#i can't stress enough how strange seeing my cousin from the back was. looking like that dated pic of him.
neonstatic · 1 year
i woke up from a strange dream today.
tw: death, animal death, blood, weird dream shit
in the dream, i discovered "vermin" in the apartment. the first was a snake i killed by snapping its neck w tongs, and i placed it in a laundry bin to gather blood while i found a cleaner way to dispose of it. i was in a hurry bc my mom had just told me that we had family coming. in my search for a trash bag, i found some sort of gerbil in a pantry (?) and i killed it too. but since this kill was less messy, i shoved the dead gerbil in a corner and continued on my search for a trash bag.
since i was taking too much time to prepare for the guests and my mom and sister were getting on my case, i revealed to them that i'd found vermins and i needed help getting rid of the bodies. corpses, i call them. to which my mom argued that i can't tell that they're corpses if i've never seen them alive. and that left me frozen for a bit cus like, i most definitely saw them alive. (and that gave me a sudden flashback to previous dreams i've had this week that i'd forgotten til now: i'd be home on a regular day off and see bodies around me and my mom would keep arguing w me that not every limp body i see is dead or a corpse.) i snapped out of it w my sister saying that i certainly knew what i was talking about and to stop questioning my knowledge.
neither decided to help me tho. which pissed me off bc i killed the creatures for them? cus otherwise they'd freak out and i'm the only one qualified for the job in this household. i'm the protector. even tho i was scared i did it anyway and they dared to act like the killing was nothing for me? anyway, i got over the anger and went looking again for a bag when i saw in my bedroom that someone was there. it was a cousin i haven't seen in yrs and he looked just like that one picture of him we have in the living room, where he looks young and clean and dapper in a suit, but this time he was facing away from me, and wouldn't turn around no matter how long i stared at his back.
so i went back out of the bedroom and told my sister abt what i saw, to check if i was hallucinating or not. she told me he'd been there for a while, wtv that means. i didn't respond and instead went to dispose of the snake bc i could see in my mind's eye that the blood pool was growing. i put it in a small bag i found but had trouble tying it up, and got blood on my fingers but wasn't as grossed out as i thought i should. then when i stood up to take care of the gerbil, i heard the guests being let in at the front door and i woke up.
so i guess my question is: wtf. what the fuck??? what???? tu peux pas dire que c'est un cadavre si tu l'as jamais vu en vie? quoi? huh???
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
Nico's hands were shaking as he took the book, his stomach burned so bad he didn't know what was going to come up if he puked from stress right now. Last time he'd had this thing Percy had nearly killed them all again, which wasn't strictly his fault. Anybody could have gotten the chapter over Annabeth in this circle, but he was still being a naïve child on some level thinking it wouldn't come around again. Just like Bianca wanted, and the more he tried to let go of his anger about her the less he knew how to feel. How was it every time he got this stupid book it was worse than the last-
A warm brush against his shoulder chased away the cold dread. He didn't think much of it as he exhaled in relief to see the blurry words finally come into focus. He read the new, strange as usual chapter title with a hysterical sounding laugh of relief. Bianca hadn't been killed by a pig, he still had a little more time...and no escape plan in sight...
It was Thalia who went ghastly pale and leaned back in her seat. Percy had called her out right after this incident. They would know, and the teasing would never end.
"Question," Jason asked politely, "does the pig snowboard on two feet or all fours?"
"No, the real question is, is Percy better or worse than the swine?" Alex snickered.
"I've never been snowboarding," Magnus said, it was always something he heard snooty rich people talking about like the snow in Boston wasn't good enough for them. "Is a pig the judge we should be using skill level, or Percy?"
"Can't be to much worse than a skateboard?" But Percy sounded no more convinced this was something he shouldn't be concerned about as he looked from the book to Thalia with one of those uneasy feelings again. Whatever her problems with Apollo's bus seemed to have been a one time thing, but she'd been under a near constant state of distress same as him between Annabeth, Luke, and him. Gods he wished he could do anything to give her a break.
Nico was still licking his lips and hesitating to start, Will was making some joke about Miss Piggy nobody seemed to get but was keeping attention. Percy asked as quietly as he could to her, "want to take a break?" Wondering if she'd said no last time because he'd put her on the spot.
"No," she said again, but she breathed just a smidge easier as she grinned at him again for the offer. "Just, just want to get through this." Percy took every jab about his genius-dumbass with a smile. Percy had never said another word about her fear, he'd even gone out of his way to help her avoid it later, but she didn't have the same hope about the others. Jason would laugh himself stupid when she told him the truth and claim there was no way possible they were related when he heard this. Magnus, for as much as he looked like his cousin, would tell her that made no sense given her parentage. Alex's nose might fall off she'd start laughing so hard. And oh Gods, Will and Nico were going to go tell everybody at Camp, she'd never be able to show her face there again. She didn't really know Rachel that well, but the mortal Oracle would probably think it just as weird a demigod even had a flaw.
Jason was threatening to wrap the book in bacon though if they didn't all get on with it. Nico looked no more pleased than her to turn to the words, so hopefully he'd read quickly and just get it over with.
We'd arrived on the outskirts of a little ski town nestled in the mountains. The sign said WELCOME TO CLOUDCROFT, NEW MEXICO. The air was cold and thin. The roofs of the cabins were heaped with snow, and dirty mounds of it were piled up on the sides of the streets. Tall pine trees loomed over the valley,
"Did seeing those make you homesick?" Percy smirked at Thalia.
"Do you want a fish shoved up your nose?" She asked back pleasantly.
casting pitch-black shadows, though the morning was sunny.
Even with my lion-skin coat, I was freezing by the time we got to Main Street, which was about half a mile from the train tracks. As we walked, I told Grover about my conversation with Apollo the night before—how he'd told me to seek out Nereus in San Francisco.
Grover looked uneasy. "That's good, I guess. But we've got to get there first."
I tried not to get too depressed about our chances. I didn't want to send Grover into a panic, but I knew we had another huge deadline looming, aside from saving Artemis in time for her council of the gods. The General had said Annabeth would only be kept alive until the winter solstice. That was Friday, only four days away. And he'd said something about a sacrifice. I didn't like the sound of that at all.
"Do multiple motivations help get you there faster?" Magnus asked uneasily. He'd settle for some woodland magic from Grover or Apollo breaking the laws of dimension again to get there already.
"Unified goal," Thalia nodded.
We stopped in the middle of town. You could pretty much see everything from there: a school, a bunch of tourist stores and cafes, some ski cabins, and a grocery store.
"Great," Thalia said, looking around. "No bus station. No taxis. No car rental. No way out."
"There's a coffee shop!" said Grover.
"Yes," Zoe said. "Coffee is good."
"How old is coffee?" Rachel asked in surprise. "I'm just imagining her calling our version that we drown in sugar and creamer weak."
