#i can do literally anything i want forever!! what a magical thing!! :DD
keeps-ache · 1 year
WAIT. my art so cool actually
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potahun · 2 years
(i continue to be anon bc i don't want the asks coming from my main and not my pokemon sideblog but hi i made the alain art and had the ask about the tsme tag last time! i return flaksdjf)
idk if you're still taking tsme asks bc technically the months ends today? so if you don't get to this that is. totally totally cool
but i was wondering if you have like. headcanons or ideas or anything about connections between oras (esp the delta episode) and tsme acts 2 and 3?
basically i'm novelizing tsme rn and i've got the first act done but the second one has me kinda stumped bc what is the logic behind magical staircases activated by rainbow rocks and all of that shit flkasjdf and there's so much lore potential but idk how to Lore and so much more one could do with steven's character then what is properly done in the anime so idk i was just wondering if you had suggestions or headcanons to get my brain gears going flkasdjf sorry if this is a weird question
gonna flat out admit that i never even got to play the delta episode so. struggling haha
anyways also just wanted to say tysm for doing tsme month and providing sm content it's literally the happiest i've felt in the pokemon fandom in what feels like forever it was just so nice to see that other people like tsme too! this was so much fun even just to follow along and i had a great time :DD
First thing first, I TOTALLY GET THE FEELING im on secondary blog too, so I can never do asks from potahun and it makes me sad sometimes ;__; but HI! Thank you so much again for the lovely tsme month art aaaaaaa
Secondly, your ask is hitting me right on the head like a whack-a-mole, because I DO have a lot of thoughts about oras being linked to TSME 2-3 and I am so happy to be able to talk about it all :D
I already used this headcanon as the basis for The Elevator Pitch (sorry for the self-promote here) and set out details in the end notes of that fic But the narrative I believe to be true (and I dont believe ive seen it before) is:
The Megalith originally landed in Kalos through unknown means (from space?) and was used by AZ as the core of the Ultimate Weapon. (headcanon)
Firing the Ultimate Weapon poured energy - a mix of Pokémon life energy and Megalith energy - onto Kalos which mutated certain rocks into Mega Stones. (canon/headcanon)
After regretting his acts, AZ hid the Ultimate Weapon, and possibly broke the Megalith into pieces, to avoid another UW and one part was moved to Hoenn. (headcanon)
Some people accepted to keep the Megalith in Hoenn (headcanon) But with its Primal Energy, the rock caused trouble with Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (canon). In this overall chaos, Mega Stones appeared in Hoenn: Rayquaza does Mega-Evolve and make attacks rain whenever it detects the Megalith. Does that mix of Megalith+Pokémon energy do the same thing to rocks as the UW did? Maybe. (headcanon/canon)
To avoid having Hoenn wrecked constantly, some people must have hidden the Hoenn part of the Megalith in a system that we see in TSME2. (headcanon) I am not sure how the rainbow stairs work either. Could be Mega-Evo energy-powered technology from back in the days. Or magic. Either way, that Megalith is hidden in Hoenn, and the key to it broken into two halves. (canon) 
AZ could have been in Hoenn to witness the Rayquaza phenomenon (basically canon) and taken half of the key with him back to Kalos. (headcanon) As he is Fleurdelys’ ancestor, this could explain why Fleurdelys found half of the key (while Daigo found the other) in TSME2 (canon)
The other half of the Megalith is left in Kalos, hidden within the Anistar Sundial. (headcanon)
Based on this, one could say the Megalith is “the root of Mega Evolution”
Most of these headcanons are based to an extent on canon information or would fit within canon narrative: For instance, we have canon indications from ORAS that AZ has been in Hoenn (tree near Cave of Origins, and Zinnia’s dialogues). Also, in XY games, the Anistar Sundial is shrouded in mystery, but is linked to Mega Evolution, and is rumoured to be from outer space (Megalith?) Also, in XY&Z, the Megalith headed straight for the Anistar Sundial in order to absorb it: given Fleurdelys’ plan (in-game) to revive the UW, that would tie the loose ends together and make a coherent narrative (i.e. the Hoenn-Megalith wants to fuse again with the Kalos-Megalith and their fusion + whatever process Fleurdelys made the Megalith undertake, together, “revive” the UW and destroy Kalos). Also! Devon used Pokémon life energy to create Infinity Energy, inspired by the story of AZ and the Ultimate Weapon. But why did Devon never somehow create Mega Stones through that process? Life energy itself is not enough; they lacked the Megalith. etc. 
I believe this theory holds up fairly strongly, but there is of course speculation involved. I hope it can spark some ideas...? :’)
As for Daigo’s role within this big conspiracy theory, I also have my take on it in The Elevator Pitch :’D but that is NOT canon and is just one take among many possibilities haha 
In any case, good luck with your writing process aaaaaa!! And thank you again for this ask!! I am so, so glad if you enjoyed tsme month ;w; and thank you so much for telling me that you did. *holds heart* It was such a pleasure for me to scream, reminisce and share the love for tsme as well, and it was so nice to see all the warm responses, to see that it’s been years but people still care about the source material. Even without tsme month, I hope tsme continues to be loved by all
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virgilsinferno · 5 years
Tumblr media
important :: this is a horror fic and might contain triggering content. proceed with caution.
tw :: choking, getting chased (please let me know if i missed any)
word count :: 3073
notes :: i am not entirely sure with how many chapters there will be, but if you want to be removed from the taglist or added, just lmk.
The year is 2058.
A new social networking site had been on the rise. It’s fairly new, existing for barely a month, and yet it had gotten people of all ages signing up to create an account. The site is renowned for the amount of gossip posted by its users; falsehoods so intricately woven that users and non users would find it hard not to believe them. Then again, Virgil had a theory that people’s IQs were decreasing.
There was a rumor going around that the site must have magical abilities. People also use it to vent, and users report a much lighter feeling similar to a relaxed state after doing so.
