#i am so sorry this answer is only tangentially engaging with what you said
jeanmoreaux · 1 year
Can tiktok pls die
Literally I feel insane that not more people are actually trying to actively get word around that it’s just brainrot and people (unintentionally—-or intentionally) ridiculing themselves (this does not include some healthcare and nonharmful hobbies related to art at the very least)
I’m rambling but do u feel me I’m losing my mind
Like what’s so cool about dancing in front of your phone like a teletubby. It looks and is stupid
“dancing infront of your phone like a teletubby” 😭😭 i am cackling omg!!!!!! but yeah i agree a lot of the tiktok content i have seen through other people or on here/on youtube is mind-numbingly dumb. and a lot is also just straight up rotting people’s brains (i don’t think i have to talk about how easy it is to spread misinformation or radical content). there’s some good stuff on there too (good educational content or funny skits) that should reach a wide audience, i guess (i just see the peer reviewed stuff). idk i feel like since i have never been active on tiktok, i don’t even really know how bad it is, but what i see from the outside is enough to make me want to keep my distance. there is a part of me that understands the appeal of it, but personally it doesn’t scratch an itch for me. there is absolutely nothing that tiktok offers that i couldn’t get from somewhere else, so it has been very easy for me to stay away from it. additionally, i have zero chill for content that doesn’t satisfy a need i have. idk i just get so easily bored with hollow media. it’s the same with shows or youtube: i immediately lose interest and move on if i am not emotionally invested in something. like, ‘i’ll not only move on but i’ll switch mediums because i didn’t care for two videos in a row’ level kind of bad.
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hollyand-writes · 4 years
Fic Writer Meme!
I’ve been tagged by so many people over the last 2 days that I figured I really ought to do this 😂 
Thanks so much to the following lovely people for tagging me, and I was delighted to read (and reblog!) your answers! @inquisitoracorn, @barbex, @another-rogue-trevelyan, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold, @noire-pandora and @kunstpause ❤️  (I think that’s everyone, sorry if I missed anyone off!) 
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion 
Name: Holly or Hollyand; neither is my real name. 
Fandoms: I only write for Dragon Age 2, but I lurk in Frozen fandom. 
Most popular one-shot: “A Growing Lack of Disgust”, my M!Hawke/Arishok crackfic. Rated Teen/Mature. 
Most popular multi-chapter: “A Chance Engagement”, my Regency AU Carver/Merrill homage to Pride & Prejudice. Rated Teen. 
Actual worst part of writing: The writing, LOL. Particularly when it just won’t come. Someone (Dorothy Parker, apparently!) once said “I hate writing, but I love having written” and I feel exactly the same way. Having said that, there’s nothing better than writing when you’re in the flow, and that’s when I DO love writing - but that doesn’t happen to me as often as I’d like, haha!
How do you choose your titles: I don’t have a set way as you can see:  
The “does what it says on the tin” approach (A Marriage Of Convenience; A Fake Date at the De Launcet Mansion; Carver and Merrill Go On A Picnic (Along With Everyone Else); The Templar And The Blood Mage; Truth Or Dare) 
A newspaper title that inspired a prompt (Local Man Returns From Trip, Discovers Boyfriend Adopted 25 Cats)
After an artwork (The Courtship of Daisy and Junior)  
Shit puns or wordplay (A Shit Time To Be A Templar; Employer Relations; Open Book) 
A phrase from the fic that best sums the whole thing up (A Pirate’s Touch; A Chance Engagement; You Are Cordially Invited; A Growing Lack of Disgust; To Rule Over Him; The Maker’s Will; like twine unravelled and many more)
Overall subject (Cupcakes; Poker Face; The Masquerade; Pancake Day; Table For Two; Touch; Major Arcana) 
A quote from Dragon Age 2 (Hook Hands Make For Awful Penmanship) 
and much more rarely, adapted from a book or song title (Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?; Sweet Like Chocolate; Bright Lights, Big City, Blind Date) 
Do you outline: Not for one-shots - but I try to for longfics after coming hopelessly unstuck in the first one I attempted and having to abandon it. 
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice? So many, OMG. Hot Maths Professor Carver (inspired by real-life hot maths professor turned model Pietro Boselli) and University Student Merrill, maybe? I have a whole load of shit maths puns and innuendoes especially about modelling wet steam flow for that fic idea 😂 
EDITED TO ADD: This, by the way, is Pietro Boselli: 
Tumblr media
Callouts @ me: Just write the fucking thing; your writing is nowhere near as bad as you think it is (and if it is? Well, then, go and improve it! Don’t sit on your arse and whine LMAO). 
