you with all the perks that a future King deserves. In addition to showing you off before the Court. After all, you are the future King.
They are both very proud of anything you do. Any milestone, no matter how small, will be applauded by them. Your first words, the first time you walked and everything else will be treated with great celebration. Expensive parties are thrown in your honor all the time.
As you grow up, they become even more overprotective and controlling. Anne does not want you to leave the Court under any circumstances and Henry allows you to do so, but only with many guards. There were many threats lurking and they couldn't let anything happen to you. May God forbid anything from happening to you as the results will be disastrous.
Anne hates it when you spend time with other people, especially if they are women. The only women you need in your life are your mother and your older sister, Elizabeth. Although she understands that's a part of a man's life, she still doesn't like it and any potential mistress or love interest will be dealt with quickly. She is your mother, so no one has more right to you than her.
Henry is more than aware of his wife's actions and although he doesn't encourage them, he doesn't reprimand her. In fact, he's probably the one who encourages you to enjoy your life even if it always leads to fights with Anne. It was worth it when you looked happy. And your happiness is very important to him.
Your potential friends will be scrutinized and if your parents don't like them, they will leave. Henry and Anne won't sentence them to death at first, but if you or they are stubborn, they will be tried for treason. Don't you understand that you shouldn't trust anyone other than your own family? Your parents are the only ones who want the best for you.
Henry and Anne are smothering and protective parents but they only have your best interests at heart. They want you to live a full and happy life, but with them by your side. You were everything they both wanted and they would be damned if they let anything happen to you. England still does not know the fury of its monarchs nor the overwhelming love they feel for their only son.
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alienzil · 2 years
DP x DC Prompt/notion #2
When Batman first started as a vigilante a certain percentage of the people of Gotham thought he was a demon or spirit or entity of some kind. Some of those people started to pray to him or even leave offerings on rooftops or fire escapes. The number of Gotham citizens that actually pray to him is fairly small but the number who believe he will protect them, who mutter under their breath "Batman will fix it" as their leaving the house the day after an Arkham breakout is very large.
Because magic and belief can work even when unknown or unacknowledged, Batman technically qualifies as a minor deity even though he doesn't know about it.
People have mostly prayed to him for protection and more specifically for the protection of children (especially after the Robins showed up).
Between his own actions and the belief of the people he is the patron deity of Gotham, of those in need of protection (particularly children) and of adoption.
Batmans strong belief that he is human keeps him human and he doesn't notice the minor boost magic is giving him. Like how no one ever sees him when he doesn't want to be seen or how he heals just a bit faster than the norm. It happens gradually over time as he gains more followers and he blames it on his training and on gaining experience as a vigilante .
Meanwhile, Danny needs a new home because of his parents and/or the GIW catching him and experimenting on him.
He escaped and went to Clockwork for help. Clockwork is one of his ghostly guardians but Danny needs human or at least human adjacent parents because of his human half.
Clockwork/Kronos wants to make 100% sure Danny is protected and happy in his new home. As a god himself, knowing Danny's power level and wanting to make sure whoever takes him in can keep up with Danny and offer him the safety he needs, Clockwork decides Danny needs a godly parent in the human world. His own children would be an option... except his relationship with them is still a bit... strained (hard to have a healthy family relationship after trying to eat your kids).
So he looks to other pantheons and after carefully considering the options, he chooses a deity that is still mostly human (perfect for Danny who was so recently entirely human and still learning about his ghost half), who is a God of protection (he can keep Danny safe especially in his own city where he's at his most powerful) and most importantly who is a God of adoption (who better to take in a child in need?). He chooses Batman.
The absolute chaos in the batfamily when the God of Time shows up and explains he wants Batman to adopt Danny because he is literally the God of having an adoption problem.
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frogchiro · 11 months
soap as the god of of harvest and spring yes yes YESSS!! i personally hc him as an aries so him being the god of spring makes so much sense.
if he’s the god of spring i feel like he’d also be associated with fertility since that’s when plants start budding - which also tracks for him. he’s a burly, virile man. i feel like if you were sacrificed to him he’d breed you over and over again until he had at least a dozen kids running around his temple <3
He would💔
Soap's big and healthy and loud, loves to drink good wine and party with other gods after a good harvest! And yes I totally agree that he'd be often associated with fertility too, couples often praying to him for healthy offspring and a safe pregnancy :(
So it would only be natural for Johnny to have a pretty fertile wifey too :(( he loves babies and wants children so much!! Please let him breed you with little, chubby demigods :(
All your children would be strong and happy and healthy just like their father, the pitter patter of many tiny feet against the stone floors of his temple as they laugh and coo and toddle after they momma and papa as they continue to put up pretty flower arrangements around the temple for the upcoming spring festivities♡
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Welcome To Our Family (Daemon x Reader)
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Hey everyone, so as I mentioned before I wanted to write a throuple thing with Rhaenyra and Daemon although even on this request there was some drama involved but it was interesting to write nonetheless. Also I don’t know why but this song inspired me the most especially the part “where you go I go, what you see I see” that was the vibe I was trying to pass for our reader with daemon
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Most would say that the war in the stepstones had no place for love to blossom, the reeking stench of death had overtaken and most men had no life in their eyes, the majority prayed in gratitude that they were alive while others cursed the gods for keeping them on this forsaken realm when their friend of even their kin had been killed.
That did not even grace Daemon, who was lucky enough to spend every night in the arms of his beloved (y/n), the sister of one of his soldiers that had been wounded, (y/n) had marched in and demanded that her brother will come home.
“I will be damned if I allow you to give more than an arm for this, you are coming with me”
Her brother had obeyed her, she was as fragile as a rose but her thorns stung more than anything, right then and then Daemon had become a mere slave to his emotions, something that had never occurred before.
“I wish I could stay in your arms forever”
“That would be a dream, my love, however, we are counting the days until you depart, your wife probably awaits you”
Daemon was deeply offended by the jab his lover had thrown at him, slowly he rose up and away from her arm reach to look her straight in the eyes, the fireplace burned bright and the light shined against her glistening skin.
“You are questioning my feelings for you”
“I am questioning how strong they are, you are a prince, a husband, your life seems to hold no room for me”
“Is that how you think of this? That I just wanted to bed you?”
“Do you truly wish for me to answer that?”
Silence took over them while the only sound came from the crackles of the fire, Daemon was aware of how badly this could look, she was a commoner, a mere lady, and the realm would never accept her even if Daemon had not wed another.
“You and our daughter mean everything to me”
“But nothing to the king, he will ask for my head once he finds out I am carrying your child”
“I would never put your lives at risk”
“How do you plan on keeping us safe my love?”
“Do not worry about that, I will take care of everything”
(Y/n)s belly was starting to show, it wouldn’t take long for the king and his little whisperers to demand answers, the easy route was to declare his kin a bastard but Daemon was flying on cloud nine when (y/n) announced that she was with child, no he must do right by her.
He flew with her to Pentos, far away from Viserys and people that cared most about titles and crowns than love and compassion.
“Twins, my prince, two sons, praise the mother”
“What about (y/n)”
“The lady is a warrior, she is tired but healthy”
Daemon did not speak another word to the maester, he simply passed by him and into the room to find his beloved laying in bed, a faint smile on her face as she held one of her children while the other was being held by a midwife.
“You owe me 3 dragon coins”
“It is a bet I will happily pay, how are you feeling?”
“Sore and gross but happy, why don’t you hold him?”
“Come on love it is merely a babe, like… so”
Slowly (y/n) passed one of her sons to her lover, instructing him to hold it carefully but securely, then she reached for the midwife so she can have her other son in her arms, both of the babes were quiet in their parent's arms.
“What should we name them?”
“I was thinking of Orryn, and mayhaps… Baelon?”
“Baelon and Orryn, the two princes”
Daemon and (y/n) had grown inseparable much to his brother's dislike Daemon had scoffed at his previous marriage and took his place next to his most endearing (y/n) that had blessed him with not just two children, but with passion, and comfort, she created a home for him, without her there was no warmth, no color.
Viserys was only finding out the milestones his brother was achieving with his mistress via ravens that Daemon dared to send, the birth of his sons had scratched a wound in Viserys that was not quite healed yet, so naturally when Rhea had passed due to fever, Daemon had even dared to invite Viserys to his wedding that took place in Pentos.
(Y/n) had just given birth to another set of siblings, Alyssa and Arren, two silver-haired princesses that slept peacefully through the night and would only stay quiet if (y/n) or Daemon held them, (y/n)s parents and brother had traveled to Pentos to finally meet the children and also attend the wedding.
“You look dashing sweetling, I see the prince has taken good care of you”
“How could I not? What is more important than the happiness of my lady wife?”
“We must admit we had conflicting thoughts over you my prince, I am happy that you proved us wrong”
“I do not hold it against you, she is your daughter you want what is best for her, also you were not the only one, (y/n) was also very skeptical over my intentions”
“I had every reason to do so”
“I have made peace with the fact that you will never admit you were wrong my love, you do not have to find excuses for it”
Daemon and (y/n) were wed in Valyrian traditions, something that infuriated Viserys, how dare he wed a commoner with the sacred paths of old Valyria, it was distasteful and utterly disrespectful, Viserys had only sent a one-sentence raven scroll back
“You disgust me, never come back”
Daemon had only rolled his eyes at it and threw it in the fire, he couldn’t care less about Kings Landing, they could eat each other for all he cared, (y/n) and their children were all that mattered ever since he met with the beautiful hues of hers, he treasured everything about her and worshipped the ground she walked on, he would always hold her close and shower her with gifts.
“We received a raven, I have taken the liberty to open it”
“What is it?”
“Laenor Velaryon has passed, and your niece is requesting our presence, well yours to be specific, she said “I need you, uncle”
“You are jealous, I have never seen you get jealous”
“Is this the one you told me about, that “spur of the moment” girl?”
“Indeed, we do not have to go, besides, my brother banished me”
“No, it is the first time our presence is requested”
“My dear, you are with child and the flight is long”
“I will be fine, I know it”
Daemon was certain he could not sway her, once something was on her mind there was nothing that could turn it around, he was also aware that the reason she was so adamant was a side of hers that felt threatened, there was a ghost of his past that was requesting attention and (y/n) was not willing to walk away from this without putting up a fair fight.
At a day (y/n) and her 8 children stood next to her and her husband all dressed in black, everyone rubbed their eyes at the sight of such numerous children, (y/n) always knew she was meant to be a mother and that fact that she had Daemon as her husband made it so much easier.
Until it didn’t, they were summoned by the king after the ceremony, (y/n) felt her stomach drop as soon as she walked in the room, instinctively her one hand went over her growing belly, yet she mastered the strength to place a smile and curtsy before the king.
“What is the meaning of this brother?”
“I was hoping we could agree to some sort”
“Over what?”
“I wish for you to come back, I… will legitimize your children and wife as she has proven worthy, bringing forward 8 children with another on the way is no easy task”
“The gods have been generous to us that is correct, we are grateful for this offer but forgive me to ask, since you mentioned an agreement it seems you want something in return”
“Correct, there is no smooth way to say this but as a parent, I hope you understand that I would do anything to protect my daughter”
“If you are asking us to wed Rhaenyra then you have lost your mind, I will not involve my wife and children in your scandals”
“Pardon my husband, I think you can understand the reason behind his outburst”
Daemon was left confused over (y/n)s composure that attempted to cover for his utter refusal to hide his brother's plans, he turned to observe his wife, she was calm, and her hand went to find his as their fingers intertwined (y/n) gave him a slight squeeze of comfort.
“The legitimacy of our children and our marriage is something that we are interested in, however, you can see why we might have some objections over accepting Rhaenyra in our marriage”
“You are trying to negotiate?”
“What else would you like to accept, please speak freely”
“I want my children to be given dragon eggs as well as meet any unclaimed dragons, they are Targaryens, they should have the pick of their dragons as well”
“I shall also be considered Rhaenyras wife, if we were to wed I shall have the same rights as my husband”
“You are suggesting the realm accept you as the future queen's consort?”
“As you mentioned I brought forward 8 children and another on the way, the crown shall accept them as future princes and princesses, if not then there is nothing for us here”
Daemon chose to observe his lady wife than speak up, she took initiative and strived for the best option, something he admired in her but he had never really witnessed how far she was willing to go to secure the future of her family, now she was sacrificing a spot in their marriage for a seat at the table, Viserys had been outsmarted by what he used to frown upon.
“Very well, we accept your conditions”
“Well then… welcome to our family Princess Rhaenyra”
(Y/n) and Daemon wed Rhaenyra as they had once done while their children and the rest of their family watched, Rhaenyra had underestimated the lady, (y/n) and might not be as assertive or rebellious as Daemon but her wits and calculated movements showed a woman that walked with her head held high and every step was thought after.
The days turned to seasons and then years, everyone was holding their breaths as they took a front-row seat to one of the most important marriages and alliances within the Targaryen Dynasty.
(Y/n) was held in the best light by the small folk, “the realms mother”, and “the Alyssane reborn” as her fertility kept thriving, blessing Daemon with another set of twins soon after Rhaenyra was wed, the two beautiful baby girls were named Megaera and Valera, the first of their family to receive dragon eggs on their cradles a gift by Rhaenyra who picked them herself then came Aegon, Viserys, and Visenya, overall (y/n) had the castle of Dragonstone filled with children, 13 to be precise.
Rhaenyra was painfully aware of how those babies came to fruition, Daemon's thirst for his wife was evident and he did not even consider giving Rhaenyra the courtesy of hiding, Rhaenyra had lost count of the times she had walked in on (y/n), and Daemon lusting after one another at all hours of the day and any room that was close to them, she sometimes wondered if the legends of Rhaenys being the favorite wife of Aegon made Visenya go through what Rhaenyra was also experiencing, is that mayhaps the reason behind Rhaenyra identifying with the warrior queen?
As (y/n) and Daemon stood by Rhaenyra at court, defending her and consulting her on important matters, painting the picture of a happy marriage with two spouses that supported her revolutionary claim, the realm expected Rhaenyra to bare a child as well, (y/n) was producing heirs one after the other, Rhaenyras womb laid empty since Daemon did not spend not even one night in her chambers.
It was the first time in years that the three of them had stepped foot in kings landing, Vaemond had called the court to usurp Lucerys from his claim at the driftwood throne, naturally, all 13 of their children were present along with the three boys from Rhaenyras previous marriage, (y/n) insisted that it would show how United they are and having that strong of a number on their side would scare off any other accusations.
A solid plan, until Ser Vaemond decided to protest against the king affirming young Lucerys as the successor for the driftwood throne.
“You run your house as you see fit, but I would rather die than let that boy take over my family’s name, parading around because you are too blind to see the truth”
“You dare question the decision of a king?”
“Look at them, all thirteen of them hold the characteristics of old Valyrian, true born heirs that I would happily accept as mine even though they came from a womb of a commoner, and you ask me to accept these three boys as Velaryons? It is blasphemy”
“You are certainly bold Ser Vaemond, you have the nerve to call me a commoner when I hold the future queen and the brother of the king as my spouses, my children are not thirteen, but sixteen, and all of them hold their names with pride, it saddens my heart to see that the thirst for recognition has turned you to this low of antics”
“Her children are BASTARDS! and she. Is. A. Whore”
“Pity, you had such great potential”
As (y/n) finished her sentence Daemon had taken the liberty to end Ser Vaemonds life, a clean cut through his head right above his tongue with the great sword dark sister, causing most people to gasp while (y/n) smirked and watched the body fall on the well-polished floor.
“No one disrespects our family”
“Disarm him!”
“No need, my love”
Daemon stretched his hand to his beloved (y/n) who only turned to pinch Lucerys cheek before she took her husband's hand to walk away, only to halt and turn around again, looking back to the rest of her family members.
Rhaenyra was grateful for (y/n)s graciousness, there was nothing that she could hold against her, she was loving and caring to her three boys, she would listen to Rhaenyra about any concerns for hours and even now she defended and included her in front of everyone.
She should be satisfied with such, still a thorn stuck in her heart and pride making Rhaenyra feel second best when it came to Daemon's heart, it has always been (y/n), (y/n) carried his offspring’s, he gave up everything for her, took her away and gave her a life full of gifts and love, the finest of any kind was reserved for (y/n).
“Pardon my intrusion, the princess is requesting Prince Daemon in her chamber”
“It is late, can it not wait?”
“Sweetling, the poor girl cannot know, go to her, I will be waiting for you”
“Fine, take your nightgown off for me, I want us to get straight to it when I get back”
Daemon whispered deviously before he planted a passionate kiss on the lips he most adored, reluctantly pulled away with an audible gruff and followed the servant girl silently, wondering what was so important that he had to leave his precious bed and his lustful wife right in the heat of the moment.
Rhaenyra paced back and forth with impatience written all over her demeanor and face, Daemon always had an influence over her, making her feel like a little girl again, though this was a different type of anxiety, once Daemon entered the room and the servant gave them their privacy Rhaenyra took a deep inhale through the nose to ease her nerves.
“I hoped to confront you over our marriage”
“What of it?”
“Do you truly think everything is fine or are you just blind?”
“I and my wife have honored our vows”
“That is the problem, you and your wife, it has never been just your vows”
“When you wed us you were to understand your place when it came to me and (y/n), I never used her as a surprise, you called for our aid and we generously offered it”
He was right, Rhaenyra had never been blindsided by them, (y/n) was a staple of their marriage, (y/n)s strive for the legitimacy of her children was the only reason Daemon allowed their wedding to happen, (y/n) had drank for Rhaenyras cup just as daemon had, binding their hands together and swore loyalty and devotion to their future queen.
As a woman Rhaenyra felt cast aside, this marriage was an insult to her pride, and having to bare through a birth of a child one after the other with a smile on her face was a twist of a knife in her wound, while her womb lay empty.
“You refuse to spend time with me, alone, you only show up with your children-“
“Our children, (y/n) and I call your sons our sons”
“At court yes”
“Are you questioning our actions? I did not have you to be as dim-witted as you seem right now, (y/n) called Lucerys her trueborn son in front of everyone, I took a man’s head for insulting you and our house and yet you stand before me and claim it is not enough for your liking?”
“I stand here to remind you that we have yet to produce a child, you can kill as many men as you wish, and (y/n) can scream it at the top of her lungs but that does not change that everyone sees her parading her belly and call her the realms mother while my womb rottenness under this wedlock”
“Rotten? Alright then, let us entertain this and say you bare my child, a silver-haired beauty that the realm will welcome, has it crossed that brilliant mind of yours that this will be more of a scandal for your three boys?”
“My sons are Targaryens”
“No doubt about it, but certainly they do not look like the part, in comparison to their brothers and sisters they look more like (y/n) than you”
“You are not refusing to lay with me to hush the rumors, you simply do not have the urge for it, I remember a time that you did, mayhaps it was the image of a gullible girl that kept you going”
“Listen and listen well, wife, (y/n) is my eternal love, the woman that took me in her arms and showed me life, you are my blood, I protected you, I defended you, I offered you sanctuary just so you can once again have something to complain about, well that is it, if you dare to summon me again for such idiotic matters I will grab my brother by the neck and force him to annul the marriage do you understand?”
Daemon was furious, as he spoke he started taking steps towards her, to the point that her back found the wall and Daemon was inches away from her face, hissing out the threat of annulment like a snake that released poison to its prey.
Rhaenyra had never experienced such hostility from Daemon, to say she was shocked was an understatement as her eyes frantically tried to find focus on his, daemons eyes were filled with fury, Rhaenyra had crossed the line in his mind, (y/n) had been kind and honorable to the princess, doing her duty like a proper lady wife and Rhaenyra scoffed at her, at his (y/n).
“Wonderful, now you must excuse me, I have some urgent matters that need my attention”
Requests are open!
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zeezelweazel · 7 months
Leah Williamson| Deal-breaker|
I randomly got this idea and finished it on one go, I'll get back to that Lia fic now
Summary: You and Leah have been dating for well over a year now. It all comes crashing down when a touchy subject is brought up and an impossible to close chasm opens up between the two of you.
