#i am very normal about jackbox
mariegolddoesthings · 3 months
Look at all of these sarcastic Cookies!
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Unfortunately I couldn't fill the page up due to how empty the post was for the past few weeks, but here are all the lovely submissions!
Cookies from left to right, top to bottom:
(And mine is the one the bottom right but ignore him lol)
Thank you all so much for your submissions! I had a lot of fun drawing your Cookies!!!
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beepsparks · 1 month
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I have accidentally become an advertising machine for Jackbox (I like drawing fake posters sometimes)
(Logo-less and textless version under cut)
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I am very normal about my favorite party pack game (overall fav prob YDKJ The Ride)
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mothgoop · 8 months
oh oh oh im curious now abt the jackbox characters :3cc (for that uhh fandom ask gams)
i answered this already, you can scroll my blog little to find it, so im gonna summerize
blorbo, skrunkly, AND glup shitto: redacted (tmp host). I am mentally ill about that guy. he got like 2 cameos in ydkj full stream and i went insane abt it because i love getting crumbs 👍 i hope they make tmp3 one day. i miss him (plays his game a lot and thinks abt him constantly and also watches streamers play his game like one a week and)
scrimblo bimblo: the guesspionage host. i like him i think hes funny and i hope he gets an actual name one day so we can stop calling him by his voice actors name.
poor little meow meow: cookie masterson. hes so..<3 why is he like that. he probably thinks hes very normal but hes not. also hes been experiencing the horrors for like 5 years. its ok because hes a dick but also hes so babygirl. to me <3
horse plinko: donny (the sign in guy) from ydkj 2011. hes mildly annoying.
eeby deeby: gene from...a lot of games. its okay though because going to superhell is what happens when you win surivive the internet, and gene first came from there so that would probably be enrichment for him. probably.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
good day! this is my first request ever so i dont know how to do this... umm anyways cc!wilbur invites russian!m!reader (or any other ethnicity) and they sing while they play with the sbi & bench trio. so end stream and viewers likes it very much and they demand another stream with reader but he is busy, maybe composing a song?
thats all! byee! ihopebothsideofyour pillowsarecold—
hihi! this is very cute! i don't know too much about Russian characteristics, but I will try my best! enjoy!
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
cc! Wilbur x m! Reader - Symphony
genre: cc!, /plat, streamer arc
masterlist <3
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Wilbur began the stream as viewers began to rush in.
"Chat! Hello! How are you all doing today?" He laughed as he read out the messages, making small comments back and such.
"Oh chat! Before I forget, there is a special guest joining us today. Help me welcome Y/n to the stream!" He clapped and cheered as chat began to move too fast for anyone to read. You came into view of the camera giving a small wave.
"Hey chat, what is up?" You smiled forward, looking between chat, Wilbur, and the camera itself.
"So chat, now that we're all introduced, we're gonna be playing some games with the sbi boys and Tubbo and Ranboo, so it should be all fun today."
Chat continued to cheer for the stream that was set in place.
Eventually, the gaming turned into a mini-concert, with Wilbur and Y/n singing theme songs left and right, narrating and cheering on as they went through Jackbox round after round.
At one point Y/n was singing every Lovejoy song, one after another.
After the last round, Will got off the call and went through chat reading out loud while Y/n sat and played with the strings of Wilbur's guitar.
"'Their voice is so good, would you ever work on a song with them?'" Wilbur looked over at Y/n who was smiling. "Not sure, it'd really be up to them...but I do agree that their voice is amazing."
"'Wilbur we need more streams with Y/n! Please make this a normal thing', er, I don't know chat. We were really lucky to them here for this stream, but we'll see what happens."
"Yes, sorry chat, but I am really not sure when I could next be on another one of Will's streams. I am actually busy writing my own music right now.."
Chat once again started moving rapidly as the viewers asked to hear just a small part of it.
Y/n laughed, "Alright, alright. Here it is!"
You took Will's guitar and started playing off some chords off the top of your head, humming quietly along. When you finished chat was cheering. Will looked at you smiling.
"They're amazing aren't they chat! Alright but right now we've gotta go take care of some things, maybe be in another Tommy vlog, but we'll see you later! Byeee!"
Stream ended
oh, the song I imagine for the end is Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry?
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Theory/ long post time :D
Hello again! I am back with a brainrot stronger than ever because of that one conversation Dream and George had about valentines, I am certain we all know what that is.
First I want to mention that Dream indeed started the conversation as a joke, the continuation of the “haha George rejected me” bit, as we can tell from him slamming his desk. What was far away from what Dream intended was George’s reply, which was quote, “You didn’t mean it though”
I would assume Dream was probably expecting George’s usually relaxness as the answer, a chuckle? Him being sassy? Rejecting him even harder? These are the possible replies, but George chose to go with an half-confrontation about his shipbait/joke.
“You didn’t mean it” from his voice tone and rushness of it all, I would guess he meant “you aren’t genuine when asking me that, its all just jokes.”
Why? I ask myself, I remember us discussing how Dream doesn’t enjoy others making fun of dnf, or making dnf jokes a lot. Examples can be seen in jackbox streams. The reason we all throw was because dnf was essentially the core of his friendship/chemistry between George, others making fun of it would be like downgrading their bond, so he seem to got defensive, protective.
What I got from this is George is the same, except he’s fine with others milking the dnf jokes, he’s a laid back chill guy, he doesn’t let jokes get in the way of their bond, because he knows and trusts his best friend. What he may dislike, is Dream making dnf bait, well lately at least.
Let me explain, George may be getting a little frustrated about these type of jokes because he wants Dream to mean it, on screen, he doesn’t want Dream to compliment him, speak to him in his sweet voice with him just because the entertainment purposes, he wants Dream to actually put the meaning behind his words, his actions. Understandibly he wants confirmation, he said you didn’t mean it for the valentines bit, but I felt like he was speaking for the general, “you don’t mean it when you do these things”, it’s normal for him to think this way.
And Dream says, he “means it” completely, and I have the feeling George doesn’t believe it, the breathy chuckle he let out while repeating himself saying “he doesn’t mean it”, proves it to me. So he asks, what does it mean to be Dream’s valentine? What does that mean if he even meant those words? Well, to his luck our romeo over here doesn’t seem to thought that far ahead, getting this outcome of the silly little bit. So he logically says nothing, “maybe next year” . End of rhe conversation. I indeed felt like that conversation they had was definitely should’ve been handled in private.