Where have their brain cells gone? It’s called being able to get something off of your chest, not magic.
Almost everyone he knew had an account. Scratch that, everyone he knew had an account. He had the basics like everyone else: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et cetera. The one site he refused to be on was Spillr.
He had his doubts.
Except he was the only one left in the entire school who didn’t have a Spillr account, and though the students were nice enough to not tease him too much about it (playfully, of course), he couldn’t help but feel anxious. So he gave in. Everyone at school would freak out when they hear the news that he’s created an account. Just to be sure, he didn’t give out too much personal information and even created a new email account to use for the sign up.
Create Your Account
First Name: Nunya
Last Name: Business
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 05/24/2030
Username: iinfernhoee
Email: thisisafakeemail @ gmail.com
Password: uhpassword
Confirm Password: uhpassword
☐ I accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
The fake information he had typed turned red, and there was a note above the “Sign Up” button.
The note read: “Sorry! It appears you have used incorrect information. Please accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Try again.”
What kind of crap-filled hell was he getting himself into? That sounds creepy.
“Well fuck you, you shitty site. No way am I signing up now.” Virgil muttered. He closed the tab and turned off his laptop, then grabbed his backpack. He had a feeling this would be another day jam-packed with unnerving social situations.
Rushing past the kitchen, his dad tossed him a sandwich in a ziplock bag. “Eat breakfast on the way to school!” He yelled out, to which Virgil responded with a two-fingered salute— a greeting, a goodbye, and a “maybe”.
His school being a 5 minute run away was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing since he doesn’t have to wake up as early, nor does he have to take the bus. A curse since he’s always running late. The time was 6:56 am, and classes start at 7 am.
No, it was 6:55.
Darn, watch must be broken. Virgil continued to run, a little bit startled by the stunt his watch just pulled on him. Not funny at all. It was almost like something weird was going on.
He arrived at school at the exact same time the bell rang. It usually did that 10 minutes before class started.
10 minutes before class… started? He’s supposed to be late, no way is it possible for time to go backwards.
Students hurried to get to first period. He wasn’t as determined as they were, but tuition is expensive so he had to. The dimly lit hallways gave him an eerie vibe. There was silence and noise at the same time, yet he didn’t know how that was possible. Virgil put his headphones on and put his playlist on shuffle. Where had they come from? Did he even bring his headphones in the first place? It was difficult to recall. To him, it felt like time fucked with his ability to remember anything that had happened before he got to school. No worries, at least he’s got something that will make him feel more at ease.
Virgil walked with his head down, looking at the ground and watching his feet walk through the familiar halls. The same boring floor pattern stretched for miles, and he was starting to think that he’s never going to get to class on time. He had 10 minutes. He can walk at a normal pace.
No one spoke to him. It was alright, it’s not like he’s going to interact with them anyways. He only had one friend and he didn’t even go to school there. They were a lot similar than one would initially expect; both of them disliked socializing with people and despised loud noises. If he were to be completely honest, their parents forced them to talk to each other since they’re neighbors and have no interest in talking to other kids their age but he only agreed when he saw that his neighbor is actually hella cute.
Of course he’s not going to out himself when there is this lingering fear of disapproval, so it remains a secret.
Speaking of lingering fear, there seemed to be thoughts of something that continued to gnaw at him, although he wasn’t sure what it is that he’s so worried about. His thoughts presented nothing. It is always in a state of chaos but also blank at the same time, so he tried to focus on the music playing instead. At this point, he’ll believe that whatever he’s thinking of that’s bothering him so much aren’t from his own thoughts. Sure he’s got stuff that’s going on in his mind as well that’s difficult to block, but that’s coming from the current environment he’s in. Nothing could stress him more than a place filled with people and noises filling every nook and cranny from all the chatter.
Upon walking in the classroom, he noticed that the seat next to his was taken by an unfamiliar person. He finds it difficult to remember names, but it’s a lot easier to recall faces. This person was a complete stranger to him. Not that he talked to people, though. He felt that it was best to avoid this guy so the stranger wouldn’t start a conversation with him. It’s what most people that sit next to him attempt to do, but they could rarely get a word out of him, so they give up trying.
For some reason, he struggled to pay attention to anything that was going on. His headphones were now hidden in his backpack and an open notebook lay on his desk. His fingers gripped a purple glitter pen, probably having a mind of its own as it danced across the page creating doodles that he’d later on look back at and cringe.
It was almost like for a moment, he felt at ease.
Looking around, he saw that everyone was too busy paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying. That was already worrying. Not everyone paid attention, especially people at the back. Not that paying attention during class was a bad thing. Their eyes were glued to the front, all of them sitting still— unmoving. Another thing, dark liquid spilled onto the floor and the tumbler that contained said liquid fell onto the floor with a clang. No one flinched in shock or even noticed that there was pitch black liquid seeping into the floor cracks. The owner of the tumbler was a girl with bleached blonde hair that sat at the very front. She didn’t pick it up.
The liquid kept inching closer to him, and his brain screamed “RUN” but his body stayed frozen. At first glance, it looks relatively harmless. Anyone would assume that it was either soda, juice, or some weird drink like BLK Water.
What’s even more strange and unsettling about his current situation is the fact that the shadows of everything in the room started creeping slowly towards him, approaching him with a speed that was simply unacceptable in his books. If you wanna scare him, do it fast so he doesn’t have time to experience the fear and anxiety that sets in when he realizes what’s going to happen.
Virgil carefully placed his things back in his backpack. He kept a close eye on everything that was moving in his direction, just in case. He zipped his bag unhurriedly at a pace that could compete with the shadows. Noise might make them move faster, so he limited the noise he created as best he can.
Movement was another thing he limited. The slower the movement, the higher the chance he’d be safe. He wasn’t sure if that was going to help his chances to get out, but better to be safe than sorry. His pace mimicked the shadows, but they were getting too close to him. He had to act fast and he had to do it now.
