#i can only make food (that isn't a quick meal) by following instructions
spydertrans · 2 years
YIPPEE!!!!! ^_^ *jumps up and clicks my heels*
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find-roronoa-zoro · 3 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
You woke to the sound of your phone buzzing across the nightstand. Zoro groaned, burying his face further into your chest while you stretched and let it go to voicemail. A few seconds later it started again.
"Please answer it." He moved back to his side of the bed so you could move.
With a frustrated sigh you grabbed the device only to be more annoyed with Marco's stupid face on the screen, "Someone better be on fire."
"Are you planning on sleeping all day-yoi?"
"I'm not working today, why can't I?" You sat up in the bed and pulled the blanket back over Zoro's shoulder, "What's going on? You don't usually call this early."
"Our perception of early is very different." You could almost hear him deadpan, "We actually have something serious to discuss if you can make your way to the house-yoi. Thatch is already cooking."
"A meeting with food? Needing to soften the blow?"
"Possibly." His confirmation felt heavy.
You wanted to ask what it was to ease the anxiety pooling in your chest, but you knew he wouldn't give it away over the phone.
"Ok Pineapple, Zoro and I will be there soon."
He told you to be careful and hung up.
"Zoro?" Your boyfriend stretched and gave you a disapproving glance.
"So spoiled you can't be called by your name now?"
"Under certain circumstances it's acceptable." He rumbled sliding his arm over your lap.
"There was a time in recent history that you didn't like Tiger." You chuckled running your fingers through his hair.
"It grew on me." He shrugged and kissed your thigh before sitting up, "What did your brother need?"
"Family meeting. We should get going, he said Thatch is cooking. I don't think it's great news." You gave him a quick kiss and stood.
The two of you went through your morning routine and left for your childhood home.
When you arrived Luffy was already in the kitchen following Thatch's every move. Sabo was seated at the island looking over what looked to be court documents with a furrowed brow. Zoro left your side to wrangle your little brother and give the eldest a break.
"Hey Blondie," You claimed the stool across from Sabo.
His emerald gaze swept up to your face as you broke his concentration.
"Hey," he smiled somberly, "sorry for making you come over on short notice."
"Well, if it's for you I'll forgive it. Plus free food."
"Time to eat." Thatch announced.
Zoro was already gathering utensils while instructing the youngest to get plates. You hopped up to help the boys set the table in the dining room. All these months without Pops, but family meals still felt somewhat the same.
Once everyone was settled Luffy started serving himself. The rest of the family just worked around him. There was some idle chatter before Marco cleared his throat from the head of the table.
"We do have some new developments in the lawsuit to talk about-yoi." His lazy sapphires swayed toward Sabo at the other end of the table.
"So, we had a brief meeting regarding evidence." The younger blonde looked over all of you.
"Evidence? This isn't a criminal case." Ace murmured with a full mouth.
"We still have to prove that Wevil isn't a Newgate."
You pushed your plate away, starting to feel uneasy again, "And how are we going to do that?"
Sabo's gaze shifted to Marco.
Your older brother sighed and set his coffee down, "They need DNA for comparison-yoi."
"Pops has been gone for almost ten months now, how do we even do that?" Thatch leaned forward from your right.
"And it's not like the old man had any hair or a brush we could collect from." Ace added.
You began to tap your foot as anxiety continued to build. Gently Zoro's hand squeezed your knee.
Sabo coughed and shifted uncomfortably, "They have proposed that the only way to collect DNA is to ... e-exhume him."
"Absolutely not!" You growled.
"Exhume?" Luffy echoed.
"Dig him up." Ace snarled, shoving his plate away.
"It isn't something we want to do." Marco said calmly.
"So you told them no." Thatch attempted to confirm.
"The problem is, it could benefit us." Sabo's tone was more diplomatic now, "Declining makes it look like we have reason to."
"We do!" You stood slamming your hands on the table.
"F/N," Marco called.
"I'm not unearthing our dead father to prove this monster is full of shit." You snapped as Zoro pulled you back into your seat.
"There has to be another way." Your eldest brother rubbed his temples.
"Any physical DNA Pops left in this house is either long gone or very tainted." Sabo managed to keep his composer.
"A tissue sample will make things faster and be more accurate." Marco was looking down at his plate.
Having to convince the rest of you that this was the best course of action when it was something that hurt him too was hard enough. He didn't want to see the pain on your face.
"This is disgusting." You could feel your temperature rising with your blood pressure.
"But if it's the only way..." Thatch trailed off.
"All of us have to sign off on it." Sabo added.
"How are the two of you so ok with this?" Ace asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"We aren't-yoi."