But what I think George doesn’t realise Dream is, in fact, meaning what he says or does. Well, not the valentine bit as romantic as someone might perceive, he meants it. You can’t fake the fondness of someones voice, you can’t fake the obvious smiles they have when talking to eachother, you can’t fake the fact they synced their sleeping schedules, despite living an ocean away from eachother. You can’t fake the giggles, you can’t fake how they are their favourite person in that room. You can’t fake it all.
They are platonic soulmates, i don’t care or cannot know how their relationship with each can grow or develop, but I can know their bond goes beyond their friendship. As their own words, they just “link”. Like two puzzle pieces, a perfect match.
I’m just still cannot believe they had such a conversation live on stream. They need to communicate asap.
Well, this was it from me, I’d love to heat other peoples opinions! Writing this was lots of fun :]
Hello! I always enjoy reading your big brain analysis’! It’s definitely a very interesting clip. 
Dream not liking the dnf milking jokes in games like Jackbox and George being fine with it, even participating himself, but not liking when Dream lies/baits/ makes the jokes himself is a great point that I had never thought. These two are perfectly opposite as always. 
I think you’re definitely right that Dream started joking with the slamming of his arms, but when George started to say “you didn’t mean it” Dream’s voice  definitely changed. I think above all else, he wanted George to know that he wasn’t lying or making fun of him. Truth is very important to Dream - see the Detective Dream stream - and he wants George to know that he isn’t lying, that he cares about George without all the joking. He wouldn’t mess with George or embarrass George in that way. 
You’re right they can’t fake their soft voices when the other joins the call or Dream just randomly mentioning George when he isn’t around or Dream joining the calls almost immediately to take George’s attention off Quackity. Especially if you compare it to how Dream reacts with Sapnap, it is just different. All of it cannot be faked. 
They are definitely platonic soulmates, two halves of the same whole. I definitely think that if they ever drift apart - which I don’t see happening but if - I always see them finding each other again and being just a great as friends as they were before they drifted. I believe they were always meant to find each other. We are so lucky to be able to view such a bond. 
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violetngrey · 3 years
Quackitree’s writing event!
Summer nights
I’m so sorry this is so late, I actually did have a load of things going on this week and this will be uploaded while I’m at my sports training and as I’m still genuinely busy the rest of the week also so that’s why this couldn’t be longer or any better. I’m hoping to do more of these since they improve my quick thinking writing!
Make sure to go follow @quackitree as she deserves all the followers and enjoy!
Prompt; “Ugh, you’re sweaty! Get off” Sapnap
When Sapnap asked you to move in with him and Dream a couple of months ago you couldn’t of been more excited to move in with your boyfriend and his best friend. What you didn’t take into account was the vast difference in weather patterns from England to America, more specifically, Florida.
What you weren’t expecting to be doing every night before bed was opening up all the top windows and putting all the fans you had on full blast just to be able to sleep with the covers thrown off. The Floridian heat was something your body wasn’t accustomed to normally, why not when Mother Nature decided to give you a heat wave and one of the hottest ones Florida has had in over 20 years. So it seemed that not only you were struggling but also Sapnap and Dream in your poorly air conditioned apartment with a limited way to get even the stagnant air into the complex.
Eventually you thought that the heat had calmed itself down and lowered enough for you and Sapnap to be able to have a nice night for the first time since you moved into this place, you thought that night was tonight.
Tidying the bed and putting new covers back onto you and Sapnaps shared quilt you smoothed out the crinkles in the fabric, new sheets meant fluffy comfort and cold material for when you got into it for the first time and it’s something you’ve been looking forward too since you last changed the sheets. Today didn’t seem as humid as yesterday so you had your hopes high that the day wouldn’t be too heated and you could finally cuddle with Sapnap for more than ten minutes before everything got too hot and you had to pull away from each other. The sun was already going down and you kept your fingers crossed and just hoped for the best, Sapnap had a late night jackbox stream tonight anyways so it won’t be for another couple of hours.
By the time you’d made dinner, had a shower and gotten ready for bed, Sapnap was two hours into his jackbox stream and it had no clear time to when it would be ending. It was currently almost twelve o’clock so you though you should just go to bed and wait for him by watching some series. Eventually he shuffled his way into the bedroom about an hour or so later with his shirt already off as his threw it onto your clothes chair and unbuttoned his trousers.
He threw himself onto the covers. “Mmm so tired babe, the heats finally gotten to me” Sapnap mumbled into the bedsheets.
“It’s the coolest it’s going to get right now, c’mere” You whispered next to him, pausing the TV so all you could hear was the buzzing of the fans.
He shuffled over to you as you cuddled his head into your chest, threading your finger through his hair and kissing the top of his head. He gave out a big sigh and snuggled into you, you knew he needed this even if he didn’t want to admit it. Finally thinking you’d be alright with just the thin over sheet you guys had on your bed over you.
Sapnap turned the bedside lamp off as you cuddled into each other for the first time since you moved in.
You could feel Sapnap tossing and turning all throughout the night as the temperature slowly rose. When you turned to face the bedside clock which read four am you could finally hear Sapnap grumble awake and throw the thin sheets completely off of the bed. He wiggled under you as he sweat he sleep off.
“Umm babe, you’re sweaty! get off” He whined into your chest. The both of you were just too hot again and you suspected this supposed opportunity wouldn’t come again for a very long time.
Sliding off under Sapnap you tried to hug the cold wall and flip your pillow to try and get back to sleep.
Why did Dream have to live in such a hot country in the first place anyway.
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liaisun · 3 years
I am begging u tell me more about the streamer bfs au
HELLO KICKS :D thank u 4 asking <3 i ended up scrolling back thru a gazillion messages but it was absolutely worth it. please allow me 2 present the babes
streamer bfs is a very self indulgent kandreil au, pure fluff absolutely 0 plot in here. they live in a Streamer Content House™ with the other foxes. kandrew r dating and neil is in a queer platonic relationship w them !! there's two parts of it right now, the first being just streaming shenanigans and interactions and then further actual relationship development with neil :]
SO BACKSTORY !! we have andrew: a complete weirdo but likeable abt it? just a chill dude doing his own thing while gaming. sometimes he codes too (here is a beloved fic with absolutely feral robot maker/youtuber!drew). his channel name is nyandrew, it never gets Big big but its stable enough that andrew can do it for fun. he has The Cat Ear Headphones which he never acknowledges the existence of but still wears every single stream. king knocked over his camera once and that 10 second clip became his channel trailer forevermore
there's always someone in the back of his streams just . sleeping?  it's kinda hard to see, no one knows who it is and andrew never addresses it so everyone just accepts it as another quirk of his lives... until one day andrew streams earlier than normal and halfway through the door creaks open and they hear "...babe? i couldn't-- oh. can i come in" cue absolute CHAOS within the chat bc WHO IS THIS !!!!