His feet avoided any dark spots on the floor, only stepping on what he was sure was floor. He dashed out of the room and tried his best not to look back. Keyword: tried. He looked back and saw that the shadows were now chasing him. He ran as far as his feet could take him, retracing his steps.
Virgil stopped to breathe. He was outside now. Back to where he stood when the bell rang. His thoughts were going wild and his heart was racing. There were no shadows following him. Only silence and the weight of his backpack pulling down on his right shoulder.
Why was he so ready to accept that there were shadows literally coming for him? He must’ve imagined all that there’s no way—
“Oh come on,” Virgil kicked a pebble that was conveniently in front of his feet. “Stop ringing the stupid bell!”
Students hurried to get to first period. He wasn’t as determined as they were, and he sure as hell won’t step any closer inside the building. What was going on?
He checked the time on his watch. It was a digital watch, so he didn’t have to count the tiny lines to get the accurate time.
6:50 am.
If he’s not imagining all this, he might as well be dreaming. Jokes on them, 6:50 am was already done and it was forever ago. It should be like, maybe past 7:30 or something.
Virgil stood still, his eyes focused on his watch. Someone stepped into his personal space. He could see their shoes. He looked up to meet the eyes of his seatmate. The guy in class who he didn’t talk to, the total stranger he never met before. He was standing before him, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Virgil.” He said, testing out how the name sounded. “What an odd name. I like it.”
The stranger walked off, leaving Virgil to ponder on what the hell just happened and what he should do. He had his head down, his eyes staring at his shoes. Pitch black liquid crept towards his direction. He furrowed his brows, wondering if that shit was going to happen again. He turned around, ready to run for his life again.
He was met with darkness.
So he did another 180° turn and was yet again, met with nothing but the dark void. Something was choking him. He could feel hands on his neck, pressing hardly. Virgil reached out in front of him to push off whoever was choking him but there was nothing. There were no hands on his neck. Breathing became difficult. His ears were ringing, and there was no one there to help him.
His eyes flew wide open. Pain shot throughout his entire body. The hands on his neck faded out of existence and he slowly regained his breathing. There was the feeling of wetness on his cheeks. He touched it and felt tear tracks. Was he crying just now?
Light peered through the curtains. It was almost blinding. He shielded his eyes from the light until they adjusted to the brightness. Everything felt warmer. He felt at ease.
The year is 2030.
May 24, 2030.
A new social networking site had been on the rise. It’s fairly new, existing for barely a month, and yet it had gotten people of all ages signing up to create an account. Logan was scrolling through his feed to pass the time, clearly aware of how many rumors there are on his feed alone, but it was entertaining to see people take them as fact. His good friend, Dmitri, had been the one to introduce him to the site. Dmitri was one of the more popular users. At first he refused to make an account, saying that gossip was not something he would ever partake in. His friend got him to sign up by telling him that his brother had a lot of blackmail material on his account. Everyone was right. It was addictive.
“Logan.” Virgil called out, his voice sounding hoarse.
He directed his attention to his friend. “You’re awake.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Virgil grumbled and got off of the bed. He often got… unpleasant dreams, so he didn’t bother to look into it.
The layout of the room nearly threw him off. Perhaps he wasn’t as awake as he should be. His only friend, Logan, would invite him over from time to time. That’s where he’s currently at. He can’t recall falling asleep on Logan’s bed, nor can he remember anything that had happened before he fell asleep. All he knew was that he had a raging headache and a weird feeling that someone or something was watching him.
For some reason, his phone was charging on the other end of the room. He removed it from the charger and sat down on the bed with his legs crossed, slightly curious as to what the hell Logan’s looking at on his phone. All of his attention was on the screen before him. That wasn’t very Logan-like.
Out of all the people he knew, Logan is the sole person who could leave the house without his phone. Not that he knew many people.
Virgil yawned. His eyelids still felt heavy, so he decided that maybe a quick splash of water onto his face would help. Logan’s room was connected to the bathroom, which was a good thing since he really did not feel like walking up and down the stairs.
He let the faucet run, staring at his reflection in the mirror and wondering why he was feeling so weird. Also, his hair was a mess, but that was quickly fixed with a comb. There were still splotches of makeup on his face, which was a sign that he must not have wiped it all off before falling asleep. He washed his face, getting rid of the unwanted makeup, but unable to shake off the feeling that there were eyes trained on him.
Going back into Logan’s room, he spotted his friend still scrolling through his phone. His hands were still wet so he sprinkled Logan with some water. No reaction. He did it again, but this time earned a glare then was ignored again. Third time’s the charm, right? He did it once more and received a grumble in response.
Virgil pushed Logan to the side and sat down on one half of the beanbag, looking over his friend’s shoulder to see what was so interesting that he couldn’t pay attention to him. He was on… Spillr? That’s new. Instead of asking him a million questions about what he was doing on that app, he simply let Logan do his thing.
Minutes passed and Virgil got bored of sitting there, doing nothing. He could go get his phone, but he felt too lazy to get up. Plus, Logan still hasn’t acknowledged him. For a moment, Logan stopped scrolling and had a look of confusion plastered on his face. Virgil would’ve asked him what was wrong, but he caught a glimpse of Logan’s screen. That’s not right.
“I thought you said that you won’t ever make a Spillr account?” Logan questioned, showing his friend the profile page that couldn’t be anyone else’s but Virgil’s.
Virgil Armati @iinfernhoee
bio :: pls don’t try to talk to me 
📍 bed 
58 following || 12 followers 
Joined May 24, 2030
“I didn’t.” Virgil managed to say. He wasn’t sure how to react, but he knew for sure he was panicking internally. Why would anyone make him an account?
Out of curiosity, he dashed to his phone and went through his apps.
There it was. An app with an eye icon that was unmistakably Spillr. He didn’t download that. He was a hundred percent sure that he did not download that app. He opened it to see if he did have an account, and unfortunately enough, he did.