"Sure as fuck seems like it." You grumbled.
"Look, I'm not going to be the villain here. This is an impossible situation. What would you rather do F/N?"
"Anything but this."
"It seems like we don't have much choice." Thatch raised a hand to your shoulder.
"If it proves him wrong, why not?" Luffy shrugged before shoveling more food into his mouth.
"It's just so disrespectful." You muttered.
"We're just letting this happen?" Ace rumbled in disgust.
"Try to think of it in the positive," Sabo suggested, "It's for the greater good."
"Listen to yourself. The greater good?"
"Ace, calm down please-yoi." Marco sighed, "All we're saying is this will prove that Wevil isn't a Newgate and will get him off our backs. I don't want it to be this way either but if we don't approve it his lawyers can petition the state."
"I'd rather the family be in control of this decision." The younger blonde affirmed, sliding a manila folder to the center of the table with a pen.
Thatch looked over the paperwork inside before signing and moving it toward you.
"Excavation and sampling will proceed within thirty days of filing." You read aloud.
"We can also be present to oversee everything." Sabo added.
"I'm not sure that makes me feel better." You murmured, continuing to scan the documents.
"How long does the test take?" Ace asked, watching you sign.
"Five to ten days for a tissue sample apparently." You answered sliding the pages toward your freckled brother.
The documents made their way back to Sabo after being signed by each sibling. Everyone sat quietly for a while not knowing how to dispel the discomfort of the situation.
Only the youngest finished breakfast.
"I'll be right here if you need me." Zoro's fingers traced your jaw as you stood next to his parked truck.
"Thanks Tiger, I won't be too long. I just want to pick everything up before they dig and talk to him." You adjusted the messenger bag hanging over your shoulder before leaning into him.
After a few quiet seconds you turned toward the row of graves where your father rested. With each step you took a deep breath. It admittedly had been too long since you visited. Doing it under these circumstances made the guilt a little heavier.
"Hey old man," you murmured before bending to kiss the marble headstone.
Taking off the messenger bag you took a seat in the plush grass that would soon be trudged up.
"Sorry I don't come out as often as Marco and Thatch. It's still hard sometimes." You fiddled with blades of grass in front of you trying to keep from crying, "I gotta move all this stuff for a few days, and I'm sorry about that too. I'm sure the boys told you what Wevil is making us do. You know we don't want to. You of all people deserve to rest peacefully."
The tears came anyway.
The one sided conversation drifted to happier topics - like how far Ace had come after his surgery and moving out of the house. How well things were going with Zoro. Slowly you gathered all of the trinkets and gifts people had left at the base of Pops' headstone.
"We'll all be back in the morning." You stood and wiped your cheeks as a warm breeze cut through the cool Fall air.
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burning-fcols · 1 year
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"I hope ya'll like it! I used my mama's best recipes." The ones they often cooked for special occasions and jerry thought this was a very special night. Not only was it their first family dinner. With him, angel and his brother being here but it was also a great chance to make a good impression on him. He wanted ness to see him as good enough for angel -  ✩   「 @dorkydemcn 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 Lightly tapping his fork against his plate, piled high with steaming-hot food, Arackniss's gaze flits from it to Jerry's nervous expression. The poor guy looks five seconds from passing out and frankly, Angel doesn't look much better. Not that his brother isn't doing a grand job keeping up his unconcerned facade. But there are certain things a brother can't help but notice. The slight tension in how he holds his fork, the way he carries himself as if overcompensating for whatever fears are trying to weigh him down, the glint in his eyes as they train upon the smaller spider... A silent warning between the two for Arackniss to behave.
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He doesn't doubt Anthony would throw his ass out in a heartbeat if he didn't.
Unbothered by this, Arackniss pokes his fork around the meal. It's about time Angel had a place where he had enough sway to kick people out. When Angel compliments Jerry on his cooking, Arackniss echoes the sentiment with a gruff, ❝ Yeah, looks pretty good... ❞ Taking a careful bite— he might be a criminal but he was taught proper manners —eyes widen a smidge with surprise at the flavors cascading over his tongue, another bite quick to follow. ❝ Damn... Been a while since I've had home cookin' like this. ❞ He mutters, casting a glance Angel's way.
❝ Heh, yeah... Jer's real good when it comes ta cookin' real meals. ❞ Angel fondly chuckles, allowing himself to indulge in his boyfriend's dinner. He can handle whatever shit Val gives him for it tomorrow. ❝ He's been showin' me how ta make stuff like this, an' I've been sharin' some of what we used ta have. Best I can, anyway... Y'know how Pop's was about me helpin' out in th' kitchen. ❞ He mutters the last bit, irritably shoving another bite into this mouth. While Angel's skills are nothing to scoff at, a vast part of it comes from stubbornness and self-instruction. Taking what he was able to learn from their mother— or witness in passing moments —and using it to try and recreate the meals she would make. They aren't perfect... but they're close.
