moongazer606 · 4 years
Who Are You Calling Old? Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 1914
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Summary: Part two!! It’s been a few weeks, but you finally have another run-in with Bucky at the bar.
Part One
Tags: @palaiasaurus64 @thenewlarislynn​ @calspalkira 
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In an effort to not feel like a stalker, you decided to actively avoid looking up Bucky Barnes online. You didn’t want to see any paparazzi photos of him and the other Avengers, you didn’t want to know which small country they had saved now, or what restaurants they were visiting or what clothes they were seen buying. You just wanted Bucky to be the cute guy you had maybe kind of flirted with at the bar a few weeks ago. 
You hadn’t seen him, or Captain America, at the bar since. A small part of you missed him. Or at least missed being able to glance over at him as you played darts with your friends. He was easy on the eyes, that’s for sure. You supposed if you did happen to look him up, you’d find some explanation for his absence. Maybe the Avengers had moved back down to New York City, or maybe he was in Europe somewhere. However, no matter how tempted you were, you never did look him up.
Every so often Jess would catch you scanning the bar for the man and tease you. None of your other friends really knew about your interaction with the celebrity. It had only been a brief encounter really, yet somehow, almost a month later you were still thinking about him.
It was just another Friday night. You and your friends had already been here for a few hours and you were many drinks in. Your cheeks were flushed and you were laughing a little too hard at everyone’s jokes. You were standing with your friends, your gin and tonic in one hand, and a dart in the other. You had just thrown your first two darts and were lining up to take your last shot. 
Just as you released the dart, Jess leaned in and whispered in your ear, “Don’t look now but someone is checking you out from the bar.”
Before the dart had even met its mark, you whipped around to look for him. Your eyes landed on him almost immediately. He was sitting on the same stool at the bar, though this time he was turned to face the dartboards, his elbows back on the bartop. 
“I told you not to look!” Jess hissed. 
You were too busy smiling at Bucky to notice Jess now. You turned around briefly to check that your last dart had hit center before announcing you were going for another drink. You heard Jess suggest that maybe you had had enough to drink, but you just kept walking.
Bucky’s eyes were on you the whole way as you focused very hard on not tripping in the heels you were wearing. While you walked you realized that he had his hair pulled back tonight with the barest hint of 5 o’clock shadow. No matter what, you’d find him attractive, you thought. Especially because with his hair back it gave you an even better view of those steel blue eyes. When you got to the bar, you hopped up on the stool next to him and he turned to face the bartop.
“What’s a girl gotta do to buy you a drink?” you asked with a grin.
“And here I was going to buy you one,” he smiled back, crooked and boyish.  
You scoffed jokingly. “So old fashioned. This is the 21st century you know, old man.”
“Do men in the 21st century usually buy drinks for girls who haven’t introduced themselves first?” You could see him smiling into his glass as he took a sip of the clear liquid.
“Might I point out you haven’t introduced yourself either? In fact, the first time you spoke to me you were making fun of my drink order.”
He turned his body slightly to face you, and held out his hand for you to shake. “I’m James Barnes, but my friends call me Bucky.”
“I know,“ you smirked, putting your hand in his. His hand absolutely dwarfed yours, somehow making you feel even smaller next to the super soldier.
“And yet I still don’t know your name.”
You thought about teasing him some more, but decided to just introduce yourself instead. He gave your hand a solid shake, repeating your name out loud. You liked the way it sounded in his deep timbre. 
At that moment, Max finally made his way over to the pair of you. It took your alcohol muddled mind a moment to realize you still had your hand in Bucky’s. You quickly snatched it away and turned to smile at Max.
“Another gin and tonic, please,” Bucky ordered. You were about to protest when he nodded his head towards you, continuing, “And for the lady?”
“I think it’s time I switched to water, Max. Thank you.” 
As soon as Max was out of ear shot you turned back to Bucky, giving him a shit eating grin as you leaned your chin on your fist. He looked at you before facing forward again. “What, doll?”