"I have no idea," Thalia admitted, "15th century or something? She drank it black." The Hunters still offered a moment of silence to her and all their fallen sisters every full moon over a steaming hot cup.
Percy would swear his ear twitched over something. Zoe speaking in her gruff way again, even something they could all agree on, coffee was good. It was just so different from the way she'd spoken in his dream. That must be why Thalia's words rung strangely in his head.
"And pastries," Grover said dreamily. "And wax paper."
Thalia sighed. "Fine. How about you two go get us some food. Percy, Bianca, and I will check in the grocery store.
Percy arched a curious brow about that for reasons unknown to him. Something about her had been clicking in the back of his mind like an annoying pen, and Nico making strange tongue tied faces every time she was didn't help at all to figure out why he still swore he vaguely recognized them. They'd yet had a chance to continue their peculiar conversation from the train where apparently she found subways popping up.
There was no obvious link except Bianca was who Thalia would soon be, but he hoped she shared with them what other line he was trying to draw.
Maybe they can give us directions."
We agreed to meet back in front of the grocery store in fifteen minutes. Bianca looked a little uncomfortable coming with us, but she did.
Nico tried not to let himself puzzle at that. He felt like he never knew his sister well enough to understand anything about her. Did the uncomfortableness come from Percy, and she already hated males? Was it Thalia, and Zoe's dislike of her rubbed off already? She hadn't much to do on this quest so far except help them escape the helicopter. It's not like he had any way of guessing if she was missing him at all.
Inside the store, we found out a few valuable things about Cloudcroft: there wasn't enough snow for skiing,
"So the pig is going to have to work for it, got it," Alex snorted.
the grocery store sold rubber rats for a dollar each,
"The highlight of the town I'm sure," Jason said with a cheerful smile for this small town economy.
and there was no easy way in or out of town unless you had your own car.
Percy was rubbing his forehead in exhaustion, but he knew he'd never get any decent sleep so long as Annabeth was in danger. "This is one of those towns I can't imagine growing up in, it's so isolated and creepy."
"New York Pride Cap aside, I am with Percy," Thalia sighed. She felt like a serial killer or a monster could make that town vanish in five minutes.
"You could call for a taxi from Alamogordo," the clerk said doubtfully. "That's down at the bottom of the mountains, but it would take at least an hour to get here. Cost several hundred dollars."
The clerk looked so lonely, I bought a rubber rat.
Which caused multiple laughs around Percy who grinned indulgently.
"I hope your mother never gives you pocket change, you'd go broke walking around Central Park," Rachel chuckled.
"No, no, we encourage this behavior," Alex nodded. "I will make all the rubber rats you like Percy!"
"If I wake up with a rat in my bed tomorrow Alex, you'll find it in your nightmares," Percy promised.
Then we headed back outside and stood on the porch.
"Wonderful," Thalia grumped. "I'm going to walk down the street, see if anybody in the other shops has a suggestion."
"But the clerk said—"
"I know," she told me. "I'm checking anyway."
I let her go. I knew how it felt to be restless. All half-bloods had attention deficit problems because of our inborn battlefield reflexes. We couldn't stand just waiting around.
Also, I had a feeling Thalia was still upset over our conversation last night about Luke.
"Look at Percy getting a gold star," Thalia gave him a friendly enough smile now and he grinned back in relief. He hoped her good mood with him again didn't stem from him getting turned into a pig.
Bianca and I stood together awkwardly. I mean... I was never very comfortable talking one-on-one with girls anyway, and I'd never been alone with Bianca before. I wasn't sure what to say, especially now that she was a Hunter and everything.
"Nice rat," she said at last.
"Now there's a compliment you just don't get to hear very often," Magnus chuckled.
I set it on the porch railing. Maybe it would attract more business for the store.
"Pretty sure that's the opposite of how that works," Will told him in concern. "Is it a New York staple to see rats and want to go there?"
"It was a very cute rubber rat," Percy said with a straight face. "Great attention to detail."
"So... how do you like being a Hunter so far?" I asked.
The question felt strange coming off of Nico's lips. He'd never gotten the chance to ask her that. He hesitated reading the next sentence because his mind was floundering if he'd get a different answer than she'd give Percy. Which was the lie and truth?
She pursed her lips. "You're not still mad at me for joining, are you?"
"Nah. Long as, you know... you're happy."
"I'm not sure 'happy' is the right word, with Lady Artemis gone. But being a Hunter is definitely cool. I feel calmer somehow. Everything seems to have slowed down around me. I guess that's the immortality."
Jason ruffled uneasily as Nico swallowed. That didn't feel like a great answer to him either, watching Thalia nod in agreement. Diana was a just goddess and cared about her followers, but Bianca hadn't known her long enough to be more than told this, let along grasp it herself. Something in him struggled with her blind faith, and yet sympathized with it.
I stared at her, trying to see the difference. She did seem more confident than before, more at peace. She didn't hide her face under a green cap anymore. She kept her hair tied back, and she looked me right in the eyes when she spoke. With a shiver, I realized that five hundred or a thousand years from now, Bianca di Angelo would look exactly the same as she did today. She might be having a conversation like this with some other half-blood long after I was dead, but Bianca would still look twelve years old.
Thalia had wrestled with this aspect, her salvation and disconnection. Annabeth would forever age past her, happy with Percy while she'd gotten her own family in the Hunters. Now Jason would too. She did not regret her choice, she knew if she'd even been told Jason were still out there before Artemis had accepted her vow she would have gone through with it and taken her place to heart that day on the Solstice. She would not be the child of the prophecy.
But what if she'd known the moment she fell out of the tree? Any time she was on the run? Would she have been able to make the same choice as Bianca and hope Jason would still be fine without her, the potential child of the Prophecy himself just to save herself from that choice? It was a question that had no answer, but she longed more every passage to speak to a Hunter sister she'd never properly gotten to know. Bianca was truly a girl who could have understood so much of her life like no other.
"Nico didn't understand my decision," Bianca murmured. She looked at me like she wanted assurance it was okay.
Nico somehow went even more flummoxed at that. Should he want Percy to be angry on his behalf again, or defend Bianca's choice too like he was trying to come to terms with now. He was starting to get such a splitting headache the words were blurring right off the page.
"Nico?" A soft, gentle voice said right beside him. It wasn't Bianca's, but it had the same soothing way about it he hadn't heard in a very long time now. He wasn't even sure if some of those memories were fake or real. "Did you want a break?"
Will watched in concern as Nico dragged his eyes to look at him. Will wished he could just say Nico could read this to himself, but that wouldn't be fair to Percy, this was his memory, they were just visiting. This was so personal to both of them. If he could just get a spare moment where everybody broke off he could ask if Nico and Percy wanted to read this part by themselves, Will would find a way to make that happen.