❝ Yeah. Heh— Y'still know a Hell'a lot more than me. ❞ Arackniss replies with a shrug, not even having the benefit of some instruction from their mom. Not that he can entirely blame their dad for it. Even as a child, when it was somewhat acceptable— or at least not as harshly punished —to hang around the kitchen, Dante kept his distance. Figuring it wasn't worth the trouble... Too tired to feel more than the usual dull regret, Arackniss takes another bite. 「 ☆ 」
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
10-20 for Violeta :3c
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10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Violetta is surprisingly decent enough around children, thanks to her upbringing. While her mom was at the car shop tinkering on various vehicles, little V would run around the streets of Heywood with other kids, posing as gangsters, policemen, and corpos. When she got older, Violetta kept kids at an arm's length, due to her attraction to danger and trouble. However, the Ward kids weren't put off by her personality and quickly got her involved in their shenanigans (V had enough pride to lose to them in their little VR game). Honestly, if she had the chance to be a parent, she'd probably be an overprotective one, due to the fact that their current world is cruel and unoforgiving, and she doesn't want her kids to go through the pain she went through. Which also means she doesn't want kids. She's fine with the vodka aunt role at the moment
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nah, Violetta can eat pretty much anything, she isn't very picky. She tried to be a vegetarian when her mom died to save some money for herself, but Mama Welles' cooking turned that around very quickly.
12. What is their favourite food?
There was a lovely street vendor just around the corner from Violetta's mother's shop, where there was fresh soup available. They'd tried out almost everything on the menu, so Violetta's favourite one was chicken fajita soup.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Any and all seafood. She thinks it's too rubbery and plain disgusting.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Every single year on V's birthday after her mom's passing, Mama Welles made sure to buy from this soup that exact same vendor to bring back some warmth to V's life. This helped her remember how she and her mom would spend Fridays watching TV, commenting the most obnoxious shit and laughing with their mouths full.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Ehhhh she isn't some cooking pro. I mean, she can cook the most basic meals to keep herself fed, but anything fancier? That's what takeout is for. She once tried to make a romantic dinner for Jackie and Misty, followed the instructions on the net to the T, but it didn't look. Pretty. Though the taste was decent
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
As a joke, both her and Jackie started collecting speeding tickets as a competition to see who would get arrested first. After his death, Violetta did so in his honour, because she knew he'd be proud of her shitty criminal driving record
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Only when the occasion rises, which is pretty rare in NC. For some reason, Violetta is mostly drawn to taking pictures of sunrises/sunsets out in the desert. The trend started when she was in Atlanta, when one morning, she showed up early at work and saw the most beautiful sunrise in the distance, so she managed to snap a quick shot before it hid between the corporate buildings. She saves the pictures on her phone and doesn't do more with them
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
To piss off Johnny and Kerry, she likes to say that her fav music genre is lazr pop, when in reality, she listens to whatever is trendy on the radio right now. As for movies, she's super into horror films, especially slashers. At one point, she managed to drag her friends into a movie night, where she proceeded to point out with concerning precision why some kills were less realistic than others. River didn't want to know why she has this knowledge.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
ROMANCE. God, Violetta can gag from all the emotional drama and love declarations. This is mostly due to the fact that she's secretly jealous she hasn't experienced something similar, loser 😐
She used to belt them out when she was a little girl, at her mom's shop. As she grew up, the interest faded, though being stuck with Johnny, she found herself with more and more knowledge about the music world in general. As far as favourite songs, Violetta's first instinct is to sing as loudly as she possibly can (she's got the lungs for it too).
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
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iwritethat · 4 years
Dick Grayson: Fine Cuisine
Summary: Fluff
• Dick is unprepared for a family meal but your offer your fine expertise and have the whole family asking questions about you.
Warnings: Mature language
A/N: Hello lovlies! I’ve missed you all so much, I hope this helps a bit and there’s so much more I could add onto this so please enjoy and lemme know how you all are~
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It started with a family dinner.
As many curious situations do in retrospect, but with a family of vigilantes whose relationship ties have frayed, intermingled and been resewn makes for more interesting get-togethers compared to most.
One thing they could all agree on though? Dick Grayson cannot cook.
"I can't believe that, they just assume it's going to end in a takeout?" Came your amused voice as you placed a coffee on your kitchen island that Dick was currently seated - or rather slumped at.