“I thought only old people drank gin these days,” you mimicked his words from the night you met.
Before he could answer, Jess came up to you. You could tell she was trying to remain perfectly casual in Bucky’s presence, her eyes darting to him every so often, as she told you they were all going to head out. “You’ll be okay, right?”
“Max is bringing me a water as we speak, I’ll be just fine, Jess.” You saw her eyes dart to Bucky again. “Bucky, this is Jess. Jess, this is Bucky,” you quickly introduced.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Bucky told her as they shook hands. You noted that their handshake was significantly shorter than the one you had shared. 
For a moment you thought Jess was going to say something more to him but instead she turned back to you, gave you a quick hug, and went to rejoin the rest of your friends where they waited near the door. You raised your hand in farewell before they all filed out. 
When you turned back around, you noticed that Max had brought your drinks. You took a few large gulps of your water before spinning in the stool so you were fully facing Bucky. “So?” you prompted.
“Still on me about the gin?” he questioned taking a sip of it.You nodded your head with a grin. “I know you know who I am now. Which means you also know I wasn’t lying when I said I was old and didn’t look it- unlike some people.”
“You have to admit it tastes better than a scotch and soda though, right?”
“It sure does,” he winked, raising his class to you. You gently bumped your water glass against his, before you both drained their contents. When he called Max over you thought he was going to order another round, but instead he paid both his tab and yours.
“I was supposed to be buying you a drink!” you protested.
“Maybe next time, doll,” he assured you, tossing a few extra bills on the bartop for good measure. You raised your eyebrows at the prospect of a “next time”. “Let’s get you home.”
“I live just down the road,” you told him as you both stood from the stools.
“Let me walk you. It’s late.” 
He gave you a crooked smile that you couldn’t help but return with a nod. As you both made your way to the door, he gently guided you with a hand at the small of your back. Once outside, he pulled his hand away, but stayed close beside you. He was close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of him and part of you wished he’d touch you again. Between the water and the cool night air, your head was starting to clear a bit. 
Even in your heels you had to tilt your head up to look at him. You could see him scanning the surrounding area as you walked in a comfortable silence. At this time of night there was no one else around. You had never felt unsafe walking home from the bar, but it was nice to have the security of a hulking super soldier next to you.
Your apartment, which was above a place that claimed to buy and sell gold, was only a few blocks from Shade’s, and you were there faster than you wanted to be. You stopped in front of the door that led up to your apartment, and turned to face Bucky. 
“Thank you for walking me back.”
As you looked up at him now, alone on the empty street, the only light came from a nearby streetlamp and a neon sign in the shop window. You became hyper-aware of just how alone the two of you were now, and just how quiet the street was after the bustle of the bar. You could hear Bucky’s shoes scrape on the pavement as he took a hesitant step towards you. 
He reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and then left his hand there to cup your jaw. Without thinking you took a step forward, closing the distance between you. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders to steady yourself as he brought his lips down to yours. The kiss was gentle and soft, like he was afraid of breaking you. He pulled back after just a moment, those steel blue eyes meeting yours. Your eyes flicked down to his lips before making eye contact once more.
That seemed to be the only que he needed before leaning back in for another kiss. He seemed more sure of himself now, your lips moving together in perfect sync. He wrapped his arms securely around your waist as you clung to his shoulders. This time when he pulled away you were both breathless and grinning. You rested your foreheads together as you tried to catch your breath.
“I’ve been thinking about doing that for weeks,” you admittedly shyly, your voice barely above a whisper.
You felt more than heard him chuckle. “Yeah, me too, doll.”
After a few more moments you let go of each other so you could fish your keys out of your purse.
 “I’d invite you up, but I don’t think your old fashioned sensibilities would allow it,” you joked as your shaking hands managed to unlock the door. You turned back to face him.
