agataroman · 1 year
Buddie 616 meta
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Maybe I’ll start with Eddie confirming something I’d already discussed in my meta posts more than once before, most recently in my 614 meta, which is that he married Shannon because she got pregnant. He heavily insinuated this to Bobby back in 217, but now he said it explicitly, to everyone, and without the same kind of weight which we saw from him in the past. I think this change is indicative of how he IS healing from the trauma of how badly his marriage failed and how guilty he’s felt over it, now that he’s capable of talking about it more lightly than he did before. I love that for our boy. ~~
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agataroman · 2 years
If in season 6 Buddie got together...
Together again after Eddie left. In every sense. I think soon, they would have brought their love on home and told their family about it. And I see it somehow like this.
I hope it's not as bad as I think, yep🙃
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agataroman · 2 years
Okay I had this thought (I bet I am not the only one)... So in 911 Lone Star two characters got engaged. SPOILER AHEAD I have this idea. TK and Buck stayed in touch after the crossover episode. And he invites him to the wedding. And Buck takes Eddie with him, because "he's my best friend and I am single right now". So they go there, see Tarlos and at the end of the episode Buck and Eddie are like " oh my fucking god I am in love with you (and we are raising kid together)". Would love that❤️❤️
Edit: Tarlos of course deserves entire wedding episode for them selves so... Buddie would be only on the background of lone star... But then there would be an episode in la, where it would be the same episode but focused on Buddie with Tarlos in the background ❤️
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agataroman · 3 years
Meeting the team(s)
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A/N: This is for @multi-fandom-imagine you write for all of us, so I thought I would write something for you... This is my take on a question I asked you months ago, with one more fandom put into it
Pairing: Dinozzo x Reader
Shows: NCIS, Stargate (and mentions of Stargate Atlantis if you find it)
It was normal day at NCIS. Team Gibbs didn't have any active cases and they all hoped not to get one as it was Friday afternoon and they wanted to have free weekend.
So they were on cold cases. Or at least they were suppose to be. Dinozzo of course had different idea and he was throwing paper balls at McGee everytime Gibbs didn't look their way (but he's Gibbs so he of course knew). Ellie just shook her head from time to time at the childishness of Tony.
"Tony!" snapped McGee. "Will you stop it?!"
"Or what, McCranky?" Tony smirked at him. He just loved picking on Tim. Before Tim answer, Gibbs spoke: "Dinozzo!"
"Sorry, Boss." And with that Tony returned to his work.
"It's good to see you still listen, Tony," said female voice. Dinozzo's head shot up, surprised look on his face, not moving a muscle.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" you said. Tony opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
"Who are you?" asked Gibbs standing up. You turn to him and smile. "Major Y/N L/N, USAF." "You're an air force?" asked Ellie. She looked at you from head to toe, trying to decipher you. "How do YOU know an air force major, Tony?" asked McGee all surprised.
Tony finally found his voice. "The last I saw her she was only a captain. What? How? Why are you here?"
"I thought you would be surprised?" You asked uncertain not knowing if you did the right thing and it probably showed on your face, because Tony smiled sadly, stood up and went around his desk. He grabbed you behind your neck and very passionate and very long kiss followed. Everyone in bullpen was watching both of you, not knowing what is going on.
"God, I thought I'll never see you again," said Tony and laid his forehead against yours. You smile sadly at him. "So did I, Tones, so did I." With that you hug him, hiding your face into his neck. The team gave you a moment, even if they were dying to know what's going on.
After few minutes Ellie asked question everyone wanted to know. "So who are you exactly?" You step away from each other but Tony takes you around your shoulders. "She's my girlfriend, Probiet."
"Girlfriend?" Everyone looked at Tony. “But I thought that Zoey was your girlfriend?” asked McGee. “We broke up few weeks ago actually,” said Tony looking with guilt at (Y/N). You smiled at him sadly.
“So you kept our promise. I am glad.” Tony looked surprised. “You’re glad?”
“What is going on here?” said Abby who came bouncing around the corner. “Well it looks like this is Tony’s girlfriend  Y/N L/N with complicating relationship,” said Bishop still trying to figure out what the hell is going on. “New girlfriend? Tony! Why haven’t you told me!” Abby hit Tony’s arm.
“I didn’t tell you, because I didn’t know she was alive, Abby,” said Tony with a sigh. You hug him so he can stop thinking about it. “What do you mean by that?” Abby was looking from one to another. Gibbs looked at you suspiciously.
“You see, Abby, when we were going out with each other, the first few weeks were not serious or anything. But it started to get serious, I told him that I have dangerous work. So dangerous I made him promise me that if my status would become MIA or KIA, he will wait one month to see if I turn up and then move on.”
“That’s sad,” said Abby with sad puppy eyes. “And just plain wrong!” You sigh. “I know that Abby. And I even wanted to break up with him, but he wouldn’t let me. Even when I went on a mission from which I wouldn’t return to at all. He just wouldn’t let me go.” You to him with all the love you have for him and he stares at you the same. God how you loved this amazing and passionate man.
“What exactly do you do, Major?” asked Gibbs all suspicious. You couldn’t blame him really, you knew how protective he is of his team, especially Tony and Abby. “It’s no use, boss. She won’t tell you. She wouldn’t even tell me.” Gibbs glared at Tony. “Tones is right, agent Gibbs. I can’t tell you. It’s classified.”
“Classified?” asked McGee in disbelieve. Probably more in disbelieve of Tony finding someone with classified job outside law enforcement than anything else. “Yep, classified,” you look little smug. Everyone stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
Tony turns to you. “Why did you come? Except of course to see my awesomeness.” You laugh. “Still modest, hm? Anyway, first I wanted to see you and I have some weeks off before I will return to work. And second, my.... well you can call them my second family... wants to meet you.” Tony turns nervous.
“Your family? You really think it’s that time?” You look at him and see him little pale. “Hey, don’t worry. It’s not my parents. No, my former team wants to meet you.” Tony visibly relax. “Your former team?” Ellie asked. “Yes, before I was send to another base, I worked in a team. They have some new members since I left, but I know them little too.” You turn back to Tony. “So? What do you think? Do you want to meet them?”
“Do I even have a choice?” You smirk. “No, you don’t. But before you meet them, I should warn you. They will try to scare you and they will probably succeed.” “Oh please. I have worked with Gibbs over ten years. Not many things can scare me.” You roll your eyes and look at the boss.
“No offence to agent Gibbs.” You look back at Tony. “What you feel and see and what not with Gibbs is nothing compared to this one guy who is super overprotective of me. And you’re not even meeting my current team. If those two groups allied on you, you would not survive. Even marines fear them. You have your warning.” Tony paled again unsure if what you said is really true or you’re just joking.
“Go Dinozzo,” said Gibbs. Tony looked at him pleading with his eyes. “But Boss. Don’t you need me for anything? Anything at all.” Gibbs just smirked and returns to his desk. Everyone else laughed. “Go on Tony, I get a feeling that if you don’t go, they will come to you,” said Abby and with that she turned and went back to her lab. “I don’t think they will kill you or anything,” said Ellie with laughter. “Good luck,” smirked McGee. Tony looked at all of them with jaw down. “Betrayal. I will remember this everyone. I will remember this.” 
“Come on, drama queen. We have to go.”