TW: talks of pregnancy and having children, angst (no happy ending)
Everyone knows how healthy and happy your relationship with Leah is. All of your teammates have it as an example of how all relationships should be. With cute and romantic dates, a lot of communication and appropriate boundaries your relationship is ideal. Perhaps that was the first red flag. It was too good to last.
It all happened on a Wednesday night, after one of your dates. Both of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a crappy movie that the blonde somehow enjoyed. You weren't really paying attention, more focused on Leah's heartbeat and her sweet perfume.
Suddenly Leah started tapping your head and you half heartedly looked at the screen to see what your girlfriend was so excited about. There was a family on the screen, a mother and a father watching delighted as their child took her first steps.
"Isn't she adorable?" Leah cooed at the bald baby on the tv. You only hummed in response, not thinking anything of it, as you pushed your face back on it's rightful place between Leah's shoulder and neck.
For the remainder of the movie Leah was quiet, which you definitely didn't mind, you were almost asleep on the blonde's arms. You didn't even realise the movie was over until Leah repositioned, forcing you to pull back grumpily. Leah looked deep in though as her eyes moved from the dark screen to your face and back on the turned off tv. It was clear she was pondering wether or not to say what she had in mind.
"Have you ever thought about starting a family?" Your eyes widened and a heavy weight immediately pulled on your stomach. Leah looked at you, nervous for your answer but she was trying to hold back a smile, clearly telling you what type of answer the defender was expecting.
"No. I mean I have, obviously, but I've known for years now that I don't want kids."
Leah's face shifted through every possible emotion until it settled on what seemed like pure distraught. You clenched your hands around the blanket and waiting for her to say something.
"You... don't want kids. Ever. You don't to start a family with me?" Leah's voice was shaking and her eyes were teary in a way that made you nauseous. You hate seeing her upset, but especially when you're the reason why. Right now though you were more concerned about the direction this conversation was headed towards.
"No Leah. I" you paused to take a deep breath and calm yourself." I thought you knew? I mean we've been friends for years and I've mentioned a thousand times how I don't like children."
Leah curled in on herself, almost recoiling away from you, all while her shoulders started shaking. You sighed and got up, kneeling on Leah's side and pressing a hand on her back, desperate to reassure the blonde and calm her down. Leah, however, pushed your hand away and abruptly got up.
"I thought you saw this as a serious relationship-"
"I do! Kids have nothing to-"
Leah laughed humourlessly and shook her head. Both of you were standing facing eachother, angry and upset.
"I always wanted to start a family with you. God I was such an idiot." Another empty chuckle pushed its way pass her chest." Making plans and daydreaming."
You were getting angrier by the second. You don't understand how Leah could be making plans for such things when she knew for a fact you didn't want kids. Did she think you'd magically change your mind? You felt betrayed in a way, like Leah never truly loved you, like she prayed every night that you'd wake up a different woman in the morning.
Imagining yourself with a child in your arms, your child, made you want to throw up. The idea of having a kid of your own never was one you entertained for more than half a second. It's been this way since junior high and it sure as hell wasn't going to change now.
"I love you Leah. I love how you look so serious and pissed off all the time but you're actually a sweetheart. I love how you have no idea how to cook but you try anyway. I love how passionate and hardworking and smart you are. I love you and I really thought that was enough."
You were close to crying at this point, your thoughts running a thousand miles per hour. Neither of you spoke for a moment as you simply tryied to understand what just happened. What this means for your relationship.
"If you think I don't take our relationship seriously because of something that you've known for years I can't do anything to change your mind Leah."
"And I can't do anything to show you how much starting a family means to me."
Leah sat back down on the couch, shoulders slumped in defeat as she breathed heavily through her nose. A lump gathered in your throat as you realised you hit a dead end. You pushed all the emotions back down and you closed your eyes, taking in the words that are about to leave your mouth.
"This is it then... We're breaking up." Leah raised her head and looked at you panicked. She got up and reached out for you, only to grab at empty air when you moved a step back. Leah shook her head as tears slipped down her cheeks. You let out a shaky breath as you framed her face softly.
"We want different things in life Leah, very different things. I can't force you to forget about starting a family just how you can't expect me to change my mind about becoming a mother." Your voice broke and your eyes were full of tears. Neither of you wanted this but it was clear it had to be done.
You still remember the anguish in Leah's voice as she yelled and begged for you to stay but you couldn't. The sound of the door banging shut left a migraine inducing ringing in your ears. The world was blurred as you closed the door of your car after sliding in. You stared blankly at the steering wheel not knowing what to think or how to react. The tires screeched against the rough street and your heart was tearing itself up in your chest the further you went away from Leah.
You kept driving anyway.
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readychilledwine · 11 months
hi, would it he okay to request one where it’s reader x azriel and they’ve been struggling with fertility/getting pregnant. And after a while reader finds out she’s not only pregnant but with triplets😭😭 and they’re all crying happy tears together sith the ic and celebrate😭😍
I was struggling with fertility and finally got pregnant after so long and I couldn’t be happier, so seeing dad az would be so amazing, but I read ur latest post so if it’s a lot then please feel free to ignore ❤️❤️
No. This is perfect. I can do this. 💙💙
Azriel Week Day 6 Prompt - Past and Future - Threefold
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Summary - After years of trying and unsuccessful attempts, you and Azriel finally receive everything you've asked and prayed for threefold.
Warnings - high-risk pregnancy, labor (nothing graphic), babies, illusions to miscarriages, inferred toll of pregnancy on mental health (its hard.)
A/n - this fit too perfectly for @azrielappreciationweek dad Az is my favorite to write as a father simply because his inner child deserves to heal 💜
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Madja and Rhys held your upper body as another bout of sickness ripped through your stomach. You hadn't felt right for several days now. You were exhausted and irritable, and lately, nothing has stayed down.
Rhys pulled your hair back, rubbing small circles into your back. "I can call for Azriel, y/n," he offered again. "He's only doing some follow up things in Windhaven. There are no new issues."
Madja looked at the High Lord. Calling for him silently in her mind. It was clear to the healer what was going on, and she wanted you on bed arrest immediately. You and Azriel had been trying and struggling to have a babe for years. She inclined her head to Rhys, motioning for him to follow her.
"She's pregnant," she boldly said. "The scent is faint, meaning it's early, but her morning sickness indicates multiples." Rhysand's face fell, joy, happiness, fear, sadness all washing over him. You and Azriel were the last of the circle without children.
He and Feyre had 4, Cassian and Nesta had 2, Lucien and Elain had 2. Even Mor and Armen had adopted children. But you and Azriel? You had been trying for years now, and unsuccessful attempt after attempt had led to you two in long fights, heartache, and emotional turmoil.
"Were they even trying?"
Madja nodded at the question. "We tried one last alternative method. It was very painful for her. That's why I need you to command her to bedrest, Rhysand. For them."
The High Lord reentered the bathroom, gently picking you up after you finished brushing your teeth and began the pathway to your room. "You're done working for today. I'm calling for Azriel." Madja opened the door for him, watching as he gently set you down on the soft sheets and blankets you had already started subconsciously nesting with. "You will not leave this bed unless one of us is here with you."
The Riverhouse set food and water on the table, indicatine needed you needed to eat. "Madja, what's going on?"
The old healer looked at you. "I'll be able to give you a better answer once Azriel is here and I examine you."
Azriel flew hard. Not wanting to be away a single second longer after Rhysand's urgent message. He landed with a thud, and instantly went into Rhysand's office where he and Cassian sat in silence. "Where is she? What's wrong?"
Rhys motioned for him to sit and Cassian handed him the whiskey he was nursing. Rhys sighed, "She's pregnant. Madja thinks there's multiple. You're both done. You will distribute your missions until further notice and stay with your mate." Rhys paused as Azriel threw back the expensive whiskey. "Madja is with her and waiting for you for the exam."
You were laid back, Azriel holding your soft hand in his scarred ones near his mouth as he kissed each knuckle. Madja was glowing, hands over your abdomen. You watched her mouth twitch and Rhysand stop pacing in the corner before he started to just laugh. "You are indeed pregnant, my dear. With three healthy developing children. Maybe 6 weeks." Azriel's face fell first, looking at Rhysand in panic. "I will leave you two with your High Lord. He is aware of my opinion given your history." Madja left the from gracefully, a firm smile cemented on her face as she walked into the hallway where the Inner Circle waited.
Rhysand moved to the foot of the bed, leaned on the post as he looked between you and Azriel. "You're on bed rest. You will not leave this bed or go anywhere alone. No training. No long walks. No long trips into town. We," he motioned between himself and Azriel, "will set the nursery. You, my dearest y/n, will no longer lift a damn finger." Azriel had not moved, his eyes locked on you. Rhys took the silent message, leaving the room as Azriel moved onto the bed with you, his mouth immediately on yours as that dam broke and tears began to fall.
"3?" He asked in shock, a hand going to your stomach. "And 6 weeks? You're already to where-"
"I know," you interrupted softly. "If we can make it 2 more weeks, it'll be the furthest we've made it." Azriel's hand tilted your head to his, and he kissed you softly.
Azriel paused. "Rhys is asking Madja if she'd be willing to stay here with her own chambers. They're also all setting up a rotation to ensure one of them is always with us."
You nodded, hand going over his to rest on your stomach. "3."
"3," he whispered back.
6 weeks passed without complications. At, 12 weeks and you were halfway to that safe period Madja had promised. The healer had her hand over your stomach, glowing in her magic and happiness.
"Such healthy little heartbeats." You felt Azriel's body language relax and his hand gently squeeze yours. "Everything looks very healthy so far. I will not lift the bedrest, though."
You looked at Azriel, silently pleading for him to advocate for you and were met with a soft apologetic gaze. "No," he commanded softly. "You stay here. I stay here. We stay here." House arrest, bed rest, that was the only issue so far. You were used to your work, to running daily, to anything but this. Madja left with a small smile as Azriel whispered thank you, and you began to cry. "I know, my love-"
"No you don't. You do not know what it's like to be trapped here. I can't even go outside without Rhys or Cassian appearing out of fucking no where. I miss the sun, the grass." You took a deep breath. "I am confined to this house and it's many walls for the well being of our babies. I understand that, but what about my well being, Azriel? What about my mental health?"
Azriel looked down, your normally selfless mate. "I'm sorry, y/n, but until I know something as simple as laying in the sun won't hurt them, I will support you being in the home, maintaining low stress levels. I will see if I can find a compromise. Perhaps an atrium? I know you've always wanted one."
You woke up to that the very next day, Azriel, Rhys, Lucien, and Cassian were all shirtless with other workers. A room facing your favorite garden had been wrecked, the furniture all moved. They had started at sunrise and at nightfall it stopped. Between magic, skills, and your husband refusing a break, you had a skylit atrium. Rhysand moved to you, covered in dirt and sweat, tilting your chin to place a small kiss on your temple, then Cassian, then Lucien, the last leaving his hand ok your already large stomach for a little while with a happy smile.
Azriel was moving the furniture back, shadows assisting every step of the way. He finally entered the room, lifting you gently from the chair you were reading in, and placing you in the lounging couch he had moved into the full glass room.
"I love you," he interrupted. "And I'm sorry you're having to make this sacrifice for us and our family, but please know I love you. Please know I am just worried. We've lost so much, too many already. Please, y/n, meet me here. Let this be our common ground until Madja says otherwise."
You had no choice but to nod, eyes locked on the beautiful night sky you had not seen in what felt like months. "I'm hungry." Azriel smiled at the statement. His eyes lit up as he felt your gentle caving down the bond. "Could you perhaps bathe and feed me? Maybe out here?" Azriel nodded, pulling you into a deep kiss.
Before you blinked, your third trimester was half way over, and suddenly bedrest was all you could think about. You were uncomfortable, large, constantly feeling as if the babes were using you as a personal playground. You and the Twins were in the kitchen when it happened, tight pain shot through your stomach and wetness came, your hand flew to Cerridwen and she supported you immediately, screaming for Madja as she moved you to sit.
The next several hours blurred together. Rhysand appearing and having Cassian help him carry you to a tub per Madja's request. Him holding your mind as he apologized over and over.
It made sense that this was happening now. The one time there was a mission that required Azriel. The one time he was in the Mortal Lands, having to spy on the Queen furthest from your home. Rhysand held your hand through the process, Cassian helping support your body as every inch of you felt like giving up and going out.
Until that first scream came. That first wail of life. That first tiny little body handled to one of the twins, small perfect wings intact. "Push, y/n," Rhys whispered softly. "They need their siblings." It could have been but moments, possibly hours. You didn't know. But a second cry came followed by the door slamming open and Azriel running to your side, allowing Rhysand to move and help with the babes.
"I'm so sorry," you kept saying, guilt hitting you at his bittersweet joy of missing two of the babes being born. "I-"
"It's okay. I'm here for this one." Azriel kissed your temple. "Two have wings, my love. You are doing so well."
The third cry came soon after, your body wanting to be done before finally giving out as Azriel and Cassian waited for Madja to heal you the best she could. She nodded and they removed you from the tub, body absolute done as you rested in Azriel's chest.
Cassian had gone to the babes, his excitement too heavy. Soon the whole Inner Circle and Nyx sat in the room, waiting for Madja to begin the announcements. She walked one of the babies to you, "First Born, winged, healthy weight for a triplet. Boy." Azriel stilled, his grip on your hand tightening.
Rhys walked the second over, a familiar soft look in his eyes, "Second born, winged, also healthy and hungry. Boy."
Cassian was sobbing holding his little bundle, looking at Azriel and then nodding. Your mate's dam broke, handing you the two sons instantly and reaching for the baby Cassian had. "Third born. Wingless for now, we all know that won't be the case forever, though. A little smaller than Madja would like. Girl."
Azriel held her close, his eyes locked on her perfect little face as tears fell. "You promised," he reminded you gently. You were too busy, admiring your boys to even respond. They were holding hands, both searching for their sister. "Y/n."
You broke your stare, brows knit in confusion. "They're your lineage, Azriel. You know you have last say in their names." Madja and the Inner Circle now stood closer as Azriel studied the babes one by one, never letting go of his daughter.
"Ophelia," he handed her gently to you. "After my mother." He took one of the boys, stroking his little cheek softly. He was holding the second born, who was wearing a serious pout. The was the largest of the three, little wings trying to stretch already on his back. "Ramiel. Because I have a gut feeling." Nyx laughed gently, silently asking to take his cousin and get him situated for a bottle. Azriel gave him to his nephew, a look of warning on his face. He took the oldest, who immediately took a scarred finger into his tiny hands. "Opinions, love," he asked you before realizing you were feeding your daughter. "She just decided to latch on there, huh?"
"Pretty much," you looked at your oldest son, the second smallest. Face all smiles. "Arnan," you looked to Armen. "After his aunt who found the method that brought them into the world." She was at Azriel's side immediately, taking the babe from him without him even putting up a fight.
*3 months later*
You and Azriel sat in the nursery. The boys in his arms, feeding softly from bottles, your daughter in yours breastfeeding. Figuring out a schedule to ensure all of them breastfed once or twice a day had been difficult but the routine was easy now. Ophelia slept best through the night after skin to skin and breastfeeding. Arnan was less fussy in the mornings when his breakfast came directly from you. Ramiel napped better after an afternoon breast feeding. "They're holding their heads up so well," Azriel cooed. "My strong boys." He was a male obsessed and in love. He was frequently out your shared bed at night, and you'd find him, sleeping with all three of them on his broad bare chest in the nursery. He was the perfect father despite not having an example of how to be one.
"I think our sweet girl will get there soon," you kept watch on her, holding her little hand as she reached for you. "We're just a Danity little thing, though so Heaven forbid daddy has to carry and coddle us more." You teased them both as Azriel's jaw dropped.
"I can't help it, love. Look at her, look at those eyes, that nose, her little smile. I'll carry her to Spring and back by foot." He stood, burping both of the boys and laid them in their cribs before coming to sit in front of his girl. "I want her when you're done."
"You say that until they poop."
"They're so warm and happy after breastfeedings, y/n." He watched as she unlatched by choice, reaching for her father's familiar voice and he took her. "And her belly is all full. And she's so happy. My little star. The perfect ending to our family's constellation." He walked her to her crib, continuing to coo her. "All of my little stars," he turned their mobiles on, watching as they all slowly shut their eyes and then walked to you.
He left the door open a crack, escorting you to your adjoining bedroom. Once inside he kissed you, thumbs stroking your cheekbones as he did, and rested his forehead against yours. "I love you."
"I love you too. Let's go to bed. Please. They hardly napped at all today. Nyx got them that damn toy and I am still deciding if our nephew gets to live." Azriel laughed quietly, moving to the bed with a hand holding yours. "Perhaps tonight you could stay here."
He paused, staring at you as he pulled the blanket over you two. "I don't know what you're talking about." His cheeks were slightly flushed. "I always stay the night here."
You kissed his hand. "Of course you do, Azzie. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, y/n."
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gulnarsultan · 6 months
Can you do Separately what The Yandere Tudors Men (Edward Seymour, King Henry VIII, Charles Brandon and Thomas Boleyn) would give their Wife a really, REALLY expensive necklace either as a wedding present, a just because present or something following the birth of one of their children?
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Hello. I hope you like it.
King Henry had passed many difficult trials to marry you. You will never forget the moments of lust and desire you experienced on your wedding night throughout your life. King Henry shed tears of joy when he received the news that you were pregnant. He took very close care of you throughout your pregnancy, unlike usual. Not even a minute was left outside the door of the room where you gave birth for hours. He was praying to God for you and the baby to be delivered safely. When the birth was finally over, he quickly entered the room. You were tiredly smiling at your husband with your newborn son in your arms.
"My King. We now have a male heir."
King Henry came to you and kissed your forehead. It wasn't hard to understand that he was happy and proud from the look on his face when he held your son in his arms.
"My son."
King Henry proudly kissed his newborn son's forehead.
"Our son's name will be Edward. Prince Edward."
You smiled at your husband's words. King Henry gently placed Prince Edward in his crib. He handed you the box in his hand. Surprised, you take the box and open it. Inside the box was a necklace decorated with Tudor symbol roses and made of expensive jewellery.
"My King. This is beautiful."
"Not as much as you."
King Henry took the necklace out of the box and placed it around your neck elegantly.
You were Charles' third wife. Honestly, you never thought that an arranged marriage would turn into love. Charles was a possessive and passionate husband. Even though his love was suffocating at times, you had learned to cope. Charles did not yet have a son. This meant that a big task was on your shoulders. You got pregnant shortly after the wedding. You honestly thought your husband would move away from you and take mistresses. But it didn't happen as he thought. Months later, you gave birth to healthy twin boys. You would never forget the smile on Charles' face. He held his sons in his arms and wasn't afraid to talk about how proud he was. One of your sons was named John and the other Edmund. After naming the babies, Charles gave you a very dazzling necklace as a gift. From what you heard from your bridesmaids, Charles paid a really large amount of money for this necklace.
Your wedding to Thomas Boleyn was modest. You came from a noble and powerful family. Frankly, your mother and father were not very keen on this marriage. After all, Thomas Boleyn did not promise great possibilities. After months of conversations, you had finally managed to gain your family's approval. You were getting ready in your room on the wedding night. Thomas slowly pokes his head through the door.
"I got you something, honey. Your wedding gift."
"There was no need, my dear. It is a great gift for me to know that we can spend our lives together now."
"My beautiful wife. I am truly a very lucky man."
Thomas holds out the box he keeps behind his back. You slowly take the box and open it. There is a really expensive necklace inside the box.
"Thomas. This is too expensive."
"I couldn't have a big wedding that suits you. I should have at least bought you a gift that suits you."
"Thank you, Thomas. I will keep this necklace for the rest of my life."
Your wedding to Edward Seymour was beautiful. It was literally like a fairy tale. Queen Jane had spared no expense for her brother's wedding. The wedding hall was decorated very beautifully. A luxurious wedding dress and a wonderful flower bouquet were prepared. After you put on your wedding dress, the bridesmaids did your make-up and hair. You were waiting for the ceremony to start. There is a knock on your door.
