#i can’t read another fic about how he bullied eddie when eddie LITERALLY SAYS HE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO HIM
steveharrington · 1 year
it’s sooooo so funny that steve literally is intentionally written to subvert the 80s jock bully stereotype from the literal first episode but like 85% of viewers are under the impression that he spent all his time in high school terrorizing every single person at school and by funny i mean genuinely so stupid
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
listen imma go on a little character study (read “rant”) here and go ahead and tell me if you agree (and writers out there- i’m not bashing you by any means; this is just my thoughts, write characters however you like that’s up to you and not to me) but like. i hate when fics try to interpret steve as like a legit bully. like it’s so out of character for him. yeah, i get he was like bitch-queen-of-the-eighth-grade or whatever but he isn’t and never was a bully. Every person that Steve has targeted/ fought in canon was someone who could definitely stand up for themselves and who Steve wasn’t all that much of a threat to.
like, Billy is literally his match. they have the same popularity standing, physical ability, sexual prowess all that jazz, THEY ARE THE SAME. what went down with them in season 2 was COMPLETELY fair. AND Steve tried to get Billy to leave before a fight even started. he wasn’t looking to hurt anyone.
And before all you jonathan protectors come after because “steve shouldn’t have fought him they aren’t equals” or whatever- CLEARLY they were well matched too! jonathan beat him for god’s sakes! everything about that fight was fair besides the fact that it was kind of sprung on jonathan with no warning.
yeah, there was the dirty move with the camera in the school parking lot, but let’s not forget this was AFTER jonathan stalked him and took pictures of him without him knowing. in that situation, jonathan actually started the problem and then HE had the upper hand because now he has these blackmail photos of them sleeping together! (not that it’s a secret they’re together, but the fact that it showed both of them in a compromising position. i mean, even if everyone knows you’re sexually active do you want pictures taken without your consent of you literally getting undressed) AND in another vein, steve smashing the camera was probably less about himself and the photos of him, because who was the compromising photo of? Nancy. Steve is defending Nancy, who- at the time-couldn’t protect herself.
and before you say, “well if he’s so nice, why does he hang out with tommy, who really is a bully?” because he’s in high school. because he’s a 17 year old boy. do you know any 17 year old boys? let me tell you- they are some of the rudest, most self-absorbed, ignorant dickheads to exist in humanity and it’s. just. how they are. high school juniors and seniors are basically just kids that have been abused by the public school system for so long that they’ve lived to become the villain. high school steve is absolutely not special.
and steve never hurts anyone that isn’t equal to him. he was always nice to barb (i mean, as much as a self-absorbed, ego-centric, horny teenage boy can be under the circumstances. i mean, he invited her to his party and he didn’t try to make her do anything she didn’t want or say anything mean to her), he just took over the kids because he needed to and he was never cruel even though he easily could’ve been (i mean, he was snarky and sarcastic but like. so am i. that doesn’t mean i’m an asshole; i’m just fun), he was totally chill when robin came out.
now, compare him to his foils in the show- billy has total disregard for who he picks on; he was willing to KILL lucas- a LITERAL CHILD- and he attacked Heather and he deliberately bullied Max
jason, as well, tries to hurt lucas (kid can’t catch a break 😭) AND took his goons to try and beat up the Hellfire kids into giving up eddie’s location, and there was all the drama in the finale with erica, lucas, and max. All people who WOULD NOT have a chance in a fight with him.
that’s the layer to steve’s character. he doesn’t fit his stereotype, he doesn’t fit his reputation, and he ISN'T a bully.
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throwaninkpot · 4 years
RotT reactions part 2!
costis, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in roa? shouldn't you be with kamet? costis, where's kamet? what happened to him? tell me!
"who really owns anything?" eugenides, you utter meme.
if tattoos a custom in eddis, does. .....does helen have tattoos? oh my word, please tell me helen has tattoos, she would look so cool.
so, so, so, horrible invasion, giant army, logistics of war. it's very terrible and interesting, but where kamet? where my boy? is he okay? costis just LEFT him behind, bc he had to get word back to attolia, I don't blame him, I love him. but is kamet okay????????????????????
rip to all the cottage fic people probably wrote about the two having a chill time in roa. (idk, I haven't checked.) megan said we can't have nice things.