“So where are we going?” asked Tony. You just left his apartment where he changed to more comfortable clothes and left his car as you where taking your SUV. (Not really yours, just borrowed.) You were driving, Tony didn’t know where you were going.
“We’re going to Minnesota.” “Minnesota? Why there?”
“Well, my superior, who will be there, has a cabin there and we will have bbq.” You sit and drive in comfortable silence, only music playing from the radio. About ten minutes later, Tony asked another question.
“So what can I expect? You know, how many people, who should I be wary off, so I don’t get killed.” You laugh. “You don’t have to worry about getting killed. The only think they will do is talk to you and scare you and intimidate you.” Tony looked at you unconvinced.
“Anyway, there will be six people. Three military and three civilian. Even if one of the civilians is stronger than the rest. You will know what I mean when you meet them. Anything else you will have to figure out. Or I will tell in the cabin.” Tony was silent for a few seconds. “You’re evil, you know that?” All you do is laugh.
You arrive late afternoon to a beautiful cabin in the middle of nowhere, about 15 minutes from nearest town. You park at the driveway, only one other car parking there.
“Well, come one, Tones, time to meet your doom,” you said smirking while getting out of the car. “Please don’t joke about this, Y/N.” You both walk to the front door. “Should we knock?” asked Tony.
“Nah. Jack never locks his door.” That’s like Boss, thinks Dinozzo. You both walk in, Tony looking around. “We’re here!” you shout so anyone in the house would hear you. You both hear faint reply: ”In the back!”
You both walk through the living room to the backyard (with a pond with no fish, I repeat no fish!). In front of grill with beer in hand is grey-haired man, clearly military, yet not. Next to him in a chair sat a blonde woman with longer hair, yet she also had the air of military.
“Hey Jack, Sam,” you said to them. Sam stood up to hug you. “Hey yourself, you’re here early.” You also hug the man, Jack. “Are those beered steaks?” “You know any other?” said Jack smirking. You smirk back and turn to Sam. “Yeah, the travel was without any accidents, so.”
Both of them looked at Tony, watching him like a hawk. He put on a smiling charming mask hiding his nerves.
"Guys, this is my boyfriend, SSA Anthony Dinozzo, you can call him Tony. Tones, this is Colonel Doctor Samantha Carter and Major General Jack O'Neill. Two L's." You smirk at Jack who smirked back.
"Wait, THE Jack O'Neill?" asked Dinozzo surprised. "It looks like my reputation is known even to law enforcement. Don't believe anything they said, I am really a nice guy." He expected hand to Tony who took it little in awe. Jack suddenly pulled Dinozzo to him and whispered into his ear, Tony paling at whatever was said.
You looked at Jack with suspicion, Sam doing the same. "You just told him if he ever hurt me, you have soldiers and marines at your disposal and you will use them, didn't you?" you said.
"I have no idea what you're talkin' about," said Jack innocently. "Sir?"
"Come on, Carter, you know you wanted to threaten him too!" Sam looked at him disapprovingly. Then she smiled turning to Tony. "Don't mind him, it's pleasure to meet you."
"You too... mmm..." " Just call me Sam or Carter."
"How can you be Colonel and Doctor at the same time?" Sam has the face of someone, who explains this a lot (and she probably does).
"I have a PhD in astrophysics." "A military scientist? You don't see that very much." He smiled wildly again. Sam smiled back. "No you don't."
"So where are the others? I would have thought they will be here before us."
"Oh you know Daniel. He needed to finish some stuff so they all decided to come later," said Sam. "I really hope they will be able to force him away from that or they will never get here," you rolled your eyes knowing how Daniel was.
"So this Daniel is really into whatever work he's doing?" asked Tony. You sit next to him and hand him a beer. "Oh yes, he is probably the most working guy I know. Maybe from one of my teammates." Sam looked at me knowingly. "Rodney?" "Who else?" you said with laughter.
"So Dinozzo, what do you know about our work?" asked Jack. "Nothing, sir, only that it is classified." Jack chuckled along with you and Sam. "Well, that's more than what others know. And only because you are an agent and Y/N here begged for it." Tony looked at all of you confused.
You know Tony will not leave it at that. "We normally tell everyone we work in Deep Space Telemetry. As you can see, not really a good cover story, but for now it worked. You knowing it's classified is more than the rest knows." You smile at Tony knowing he looked for your job at work as he was flagged, but you also knew he will let it be like that (normally he wouldn't but you managed to convince him).
You suddenly hear a car pulling into the driveway, last people to come to the bbq. "See Jackson, I told you they would be here before us," said a male voice, another male answering him: "But it could be something important!"
"Leave it Daniel, we're here to finally meet this sexy agent," said woman's voice. "Of course you are only here for the guy," said the second voice in defeat. "Relax Jackson, it was undiscovered for who knows how long, it can stay that way for a few days," said the first voice. "Indeed," agreed third male voice, this one deeper than the first ones.
Four people came through the doors. One woman with long black hair and three guys. One with military-styled brown hair, the other with glasses and last afro-american dude full of muscles. "Yeah, that must be the guy even marines are afraid of," thought Tony.
"Y/N!" shouted the woman. You rise and jump to her and hug her. "Vala, so glad you came." You smile and hug the guys too. You can feel Tony standing behind you. "Okay guys, this is my boyfriend Tony Dinozzo. Tones, this is Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Dr. Daniel Jackson and before you ask, he is an archeologist and linguist, this is Vala and Murray."
"So you're the guy we were ordered to scare off?" asks Cam. Tony looks unsure for a second but that puts up his best smile. "That would probably be me, yes." "Guys, leave him be. He looks good y'know," Vala smiled. You immediately halt the conversation. "One thing needs to be made clear. You and Vala are not to be flirting, you got it?" Tony nods right away. "You're no fun," said Vala as she pouts. "Don't worry Y/N, I will keep an eye on her," Daniel assured you and brought Vala closer to him.
Murray (or as we know him Teal'c) stepped in front of Tony and looked him directly in the eye. "Y/N L/N is like a sister to me. In my culture if you would have hurt her, I would be in my rights to dismember you. Remeber this." With that he bowed slightly and moved next to Jack.
Tony turned slowly towards you in shock. "He wouldn't do that, right?" Everyone present laughed and you pat Tony on the shoulder. "Don't worry, we're in the states so I think you are relatively save."
You then turn to the gang and put your hand on your hips. "General, did you ordered someone to scare Tony off?" Jack looked like innocence itself. "I don't know what you're talking about." You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "Okay, with all the threats done, can we have fun?" Everyone agreed and started talking about this or that and asking questions, especially Vala. Tony looked more confortable every minutes so you celebrated in your head.
It was several hours later when you stood in front of the backyard door and everyone was engaged in a conversation and just watched it all. Tony now knows a lot of stories about you both from your time on Earth and on Atlantis (even if he doesn't know the name or that it's in different galaxy).
Suddenly hand came around your waist and you lean on the chest. "So what do you say?" you asked. "I really like your family. They are just as dysfunctional as mine but just as close, if not closer. Don't forget, I can read between the lines. You went through a lot together."
You nod. "Yeah we did. Both good and bad. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Did they scare you a lot?" Tony laughed. "Oh yes, especially Murray."
"They wouldn't be my family if they didn't." "No they wouldn't."
And you continue watching as Daniel is explaining something throwing hands around and Jack telling him he will not be getting more beer.