“I’ve got work in the morning anyway, but maybe we can grab dinner sometime this week?” he asked, a little bashful. “I’ll even let you pay if you want.” 
Having a sudden thought, you reached your hand back into your purse, pulling out a Sharpie. You held your hand out expectantly to him. He looked a bit confused before placing his hand in yours. As neat as you could, you scrawled your number on his forearm. “Call me sometime and we’ll set it up.”
He gave your hand a squeeze before releasing it. “Alright. Well goodnight, doll.”
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
With a grin, he shoved his hands into his pockets and turned to walk back in the direction of the bar. When he was about a block away he turned and raised a hand in farewell. You did the same before finally going inside. You were still grinning like an idiot as you climbed into bed and fell asleep.  
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moongazer606 · 4 years
Posting a part two of Who Are You Calling Old? at some point this weekend, so if you want to be tagged just let me know!
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moongazer606 · 4 years
Who Are You Calling Old?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 865
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Summary: Every Friday night you and your friends go to the local bar to play darts and drink. This night is a little different. 
A/n: A bit shorter than the others. Should there be a part two? There might be a part two
Update: there's a part two!
Part Two
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“Does anyone need a refill?” you called to your friends as you slid off your stool.
Just like every Friday for the past few years, you had all gotten to Shade’s before the after-work rush, and claimed one of the dartboards. As usual, you had already beaten everyone once and had sat back with your drink to watch. They all seemed much too involved with their game to answer, so you shrugged and made your way to the bar.
It wasn’t a particularly crowded night, just a few tired men hunched over their drinks at the bar. You caught the bartender’s eye from the other end and he came up to you with a warm smile. “What can I get you?”
“The usual, Max,” you smiled back. 
“One gin and tonic coming right up,” he announced as he turned to the selection of alcohol behind him and grabbed your favorite gin. You and your friends had been coming here long enough for him to know all of your orders by heart. 
From the corner of your eye you saw the man seated next to you glance at you before shaking his head and chuckling.  
“Something you’d like to share with the class?” you asked, turning your head to face him. He had long dark hair that hung to his shoulders and maybe a week’s worth of facial hair, but what you really noticed were his steel blue eyes. They seemed to churn like the sea in the bar’s dim lighting. Though the rest of him seemed stern, you could see laughter in those eyes. For a second you thought he looked familiar but you knew there was no way you would forget those eyes.
“Nothing, doll,” he smirked lightly. “It’s just I thought only old people drank gin these days.”
You gave him a smirk of your own. “Maybe I am old and just don’t look it.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly before licking his lips and draining his glass.
Just then Max came back over with your drink, placing it in front of you and turning to the man. “Another scotch and soda, sir?”
The man nodded to Max as you let out a short laugh. “Scotch and soda?” you asked with a hint of playful disgust in your voice. “Who are you calling old?”
“Maybe I’m old and just don’t look it,” he copied your words from earlier. 
“Well, you enjoy your drink, old man,” you said, grabbing your drink and raising it in a mock-salute to him. He picked up the new glass Max had placed in front of him, mimicking your gesture with a wink.
You still had a small smile on your face as you walked back to where your friends were. You got comfortable in your seat, noting that the game didn’t look like it had progressed much since you left. Seeing you were back, your one friend, Jess, squealed and ran up to you. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she took your hands in hers, smiling widely. “Do you know who you were talking to? Do you know who that is?”
You looked at her, absolutely confused. “The guy sitting at the bar? Should I?”
“That’s Bucky Barnes!” The look of confusion didn’t leave your face. “Bucky Barnes!” she repeated with more emphasis, as if that would help jog your memory. “The Winter Soldier! Captain America’s best friend! One of the Avengers!”
“No, there’s no way,” you started to say as you both turned to look towards the bar.
