#the fly was just chilling around its god
jaybirdhaswings · 1 year
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thedreamlessnights · 5 months
Since requests are open, here's my suggestion: I recently revisited my old mythology book and found one of the myths about aphrodite bathing in a lake and blinds some pervs that sneaked up to watch her. Now, the reader might not have the powers of a goddess but you know what she does have? A dagger-happy vampire boyfriend more than willing to shank unwanted peeping toms (in his defense, he actually asked if he could be there, so no harm done here). Idk, I just like the idea of the reader having scary dog privileges and Astarion not minding looking menacing/scary while doing so
Thank you so, so much for this request, anon. It's an absolutely incredible concept, and it fits Astarion so well! I had such a fun time writing it, and I really hope you enjoy the result!
For Your Eyes Only
Astarion x F!Reader - NSFW
Content warnings: Mentions of brief, non-consensual voyeurism. Somewhat graphic violence, as well as mentions of blood, degrading terms, and the description of an injury and death. Explicit sexual content, including: oral sex (receiving), penetrative sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, blood drinking, and ear play. Tags: Takes place post-Cazador, some point in Act 3. Includes mild spoilers. Established relationship, a bit of emotional hurt/comfort, and tender smut.
Word Count: 5.8k
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After the darkness and chill of the Shadowlands, the heat in the city feels suffocating.
You missed the warmth dearly back then, trudging through despair and gloom, thinking of nothing but the inevitable relief of the city. Your bones always ached something awful in that foul place, never warm enough to ward away the icy air. Now, though, it occurs to you that you hadn’t fully appreciated the cold when you had it. 
The sun that streams down from the skies is blistering - scorching, even - and without reprieve or relief. Sweat courses down your neck, soaking the collar of your shirt. Your socks are damp inside your boots, and where the leather meets your calves, they’re chafing. 
Gods, what you wouldn’t give for a bit of that chill again. Even with the achy bones.
What’s worse is the mud, somehow. One would think that Baldur’s Gate would be scarce on its share of the stuff, but it’s everywhere. Tracked up from Rivington, puddling in the streets, clinging to the bottom of boots.
Granted, your boots have seen more than their fair share of mud since the nautiloid: sticky, wet, warm. It’s seeped into socks and splattered across new armor, stained some of your favorite nightwear. Sometimes, when you’ve finally settled down for dinner, you’ve been able to taste it. No amount of scrubbing rids you of the earthy, bitter taste for long. 
The mud in front of you is different, though. By all accounts, the heat should have baked everything at least somewhat dry, but this puddle remains. If it can even be called a puddle, really. The gloppy, wet mess looks more like a pond, and completely blocks the only path ahead. Even the edges of it remain entirely liquid. If you didn’t know better, you’d think it’d just rained.
A quick glance at your map confirms what you’d feared; this is the only nearby route to your destination. You’re on the outskirts of the city. Rock walls line either side of the path, too steep to climb. You know for a fact that Shadowheart had recently used your last Potion of Flying. Either you lose hours of progress to get Gale from camp so you can cross, or you’ll have to proceed through this stupid pond.
Astarion watches you eye the mess with a dramatic flick of his wrist. “Oh, by all means, darling, you go first!” he exclaims, raising a brow. “It won’t be me jumping in that slop.”
Karlach frowns at the mud’s appearance, tapping the toe of her boot against the surface. It ripples at the movement, brown waves gently sloshing against the surface of the nearby stone. “Can’t be that deep, right?”
“I don’t know,” you reply. You’re aching for a stick or loose branch, something to measure it, but there’s nothing around. Just grass and stone, the scalding sun on the back of your neck, and the muddy pond directly in the middle of the path. 
“I say we go back,” Shadowheart urges. “I don’t know about any of you, but I’m not keen on dirtying myself.”
“We’d have to backtrack through hours of traveling,” you point out. “There’s no other way forward. I’ve checked the map.”
“Fine,” she relents, crossing her arms across her chest. “You go first, and we’ll follow behind you. Once we’ve seen it’s safe, that is.”
And, hells, you do not want to step foot in there. Not one bit. Still, do you have much of a choice? Your feet are already aching from the day’s walk. It would be devastating to lose all your progress. So, no - you really don’t have a choice, not if you want to get those Netherstones and stop the Absolute in time. The quakes in the city have only been getting worse.
“Alright,” you finally reply, your voice stronger than you feel. 
You step forward, pressing your right boot against the mud, then apply your weight. Your heel breaks the surface with a terrifying rush of movement, and your leg instantly slides down into the muck - much deeper than you’d thought, deeper than it should be. When your foot hits the bottom, sticky, cold mud splatters up, painting your shirt, neck, and parts of your face. 
Suddenly, the day isn’t quite so warm.
When you finally muster the courage to look down, your right leg is submerged up to the knee, soaking through your trousers. You can practically hear the sick squelch of it making its way into your socks, squishing between your toes.
“Urgh,” you mutter, wrinkling your nose as you attempt to pull your leg up. “Disgusting.” But it won’t budge. In fact, your squirming seems to be making you sink down even further. You try to shift your weight, but your balance is uneven with one leg in and one leg out. You’re dangerously close to losing your footing, and every bit you struggle threatens to tilt you face-first into the makeshift mud pond. In a prime moment of idiocy, you plant your other foot in the mud for support, and find your bottom half completely unable to move.
“What a brilliant idea,” Shadowheart says. “Now you’re stuck.”
“Thank you, Shadowheart,” you grit out, sweat dripping down your neck as you attempt to twist yourself around. “I had no idea!”
Karlach steps behind you, laughing a little. “Come on. Up you go, soldier,” she says, leveraging her arms under yours and giving a quick tug. You’re expecting the mud to release you, but it doesn’t. Your legs don’t budge - not even an inch. 
“What in the…?” she mutters, giving another pull. This one has more force behind it; when she tries to haul you up, white-hot pain sears up through your ribs, ripping an agonized cry from your lips. No matter how hard she yanks, the mud’s grip only tightens around you. It’s beginning to feel like you’re a brittle piece of rope in a vicious game of tug-of-war. 
“Shit! I’m sorry!” she exclaims. “So, so, sorry!”
“What are you doing?” Astarion asks, his voice suddenly sharp. “You’re hurting her! Put her down!”
“So she can get sucked further into the mud?” Shadowheart asks. Her voice is lined with fear now, which is scaring you more than anything else about this miserable situation. “We have to get her out!”
But it quickly becomes clear that no matter how hard Karlach pulls, it’s useless. Every yank is agony, and you only sink further and further. Tears stream down your cheeks from the pain, and your spine feels like it’s gained a good two inches from being stretched, but still nothing. No give at all.
Eventually, Karlach lets you go. Your body plops down in relief, but the mud is somehow deeper than it was before. It’s up to the bottom of your ribs now. 
“Fuck me,” she pants, wiping her forehead. “What should we do?”
“How should I know?” Astarion’s face is drawn, more pallid than usual. His lips are pinched into a line. He should be telling you I told you so, making jokes - and you know he would be, if he were anything but absolutely terrified. Your panic is bad enough with the heaviness of the mud on your chest and lower body, but the look on his face? That tells you it’s even worse than it feels.
 “Step back,” Shadowheart instructs quietly. “I have an idea.” 
Once the two of them are out of the way, she steps forward. Stretching out her hands, she mutters an incantation into the air. In seconds, the slight chill of the mud surrounding you becomes sharp, painful ice that burns against every exposed inch of skin it touches. A very muddy shade of ice, but ice all the same. 
Karlach’s axe crashes through the surface and it shatters, breaking around you. After another hit and a moment of digging, she finally has you out: freezing, still covered in mud, and very sore - but alive.
“Thank you,” you manage, choking out the words between your shivering.
“Never say I didn’t do anything for you,” Shadowheart says, smiling a little. She lets out a breath of relief, the tension bleeding from her shoulders. “Now. Turning around, are we?”
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By the time you get back to camp, you’re the most uncomfortable you’ve ever been in your life. You’re wet and cold and exhausted, caked with dried mud that pulls at your skin when you move. It’s in your hair, on your face, and in your shoes, squelching with every step. The feeling makes you want to crawl out of your skin. Your ribs are sore and achy, and - on top of all of that - you’ve lost a good day’s worth of travel. 
The only thing you want is to fall into Astarion’s arms, but he wrinkles his nose when you come near, holding out a finger to stop you. “Oh, no you don't,” he says. “Bath first. Then you can talk to me, darling.”
It seems no amount of persuasion is going to change his mind, so you head back to your tent and grab a number of supplies - soap, sponges, a towel, and a change of clothes. Your trusty knife for protection. The river is bound to be freezing, but it’s better than sponging yourself down and hoping for the best. 
Thank the gods you’d found a decent pair of boots in an abandoned house today, because the ones that are currently plastered to your feet will take days to dry out, even in the hot sun. When you get to the nearby river, you don’t even bother to take them off before you plunge them into icy water, sufficiently drenching them until you can furiously loosen the mud enough to slip them off and toss them onto the riverbank.
The rest of your clothing gets the same treatment: the trousers which slowly pull away from your skin, the shirt that’s splattered with mud and covered in it up to the waist. Your hair will no doubt be a disaster, too. 
You’re still sitting in the soaking-wet clothes when you hear the sound of a twig snapping behind you. Your hand instantly grabs for your knife, ready to throw it at whatever threat might be in the woods as your eyes sweep along the trees. 
Nothing. You find nothing.
“Darling,” comes Astarion’s voice. He slips out from the shadows, immaculately clean, gazing down at the weapon in your hand with a lifted brow. “Planning to render me dead twice-over?”
“You scared the living hells out of me, Astarion!” you snap, sucking in a shaky breath. The blade drops from your loosened fingers, softly thumping against the dirt. “What are you doing out here?” 
He steps closer, taking a seat on a nearby log. “You were taking ages to get clean,” he whines, sprawling out his legs in front of him. “And, unfortunately, our companions haven’t had an argument all night. How else am I meant to entertain myself? So here I am. Trudging through the woods for your company.”
“You could give me a warning next time,” you reply, still a little jarred. “I thought you were someone hoping to catch an eyeful.”
A smirk flickers across his lips. “Oh, but I am,” he says. “Do you mind terribly?”
Against your will, your cheeks heat, and his smile widens. “I don’t mind,” you say. “Not if you behave, that is. Hands to yourself.” 
“I’ll be on my very best behavior,” he promises. Leaning forward, he prods your boots, wrinkling his nose at the sight. “Gods below. Those disgusting things should be burned.”
“I have an extra pair.” You move to tug your shirt off, but it’s clinging to you. “Gods damn that stupid mud pile. I should have asked Gale to use a cleaning spell.”
“Oh, please,” Astarion says. “He’s been sulking in his tent all evening. Apparently, being asked to blow yourself up by an old flame doesn’t do much in the way of socializing.”
The shirt finally pulls free, and it’s clear that your smallclothes have received the same treatment as the rest of your garments. Gods, you really should have asked for that cleaning spell. This mud is going to take ages to get out.
“Hand that here,” Astarion says, motioning for your shirt. You toss it to him, and he inspects it closely before setting aside.
“What?” you ask. “What were you looking for?”
“Oh, darling, nothing,” he says. “That’s my ‘to be burned’ pile. We’ll get you a new one.”
You’d argue, but you aren’t very attached to your current outfit - and besides, after weeks of trekking through wilderness and Shadowlands alike, it’s falling apart even without the mud. 
“Do what you want with it,” you grumble, finally pulling off your smallclothes. “That shirt was barely surviving anyway.”
You glance over your shoulder and find him observing with a raised brow, slowly taking the sight of you in. You must look like a mess, but you’d never know it from the glint in the eye, or the complacent smile that plays upon his lips. Heat stirs low in your belly, simmering under your skin. Later, you tell yourself. When you aren’t covered in filth.
You lather up the soap on your sponge, scrubbing away the mud the best you can, but the damned stuff takes ages to get off. By the time you’re finally clean, the silvery moon is high in the sky, and your skin is beginning to prune.
Astarion makes a small comment or two, but mostly seems content to watch you in silence. His gaze burns over every inch of exposed skin, leaving phantom heat wherever it stalls. All you want is to get out of this damned river and touch him, but you’re determined to get every bit of the mud off before you do, and it’s taking much longer than you’d hoped.
When you’re finally presentable, you start on cleaning your filthy smallclothes. The soap is slippery, making it difficult to do much scrubbing, and the water alone is doing hardly anything. 
Astarion watches you struggling, huffing as you nearly drop the soap bar in the river. After a moment, he lets out an exasperated sigh. “Dearest, you do realize that it would be much easier if you-”
But his words suddenly cut off. His head snaps toward the woods, and every nerve in your body burns with fear. In the span of seconds, he’s lunged forward, grabbed your knife, and darted after the sound. 
Not a moment later, there’s a loud crash - some form of impact as he tackles whatever it was that he heard. You instantly push yourself out of the water without thinking, numb, your heart pounding in your chest as you stumble into the forest after him. It only takes a few steps in before you see it: a man on the ground, Astarion’s knife to his throat.
Your stomach churns, and your skin prickles in the air’s chill. How much had he seen? How long had he been standing there?
Astarion is shouting something at him, and the stranger is struggling against his hold, but it’s useless. He’s a scrawny, weak little thing, no match for Astarion’s lithe, nimble strength. No amount of twisting or fighting dislodges Astarion’s grip. After a moment, he finally gives up, cackling like an old hag as his head plops down against the dirt.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you here and now,” Astarion hisses, anger contorting his features.
In response, the man spits in his face. “She’s your bitch, is she?” he croaks. “You can take a turn after I’m done with her.”
Astarion snarls in response, gripping the man’s collar and pressing the blade deeper into the skin until it draws blood. 
“Wait,” you call, stepping closer. “Don’t.”
Astarion blinks in disbelief, sitting up, careful to keep his weight on the stranger underneath. “My love, you can’t be serious,” he says. “You want to spare this-”
“Spare?” you echo, cutting off his words. “Who said anything about sparing him?” 
Something glints in his gaze as he takes in your words. “Darling,” he drawls, his tone admirational. “By all means.”
He hands you the knife, and you kneel down next to him. It’s heavy in your hand, cold and smooth as you run your finger over the flat edge of the blade. You stare at the shimmer of it for a moment, entranced, somehow calm in the midst of this chaos. Then you slam the bottom of the hilt into the man’s nose.
There’s a sickening crunch before he screams, blood streaming over his mouth and spilling down his chin. Even after last night’s feeding, Astarion tenses up at the smell of it, but the curl of his lip tells you that he won’t be drinking from this piece of absolute refuse.
When the stranger reaches over and grabs at your arm, you almost don’t even realize - you’re so caught up in your own mind, in the weight of the knife in your hand. Then his nails dig into your skin, and everything hits you at once.
The freezing night air. The stinging, throbbing pain that flares through your skin as he claws at you, unable to do much more. The feel of Astarion’s hand, gentle but firm, prying the knife from your grip. It happens before you can even react - a swift slice of the blade, slitting the man’s throat. Dark blood, gushing from the wound and onto the dirt below.
For a moment, there is nothing but the sound of your breathing. Sharp but shallow, straining in your chest. Jagged air that flows in and out, but it does nothing to stop the increasing amount of black in your vision. 
You’ve fought and killed more people than you can count so… why does this feel different? Why here, why now? You’ve nearly died before, so why does the scrape on your arm feel like it’s much more than that?
Then Astarion’s hands envelop your cheeks, blissfully cool, and the panic and pain seep out all at once.
“Darling,” he’s saying, half-breathless, “are you alright?”
You manage to nod, and some of the concern leaves his eyes. He runs his fingers over the scrape on your arm, and you wince. “We need to get you patched up,” he murmurs, his brows pinching together.
“Don’t take me to Shadowheart,” you choke out. She’s already done you enough favors, and you won’t be able to stand her disapproving gaze if you disturb her rest after today’s fiasco.
He huffs. “Stubborn little thing,” he mutters, but he doesn’t argue. 
Instead, he heads back to your supplies by the river. When he returns, he wraps a towel over your shoulders, and it’s only then that you realize you’re naked. Completely, utterly naked. It had been bold of you to break that bastard’s nose in the nude, but… well, it hadn’t been your intention.
He’s dead now, though. He’ll never look at you again.
Astarion sweeps you up into his arms and carries you out of the woods along with your clean change of clothes, holding you tight against his chest and leaving your soiled clothing behind. 
You can’t find it in you to care at the moment. You’ve scrounged up plenty of clothing along the journey; those torn, stained things won’t be missed. Not to mention, if you ever need more, Astarion will gladly steal you some new ones.
He takes you to your tent, and you’re grateful to see that everyone else has turned in for the night. Anyone awake to see you would inevitably have questions, and this only affirms your decision to avoid Shadowheart - if you woke her up to heal a minor scrape on your arm, she’d be seething. 
And though she’d undoubtedly be sympathetic after hearing the cause, you don’t think you can muster up the words to tell her what’d happened.
After he’s carefully set you down on your bedroll, Astarion yanks the flap of your tent closed and reaches for your pack, digging through the contents until he’s found some bandages. His grip is gentle as he takes your arm and swipes some remnants of a healing potion over it. You’ve been through this dozens of times, but you can never seem to shake the urge to wince as it sets in - the potion stings just a bit before it soothes, a sharp tingling that fades into a sweet, balming relief. 
You’ve calmed down some, warming up in your tent with him, but Astarion’s hands are shaking as he wraps the wound. His brows are pinched together, his swallows are thick and strained, and he can’t seem to meet your eyes, even when he’s done bandaging you up.
“Astarion,” you murmur. “He’s dead.”
He stills in place, jaw clenching as he inhales sharply, still not meeting your gaze. Instead, he glowers down at the tent’s floor, his hands balling into fists. “He deserved so much worse than that,” he snaps. 
You don’t argue with him. Instead, you let him fuss over you, taking the time to smooth through your wet hair, plucking out remaining leaves and twigs from the woods. He gets you into a warm, fluffy robe - only the gods know where he’d managed to find something like that - then pulls you close, his thumb stroking over your cheek. You rest your head against his chest and close your eyes, listening to the soft sounds of his body working under his skin. No heartbeat, of course, just the quiet churn of his movements, the rise and fall of his ribs that’s become habit to him. 
After a moment, he takes your face in his hands, just as he had in the woods - but when you meet his gaze, there’s a sharp intensity in his eyes rather than fear. He takes you in little by little, tilting your head up to brush his fingers over the fading marks on your neck. 
Then he leans in, and you catch the smell of him you know so well, lingering on his skin like soap. Bergamot, rosemary, brandy. It’s what you associate most with him, that sweet, sharp scent that bathes over you. When his lips finally meet yours, the kiss is rough and desperate, heated and aching. His fangs scrape over your lip, grazing the delicate skin but not breaking it. His tongue slides into your mouth, and his hand returns to the back of your neck, tightening his grip.
One of your hands fix into his shirt as you lean into him, nipping at his lip. You shift your free hand up into his hair, tousling through the soft, silky curls before gently tugging. He groans and pulls you closer, and - gods, it’s incredible. Warmth drags down your spine like a hot coal, searing and addictive. You squirm a little in his grasp, shifting until you’re straddling his hips, and he pulls away to kiss down your jaw, murmuring soft words into the skin.
When he gets to your chest, you let him untie the robe and spread his hands underneath, peeling the fabric off your shoulders, fingers slowly warming as they trail down your back. His hands settle on your waist as he kisses you again, mouth soft against yours.
Gods, you need him. You’re already soaked, and he’s barely even touched you.
You can feel him hardening underneath you, his movements growing desperate, his breathing labored. You grind your hips against him and he lets out a strained noise against your lips, shuddering. He pulls away, examining your expression as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. 
The movement is tender and incredibly sweet, but you’re hardly patient. You’ve been wanting him ever since he sat on that log in the forest, gaze roaming over every inch of you. You let out a soft whine, attempting to tug off his shirt. He does absolutely nothing to help you.
“Astarion,” you breathe. “Please.”
“Hm? Did you want something, darling?” he asks, the desire in his voice betraying his otherwise casual tone.
“I want you,” you tell him, rolling your hips again in search of the friction you so desperately need. “Please. I want you.”
“Easy, love. You have me,” he replies, brushing his thumb against your lips. Your heart swells with a fondness that would threaten to make you cry if you weren’t so ridiculously needy.
And finally, thank the gods, he takes off his godsdamned shirt.
You run a hand up his shoulder, then into his hair. You’d once thought that he was using a special shampoo - his hair was so soft, it seemed the only explanation. Then you’d seen him with the same shampoo you were using, and you’d practically wept with envy over his ridiculously perfect genes. Even now, as you run your hands through the silk-soft curls, you don’t understand it. 
Then you trace up the line of his ear, and he shudders, leaning into your touch. When you gently massage the tip of his helix, he lets out a soft, seeking noise and his eyes flutter shut. Hells, you swear that you can feel him growing even harder beneath you. Another roll of your hips and his eyes slowly open again, half-lidded and glazed with desire. His hands firmly grip your waist, and there’s the briefest sensation of falling as he rolls you back onto your bedroll, tucking the pillow under your head.
He kisses along your clavicle, nosing down your ribs, humming against your skin. Feather-light brushes of his lips meet your ribs, then your breast, pausing to swipe his tongue over your nipple before he proceeds downward. When he arrives at your navel, your legs automatically spread open for him, and he lets out a hum of approval. He takes a leg in his hand and kisses up the thigh, warm, sharp kisses that trail up to the place you want him most.
He starts off slowly - a long lick over your clit, a quick swipe of his tongue before he settles between your legs, propping your thigh over his shoulder and starting a maddening rhythm. After all this time, you really should know how much pleasure to expect - but after everything, after his confession in the Shadowlands and the fear with Cazador, this still feels… new.
And Astarion is very, very good at what he does. He seems to know exactly what you want before you do, before your mind can put it into tangible thought, and before your body can even search for it. He works a finger into you, then two, and you’re left gasping and squirming as he sets an agonizingly slow pace. After a moment, he speeds up, just where you want him, perfect, perfect-
And then he pulls away, and the look on his face practically shouts that he knows exactly what he’s doing to you. Of course he does. He’s always been a tease. His fingers continue their work, languidly dragging in and out of you as he speaks.