"It's because the last two times I've hosted something like this, takeout has saved my ass." The ravenette embarrassingly clarifies, voice trailing off toward the end and did his best to avoid looking at you.
Dick Grayson was technically a neighbour, albeit living a few floors below your more lavish (and expensive) apartment suite. After moving into the complex on the same day, you quickly excavated the common ground to build a solid foundation for friendship - as such, meet-ups like these became a regular thing, switching apartments each time.
"Then, I'll help you out." You proudly confirmed, gesturing to your grand kitchen which was the sole reason you’d brought the place - one of the many things Dick envied about your luxurious living area compared to the standardised version of his own, though on an Officers salary he couldn’t afford something like this.
"Ah (Y/n) no, I can't let you do that!” Came his instant reply, hands waving defensively as he adamantaly brainstormed another excuse. “Plus you'll be working that night."
"True, but that doesn't mean I can't set you up beforehand. We'll start tomorrow, I'll teach you a recipe."
As previously planned, Dick turned up at your door rather nervously even though he’d been around you many times - not once had he demonstrated a serious negative flaw to his character in order to impress you, but cooking was one of them and you were about to witness chaos that’d likely dispel any romantic inclination he hoped you held for him.
With a playful laugh, you rolled your eyes and pulled the male into your kitchen noting how he was likely tired from his shift at Blüdhavens Police Department earlier that afternoon so a good meal should do wonders. Maybe it’d give him a better nights sleep too? The acrobat never seemed to obtain many of those for some unknown reason, apparently it’s ‘too noisy’ in the city.
“Oh and you can host in my apartment, it’s bigger and I’ll have all the equipment you need. You already have a spare key anyway.”
“You’re really amazing, I don’t deserve you - y’know that?” There were deeper feelings involved in that seemily offhanded thank you, ones relating to his role as Nightwing and his past mistakes which all remained a hated secret from you.
It started well, Dick following along with ease and you concluded that he picked things up fast with how observant he was which sped up the process. The main course he’d nailed with your guidance and so, you decided to move onto dessert.
“Now we add cocoa powder to th-“ You’d froze, mouth open out of surprise with the substances dusting your lips, cheek and part of your left collar bone - the offender in question mirroring your expression, albeit holding back his laughter due to his colossal misjudgement.
“I - I didn’t think it’d go everywhere when I ripped the packet open...”
“You don’t ever rip the packet, you tear it gently!” Came your dangerously mischievous correction, licking the sweet substance from your lips before flicking the currently non-chocolate brownie covered spoon at him with flecks landing on the side of his face.
“Oh, it’s on!”
This ensued an all out war, the two of you ducking and dodging oncoming attacks as you danced around the kitchen island with varying results of accuracy until Dick decided to slide over the marble surface and capture you in his arms.
His embrace faltered slightly as your back hit the island during your feeble attempt to get away, finding yourself trapped between him and the cool surface too enthralled in the carefree antics to notice the proximity. A beat of silence passed once the atmosphere had settled, Dick releasing a breathy chuckle with his grip around your waist loosening slightly as you looked up with a victorious smirk - he took the opportunity to lean forward slightly as if testing the waters and careful to note any kind of reaction you replied with.
However, there was a lack of trust as all is fair in love and war, hence your devious reasoning to close the gap some more and with the softness of his warm breath dancing on your lips you swiftly leaned past his whilst dragging your tongue across his cheek. Dick pulled back instantly, a mix of disgust and offence in his eyes as you spoke.
“Needs more sugar.”
“I’m sweet enough as it is thank you, you’d know that if you’d have just kissed me instead of betraying me like that!” Dick wittily snapped back, admiring the melodious laughter that escaped you at his response.
“I’m sure you do, speaking of - these brownies should last until the dinner so you won’t have to make them again on the day alright? I’ll get everything ready so you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
“I guess you’d taste pretty sweet too.” Though referencing your kind nature, you couldn’t help but lightly punch him in the shoulder.
Regardless of Dicks wistful prayers, the deadline had finally arrived and his family would be sporadically arriving in a matter of hours - so help him.
"All the ingredients are on the counter - do not use anything else - and I've detailed the instructions on the whiteboard in case you forget anything." You pointed to each item as you spoke, donning a jacket before barely making it past the kitchen doorframe due to your neighbours dramatically desperate pleas.
"Can't you just stay? And do it with me?"
"I have to go to work." You laughed at his antics, the man looking like a lost puppy amidst your vast collection of kitchen utensils.
"Work will survive without you, c'mon you wouldn't lose out on much - I'll even pay for the trouble."
That, truly caused you to hesitate with a look of sheer bemusement, a mischievous glint dancing in your irises that mocked his claim almost as much as your sardonic tone.