"Come in."
Edward comes in. Edward has a look of admiration on his face.
"Oh my God. You look like an angel."
"Edward, you're embarrassing me."
"I came to give you a gift. I hope you like it."
When you open the box, you are surprised to see the expensive necklace inside.
"Oh. Edward, that's beautiful."
"I'm glad you liked it, my beautiful."
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justporo · 1 year
My new bestie, I honestly would love to see you write Father!Astarion 🤤🤤
How would he react to the news? Would he want a little girl or boy? How would he react when they are born, and they look just like him, but pre vamp eyes?
(Vampires can sire babies, with the highest chance after they are fully well fed)
Hello my tadpole bestie and thanks for the request! Astarion as a father really seems to be on people's minds, hm?
I get it, I like it too, but let me put this out there (yeah yeah, I know it's all fictional, but let's be real for a second): I would much rather imagine this when Astarion has done some much needed healing. This man hasn't had autonomy in two centuries and really needs to find himself again and work through trauma - with Tav on his side of course. And children are a huge responsibility - mentally, physically, emotionally, financially - I imagine (I wouldn't know, I'm not a parent...). I'd really wish for him to be ready for something like that.
But the thought is incredibly sweet, so let's go:
Headcanons about Astarion being a father
When Tav tells him she's expecting, he's truly speechless for perhaps the first time in his life; and then he can't sit still: swinging from delusionally happy to overthinking and being worried; but Tav takes his hand and reassures him that they'll be in it together
Has he thought about having kids? Yeah sure, but he'd never thought of it being possible until it happened, although when Cazador forced him and the other spawn to behave like a family he'd sometimes thought about what could've been
He's absolutely overprotective when Tav's pregnant: "Oh no, no, darling, you are not carrying that around, think of the baby!" "Astarion, it's A MUG OF WATER!"
Also he adores her body that is creating such a miracle: "You're glowing, my heart. You are truly a goddess!"
If he was handsy before there are now no moments where his hands aren't on Tav's body and on her belly
When he feels the first movements, he cries, and then Tav cries and then there's just a fountain of happy tears and lots of "I love you"s
He's taking such good care of Tav; especially when she doesn't feel well or when she's exhausted - she'll get all the herbal teas and massages
Birth though is scary - for both of them; but I'm sure he'll have some friends by his side (because think about the adventure troupe waiting with him while he's pacing the room like a panther: Karlach's biting her nails off, Gale's just blabbering to distract himself, Shadowheart is praying for everything to go well, Wyll tries to calm Astarion down (unsuccessfully), Lae'zel is unusually silent with crossed arms hoping everything will be okay, Halsin's keeping the group fed and all because "Nature will make it all right")
Boy or girl? Doesn't matter at all, all that's important is that Tav and the baby are healthy and ready to receive all his love
First time holding his child - he can't even cry because it's such a miracle; "This... this is the best thing I've ever had and created!"
The tears come later when you're alone - just the three of you
He's absolutely a very loving father, caring so much about his kid - and also equally taking on responsibilities and care with Tav
When the kid's eyes become their real colour and it sparks a memory Astarion had long forgotten, he's too stunned to acknowledge what he's seeing: the kid has his eyes - the way they were before he was turned
Later, when the child's already a little bigger he loves to show them stuff, teach them, read to them; also inciting them to go and annoy Mom - which makes Tav want to push him off a cliff but also hug him to death - because who'd have thought it would ever be possible?
Alright alright - I've gotten almost off the rails with this one. Because honestly, there's a lot to imagine there. Also maybe I wasn't prepared for the things that would make me feel (and I don't mean baby fever).
Alright, hope you enjoyed this headcanons, time for me to go to bed!
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daisyblog · 9 months
It’s a…
Our Story Masterlist Summary: Gender reveal.
Harry and YN had been for an early gender scan, due it being so close to Christmas and they are going to be travelling back up North for the holidays. 
Their family and friends had sent in their predictions the night before, all trying to guess what baby Styles was going to be. 
Anne: Girl💕
Gemma: Boy💙
Michal: Boy! 
Louis: Girl x 
Lottie: 💙💙💙
Phoebe: 💕
Daisy: 🩷
Jen & Len: Girl xx
Mark & Sally: 💙
Jeff: Glenne and I think Girl!!
Mitch: Boy!
Sarah: Girl xx
Pauli: BABY STYLES IS A GIRL! I think! 
Lloyd: Booooooy!!
Brad: Girl! p.s good luck H😂
James: I think boy! 
Louise: Lux and I think girl💞
Niall: Girl!❤️
Liam: Boy! 
Zayn: Khai says girl x 
In all honestly Harry and YN didn’t mind if their baby was a boy or girl, they just prayed for a happy and healthy little one. 
Once YN and Harry were called into the room, YN laid down on the bed with Harry sat next to her, holding her hand for comfort. 
“Are we ready to see your baby?.” The sonographer asked. 
“More than ready!” YN smiled at Harry, who brought their joined hands up his lips and pressed a quick peck to them. 
The room was silent whilst the sonographer moved the probe around YN’s tummy. The sound of a racing heartbeat broke the silence, and YN’s new favourite sound could be heard. Their baby’s heartbeat!
“You have one wriggly baby…they don’t want to keep still for me today!” The lady joked, causing YN and Harry to laugh as they watched the screen. 
“Is everything okay? With the baby I mean?”. Harry asked, something he liked doing at every appointment. 
“If I could use the word perfect, I would.” The older woman smiled. “But I can’t, but honestly your baby is growing absolutely beautifully in there…so keep doing what you’re doing Mama!”. 
Harry gave YN a proud smile, knowing that YN needed to hear that today after having a few days of insecurities. 
“Would you like to know the gender?”.
“Yeah please!” Harry didn’t hesitate, eagerly wanting to know if they were having a baby son or daughter. 
After a few more pokes and prodes on YN’s tummy, the woman smiled. “Congratulations Mum and Dad…you’re having a…”. 
Originally YN and Harry were going to share their baby’s gender with their families at Christmas. But not wanting to take away the attention away from Louis on his birthday or the younger children at Christmas, they decided they would share the news with everyone at the same time. 
Keeping it simple, YN sent all their family and friends the same photo sharing the news. Both waiting for the reactions!
I am absolutely buzzing right now! I’m chuffed to pieces for you both. I can’t wait to meet your baby and you best believe I’m going to spoil her rotten! 
Give bump a kiss from her Uncle Lou!! Can’t wait to see you all Christmas. Love you xx
Congratulations my darlings. Words can’t describe how proud I am of you both. You really do deserve all the happiness. Thank you for making me a Grandma, but a bigger thank you for blessing me with a precious granddaughter🩷I love you three so much xx
YEEEEEEEEESSSS! OMG I’M CRYING! I’m so happy for you both💖I can’t wait to meet your baby girl xxxxx
Another Niece!💓💓💓I’m the luckiest auntie in the world. Congratulations xx
Another granddaughter💕I am truly blessed. Congratulations!!xx
What beautiful news. Congratulations sweethearts. We are over the moon for you. Love you all xx
A mini YN…good luck H😂😂
Congratulations both! We are thrilled for you and can’t wait to meet your little girl❤️
Uncle Mitchy can’t wait!! Congratulations both! 
Aww how cute! Congratulations guys!💖
NO WAY!!❤️
You’re going to have your hands full H😂I’m only joking! Congratulations both, amazing news and I can’t wait to meet her🥰
I should have known you were a girl dad H! Best feeling in the world! Congratulations both! X
Louise T: 
TEAM PINK🩷Love ya both!xx
Uncle Niall favourite niece!! ❤️
Wow! Congratulations both, what a lucky little girl she will be to have you both ❤️
Khai and I can’t wait to meet her! Congrats to you both, FaceTime soon? x 
yntomlinson story:
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bupia · 11 months
Serendipity: Chapter 1 - Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader
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Summary: On a Halloween night, you, along with Terzo and his family, head to the Ministry for an annual ball to celebrate this beloved day. On this occasion, you have the chance to meet Terzo's brothers, whom you've heard about for so long: Primo, Secondo, and most notably, the current Papa Emeritus, Copia.
Words: 7.811
A/N: Happy Halloween! After 30 days of The Ministry Kinktober, I thought it'd be fun to start a new series with Copia, this time casting him in the role of Papa Emeritus IV. I hope you all find it enjoyable.
Available on AO3
Chapter 2
Day 1: The Halloween ball.
Not too long ago, you had taken on the role of a nanny for Terzo's family, a job that might have seemed traditional but had turned into something quite extraordinary. It was a simple job, as you saw it, but it held a unique charm. You didn't need what people would call a "proper job." You had found an opportunity and embraced it with open arms.
Your life with Terzo, Angèle, and little Andras had begun when you first met them. The revelation that a Papa could marry and have children had initially surprised you, but as the months passed, you grew to understand why.
Terzo, was the former Papa Emeritus III, he had retired from his role but retained his title, akin to a seasoned veteran who continued to bear the honor of his past. He belonged to a unique religious group, far from the conventional churches that prayed to God and Saints. It was a Satanic Ministry.
Terzo had been apprehensive that you would run away upon learning the truth, but why would you? You saw no harm in their beliefs, and they were a joyful, healthy, and loving family. It was just one more facet of their lives, like an extra spice that enhanced the flavor of your experience, which may not have made much sense to outsiders, but to you, it was just an intriguing facet of their lives. You wouldn't judge them for it.
Over time, you had naturally learned more about their religion, not because they imposed it on you, but because you had an open mind and a willingness to listen. They always made sure you were comfortable with the information they shared, never pushing you into anything that might make you uncomfortable. However, what had truly piqued your interest was when you heard about the existence of Ghouls, and your excitement had reached peak levels when you finally met Dewdrop, one of the oldest Ghouls of the Ministry.
As you became closer to the family, Angèle shared pictures of their life in the Ministry, including images of Terzo's brothers. Primo, the eldest, had a commanding presence during his time as a Papa, but Angèle assured you he was a kind soul. Secondo, just three months older than Terzo, always wore an intimidating frown and had an impeccable sense of style.
And then, there was Copia, the current Papa Emeritus of the ministry and the new leader of Ghost. From the pictures Angèle showed you, Copia seemed to have it all. His handsome features and warm smile made your heart race, and the sight of him holding little Andras in a nursery photo nearly brought you to tears; it was the cutest thing you had ever seen.
But, circling back to the present, tonight was Halloween night, and you, Terzo, Angèle, and Andras were en route to the Ministry, all dressed in your costumes. The creative family had chosen to embody the Addams Family, while you, wanting to fit in somehow, had opted for a nun costume. In hindsight, it might not have been the best choice for a gathering at a satanic Ministry, but it was too late to change now.
As you got closer to the ministry, a wave of apprehension washed over you. You had grown accustomed to Terzo's family and their satanic customs, but tonight was different, and you weren't entirely sure what to expect, especially in the company of his brothers. In your heart, you knew your role was that of a nanny and nothing more. Yet, a part of you yearned to connect with the people you would meet tonight, especially since Terzo would be spending a week within the Ministry starting by today. He had explained that this was an opportunity to address some important matters with the clergy and to provide guidance to his brother, Copia, in his new role, alongside Primo and Secondo.
Also, you couldn't deny that you were feeling a bit nervous about meeting Copia in person. You hoped he lived up to the handsome figure he cut in the pictures Angèle had shared with you.
"We are almost there, Papa," Dewdrop's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you blinked, refocusing your attention on the road ahead. You glanced at the rearview mirror, where you could see Andras peacefully asleep in Angèle's arms. Terzo sat beside her, his hand resting gently on her leg. It was unusual for Terzo not to be the one behind the wheel, but tonight, given the formal nature of the ministry's event, Dewdrop had been assigned to chauffeur you all in one of the ministry's official cars.
A smile tugged at your lips as you admired the loving scene before you. Then, you turned your gaze to the Ghoul seated right beside you. "You didn't want to put on a costume for today, Dewdrop?" you asked playfully.
Dewdrop chuckled and replied, "I don't think I need one."
You couldn't help but giggle at his response. "Well, that's true. You are already in the Halloween spirit every day. I thought you would have convinced him to dress up as Lurch," you said as you turned your face to Terzo.
Terzo rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "Ho tentato," he said with a grin, "but he refused. Apparently, driving a car for us today is already pushing the boundaries of his Ghoul image."
Dewdrop nodded with a smirk. "I have to maintain my Ghoul dignity, Papa."
As the car made a slight turn, you laid eyes on an old building that resembled a church. It bore a striking resemblance to the other churches you had seen before, but there was something uniquely captivating about it. The building was grand, situated on a sprawling piece of land adorned with a beautiful garden. It left you in awe, and your eyes sparkled with amazement as you took in the sight.
The car continued its way until it came to a stop in front of the large building. A group of Ghouls, more than you were accustomed to, had gathered by the entrance and swiftly approached the car. This was the first time you had seen so many of them at once; you were typically only in the company of Dewdrop.
"We are here," Dewdrop announced.
"Grazie, Dewdrop, for bringing us here today."
The Ghouls opened the car doors for Terzo and Angèle, who wasted no time in stepping out. However, you remained seated inside, gazing forward. Dewdrop reached out and gently touched your arm.
"Is something wrong?" he inquired.
You shook your head. "No, I'm just a little nervous, I guess."
Dewdrop reassured you with a warm smile. "There's no need to be nervous. Everything will be fine. Come with me, and you'll be fine."
He opened his door, then walked to your side, opening your door as well. You took Andra's bag and stepped out, and he closed the door behind you. Dewdrop offered you his arm, and you took it gratefully, feeling a sense of comfort in his presence.
Glancing over at Terzo and Angèle, who were already waiting by the front door, you and Dewdrop made your way to join them. Two of the Ghouls opened the grand entrance, allowing Terzo to enter first, followed by Angèle, who held Andras in her arms. You followed closely behind them, hand in arm with Dewdrop, taking in the vastness of the ministry. It exceeded your expectations in size and grandeur. The Halloween decorations added a whimsical touch to the solemn atmosphere, and the faint strains of music drifted to your ears from a distance. A sense of excitement and anticipation bubbled within you as you stepped further into the ministry, eager to immerse yourself in the evening's festivities.
"Dear," Angèle's voice reached your ear as you walked alongside Dewdrop.
"Yes, miss?" you responded, instinctively using a formal title.
"I already told you, you can call me by my name," Angèle chided gently. "Can you hold him for me?"
"I'm sorry, mi- Angèle," you corrected yourself and reached out to take Andras into your arms, handling him with care.
Terzo flashed you a warm smile, and they continued to make their way toward the music. You returned to Dewdrop's side, walking alongside him as the music grew louder, guiding you to a room with its doors wide open. A Ghoul approached and led the way, with Terzo and Angèle following closely behind.
"Papa Emeritus III, Terzo, and his beloved wife, Angèle, have arrived," the Ghoul announced at the door.
Terzo and Angèle entered the room, and you and Dewdrop followed suit. The sight that greeted you was nothing short of incredible. The room was filled with people, dancing, conversing, and enjoying themselves to the fullest. The colorful lights on the ceiling illuminated the space in a mesmerizing display. Halloween decorations adorned the room, and the lively disco music filled the air, creating an atmosphere that was positively infectious.
Dewdrop turned to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "So, what do you think of all this?"
You couldn't contain your excitement as you looked around, taking in the grandeur of the event. "It's stunning! The ball is so grand, and there are so many people... I don't have words to describe it."
Dewdrop reached out and gently placed a hand on your lower back, leaning in closer to your ear. "I need to leave you now. I have to be around the ministry with the other Ghouls. Promise me you'll have fun, okay?"
You nodded, smiling at Dewdrop as he departed the room to attend to his duties. Your attention turned to Terzo and Angèle, who had moved farther away from you. Adjusting Andras in your arms as he began to wake up, you smiled down at the little one.
"Hello there, little one," you cooed, gently brushing your fingers across Andras's soft cheek. He responded with a radiant smile, accompanied by a symphony of baby sounds.
You made your way over to Terzo and his wife, who were standing near one of the tables adorned with a small paper sign that read "Papas." As you approached, someone came up behind you, and Terzo turned to face the newcomer.
"Fratello!" Terzo exclaimed, opening his arms and walking toward the person. "Where is your costume?"
Turning to see who it was, you found Secondo, one of Terzo's brothers, dressed in a very elegant dark green suit that emphasized all the curves and lines of his body, impeccably tailored to perfection. He exuded an air of sophistication and confidence. As he approached Terzo, they embraced warmly, and you couldn't help but notice how well Secondo carried himself in his stylish attire.
"I can't believe you didn't wear the costume I told you to," Terzo playfully chided as they pulled away.
"Terzo, I was not going to be Uncle Fester just because you asked me to," Secondo replied with a sigh.
"Why not, fratello? It would have been fun!" Terzo countered, clearly amused.
"Sì, for you, only," Secondo replied with a resigned tone. He then looked around and laid his eyes on you. "Oh, here he is! And who is this, signora?"
"She is our nanny," Angèle chimed in, going to your side and placing her hand on your back.
"It's nice to meet you formally, Papa," you said, extending your hand toward him, and he gallantly kissed the back of it.
"Il piacere è tutto mi," he replied with a charming smile, still holding your hand.
"Terzo!" another voice called from behind you, and you turned to see who it was.
"Primo!" Terzo exclaimed with a chuckle. "Fratello, hai lo spirito di Halloween! Sapevo che non mi avresti deluso!"
Indeed, Primo was dressed as Uncle Fester, and you couldn't help but stifle a giggle. He approached your group and hugged Terzo, just as Secondo had done earlier.
"See, fratello?" Terzo said, glancing at Secondo. "Primo has the Halloween spirit!"
"So you basically asked for the two of us to dress as Uncle Fester because you knew one of us would come as it?" Secondo asked, sounding somewhat annoyed.
"One of you was bound to do it," Terzo replied teasingly.
"Cretino," Secondo muttered in a sharp tone, shaking his head in mock disapproval.
"Secondo," Primo said with a disapproving look, then turned his gaze to you. "And who is this bella signora?"
"This is Andra's nanny, fratello," Terzo clarified.
Primo approached you with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, bella," he said gently. "And it seems our piccolo demone is awake."
You smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Papa. And yes, Andras is quite awake and lively right now."
Primo extended his arms, and you handed Andras over to him. "Ciao piccolo," he greeted with a smile. "Il tuo zio preferito ti ha fatto mancare, mio piccolo demone."
"Zio preferito? You wish, fratello," Secondo chimed in as he approached Primo. He extended his hand toward Andras, who eagerly clasped one of his fingers with his tiny hand, letting out a sweet giggle. "See? He knows who his zio prefereito is. He's even smiling at me."
"Smiling at you?" Primo countered with playful banter. "The bambino is laughing at you."
The brothers exchanged amused glances, their competitive spirit lightening the mood as Andras enjoyed their attention. You briefly averted your eyes to take in the lively atmosphere of the Halloween ball. The joyous spirit in the room was infectious, and you couldn't help but feel like you belonged there.
"Where is Copia?" Angèle inquired.
As you heard his name, your attention snapped back to the conversation. Angèle now had Andras in her arms, and Terzo was pulling out a chair for her to sit next to him. Secondo and Primo were already seated, and you quickly made your way to sit beside Angèle, hanging Andra's bag on the chair.
"He's somewhere around, we haven't seen him since we got here," Secondo replied.
You listened attentively, feeling a bit disappointed. Would you not have the chance to meet Copia tonight? Was he not going to attend the Halloween ball? You consoled yourself with the thought that you would likely encounter him during your stay at the ministry.
Suddenly, someone approached you from the side, and you let out a loud scream of horror, causing Andras to start crying. The person was covered with a white sheet, and your eyes widened in terror as you clutched your chest, breathing heavily.
The person quickly removed the sheet, revealing Copia beneath it. "Ti ho spaventato? Mi dispiace, non era mia intenzione!"