this person is the one and only kevin day. he's a college student but lives at the house and usually pops up in the other's vids. he was helping dan (who started this whole operation) with moving in. that day he hung out with the foxes, who convinced him to stay for their first day sleepover celebration and then he never left :]
neil is a faceless streamer and a generally funky dude . he started out with silent walkthroughs/speedruns of puzzle games, and now he plays whatever while keeping up the most bizarre and unrelated commentary. he also runs the foxes' podcast. his 'quiplash/jackbox with friends' vids (prompt game where everyone votes on their fav answer) are his most popular because he always has the most brutal and funny answers and he's in top 3 every single time
he only shows up on camera in the other's streams as a hand or legs but once a week MINIMUM the mysterious neil comes into andrew's room and says "release the roombas" and then u hear meowing (this is also where the channel trailer comes from)
kev's always sleeping on lives because andrew streams at 2am (insomnia things)... kev has night terrors and sleeps better with someone else in the room, but andrew can't really sleep with another person on the bed so this system works 4 them
there's this mythical clip of neil coming in and like collapsing on top of kevin sleeping on the floor. they say something 2 each other and neil laughs and then leaves AND IT HAS TORN THE INTERNET APART FOR YEARRSSSSS nyandrew's biggest career drama is nobody knows what's happening between them
andrew is also generally such a gremlin about answering questions u will never get a straight answer from this man ever . and on this topic he is the Worst. (referring 2 kevin) "who's ur friend?" he's not my friend.   "okay. what's the name of the man in the room with you?" very funny guys. that prank won't work there is no one behind me . "u said u were an only child" i never said that. i said i grew up an only child    and so on
people make compilations like "andrew minyard (nyandrew) holding his bf for 10 mins straight (ft. neil)" [in which neil also holds said bf and chat exploded] "andrew ignoring chat for 5 mins straight" "5 minutes of nyandrew lifting anything but weights (ft. his bf)"
there's also my personal fav "nyandrew (ñandrew) cursing in spanish for 2 mins straight" yes andrew speaks spanish. the clips are from a stream he did with nicky and when nicky tries 2 mention an embarrassing moment andrew says "ah tienes cojones... él tiene cojones sí mi gente" (you have some balls.. he's got balls right guys) and nicky goes quiet SO QUICK KSJSKDKF. andrew's not Family Friendly but he definitely doesn't curse in english/express himself like he will in spanish (2nd language emotional things<3) and chat is FLOORED
this vid at (6:50-7:50) is drunk kev professing his love then saying "okay let's go :]" trying 2 get them all 2 cuddle and andreil are like  . Kevin We Are On Live Right Now. + from 3:00-6:50 is them describing each fox in one word and trying 2 match answers but kevneil start arguing about their answers and andrew purposefully says different ones to rile them up
when neil actually sticks around in a live - he's wearing a hoodie with the strings taut so it covers his face mostly. kev's passed out on andrew, andreil r bantering and flirting. andrew's like "i gotta go to the bathroom" and he just. hoists kevin up and puts him in neil's lap instead and NONE OF THEM BLINK and kev just curls a hand in neil's hoodie, looks up at him and hes like *squints* "ur hiding?" in a sleepy tone and neil's like ":] u don't like the look?" when andrew comes back he brushes neil's neck and all 3 of them keep casually talking LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED and chat is literally unreadable. it is going insane
in regards 2 ur post about lap sitting these 3 are EXACTLY like this tiktok. *caresses head* "can u stay for one game..." like !!!!!!!!!!!! i am gone i am deceased... it is them. kevin is the main lap stealer between them (imagining kev's 6'1 self curling into a ball 2 fit in the chair with either of them. sparks joy) and he is super clingy while andreil have little gestures like neil slinging his legs over andrew's on the couch. he sits upside down and andrew steadies him when neil starts to slide off. neil tries to go for a run at like 5am after staying up all night and andrew catches him in the kitchen, all bleary after a live and shoves him into a beanbag. (if he sits on top of him to make him stay and they have an intense mental conversation with unwavering eye contact then nobody's around to prove it)
at the end of the day (night? morning? what is time to them) they're tired and the walls and online personas are down. they stay up talking or sitting in silence, all squished together on a mattress or sprawled around the tv or listening to low music in the car.
and lastly, first kiss things:
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fatal-error-blog · 4 years
A Peaceful_Fundraiser has Occurred - An Effort to Fight Against Racial Injustice!
Hey everyone, this is going to be a long (but important) post. Given the title of this post, I’m sure you know what I’m about to mention. So before I get started I just want to say that it’s totally okay to not want to see this on your dash, coming from this blog specifically. While this is a really important issue that shouldn’t be shied away from, I do 1000% recognize that this blog has always been (very purposefully) kept as a fun and safe place for us all to enjoy a good story together. Heck, this blog is a safe place for me, too. I like knowing that I can come here and focus on content that makes me happy, and that makes you all happy, and just escape from how gross the world can be for a little while. But I also realize that I have the power to do some good, and I want to try to do some good, with your help, hopefully. I want you to know that it’s okay if you don’t want to see mention of what’s going on out there, here.
Any post I make on this blog that specifically references the racial injustice movement going on right now will be tagged with ‘FE BLM Fundraiser’. You are more than welcome to block that tag so you don’t have to see it here. It’s truly okay, I promise.
With that being said, let’s get into this!
I’ve never done anything like this before, so please bear with me! But like I said, I want to do some good with your help, hopefully. So I’ve made a charity fundraiser page where the proceeds will be going to the Black Lives Matter Global Network. If you’re not aware, there has been a lot of turbulence regarding racial injustice and police brutality going on all over the world, centered mostly in the United States. There are so many resources out there with information on what’s going on and different ways you can help (even without donating any money!) and I encourage you to do your research if it’s something you feel you need to be more enlightened on. I took a couple of days to think about how I wanted to help, and I thought that a fundraiser with awesome goals could be a really great thing! To be honest I’m not sure if we’ll reach many goals, but I think it’s worth a try, and no matter what, every little bit helps :) So here’s the deal:
A link to the donation page is here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fatal-error-blog
This fundraiser will run through the month of June, all the way up until midnight, June 30th EST!