Best writing traits: Thanks to my job as a professional writer/editor, I have a thick skin and can take constructive criticism... although I must add that so far the very rare times I’ve had any criticism on my fanfic, it has often been so far from being constructive to be totally useless 😂  (I will forever be known as the writer who “didn’t write Fenris sexily enough” in a Carver/Merrill fic.)
Spicy Tangential Opinion: To quote @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold: ‘Every single kudos, like, reblog, or comment is special. I know it’s easy to focus on the “quantity” of them - but each one represents a real person that one of my stories has emotionally resonated with.’ 
Manka puts this much nicer than I would, although I gotta add that I am fed up of the entitled attitude of many writers I see on this website, who don’t take much care over their writing or don’t take much care to be kind or encouraging to their readers, and then blame and berate their readers and audience (or potential readers and audience) for not giving them the exact validation or feedback they expect. Respect goes both ways. If you shit on your audience, then don’t be surprised when you eventually don’t have one. 
I can’t remember who has been tagged or not so I apologise in advance, but I will tag.... let’s see.... @pinkfadespirit, @varghaxa, @lesetoilesfous, @hawkeish, @in-arlathan, @uchidachi, @midnightprelude, @veorlian, @blarrghe, @natsora, @charlatron, @lauraemoriarty, @jentrevellan, @laraslandlockedblues, @kagetsukai and anyone else who wants to do this! ❤️ 
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More Salty asks 👀
18, 21, 5, 4, 3, 7, 10.
ty <3
So sorry it took me so long to answer anon but here's the salt you've asked for
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
God no, wtf kind of logic is that, you can or not do something, as in shipping, or stanning or being an anti, for literally ANY reason including no reason, I repeat, you dont need a single fucking reason, much less a "valid" one, there is literally nothing called a valid reason when it comes to fandom bc all reasons are valid at the end of the day, since it's ffs JUST fiction. If you dont ship/stan something popular good for you, hang out w your rare pairs and fall in love w your minor characters, you want to write terrible fucking incoherent anti-metas about a character that's very popular, go ahead DO IT, literally nothing should stop you, it is not problematic to HATE an objectively good character w absolutely no reason, it's not problematic to LOVE a scumbag character for the shallowest reason, it's not problematic to condone evil acts done by your fav character and praise them and love them for it, it is not problematic to want a character killed simply bc they mildly grate you, it is not problematic to do or feel anything about a character as long as your aware that this character or ship cannot be removed from their fictional world and you are simply judging a fictional object who's actions and principles are bound to the fictional world they exist in and cannot in any way affect the real world beyond the value of entertainment.
--also completely tangential side note but if anybody thinks the depravities or deplorable actions explored in a fictional work can in anyway enable real life people who have consumed such media, to do and/or consider the same, I would politely suggest you to restrain from projecting your grossly malleable mind that's clearly more impressionable the wet stinking cement on to others, bc believe it or not most of us have this innate ability to not only separate fiction from reality, but also pick and choose what media we consume is allowed to influence us in addition to entertaining us--
But back to the point, my answer to that question is no, you are not biased, you are not in denial, you simply choose not to invest your time and energy and mindspace into this one fictional being or couple and that is just about the most valid thing as any.
21.What are your thoughts on crack ships?
absolutely love them, I really wish there are more absolutely WILD ships that have no logical reasoning behind them to exist in the fandoms I am part of.
5.Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
Nope. although it has made a ship I was already mildly averse to even more worse in my eyes, but I dont think that counts.
4.Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Yep and it's a LIST, let's see Steroline, Bamon, Klayley, Klamille, Marbekah, I HATE KOLVINA.
And yeah that's about it, don't get me wrong I dont like many ships and need to click off ff if they are a part of it as a side pairing, but these are the ones I loathe w a passion bc one half of the ship is a character I absolutely LOVE and the other half is just the GREATEST disservice done to said characters,
For steroline- I wish stefan was never fished out from the bottom of that lake.
Bamon- Damon can get his dick skinned.
Klayley- Klaus is a fucking cockroach I agree. but Hayley good god is not helping the situation at all. Same for Klamille.
Marbekah-it's incest yall first of all, and second Rebekah deserves a man who fucking chooses her EVERYTIME and not just once when it's convenient for him.