That was probably the biggest plot twist of 2030 so far. He saw that he had 21 notifications. 12 followers, 6 messages, and 3 mentions. He would’ve said that the creepiest part about the app was that the home button had an eye icon instead of the typical house icon that any normal social networking site would have, but the fact that he even has notifications creeped him out more.
He went through the messages. The first one was from the app itself, which he didn’t bother to read. There were two that had nothing but links, so he deleted those. The last three were from Roman, Logan’s brother.
romano @thegayprince
| :DDD
Read 6:10 pm
There’s no point in replying. He moved on to his mentions, and those were basically people from school posting about how he finally made an account. No point in replying to those either. He checked the settings. His real name was used, real phone number, real birthdate, and real email. He figured that it was best to delete the account and the app, just in case.
Well, he made the right decision.
Perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him or his phone was broken ‘cause once he deleted the app, his phone glitched and for a split second, he swore he saw that all of his apps turned into Spillr. Nothing a bit more sleep can fix.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
taglist :: @anon-e-has-a-tmblr @baddeceit-ohsorrydeceit @but-jesuschrist-im-never-good @captainlilithrouge @cats-fandom-universe-room @cryptidcherrry @deceit-is-a-lil-bitch @effortiswhatmatters @human-being-kinda @insanetentacles @keeshy-ekho @lemon-towns @lesbian-aesthics-are-my-aesthic @lokisuggests @lopaviro @lucifer-just-needs-a-hug @mychemicalpanicattheemo @prplzorua @roanoaks @rosepyxeltumbls @starrycari @strickenwithclairvoyance @suyun-doo @therealmoshar @theultimatemomfriend @unicornlogansanders @what-even-is-thiss @why-should-i-tell-youu2​
thanks for reading ❤ sorry if there are mistakes lmao
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ink-flavored · 5 years
11/11/11 Game (Triple Threat)
Tagged by @multimousenette​ and @bogbodybitch​ and @nectareouswrites​! Thanks!
I’ll put my questions at the top here so you don’t have to scroll through 33 questions lmao
Do you like to cook or do you prefer going out?
How meticulous do you like to get in your world building?
How do you relax when you’re stressed?
Do you have a creative hobby outside of writing? What is it?
Luck or chance?
Is there something that you’ve decided to keep in your WIP(s) even after someone told you to get rid of it? 
What’s your battle music?
What are you most proud of yourself for?
What’s your favorite dinosaur?
What would you grow on a farm?
Blood family or found family? 
Tagging: @royalbounties @rainy-rose @aesopsrachaels @purpleshadows1989 @frankensteinn @shadeshadow234 @startroubled @farrradays and anyone else who wants to!
Alright. Now comes the doozy.
1.      What’s your preferred writing and reading genre?
Fantasy for both, though I like to read a lot of different genres
2.      What’s your favorite thing about your least favorite character?
Least favorite is tough. The character I’ve been having the hardest time writing recently is General Zhai from The God-Dragon’s Wife, mainly because I haven’t solidified her motivations yet, but if there’s one thing I know about her, it’s that she takes no shit. Which is very difficult for me, because she isn’t taking my shit either.
3.      What’s your least favorite thing about your favorite character?
Again with the favorites! Teconia is fun to write, but I feel bad about making bad things happen to her and making her sad. She gets sad a lot and then I feel guilty. Stop doing that.
4.      Which of your characters do you feel most indifferent towards? Why?
Right now, it’s Park. I don’t think we’d be friends if he was a real person (robot?) because our values are so misaligned, but he’s not a bad guy.
5.      Which of your projects means the most to you and why?
Firesoul, no doubt. It’s been an idea I’ve had since I first started writing, and the fact that I’ve been continuing to write it after all these years is a huge deal for me (i.e. a person who comes up with ideas and then abandons them forever)
6.      Is there a theme that can be found in all of your projects? Was it intentional or dd you realize after the event?
Usually there’s a theme of overcoming – whether that’s overcoming self, overcoming oppression, or overcoming adversity. I don’t do it intentionally, but I think it’s definitely informed by experiences in my life, so it would feel odd to not have it.
7.      What’s your favorite book to read? Does it have any similarities to your any of your writing projects?
The Inheritance Cycle is my favorite book series of all time and it absolutely informs my writing style. I’ve read the first book, Eragon, eight times, and seven of those times was before I turned 16. I’d be shocked if it didn’t.
8.      What have you learnt while writing that you hope everyone knows?
That I can write whatever I want, and someone will like it, even if it’s not the someone I thought would like it.
9.      What’s your biggest strength in writing?
Description, for sure.
10.  What about your weakness?
Too much description.
Seriously, though, it’s plot structure. I suck at that, and I’m awful at outlines.
11.  How many questions do you answer on character profile sheets when creating new characters?
I try to shoot for all of the ones that apply! But I don’t do a lot of character sheets so…
12.  What do you love most about your writing?
I love my worlds and settings. I pour blood, sweat, and tears into them, and I think it really pays off.
13.  What’s your favorite type of character to write?
Smart dumbasses, people who Can’t Handle Feelings, and people who Have Too Much Feelings. I have no middle ground.
14.  What inspires you to write?
Life. That’s probably the most cliché answer on the planet, but I’m very informed by the things I believe and the experiences I have. Even my horror pieces (short as they are) come from places of feeling helpless in my own life, struggling with an undiagnosed anxiety and panic disorder for most of my life.
15.  If you could talk to your protagonist, what advice would you give them?
I would gently hold Park’s metal robot face in my hands and tell him to Stop Taking All Responsibility For Everything. Good God. It’s not all about you, all the time.
I would tell Xinya that it’s okay to feel emotions sometimes. Yes, even that one.
I would tell Teconia that trusting people isn’t always a good thing.
I would tell Hayden that he is capable, no matter what he tells himself.
16.  If you had to do an escape room with one of your characters, who would you choose and why?
Park is a robot and therefore would be very logical about all possible solutions. This could either be a great thing or a terrible thing, but I’ll take my chances with the guy with a computer for a brain.