This was your family.
A/N: Well I hope you liked it. If you notice some difference in writing, it's because I had a break in middle of writing so I apologize. And i thank you for your writing and also for reading my fanfic on ao3 ❤️
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agataroman · 3 years
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ATHENA GRANT & BOBBY NASH & MAY GRANT 911: Season 5 Episode 9, Past is Prologue
gif 1: May walks into the house. The lights are off and candles are lit.
gif 2: Athena is wearing Bobby’s fire jacket over some red lingerie. She says, seductively, “Have no fear, the LAFD is here. I heard you have a fire in your kitchen.” May looks horrified and Athena is surprised.
gif 3: Athena exclaims, “Huh- May! What are you doing here?” May looks grossed out as she responds, “I could ask the same question but I really don’t want to know the answer.”
gif 4: Athena covers herself with the jacket and asks, annoyed, “You yearned for the freedom of your own apartment. Why aren’t you there?” May responds, “I had to come get my mail.”
gif 5: Athena sarcastically asks, “Have you never heard of a change of address form?”
gif 6: May responds, “Definitely about to look into it. I don’t wanna disturb whatever situation this is so I’m just gonna go get my mail.” and starts to walk away towards the kitchen.
gif 7: Bobby pops out wearing just an apron and interjects, “Op, not in here, not in here.” May, again horrified, asks, “What are you wearing?!”
gif 8: Bobby awkwardly says, “I- it’s just all I could find in the kitchen to cover up.”
gif 9: May asks, “So, you weren’t wearing-” before she stops herself and finishes, “I’m just gonna stop myself right there.”
gif 10: Bobby tries to respond, “I just had to clear the counters off before we-” before he stops after May looks confused and horrified and just says, “I think the mail is in the bedroom.”
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agataroman · 3 years
Need the positivity right now, had a hell of a week
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agataroman · 3 years
seamless shifts
we’re back on our bullshit hehe. anyway, wrote this thingy for @bieddiediaz​ and @zjm​ and it has friends to fiances, except a teeny angsty. 
The hoodie referenced
[AO3 Link]
Word Count: 4236 words
There’s something seamless about this.
Buck can’t put his finger on it, and maybe that’s the point of having no visible line depicting the moment they went from tentative co-workers to whatever this is, but as he watches Eddie from the doorway, he can’t really think of anything else.
He remembers the day Maddie handed over a key to her and Chim’s apartment. She’d closed his fingers around it, and raised an eyebrow, smiling gently, corners of her eyes crinkled with the happiness Chim brings to her life. He remembers feeling grateful beyond belief that Maddie has those four walls where she feels safe, that his sister’s finally met her person, that she was confident enough to give him the key to her boyfriend’s apartment.
“For emergencies, Buck.”
It was all well and good, because Maddie’s copy of Buck’s key was for the same reason — not for recreational use, just in case there was something wrong and they needed to get to each other quickly. It was made even more important by Jee-Yun’s arrival, but the purpose remained the same — emergencies only.
(Seeing each other naked was not an experience either of them wanted a repeat of, so it was best to not treat the key like the green light on a revolving door.)
He also remembers the day Eddie passed him a key to his house, tipping his water bottle in Buck’s direction, as casual as anything, like he didn’t just tilt his whole world on its axis with one minuscule gesture. He remembers being struck frozen by it, even as he’d desperately urged his mind not to read too much into the gesture. And he remembers just how different it was to being trusted with Maddie’s key.
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agataroman · 3 years
Buddie 502 meta
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Do we even need meta posts at this point? This show is just… skipping the meta and writing its own fanfic. For example, the fact that during two eps that deal with Eddie not yet following his heart and, as a consequence, thinking he had a heart attack, we get a heart transplant rescue. Interestingly, when Manny the medic mentions the heart, it’s Eddie who’s closest to it, Eddie who reaches out for it and tries to grab it, but he fails to, which is why this is followed by one failed attempt by Hen and a successful one by Bobby. The essential, symbolic aspect here is that Eddie, dangling on the edge of the abyss, couldn’t reach and save the heart on his own. It can easily be seen as symbolic to where he’s at romantically right now, and as an indicator that Eddie will need help from others in order to be able to resolve his own love life issues.
Good God, when Ana shows up with Chris, my brain just about melted already just over the fact that there is hardly any interaction we see between the two of them, while Eddie and Buck both come in immediately and one after the other we see them hugging Chris (their son!) in the exact same way. So much so that I just had to gif it. But just as importantly, can we talk about the fact that Buck was at the chargers station, doing his duty, all serious with his clipboard (I love this new tradition of having clipboard!Buck at least once per season, 911 you’re doing great sweetie), so why is he even there, by the trucks? He must have heard Chris calling out “Dad!” and came in swiftly with Ravi in tow. Excuse me, I’m just gonna go cry over these two dads and how much they love their son that they can’t contain it and they both have to rush to him right away!
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Oh, another small, but seemingly meaningful detail we get here? When Eddie is picking up Chris and hugging him, we see Ana in the background, smiling at the cuteness of this father and son duo. When Buck comes in and does the same thing, we see Eddie to the side, and yep, he’s smiling at them and the cuteness, too. He KNOWS Buck is Christopher’s other father, no legal guardianship activation needed. ~ And then everything that happens in the scene with Ana is just straight out of fanfiction. For real.
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We discover Ana, despite dating Eddie for almost a year, has never been to the firehouse. Even now that she did come (uninvited, might I add), Eddie avoids introducing her to the point where even Ravi’s like, “Oh man, this is really awkward, Diaz” and Ana ends up having to introduce herself… Still can’t save them from all that awkwardness, especially as the panic attack starts setting in… Right in front of her salad, Diaz! This time, the panic is not over Ana being called Christopher’s mom, it’s over her being assumed to be Eddie’s wife. This isn’t just Eddie panicking over how Ana would fit into the Diaz family, it’s specifically about their romantic relationship, no two ways about it. Then Chris says, “not yet!” and it sounds like he means it’s just a matter of time, but it could also imply he doesn’t actually want that to happen, and this is his way of expressing it without hurting the teacher he does love. Don’t even get me started on the way Buck looks immediately at Eddie with a smile that’s not 100% genuine (the forehead not being a part of a smile is helps differentiate a genuine smile from a false one, this just doesn’t come across as Buck’s usual beaming). Then there’s Buck’s focus on Eddie the second there’s even the faintest hint of something wrong with him (let’s not forget, Eddie manages to avoid going into a full blown panic attack this time, and yet Buck reads him right away). The way they’re so in tune with each other always makes me wanna cry. Lastly, Eddie unceremoniously dumps Ana on Ravi, he doesn’t even show his own gf around the station, not even after the obvious awkwardness of him missing the mark on introducing her to his colleague. Basically, Eddie proving that being “dumb denial boy” really is his superhero persona.