“You know,” he says, pressing a kiss to your thigh, “back at the river, this was all I could think about. Getting my mouth on you. Watching you come apart piece by piece.”
Gods, he’s been direct before, but never that direct. Frankly, you’re surprised you don’t come then and there. Instead, you clench hard around his fingers and whimper, rolling your hips in time with his movements.
“Astarion,” you pant, unable to coax your mind into forming a coherent reply. “Gods, Astarion.”
He hums in response, flashing you a wicked grin. “That’s it, darling,” he encourages, shifting his fingers until they’re brushing against a spot that makes your vision black out. “Say my name. Let everyone hear you.”
You manage a laugh that quickly fades into a soft moan. “The entire camp will kill me if I wake them up.”
He nips at your thigh. “Let them try,” he muses. “They’ll have to get through me.”
He lowers his mouth between your legs again, and your head falls back against the pillow. It’s an embarrassingly short time before your muscles start to tense up, wiring you with pleasure from head to toe. One of your hands fixes in his hair, pulling tightly as white-hot pleasure sparks through your abdomen, and oh, gods, you’re coming-
Your vision cuts out again. Your mind fuzzes over, drunk with pleasure, leaving you shuddering, clenching around his fingers, moaning into your free hand. 
You know he’d prefer to hear you, but if you actually disturb any of the others, you’ll die of embarrassment. One day, the two of you will have your own house with a real bed, and you’ll be as loud as you want. For now, you muffle your cries into your fingers and tremble through your climax.
Your body floats weightlessly for a moment in what must be Elysium, until you finally rejoin yourself and find your limbs heavy and uncoordinated. Astarion huffs, placing a final kiss on you until he crawls upward, kissing up your chest again. 
He’s still holding himself back - you can see it in the way he moves, in the tension of his muscles and the coil of his shoulders. There’s a fire in his eyes, a hunger that you recognize so well. When he reaches your neck, you instinctively tilt your head, allowing him access to his usual spot. 
For a moment, he hesitates, his warm breath fanning over the skin as your pulse hammers in your throat. Then he groans, grinding himself into your leg as he bites down, chasing his pleasure against your thigh as your blood spills into his mouth.
You know this routine so very well by now. The sting of the bite, and the numbness that follows. The ebb and flow of your blood, filling his mouth. The slight dizziness that comes before he pulls away, swiping his tongue over the bite for one final taste.
“Gods,” he pants, gripping your shoulder. Then, to your utter disappointment and confusion, he pulls away. “Wait here, my sweet. I need to - I’ll be right back. I promise.”
And before you can protest, he’s scrambling out the tent. For a long, numb moment, you stare at the tent opening, wondering if you’re dreaming. The silence of the tent grates on your ears, echoing the sound of your breathing until you can barely stand it. Then he’s pushing inside again, a scroll in hand as he closes the tent.
“Do I want to know what that is?” you ask.
“A scroll of Silence, darling. I’ve been saving it.” He flashes you a grin, murmuring the incantation as the scroll shimmers in his hand. Pure Weave, confined into parchment. 
You don’t hear the spell take effect, but you feel it. It’s a thickness in the air, a heaviness in your movements. 
Astarion doesn’t waste another second. He pushes up to kiss you, and it’s messy - your tongue against his, the sting of sharp teeth, your hand in his hair and his hand on the nape of your neck. There’s the taste of metal and herbs: your blood mixed with the remnants of a healing potion. He spreads your legs with his knee, then sits back on his heels and reaches down to undo his trousers.
You study him for a moment. The crease of his brow. The alabaster of his skin, sculpted out like a statue from marble. 
If you were an artist, you’d make him your life’s work. You’d chip out his every feature little by little, painstakingly working away at the stone to define the look in his eyes when he tells you he loves you. You’d spend ages carving every wrinkle, every line, every perfect imperfection. The touch of it would be cold, like him, but it could never compare to how he looks as he settles over you, eyes blown dark with desire. 
He inches closer, still on his knees, and takes hold of your thighs, lifting them up to meet his hips before gently easing inside of you. He lets out a sharp exhale as he slowly presses deeper, his grip shifting to your waist.
Nothing could compare to the way it feels as he fills you up inch by inch, murmuring praise, telling you how beautiful you are for him. “Darling,” he bites out, gritting his teeth at the pleasure. “If anyone ever tries anything like that with you again, I’ll tear them to shreds.”
You laugh a little, breathless, delirious in the delicious stretch of him inside you. “I won’t stop you. I just might ask to break their nose first.”
He shakes his head, but a small smile plays on his lips before he straightens and starts his rhythm. Slow, even thrusts that leave you grasping at the blankets beneath you, trying to steady yourself in the waves of sensation. He stares down at you, half-drunk on your blood, lips parted and his cheeks flushed.
“You feel incredible,” he breathes. “Gods. You’re incredible.”
Your eyes don’t quite know where to land. They never do. Now, they flutter over his abdomen, taking in the sight of the muscles that ripple and contract with the rolling of his hips. The droplets of sweat that slowly build on his skin, glimmering like crystals. 
His jaw clenches, and his pace starts to quicken, and the feeling of him inside of your aching cunt is just so godsdamned good. His cock stretches you out like it was made for you, and soon your lungs are hardly filling with air. You can’t think, and you can scarcely breathe. All you know is that you’re not going to last much longer.
You tug at the blankets and shut your eyes, and he lets out another soft, aching noise as he thrusts deeper, faster, filling you up, the slick sound of your arousal echoing through the tent and mixing with the heaving of your breaths. You clench around him and he groans, shifting the angle of your hips, rhythm frantic.
“That’s it,” he pants. “Come for me, darling.”
And you do. Your body clenches around him as you cry out, back arching, pleasure overtaking every thought but one: Astarion. Astarion, Astarion, Astarion. Your breaths scrape shallowly through your chest and ecstasy burns through every inch of you, every nerve - until you feel paralyzed. Content, thoroughly fucked and sated, but paralyzed.
 You’ve just started to come back to your senses when Astarion follows you over the edge, a moan tumbling from his lips that sounds remarkably like your name. His hips thrust a few more times, chasing after his pleasure, clumsy movements that slow to a halt as he shuts his eyes. He shudders, then slackens, carefully pulling out of you before he wraps his hands around your thighs and gently lowers them back to the bedroll.
You can barely move, still lost in the aftershocks of pleasure as he cleans you up, smoothing the hair out of your face as he lays next to you.
“You know,” he says, “I think I’m going to ask Gale to make us another one of those scrolls.”
And, gods, all you can do is laugh.
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valsdelulucorner · 5 months
Malleus head cannons<3
Malleus is isolated a lot due to his status and his reputation. He is the next ruler of the Briar valley, one of the most powerful mages in all of the land, of course people who have heard of him would be intimidated. When he met you, he was surprised to find out you had no idea who he was, so he took this to his advantage. It was refreshing to just talk with someone freely that wasn't Lillia and his family, having fun with someone who wasn't afraid of saying what's on their mind.
When you found out Tsunotaro actually Malleus draconia, he was quite surprised to find you still treating him like how you did before. He was glad to still have a friend after his identity was discovered by you, it was so refreshing to have someone treat him like a friend and not the next prince of briar valley
I love the idea that Malleus doesn't really know how to use a phone, and the only reason he got a phone was to talk with you and his Diasomnia family. He will randomly use you as google, sending random questions to you such as; "different gargoyle types?" "how to make friends?" "what do humans like to do for fun?" "Does Yuu like Gargoyles?" "Malleus, this isnt google" "How to google"
Malleus sneaks into ramshackle sometimes when he wants to see you, easily walking through the front door or going through one of the broken walls that Crowley refused to fix (I'm so generous my ass). He sometimes scares you when he sneaks in, his footsteps barely make any noise so if your cooking or studying with grim, he can just walk up behind you and scare you. He doesn't mean to but he finds it amusing how you jump
If you invite him over for a sleepover or a study date at ramshackle, he will be ecstatic! He's never had a sleepover with a friend before so he will do research on human sleepovers, even asking Lillia for advice and knowledge about this. He will show up with his sleeping bag, bag of clothes, and even some snacks Lillia said humans like best during sleepovers. If its a study date and a sleepover, he will help you with anything you need while you eat snacks and chill in your pjamas. Grim will sit on your lap or your shoulders the entire time, getting abit protective of you while you and Malleus talk the night away.
He had the best time with you! When will be the next sleep over child of man? He had alot of fun just hanging out with you, getting to know you better and getting a better learning about what humans do during these sleep overs. He will 100% bring some games over for you guys to play, teaching you about the games he played in the briar valley while you teach him about games you played from your world. He would even let you do his hair if you ask nicely, it was such a nice break for him to just be around you and not have to worry about his duties for a night. He will defiantly ask you over for a sleepover at Diasomnia, just be careful not to run into sebek
Imagine if the boys didn't find out that you both were friends after Vil overblotted but during a lunch break or during class. While sitting with your group, Malleus comes over to your table and sits down with you, happily starting a conversation with you while everyone on and around your table freaks out about how your so calm. Or during a Gym class, malleus spots you out on the field struggling with your broom so he comes over and helps you, teaching you how to properly ride it while the students around you fly all the way to the other side of the field, shocked your speaking so freely with the Diasomnia dorm head
If you guys ever start dating, he will be very happy but nervous. God forbid you tell the first years, Sebek would be screaming in your ear for a few hours straight while Ace shakes your shoulders. Deuce and epel will be worried, asking if you know what your in for and jack will just be quietly staring at you with worry in the background, trying to tune out the shrill screams of grim. If Malleus randomly appears behind you while this goes down, ace immediately lets you go and scatters back with the rest while Sebek will be asking Malleus if he's sure he wants to be with a human like you. He and sebek are in for a long talk after that
If you guys get to the point where you both physically affectionate, he loves to lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair, softly talking about his day, gargoyles, his family, his history and everything with you. He enjoys these quite moments with you when you both can just be yourselves with each other, holding each other softly while you both speak about anything that comes to mind
If you come to twisted wonderland as a sculptor or a artist, lord he can see the wedding. He absolutely loves watching you work and seeing the fruits of your labor come to fruition. He will ask you if you can make gargoyles for him, even if you are a beginner artist he will still love to see you make one. If you make him a miny gargoyle keychain out of clay or resin, he will love you forever. He will never be without his little keychain, he keeps it in perfect condition and will be absolutely devastated if it breaks
Will call you "my thorn" "Child of man" "darling" "my muse" "my rose"
When I tell you this man would get so protective over you is a understatement, he will use his status to scare off anyone that tries to bully you or make a move on you. Someone confesses to you? Suddenly they are avoiding you like the plague but don't worry child of man, he is there to wipe your tears. Someone is bullying you? Don't question why they moved schools, maybe they weren't cut out for such a prestigious school
"I know you, i walked with you once apon a dream" "I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar agleam"
I Love malleus but this was the first time I've ever written for him so this was a lot more difficult then I expected. He was alot of fun to write for though, please excuse my writing, im still trying to improve
Who should I do next?
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aemondapologistfrfr · 1 month
What the Gods Gave Us
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fancast!benji blackwood x targ!fem!reader
apocalypse asoiaf/f&b au 
Summary: The Gods chose their own side during the dance of the dragons and decided to cast the realm into winter and death. Only three dragons remain alive to see the fruition of Aegon the Conquers dream. 
Warnings: 18+ mentions of death, death, swearing, blood, fingering, p in v, heavy au, plot heavy
Authors Note: a request from @chainsawsangel that I absolutely got carried away with :) in reality I should’ve made this multiple parts but fuck that we gots to see it thru
Word Count: 9k just be chill about it 
When the dance began the Gods looked down upon us and frowned. They cast the world into winter and allowed death to come from above the wall. No one was spared from what broke down the barrier in the north and came flooding through. It didn’t happen slowly. In under a week the entire realm was cast in snow and bitter winds. Sicknesses wiped out entire houses. Noble and low born families alike were torn apart and scattered across the wastelands that used to once be the great seven kingdoms of Westeros. 
Winter took our entire family and most of our dragons. The only remaining Targaryens in this world are me and my two brothers. When the snow started sticking our mother sent us and our dragons to hide within the crumbling walls of Harrenhal. The only place that seems to be untouched from decay here is the weirwood. Its eyes follow us as we walk across the grounds as it pours buckets of blood from its eyes. There’s an old kind of magic about this fallen castle that deters the white walkers from entering. 
The only other living creature here is Alys Rivers who only speaks in riddles and hides herself away in her chambers with her potions and ramblings. We try to avoid her but we’ve made her an honorary member of our family. She cooks and cares for us and we offer her protection and go out and get supplies. Today’s supply run has us traveling to Ironmans bay. She’s seeking a specific plant that only grows on the coast of the Iron Islands. 
“Why must I stay here with her?” Luke whines pleading with me and Jace to come with.
“You are young and so is your dragon. We’re not risking it. Taking two dragons out is as big of a calling card that we can deal with.” Jaces voice does not falter as he orders Luke to stay. 
“Mother said we’re supposed to stick together.” Luke looks between the both of us with sad eyes. 
“We always come back.” I cup his cheek hoping to offer him comfort.
“Please come back.” Luke’s eyes water as he pulls us into a hug. 
It’s never my want to leave him behind but I would much rather have him here than out there with us. Jace and I cover ourselves with white fur and leave the main hall. Our dragons chuff to us as we mount and take to the skies. We always fly in the clouds if we’re able. We don’t want to announce our moves during these trying times. We fly over countless pyres. I’m thankful our word got out that the one way to kill these things is fire and we have the biggest weapon against them. 
The flight to the coast is quick and freezing. We land on the shores and pull out a rough drawing of the plant that Alys gave us. Jace curses under his breath and kicks the snow away. It took a lot of convincing on my end for him not to kill or kick Alys out of Harrenhal when we first arrived. He’s been so angry at the world and I get it. I’m living in this frozen hell with him and I’m slowly losing hope as the moons pass. 
“I don’t care about her stupid fucking plants. We could be using our time differently.” he crosses his arms standing next to Vermax. 
“Using our time to do what Jace? What else could we possibly be doing? If you want to go sulk around that crumbling castle then go.” my voice rises with my anger. 
His breath clouds in front of him as he sighs and begins to look for the plants we’re here for. I hear a groan of string and wood and fall to the ground as I hear the arrow coast through the breeze. I turn and see Jace rising from the ground unsheathing his sword. I turn and see a handful of men running towards us and another bursts out from the tree line and starts cutting them down one by one. Jace and I look to each other before we turn back to the man who was so ready to lay his life down for us. 
“That’s close enough.” Jace raises his blade to the man walking towards us who stops and falls to one knee. 
“I swore fealty to your mother and that extends to her children as well. My sword is yours.” he bows his head and I turn to Jace. 
“What do we need your fealty for? What do you think we’re ruling over? Death and decay?” the man’s head pulls up as he looks beyond as at our dragons. 
“If anyone could bring the realm back together it would be the dragons. It was word from your mouths that fire will kill them no?” he rises to his full height. 
“What is it that you want?” Jaces voice calls over to him. 
“Shelter and safety. These Bracken cunts slaughtered the last of my men. I’ve been hunting them down for days now.” he turns to them and lets sparks rain upon them as their bodies go up in flame.
“And what is your name?” I raise my chin looking him over. 
“Benjicot Blackwood.” he bows his head once more. 
“What is it that you can offer us if we take you with us?” I ask assessing him. 
“I have no dragon or dragon flame but I have a sword and flint and they offer the same results.” he holds his sword out with both hands offering it to us. 
“I say we burn him and leave.” Jace says from my side and my eyes bulge. 
“Why would we do that? He’s just one person. Surely we can use his hands and sword.” I try to reason with him. 
“I’m sure you would like to use his sword.” he sneers at me and it takes all my strength not to punch him in the face. 
“I will cut your tongue out if you speak to me like that again.” I hiss back to him. 
“If you want him then search him and see if your dragon will allow him to ride back with you. I’m not dealing with this.” he waves me off and walks back to his dragon. 
“Alright, let’s go.” I nod my head for Benjicot to come to me. “I will search your pack and person and then we will see if my dragon will allow you to ride him and then we’ll go back to where we stay.” I hold out my hand expectantly. 
“Where is it that you stay?” he hands me his pack and my hands stop searching as I see the plants Alys is looking for. 
“What are you doing with these plants?” I look to him with scrunched brows. 
“They help staunch the never ending hunger.” he tilts his head. 
“Very well, do you have anything on your person that I need to be concerned about?” I close the bag and toss it back to him. 
“You can come let your hands roam all over me and find out for yourself.” he smirks unabashed. “The only thing you might find concerning is how much you enjoy it.” I gasp at his words as a laugh falls from my lips. 
“You are very bold.” I offer him a smile of my own as I feel my body heat. “Let’s see if you get to come home with me or become a meal for my dragon.” I hum and he chuckles lowly walking to my side. 
My dragon looks over him licking his teeth. I don’t know if it’s boldness or lack of care for his life but he walks up to my dragon and holds his hands out. My dragon seems as taken aback as I am and looks to me and huffs. I shrug my shoulders and walk past Benjicot to his wing. 
“Well are you coming, Benjicot?” I turn raising my eyebrow to him. 
“You can call me Benji.” he smiles walking to my side with confidence in his step. 
Vermax and Jace shoot to the skies and we’re close behind them. Benji holds onto my sides tightly and I welcome in the extra warmth. The chill goes to the bone once the sun begins to set and I’m thankful for our quick flight back to our crumbling fortress. Benji slides down after me and Jace scoffs before strutting into the main doors. 
“You’ve found the plants.” she looks to Benji and I look to her confused but not surprised that she knew of Benji from all her self proclaimed premonitions that I’m starting to believe more of everyday.
“This is-“ 
“Benjicot.” Alys nods her head taking his pack and disappearing with it leaving us confused. 
“She’s an interesting woman.” Benji says chuckling. 
“Who is this?” Luke bounds down the stairs and looks to Benji.
“Benji Blackwood. We found him wandering.” I offer. 
“Jace isn’t happy.” Luke says looking to me. 
“I’m well aware.” I roll my eyes and turn to Benji. “Come let’s find you a room.” he trails after me as we walk deeper into the castle. 
It has been just over a moon since we brought Benji back and Jace hasn’t gotten anymore welcoming. Luke on the other hand has taken a liking to him and it warms my heart to see Luke smile and laugh again. I want this for Jace but I don’t think he wants it for himself and that’s why he closes in on himself. I keep wanting to talk to Jace about Benjis words to us when we first met him. How us and our dragons could bring the realm back together. I talk about this a lot with Benji and he’s told me that there are survivors out there who believe this as well. I’ve been thinking about this nonstop and even have entertained the idea with Alys. 
“What do you propose?” Alys hums as I sit at the stone table while she’s crushing plants. 
“I don’t know. Something. We can’t possibly live like this forever. There has to be something we can do.” I try to search her eyes for any clue of to what she’s thinking. 
“The Gods are angry.” she offers me an unsettling smile. 
“They’ve taken it out on the realm what else is there left for them to take?” I ask exasperated. 
“They can take anything they please.” she hums moving around the table. 
“There has to be something we can do to change the tides. Are we not of the line that is supposed to end this war? Is the song of ice and fire truly just a tale?” I nibble on my bottom lip and she turns quickly to me. 
“So you know?” she raises an eyebrow. 
“Of the dream, yes, but what are we to do? There’s only three of us.” I sigh rubbing my forehead. 
“Return to Dragonstone and retrieve the glass.” her words ominous. 
“What glass?” I ask tilting my head. 
“Beneath the castle. You’ll know it when you find it.” she waves me off. “Bring both of your brothers and Benjicot.” she adds as I exit. 
As I walk up the stairs to find them my mind races with the confirmation Alys just gave me. I know Jace is going to scold me but I truly believe this with my being. I find Jace and Luke lounging in front of the great hearth. Benji is sat on the other side of the room near the window gazing out. I call Benji over near the fire and begin to tell them of my conversation with Alys and what we must do.
“You’re just as mad as her if you think I’m coming with you.” Jace scoffs at me.
“This is our chance to try and set things right. We’re the last dragons. Mother told us of the song of ice and fire and you want to ignore that? Winter is here. She chose you as her heir for a reason. Start acting like it.” I rise along with my temper. 
“You think a story will save us now?” he tosses his head back and laughs. 
“There’s no harm in trying, we either sit here and starve to death or try to do something. We can find the other survivors, unite the realm once more. We can kill these things, brother. We can set the realm back to how it was supposed to be, together, as a family.” I plead with him trying to show him reason. 
“Do you include your stray in our family now?” he shoots Benji a dirty look. 
“My stray has a name and he has been nothing but kind to you. Why do you despise him so much?” I shake my head at his ridiculousness. 
“Because he feeds your obsession about saving the realm when it’s already a frozen wasteland beyond repair.” Jace turns to Luke for support who avoids his eyes. “Oh you believe this too?” he chuckles to himself at a loss.
“What harm will it cause to go home for one day. Remember what used to be, what could be again.” Luke speaks softly. 
“One day.” Jace says looking to me. 
“Just one.” I nod my head. 
The stone walls have never felt more cold than they do now in this abandoned castle. The wind seems to whisper as we pass through the empty halls sharing the story of our downfall. This once great castle brimming with life and happiness now offers us a cold embrace. Our dragons rumble beneath the floors from the pits and I allow myself to remember how lively these halls once were. Our home taken by fate.
“I’m going to my chambers. Let me know when you’ve found what you’re looking for so we can get off this freezing rock.” Jace bounds up the stairs out of sight. 
“Go after him.” I nod to Luke not wanting Jace to feel so alone and unheard. I sigh pulling my furs around me. Benji walks over to me and rubs his hands on my arms trying to warm me up some.
“Do you think I sound crazy, Benji?” I look to him with furrowed brows.
“We walk alongside death, Princess. I don’t think there’s anything crazy about wanting for something better.” he offers me a reassuring smile. 
“Then we must go to the pits.” I turn walking to the stairs. 