Sure enough at that moment, the very recognizable Captain America slid on to the stool beside the man with the long hair. Jess nudged your arm in excitement. As you both continued to stare in shock, the two men looked over their shoulders at you. Bucky raised his glass to you with another wink. Without thinking, you raised your glass back. He turned back to his friend, but you were still stuck watching him. Of course you recognized him now. You felt momentarily embarrassed by your interaction, but quickly chased it away with a large gulp of your drink. 
Turning back to Jess, she was still going on about the two Avengers, but all you could think about were those steel blue eyes. It took you a moment to realize she had just asked you a question and was anxiously awaiting your reply.
“I’m sorry, Jess, what was that?” you asked, tuning back in.
“I said, what was he drinking? What does the famous Winter Soldier drink?”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. “A scotch and soda.”
She let out a small giggle. “You’re a match made in heaven.”
“Why is that?” you asked warily.
“You both drink old people alcohol!”
As you laughed with your friend, you couldn’t help letting your eyes drift back over to Bucky. To your surprise he was already looking over his shoulder at you as his friend spoke animatedly about something next to him. Even from across the room you could see those steel blue eyes shining. You thought briefly about buying him a drink sometime before your friends were calling you over to play another round of darts. 
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moongazer606 · 4 years
That’s The Idea
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 2820 
Warnings: alcohol consumption (drink responsibly, folks)
Summary:  Tony is throwing yet another of his lavish parties. During a quiet moment at the bar with Bucky you decide to finally make your move, but it doesn’t quite go to plan.
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"Apple? Why do you want apples in your whiskey?” he asked incredulously, frowning at the shot glass in your hand.
“Don’t knock it till you try it, Barnes,” you held up the glass in a mock cheers before downing it all in one go. You exhaled deeply before nodding, a smile on your lips. “That’s the spot.”
You could feel the sharp liquid leaving a warm trail as it coursed through your body.
“I still don’t see why you need the apple,” Bucky mumbled, giving the bottle a sniff. “Smells like candy, doll.”
“Kinda tastes like it too,” you grinned. “Filler up, barkeep!”
Bucky’s eyes darted from you to the shot glass in your hand and back to you. “You sure you need more?”
“I’ve only had one shot, let me live a little. I'm not nearly as drunk as I should be for one of Tony Stark's parties,” you whined holding out the shot glass to him.
He snatched the glass as you gently smiled at him, your chin resting on your hands as you leaned on the bar top. “You should wear your hair back more often,” you commented offhandedly. “Gives me a better view of those gorgeous eyes.”
He handed you the full shot glass. “It only takes one shot for you to start revealing your deepest secrets? You’d never last through an interrogation.”
You raised your eyebrow, the shot glass halfway to your lips. “You think that’s one of my deepest secrets?” You threw the shot back. “If I wanted to reveal a secret I would tell you how desperate I am for you to taste this whiskey.”
“I don’t see how that’s a secret,” he frowned. “I could just take a sip from the bottle if you wanted me to taste it so bad.”
Giving him a coy smile you leaned across the bartop, grabbed the front of his shirt, and tugged him to you. “That’s not what I meant,” you murmured, your lips just barely ghosting over his own. Your eyes dipped down to his mouth before meeting his once more. You could hear his sharp inhale, his eyes blown wide in surprise. You released him suddenly, shoving him back with a big grin on your face. “Gotcha.”
Bucky blinked back at you still stunned. Shaking his head he picked up his tumbler and took a long swig of his plain whiskey, the ice cubes clinking softly.
“Cap owes me five bucks,” you laughed as you reached for the bottle and filled up your shot glass yourself. “He said no one could catch you off guard.”
Suddenly, with super soldier reflexes, Bucky reached out and cupped the back of your neck, making you lean across the bar again. Before you could even gasp his lips were at your ear. "Don't start something you can't finish, doll."
His words sent a shiver down your spine. You wanted to say something snappy back but your mind had gone completely blank. As soon as he released you, you took a swig straight from the bottle of apple whiskey, trying to get your heartbeat under control. You'd had a crush on him for a while and this wasn't the first time you'd flirted. However, you had underestimated the effect his touch had on you.