Anyone who donates at least $15 will be able to receive a free commission from me!
Commissions will be a colored character bust (so like, from the top of their head to just below their shoulders) of a character of your choosing (not necessarily just Undertale themed, and can also include original characters or characters in different fandoms). This is a bit cheaper than my normal commission rate, so it’s a great opportunity to get some cool art if you’ve always wanted some!
If you want to claim your free commission, you need to: 1) Contact me via tumblr (@xedramon or @fatal-error-blog) or via email ([email protected]) saying you’d like your commission
2) Send me a screenshot of your (at least) $15 donation
3) Tell me the name of the character you want, and a reference picture I can use
*** You MUST contact me to get your commission. Pretty sure I’m not able to see how much people donate so I will have no way to reach out to you, so you have to reach out to me first! Commissions will get done as quickly as possible, and will be sent via however you contacted me (so either tumblr or email)
So along with the commissions, there are community goals we can all reach together! I feel like some of the higher goals are a bit daunting to reach, but if we reach them, good for us! Each goal has a fun reward attached to it that I think is worth the goal we’re trying to reach. $50 - Everyone here gets to vote on an Undertale AU to be featured in an upcoming chapter of A Fatal_Error has Occurred! It can be anything, from an AU that hasn’t appeared yet, to one that already has, to one that you think would be hilarious or cool to see, whatever! Only stipulation is that the creator of that AU has to give me permission to include it. If this goal is reached, I’ll make a list of the AUs people want to see in order of what was voted for, just in case the 1st place winner doesn’t give me permission, I’ll check with 2nd place, and so on.
$100 - I’ll host a Game Night Livestream! We’ll pick a date, and play some stream-friendly games (like Jackbox Party Pack!) for several hours! Perhaps we’ll even do two nights so that people can choose which night works better for them :)
$175 - I’ll host a 12 Hour Art Livestream! What’ll happen is that the stream session will be broken down into different segments (so maybe for a couple hours we do a request stream, and then we switch to working on something else, etc). People will have the opportunity to vote on the date we do the stream.
$250 - Everyone here gets to vote on which side comic I work on next! This means I’ll give everyone a couple of choices to pick from with a brief idea of what each side comic would be about. Everyone votes, and I’ll start on the winning side comic immediately. This is a great opportunity to basically demand that you get to see what you’re most excited about sooner rather than later!
$500 - This goal guarantees that Chapter Five of A Fatal_Error has Occurred will be completed by the end of THIS YEAR. Which is some seriously insane pacing, but hey if we reach this goal, a promise is a promise!
$750 - I will create a (hopefully awesome) Fatal_Error animation! I have a couple of ideas in mind, and perhaps I’ll let you all vote on what idea you’d like to see come to life the most. I am the most nervous about this goal, haha!
$1000 - I’ll host a 24 Hour Art Livestream!!! That means exactly what it sounds like! We’ll pick a date, I’ll take the most intense nap the world has ever known before we start, and then we’re gonna stream for 24 hours straight. I’ll set up a schedule so we do different things every few hours to keep it interesting. It’ll be so rad!
$2000 - Everyone here gets to vote on an Undertale themed tattoo (an honest to goodness permanent one) that I will, 100%, absolutely get! How this will work is that everyone will be able to suggest what I should get, I’ll pick a handful of the most popular ideas (that I’m cool with having on my body for the rest of forever) and you all will get to vote on what I get! This would, of course, occur once tattoo shops are allowed to open back up and it’s safe for me to go get one. But I promise you, I’ll do it and it’s gonna be AWESOME.
$3000 - Last but certainly not least, if this goal is reached then I will resume working on Sondertale again, alongside working on A Fatal_Error has Occurred. What’s Sondertale? Well, it’s another UT AU comic I started on before I ever began Fatal_Error’s comic. I ended up setting it aside so that I could focus on Fatal’s comic instead, and over time there has been some...surprisingly popular demand/request that I return to working on it. Originally I was going to consider what to do with it after Fatal’s comic is done, but if this rather large goal is reached then I will pick right back up where we left off and commit to finishing the comic, in it’s originally intended comic format. It’ll be a LOT of work (which is why getting a legitimate permanent tattoo is an easier goal to reach than this) but if we work together to donate this much, then it’ll be absolutely worth it.
And that’s it for the goals! I think that the higher goals will be plenty hard to reach, but if somehow we surpass the highest goal then uhh...I guess we’ll talk about what kind of goals you all might like to see after that, haha.
This fundraiser will run through the rest of June - so if you would like to donate and help contribute to seeing some of these goals realized, please do!
I will reblog this post on the following days: June 7th, June 14th, June 21st, and June 28th as a reminder, and also to update everyone on how the fundraiser is going. As goals are hit, I’ll also mention them on the blog so we can all share in the excitement of what’s to come!
Thank you so, so, so much for your consideration, your help, and your support. Please stay safe, stay hopeful, and stay determined.
Link to fundraiser page: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fatal-error-blog
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mariegolddoesthings · 4 months
Haha, I'm bored. I'm really really bored.
Give me your Cookie designs. That's right. Hand 'em over. Reblog them on this post right now. I'm going to hold them hostage in my sketchbook.
Once one page is filled requests will be closed. So hurry up! :)
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beepsparks · 2 months
Hey, so y’all remember that post I made talking about how Cookie managed to fully prove he was a comfort character for me in the most odd way possible? Well here’s how it happened because tbh I see it as more of a silly experience now thanks to Cookie:
(Fair warning, this involves a negative experience with my family on my birthday while playing Jackbox, also YDKJ hate I guess?? Kinda vent-ish too ngl. Oh and this is very long)
So like, I decided to introduce my family (and I guess my sister’s boyfriend) to Jackbox on my birthday so we could have something to do, and we had fun until we played YDKJ Full Stream in which everyone except for my mom (somehow because normally she finds my interests weird, she never said she didn’t like it, she just doesn’t want me to play ydkj around people now which is understandable bc of the humor) became very vocal with how much they didn’t like it. And it wasn’t because of the humor, they’d been making that kind of humor the whole time, I assume it’s because they were just bad at the game
Of course, getting my primary interest insulted to my face with even the people saying those things giving me full eye contact while saying how much they thought the game sucked hurt like a motherfucker and here’s where Cookie comes in: Cookie proceeds to, not once, but TWICE, single out one of the people who had basically hurt my feelings and insulted them personally with no mercy. And mid-game, one of the people who insulted the game directly to my face as well got KICKED OUT and was forced to join the audience (they couldn’t reconnect) for the REMAINDER of the game. Cookie then proceeded to be a literal angel to me specifically even if I got a question wrong then brutalize everyone else in the game (I guess except for my sister and mom idk, he wasn’t TOO mean to them.)