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I just love the animal conversation in the firetruck. It shows us so many things at once: that Eddie knows Buck incredibly well, that he can easily explain why Buck is so aware of every animal in the zoo, that he’s shown to know Buck better than anyone else on the team, that he speaks for Buck and explains things for him like a spouse would explain their partner’s little eccentricities (just like in 309 when he explains Buck’s fascination with natural disasters), that even as everyone else is exasperated with Buck right off the bat, Eddie is fully grinning (seriously, compare Hen not even paying attention to what Buck’s going on about while Eddie is soaking up every word and loving it), he’s just so smitten with everything about Buck, and of course that we get to hear that yes, Buck spends that much time with Chris. This is pretty significant in itself, but it also represents maybe the biggest thing about Buddie in this entire episode: the constant contrast between Ana and Buck, it’s practically screaming at the audience. Everything that Ana is supposed to be in Chris and Eddie’s life, but it makes Eddie panic, Buck IS, and it makes Eddie beam with joy. If the way Eddie looks at Buck in this scene isn’t love, IDK what is. And this show doesn’t either. I have raved in the past (in my first round of Buddie meta) about the speed and ease with which Eddie lets Buck into the Diaz family and how well Buck fits in, and I’ve said back then that Eddie is a closed off guy, so this is pretty special, what he has going on with Buck from practically the start. But the whole storyline with Ana emphasizes it even more and the choice to highlight just how close Buck is to Chris and how much Eddie adores everything about this man, even the stuff other people roll their eyes at, in the same episode in which we see Eddie almost choking over his gf getting even an inch into his real life… cinematic poetry.
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That little moment when Buck and Eddie give Bobby the “sure” nod, and so in sync, before they laugh together! Please, these are sassy HUSBANDS being sassy together. How can we not stan?
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Then we get another scene where I just adore everything… Eddie is on a bunk and Buck knows him so well, he can tell that Eddie’s not really sleeping, that Buck can come right up to him and start the conversation about what Buck is worried about. The worry itself and the insistence on finding out what’s wrong with Eddie (even when Eddie’s reluctant) where friends or colleagues would normally back down is obviously the stuff that the best marriages are made of. The way Eddie responds, that just like I pointed out in the 501 meta, it’s Buck’s worry that forces Eddie to admit the truth, both that what he’s been suffering are panic attacks and that the real reason for them is Ana, not the shooting. I also love Buck’s initial reaction. His “Since when do you panic?” echoes Eddie’s response last week. That’s not a small thing, they both know how cool and collected Eddie can be, even under fire. It points out exactly why it was initially hard for Eddie to accept that these are panic attacks (in addition to the macho BS). So Buck’s first reaction not only shows how well he knows Eddie, it actually also validates Eddie’s own initial reaction and thus, makes him feel more at ease going forward and sharing even more. This is just another part of why they work so well as a couple, err… team. It’s beautiful to see Eddie being able to admit the truth to Buck, but then Buck turns it around and dishes out the truth right back at him: that Eddie isn’t in love with Ana and shouldn’t stay with her just because Chris loves her. Eddie, in his mind, is being a good dad and grateful for what Ana has been through with him and, as I’ve said in my first round of meta regarding ep 210, Eddie is a man of duty. He sees an obligation and he wants to meet it.
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Buck, who wears his heart on his sleeve, counters this sense of duty by bringing in feelings, and what’s the right thing to do emotionally. He complements and helps Eddie, forces him to listen and look at things from a different perspective, in a way no one else could. The exact words Buck uses are “I have been Ana” which are so interesting, ‘coz yeah, textually they point to Buck’s past romantic hurt, but they also cast him in the spot of Eddie’s gf. We’re not the only ones comparing the two, Buck himself makes the comparison between them and subtextually, this also brings up the differences between Buck and Ana. Where she failed to truly capture Eddie’s heart even months into the relationship (and while being more successful than any other woman since Shannon), Buck has been in the same position, of being new in Eddie’s life and having to “earn” Eddie’s trust and a place in the Diaz family, but Buck actually succeeded in that, where Ana failed, and a huge reason why is because Eddie willingly gave Buck his trust and that place in his and Christopher’s life. By using these specific words, the show basically begs us to notice what things should have been like between Eddie and Ana, and forces us to acknowledge that Eddie already has all of that, with Buck.
Lastly, the show tops itself, by following this scene with Chim opening up to Hen. It’s subtle, but you can see here the difference between what two loving but platonic friends being there for each other looks like in comparison. Hen checks in on Chim, but she isn’t completely preoccupied with Chim and Maddie’s home life in the same way that Buck’s focus, in the middle of what characters have repeatedly called “the end of the world”, is solely on Eddie’s wellbeing. Hen does care, she wants to know what’s up with Chim, she asks questions and gets him to spill, but it’s gentle probing, not a spouse digging into what’s going on with their partner. Also, this is just one scene. Chim’s entire story with Maddie’s PDD isn’t linked to Hen in the same way that Eddie’s arc with the panic attacks over Ana is linked to Buck. Then when it’s time to offer advice, Hen does so without inserting herself into the situation in the way Buck did when he cast himself in the role of Eddie’s gf in order to get to his best friend and point out what he should do. Buck and Eddie are friends, yes. And friends should be valued and celebrated! I adore every friendship on this show. But Buddie are also each other’s life partners and a juxtaposition of scenes like this is where you can really see the difference.
~~~ Thank you so much to the astounding @judsonryder​ for making my meta better with your gifs! If you like my perspective on Buddie, you can find more of my meta and fics here. Thank you for reading and for any like, comment and of course reblog! Writing these posts takes a lot and it makes me so happy whenever I see people enjoying them. xoxox
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agataroman · 3 years
Maddie: So are you in love with him?
Buck: For the last time, Eddie and I aren’t together.
Maddie: …
Buck: …
Maddie: …
Buck: You never said Eddie did you?
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agataroman · 3 years
I Love Him
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gifs are mine
agataroman said:
Dinozzo x Reader, where reader is daughter of Gibbs but nobody knows and Dinozzo will find out after a while of dating her she is Gibbs' daughter? Like reader comes to visit dinozzo and everyone will find dinozzo is dating and than that she is the daughter? I know, detailed request, but I can't write
You swallowed nervously as you stepped into the elevator at NCIS headquaters, running your hand over the visitor badge. You were here to visit your boyfriend, knowing full well who he was and whom he worked for, you had known since the very beginning who he was. You run your hair through your auburn hair, the same shade as what your father had had when he was a young man, but your green eyes were all your mothers, the only reminder of the woman who had abandoned you on the doorstep of the man she had had a small fling with 26 years ago. You were 4 when she had left you outside his front door and he had cared for you until you were a young teenager, where he sent you to live with your grandfather in Stillwater, especially since he didn’t want you to be immersed in his life as an agent. You heard many stories about cases and the team whenever you heard from your father, and it wasn’t until you’d graduated high school that you made your way back to DC to attend university. From there you kept in regular contact with your father, studying and majoring as a psychiatrist before working as an underling to Rachel Cranston, someone you had learned quite early on was the older sister of your father’s ex team mate, Caitlin Todd. Everything was working well for you until you had met Anthony “Tony” DiNozzo Junior. It was after a couple of therapy sessions that he had had with Rachel that the two of you had meet and clicked almost immediately, the two of you hung out three or four times before he had asked you on a date and the two of you had been seeing each other steadily for the last two years. And yet somehow, he hadn’t clued in to the fact that his boss was your father, and your father hadn’t clued in to the fact that the Anthony that he was seeing was actually his probie.