The full shot was still on the bar as you took another swig from the bottle. Bucky reached over and threw it back. He eyed you warily as he licked his lips. "That stuff's dangerous. With all that sugar you'll be drunk off your ass before you even realize it."
"That's the idea," you winked.
Bottle in hand you slid off your barstool and went to mingle with the rest of the team. Most were gathered around Steve and Sam at the pool table. You had no idea who was winning but you loved cracking jokes with Maria Hill at the men's expense.
Steve came around the table, close to where the two of you were perched on a couch.
"Now that is America's ass!" Maria called just as Steve bent over to take his shot.
He gave you both his megawatt smile before returning to the game. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky come up and stand next to the couch, his arms crossed over his broad chest and legs slightly apart. "You know, he had no ass to speak of before the serum," he commented.
"I thought the serum was supposed to enhance what he already had; there must have been something there!" you laughed, looking up at him.
His eyes flicked down to you, a smile tugging at his lips. "Maybe there was," he admitted. "But pants back then didn't show off certain assets too much."
"Well I'm certainly glad that's changed," you winked.
"Me too, doll," his eyes raked over your body. You flushed red at his comment.
After Steve and Sam's face off was over, with Sam reigning victorious, everyone decided it was time to turn in. Maria took the apple whiskey back to its place on her way out as you lingered on the couch.
"C'mon, doll, I'll walk you to your room," Bucky said holding his hand out to you. Even with your hand firmly in his, you swayed a little when you stood. Being drunk sitting and being drunk standing were two very different things. When you looked up at Bucky he was much closer than you realized. For a moment you two stood in silence as you got lost in his steel blue eyes.
Still gazing up at him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and got up on your tiptoes. Just as you leaned in to kiss him, he turned his head slightly. Your lips landed on his cheek instead.
"Why don't you want to kiss me?" you pouted.
"Trust me, I want to kiss you," he assured you pulling you close so your head rested on his shoulder. "But I need you to be sober when I kiss you for the first time. I gotta do this right."
Something in his words squeezed at your heart. You nodded against him, a few tears threatening to spill over. His metal arm tightened around you as he shifted, scooping you up bridal style. "Let's get you off to bed."
"So you won't kiss me, but you'll take me to bed?"
He started to glare down at you before he noticed your wide grin. "You're gonna be the death of me, doll," he chuckled shaking his head slightly.
He carried you as if you weighed nothing. As you traveled upward in the elevator you couldn't help but nuzzle your nose into Bucky's neck. "I like that new cologne you've been using," you whispered, your lips ghosting over his pulse point. Maybe it was your imagination but you could have sworn his breath hitched when you did so.
Your brain swam with ideas about kissing his neck, making your way to his stubbed jaw and those soft lips. You blinked hard a few times trying to clear your head. Bucky's words about wanting to do this right grounded your drunk mind slightly. You were just about to nuzzle his neck again when the elevator doors slid open and you were moving again.
You thought he would drop you at your door and go, but instead he asked FRIDAY for access to your rooms and carried you all the way to your bed. He lowered you gently to the floor before brushing your hair from your face. "Get changed into some pajamas," he instructed you before turning. For a moment you thought he was about to leave you completely. Instead, you watched him intently as he disappeared into your bathroom. You changed as quickly as your heavy limbs would allow. You were just pulling an oversized shirt down over your head when he came back in with a glass of water and painkillers. You pulled back the covers and sighed contentedly as you laid down.
Bucky came over, leaving the water and pills on your nightstand, before tucking you into your bed. "Make sure you drink that water, doll," he murmured as he bent and kissed your forehead softly. Your eyes fluttered closed and there was a small smile on your lips.
As he turned to go you quickly reached out for his hand. "Please stay."