So, after we finish the game, despite I wanna play more Jackbox (I don’t say I want to however), the two main people that had hurt my feelings wanted to play mario kart instead, and not give any of the other games I had in Jackbox a chance. I went along with it anyway not to look rude or whatever but I couldn’t focus the entire time because I was so upset that these people were so verbal about their hatred for one of my favorite games.
And, I am not joking, mid-race, my switch bugs out, goes to the home menu, all of us are weirded out and SHOW we weren’t touching our controllers, and the game CLOSES, and OPENS PARTY PACK 5. The game itself closing encouraged everyone to just go home since it was already kinda late by that point and it was a sunday.. one of the particular people that had insulted ydkj and hurt my feelings made a joke saying there was a ghost in the house… tbh I just imagined Cookie knew EXACTLY how upset I was on my birthday and went “nah fuck y’all now you can’t play mario kart” so uh. Basically. “Cookie is sick of ur shit. he’s mean but what you just did was a lil too much”
Idk man. This is weird but also funny to me. I’m just imagining Cookie broke the 4th wall to the highest degree just to cheer me up and I love him for that lol
Also uh. Sorry if this upsets any of y’all or anything but I promise im fine now, this doesn’t hurt me as much as before 😭
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isaspsp · 4 years
Dream log:
It's 4 am, I just had a nightmare and I k8nda don't wanna ho back to sleep (in case the drream decides to continue). So I wanna write about it so it can leave me.
The dream has heen going on for a while, and only the very end turn dark, but I'll focus on the scary part.
So. We have friends play8ng some sort of Jackbox game, these friends are monsters, but fret not, super cute and friendly monsters!
A round goes by and the same monster got the lying card 3 times in a row and git caught immediately (sort of like getting impostor in among us). So it calls quits and sugrsts thry play another game.
We transfer to the game. It's just a clink and play game. Something happens that I don't rember but suddenly ut's found a rip in the wallpaper (were still in the game) and by clicking on it we get closer. Like real close.
The game's art ir a sort of impressionistslc painting. I can clearly see the strokes, and everything looks a bit oily. We (I am in "first person view" from now on) start peeling off the wallpaper.
It isn't peeled a lot but we can see that there is a hole in the wall. And then a yellow eye appears in the hole. We get the option to either click a way or continue to peel. We continue (I hate this).
As we continue more of the wall gets revealed and one more eye floats in the black hole. For whatever reason... we decid3 to turn on the lights. BITCH turn on? Why the heck we had them off the in first place???
And we turn it on. There is a person IN the wall. It seems they have been there for a while, but they look normal. If not the fact thet they were INSIDE and wall AND upside down it looked like a normal person. But yet, now we saw the the person was dloating in blood and some sort of rough structure, sort of like that disease when warts grow incontrolaby, but it's thinner, like nail material, and yet it is still a disgusting color, what I imagen dark and old pus color.
We keep peeling more of it. I'm INCREDIBLY uncomfortable already. We have revealed the whole person's face. They have been frowning up until now, but it suddenly smiles! Smiles you guys!
We keep peeling untill the person's whole body is exposed. A voice urges us to turn the lights back off. We do.
And listen here, I'm super creeped out, I already know I'm not gonna sleep for much longer (yes I knew it was a dream, AND COULDN'T CONTROL IT) so what happens next does not ease my disconfort at all.
But I kid you not: we turn off the lights. The hole now is just there, an enormous hole. It then starts to shift and metamorph; the walls around it turn white. Blue bars come from the side. WE ARE IN TUMBLR. The hole tranformed into FRISK (Undertale) in a very contorted, but stylized drawing. Under it says "you shouldn't've completed rhe tutorial". And I'm not sure if that hole was tbe tutorial or not.
I wake up and just spent a good while writing it down. I don't think it did all that carthasis. But it's 4:37 and the birds started singing.
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tinacentury · 4 years
13, 31, 97 ;)
Thanks, @floraone!
13 What’s something that made you smile today?
Well, I haven’t been awake for very long? But I’d say it’s probably that sometime very early this morning, my dog crawled under the sheets with me (normally, she sleeps on top of the bed covered with a blanket).
31 What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks.
I feel like socks always come up for me in these games? I rarely wear socks when I’m wearing shoes, as I’m normally in flats or sandals. I generally don’t sleep with socks on unless I’m cold. I’ve got a thing for critter socks from target that I wear around the house - little ankle socks with different animals and things on them. My favorites are the ones with sloths and alpacas.
97 Myers Briggs type, Zodiac sign, Hogwarts house?
MBTI: INFJ all day every day
Zodiac: Virgo
Hogwarts house: Sigh. I once had a friend tell me “You’re definitely a Gryffindor”. I was also once playing a game (Fakin’ It on Jackbox) where everyone in the room assumed I was a Gryffindor. However, this nerdy ass psychologist-developed test has told me in no uncertain terms that I am a Ravenclaw, and I feel like I have to buy into that one for obvious reasons. I also recently asked this on Instagram, and Ravenclaw ran away with the vote. But you know, it’s our choices that show what we truly are, more than our abilities 😉, so, Gryffindor?
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I’m sorry if this is cynical, but I’d really like your input on it (as an experience polygon vid/pat stream viewer): Do you think Pat is pushing the after hours streaming stuff because Polygon is ending? Or, at least, to try and maintain the ‘funny video/personality’ fans? I’ve noticed a lot of other polygon vid personalities are doing similar things, and main polygon video content keeps slowing down and changing, presumably in compliance w/ vox media strategy? Have you noticed too?
First of all real bold of you sending this to a Pat fanblog where all I do is make dumbass shitposts and post cat clips, as if I know a single goddamn thing about anything, but since you asked I’ll try to answer as many of your questions as possible. (I’m not mad about being asked btw I just really find it funny you’d send it here of all places lmao). Disclaimer time: I am not in any way affiliated with Polygon or Vox Media nor do I know how they operate behind the scenes.
