#i called it when they anounced the show okay we been knew
leveragedlibrarians · 7 months
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lloyd-needs-therapy · 4 years
Random thought but when I was rewatching season 6, I just realized that it actually shows that Lloyd knows how to pick locks. When they were arrested he breaks them out of the hole by picking his lock with a fork. So have this oneshot...
Picking Locks
They think they can make fun of him, he is Lloyd Garmadon for heaven's sake. He is so fed up with them not calling him evil. So if everyone says he not evil well hes gonna show them how wrong they are.
He needs a plan something big. Pranks won't work thats to basic. He could try get good grades, if he got good grades then it shows how good he is at being bad. Yeh thats the plan, soon everyone is going to regret being mean to him.
"Okay class today, you're going to be picking locks, as you can see you each have a standard lock on your desk. The instructions are on the board, you have ten minuits. If you fail to unlock it in the time given you will be punished. You may start."
Okay Lloyd c'mon you can do this. It's simple all the instructions are on the board. He can't fail at this, because if he fails, he'll be punished and those punishments hurt. Okay if he jigles it this way he should feel a light click. Ughh why can't he feel a click. All he needs to do is push the pins on the inside of lock up and put a little bit of pressure on it with the paper clip and it will unlock, simple. Although it's not simple, its hard.
"One minuit left" the teacher anounced. Only a handful of people had theirs done.
Wait he nearly has it just click there...
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,"
Click, he's done! With 5 seconds to spare. He can't believe it! He thought for sure he was going to fail.
"1, Locks down everyone if I see a single hand on thier lock i swear... Anyways the people who didn't finish will meet me here after school for their punishment and trust me I know who didn't get there's finished. Okay now leave you little brats before I make you."
Everyone packed up there things and started leaving when the teacher came over to Lloyd.
"Cutting it close there Garmadon. This is the first time i've ever seen you succed at anything you worthless brat. Keep this work up and you might make it."
"Yes Mrs"
And with that Lloyd took off to his next class.
"All you need to do is kill it!" His teacher next to him told him with frustration over Lloyd's hesitance, in his voice.
In Lloyd's hand was a little mouse, it was a very small one, with white fur and big adorable eyes that seem to be staring into his soul, begging him to let it live. It was like it was mocking him. He needed to kill it for him to pass this class. Lloyd so desparetly wanted to kill it so he could prove to everyone that he was evil like his father. So far he was acctually doing good at his classes, but when it came to hurting anyone or in this case anything, he just couldn't.
A small part of him, that he has tried to burry for so long, kept coming up and it would remind him that everything about this place is wrong. It almost buzzed like it was alive, but that was just his imagination.
He just couldn't get rid off it the only time the buzzing stop was when he did something good but he couldn't do good because he was born to be evil.
"Hurry up"
Lloyd was to scared to speak back so he started to squeze his hands shut. The little mouse let out a sqeek when he started to squeze harder, It looked up at him with big eyes and Lloyd finally broke, dropping the mouse.
"I- i" Lloyd felt like his throat was closing up the more he tried to speak.
"Save it, your a disappointment to the Garmadon name, we noticed the way you care for others but we had hope to snuff the light out of you."
"B-but I do g-good in my other c-classes."
"That is true but for all of your other classes to matter you need to be cold hearted or else you won't survive in this world"
"Y-yes sir"
Those memories feel like ages ago or like they happened in another life. After he was kicked out he spent a good time on the streets then he met the ninja and his life changed for the better. But now he was in jail because the stupid djinn framed them. He is so sick of being in jail, Wait!He can just grab a fork from the cafeteria and pick the locks, ughhh he so stupid, he could off done this alot sooner.
Well he got the fork but now there in this thing called the hole, oh well they're getting out of here either way.
After they broke out he really forgot that he didn't tell anyone he knew how to pick locks. So obviously that was a convorsation starter with his big sis, while the other were talking to Captin Soto.
"Lloyd you never told me that you could pick locks." Nya exclaimed.
"Well yeah I guess it never really came up" Lloyd shrugged
"When did you learn to pick locks, thats not something any of us taught you"
"Well I did go to a school where they taught you how to be evil, I learned alot of other things too, but I don't think any off them really go with the whole 'saviour of ninjago' thing" laughed Lloyd
"Yeh I suppose so".
Nya remebered reading Lloyd's file from darkly's with the other ninja. It said that he was a good student, but got kicked out because he was to good and kind. In there words 'he did not have the moral ambition to be one of tomorrows master minds' or thats what Lloyd told them anyways.
Its been a few days since his father had taken over ninjago and to be honest he wasn't faring well. Not like ninjago was doing any better with buildings collapsing, people getting hunted down, people dying and the list goes on and on. He was currently over looking the city from the roof of there hide out.
Just his luck his family was dead, he was being hunted down by his newly resurrected, deranged father, who had put him in a coma and disowned him all in one night, and Harumi his psychotic ex? Were they even together? he really dosn't know. All he knows is he had been too trusting and too good and what had that gotten him? Destiny had set him up to fail before he was even born. He probably has a good few bets resting on him up in cloud kingdom. There was a sound of the rooftop door opening but Lloyd kept starring off into the sky.
"I knew I would find you up here"Nya said softly.
Lloyd didn't reply, he didn't trust himself not to breakdown right there. Altough there wouldn't be much tears. Lloyd thought bitterly, another thing darkly's forced out of him. After what felt like an eternity of silence he spoke.
"You know when I was little I wanted so bad to follow in my Dad's shoes" Lloyd laughed shallowly.
"Lloyd, this man isn't truely your father, your father is the father that loved you and would never even think about hurting you"
"Did I ever tell you why exactly I got kicked out of darkly's?"
"You said something about 'lacking ambition'" Nya recalled
"Well they told me I wasn't cold enough, that I needed to be cold hearted to survive in this world, after I couldn't kill a mouse. I guess they were right, I opened up my heart and now look what thats done." Lloyd motioned at the city.
"Lloyd you're caring, loyal, trusting, a great leader, an amazing baby brother and so many more. Don't let this stop you, I promise we will rise above all this and when that time comes you can laugh at all the people who told you any different."
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 3)
A/N: Hi guys, last part of my horrible fanfic :D enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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This waking up was the worst I had…. Everything was hurting, even if I haven’t done any activity. My head hurt from all the crying I have done the previous night. It just hurt so much!
But why? I met him once (twice). Would I like him more than just a fan? Why does this have to be so complicated. I sighed. It’s always so complicated.
Well. I got nothing to do really. I stayed whole day inside of the hotel room. I didn’t have mood to go out. All the time I was thinking about him. Should have I done something more? Will I meet him again? Who knows. We may have exchanged our number, but How long would that last.
Wait a minute. Did I say exchange numbers? Right, we did! How could I forget something like THAT!!! To some it may seem weird and baffling, but… I decided that I will go study in Korea. Maybe we can meet there and who knows. Maybe. A wish, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try it.
That’s it, I decided. I will change my life. Who knows, maybe for better. Wish me luck.
It’s been a year. Hard year, I can tell you. Graduation, learning korean and calling Jackson every free minute I had. Plus the time difference, it was almost unimaginable. But somehow we managed it. And what’s the best, I am finally here, in South Korea. Nobody knows I am here. Haha! I didn’t tell Jackson I will be coming so he doesn’t know.
As I was coming from bus stop to a place where I will stay I saw a big crowd. They were all fans. And I even knew whose. They had green and were chanting GOT7’s name. They probably were shooting their new video clip for their new album. So I went closer. It will be surprise for them. I couldn’t help it. I laughed out loud. Some closest girls looked at me like I was crazy. And maybe I was. I was after all madly in love with Jackson.