As the elevator doors open you take a deep breath before taking a step out into the bullpen, and the first thing you can hear is your boyfriends voice as he tells a joke, you can’t help but smile at this. Observing from beside the elevator the interactions that were happening between your boyfriend and his colleagues you couldn’t help but shake your head at their reactions, the younger male shaking his head with a small smile on his face before he returns to his work whilst his female colleague throws a pencil at him. That’s when you decide to make your move, taking the step to close the distance between you and the man that you love. He looks up and a bright smile spreads across his face as he gets to his feet and pulls you into his arms in a tight hug before he kisses you deeply
“Hello sweetheart” he whispers against your lips and you giggle
“Hey baby” you breath and he pulls back slightly about to ask a question when you look over his shoulder to see your father approaching from the back elevator and take a step out of Tony’s arms, he frowns at you slightly but doesn’t push it as he turns to see Gibbs making his way into the room. You can see that Tony is about to introduce you to everyone when Gibbs stops just a couple of steps in front of you, eyebrow raised as he looks between you and Tony
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he asks and Tony’s jaw drops as does everyone elses. A deep blush rises on your cheeks as you meet your father’s gaze
“I’m here to see my boyfriend” you say before reaching out and taking Tony’s hand in yours.
“DiNozzo is your boyfriend? Since when?” your father queries and you sigh, biting your lip as you debate whether or not to throw your boyfriend and yourself under the bus or not. But when he sends you his famous Gibbs stare you know you don’t have a choice
“Two years” you admit and you watch as your father’s jaw drops, before he rounds on your boyfriend, about to lose his s**t at the man you love. You take a step closer to your father, coming to his defence and your own as you say
“Don’t you dare Dad, he didn’t know who I was to you and I wanted it that way. I wanted to get to know him, at first just as friends but the more time I spent with Anthony, the more I fell in love with him. He’s the sweetest most caring man and he shows it every single time I’m in his presence. And I knew if you knew about us you would do everything in your power to separate us” you say and your father’s jaw drops even further, but you can also see the hurt in his eyes
“You really think that I wouldn’t approve of you dating Tony?” he asks and you nod
“It’s not like you’ve approved of any of my other partners before dad, and you said so yourself just a couple of weeks ago that nobody would be worthy of me. But your wrong, I don’t even feel like I’m worthy of Anthony and his love, his care, his passion” you admit, turning back to your boyfriend slowly
“Sweetheart” Tony whispers, reaching out for your hand before he gives your hand a gentle squeeze
“You really love me that much?” he asks unsure of himself and you take a step towards him, before placing a kiss on his cheek
“Of course I do babe, you’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been and I never want anyone else, you are my everything baby” you admit and he beams brightly at you before he leans down and kisses you deeply
“You’re my everything too sweetheart” he whispers, his nose rubbing softly against your own before he turns back to your father
“I’m sorry Gibbs, I had no idea who Y/N was to you until this very moment but I can say with every fibre in my body that I love your daughter beyond anything I have ever felt before, she has made me a better man, and she is the reason I fight so hard to make it through each and every case. So I can make it back to her loving arms at the end of each and every day. She’s my forever” he admits and you feel tears well in your eyes as you throw your arms around Tony’s neck
“I love you babe” you whisper. He leans down and places a kiss on the top of your head before he whispers
“I love you too sweetheart”. The two of you look up at your father, hesitantly waiting for a response. And when you see him rub his hand across his jaw you can tell he’s fighting a war in his mind. He then shakes his head before taking a step towards the two of you and opening his arms wide, a hug that you gladly accept.
“You take care of my little girl Tony” he whispers and you place a kiss on your father’s cheek
“He already does dad” you say before pulling out of the embrace with the two most important men in your life.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for NCIS/NCIS NOLA: @powerpuffbubbles​, @diaryofafan17​, @thebeckyjolene​
Tag List for NCIS: @manicmarsupial
Tag List for Gibbs: @xoxogibbs , @aryaarathornson​​, @thecruelarts, @mack-jay​, @mahc1562​, @kittenlittle24
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agataroman · 3 years
DiNozzo x reader - Giblet
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Hi, welcome back <3 if it would be possible can I have a Dinozzo x Reader, where reader is daughter of Gibbs but nobody knows and Dinozzo will find out after a while of dating her she is Gibbs' daughter? Like reader comes to visit dinozzo and everyone will find dinozzo is dating and than that she is the daughter? - @agataroman 💕
You hadn’t been here in years, yet the place seemed so familiar to you. Nothing much had changed beside some odd touch up jobs around he place to keep up its professional stance.
Stepping out of the lift, you smiled at all the agents buzzing about, but that wasn’t why you were here.
You were a woman on a mission, a very, very important mission.
You were looking for your boyfriend so you could spend his lunch with him.
Stepping further into the floor, you looked around and thankfully he wasn’t hard to find. You heard his laugh before you even saw him.
Grinning from ear to ear, you made your way over and rested your arms over the edge of the divider next to the desk where he was stood, back towards you.
“Come on McDork it’ll be funny.”
“No DiNozzo.”
“Boring!” Tony whined.
“Hey, they’d mean T.” You laughed.
You jumped, spinning around he stared at you for a second before grinning widely at you. Coming around he quickly scooped you up into his arms around twirled you around before setting you back on the floor.
He pressed a kiss to your head and slipped his arm around your shoulder.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
“Just thought I’d come surprise you for lunch.”
“Well colour me surprised.” He chuckled.
He brought you around and into the small area, two people walked over. A woman and a man.
“This is (Y/N), my wonderfully hot girlfriend.”
You elbowed him slightly making him groan a little but it didn’t lessen his smirk.
“Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Ziva David.”
“Nice to meet you Ziva.”
The man stepped up next and shook your head with a smile.
“Timothy McGee.”
“Nice to meet you Timothy, can I call you Tim
He nodded and stepped back.
“So, hows you guys meet.”
Tony sat on his desk, and you leant against him, listening as he explained the story of how you met at one of his favourite restaurants.
While he was talking, no one seen their boss walk in, but you did and you waved at him slightly.
“Hey boss.” Tony Said.
Everyone turned round and Gibss started at you making them all nervous. His stern expression making them worried he was going to tell them off, but then it broke into a smile and he waved you over.
Slipping out from your boyfriends grasp, you skipped over and hugged the man.
“Hey dad!”
“Hey kiddo, why’re you here?”
“Date.” You said, pointing to Tony.
Now, Gibbs knew you were already dating Tony, but Tony has no idea that he was dating is bosses daughter.
It took a few seconds for this to process in his made and he gawked at you.
“You’re a Gibbs?! You’re a Giblet?!”
“How did you not know T!?” You laughed, “I literally told you about him!”
The other laughed as they watched the interaction, Tony threw his arms up in the air.
“I just thought it was a marine thing!”
You snickered, giving your dad one last hug you walked over to your boyfriend and pat his chest with a smirk.
“It’s okay, you’re a bit stupid at times but I love you.”
Tony was still trying to process this, so while he was you took a seat at his desk while stood there looking between you and Gibbs.
“You stare any more DiNozzo I will slap you.”
“Sorry boss!”
Tony quickly rushes over to you and grabbed his wallet and keys, holding a hand out tonyou with a smile.
Gibbs watched the interaction, at first his was sceptical about you dating Tony, but now seeing you guy together it made him happy and there was no one better for you
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agataroman · 3 years
No he doesn’t :D and don’t we love him for it?