Angèle got up from her seat with Andras still crying in her arms. You got up and rushed over to Angèle, who was trying to soothe the upset little one in her arms. You rushed to Andras' bag, located on your chair, and quickly retrieved his favorite plushie. Returning to Angèle, you presented it to Andras, attempting to comfort him, but it appeared to have little effect on his persistent crying.
Copia expressed his apologies, feeling genuinely remorseful for causing the commotion. "What have I done?" he said, addressing his brothers and Angèle.
"It's totally okay, it wasn't your fault," you reassured him, taking Andras into your arms.
"Terzo, please, give me his pacifier. It's in your blazer's pocket," Angèle requested.
Terzo promptly got up and retrieved the pacifier from his pocket, handing it to Angèle. She gently placed the pacifier in Andras' mouth, successfully calming him down. She then took him back into her arms, also reaching for Andra's bag, hanging on your chair.
"I'm going to step outside with him for a bit," Angèle announced. "I'll be right back."
As Angèle left the room with Andras, you took a deep breath, still feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden scare. A hand on your back sent shivers down your spine, and you turned to see Copia standing beside you. You turned your face to find Copia standing there, and for a moment, you were rendered speechless. He was even more striking in person, and you couldn't help but admire his presence. His voice was as charming as his appearance, and you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness in his presence.
"Are you okay?" he inquired, his concern evident in his voice.
In silence, you nodded, unable to find your voice as you continued to gaze at his captivating features. A smile graced his lips, and his hand gently squeezed your arm in a reassuring gesture.
"Bene, molto bene," he said, withdrawing his hand from your arm.
Copia offered a gentle smile, causing your cheeks to flush. He approached the table and pulled out your chair, signaling for you to sit down. You walked over to your chair and gracefully took your seat. Copia joined you, sitting right beside you, while Secondo audibly sighed and shook his head in response to the earlier playful banter.
"Secondo, non cominciare neanche," Primo warned him.
"Non stavo per dire niente," Secondo replied with a faint smirk.
Copia offered his sincere apologies. "Mi dispiace profondamente. I didn't mean to scare the signora, and I certainly didn't intend to frighten my own nipote."
"It's okay; it was my fault. I wasn't expecting it," you reassured him in a gentle tone.
Terzo chimed in with a bit of humor, "Please don't kill our nanny. She's the only one who's stayed with us. You have no idea how hard it is to find a nanny when you tell them about being a retired satanic Papa."
Copia turned his body toward you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Again, mi dispiace profondamente. I didn't mean to... you know... kill you."
You chuckled nervously. "I hope... not?"
"No, I didn't mean to say it that way," he stammered. "I- I mean, I meant that I didn't want to scare you with my costume to the point where you'd... well, you know."
"Forse sarebbe meglio se smettessi di giustificarti, fratello," Secondo chimed in.
Your hand went to Copia's on your shoulder, and you held it delicately as you looked at him. "Papa, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it, and I know you don't want to, you know, kill me, even though you're a very scary ghost, right?"
"Oh!" he exclaimed, blushing slightly. "Sì, sì, I'm a scary ghost! Be careful, bella... sorella!" he said, straightening his body and trying to sound scary.
You made a frightened face and playfully let go of his hand. "Please, Papa, have mercy on me. I'm just a..." you furrowed your brows. "What did you call me again?"
"Sorella," he repeated, clarifying, "It's how we call the sisters, nuns, just like you tonight, in Italian."
You nodded and resumed your scary expression. "Please, Papa, I'm just a sorella today. I'm innocent!" you said, your tone with a hint like if you were truly scared by him.
Copia chuckled, his eyes never leaving yours. "I'm going to have mercy today and not go after you to haunt you, but only this time."
"Oh, don't worry, Papa. You can come after me if you want," you said, leaning back in your chair.
Copia gasped, blushing deeply, and your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said. "I'm sorry, Papa. I meant that I'm not that scared, and I won't mind to be haunted, you see? I'm very... I have a lot of courage!"
Copia nodded, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Quickly, he retrieved the sheet from the table and draped it over himself once more, hiding his face behind it. A silence sank between you two, and you felt like all of the brothers were looking straight at you. You couldn't feel more embarrassed than you did now.
"So, where is your costume, fratello?" Terzo asked, breaking the silence, his eyes playfully scanning Copia.
Copia, draped in a simple white sheet, spread his arms wide. "Eh, this is my costume," he declared.
Terzo couldn't help but chuckle. "No, this is just a sheet from the laundry room, probably. Come on, you two have no Halloween spirit," Terzo teased. "Only Primo followed my suggestion."
Secondo, looking dapper in his suit, shook his head in mock disapproval. "Terzo, if I dressed as you asked me, you'd have two Uncle Festers for your son."
Terzo laughed. "Wouldn't that be a sight?"
Curious, you turned to Copia, who stood beside you. "And what did Terzo ask you to dress as?"
Copia grinned mischievously. "Cousin Itt."
Secondo couldn't contain his laughter. "Cousin Itt!? Oh, fratello, I take back everything I said about your costume choices."
Copia leaned closer to you and whispered, "Still, Secondo didn't wear the costume Terzo picked out for him, coglione."
You couldn't help but laugh, your eyes locking onto his as you both shared a playful moment. The proximity and the fact that you could only see his eyes under the sheet added an unexpected intimacy to the situation. Your cheeks were flushed, and you wished you had a sheet to hide behind as well, but you couldn't tear your gaze away from his. However, your attention shifted as Angèle as you notices her returning to the table, though without Andras.
"Hello, what have I missed?" she inquired as she took her seat right next to Terzo, pressing a gentle peck on his lips.
"I due che stanno flirtando," Secondo chimed in, a playful grin on his face.
"Lasciali stare, Secondo," Primo interjected.
"Non stavamo flirtando!" Copia quickly defended himself.
"Sì, stavate flirtando con lei," Terzo said with a smirk on the corner of his lips. "Where's Andras, cara mia?" he asked.
"I put him to sleep; he's being watched by Dewdrop now," Angèle explained.
"Oh, miss, do you want me to go there?" you offered, preparing to get up.
"You don't have to, dear, only if you want," Angèle replied.
"I insist; it's my job," you said, rising from your seat.
"In that case, I would appreciate it."
"Of course, miss."
"Angèle," she corrected.
"Angèle," you repeated.
With that, you politely excused yourself from the table. Copia got up after you, gracefully removing the sheet from himself and placing it on the chair. He then turned his body to face you. His hair was a little messy, and you couldn't help but giggle slightly at the view, for some reason it was charming.
"Wait, may I go with you?" Copia asked. "I want to see my nepote, and I'm afraid you don't know where you are going to stay during the week."
You were taken aback by his gesture. "Oh, that's very... gentle of you," you said, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by his offer. "Thank you, Papa."
Copia extended his arm toward you, and you hesitated for a moment before deciding to take it. The two of you walked away from the table, making your way toward the door leading to the chambers. Side by side, you and Copia entered the corridor, leaving the lively Halloween party behind.
You took a deep breath, savoring the faint scent of his cologne as you did. It was a refreshing and almost mythical fragrance that captivated your senses. You smiled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the experience. You didn't want to forget this scent; you wanted to keep it in your memory, as it made you feel even closer to him.
Turning your face to him, you noticed that his hair was still slightly messy. Hesitantly, you extended your hand, expecting him to react, but he remained still. Gently, you reached out and smoothed his hair, your touch light and delicate.
"Thank you for coming with me, Papa," you said, glancing up at him with a warm smile.
Copia returned your smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, you don't have to thank me," he replied, his voice smooth and reassuring.
"I do," you insisted, gently squeezing his arm. "After all, this is one of your first parties as a Papa here at the ministry, right?" you inquired, a soft smile on your lips as you withdrew your hand from his hair.
Copia nodded thoughtfully. "Oh, sì, sì."
"So you are the principal attraction of tonight, Papa!" you teased playfully, your tone filled with light-heartedness.
Copia chuckled, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Eh... I must confess this is all new for me."
"Really? Is it different from when you were a Cardinal?" you inquired, genuinely curious about his experience.
"Not too much when it comes to responsibilities," he explained, his gaze focused ahead as he considered your question. "They've just escalated a little more, but I still do many of the things I used to do before."
"But how do you feel about being a Papa now?" you asked curiously, your eyes fixed on Copia.
"Eh... Honestly?" Copia began, hesitating for a moment. "I'm happy with it, but can you keep a secret?"
A sense of intrigue filled you, and you nodded with a reassuring smile. "All the secrets you feel like telling me."
He blushed deeply before opening up further. "I'm very scared."
"Scared? How? Why?" Your curiosity deepened.
"I'm too afraid that they will not like me as much as they liked Terzo, Secondo and Primo" Copia admitted, his vulnerability showing.
"Copia, you can't compare yourself with your brothers," you said gently, trying to ease his worries. "And if I were you, I wouldn't worry at all. They will love you."
"Do you think so?" Copia asked, his uncertainty still lingering.
"Oh, I don't think they will, I know they will," you replied with a reassuring smile, emphasizing your confidence in him.
Copia halted his steps, his inquisitive gaze locked onto yours. "Eh, how can you be so sure?" he asked.
You paused, choosing your words carefully. "Well, I can't speak for everyone, but from what I've gathered about you through my interactions and what Terzo has shared, you come across as a gentle, kind-hearted, and dedicated man. Terzo spoke highly of your love for this place and your unwavering commitment to reaching this position. If this is something you've wanted for a long time, Papa, then there's no reason to doubt yourself. Embrace it, and you'll excel in your role at the ministry."
Copia found himself at a loss for words, overwhelmed by your kind and comforting presence. Your eyes locked into each other, creating an intimate silence in the corridor. The distant music from the ball could still be heard. Copia raised his arm slightly, as if contemplating a gesture, but then he lowered it and offered a soft, appreciative smile.
The intensity of your gaze made his cheeks flush with a deep shade of red. If he were still in his costume, he was sure he'd feel exposed, as the heat in his cheeks was almost unbearable. He was thankful that at least his face was still adorned with paint. Especially because your warm eyes were still locked onto his.
"Grazie," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't deserve your kind heart."
You returned his smile and offered a reassuring nod. "You'll do great, Papa. Just believe in yourself."
Your eyes remained locked again in a wordless connection for a brief yet meaningful moment before Copia resumed walking, with you following closely. You two kept walking with your arms entwined, the comfortable silence enveloping you both. The only sounds that filled the corridor were the rhythmic echoes of your footsteps and the distant melody of the music from the ball. You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of closeness and ease, and you tightened your grip on his arm, silently cherishing the moment.
"So, can I ask to know more about you?" Copia inquired, breaking the silence.
"Sure," you responded timidly. "What do you want to know, Papa?"
"How long have you been working for my brother?" he inquired.
You glanced at him. "I've been with him for some months now, almost a year."
He nodded thoughtfully. "And are you enjoying it?" he asked.
With a smile, you responded, "I am! Your brother is a very nice man, his wife is really sweet, and little Andras is amazing."
"If you don't mind to answer..." Copia's curiosity didn't wane as he inquired further, "How do you feel about our little lifestyle?"
"The Satanism?" you asked, seeking clarification, and he nodded in confirmation. "I don't mind it at all. I see no harm; it all looks very cheerful and great."
Copia's expression revealed a hint of surprise. "You don't feel scared being here surrounded by our unholy place?"
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head. "No, not at all. The only thing that scared me here today was you."
He sighed, showing genuine remorse. "Eh, about that... I really didn't want to scare you, not at all."
"I know, Papa. You don't have to keep apologizing. I know you were just in your costume."
Copia nodded, appreciating your understanding. "Sì, it was just a costume, after all. But I'm glad you're not afraid of our unique surroundings, or of me."
You smiled warmly. "Honestly, I find it all quite fascinating."
Copia chuckled. "Fascinating? That's not a word I hear often in this context."
"Well, it's different, and different can be interesting," you explained.
"Just like your attire tonight," he said. "You chose a very unique costume for tonight," Copia observed, his eyes sweeping up and down your nun costume.
You glanced down at your outfit and replied, "Did I?"
"Sì, our siblings here also wear habits in their daily lives, but it's just a little bit different from yours. But don't worry, you are looking very beautiful as a sorella."
"Thank you, Papa," you laughed shyly.
Copia's compliment made you blush, and you couldn't help but feel flattered by his words. As the two of you continued down the corridor, you found yourself becoming more comfortable in his presence, enjoying his charming demeanor.
"May I ask one more question?" Copia inquired.
"You can ask all the questions you want, Papa," you replied.
Copia's cheeks took on a subtle flush as he chuckled with a hint of shyness, and he nodded. "Well, I just wanted to know your name. Would you tell me your name?"
You hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit bashful. As you shared your name with him, Copia's lips curved into a broad smile. He nodded and repeated your name in a soft, charming tone. Hearing him say your name felt like the highlight of your night. It had a different, special quality when spoken in his accent, and it made you feel even closer to him.
As you continued to walk down the corridors of the ministry, Copia's steps began to slow, hinting that you were nearing your destination. Finally, you and Copia reached the door to your temporary residence. Copia took the lead, positioning himself in front of you. With a gentle knock on the door, you both waited for a few moments. The door eventually swung open, revealing Dewdrop.
"Good evening, Papa," Dewdrop said. "How can I help you?"
"I came here with Andras' nanny and she will stay here with him until his parents come back," he said.
Dewdrop raised an eyebrow and looked past Copia at you. "Andra's nanny, huh?"
You couldn't help but laugh and replied, "Don't mock me, Dewdrop."
Dewdrop chuckled and said, "I'm not mocking!"
"You're free to return to your duties now," Copia said, his tone carrying a hint of something you couldn't quite decipher.
"Of course, Papa," Dewdrop said.
Dewdrop stepped aside, granting you and Copia access to the place. Copia made his first step, entering the chambers. However, as you moved to enter, Dewdrop unexpectedly held your hand, causing you to let out a surprised squeak. Copia turned his attention to Dewdrop and you.
"How was at the ball?" Dewdrop inquired.
"It was..." you hesitated for a moment. "fun."
"Fun?" Dewdrop leaned in closer, a teasing tone in his voice. "Why don't I believe that your 'fun' is real?"
"Because you like to mock me," you replied, playfully pouting.
Dewdrop chuckled and let go of your hand. "I'm not mocking you right now. I was just wondering if you had fun. But maybe we should talk..." he turned his gaze to Copia before continuing, "...tomorrow."
Copia observed your interaction with Dewdrop closely, a thoughtful expression on his face. You took a step into the chambers, with Copia staring at you. As you exchanged a small smile, you turned your attention back to Dewdrop, who remained outside the door. Copia positioned himself behind you, his eyes locking onto Dewdrop once more.
"Grazie, Dewdrop. We'll take it from here," he said.
Dewdrop gave a polite nod and closed the door behind you. You and Copia were now alone in there. You took a moment to look around, and your eyes widened in amazement. The room was much larger and more lavish than you had anticipated. Intricately designed works of art adorned the walls, and the color scheme was meticulously coordinated, creating an elegant and inviting ambiance that took you by surprise. You couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail that had gone into decorating the room.
"Did you like it?" Copia inquired, gesturing for you to follow him further into the room.
"It's bigger than I expected," you admitted, glancing around in awe.
"It's going to be mine," he explained.
"Yours?" you questioned.
"Sì, this place was supposed to be mine for now, as it's the Papal apartment. However, I don't need this much space at the moment, so I thought it was better to give it to Terzo and his family, while I stay in my old chambers."
"Are you sure, Papa? I mean..."
"I'm completely sure, don't worry. Besides, my room has everything I need – a bed, a TV, my video game, and even my lava lamp," he said with a playful grin, noticing your intrigued expression.
"Did you say a lava lamp?" you asked, clearly fascinated. "I haven't seen one for so long!"
Copia's grin widened as he saw your excitement. "Sì. I find the shifting colors and blobs of lava oddly soothing."
"They are very... hypnotizing for sure," you said.
He laughed softly. "Let me show you to your room," Copia smiled warmly. "Follow me, cuoricina."
You nodded appreciatively as he led the way to your designated room. He extended his hand to open the door for you, and you acknowledged his gesture with another nod before stepping inside. As you entered the room, your eyes widened in astonishment. The room was decorated in warm, neutral colors, with a comfortable-looking bed, a small desk, and a window that overlooked the beautiful garden outside.
Copia gestured towards the room. "This will be your room during your stay," he explained. "Please, make yourself at home."
"Thank you, Papa," you replied with a grateful smile.
Eager to explore, you wandered around the room, but your curiosity drew you to the window. It was large and clear, and you pressed your hands against the cool glass, looking down at the vast garden below. Even in the darkness, the small lights scattered throughout the garden made it appear enchanting. As you gazed, a slight shiver ran down your spine, and your body tensed a bit as you felt Copia's warm hand on your lower back, his touch gentle and comforting.
"Did you like it?" he asked, his fingers gently rubbing your lower back.
As you turned your face towards him, your eyes met his. Copia's face was softly illuminated by the ambient light from outside the window, accentuating his handsome features. The moment felt like it stretched on for eternity, and you wished you could freeze time to continue gazing at him, to savor his touch a little longer. However, you couldn't just stand there in silence, no matter how much you wanted to.
Breaking the silence, you finally spoke, your voice trembling slightly, "I loved it."
"I think this room has the best view of them all," he whispered, his eyes fixed on you.
"I think you're right, Papa," you whispered back.
Copia withdrew his hand from your back and concealed both of his hands behind his back. He turned his attention to the garden, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. But you couldn't tear your gaze away from him. For someone associated with a satanic church, he appeared ethereal and bathed in an inexplicable grace, as if touched by a blessing rather than something sinful.
"So you are friend with Dewdrop?" Copia inquired, breaking the silence.
"Oh, well, I suppose we're friends of sorts," you replied. "He sometimes visits Terzo's house with ministry-related items.
"Eh! That's right," he nodded. "That makes sense."
You giggled, turning your body to face him. "He told me that he's one of the older ghouls here, and that's quite fascinating, to be honest."
"Fascinating?" he inquired.
"Yes, it's intriguing," you explained. "First, because he's been here for such a long time, and second, because he's also a Ghoul. I have no real understanding of what Ghouls are, but I have my theories."
Copia moved closer to you. "So, you find ghouls fascinating?"
"Yes, I do," you said with genuine curiosity. "I've always wondered where they come from."
Copia hesitated and then said, "I'm afraid I can't reveal that. It's a secret of the ministry."
You pouted and pleaded, "Really, Papa? You won't tell me?"
Copia couldn't resist your charm. He grinned playfully. "Well, alright. You see, when a Ghoul and a Ghoulette love each other..."
You burst into laughter, cutting him off. "Stop it! That's not how it happens!"
Copia chuckled at your reaction. "You're right, that's not how it happens, but I couldn't resist."
You playfully rolled your eyes, followed by a smile. "You're really not going to tell me, right?"
Copia shook his head regretfully. "I wish I could, trust me, but I can't."
"It's okay, Papa," you whispered, drawing nearer to him.
"Shall we head back to the party?" he suggested, his hand reaching for your hand.
"Uh... I can't, Papa. I need to stay here with Andras," you responded.
"Right! I completely forgot," he sighed. "I'm a lousy uncle."
"No, Papa, you're not," you reassured him. "I know you're an amazing uncle."
Copia's gaze remained locked with yours, and a brief silence hung in the air. He moved to say something, but just as he began to speak, the sound of Andras crying echoed from the room next door. Without hesitation, you swiftly exited the room and hurried into the adjacent one. There, you opened the door and approached the small crib. With gentle hands, you lifted Andras into your arms, comforting him as he cried.
With Andras in your arms, you gradually managed to calm him down, and his cries gradually transformed into soft, whimpering sounds. Copia watched the scene unfold from the doorway, his smile reflecting his appreciation for your comforting skills. It was a heartwarming moment as you continued to soothe the little one, both of you providing him with the care and attention he needed.
"Is he all right?" Copia asked as he walked over to you.
You turned to him with a reassuring smile. "Yes, he just needed a little attention. Babies can be quite sensitive, but they usually calm down with some care and comfort."
Copia nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting to Andras as he gently caressed the his head. "You're really good with him."