Yes that’s right. I finally admit it. I am hopelessly in love with the man. I figured it only few weeks I was home from America. I was always afraid something happened when he didn’t call on schedule. I missed his voice. I missed HIM. I missed the other boys too, but Jackson the most.
I came around the group of girls so I could see my boys. Like I said, they were shooting some new MV. But something was wrong. I could tell from everyone’s tense shoulders.
,,Excuse me,” I said to the girl next to me (in korean of course), ,,what is happening?” She looked at me a little weird, looked at my suitcase and back at me.
,,The main actress in the video didn’t arrive and they are trying to find some replacement. We all hope they will pick someone from us, because they appear they really need it.” I nodded at her a thanked her.
So that’s why they look a little nervous. I wanted to call out on them a encourige them but my shout wouldn’t be heard through the fans’ noise. Jackson suddenly turned and looked at me. His eyes widenned and quickly said something to the director (I think so) and started towards me.
When he came, all the fans where around me in that very moment. He didn’t speak or anything, just took my suitcase and my hand, and was hurrying back.
,,She can do it.” I looked at him with confusion. The director looked at me from head to toe and back. I bowed a little. It would be impolite not to.
,,You know her?” He asked the boys who came closer and some of them waved at me. Jackson just nodded.
,,Excuse me, but what is going on?”
,,Well you see miss, we are in trouble here. Actress caught terrible flu and we can’t find replacement. Unfortunetaly we can’t reshedule this filming as we don’t have enough time. Would you be willing to act in the new MV? We would show the script first of course, so you would know what you would be acting and then you can decide.” I thought for a little while. I wanted to help the boys, but I was afraid what other fans would be thinking, when they would find out who I am (that the boys know me). After a minute I decided.
,,Alright. You don’t even need to show me script. I will help the boys with anything.”
“Really?” The director asked surprised.
,,That would be a big help. Thank you.”
,,It’s not a problem at all,” I reassured him. I turned towards the boys and smiled at them. Everyone had big grins on their face. The make-up artist then took me away to prepare me and I didn’t have time to speak to the group.
After an hour I was prepared, going through the script of what I would be doing. It wasn’t hard, it will be anly watching the boys, sometimes smiling. Basically in the MV I am the boys’ best friend and I am madly in love with Jackson, as main figure of this video. The song was about slowly falling in love with your best friend so you can imagine how it would look like.
It took several hours to shoot but luckily we made it in time. It wasn’t exactly that hard. I am madly in love with Jackson and good friend with the rest that it wasn’t a problem to shoot the MV.
,,Hey, you were great,” said Mark, the first one to change from the shooting clothes.
,,No I wasn’t. I just didn’t pretend anything, that’s all.” Mark was the only one I told about my feelings towards Jackson. I was the closest with him after Jackson. Maybe because we are so similar.
,,No it wasn’t that. You really are great in acting.” I just smiled at him.
,,Thank you.”
,,He is right, you know,” said Jinyoung who came to us.
,,See? Even the actor agrees with me,” said Mark. All three of us laughed at that comment. Others came to us.
,,What’s so funny?” asked Jackson.
,,Nothing,” I tried to say with poker face. He frowned and closed the distance between us. I bowed backwards a little bit, blushed a lot and looked away. Guys, little help here, I said inside my head. But the boys just looked at us with smirks. Oh, how I wanted to kill them at that moment. I coughted a little and stepped back from Jackson.
,,Well boys, I need to get to my dorms. I am already late as it is so I will get going.
,,Wait, we will take you there,” said leade JB. I tried to refuse, but Jackson once again took my hand and dragged me towards their car.
,,Why do you always drag me somewhere?” I asked Jackosn trying not to laugh.
,,What, you don’t want to?” He pretended to be hurt. Well, you won’t fool me Jackson. I know more than you know.
I smirked at him.
,,That is according to what we would be doing.” He just stared at me and I burst laughing with others. Jackson joined after few seconds. The car stopped. I could see several people outside, but hopefully they won’t come closer.
,,Thanks guys for the ride.”
,,Anytime.” ,,Have fun.” ,,Be careful.” ,,Call us if anything happens.” ,,Byebye.” Everyone spoke at the same time. I smiled and got out of the car. I turned at them.
,,Will you have time tomorrow? You know, you would show me Seoul a little bit.”
,,You should stay in the campus and try to make friends,” said Youngjae.
,,Don’t worry, I will be making friends when the school starts.”
,,If you would need anything, just call and we will come,” said Bambam. He was concerned for me.
,,Don’t worry, Yugyeom already wrote that to me.”
,,I sure did. Don’t worry.” I smiled at their concern. I saw it in their eyes.
,,Hey, don’t worry. I will be fine. So, do you have time?”
,,Unfortunately no. We need to record the song,” JB told me.
,,We won’t have time this week at all. Two weeks basically. We need to train and everything, you know.”
,,It’s okay,” I told them.
,,Well you go home, sleep o lot and when the comeback will be through a little, we can meet.” I tried to close the door but Jackson got out of the car and closed the door behind him.
,,Jackson, what are you doing?” I whispered. The people in front the dorm luckily disappeared somewhere so we were the only one there (plus the car).
,,I told JYP about you.”
,,What about me?” I looked up confused. He looked uncertain about something.
,,Well. Almost everything?” Was that a question or statement?
,,Why?” I needed to know. Hope sprand inside me because whenever I asked Mark about Jackson, Mark smirked and told me, that I was the only thing Jackson talked about all the time.
Jackson looked more uncertain than before.
,,You see. I- I- God, why is so hard?” I have never seen Jackson like this. He couldn’t find words, he was nervous, like really nervous and he was scratching the back of his neck while looking to the ground.
,,You what? Don’t worry, you can say anything to me.” He looked up and stared in my eyes. Everything faded away. It was only me and Jackson. I definitely stopped breathing, I was afraid my legs would give away. Jackson broke the spell by looking towards the ground again.
,,Hm. Nevermind. Have fun and be careful in the dorms.” He started to turn back but I decided differently. I stopped being me. My feelings were trying to destroy me unless I won’t release them. I grabbed him by his T-shirt and brought his lips to mine. I was faintly aware of the boys in the car cheering.
I felt Jackson’s shock. When he didn’t move, I lost confidence and broke the kiss. I looked don’t close to tears.
,,I am sorry, I sh-“ I didn’t have chance to finish. Jackson grabbed my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes and responded. I could fell his smile in the kiss and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I broke away from him and tried to catch my breath.
,,Wow,” I didn’t have enough oxygen to speak more. He put our foreheads together.
,,This is I told JYP about. I want to anounce to everyone I have a girlfriend tomorrow.” I kissed him quickly.
,,How did you know I would agree to it?” Jackson looked a bit embarresed.
,,I heard you talk to Mark once.” I looked up shocked.
,,You knew?! Why haven’t you told me anything!?” I hit him in the arm.
,,I wanted to do it personaly.” I kissed him on cheek.
,,Thank you.”
,,For what?” He asked.
,,For being you,” I smiled at him. I turned and went towards the dorms. I turned to Jackson to see him wainting still outside the car.
I didn’t care anymore about anyone. I inhaled and shouted on top of my lungs:
,,I LOVE YOU JACKSON!!!” With that I turned and rushed to my room without seeing Jckson’s expression. Suddenly the life looked more colourful and I was the happiest girl on the world.
Jackson is mine.
A/N: Done. Well, had it on my pc for few years, but still. Bye!
Part 1
Part 2
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jungiegukie · 5 years
Pregnancy Prank Gone...? ft. Jungkook
PAIRINGS: Jungkook x reader, OT7.
WORDS: +2.5 K
WARNINGS: Kind of mentions of sex.
A/N: I’m thinking about doing a series about Youtuber Y/N and Jungkook being her boyfriend and also Big Hit’s golden maknae… I’ll sleep over it, but meanwhile I hope you like this little thing i made.