I hear him a step behind me and smile. Benji stops to light a torch for us and we enter the dark cave. I get us quickly to the bottom and we start through the small tunnels. I plunge us deeper as the air gets cooler. The torch catches on an opening showing us something dark and glossy. A smile spreads across my face as I take in the shimmering rock. 
“Dragon glass.” I turn to Benji. 
“How much does she want?” he asks looking at the massive trove in front of us.
“I’m assuming as much as us our dragons can carry.” I crane my neck to see the extent of the obsidian walls. 
“Do you think Jace will carry some?” he asks my thoughts out loud.
“I will make him. I believe in this and him. He is King even if he doesn’t speak it.” my voice hushed. “Do you think if he calls the survivors will answer?” I look to him as he looks at me with admiration. 
“Who would be bold enough not to answer the dragons call?” he chuckles. “I believe in what you say. You are a good sister, a good person, to keep faith in him when he doesn’t even have it for himself.” his words have me thanking Alys  for sending me to find those plants. 
“Thank you, Benji.” my voice barely a whisper as I look to him. 
“You are strong and resilient and any smart man knows there’s always a woman holding the realm together.” his words cause a welcome warmth to my cheeks. 
“I fear the realm has fallen apart.” I look away.
“You didn’t set that in motion. You are helping reclaim and rebuild. You will never have to carry that weight alone as long as I breathe.” my eyes see the sincerity across his features. 
“Thank you, Benji.” I cup his cheek before leading us out of the caves once more to find my brothers. 
They both groan at diving into the pits with me and Benji but follow nonetheless. Their eyes alight with wonder as they look around the obsidian cave. Jace places a hand on one of the rocks jutting from the ground and a warm breeze comes from deep within the ground. Just as quick as the warmth spreads it is replaced with ice. 
“What is it you want me to do?” Jace turns to me. 
“We need to mine as much of this as we can and bring it back with us.” I search Jaces face to see his mood. 
“This seems as if it will take more than the day I was promised.” Jace sighs. 
“We can figure it out. We can get you and Vermax loaded up first and you can go back to Harrenhal tonight if you want.” my eyes pleading. 
“I can stay and help.” a smile starts to spread across my face. “Don’t get too excited.” he glares at me and I have to bite my lip from smiling even wider. 
“Let’s go find some tools and start moving this out of the caves.” I nod my head leading us to the armory. 
As I push the doors to the armory open the castle seems to let out a breath it was holding since before this never ending winter. We all walk in and look around to find tools and carts. On the center table I spot two swords and a dagger with a parchment containing our mother’s handwriting. I call Jace and Luke over as we read her last words to us. 
My sweet children- 
Should you find this letter and our family blades it means you know what must be done now. My father always believed the song of ice and fire to be true and now I see that it is. The realms fate is left to you three. Jacaerys, I leave you Catspaw, the blade passed down to heirs over the years. Luke, my sweet boy, I leave you Blackfyre, do not allow anyone to underestimate you. Y/n, I leave you Dark Sister, that has been wielded by the strongest of us. Get the dragon glass and call the realm together. I’m sorry I’ve left this burden on you three. I love you, you were always the best of me.
We look to each other with tear filled eyes and hold on to one another tightly. We sniffle and settle our breathing before nodding to one another. As we all grab for the blades we feel another warm breeze kiss across our faces. We turn and see Benji staring at us in awe. He shakes his head at a loss and falls to his knee. 
“The remaining dragons shall save us and cast the winter out of the realm.” he bows his head to us. 
“Rise, Benji. We have work to do.” Jace nods his head and I try to hide my smile that he called Benji by his name for the first time. 
We begin to pick up axes and shovels and toss them into carts. We make our way back down to the caves with a new sense of purpose. The next couple of hours are filled with grunts and curses at the hard rock. We take turns carting it to our dragons who look at us curiously as they curl up together. The energy we’re exuding actually has us hot for once and we take a break to walk the grounds. We end up standing in front of the weirwood as it stares back at us. The blood tears seem to still be ever flowing but less than what we’ve seen at Harrenhal. 
We decide to rest for the night and go about sourcing wood for a fire. After splitting up the frozen soup Alys sent us with we heat it over a fire in the main hall. We eat silently and quickly ready to sleep and start tomorrow anew. We each grab some wood and part ways and head for our chambers. As I’m making my way to my chambers I notice Benji is still trailing after me. 
“Where are you going?” I turn and raise an eyebrow to him. 
“To your chambers?” he tilts his head as if it was obvious. 
“I don’t remember inviting you.” I chuckle shaking my head. 
“It’s cold. We should share a bed. It’s the smart thing to do.” the smile that spreads across his face is serpentine. 
“Where is this concern when we’re at Harrenhal?” I smile before continuing down the hall to my chambers. 
“Are you asking me to move into your chambers with you?” he purrs quickening his pace to walk at my side. 
“We’ll see how tonight goes.” I hum as I push my chamber doors open and sigh at the familiar sight. 
“If there’s anything you need or want of me don’t hesitate to ask.” he says lowly before going to the stone hearth and starting a fire.
“Let’s move the mattress next to the hearth.” I toss the wood on the floor along with my bags. 
“Mm, how romantic.” he rises from the hearth and looks down to me. 
“It’s so we can be warmer.” I glare up at him. 
“I’ll keep you warm, don’t worry.” he strokes the side of my cheek before stepping around me and walking to the bed. I turn to him with red cheeks and cross my arms. “Stop pouting and come help me.” he chuckles. 
I flare my nostrils and walk over to my bed. I push my blankets and furs to the center and grab the edge of the bed to lift it. Benji lifts his side and we drop it on the ground a couple feet back from the hearth. I turn and look around my chambers taking them in. I never thought I would see these walls again. I pull Dark Sister from its sheath and place it on the table and look upon it. 
“A powerful weapon for a powerful woman.” Benji comes from behind me and looks over my shoulder. 
“I hope I’m not sending us all to our doom.” I whisper turning to him. 
“If you are, I will gladly stand by your side.” his voice doesn’t carry its usual playful demeanor. 
“Do you think we can do it?” I search his eyes. 
“I do.” he nods his head. “It will be hard but we’ve endured this far.” we slowly begin to lean into each other’s body heat. 
“Thank you for believing in me and not thinking I’m crazy.” I look up to him as our chests are almost touching. 
“I never said I didn’t think you were crazy, I said your idea wasn’t crazy.” a smile splits across his face and I push him back. 
“You’re such an asshole, you can-“ 
He pulls me into a rough kiss and I completely forget why I was angry. He pushes his tongue into my mouth and my arms wrap around his back holding him to me. One of his hands tangles into my hair holding my lips against his. His other hand holds my lower back molding me to him. We stay tangled in each other until we both pull back panting. 
“What were you saying?” he says lowly with his smirk back on his face. 
“Now I’m saying you’re an arrogant asshole and you can find somewhere else to sleep.” I glare up to him before looking at his lips and he chuckles catching the movement. 
“Want to try again and sound like you mean it?” his words taunting me. 
“Benji,” I warn huffing. 
“Hm?” he licks his lips and I roll my eyes at him brushing past him to the mattress. 
His hand reaches out and grabs my arm. He turns me towards him. I look up to him expectantly waiting for him to say or do something. I relent and start to reach up to capture his lips once more, over his games and he tips his head up making me chase his lips out of my reach. 
“I didn’t take you as such a tease. Or maybe you can’t get it hard?” I try to pull my arm out of his grasp but he just tightens his fingers. 
When he captures my lips this time it’s bruising and takes my breath away. His hands begin to pull off my clothes. When his rough hands meet my flesh I gasp into his mouth. I start to push off his clothes and he helps quicken the process. When our skin presses together I sigh at the warmth. We don’t separate as we fall to the mattress in a clash of tongues and teeth. He kisses down my jaw and I arch up into him gasping as I feel his hardened length slide against my wetness. 
“Benji,” I mewl as he rubs against my bud. 
“Hush,” he says before pushing into me. 
My breath catches at the stretch of him. He chuckles looking at my scrunched brows as I squirm beneath him. He slowly starts to rock into me until my moans become broken. His hips snap into mine and I feel my pleasure begin to coil. As he wraps my legs around his waist he starts a brutal pace. I throw my head back into the pillow as my hips meet his. I come undone around him and he grunts but keeps his pace. 
“Is my cock hard enough for you, Princess?” he dips down to whisper in my ear as he continues to rut into me. 
“Yes, Benji please,” I cry out feeling my high quickly approaching again. 
Our breaths come out in pants as we chase our highs. He rolls his hips into me and I whimper as he brushes against my sensitive bud. His trusts begin to falter as I start to pulse around him. He stills as I feel his warmth fill me. He brings his lips to mine as we still try to catch our breath. He rolls off of me placing one more kiss on my forehead. He pulls the furs over us and pulls me to his chest. 
“Do you still think I’m an asshole?” I roll my eyes and turn over putting my back to him. 
“I must’ve not fucked you hard enough if you’re still pouting.” he pulls me back to his chest. 
“I’m limited on options.” as the words leave my mouth his hand lands on my backside hard making me jolt into him. 
“Go to bed before I decide you don’t need any sleep.” his voice low as we hold each other tightly to ward off the cold.
Over the past three days we’ve been able to collect as much dragon glass as our dragons can carry. I’m thankful to finally get back to Harrenhal because we’re low on food and supplies. As we make our way to our dragons my brother and I look back at our home. None of us are brave enough to say goodbye or even to express hope to return again someday. We know the path ahead now is victory or peril. 
The flight back to Harrenhal feels as if it takes forever. Once we land Alys sweeps out through the main gates and looks us all over. She assesses the dragon glass and nods in approval at the amount we got. She ushers us inside and pours us tea and hot soup. 
“I’ve begun sending word around the realm that their King calls for them.” she says this as if it’s just another daily task. 
“Alys,” Jace sighs. “What was the message? We should’ve planned this together.” he shakes his head. 
“This has been planned long before you were born, boy. I’ve been waiting for you to stop throwing your tantrums to start moving the plans into place.” Alys turns to him with a motherly tone. 
“And where are you calling these survivors to rally?” Jace sets his spoon down completely abandoning his soup. 
“Winterfell, of course.” Alys tosses over her shoulder before returning to her poultices.
“Are there any survivors that far north?” Luke asks shaking his head.
“The one who carries Ice still lives.” she doesn’t even deign to turn around.
“How is it that you know all this? The ravens don’t carry messages anymore.” I ask my eyes boring into her back.
“There’s another raven that still carries messages if you know how to listen. The trees whisper too, I’m surprised you haven’t heard them.” she hums absentmindedly. 
“I need proof that there is reason for us to pack up and go north. The winds are surely deadly that far up.” Jace takes a sip of tea.
“Then follow me.” Alys’ skirts swish out of the hall and we all get up and trail after her. She takes us out to the Godswood and we stand in front of the crying weirwood. “Do any other of you have a lack of faith in the song of ice and fire?” she turns and assesses us. 
I turn to look at Luke and Benji and they both seem contented that the song is absolute certainty. We all turn to Jace who has a pout back on his face still not convinced. Alys smiles and gestures for him to come closer. She reaches for his hand and he reluctantly gives it to her. When she places his hand on the tree it feels as if the sun is shining on us for the first time in moons. When I look up I still see the same overcast sky and sigh.
Jace has gone completely still as the blood flows over his hands. His eyes are watering as his features go blank. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain but I’m still concerned for him nonetheless. I go to rest my hand on him and Alys stops me. 
“Do not interrupt this. He’ll be fine.” she whispers and I step back to Benji and Luke. 
Luke clings to me as we wait for Jace to come back to the present. The minutes drag on for what feels like hours. Benji comes to my other side and rests his head on my shoulder and I drink in his warmth. We huddle together and our spines straighten as Jace inhales deeply.
“It’s true.” he turns to us with tears streaming down his face as he pulls us into a hug. 
“What happened?” I pull back so I can assess him.
“I saw.” his voice still far off. “I saw everything.” he pulls Catspaw from his belt and holds it between us. 
“To Winterfell?” I search his eyes.
“To Winterfell.” Jace nods and walks past us back into the crumbling castle with a new found sense of purpose.
“What of you, Alys?” I turn to her and she smiles. 
“I will be there should you need me.” she hums walking past us into the castle after Jace.
We stop every night on the way to Winterfell. Our dragons can only handle the chill for so long. We have them scorch the lands around us encircling us in a wall of flame. We are hoping to see some of the survivors Alys has talked about but the road has been silent. We curl up on the frozen ground clinging to one another for warmth. Sleep only offers us a reprieve for a couple of hours before we’re back in the wind. 
“How much longer?” Luke whines as he hugs onto Arrax. 
“If we push through we could make it a couple hours after moonrise.” Jace hums trying to see how we feel. 
“We can load up on furs. If Arrax can support him I’ll send Benji with you to help keep the chill off.” I nod trying to get us to Winterfell as soon as possible. I don’t know if we can survive another night outside in these temperatures, no matter how much fire our dragons supply. 
“You don’t have to baby me, Y/n.” Luke groans rolling his eyes at me. 
“You are a baby, Luke.” Jace laughs and I look to him with a smile of my own. I haven’t heard his genuine laugh in so long.
We decide on giving Luke as many of our furs that he could wear and still see. Arrax didn’t take too kindly to Benji and we didn’t want to stress anyone out. I give him more furs than Jace because I’ll have Benji behind me to help retain my heat. We mount the dragons and push forward to Winterfell. 
As the sun sets behind the clouds the temperature drops almost instantly. My muscles tense as I lean back into Benji. He opens his jacket and pulls me against his chest. He buries his head into my neck and I feel my body heat as his hair tickles me. He offers soft kisses to my neck that help distract me as the wind bites. 
As the hours drag by my body begins to shake trying to make its own heat. I look worriedly to my brothers who are probably in the same state and they don’t have someone to offer them extra warmth. I bury my head in my hands trying to regain feeling on my cheeks and nose. 
“We’re about an hour out. Once we’re in our chambers I’ll make sure you’re so hot you’ll be begging to go roll in the snow.” his words brush my ears and my entire body heats. I lean back appreciatively and excited about the warmth he’s offering. 
I fill my mind with thoughts of the man behind me and soon the blush on my face is heating my extremities. His arms wrap tighter around me as if he’s doing the same thing. Our bodies mend together pulling heat from one another. The walls of Winterfell finally come into view and I let out a choked sob. I see there are torches lit and it looks as if the integrity of this castle has still remained intact. Our dragons land inside the gates and burn the ground before us and I sigh in relief at the warmth as it licks at us.
“Welcome back, Your Grace.” a northern man with a large sword down his back approaches us.
“Lord Stark.” Jace nods his head before they laugh and hug each other.
“I’mglad that you guys are reunited but I would like to be reunited with warmth.” I say with a bite in my voice as Benji laughs next to me.
“Of course,” Cregan nods his head and we enter the warm halls quickly. 
“How is this the warmest place we’ve been in moons?” I sigh bringing my hands to the fire. 
“It was built to withstand the winter. After all, it’s always winter up here, Princess.” Cregan smiles to me. “We also have hot springs that should help you defrost and if that doesn’t help I’m sure we could find another way.” he chuckles as my red cheeks and Benji comes up to my side promptly. 
“We would love to try the hot springs.” Benji smiles to Cregan before wrapping his arm around me. Cregan brushes this off and walks back over to Jace and Luke. He leads us to the guest chambers. Benji tells him that he’s sharing with me and I roll my eyes at his dramatics. 
“Then I guess I won’t offer you a place in my chambers.” Cregan leans down and whispers into my ear. As he pulls back my cheeks are tinted and Benji is fuming next to me. “Someone will be up here shortly to bring you to the hot springs.” he smirks at me before shutting the door.
“Are you serious?” Benji turns me towards him.
“What?” I tilt my head still flushed from Cregans words.
“You’re lucky I didn’t take you in front of him.” he growls pulling me to him. 
“Benji,” I gasp as he starts pulling my furs off. “It was harmless.” he starts to pull off my shirt and I bite my lip as his hands find my skin.
“Harmless? He all but asked you to fuck in front of me.” he says through his teeth as he lifts my shirt off. 
“He did not.” I say hushed as his hands slide up my bare skin.
“What did he say that had you blushing?” he fingers brush against my nipples and a whimper falls from my mouth.
“He said,” I gasp as he pinches one of my nipples. “He said he was going to offer me a place in his chambers.” my hands rest on his arms as he continues to fondle across my chest.
“Is that what you want?” I shake my head at his words. “Tell me whose bed you want to be in.” his voice low as his hand dips beneath my waistband. 
“Benji,” I cling to him as his fingers spread my wetness. 
“Go find a robe.” I whine as he removes his hand. “Someone should be here to bring us to the hot springs soon.” he leaves me squeezing my thighs together. 
I huff and walk over to the wardrobe hoping there was something left. I sigh thankful that there are some robes left over. I slide my trousers down my legs and quickly wrap myself in the robe. I turn and toss Benji a robe and try not to let my eyes linger on his exposed torso. He starts to unlace his trousers and I look to him with low lids as he chuckles at me. He slides them off and I squeeze my thighs once more taking in the length of him. There’s a knock on the door and Benji is quickly slipping the robe on and walking to the door. 
“It seems as if I’m the only one left awake to take you both.” Cregan takes up our doorway and I internally groan. 
“Mm, of course.” Benji exhales grabbing my hand and pulling me to his side. 
The walk through the castle is silent and I can feel Benjis frustration pouring off of him. I squeeze his hand to try and get him to focus on anything else but he keeps his eyes focused on Cregans back. We start down a stone staircase and as we enter the cavern I sigh as the warm air kisses my face. I see that there’s more than enough space for the three of us to be here comfortably. I walk past them both and begin to dip into the water. Once my bottom half is in the water I slip off my robe and sink beneath and let out a breathy moan. 
I close my eyes as I let the hot water soothe my muscles. I sink lower into the water and I feel it ripple next to me. I peek an eye open and see that Benji has claimed a seat next to me. The water shifts again and I see that Cregan has also gotten in. I sit back up and feel the tension in the water and roll my eyes. Benjis hand falls to my thigh and my head snaps to him. 
“So are you guys together?” Cregans voice carries across the stone walls and I groan knowing this will set Benji off.
“Yes.” he says as his fingers grip on my thigh spreading them open. 
“Mm, how long?” Cregan looks to me as Benjis fingers slide to my core.
“Couple moons now.” I try to keep my voice steady as he swirls around my bud. 
“Where did you find her?” Cregan shifts to Benji and I’ve never been more thankful as he dips a finger into me. 
“Near the Iron Islands. I saved her and Jace from some Bracken beasts.” Benji narrows his eyes at Cregan as he pushes a second finger into me and a moan slips out. I try to cover it by clearing my throat but I can tell Cregan caught it. 
“Do you both need some privacy?” Cregan chuckles at my red cheeks and Benji keeps pushing his fingers into me. 
“If you wouldn’t mind.” Benji uses a patronizing tone. “She’s been begging for my cock since we started the journey here.” he chuckles and I snap my head to him ready to scold him until his thumb rubs against my bud and I’m hoping that Cregan will leave soon because I can’t contain the whimpers leaving my lips. 
“Treat her well. Or I will.” Cregan chuckles again before standing out of the water unabashed. Benji starts moving his fingers faster and I try to close my legs around his hand. 
“Benji.” I mewl as he continues with his motions.
“She’s content here.” Benji chuckles waving Cregan off. 
“Are you done now?” I pant at Benji.
“Not even close.” he growls as he flips me so my chest is against the cool stone. “Gunna fuck you here because I know he’s listening on the stairs.” he breathes into my neck as he lifts my hips.
“You sound paranoid.” I turn to look at his dark eyes as I spread my legs open for him. 
“I don’t care.” he pushes into me in one movement and I rest my cheek against the stone. 
Moans begin pouring from my lips as the water laps against us. His pace is quick and I have no hope of covering the curses and whines that fall from my mouth. The second his fingers brush against my bud my body goes taught. He continues to push into me as my high spreads through me. My hips push back into his as I continue to chase more pleasure.
“You like when I fuck you like a common whore?” he pulls me up against him and wraps his fingers around my neck.
“Fuck, Benji, please,” I whine as my chest heaves. 
The hand that he has supporting my waist goes to my bud and I contract around him as my pleasure washes through me. I feel his thrusts get sloppy as he begins to fill me. He slips out of me quickly pulling a moan from my lips. I brace my hands on the stone as I catch my breath. 
“When you’re ready we’re going back up to our chambers and I’m gunna fuck you until he knows you’re mine.” he sits back and I nod to him with flushed cheeks.
It’s been almost a moon since we’ve landed in Winterfell and the amount of survivors showing up is astonishing. We have a large camp circled around the walls that grow larger by the day. As more people arrive we give them dragon glass to shape into weapons of their choice. We’ve had confirmation dragon glass works on the white walkers and everyone seems relieved to have finally confirmed this theory. 
“When do we march north? Or are we staying here? What is the plan?” I look to Jace as I sprawl across his couch. Benji and Luke are sat at the table and look to Jace ready for his commands. 
“We fight here. He will come to us in the end.” Jace nods and goes to look out the window at the growing host around us. 
“Who will come?” Luke asks nibbling his lip.
“The night King. We kill him and this ends. We go home.” his voice seems far away and we look to each other with confused brows.
“You’re starting to sound like Alys, brother.” I chuckle and he turns to me with a smile. 
“Surprisingly, I don’t take offense.” he smiles sitting on a chair across from me. “I saw him beginning to march here. He has a large host of white walkers with him that he has no care if they live or die. We’re fighting for something. We have a reason and purpose. Fate is on our side. He will be here during the hour of the wolf.” he turns to look at Luke and Benji. 
“Tonight?” Benji asks taken aback.
“Yes, so get some rest. We either come out victorious or die.” Jace rises nodding to us. 
Benji, Luke, and I leave Jaces chambers to go and find a couple hours of sleep. We drop Luke off at his chambers and I hug him tightly and kiss his head. We make our way back to our chambers and collapse to the bed. We simply hold each other and curl up under the covers basking in each other’s warmth.
I sit up in bed as a loud horn is blown. Benji is looking out the window and I rise and go to his side. The castle seems to be surrounded by flame as I see a white mass headed for us. I turn back to the chambers trying to wake myself up quicker. I start to pull on my armor and sheath Dark Sister at my side. I turn back to Benji who is holding his hand out to me. 
