#i apologize to every single poster who I mentally scoffed at when I was 12 for hating deh
friquest · 5 months
"Dear Evan Hansen" being the first musical I have ever consumed, taught me the importance of context.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Vienna: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel (College AU)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When Bucky went on a family trip to Vienna when he was 12, he met a very pretty girl and had his first kiss. 16 years later, he’s back in Vienna.
A/N: I know I said this was gonna be two parts but ya gurl is a lying bitch. hahaha! 
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Bucky stares up at the Schönbrunn Palace like he did sixteen years ago. Back then, he thought this place was huge. He still does now. 
“Impressive,” Nat, his friend said as she stood beside him, “There’s probably over five hundred rooms at this place.”
“1,441 rooms to be exact,” Bucky stated, eyes still glued to the building before him. He could feel Nat’s questioning gaze and he smiled, “I came here before. When I was twelve, my family and I took a trip throughout Europe. I didn’t really appreciate it back then. But now, since I’m getting a Master’s in European History, I’m definitely taking advantage of this second chance I’m given.” 
The redhead snorted and nudged her friend with her elbow, “Well let’s head inside. Steve, Sam, and Clint are waiting for us.” she tugs on Bucky’s sleeve and they both head towards the tour group that them and their friends are assigned to.
You couldn’t believe you were here in Vienna again. You mentally cursed your twelve year old self for not appreciating this beautiful sight an history before you. You smile to yourself when you remember the young boy you ran off with. You were so disappointed that your time with him was so short-lived. Within the few hours of being in his presence, you found yourself getting a crush. Of course, you knew it would 99.9% never happened. You were strangers and probably lived at separate parts of the world. Plus, you were young!
“Y/N!” your friend, Wanda, called out your name, “C’mon! The tour is about to start!” you rush after you friend as your assigned tour group begins to head into the palace. 
Your eyes went to the ceilings and walls and everything in between. It looked exactly like it did all those years ago. Well, you really didn’t expect it to change, honestly. 
“Guys, I want a castle,” your other friend and Wanda’ brother, Pietro, stated with a sigh.
You snorted, “Yeah, like you could ever afford one.”
Pietro smirked at you, “Whoever said about me buying one? What if I end up winning the heart of a beautiful princess? You’d be the last one laughing.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah right. The only game you have, Pietro, is on Sims.”
Wanda snorted, hiding her laughter behind her hands, not wanting to disrupt their tour guide. Her brother stuck his tongue out at you, “You hurt my feelings, Y/N.”
You gave him a shrug, “Don’t care. Now be quiet! I wanna hear what our guide is saying!”
“Do you ever shut up?!” Bucky sneered at Sam. 
““All I’m saying it that I’d have fun christening every single-”
“I don’t wanna hear about your sex life, Wilson. I’m trying to listen!”
Sam scoffed, “Man, you act like you don’t know everything about this place anyway!”
People in front of them glared back at Sam. Steve immediately put his one hand on Bucky, the other on Sam, and pushed them away from each other so he could walk in-between them, “We seriously can’t take you two anywhere,” he grumbled.
Bucky rolled his eyes as he focused back on their tour guide as he began to explain the purpose of one of the rooms on their left. After five minutes of his informational spiel, the group continued forward. Bucky decided to stay back a bit to get a better look of the decor and the rooms. 
He peered into one, admiring the placement of the furniture and it’s baroque style. The four poster bed was so-
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he jumped at the sound of another voice, your voice
You giggled and gave him a sorry look, “My bad. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. Guess I was too deep in admiring the room, I didn’t feel a presence.” he gestured ahead of him, “But we better go before we get lost.”
The two of you followed the tour group, but at your own pace, “Have you been here before?” you asked, glancing his way. You couldn’t help but think of how attractive he was. With the stubble on his face, his slicked back hair, and his striking blue eyes. Man, this guy looked like he was chiseled by the Gods. 
He nodded, “Yeah. When I was a kid, my family and I traveled around Europe for the summer. Although, I didn’t really care for this place when I was younger. How about you?”
“Same here. I thought the place was beautiful, but I didn’t care about the history. But I’m glad to be back here, redeeming my younger self.”
Bucky chuckled, “I understand exactly how you feel. I’m actually studying for my Master’s in European World history and when we learned about the baroque period, I became a little obsessed. Especially since this is one of the staples of that time period and I took it for granted! So now I’m,” he paused to chuckle to himself, “I’m nerding out a bit to be honest.”
“I’m a cultural studies major with a European History minor. So I understand.” you stuck out your hand, “I’m Y/N.”
Bucky shook it, a smile on his face, “I’m James, but people call me-”
“Bucky! Let’s go, man!” Clint hollered as the tour group were a lot more far ahead that you realized. 
Your eyes widened at the name, “Wait. Bucky?”
Bucky glanced at Clint and then at you, confused, “Yeah? Have we-”
“During your first time here, a twelve year old girl came up to you and convinced you to ditch your family so we could go off to the garden maze. There, you played a game of cat and mouse. If you found the girl, she’d give you a kiss.”
Bucky stood there absolutely speechless. Was it really you? The girl who gave him his first kiss? The girl that he spent his preteen years thinking about until he finally decided there was no chance of ever seeing you again?
“Y/N? Is it-You’re here? You’re the Y/N? My first kiss?”
You laughed in disbelief, “I can’t believe you’re here!”
“Neither can I! How-What are the chances?! This is such a coincidence!” Bucky pulled you into a hug, “I thought I’d never see you again!”
“Bucky! Dude, what’s going on? The group’s leaving!” Clint scolded his friend, and then looked at you, “Hi. I’m Clint.”
“Y/N,” you gave him a small wave.
“Are you part of our tour group? ‘Cause they’re leaving us.”
You nodded, “Right. We-We should go,” you both followed Clint to the end of the hall and up some stairs. 
For the rest of the tour, you and Bucky went back and forth telling each other about yourselves while also paying attention to the tour. You’d make comments to each other here and there, often bursting into a fit of giggles, which earned some stares and glares from other members of the tour group. You apologized every single time. 
Eventually, the tour was over and you, Bucky, and your respective friends were out in the gardens.
“Okay, sooo..how do you two know each other?” Sam asked.
“We actually met here sixteen years ago. Ditched the tour group-”
“‘Cause we were both little punks-”
“And went into the maze-”
“Which we were stuck in for about two to two and a half hours.”
You shrugged, “Worth it though.”
“Do you guys wanna have lunch on the grass altogether?” Bucky’s friend, Steve, as he introduced himself, pointed to the area where couples and families were scattered around relaxing, talking, and enjoying some food.
Wanda shook her head, “We don’t want to impose.”
“Please, it’s no problem,” Steve said with a reassuring smile.
“Y/N?” Wanda asked, turning to you for permission. 
You looked at Bucky, who was already looking at you with a hopeful gaze. You softly smiled at him and nodded, “Sure. Why not?”
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