Do I personally think Polygon is ending and that Pat streams because of that? Short answer, no. However, I believe Polygon’s necessary (yes, I said necessary) and inevitable (yes, INEVITABLE) change in content is due to a lot of deeper issues people might not know about, which I’ve gathered from research and being an idiot whomst has watched Youtube for 10+ years. Let me just say, the last year or so has pretty much been the “Everybody Knows Shits Fucked” song on repeat until we die so this is going to be a long ass post. Buckle up kiddos we’re warp speeding into this fuckfest together.
Youtube Advertiser Boycott And The Algorithms
Every social media website employs the use of algorithms to decide how content gets sorted, and Youtube isn’t any different. That’s why Youtubers constantly ask you to “like, comment and subscribe” because it helps their content get noticed through Youtube’s internal system – such as search priority, the trending section, your homepage and your recommended tab, as well as the recommended sidebar on individual videos. As for content, one of the more effective models was to find a niche and cater to it, something Polygon did by creating Monster Factory and similar humored series alongside their serious content.
And for a while, it worked. Except things change.
Before we get any further I highly suggest you read this article written by Julia Alexander about the complicated history of Youtube’s monetization system, but I’ll try to give a quick summary. Something controversial will happen on Youtube, causing brands to pull their business from the platform until they can get more security on what types of videos their ads play on, then Youtube refines the system to give brands more control. Rinse and repeat. The new system results in a massive amount of videos being demonetized, causing creators to lose revenue and viewer engagement and then request appeals to have their content reviewed by humans, which in turn improves the algorithm. Those most negatively affected by the system must diversify their payments either through Patreon, Twitch, merch, etc, or in worst case scenarios, give up on their dreams of being a Youtuber.
Youtube has a lot of incentive to keep creators updated on changes, so when users ask, “hey, can we know what’s going on with the website?” Youtube responds with an informative, “absolutely not. Die.” The userbase, as a result, is forced to run their own investigations. Nerd City published a video revealing another algorithm (one just as prone to mistakes) assigns all videos with an MPAA-style rating to make it easier for businesses to decide what sort of content they’re comfortable advertising on. This rating – hidden from both the uploader and their audience – Cannot. Be. Appealed. Good fucking system am I right!!! (Also, please watch the video if you get the chance, it brings up some points about machine learning and how the system negatively affects marginalized creators).
One more thing, do you remember what I said earlier about how a video gets popular on Youtube’s internal system? Well, creators have reason to believe a higher rating attributes to view suppression – meaning their videos might end up exempt from the things I listed. This makes it so much harder for a channel to grow their userbase outside of an already established audience. If you’re following along you might be able to tell where I’m going with this, but if not…
What Does This Have To Do With Video Games Polygon?
Once again, I do not know any of the behind the scenes Polygon lore and a lot of this is guesswork on my part. I’d imagine as a branch of Vox Media, Polygon would have a higher priority getting any potentially demonetized videos appealed than smaller, independent channels do. However, when your own website is reporting the system responsible for sorting and rating videos goes deeper than just demonetization, with a full MPAA-style ranking that’s been shown to suppress the growth of certain content not deemed advertiser friendly, such as excessive profanity and sexually suggestive content, which turns out is a subset of the niche your channel has developed – that’s a problem.
This isn’t me being critical of their content or saying what they make is bad (considering I’m a fan of it as well), this is an objective look at the reality of a rapidly changing platform. Unfortunately, the biggest flags in my head for Polygon happen to be the Jackbox series and… Monster Factory. There’s absolutely no way some of those videos are getting a kid-friendly rating, and it’s possible the bot is slapping some of them with a mature rating – the worst one where enough of those could potentially affect the rating of the entire channel. Griffin, in one of the Spore MF videos, emphatically yells, “come fuck this” to the heavens; lo and behold, a few years later Youtube finally does.
Of course, this is just one of a few different problems Polygon is facing. The Mcelroys left to focus on their own businesses, taking some of their fans with them. Other fans who mainly want the video game news might end up unsubscribing if too many videos irrelevant to their interests are posted. Some series, while perfectly funny in their own right, have trouble breaking out and appealing to a wider audience.
Polygone But Not Forgotten?
I’ll try to put it as softly as I can: almost all creators on Youtube have to reevaluate the content they put out and how it fits into Youtube’s ad-friendly guidelines if they want to continue receiving ad revenue and viewer engagement from the site. This is not just a Polygon specific problem, and as a news channel they benefit a lot more by working within the new parameters. Polygon’s primary priority should be their video game website, where I go to read all the articles that aren’t about video games, as ad revenue is probably more stable and allows them more room for sillier content. As for their channel, the “horny niche” appeal doesn’t have as much of a place anymore. Well, on Youtube at least.
Twitch, however, seems like a better home for Polygon’s familiar borderline type of humor. On a stream Pat said, as the live video producer, he’s responsible for getting their channel partnered which will come with some very important benefits, such as the ability to subscribe. I’d assume creating content for Youtube takes priority over this, and there’s also the fact that Pat is just one person and needs to balance this with other things like “having a life” and “eating??? Perhaps???” (maybe even A Vegetable). By the way, to answer one of your other questions, it’s normal for creators to have projects outside of their work and build their own personal brand, like Pat’s Twitch channel, Brian’s Youtube channel, Simone’s author account and everyone’s countless podcasts. It’s not recommended to rely solely on Youtube for your income, even before the ad boycotts, so if you can diversify your content then do so.
Listen, I know this is disappointing and I know it’s not the answer people want. Youtube’s new system isn’t going away and the video team needs to accommodate for these changes or otherwise Perish. I believe in Polygon’s ability to deliver informative, humorous and accessible content, they just need the time to do it. As an audience, a way to offer support during this difficult time is to just be as understanding and patient as possible, and give the content they put out a chance if you can.
Now I am not an expert on any of this, but if you have any questions or comments you can send them to my main @malarcana and I’ll try to answer them. Thanks for reading!
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afoolnottoloveu · 3 years
THEA :0 i just now saw ur post about me 😳😳 omg i love u that's so sweet i am going to get down on one knee and propose (/plat of course. y'know one time my friend and i got platonically engaged and held a wedding ceremony with our other friends and got wedding outfits together from goodwill it was so fun. we can do that and walk down the isle to mxmtoon or smthin kdbskdjs) and !! we r already friends i am simply a secret creature of the night.... how was ur thanksgiving ?? hope it was good and you had lots of yummy food !! and if i saw your post abt going to la i would have sent u asks if you rb'ed an ask game but im a bit late. F. -📆
THAT PLATONIC WEDDING IDEA IS SO CUTE what would our mxmtoon wedding song be….. my first thought was 1-800-DATEME that’d be so funny
my thanksgiving was relatively normal actually i ate very good food but unfortunately no boba places were open :000 but my cousins and i played mahjong and jackbox !! fun times i won the alien game on jackbox
HAHA anon i have been in my flop era for quite some time now so it’s okay i just like those ask games but i couldn’t find one before my connection died on my car ride anyways :3
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inkofamethyst · 3 years
November 12, 2021
It’s really interesting to me that Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar were released right around the same time.