"find yourselves another king" uhhhhhhh, gen?
gen said no more king, now only Thief and Hot Consort To The Sexy Queen.
awww, sophos gave him a book of poetry for his birthday. I love sophos.
"attolia says she leaves with you" *spends several long minutes clutching at my chest repeatedly as I am Overwhelmed*
you know the quote in koa about a careful dance of shafow and unsubstance but under it all, a real marriage of two people? that's literally this. the queen is surely calculated her possible responses to gen, amd this is either a Pointed Message to gen or to the barons, and I'm still not sure what gen is up to actually, but also. she loves him, guys. they're in love. "she leaves with you". they're in love.
"I asked her to leave with me on our wedding night" of course he did.
"except me, I can do anything I want" :'D
they're too soft. I cannot.
go, costis! save your boy!
..........is this where I formally apologize for rolling my eyes back in 2016 when people shipped teleus/relius? I genuinely did not see this coming.
megan said okay, we've been on our best behavior, it's been 25 years, she will sprinkle in a little canon queerness. and then upended a flour sack of it on us.
"he had to bend to keep his lips on hers until she reached the ground" they're too cute, this is illegal.
oh, now THAT'S some soap opera level nonsense. how awkward was it for gen and helen knowing his father was a spurned lover of her mother
sometimes soldiers. I am eating this stuff up.
they get no apology. h*ck the pents. maybe they should have chosen an ambassador that didn't force himself upon women.
"where sounis's father positively beamed with approval at his son, eddis's minister of war glowered. the high king, slumped in his seat, catching his father's glare, slumped even further." it be like that.
ten to one. oof, oof, oof.
okay, the solution is, one of gen's sisters should beat up cleon and therespides.
gen. you were the one paying him. I don't know why I'm ever surprised by the tangled schemes you wrap yourself up in.
every scene that the four monarchs are together, just having a good time and loving each other and sounding so much like the young people they are, every time, it makes me happy.
the fandom tried to figure out at what age boys left the dorms in Eddis, didn't we? I think we settled on 12 or 13. gen killed someone before he was 13. hachi machi.
he called him "my brother sounis". awww.
"without cheating" is that what we're calling godly visits now
eugenides will give me a heart attack, I swear.
they call it return of the thief bc this is the most like himself gen has acted since the crenellations in KoA.
(fitting that this is the book with a neuroduvergent pov, bc I have never happy stimmed more in my life than during the chase scene.)
when he starts windmilling, now I am afraid. oh please, megan, don't let him be hurt.
thank the gods.
helen wearing an eddisian uniform. heck yeah! gnc helen rights continue!
"it was the last lighthearted moment for a long time" :(
they're leaving the city, and I'm suddenly remember the comment from back in book of pheris 1 about an attack by a tomb. am afraid.
it's loving the magus o' clock. he treats pheris so well.
irenides baby......2!!!!
"I don't understand" you and me both, sophos.
"I think they have to show their worst selves sometimes in order to be sure that even at their worst they are loved" I need a minute.
I love tactics and logistics, but I wish I could picture this my head. the map doesn't actually help me figure out where the forces are in perspective.
megan really wasn't exaggerating when she said eugenides's first reaction to seeing an elephant is "I want to steal one."
"he muscled up his other arm and said he would destroy the Medes single-handed" these books are giving me a stroke. megan, that pun was beautiful.
"I have found Kamet!" I'm going to be sick. he had better be okay. he was supposed to be free of nahuseresh.
nasty man had better be lying. my kamet had better be okay.
oh, costis. okay, okay, alright.
why is cleon's death so sombering. I think it's bc I just reread "Thief!", and met him as a teenager in that. I think it's bc it says he's one of three cousins that died that day, and gen already lost so many cousins during the war in QoA. I loved the country of eddis when I was first reading these books and forever after that, bc it's so full. there's a very communal child-rearing system and gen has these packs of cousins, even if most of them spent their childhood bullying him, I loved the idea of having so much family around you. he's running out of family.
oh. I went back to reading from writing that, and. stenides. oh.
I said I wanted gen's siblings, but not like this.
well, here's some cairns. presumably the tombs pheris's foreshadowed earlier. here we go, something bad is going to happen.