Nico very much wanted to say yes. He wanted another fruitless search about this place to try and get out again. He wanted to bury this book six feet deep before he had to hear what had happened to his sister in explicit detail, but he wanted to stop sitting around waiting on tenterhooks for that pain to drop more.
Then the pity would come, and maybe Percy would try to talk to him. Percy honestly didn't know if Annabeth was alive right now, it would be the most grounded conversation they'd ever have.
"No," Nico answered quickly, trying to clear his throat and not show how tired of this he was.
Nico still didn't seem to notice how the darkness got a little more depth around him every time he said his sisters name, a black hole slowly but steadily opening in the wall.
"He'll be all right," I said. "Camp Half-Blood takes in a lot of young kids. They did that for Annabeth."
Nico's scoff was painful to his own ears. Now even Percy was drawing lines between him and Annabeth, as if he could ever be anything like that golden girl.
Bianca nodded. "I hope we find her. Annabeth, I mean. She's lucky to have a friend like you."
"Lot of good it did her."
Nico couldn't stop himself glancing up at Percy, a cautious hopeful feeling they could talk about this too. Their guilt. It wouldn't erase it, but Percy had been carrying that on him this whole time and understand Nico's own grief he hadn't been there in the one moment where it mattered most.
Percy was looking right through him, as usual, even while holding the book. Nico was even quite proud of himself now looking back that hadn't been bothering him yet, always fidgeting with his pen and watching Thalia while only glancing at the book. The purple spine. Not him. He tried to take comfort in that, surely if Bianca's death was coming any time soon Percy would have some lingering memory to keep an eye on him?
"Don't blame yourself Percy. You risked your life to save my brother and me. I mean, that was seriously brave. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have felt okay about leaving Nico at the camp. I figured if there were people like you there, Nico would be fine.
Nico's laugh was a little more harsh than he'd mean it to be, and the joke was only funny to him. Was he fine? Objectively not, roaming the world and contemplating going into Tartarus to find a goal in life. The fact that she'd factored this at all though was a kindness he hadn't expected. Better than just not caring at all.
It was a strange thing to laugh at to anyone else, who as usual just seemed to think Nico odd.
Except Will, who was probably growing to nosy levels of curiosity wanting to ask. Crap, he needed a medical text book to keep him distracted, he was starting to become a little obsessed wondering at every single reaction of his.
You're a good guy."
The compliment took me by surprise. "Even though I knocked you down in capture the flag?"
She laughed. "Okay. Except for that, you're a good guy."
"Seconded," Rachel laughed, and he tried to kill her when they first met.
"Eh," Thalia smirked, "you're not the worst boy I've met." Her smirk grew as she put an eerie, Zoe like accent on use of the word boy.
"Why thank you," he told them both with a surprised smile, he wasn't used to getting so many compliments. "I hope I hold to that standard."
A couple hundred yards away, Grover and Zoe came out of the coffee shop loaded down with pastry bags and drinks. I kind of didn't want them to come back yet. It was weird, but I realized I liked talking to Bianca. She wasn't so bad. A lot easier to hang out with than Zoe Nightshade, anyway.
Nico let out a spluttered noise that might have been a laugh if he'd stop trying to smother it. Oh the irony, Percy couldn't stand him, but his sister was okay!
Percy watched him now, in concern what that noise was, while Will bit his lip to hide a smile. He didn't add that to his list of times he'd heard Nico laugh though, it held to much self deprecation in it.
"So what's the story with you and Nico?" I asked her. "Where did you go to school before Westover?"
Nico decided he'd rather eat this book page by page than keep reading, his hands were now visibly trembling in frustration of how she was about to answer that. The false memories, the cloudy haze of feelings that had lingered in shadowed faces he couldn't remember but knew were there. Nightmares that had started that first night at camp and chased him to this day. He knew his mothers face now, her voice, but his dreams kept forgetting.
"Sorry Nico," Percy's voice still stunned him through the heart, but it was more of a jolt than a whole band number when he looked around.
"You were curious," he said, trying his hardest to keep the defensiveness out of his voice. "If Bianca's okay answering, so am I."
Will was waiting for it now and felt the icy chill blast through the room, as everybody else shivered and looked at Percy but he still saw Nico's shadow flutter. Percy, Bianca, Will tugged nervously on his ear and started to get a concrete theory about Nico he was beginning to suspect the guy himself had never confronted.
She frowned. "I think it was a boarding school in D.C. It seems like so long ago."
"It always does," Magnus agreed with a wince. It scared him how the mundane of shuffling around town looking for something to sustain him all blurred together, he'd go days without remembering his mothers voice before it was punched into his ear by any innocent person on the street saying the randomest things.
"You never lived with your parents? I mean, your mortal parent?"
"We were told our parents were dead. There was a bank trust for us. A lot of money, I think. A lawyer would come by once in a while to check on us. Then Nico and I had to leave that school."
She knit her eyebrows. "We had to go somewhere. I remember it was important. We traveled a long way. And we stayed in this hotel for a few weeks.
Nico's voice quivered, just a slight pitch up and down that could pass as him catching his breath. It only confirmed something Will had guessed at when Percy traveled through Vegas, and his plans to burn down that place only solidified.
And then... I don't know. One day a different lawyer came to get us out. He said it was time for us to leave. He drove us back east, through D.C. Then up into Maine. And we started going to Westover."
It was a strange story.
"Understatement," Rachel promised, but her tone was all open curiosity to hear more. She'd been following Chiron around near constantly while at Camp asking him to start transcribing all stories of who passed through. She was whittling him down bribe by bribe on upgrades via Dare Enterprise. Those new saddle bags should arrive by the time they got back and she was sure he'd say yes this time.
Then again, Bianca and Nico were half-bloods. Nothing would be normal for them.
"So you've been raising Nico pretty much all your life?" I asked. "Just the two of you?"
She nodded. "That's why I wanted to join the Hunters so bad. I mean, I know it's selfish, but I wanted my own life and friends. I love Nico—don't get me wrong—I just needed to find out what it would be like not to be a big sister twenty-four hours a day."
She'd never said that to him. She'd go on and on about what things he should and shouldn't be watching, eating, which kids at school he should talk to. He'd never asked her to do all that, all she would have had to do was say she wanted some space!
"Breathe Nico," a quiet voice said beside him.
He did out of shock, the breath shuddering out of him as his ears popped. He'd almost forgotten where he was. He'd been so lost he'd been convinced for a moment his sister was back and actually explaining herself to him. A rush of gratitude had him smile at Will for just a moment before just as quickly looking away. He wished he were alone for this, but his presence didn't feel intruding. He was just used to being alone.
I thought about last summer, the way I'd felt when I found out I had a Cyclops for a baby brother. I could relate to what Bianca was saying.
Percy had been ashamed of Tyson until he lost him. Nico really hoped it hadn't taken his sister her last breath to decide she should still want something to do with him.