“Hey Dellas! So…” As any other full time youtuber I claped my hands and sighed, “You’re not ready for what’s about to happen… no, Jungkook is not ready for what’s about to happen. You see, I’ve been in birth control for the last year and a half or so, and I’ve been late like once or twice since then. The thing is that I’ve decided to put on a little set up to my boyfriend and I’m going to tell him that I’m pregnant.” I looked around me and grabbed my phone and the pregnancy test box that I left right beside me; “He’s now on the dance studio with the guys, but he must be coming home soon… I hope so… You know what, I’ll call him.”
Once I unlocked my phone I searched for his contact and called him while putting the call on speaker. At the third beeping sound he answered and I could hear the guys on the back laughing.
“Shut up dorks… Hey babe, what’s up?” 
“Hey you! I’m fine, how’s the practice going?”  
“We’re killing it, I swear. This show is going to be way better than… Sorry, babe, wait a sec…” I heard laughs getting closer and a lot of rumbling on the backround followed by a “Hyung, could you please stop I’m talking to my lady here.” after that you could hear Taehyung mocking in the backround imitating what he just said, then Jimin did it… And then Hoseok… And suddenly all of the guys where mocking him; “Jagi, can I call you in a bit? The guys… Hyung stop… Okay, so, as I was saying, the guys… Park Jimin stop it… Babe, I’ll call you when we’re done, alright?”
“Sure Kook, around what time?”
“Seven? Maybe?” I checked my phone and I saw it was ten past six o’clock, There was enough time to get this prank perfectly done.
“Alright, just… call me, ok? We have something to talk about.” 
“We have? Uhm… Okay, sure. I’ll call you when i’m out. Love you.” I just answered with an I love you more, and the next thing I heard where another beeping sounds; he ended the call.
Looking back at the camera, I showed the fake pregnancy test box; “We’ve got fifty minutes until Kookie calls me and heads back home. The studio is about a fifteen minute drive from our apartment, so he should be here around quarter past seven, maybe sooner… depend on the traffic.”
I opened the box and saw two pregnancy tests inside. I took the instructions out and read them; it said that it could be dipped in any liquid and the test was going to come out possitive. “Good thing that I actually do not have to pee on a stick, right?” I opened one test out and looked back at the camera. “So, this is what we’re doing: I’m going to leave one test already done with the fake possitive, so when he gets here I’ll tell him that I’ve been late for around two weeks and that I decided to get a pregnancy test done to see if it had something to do with it or if it was just my cycle getting all weird and stuff. He’ll probably ask about the birth control, so I’ll tell him that last month I gave myself a break from the pills just for my body to chill or something like that… I’ll have the other pregnancy test and I’ll telI him I was waiting for him to get the other one done and be a hundred percent sure. He’ll probably go nuts…” I started playing a lot of possible case scenarios that might happen: he could be angry, or happy, or sad, or excited… I don’t know, the only thing that I knew for sure was that he was going to hate me. “Alright, let’s dip this stick on some water.” 
I grabbed a plastic cup and filled it up to the middle with water. I dipped the pregancy test and waited for it to come out with two lines on it. Two minutes the result was shown; the test was possitive. “Oh my God, it worked” I laughed for a bit and decided to prepare the scene for the little show I was playing. “I’ll put you guys in the corner of the vanity where all my makeup and hair stuff is kept so he won’t be able to see the camera. It’s a bit messy over there so he won’t suspect a thing.” Placing the camera right where I said I turned the view finder and checked a few times if the view was right and clear. “Great. He must be here in around half an hour so, I’ll talk to you guys when he calls me.” 
I placed the viewfinder on its normal position and turned the camera off so it would not run out of battery and headed to the kitchen. Once I was there I made myself some coffee while I layed my tummy on the kitchen counter which was facing directly to our living room, and with remote in hand I started zapping channels until I found something I liked.
Twenty five minutes went by and my phone started buzzing off. Weird. When I lifted it up from the counter I saw the caller ID that I’ve been waiting for a long time now. Practice mus have ended earlier; “Oh jungkookie, get ready for whats coming.” I answered the phone with a simple what’s up.
“I’m coming home now, I mean… I’m parking the car, so I’ll be up in five.”
“I told you to call me when you were going out the studio babe, I’m not even dressed.” That was not true. I was fully dressed, but I had to say something to cover it up. I had five, No, I had three minutes until he was up here.
“I won’t complain if I get there and find you naked babe.” I roled my eyes while making my way to the bathroom and turning the camera on.
“You perv. Alright, I’ll get dressed quickly then.” Right after that I hunged up the phone and directed my sight to my camera; “Guys, Kookie just called and he’s parking the car. That means he’ll be up here anytime soon.” The front door made its usual sound which anounced that my boyfriend was already home.
“Babe? Where you at?”
I turned my face to the bathroom door and shouted “Bathroom!” at the same time that I directed my gaze to the camera once again while wispering my typicall prank line “Game on.” I quickly sat on the bathroom counter and waited for him to come inside.
“Hey.” He said while making his way inside the bathroom and walking towards me. Jungkook was looking as good as ever with a grey two piece sweat outfit from puma. Once he was in front of me he huged me by my waist and lifted me up to my feet while I huged his neck from behind. “I missed you.” He leaned closer and pecked my lips.
“I missed you two.” He leaned in once again and kissed me for a longer time this time.
“What was that thing you said we needed to talk about? My head’s been on it since I hunged up the call.” I placed my hand on his chest, leaving some distance between us.
“Yeah, that… Uhm… Okay.” he lets go of my waist and I walk towards the counter where the pregnancy test was at. I grabed it and hid it under my back. 
“I’ve missed my period for two weeks now.” Sometimes Jungkookie was… the word inocent does not fit.. maybe naive? Yeah, naive. He was pretty naive sometimes.
“So…? What’s with that?”
“I’m never late Kook.” The light bulb he had over his head must have lighted on.
“Don’t… Don’t say it” He rubed both of his hands over his face. “You’re not.”
“Babe, listen. I took a pregnancy test” He quickly got his hand of his face. And I could see his brown doe big eyes bigger that they have ever been, “And it came out possitive.” I handed him the stick with the two lines on.
“You’re kidding, right?” He grabbed it and looked at it in shock. “Tell me this is a joke.”
“No? I have another one on the box, but I did not wat to take it alone in case it was positive once again. I wanted to wait for you.” 
“You’re on the pill Y/N. There’s no way you’re pregnant.” He placed the test over the counter top once again. “There’s no way… Is it?”
“Well… I didn’t tell you this because I did not think it was important, but last month I had a little break from the pill. Remember that time I went to my ginecologyst about a month and a half ago?” He shook his head no, “Well, whatever. The thing is that she said that maybe I should take a break from the pill for like a mont since i’ve been on it for over a year. She said my body needed to chill or whatever and that after that break I could go back to them as usual.”
“You what?! Babe! We’ve been having sex for like five out of the seven days of the week for the last month, and you’re telling me that now? I did not even wear a condom because I thought you were still on the pill, Y/N.”
“I never thougt this would have happened Jungkook. Why are you blaming this on me only! You could have wrapped the little friend you have down there anyways!”
“Oh my God!” He turned around and walked all along the bathroom several times, back and forth… for about two minutes, in silence. Once he faced me again he said; “Y/N. Listen. I’m going on tour once again in like… a week? I don’t even know. This is deffinitely not the right time to have a freaking baby.” Oh man… He was pissed. “You said you have another one?” I nodded my head yes, “Go get it done. what are you waiting for.” 