You could see a war wage in his eyes as he gazed down at you. He ran his hands through his hair, sighing. "Alright, but no funny business."
"Aye aye, sarge," you yawned sleepily, your eyes closing again.
You felt the bed dip behind you as he sat on the edge to remove his shoes. You heard them and his pants hit the floor. Before he pulled the covers back and got under them with you. You knew he was there but you needed to feel him. You rolled over onto your other side so you could face him. He was laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.
You reached out, taking his hand into yours. "Thank you for taking care of me."
"Anything for my best girl," Bucky whispered, barely audible, giving your hand a squeeze.
You were sound asleep moments later.
You woke up early, light barely filtering in from behind your curtains. Your mouth felt like it was full of cotton and your head was being squeezed in a vice. You groggily wondered how water and painkillers got to be on your nightstand before downing them both. With a sigh you burrowed back into your covers. You were just drifting off again when there was suddenly a heavy weight across your middle. Your eyes flew open and you were about to flip over when you remembered.
Bucky. You had asked Bucky to stay and he had. He gently pulled you to him so your back was flush against his hard chest. You knew you were blushing hard but you couldn't help smiling. You didn't know how Bucky would react to waking up in this position so you decided to savor it. You entwined your fingers with his where they rested on your stomach. You sighed contentedly before relaxing again. As your eyelids started to grow heavy, you gave Bucky's hand one last squeeze. You may have dreamt it, but you swore he pulled you a little closer.
The next time you awoke the sun was fully out and you were completely spread out, alone in your bed. Thankfully your headache was gone but you were still wildly thirsty. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and stretched. You stumbled to the bathroom to wash the rest of the makeup from last night off your face. You were a little sad he wasn't still there but maybe it was for the best. You had kind of embarrassed yourself the night before.
As you turned the corner into the kitchen you ran into something. Strong arms steadied you as you looked up into Bucky's eyes.
"I thought you left," you said a little shocked.
"Can't get rid of me that easy," he chuckled, taking a step back. "I was just coming to wake you. I made breakfast."
You looked up at him in wonder. "You made breakfast?"
"Pancakes to be exact," he said rubbing the back of his neck. You could have sworn he was blushing. He turned then and headed over to the island where he had two places set, plates piled high with pancakes.
As you followed him you realized he was still dressed in what he had gone to sleep in: a black t-shirt, red plaid boxers, and black socks. He still sported the bun from the night before, though a few strands had been tugged loose in his sleep, framing his face. You decided sleep rumpled Bucky was your favorite Bucky yet.
As you sat and ate your pancakes together, your arms would brush every so often as he reached for his glass of orange juice or you cut another piece off your stack of pancakes. Every touch sent a jolt through your body. You wanted to be wrapped in his arms again.
When you were done Bucky cleared your plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Thank you for breakfast. I think those are the best pancakes I've ever had," you smiled shyly at him.
"Anything for my best girl," he smiled back, coming to stand in front of you as you still sat on the stool. He took another step forward, forcing you to part your legs so he could stand between them. His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared down at you.
"What's wrong?" You blushed under such scrutiny from the man. "Is there something on my face?"
"Actually," he reached out, cupping your head in his hands, titling your face up. "You've got a little syrup there."
Before you could ask where, Bucky leaned down and kissed you. It was gentle and perfect and everything you had hoped it would be. Too soon he was pulling away to rest his forehead against yours. "Got it," he murmured.
"You know, now that you mention it," you murmured. "I think you've got some syrup there too."
With a grin you pressed your lips to his. As you kissed, you stood, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling your body flush against his. You felt Bucky's arms wrap around you before he was lifting you up onto the counter. Your lips never even broke apart. In this new position, with Bucky pressed between your open legs, you were slightly taller than him.
Eventually you had to pull away, breathing heavily. Bucky wrapped his arms around your middle as he nuzzled his face into your neck, just as you had done to him the night before.