“Are you ready?” I ask him slipping my hand into his. 
“I am. With the three dragons burning from above we will be able to be victorious on the ground.” he nods to me. We make our way to the main hall and see the remaining leaders gathered. On approach I see Alys coming out of a dark hall.
“What are you doing here?” I look to her confused.
“Making sure you both were awake for this war. They need you.” she nods us over to the conversation being held. 
“My siblings and I will be in the skies burning as many as we can without burning our own men. This is our last stand. We have all of the tools we need to succeed. It’s now or never. May the Gods choose our side.” Jaces voices carries throughout the hall and I tear up hearing him speak so confidently.
“A word sister?” Jace nods his head to the corner where Luke is waiting for us. “I wanted to tell you what I saw when I touched that tree. I saw us all here. Making the prophecy come true. Everything we have done has led us right here. We can reclaim this realm and break it free from the icy grasp of the Gods. It will be a new age for us. These men and women believe in us and will follow us even to their death.” his words cause my heart to tighten knowing no matter how much dragon flame and glass we use we will still suffer losses. 
“I will follow you even if it means my death, my King.” I lower my head and I see Luke do the same at my side.
“You both will live. I can’t do this without you. Together we will revive the Golden Age.” his words capture my breath. 
We all embrace and begin to walk out of the hall. Benji returns to my side and walks with us to our dragons. I make sure he’s armed with as many dragon glass weapons as his person can carry. I look up to him unable to help the worry written across my face. He smoothes my brow before placing his lips softly on mine. 
“If you die tonight, I won’t let them burn you. I’ll keep you as my white walker pet or something.” I pull back and look to him with furrowed brows and he barks out a laugh.
“I’ll try my best to stay alive.” he smiles down at me. “But it seems as if I’ll see you after regardless.” he kisses me once more and disappears into the sea of men and women. 
I sigh and turn to my dragon and see my brothers also talking to their dragons. I hug around my dragons neck and he lets out soft chuffs. Jace looks to Luke and nods and offers me the same motion. I begin to mount and once I’m settled and clipped into my saddle I turn back to my brothers once more. Jace and Vermax shoot into the sky and his dragon alights the sky with dragon flame. Luke and I fly up in unison our dragons spitting flame and washing the world in red for a couple moments. 
Our dragons cry out and we dip down aiming for the approaching white hoard. We all separate and bathe the undead in a fiery bath. A horn is heard from behind us and we hear the war cries from our host as they clash with the dead. A cool wind sweeps down from the north and I gasp as the world is cast in a blizzard. Our dragons cry out at being blinded and spit fire around the skies hoping to find a break. 
My heart beats wildly as my dragon and I try to find our way to the ground. He dives down spraying flame to clear our path and once we land we’re engulfed in flame as Luke lands next to me. White walkers approach us an instant later and our dragons call out as we’re surrounded. Luke and I dismount and pull our blades. There’s no time for hesitation as we begin swinging. Where our blade lands death follows and our dragons finish them with flame. I risk a glance into the skies for Jace and shake my head as I see nothing.
This has to work. It couldn’t have all been for nothing. All of the death and loss had to have meant something. My emotions pour into Dark Sister as I begin to court death. I hear Lukes grunts from a couple feet away as he’s engaged in a dance with two white walkers. I gape as he cuts them both down and doesn’t falter before he moves to the next. Pride surges in my chest as I focus on the walkers in front of me. As I swing my blade the blizzard begins to let up and I can finally see the host around us and see we’re not too far from the walls. 
The sun begins to rise washing the word in the normal gray as we continue to fight. I take small glances at the force around us and allow myself to smile as I see that a majority of us are still standing. I push off the walkers and run to Luke. 
“Mount Arrax and find Jace and then come and get me.” I take over the walkers he was dealing with as he shoots to the sky. I watch him fly north and turn my focus back in front of me. My dragon picks off the walkers that try to get to me when I’m further engaged. Arrax gives out a cry above me and I’m quickly mounting and flying after him. I follow him to the weirwood inside the walls and land running to the tree. There I spot Jace standing in front of a man made of ice. This clearly has to be the night King. 
“Jace,” I breathe out as I see the two Kings standing off. 
Jace lunges and their bodies are too close together to see what’s happening. Luke and I stand there frozen not knowing what to do. I hear a blade cut against flesh and I gasp. Jace staggers back hand still wrapped around Catspaw that is sticking out of the Kings chest. He twists and pulls it out swiftly and the King falls to the ground. Jace turns to us, blade in hand, and the sun begins to break through the clouds. It casts across Jaces face and the weirwood behind him. 
It’s been six moons since the sun shone upon our faces again. The losses the realm endured were too many to count. Rebuilding has taken time and will take longer than our own lives allow. Jacaerys was coronated in Winterfell before we flew to Kings Landing to see what remained. We all have been slowly healing and moving forward. Today in the peak of summer as the sun is its highest Jacaerys will be coronated again before the masses in Kings Landing. 
The remaining Lords and Ladies of the realm stand on the dais beside us as a crown is placed on his brow by the new High Septon. This crown has been forged with dragon glass and valyrian steel and named after him as the Reclaimer. Jace smiles and nods to us before he turns to the crowd and they erupt in cheers. 
“Jacaerys Targaryen, First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the Reclaimer.” the High Septons voice reverberates off of the walls of the dragon pit as the crowd continues to cheer.
“I told you that the dragons would be able to reclaim the realm. I always believed in this outcome.” Benji whispers in my ear and I turn to him with a wide smile. 
“Stay here with us.” I look up to him with pleading eyes. “With me.” my voice soft.
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you.” he dips down and places o kiss on my forehead.
“I should hope not or I would have to marry Cregan.” I smile up to him.
“Do not start.” his voice low as he pulls me against him before he pulls us off of the dais and he’s leading us into a carriage back to the Keep.
masterlist 🔌
this literally took over my mind for the past couple of days fr
taglist ✍️
@clarityisnofun @callsignwidow @gabriella-aesthetic @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @ashovertheriver @p45510n4f4shi0n @anaviieiraaa @zanygot7straykidsbonk @hueanhdang
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wileys-russo · 10 months
insomniac II k.mccabe x reader
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kinda love this, kinda hate this. based around the request here insomniac II k.mccabe x reader
you sighed quietly as your eyes started to ache, latched wide awake and glaring up at the ceiling, counting sheep no longer working as it never did.
you'd tried everything under the sun to settle enough to sleep for more than a broken half hour, it never worked. there was always a small part of you that was wired, buzzing and alight with an energy that came from god knows where.
you'd tried medication of course at the advice of your doctor but it just left you feeling spaced out and drowsy, often waking up just as tired as if you'd stayed awake through the night anyway.
your mind ticked over and over thoughts swirling round your head like fish in a pond, never stopping or slowing always just going around and around no real destination or end in sight.
it was always at its worst when you had something to fixate on and tomorrows derby was exactly that. your worries and doubts about your performance crept in, picking and picking and picking at every little insecurity or doubt or worry that crept in with your walls down and at your most vulnerable.
then you were bold enough to tap your phone, big mistake.
you silently screamed, dragging your hands down your face, now somehow even more awake with the glaring reminder of the time, your alarm set for 8:30am.
your hand hovered on the bedside table, fingers just inches away from your phone as you bit down on your bottom lip. you knew she would be here in ten minutes flat despite living double that distance away, foot to the floor at your beckoned call.
you normally slept soundly with your girlfriend beside you, her strong arms wrapped around you, slender fingers carded through your hair and the repeated steady thumping of her heartbeat lulling you into the most dreamless sleep you could ever wish for.
but that didn't mean it happened every single time, and you knew better than to mess with katie's sleep schedule as well as your own. so on the nights before matches you always had some sort of excuse prepared why you couldn't spend the night with her, and you weren't sure katie believed all of them, but she never pushed you about it.
you suddenly jolted back awake, a sudden chilling anxiety creeping in that you'd overslept you were quick to tap your phone, groaning loudly seeing the time, having only fallen asleep around a quarter to five.
giving up with a sigh you kicked off the covers, sending them flying to the floor with a soft thump as you swung out of bed, rubbing your face and leaving your phone to charge. grabbing your blanket off the ground you wrapped it around you and padded out to the living room.
you collapsed onto your lounge with a deafeated sigh, wrapped in your doona like a burrito as you clicked the tv on, settling for the cooking channel knowing it wasn't something you'd be too focused on watching.
"baby? darlin?" your eyes fluttered awake hearing a voice faintly calling your name, though assuming it was some sort of dream you settled yourself again. "jesus christ here ya are!" but they shortly opened again as the voice grew louder, and you blinked tiredly seeing a blurry figure looming over you.
"hey. did you sleep here?" hands softly grabbed your face as you blinked again and suddenly your girlfriends worried face was hovering near yours as she knelt down by the lounge.
"no i just...just dozed off. what time is it?" you asked groggily, barely able to keep your eyes open as katies frown deepened. "ten. you were a no show for breakfast, i was worried something happened to ya." katie spoke quietly, thumbs stroking your flushed cheeks.
"oh shit! i'm so sorry." you exhaled, shooting up suddenly as her hands fell to her sides and you rubbed your eyes, seeing stars for a moment as you stopped and stretched. "i thought i set my alarm and i-" you stopped, frantically patting around you and coming up empty.
"it's in my room." you realised with a sigh, burying your face in your hands as katie moved to sit beside you. "hey, did you sleep at all last night? don't take this the wrong way sweets but ya look like shit." katies tone was laced with concern, unable to ignore the deep bags under your eyes.
"yeah yeah i'm fine. how long have i got?" you brushed off her worry with a shake of your head. "couple hours. is your bag packed?" katie questioned, wanting nothing more than to continue questioning you but knowing that wasn't going to help anything right now.
"no, i was supposed to get up and do it before i met you for breakfast." you groaned in realization, the stress already mounting on your shoulders at your careless error. "hey." katie grabbed your hands, tugging them away from your face and turning you to look at her.
"you go and have a shower, do your skin care stuff or whatever you call it. i'll pack your bag and cook us somethin to eat, okay?" she stated more than questioned, staring you down as you nodded, knowing better than to try and argue with her.
"sorry." you exhaled into her shoulder as she pulled you into a tight hug. "don't be. my job to look after ya when you forget, god knows you've done it for me!" her body vibrated with a small chuckle as she pulled away, placing a kiss to your forehead and nodding for you to head toward the bathroom.
"smells good baby, thank you." your hoodie covered arms wrapped around the slightly taller girls hips, your cheek resting against her back as you leaned into her where she stood by your stove dishing up.
you kissed her cheek appreciatively as she handed you a plate, nodding for you to sit down as she dished up her own food. "you gonna be honest about not sleepin then?" katie asked, breaking the silence once filled by the scraping of cutlery against plates.
"i told you, i'm fine." you sighed at her concern, rolling your eyes and continuing to eat. "you're not." katie pushed, jaw clenching at your denial. "i am katie, drop it." you warned, fixing her with a firm look which she only met with one of her own.
"whatever, stubborn idiot." your girlfriend scoffed quietly, shaking her head as you bit your tongue not to snap at her, knowing part of the reason you were so moody was because you hadn't slept, and you hardly wanted to any further prove her worries to be worthwhile.
the silence continued as you finished eating, grabbing yours and your girlfriends dishes and washing them up, leaving her to have some space to cool down before you'd both need to be in game mode.
sure enough right as you were finished she appeared, hugging you tightly from behind as her face tucked into your neck. "ya know i only bug you about it cause i care, right?" katie mumbled as you sighed, moving your hands to rest on top of hers.
"i know. but i don't need this today, we have bigger things to focus on." you spoke gently, leaning back into her a little more and feeling her nod, the two of you standing there just appreciating one anothers embrace for a moment, katie gently swaying the two of you side to side.
"right i'm getting seasick babe." you joked, tapping her hands as they let go of your waist and the irishwoman unwound from around you. "mm not so fast darlin. think ya might be forgettin somethin?" katie caged you in against the counter, arms either side of your body and a cheeky grin ingrained into her features.
"hmm. breakfast? check. shower? check. cuddle? check. bags packed? check. sounds like we're ready to leave love!" you smiled teasingly, knowing exactly what she wanted. "think harder." katies body pressed into yours, grin growing as she leant in closer and closed.
"oh! of course baby, how could i forget." you gasped, leaning up as if to kiss her but ducking under her arm, the older girl stumbling forward as you darted away. "gotta put my trainers on!" you winked as she quickly turned.
you laughed as she chased after you, grabbing the back of your pants and yanking you down onto the lounge before you could make a break for the front door, your body toppling down on top of hers.
"caught ya baby girl!" she grinned, bunching your hoodie in her fists and pulling your mouth to meet hers, the two of you smiling into the kiss. you indulged her for a few moments, allowing her tongue to slip in as you grabbed her face deepening the kiss even further before forcing yourself to pull away.
"baby as much as i love you and i love doing this, we're running late."
"hey y/l/n, can i grab you for a second please?" you looked up from where you were stretching with a few of the girls, one of the assistant coaches and medic waiting for you as you nodded, excusing yourself from your previous conversation with frida and noelle.
"is everything alright?" you questioned with a frown, the two of them requesting you come to the medical room with them. your worry grew when neither of them answered you, and it doubled as you entered the room and saw you weren't alone.
"okay why do i feel like this is an intervention? are you sending me to AA?" you joked, tone laced with nervousness as both your captains for club and for country sat waiting.
"please take a seat. you're not in any trouble we just want to talk about something that's been flagged." martin, the assistant coach smiled kindly, gesturing for you to take a seat as you pulled yourself up onto one of the physio benches.
"flagged?" you frowned, confusion peaking into curiosity. "its been mentioned you've been having some trouble sleeping, and this has raised some questions about your ability to be match fit today." kim spoke up first, eyes raking over you with concern.
"let me guess, katie?" you rolled your eyes, nerves and confusion now replaced with annoyance and frustration. "easy mate, you know she loves you which is why its being taken seriously, she'd hardly lie." leah spoke softly but fixed you with a look as you opened your mouth to argue.
"what have i got to do to prove i'm fine then? i can play! look i'm wide awake. i'll count backwards from 100? walk a straight line? do the alphabet?" you rambled on, eyes daring around the room.
"this isn't to test if you've been drinking and driving." martin chuckled. "so what do i need to do? other than go and warm up, which i'm missing!" you made a point, pointing out of the door and toward the pitch.
"katie said you didn't sleep last night, and that you've struggled with a regular sleep schedule for a rather long time." julie the medic questioned, having you look in a few different directions as she shone a bright light in your eyes.
"i have insomnia, its diagnosed and the club has record of that. it's never stopped me playing before." you winced at the light, blinking a few times to adjust as she finished with a hum. "do you take medication to help you sleep?" julie questioned.
"....yeah." you answered, clearly a little too slowly for everyone's liking. "don't lie." leah warned, crossing her arms sternly. "i used to take benzodiazepines but i stopped because i was waking up feeling even worse than if i just didn't sleep." you admitted honestly with a sigh.
"have you seen a doctor about that? tried other medication?" julie pressed, scribbling things down on a clipboard.
"i've seen multiple doctors and tried everything. i've not had a proper sleep schedule since i was a teenager and i still play at my best every single match. so why the hell is my fitness and ability being questioned now from the concerns of one person? a person who wasn't even with me last night to know if i slept or not!" you snapped, patience coupled with a lack of sleep bubbling over.
"sorry." you apologized quickly, looking down at the floor. "if you're not sleeping, you're not rested. and if you're not rested your body is more susceptible to fatigue and to injuries." julie spoke up first, handing her clipboard to martin whose eyes raked over her findings with a frown.
"the line up is already announced and i'm starting. you can't bench me, please! it's the derby and i am fine." you all but begged, sending pleading looks to both kim and leah to back you up. "it's not our call." kim sent you a small sympathetic smile as you groaned, head thumping back against the wall behind you as you awaited your fate.
"we'll be back in just a minute." martin promised as he and julie stepped out for a moment, door closing behind them. "this is such bullshit." you spat, pulling your knees up to your chest and glaring at the wall.
"why haven't you told any of us about this? why hasn't katie brought it up until now?" kim asked with a frown as you rolled your eyes. "because i am fine, and its nobodies business anyway! its not like im a fucking vampire and i don't ever sleep." you grumbled, body hunched over and tense with frustration.
"don't bite our heads off! we care too." leah warned making you roll your eyes. "if you cared you'd back me up and advocate they let me play." you huffed, glancing to the door and frowning as it still didn't open.
"how long did you sleep last night then?" kim questioned with a raised eyebrow. "again, don't lie." leah added on, forever like the nagging sister you'd never had before.
"few hours here and there, i got enough. i feel fine!" "if you say you're fine one more time i'm gonna shove my-" "leah that is not helping right now."
luckily enough for you martin and julie returned before either kim or leah could say another word, your nerves increasing as you looked between them eagerly awaiting their verdict.
"you can play today."
you sighed in relief, pumping your fist happily but your smile dropped as julie held up a hand. "but you'll need to start seeing a therapist weekly, and we'll need to see an updated diagnosis and medication review." she finished as your eyes bugged in surprise.
"a therapist?" you scoffed pulling a face. "would you rather be benched?" leah warned raising an eyebrow as you held your hands up in surrender. "okay! i agree to that. now can i go and warm up please?" you hopped down from the bench, waiting eagerly to be dismissed as martin nodded with a flick of his hand and within seconds you were gone.
but as your feet hit the pitch again, there was only one target you locked in on, marching angrily towards her.
"oi what the fuc-" she turned around with a murderous glare as you shoved her in the back sending her stumbling forward. "you've got some fucking nerve mccabe." you shoved her again, eyes slit into a glare of your own.
"baby listen just-" "don't you baby me. how dare you go behind my back and complain to the coaching staff that i'm not match fit who the hell do you think you are?" she grabbed your hands in hers as you tried to push her again, holding on tightly and dragging you back toward the tunnel, ignoring your complaints.
"i'm ya girlfriend and your team mate, and as both of those i know you're not match fit. those bags under your eyes aren't louis v darlin." katie spat as you yanked your hands out of her grip. "i don't care who you are, you had no fucking right katie you almost got me benched for one of the most important matches of the season!" you growled, both of your hands balled into fists.
"oh is that so? well if i had my way you'd be benched till you learned to act your fucking age and how to look after yourself!" katie shot back with a sneer, both of you far too agitated and hot headed to think rationally about the words exchanged.
before either of you could continue to lash out your heads snapped toward kim who stood a few metres away, captains armband on and hands on her hips, leah lingering behind her with the same unimpressed look.
"you're a fucken child sometimes throwing ya toys out when ya don't get your own way. grow up!" katie spat before storming off back to the pitch as you scoffed, opening your mouth to yell after her before an arm fell to your shoulder and a hand covered your mouth.
"you'll thank me later." leah warned, guiding you back out to the pitch as kim headed off after katie.
and you hadn't entirely lied you were feeling fine...for the first twenty or so minutes of the match.
you hated to admit it but the longer you played the more you really realized how tired you were, you missed easy passes, your tackles were sloppy and you found yourself far more out of breath than usual.
when the half time whistle finally sounded after six minutes of extra allotted injury time your shoulders sagged with relief, and you found yourself doubled over with your hands on your knees.
"you right mate?" you knew from the voice that it was lotte but as you looked up to her her face was blurred and you could only nod, following after her and into the tunnel.
you paused to lean against the wall once you were out of sight, rubbing your eyes and seeing stars but with a few shakes of your head your vision cleared and you stumbled into the change rooms, missing the concerned looks thrown your way by a few of your team mates.
"fuck off i'm fine." you mumbled as katie approached you, scoffing in disbelief and shaking her head, storming off to sit on the other side of the room as jonas started to address everyone.
you tried your best to listen, but your ears were ringing lightly and you found your fingers jammed into them, wiggling desperately to try and cease the noise, too distracted to hear a few of the girls try to check in with you.
it was only when a hand fell to your shoulder that you jolted to attention, your face flushing bright red in embarrassment as you realized you'd been directly addressed by the coaching staff.
"sorry i got some grass in my ear. can you repeat that please?" you questioned softly, shrugging off jens hand and doing your best to focus on the new tactics being explained to you, nodding along and giving martin a thumbs up once he finished.
noticing a few of the other girls murmuring to one another and flicking you the occasional glance, especially katie who was sat with alessia and jen. with a roll of your eyes you grabbed your water bottle, pushing up to your feet ignoring the way your head swam and your vision blurred a little as you did, storming out of the change room.
you downed the rest of your water, again rubbing your eyes as you dropped your bottle in the holder by the bench, stretching as the rest of the girls all filed back out of the tunnel.
you felt katie's eyes bore into the side of your head as you all returned to the pitch, ignoring the overwhelming urge to meet her gaze as you settled into position, wincing at the sound of the whistle as tottenham kicked off.
it was still deadlocked at 1-1 when the first round of substitutions were made, katie, beth and lia taken off for amanda, cloe and kyra. your head was thumping and it had started to ache behind the back of your eyes but you were determined to push on.
however your girlfriend had other ideas.