Something Bad Happened.
oh, no, Hilarion. D:
*tiffany haddish voice* NOMENUS??? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS. I PUT YOU ON MY BINGO.
the man at the cairn. the god on the battlefield that megan referenced? but eugenides called him a dead man. so not a god. so, did he recognize him as someone he knew to be dead?
"my cousins know not to trust my tears" once again, gen's hail mary is the fact he's a little snipe.
he says he needs a heavier rain, and the gods deliver.
f in chat for nomenus. he was a snake, but still.
"and by my oath to my god, now and for my life, Thief of Eddis." YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, Philo. :(
rip to Legarus and his Awesome Beauty.
they want to kill gen in The Thief? eddis's council wanted to kill him? I'm reeling from all the backstory this book is revealing.
not quite how I had the apotheosis pictured, and yet. *sufjan steven's ascension plays in the background*
"I say it three times, Fordad. It will be so. It will be so. It will be so." holy heck.
someone get in here and analyze that for biblical symbolism.
narration only calls him eugenides in that scene with the lightning. significant.
"feeling the tremor in it, he opened his arms to catch the king as he fell." he has fallen and been caught by his god and fallen and been caught by his dad.
I think we'll call the interregnum an interlude into the underworld, if not a journey into.
oh, gods, relius.
for a former spymaster, he sure trusted too easily.
he could have had his farm in the gede valley, but he stayed to help irene and gen. oh, relius, relius.
sejanus has a saving grace afterall.
dite and sejanus protecting each other, and pretending to hate each other so that sejanus at least can be on good terms with their father, that all clicks into place when you know about their older brother who they probably loved just as much.
crying crying crying over Sejanus and Pheris.
the minster of war. D:
at least nahuseresh is dead.
gen lay down to sleep by his father's corpse.
the patrimony divided in three. a triangle.
sophos/helen baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that gen, knowing his cousin and also being a little sneak who notices everything, figured out helen was pregnant before sophos even did.
f for sejanus. he wasn't as bad as he seemed, and not nearly as bad as he almost was.
oh, xenophon died, too. he of the wooden cannons and receiver of the infamous "I love stupid plans" line.
why is everyone dead. :(
"they're at the pickets, both of them" oh, thank you, jesus. TWO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T DEAD. MY BOYS.
she dreams of Eddis empty. there's no words for the relief I feel.
and yet they don't tell us the name!!!!! what was the MoW's name??? what is their son's name??? megan!!!!!!
gen holding his daughter for the first time and offering to pitch her off a roof. I don't even have words.
hector. hector. hector hector hector.
rooftop dance!!!!!!!!!!!
(you couldn't give us one costis and kamet dance? no, it's fine.)
peace. peace. peace.
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notsugarandspice · 6 years
Crash and Burn (Chapter 20)
yay, look who updated a fic everyone thought was abandoned (I’m just trash, but at least I got the job done lol)
Read it on AO3.
Warnings: Sexual Content, Internalized Homophobia, Explicit Rating
June, 1995
It should be a very restless day except it isn’t. Eddie is beyond agitated, and he can’t even pinpoint why. Everything has been pins and needles lately, what with the choices for college and whatever butterfly morphed shit decided to take possession of his insides anytime he locked eyes with Richie. And now that he chews on some soggy french fries, just the way he likes them, he looks over to watch Richie smoke out of the crack from the window, lost deep in his thoughts.
They crossed the border some time ago, and Eddie should have his cheek attached to the window, taking in the sight of a country he’s never seen before. But he can’t stop looking at Richie, can’t stop thinking about Richie, everything is Richie Richie Richie. It’s a never-ending, heart clenching whirlwind of hormonal and emotional ecstasy, and it feels like every cell of his body somehow calls for this disgustingly handsome, tall, obnoxious boy that he’s in love with. Yeah, I’m in love. Would you look at that?
He’s not even sure where they’re going - this trip was wholeheartedly Richie’s idea. It has been on his bucket list for as long as he can remember but he never actually thought he’d make it there, so the hope diminished throughout the years. In a deep crevice of his mind, he could remember his dad mentioning how much he wanted to com here - the postcards Eddie hid under the bed were all Frank’s - but the memories of his father were too distant to be sure. They were always there nonetheless, like a protective wall that Eddie lacked in physical form. Because even though Richie tried to protect him, his skinny body ended up busted and passed out while the bullies finished the small boy off. But Eddie could protect himself most of the time. He tried to.