"Not like that Nico," Percy's voice made him jump. He looked around in surprise what he'd done to get his full attention, and felt his stomach plummet to see the apology on his lips. He didn't want to imagine the look that had been on his face to earn that again.
"I know," Nico brushed off. "All siblings are different, whatever." Percy hadn't abandoned Tyson at camp when he could have. Maybe that was finally it, she was ashamed of him. She'd always called his game dumb and lame. 'Look at me now Bianca, all grown up,' he mentally scoffed for her.
"Zoe seems to trust you," I said. "What were you guys talking about, anyway— something dangerous about the quest?"
"Yesterday morning on the pavilion," I said, before I could stop myself. "Something about the General."
"I'm with Alex on this very important point," Thalia snorted. "You have no filter. Who admits to ease dropping?"
"Worth it if she answers?" Percy said without thinking.
"If I ever catch you ease dropping on me I'll pin your feet to the floor," she promised.
"Seconded," Alex needlessly added, but her name had been invoked in the conversation, which was enough of an excuse for her.
Her face darkened. "How did you... The invisibility hat. Were you eavesdropping?"
"No! I mean, not really. I just—"
I was saved from trying to explain when Zoe and Grover arrived with the drinks and pastries. Hot chocolate for Bianca and me. Coffee for them. I got a blueberry muffin, and it was so good I could almost ignore the outraged look Bianca was giving me.
That caused some mild spluttering laughter from them to Percy's chagrin, especially when Rachel asked, "still enjoy talking to her now?"
"I'll get back to you on that," Percy said without much regret.
"We should do the tracking spell," Zoe said. "Grover, do you have any acorns left?"
"Are they special acorns from a sacred grove watered with the tears of unicorns?" Magnus asked in a resigned tone.
"You say that like it's not going to be done by a satyr," Thalia shrugged in answer. "Even half-bloods can't fully wrap their minds around how woodland magic works."
Jason always looked just as confused as Magnus whenever they were mentioned, and Thalia deeply wondered at that. Where exactly had he been where monsters and gods didn't phase him but the good creatures that assisted their camp didn't strike his past?
"Umm," Grover mumbled. He was chewing on a bran muffin, wrapper and all. "I think so. I just need to—"
He froze.
I was about to ask what was wrong, when a warm breeze rustled past, like a gust of springtime had gotten lost in the middle of winter. Fresh air seasoned with wildflowers and sunshine. And something else—almost like a voice, trying to say something. A warning.
"Is the God of pigs going to show up and give you a ride next?" Alex asked eagerly. This sounded like some serious mojo going on, and the warning hadn't been mentioned as good or bad.
Zoe gasped. "Grover, thy cup."
Grover dropped his coffee cup, which was decorated with pictures of birds. Suddenly the birds peeled off the cup and flew away—a flock of tiny doves. My rubber rat squeaked. It scampered off the railing and into the trees—real fur, real whiskers.
Grover collapsed next to his coffee, which steamed against the snow. We gathered around him and tried to wake him up. He groaned, his eyes fluttering.
"Hey!" Thalia said, running up from the street. "I just... What's wrong with Grover?"
"I don't know," I said. "He collapsed."
"Uuuuuhhhh," Grover groaned.
"Well, get him up!" Thalia said. She had her spear in her hand. She looked behind her as if she were being followed. "We have to get out of here."
Percy didn't need to ask, his hands were already in motion to grab Grover before his mind caught up with his body and his best friend wasn't at his feet.
Thalia was smiling and gave him a friendly nudge. "At least that lack of thinking comes in handy when we need it."
"Here to help," he chuckled.
We made it to the edge of the town before the first two skeleton warriors appeared.
"I'm curious what they plan to do with you if they'd killed you," Alex admitted. "They don't feed you to a pig to hide the evidence do they?"
"I didn't stop to ask," Percy told, and he was holding to that now by refusing to let himself wonder what the hell Alex meant by that.
They stepped from the trees on either side of the road. Instead of gray camouflage, they were now wearing blue New Mexico State Police uniforms, but they had the same transparent gray skin and yellow eyes.
They drew their handguns. I'll admit I used to think it would be kind of cool to learn how to shoot a gun, but I changed my mind as soon as the skeleton warriors pointed theirs at me.
For the first time in these horrible about to die situations, Percy took a moment to thank whoever cared to listen to his prayer his mother wasn't here. She wouldn't have been any happier about monsters nearly killing him every other chapter, but there was something so, modern about a gun being pointed at him. A childhood fear he'd never experienced but had seen plenty of stories about. A weapon he'd always thought of in the hands of cops and mortals first instead of zombies, that now made his mothers troubled blue eyes come clearly to mind.
Thalia tapped her bracelet. Aegis spiraled to life on her arm, but the warriors didn't flinch. Their glowing yellow eyes bored right into me.
"That was terrifying," Will whispered, and it wasn't a joke. He meant every word. Any creature that didn't flinch from that made him wish for an endless amount of Greek fire.
I drew Riptide, though I wasn't sure what good it would do against guns.
Zoe and Bianca drew their bows, but Bianca was having trouble because Grover kept swooning and leaning against her.
"If I wasn't so worried about him I'd smack him myself," Percy groaned his best friend wouldn't stop the gawking now.
"Back up," Thalia said.
We started to—but then I heard a rustling of branches. Two more skeletons appeared on the road behind us. We were surrounded.
Jason let out a string of swears that didn't need translation. "They're intelligent!"
"Percy makes good plans and we don't call him intelligent," Thalia sighed.
"Can we mock me after we're done almost dying?" Percy asked without any hope.
Which Rachel aptly delivered. "That's never."
I wondered where the other skeletons were. I'd seen a dozen at the Smithsonian. Then one of the warriors raised a cell phone to his mouth and spoke into it.
Except he wasn't speaking. He made a clattering, clicking sound, like dry teeth on bone.
Nico felt Percy's eyes on him again. The intensity, the way the water moved around them again as he tried to connect a dot.
He just didn't care right now as he wondered again about his sister. Had she understood what they said and been freaked out? It took a bit of practice to understand perfectly, but if she'd gotten even an inkling of an idea she was the only one, what could he even hope for anymore? That she was freaked out at these crazy powers and anything associated with them, like him? That she'd used it to try and help save Percy?
Suddenly I understood what was going on. The skeletons had split up to look for us. These skeletons were now calling their brethren. Soon we'd have a full party on our hands.
"It's near," Grover moaned.
"It's here," I said.
"No," he insisted. "The gift. The gift from the Wild."
"A wild, pig?" Alex asked in confusion. It really was nice to see everyone as confused about this as Percy for once, even Thalia who still wasn't really sure how Pan had come to the conclusion he had sending that beast.
I didn't know what he was talking about, but I was worried about his condition. He was in no shape to walk, much less fight.
"Goaty-back ride," Will said with a straight face. "Leave no man behind."
"I don't intend to," Percy agreed confidently, something he and Zoe actually had in common.