Kolvina: I-I-do I even need to elaborate?? THE DISSERVICE DONE TO KOL. Christ. I am sorry but this ship I truly hate w a passion too strong for me to even bother playing it cool.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Nope. But I do block that specific tag/content so that when they post about the specific topic we disagree on I am not able to see it, CURATE YOUR FANDOM EXPERIENCE ALWAYS THANKS, and also having shitty shipping opinions is the last thing you can do to get me fired up and stop talking to you, my bff is both a steroline shipper and a Kolvina shipper, but she's my ride or die, like fandom opinions and thoughts on a fictional character amount to literally NOTHING in real life, and I really hope people understand that, but also at the same time in tumblr specifically, if a blog you follow posts anti-posts about your fav character or something like that absolutely unfollow them if you are not comfortable seeing it? following them to engage in fandom discourse is not something I personally would ever do, but as long both the parties involved are interested in discourse i see no harm, but if youre not willing to engage or even see such content ma'am wtf is it even doing on your dash UNFOLLOW and block the tag please.
[already answered the next q so I'm copy pasting it here]
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
oh lmao I wouldnt have been able to understand this question yesterday, but like today I was again hunting scenes for gifs, and I found that Marcel actually holds no appeal to me, in fact, If Elijah decided to slap his head off, I wouldnt have minded at all. Also I was a forwood shipper at the time but now I look at them and have this inexplicable urge to scratch something.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Redemption arcs, jfc I HATE THEM, mostly bc my ability to perceive villains shuttles between two distinct opposites, "They are depraved, and evil and everything wrong in this world and I LOVE THEM." or "They are depraved and evil and everything wrong in the world and I HATE THEM" there is literally no in between, so in the first case I love them precisely because they are the scourge of the earth, and a redemption arc [not that I've ever seen one done even mildly ok-ish for the characters to actually redeem them] will literally work to unfuck their fuckiness that I absolutely ADORE. So no I do not want redemption arcs for them at all, and on the flip side when I hate an evil character the only redemption I will accept is them being of good use to the maggots that feast on their dead rotten corpse.
This is the ask
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onceuponamirror · 6 years
Hey Sarah. I'm in need of some serious writing advice. I enjoy writing, but I think I've spent way too much time within fandom, and writing my WIPS in general. As a result, I'm now feeling SEVERELY underappreciated. (Is this all just in my head, i don't know). Again, some of this may be my own fault - putting too much stock in fics, etc; however, I can't quite shake the feeling off, yah know? Anyways, hearing your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. שנה טובה Much love to you on this day. x
Also; I know we aren’t supposed to compare ourselves to other writers, but its hard not to. It is. And frankly, I’d be lying to myself if I said I’ve never done it (and I think I have a pretty average self-esteem tbh). Anyways, I always appreciate your candor and the way you discuss things - I look forward to checking your blog during the week! x Are you doing anything special today?
so you sent this to me yesterday and i’m only now getting to it—how timely, lmao! 
so re: comparison, i’ve spoken on that before and am just gonna repost that because it’s simpler and relevant:
i think innate talent comes from innate love; you are good at something because you pay attention to it and give it your eye. the fact that you care to write and care about what you write is the innate love!!
but furthermore, there is so much self-worth socialized into what we do. so much, and it takes a lot of active work to unlearn our fears of inadequacy when it comes to what we’re able to produce.
and i’m just as guilty as wrecking myself over how to measure success and thus my worth as a storyteller, but ultimately, i have to tell myself every time that i do this for the innate love, which is not something measurable beyond the desire to just keep working at it.
no matter how critical you may be on yourself, it is still something you created. and that, in and of itself, is so magical, so unique, and is something to be treasured. you saw a world inside your own and sought to put it to words—how rare! how beautiful!
i love storytelling because it is different in everyone’s hands.
you can give the exact same prompt, even the same characters, to five writers and each story will be different—this is the beauty in comparison. it shows us how we are individuals, how we see things, and what we might learn when that is put against others.
the danger in comparison is when the success of others feels like a loss of your own, which is plainly not true, especially in the context of the hobby of writing. honestly, what keeps me from doing this (because i’ve been guilty of it too!) is finding passion about why i want to do this and what i want to say with it all.
so i still really stand by this and often, in fact, have to fall back on it. you have to be passionate about what you’re doing with your time (especially in this case because writing is so time-consuming) and often times, that’s the best tool for keeping motivation up. you’re doing something because you want to, and because you can get so much satisfaction from meeting your goals, etc. 
but…….at the same time, writing is also VERY vulnerable. both in terms of validating the time and energy we’ve spent on something and in the ways we put ourselves out there. 