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Okay, got a confession... Not that I have a huge crush on Elliott Spencer after only four episodes of Leverage, but hell... guys with hair like that are my weakness... Help ❤️😍🤯
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agataroman · 3 years
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Okay, got a confession... Not that I have a huge crush on Elliott Spencer after only four episodes of Leverage, but hell... guys with hair like that are my weakness... Help ❤️😍🤯
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 3)
A/N: Hi guys, last part of my horrible fanfic :D enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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This waking up was the worst I had…. Everything was hurting, even if I haven’t done any activity. My head hurt from all the crying I have done the previous night. It just hurt so much!
But why? I met him once (twice). Would I like him more than just a fan? Why does this have to be so complicated. I sighed. It’s always so complicated.
Well. I got nothing to do really. I stayed whole day inside of the hotel room. I didn’t have mood to go out. All the time I was thinking about him. Should have I done something more? Will I meet him again? Who knows. We may have exchanged our number, but How long would that last.
Wait a minute. Did I say exchange numbers? Right, we did! How could I forget something like THAT!!! To some it may seem weird and baffling, but… I decided that I will go study in Korea. Maybe we can meet there and who knows. Maybe. A wish, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try it.
That’s it, I decided. I will change my life. Who knows, maybe for better. Wish me luck.
It’s been a year. Hard year, I can tell you. Graduation, learning korean and calling Jackson every free minute I had. Plus the time difference, it was almost unimaginable. But somehow we managed it. And what’s the best, I am finally here, in South Korea. Nobody knows I am here. Haha! I didn’t tell Jackson I will be coming so he doesn’t know.
As I was coming from bus stop to a place where I will stay I saw a big crowd. They were all fans. And I even knew whose. They had green and were chanting GOT7’s name. They probably were shooting their new video clip for their new album. So I went closer. It will be surprise for them. I couldn’t help it. I laughed out loud. Some closest girls looked at me like I was crazy. And maybe I was. I was after all madly in love with Jackson.
Yes that’s right. I finally admit it. I am hopelessly in love with the man. I figured it only few weeks I was home from America. I was always afraid something happened when he didn’t call on schedule. I missed his voice. I missed HIM. I missed the other boys too, but Jackson the most.
I came around the group of girls so I could see my boys. Like I said, they were shooting some new MV. But something was wrong. I could tell from everyone’s tense shoulders.
,,Excuse me,” I said to the girl next to me (in korean of course), ,,what is happening?” She looked at me a little weird, looked at my suitcase and back at me.
,,The main actress in the video didn’t arrive and they are trying to find some replacement. We all hope they will pick someone from us, because they appear they really need it.” I nodded at her a thanked her.
So that’s why they look a little nervous. I wanted to call out on them a encourige them but my shout wouldn’t be heard through the fans’ noise. Jackson suddenly turned and looked at me. His eyes widenned and quickly said something to the director (I think so) and started towards me.
When he came, all the fans where around me in that very moment. He didn’t speak or anything, just took my suitcase and my hand, and was hurrying back.
,,She can do it.” I looked at him with confusion. The director looked at me from head to toe and back. I bowed a little. It would be impolite not to.
,,You know her?” He asked the boys who came closer and some of them waved at me. Jackson just nodded.
,,Excuse me, but what is going on?”
,,Well you see miss, we are in trouble here. Actress caught terrible flu and we can’t find replacement. Unfortunetaly we can’t reshedule this filming as we don’t have enough time. Would you be willing to act in the new MV? We would show the script first of course, so you would know what you would be acting and then you can decide.” I thought for a little while. I wanted to help the boys, but I was afraid what other fans would be thinking, when they would find out who I am (that the boys know me). After a minute I decided.
,,Alright. You don’t even need to show me script. I will help the boys with anything.”
“Really?” The director asked surprised.
,,That would be a big help. Thank you.”
,,It’s not a problem at all,” I reassured him. I turned towards the boys and smiled at them. Everyone had big grins on their face. The make-up artist then took me away to prepare me and I didn’t have time to speak to the group.
After an hour I was prepared, going through the script of what I would be doing. It wasn’t hard, it will be anly watching the boys, sometimes smiling. Basically in the MV I am the boys’ best friend and I am madly in love with Jackson, as main figure of this video. The song was about slowly falling in love with your best friend so you can imagine how it would look like.
It took several hours to shoot but luckily we made it in time. It wasn’t exactly that hard. I am madly in love with Jackson and good friend with the rest that it wasn’t a problem to shoot the MV.
,,Hey, you were great,” said Mark, the first one to change from the shooting clothes.
,,No I wasn’t. I just didn’t pretend anything, that’s all.” Mark was the only one I told about my feelings towards Jackson. I was the closest with him after Jackson. Maybe because we are so similar.
,,No it wasn’t that. You really are great in acting.” I just smiled at him.
,,Thank you.”
,,He is right, you know,” said Jinyoung who came to us.
,,See? Even the actor agrees with me,” said Mark. All three of us laughed at that comment. Others came to us.
,,What’s so funny?” asked Jackson.
,,Nothing,” I tried to say with poker face. He frowned and closed the distance between us. I bowed backwards a little bit, blushed a lot and looked away. Guys, little help here, I said inside my head. But the boys just looked at us with smirks. Oh, how I wanted to kill them at that moment. I coughted a little and stepped back from Jackson.
,,Well boys, I need to get to my dorms. I am already late as it is so I will get going.
,,Wait, we will take you there,” said leade JB. I tried to refuse, but Jackson once again took my hand and dragged me towards their car.
,,Why do you always drag me somewhere?” I asked Jackosn trying not to laugh.
,,What, you don’t want to?” He pretended to be hurt. Well, you won’t fool me Jackson. I know more than you know.
I smirked at him.
,,That is according to what we would be doing.” He just stared at me and I burst laughing with others. Jackson joined after few seconds. The car stopped. I could see several people outside, but hopefully they won’t come closer.
,,Thanks guys for the ride.”
,,Anytime.” ,,Have fun.” ,,Be careful.” ,,Call us if anything happens.” ,,Byebye.” Everyone spoke at the same time. I smiled and got out of the car. I turned at them.
,,Will you have time tomorrow? You know, you would show me Seoul a little bit.”
,,You should stay in the campus and try to make friends,” said Youngjae.
,,Don’t worry, I will be making friends when the school starts.”
,,If you would need anything, just call and we will come,” said Bambam. He was concerned for me.
,,Don’t worry, Yugyeom already wrote that to me.”
,,I sure did. Don’t worry.” I smiled at their concern. I saw it in their eyes.
,,Hey, don’t worry. I will be fine. So, do you have time?”
,,Unfortunately no. We need to record the song,” JB told me.
,,We won’t have time this week at all. Two weeks basically. We need to train and everything, you know.”
,,It’s okay,” I told them.
,,Well you go home, sleep o lot and when the comeback will be through a little, we can meet.” I tried to close the door but Jackson got out of the car and closed the door behind him.
,,Jackson, what are you doing?” I whispered. The people in front the dorm luckily disappeared somewhere so we were the only one there (plus the car).
,,I told JYP about you.”
,,What about me?” I looked up confused. He looked uncertain about something.
,,Well. Almost everything?” Was that a question or statement?
,,Why?” I needed to know. Hope sprand inside me because whenever I asked Mark about Jackson, Mark smirked and told me, that I was the only thing Jackson talked about all the time.
Jackson looked more uncertain than before.