I took the pregnancy test from the box and went to the toilet. Once I closed the door and checked that there was no sound outside I let a chuckle escape my lips. I quickly unlocked my phone and opened the camera app and filmed a short video; “Guys, I’m in the bathroom now to take the second pregnancy test and man… Kookie is pissed because of the pill thing. Oh my God.” I took a deep breath and opened the test. “I’ll dip this thing on the toilet water and then flush it to make it less suspicious. Let’s do this. Hwaiting!” Once I got out of the bathroom I could see Jungkook curled up on a ball sitting next to the bathroom counter where the first pregancy test layed.
“So… What does it say?”
“You have to wait for the lines to come out. We’ll find out in a minute or two.”
Silence. Deep silence was the only thing that could be heard.
“I’m sorry for blowing up like that babe. It’s not your fault. Even though, you should have told me about the pill so i could be extra carefull.” I nodded and wispered an I know and I’m sorry too. He stood up and walked closer to were I was standing and huged, once again, my waist. “If it comes out possitive we’ll figure it out.” One of the hands that was resting on my waist made all the way up to my cheek and caresed it. “I don’t know how, but we’ll figure it out.” His facial expression was saying that he regrets how he reacted in first place, but he was also scared. 
“It’s time.” He lets me go. I was genuenly feeling the wors girlfriend in the whole world right now. “It’s possitive.” I turned to him handing him the test. He had a blank stare. Nothing was showing. Not a single emotion.
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“What, babe, don’t! I’m the one who’s pregnant here here.” He gave me the look afted I said that and sighed in frustration.
“I don’t know how I feel… I have all mixed up. Im happy, of course. You’re carrying my child, and I love you, and you’re going to be an amazing mom… but at the same time I’m frustrated. I mean… We’re both young, I’m 23, you’re 21. You know that with my work is not easy to carry on a normal life; we barely made our relationship public like three months ago, babe.” He sighed and crosed his arms over his chest. “What if I make one of an awful dad? What if I miss my child’s  first words or first steps because I am on tour, promoting, filming or recording? What if everytime I leave and then come back he or she does not recongize me? I really don’t think I would be able to handle that last thing. There are a lot of what if’s, Y/N… ” 
“Babe, listen; I’m sure you’re going to be the bestest dad in this whole mother efing world. You have a lot of insecurities and flaws, but I’m a hundread; No, I’m a thousand percent sure you’ll be the best dad.”He had tears in his eyes that were just about to drop, maybe it was time to end this prank. 
“I’m calling Namjoon and I’ll tell him I’m taking a break.” He said what?!
“What?! No you’re not!”
“You’re right, I’m not. I need to get the money to buy baby things.”
“What are those things that babies poop and pee on?”
“We’ll have to move to another apartment, this one only has one room. There’s not enough space for the baby.”
“Jeon Jungkook, could you shut the fuck up and listen to me?!” His eyes darted directly to mine. “It wont be necessary to move out from this apartment.” I stepped closer to him and huged him, two seconds went by and he hugged me back.
“Of course it is, there’s not enough…”
“Shht. Listen to me.” I placed one of my hands on his left cheek, right were his little scar was on. “It wont be necessary to move out or buy diapers or any other baby related stuff because I’m not pregnant.”
“The test came out possitive Y/N, both of them.”
“Yeah… those are fake pregnancy tests, baby.” I point at the camera that was placed on the vanity in between my mess. “You’ve been punked”
“Oh fuck you.” He blurted and walked out the door. Right after watching his reaction I couldn’t resist to laugh my ass of.
“Babe! Oh God, wait!” I walked over to get the camera and pointed the viewfinder backwards so I could se myself. “Guys, he’s pissed… Babe! come on, it was just a prank.” I made my way to the living room just to see an angry Jungkook sitting over the couch with both his legs and arms crossed and a pout on his face.
“Just a prank?… Just a prank?! Y/N, I almost threw up when you said the second test was positive! You played with my feelings!” 
I sat right next to him and placed my head on his shoulder. “You know I love you right?”
“Doesn’t look like it.” I giggled at his response and pouty face. “What are you laughing at.”
“You’re so cute.” I pinched his cheek with my free hand. “Just for you to know, I haven’t stoped taking my pills.”
“Good to know… As I said before, we’ve been doing it non stop for the last month.” 
“Babe!” I punched his arm while he laughed at me and hugged my shoulders “Do you want to close my video or do I do it?”
“Let me say something first.” I hand him the camera and he speaks; “I’ll take revenge on her, take my word. This does not end here.”
“Yeah Kook, whatever you say.” I looked at him and smiled.
“At least I now know you think I’ll be the best dad in the world.”
“I meant that though. Whenever the time comes you become a dad, you’ll deffinitely be the best one.” He looked at me with a wipped look and carresed my cheek with his right hand. “Alright guys, this was all for todays video. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, I’ll deffinitely come back with more pranks to my beautiful boyfriend here, don’t you worry.” Jungkook shook his head with a smile on his face “I’ll see you guys on monday and as I always say; Ciao, Ciao…” I pointed at Jungkook and waited for him to say the last word of my famous line.
 “Arrivedella.” I stopped filming and closed the camera.
“I want you to know, that I mean it when I say I’ll get my payback.” He said while pressing a soft kiss to my hair. .
I laughed, turned my face to him and kissed my boyfriend on the lips. “No, you wont.”
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stwolfhardimaginez · 5 years
award shows. f.w imagine.
this is so long omg
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^^ you and finns outfits.
today was the award shows, i was never good with awards or interviewing or anything like that just cause i always kept to myself and wasn’t that type of person, but being on a show i had to do all the side things that came with it.
“y/n come get ready with me and millie!” i heard sadie say as she entered into my room, as i nodded and smiled.
i got up and looked at my dress falling in love with it, each and everyone i would see it.
it was a long black dress that i paired with black heels.
i hurried down the stairs to see sadie and millie dancing and singing r.e.m to each other.
“i could buy you anything but i cannot buy you.” i sang as they looked at me I’m surprise.
“who knew you could sing?” millie said - “ you don’t know a lot about me.” i said winking at the two girls smiling ear to ear.
i started putting my makeup on as i was dancing to my my my! by troye sivan that i didn’t even notice that sadie was recording me dancing
she posted the video and caption it as ‘ someone is excited for the awards.’ as i watched the video i looked back at the two girls smiling at me.
“what the hell?! i can’t have finn see me half ready.” i said, the first thought being of my boyfriend.
“you look fine.” millie replied coming up beside me and putting her hands on my shoulder to comfort me in a way.
ive been dating finn for a while and at the award show we planned to announce our relationship while taking pictures by posing together as a couple.
as i got back in my room to start getting ready, my phone made the message tone telling me i had a message.
it was finn.
he sent me the video of me dancing and in a blue text bubble it said, ‘you’re a cutie.. also noah says hi.’ the message made me laugh out loud then i quickly wrote a response and finished getting ready.
i looked at sadie and millie and they looked great.
“you guys look so pretty.” i responded as i saw them waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.
“so do you!” they said at the same time which made us all laugh, couple minutes later we got in the limo and headed to the awards, the whole way there we sang songs and talked about how happy we were for season three.
but all i could think about was finn, seeing him and making our relationship public, i remember when we had a fight because we were live streaming and the fans kept asking if him and millie were dating.
“ask us questions!” finn said as i sat beside him, but not to close for the fans to suspect anything.
i leaned in and looked into the comment section where all the comments looked the same.
fillieshipper29292: where’s millie? are you guys dating?
filliebraincells: YOU AND MILLIE ARE GOALS
filliesmileven: please come out with millie already.
a spark of jealousy broke through my body and i didn’t wanna live stream with him anymore.
“im gonna go call my mom.” i said, finn looked at me with a confused look knowing my mom was working right now.
“is everything okay?” he asked me and i nodded.