"I guess so," you replied, still holding Andras. "Are you awake to see your zio Copia?"
"Zio? Do you speak Italian?"
"Oh, not at all," you chuckled, gently rocking Andras. "But Terzo always talks about you three as his zio, so I just got used to it."
Copia chuckled at your response. "That's quite observant of you. Impressive."
"Thank you, Papa," you replied with a hint of pride.
Copia then extended his arms toward Andras. "So, before I go back to the party, can I hold my nepote a little bit?"
"Of course," you replied, gently passing Andras into Copia's waiting arms.
Copia's face lit up with a warm smile as he cradled Andras in his arms. The baby looked small and fragile in comparison to the tall and imposing figure of Copia, but there was a gentle tenderness in the way he held him. Copia's eyes were fixated on Andras, who gazed up at him with curious eyes. It was a heartwarming sight, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment as you watched the two of them together.
"You look well with him in your arms," you remarked, your gaze fixed on the bonding pair.
"Do I?" Copia giggled softly. "I always heard I had a way with kids."
"I think you do too," you said with sincerity, a smile gracing your lips.
As you took a step closer to Copia and Andras, you gently reached for the baby's hand, feeling his tiny fingers wrap around one of yours. Copia's eyes met yours, and there was an unspoken connection between you two. You both shared a smile, and in that moment, you realized that Copia's presence was even more captivating in person than in any photograph. The depth of his gaze and the warmth of his smile were something that couldn't be fully captured in pictures. You found yourself drawn to the genuine warmth and kindness in Copia's eyes.
However, the tender moment between you and Copia was suddenly interrupted by Andras's cries, breaking the connection you shared. Copia gently rocked the baby in his arms, trying to soothe him, while you reached out to touch Andras's tiny cheek, offering comfort and reassurance. Andras's cries filled the room, making it clear that he needed attention and care. Copia looked at you with a slightly apologetic smile as he continued his attempts to calm the baby.
"It seems like Andras prefers your company," Copia remarked, his voice filled with warmth as he tried to ease the baby's distress.
With that, Copia carefully handed Andras back to you, allowing you to resume your soothing efforts. You gently cradled Andras, who had started to show signs of drowsiness. You carefully walked over to the crib, and with a tender touch, you placed him back in it. Andras seemed to settle down once again, his eyelids growing heavier as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Copia watched the scene with a soft smile. "Grazie for taking care of m- him," he said, his tone a little nervous.
You turned to him with a warm smile. "It's my pleasure, Papa. And also, my job."
Copia nodded, leaning closer to the crib to admire his sleeping nephew. His fingers gently brushed over Andras's tiny hand, and a warm smile played on his lips. "I should head back to the party. But can I walk you to your chambers?"
"Papa, I'm already here, my room is right next door," you chuckled, stepping closer to him.
"Eh! Sì, sì, my silly mistake, sì?" He chuckled, his eyes filled with amusement.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, Papa!" you teased, playfully patting his arm. "Maybe my outfit is causing the confusion."
You reached for the veil of your nun costume, fingers deftly untangling the knot that held it in place. As you removed the costume piece, Copia's gaze briefly fell upon you, but he quickly averted his eyes, fixating on some unseen point in the room.
"Better now?" you asked.
Copia turned his gaze back to you, his eyes tracing your figure from head to toe. He took a deep breath and nodded. There was a hint of a word that he seemed to hold back. You giggled and decided to distract yourself by tucking Andras into his crib. After turning off a nearby lamp, you walked back towards Copia, stopping in front of him.
"Maybe I can walk you to the front door?" you offered, reaching for his shirt and adjusting it neatly around his neck.
Copia looked at your hand and then nodded thoughtfully. You both left Andras's room, quietly closing the door behind you. Walking together down the corridor, your footsteps produced a faint echo on the polished floors. Approaching the front door, you hesitated for a moment. You stopped in front of it and your hand hovered over the doorknob. You glanced at Copia, who seemed lost in his thoughts as he stared at you.
"Thank you again for accompanying me, Papa," you expressed, your voice sincere and appreciative.
Copia blinked as if snapping out of a reverie, his attention returning to you. "Oh, mi dispiace," he responded, his voice gentle. "I was momentarily lost in thought. You were saying?"
"I was thanking you," you reiterated, a faint smile on your lips. "For coming with me and for letting us stay in your Papal apartment."
Copia offered you a warm smile in return. "You're most welcome. It was a pleasure to be of assistance. I hope you and Andras have a pleasant night."
With that, Copia stepped through the open door into the corridor, and you leaned against the doorframe, your eyes fixed on his retreating figure. Copia turned his body back to you and paused for a moment, contemplating something. Slowly, he extended his hand toward you, his fingers trembling slightly as he reached for yours, holding it.
"I hope you find your room comfortable. If there's anything you need or any questions you have, don't hesitate to ask me or any of the Ghouls. We're here to make your time at the ministry enjoyable If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask," he said with a reassuring tone. "And remember, you can always reach me."
Copia brought your hand closer to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it. You nodded, blushing deeply at his words, and bit your lower lip, trying to contain your emotions. Taking a deep breath, you offered him a warm smile. As he released your hand, his lips lightly brushed against your skin, and you felt his grip tighten. Your breath caught in your throat, but you fought to maintain your composure.
“Of course, Papa. Have a great time at the party, and don’t scare anyone else with your costume," you playfully remarked.
Copia chuckled. “I’ll do my best. Arrivederci, bella sorella.”
“Arrivederci, Papa,” you replied as he turned to leave, heading back to the Halloween party.
Copia came to a sudden halt, turning his head to look back at you over his shoulder, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he turned and strolled down the corridor. As he gradually disappeared from your sight, you closed the door gently. Leaning against the door, you took a deep breath, your eyes closed, and you bit your lower lip slightly. There was no doubt about it – Copia was even more captivating in person than in the photos.
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Ho tentato: I tried
Fratello: Brother
Sì: Yes
Signora: Lady
Il piacere è tutto mio: The pleasure is all mine
Hai lo spirito di Halloween! Sapevo che non mi avresti deluso: You have the spirit of Halloween! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!
Cretino: Idiot
Bella signora: Beautiful lady
Piccolo demone: Little demon
Ciao piccolo: Hello, little one
Il tuo zio preferito ti ha fatto mancare, mio piccolo demone: Your favorite uncle missed you, my little demon
Zio preferito: Favorite uncle
Bambino: Child
Ti ho spaventato? Mi dispiace, non era mia intenzione!: Did I scare you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
Bene, molto bene: Good, very good
Non cominciare neanche: Don't even start
Non stavo per dire niente: I wasn't going to say anything
Mi dispiace profondamente: I'm deeply sorry
Nepote: Nephew
Forse sarebbe meglio se smettessi di giustificarti, fratello: Maybe it would be best if you stop trying to justify yourself, brother
Coglione: Idiot
I due che stanno flirtando: The two of them flirting
Lasciali stare: Leave them alone
Non stavamo flirtando!: We weren't flirting!
Sì, stavate flirtando con lei: Yes, you were flirting with her
Cara mia: My dear
Grazie: Thank you
Cuoricina: Sweetheart
Mi dispiace: I'm sorry
Arrivederci: Goodbye
Taglist: @copiasslut @copiasprincipessa @enchantedbunny @haelithra @new-age-space-age @the-did-i-ask @sodoswitchimage @thesoundresoundsecho @fishwithtitz @nimbusghoul @da-rulahh @th4t-em0-k1d @citrusbunnies @copias-sewer-rat @reeeebeeee @ghostfangirlsweden @copiaspet6222 @lilylovesdew @quaildoodle @fluffysourpatch @terzossoapbar @x1nd1g0x @fantasticdeercollection
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doomed-era · 7 months
GBoH Link's pre-calamity backstory, part 1
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Link was the first child of two knights of Hyrule, born about four months before the crown princess sometime in late fall. His parents were knights, both from military families and in the military, which wasn't technically a requirement for knighthood, but it was very common. Once they had Link they ended up moving from Hateno to Rauru Settlement. It was a sizable village that had a lot of retired soldiers, along with a few families who wanted to be near Castle Town while still enjoying country life. His mother, Grith, was a devout worshiper of Hylia, and taught Link how to pray to her as soon as he had the attention span for it.
 Hylia, watching over her worshipers as she tended to do, was happy with Grith. She didn't usually take it upon herself to choose a hero, but she wanted to reward Grith's loyalty and decided to watch over the boy and maybe pull a few strings so it was more likely for him to take on that role. The boy had a good lineage, was healthy and able-bodied, seemed to be taking to knighthood like a duck to water, was about the same age as the current Hyrulean princess…things looked like they were going to fall into place. When he was about four years old he told Grith he had a dream about a shining woman with a sweet voice and golden hair telling him he was special. Grith and Link's father Conter were baffled by this, but took it as a sign. 
A few other unusual things also happened around that time. Conter was ordered to do a sort of diplomatic mission where he would take some skilled soldiers from the Hyrulean Army and let them demonstrate their abilities to the Zora, while the Zora would exchange their knowledge of weaponry and spearmanship. This ended up backfiring because Conter took Link. Half of the soldiers under his command adored the little boy who would always ask them what they were doing and demand he fight them for "knight practice," so they'd stage mock battles for Link. The Zora had very different cultural practices concerning children, so most of them thought it was a genuine battle and that Link was beating grown Hylians specifically sent because they were good at fighting. Mipha was absolutely enchanted by this, but when a Zora warrior asked to fight Link and easily defeated him, Dorephan was not so impressed. 
After the Zora incident Link had a fairly normal childhood up until he was around twelve. He got along with his younger sister Nell and made friends with other children in Rauru. During the winter and fall his parents sent him and Nell to a school in Castle Town and he scraped by in his studies. Many students thought he was awkward and fidgety, and he would get in trouble frequently for having outbursts or picking fights. He was a formidable foe to anyone who went up against him—some kids swore he could move faster than lightning. The people who didn't mind his faults liked him, and his mischievous attitude made him a bit of a class clown. When he wasn't in school he often wandered into the woods near his home with Nell. They both could see Koroks, and loved playing pranks on the forest spirits. 
One summer day, Nell and Link wandered further into the forest than they ever had. They had found a Korok near their house hiding Grith's boots, and started chasing after it until they were deep in the Lost Woods. Nell wanted to turn back, but Link pulled her along as they went even deeper. He heard something calling to him. She wondered if they were going to be lost forever by the time they entered a bright clearing with a sword pedestal in the center. The deep voice of the Great Deku Tree welcomed them to his grove, and told Link that he had been expecting the boy. He had been chosen by the Master Sword.  Though it was a great deal of responsibility, he should take it and fight back the coming calamity.
When Grith and Conter saw their boy dragging the Master Sword behind him as he left the Lost Woods with Nell, they were thrilled, repeating the story of his dream to him and asking him what happened in the Great Deku Tree's grove. He told them about how he had gotten lost, how he had heard a strange voice, and how the sword he was holding felt so perfect in his hand. Before they could stop him, Link went to tell the story to the rest of Rauru. Soon the entire village was talking about him and planned to throw a party in his honor. Conter especially was unhappy about this. He thought Link had a bit of an arrogant streak, and he didn't want this getting to his head. Being outed as the chosen hero to too many people, he thought, would only increase Link's ego and possibly put him in danger. Once the party was over he told the villagers and Link to keep this a secret until Link was older and could actually take on the full responsibility of being a hero. They would not treat him any differently than they had before, and Link would never allow being chosen to get to his head.
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sunnycanvas · 11 months
Hello^^ I have been following your blog for a while and like that you want to explore different concepts with Baldwin IV👑🩵
If you don’t mind, would you like to write either a short drabble or Hcs of Baldwin comforting his wife after a really difficult birth? Like, it all turned out okay, the wife is alive, albeit very exhausted, the Baby came out to be strong and healthy, etc. but it was a very risky and long labor, and the physicians weren’t sure if she and the child were going to make it yk? After all, giving birth was highly risky back then, with a much higher mortality rate.
Anyway, I hope you are having a great day and keep up the good work🥳🌈✨
Yelp! It went longer that I expected. Hopefully it lives upto mark. Thank you for your support and happy reading
It felt so peaceful. So dark. I was exhausted and felt solace in darkness. However in my deep slumber I heard a sound of weeping. Someone calling my name. Begging me to come back. "Your grace the queen is fine but really exhausted" "Please let her sleep" "She needs rest to regain strength" . I think I heard some shouts and I don't remember much after that except the fact that I tried opening my eyes but I felt so tired. When I was finally able to open my eyes. I felt my mouth open and chest sweaty huffing desperate to get fresh air. "When did this happen" I thought. It almost felt like a dream .My head was spinning. My throat felt dry. I tried moving a bit when I could feel sticky wet substance below my waist I tried moving my legs again but realised that I was too exhausted to do so . "What's happening" I thought again worried.
"My wife is finally awake, quickly get some water"
My husband took the glass of water from widwife. Baldwin IV made me sit upright as he quickly fed me water. Baldwin IV didn't realise in state of panic how fast he was being in feeding me water. I started coughing as result
"Easy love". He gently rubbed my back as he handed back glass of water to midwife. My husband started kissing me all over my face and then hugged me tightly.
"Darling, you made it" "I am really happy" "When I saw you laying down like that l" "I was so scared, I thought I will never see you again" I could feel my shoulder getting wet from his tears as Baldwin IV kissed my hair while speaking to me. I remembered that when I was going through difficult labour. Although the baby came out alive and strong they weren't sure I would make it. After hearing this I lost consciousness
Remembering about the baby I asked where is the baby right now. Baldwin IV replied that our child was fine and is currently with the midwife who was taking care of baby
"Moment I heard one of the midwife saying that perhaps you might not survive I grew anxious and prayed to God on my knees for some miracle"
I got really scared remembering the pain I had to bear while screaming in agony. I got really nervous realising how close I was knocking at death's door. My husband the king, Baldwin IV was able to comprehend my emotional state. Without hesitation he took off his white cloak and covered me in it. He hugged me again and started drawing circles on arm while singing a lullaby. It worked and I felt myself getting calmer. "My love I am here" "I'll be there to protect you, even if it's my own battle". Hearing this I immediately voiced my thoughts "It had been a tough experience" ."We will have more children I swear it, it would be better for everyone"
"Was that the reason why you decided to have a baby"
Baldwin IV understood the meaning behind my silence. Baldwin IV sat on the bed and said "Yes, it's true that I always wanted to have a family of my own but long before I accepted my fate as leper and decided to live my life in chasity" "I am willing to go back to same life" "I thank God every day that you came in my life perhaps God gave you difficult labour because I was being greedy"
"No, love". "The kingdom needs a heir" "And I will give birth to as many children as possible" Baldwin IV understood the pressure I felt as queen replied "I know my (Y/N)" "And if you feel you don't want to go through it again" "I would have no problem with that, I will happily except our child as first and last". Baldwin IV called one of his ministers and said "Tell the council that I will be taking rest, Raymond of Tripoli could rule in my place for the time being". I was about to protest but Baldwin IV put a finger against my lips shushing me. "You were left alone during your labour, but I won't be leaving you alone after I almost lost you" "Come now love, let's sleep together" "After that we will be taking a bath together and enjoy all the activities you prefer" "You need rest" "I will ensure you won't be going out of my sight for the time being". Baldwin IV got next to me and pulled me closer. "I can't sleep" I complained
"In that case I shall tell you stories of brave knights and kings". I smiled remembering Baldwin IV loved history and foundly I watched him and he excitedly recalled the history stories he learned.
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 3
TW: pregnancies, miscarriages/spontaneous abortions, and other mature themes ahead
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Sukuna can still remember your suppressed whimpers when you believed that he was asleep, how your weight would go up and down every few weeks, and how nothing would interest you, not your foreign books or drawings or koto. No matter how many times you two tried or how faithfully you listened to the advice of your doctors and shamans, children were a faraway dream. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…What’s wrong with me?” You used to cry.
“Nothing,” he always answered, rubbing circles on your back. “Nothing is wrong with you.”
You never seemed to hear him. Sukuna would tirelessly comfort you while reassuring you that spending eternity with only you was his idea of a happy life. However, his words fell on deaf ears. You would always hope, and every single time, your hope would get crushed.
Until you discovered yourself pregnant again for three months. The past pregnancies never lasted for more than a few weeks. Sukuna didn’t want you to hope too much, but how could he resist the brilliant smile of his beloved wife?
He accompanied you to every shop for toys and fabrics and clothes and furniture. He patiently gave his opinions on what the baby’s room should be like. 
You successfully carried to term, your belly round with a healthy child. Sukuna had to admit that it was not an unattractive sight, and despite the protests of the midwives, he stayed by your side, dabbing the sweat from your face and neck as you delivered your precious child. Uraume waited outside with a whole parade of maidservants prepared to help you get washed once everything was over. The cotton blanket which would envelope your baby was washed three times. You wove it yourself, pestering your husband to embroider enchantments for protection and a long, healthy life.
However, as you fell back after giving your final push, you instantly sensed that something was wrong. You had silently turned to your husband. “Ryo?” His head was hanging, unable to meet your gaze. He didn’t need to say anything.
You stopped being you that day.
The Sukuna household, which used to be so full of life and music and cheer, was enveloped in darkness. The one and only madam of the house was given a taste of motherhood like she always prayed, but she was never even able to hear her child’s cry let alone hold them. You stopped leaving the main house. You refused to go down the village to browse for any new foreign products. The maple trees you adored were ignored and the garden you personally tended would have wilted completely if not for Ryomen’s intervention.
You slept on the floor right next to an empty cradle. 
You would have died there too if your husband couldn’t take it and spent three straight days pleading for you to try and go out.
“A merchant passed by and Uraume bought several flowers from him,” he said, trying to make conversation as he eased you into the garden. “I think you’d like them. One species even eats flies.”
It was then, Sukuna recalled, when the two of you heard it.
An inhuman sound came from the bushes.
You hurried to investigate, with Sukuna warily following.
“Oh!” You gasped.
“What is it? Are you hurt?”
As if you hadn’t heard him, you dug into the shrubbery. “Here you are.”
“My love, be careful–”
“Naughty, naughty, you made us worried.” You rose to your feet and started cradling… something. 
Sukuna called your name. He didn’t sense any malicious intent right now but he couldn’t risk you getting hurt.
You turned around. “Ryo-chan, I found him.”
The maids knew better than to show their emotions, but their mouths tingled with the desire to gasp and talk amongst themselves.
Sukuna whispered your name and you walked towards him, arms protectively wrapped around a black-striped overgrown cat. You carried it like one would a newborn. 
You made a fake angry expression at the stupid cat as you scolded it:
“Yuji–” that was the name you and Sukuna agreed on while you were eight months pregnant “–you can’t just disappear without asking permission. You made your father and I worried!”
The cat made a sound that could only be described to be close to a purr, but not quite a purr. 
You giggled and nuzzled its nose. “How can I stay mad at you?”
Sukuna watched as you continued to baby the odd-looking cat. You were the happiest he’s seen you in weeks. He missed your smile.
He no longer cared that it was some stray from some traveling merchant. He didn’t care if the damn thing was eating way too much and growing a hella lot for a simple cat. All that mattered was that you were happy. No servant was allowed to treat your behavior as anything but normal. No one was allowed to even try to destroy the illusion. 
There were times when Sukuna swore he could see clarity in your eyes, when you would watch the sleeping “infant” or when you thought you were alone. A part of you must’ve known.
But because you never stopped treating “Yuji” as your beloved child, he never brought it up.
You were eating, you were smiling. You were happy. That was enough for him.
Though admittedly, he hated the little twerp. 
Not only did “Yuji” get spoonfed and burped personally by the madam of the Sukuna household, you also bathed him, dried and brushed his fur, and let the thing sleep between the two of you. 
It was so annoying.
He couldn’t even embrace his own wife anymore.
Now, over a thousand years later, he still had to share his darling wife with this damn brat.