17.  How did you come up with the plot for your current wip(s)?
The God-Dragon’s Wife is inspired by a (perhaps not astoundingly written) fanfiction I read and said “Psh. I can do that.” That, and my deep held desire to marry a dragon.
Firesoul came to me at an audition for a role in my dance company’s annual Christmas show. I heard this epic, haunting music, and had a vision, essentially, of a scene from the book. Teconia herself is literally a D&D character that I liked so much I gave her a book.
Out of the Park is inspired from way back when I used to regularly play Overwatch, and my main, Zenyatta, had a skin release that was a baseball team. The rest is history/
Dragon Raising actually started as a novel that I never did anything with, because something always felt off about the delivery. When I took a comic writing class in college, everything clicked at once.
18.  What’s one line/paragraph you’ve written recently that you’re proud of?
This is from a submission for a prompt month in a fandom I’m in:
Yugi didn’t believe in ghosts. It was fun to think about, sure, but he’d never seen any “real” evidence to support the idea. His friend Ryou claimed otherwise, but they’d long since learned to agree to disagree on the subject. Of course, they were both partial to a good scare – his second favorite genre for anything was horror – and they could talk about the coolest ghost stories they’d heard for hours. Still, he had never latched on to the idea of the “soul persisting after death.” It was ridiculous, for a lot of reasons. The idea of a ghost in his house – in anyone’s house – was almost laughable.
But he didn’t have a lot of other ideas to explain this.
19.  Do you ever draw concept art for your writing?
I can’t draw, but if someone made me art of my WIPs, I would die LITERALLY for them.
20.  What do you like most about one of your protagonists and what do you like least about them?
Xinya is a powerful woman. She’s capable and smart and will kick your ass in chess. But she’s so emotionally constipated it’s actually painful for me.
Teconia is kind, strong even if she doesn’t know it yet, and loyal to her friends and family. But she refuses to use her strength until it’s too late, which is frustrating for a lot of reasons.
Park is a dumbass. This is both the reason I love and hate him.
Hayden can do remarkable things, but he never gives himself credit for them.
21.  What’s the setting of your current wip(s) and why did you choose it?
TGDW takes place in a fantasy Imperial China, which I chose because I am so sick of Fantasy Medieval Europe #4564
Firesoul takes place in Fantasy Medieval Europe #a billion, but I’m not romanticizing it. Teconia is the poorest of the poor, a racial minority, and has to keep her mage identity a secret to avoid persecution. You see exactly what that’s like in Ethallia for the average citizen, and it’s not pretty, unlike most fantasy settings where Everyone Is Good Except Our Evil King, Who Is Evil For Vague Magic Reasons.
OOTP is my personal idealized Future America, which means there is So Much Socialism. Everywhere.
Dragon Raising takes place in modern day Chicago, which I chose because wouldn’t it be hilarious if someone had to raise dragons in the middle of Chicago?
22.  What are some of your strengths that make you a good writer?
I pride myself on my description and world building, as I’m sure people have picked up by now, but I’ve also been told I’m good at writing character interactions. I’ll take it!
23.  Do you listen to music/have playlists to get you writing?
I’m one of those people who can’t write without music to block out the sounds of the real world. I don’t have any specific playlists for writing – I usually just shuffle my whole library.
24.  Who is the character that is least like you and why?
Personality wise, it’s between Park and Yu-Qi who are the least like me.
Park thinks he has to be the one to change the world – him and him alone – which is just. Come on man. Dismount from your high horse.
Yu-Qi is closer to being the opposite of me because of our similarities, ironically enough. She’s obsessive, possessive, and in a true dragon fashion, she hoards and hoards and hoards. These are qualities I share, but desperately afraid of.
25.  What is the maximum word count you are hoping for your project(s)?
Oh, this is a good question. I’ve never sat down and thought it out specifically, but I think a good novel length is 80k-200k words, so I’ll shoot for that!
26.  Do you write better in the day time or at night?
Night owl. I blame it on being born at 1:30am
27.  What are your OC(s) zodiac signs?
Well, considering only two of them exist in our star system, I’ll just guess!
Xinya: Virgo
Teconia: Pisces
Park: Scorpio
Hayden: Libra
28.  Where do you fall on the beige to purple prose spectrum?
My prose is indigo, man. I am so close to purple it’s unreal.
29.  Are you well read in the genre you hope to go into?
Absolutely! I’ve been reading fantasy since I was in first grade.
30.  What are your goals for your writing career?
I want to open people’s minds and make them think about stuff that they might not have otherwise thought about. And entertain them, of course.
31.  How comfortable are you with critical feedback?
PLEASE give me critical feedback, I’m begging you. My life has been plagued by minimal to no feedback on my writing and it’s so frustrating.
32.  Do you enjoy reading or writing romance?
Reading it: depends. Writing it: yes, but I’ve only just gotten into it!  
33.  Do you annotate your books?
Depends on the book. If I’ve read it enough times to quote direct lines, then yes. I’ll never annotate a new book.
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ladyloveandjustice · 8 years
Mia basically tells Phoenix he is powered by friendship and its his strongest weapon. SHE AGREES WITH ME HE IS A MAGICAL GIRL.
Will Powers on the stand convinced Phoenix is going to accuse him of murder because THAT’S WHAT YOU DO TO WITNESSES I’VE SEEN IT.  Miles says: “I will personally talk to the defense later” He did this in DD too didn’t he. The whole “Don’t worry I will scold my troublesome husband” bit. This is where it started. Amazing.
Never forget that Phoenix just threw a cell phone. Across the courtroom. At Edgeworth’s head. Yelling “EDGEWORTH CATCH.” This happened in a court of law.
Miles: Wait, get here in one piece-
Fortunately Franziska is a weirdo who puts tracking devices on her subordinates so we get can get her to come to the rescue.