The Losers were all a little confused with their idea of a solo road trip, but nobody seemed to mind. Bill was getting better very slowly, but he had the other’s company for the next few days to keep him occupied. And anyway, Richie wasn’t planning on spending the night. Which is why they left at 05:00 AM, Eddie kicking Richie’s lanky body with his foot until he fell off the bed. They figured they’d get there in the morning, caffeinate themselves to the level of insanity, and explore all that Quebec has to offer. Except it wasn’t nearly as simple when they end up alone. It never really is with us.
Eddie can’t stop thinking about the conversation he had with Richie about their college choices. Richie wasn’t planning on so much as applying anywhere, and Eddie knows that he’s always wanted to move somewhere warm. He can’t help but feel fear gripping on his insides, taking control of his spasming throat. I will lose him. Whether I like it or not, I will lose him. And there is absolutely nothing he can do about it.
Richie parks in the gas station, stopping by one of the pumps. Eddie feels bad that his friend is paying for literally everything and he instantly lifts his hips to fish out a twenty. He made sure to take some money from a little box he hides under the bed, covered by a dozen magazines featuring muscular men, heavily oiled, seemingly sweaty. He knows that Sonia would never touch the contents. Thus his minuscule stash has been undiscovered so far.
Richie turns the key to shut off the ignition and rotates his head to look at Eddie. The small boy feels a cold hand cover his shaking palm and he locks eyes with Richie, something warm in the other’s dark brown eyes.
“I know what you’re doing, and I’m not letting you pay for the gas of my car.” Richie tries shoving Eddie’s hand back into the small boy’s lap but fails miserably. He’s no match for Eddie’s strength.
“Richie, stop, you literally pay for everything, c’mon.”
“I know but this was my idea. And you know that money is never an issue, Eds.” Richie winks and quickly squeezes Eddie’s chin, and he hates how it resonates in a hard shiver throughout his entire body.
“Okay, stop with the nickname and at least buy us some snacks with this. Please?” Eddie extends the twenty and fiddles it in front of the other’s face, debuting a doe-eyed expression that Bev said could ‘destroy a straight man’.
Richie rolls his eyes and snorts softly but takes the bill. “It’s not fair, you know. Those- those eyes of yours.”
Eddie likes to play cocky, so he leans on the separation and raises an eyebrow, trying to pout his lips in a way that would look seductive instead of pathetic. “What about ‘em?”
Richie’s eyes dart straight to his mouth, and Eddie can see through the thickness of the lenses how much darker they are now. There is the slightest shade of pink on Richie’s cheeks - something that Eddie barely ever gets to see, so he drinks it all in.
“I think you know exactly what you’re doing, Kaspbrak.”
Eddie leans closer as if magnetically tugging Richie towards him, willing the other’s mouth to get closer. “I think you’re imagining things.”
Richie is so close now that Eddie can feel second-hand smoke getting into his lungs, but it’s the last thing on his mind anyway. “Look, this is-“
They get interrupted by a honk of a car wheezing past them, almost hitting an elderly lady crossing the gas station to get to her car. Both of them snap their heads to look at the driver of a large black SUV, flailing their arms at the woman who now stubbornly stands right in front of the black hood, chastising them for honking. Richie snorts and turns back to Eddie, but the other has already leaned back in his seat.
“Alrighty-o, Spaghetti. I think we should spend your twenty on some good shit.”
“You better not spend a whole twenty in that store. That’s for the whole trip, dipshit.”
“You’re so hard on me, why are you so hard on me?”
Eddie turns to look at Richie with a deadpanned expression, waiting until the realization hits him. Within several seconds Richie’s head falls back in laughter, and he points the finger at Eddie, bopping his nose.
“I walked right into that one.”
“Okay, don’t waste any more time and get gas already.”
“I have a better plan Spaghetti-o. We’re getting drunk tonight, and I’ll make it my mission to purchase the faahnciahst beer this gas station can provide,” says Richie with a terrible unidentifiable accent and grins wide.