,,You see. I- I- God, why is so hard?” I have never seen Jackson like this. He couldn’t find words, he was nervous, like really nervous and he was scratching the back of his neck while looking to the ground.
,,You what? Don’t worry, you can say anything to me.” He looked up and stared in my eyes. Everything faded away. It was only me and Jackson. I definitely stopped breathing, I was afraid my legs would give away. Jackson broke the spell by looking towards the ground again.
,,Hm. Nevermind. Have fun and be careful in the dorms.” He started to turn back but I decided differently. I stopped being me. My feelings were trying to destroy me unless I won’t release them. I grabbed him by his T-shirt and brought his lips to mine. I was faintly aware of the boys in the car cheering.
I felt Jackson’s shock. When he didn’t move, I lost confidence and broke the kiss. I looked don’t close to tears.
,,I am sorry, I sh-“ I didn’t have chance to finish. Jackson grabbed my face and kissed me. I closed my eyes and responded. I could fell his smile in the kiss and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I broke away from him and tried to catch my breath.
,,Wow,” I didn’t have enough oxygen to speak more. He put our foreheads together.
,,This is I told JYP about. I want to anounce to everyone I have a girlfriend tomorrow.” I kissed him quickly.
,,How did you know I would agree to it?” Jackson looked a bit embarresed.
,,I heard you talk to Mark once.” I looked up shocked.
,,You knew?! Why haven’t you told me anything!?” I hit him in the arm.
,,I wanted to do it personaly.” I kissed him on cheek.
,,Thank you.”
,,For what?” He asked.
,,For being you,” I smiled at him. I turned and went towards the dorms. I turned to Jackson to see him wainting still outside the car.
I didn’t care anymore about anyone. I inhaled and shouted on top of my lungs:
,,I LOVE YOU JACKSON!!!” With that I turned and rushed to my room without seeing Jckson’s expression. Suddenly the life looked more colourful and I was the happiest girl on the world.
Jackson is mine.
A/N: Done. Well, had it on my pc for few years, but still. Bye!
Part 1
Part 2
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 2)
A/N: Okay, part 2, enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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When you must wake up for breakfast because it ends at ten o’clock. After a concert… Never imagined it like this. How I didn’t want to get out of bed.
But then again, I will have breakfast, will return to my room and sleep all day long.
That woke me up a little bit, so I got up and prepared. Almost nobody was having a breakfast (it was 9:30). I had time to order my thoughts. I still couldn’t believe that I saw them. Like… OMG!!!
And I even talked to Jackson Wang. Maybe for less than five minutes, but even that counts. I am happy that I got tickets for fansign too. I felt like I could fly, like gravitation wasn’t working on me.
I decided to stay whole day in my room. I can go explore LA tomorrow, the only free day I have, before I have to go back to my country. When I got back, I just fell on bed fully clothed. I even fell asleep for a moment.
When I woke up I still had some time, so I looked at my Got7Amino. The concert was yesterday, not even 24 hours ago and there were blogs about me and Jackson. My photo was nowhere and I sighed with relieve.
The messages where almost the same. Mostly speculated about us. „How do they know each other?“ „Was that only a fan or someone Jackson knows more?“ And more similar sentences. Luckily nobody knew. I think that after today, someone will know my face. I was little scared about that. What would other ahgases think about me? What if someone found me on SNS?
All those thoughts crossed my mind. But then I thought of Jackson. If he can endure it, so can I. Even if it will take long to get used to it.
I really had nothing to do. Again I played games on phone, because I didn’t want to take my laptop with me… What if I lost it somewhere? Rather not. So I was mostly playing games. Or reading some fanfics. I won’t even tell what fanfics… I would be so embarrassed if anyone knew.
Finally it was time for me to go on fansign. I’ve never been there, so I don’t know how it will go. I dressed and checked if I didn’t forget the ticket and went. It was held near the stadium so I already knew the way.
I didn’t want to come on time, because I wanted to talk to Jackson again and I thought I could do that only after it ends. But I got there only an hour after the start and I had another hour and half. So I found myself a place to sit and I waited. The members didn’t notice me but that didn’t matter.
It was kind of fun. Sometimes it was little under because Got7 had to sign someone the album and didn’t have time to pay us attention. But those funny times, I can’t. One of the cutest things there was when Jackson gave Bambam a piggyback. Also Jaebum put on this silly headband with big leopard ears. Kyaa!!! I couldn’t. When you see it on picture it’s not as powerful as when you see it up-close.
I am telling you. Why does it always end so soon. Like 15 minutes from now, but still. So I stepped up and went for my signing. First I went to Yugyeom. He was in all black and had flowers in his hair. How can such devil look so angelic? Tell me!
„Hello,“ I said.
„Annyeong,“ he replied. I put album on table and he signed it.  He didn’t recognize me. Lucky. I wanted to be recognized only by Jackson. And maybe Mark as he saw me already.
„The flowers are pretty,“ I said. He smiled at me.
„Thank you.“ I bowed and went to next person.
Bambam. He is fashion killer! Come on, he is always so perfectly clothed, fully in black like Yugyeom. And he had black cat‘s ears!
Instead of greeting I dabbed… I couldn’t help it. And he dabbed back. Both of us laughed.
„Where you yesterday on concert?“ he asked me.
„Sure thing Bam-oppa,“ I smiled wider.
„I’m really your oppa?“ he couldn’t believe it.
„I’m two years younger.“ He just nodded and signed my album. When I went to next member, Bambam sent me a hand heart!
The next person was Jinyoung. I knew that he heard my conversation with Bambam, he was judging me with his eyes. I just put my finger on my lips, I didn’t want anyone know… yet. We didn’t talk, he just signed album and on the way he gave me high-five.
The forth person in row was Youngjae.
„What’s up!“ his usual greeting.
„Hi,“ I waved. I really couldn’t do anything more. With the flower in his hair he looked so innocent! He smiled at me wide and we handshaked.
The next one was tougher. Im „Chic & Sexy“ Jaebum. And why did he have to have expression like that! I really wanted to fan myself. What a pity he didn’t have the ears anymore. But we know how he is with these kinds of things. He simply waved at me.
„Hi,” I managed weak hello. As I said, I am usually shy in front of people, more likely people I don’t know (personally).
I felt little better with the next person. Our cute visual Mark.
„Hey, you’re the girl from yesterday,” he said. I knew he would recognize me.
„Yep, that’s me.” I smiled.
„How did you even meet?“ Suddenly someone put their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in fear and scremed a little bit. When I turned to see the person, it was Jackson.
„Dammit Jackson, don’t do that! I am even worse than you when scared.”
,,Hey what do you mean by that?“
,,Nothing,“ I said while trying to look innocent.
,,Au, you hurt my feelings,“ he pretended to be hurt.
,,Oh don't cry my little baby,“ I made childish noises. Suddenly Mark started laughing.
,,Be quiet Mark.“
,,Sorry but it was kind of funny. So how did you meet?“
,,Now that's funny story. I was coming for concert when I saw this little lost child. I went to help him and what didn't I saw… It was Jackson,“ I said with laugher.
,,(Y/N),“ Jackson said with dangerous voice. I started to run around the table and Jackson was right behind me. Everyone was definitely watching us now. I looked back to confirm he way still behind me. When I turned back Mark was standing there and I had to stop.