Anyway I went to the choir friendsgiving thing.  I ended up making stovetop candied yams and at the last minute decided to make seven deviled eggs (one half of one turned out pretty crappy so I ate it myself).  I felt overwhelmed immediately upon arrival.  It was like... it was like those first two cast parties you go to as a freshman in high school theatre (I skipped my first cast party actually).  And it was my first real social event since the start of covid where people were entirely unmasked, and I felt naked without it.  I engaged in conversation as best I could, I guess, and I smiled and giggled when called for.  But you know how at cast parties the older members will reminisce?  Well, they were doing that except it was singing songs from previous semesters.  And I didn’t mind, it was entertaining and fun to listen to, actually, but you just kind of Sit There Being Entertained, you know?  We did play Jackbox which was fun.  
I skipped Songbird Bootcamp today but I intend to go tomorrow, the last day before recording day.  I had to go pick up sweet potatoes for my dish.  Evidently, I brought too much, and will have to throw the rest of it away (yknow, covid) :( which was on me.  All of my deviled eggs were eaten though, so I probably just could’ve made a batch of twelve or so of those and it would’ve been much easier (and I wouldn’t have had to worry about slicing my hands so much (which I didn’t do, by the way!)).
I might record myself tomorrow.  I hate listening to myself sing but I have to know what I sound like.  Especially since I’m doing what I perceive to be such a drastic switch from chest to head voice a few times.  I just... I need to know.  
I’ve been listening to musical theatre songs for the past day.  It’s been fantastic.  It also made me remember how I was half of a camel during the spring of my junior year every other performance.  It made me wonder today... Okay.  I miss band.  But when I say that, I mean that I look back fondly over my experiences when I was in band in high school.  I don’t think I actually want to join the marching band again.  Now, I’m wondering about theatre.  I miss theatre.  A big part of me (wants to) think that it’s not a similar situation to band: I really want to go back into rehearsals and performances (...and auditions) and learning blocking and lines and music and dances movement.  But after what happened with pep band a few weeks back... another, considerably smaller and more cynical part of me thinks that maybe I am just experiencing some heavy nostalgia and that I miss the people and the culture and the process that was specific to my high school.  So I don’t know.  And that’s why I was considering doing the theatre thing a few weeks ago.  A mini project just to see if I really wanted to go back into that for real or not.
Also more people have liked that post on the Acapella app thing today.  Just a few, but it’s still way more than normal.
Today I’m thankful that my roommate C kept me company while I was cooking this evening.  It was far better than reading or listening to music alone while stirring occasionally for fifty minutes.
I need to wash.  Deeply.  I’m sure I smell of alcohol.  [edit: I didn’t drink I feel like that’s what it sounds like but no I would actually very much prefer not to drink at all thank you.]
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Do all the asks! Hope you had a good Christmas!! <3
In ausOkay here goes, all the asks from the end of 2020
1. How many lockdowns did you go through until now? 
I actually can’t remember if I was in one or two in the UK, because I barely changed my habits, I stayed in my house throughout lockdown and non-lockdown. But either 2 or 3.
2. Ever been quarantined? (contact person, waiting for test result or positive test result) 
Yep, right before the start of UK lockdown one because of possible symptoms in my household and once in Austria now. 
3. Ever taken a Corona test? 
Yup, I took one, a gargle test.
4. Have you lived together with someone during lockdown?
Yep, lockdown in the UK with my dad and sister, in Austria with my flatmate.
5. Something you enjoyed about lockdown? 
Spending more time with my sister and also seeing my puppy grow up.
6. What bothered you most about lockdown? 
Not being able to hug my mum when we lost our rabbit and not being able to hug friends.
7. Which change, e.g. home office, would you like to keep once it´s all over? 
Teaching from home wouldn’t be bad to keep, also normalising wearing masks and distancing when ill.
8. Been to any Corona related demonstration? 
9. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 10 (completely), how well do you stick to government´s rules? Explain. 
In the UK I would say 10, and I did more than stick to them, I rarely left the house except for walking the dog. In Austria 7 or 8, we don’t really have the concept of bubbles here but through lockdown we had our friend in our bubble. I did also accidentally break curfew at one point.
10. Favorite lockdown activity? 
Sleeping, frankly.
11. How did the lockdown affect your work/education? 
The end of my year at uni was done at home, with take home exams and now my work is going to be distance teaching again. And of course masks and distancing at in person teaching.
12. Any new hobbies you tried out during lockdown? 
I taught myself to sew and cross-stitch!
13. Any new subscriptions you made due to lockdown? 
Disney plus!
14. Anything new you tried to learn during lockdown? 
Sewing, a few new recipes.
15. Any old hobbies you took up again during lockdown? 
I started writing a lot more again and did a lot of crafting.
16. How did you keep in touch during lockdown? 
Zoom calls, skyping, postcards.
17. Favorite mask you own? 
My rainbow one!
18. Favorite online conferencing tool? 
Teams for teaching.
19. Any new technologies and technological tools you tried out due to lockdown? 
Zoom, google meet, MS teams and a few online games.
20. Have you been able to go on any holidays this year? 
21. Are Christmas markets allowed in your country? 
Sadly not:( It was part of what I was looking forward to about my year abroad and I’m genuinely gutted about it.
22. How are you going to spend Christmas in this situation? (or whatever you are celebrating!) 
I spent Christmas with my flatmate, we did polish dinner on the 24th, British Christmas on 25th and then called my family on Christmas day. I managed to make all of Christmas dinner all by myself which I was really chuffed with.
23. Any small business you support? 
Yeah, plenty of local shops.
24. Any small artist you support? 
When I find people on instagram or tumblr i try yeah! 
25. Favorite online shop?
I am in a very bath having mood so bomb cosmetics.
26. Dumbest impulse buy? 
My terrible Christmas hat.
27. First thing you bought when the shops reopened? 
Quite literally no idea, but I would assume something food related.
28. Been to the hair dresser this year? 
Nope, but I’ve been cutting my own hair for 2 or 3 years so that’s not unusual.