"You know what?" you murmured into his hair. He simply hummed in question. "You were right."
He pulled back slightly to look you in the eyes, confusion evident. "Right about what?"
"Waiting till I was sober was definitely the right thing to do," you replied, brushing his hair back from his face. "Now I can recall this with perfect clarity whenever I want."
"Or," he turned his head slightly so he could kiss your palm, his eyes sparkling. "You can just kiss me whenever you want."
"That’s the idea," you smiled before leaning forward and catching his lips in another searing kiss. Placing his hands under your thighs, Bucky took a step back. With a small squeal you latched your arms and legs around him.
He walked over to your couch, sitting down heavily with you straddling his lap. You kept your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he stroked his hands up and down your thighs. You don't know how long you sat there in a comfortable silence, but at last you leaned back slightly to look at him. "I don't know if you had any other plans for today, but if you don't you could stay here and we could watch movies and order takeout?" You didn't know why you sounded so unsure of yourself, but part of you was terrified that he was just going to dump you off his lap and flee at any moment.
To your amazement he burst out in a dazzling smile. "I'd love that, doll."
You smiled back with a sigh of relief. "You can look through my movie collection while I shower. I feel gross after so much alcohol."
You kissed him quickly on the lips before climbing off his lap.
"I could join you!" he called as you disappeared into your room.
You poked your head out the door to find him grinning at you from over the back of the couch. With a smile you rolled your eyes and went back into your room. After you'd showered and changed, you walked back out to the living room to find Bucky sitting cross legged on the floor in front of your shelves of movies. He had a small stack next to him.
"It'll take us days to watch all of those," you pointed out.
He tilted his head back to look at you. "That's the idea," he grinned.
With a small smile you leaned forward, took his face in your hands, and kissed him upside down. As you went to pull away, Bucky spun so he was facing you before tugging you down onto his lap. You let out a small squeak of surprise before his lips were back on yours, moving in perfect sync together. You didn't know how long you spent straddling his lap there on the floor, but when you finally pulled apart you were both out of breath.
“At this rate we’ll never get to any of these movies,” you murmured, your hands trailing up his sides under his shirt.
He leaned forward to kiss you again. Just before your lips met, he grinned. “That’s the idea.”
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moongazer606 · 4 years
Snowed In
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 1197
Warnings: none
Summary: During a trip upstate to your family’s old hunting cabin, you and Bucky get snowed in. 
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“There’s no way we’ll make it out of here, doll,” Bucky called from his spot at the window as he looked out at the falling snow.
You stuck your head out from the bedroom, a half folded sweater in your hands. “But Tony was expecting us back today. What if something happens and they need us for a mission?”
“Then Tony can send one of his fancy helicopters to come get us,” Bucky assured you as he came over and took the sweater from you. “But unless the world is ending, we’re staying here at least another day or two. We're snowed in. I’ll text Tony and tell him, doll, don’t worry.”
You still looked concerned as Bucky took your hand and led you back into the bedroom. It wasn’t long before you forgot all about Tony Stark and any possibility of the world ending. The snow continued to fall the rest of the day as you and Bucky settled down to enjoy another night in your family’s old hunting cabin.
You woke the next morning to the creaking of melting snow on the roof, the sun blinding you through the sheer curtains. You rolled over expecting to find Bucky, but instead there was nothing but mussed sheets. Panic rose in your chest as you sat bolt upright. As your eyes looked wildly around the room, soft sounds floated to you from the kitchen: the sound of the kettle just about to boil and a muffled curse in Bucky's deep timbre.
A sob caught in your throat as you dropped your face into your hands. You laid back down with a sigh, pulling the blankets back up around you. Bucky was still here, safe in your quiet cabin. SHIELD, HYDRA, no one had come to take him in the night.