"If you truly knew my job and paycheck then you'd take that back.” With that, you were quick to flip to a more cheerful voice as you waved goodbye to a pouting Grayson. “Anyway, you'll be fine and tell me how it went once I get back~"
"Wait (Y/n) h-"
The slam of the front door echoed your departure leaving a Dick feeling more lost than ever, the kitchen seemingly quadrupling in size now.
Bruce arrived first along with Damian, Cass, Duke and Alfred. Then there was Tim who’d apparently travelled from Titans tower and finally Jason who’d sauntered in fashionably late as predicted but only by 5 minutes. Each baffled by the sudden change of location which only intensified when the host brought out plates of home cooked dinner.
"This... this isn't take out..."
"No, it's actual food.” Dick confirmed almost offended and words laced with a hint of underlying sarcasm. “That I made myself."
"Okay, so uh - is it edible then?" Jason quipped back, smirking at his elder brother in a smug manner that only he could achieve.
"Would you just eat it? I went through a lot of stress and effort for this."
Dick encouraging everyone as he sat down, the action only bemusing the members of his family more as they complied to his wishes with varying degrees of hesitance from each of them. Damian trusted Dick the most, but he patiently waited for his father to finish his mouthful before even touching his own dish.
"Wow, this is incredible, the flavour and everything - Dick what happened to you?!" Duke enthusiastically mocked and continued to devour the meal with a sense of radiance which contrasted to Cassandras pure silence as she savoured every tasteful mouthful.
"Grayson, there is no way you are solely responsible for this cuisine." Damian suspiciously raised a brow at the older hero, tentatively laying his cutlery elegantly on the now clear plate.
"Thank you, and maybe I had some assistance from my neighbour."
“Thank you for dinner Dick, it was surprisingly delicious and please give our thanks to your mysterious friend too.” Bruce knowingly added, proud of his protégés accomplishments - though minor in comparison to Alfreds glowing exterior.
“I told you there was hope Master Bruce.”
"Bro, they left a whole list of instructions so you wouldn't mess up and hey, call if you need anything. Sounds like a plan -" Jason, who had waited until everyone was finished explored your kitchen in hopes of finding some evidence as to who their saviour was.
"Jason no! They're working!"
"It‘s an emergency, you’ve been replaced by a clone with adequate cooking skills!” Tim wittily added once leaning against the kitchen doorframe to observe the scene with Damian inspecting the whiteboard before questioning it’s purpose.
“Why leave this if they couldn't answer then?"
"That's the point, she will answer and I don't want to disturb her right now. They've done enough for me already." Dick painfully sighed, strategically slapping Jason’s phone into the air and catching it with his other hand in one swift motion much to the irritation of the latter.
"Hold up - she?" Duke cut in now, holding his hands out for emphasis and subtlety fishing for elaboration.
"Are you dating...?” Jason hummed, taking a moment to analyse Dicks reaction prior to cementing his assumption. “No, but you want to, right?"
“We are not -“
“You want to date someone?” Cass innocently inquired now walking in with a pile of plates, Bruce and Alfred following in afterwards with clean up of their own.
“I mean I -“
“I’ve seen enough of your crushes to know you have one, you’re already flustered by thinking about them romantically.” Bruce effortlessly deducted, Alfred nodding in agreement whilst commencing the washing up.
“You can’t just call me out like that Bats, after everything with been through too.” Dick feigned betrayal, a hand on his heart whilst Bruce shook his head.
“Oh yeah, how long did he wait for Starfire and Barbara though?” Tim jokingly nudged Jason who chuckled at the small dig, though charismatic and charming - when real feelings were involved, Dick Grayson wasn’t one to straightforwardly act on them.
“Real mature guys.”
“I think you should tell her.” Was the sincere voice of reason, Cassandras kind smile enough to silence the devilish remarks of his brothers who now shrugged in defeat.
“We could help...”
Miraculously, you'd attained reservations at the most eloquent restaurant in Gotham, located in the more luxurious district of the wealthy. As a result, it served only the finest gourmet cuisine and had waiting lists longer than any other, so much so that even Bruce Wayne had yet to successfully book a place at the establishment.
You had given him the news when he’d recounted the events of his family dinner (skipping over certain discussions) and how they were grateful for your generosity.
Now, you'd asked Dick for how many he'd like seated at the table so you could finalise the arrangements - he knew you worked there, meaning staff privileges were likely applied in this situation but he was still left speechless.
Gawking at the skyrocketing prices, Dick now understood how much missing one day of work would seriously cost you - he definitely couldn't have afforded your time that night after all.
"So, you say you're paying for this?"