Part 4: An immediate continuation of this chapter
@laurcad123 @aidanstan @deepinballs @satosuguswife
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naughtyneganjdm · 10 months
Naughty or Nice - Chapter 4
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Summary: Y/N inadvertently gets closer to Negan and his children while also distancing herself further from her family.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Maggie, Glenn, Greene Family, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51464518/chapters/130908127
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, angst, small amounts of smut, etc.
Notes: Thanks for taking the time to read. If you celebrate today, I hope you have a nice day. This is a gift for you if you are bored and need a distraction as well. I appreciate all of you.
It had been a long time since Negan had felt like a teenage boy in love. Yet, with Y/N sitting over him with her fingers hooked with his while they talked, he felt like he did when he was a kid falling in love with Lucille all over again. Between her laughter and her expressions while she asked questions about his life, Negan found himself absolutely smitten with her.
“Favorite color?” Y/N listed off another question making Negan’s nose wrinkle in amusement. “Come on, you spent forever asking me questions. Now it’s my turn.”
“I know, I know. These are serious fucking questions,” Negan teased her, a rumble of laughter falling from his throat with her fingers hooking tighter with his. “Black or red. Most of my attire is black so it’s probably black, but there is something about red that I like.”
“I feel like I probably knew that answer,” she teased him getting more comfortable over him while they learned things about one another. “Favorite drink?”
“Coke. The soda,” Negan answered her, tipping his head back into the pillows from where they were at. “If I’m trying to be healthy, I’m just going to go with water. The coke just sometimes helps me from smoking. I also live on coffee.”
“What’s your favorite kind of coffee?” she followed up with finding herself smitten with the man beneath her while his thumb stroked at her pulse point.
“I like variety. I just need a lot of caffeine to get me through,” Negan informed her with a loud sigh. “I pretty much live on coffee, Coca-Cola and cigarettes. Candy sometimes too.”
“Sounds extreme,” she teased him, bobbing her head when Negan shrugged his shoulders. “Are the cigarettes a stress relief for you?”
“I tried to stop. I really did, but it’s hard,” Negan answered with a long sigh, his dimples sinking in when he thought about all the times he tried to stop in the past for his kids and Lucille. “It’s really the only bad thing I do. Well…for the most part. I tried, but nothing works. It was a bad habit I started in high school and it just never left me.”
“I see,” she hummed adjusting her positioning over him. “What about your favorite food?”
“That kind of switches up too,” Negan knew that he wasn’t giving her the best answers, but they were the most truthful. “I enjoy pizza, hot dogs…occasionally I’m in the mood for some good sushi. I do enjoy lobster rolls when I get the chance to have them.”
“A man of taste,” she snickered leaning down enough to steal a quick kiss from his lips that had him humming out. “Was Lucille the first woman you slept with?”
“She was,” Negan responded against her lips, pulling back enough so that his big eyes were locked with hers. “We were teenagers. Madly in love. And then we kind of fell apart, but time always brought me back to her. What about you? Was Glenn your first?”
“God no,” she snickered, her eyes turning somewhat serious while she thought about the question. “I never found something like what you had with Lucille. So it always makes me happy to hear about things like that. I’m just sad about what happened to her.”
“That’s not your fault,” Negan’s eyebrows furrowed, his lips parting when he thought about Lucille. “No one ever expects to get cancer. Unfortunately, it was pancreatic cancer and it happened so fast. We were told the survival rate was really low, but I was hoping because Lucille was the strongest woman I ever knew she would be able to beat it. I prayed a lot. More than I ever had in my life. It really just taught me to appreciate every moment we have in this life because we don’t know how much time we have left. Because eventually, if you don’t, you find yourself missing out on the things that you could have had all along.”
“Jesus,” she frowned, a lump growing in her throat hearing Negan’s confession to her about his wife. Loosening her fingers with one of his hands, she extended her hand out to sweep in over his cheek in a tender caress. “I’m so sorry.”
“Me too,” Negan whispered, turning into her hand to press a kiss over the inside of her palm. “I think you two would have gotten along very well. She was awesome. Your personalities from what I’ve learned about you are a lot alike. Just two really incredible, badass women that know their worth and just light up a room when they are in it.”
Gazing up at the lights that Y/N had put up in the attic for him, Negan pointed toward them and cracked a smile, “Literally.”
“I feel bad that I never took the time to know you. I just thought you were this guy that hated me because I took the job that you wanted,” she brushed her fingers throughout Negan’s hair, her eyes showing the emotion that she felt for him in that moment. “There is so much more to you than what I thought there was.”
“There is still a lot to learn,” Negan used his free hand to reach up to grasp her jaw between his thumb and index finger. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still an infuriating pain in the ass at times. Don’t think I’m not. I can be the biggest asshole. I have a swearing problem and the humor of a teenage boy. But there are a lot of layers here.”
“No kidding,” she smirked enjoying the way that his thumb caressed over her jawline. Sighing, she lowered down in over Negan and cuddled her head in against his chest. Almost immediately Negan wrapped her up in his arms to hold her, his chin cuddling in over the top of her head. Listening to the sounds of his strong heartbeat, she sighed and bit down on her bottom lip. “Negan? What’s wrong with Maggie?”
“What do you mean?” Negan’s fingers caressed up and over the lengths of her back, leading to her neck while she got comfortable over him.
“Maggie was always the perfect one. Everyone loved Maggie. Everyone,” she educated Negan about the past with her sister. “I never hated Maggie, she really was the whole package. Beautiful, outgoing, charming…”
“I don’t think there is anything wrong with Maggie,” Negan began, a loud exhale falling from his throat when the idea of his girlfriend was fresh on the mind. “Maggie is beautiful and there are a lot of good things about her. I just…when you know, you know. And I never felt that spark with her. I enjoy having her around, but I know it’s more so a case of I like not feeling lonely. I love Maggie, but I’m not in love with Maggie. I know that sounds awful. It’s just there are some people you connect with, but not in a way where you feel like you are meant to be with that person.”
“And why do you think I’m that person?” she leaned back, pressing her hand in over his chest to steal a look up at him. All of this perplexed her. When it came to it, anyone in her life that knew both her and Maggie always picked Maggie. “You’re so convinced that there is something here.”
“Because last night, I felt that spark. Fuck, it hit me like a bag of bricks,” Negan responded, his fingers sweeping in over the side of her face. Everything he said seemed so sincere and it took her breath away. No one in her life really ever said the things to her that Negan was saying. “When you meet that person, you feel physical pain when you’re not with them. After you walked out of that car, I was in pain because I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to see you. When you texted me last night, I was smiling so much that Beau asked me if something good happened at work because I looked happier than I usually did. Most of my life, I put on this fake smile,” Negan flashed the charming, bright smile that he always had on his face before exhaling and shaking his head, “but it’s usually fake. It’s a façade. I hide my pain behind these fucking dimples and this smile. But last night, it was real. And my boy caught onto it because he is more perceptive than anyone I know. Once you and I connected…I just know this is it.”
“It’s been one day,” she reminded him and he shrugged. It was something she also had to remind herself. Yes, she had known Negan for a few months, but they really hadn’t connected on a personal level until last night.
“I don’t care,” Negan breathed out, his fingers brushing her hair out of her face. “I know how I feel. I know it’s wrong and I feel…bad, but Maggie shouldn’t be with someone that doesn’t feel that special feeling that I’m describing. And I don’t think Glenn deserves to be led on either.”
“Glenn is such a good guy,” she noted, her sigh loud when she laid her head back down over Negan’s chest. “There is nothing wrong with Glenn either. That’s why I always thought the problem was me. Why would I not be satisfied with someone who is perfect?”
“Like I said, someone can be perfect. But that doesn’t mean they are perfect for you,” Negan responded, his heartrate growing faster the more he thought about things. Being with Maggie was Negan settling. And that was not what he deserved in life. “I know it might feel like we’re rushing things here Y/N, but fuck…after how I lost the last person I care about, why would I want to waste any time with someone I feel so strongly for?”
“I’m not supposed to like you like this,” she gasped feeling Negan rolling her over onto her back so that way he could crawl in over her pinning her beneath him. Having Negan’s eyes on hers like they were took her breath away. “Everything says we shouldn’t be together.”
“Yet here we fucking are,” Negan slurred, his fingers curling around the side of her neck and his thumb drawing out over her jawline. “I’ll deal with the repercussions and I will take them head on. Because you…you take my fucking breath away. In all the right ways. Even the first time I saw you…God, you are so fucking beautiful…”
“You and your ridiculous fucking dimples,” she huffed, lifting up to bring them together to eagerly kiss him with all the passion that had been building up between them. Cupping his face in her palms, she knew that every time he opened his mouth, she found herself falling harder and harder for this man. “It’s not fair the way you make me feel.”
“Nothing is ever fair,” Negan groaned when she nibbled at his bottom lip. Hooking his arm around her waist, he brought her up closer to him and softly bucked up against her. “But we have to make the most of things.”
“You’re very persuasive,” she moaned out, lifting her head to see that his hips were rubbing up against her again and again in slow, forward movements. The friction felt incredible having her heart skip a beat. Kisses were pressed down the side of her neck while Negan’s hands started to open her pants up. “It’s probably a bad thing that we can’t keep our hands off each other, Negan.”
“You say it’s a problem, I think it’s a good fucking thing,” Negan growled, tugging the material of her jeans further down her hips while she worked with his pants again to get them open. Hovering his lips over hers and balancing his weight on his hands, he smiled and shook his head. “It means we both like each other a lot. How can that be a problem?”
Scrambling to get his pants down his waist, she gasped when Negan adjusted her body easily on the bed crawling in over her. Her knees were locked with her pants still around them keeping her thighs close together when Negan led his hard cock toward her body. Tracing the tip through her folds had her crying out at the sensation.
“Please…” she begged hearing him snicker in response, his eyelashes fluttered with a wicked smirk tugging at his lips. Tapping the swollen head of his cock against her clitoris had her whimpering and he adjusted his body to move in over her. Right when Negan was about to go forward with what they both wanted, she heard the sound of a car outside. Shoving into Negan, she heard him grunt when he fell off her and onto the ground in a thud. Pulling her pants up, she couldn’t help but laugh that she had managed to knock Negan completely off the bed. Looking down over the side of the bed, she saw that Negan was pulling his pants up his body, his jaw flexing while he stared up at her. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“You’re stronger than I thought,” Negan pouted lifting his hips up to pull his jeans back up over them. Adjusting, he attempted to press himself back into the tight confines of his jeans, but it was kind of hard with an erection. It hurt, but he knew that the sound of a car definitely meant everyone was home since they were in the middle of nowhere.
“Do you hate me now?” she wondered, her eyebrows bouncing up when Negan got to his knees. That question amused Negan, his snort loud enough for her to hear when he leaned forward. Brushing his lips over hers, Negan let the kiss linger. Every kiss from him took her breath away. A kiss from Negan was one of the most addictive things she had experienced. And that worried her.
“No, but this hurts,” Negan looked down with a huff, standing up from the floor and looking down at the bulge in his pants. Shifting, Negan wiggled his hips and pressed his hand in over his groin to adjust his body. Shaking his head, he knew that it wasn’t working and grumbled under his breath. “Fuck. I need to run and go put cold water or something on this before the kids run in here and make it weird.”
“The kids?” she heard the front door opening of the house. It didn’t give her much time to think before Negan was scrambling down the stairs in attempts to rush to the bathroom before anyone got up here. And it was a good thing he did that. There were footsteps heard almost immediately after she got up from the bed to start going back to putting the decorations on the tree that she had previously started doing for Negan.
“Dad! The food was absolute shit, but they had this pie that was really good, so I got Maggie to buy us a whole pie that…” Beau’s voice was heard as he moved up the steps to Negan’s room, his words coming to a halt when he reached the top of the stairs. “Holy shit.”
“Oh, hey,” Y/N gazed back over her shoulder at Beau who was holding onto a big white box. “Sorry about the food. I could have told you that the food was crap. It’s better in the small town that isn’t far away from here, but you’re right about the pies. They are pretty good.”
“Hey,” Beau didn’t know what to say, eyeing over Y/N while she was in his father’s room setting up some decorations. “Did you do all of this?”
“Uh, yeah,” she spoke up, throwing her hand up in the air to point to the decorations. This was awkward. Not because of Beau, but because her face was flushed over and her heart was hammering in her chest. Thankfully things didn’t get further with Negan because then this would have been really uncomfortable. “I wanted to help your father feel more at home with things.”
“My mom used to do things like this,” Beau informed Y/N finally getting up into the attic with her grasping tightly to the box that he had in his hands. There seemed to be a sense of awe in his eyes while he looked everything over. “Every room in our house was decorated like this. This is really cool. It’s been a while since I’ve seen something like it.”
“It sounds like your mom was a really cool person,” Y/N noted to Negan’s son, her heart racing knowing that she was just in a rather promiscuous position with Beau’s father not much earlier. And now that she was alone with Beau when Negan was downstairs doing God knows what in the bathroom, it made things complicated, but she was doing her best to act normal. “I’m glad that something like this could bring memories of her back for you.”
“Everything reminds me of her it seems. Especially around Christmas,” Beau shrugged his shoulders and moved over to set the pie box down on the table. Moving beside Y/N he looked down at the box of decorations and pointed to them. “You need help?”
“I’d love help,” she responded with a nod of her head, gazing over Negan’s son who seemed excited to be able to do something like this. “Did you and your mom used to do things like this?”
“All the time. She went crazy with decorations, but we loved it. It made everything more magical,” Beau answered her with a bright, vibrant smile that almost matched what she knew was Negan’s. “It’s why I feel bad for Erin. She was really young when my mom passed away, so I don’t know if she will remember the fun that we had. My mom loved Halloween too, so things lingered a little longer than they probably should have, but when it was time for Christmas decorations, there wasn’t a room in the apartment that wasn’t lit up.”
“I understand your mom doing that. I do the same thing, it just makes me feel more at home. Christmas doesn’t really feel like Christmas if your house isn’t covered in copious amounts of decorations,” Y/N muttered hearing Beau snicker and nod his head. “Do you want to decorate the room that you are staying in?”
“Is there stuff to do that?” Beau wondered, his eyes seemingly excited at the idea. “I mean, we would have to do it with Erin’s room too. If you have enough for just one, we can do it for her. She’s younger and it’s more important for her to be able to have something like this.”
“I think we can manage to pull enough together for both of you,” she smirked hearing how eager Negan’s son was to make sure that his younger sister had a good experience. “Are you more of a reindeer guy or a snowman guy? I think we have a lot of decorations with those two things. We can give each room a theme.”
“Probably reindeers,” Beau replied and she gave him a firm nod. Looking around the room, Beau let out a huff and realized that he completely forgot that his father wasn’t even in the room. “Where is my dad?”
“He had to run to the restroom,” Y/N answered, her throat tensing up knowing that Negan was going to be having some issues for a while. Accepting the answer, Beau went back to decorating the tree and she sighed. “You look so much like your dad.”
“Is that a good or bad thing?” Beau’s nose wrinkled and it made her smile. “You might hate my dad, so that’s why I’m asking.”
“It’s a good thing,” she half laughed with a shake of her head. “I don’t dislike your father. At all.”
“Also a good thing,” Beau noted, digging through the box of decorations to see what they had in them. “I look like my dad, Erin looks like my mom. Weird how that works.”
“I’ve never seen your mom,” Y/N realized that Negan had spoken about Lucille, but like he had mentioned last night, she had never made it around to the other side of his desk to actually see the photos that were in Negan’s office.
“I can fix that,” Beau motioned her to wait pulling out his cell phone from his pocket. Holding it up, Beau flashed on the screen to show her the image that was his background photo. It was a family photo that was likely taken in the fall with a younger Beau, Erin with Negan and Lucille.”
“She was beautiful,” Y/N complimented Beau’s mother leaning into get a better look at her. That wasn’t a lie. Lucille was beautiful and you could tell that everyone in the photo was close. It was a sweet moment and their family looked happy back then. Hell, even Negan looked happier back then. “You have some of her features too.”
“Thank you,” Beau sighed pushing his phone back into his pocket. “Is Annette your mother too?”
“She’s my stepmom,” Y/N answered with a nod of her head. “But she’s the only woman that has been in my life, so she is kind of my mother.”
“What happened to your mom?” Beau inquired and the sound of steps were heard. Looking back over her shoulder, Y/N saw that Negan was making his way back up with the two of them.
“She died after giving birth to me,” Y/N informed Beau hearing the loud exhale that fell from Beau’s throat. “I never really knew her. And I don’t really know what she looked like because my father doesn’t have any pictures around. He’s never really been big about showing things to me.”
“I’m sorry,” Beau stood still for a minute, unsure of what to do before stepping forward to give Y/N an unexpected hug. Standing there she lifted her head to look to Negan making sure it was okay. With a nod, Negan stayed back watching her lower her arms to wrap them around Beau to return the gesture. “Your mom is a big part of growing up. I’m sorry you weren’t able to experience that.”
“It’s not your fault,” she stammered, her head lowering with surprise at how sweet Negan’s son was being. Hearing his words drew her eyes to burn and she felt them damp. God, it had been so long since she had even thought about her mother. “I guess I learned to stop thinking about her because of my dad.”
“Your dad should have never done that,” Beau lifted his head, stepping back and away from Y/N. “He should have kept the memory of her alive in your heart. You’re part of her and you always will be. Maybe we can find a photo around here somewhere?”
“Beau?” Negan spoke up and it made Beau look over his shoulder at his father as Negan finally made it up to the top step. Unsure of how Y/N would react to what Beau was saying, Negan was trying to change the subject so she didn’t get hurt from his son’s innocent curiosity. “How’s it going kiddo?”
“I was just helping Y/N finish decorating this tree,” Beau pointed toward the tree and Negan pushed his hands into his pockets. “She said that she would help me decorate my room downstairs and also Erin’s. It will be like when we had Christmas with mom. With all of our rooms decorated.”
“That’s really nice of her,” Negan noted, his eyes connecting with Y/N’s when Beau went back to finishing putting up what he had for the tree. “Where is your little sister?”
“She is downstairs with Maggie and Glenn. I think Maggie wanted to show something to Glenn and she wanted to see too,” Beau waved his hand about in the air after he finished. Going over to the box that he brought for his dad, he handed Negan over the box and smiled. “They have your dinner and Y/N’s dinner downstairs, but I actually got this pie because I really liked it. It was the only thing that was actually good. You both can have some if you want. You should probably eat your dinner before it gets crazy cold.”
“Good idea kiddo,” Negan placed his hand in over the small of Beau’s back to help lead him toward the stairs. After Y/N put a star on top of the tree, she gave a final once over before nodding her head. “Let’s go eat.”
“Sure thing,” she went to follow Beau down the stairs, but Negan stopped her. Leaning in, Negan pressed a drawn out kiss over her cheek, his fingers brushing over her jawline after he pulled back. “What was that for?”
“For being good to my kid,” Negan whispered, his eyebrows bouncing up and his fingers hooking with hers to lead her down the stairs with him. At the bottom of the stairs, Beau was waiting for them and his hazel eyes fell upon the two of them holding hands. Gradually Negan’s fingers slipped from Y/N’s and Beau tipped his head to the side. “Lead the way young man.”
When they made their way downstairs, Glenn and Maggie were standing by the fireplace while Maggie held Erin in her arms. They were enthusiastically talking about something, but Beau was tugging them both toward the kitchen. Stumbling in attempts to catch up with his son, Negan felt Beau urging him down at the kitchen table and he chuckled. Beau did the same with Y/N before bringing them two takeout containers.
“Here is your food,” Beau looked over his shoulder around the kitchen. “Hey Y/N? Do you know where the plates are so I can get all of us a slice of pie?”
“Just let me do that for you kiddo,” she suggested getting up from the table urging Beau to sit at the other side of his father. Negan flipped open his takeout container to see that there were chicken tenders and fries inside.
“Trust me, this looked like it was the best,” Beau tapped the top of the table making Negan smirk when he stole a fry and plopped it into his mouth. Smirking, Beau stared out at Y/N as she moved around the kitchen to her father’s home trying to relearn everything. Sliding in closer to Negan, Beau spoke up in a whisper doing his best to hide his words from Y/N. “She reminds me of mom.”