"martin ya gotta get her taken off man. look at her she's strugglin!" katie quietly begged the man, who advised he was unable to do anything as the subs had already been set and the tactics formed. katie continued to plead until eventually jonas stepped in, ordering her back to her seat with an agreement he'd keep an eye on you the next ten minutes.
he didn't need that long.
moments are katie took her seat, arms crossed and a thundering glare of discontent on her face, arsenal were awarded a corner by a poorly cleared ball from the spurs.
steph stood up to take it and you huddled in by the post, flanked by a defender on either side as it appeared almost the entire starting 22 crammed into the goal posts, half desperate to score and half desperate to defend.
you were jostled side to side, a few shoves into your back by the keeper as you did your best to hold your ground, the ringing in your ears returning as you blinked rapidly trying to clear it.
then you heard the crack of stephs boots meeting the ball, eyes widening as black dots blurred your vision and you jumped, the ball soaring closer and closer as chaos erupted in the box, a flurry of bodies pushing and shoving and jumping.
suddenly you felt a searing pain split open your head and your vision went black, your body thumping to the pitch with a sickening thud, the awful clang of where your forehead had bounced off the goal post echoing around the box.
the ball hit the back of the net off frida's head but nobody made a move to celebrate as a crowd formed around you, the medics racing over and clearing them as it took three of your team mates to hold katie back from sprinting off after them.
your eyes opened and you groaned as the light pierced through them, feeling it hit the back of your skull as something wet trickled into your mouth catching you off guard as you started to cough and splutter.
you heard someone ask if you could feel your toes and you held up a singular thumb, then came questions about your back and your neck and it was confirmed a stretcher wasn't needed.
very slowly you were helped to your feet, arms slung around the medics and eyes drooped shut as your body sagged limply, feeling julie press a cloth to your forehead as bodies moved around you, unable to look like anything more than colorful blobs as your head screamed for a reprise, the screaming of the crowd only making it worse.
within seconds the yelling was cut off, your body laid down on the physio table. without as much background noise and direct light you were able to open your eyes, blinking a few times as your ears stopped ringing and slowly you came a little more to.
"what? what did you say?" you slurred, hearing your name mentioned as your head was gently lifted up and someones body slotted beneath you, your head now resting in their lap.
"just stay quiet for a second, relax." you recognized the voice to be leahs, and could make out the words concussion, stitches and hospital. "no hospital!" you slurred out, trying to sit up as leah gently held you down, one hand on your chest as the other continued to press gauze on the large cut on your forehead.
"the ambulance is nearly here. i'm gonna go with you and so is julie, they need to clean and stitch your head kid, this is a nasty cut." leah warned softly as your vision came a little more to and you could make out her face.
not having anything left in you to argue you only nodded. "katie." you managed to get out as they helped you to your feet and paramedics entered, julie briefing them on what had happened.
"she's grabbing your bag and she'll meet us there."
you didn't remember much else after that, until suddenly you became aware of a pain in your neck and you shifted, trying to reach your fist up to punch your pillow into a more comfortable position.
"ah fuck!" you swore as your hand instead collided with the metal railing of the hospital bed, your eyes fluttering open as you blinked a few times. "hey hey hey, no sudden movements." leah shot up from the chair beside your bed as you tried to sit up.
"why the fuck am i in a hospital bed?" you groaned, laying back down with her help.
"you went headfirst into the goal post my girl, split your forehead right open top to tail and gave us all one hell of a scare." leah explained as you gently touched your forehead, wincing as you pressed lightly on the stitches and leah clicked her tongue at you and swatted your hand away.
"did we win?" you questioned, leah unable to help a smile from curling onto her lips as she shook your head. "yeah we won." leah chuckled as you let out a small sigh of relief, quickly noticing you and leah were alone.
"where's katie?" you asked, afraid of the answer as leah shot you a lot of pity and you shrank into yourself. "she's really pissed off with me, isn't she?" you sighed, squeezing your eyes closed regretful of your actions.
"she was here before, but she just needed a little space to cool off." leah smiled sympathetically as you nodded in understanding. "so i guess i'm in a bit of shit with everyone then." you mumbled quietly, looking up at the roof.
"as much as you infuriate me i could never stay mad at you for all that long, none of us could. but you are on bed rest for the next three days, your iron levels are severely low so you'll need an infusion, and you're not cleared to play for two weeks at least." leah recounted everything the doctor had told her earlier.
"doing my job for me!" speaking of, the man strode in with an amused smile toward leah and greeting you, stopping at the foot of your bed as leah moved your bed into a sitting position at his request.
he didn't waste any time, affirming what leah said was all correct and now you were awake you were okay to be discharged, but that you weren't to use any sort of electronics, drive a car or be around any bright light for at least twenty four hours.
you'd not need to come back in to have the stitches removed, the arsenal medics trained enough to do that themselves. but if you had any symptoms of concussion, vision issues or any dizziness you were to come right back to be assessed.
you only nodded, barely having the energy to speak as the doctor turned his attention onto leah instead. within the hour you were dressed into a pair of your own sweats and given your discharge papers, leahs arm over your shoulder guiding you out of the hospital and toward her car, slipping her sunglasses on over your eyes as you left.
"are you coming in?" you asked hesitantly as leah pulled up outside your home. "katie's there, i already called her and filled her in on everything." leah explained with a smile as you nodded, sighing deeply but thanking leah with a hug and kiss to the cheek, promising to look after yourself.
by the time you'd pulled away from the hug your girlfriend was already waiting on the front steps, having heard leahs car pull up in the driveway. her head was covered with a hoodie, arms crossed over her chest with an unreadable expression on her face.
you hadn't even opened the door before she was in front of you, helping you out wordlessly as your body sagged into hers, the pain medication and lack of sleep all hitting you like a truck as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
"i'm so sorry." you managed out quietly as the two of you entered your home, katie closing the door quietly after you. "stop." she responded softly, and your body filled with relief as she wrapped you in a tight tight hug.
"i was so fucken scared." you heard the irishwoman whisper, vulnerability leaking from her tone as she exhaled shakily. "i'm so sorry, i should have listened to you." you admitted, moving to look up at her, your heart breaking at the fear in her eyes.
"i should have spoke with you before going to the trainers. but right now you need to rest baby girl." she smiled, placing a tender kiss to your puckered lips.
you let out a small laugh as her hands hooked under your thighs, hoisting you up and into her arms as your legs wrapped around her waist. "hold on tight spidermonkey." she teased as your head fell to her shoulder with a sigh.
"i wish i never made you watch twilight."
"close your eyes please baby." katie instructed as you arrived to your bedroom, door firmly closed as you didn't bother to argue, eyes slipping shut as you heard the doorknob click and squeak open.
"keep em closed till i say so." you felt her lower your body into bed, kissing your forehead beside your stitches softly as you nodded. you heard her thump and move around the room for a few moments before you felt her slip into bed beside you.
"open darlin."
you did so and your breath caught in your throat as your eyes landed on the roof. "oh baby." you managed out, tears welling up in your eyes.
"i know counting sheep doesn't help, but i thought maybe these might be a little easier." katie whispered, tugging your body into hers as you stared up at the small glow in the dark galaxy of stars now stuck all over your roof.
"how did you even...." "got a lot of helpin hands." "it's perfect katie baby, thank you."
you turned and pressed your lips to hers, your girlfriend gently pushing you away with a sorry smile. "doctors orders." she explained and you nodded with a small sigh, katie ducking down and stealing one more kiss.
"please go to sleep gorgeous, for as long as you need. i'll be right here the entire time." the brunette promised, having already drawn your blinds and blocked out all possible light she could.
you didn't have it in you to even say another word, her arms wrapped securely around you and hands playing with your hair pulling you into a deep cocoon of comfort.
soft nothings were mumbled into your forehead as katies lips lingered there, careful of your stitches. the gentle hum of her voice lulled you into a dreamless sleep, the pain medication taking off the edge and allowing you to properly rest.
and it was safe to say there wasn't a single night before a match you spent alone anymore.
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desperate-gay · 1 year
Honestly a leah fic with leah being absolutely down and for reader, she has the biggest crush, she thinks she’s being subtle but she’s not. Reader knows about and teases leah purposely, leah still thinking she’s being subtle
Leah Williamson x fem!reader
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“Ooo comparing hand sizes, aye? When’s the wedding?” Lucy teases, resting her arms on the top of your seat. The blonde next to you turns around and glares at her but stops hearing your laugh. Leah’s glare softens when she sees you smile, making Lucy snicker.
“Trust me, if there’s a wedding, you’re not invited.” Leah quips back.
“Hey hey hey, no need to be hasty, fringy. If you just make a mov-“ Keira stands up and slaps her hand over her mouth. You raise your eyebrows with a look of amusement, seeing everyone try to cover up your friend’s obvious feelings for you.
Of course, you know about Leah’s feelings. She doesn’t make it hard to see. The only thing that sucks is that she doesn’t see your obvious feelings for her. You’re too headstrong to make the first move; you want Leah to get the guts to do something. It’s very funny having to see all of your friends tease you two and then try to cover it up right after as if they’re afraid a big secret is being spilled.
“Lucy, for the sake of us all, shut your mouth and lay down,” Keira says and drags her girlfriend to sit down beside her, nodding at Leah, telling her she has no more teasing to deal with anymore.
You smile at the blonde next to you and realize your hands are still pressed against each other. A light blush flushes over Leah’s face when she feels your fingers interlock with hers.
“Do I make you nervous?” Leah whips her head to look at you and sees a slight smile on your face. She opens and closes her mouth not knowing what to say, but she is soon relaxed when she feels your head lay its way on her shoulder. “I like it when you’re all shy.” You whisper so quietly she almost doesn’t catch it.
The WSL season has finally started, and you have an away game against Manchester United. The team is heading inside the building in their little groups, most likely gossiping about the random drama that’s happening. You’re talking with Katie as you approach the door when a flash of a person in front of you cuts you off. Focusing your eyes back in front of you, you notice a familiar British blonde holding the door open for you. Without thinking, you quickly lean over and press a kiss on her cheek before continuing to walk into the building.
Leah is star-struck as she puts her hand on the same place your lips meet her skin. She follows you like a lost puppy, letting go of the door causing it to close on the previous person you were talking to.
“Oi! Am I chopped liver?” The Irish woman shouts, throwing her hands in the air with a roll of her eyes. “Ugh. I hate people that are in love.”
“Heads up!”
Before you can even register what was called out, a football comes flying at your head, causing you to fall over and wince at the pain.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come towards you.” Alessia rambles out from right next to you while you sit up and adjust your blurry vision. You wave her off and she offers you a hand to help you stand up.
“You’re good, I just didn’t hear-“
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?” Someone interrupts you, holding your head and moving it in several different directions to see if you have any marks. You giggle, removing the hands from you, and placing them on the person’s sides.
“Leah, I’m okay. It was just a little hit and I was startled.” You reassured her, making her shoulders slump down and releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Yeah chill out, mate. It’s not like she’s marrying another woman.” Katie says while rolling her eyes at the other defender’s dramatics.
You let out another laugh when you see Leah begin to chase down the other woman and tackle her to the turf. Everyone who was crowded around you dispersed to their previous stations and continued with training.
“Katie, Leah, no biting!”
You’re softly humming to the song that's playing on the radio while staring at the buildings you’re passing by out the window. Leah offered you a ride to your house after your ride went off with a certain Australian, apparently completely forgetting of your existence, but you’re not going to complain. It gives you some alone time with the blonde.
“So here we are.” The girl announces. You didn’t even notice you were pulling up to your apartment until now. You turn your attention to the girl on the driver's side and thank her. Before you have a chance to open the door, the locks go off, confusing you right away. As you open your mouth to speak, a hand cups your jaw and pulls you in. Lips latch their way onto yours without any warning, but you easily sink into them and kiss back. When the kiss parts, Leah starts to stumble over her words before you cut her off with a small peck.
“You finally did it.” You smile with your thumbs stroking her tense jaw.
“Wait, what?”
“Leah, you can’t possibly think I haven’t noticed your feelings for me. I just want to know how you and our friends haven’t noticed my feelings for you.” The blonde stares at you with her jaw slack, trying to comprehend everything that just happened inside her car.
After a few seconds of pure silence, she blurts out, “Go on a date with me?”
“Just text me when and where.”
With that, you hop out of the car, grab your gear, and wink at the amazed girl. You can’t wait to finally see what’s to come.
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venusbby · 1 year
being rin's roommate had its pros and cons.
he was always quiet, minding his own business. he never really brought any trouble (except the few times he came home with an injury and expected you to let him deal with it himself) and that's what made living with him easier.
but sometimes, just sometimes, it feels like he's been forced to live with you.
you wouldn't say you were overly social or a person who could be friends with anyone they like, but god, every time you talked, rin acted like you were the most uninteresting person ever. when clearly, you were the most chill person on the planet.
exaggeration, yes. but it's not wrong to say that you weren't a loud person. you preferred silence just as much as he did. so why did he look like he's living with a totally different person?
that blank expression, his lips pressed in a straight line and those undeniably pretty lashes of his- as much as you had grown to like the look he always gave you, it was so damn frustrating. always the same stupid look, the look which made your stomach flip even though he didn't smile or show amusement.
you never knew what was going on his head.
eventually, he noticed the effort you put in to be his friend (when all you did was stare at him every time he was doing something, as if to remind him, "stop ignoring me!!! stop. ignoring. me.") and your 'friendship' was finally happening. (he felt a little scared.)
it was all going quite nicely, even though rin was still not that talkative. you knew he was just.. like that. you wouldn't expect him to change his ways. all you wanted was to help him get as comfortable as you were in this apartment, and it definitely worked.
after weeks and weeks of progress, it finally came to a point where rin was so comfortable that he even asked you to join his horror movie marathon.
and it was a big mistake, he realized, when you stood in the doorway of his bedroom with a sheepish look on your face.
"what do you want."
rin's irritated voice made you huff. he was already under his covers, but hadn't slept even though it had been almost an hour after the last movie. you felt incredibly jealous of how warm he must be, shuddering and entering his room without saying a word. a new level of comfortable.
oh, how much you loved his expressions- like how was staring at you like you were a fly that wouldn't leave him alone.
"shut up," you hushed, lifting the covers and climbing into his bed, cutting him off just as he was about to complain, "and move."
now, you laid next to your roommate who had started to consider pushing you off the bed. "this is fucking ridiculous. what the- what are you doing?" he hissed, watching you shift closer and pull the covers over yourself.
you sighed, ignoring him. "that last movie was.. something."
he groaned, staring at the ceiling just like you, avoiding the way your sides touched. "you insisted on watching it all the way, not me."
"yeah, but then i kept seeing that fucking old lady from the movie in the corner of my room. so, now im here."
"we are never doing this again. you hear me?"
"whatever, just let me sleep here tonight. it's 2 AM already, i'll be out of your room by 6."
rin cursed under his breath, turning quickly so that his back was facing you. this bed wasn't even made for two people. he closed his eyes, hoping to drift off as soon as possible so that he could just forget that you were in the same bed as him. there was no way he would let you notice the reason for his frantic movements.
his peace lasted for mere seconds before it was interrupted by the sound of shuffling and the mattress slightly sinking near his side when you wrapped your arm around him.
his eyes shot open and he stilled, hearing you softly apologize, your voice closer to his ear this time.
"i have a habit, sorry."
rin was losing his mind and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to exist tomorrow.
"you're fine." he rushed his words faster than anything, breathing out when you shifted even closer with what sounded like a silent laugh. "just go to sleep, fuck's sake."
there were no more horror movie nights after this, that's for sure. but now rin's got a bigger problem and that is dealing with these stupid feelings he has for you.
he really was losing his mind.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
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𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝔦𝔫 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦 𝔦𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔰𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔢, 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔥𝔢 𝔦𝔰𝔫’𝔱 𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔦𝔱
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔱
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Soulmates. What a fucking joke.
It was borderline hilarious to think that a red piece of string no thicker than twine would somehow wrap around a stranger’s pinky and your own, and then suddenly be proclaimed one by the cosmos. It was a reality for your society though, and god did you fucking hate it.
You especially hated it since your soulmate was the reason you were dying.
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It had all started during your first year at UA. Adrenaline was coursing through everyone’s veins as they entered the gargantuan doors of the prestigious Class 1-A classroom, marvelling at the sheer size of it.
Katsuki was one of the first people there. Being surprisingly introverted, he wanted to avoid the crowds and find a good seat where he could chill before he could blow shit to oblivion. What he hadn’t intended was for his finger to start twitching like crazy the second the door swung open again.
His pinky finger.
In a single second, a red rope split from the tip of his finger before looping its way around his pinky and travelling across the room to where you stood in awe. Your finger was also driving you insane as the exact same thing happened to you before the rope connected the two of you in the centre.
Both of you stood gobsmacked at the revelation of finding your soulmate. You were filled with so much excitement, so happy and!- wait. Why is he scowling?
Katsuki could feel the initial excitement wear away before the usual irritation seeped through him. Great. Another fucking distraction. He turned his head away from you with an uninterested look, almost shooing you away.
Your smile faltered a little, but not before you gripped your backpack and attempted to make conversation.
“All right class, it took you all seven minutes to shut up. That’s not gonna fly”.
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It was so difficult for you to get the handsome stranger’s attention. All throughout the first day, every time you attempted to strike up a conversation, you would be dismissed with a scoff or him immediately walking away.
It was frustrating to say the least. It was an absolute shit show after the training exercise too; Bakugou, as you learned, had a temper as unruly as his hair. Luckily for you, unluckily for him, you managed to catch up to him and nudged him gently on the shoulder.
He glared at you with an intent look, one definitely made to kill.
You gulped a little at his gruff scoff before regaining your composure and adorned a small smile.
“Look, I don’t know if you didn’t realise, but we’re soulmates. I was wondering if-“ you were interrupted before you even got the chance to finish.
“You listen here, right freakin’ now. I’m here to become the world’s best hero ever, and I do not need any distractions. This whole soulmates thing is bullshit, just another “fuck you” to people with goals. Do whatever the hell you want, just leave me the fuck alone,” he seethed lowly.
You gulped a little at his intensity. A nervous smile entered your face as you tried to calm him down.
“I understand that it’s… sudden to say the least, but I’d at least like to be friends with you! Your abilities in the training exercise today were really cool, and-” your rambles were ceased completely by an aggravated grunt.
“Did you not hear a fucking thing I just said?! I’m here to be a hero, not to make fucking friends! As far as you’re concerned, you’re an enemy. Nothing but a stone for me to secure my victory. You’re not fucking special just because of some stupid piece of string!” He yelled, causing you to shrink back.
“I was just trying to help you calm down, you seemed very upset after that green haired kid used his power against you,” you looked at him with worry in your eyes. If anything, your dopey eyes infuriated him more.
Something snapped in Bakugou as he lifted you by the collar, causing you to squirm uncomfortably in the air. His palms smoked against your uniform.
“I’m only gonna say this one more fucking time. Leave. Me. The hell. Alone. Go find someone else to fucking pity you useless bitch,” he released you with a scoff as you fell on your ass.
“Tch. As if the universe sent someone as pathetic as you to be with someone like me,” he scoffed as he turned to walk home, leaving you to tear up in horror at how mean your soulmate was.
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Unfortunately for you, that single event triggered a near year long bullying. Constant harassment never stopped following you, whether you pestered Bakugou or not. Harshly bumping into you in the halls, criticising your training techniques unfairly and accidentally totally on purpose spilling his protein shakes on your assignments, making them nearly illegible. Aizawa shook his head at your “clumsiness”, often giving you more laps for undone homework or even berating you in front of your classmates.
You, however, couldn’t bring yourself to tell Aizawa the truth. Something bugged you about how troubled your soulmate was to deliberately cause you such aggro. It wasn’t even stuff that you could really tell a teacher for; criticism for fighting villains? Bumping into you in the halls?
You figured that he needed time to sort out his teenage angst, but the bullying was starting to get to you. The belittling comments made you hyper-aware of mistakes, making you anxious easily. Seeds of doubt sewed themselves deep in your brain, making sleep a troublesome process.
Ochaco and Tsu took note of how badly Bakugou seemed to get under your skin, so they took it upon themselves to arrange a day out for you and the girls in the new cat cafe in the prefecture.
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“Y’know, I really don’t understand why you won’t tell Aizawa the real reason why you’re struggling (N/N),” Ochaco looked at you worriedly, petting the small white cat perched in her lap. The other girls murmured into agreement.
“For real, Bakugou treats you like utter shit. I mean, he treats everyone like that but you and Midoriya seem to have it the worst,” Jirou said. You gently petted the one-eyed calico cat on the cat tree next to you.
“I understand what you mean, I really do. Don’t get me wrong, he really pisses me off at times, but sometimes I wonder if he’s okay. Like, it can’t be healthy how angry he is,” you pondered quietly.
“But (Y/N), every time you try to talk to him, he always ignores you or says something really mean. Are you sure there’s nothing deeper going on?” Yaoyorozu asked delicately. You could feel your cheeks heat up at the implication.
“Yeah (N/N)! Do you have some kind of masochistic infatuation with him?” Mina asked devilishly. You shook your head determinedly, mindful of the meowing kitties playing on the cat trees.
“No that’s not it at all!! I just think there’s something a little bit deeper to him!! I don’t like him or anything!!” Your face heated up as Mina’s face finally lit up in realisation.
“Oh. My. God. NO WAY?!?” Mina squealed, hugging you tightly. The girls looked at each other in confusion, before starting to realise one by one. Yaomomo looked at you in slight disgust.
“(N/N). Is it true? Is Bakugou your… soulmate?” She didn’t look very pleased at the realisation. You looked down with heated cheeks as you twiddled your thumbs.
A plethora of differing emotions scattered across the table. Mina seemed thrilled at the idea of you finding your soulmate; Jirou and Yaomomo seemed disgusted; Ochaco and Tsu seemed pitiful whilst Hagakure… well. You couldn’t tell.
“I know what it looks like. I think that underneath that anger and frustration, there’s a good guy. I don’t want to dismiss him as his soulmate immediately because what if I skip out on the best relationship of my life? I think he is really a sweet guy,” you murmured.
“Babe you’re literally delusional,” Jirou glanced at you.
“I agree with Kyouka. Bakugou clearly wants nothing to do with you. You’re only going to get yourself hurt, and as your friend I hate seeing him being so crude to you,” Yaomomo rubbed your hand gently.
“Mhm! It’s not healthy the way he treats you. Soulmate or not, that’s no excuse to treat you so meanly,” Ochaco angrily pouted. Tsuyu turned to look at you.
“(N/N), we’re just saying this because we care. We’ll support you no matter what you do, but please don’t allow yourself to get hurt moving oceans for a guy who wouldn’t jump over a puddle, ribbit,” Tsuyu said.
“Thanks girls, I really appreciate your advice. I’m gonna leave him alone now I think,” you reply sadly. Yaomomo rubbed your arm gently with a reassuring smile.
“It’s for the best, dear,” she said. And for the best it was.
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Although Bakugou was still a pain in the ass, you kept to yourself and your friends. You only bothered with him when absolutely necessary for school, and even then it was just the bare essentials of conversation. You stopped asking him about his day, how his training was coming along and how he found the latest essay.