Back to the trial and hey we COULD get a not guilty if we wanted but Phoenix CAN’T BETRAY EDGEWORTH’S TRUST… then he’s like “His…trust? I never thought about it till now. I…I….I trust him?”
My friend was actually playing this part when I lent her the game and we voiced characters and when I did Mia’s “Yes. You do.” Response here I made sure to do it in a COMPLETELY DONE voice because she looks so done. This was Phoenix’s internal monologue too so she just must have been able to read it on his face or something “YES PHOENIX YOU ARE STILL INTO HIM THAT HAS BEEN OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE FOREVER. My sister has been kidnapped can you DO YOUR GAY AGONIZING LATER???” It’s so hard to be Mia.
Phoenix: Edgeworth this guy will kill Maya
Miles: shit. well okay fuck the truth. the prosecution rests.
Franziska crashes in to saaaaave the day. Despite having been shot yesterday.
When she whips the judge Miles is all “lol she always has u in her sights” and then later happily informs us she’s probably beating the shit out of Matt Engarde (GOOD) he’s so weirdly proud of her violence.
De Killer does his little “I’ll return your item” thing to Phoenix and Maya SCREAMS AT THE TERRIFYING ASSASSIN “wtf I AM NOT AN ITEM” you tell him girl.
WOW I totally forgot that this is where Miles started his ~that man~ thing.
But... A man appeared and stood fast against that selfish me. I fought him in my usual manner, and tasted my first defeat. (…)_ No matter how desperate the situation... instead of giving up like most people, that man would hold strong with his undying faith. And then, before I knew it... I began to trust in that man as well.
HE’S LITERALLY DOING THIS RIGHT IN FRONT OF PHOENIX. I’m just imagining Phoenix being like “Uh, Edgeworth who is this guy???? Are...are you talking about me???”
“how is not saying my name poetic”
Maya’s baaaaaack. And informs us if she had died she would just haunt Phoenix forever through Pearl I love her so much
Edgeworth: Maya...
Maya: Oh, Mr. Edgeworth.
Edgeworth: Um... I'm relieved you're alright.
Maya: Hey... It looks like you've made some real progress, Mr. Edgeworth!
Edgeworth: Umm... Well, I suppose I'm a little different from who I was a year ago.
Maya: Heh...
Seriously their friendship is so cute and underrated.  She like “U APPEAR TO BE TAKING MY ADVICE ABOUT THOSE BABY STEPS GOOD JOB I’M SO PROUD”.
Maya’s first order of business is to eat all the food and it’s gonna be GOURMET FOOD because THE KIDNAPPING INTERRUPTED HER FEASTING AND THIS WILL NOT STAND.
Maya’s like “wow I’ve escaped death three times now lol I’m invincible” THAT’S RIGHT BBY. DEATH IS NOTHING TO MAYA FEY
Phoenix doesn’t know how ~express his feelings~ to Edgeworth so he settles for giving him a whip.
And thus we initiate AWKWARD SIBLING CONVERSATION. God Franziska is such a good character. She is such a ball of conflicted feelings and…agh. Like there’s so much in this conversation like her feelings of abandonment and  she just wants to be acknowledged so badly by people and even Miles just sort of ignored her and didn’t treat her like a rival or equal because he was wrapped up in his own shit. 
It’s pretty clear from how she talks she both just really wants the attention of her remaining family but also resents him so much after being pitted against him for years thanks to her father…She had to work so hard and also pretend it was all easy for her and she was confident and just felt inadequate the whole time…and her emphasis on “that “girl” you left behind….” Indicates she  felt there was gender component to how her father neglected her and why people weren’t noticing her…
Franziska:  BEING RAISED BY AN ASSHOLE DAD AND BEING CRUSHED BY ALL THE EXPECTATIONS HAS FUCKED ME UP MILES. HE MAY BE A GENIUS BUT I’M NOT BUT STILL I HAD TO BE (ok but. U did become a prosecutor at 13 Fran. Most people would consider that enough to qualify as a genius.)
Miles: Franziska I too am fucked up. But look here’s your whip back just be a prosecutor and think about the TRU-
Miles: k
Miles: Huh you’ve given like ten different motivations for your revenge you are an extremely complex person I guess
Miles: Okay but have you considered dating Adrian Andrews.
Franziska: what
Miles: her girlfriend’s dead and I think you guys would get along
Franziska: what does this have to do with anything
Miles: Well I’m pretty sure Wright’s forgiven me and I want you to be happy too…
Miles: Okay well. I’m not going to stop being a prosecutor ever again except well actually I WILL quit for a while in my spinoff game for a while and it will really piss you off
Franziska: what
Miles: anyway if we’re not prosecutors we’ll probably never interact because we’re both shit at communicating. So if you stop THIS IS WHERE WE PART WAYS
Miles: Yaaaaay that makes me happy.
AND SO WE END OUR GAME. I am very fond.
I’ve covered all the anime was s’posed to cover, so I guess I’ll binge the rest of the anime real fast like, just to sate my curiosity.
I can’t really go directly to the third game bc my friend’s borrowing it rn so that will have to do.
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catboyfeli · 7 years
ShadowRevya91 week ago "He wasn't lying in that regard as to just casually mocking her." Bill wasn't just casually mocking her. In context, he was trying to create a rift between the twins because at the time Dipper wasn't yet willing to make a deal with him for so much of a stitch of one of Mabel's puppets.
"Makes Mabel seem like a Mary Sue." I don't follow, what is it that makes Mabel seem like a Mary Sue? I thought a Mary Sue was a character without flaws, but your issue here seems to be based in Mabel being deeply, brokenly flawed.
