#i am so normal over this movie
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sure. Look at winslow now.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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I'm telling you, everything's gonna be all right as long as we're together!
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chronically-ghosted · 10 months
me: *consumed with lust, enraged, on my couch yelling into pillows, kicking my feet, gnashing my teeth* “he’s just some guy”
guy in question:
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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reasons number A Million why not every rgg character needs to be +6ft he looks so fuckin stretched out. actually got put in the willy wonka taffy puller
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littlefankingdom · 1 year
Okay, so I rewatched Sonic 1 & 2 last week and...
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This is Megamind's grand battle outfit, which look similar but it's also named Black Mamba. And what is the name of Robotnik's outfit?
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So, this movie, that I already loved, is making a direct reference to the masterpiece that is Megamind. Sublime.
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heartslobbf · 2 years
the thing about rgu episodes 35&6 is its just like...... everything is veering towards a car crash but more than usual. and everyone is more aware of how car-crashy things are going to get than usual, but its like. no one is like ‘hey what if we didn’t get into a car crash though’, or if they are, they’re expressing that sentiment in the worst way possible (shoutout anthy and touga). you have so many tiny and horrendously fucked up moments in those episodes like juri saying utena ‘looks like a girl now’ and making miki consider whether or not that’s a ‘good’ thing, or utena falling asleep at the table with her earrings as anthy just Watches, or the scene where touga holds a carrot in various initially amusing and then promptly emotionally devastating ways as both he and the audience make a series of crushing realisations neither of us are totally comfortable accepting
its like. throughout all of this acknowledgement of ‘hm. this is bad’ everyone is filled with inaction. we are all trapped in our coffins!!! people are prosing but that’s about it. all of the student council know who end of the world is, and they don’t tell utena. im not blaming them for this because its masterful, compelling writing that serves to elevate the show and its themes, but i am pointing it out because what’s endlessly relevant in utena analysis is recognising when characters make choices that ohtori frames as a natural progression or event that is immutable. anthy and touga voice wow i cant believe at least one person has to die at the end of this duelling game, which we like have to do btw. yeah. what do you mean this is all constructed and therefore can be dismantled. oh my god im going to kill you what the fuck. i dont want to kill you. i dont know how else to get you out of this situation. guess ill try and remove you from the system, thereby proving it is a structure that can be left behind and undermining my fragile worldview ive believed to have kept me ‘safe’ all this time. why are you guys talking about coffins so much omgggggggg shut up shut up shut up
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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all the bad dreams that you hide / show me yours, i'll show you mine
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horsemage · 29 days
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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bearstuck · 1 year
theres a hypothetical instance of asylumstuck being written well and not incredibly offensive and yet every single time i see some old asylumstuck posts i am blown away by how they manage to get literally every depiction of mental illness incorrect. its like they googled the symptoms and then deliberately wrote against the reality of those illnesses. its like they googled awful stereotypes about mentally ill (mostly psychotic or suicidal people) and made it their personal project to include as many as they could
#i am not opposed to the idea of writing characters from anything in a psychiatric hospital#however#like from the bat they use the very sensational name 'asylum' which is okay i guess since its one word and well known enough#but to go on and be like#yeah terezi and john *know the truth* about them being in an au and believe theyre supposed to be gods in a video game#oh calliope has some weird fucked up writing combination of psychosis and DID#where she simultaneously thinks caliborn is a hallucination ('imaginary friend') and an alter that 'takes over when shes mad'#or like#gamzee is a murderer and a schizophrenic and a cannibal#or sollux has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and its obvious op didnt google if you can have both at once bc theyd immediately see#that that would usually just be diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder#like im not saying you cant write this setting and write it well. but its so fucking obvious its coming from a sixpenceee sort of place#where psychosis and DID and ocd and personality disorders are creepy aesthetic horror movie things#like hey you guys know not every psychiatric patient is psychotic right. and psychotic people are normal right#ffs have some tact its really not hard to google the actual symptoms and testimony from people with these conditions#sorry this got really ranty it just blows me away how ive seen people posting about asylumstuck in this decade#sorry if i spelled asylum wrong in this post and didnt catch it ive got the dyslexia
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gemharvest · 7 months
You know how Vanessa was staring at the one drawing of the yellow rabbit holding hands with all of the murdered kids. I know she was only doing that because She Knows everything but wouldn't it be fucked up if she had drawn that. I think I wanna adopt this as a headcanon, at least for now.
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philtstone · 2 years
Aragorn/Arwen, 33
#33 -- your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard meleth = love/my love. a missing scene from fellowship of the ring bc i had to write some arthurian level yearning or whatever
They cross paths in one of Imladris's many halls, as she is exiting a room. Not the room, wherein the small Halfling is fluttering back from the edge of doom under her father's careful ministrations. But a room. Arwen was folding clean bandages, for something to do.
There has always been some quietly striking thing about Estel, the way he is at all times, even covered in grime and with an expression that does not well hide his fear. He looks as if he ran the entire remaining distance to Rivendell on foot, with three panicky Hobbits in tow besides. Which, in part, she is sure he must have.