“Is the beer necessary? And how do you expect to buy it here? You’re not old enough, idiot.”
“First of all, rude. Second, the drinking age is nineteen, and I’m eighteen, so that’s close enough. Anyway, look-“
Richie takes off his glasses and puts them behind the wheel. And it’s not as if Eddie hasn’t seen his best friend without glasses before. It’s mostly the unexpected effect that it suddenly has on him to have a front row seat to Richie’s bare, handsome face, and it knocks all air out of him. If Eddie was drinking right now, the liquid would dramatically purge out of his mouth and straight onto the soft skin of Richie’s pale cheeks. And it’s Richie’s shy smile that makes Eddie’s heart skip, and his stomach turns into a mess of punches and tangles. God, I hate this love shit.
“What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face? Is it the Cheetos?” Eddie takes another moment to take all of Richie in before he has to either admit that he’s blatantly staring at his best friend, or make up a lie about seeing a rash on the other’s cheek.
Richie still has the same dust of freckles he’s always had, most of them situated around his nose and very prominent now that the sun is more active. There are indents on the bridge of a crooked nose that only add softness to the face, even though he certainly looks more mature this way. Eddie can clearly see his eyebrows now - bushy but somehow shaped in a way that compliments the sharp edges of his face. And there are small wrinkles on the edge of those extremely dark brown eyes, still visible from Richie’s scary-wide smile that’s always so endearing that it makes Eddie’s stomach feel like it’s possessed. It’s all a little too much, and Eddie doesn’t know why it affects him to the level of obsession, but he can’t even look away at this point. He’s engraved in me and my skin forever, and it scares the shit out of me.
“Nothing. You- you look… Do you want me to go with you?”
Richie’s cheeks tint a slight shade of pink, and he coughs before he speaks. “Spaghetti, they’ll think I’m buying booze for a minor.”
And just like that, Eddie relaxes a bit thinking how even though he’d rather be in Richie’s lap right now, the tall boy’s complete lack of seriousness eases his libido. “You’re such a turd Richie, Jesus. I am a minor and fuck you, honestly.”
Eddie scoots closer to the door and crosses the arms on his stomach, boring his eyes into the ad on the window of the gas shop. He hears Richie get out of the car and he wants to exit the vehicle and kiss the shit out of him, but he’s also angry, so that’s not an option. It doesn’t stop him from fantasizing about it though. And just as imaginary Richie tugs on his lower lip and touches the inside of his thigh, the real one opens the back door, throwing the purchases in, and goes to open the passenger door where Eddie sits in the same position. Eddie looks up at him and hopes that his expression is vicious, and not a puddle of goo representing what currently goes on inside him.
Richie leans in, propping one hand on the seat and the other on the separation, crowding Eddie with a cheeky smile, and that handsome pointed face that’s currently free of the glasses. Eddie can see Richie’s eyes dart down to his mouth and he leans in, kissing Eddie softly, barely moving his lips. And Eddie’s heart is beating so loud, still affected by the daydream he’s been having the past five minutes, and he’s now getting the real thing, and it’s so much more than he bargained for. Because real Richie smells like cigarettes and tastes like them too, but the real lips are softer, and every time Richie breathes out into his mouth, Eddie’s hands twitch from how much it affects him. This kiss is so much slower and calculated than any they shared before. There is so much feeling in it that Eddie finds it hard to breathe. And when Richie pulls back a bit and looks at Eddie with warmth and love that he’s never felt in such dimensions before in his life, Eddie doesn’t even speak and just stares back for several seconds, lost in the black of Richie Tozier’s eyes.
Richie has never felt more carefree. It’s odd, being this close to Eddie, having the ability to kiss him anywhere and technically everywhere but they didn’t go that far yet. Richie isn’t sure it’s a good idea anyway. His entire head is already occupied by the thoughts of his best friend, and he thinks if they ever had sex, he’d find himself permanently attached to Eddie’s body like a six-foot leech.
And it’s so hard to concentrate when Eddie puts a straw in his Sprite and licks around it to make sure that the drops don’t fall on his pristinely clean shirt, or when he reaches for a menu, and leans over the bar to reveal a small patch of tan skin above the waistband of those tight jean shorts, and Richie needs a drink in him now, or he might actually lose it.