With a painstaking hum of agreement, the eldest nodded with a hint of concern detected on his features, fortunately Bruce had come prepared with his own credit card (just in case). Although his family could be provoking and frivolous toward one another, they were also respectful in situations like these and wouldn't run the bill up too high like certain members would if Bruce had been footing the bill. Dick had a charismatic bond with all of them in that sense.
Meanwhile, you handled everything in your kitchen of organised chaos as the orders came pouring in, including that of Dicks table who you had yet to formerly greet.
"This is cereal..." The head waiter meant it more of a question than a statement, looking to you with upmost uncertainty due to the simplicity of the dish compared to those on your signature menu.
Did they even stock Lucky Charms with the ingredients? The answer was no, you’d intentionally bought them purely for this very day and scenario.
"I know, I know - please serve it to my neighbour on Table 12, he'll get it." You humourously assured the man who seemed to have more to say but didn’t wish to argue with higher authority.
"Ah, Chef..." Your sous chef called moments later, overlooking the scene with mild skeptism before realising the nature of your scheme.
"You do realise he is currently seated with Mr Bruce Wayne, don't you?" Upon processing that unprecedented information you immediately bolted - hot on the trail of the waiter with a weak promise in your wake.
"What?! I thought he'd bring his friends along not his- oh god, I just sent them cereal- shit, I'll be right back!"
With strategy and precision, you carefully intercepted the tray only seconds before it’d be placed in front of the empty seat of Dick Grayson - the man in question probably taking a bathroom break.
"Aha, pardon me, this was an incorrect order on my part, please forgive the interruption." You bowed with an apology, disappearing in hopes the remainder of the party hadn’t the time to fully decipher the mistake.
Of course, unbeknownst to you, this was a table full of detectives who constantly observed even the most trivial of details.
"Was that... cereal?"
The night followed on as planned, yourself wrapped up in cooking and supervising throughout the night with the only interruption coming from the waiting staff informing you that Table 12 would like to meet the Chef. Such a gesture was commonplace for you, customers regarded as strangers being much less intimidating than your neighbours family - you couldn’t comprehend why, it’s not like you were dating him or anything but their auras just radiated strength.
"Good evening, I'm glad to hear you -" Arriving at the table, you weren’t given the chance to finish before Dick had stood to greet you with a warm smile gently brushing your upper arm once deciding against hugging you out of habit.
"Hey, (Y/n). You didn’t come over this morning, everything alright?"
"Yeah, it's fine Dick I just had to readjust a menu." You waved his worries off with a grateful nod, hands on your hips in accomplishment as you expected to resume natural conversation with him.
"Okay okay, compliments to you, the food was immaculate - but how do you know our brother?" A youthful male bearing a white streak through his hair cut in, genuine sincerity in his tone when offering his praise before incredulously gesturing to Dick.
"He's my neighbour."
"I - he's a what now?" Duke shook his head in disbelief, looking between you both rather unconvinced.
"Are you kidding me Grayson?!" Tim was next, the most exasperated out of the whole table as he pinched the bridge of his nose whilst Dick quizzically scanned each of his company for insight.
"You got cooking lessons from one of the top Chefs in the whole damn country, you're friends with her, and you didn't even know who she was?!" The slimly built youth exclaimed, apparently knowledgeable in regards to the culinary world and had read of your famous reputation.
“(Y/n) (L/n) owns this restaurant Dick. Also, thank for the other week, the recipe was lovely.” Bruce politely added, nodding to you with a smile.
“You didn’t say that, you only said you worked here.” Dick turned to you now, in a feeble attempt to justify his lack of acknowledgment to your renowned status.
“Well, I do. In my defence you never asked, I mean my apartment and kitchen are rather fancy - that didn’t come on minimum wage.” You replied a matter-of-factly with an air of confidence to your voice.
"Are we forgetting that this is also the chef who was going to serve Richard cereal?" At the remark from Duke, a heated flush adorned your skin due to the embarrassment of being caught - the whole table breaking into collective chuckles.
"You were? - Wow that's such a dick move!" Dick was openly laughing at your failed attempt at humour, lightly nudging your side as you pushed him away in playful defence.
"Shut up! I didn't realise you were with your family, or else I wouldn't have done it."
Jason immediately waved that claim off, cheekily smirking at you as he spoke. “Oh no, I'm so glad you did, honestly it's the main reason I like you right now."
“That and you spared us the horror of Graysons cooking.” Damian conviently inputted, conniving grin sent to his favourite brother.
“You’re welcome, ah I apologise but I should get back to work so please excuse me. It was a pleasure meeting you all.” Taking a calculating glance over the expanse of exquisite tables and order exchanges you thought it best to return to your duties with a gracious smile and started toward the kitchen.