"We'll have to go one-on-one," Thalia said. "Four of them. Four of us. Maybe they'll ignore Grover that way."
"Agreed," said Zoe.
Percy and Thalia fist bumped. Percy was even about to make the ardent comment to tell her to thank Zoe for him for a moment before his stomach curdled. The silver circlet on his friends head so like Zoe's held his tongue. It didn't seem likely when Thalia had joined Zoe had just casually stepped down from her position, so it might be a sore subject.
"The Wild!" Grover moaned.
"Better than moaning about food again," Magnus said in concern how often this poor guy was left on the verge of passing out.
A warm wind blew through the canyon, rustling the trees, but I kept my eyes on the skeletons. I remembered the General gloating over Annabeth's fate. I remembered the way Luke had betrayed her.
And I charged.
"Well those zombies are dead," Jason said casually.
"I'd almost feel bad for them if they weren't hell bent on killing you guys," Alex nodded with a still curious pucker to her lips. "Do they have souls? Like how sentient are these killing machines? Should I feel bad?"
"No," Thalia answered darkly before Nico could impulsively answer. The level threat in her voice against the skeletons made their worry go up another notch, that they hadn't even seen the beginning of how bad these murderous attempts would go.
The first skeleton fired. Time slowed down. I won't say I could see the bullet, but I could feel its path, the same way I felt water currents in the ocean. I deflected it off the edge of my blade and kept charging.
Nico choked on his words by the end, still shamefully etching that into his mind with the usual rise and fall of awe and then disgust at himself. He knew he didn't have a chance and he still couldn't help panting over every single thing Percy did like a child.
"That was seriously badass Percy," Will told him in the same kind of adoration. "Please tell me you saved that bullet and carved your name into it, there's space in your cabin to frame it."
"I will not be doing autographs at this time," Percy said with one of those cheeky grins that made the whole campfire burn bright white with laughter and reach to the stars. Nico usually backed away as fast as possible from the crowds reverence of him, convinced someone would spot his otherness in his false chuckle, but he couldn't do that in here.
"Well at the very least promise to have this in your next reenactment," Will insisted.
"What reenactment?" Percy asked, his confidence clearly slipping. "Please tell me you're joking about those Will!"
Thalia swiftly cut in as the snickers subsided, "if Chiron hears of any of you even thinking of bringing a gun to camp to try he'll pin a tail on all of you."
"Not a real gun," Will looked offended at the assumption while Nico harshly cleared his throat to try and keep going. At least the blush had left his face.
The skeleton drew a baton and I sliced off his arms at the elbows. Then I swung Riptide through his waist and cut him in half.
"Gruesome," Jason said complimentary. He didn't even know if he had any sword fighting capabilities, but he really wanted to test that theory on a mock battle with Percy to find out.
His bones unknit and clattered to the asphalt in a heap. Almost immediately, they began to move, reassembling themselves. The second skeleton clattered his teeth at me and tried to fire, but I knocked his gun into the snow.
I thought I was doing pretty well, until the other two skeletons shot me in the back.
"Percy!" Thalia screamed.
Thalia's heart still skipped a beat. She still heard the cry ripped from her throat as every emotion fractured through her to fast. Her guilt, she'd wanted him gone, but not like this. She hadn't been fast enough. Her horror, there would be so much blood, she'd have to find a way to wrap his body in a shroud fast. Her pleading words to Annabeth all as useless as the next to try and explain what had happened and maybe Annabeth would cry all night on her shoulder this time, or blame her-
I landed facedown in the street. Then I realized something... I wasn't dead. The impact of the bullets had been dull, like a push from behind, but they hadn't hurt me.
The Nemean Lion's fur! My coat was bulletproof.
Thalia charged the second skeleton.
She'd been in motion before she'd even realized that was him sitting up, not even dazed as he spat out snow and looked on in surprise at that goofy brown duster. Only vengeance had been in her heart to fell this one threat, do this one thing and dismantle that skeleton every bone at a time for daring to make her think the worst, lose another friend again. By the time she'd realized he didn't have a scratch on him she was to busy trying to calm her racing heart he wasn't a new skeleton warrior himself as they were being chased up a hill by a pig, and he'd in turn saved her own life. It's just how they were.
Zoe and Bianca started firing arrows at the third and fourth. Grover stood there and held his hands out to the trees, looking like he wanted to hug them.
"Wouldn't be the first time, but even an Aphrodite kid wouldn't stop in the middle of a fight to flirt," Rachel shook her head in unease where this was going.
There was a crashing sound in the forest to our left, like a bulldozer. Maybe the skeletons' reinforcements were arriving. I got to my feet and ducked a police baton. The skeleton I'd cut in half was already fully re-formed, coming after me.
There was no way to stop them. Zoe and Bianca fired at their heads point-blank, but the arrows just whistled straight through their empty skulls. One lunged at Bianca, and I thought she was a goner, but she whipped out her hunting knife and stabbed the warrior in the chest.
The whole skeleton erupted into flames, leaving a little pile of ashes and a police badge.
Percy shivered slightly at the look that had been on her face. Just for a brief moment as her reflexes went in for a killing blow. Something in the grim set of her mouth that made a hazy vision of a dark throne room try blossoming to mind.
Alex's eyes instantly gleamed with want, even Magnus and Jason looked equally impressed as they were confused.
"Where do I get one of those?" Alex demanded.
"Why did you not lead with those?" Jason asked.
Thalia kept her hunting knife sheathed and her smile flippant as she laughed off, "it would ruin our brand to start with the short range weapon," while Percy was once again looking as close to seasick as he could get studying Nico. He had the book so close to his face it looked like he was trying to implant the words into his nose.
"How did you do that?" Zoe asked.
Their confusion overruled their interest though as they realized Zoe, and maybe even Thalia didn't know how Bianca had done that. Which certainly made that, strange. Even by these books standards.
"I don't know," Bianca said nervously. "Lucky stab?"
"Well, do it again!"
Bianca tried, but the remaining three skeletons were wary of her now. They pressed us back, keeping us at baton's length.
"Plan?" I said as we retreated.
Nobody answered. The trees behind the skeletons were shivering. Branches were cracking.
"A gift," Grover muttered.
And then, with a mighty roar, the largest pig I'd ever seen came crashing into the road.
"Well that's one way to keep attention off a skeleton for a moment," Magnus muttered.
It was a wild boar, thirty feet high, with a snotty pink snout and tusks the size of canoes. Its back bristled with brown hair, and its eyes were wild and angry.
"I would be too if I walked in on this mess in my backyard," Jason frowned.
"Excuse me while I faint for a moment," Magnus shuddered head to toe. His mom had told him about wild pigs and how vicious they were. The normal ones.
"REEEEEEEEET!" it squealed, and raked the three skeletons aside with its tusks. The force was so great, they went flying over the trees and into the side of the mountain, where they smashed to pieces, thigh bones and arm bones twirling everywhere.
