#i am weezing
infinitelyprecious · 3 months
Some more🤣
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ashbakche · 2 years
The captain swore polyglot—very polyglot—polyglot with bloom and blood; but he could do nothing.
Abraham Van Helsing, Dracula, Oct.5th.
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spinach-pine · 1 year
"Stonn, she is yours. After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
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4ndeka · 6 months
I love your artsyle and I hope you have a good day. That's it. That's the ask
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Thanks so much! here is a little doodle :3 (Im working on drawing a pokemon team for my villain)
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rego-mem · 6 months
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❄️Happy new big Gloomwood update ❄️
These red hats atop Huntsmen's hats are hilarious
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manyminded · 27 days
I think Mikey has some repressed feelings about being plural
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ohno- :O/j
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rain and swiss throwing sodo like a fucking football and all of them are laughing their asses off but sodo is pissed cause it makes him look small and aether is in dad mode cause someone is definitely getting hurt
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Uh, yeah I'm a pathetic little bisexual man, any time I try to smoke weed I cough so so much
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thorcat · 1 year
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First shiny i found in the wilds
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musashi · 2 years
was jessies breakdown in the woods the scene inspired by zuko yelling on a mountain top during a storm at the lightning to strike him down
absolutely! you completely hit the nail on the head. my co-author and i are huge fans of avatar, if i had to list one inspiration for DTE i would say ATLA without any hesitation.
there is a lot of scenes where, when we were scripting them/discussing them, ven and i would say something like "okay, so the vibe is, you know that scene in avatar where--" and go from there. BUT this one is the most blatant and we consistently, CONSISTENTLY referred to it as 'jessie's zuko in the lightning scene' the ENTIRE time we were writing the chapters leading up to it. like that is literally all we called it sdfgdgffa. you could not be more correct :P
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wonderingabout · 3 months
i have been ill for over two weeks and the covid tests say no covid and yet! is it simply quitting smoking and autism sadness? i have looked up autism burn out and i can still talk etc i just always feel hot and cold and like i could cry- is it the feeling of doom? the feeling i will never be able to earn enough money to not disappoint my parents? is it anxiety, is it not exercising enough, is it not sleeping, is it 11 years of smoking filling my lungs with tar and gunk. is it dread?
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mysicklove · 5 months
Older brother Sukuna with little bro Yuji au screams this tiktok to me
You're trying so hard to choke back laughter and not crush Yuji's heart while Sukuna is shrieking in the background.
You: Can I see?
Yuji: *shows the drawing with a bright grin*
You: OH! I mean- aaw! That's- It's so...
Sukuna: *peaks over your shoulder because he's secretly jealous* HA!
You: This is... Really something!
Yuji: *nodding sweetly, not realising his brother is laughing at him*
You: I've always wanted two noses... How did you know?
Yuji: that's your eyebrows
Sukuna: *doubles over*
You: ...😀 Obviously! Of course they are, why wouldn't they be?
Sukuna: *having trouble breathing* why are they below your eyes?!
Yuji: *frowning* Did I do it wrong?
You: DON'T listen to your brother. In fact! I love this so much I am going to hang this in our bedroom! *Glaring pointedly at Sukuna* Right. Above. Our. Bed.
Sukuna: *suddenly no longer finding it funny* I'm not looking at that when we fu- OW!
i am not kidding, whenever i see that video, i laugh so hard. it is so funny oh my god. the moms voice and the dad silently weezing in the background?? so so so funny.
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somehowmags · 6 months
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my @mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @onawhimsicot! i decided to go with a pokemon au, explanation of their teams below!
tallulah's team:
galarian weezing: this is a gift from wilbur! it's essentially a service pokemon for tallulah, as galarian weezing purifies the air around it, making it easier for her to breath
chimecho: tallulah's partner pokemon! i like to imagine they met when tallulah was playing some music by phil's house and they've been together ever since
carnivine: on the wiki it said that tallulah had several venus fly traps, so i decided to give her a carnivine! carnivine was one of the first pokemon she caught, with her and chayanne spending a long time staked out in a swamp to find one
eevee: my friend roleb suggested eevee! she really seems like she would have one aksjdfhlaksdf eevee and carnivine get along really well! no idea what it would evolve into though lol
flabebe: i think chayanne and tallulah found this flabebe injured during their journey and immediately got attached while nursing it back to health! more flowers for tallulah askjfhskladf
pumpkaboo: a gift from chayanne! i imagine she hangs out with pumpkaboo when she's feeling lonely
chayanne's team:
lechonk: he has this for technoblade related reasons aklsdfhlkasdfha
capsakid and farfetch'd: these two are together as they're both cooking themed pokemon! i imagine the farfetch'd was a gift from philza and chayanne just woke up one night to capsakid staring him down and was like yeah alright. farfetch'd also evolves into sirfetch'd, which is part of the little knight motif i wanted to have for chayanne
riolu: another suggestion from roleb! this is chayanne's main partner, and he's a very fighty lil guy
charcadet: knight motif part two! charcadet also provides some needed firepower for chayanne's team composition which is something i imagine chayanne is concerned about
absol: this is actually one of phil's pokemon! he sent it along with chayanne and tallulah to keep an eye on them because absol can sense danger
pokemon not pictured but still a part of this au:
phil's rookidee: it's brian! he takes messages between tallulah and chayanne and phil
phil's darkrai: tallulah and chayanne's babysitter when they were little
phil's tatsugiri and dondozo: i nearly gave tallulah and chayanne these two before deciding to keep their teams small and mostly in the baby stage, but i like to think phil let them play with them sometimes
unrelated trivia:
you may be asking "mags, why is chayanne's floatie a ducklett and not a psyduck" i am a dipshit who forgot psyduck existed
you may also be asking "mags, aren't overalls bobby's thing" by the time i remembered that i was already halfway through lineart
the plot of this au is tallulah and chayanne going on their pokemon adventure while dealing with the villainous federation. tallulah is doing concerts while chayanne goes through the gym challenge!
hope you enjoy!
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infinitelyprecious · 4 months
A continuation of the saga🤣
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The caption on it I am weezing😂😂
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Vorarit's (producer) insta 24-02-24
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