It unnerved him a bit. He didn’t enjoy being plagued by questions, but now you had left him alone? It was a silence he wasn’t used to. But he demanded you stopped talking, right? So why did he feel so… empty?
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@sorrowfulrosebud do not copy, steal or translate my works without permission
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Hark! I submit an official request for Raphael and someone (dealer’s choice) getting hit with the old Sex Pollen. It could be a trick by Haarlep or a plant/mushroom releasing pollen/spores in Faerûn during one of his visits. I leave circumstances to your brilliant imagination.
I love the sex pollen trope and would love to see you write it :) As always, feel free to make him or both of them as tame or unhinged as you like! Thank you! 💕
Raph gets pollened ☺️
There was a lot of strange stuff to find laying about in the ruins of Moonrise Towers. Most of it caked in dirt, dust, and other unidentifiable substances. The kleptomaniac in Tav had her poking around, putting her mitts on everything before those little tiefling gobshites stripped the place bare.
She was enamoured by something: a big round vial that contained some viscous liquid which, when Tav cleaned the bottle a little, glowed an ominous dark purple. The stopper was wedged too tight to open. It had been fermenting for a long, long time. Tav had discovered the bottle in a box with a decrepit occult codex of some kind and a burned out incense holder. Bizarre findings that warranted further investigation – after she’d raided everything else of value, of course.
“Well, well. Where should I find the mouse but scurrying about in a ruined old attic? Apt.”
Tav nearly leapt out of her skin. The bottle went flying, shattering on the ground. A thin, noxious violet gas began to seep from its shattered corpse. The smell was pungent, stomach-churning; like rotten eggs and swamp water. Tav coughed and gagged, eyes wet, glaring at the devil who’d startled her so badly. He stood there innocently, unassuming, a single eyebrow raised at her display of drama. So much for finding out what that potion did.
“Do you enjoy getting the jump on people, devil?” She said waspishly, moving further away from the mess. “Gods, that stinks.”
“Sometimes. Mortals are much more likely to agree to certain things when they’re frightened,” Raphael purred. He tilted his head, taking a small whiff of the gas. “Hmm…it smells like peaches to me.”
Peaches, sure. “What do you want?” Tav crossed her arms. Never turn your back on a devil. Especially this one.
“Merely to see why my favourite future client isn’t celebrating with the rest of her merry band,” said Raphael. Tav noticed he was surreptitiously inhaling deeper sniffs of the potion, like a dog that had caught an interesting scent on the wind. He may not have realised he was doing it. “After all, you freed the angel. You struck down the avatar of a God. One would think a hero of such calibre would at least raise a glass or two in victory, no?”
“I don’t like crowds,” muttered Tav, keenly aware he was mocking her. He was always mocking her. Raphael shifted his feet, coming just a bit closer.
“Yes, I know,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. “I know a lot about you, Tav. I know the kinds of people you used to do business with before the mindflayers took you. I know the kind of work you did. I know where you came from, and where you were going before all of this.”
“What?” Tav stared at him, aghast. A mix of horror and, inexplicably, intrigue squirmed in her belly. How did he know these things? Why did he know these things? Something was off, though. Raphael seemed, for a brief moment, as shocked by his words as she.
“All that is to say…” He adjusted his collar. Loosened it. “Hells. Why is it so damn warm all of a sudden?”
In a crumbling tower, battered by the chilling miasma of the shadow curse, the only warmth came from the Infernal himself. “It’s cold up here,” Tav said slowly. A bead of sweat rolled down Raphael’s temple in contrast. “Are…you okay?”
“What a stupid question,” the devil snapped. He was becoming flustered, a fetching flush spreading across his harsh cheeks and the bridge of his handsome nose. “I must return to the Hells. Goodbye.”
He clicked his fingers, intending to disappear in a burst of hellfire as usual, but nothing happened. A mere sputtering of sparks from his fingertips fluttered and died. Outraged, Raphael clicked them again, harder, as Tav watched with mounting anxiety. No portal opened. The devil went nowhere.
“Foolish little bint,” he snarled at her. Revealed his pointed canines when he sneered. Tav saw his pupils were rapidly expanding, consuming the sweet brown of his human irises. “What was in that bottle you dropped?”
“I don’t know,” Tav bit back. Always aggressive when she felt cornered. “And you’re the reason I dropped it in the first place. Maybe this will teach you to stop needlessly scaring people, though I bloody doubt it.”
“If you don’t watch your tongue when you speak to me, I’ll pluck it out of your filthy mouth,” Raphael threatened, low and throatily. He tugged his collar open completely, revealing his neck and some teasing wisps of chest hair.
“Oh I see, the devil’s feeling a bit poorly so he finally shows his true colours,” crooned Tav. “It’s about time. I was getting tired of your gentleman act, you know.”
“Ah…to have your skin hanging on a hook in my foyer would be such a delight…” Rumbled the devil, almost absently. He began to unfasten the buttons of his jacket.
“What are you doing?!” Barked Tav. He didn’t answer. Tossed his coat aside and moved onto the buttons of his fancy white shirt. It was damp with sweat – and this was when Tav noticed the bulge between Raphael’s legs. His cock, hard and proud, strained in the fabric of his trousers. A hot spike of desire shot through Tav’s body. “Oh, shit…”
The potion must have been some kind of demented aphrodisiac, made potent enough over time that just a few inhales was all it took. It must’ve been pretty strong indeed if Raphael was crumbling under its influence so fast. Except it wasn’t affecting Tav. She could admit – only to herself – that her tingles of arousal looking at Raphael’s big, deft, tawny hands work the small buttons of his clothes, at the glistening, hairy skin of his chest as he opened his shirt, at his puffy dark nipples, at the trail of fuzz going down his soft middle to vanish below his belt, at the outline of his erection, at the wet spot its leaking head made on his trousers…they were on Tav alone. She’d been attracted to the smarmy devil from the start.
Figuring all this out, Tav had one thing to consider as Raphael reached for his belt: what did she do?
Indulge, of course. An opportunity like this only appeared once in a lifetime. A street cat like Tav knew it better than most.
So she bit her lip, breath baited, as Raphael freed his cock and balls, both fat with need. Ogled as he furiously, shamelessly, rubbed his prick, squeezed its swollen sticky dark pink head, his tight scrotum bouncing with the force, staring right at her as he did. Sighed when he came in moments, grunting, cum spilling on the ground, all over his knuckles, everywhere. His expression was stormy, devoid of relief or rapture, his cock refusing to soften.
“It’s not enough,” he hissed even as he milked more cum from himself in oozing pearls that lazily trickled between his glans, teeth bared in frustration. “It’s not enough.”
He looked furious, frantic, frayed, and so, so fuckable.
“Come here, then,” said Tav, distantly aware of how breathy she sounded, “let’s try something else.”
He was on her in a second. A waiting predator pouncing on its prey. Tav could barely gasp before he was swallowing her mouth in harsh, biting kisses, one hand fisting the hair at the back of her head, the other holding her hip with bruising strength. Tav greedily put her hands all over him, yanking his silky too-perfect hair, scratching his slick chest and stomach, crushing handfuls of his pliant backside. He was like a furnace, radiating stifling heat. He smelled like cherries and musky sweat. So human, but for the hint of sulphur he simply couldn’t hide. His tongue tasted like wine and fire when he forced it into her mouth, hungrily licking behind her teeth. He was a man unravelling, so much desire pressed beneath the surface just waiting for an excuse like this to burst free, and Tav wanted to see it all.
“Wretch,” Raphael spat when they broke apart. The ribbons of saliva connecting their lips were tinged red. He’d bitten her bloody. “Invading my thoughts…my dreams…and now my body…”
“Your fault,” Tav retorted, crying out when he jerked her head back, rolling his aching prick against her clothed sex.
“Inside,” he growled, losing coherence, “need to be inside…”
He manhandled her, pushing her onto a nearby broken desk. With one hand, and in one yank, he pulled her trousers and smallclothes down to her ankles. Tav heard fabric rip but couldn’t find the will to care. The eerie, twisted moonlight coming in from jagged cracks in the stone, the cursed lands’ grotesque long shadows – these things stretched and warped Raphael’s silhouette into the monster he truly was. Tav swore she felt claws, fangs, horns, saw the glint of yellow eyes…but he was still a man, driven and desperate, who pried her thighs open and stuffed her full of his cock, who rocked up on the balls of his feet to get as deep inside her cunt as possible.
“Fuck,” she groaned, raking her fingernails down his back. She was wet and willing, but it had been a while, he’d entered her without preamble, and his cock was thick. He was unforgiving, selfish, searching only for his own pleasure. The stretch, the burn, as he used her, fucking her hard, fast, violent, was hideous and exquisite. She clenched her cunt around his cock and he came immediately, snorting into her ear like a rutting bull. Filled her womb with hot liquid release. She could feel it spurting out of his cock with every throb. He had so much to give, and still he didn’t stop. Couldn’t. Much to Tav’s delight.
There would be Hell to pay when this was over.
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rufflesandbows · 2 years
Made of Fire
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Aemond X Reader (Rhaenyra Daughter)
Promises had been made. Maybe as children, but it would appear Aemond has not forgotten them. Not through the passage of time and not through the pain and the hate. The feud is coming to its sharp edge, and now he means to fulfil that promise. Claiming it is for duty and devotion, both of which you doubt.
Warnings: Incest, kidnapping, non/dub-con touching and heavy kissing Word Count: 2400 (Part 2/Final)
The sharp whip of winds chilled your cheeks and rushed past your ears. Most of your body was ice cold, except your back and around your waist, a firm grip keeping you upright. Your hips ached a little, and the world seemed to waver lightly, as if on calm waters. To rub your face, you attempted to lift your hands only to feel a harsh yank around your wrists. Your head snapped up, looking at your hands and in the night you could make out ropes binding you. In a panic you pulled again when a dragons deep rumble startled you, feeling the vibrations through your legs.
You were flying high in the full moon sky, tied to a dragon. In a gasp your heart jumped up your throat and you pressed back at the warm wall behind you, pulling on the ropes.
A sly shush came beside your ear. “Easy now.” You recognized that voice, a trembling sigh came from you. Gods above, just what did Aemond think he was doing!? “I had a difficult time convincing Vhagar to let you up here. She remembers what your brother did to me.”
The great dragon tilted her head to look behind herself, hearing her name, showing all those jagged teeth to the moonlight with a growl. It took a moment for you to catch your bearings, taking in the clouds against a twinkling sky. The great wings gave slow but heavy beats you could feel pulse through your body. You began to tremble all over, the fast winds, the darkness below, this was the first time you’d ever ridden a dragon. The egg that never hatched still sitting on your shelf back at Dragonstone. “Aemond. Think this through-”
Aemond pulled his face into your neck, taking a deep breath in and sending you on high alert. His arm didn’t tighten on you, he caressed you. Running his touch up and down your side. Your breath hitched, nervously shifting on the saddle. “It is as you said. You and I should have been wed ages ago.”
Quite the devoted claim. If only he meant it. You anxiously tried twisting your hands free of the ropes. “We should of been; to unite our families and put the petty feud behind us. I’m not a fool. I know you care nothing for me. You’re only taking me to upset my brothers.”
“Is that what you think?” He chuckled. In frustration you tugged the rope and Vhagar gave a lurch. She growled and shivered, the saddle swaying as if she might toss you both off. You cried out and gripped the bone of the saddle, panting hard with panic.  Aemond however remained relaxed, adjusting the reins in his one hand and soothing his beast. “She knows you’re trying to escape. It would be in both our best interest if you stopped fighting. Besides, where will you go? You shove me off she won’t follow your command. She’ll kill you.”
“Where do you intend to take me?” All the resolution in your voice was gone, still frightened from your near plummet to the ground. “What do you plan to do?”
If he wanted to take your virtue, leave you humiliated he didn’t have to take advantage of your use of poppy milk to steal you away on dragonback. 
“We’re going far from both our families. To Harrenhal, where we will wed as we should have been long ago.”
It didn’t make any sense. His words were plain but they couldn’t be simple. Why now? What did it matter to him when he’d done nothing but mock you and your brothers at dinner? You couldn’t help but think the worst. That he had something truly horrific waiting for you. That he meant to keep you as his plaything and break your body and mind. Even now his hand on your hip was roaming your body. Crossing your stomach, running up your chest, grabbing your breast through the thin night gown and placing a kiss on your jaw. He wouldn't stand less than five feet from you during the visit to Kings Landing, where was this coming from? The wind whipped away your tears before they could fall. “And then what?”
“We’ll be married. You will live with me. You will bear my children.”
And what else? What was he not telling you? “Aemond, I don’t understand-”
He laughed, his breath hot on your neck, his hand dropping back down to your hip, holding you steady against his lap. “Do you desire me no longer? Do you not remember all our long talks at the library? Our kiss under the weirwood?” His voice dropped low into a tease. “Do you think I didn’t catch you watching me train this morning, or sneak glimpses at the dinner table?”
You remembered all those events clearly. They all meant nothing in the wake of a kidnapping. With a thick swallow down a dry throat, you admitted, “I’m frightened.”
He gave pause before asking softly, “You think I’d hurt you?”
“I don’t know.” You gestured to the ropes around your wrists, keeping you tied to a beast that hated you. Looking into his face brought you no clear answers, only that whatever was in his mind was felt intensely. You felt his hand begin to move again, raising up to curl around your shoulder, to softly touch your cheek, to keep your eyes on him. 
“When I take you to bed, you will know.”
You took back, parting your lips to speak when his mouth crashed to yours. Aemond buried you in his heat, pressing into you, fingers digging into your jaw to keep you locked to him as he delved further. You could taste a spiced sweetness on his tongue as it ran along yours. Could feel his chest rumble at your back as Vhagar’s did beneath your legs. Heat jumped down your spine, awakening your whole body to the winds chill. Your knees rose up on the saddle, trying to not pull on the ropes as he had his way with you. You squirmed and whimpered, helpless against his eager exploration.
When Aemond finally released you, you were both left gasping. You could feel his arousal against your backside, and unfortunately, the wind made you very aware of the dampness beneath yourself. Of the blood thrumming with life through you. You licked your lips, tasting one last time that spiced sweetness, gulping it down. His free arm wrapped around you again, tightly pressing you against his chest, growling in satisfaction. 
He whipped the reins, Vhagar weaving up before diving lower. You could see the lake of the Gods Eye glittering, shocking you that you could see all sides of the great lake from so high up. As Vhagar drew closer, she began to pick up speed, descending faster and faster, your stomach crawling up your throat. You held onto the saddle for dear life, feeling yourself lift without the proper harness reserved for Aemond. 
At a certain level Vhagar beat her wings and slowed, lowering herself into an open field a short distance from Harrenhal. Quickly the old dragon settled, but she had her head tilted just lightly, watching you and Aemond. 
“Are you ready?” Aemond asked as you were still trying to catch your breath. 
As you spoke, your voice was shivering. “Surely there isn’t a Maestor waiting at this hour.”
Aemond scoffed, “No. We’ll be staying at Harrenhal for the night and wed in the morning. That is, if you cooperate.”
Cooperate. Meaning you didn’t make a fuss about being kidnapped. That you play along as a woman madly in love with the prince, ready to take him to husband, take him to bed. The pregnant pause of your hesitation agitated Vhagar, her impatient roar amusing Aemond. You had tensed and he gave you what was supposed to be a comforting squeeze. “Hm? How about it, beloved?”
Neither Aemond or Vhagar were giving you much choice. Worse yet was thinking how it would unite the two bloodlines once again. Something both your mother and his had been desperately avoiding. Was it then your duty to the Realm to quell the mounting tensions on the edge of destruction? What was the price you were willing to pay to make that happen? Letting out a slow sigh, you nodded, “Alright. I’ll play along.”
“I knew you’d see things my way.” He pulled a blade from his hip and sliced the rope, freeing your wrists. You felt Vhagar’s gaze the entire decent down her side. You didn’t know a dragon could hate so personally. When your bare feet touched the ground, you gave a small cry at how cold it was, looking down at the instant chill seeping into your joints. 
“Here.” You didn’t know where he produced them from, but he handed you a pair of your slippers. Uneasy, you slipped them on and let him take your hand. Aemond kept you locked tight by his side as he led you to the looming silhouette of Harrenhal, the pale moon touching the melted stone of the towers. 
When the gates came into view, it was Lord Larys himself who greeted you both with a small bow. “Prince and Princess, it is an honor to house you both here.”
He could see the state you were in. The nightgown, the trembling, the clear fear in your eyes, yet he smiled back when you said nothing. 
Aemond asked, “The rooms are ready?”
You looked between them, feeling ever more trapped as Larys nodded, “Oh, everything is ready, as you requested. The wedding will be underway first thing in the morning.”
It was clear they were working together, that it was planned for longer than your visitation. That no one would be sending you help, not even if you screamed and cried. Aemond nodded, pulling you along deeper into the cursed fort. “I apologize that it won’t be a grand wedding befitting a prince and princess, but we don’t want to draw in too much attention before the union can be consummated.” 
A flush of fear sapped all the heat from you, making you shiver. “Then why not do it now? Get it over with?”
Aemond looked at you, a softness in his gaze. “Because you deserve more than that.” Still, you couldn’t understand him. A soft curl of his lip came as he stopped in the hall, “You’re not a concubine, or a whore to me. You might doubt my intentions, but I do intend to make you my wife, and give you every respect as such. You’ll have a wedding, a proper wedding and a feast. And when we return home, our houses will be united, as is our duty.”
You shook your head, “Then why didn’t you ask me? Why take me against my will? Why mock my family if you intend to share in our name? If you think I am nothing more than a bastard?”
“I only mock your brothers to rile them, the truth of your parentage matters nothing to me.” In spite of your very serious questions, he leaned in with a growing smile. “And you did promise yourself to me, once.”
You were not amused. Aemond however was tickled as his chuckle bounced off the stone walls and he led you further in. He stopped before a door at the very end, opening it up for you and for the first time, let your hand go. 
Timidly, you walked in, looking around the properly decorated room for a noble guest. Your eye fell on the bed and you stiffened, spinning around quickly to watch Aemond. He stayed by the door, a wicked grin playing on his lips and a glitter in his eye. “Don’t you worry, I am no scoundrel. I will wait properly for the consummation. When you are my wedded wife.”
The word consummation made your stomach drop, pooling low at your waist. When you didn’t respond, just clutched yourself as wild thoughts of what was to come invaded, Aemond stepped forward. His movements were gradual and assured. He reached up and cupped your cheek, running his thumb along the still chilled flesh. There was such a daze as he looked at you, his eye roaming every detail of your face. His gaze fell on your lips, lingering there a long while. You gulped with anticipation, thinking of that kiss mid flight. It was far from the first between you, but it had been years ago that you two practiced in secret, with all the flair of amateurs. The very last having been under the weirwood, giving a promise to one another that you were made for each other. That was before Driftmark.
Aemond moved forward and you flinched, but didn’t pull back. Your heart was racing wildly, your body growing hot with uncertainty and inaction. Looking into you, the air was heavy, his intense gaze boring into you. More slowly he closed the distance, his eye not leaving yours for a single second as his lips softly placed on yours.
It was at the touch of your lips that his eye rolled to a fluttering close. His grip tightened, locked you against him, Aemond nodding deeper into the kiss. A whimper slipped from you, your hands planting on his chest. He was burning under your touch, Aemond breaking the kiss only to swallow you up again. A gasp parting your lips and allowing him to taste you once again. 
His hand dropped low on your back, crushing you flush against him. It was suffocating being between his hungry embrace. Your choked breathing turned into panting, fanning his mouth between his lavishing dive into you. Aemond moaned, nearly picking you up off the floor as he gripped you again, eager to have you hop onto his waist.  
A loud wet smack parted you and you took the split second moment to chide him, “Aemond.”
His breath hitched, stopping himself. “You’re right. Of course.” His words were rough with quick rapid breaths. He licked his lips, as if starving for more of you, savoring what little he could get. Slowly, his body trembling, Aemond set you down and pulled his arms from you. There was a pink flush in his cheeks, his lips glistening. Swallowing thickly, he dipped his head and stepped backwards toward the door. “Sleep well.” 
The door shut behind him, and a moment later you heard the lock turn on the outside.
___ Let me know if you enjoyed the read! ♡ Art by Daniel F. Gerhartz
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gardnhee · 6 months
bite me - P.SH
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♰ warnings. blood sucking, cursing, very suggestive, vampire sunghoon (yum), yn is obsessed with his fangs, sunghoon gets realllll whiney later on, use of “doll”, reader is lwk weird, intentional lower case, switch!reader, switch!sunghoon- lmk if i missed anything !
♰ vampire!sunghoon x afab!reader
♰ song rec. bite me - enhypen
♰ wc. 3.1k
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the soft patter of rain on your window makes you sigh as you sit in bed, skillfully reading a book. with a soft smile, you flip the page, snuggling into the blankets as your back rests against the headboard.
you eye the moon, a cool contrast to the dim light emanating from your lamp. with a low hum, you close the book, setting it on your nightstand as you yawn.
you stretch and groan, eyes snapping to the door after hearing a faint thump outside.
what the fuck?
in a matter of seconds, you’re standing in front of said door, shaky hand hovering over the knob. you jerk back after a louder thud echoes throughout your apartment. frantically looking around, you scramble to grab something. anything.
you somehow end up with scissors, eyebrows knitting together as you stare at the sharp object; this will do, you shrug in acceptance. another sound abruptly stops your train of thought, determined eyes now glaring at the door. in a swift motion, you swing it open, scanning the cozy apartment.
are those…scratching sounds?
you try to adjust to the darkness as you walk through your living room, fingers wrapped tightly around the scissor handle, metal tip facing up.
you realized that the more you walked, the more anxious you became, so you opted to close your eyes and stand still, pin-pointing exactly where the sound was coming from, something the shuffling of your slippers wouldn’t allow before.
you open your eye, slowly opening the other as you turn to the balcony, tip-toeing to the door. “so this is where the scratching is coming from?” you mutter, depositing the scissors on the table to your right. you slide your index finger and thumb through the blinds, only to be met with…nothing. there was absolutely nothing outside.
you tsk, annoyed now that you realize you left your comfort for no fundamental reason. before you could make your way back to the bedroom, faint scratching caught your attention again, making you stop dead in your tracks.
you muster up the courage, huffing as you finally open the balcony door, cold wind smacking you in the face. you continue to glance along the floor, eyes widening when you make eye contact with…a bat. a fucking bat.
its fur was jet black, wings neatly tucked into its body as it seemed to be shaking, blinking up at you so innocently. you weren’t exactly scared, in fact, you thought it was cute. you tilt your head down at it, smiling softly.