"Dipper is shown to constantly give something up for Mabel" Dipper willingly giving things up for Mabel—in circumstances where it is clearly established as the decent course of action, with Dipper learning a lesson in doing so—does not mean Mabel is selfish. Ex. Dipper learning that it's creepy to be so controlling over another person's life choices and choosing to give up his hard work for his sister the moment he sees for himself that losing her pig would genuinely hurt her means that Dipper grew as a person and cares about his twin respectively, not that Mabel somehow got away with something to his detriment. For comparison, in Carpet Diem, the moment Dipper explains to Mabel why it is he wants his own room, she gives up the key and tells him she won't fight him for it. This obviously isn't an example of Dipper being selfish, it's just that Mabel understands and cares about her twin. And as you say, the lessons Dipper learned in his eps and his ultimately being able to forge a genuine friendship with Wendy are positives, not losses, and certainly not losses "because of Mabel's selfishness".
"Everything (in her mind) has to be about her." Mabel is portrayed as constantly trying to help other people. As shown in The Last Mabelcorn, other peoples' happiness is what she stakes her own happiness on. She says as much in The Love God when Dipper and the teens ditch a suffering Robbie: "How can I be happy if I know someone else is sad?" In contrast, Dipper holds grudges; he isn't invested in the well-being of people he doesn't know or people who have crossed him/his sister in the past (Robbie, Pacifica, the gnomes, etc.). Mabel's so concerned about Gideon's happiness in The Hand that Rocks the Mabel that she can't bring herself to turn him down even when it distresses her. She tries to help Dipper along in his crush on Wendy and in building confidence, and when it doesn't work out offers to make him a list of rebound crushes. She tries to play matchmaker between Lazy Susan and Stan when she finds out he wants her to like him. When she finds out Stan has a fear of heights, she spends the episode trying to help him move past it. I could go on, but seriously she does these things for the entire length of the show; it's her 'thing'. Ford, Dipper, and Wendy agree in Mabelcorn that Mabel's the most pure-of-heart, well-meaning person they know.
"she is shown to constantly take advantage of his dedication and/or belittle his ambitions" When is she ever shown to consciously take advantage of Dipper or hurt his feelings? She makes fun of his voice, lack of manliness, and love of nerd things, but only playfully and she's definitely not the sole character to do so (see Stan, Wendy, and Soos) (Stan is so hard on Dipper that it becomes a major plot point near the end of season one). In Bottomless Pit, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy all express how much they think Dipper's voice is perfect at the end of their mixtape. Mabel realizes in DD & More D that Dipper's actually been taking a lot of their teasing to heart and feels bad about this because it was not her intention. This isn't a realization specific to Mabel either. In Little Dipper, Dipper realizes that he's unintentionally been rubbing his success in Mabel's face, that she feels inferior to him because "you're better than me at like everything", and that her teasing is her attempt to feel better about what few victories over him she has.
"And she never really "pays" for it" Mabel is punished while learning lessons, same as Dipper. As I said before, it's just easier for the audience to brush off. Ex. Mabel gets multiple attempts to kickstart the summer romance that is her central desire for the summer; every single one goes down in flames (literally, in Sock Opera) and we see in Society of the Blind Eye how much those failures weigh on her and how difficult it can be for her to remain confident in the face of them. Like Dipper, we see throughout season 2 that Mabel makes an effort to move past this and comes out better for it.
"Is she at least sorry for nearly getting her brother and close friend killed simply to teach them a lesson? It was an accident, yeah, but it was a result of how short-sighted she is." Maybe it's just me, but Mabel... pushing Wendy and Dipper into a closet together... falls a bit short of consideration as a heinous crime. Besides, Mabel 1) was trying to be helpful, 2) was also in danger, 3) didn't know there was a monster in the bunker. Pinning Into the Bunker on Mabel is like pinning Sock Opera on Dipper for not realizing he was about to be screwed over or pinning The Inconveniencing on Dipper for going along with the teens in an attempt to fit in or pinning Weirdmageddon on Dipper for not telling Mabel about the rift in the first place. You could pin Into the Bunker on Dipper as well while we're at it; he led the mission, the purpose of which was to benefit his summer priority, and the gang almost were crushed in the security room. Point being: The kids not being able to see the future isn't a character flaw and the others don't typically expect apologies from them in such instances. This is different from, say, when Dipper intentionally raises the dead in Scary-oke or Stan leaves Waddles outside in Land Before Swine.
"Unlike in season one where it's pretty obvious that the story is about Dipper" How is season one about Dipper? I didn't get that impression personally.
"I can only think of two episodes where she actually learns a lesson (Boy Crazy and Sock Opera)" Here's what I can remember off the top of my head: Tourist Trapped, Irrational Treasure, The Legend of the Gobblewonker, The Hand That Rocks the Mabel, Boss Mabel, The Last Mabelcorn, The Golf War, Society of the Blind Eye, Northwest Mansion Mystery, and The Love God. Not that number remotely matters (as you say, Ford's arc wrapped up neatly despite his only being present for the final 7 episodes), but hope that helps.
"She KNOWS this isn't real that Bill is gonna destroy everyone she cares about in the REAL world... but CHOOSES to stay put." This... ignores a couple things. 1) So did Wendy and Soos and nearly Dipper, only he remembered that what the bubble was showing him wasn't actually what he truly wanted, only what he thought he did (i.e. being Wendy's age). Which ties into his speech to Mabel later. 2) It's a magic prison bubble; Mabel's under a spell. She doesn't snap out of it until the sincere sibling hug. 3) This incident is parallel to the first season's penultimate episode, wherein Dipper initially decides not to save Stan and the shack because he feels Stan doesn't care enough about him to merit rescuing. Mabel is similarly hurting because she believes Dipper has decided to ditch her. This is part of the reason she creates a false Dipper; she thought the real Dipper meant to abandon her and couldn't accept a reality where that could be true. Because when it comes down to it, and Dipper spells this out himself, Mabel isn't stuck in her fantasyland because she's selfish and it's giving her everything she thinks she wants; she's stuck because she's afraid of losing Dipper and "of growing up".