“Hmm?” Negan looked back over his shoulder to see the way that Y/N was standing at the middle of the kitchen trying to plan out her next move. “Y/N?”
“I mean she probably doesn’t, but when I saw her decorating upstairs it reminded me of mom,” Beau explained, remaining quiet while Y/N moved around the kitchen to grab everything she needed for them to have pie. Y/N set two regular sized plates out for her and Negan for their dinners. Setting out three smaller plates for the pie, she cut a slice for each of them before holding her finger out. “What are you doing?”
“We’re going to need a piece for your sister,” Y/N responded and Beau immediately nudged Negan with his shoulder causing Negan to snicker.
“What?” Negan took another fry and chewed on it slowly when Beau looked excited about something. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Beau rolled his eyes and happily accepted the two plates that Y/N handed him of the pie. After she had everything on the table, Y/N pulled open her box to see that they had gotten her a sandwich of some kind. Negan eyed it over and she held out her box for him to see.
“You want to share?” she offered to him seeing Negan eyeball her food and his. Grabbing half of her sandwich, Negan grabbed half of his chicken tenders and gave them to her for them to share. Holding her finger up she motioned him to wait while she went to go grab ketchup for the fries. An inevitable smile tugged at Negan’s lips while he watched her, but Negan straightened his posture when he noticed that Beau was watching him while he was eating his pie that Y/N had given him. Sharing the small plate of ketchup that Y/N had brought for them, Negan cleared his throat and knew that his son was catching onto things and that wasn’t good.
“You two share meals a lot at work?” Beau interrogated them, poking at his plate with his fork watching both Negan and Y/N go for the sandwich first to eat. Negan looked to Y/N who swallowed down hard and shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t realize the two of you were so close.”
“Your dad and I just work on a lot of projects together,” Y/N answered back knowing that really didn’t answer Beau’s question. “We’re used to being around one another.”
“Mhmm…” Beau hummed when he took another big bite of the pie that Y/N had brought for him. Beau finished off his pie while Negan and Y/N ate their meals that they were sharing together. Once they made it to their pie, they heard the sound of movement in the kitchen.
“Daddy!” Erin’s voice called out and Negan slid his chair back, his arms holding out for Erin to jump into his arms. Giving his daughter a big hug, Negan nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck which had her giggling. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too baby girl,” Negan peppered her cheek with kisses before she wiggled out of his arms once Beau motioned her to come take a seat next to him so she could have the pie that Y/N had gotten for her. “Did you two have a good time with Maggie’s family?”
“It was kind of strange,” Beau was honest, his expressive eyebrows bouncing up. “We only knew Maggie there so it was weird being with a group of strangers. Glenn is really nice. And he knows a lot about video games. Him and Maggie seemed to get along well.”
“Oh?” Y/N’s eyebrow arched in curiosity watching Beau help Erin cut up her pie for her to eat.
“Hey, you two are down here,” Maggie’s voice interrupted that thought drawing their attention to the entrance of the kitchen. “I was about to come up and get you Negan.”
“Little man came and grabbed me,” Negan informed Maggie with a mouthful of the last bite of the pie that they had brought home. “You doing good?”
“Yeah. Glenn and I were just talking about that snow globe that I got when I was younger for Christmas,” Maggie turned her attention to Y/N who in return seemed surprised that Maggie was talking to her about something. “I guess Glenn’s family got him the same snow globe. You remember how much I loved that thing?”
“That’s cool,” Y/N offered up a tiny smile, nodding her head. Glenn made his way around the table, his hands squeezing softly over her shoulders. Tipping her head back, Glenn lowered down to press a faint kiss over her lips and it made Negan look down toward his plate with a discomfort flooding his body. “You having a good night honey?”
“Yeah, everyone is really friendly. They are going to watch some movies tonight. Apparently, Hershel takes a projector that he has and uses the whole wall as a screen,” Glenn described what he had learned to Y/N who smirked considering it was her own father that Glenn was talking about. “That should be cool.”
“Yeah, if you want to do that, I think that’s cool,” Y/N lifted her hand to place it in over Glenn’s to give it a supportive squeeze. “I promised Beau that I would help him decorate both his and Erin’s room for Christmas to help them feel at home here. While I do that, you can watch the movies with them if you feel comfortable.”
“Say what?” Erin looked between Beau and Y/N, a crooked smile tugging at her young features. “That sounds fun!”
“That’s very nice of you,” Maggie complimented Y/N on what she had just told them. “Do you need some help?”
“That’s up to you. I know you like movie nights,” Y/N pushed away from the table to look up at her older sister. A long exhale fell from her throat when Maggie reached her hand out and Y/N accepted it, giving it a small squeeze. “I think I can handle these kids. Dad has a lot of the lights still upstairs in the attic. I just ask you to take care of Glenn. Don’t let dad scare him too much.”
“He’s actually been really nice to me,” Glenn claimed with a tiny smile finding relief in knowing that Hershel was treating him good compared to what he had seen with Negan earlier. “I was worried after what he did with Negan, I would be next in the lineup.”
Negan grumbling under his breath had Maggie laughing and she moved around the table to step in behind him. Caressing her hands in over Negan’s shoulders, she slid them down over the center of his chest and leaned down to press a kiss against Negan’s cheek, “It’s okay baby.”
“I don’t know why that man hates me,” Negan frowned knowing that Maggie was Hershel’s favorite, but Hershel never really even knew Negan. So it didn’t make sense for Hershel to hate him so much. “By the end of this trip I’m sure that he will open up to you.”
“Good luck with that,” Beau snickered from where he was sitting and it made Maggie laugh before looking to Beau to hush him. “I’m just saying Maggie. That was intense what happened earlier. Your dad hates my dad and I don’t think that’s changing.”
“You feeling okay after everything?” Maggie questioned, her fingers stroking at the revealed skin over Negan’s chest. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“Thankfully I’m quick on my feet,” Negan responded knowing that while he was a little sore, he didn’t actually get physically hurt. “I think my pride is just down because of the fact I ended up face first in a pile of mud.”
“We all fall sometimes daddy. That’s okay,” Erin suggested and they all knew that Erin was too young to understand that Hershel was purposely trying to hurt Negan earlier. “I’ve done it before too. Sometimes those kind of things just happen,” Negan brought Erin’s hand up to place a delicate kiss over it. “Are we going to watch the movies tonight?”
“I think we need to help Beau and Y/N with the decorations honey,” Negan explained and Y/N shook her head, finishing off the pie that she had. “Are you sure?”
“I can handle it all on my own if all of you want to watch the movie. I don’t mind. I like that stuff,” Y/N offered to decorate the children’s rooms if they wanted to take in the movies that her father would play for Christmas.
“I’d like to help you,” Beau interjected letting them know how he felt about things. “I like doing that kind of stuff. I don’t mind if dad and Erin watch movies with everyone else. I think it would be cool.”
“I’m okay with that,” Y/N looked to Negan for permission who gave her a single nod. “And if you guys get sick of watching the movies, you can always come to help us. What do you think?”
“I think that sounds like a deal,” Negan leaned back toward where Maggie was holding onto him, but he outstretched his hand to place it over Y/N’s hand. Giving Y/N a wink, Negan sighed and pulled his hand back. “Thank you. That’s very nice.”
After they finished with dinner, Y/N made sure that everyone was comfortable before heading back up toward the attic to gather things. Beau followed along with her and he was rather quiet compared to earlier so she hoped he wasn’t getting nervous being around her alone. Beau suggested they do Erin’s room first, so that’s what they did. They put things up quickly before getting to Beau’s room where they seemed to linger a bit.
“What’s your favorite thing about Christmas?” Y/N spoke up and Beau looked over at her surprised that she was trying to make small talk with him. “You have to have a favorite thing, right?”
“I think my favorite things are more so the memories that I have,” Beau answered with a frown while he worked to help put the lights up around the room. “Baking cookies with my parents. Bringing out all of the boxes with my mom to go through things. Just sitting by the fire with my mom and having hot chocolate. Dad coming to get me and Erin when the Christmas presents were under the tree so we could be excited. He always made a big deal about it. They were so much fun.”
“That sounds really nice,” she commented on Beau’s memories seeing the way he took a minute to think about things, his dimples sinking in before smiling. “When I was younger, I was kind of the black sheep of my family. I always dreamt of those Hallmark movie families. You know?”
“I think that was my mom’s goal in life. For us to be like one of those sickeningly loving families,” Beau snickered, turning to face Y/N while she held onto the lights that were in her hands. “All of that sounds cool to me. You know? The small town, going to the events…it was fun. But of course, we lived in New York so we still got to do really cool stuff. All the time. It’s probably cooler than those small-town movies.”
“What do you want to do before Christmas? What would be your ideal list of things to do?” Y/N pushed for an answer seeing the way that Beau tipped his head to the side. Holding her finger up, she set things down on the bed and then moved for the desk to sit down. “Can I use this paper here?”
“Sure?” Beau moved over to the bed to take a seat on the edge of it, his fingers curling around it in curiosity. Y/N seemed to be writing something down and he cleared his throat uneasily. “What are you doing?”
“Give me a list of things you want to do before Christmas and we will try to get them done,” she suggested and it made Beau laugh. “What?”
“You don’t even know me,” Beau reminded her and she shrugged her shoulders. “Why would you do that for me?”
“Why not? I always wanted to have that tight-knit family like those in the movies and you miss doing things with your mom. Let’s make both things happen for us so Christmas can be special for both of us. Obviously, I’m not your mom, but I would like you to have that kind of magic back into your life for the holiday,” she offered and it made Beau’s hazel eyes get big with awe for what she said. “So have at it. Tell me what you want to do.”
“I want to make sugar cookies with Erin. The way that mom used to. Where it was messy and just fun,” Beau listed off the first thing he could think of, his head lowering when he gathered his thoughts and Y/N wrote it down. “I want to go ice skating at night under the stars. I want to go sledding and build a snowman as a family. Do they do events in the nearest small town?”
“They do,” she informed him with a small nod of her head. “They have a big Christmas tree where people get together and sing carols. They have Santa in town with some reindeer that they let the kids see. There is a family that has a farm out here with a lot of woods. They have a mile long walk where the woods is just filled with loads of lights and interactive things to do.”
“Can we do all that?” Beau whispered, his tone unsure and it made her smile faintly before nodding. “Are you sure? It’s not that many days until it’s Christmas.”
“We’ll make it happen,” she assured Beau with a shrug of her shoulders. “They have these really cool shops down at the center of the town where they have a lot of exciting things going on too. It’s not like the shops at Bryant park, but there are some cool interactive activities that you can do along with Erin.”
“That sounds fun,” Beau nodded his head about, rubbing his hands together. “I know it sounds stupid, but I just would do anything to get that kind of happiness that I did when I was with my mom. When it was all of us.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to bring back that joy that you had with your mother here, but if I can do things to make you and your sister happy…to give you some ounce of joy, then it’s worth it to me,” she whispered, lowering down the list that she had written for them. Looking down at the papers, she bit down on her bottom lip and sighed. “You like to paint, right?”
“I do,” Beau responded seeing her writing something else down on the paper that she had for him. “Why?”
“I was just thinking about something that I used to do as a kid. It’s not really a Christmas thing, but it really helped me in my time of sadness while I was stuck here,” she informed Beau, folding the paper up and sliding it into her pocket. “We’re gonna make all of this happen kiddo.”
“Thank you,” Beau gave her a weak smile before they went back to working on the decorations in his room. After a while, Beau stood beside Y/N at the center of his room once they were finished to get a look at everything. “So…you and my dad?”
“What about us?” she muttered, her eyes gazing upon the work that they did together.
“I never realized the two of you were so close,” Beau pointed out, rocking back and forth on his feet when he thought back to seeing the two of them holding hands earlier. Something seemed to change in Y/N’s eyes when Beau mentioned the two of them being close and it intrigued him. “I mean my dad always talked really well about you. Complimented you and your work ethic all the time.”
“I thought your dad hated me for a while,” she stated with a frown knowing that she was ignorant to the way things really were with Negan at first. “I don’t know if he told you, but our boss gave me the job that your dad wanted. A lot. So I thought he might hate me for that.”
“No, I don’t think he hates you,” Beau shook his head, his head tipping back and forth. “Yes, he was really upset when he didn’t get that job, but my dad got over it. I think he knows that he has a good job. That he gets paid well. After my mom, I just don’t think he takes things that deep. There is so much in the world to be upset about. That was not something that was worth ruining his life for.”
“Yeah,” she didn’t know how to respond to Beau so she just nodded her head about. “How do you feel about Maggie?”
“Should I be honest with you?” Beau didn’t know whether to answer her question legitimately or to lie. Hearing her laugh, he shrugged his shoulders and turned toward her. “I think Maggie is nice. But I don’t feel a bond or a connection to her. She’s hard to really click with. I think she gets an idea in her head and she can’t really get it out. Again, she’s really nice and she does good things, but…I don’t know.”
Beau seemed shy when it came to talking about Maggie. Maybe he was afraid of offending Y/N, but he wasn’t upsetting her at all. She just wanted to get a feel for how things were with Maggie and Negan’s son. If Beau loved Maggie, it would have only made her feel worse about what was going on with her and Negan.
“Do you want to go watch movies with your dad and your sister?” Y/N inquired, pointing toward the door that was open, but it was followed up with a sigh. “That’s a no?”
“Can we take another minute to just talk about things?” Beau proposed surprising her that he would want to talk to her. Thinking things over, she grabbed a pencil and one of his drawing pads. When she handed it to him, Beau tipped his head to the side. “What is this?”
“I will sit and talk with you if you draw for me. We’ll do a game. I’ll draw you, you draw me. We’ll pick two Christmas type items to add to the photo. What do you say?” she offered up a sense of something fun to keep Beau interested. It made him laugh, but he pulled his feet up onto the bed and rest back against the headboard. “I’ll give you, reindeers and penguins.”
“Okay. I’ll give you Christmas lights and a Santa hat,” Beau gave her the two items that he thought of first. Starting to sketch something, Beau’s face twisted when he kept looking up at her. “It’s probably not fair that I’m just a beginner and you are the second in charge at your company.”
“That means nothing. Some kids are more talented than I am,” she claimed while she got comfortable in the chair sketching the shape of Beau’s face out. “When did you pick up drawing?”
“I saw my dad doing it all the time and I think I wanted to be like him,” Beau declared thinking about his past of when he started to draw. “Dad would just draw stupid, silly things all the time. Both him and my mom would always put notes in my lunch for school. Other kids would tease me, but it never bothered me. I had parents that loved me and wanted me to know it. I thought that was cool.”
“That’s really sweet,” she found it charming hearing that about both Negan and his late wife. The way that Beau talked about his parents, she could tell that they were both incredibly loving with their children.
“I carry two notes on me. I have one from my dad when I did my first big play where I was the leading role and I have the last letter that my mom ever wrote me,” Beau exhaled loudly making Y/N lift her eyes to stare out at Beau who seemed conflicted with his emotions. “I don’t ever leave home without them.”
“I’m sorry Beau,” she spoke softly and it drew his eyes up from what he was drawing. “I can tell you were really close to your mom. I don’t understand things about this world. You losing your mom…it’s not fair.”
“Just like it’s not fair that your mother was taken away from you,” Beau speculated and it made her stop. It wasn’t often that she got to think about her mother, but on occasions when she did, she did often feel cheated with life. “It’s not your fault Y/N. You’re like me. We’re both broken, but we’re doing our best to make others happy.”
“You sound so much like your father,” she felt like she had been kicked in the gut when those words left Beau’s lips. It made her lower her drawing down and she shook her head. “You’re like a mini version of him.”
Hearing that made Beau lower his drawing pad and he cleared his throat uneasily, “You and dad are closer than people think, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know,” she felt embarrassed that she just blurt that out to Negan’s son damning herself for saying that. “We work together a lot. So I guess we could be viewed as pretty close sometimes.”
“Close enough for my dad to tell you that he was broken? And that you were broken too?” Beau muttered, shifting forward on the bed to stare out at her. There was a silence that surrounded them and Beau sighed. “Maggie doesn’t understand that. You know that?”
“Doesn’t understand what?” she tried to focus on something other than her relationship with Negan when she went back to sketching her drawing of Beau.
“That he’s still broken. My dad needs to be with someone that makes him happy. And it’s not Maggie. I just think he feels like he owes her something. That’s why we are here. He’s afraid that if he turns Maggie away, he’s going to be alone again,” Beau informed Y/N, his throat tensing up and he shook his head. Going back to his drawing, Beau knew it was a lot to put on a stranger but he didn’t often get to talk to someone who knew Maggie as well. “I don’t like Maggie for my dad. They make good friends, but she doesn’t make him happy like my mother did. He hides behind a fake smile. It’s not real. That’s why I don’t get why we’re here with Maggie’s family. It’s not true love like it was with my mom. There is something missing behind his eyes when he’s around her.”
“Have you talked to him about it?” she spoke quietly knowing that they had the door open and she didn’t know if people would be near to hear them.
“I have,” Beau responded with a frown, getting comfortable again. “I know he agrees with me. I just think he’s scared.”
“I understand that,” Y/N thought back on her own engagement. The only reason that she was engaged to Glenn was because she didn’t want to hurt him. Never did she think she would be engaged to Glenn. Like Negan, she just liked having the company. She wasn’t used to nice people and Glenn was very nice. At this point, she knew that she was Glenn’s first big relationship. “Sometimes adults do things because they feel like they must. I think that’s kind of where your dad is.”
“So you agree that him and Maggie shouldn’t be together?” Beau confirmed with her, but that question caught up with her and she didn’t know how to respond. “You don’t have to lie to me Y/N. Your secrets are safe with me.”
“No. I don’t think him and Maggie should be together,” she whispered lowering down the sketch again, her eyes narrowing while she stared out at Beau. “Not with the things that your father has said to me. I agree with you. I don’t think they fit well together.”
“I’m glad I’m not alone,” Beau bobbed his head about before going back to working on the project she gave him. “You’ve already bonded with me more than Maggie has. And I’ve known you for a day.”
“Like you said kid, people like you and me…we just click,” she gave Beau a wink which made him smirk. It took a while before she was done with her drawing and Beau finished not long after. “I’ll show you mine first and then you show me yours?”
Beau gave her a nod, holding his drawing pad close to his chest when she turned her drawing around to show Beau. It looked exactly like Beau, except she drew him with a Santa hat on his head and a necklace that had large bulbs to represent his request of Christmas lights. Sliding closer to the bottom of the bed, Beau couldn’t help but smile.
“Now I feel silly,” Beau turned his drawing around to show that he had drawn her more in a cartoon form wearing reindeer antlers. It was cute, but the first thing that really caught her attention was the penguin character that he had sitting on her shoulder in his drawing. “I could have done realism, but I went with what I was feeling right now. Which I guess was more cartoon like or comic?”
“Beau, it’s me,” she felt happiness sharing this moment with Negan’s son when she reached out for the drawing. Gazing it over, she was in awe of what he had actually done and she shook her head. “I love this. I can keep this?”
“You want it?” Beau was shocked that she wanted the drawing that he had done. “Really?”
“I do,” she watched Beau reach for the drawing pad to carefully pull the sheet of paper out. Going to hand it to her, she shook her head and nodded to it. “Please sign it for me. I want to keep this forever so when you are a big artist, I can say I have one of your originals.”
“Stop,” Beau snickered, his dimples becoming more prominent when he signed his name on the bottom right corner of the drawing. “It’s a silly drawing.”
“That I’m going to cherish,” she clung to the art and saw him nodding toward her paper.
“Can I keep yours?” Beau inquired, his eyebrows bouncing up and she nodded writing something on the drawing before handing it over to him. Reading what she wrote had his features turning very serious before a small smile tugged at his lips. “To Beau, your heart shines brighter than the sun. Never stop being you because you’re one in a million. You’re a shining star in the night sky.”
“I’m lame,” she informed him standing up from the chair that she was seated in, throwing her hands up in the air. “I’m going to go put this in my room so I don’t lose it. And then we should probably go make sure everyone is okay.”