This trip is, of course, all for Eddie. Most of everything he does is for Eddie anyway, even if it doesn’t seem like it. He wishes he could give him a life full of adventure and wide smiles, but he’s just incapable at the moment. Richie has to stay in Derry, take care of the mess his parents made and maybe someday, he can commit to Eddie completely and entirely. But for now, he’s going to enjoy this day and everything that it brings.
They sit down at a random bar they choose because Eddie screams at the size of the sausages they serve, effectively activating an array of dirty jokes on Richie’s side, but even that was apparently not enough to stop the small boy from getting a beer and a lot of greasy food. Eddie loves to eat, and he especially loves to try new things. It’s one of the upsides of liking to cook, Richie thinks. He watches Eddie devour the sausage with a fervor of a starving bear cub, and he can’t help but snore in his second mug of beer, already significantly relaxed as the alcohol swims in his bloodstream.
“Hwhaht?” asks Eddie with a mouth full of sausage and bread, trying to gulp it down with his own mug.
Richie props his chin on the hand and looks at Eddie’s slightly red face, cheeks puffed like a chipmunk, and he thinks there is nothing more adorable on this planet. “I can’t decide if you look hot or cute. I’ll go with a word of my own creation - hute.”
Eddie snorts, and that’s how Richie knows he’s drunk enough to actually laugh at his jokes. And make out a lot. “That makes absolutely no fucking sense.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just say thank you, Richie, you’re hot too, and if not for the sausage in my mouth, I’d occupy it with yours-“
Eddie hits him on the shoulder, but his mouth is turned up as he drinks the beer, avoiding Richie’s eyes.
“I have a surprise for you.”
Eddie turns to look at him, and his eyes turn into warm gooey chocolate, that sweet expression that he has when he’s sleepy or when Richie compliments him out of nowhere. “Rich, this has really been enough.”
“No, it’s not. We’re too drunk to drive, and I’m not ready to go back to that shithole.”
“What are you saying?” Eddie hiccups slightly and Richie grins wide before continuing.
“I’m saying that there’s a nice castle lookin’ hotel close by, and I think we should walk there and get a room.”
“Richie, Château will cost you a fortune, and I don’t have that kind of money, you know that.”
“Okay that masterful French pronunciation was really fucking hot, and I have enough to cover a stay there. Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Eds.��� Richie ruffles the other’s hair and slightly pinches his cheek, smiling when he sees a prominent blush cover Eddie’s neck.
“I really can’t let you get us a hotel, it’s ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not. C’mon. I insist.” Richie squeezes Eddie’s knee reassuringly, and the small boy’s eyes dart down to the pale hand, and he looks equal parts torn and turned on. Richie is highly hoping for the second one.
“Shit. Fine. But we’re not ordering room service.”
“Ugh, Eds, whyyyyyy-“
Eddie insists on paying for that dinner, and they leave the car parked close to the bar and start walking in the direction of the hotel with a bag of crap Richie bought at the gas station. Eddie keeps looking around with bright eyes and a smile that makes Richie’s stomach do somersaults, and he’s so happy that he wants to scream. And he does. So much that Eddie drags him to the side of the road to connect their mouths in a kiss more passionate than anything they shared so far. Richie can even feel his knees buckle a bit, and his pants tighten from how quickly he’s growing, and he has to step back breathless because people are starting to stare and they’re in the middle of the sidewalk, and Eddie looks so good that he’s sure he’d ravage him right on the grass.
They continue walking to the hotel, and Eddie chews on the second pack of Kit Kat smiling at Richie mischievously and wobbling so much that they have to hold hands almost all the way. And Richie is very nervous, his palms sweaty and breathing ragged which has nothing to do with the high slope at which they’re walking. They might be in Canada but it’s still the 90s, and liking men is apparently an abominable crime. He paranoiacally looks around and catches the eye of every stranger for any sign of distaste. So far they haven’t encountered a pressing issue, but it’s better that they remain careful. When they near the driveway of the hotel Richie lets go of Eddie’s hand, breathing out in relief when Eddie barely notices, too mesmerized with the building. I really don’t want to disappoint you. I’m sorry I’m like this. I love you so much I forget how to breathe sometimes.