"I always wanted to sing the bone song, I bet these guys would make great background noise," Will said while still batting his eyes at the abrupt change.
Then the pig turned on us.
Thalia raised her spear, but Grover yelled, "Don't kill it.'"
The boar grunted and pawed the ground, ready to charge.
"I think the boar agrees," Alex mock whispered.
"That's the Erymanthian Boar," Zoe said, trying to stay calm. "I don't think we can kill it."
"Zoe still keeping up with the positive note," Nico sighed.
"It's a gift," Grover said. "A blessing from the Wild!"
The boar said "REEEEEEET!" and swung its tusk. Zoe and Bianca dived out of the way. I had to push Grover so he wouldn't get launched into the mountain on the Boar Tusk Express.
"Yeah, I feel blessed!" I said. "Scatter!"
"Why is this par for the course of every gift I get?" Percy demanded. "Every single thing a god has given me has nearly killed me!"
"Ares's backpack, the wind thermos, now this guy," Jason agreed as he ticked off on his fingers, and for once Percy didn't even roll his eyes as he gestured at him in thanks for proving his point. "Everything except from Neptune, and I'm kind of withholding judgment on the fountain to see if he wants anything from you."
"Thanks," Percy sighed, almost wishing somebody had argued with him.
"Tyson was a gift from your dad too, kind of," Will reminded, "and he never tried to kill you."
"Okay, with the major exception from my dad," Percy reluctantly amended.
We ran in different directions, and for a moment the boar was confused.
"It wants to kill us!" Thalia said.
"Of course," Grover said. "It's wild!"
"My favorite thing is Grover being offended at you guys," Alex admitted.
"Then we will never disappoint at least you," Thalia sighed.
"So how is that a blessing?" Bianca asked.
It seemed a fair question to me, but the pig was offended and charged her.
"The boar clearly doesn't agree with you," Nico told Alex with a very put off scowl. Percy felt bad for the guy, it couldn't be fun for him to sit over there and hear in detail all the times his sister had almost died while he'd barely been able to help her, let alone keep his promise on her being safe.
She was faster than I'd realized. She rolled out of the way of its hooves and came up behind the beast.
It lashed out with its tusks and pulverized the WELCOME TO CLOUDCROFT sign.
"I bet it cost their whole town budget to fix that," Rachel said with one of those strange looks in her eyes that meant a charity drive was going to be formed soon. Percy found the look endearing for the split second he noticed, but he was to amped up to even think to ask.
I racked my brain, trying to remember the myth of the boar. I was pretty sure Hercules had fought this thing once, but I couldn't remember how he'd beaten it. I had a vague memory of the boar plowing down several Greek cities before Hercules managed to subdue it. I hoped Cloudcroft was insured against giant wild boar attacks.
"They probably are against bears," Nico offered, he'd wound up in one to many insurance offices for his liking to know small towns usually went big on wild animals that were often mistaken for monsters anyways.
"Probably not against you guys though, so lets lead it away from town," Rachel unhelpfully reminded.
"Keep moving!" Zoe yelled. She and Bianca ran in opposite directions. Grover danced around the boar, playing his pipes while the boar snorted and tried to gouge him. But Thalia and I won the prize for bad luck.
"Typical," they said together in the exact same tone.
When the boar turned on us, Thalia made the mistake of raising Aegis in defense. The sight of the Medusa head made the boar squeal in outrage. Maybe it looked too much like one of his relatives. The boar charged us.
"Would Grover eat an animal that tried to kill you? I'm thinking bacon and ham sandwiches the rest of the trip," Alex said with pretty high confidence they were going to use this things weight against it and trick this boar.
"I doubt it," Percy shrugged, while beside him Thalia was slowly but steadily turning the color of that snow. Percy shifted uneasily towards her in fear that thing had nearly killed her, he very much doubted her dad would bless the same miracle twice, or that the pine trees would miraculously try to save her.
We only managed to keep ahead of it because we ran uphill, and we could dodge in and out of trees while the boar had to plow through them.
"Eh," Alex looked like she vaguely approved of their plan at least.
"He hasn't used The Phrase yet," Magnus said with mild hope, "hopefully this is the extent of defeating the monster for once."
"It worked on Echidna," she agreed halfheartedly.
On the other side of the hill, I found an old stretch of train tracks, half buried in the snow.
"This way.'" I grabbed Thalia's arm and we ran along the rails while the boar roared behind us, slipping and sliding as it tried to navigate the steep hillside. Its hooves just were not made for this, thank the gods.
Ahead of us, I saw a covered tunnel. Past that, an old trestle bridge spanning a gorge. I had a crazy idea.
"Yes!" Alex cheered, clearly the only one excited.
"Nope, there it is," Magnus face palmed.
"I was starting to get worried you were going to stay on the bunny course," Rachel laughed. Gods forbid they got away from this to easily.
Percy gave a sarcastic laugh for them while Thalia was taking painful sounding breaths, he'd swear he could hear her lungs pop as she went deathly still, like the more words that poured out of Nico's mouth were sucking the life out of her.
"Follow me!"
Thalia slowed down—I didn't have time to ask why—but I pulled her along and she reluctantly followed. Behind us, a ten-ton pig tank was knocking down pine trees and crushing boulders under its hooves as it chased us.
Thalia and I ran into the tunnel and came out on the other side.
"No!" Thalia screamed.
She'd turned as white as ice. We were at the edge of the bridge. Below, the mountain dropped away into a snow-filled gorge about seventy feet below.
"Oh crap!" Jason yelped, though only Thalia had noticed he'd gone weirdly quiet this last page.
Her eyes were glassy, she looked very much like she actually wanted to never see the light of day again her lip was trembling so much, as if on the verge of screaming at them or just in general.
Nico couldn't believe what he was seeing for a moment, looking from the book back to her with the same confounded expression as if somebody had told him to sing on the spot. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, looked scared. He didn't know if he was supposed to keep going, if his assumption had been wrong and Bianca had somehow died at the bottom of this gorge.
Percy got up with a resilient look on his face, pen in his less dominant hand but still for all the world looking ready to stab someone to take the book away for whatever it was doing to her.
"Don't," she gasped what could have been her last breath, but she wouldn't chicken out of this. The veritable list of reasons why she should sprawled out before her; Jason would know how pathetic she was, she'd never hear the end of the laughing, but dammit she was doing this for Percy and Nico. They were stuck here and she wasn't going to pretend she alone shouldn't have to bear her worst moments.
Percy wavered but ultimately sat back down beside her. The room was the kind of deathly quiet that never proceeded anything good as they all found themselves holding their breath to find out what horrors awaited at the bottom.
The boar was right behind us.
"Come on!" I said. "It'll hold our weight, probably."
"I can't!" Thalia yelled. Her eyes were wild with fear.