You hadn't even met yet when the helicarriers fell in DC. In fact, you hadn't even met until after HYDRA had been untangled from his mind completely in Wakanda. But having lived through the aftermath of SHIELD, fear still clung to you. The lives of the Avengers were one bad guy after another. There weren’t many dealings with aliens these days, but they were still trying to flush out the rest of the HYDRA sleeper cells.
With your heart rate back to normal and the rising sun cocooning you in warmth, you started to drift off again. The next time you awoke, Bucky was lightly kissing your temple and you were surrounded by the smell of bacon and coffee. You hummed contentedly, rolling over to face your lover as he sat on the edge of the bed. You could see the steaming tray of breakfast behind him on the nightstand, but at the moment his lips seemed much more appetizing.
You freed your arms from the blankets and wrapped them around his strong shoulders, bringing his lips down to yours. A small chuckle escaped his lips before they met yours. As the kiss deepened, you tugged him over to cover your body with his. Even through the layers of blankets you marvelled at how perfectly his body fit with yours. You pouted as he pulled away slightly, and kissed your nose. “I worked so hard on breakfast for you, doll. It’d be a shame to waste it,” he murmured a little breathless.
Before you could offer any words of protest your stomach grumbled audibly. With a smile and one last kiss to your lips, Bucky rolled off of you to get the tray from the nightstand. Once you were properly sitting up, he placed it on your lap. You eyed the bacon, pancakes, and coffee, already fixed up the way you liked it. Lastly, your eyes fell on the small glass of water with the lone rose sticking out of it.
“Where on earth did you get a rose in this weather, James Barnes?” you looked up at him in wonder.
He looked down and away from you, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. His cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. “I maybe sorta brought a few with me in my bag and hid them in a drawer in the fridge so you wouldn’t find them.”
You took his face in both of your hands, his scruff tickling your palms. When his eyes finally met yours, you were smiling so bright he swore you outshone the sun. “I don’t care what Sam says, you are the kindest, sweetest man I have ever met, and I am so lucky to have met you.”
With a smile that matched yours, he tugged you into a rough kiss that he hoped expressed all the love that was pouring out of his heart at that moment. You only pulled away when your stomach let out another grumble. “I’ll take a raincheck on that,” you murmured against his lips. “Can’t let this breakfast go to waste, can I?”
As you munched happily on the last of the bacon Bucky piped up. “So what has Bird Brain been telling you about me?” (He used the nickname affectionately, of course).
“That you’re old and going to break a hip and that if I was so desperate to get laid that he could show me how a 21st century man does it,” you laughed at the mock hurt on Bucky’s face.
“Older just means I’ve got more experience and therefore I’m better,” he pointed out before taking a sip of his coffee.
“That’s what I told him!”
He almost spit out his coffee as he laughed. “God, I knew there was a reason I loved you.”
There was a pause as you looked at him in shock, his eyes slowly rising from his mug. His cheeks were turning pink again. “I mean- you know-”
You cut off his embarrassed blubbering. “You love me?” You were a little in awe that you hadn’t been the first to let it slip, but you weren’t going to let him know that.
He ran his hands through his still sleep tousled hair. “Shit, doll. How could I not?”
You felt so giddy you thought your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. “I love you, too.”
Taking the tray with his free hand, he tossed it and his coffee mug behind him onto the nightstand. With an almost animalistic growl he pounced on you, crushing your lips together. He tasted like coffee and bacon and you swore you’d never get tired of mornings like these. In between kisses he’d tell you over and over that he loved you, adored you, would never let you go.
In one swift motion, Bucky had flipped you over so you were now on top, straddling his hips. “Once we get back to the tower, I want you to move in with me.”
“How very modern of you, Mr. Barnes,” you exclaimed in mock shock, a hand covering your heart. “Whatever would Sam say?”
“Sam can stuff it,” he growled before grabbing your wrist to drag you back down to him. You dissolved into a fit of laughter against his bare chest. Maybe the outside world could wait just one more day. After all, you were snowed in.
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