"Arwen," he begins, not quite on a pant, but startled by her appearance and desperate enough for her to inhale and step forward, reaching for him.
"Unharmed," she says, of herself, and then, "healing, under my father's hand. We made it across the river in safety."
He makes to grasp the hand she offers him but Arwen reaches for his cheek instead. She watches his eyes close and feels the tacky, bristly jaw beneath her fingers. Here in the gentle, clean glow of her father's house he stands out in a way he had not in the wild, yet unwashed and so very obviously a man. Very warm, as he always is, but the damp heat under his skin confirms his carefully-hidden distress further. His cloak is hanging lopsided from familiar broad shoulders and his hair is a nest. She wishes to tease him again, as she did in the woods, but finds in this moment she cannot; she's missed him dearly.
They inhale, together, her hand upon him. Arwen is no fool; his trust in her did not discount the real danger and magnitude of their last several hours.
"You're injured," he says, even through his closed eyes. "And you've been weeping."
Arwen touches her free hand to the mostly-faded cut on her cheek. An injury it is not. She allows his lover's perspective nonetheless.
"You know that I weep often," she chooses to say.
"Do you?" Rhetorically, in a restrained murmur.
"Yes; I am quite as tender-hearted as you are, my love."
Estel opens his eyes, startled into a sudden laugh, which stretches crooked and a little pained across his face. It is then that they both relax. They are alone in the corridor; dear Frodo is alright; she wishes very much to kiss him.
"Unharmed," Aragorn repeats, on an exhale this time, one further bout of confirmation. Arwen has come to learn this about men -- this man -- the small stretch of time required to come to terms with a simple truth. There is something soothing about its necessity. But her peace is disrupted almost immediately; quite suddenly she is feeling the strain of want in her throat as he smooths rough fingers over her wrist, then her palm, lifting her hand away just so from his face.
"Arwen," he says a second time, very differently. "Meleth ..."
Oh, to fall into his arms ...
"You are very filthy, Estel," she says instead, allowing a touch of that teasing to return.
He turns his head and kisses the inside of her wrist in response, long and lingering and silent and warm, and holds her gaze all the while.
Her name is called, once, twice, from the room she only just exited.
"My lady Arwen!"
She sighs and he releases her, offers her the smallest of bows and another tired smile, and goes, presumable to check on his charges. But she is smiling in return. Time is not something she had great consideration for until she met Estel. She thinks of it now -- its brevity, its urgency. For now, Arwen hopes, they have escaped the danger, and may see each other happy for a short while longer.
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pinksilvace · 8 days
#dkhghgghkslghhhgh I'm Not Normal about rotg#my interest in it picks back up for a few weeks each year and I just. sigh#please dreamworks I know you had sequels planned. you don't know how big it would be amongst today's audiences. I prommy#director PETER RAMSEY and executive producer GUILLERMO DEL TORO both want to give it a second chance#as does joyce. the guy who sold the IP to dreamworks#nooo because there are so many interesting things the movie could pull on if it starts looking at the guardians with respect#to events of the past#a big critique of rotg is that it doesn't have much plot and I think that largely comes as a result of the movie being mostly setup#it needed to spend so much time establishing its world and I'm so glad that it did#but it did lead to people questioning what the heck bunny and tooth are and why pitch feels so flat etc etc#oh my GOD if they dug into how pitch was created it would add so much subtext to the antarctica scene#I wouldn't care about whether they brought in nightlight stuff or not by integrating more material from the books bc movie canon#is already so distinct but YOU'RE TELLING ME that this man... a guard in his own right... succumbed to the powers of fear#because he was mourning the loss of his child??? because he wanted to protect her??? and then he tried to connect with jack#(a child) over how much he longed to be known and have a FAMILY??? how am I supposed to be normal about this#there are so many ghosts of the books' influence in the first movie that could be explored so much#not to mention something something fear exists to keep people (kids) safe and eliminating it completely would be Bad Actually#maybe I'm realizing I just want pitch to be explored more sdkfjsldfjks#I've seen a lot of folks say they want more seasonal characters to be introduced and I guess that could work in the context of a show#but if they dove more into how the guardians came to be and what MIM's deal is and how that all affects the present#ohhhh baby that's good content right there#fern muses
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morgana-ren · 5 months
God I wish people still wrote for Reaver. The fandom is dead and the little bit that exists is on Fanfiction.net from the Jurassic era and I have read all of them two billion times and because it's that website with those asinine rules, it doesn't scratch the itch. I would actually kill and maim and murder for a good fucking Reaver story that I haven't had committed to memory since I was 13.
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napping-sapphic · 11 months
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swankpalanquin · 2 months
i wish i could just be happy with what i have in my life.. like this is it and it's not even that bad, so why can't this be enough?
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wantbytaemin · 11 months
i gotta stop looking at pics of margot robbie or im going to lose it completely
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