Suddenly Jackson was next to me and he kissed me!! It was on cheek near lips but I froze and no thoughts where coming. I was blank. I couldn’t think! Standing there looking who knows where. Someone was waving their hand in front of my face, but I didn’t pay attention to that.
,,I think we broke her,“ said Jackson. That woke me up.
,,Jackson!“ I shouted. I advanced on him and he was going back. Suddenly he put a mic in front of my mouth.
,,Sing,“ he said. Yeah sure, I thought sarcastically.
,,But I can't sing! Plus I am tone-deaf!“
,,So what?“ OK now I wanted to kill him.
,,Do you want her to sing?“ he asked the audience. Everyone started to shout. Wow thanks guys. Maybe it was the kiss or I don't know, but I thought whatever and took the mic.
,,OK guys I'm gonna try it, but I am telling you, you will be wishing you said no.“ So I decided to sing this one song Genie in a bottle by Dove Cameron. So I started singing.
When I finished everyone started clapping.
,,Wasn't so bad,“ commented Jackson. I blushed. I knew that I sing bad even if I like singing and I sing all the time, but…
,,I am not that good.“
,,You were brilliant!“ Jackson was jumping around me and others where noding.
,,Well thanks guys.“ At this moment a woman came on stage and said GOT7 should say goodbye. Everyone was sad. Again it had to end. Jackson gestured to stay there so I went to the background to wait. I really couldn’t think anymore. So many things happened today that… oh never mind. Suddenly someone was hugging me.
,,I don’t want you to go,“ said Jackson. I think he felt same as me. I was so sad to go away and probably never meeting again. At least not anytime soon. He released me and I saw hope.
,,Give me your phone.“ I took my phone out of a pocket and gave it to him. I didn’t know what he was doing. But he explained it.
,,I will call you as soon as we arrive home.“ My eyes wide-opened. Did he said what he said?
,,OK,“ I said still trying to figure it out. He returned my phone to me and hugged me again. This time Mark came too and other came closer.
,,We're going to miss you,“ said Jackson.
,,Definitely. Yesterday he wouldn't shut up about you,“ said this time Mark.
,,Be quiet Mark.“ Now they really had to go. I released them.
,,I am going to miss you too.“ Tears where coming down my face. Jackson leaned closer and kissed me again on cheek. They than turned and went backstage.
I knew most ahgases stayed there so it will definitely end up on net, but I didn’t care. Right now I was trying not to cry and fall on my knees. To hotel I came like in a dream. Didn’t know how I got into my room. But I didn’t care. I fell on bed and cried myself into sleep.
A/N: part 2 is done, next and last part 3 coming up
Part 1
Part 3
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 1)
A/N: Okay, I posted this on my wattpad like three years ago? Maybe even longer... And I wanted to put it here too, enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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This was it. Finally I got here. It’s summer holidays, a week before my graduation year begins. And here I am, in the USA for a CONCERT of GOT7! I couldn’t believe my luck.
My parents had tried to tell me it’s not good idea to come here but I told them:
„I am an adult and it’s my money not yours. Even if I‘ll decide to stay there and start a new life after graduation, it’s my life.“ So I am here, at a big stadium in LA, waiting for the crowd to get indoors.
Maybe you are thinking:
„Why are you not running inside so you could get the best place near your idols?“ But I am not like that. I am not the type of fangirl that shouts „I love you“ or screaming at everything they do. I am almost the opposite. They are humans after all. I just like their music, it can wake me up or cheer me when I am sad. That’s why I am waiting outside and playing games on phone. (Plus I hate crowds.)
And that’s why I didn’t notice a presence near me.
„Shouldn’t you go inside for the concert?“ asked a familiar voice. But I didn’t react the way hard fangirls would.
„I am just waiting for the crowd to be smaller. I think I would be lost if I got into that.“ I looked up to see a man in his 20s, brown hair and dark eyes, dressed in expensive clothes.
„And shouldn’t you be inside preparing for concert, Jackson?“ I smiled at him.
„Probably.“ He smile back. Then two things happened. Nothing overdramatic no. My knees just
stopped working for a second if you know what I mean. And second I got chills. Of course the second was because of the temperature. I thought that LA would be hot even in the evening. And it normally is, but tonight no. That was just my luck. Without a jacket, waiting outside and what’s more, you’ve got only a tank top with GOT7 written on it.
„Do you want to borrow a jacket?“ he noticing me shaking.
„N-no it’s ok. We both should probably go inside. It will start in a moment. See you later.“
„Ok. Will you go on the fansign tomorrow?“
„Totally. Bye bye,“ I waved at him and turned.
„Wait!“ he called me.
„What’s your name?“ I turned back to face him.
„(Y/N),“ I turned back again and went inside. There was so many people there. But I decided to somehow get in front, so maybe, just maybe Jackson would notice me again. I know, selfish wish, but….
Surprisingly getting in front wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be…. I was in the fifth row (+-) in front of the stage, where concert was just starting. The boys started with their new song (a/n whatever song you like from any artist) and they introduced themselves. As if they needed that.
We really had a good time. We were laughing a lot. Sometimes even I was screaming. Half of the time I tried not to fall down with insane laughter. I just couldn’t! I had never had so much fun!
Suddenly it was almost ending. We all felt sad. We don’t want to go home! They said we have about five minutes. So sad! Jackson suddenly started to look into the crowd. It looked like he was searching for someone. I felt hopeful.
The other members noticed and looked at each other, but nobody had a clue. Mark came to Jackson probably to ask who’s he looking for. Not sure as he didn’t have mic near his mouth.
Suddenly mine and Jackson’s eyes met. He smiled wide at me and waved. I started to feel really shy and had to look down for a moment. When I looked back he was still watching me, so I waved back.
I am really shy in front of people so I was little afraid everyone in the crowd will look at me, but luckily no. Girl behind me started screaming.
„He’s looking at me! And waved at me!“ I smile at that.
Mark turned into the crowd and started searching for whoever Jackson waved, but I hid. Jackson laughed in his hyena laugh that was heard everywhere. He must have felt bad because he pointed me out for Mark. And I waved at him! Come on! Me! Who is shy! I started blushing hard.
Jackson suddenly decided to be funny and send me big heart with aegyo. But two can play this game. I pretended to catch the heart and rip it and throw behind me. Smiling all the way. He caught his heart pretending to be hurt and he fell on his knees. I laughed. The group was looking at us. I sent him small hand heart but he played still and flicked it back into the crowd. I pouted and he only smirked at me!
Unfortunately it had to end. Got7 said their goodbye and gave us some advices and words of wisdom. They went slowly and waved all the way to the backstage. Jackson went last. Before he stepped down from stage, he stopped and turned back. He was sad, I good see it in his eyes which caught mine. He smiled at me sadly and waved weakly. It felt like we were going away from each other for eternity. And we’re meeting again tomorrow! Both of us turned at the same time, not able to see the sadness and we both went to our hotels. Why do I feel so empty?
A/N: Hope you at least don’t dislike it :D
Part 2
Part 3
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agataroman · 3 years
I am putting the list of my fanfics here, so I can find them myself, plus I am not planning to write much, so... :D
Stargate Atlantis
Becoming Family (Sheppard x Reader)
K-pop Got7
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 1) (Jackson x Reader)
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 2) (Jackson x Reader)
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 3) (Jackson x Reader)
Meeting the team(s) (TonyDinozzo x Reader - NCIS x Stargate)
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