“everything is terrific. im fine. bye guys.” i said waving to his phone and stormed out of the room and went into my own room.
i had my face in the pillow and just laid there wanting to leave the world, i wanted so badly to smash my lips against finn’s to show the people commenting i was dating him, but it wasn’t that easy.
as i stopped thinking, i felt the bed dipped knowing someone else was in the bed with me.
“y/n/n” i heard finn’s voice and i sighed.
“go away.” i protested, “y/n/n” he said again, and this time i turned over to look at him.
“what?” i said waiting for his protest,
“what’s wrong?” he asked me coming closer to me.
“nothing.” i said avoiding eye contact with him.
“so you just call your mom when she’s working all the time?” he asked me and i gave him a death glare.
“okay. it’s just, ive liked you for so long and seeing those comments just makes me- i don’t know finn-“ I was saying but finn interrupted me.
“jealous?” he said and i smiled from embarrassment and laid back down not wanting to be faced with looking at him.
he was then right in front of me, inches away from me actually. “ y/n. i like you. i chose you. if i wanted to date one of them then i would but i don’t cause i want you.” he said and i grabbed his face and smashed my lips against his.
flashback over.
“y/n we’re here.” sadie said to me breaking me out of my thoughts, i got out seeing the red carpet, the paparazzi and the fans waiting behind the barricades but no finn, or any of the boys here.
“y/n! go talk to the fans.” my security guard said as i walked over signing things and taking pictures with fans and walking along.
i got to the red carpet and started posing by myself even though i wish finn was beside me, i tried to forget that he wasn’t there and just posed and laughed with the paparazzi.
as i was posing someone grabbed onto my arm, shocked i looked over and saw finn as i smiled and hugged him.
“you look so beautiful ” he whispered in my ear as i blushed at him.
“finn!, y/n! smile over here”
“you guys are so cute!”
“smile this way.”- “come on. you aren’t giving me anything.”
was all i heard and from all the flashes it was hard for my eyes to adjust after getting my picture taken so many times.
i then felt finn grab my hand, “ come on.” he said as we moved along the carpet to the interviewing section, as finn was ahead of me i finally got to see what he was wearing and he looked great.
“y/n! finn!” an interviewer called us over as we walked over to the tall man with a short camera man.
“you guys look so great for tonight!” he said and i smiled and thanked the interviewer.
“any spoilers you can tell us for season three for me.... at least.” he asked, i laughed before responding.
“i would... but the duffer brothers would probably send the demogorgon from season one and the demo- dogs from season two after me-“ i was saying but then finn interrupted me.
“i want her here and safe so we cannot do that.” finn said as i looked at him with heart eyes.
“are you guys dating?” the interviewer asked me as finn interlocked his fingers with mine.
“uh- yes.. yes we are.” i said stuttering from how nervous i was, “so is he the mike to your eleven?” the interviewer asked as i smiled at looked up at finn.
“she is. she makes me really happy.” he replied which made me blush.
after few more questions, we walked to the building where the award show was actually being held and found our seats rather quickly.
“you nervous?” finn asked me, i looked at him being so confused, “for what?” i responded.
“you’re up for an award baby.” he said as i totally forgot, “ i probably won’t win, i don’t even have a speech planned out.” i said as he laughed at me then the lights went down.
“now up for the last and final award of the night.” the announcer anounced and i grabbed onto finn’s hand for comfort.
“and the winner is.... y/n l/n.” as i heard my name, i felt like i was dreaming but instead i connected my lips with finn and hugged sadie, millie, gaten and caleb who were beside them.
“uhh.. hi.” i said into the microphone. “i don’t have a speech, but i would just like to thank the duffer brothers and Shawn Levy for giving me the privilege to even be on this show.. and wow ok im crying.” i said taking a moment as i turned my back to the audience and heard them clap and cheer for me.
“okay and finally id like to thank my boyfriend and also cast member, finn wolfhard for existing and always helping me with lines and pushing me to be the best actress i can possibly be. thank you i love you baby.” i finished shedding some tears as the announcers brought me backstage.
this is one award show no one will forget.
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mikejones-rp · 5 years
Heart On Fire (Part I) || POV
You may be asking yourself why you’re reading this is english. Well, as it turns out POV is short for Point Of View, which basically means that you, my dear reader, are inside my british mind. Since I can only speak three words in Portuguese so far - thanks, Cadu, you’re worthless - I thought it would make this experience a lot more realistic if it sounded like you could hear my thoughts. Is my voice silvery and desembodied enough? Great! Because we’ll be together for next narratives. They’re all really important to understand where I am right now. I wish I could tell you how many parts it will be, but that would spoil all the fun, and aparently my rightful owner is the only one who appreciates that. SO, with no further adue, I’d like you to sit comfortably, for this story began waaaaaay back.
Over a decade ago, to be more specific. 
I can’t remember quite well when have I had my last full night of sleep. Ever since the talent show was anounced at my school, my brain just couldn’t process anything else, let alone keep itself quiet. When I wasn’t writting, you could find me succumbing to a pile of nerves and doubts over my most recent original piece. Countless kneaded papers were accumulating themselves on something that sort of looked like a pyramid on my bedroom floor. Though my mother kept yelling at me for not cleaning that up, I just couldn’t bring myself to actually do it. How could I? When all I could think of was what would she think of the song? Obviously I was risking way more than I ever could in my whole lifetime by deciding that I would expose my love not only to the girl who owned it, but also to the entire school at once. Well, they say there’s nothing better to create the perfect artist then nervosism and judgement, right?
When I woke up on that fatidic thursday morning, I almost experienced a cardiac arrest. I had slept with the guitar over my lap, still sitting on the bed and with my lamp turned on. Probably somewhere around 4 A.M. - maybe later. All I know is that the extremely irritating noise began at six. Without even thinking, I grabbed the digital alarm clock and threw it as further as I could, pulling it from the outlet with the jolt. A few minutes went by during my research for inner calm, and then, when I could retrieve my usual heart rate, I set the guitar aside and rested my head over marked hands. My fingers were slightly cut due to constant contact with the nylon chords. They didn’t hurt, though. Maybe they were numbed by the adrenaline running through my veins, as well as the rest of body, that apperently couldn’t bring itself to feel a thing. Tired and broken, but still excited, I got up and walked to the bathroom door on the hall. Knocked over it a few times, as usual. “Common’ Guine, hurry up!!! I can’t be late today!” I shouted, hoping that my voice would be louder than the music and the sound of the water falling. After getting no answer - and no sleep, I let the anger rule my actions. “Are you planning to die in there? Get the fuck out!”
I know, I know! Don’t scream something like this to your sister when she’s indeed not getting a full life, even if she’s still leaving the shower. But, on common’ routine, my sister’s ability to be fashionably late to everything was irritating already. That day specially, I was able to get her out with my bare hands, if she didn’t cooperate. 
Mom, of course, had to listen to the screaming coming from uptairs, and very much at the right time, showed up with a laughing face. Guine had just opened the door and left the bathroom whistling the american pop sensation of the time. Bieber, I think. “He’s singing to Karen today, honey.” Was her sweet way of mocking me and advertising my sister at the same time. As Guineviere was about to open her mouth and add a snarky comment that, yes, I could antecipate, I found myself mumbling a “Shut up!” and closing the door behind me. Maybe you find it weird that my whole family knew about the feelings I fed for K. but honestly? The only person who couldn’t tell I looked at her like an imbecil, was her. Used to having Karen and Harry over for lunch, my parents had gotten pretty good at noticing my different behavior around them. So good, that I actually think I heard my father sing the lyrics to the song the other day. We were pretty united, I know. 
It was only when the four of us were driving to the school, with me holding the guitar like my life depended on it, that I realised how long it had been since I actually had a conversation with K. It didn’t cross my mind that because I was so foccused on her song, I actually forgot to focus on her. We hadn’t talked, nor texted in at least two weeks. On that moment I wish I knew how she was feeling, or what news she could possibly have to tell me. And oh! If I can use this moment to leave a note to my older self, it’d be DON’T EVER FUCKING THINK LIFE CAN’T SURPRISE YOU. Okay. Moving on. 