They make it to the front desk, and since it’s not the peak of the season, they’re able to get a king-bed room with a nice view. Eddie falls asleep on the comfortable cushions as he waits for Richie to settle the bill, and he has to shake the small boy to direct him towards the elevators. But as soon as they step inside the fancy accommodations, Eddie attacks the mini fridge and fishes out some soda, gulping the whole thing down in less than a minute. Richie snorts at the image and drops the plastic bag on the counter next to him.
“You know, if you’re thirsty, there are other ways to quench your desires.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and throws the empty can in the trash bin. “Shut your trashmouth already, God.”
“Just Richie is fine.” He can’t help but smile wide when the corners of Eddie’s mouth jump and he has to pretend to wipe his nose to hide it.
“I’m going to take a shower, Just Richie.” Eddie sticks his tongue out, and Richie full-heartedly laughs, sprinting towards the bed and positions himself in the middle.
When Eddie gets out of the shower barefoot wearing nothing but the white bath robe, Richie chokes on the cigarette smoke. He’s lying on the bed shirtless because I wanted to feel the silky sheets, not because I’m trying to seduce my best friend, and smokes on the cigarette after successfully removing the smoke detector in lieu of an open window. Eddie wrinkles his nose and goes after the mini fridge again, taking one of the beers Richie bought at the gas station. He climbs on the bed and without an ounce of hesitation sits right on top of Richie’s hips. Eddie twists the bottle on the corner of the robe trying to get it open, and after the top successfully clatters to the ground, he takes a sip and makes eye contact with Richie.
Thing is, no matter how many times shit like this happens between them, it always catches Richie off guard. And this time, alone in a hotel, on a king-sized bed, with gorgeous Eddie Kaspbrak on top of him, Richie feels like he just fell in love, just discovered what is feels like to have your heart jumping out of your chest. And Eddie is so smug, and perfect, hair still damp, dripping on Richie’s exposed stomach. Richie’s bravado doesn’t just waver - it shatters to a million pieces, dissipating like the ashes of the cigarette that distractedly fall on the carpeted floor. Eddie doesn’t even move but having that weight on top of him is absolute ecstasy. Jesus.
“E-Eds?” Richie’s voice cracks at the name and Eddie snorts into the bottle.
“What’s up?” Those angelic brown eyes are glistening with mischief, and Eddie’s cheeks are still rosy from the hot shower. Richie is finding it extremely difficult to concentrate.
He doesn’t really get to finish because he suddenly can’t breathe when Eddie’s fingers start exploring his pale chest, creating goosebumps on the entirety of Richie’s skin. He feels himself shiver noticeably and his heart must be beating a hundred miles a minute. He realizes at that very moment that saying goodbye to this wonder on top of him is going to shatter his soul to pieces. He feels his eyes stinging with coming tears, but he’s distracted again when Eddie’s fingers trace a line along the waistband of his boxers. And as if on cue, he can feel himself hardening. Fucking teenage body, goddamn.
“Richie.” It’s the way Eddie says it that makes Richie’s entire body freeze up.
The sensuality in that one word is enough to make Richie fall in love again. The raw emotion in Eddie’s glazed dark eyes, surrounded by still drying long eyelashes is so overwhelming but somehow more intoxicating than anything. Richie lifts up and leans on his hands, trying to get closer to Eddie. The small boy takes the glasses off, and something about their position reminds Richie of a dream he had. But instead of dream Eddie that had an unsteady gaze illuminated by moonlight, the real version is looking straight into his eyes, making Richie feel oh so warm inside.
Eddie brushes their noses together, and Richie can’t help but release a shaky breath. He then leans in to let their lips touch just enough to ignite something. Every touch is like an attempt to drag the match on a striking surface, and the sound that usually accompanies that is Richie’s breathing and a speedy heartbeat. Eddie wraps his arms around Richie’s neck, playing with the overgrown hair there and he smiles shyly and that, that smile is Richie’s undoing.
He surges forward with mouth half-open, already pushing his tongue in. Eddie moans against Richie’s bitter lips, and the tall boy wraps his arm around the other’s middle, pushing them even closer together which seems physically impossible. He can feel Eddie’s fast heartbeat against his own naked chest, and it’s addicting, he never wants to let this sensation go. Eddie’s mouth is so hot, and their kiss is borderline ridiculous, with how much their teeth clash together, and tongues get far enough to be swallowed. Richie knows it’s close to disgusting, this raw passion between them, but he can’t stop. I never, ever want to stop.