“Can I drop by tonight, I won’t be able to afford any thank you gifts after this but I’ll bring you a coffee?” Dick cheerily inquired, causing you to spin on your heel with a shy laugh and confirmation of his proposal.
“Don’t worry, this is my treat. You guys don’t have to pay for anything so enjoy the rest of your evening.” With that you were once again swept up into the busy atmosphere beyond the kitchen doors.
The table remained quiet for a few moments, Dick sitting down and looking to them almost as if searching for their impressions of you only to be met with bemused, impressed and mischievous gazes.
Not for you, oh no - these were shamelessly directed at a now enamoured Dick Grayson.
“Please marry her.”
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shawtygonemad · 4 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 12
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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The Doctor walked back into the alleyway after being laughed at by a crowd of drunks. She simply asked them if they had seen something fall from the sky recently. Then an air raid alarm went off. She had better find her human.
"Ross," she called out into the empty alleyway. Realizing she was alone, the Time Lord let out a huff. "You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me."
Suddenly a ringing filled the air near the TARDIS. The Doctor furrowed her eyebrows.
'That's not supposed to be ringing,' the Doctor thought as she approached the phone booth phone.
As she went to pick up the phone a voice from behind startled her causing her to also drop the sonic.
"Don't answer it! It's not for you."
The Doctor turned to see a young girl dressed in ragged clothes. Fear was seen in her brown eyes.
"And how do you know that?" The Time Lord questioned.
"Cos, I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it," the girl warned.
"Well if you know so much, tell me this: How can it be ringing?" The Doctor picked up the receiver. "It's not even a real phone. It's not connected. It's not-" the Doctor paused when she turned back to the girl who was now gone. Her brows furrowed once more as she spoke into the phone.
"Hello? Hello? This is the Doctor speaking. How can I help you," she asked sarcastically to who she thought was no one?
"Mummy? Mummy," a child's voice answered.
"Who is this? Who's speaking," she asked even more confused. This was impossible!
"Are you my mummy," the child asked.
"Who is this," the Doctor asked more firmly.
"How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything."
Before the Doctor can respond once again the dial tone sounded. That was weird, and not the good kind. The Doctor knocked on the door of the time machine in hopes that is where Ross went.
"Ross? Ross, are you in here," she asked into the depths of the dark TARDIS. There was no response. That's when she heard a loud noise at the end of the alley. Instincts kicked in and she bolted towards the sound.
The Doctor followed to sound down the street. She noticed a family exiting the back of them home into the cellar to take shelter from the air raid. As they were leaving, she also noticed Nancy and a group of rugged looking children enter from the front. They must be scavenging for a meal. Perhaps she should join them.
As they started to get settled and still distracted the Time Lord slinked in and found an empty seat at the table. When Nancy finished carving the food slices of meat were being passed around. The kids each thanking Nancy politely for getting them this dinner.
"Thank you, Miss," One boy said.
"Thank you, Miss," Another said.
"Thank you, Miss."
"Thank you, Miss," the Doctor joined in with a grin.
The children gasped while panicking. Nancy tried to calm them.
"It's alright. Everyone stay where you are!" She instructed them.
"Good here, innit?" She smiled as she continued to fix herself a plate. "Who's got the salt?"
"Back in your seats, " Nancy informed them. "She shouldn't be here either."
"So," the Doctor started, "You lot, what's the story?"
"What do you mean," one of the boys asked, confused.
"You're homeless, right? Living Rough?" She asked nonchalant.
"Why do you want to know? Are you a copper?" Another boy questioned.
"Of course I'm not a copper! What's a copper going to do with you lot anyways? Arrest you for starving? I make it to 1941. You lot shouldn't even be in London! You should've been evacuated to the country by now."
"It's better on the streets! Nancy always finds us the best food," the children agreed.
"So that's what you do, Nancy," the Doctor said to the young woman.
"What is," she asked confused.
"As soon as the siren goes, you find a big fat family meal still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and Bingo!" The Doc exclaimed. "Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you."
"Something wrong with that," Nancy bit back, ready for a fight.
"Wrong with it? It's brilliant," She laughed. "I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End Musical."
"Why'd you follow me," Nancy asked exasperated.
"I want to know what that phone rang when it wasn't hooked up," the Doctor jumped to the point.
"I did you a favor," she stated.
"Great, thanks," the alien said sarcastically. "And I want to find a blonde in a union jack. I mean a specific one. I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving." 'Liar,' her inner voice said. "Anyone see a man like that?"
Nancy grabbed the Doctor's place much to her protest.
"You took 2 slices. No blondes, no flags. Anything else before you leave," She bite off quickly.