and in fandom, the whole reason we’re here is because we like to engage with the content at a very close level. and when that isn’t the case, it’s a total burnout. 
as for feeling under-appreciated, i’m so sorry b. i wish i had the exact advice for you, but i would say, it’s really important to focus on what you do get in response and also especially the emotional satisfaction you receive from the act of writing itself. 
passion will always outweigh negativity in the end, but not consistently day to day. sometimes you need to foster that, and sometimes it feels totally in the hands of strangers. it’s really hard. it’s so fucking hard. and if i had the perfect answer i probably wouldn’t be so wracked by this topic. but i would say—focus on your reasons for writing, and your passion for it. 
and maybe find a writing group? join one of the many tangential online communities? the support you will get from your pals can be such a wonderful thing to fall back on.
i wish i had a better, more simpler answer. but i feel this mood often, so….it’s something i also struggle with. and in some ways, it’s just a big ol shrug emoji 
(and thank you so much for the well wishes!!! yesterday i had some fam dram which is never fun but today was very nice. treated myself at sephora lmao) 
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selenelavellan · 7 years
5, 7, 12, 16, and/or 22 for Dirthalene in the Companion Selene AU?
I think I managed to get them all in there in some form…
Companion Selene AU
Dirthamen is @feynites
Selenes legs are dangling off the edge of the railing as shestares down at the pair of men in the library.
The two are absorbed into some book about the dead; practices andrituals and various half-baked resurrection spells that make heruncomfortable to think about.
The one in the mask looks up at her suddenly, and she nearly fallsbackwards.
The red haired human at the desk behind her lets out a quietgiggle, and Selene turns to glare at her.
“Something on your mind, Spymaster?” she shoots.
“Only the way your face blooms like a rose when he looks atyou.”
“What? That’s-”
“It is good to see love blossoming, even in the darkness of ourcurrent predicament. The two of you keep finding each other it seems.It would make a lovely story; Varric barely has time to put down hispen these days because it is so romantic.”
“You’re mistaken,” Selene argues. “There’s no love there.It’s…” She makes a vague waving gesture with her hand “It’sbaggage. Remnants of something that happened that I can’t evenrecall, and that he seemed to be clinging to.”
“ ‘seemed to be’?”
“I’ve barely even seen him these last few weeks,” Selenemumbles. “He’s been spending all his time with that human,Dorian…look at them; he’s got his arm slung over the lordsshoulder! He could have had that arm removed back when-”
“Hang on; are you jealous?”
Selene scoffs.
Leliana waits, the missive she had been writing still in her hand.
“I do not get jealous. Especially when there is nothingto be jealous of,” Selene asserts.
There is another beat of silence, as she wavers. “There isno…no loss, nothing I could be missing if he simply stopped being apart of my life. Nothing would change,I’m not…we’re barely friends.”
“You share a bed, do you not?”
“That’s a matter ofconvenience.”
“And was it also conveniencethat saw you wearing one of his cloaks through the halls to sneakfood the other night?” Leliana teases.
Selenes shoulders go stiff andstraight. “That-It was cold, and my own was still wet from a wash!”
“That is not what my reportssay.”
“Then your reports are wrong.”
Leliana turns back to writing hermissive.
“It could be worse,” Shehums. “Dirthamen could actually take Dorian up on his offer. Thenyou wouldn’t have a cloak to borrow in the middle of the night.”
The staff in Selenes hand makes adistinct crack-ingnoise that echoes in the space of the building, the wood splinteringin her hand.
“Tell Deceit to stop stealingfrom Baron von Pluckys stash while you’re down there!” Lelianacalls to Selenes back as she races down the stairs. “We’re close tohaving an all out war for beads on the rooftops…”
It would be rude to snatch Lord Dirthamens arms, if they werestill in elvhenan. She could be punished, or exiled, or even killedjust for taking such an action.
But they are not in elvhenan, and Lord Dirthamen hasrepeatedly told her he does not mind her taking familiar actions withhim. She has to remind herself of this when she loops her handthrough his elbow and tears him out from where Dorian was leaningover his shoulder to read some piece of the book together.
She gives him a quiet, half-hearted apology as she pulls Dirthamenback through the shelves with her and into an empty aisle.
“I think we need to talk,” She breathes, heart beatingquickly, too quickly in her chest. Because she is alone with him, andhe is her superior, of course.
That is definitely the only reason.
Dirthamen inclines his head in a way that lets her know tocontinue talking and Selene begins speaking without filtering orthinking first.
A trait that has never lead her down particularly positive paths.