I got there, said goodbye to my folks, signed my name on the performers list, walked backstage and looked for Harry. Even though we had something that couldn’t be called a band but still was, both of us always performed separately. He said it was his moment to get the girls crazy. Now that I’m thinking of it, I believed I inspired myself in the bastard to come up with that stupid confession plan. But that year, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I thought maybe he’d already gotten a girl crazy, and moved on. 
Name after name, my nervousism would come up. Until it was my turn to go on stage. At the moment that I steped on that wooden floor and walked towards the microfone, my numbness died, and everything that I wasn’t beeing able to feel so far, came bursting through my chest. “I’m proud to introduce Leopold Butcher singing an original composition called Heart On Fire!”  Was that my queue to start singing? Or at least move? Probably. I had never gotten stage frightened before, but on that moment, all my muscles were sore with an indescribable level of pain. I tried to move, I swear, but still, all I could see was her holding hands with him on the audience. Smiling and cheering me up. Fuck. “Hm... Sorry, but you said the wrong name. This is not my song.” 
The woman looked at me with a confused face. Then at the paper. Then at me again. She was about to tell everybody that, yes, that was the name of the song on the sheet that I had filled, but before that, I played the first chords to what would later be called ‘Fake Tales of San Francisco’. God knows what made me able to compose a whole new piece at once. Anger? Sadness? Frustration? Or the theory earlier discused that judgment makes the greatest artists? Whatever it was, I never won the talent show. The kid that could do mallabarism got the prize. Funny, huh? I also never won her affection. Or the opportunity to be truly honest to someone. And so far, Heart On Fire is only the first on a long list of songs never performed. You’re about to get acquainted with a few others, but since I love the thought of a dramatic and well structured show, this won’t happen until next week :)
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thewiselosers · 7 years
Gym Class Losers
CHAPTER ONE: It Gets Worse
It was the first day of the party’s second week of high school when things started to turn from bad to worse, and it didn’t even have anything to do with the mindflayer, the upside down, or hawkins lab.
It was high school, and more specifically, the people in it. They’ve always dealt with bullies, but none with so much of a profound effect that arose when cramping hundreds of teenagers from different age groups and social groups into one setting. The boys found faults everywhere, from the gum laiden desks of the classrooms and unkempt bathrooms, to the overcrowded lunch area. But one thing they weren’t anticipating was the struggle of gym class. Their athletic abilities (or lack thereof) aside, they were thrown a huge curveball when they strolled into the boys locker room that first day. It was cramped and smelled of bad body odor. Trash was already littered about, and the casual half-nakedness of the upperclassmen was a hard concept to grasp when they entered the brightly lit room. From all that Steve told Dustin who in turn told the gang, and what Nancy and Jonathan could advise to their younger siblings, locker room etiquette wasn’t a topic that had been brought up in the slightest.
“What the shit.” Dustin simply said when their minds caught up with the scene before them. Most of their other classmates shared the same reservations when in the boys locker room, standing around awkwardly, waiting for some brave soul, anyone, to choose a locker and start changing.
When one did, it encouraged some others to also join in on the too public strip-down from carefully picked outfits (thanks, mom) to the plane t-shirt and shorts provided by the school, its mascot proudly ironed on the chest. Will looked to Mike, who looked at Lucas who looked from Dustin back to Mike, as they all shuffled toward nearby lockers. Mike and Will’s beside each other, and Dustin and Lucas across from them. One boy their age, Chester, had the unfortunate case of wearing ripped underwear, and just as he began to pull up his gym shorts, a group of upperclassmen passed by, shirtless and rowdy, and proceeded to take advantage of the laughable situation.
“Chuckie’s got a little show going for us, huh boys?”
As the smaller boys turned toward the interruption, the head boy proceeded to poke his finger through one of the holes and pull the fabric down, exposing Chesters pale-white butt to half the class.
The two other boys he was with burst into laughter, and around half of the boys in the hall began to join in. Whether genuinely at Chesters expense, or to simply please the older boys, the party wasn’t sure. Chester frantically pulled his shorts up, mortified. The party was less than amused, and proceeded to clutch their gym clothes to their chest, and high tail it to the boys bathroom at the end of the locker room, where nearly a quarter of the other boys in their class were waiting for a chance to use the stall next (and it wasn’t because it was after lunchtime).
That was the routine for the rest of the week. The new class waiting in long lines to change in the stalls, or awkwardly change out it the open, like too easy prey in the daylight.
That first friday Coach Rowlins anounced something that caused stomachs to drop.
No one was to use the bathroom to change unless they had a note from a parent saying they couldn’t do so in the locker room. It was a grateful luxury the party now realized they may have taken for granted.
“Maybe it won’t be that bad.” Mike said to the group, all too sure of himself. Dustin and Lucas resigned themselves.
That weekend Mike spent the night at Wills’ house and the two did homework together. They were lucky to be in the same math class  but Will found their teacher, Ms. Barwick, hard to understand. She taught as if everyone already knew what she was saying, like she was telling the class how she solved the problem, but not explaining how she did it. He just felt lost the whole time and it frustrated him because he was supposed to be really good at school. The textbook wasn’t any help either, because he would just end up doodling in it whenever her monotone voice caused his mind to drift. Will thought about going to the counselors office and switching classes, but he and Mike already only had one other class together, English, but Lucas was in that class too. Mike got lucky and had at least one of the party members in each of his classes, and Will didn’t like the idea of sharing their only other class together with Lucas.
Will sat cross-legged with his back against the wooden headboard of his bed.
“Did you finish the bottom half of the page?” Mike was laying on his stomach with his geometry textbook open in front of him and his binder and homework sheet beside it. His ankles were crossed and he was propping himself up on his elbows and chewing on the eraser tip of his pencil.
Will looked down at his own homework sheet, the half he was supposed to do not even close to being finished. He looked down at Mike who was laying at his feet. He realized suddenly that he literally always looked up at Mike. Mike was significantly taller than him and it didn’t help that he was the smallest in their friend group. The only time he looked down at Mike was when they were in his room like they are now. Will sighed. He slammed the textbook shut and put his binder aside.
“Come on Will it’s easy. Come here, which ones eating you?” Mike had sat up and faced Will, taking Will’s binder and looking at the nearly blank sheet of paper. Mike furrowed his brows, ready to give Will a pep talk when he noticed something peeking out of his binder. It was a sheet of paper with writing in Mrs. Byers’ handwriting. He slid it out further and saw that it read ‘Dear Coach Rowlins’.
Mike looked up at Will and Will looked from Mike to his binder, and quickly snatched the binder away from Mikes hand.
“You actually asked your mom to write you a note?” Mike’s words were loud in the previous silence. Will shrugged and tucked the letter carefully back into place. It wasn’t a big deal.
“I have real medical reasons. I can’t- i’m not comfortable and if i don’t have to then i shouldn’t. You’ve seen how the juniors and seniors are.”
Mike shook his head.
“Everyone will know and they’ll make fun of you even worse. At least if you change with everyone else, no one would care as much since we’re all in the same boat.”
“What difference does it make? I’m already zombie boy and…and you know. What’s one more nickname?”
“Trust me, Will. It’ll be easier if we all stick together. Then it won’t be so bad.”
Mike stared intently at him, urging, and Will was defeated.
“Okay. But you’re doing my math homework for the rest of the week.”
“At least watch me so you can see how i do it.”
Will glanced from Mikes careful gaze to his homework page, most of the problems effortlessly solved.
For the next hour and a half the two boys sat hunched over on Wills bed, Mike like a teacher, explaining each step he made and why he made it. Will felt much better going into math class that monday, but his unease for gym class didn’t go away.