Throughout the series, Dipper and Mabel are both portrayed as childish. Dipper has a childish idea of what it means to be grown up and can't wait to leave his childhood behind and become the great person he imagines he will be as an adult. Mabel is a tad more mature in that she understands being afraid of being perceived as childish is itself childish and that the twins have to cherish their childhood and their time together while they have it because it won't last forever. However, faced with both the thought of her childhood ending and Dipper leaving, she can't handle both at once and instead seeks solace from reality, refusing to move forward in the process. Dipper developed as a character over the series, but like Mabel those lessons don't fully sink in until the events of Weirdmageddon, where he becomes a realist who understands he can't deal with reality by constantly living in the future. He sees Mabel struggling with the unrealistic desire to remain stuck in time as similar to his unrealistic desire to have already grown up and explains to her they can kill two birds with one stone and face reality together; the spell breaks here because Mabel no longer needs the fantasy world to deal with losing Dipper and that subsequent panic of having to grow up alone. "Man, I went nuts back there. The real world can't be that bad, right?" Show less Reply 3     ShadowRevya9 ShadowRevya91 week ago (edited) "It's sad to see that ONCE AGAIN, Dipper sacrifices his ambitions for her" "All she really learned that is if she guilt trips Dipper enough times, he'll always turn around for her." I think you're missing a critical component of Dipper's character arc here. Dipper's 'ambitions', to essentially begin a career path at friggin' 12 and skip/squander the remainder of his childhood and teenage years, are explicitly portrayed as being as delusional as Mabel's fantasyland. Dipper isn't giving up anything of value here and he isn't giving it up for Mabel's sake; it's a personal decision he's made and he's using this decision to show Mabel that he's chosen to face the music and implore her to join him in doing so. This is why when Mabel tells Dipper—immediately after they've escaped the prison bubble—that while she appreciates his speech he's free to take the apprenticeship if he wants to and she doesn't want to be responsible for holding him back, Dipper simply reiterates that he doesn't want it.
Again, Dipper letting things go of his own volition (not due to supposed emotional abuse on Mabel's part) is not somehow synonymous with him getting the short end of the stick. The only ones who try to frame it that way in-universe are Bill "literal monster" Cipher and Stanford "isn't having siblings suffocating?" Pines.
"with her... not really giving up much this time" This is what I meant when I said it's easier for the audience to value what Dipper sacrifices more. Mabel gave up the prison bubble, a world where she gets everything she wants (except Dipper, which makes the whole thing worthless). The bubble was her dream the way Ford's apprenticeship was Dipper's: unrealistic and unfulfilling. It would have been awful of her to choose to stay, the same way it would have been awful of her to give Bill the journal to keep her play; the same way it would have been awful of Dipper to keep the megaphone, the same way it would have been awful of Dipper to deny Wendy's freedom to make her own choices. These are all sacrifices, but only seem to be viewed as such when they are Dipper's, despite the fact that in each instance, 1) giving up the thing was hard for them, 2) unambiguously the right thing to do, and 3) they realize the thing being given up wasn't actually worth much at all. Show less Reply 2     jenny xu jenny xu6 days ago I'm feeling bad for jumping into this argument but at the same time...
Alright, I see a lot of what you're saying here, but my first impression agreed with Edward Gil and my reason for 'why' stands thus. Dipper, as far as I've perceived him in both season one and season two, drops everything (except for Wendy, I suppose) the moment Mable needs his help. When Waddles was taken by a pterodactyl in the Land Before Swine, Dipper dropped his attempt to photograph the pterodactyl the moment he learned that Mabel's pig was taken. Of course, he would help, but as far as I remember, it never occurred to Dipper to bring a camera 'just in case.' That's him caring for Mable and putting her above his priorities.
Later on, in the Golf War, Mable may have been the bigger person and stated that cheating was wrong while Dipper was perfectly fine with it, we have to remember that Pacifica is Mable's nemesis. Not Dipper's. The only reason Dipper would have any issue with Pacifica would be because of the way she treats Mable.
Even earlier, in the Deep End, when Mermando couldn't breathe and Mable told Dipper (as the assistant lifeguard) to give him reverse CPR, Dipper didn't hesitate. The obvious solution would have been to roll Mermando into the lake, yes, but I thought it was heartwarming that Dipper /didn't hesitate/ to give reverse mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a merman he met literally seconds earlier. He probably would have done it, Mable or no Mable, but I think the fact that his twin went through all that trouble before hand to get Mermando to the lake played a role in how quickly he conceded to the demand.
In dangerous situations, Dipper's first words are always 'let her go!' and 'her' always being Mable. Despite not being the bravest or strongest person (don't we know it), Dipper always, always, stands in front of Mable against monsters and threats to shield and protect her. Obviously, this isn't to say that Mable is less capable than anyway. If it comes down to it, I'm willing to bet that she's the more athletic one, but the fact of the matter is, Dipper is constantly proving how much he cares for his twin.
Now Mable on the other hand? Aside from how she always supports Dipper fully in his investigation of the supernatural (Mystery Twins!), it's hard to think of an example where she dropped her own priorities in order to help Dipper.
Now, in terms of 'being a good person,' I think Mable probably has Dipper beat. She goes out of her way to help others, she has a stronger sense of morals and in the Last Mablecorn, Mable outright stated that she had the purest heart and Dipper just went, 'no arguments there.' I just think, when it comes down to paying attention to each other's needs and such, Dipper is just more aware than Mable, you know? He's the analytical one, the one who's always winning at chess. So he's the one who takes more care to see things from Mable's perspective.
Meanwhile, Mable is playfully ribbing Dipper about an assortment of shortcomings, from lack of manliness to his voice to being slightly shorter to his crush on Wendy to a miscellaneous collection of other small, harmless comments that... frankly add up. It's not much of an issue considering. as you've pointed out, Wendy, Soos and Grunkle Stan do virtually the same but considering how Dipper is towards Mable, it's worse coming from her.
When things get serious, Mable is there for Dipper, but not the same drop-everything way he is for her. When it comes down to it, I think that's what rubs people the wrong way.
This is all open to discussion, of course. Show less
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