Then Eddie rolls his hips once, and the action is minuscule in its proportions, but it gets the job done. Richie loudly moans in the other’s mouth, and he feels his dick throb with a need for anything, everything. Eddie grinds down on him harder, more confident, and Richie can’t even breathe anymore. Who knew it could be like this?
His head is all EddieEddieEddie, there isn’t one coherent thought in his brain - Eddie’s soft lips is what he’s concentrated on. And the burning in his lower abdomen, naturally. Because Eddie is relentless at chasing that feeling. And Richie realizes with fascination that makes him open his eyes that Eddie isn’t wearing any underwear. And the wave of pure lust that washes over Richie is enough to knock a grown man down. He can feel Eddie’s moans against his lips, and some deep guttural sounds that escape him, and Richie thinks that’s what heaven must feel like.
Because he’s never felt anything like this before. He’s still severely intoxicated, and he feels nauseous from the overwhelming amount of emotion that rolls through him in suffocating ripples, and-
No. Oh no, no, no, no. He does feel nauseous. So much that he has to literally throw Eddie to the side and run towards the bedroom, forgetting to even throw the door closed. He can hear Eddie’s small steps behind him, but his throat is burning as he empties a yellow substance into the pristine toilet bowl. Richie is confused. He almost never throws up after drinking alcohol. It just doesn’t happen. His tolerance has gone up to a level high enough for him to drink for several days in a row without feeling a thing.
But this? This is some next level shit. They were just kissing. His dick was about to explode, but it wasn’t even sex so why the hell was he so nervous. Richie’s hands are still shaking, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening. Eddie is rubbing circles on his sweaty back, and he suddenly feels bad that he is so disgusting. He lays his head on the chilly seat and peeks at Eddie who’s sporting a signature concerned expression that creates a small collection of wrinkles between his brows. Richie reaches his hand out and pokes Eddie there, making him giggle. Cute, cute, cute.
“You okay, Rich?” That small warm voice. So gentle and nice. Fuck, I don’t deserve this.
“Just about right, cupcake.” His voice sounds horrible as if he drank nails for breakfast.
Eddie snorts and rolls his eyes. “You really need to stop with the stupid nicknames.” He stands up and leaves the bathroom. Richie misses him instantly, but he has no strength to even reach out.
Eddie comes back with a bottle of water and wraps Richie’s shaking hand around it. “Drink. Please?”
Richie does, first spitting some out, and then gulping down half of it at once. He suddenly wants to be back in that bed, but instead of grinding, he just wants to feel Eddie’s arms hugging him from behind. Eddie always makes everything better.
“I’ll take a shower.” Eddie nods and kisses the top of Richie’s head before walking out.
When he comes out, Eddie is under the covers in nothing but boxers, the only light source on the opposite side of the bed, a soft yellow glow of the nightstand lamp. Richie is wearing nothing but underwear too as he climbs in, tugging on the string to shut the light off. Eddie instantly wraps his arm around the other’s waist, and Richie sighs in the pillow.
“You’re not mad?”
Eddie squeezes him tighter. “Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know. For ruining our grinding session.”
Eddie snorts and kisses Richie’s back. “No, you idiot. I’m just worried. I didn’t realize how much we drank.”
“And I used to think you are a lightweight.”
“I mean, I am. I’m much smaller than you. But you have no muscle, so-“
Richie elbows him in the stomach. “Shut up.”
Eddie leans on the elbow and gently turns Richie’s face to his. “Rich.”
There’s that softness again that makes Richie’s stomach feel queasy. “Hm?”
“I love you.” God, I love you too, I love you too, I love you too.
Richie turns around completely, connecting their lips.
Perma Tag: @happytozier @studpuffin @tinyarmedtrex @its-stranger-than-you-think @qwertykevin @j0ys @trippy-alexissss @letmybabyystayy @d-nbroughs @jem-carstairs-is-perfection (let me know if you want to be added/removed! <3 or tagged in this trash fic lol)
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