The locker room was cramped more so than ever now that all the boys had to change in there. The party of four made their way to the lockers as they did that first day, only this time they actually began to strip. They looked awkward and felt awkward, wondering just how many eyes were on them. Lucas and Dustin were smart enough to open some of the empty lockers around them to block anyones view. Mike and Will were beside each other, but the lockers around them were occupied. Will looked up at Mike, who gave him a small “don’t think about it smile”. Will unbuttoned his pants, fidgeting with the button, and zipped the zipper down. He shimmied out of his pants. Mike did the same, stepping out of his. They both pulled their gym shorts on and felt a little better. Mike changed his shirt, and Will did the same.
Dustin let out a laugh and gestured his head to Wills shirt. Will looked down at himself and then proceeded to swivel his head around like an owl. He had put his shirt on backwards. Will laughed it off as Mike reached over and pulled out the tag from Wills chest. Will shoved him off and raised his shirt over his head, exposing his stomach, but was cut off by a wolf whistle from not too far away. He quickly pulled his shirt back over himself and turned toward the source of the intrusion.
“Look what we have here. A school of guppies swimming in the big pond.”
It was Tommy and his couple of goons. The prime predators of the boys locker room. Tommy was a junior now, a little taller, more muscular and handsome as ever. Like the devil. No one at Hawkins high would say he was the friendliest person in the town, but sometime during the summer before the party entered high school, Tommy had become meaner than ever before. Where in the past he would just stir up trouble, now he actively sought it out.
“Actually guppies don’t swim in schools, fish do.”
Lucas smacked Dustin on the shoulder, and he threw his hands up defensively with a regretful look of “i couldn’t help it”.
“What was that?” They had Tommy’s full attention now. Dustin didn’t respond as the normally loud commotion of the locker room began to die down, anticipating the attack that was surely to come. Tommy looked back at the group of four boys, sizing them up with glee.
“Sinclair, didn’t the school give you a separate room for you to change in?” He asked as if it were a genuine question, and turned to his two friends, who gave comical 'gee i don’t know’ expressions.
Tommy gave a cursory glance toward Will, then looked blankly forward. He loudly exclaimed-
“This boys head’s on backwards! They don’t call him Zombie Boy for nothing now do they? Oh wait! My mistake. He just doesn’t have mommy here to dress him right.”
Laughter broke out as everyone turned to Will, who still hadn’t fixed his shirt.
“You better take that back Tommy.” Mike glared with all the bravery his lanky 5'7" frame could give him.
“Yeah and we’re not guppies. Were ninth graders now which means-”
Tommy cut Dustin off with a harsh Slam! Of metal from one of the locker doors he so smartly left open. The air was palpable.
Tommy breezed forward, his voice like gravel. He was just talking to them. No show for everyone else to hear.
“I’ve got another two years with you dweebs. It’s in your best interest to stay out of my way.”
Dustin was grabbed by the shirt, but instead of Tommy yanking him towards forward like he thought the older boy would, he simply leaned in close and whispered in his ear. “Make a fool of me again. And i’ll be sure to give you your old smile back.”
Tommy let go and stepped back, amused with himself.
“And you. Little Frankenstein.”
Tommys eyes were on Will, a malicious smile on his face.
“I suggest you let coach Rowlins know you’ll be changing in the bathroom from now on. On account of all your medical reasons. You don’t want to infect all of us in here now do you Byers?”
Will looked around nervously but saw no one; all too conscious of the ears that might have heard the older boy.
“Do you?” Tommy’s voice was firmer now. He wanted an answer. Will looked up at him and shook his head.
“Right. Well boys you better get on out there. Physical Ed is important for your growing bodies.” Tommy walked away with his two shadows in tow.
Lockers slammed shut and the atmosphere became polarizing as boys rushed out of the room to continue with their day.
Will stood rigid, and Dustin and Lucas looked drained of all enthusiasm.
“You were right Mike. It wasn’t so bad, it was worse.”
Will gave Mike one last defeated look before heading out the locker room, not even bothering to check if his friends were following him. Mike watched Will leave, a sad confusion eating at him.
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miamly-blog · 7 years
My Secret? ( Galra!Keith)
           By now, everyone knows that Keith is Galra. Between the Marmora ordeal, to his blade, to his abilities, his habits, you get the jist. None of the Paladins, however, had figured out how Galra he really is. That is, until now.
          ‘Is it showing? Did I hide it well enough? It’s just a little splotch, of course its hidden well. They can’t see. It’s on my wrist anyways. Im fine. It’s fine. Everything is going to be fi-.’, Keith thought as he was interupted by Shiro. 
          “Keith! Are ya’ still with us buddy?”, He asked as he patted him on the shoulder. Shiro chuckled his was into a sigh, “It’s your turn buddy.”, he said nodding towards the training deck. The other paladins were taking turn watching the others fight training bots. Keith stood up. “Oh great, now I won’t get my turn for another 2 hours.”, Lance remarked. “You realize thats sort of a compliment, right?”, Keith said as he walked into the training arena. Lance huffed, but they could all tell he was slightly embarressed. “Training level 5.”, Keith stated as a bot appeared weilding a sword. Their fight slowly turned from a middle class fight to a fast pace sword match. Keith was attempting to steady his breathing while Shiro noticed a small, yet prominent, purple splotch on his wrist, just underneath his black glove on his right arm. Keith could feel eyes on him, he instinctivly looked towards the group of Paladins. He had already known what had happened, based off his look of concern. Just as he froze the bot kicked him in the gut. Keith was flown across the room and into the wall, where he slid down into a slouch. He coughed, and leaned his head back to the wall. “Session end.”, Keith stated, in a cracky voice, just as the bot was nearing him for the finishing blow.  Keith got up and walked out of the arena. Lance passed him on his was up, giggling. “I take back what I said earlier.”, he said as he entered. Keith sat down on the opposite end of Shiro on the bench. Shiro just stared for a moment and then shook his head, then he sighed, turning his attention back to Lance. 
              They didn’t speak until they were on their way to their rooms after dinner. “Keith.”, He whispered. “Shiro. Its none of your buissness. Im completely fine and healthy. It’s just a little rash.”, he said in an angsty tone. Shiro sighed. “Whatever you say Keith. I trust youu have this under control.”, he said as Keith’s door slid open, and then closed, without even a look back, or sigh, or thanks. Shiro left to his room.
             “Too close. Way too close.”, he whispered as he ripped of his top clothing one by one. At last, he took off his gloves. He looked into his bathroom mirror as he put his hands on the sink. Ther was a bigger purple blotch on his gut where had had got kicked earlier. He narrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes, leaning his head down. He gritted his teeth as the purple started retracting under his skin. After it was gone, he lightheadedly collappsed to the ground. He held his hand over his face, as he stood, leaning on the wall. All of the exposed purple was now barracaded under his skin again. He walked slowly to his room and fell onto his bed. He kicked off his pants, pulled up the covers, and adjusted to the bed. He curled up around his pillow. ‘It’ll go away. I just have to keep this up for a little longer, everything will be fine.’, he told himself. He knew this probably wasn’t true though. It seemed like he was trying to think it into existance. Maybe he was.
              “Okay Paladins. The Arthukian planet is just ahead. Your mission there is to make sure there is no pure quintessence left. The whole base is a practical storage container. TTheres a large group, its an experienced and highly lethal group for that matter, and a huge facility. They’re dangerous, be careful. I have faith in you. Goodluck Paladins.”, Allura stated as they all flew towards the planet in their lions. They all landed on the mostly rainforest planet, near the Galra base. “Thats pretty big.”, Hunk stated. “Like, really big for a base.”, he continued on. “Shiro, do you think it would be wise to stick together?”, Pidge asked. “No, we should split into pairs.” , he said. “But that would leave one of us out?”, Lance questioned. “I’ll go solo.”, Keith stated. “No, actually. I’ll do it. Keith, you’ll escort Pidge to the security camera area. Lance, go with Hunk. Keith, 3rd floor, hard not to miss. Lance, Hunk, plant bombs in all of the stoorage areas. I want the place covered. As for me, i’ll be stealing a pod of quintessence for Coran and Allura. Let’s go.” He stated as they snuck into the base.