The boar smashed into the covered tunnel, tearing through at full speed.
"Now!" I yelled at Thalia.
She looked down and swallowed. I swear she was turning green.
Thalia had her boots planted very firmly on the ground in here, her blue eyes were a fog of the room as she tried to convince her heart not to pound out of her chest, not to let that feeling take over her now. The sense of nothingness beneath, that she'd fall forever as the world spun sickeningly around her making everything seem wrong side up so she didn't know which way was down.
Luke wasn't here to grab her hand and ground her to that tree they'd climbed up in a panic to escape some evil mole looking creatures. The first time she'd ever been so high up and saw how thinly they were connected to the world by only a hop away from the earth.
Percy slung his arm over her shoulder. The pressure and weight of him again like he was about to push her over that cliff so they could slide to safety was an annoying reminder, but her flinch wasn't for him. It was seeing this room settle again, and be grateful it was Poseidon who had kidnapped them. Her father would probably dangle her over Olympus laughing until she got over it if he heard this.
The white noise in her ears faded somewhat as her friend stayed close beside her and Nico finished pausing for breath before finishing.
I didn't have time to process why. The boar was charging through the tunnel, straight toward us. Plan B.
"Gods forbid you ever get to plan C," Magnus said. Most of Percy's crazy ideas worked on the first try, mass chaos might ensue if he even got close to D.
"You're assuming he ever makes plans," Alex corrected.
I tackled Thalia and sent us both sideways off the edge of the bridge, into the side of the mountain. We slid on Aegis like a snow-board, over rocks and mud and snow, racing downhill. The boar was less fortunate; it couldn't turn that fast, so all ten tons of the monster charged out onto the tiny trestle, which buckled under its weight. The boar free-fell into the gorge with a mighty squeal and landed in a snowdrift with a huge POOOOOF!
Thalia and I skidded to a stop.
"So, did the pig win the race?" Will asked lightly.
"Nobody ever said what the prize was," Nico shrugged as he looked away from the last page. His sister hadn't been squashed under that boar, everybody was alive, he could spare a smile. "Shouldn't the fun they had be the prize?"
Will's whole body glowed when he laughed like that. "That's camp lesson 101, you sound like head councilor material."
Nico rolled his eyes and turned back away, but nobody could miss his little smirk.
Thalia was still rubbing her chest and watching them suspiciously to finish the rest of this disaster. Glad it was all fun and games to them, for now. She alone knew the next catastrophic thing to happen on this quest, and it wasn't her senseless fear.
We were both breathing hard. I was cut up and bleeding.
Thalia had pine needles in her hair. Next to us, the wild boar was squealing and struggling.
All I could see was the bristly tip of its back. It was wedged completely in the snow like Styrofoam packing. It didn't seem to be hurt, but it wasn't going anywhere, either.
"Your concern is touching," Rachel told him sincerely. "I'm sure Grover will be thrilled."
Percy didn't answer as he kept his eyes on Thalia, his mouth twitching as he studied his friend.
I looked at Thalia. "You're afraid of heights."
Nico snapped his mouth shut like he'd said a dirty word and looked around with a wild apology. "Sorry! I didn't mean to say, I should have, sorry!" He'd been the one to tell her she didn't have to reveal personal stuff and here he was, blurting it out.
Thalia kept her eyes on the ceiling and said in an eerie resemblance to Artemis's smooth, candid way of speaking, "I made the decision I don't care who knows."
"The bus!" Alex realized. "Oh honey," she said it with a strange maternal accent Magnus could never have imagined coming from her, but seemed to suite her.
"I commend you for dealing with that like you have been," Magnus agreed, he knew he never acted so calm whenever a wolf was even mentioned.
Jason was still watching her like he was waiting for her to deny it. Percy had that same stupid look on his face like he had at the time, the adrenaline coming down, his mouth spewing words while he brushed off their nearest death experience with that wild smile.
She brushed her hands violently through her hair like she still expected to feel pine needles tickling down her neck, her skin felt on needles waiting for the surprise to wear off and the laughter to kick in. It didn't dislodge Percy's arm, and he didn't pull away. "Can we move on?" She demanded.
Now that we were safely down the mountain, her eyes had their usual angry look.
"Don't be stupid."
"That explains why you freaked out on Apollo's bus. Why you didn't want to talk about it."
She took a deep breath. Then she brushed the pine needles out of her hair. "If you tell anyone, I swear—"
"Sorry," Percy said with his own uneasy look around. "I, um-"
"Trust me, you didn't ask your dad to do, this to you," she gestured at all of him. His past being reveled through a book, his impulsive mouth. The entire group looking at the pair of them waiting for a fight to start. "Can't be mad at you for this Perce."
Percy stared at her with those eerie green eyes and seemed to realize something she hadn't meant to spoil, his arm did slide away as he swallowed. She'd been with the Hunters for some time after these events. She was older, not as angry, more at peace with her own life.
He turned back to the book, and she silently cursed. The one time she hadn't threatened to beat him to a pulp, and this is what it got her.
"No, no," I said. "That's cool. It's just... the daughter of Zeus, the Lord of the Sky, afraid of heights?"
"I don't see what that has to do with it," Jason said candidly. "Are Ceres's children not supposed to be afraid of venomous snakes just because those are sacred to her? Are Pluto's children not suppose to fear being buried alive because he masters the riches in the earth?"
"It's ironic," Percy insisted, but also relented, "but it's not like I didn't squeal for my life when that shark nudged up to me my first time in the ocean, still scared the piss out of me."
"Fear's aren't rational, no matter who your parents are," Rachel agreed with a shrug.
Thalia was tempted to take her boots off and make sure somebody hadn't swapped her feet around she felt so wrong footed. She'd known her best friend in here wouldn't dwell on it, but the other's not even hinting at a chuckle made one escape past her lips. Maybe she'd been spending to much time around her Hunters, expecting the worst from all these boys.
Her eyes lingered on Jason as she bit her lip with guilt. That was one excuse she could cross of delaying telling him. She was looking forward to the next book least of all, hearing Percy's first hand account of what he found in that golden sarcophagus. Maybe she could try talking the others into reading one of those other books to try and get a hint of Jason's backstory after all.
She was about to knock me into the snow when, above us, Grover's voice called, "Helloooooo?"
"Down here!" I shouted.
A few minutes later, Zoe, Bianca, and Grover joined us. We stood watching the wild boar struggle in the snow.
"Didn't even consider putting the poor animal out of its misery?" Alex asked in what she clearly thought was an impression of Grover. "Just going to sit and watch it suffer?"
"It was going to come out," Percy promised, "and Grover summoned the thing! If he was going to want it dead, he'd say so."
"A blessing of the Wild," Grover said, though he now looked agitated.
"There it is!" Alex cackled. "Everybody on the same page now!"