“Yeah,” Beau agreed with her, sitting at the center of his bed when she left his room. Clearing his throat, he folded the drawing up and reached for the wallet that he carried. Putting it in his wallet, he stood up from the bed in time to meet Y/N at the door.
Once they made it downstairs together, they saw that Negan had fallen asleep at his corner of the couch with Erin cuddled into his chest watching the movie that was on the wall with big eyes. Maggie was in the middle talking to Glenn who was sitting at the other end.
“How is it going?” Y/N sat on the arm of the couch, reaching out to caress over Glenn’s shoulders. Her touch made him smile, his head tipping back so he could stare up at her. “Is Maggie treating you good?”
“Yeah, it’s been nice,” Glenn explained, his fingers reaching up to hook with hers. Moving around the couch, Beau knelt down and took a seat in front of the couch resting his head against Negan’s knee. The touch made Negan’s eyes flutter to an open. Lifting his head, Negan saw that it was Beau resting against his knee and he smiled. Brushing his fingers through his son’s hair, Negan got more comfortable cuddling Erin in closer to him. “It’s been a very relaxing day.”
“I’m glad it’s been relaxing for you,” Negan snorted in a whisper from where he was and it made Maggie chuckle. Maggie reached out to brush her fingers through Negan’s somewhat messy hair and she frowned. “I’m exhausted.”
“Once the movie is over, we’ll get all of you to bed. Okay?” Maggie dragged her palm down over the side of Negan’s face. Right now Y/N was actually happy that both Beau and Erin were taking up the space with Negan so Maggie couldn’t cuddle with Negan. Whatever they were watching was near the end, but Negan could barely keep his eyes open. It was actually sweet seeing how tired Negan was for her. By the time the movie reached the end, Erin started poking at her father’s cheek getting his heavy eyelids to open in a sluggish motion. “Movie is over Negan.”
“I know that. I was awake the whole time,” Negan yawned, adjusting on the couch and standing up. Keeping his arm hooked around Erin, he pulled her up with him and then reached for Beau’s hand to help him up from the ground. “Let’s get you guys to bed.”
“We’ll be right up,” Maggie tipped up on her toes to give Negan a quick kiss. When she did it, Negan’s eyes were hooked with Y/N’s showing that he didn’t want to be kissing Maggie. Watching them head up the stairs, Y/N sighed and Maggie nudged her sister. “Did it go well?”
“It did. Which hey, I wanted to talk to you about a few things,” Y/N pulled out the list that she had written down earlier with Beau. Handing over the list to Maggie, she saw that Maggie was reading it over unsure of what it was. “I talked to Beau about the things that he wanted to do before Christmas. You think we can make these things happen?”
“I can’t see why not,” Maggie felt Glenn stepping in beside her to look over the list with Maggie. “Beau told you all of this?”
“He did. I think it’s the best way we can attempt to give him a good Christmas,” Y/N informed her sister, reaching for the list again to put it back into her pocket. “Plus, it gives us something to do. You know? That way we don’t just sit around waiting for dad to come up with something.”
“I agree with you,” Maggie waved her hand about looking in the distance seeing that Hershel was talking with Beth and Annette. “I think it’s a good idea. Just let me say goodnight to dad and then we can all go to bed. I’m tired too.”
“You ready?” Y/N reached for Glenn’s hand. Glenn nodded with a smile, accepting her hand in his when they moved for the stairs. Once they got up them, Y/N stopped when she saw that the door to Erin’s room was open. Inside Negan and Erin were in the bed. Erin was fast asleep laying on Negan’s chest and Negan was already asleep too. There was a book in his hand that he was likely reading before falling asleep and she couldn’t help but laugh. “What did you do to the poor guy?”
“I’d be worn out too if your dad did to me what he did to Negan,” Glenn released an amused sound admitting that he was happy that he wasn’t the target of her father’s anger. Hearing footsteps, Y/N looked back over her shoulder to see that both Maggie and Hershel were headed upstairs together talking. Glenn pointed toward the open-door causing Maggie to stop, letting out an amused exhale when she saw that Negan was crashed with Erin in his arms. “Your boyfriend is out cold.”
“He never sleeps that well,” Maggie noted, resting her shoulder against the doorframe and Hershel stopped to get a look at what everyone was staring at. The way Negan was laying didn’t look all that comfortable, but it was cute. Heavy breaths were falling from his slightly parted lips and it did feel a bit strange that Y/N, Maggie, Glenn and Hershel were all watching him.
“I told you he was fine,” Hershel interrupted the two women who were watching Negan sleeping cuddled up to his daughter. “He should have made it up to his room, but I’m not about to wake him up.”
“He’s probably crashed because of you,” Y/N reminded her father, shooting him a quick glare noticing how close Hershel actually was to her. “Probably had an adrenaline rush when you tried to kill him today.”
“Oh boy, we’re never getting over this one. Are we?” Hershel stepped back, pushing his hands into his pockets and giving a sheepish shrug. “It was just a little joke. That was all.”
“It wouldn’t have been funny if Apollo would have killed him and then you had to explain to his kids how you just killed their father,” Y/N pushed further feeling Maggie placing her hand in over her shoulder to hint that maybe it was time to stop talking. Considering Negan was Maggie’s boyfriend, she should have been just as angry. “You know what? I think I’m going to head to bed. I need some sleep.”
“Good idea,” Hershel piped in and it drew a chill through her spine. Man, her father was capable of bringing out the anger in her. That was for sure. Glenn said his goodbyes to Maggie and Hershel before following her toward her bedroom.
“Hey, are you okay?” Glenn reached for Y/N, his fingers loosely wrapping around her arm to get her to look at him when they stepped before her bedroom. Glenn’s dark eyes seemed worried, his jaw flexing in a nervous fashion. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
“Why would I be mad at you?” she immediately denied that idea, stepping forward to brush her fingers through Glenn’s dark hair. Hushing him, she feigned a smile and let out a long exhale. Whispering, she stepped in closer to him since Maggie and Hershel were still not far away in the hallway. “You have to understand, there is a lot of things I didn’t tell you about my family. They just make me very uptight and upset.”
“I can see that you had some history with them, but I like them,” Glenn informed her speaking quiet enough for it only to be the two of them that could hear. Hearing that made a lump form in Y/N’s throat and she nodded her head. “I think it’s good for you to be here. I don’t really know what happened between all of you, but I think your family is nice. I like them. Maggie has been really friendly and Hershel just seems rough around the edges.”
“Right,” Y/N swallowed down feeling immediately shut down even though she knew Glenn was just trying to be sweet about things. Glenn always saw the good in things. And this was probably partially Y/N’s fault for not opening up to him about her past with her family. “I guess I should have explained things to you a long time ago. It’s my fault that I didn’t.”
“Come here,” Glenn motioned her into her bedroom so that they could actually talk for a minute. It left her feeling uncomfortable when he pushed the door shut behind him. “I think you’re here for a reason. You want to fix things with your family. You want them to love you and want to be near them. You missed them. I think maybe now is a time to let go of some of the feelings that you have. Start over new. You came here because you wanted these people back in your life.”
“I almost think I came here because I wanted to prove that I could make it without them,” Y/N countered, heading over to her bed to sit down on the edge of it. Even with her response, she could see that it was one that Glenn didn’t approve of. “My father wrote me off completely Glenn. And look what I was able to accomplish.”
“I don’t know Y/N. Life has to be more than just…that,” Glenn sat down beside her on the bed, his hand reaching out to hook his fingers with hers. “I think it would be good for you to connect with your family. Once we get married, it’s going to have to be more than just the two of us, right? If we have a family, you’ll want to have family to be around them. Or else things are going to be really lonely. They already are kind of lonely. My family is so far away. I moved with you because I love you, but I do think family is important. No matter how messed up they are.”
“Right,” she thought about what Glenn was saying and she didn’t know what to say in return. “I love you Glenn, I do, but sometimes I think you only asked me to marry you because I was the first woman you were with.”
“Here we go,” Glenn let out a long breath, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I should have never told you that when I was drunk. I can’t believe that I did.”
“It’s not bad that you told me I was the first woman that you were with,” she explained, her fingers hooking tighter around his. “I’m just saying I think sometimes you feel like you have to be a certain way with me because I’m the first big relationship that you had.”
“I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me if I didn’t want to marry you,” Glenn assured her leaning over to press a loving kiss over her cheek. Closing her eyes, she wished that she believed that, but she really didn’t. There was a knock on the door followed by the door opening and Y/N saw Maggie standing before them. “Hey Maggie.”
“Did dad send you?” Y/N almost teased knowing that her father wasn’t very big about having ‘boys’ in the room.
“No, dad went to bed,” Maggie alerted her, pointing back toward the hallway. It made Y/N’s eyebrows bounce up and she laughed. Of course her father didn’t have a problem with Glenn being in her room, but he despised Negan being near Maggie. “I was just wondering if the two of us could talk for a few minutes?”
“I guess that means it’s time for me to go to bed,” Glenn pat Y/N on the knee before standing up. Giving her a wink, he headed for the door and glanced between the two of them. “Good night you two.”
“Night,” Maggie winked closing the door behind him when he left. Standing at the door, there was some awkward tension between the two of them before Maggie headed over to take a seat on the edge of Y/N’s bed. “I guess now would be a good time for me to apologize. We should have been talking. You were living in the same city as me—hell, you were my boyfriend’s boss and I had no clue. I should have never stopped talking to you.”
“I guess that falls on both of us,” Y/N responded when she reached for her pillow to hold it close to her chest. Resting her back against the headboard, Y/N felt guilty knowing that this was Maggie’s attempt at getting them to bond again. “I should have tried keeping a relationship with you and Beth. I was just so upset with dad and I thought everyone took his side.”
“He really was…is hard one you,” Maggie admitted, her green eyes gazing over Y/N. “But look at you! You did what you said you would. You’re a big lady boss in the city. Racking in the money and you proved that your art could make you money. You proved dad wrong.”
“I guess so,” Y/N knew that’s what she wanted her family to see when she got here, but she could tell that her father still thought she was a joke. “Truth be told, I never thought you would leave here. I’m proud of you for moving to New York City. That’s not the Maggie I knew.”
“Well, I wanted to try something new,” Maggie confessed placing her hands back behind her and bracing her weight on her palms. “It was exciting. I met a lot of people. Did a lot of things that I never thought I would. Things I would never tell daddy,” Maggie snickered looking to Y/N with a tip of her head. “And then I met Negan.”
“Yeah? How did you meet him?” Y/N questioned knowing that Negan already told her but she wanted to hear it from Maggie’s perspective.
“It was at a street vendor. I was already having a bad day and he grabbed the drink I was going for when it was the last one. I ripped his head off for it. Horribly. And he laughed at me which infuriated me. I shoved him. Went to sit on the steps of a building near the street vendor like a child. Negan sat down next to me, handed me the drink and a hot dog. Told me I obviously needed the drink more than he did. I think he was on a lunch break. And he didn’t leave. He was sitting there eating his lunch and I chewed him out telling him I didn’t need his charity. He made some smart ass comment and it got under my skin, but I was hungry so I ate what he got me. Afterwards, he got up and said goodbye. I felt bad. Went after him to apologize. We agreed to get dinner at a bar near where we met and well…”
“Well?” Y/N’s eyebrow arched in curiosity and Maggie looked back toward the door.
“I don’t know what it was, but something about Negan intrigued me. We bickered. A lot. But I liked him. So I dragged him into the bathroom at this old bar where we had sex,” Maggie whispered trying to keep her voice down when she turned to face Y/N. “Whatever went wrong that day, it was easy to forget because Negan is…really good at sex. It’s almost infuriating how good he is at it. We were in a bathroom stall and at that point, it was one of the best sexual experiences of my life. I’d had a lot of experiences in the city, but Negan stood out the most. You see Negan…” Maggie stopped herself and her faced flushed over with color, “I shouldn’t tell you that, you work with Negan.”
“Go for it,” Y/N waved her hand up in the air knowing that she was feeling jealous hearing what Maggie was telling her.
“Negan has a really nice dick,” Maggie blurt it out, her eyes getting big when she nodded her head about. “It’s above average. And it’s thicker. I’ve been with guys who had a bigger dick that are very arrogant because of it. They think that just because they have a big dick they are God’s gift to women, when in reality they are just stabbing the hell out of you with that thing and you can’t wait for it to be over. It’s not like that with Negan. As infuriating and annoying as he can be, he knows what he’s doing with it.”
“I would have never guessed it was big,” Y/N lied hearing Maggie laugh in response. Right now Y/N was just doing her best to hide her jealousy. “With the ego on him…”
“I know, you almost think he’s making up for something, but he’s got a reason to have the ego. From his work to his body…he’s impressive,” Maggie explained with a loud sigh, shaking her head in response. “After that night I thought I just had the best one-night stand of my life. But then the two of us just kept running into each other. I don’t even think we agreed to officially date. We were just together all the time. I got a little weirded out when I found out he was a widower with children.”
“Why?” Y/N was curious knowing that Beau and Erin were two things that actually made her more attracted to Negan.
“Because I was having the time of my life. The last thing I wanted was to be tied down with a teenager and a six-year-old,” Maggie reasoned with her sister, curling her arms around her knees. “At that age, both Erin and Beau already had their mind set on how they felt about things. I always thought if I had a family, I would start my own. It took me realizing that life wasn’t slowing down for me to agree that I was okay with Negan’s children. They are good kids. They don’t terrorize me. And they are part of him. I’d be a fool to not want to be with Negan. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s got a good heart. He’s loving. A good father. He has a good job. If we ever had children ourselves, I know he’d make a good dad. I’m ready to take that jump and get married to him, but I think he’s still stuck on his late wife that died. It makes things a little complicated.”
“I see,” Y/N lowered her eyes, squeezing the pillow in closer to her. Hearing Maggie suggest that she wanted to get married to Negan really upset Y/N. “It sounds like you picked up a real winner with Negan.”
“I guess it depends on who you ask,” Maggie slurred, her head shaking when she let out a nervous laugh. “Here I am talking all about myself. What about you and Glenn? How did you meet Glenn?”
“Uh, he was my pizza delivery guy,” Y/N was honest about her relationship with Glenn. Maggie’s nose wrinkled and amusement flooded her features. “With my job, it’s hard to really have dinner ready so I was ordering pizza, a lot. He was always really sweet and after the first time he delivered the pizza to me, he would keep bringing me little extras. I thought it was charming. And one night it was raining so hard. He was soaked. So I just offered to have him come in and have a piece with me so he could dry off.”
“Did you have sex with him that day?” Maggie pushed and Y/N shook her head. “Come on.”
“I’m sorry. We’re boring,” Y/N suggested with a shrug knowing that her story in comparison to her and Negan’s was really tame. “I asked him out and the first date he showed up with a bunch of roses. It was really sweet. And then I just liked having his company. He’s fun and he’s sweet. It was nice to have a friend around. And then I guess it just grew into more.”
“What about Glenn? How is sex with Glenn?” Maggie questioned and Y/N found herself less inclined to tell her sister about her sex life with Glenn. “Come on. I literally just told you Negan’s dick size.”
“No, you just said he had a big, thick dick,” Y/N countered with a shake of her head. Once she responded that, Maggie threw her hands up in the air to suggest a size before holding her hands up to give a thickness in comparison. It made Y/N shake her head and she lowered her head into her hand. “I have to stare at this man every day of my life Maggie.”
“You’re welcome, now give me the details,” Maggie poked at her sister and it made Y/N feel ridiculous. “What was sex with him like?”
“Honestly Maggie, I was his first,” Y/N explained which was followed by a small snicker from Maggie. “Don’t tell him I told you that. He was really embarrassed. You have to understand that Glenn is very shy. He had no game at all. And I think most women ignored him because of his job, but he was cute. And he was sweet.”
“So he got better with time then,” Maggie noted, pushing into Y/N’s shoulder. “Since when have you been prude about sex details?”
“My whole life? I’m not really comfortable talking to my family about my sex life,” that wasn’t a lie. It was always something that she was uneasy about. “Then again I guess I should have been more open about that whole thing.”
“Here we go,” Maggie frowned, tipping her head to the side. “Is this going to be about Shane?”
“I wasn’t going to go there,” Y/N scoffed shaking her head immediately. “I just meant that maybe the two of us would have been closer if I was more open with you.”
“Good because I don’t want to go back to that,” Maggie threw her hands up in the air, waving them about. “You now have Glenn and I have Negan…”
“Maggie, I thought you didn’t want to talk about it,” Y/N pointed out, lifting her right hand to point her finger at her sister. “Yet you’re going off about it.”
“How was I supposed to know that Shane was the guy that took your virginity Y/N? Like you said, you weren’t very open about things,” Maggie rambled on and it made Y/N roll her eyes before leaning back against the headboard to listen to her sister go off. “Yes, I’m aware that I slept with your boyfriend when we were younger, but you didn’t tell me it was your boyfriend and he really was too old for you at the time. If daddy would have known that Shane was having sex with you, Shane would have gotten in a lot of trouble and you didn’t want that. Not with Shane’s potential football career.”
“I don’t care about Shane,” Y/N contemplated her past knowing that the first man she hooked up with was never good for her in the first place. “Shane got what he wanted. He spent time with me to get close to you. It is what it is.”
“That’s not what you thought back then,” Maggie reminded her sister and Y/N let out a tense sound. “You were so angry with me for the whole Shane thing.”
“My boyfriend dumped me for you,” Y/N threw her hands up in the air and found herself frustrated with her sister. “I was a teen. So yeah, I was upset. Especially since I told you and you kept dating him. And then you only dated him for like two weeks and then you dumped him for that other guy. So Shane was always showing up begging me to talk to you. It was a little overwhelming. But I’m telling you, the last thing I care about right now is Shane. I looked the guy up and he’s a cop somewhere. And the last thing I would want to be with is a cop. Shane was not good for either one of us. I think it’s safe to say that both Negan and Glenn are better than Shane. So seriously…”
“Point taken,” Maggie went silent, her green eyes shifting showing that their discomfort was back between them. “Shane was one of those guys that didn’t know how to have sex anyways. It was fun making out with him, but sex…”
“Maggie, he was the first man I had sex with. I know what sex was like with Shane,” Y/N interrupted her sister not wanting to talk about her ex-lover any longer. “I swear. I’m not mad at you for Shane. Neither one of us lost out when it came to Shane.”
There was a silence that followed again and Y/N looked to the time, “Can we maybe talk about life tomorrow? We can have lunch together, plan our days out with what Beau requested of us and just talk about normal things. Life. Not sex? I just am really tired. I don’t get to sleep a lot.”
“Sure thing,” Maggie stood up from the bed, reaching out to squeeze over Y/N’s shoulder. “I’m glad to see you again sis.”
“Believe it or not Maggie, I’m happy to see you too,” she waved goodbye to her sister finding herself thankful when Maggie finally left. Turning off the lights, she crawled into the bed and wondered if she was doing the right or wrong thing here. Especially after that discussion.
Toward the middle of the night, the sound of her door opening was heard and it woke her from her sleep. Footsteps moved around her room, surprising her when the bed dipped and she let out a nervous sound when someone crawled into the bed beside her.
“Relax boss,” Negan’s deep voice rumbled from behind her, his arm hooking around her waist once he crawled into bed with her. Nuzzling his nose against the back of her neck drew her to let out a long exhale having the warmth of him cuddling her close. At this point she wondered if it was a dream that she was having. Right now, Negan was the only comfort she found in things, so the idea of having him crawl into bed with her to hold her? That sounded like a pretty good dream for her. “I just want to hold you for a while.”
Adjusting her positioning in the bed, she hooked her fingers with Negan’s and cuddled back into him. Knowing that Maggie was sleeping in her old bedroom not far down the hallway did enter her mind when Negan’s deep breathing followed not long after showing that he had fallen asleep. After everything that happened tonight, it just made everything else feel so much more complicated and she hated that.
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor​ @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost​ @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan @flippittygibbitts @stickyhuesos
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