          Keith was standing watch outside of the security office where Pidge was busy setting up the bombing system. He noticed A Galra soldier nearing from around the hall. He stepped inside the room and waited for him to pass in front of him. When he did, Keith pushed himm against the wall, knocking him out. Pidge turned around to Keith dragging him inside and locking the door using the handprint lock. He waved a hand in front of the Galra to chheck if he was concious. He then started body searching him for anything useful, when Pidge spoke, “Wait, you can use those?” , gesturing to the handprint scan. “Yea, I can use all of the Galra tech.” He said., Pidge looked confused. “But that would mean that your Galra DNA is equal to or greater than your human DNA. But that couldn’t be, because you look completely human.”, Keith started to sweat as he turned back to the Galra. “You’ll have to let me take a look at you when we get back. Maybe I can figure it out.”, she insisted as she typed away on the keyboard. “Pidge, im not a science project.” He stated as he stood. “Ok. I get it. You don’t want me to know your secret. It’s fine, I understand.”, she joked. “My secret? Really?”, he asked. She chuckled.  He shook his head. He went back to the door. He leaned his back against it. 
              About 10 minutes had passed. The two Paladins were basically chilling out until they got the signal to light the place up. Then the Galra started to groggily wake up. “Your part of Voltron.”, He said as he woke. They were startled, as Keith quickly put him out again, but not before he pushed a small button on his helmet. “Thats a tracker!” Pidge exclaimed. They exchanged a worriied look. “Guys, we are being tracked, Galra on their way to us, I can set a time bomb up, but we need to move.”, Pidge explained to the Paladins through their helmets. “Set it for 20:00 Pidge. Keith,you and Pidge start heading back. Be careful.”, Shiro said. They nodded. Pidge quickly set the timer. She pressed start as the red alarm sounded throughout the building. Keith covered his ears, over the helmet. He “Agh!”, he yelled. “Keith lets go!” she yelled. He gritted his teeth as he unlocked the door. They ran outside, and down the hall in a stealthy manner. “Pidge...Pidge...I can’t take this noise.” , Keith hesitated to say. “Tough it out buddy ‘cause I can’t get you a bandaid at the moment.” , she said, as she raced down the hall. “Keith? Are you ok?” , Shiro asked over the helmets. “Im fine Shiro!” , he yelled. Suddenly, Senrties ( is that what they’re called??? idk) had them surrounded on both ends. They both threw eachother a look. Keith gripped his sword. He ran at the group on his side. He swiftly swung at their necks, dismantling 2, leaving 3 left. Pidge got another 1 on his side with her bayard. Keith took out the last 2, with a kick and another blow to their neck pieces. 
                  The ones from Pidge’s side started firing their blasters as they ran off. “Shiro, we are being chased. We are on our way out.”, Pidge announced over the helments. “Sort of a minor issue, um, guys...”, Lance said as he got cut off. “WE HAVE 10 MINUTES!” , Hunk yelled. “What! What did you guys do!”, she yelled. “Nothing! Really! Let’s just get out of here.” , Lance said. “Guys I have the quintessence but I can’t get out of here in 10 minutes with it.”, Shiro stated.  “Im on my way to you.”, Keith said as he started running the opposite direction, taking out the sentry group on the way. “Keith wait! You’ll never make it!”, Pidge yelled back. “I’ll be fine! Go!”, he yelled back. 
               He was helping Shiro carry the large capsule of yellow fluid to the second floor. Then, Pidge anounced, “5 minutes guys! Im coming back to the security room to reset the timer!”. “We are on our way to help you guys!”, Lance announced. “No! Pidge! We will make it! Go! Now!”, Shiro yelled. “3 Minutes!”, she frantically yelled. “Everyone! Hurry! Get as far away from the storage center as possible!”, Shiro yelled. Him and Shiro frantically ran with the capsule. They were still remotely close to the center as Pidge yelled, “1 minute! Im at the security center. Im trying to activate the reset but I need a handprint!” , Pidge announced as she frantically tried to deactivate the bombing system. “Pidge! I told you to go!” , Shiro yelled. Lance and Hunk appeared and joined the two other Paladins in carrying the huge capsule. “20 seconds! Just leave the capsule guys! Get out of there! Now!” Pidge yelled. They all dropped the capsule and started running. A group of Sentry started blasting at them from behind. “Guys! 10 Seconds! HURRY!” , she yelled frantically. 
The bombs started setting off groups at a time. The walls around them started collapsing around them. Their path was blocked with smoke and debris. They all started coughing as they sentry stopped firing. “GUYS!” Pidge yelled. As the ceiling over them fell. 
                “Guys...is everyone ok?”, Shiro asked. This was pointless, everyone had been crushed by the ceiling. “No.”, Hunk said. They were all trapped by the debris. “Pidge? Pidge are you ok?” he asked through his helmet. No reply. “Pidge!” he yelled. Still yet, no reply. Keith was gritting his teeth again, breathing harder than before, laying beside him with squinted eyes. “Keith? You alright? Don’t lie this time.” He concerningly asked. “Shiro. On the outside, im fine. I can’t say the same for the rest of me.” , he huffed out as his eyes widened open. He looked towards Shiro. Shiro looked frightened. His eyes were pupil-less, instead, they were a prominent glowing yellow. In the darkness, they lit up his face. Light purple started forming over his face. He lay there, mouth gaping open to reveal his small, abnormal canines. “Keith..what happened to you. “I don’t really know right now.”, he put his hands on the ceiling above him and started pushing. He pushed it until he was completely standing, then he pushed it forwards and and over so Shiro could help the other Paladins out. “Im...going to get Pidge. You all get to the lions.”, Keith stated. This was all he could get out before he started running in the direction of the security room, dropping the ceiling. 
           He saw Pidge laying on the ground, half concious. He picked her up, bridal style, and started carrying her out. He got outside the base finally, where the other paladins were waiting, most likely to see if Pidge was ok. The bright lights of the outdoor sunlight hurt Keith’s eyes. He had to squint on his way to the lions. 
         When he got there, he handed Pidge to Shiro. Keith stood and looked at everyone. Pidge regained conciousness and Shiro helped her stand. “Thanks Keith.”, she thanked him. “Im sorry.”, Keith managed to get out. He leaned his head towards the ground, clenching his fists. “I should have told you guys.”, he looked ashamed. It was hard for Lance to take him seriously. With those big fluffy ears of his. Shiro gave him a hug, soon they were all in on it too. Keith let a single tear escape, that he could no longer hold back. “Thanks...guys.”, he choked out as he started crying full on. 
The next morning. Keith came to breakfast, fully “human” looking. The whole crew looked dumbfounded. “What?”, Keith asked, as he sat down to eat his space ‘cereal’. “But yesterday, you were all, purple, and fluffy and-”, Keith cut Hunk off. “-Galra? Chill.  I can force it away if I concentrate hard enough.”, he said. Everyone had already noticed that Keith seemed more relaxed and open than usual. He opened his mouth to take a bite of ‘cereal’. Shiro remembered his distinctly long abnormal canines from the day before. He chuckled. “Sure you can.” he said. “What? Whats so funny!?”, Keith asked. 
( This isn’t one of my better fics but I kinda lost motivation after like 30 minutes so eh ) ( I’ll do better lol I promise )
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