"Actually yes." The Doc said as she got up from the table. "Anything fall from the sky? Probably about a month ago, but not a bomb! Wouldn't have exploded, and just buried itself into the ground. It would look something like this," The doctor pulled out a picture of what the ship looks like.
Suddenly a child voice sounded out. "Mummy?"
Chaos began, as scared kids quickly got up from the table and found an exit to escape to. The Doctor was trying to speak to the child, but Nancy stopped her. She claimed that if you're touched you become just like him. Nancy quickly made her exit as the Doctor opened the front door to find nothing.
After a short period of searching the Doctor found the kids at Nancy's hideout. She needed more information from Nancy if she was going to figure out what was going on. Thankfully, Nancy agreed to lead her to someone who could help. The Doctor. She internally groaned at the idea of having to meet another version of herself again. Reluctantly she venture on alone since Nancy refuse to enter. She told the Doctor that she lost her little brother during an air raid, and just couldn't handle what was waiting inside.
As she entered the ward she started to look around. She was shocked to find every bed occupied with a very still patient. After a quick scan of her sonic she realized that these things were human, but how was the gas mask fused to their face? It looked like her answer would come soon after discovering Doctor Constantine who was very sick and claimed to be dying. Much like the patients he seemed to somehow have head trauma, a collapsed chest, and a scar on the back of his hand. It was a domino affected. Only one victim was injured at first, then suddenly everyone he touched fell to the same injuries. The final phase is growing a gas mask which fuses to the face.
"You must find Nancy, again," Doctor Constantine choked. "It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she mi..migh…might…mummy? Are you my m-m-mummyyy," he cried as a gas mask grew from his mouth and fused to his face.
"Hello?" a voice came from the corridor.
The Doctor quickly stumbled into the corridor. She needed to warn these people to get out. Quickly turning around she bumped into a tall, handsome man. However, next to him was her beautiful human. She was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing he was okay.
"Good evening," the unknown man said. "Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness," he extended his hand while sending the alien a charming, flirtatious grin. Hesitantly the Doctor shook his hand. "I've been hearing all about you on the way over."
"He knows," Ross said to her. "I had to tell him about us being Time Agents."
"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Spock," Jack spoke again.
"Miss Spock," she asked amused as she looked at Ross.
"What was I supposed to say? You don't have a name! Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor Who?" Ross rambled on.
"9 centuries in, I'm coping," she said sarcastically. "Where have you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz! It's not a good time for a stroll!"
"Who's strolling? I went by Barrage Balloon! Only way to see an air raid," he said smugly.
"What!?" She exclaimed.
Ross brushed her off, "So what's a Chula Warship?"
"Chula?" The Doctor was so confused. What the hell is going on? "What kind of Chula ship landed here?"
"What," Jack questioned, distracted.
"He said it was a warship," Ross injected. "He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer."
The Doctor crossed her arms and stared hard at the new man. She did not get a good feeling from him or this situation. What kind of game was he playing at?
"What kind of warship," she questioned.
"What does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this," he said wildly as he gestured to the gas masked patients.
"This," the doctor pointed at the patients," started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it! What kind of warship?"
"An ambulance," Jack exclaimed. "Look!"
The man proceeded to project a holograph image from his wristband of the machine they had previously been following.
"It's what chased you through the time vortex. It's space junk! I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it! Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. I saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels." The Doctor couldn't help but slightly smile proudly at that compliment. "I threw it to you as bait."
"Bait," Ross asked.
"I wanted to sell it to you, and then destroy it before you found out it was junk," Jack explained.
"You said it was a warship," Ross accused.
"They have ambulances in the war," Jack defended. "It was a con. I was conning you! That's what I am, a con man. I thought you two were Time Agents. You're not, are you?"
"Just a couple more freelancers," Ross told him smugly.
"Oh. I should have known," Jack shook his head in disbelief. "The way you guys were blending in with the local colour. I mean, Flag Boy was bad enough, but you, Biker Bitch?" He laughed. "Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship."
The Doctor started to pace while thinking. What could be happening here? How is it possible for this sickness to simply pass through touch and not be air born? How do the other victims also receive the same injuries as the first victim?
"Human DNA is being rewritten," She said offhandedly.
"What do you mean," Ross questioned.
"I don't know," the Doctor stopped pacing to look at him. "Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?"
Suddenly all of the patients sat up in their beds and turned to look at them.
"What's going on," Ross asked creeped out.
"I don't know," the Doctor said slowly as she started to steer Ross behind her.
"Mummy," they said.
"Don't let them touch you!" The Doctor instructed as she led the men back.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."
This isn't good.
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