“what’re you doin’ out here in the cold? you’re so cute!” you kneel down, falling back as black smoke engulfs the small mammal.
“what the-?”
are those … shoes? pants?
where did the bat go?- “oh my god!” you scream, reaching for the door with urgency and slamming it shut, taking several steps back as you bump against the counter.
that…that was a man. a man standing in your balcony. “holy hell..” you breathed, one hand on your chest and the other tangled in your hair. if you weren’t afraid before, you definitely are now.
“excuse me?” a deep voice rang in your ears, making you flinch, hand flying up to your mouth.
“please let me in…it’s cold.”
“who - what - the hell…are you!” you exclaim, staring at the tall silhouette that reflected against your blinds, gulping as cold sweat made its way down your forehead.
“my name is park sunghoon. now please let me in, i’m freezing.”
“no, go away!”
“just…for tonight. i promise i won't hurt you.” the voice on the other end implored. you saw as he rubbed his arms, possibly to get rid of the chills. you weighed your options, biting your lip as you fidget with the hem of your shirt.
“i don’t know i…” you felt bad, yet letting a random man into your house was against everything you believed in.
you sighed in disbelief, walking over to the door and cracking it open. you nearly gasped; he was handsome. very, very, handsome. you couldn’t fathom it.
sunghoon cleared his throat, his deep red eyes staring you down. “may i come in?” he rumbles in a low, drool-inducing tone.
“i…yes, of course, come in. sorry-!” you stumble over your words, chuckling in both hesitance and nervousness.
you move aside, inviting him in with a warm smile, one that wasn’t reciprocated - let alone acknowledged. you squint skeptically, locking the door to prevent the cold breeze from fully storming your apartment.
“there’s no point in being skeptical now, i’m already in your house.” he says matter of factly, studying his surroundings with his hands behind his back.
your eyes widened.
sunghoon chuckled, “hey, calm down. i promised i wouldn’t hurt you, didn't i?” he says, finally turning to you.
“i intend to keep my promise.”
you gulp, smiling awkwardly as you nod. he grabs the corners of his collar, looking at you before continuing, “may i get comfortable?” once again, you nod, standing there like a statue, lips pursed.
sunghoon takes off his suit, hanging it on a nearby coat hanger you had conveniently placed in a corner.
“why are you here? i mean…why my apartment?” you blurt, taking the stoic individual aback.
“well, i was flying-“ his eyes travel to you as you give him a blank stare, registering what’s currently unfolding before you.
“you’re a fucking-!” realization crashed into you like a wave.
“vampire. yes.” sunghoon nods, untying his corset, or at least attempting to.
you peer at him, long nails struggling against the knots as he grunts, another prominent lump forming in your throat.
“anyway, i was flying and as you can see…” he juts his chin towards your living room window, emphasizing his point, “the storm knocked me into your balcony.” you nod, letting him know you’re listening.
“and so i thought, ‘hey, why not wait till the rain dies down?’” sunghoon nods to himself, “sorry if i’ve bothered you.” he sheepishly chuckles, bowing momentarily.
“no no! it’s no problem really!…” you wave your hands in a frenzy, shaking your head violently as you beam.
fuck handsome, this man is absolutely mouthwatering. fangs poking into plush lips, charcoal black hair a stark contrast to his pale skin, illuminating under the moonlit night.
“excuse me?”
“yes! sorry.” you focus back on his face.
sunghoon smiles, “you mind?” he walks to you, back now facing your astonished face.
“sure but…” you took a sly look over his shoulder, staring at the side of his face. he raised a brow, head tilting slightly, “never untied a corset before?” you bite your lip, gazing down at the corset.
“it’s okay, i’ll show you.” sunghoon grabs your hands with his cold ones, making you yelp.
“sorry, can’t really help it…”
“it’s okay. no worries.” you gape at his back muscles, the way they move under his white clad shirt…if only you could just take a bite-
“so then you loop your fingers through this part right here,” instructed sunghoon, tapping the knot; you obediently followed his orders. “good, good. now, simultaneously keep doing that until the corset comes loose,” he pauses, standing straight, “you might have to pull a little, okay?” you utter a small ‘yes,’ concentration written all over your face.
“thank you.” corset now in his hand, he moves with it to your living room, placing it on the sofa as he grazes the soft fabric.
“that’s a sofa.” you inform as you see your way to him.
“i know.” sunghoon sighs, “i was human before becoming a vampire, you know?” he peeks at you, picking up on your engrossed look.
“i was bitten,” he sits, “unfortunately.”
“‘unfortunately’?” you echo, sitting beside him, “why is that?” your gaze softens, holding his fiery eyes.
“eternal youth, immortality…none of that is always good. i mean, i have to drink human blood in order to live.” sunghoon plops back into the soft cushion, hair messy from all the moving around.
“that doesn’t sound too bad, though.”
he smiles, “you don’t know half of it.”
you shrug, sitting back. “how old are you?” you ask as sunghoon’s eyes are glued to the ceiling, hand softly caressing his forehead.
“let’s see…” he whispers, counting with his slim fingers. “200…400…430 years old.” you choke, back straightening as the words processed in your mind.
sunghoon bursts out laughing, “are you always cursing?” you blush, embarrassed at your sudden outburst.
“you should go to bed…” he dips his head to the side, regarding you in a quizzical manner; an unspoken question.
“yn.” you snicker, “yn ln.”
he bobs his head, “yn ln.” he repeats, sultry tone almost luring you to sleep.
“if you can’t sleep, there’s the tv!” you point to a little coffee table, “the remote is right there.” sunghoon nods, giving you a small smile before you walked off to your room.
you basically jump on your bed, quickly getting under the covers as you stare outside the window. you turn off the lamp, sighing as you close your eyes.
the room was pitch black, a sliver of light peeked through the curtains. you frowned, you don’t remember drawing the curtains?
you sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as your ears perk up. “what is up with these sounds tonight?” you murmur, groggily making your way to the door.
the sofa was empty and you couldn’t see much, but you could definitely hear, and what you heard made you cringe.
a series of slurps and munching sounds invaded your surroundings. you sniffed, blood? perhaps meat? an exasperated gasp clawed its way out of your throat once it dawned on you.
the slurping stops, so do you. the only thing obstructing your view was the kitchen counter, and honestly, you wish you’d never have to peer over it.
the pungent smell of blood made you dizzy. your hand gripped the hard surface, stomach churning in a way that’s physically impossible to ignore.
“yn?” his voice was ragged, breathless as his glistening chest heaved. the once impeccably white shirt was now stained, deep red streaks scattered throughout, greedily seeping into every piece of fabric it reached.
“what are you…?” you whisper, eyes wide as you step back. the anxious vampire was no longer coy, displaying a look of worry on his bloody face.
“i’m sorry i…” sunghoon huffed, attempting to wipe his hands on his pants, “i got hungry and i didn’t want to hurt you so i settled on animal blood..” you notice his fangs. maybe it was the dim light, or lack thereof, playing tricks on you, but they look…longer? sharper? you couldn’t quite tell, yet it…piqued your interest.
“is that blood enough?”
sunghoon shrugs, “if i drink enough, maybe i’ll be satisfied.” you tilt your head in utter fascination
“‘maybe’? don’t you want to…” you reveal more of your neck, his eyes flickered.
“no i…are you sure?”
you nodded, body speaking before your brain can string a full sentence together. your emotions changed almost immediately, you weren’t terrified, you were…aroused. you’ve always had a sick obsession with sharp objects…but this… you needed to feel them sink into your skin immediately.
you watched as his eyes glowed, tongue darting out to wet his lips. impatient as you were, you grabbed his red hands, pulling his slim figure to you.
“why?” he asks, eyeing your neck, specifically a vein. so juicy…you smelled so good…fuck.
“i want to feel them…” you brazenly admit. sunghoon blinks, blood now dripping from his chin and onto his exposed chest.
“you’re at risk of turning…”
“that’s okay.”
“yn you don’t know what-“
“just…do it.” you strain, “i’m helping you.” you tuck your hair away from your neck, giving the hesitant vampire enough access.
what are you doing?? you have no idea. this might be the last night of your life as human, but honestly… that doesn’t sound like a problem….at least to you.
sunghoon nods, gulping as he moves his mouth closer, opening as wide as he can. you nearly fall back, screaming at the pain that flourished from your neck. he wraps his arms around your waist, eliminating the gap between your bodies.
his eyes close in ecstasy, brows scrunched as your sweet blood made contact with his tongue. sunghoon whines, making incoherent sounds as he squeezes you. he’s so…touchy…you’d never expect this from him.
“fuck…sunghoon…” you wince, balling a part of his shirt into your fists, “fuck!” if it weren’t for his strong arms, you’d be on the ground by now. you feel his hands snake down your body, surprising you as he hooks them under your thighs, sitting you on one of the seats under the counter.
his fangs were still penetrating your fragile skin, you started to feel lightheaded, losing consciousness by the second. before you knew it, everything went black, only the sting that is now faintly there and the scattered blue dots that resided behind your eyelids remain.
“yn…wake up.” your eyes snap open, a sharp breath escaping your lips. you look around in a hurry, not noticing the man before you.
you run to the bathroom, flicking the light on as you stare at your neck in the mirror. “huh?” there’s a patch covering what you assumed were two red dots. bite marks...what did you get yourself into? you flinch as sunghoon appears behind you.
“holy shit. how did you-!“ you yell, turning your body to face him.
“teleportation?” he states, raising a brow at you, “it’s common knowledge…i mean, you would know…” sunghoon sing-sings as he pulls out a book.
the book that was on your nightstand…he has it in his hand.
“what the hell! give it back!”
“let’s see…’he caressed my back as his teeth slowly sink into my skin’…” you try to reach for the book, to no avail as he’s - by far - much taller than you, “is this why you offered to-?” he questions with amusement.
“no!!!!” you cross your arms, “i felt bad because you looked starved.” he answers with a stretched ‘mmmhm,’ squinting his eyes as if he can see right through you.
you walk out, sunghoon following suit. “does it still hurt?” he questions, situating the book down and walking back to you. his pale fingers come up to softly brush the patch, a red dot soaking through the fabric. “no, i can’t feel it actually…” his eyes shoot up, distress oozing from them.
“what?” sunghoon hastily takes off the patch, eyes hysterically looking for something. “open your mouth.” you grimace, confusion striking your features as you comply. he feels around your top and bottom teeth, you protest as his digits feel cold in your mouth. “fuat iz it?” you manage, capturing his wrists.
“your fangs are growing in.” sunghoon steps back, wiping the excess saliva on his pants. he sits on the bed, “you’re turning into a vampire, yn.” you gleam, catching him off guard. “most people would be on the floor crying…” he announces, more to himself than to you.
“let me see your wrist.” he flips your palm upward. there was a mark. a small cross.
“what’s that?”
“‘what’s that’? isn’t this in your vampire books?”
you pout, snatching your wrist away from his grip. “you’re not funny.”
“i think i'm hilarious.” he retorts. with a scoff, you sit next to him, the soft surface denting a little more.
“it’s a marking.”
“a marking?”
“like how werewolves mark their mate…or how incubi choose their wives and make them succubi, it’s a similar process without the sex part.”
“i’m your mate?!” he nods, “in other words, you’re my wife.” you jump, unable to wrap your head around his words.
“how does that… happen?”
sunghoon stands and steps in front of you, “usually happens when there’s an attraction between a vampire and human.” he smirks at you, “you enjoyed it, didn’t you?” he taunts, making you quiver to your very core.
he continues, “i’m going to assume yes considering all those smutty books you read about vampires.” he taps his chin playfully, “didn’t know you were so fascinated with my kind.” sunghoon audibly laughs as you slap his arm.
“do you want me to lie…?” you embarrassingly turn your head, eyes sparkling.
he shakes his head, “no, no. i want you to say it to my face.” sunghoon gently grabs your chin, bending down to be at eye level with you.
“you’re attracted to me, aren’t you?” he places his hands on your lap as you nod, sunghoon smiles.
“to be frank i…i took a liking to you the moment you let me step foot in here.” he stares at you, “i tried my hardest not to acknowledge you at first, but it just…i couldn’t. i was - am - drawn to you…” you blink, cheeks heating up and heart hammering against your chest.
“you’re just so…” he tucks a stray hair behind your ear, basking in your beauty. “so utterly beautiful…” you grab his collar, smashing your lips into his. sunghoon whines in surprise, moaning when you straddle him. “you’re…you’re sitting on it…be careful” he bites his lips, pouting as you smirk, planting yourself harder on his semi hard cock.
“you just met me, and you’re already hard for me?” your smirk grows wider, and you bend down to kiss him once again. his hands fly to your hips, stifling your surprised whimper.
“that’s rich coming from someone who gets aroused by my fangs being in their neck.” sunghoon says as you pull away, leaving you open-mouthed.
“you didn’t think i could smell it? i’m a vampire, doll.” you shriek at the pet name, his divine hand cupping your now sopping cunt. “you’re so wet i can feel it through these skimpy ass shorts.”
he smirks up at you, “not so bold now, huh?”
“shut the fuck up.” he growls, turning you over so that now he’s on top of you, “do you know how hard i’ve been trying to restrict myself? it’s so hard when you’re such a slut, wearing pajamas that leave little to the imagination.” he grabs the waistband of your shorts, letting it slap against your skin as you moan, growing even more impatient. sunghoon’s voice grew husky, lips glistening and angry red from all the making out.
his hair is disheveled, shirt hanging loosely around his shoulders. you grab his nape, moving to his neck. leaving a trail of wet kisses, he moans lowly. you harshly suck and bite his collarbone, enticing a small ‘ah’ from sunghoon.
you place your mouth by his ear, warm breath hitting his lobe as he shudders. “you say i’m a whore? fine. i’m going to fuck you until you can’t talk anymore. until the only thing on your mind is my pussy wrapping around your dick.”
sunghoon nods, “yes baby, please.” his eyes filled with desire, leaving any and all trace of critical thinking behind. with each touch and whimper, the tension builds until the room is filled with nothing but the sound of your shared passion, fulfilling every promise of pleasure made in the heat of the moment.
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms
♰ note. i love cockblocking yall :3 i promise a full smut fic is on the way!! also please like, comment, n reblog!! would be highly appreciated 🫶🫶
♰ huge thanks to my proofreader @heartryuu , i love you bae 🤍🤍.
♰ taglist. @lovlyrickyyy @strawbvrrie @stvrliighttt (lmk if u want to be added!)
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Uhhhhhhh, doggy style with Price? (reader is fem) 🫠
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Pairing: John Price x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Oral Sex (F!Receiving), Doggy Style, Cervix Fucking, Penis in Vagina Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampie, Praise/Dirty Talk, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Dom!Price Word Count: 1k+
Author’s Note: Hello! Thank you for your request! I can definitely see Price as someone who’d take his girl from behind. 🤭 I hope you enjoy!
You moaned as John licked a long, languid stripe over your slit. Your ass was raised in the air, John’s large hands spreading your cheeks as he eagerly ate your juicy, aching cunt.
“Fuck, you taste so good, sweetheart,” John groaned. You squealed when he laid a sudden smack on your ass. Not enough to sting, but enough to grab your attention. You wagged your hips as he pressed open mouth kisses to your folds.
“P-Please, John. I need you now,” you whined as you arched your back. His hearty chuckle reverberated deep into your core, sending sparks flying through your cunt. John gently tugged on your labia with his teeth before giving them a gentle peck.
“I’m here, doll. I’ve got you,” he reassured. It drove you up the wall to not see his rugged face, how his stormy blue eyes would grow with hunger for you when he’d fuck you like he usually would. How you'd grip onto his taut forearms, your legs spread wide open as he drilled his thick cock into you. But tonight was different. John came home frustrated...pissed, even. You, already pent up yourself, not so subtly offered to help him let off some steam. Thus, here you were: ass up, face down, and ready to be fucked senseless from behind.
John adjusted his hips, the tip of his cock kissing at your soaked entrance. You breathed through your nose as you heard him pump his cock a few times in his fist. Your mouth shaped into a wide “O” as his head breached your entrance. John groaned as he pressed into you, your walls greedily sucking him in. Both of you moaned as he bottomed out inside of you, his balls bouncing against your puffy clit.
“How are you feelin’, love?” your husband asked. You swallowed a lump in your throat, the fullness in your lower abdomen sending shivers down your spine.
“G-Good. So good,” you keened as his dick twitched inside of you. John grunted, his hands kneading the flesh of your hips.
“Good. You know…you look amazing like this: stuffed full of my cock from behind,” he murmured, his fingers tracing over the globes of your asscheeks. You shuddered and bit your bottom lip. “Maybe I’ll fuck a baby into you this way,” he said offhandedly. The comment made a whine bubble from your throat. He chuckled and rubbed your hips. “Would you like that? Like for me to make you a mommy?” John muttered with a sudden jolt of his hips. Your hands squeezed at the pillow, your breasts pressed flush against the crumpled, white sheets.
“Please, John,” you gasped. You weren’t sure if you were answering his question or just begging him to fuck you. Your mind was too drunk on the feeling of his cock molding your gummy walls to its shape.
“Can't leave my lady waiting,” John hummed. You whimpered as he pulled out, leaving his head snug inside. Chills ran down your spine as John slowly drove himself back into you, spreading you out deliciously. You clawed and gripped at the pillow as he rocked into you at a steady pace.
“God-you're so beautiful, you know that?” he murmured with a tender thrust. You moaned as his tip rubbed against your g-spot, making your vision blurry and toes curl. You shoved your face into the pillow to hide your loud moaning. His hand wrapped around your hair, tugging on it suddenly and making you hiss.
“Don’t you dare hide those sounds from me,” he snarled with a snap of his hips. You cried out, the succulent pleasure shooting into the deepest parts of you.
“Y-Yes,” you slurred. John grunted in approval, though he still kept your hair wound around his hand.
“I want to hear every little peep that spills from those pretty lips of yours,” he huffed. You gurgled beneath him, pussy clenching and uncleaning around his length. “Understand?” he said with another sharp tug. You nodded, your movements restrained with how tightly he held your locks.
“Yes!” you wailed when his cock drove into the right spot. He hummed.
“Good girl. Such a good girl,” he praised. You didn’t stop the cries and moans that erupted from your mouth as he picked up his pace. His heavy balls slapped against your clit, sending bolts of arousal straight into your womb.
“Love how your perfect pussy swallows my cock,” Price growled. "Fuck, you take me so well," he hissed through gritted teeth. You lurched forward as he slid his cock back into you, stretching your hole in all the right ways. You slurred out incoherently as you felt him release your hair to grab your waist, pushing your ass back to meet his hips. You quickly turned your head to the side. John's eyes were blown wide with lust, watching the way your ass would jiggle each time he thrusted into your plush, tight cunt. Wet slapping sounds filled the room as you pushed your ass back into his hips.
“You feel so good-fuck-gripping me like this,” he moaned loudly. Your walls squeezed and rubbed against his cock as he pressed himself deep inside you with each delicious thrust. Your mouth was agape as you rested the side of your head on your pillow, drool slipping down onto the white fabric.
“J-John,” you keened when the head of his dick pounded into your cervix. Your back arched as he leaned forward, his sweat-soaked chest pressed flush against your upper back. Just when you thought you were catching a break, he started to piston into you. Your throat felt torn up with how loudly you were moaning, hot tears of pleasure streaking down your cheeks. Your pussy was absolutely gushing, creating a ring of cream around his thick girth. Each slap of his heavy balls against your clit sent you closer to the edge.
“Gonna cum for me, (Y/N)? You gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?” John mused. You shook wildly beneath him, your body feeling like a freight train careening off the tracks. You clawed at the pillow and sheets as your clit throbbed, your walls tightening painfully.
“Yes, p-please don’t stop!” you begged. He groaned before snaking a hand below, pinching your clit. Your whole body tensed as you released a reverberant wail, the room growing dim to your bliss.
“Fuck,” John cursed as he felt your pussy clamp down around his pulsing length. You felt him still inside you, keening as ropes of his hot cum lathered your juicy walls. You panted below him, feeling every contraction of your walls milk him dry. You shuddered as you felt his cum leak from where he was plugged into your cunt. Your mind was warm and dizzy as you drifted down from your orgasm. John licked his lips before pulling out of you, which earned him a defiant whine.
“Shh. It’s alright, love,” he cooed as his softening cock fell from between your lips. He watched hungrily as his cum began to drip from your stretched hole. You squeaked as he massaged the red marks on your plush ass. "Oh, love. I'm sorry. Didn't realize how rough I was bein' with you," John apologized, genuine concern heavy in his voice. You shook your head and turned to him.
"N-No. I actually...liked it," you admitted, a dark shade of red crossing your cheeks. He raised his dark brows before a small, sly smirk stretched across his face.
"Yeah?" he hummed before shoving his loose cum back into your pussy with a loud squelch. You moaned at the feeling of his fingers reaching into your sensitive walls. "Well then, I guess we'll both have something to look forward to the next time I come home cross," John chuckled. You nodded and gave an airy laugh. Your eyelids began to feel heavy as he slid his fingers out. You flipped yourself onto your back, carefully to not let any more of his seed spill out of you. He smoothed some hair out of your face and kissed you deeply on the lips. His blue eyes were gentle now, watching as you smiled while he pulled away.
“I'll be right back. Gonna get something to clean you up,” John said softly. You could only nod, mind still reeling and drunk from your high. He pecked your lips before slipping through the door. When he stepped back into your room, you were already fast asleep. He smiled before sliding beneath the covers and softly kissing your temple, letting his own deep slumber overtake him.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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after-witch · 3 months
For your yandere Summer oc, i offer you a quote.