29. Got a new tattoo or piercing this year? 
30. What did you only start to appreciate because lockdown took it from you? 
How easy it was to meet new people.
31. Favorite book that was released this year? 
Contacts by Mark Watson or Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh.
32. Favorite book you read that year? 
The same as above.
33. Favorite movie that was released this year? 
uhhhhh bold of you to assume that I paid attention.
34. Favorite movie you watched this year? 
101 dalmatians, a classic but gave me a lot of comfort. 
35. Favorite series that was released this year? 
Staged or the Goes Wrong Show.
36. Favorite series that you watched this year? 
Same answer.
37. Favorite podcast that you listened to this year? 
Cryptid Cape or I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buddha.
38. Favorite artist this year? 
Taylor Swift.
39. Total minutes on Spotify this year? 
I don’t have spotify!
40. Favorite album that was released this year?
I can’t separate folklore and evermore.
41. Favorite album that you listened to this year? 
Again, folklore and evermore.
42. Favorite song that was released this year? 
I’m gonna go with dorothea.
43. Favorite song you listened to this year?
dorothea or rainbow by dodie or Sad Girl Summer by Maisie Peters.
44. Favorite Corona related song? 
So Will I - Ben Platt.
45. What do you do to prevent yourself from going insane during lockdown? 
Sat outside and watched the stars at night listening to songs, took my dog for a walk, did some writing.
46. Describe a typical lockdown day of yours. 
I mean I’m in a kinda weird position of living with/being a kind of key worker. When I was in the UK, I would wake up at 9 to look after the pup, take her for a walk, do uni work or plan for my year abroad. Cook or help my sister cook dinner, play as a group with the puppy, then chill in the living room with family, play animal crossing. In Austria It’s been waking up half an hour before my first class, teaching, cooking and chilling.
47. Something you did during lockdown that you´ve been putting off for way too long? 
Had some proper heart to hearts with my sister and organised my year abroad.
48. Trying new baking recipes or new cooking recipes? 
Yeah! I made profiteroles and some new curries.
49. Netflix or Amazon Prime? 
Prime because you can buy stuff too, it would be netflix but my dad keeps forgetting to tell me his password.
50. Did you get Disney+? 
Yeah, I share it with a few friends.
51. Any new social media you started using during lockdown? 
Not sure actually!
52. Any trends you fell for? 
Not that I can think of?
53. Did you achieve more or less than in a normal year? Explain. 
Frankly, since November 2019 life has been utter hell so if it was less I wouldn’t be shocked but I think the tail end of the year has been pretty successful, I moved countries, signed my first rent contract and am supporting myself for the first time. But it’s kind of a mixed bag.
54. Did you start therapy this year? 
55. Books or audio books? 
Both but I find reading really relaxing but hard to get into. I’ve read a shit ton of fanfic though.
56. Audio books or podcasts? 
Podcasts mostly.
57. Twitch or Youtube? 
58. Attended any online concert? 
Tessa Violet’s “the something to look forward to” tour
59. Favorite stream/streamer this year? 
I really enjoyed Mark Watson’s Watson-A-Thon and also Broadway Jackbox, the Evan Hansen one.
60. Most used social media this year? 
Either twitter or tumblr.
61. Yoga or long lone walks? 
Long lone walks.
62. Did you get a pet this year? 
Yeah! My puppy!
63. Did it snow where you live this year? 
Yeah It snowed in Vienna for one day.
64. What were you doing when you found out about the announcement of the first lockdown? 
I think I was in quarantine, looking after the dog.
65. Did you panic buy anything? 
No, I don’t think so.
66. Ever ran out of toilet paper? 
67. Favorite lockdown comfort food? 
Something with gravy. 
68. Selfcare tips for lockdown? 
Be gentle with yourself. Try to give yourself structure but don’t feel guilty for not being productive.
69. Did you use delivery services this year? For what kind of food? 
God yes, supermarket a few times. And also meals, kebabs a fair bit.
70. Any weird coping techniques you developed during or after lockdown? 
Not especially I don’t think.
71. Favorite game you played this year? 
Animal Crossing!
72. Favorite drink this year? 
Pornstar martinis.
73. Favorite food this year? 
Christmas Dinner.
74. Favorite App this year? 
Puzzle Page! I’ve enjoyed doing crosswords and stuff a lot.
75. Favorite memory of this year? 
Drunk dog walk with my sister in the pouring rain.
76. Any plans you had for this year that you could realize? 
Wait what does this one mean?? Any plans I COULD do? My year abroad I guess. Any plans I couldn’t - interrailing.
77. Do you even plan anything for next year? 
I still have the rest of my year abroad plan.
78. Did you find new (online) friends this year? 
Yeah - one at my uni who I didn’t know so that was nice!
79. Did you go through a break-up this year? 
80. Did you get into a new relationship this year? 
81. Did you do something creative this year? Tell us about it. 
Yeah, I cross-stitched a bee, a snake and a butterfly and I also did lots of writing and a few doodles on my writing blog (lovenliterature).
82. Favorite blog you found on tumblr this year? 
A bunch of wolfstar or ballum ones - I really like @aeternumregina and @shanastoryteller too.
83. What did you buy way too much of this year? 
Take out and alcohol.
84. Did you win anything this year? 
85. Did you drastically change your diet this year? 
Not especially, I tried to have more fruit though and I started drinking coffee.
86. Did you move to a new home this year? 
Yeah! I now live in a flat in Vienna.
87. Did you do something this year that you never did before? 
Signed rent and work contracts in another country. Also got corona.
88. Celebrity crush of the year? 
Ben Platt or Andrew Scott.
89. Most expensive thing you bought this year?
My phone!
90. Been abroad this year? 
Yep, I moved abroad.
91. Favorite tumblr trend of this year? 
Just fucking waiting for more Destiel news.
92. New Years Resolutions you broke this year?
I didn’t make any this year tbh.
93. NYRs you kept? 
Same answer.
94. NYRs you have for next year? 
Just be nicer to myself and remember to renew prescription/make doctor’s appointments sooner.
95. How are you going to spend New Years Eve? 
Drinking with my flatmate in my flat.
96. Will you get your fortune told in any way around NYE? 
No I don’t think so.
97. Any new shops (online or real) you discovered this year? 
Billa, our supermarket lol.
98. Any food you tried out for the first time this year? 
Polish Christmas food!
99. How did you celebrate your birthday this year? 
It was in Feb so had friends round and had drinks.
100. Was this ask game better or worse than 2020? 
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