“It is none of my business who you choose to have sexualrelations with,” she says quickly “But I do not think Dorian is agood choice for you to make. He seems very nice and I know the two ofyou get along and have a lot in common and perhaps he is even able tomake himself seem like a tempting offer, but-but your health! Yes, heworks in necromancy, and does not always take care to wash after!Disease is rampant here, and I worry that if perhaps you were to be,er, intimate, it could lead to severe health problems for you,problems I am unfamiliar with and there are no spiritual healers herethat might be able to care for you if something were to happen-andtherefore you should not engage in sexual activities with him. Mylord.”
His two visible eyes blink behind his mask.
“I am not having sexual relations with Dorian Pavus,” heinforms her. “Nor was I planning to.”
“Oh,” Selene breathes, suddenly feeling very foolish. “Wellthat’s…I heard otherwise.”
“Even if I had been interested, he is sleeping with someone elsecurrently.”
Someone clears their throat loudly from a few aisles away.
“…though I am not supposed to know, or speak about that.”
“Also, Dorian Pavus takes better care of his hygiene than anyoneelse in this whole keep,” Comes the same voice who had clearedtheir throat. “If anything, he would be stepping far belowhis usual standards for a charming elf who won’t even take off hismask to eat. That was a waste of perfectly fine wine, you know!Imported and everything. Do you know how many favors I had to oweJosephine to get it smuggled in here?”
“You are getting off track,” Dirthamen chimes in.
“Right, yes,” Dorian continues, finally stepping into the endof their aisle. “Perhaps you have a reason that isn’t a false claimto poor hygiene that you wouldn’t want Dirthamen to sleep withsomeone as wonderfully charismatic as me?”
“I never said I didn’t want him to-”
“Oh pish,” Dorianinterrupts. “Just tell the poor man you’d like to get back to thedancing and the stories and the grossly intimate cuddling sessions sohe can start focusing on the important things again. Like magicaltheories that aren’ttangentially related to 'technically-partially dead’ partners andpotential magical fallouts of such things. Or how I’m so dreadfullyattractive that the partner who came back from the dead for him mightfind me a threat, andhow flattering that is.”
“Who died?”
“You did, of course.”
Selene blinks, and feels herstomach drop out from under her.
“We are not actually sure thatyou died,” Dirthamen tries to assure her, taking a step closer “Ihave been attempting to decipher the precise details, so that I mightbetter know how to help you. Dorian has been assisting me in mysearch.”
“I died?” Selene repeatsagain, still trying to register the possibility.
“That is one possibility, yes,”Dirthamen answers slowly.
Selene nods numbly.
“Are there others? Otherpossibilities?”
“Yes. Though they are lesslikely. Dorian was not supposed to mention it. We have been tryingnot to shock you in anyway-”
Selene lets out a snort of alaugh.
“So instead I’ve been wanderingaround with possibly false memories, because no one wanted to tell meI might have died? Is that really better?”
“I do not know,” Dirthamenadmits. “But I have lost you before; over and over I have lost you.Any actions I could take to keep that from occurring again seemed tobe the best option.”
“Right,” Selene grits out.“Sure, of course it did. So all this time, I’ve been-you’vebeen-it’s not like some passing infatuation? You really….” Shelets out a sigh. “No more secrets. I don’t care how uncomfortableit makes people. If it’s about me, I have a right to know. If youreally…feel that wayabout me, you’ll tell me. Alright?”
“I…will attempt to keep tothat.”
Selene nods, arms crossingstubbornly over her chest as she looks at Dorian, standing awkwardlynear them still.
“I’m sorry I said you might not always wash. But I don’t care if it turns out Iam dead, I don’t wantyou doing any magical experiments on me.”
“Perish the thought,” Heassures her, hands raised placatingly.
Her nails tap against her armguards,as she contemplates her actions.
“Alright,” She finallydecides, arm looping through Dirthamens elbow once again. “We’regoing to our bedroom.”
“For what purpose?”
“I haven’t really planned thatfar ahead,” She admits as she pulls him along behind her. “But Iknow we need to get there before my nerve runs out and I start toworry you might kill me for touching you again.”
“That worry will passeventually. You often have that concern, and I have never harmed you for it.”
“Well, as reassuring as thatis…If I am going to kiss you, I am going to do it privately, and Iam going to need all the nerve I can muster.”
The sound of feathers rustlingblooms behind her, and Selene finds herself quickly lifted byDirthamens arms as he passes them through the nearest window andtowards their bedroom.
“We should go quickly, then.”
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