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?
notes: just vague fae-ish stuff, reader was whisked away unwillingly
Sweat sticks to the back of your neck, but you no longer bother wiping it away. It will be there again soon enough--perhaps tomorrow, if you spend the afternoon stretched on some sandy beach, while monstrous machines you barely comprehend fly overhead and poison the air.
You hate these days, and tell him so; but he's seen so much more, and sometimes forgets that you have not--that you do not wish to--and he only gives you a grin and pulls you back down onto the sand. For a kiss or a secret or to sink underneath like turtles burying eggs.
Or perhaps that sheen of sweat will come in a week, where you might taste frozen ice cream made with fruit you've never heard of before. Maybe it will come in a year, in ten years, a century from now, when you are spending yet another summer day underneath the sun, its rays soaking into your clothes, your skin, penetrating down to the marrow of your bones.
God, how you have grown sick of summer. The thought would have never crossed your mind, before. How could it?
If you found yourself wishing for an end to the hot humid days, all you had to do was look ahead on your mother's calendar, picked up every year from town. Summer would be over and the coolness of autumn would settle in, sparing you from the sweat and heavy lead of heat.
And then, when the dead frigid beauty of winter grew dull and you began to miss the way the sun beat down on your back until it was late in the evening, there was only a matter of counting the days until the season began again.
Now? Now, there is no end in sight. No blissful moment when the heat will break and cool autumn nights will come sliding in through a cracked window.
"You're thinking awfully seriously about something," he says, suddenly standing above you; you jump, never used to his surprise appearances. "But what?"
When you look up at him, he is wearing the clothes of a farmer's son. Hand-me-downs, with patches that would have--if he were really a farmer's son, and every angel and devil in the world knows he isn't--been carefully stitched on by a mother or sister or spinster aunt.
Today his hair is blonde and his face is sun-kissed, brown freckles splayed across his nose like specks of paint. He grins at you, tucking his hands behind his head like he hasn't a care in the world.
Well, it might be the truth.
"Does it matter?"
You pull your knees in closer to your chest. Today is a day for being petulant, you decide. It's too hot. You're too sweaty. The beach is deserted and you can't even swipe a coin from someone's purse to buy an ice cream from a cart. There's no one here but you and him and the damned heat of the sun.
"Aw," he says, just as petulant. He has those days, too. Maybe you've rubbed off on him--or is it the other way around? "Don't be like that." he gives you a light poke to the side, and you flinch. "It's a beautiful day."
Your expression must be that damn dour, because even he looks taken aback when you glare at him.
"It's too hot," you say, the words like bitter lemonade. "I'm sick of it. How can I enjoy a hot day, when every day is like this? There's nothing to look forward to, no--no autumn chill that makes you want an extra blanket in the morning, no foggy morning breath while you milk the cows, no..." The endless list of things that are no longer available to you tumbles out, only some of it coherent.
All the while, he simply watches you, waiting for the moment that you run out of steam. When you do, you simply go limp, letting the sweat drip down your neck and drip on the ground with your frustrations.
He tilts his head, and looks more serious, just for a moment. A flicker. So quick that it might have just been a heat mirage, and you blink, just to be sure.
"I can't give you winter," he says, softly. Like you're a stubborn horse in the barn he has to coax. "I wouldn't know how, if I wanted to. But," he adds, and his grin is boyish again, light and airy. "If you want a change, how about a summer storm? I know the perfect place!"
He hops to his feet, and stretches his arm down towards you.
A summer storm is not winter. But it is not this endless heat, either.
What can you do, but take his hand again, and follow where he goes?
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deadratdonoteat · 1 month
Sanemi Shinazugawa x reader
Paired up with a hot head to go on a mission through a snowy mountain, Y/n being the snow hashira isn’t bothered by the cold, but someone is but he won’t admit it.
Tags- Fluff, sharing rooms, physical touch, Sanemi being bad at feelings, coldness??
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“KAW Meeting with Ubuyashiki KAW” Shi flew above my head screaming at me. The black crow landed on my elevated arm. Her red scarf, a gift from the Love Hashira, blowing in the light breeze. “Will I be alone?” I asked my pretty bird. Shi gave me a glance before flying off, she seemed to be laughing (If a crow could laugh). The night bird gave directions to the meeting place, even though I already knew the way.
After sliding the door shut, I saw Ubuyashiki sitting on his knees. There was someone else. The Wind Hashira? Was I going on a mission with him? God, I hope so! I shook the thoughts from my head. Ubuyashiki welcomed me as I bowed to my knees. The white haired male gave me a mean glance. Guess I was going on a mission with him, and he wasn’t happy about it.
The mission was a two day trip to a village that has a number of males mysteriously missing. Some lower ranked slayers already tried to take care of it, they haven't returned or answered letters. It must be bad if they are sending two hashiras. Maybe it’s a lower moon or upper moon. The village was located on a snowy mountain to the east.
Once the meeting was over I was given a bag of things I needed. It contained food and fire starters. No blankets or heavy clothes. I hope Shinazugawa was used to the cold like i was. Being the snow hashira had its perks. Like being unaffected by the temperatures.
Walking to the gate I saw him waiting for me. His hair seemed to dance in the light breeze. There were a few wisteria petals falling. He turned to look at me. His brows pushed together. His stare was so deadly, it gave me chills.
“Hurry the hell up,” the wind pillar shouted at me. I just smiled before picking up the pace a little. He wasn’t wearing anything extra.
“Won't you be cold?” I asked. He scoffed. Rolling his eyes before walking. This is going to be a painfully silent trip.
I was right. Every time I tried to talk to him, he’d shut me down. To the point he yelled at me to ‘shut up’. The silence wasn’t awkward but it was tense. Snow started to cover the ground. The temperature dropped with each step. I was warm, like usual. Glancing at my companion, he seemed to be shivering.
“Would you like my haori?” I offered him. His head snapped in my direction.
“Do you think I'm weak?” He shouted in reply
“No, I think you're cold,” I snapped back. He didn’t say anything. Just continued walking. Not even 5 minutes later, he bright his hands to his mouth and blew on them. He must be freezing. As I opened my mouth to offer again he glanced at me quickly. He was pissed. Either at me or the cold. Probably both. I saw a big shiver go through him.
“Shinazugawa do you want-” “NO” I was interrupted with a shout. I grinded my teeth together. Now I'm getting pissed off. I want to help him but his pride won't let me. He won’t be able to fight with all his strength if he’s cold. iI sighed.
I pushed the taller man into a tree. He grunted before yelling at me.
“What the fuck are you doing? Get off-” His closed his mouth when I moved his hands. I put them on my waist, against my bare skin. I had unbuttoned my uniform before I pushed him. My skin was warm. It was getting even warmer from how close we were. His face turned red. He looked away. With his hands on my waist, I moved my hands to his face. He was freezing.
“See, not so bad!” I cheered at him in a mocking tone. He squeezed my hips. I moved my hands to different parts of him. He never looked at me. He was being so obedient. My hands moved to his exposed chest.
“What are you doing?” His eyes met mine. His ears were now pink. I really was warming him up. As my hands moved all around I stared at him. I saw his eyes glance at my lips before looking away. Oh. My face turned a little red.
“Better?” I asked while tilting my head. He just nodded, but made no move to get away. Maybe he was enjoying this more than I thought. I removed my hands from his chest, he still didn't move still. I buttoned up his uniform. It looked a little weird to see him so formally. As I stepped back I buttoned my corps uniform as well. He turned to continue walking but i grabbed his hand.
The hot-headed wind pillar was still red in the face. His hands were rough but warm, wrapped around mine. I would occasionally swing our connected hands. I was talking and asking him simple questions. He never once told me to shut up. Wow, What a nice guy. The sky was dark but thankful there was a wisteria house up ahead.
Entering the nice house a young man welcomed us. Shinazugawa dropped my hand as soon as the other man greeted us. Maybe he was embarrassed.
“Are you two hungary?” the male asked, still bowing. Before I could answer he was leading us to a dining room. The food was so good. The helper, who’s name is Haru, kept refilling my drink after every sip I took. Where as Shinazugawa had to ask (yell) for more. As Haru gave us sleeping robes, he told us about the hot springs out back. He was only looking at me. He seemed to really want me to join him. Shinazugawa yelled at him for me. Haru really didn’t seem to like the wind pillar.
“This is where the snow hashira shall stay, My room is next door!” Haru cheered. I gave an awkward smile. Why did my room have to be so close to his room? While Shinazugawa was on the complete opposite side of the house. I didn’t even notice the young man getting closer.
“Or if you get cold you can join me in bed-” Haru stopped. His eyes wide at something behind me. Turning I saw a glaring man. Shinazugawa had come to save me.
“She doesn’t need your pathetic ass,” Sanemi said and took my hand. Leading me away from the creep. Haru was mumbling under his breath about something.
“I thought you had gone to sleep”
“And leave you alone with that creep? No.”
“I could have handled it myself”
“Well i already handled it” I giggled as he said this through his teeth. How overprotective. I didn’t even realize my cheeks were red. I guess I found being overprotective attractive. Maybe I just found Sanemi attractive.
“Wait, why am I in your room?” I asked when looking around. “I’m not leaving you over there,” the white haired male whispered. He wasn't looking at me.
“Liar,” I accused him. His head snapped to me.
“Fine…I was cold.” He said in an ashamed tone. I giggled at him. “Nevermind then. Leave,” He raised his voice a little. He was sitting up on his shikibuton. He looked good in his sleeping robe. It wasn’t closed around his chest, like always. No wonder he was cold. Now he was shooing me away. No way was I going back to my room. I rolled my eyes at him. His face turned a bit red when I sat next to him under the covers.
“Just admit you wanted to sleep with me,” I leaned on his shoulder. He tensed at the contact. He didn’t even try denying my accusations. He started to lean back. I followed his body. He was stiff, not trying to get comfortable. I guess I was going to have to do everything. Ii moved to get comfortable, raising the converter to my shoulders. I layed on my side, facing the wind hashira. I wrapped an arm around his chest. Even letting my hand snaked into his robe. His skin felt hot. So why was he complaining about being cold?
He finally moved. His arm went under my head. He pushed his legs to touch mine. Then his head rested on mine. The futon didn't give us a lot of room, so we were very close. I don’t think Sanemi mind, I definitely didn't.
“We’re leaving as soon as we wake up,” He spoke. I could feel the vibrations of his voice. I nodded before snuggling closer. He held me tighter. I could already tell that when I wake up I won't be moving. I hope he gets cold often.
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toaarcan · 10 days
C3E107 Thoughts
Okay first point of order, obligatory screaming about Abubakar flying an ocean to do a surprise return as the Arch Heart, you love to see it.
The Arch Heart's plan is interesting but I think they've either not telling the whole story or they're making a mistake. They assume that, in a moment of panic of Predathos being released early, their siblings will all flee. Except we know Melora would stand and fight, and we know that two of the gods are not Tengarian and therefore they have no past track record to base that thought on. They've got no clue what RQ and Vecna will do when the chips are down.
Of course, it's possible that the Arch Heart is hiding the truth. They said themselves that they are sneaky and that they were there without the knowledge of the other gods. They also kept stressing that they were being honest. Which could well be a lie. DC30 on the Insight check to see through any bullshit. The gods may have a different purpose for putting Predathos into a person.
The reality they've claimed is that the gods are currently in argument over what they should do about the Predathos situation, and the Arch Heart believes that if they have time to come to a conclusion, they will choose to fight. Whether that means war with Predathos or war on the people trying to release it, who can say. Either way, if they all come back, inevitably the Betrayers will try to kill mortals again, and the Primes will fight them. Calamity 2 will happen if mortals take too long to stop Predathos.
Ultimately the idea of cramming Predathos into Imogen or Fearne does not seem like a good one. We just spent the better part of 103 episodes watching Laudna struggle to keep Delilah under control. Delilah is the soul of a mortal fucking wizard. And Downfall illustrated the vast gulf between mortal mages and gods. It also showed max-level mortal bodies being disintegrated by the raw power of an unbound deity forcing its way out from within them. And the plan here is to cram a more-powerful entity into a Lv.13 Sorcerer or Druid and expect Predathos to not immediately escape or hollow them out and wear them like a cheap suit?
Then again, given the way it was being talked about maybe they are aware of this and recognise that whoever becomes Predathos' vessel is functionally or literally dead and doomed to chase the gods across reality for eternity, and that's a sacrifice that some have decided they are okay with. Either way, not a great plan.
The two members of BH that are most happy with the Arch Heart's idea are Dorian and Ashton, who are reacting to it like the perfect answer has finally been given to them. But it's not Dorian and Ashton who are going to be tasked with becoming the vessel. Imogen really does not want Predathos released. Fearne is more curious but Zathuda is actively trying to groom her into the perfect vessel and Shardgate was born out of Ashton convincing her to go with her gut and give him the Shard instead of taking it for herself, and I worry that with them on one shoulder and Zathuda on the other, Fearne may end up going with the plan and dying for it.
As for who the deity that agrees with the Arch Heart is... I don't think it's the Matron. The Arch Heart's words around her appearance are "You've heard my side," as if to imply that she represents the other. She was also one of the more reluctant gods when it came to leaving and building the gate, and she was consistently the "Stop doing hubris" one during Downfall.
The Arch Heart definitely did not have an answer for whether Predathos will harm mortals accidentally in pursuit of its meal. Also there's a probably-god chilling in the heart of the planet who isn't going to be running anywhere so that's not a great sign.
Zathuda and the Unseelie's dissatisfaction with Ludinus speaks to one of the bigger flaws in the Ruby Vanguard's plan. We've seen the gulf between mortal wizards and gods in Downfall, but Ludinus assumes that if he kills the gods then mortals will sit atop the food chain. Except they won't. There are a lot of entities that live in the gulf between mortal and divine, like powerful Fey, and also the Fiends the heroes keep running into. Zathuda evidently looks down on Ludinus and intends to betray him. To chase the gods away will open up the throne they've abdicated again, and it will not be a mortal wizard that sits it (nor should it be), it will be a devil or a demon or an archfey.
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 4 months
'And your heart, love, has such darkness / I feel it in the corners of the room.' - Hozier, De Selby part 2
Gale x F!Tav, Halsin x Tav. A little spicy, a little dark. 18+ please. To be continued... perhaps...
Tav had come to realise that the magical energies of her companions felt different. Karlach’s rage was a boom of energy, a rush, it winded her if she got too close. Astarion was sharp of course, even a casually thrown firebolt stung more than it burned. Wyll was steady, Shadowheart was curiously empty feeling, Lae’zel unwielding as stone. All of them, even Jaheira’s whiplash casting and Halsin’s gentle green aura, were different. She’d come to learn them in combat without even seeing them. A flood of calm in her body as Halsin healed, the adrenaline of Karlach stood shoulder to shoulder with her.
Then there was Gale. She had expected a brightness of sorts, citrusy or light, sky blue in its openness. Instead the first time he cast near her, throwing his arms out to their enemies and sending them flying… dread gripped her heart. Darkness expanded in it, spilling up her throat and out of her mouth, forceful and tenacious. It stuck in her teeth, coated her tongue. And then the spell was over, and it was gone. She’d stared at him, and when he caught her looking the fury in his eyes cleared. It was like the sun breaking cloud. She forced herself to smile. It’s fine, she thought. But that was months ago.
Now, by the still water bordering Last Light, she lay awake in her bedroll. Above was the silvery shield Isobel had cast, fragile as a bird’s egg. The fire was banked high and chased away the unnatural cold, sending heat washing over her skin. It soothed her fears and stoked her hopes. Around her, her companions snored softly. Karlach muttered in her sleep, throwing herself this way and that as she dreamed. Jaheira settled on her bedroll as a panther, curled around the owlbear cub and Scratch.
‘Copper for your thoughts?’ said a voice. Footsteps and the sound of settling. The smell of tomato vine and a wash of green came with it.
‘Hey, Halsin,’ said Tav. ‘Just nervous, I guess. We could all die tomorrow.’ She rolled over to find him propped up on his own bedroll beside her, his eyes soft with concern. To her surprise, he chuckled. She closed her eyes; the growling depths of it reverberated in her throat. ‘Easy, love. We shan’t die. We must merely storm a castle. You could do that in your sleep.’ He winked and she grinned at him.
‘Ah, you charmer,’ she said. ‘At least we’ll make pretty corpses, hm?’
‘You’ve been hanging around Astarion too much.’ He wagged his finger in fake admonishment. ‘I’d be careful with him, Tav.’
‘Gods forbid he’s a bad influence on me.’
‘Hm.’ Halsin smirked. ‘Indeed.’
‘Don’t you worry, big man. I can handle h-‘ The smile dropped from her lips. Darkness in her chest, fluttering, thin tendrils of it seeking. It cleared and she took a deep breath, suddenly chilled. Just as warmth was seeping back in it happened again. ‘S-sorry,’ she said. ‘I.. I’ll be back later, alright? Before we have to leave in the morning. Or what passes for morning…’ she scrambled to her feet and misty stepped. She was out of sight, some way past the tents, when a hand closed around her wrist. She knew it was coming and she still startled, her heart picking up.
‘You seem cosy.’
‘Gale.’ She turned when the darkness rose again. Flames were dancing across his fingertips and he manipulated them easily, even carelessly. ‘Stop.’
He held her gaze and closed his fist. The hand on her wrist tightened a little. ‘Why?’ His voice was measured.
‘You know what it does,’ she muttered, glancing away from him.
‘Not that,’ his voice had become a rasp. ‘Halsin. Why?’
She turned to face him fully, frowning. Gale’s jaw was set, his fingers pressing insistently into her skin. He was tense. Really tense. ‘Are… you jealous?’ Her eyes widened in incredulity. ‘You’re not serious, Mr Of Waterdeep?’ She laughed. ‘Do you think we’re fucking?’
‘Jealousy is such a petty emotion,’ he said. A muscle in his jaw twitched. ‘I prefer pragmatic.’
She faltered in the intensity of his stare. ‘I’m not seeing anyone,’ she muttered quickly.
Gale exhaled a little. ‘Hmm.’
‘Just thinking,’ he said. His tone was airy, its undercurrent dangerous. ‘You know me. I love a puzzle.’ He let go of her wrist, raised his hand in front of him and murmured. Sparks leapt from his palm and the darkness had returned. ‘It’s interesting,’ he continued. ‘Did you know that when we fight, our dear companions give me a wide berth? They can’t bear to be close to me. You’re a clever girl. Tell me why.’
‘The orb,’ she gasped. Darkness, invisible to anyone else, poured from her lips, out of her nose, slid like tears from her eyes.
‘The orb,’ he agreed slowly. ‘A deep dark pit of teeth and claws within my mortal body. The yawning abyss of dread. It sends people running, quite frankly rightly. It yearns. It’s the antithesis of healing energy or sharp clarity. Even Astarion cringes away from it. It drags in the belly, a blunt ache, impossible to ignore. And you,’ he said, dismissing the lightning with a flick of the wrist, ‘seek me out every time.’
Her stomach dropped. ‘I don’t know what-‘
‘Don’t lie to me,’ he said silkily. ‘Don’t think I haven’t been paying attention Tav.’  Somehow he was nose to nose with her now, voice low in his throat. ‘I know exactly how it feels. It’s icy and black, it clenches around your heart as well as mine. It’s tainted and evil and you find me without fail.’ He smirked. ‘He wants you, you know. I’ve seen it. I’ve heard.’ She had no idea what to say. She was grateful for the dark; it hid the creep of pink up her neck. ‘But,’ he said suddenly stepping back and letting the cold strike her skin, ‘I’m sure everything was entirely innocent tonight.’ He shrugged.
‘Entirely,’ she said flatly. ‘I just couldn’t sleep, is all.’
‘Bad dreams?’ His eyes glimmered in the dark. ‘Oh dear. Unfortunately, I’m no healer, Tav. I imagine it’s the curse though. Powerful magic like that, it gets inside your bones. Under your skin.’
‘Stop it, Gale,’ she snapped suddenly. ‘You know, it’s none of your business if me and Halsin are close. So what? He’s kind and gentle and this damned place is awful. You need to rein in your emotions because it’s not fair to be so fucking- ugh- possessive!’
His eyes were wide, shocked. ‘You're right,’ he said finally. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve obviously misjudged you. I’ll see you in the morning, alright? Or, well... later.’ He retreated, contrite.
Tav felt the pull to go after him; she made herself turn around and go back to her stuff instead. The day ahead would clear things, a sleep would cure them.
‘Oh, let’s kill them,’ purred Astarion later, red eyes fixed on a cluster of cursed Harpers. He had been close to her as they roamed the shadows, Halsin on her other side. Their conflicting magics tended to cancel each other out; there was less sting, less soothe. Gale was nowhere to be seen, but she felt him. The smaller magics of bolts and blasts closed her up for a second or two, but right now waves of it were seething through her; some difficult magic no doubt. Moments later, a fireball ripped through the dark and crashed into some enemy in the distance. At Halsin’s concerned touch she shrugged away and retreated, making her way back to camp without so much as a word.
It was overwhelming. The quiet of camp was hardly a reprieve, though. She felt the roiling energy until it was over, and they must have been at opposite ends of the town by then. If anyone came back for her she'd simply feign a headache and crawl into her tent, to blissful solitude.
He was avoiding her. Around the campfire that night, she was flanked by all of them; like they’d formed a protective circle around her when they’d seen how combat was affecting her lately. She hated it, felt fragile and childish. It was the shadow curse, she told herself. It emboldens that orb of his. She ate and chatted and drank as usual, getting a little tipsy on the alcohol, and stayed up as everyone went to bed. It was quiet for a long time. There was nothing but the rustle of bedrolls, the distant shrieks and screams of the cursed outside the light. Tav could hear her own heart steady in her ears. And then- a grunt. It was coming from the far side of camp and she focused her ears, wishing not for the first time she could turn into a cat. The noise came again, a low moan, shuddering and deep. She knew that voice. Not daring to move, she listened intently as Halsin moaned her name, her skin prickling in response. There was a roaring like water in her skull; it drowned out everything else and she held her breath. He could not know she heard him. Someone else did though. Before she was able to fall into sleep, the familiar choke and cold clenched in her belly.
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