"Guess the wow factor wears off when he's not half-passed out and it nearly kills them all," Magnus agreed.
"I agree," Zoe said. "We must use it."
"Hold up," Thalia said irritably. She still looked like she'd just lost a fight with a Christmas tree.
"It was the perfect look on you," Percy said innocently, "you could dress up every year for Halloween like that and everybody would get the joke! A few ornaments, a star on your head you could light up yourself- ouch!"
Sparks were still flying from her finger as she raised it threateningly again. Percy had the good sense to shut his mouth though.
"Explain to me why you're so sure this pig is a blessing."
Grover looked over, distracted. "It's our ride west. Do you have any idea how fast this boar can travel?"
"No," Will admitted. "Why does he?"
"The pig's bragging about it?" Percy answered blankly.
"He knows every myth associated with animals," Thalia said only a smidge more confidently.
"Fun," I said. "Like... pig cowboys."
"Oink, oink," Magnus snickered.
"We're going to get through the whole farm if this book keeps up," Alex agreed proudly.
Grover nodded. "We need to get aboard. I wish... I wish I had more time to look around. But it's gone now."
"What's gone?"
Grover didn't seem to hear me. He walked over to the boar and jumped onto its back.
"Now you know he's in a bad mood," Will winced, "I've never heard him ignoring you."
"He gets pretty focused," Percy agreed, a forlorn smile showing he wasn't hurt in the slightest. Grover had come on this quest to find some sort of sign for a blessing of the Wild, and Percy got the hint much faster this time that's what his best friend must have felt.
Already the boar was starting to make some headway through the drift. Once it broke free, there'd be no stopping it. Grover took out his pipes. He started playing a snappy tune and tossed an apple in front of the boar. The apple floated and spun right above the boar's nose, and the boar went nuts, straining to get it.
Magnus raised his hand with a blank face. "What possible other uses does that spell have? How often do you need to levitate fruit for this to be a thing? Is it just an apple? Can he levitate anything like that?"
"None of us have grown hooves yet," Percy reminded. "I will gladly introduce you when we get out of here so you can ask him yourself."
"Automatic steering," Thalia murmured. "Great."
She trudged over and jumped on behind Grover, which still left plenty of room for the rest of us.
Zoe and Bianca walked toward the boar.
"Wait a second," I said. "Do you two know what Grover is talking about—this wild blessing?"
"Of course," Zoe said. "Did you not feel it in the wind? It was so strong... I never thought I would sense that presence again."
"What presence?"
She stared at me like I was an idiot.
"Missing Annabeth slightly less yet?" Thalia snorted.
Okay, so Percy had gotten it a few minutes earlier than last time, but he was still proud of himself enough he just gave her a light shove.
"The Lord of the Wild, of course. Just for a moment, in the arrival of the boar, I felt the presence of Pan."
"Chapter's over," Nico said, his voice so tense it almost didn't sound like English for a second. Then he did trail off into mutters of another language only Thalia clued into was Italian. She watched Will ignorantly reach for the book with his own little surprised stare with a lump in her throat as her eyes flinched from Percy and back to the only child of Hades.
To warn him would tip off her friend, but to say nothing would leave the poor kid blindsided. He knew his sister hadn't come back, but she felt obligated not to make him think it wasn't near.
There was just no way possible Nico could hide that reaction from Percy, he wouldn't not notice.
To say nothing to Nico felt like the easy way out, her hands wouldn't be free of blame when she could have done something.
The weight of her roll in here settled on her back as she told Will to wait a moment before he could start, trying to gauge the pressure this prison could take. Who was her greater priority?
Her best friend who couldn't know, or the kid who had lost to much?
You guys have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this chapter in the upcoming show. Like, all evidence to the contrary, and the rest of it is terrible and only chugs along to this exact spot and gets dropped, I will be front and center watching these scenes play out with bated breath because it is everything I love. Percy and Bianca's talk, Thalia screaming Percy's name in fear if she just witnessed him die, Bianca's badass Hades power getting their first hint, snowboarding on Aegis, the pig going poooof into the snow, Thalia covered in pine needles while Percy smiles like a dope and promises he won't tell her secret, Percy understanding Thalia's every move, these two being such a damn good team! I will have every detail and background Easter egg of this etched into my memory and replay it so many times (part two) the show will have no choice but to continue if I'm the last one standing.
Which I doubt, but is not the point right now.
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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juke | human au | title: fearless // taylor swift
As they were walking up the front lawn of her childhood home, nerves wrecked her body. Even her hand, snug in Luke's, felt clammy and sweaty and suffocating. God, this was such a mistake — going home, not him. He didn't even realise what he had gotten himself into by falling for the youngest darling of the matriarch.
Or rather, she shouldn't have fallen head over heels for the swoon-worthy Luke Patterson, but she never really stood a chance.
But everything had happened so fast! One second banter easily flowed between them, warm and easy flirtatiousness without consequences, the next she was at IKEA helping him pick out a bookshelf while he somehow knew whenever she needed pizza and a good cuddle. They were very much in a committed relationship, something the Molina women very much frowned upon.
It wasn't as if they were all deeply scared of love and relationships, but the Molina family was a matriarchy. All women raised families on their own, no man to help. Divorced, cheated on, died, a donor, infertile and therefore adopting children — men were of zero priority.
So, coming home with her boyfriend whom she deeply loved? Definitely a risk. She was surprised he was still standing, that she hadn't scared him enough yet.
Spinning on her heels in front of the door, she shot him an anxious smile. "Are you... sure you wanna do this? We're, like, really intense."
Luke smiled, tender. "Do I wanna meet the family of my girlfriend? 'Course I do." When her expression didn't change, he added, "Jules, just 'cause they all did the 'no guy' thing, doesn't mean you have to follow that, right? And I'm not scared."
Oh, God. His courage was as admirable as it was stupid.
She chuckled, antsy. "You haven't met my mom though."
His smile widened as he dipped down to kiss her, gently, hands caressing her cheeks. For a moment, stress fled her system.
But then the door flew open.
"There you are!" Mom exclaimed, a glass of red wine in one hand and music booming over her shoulder. "And is this the boy toy?"
"Mom!" Julie grumbled, embarrassed to be caught kissing (God, she's twenty-three!) as well as putting Luke in a bad position.
First impression of him: seeing him kiss her beloved daughter on the doorstep. Great.
"Hi," Luke said, dazzling her with a smile while he stuck his hand out. "I'm Luke. And I'm, uh, older? So..."
"Meh," Rose trailed, lamely shaking his hand. "Still a boy toy. Anyway, come in! Food's warm!"
Following her mom inside, Luke shot her a strange look, like it was only registering now all her tall tales were, well, true. Shrugging with a sheepish grin, she placed their shoes and jackets in the wall closet and then made the agonising trek to the loud, jumbled chatter.
As expected, all the California-based Molina women were present. Which meant ten, including her, all staring at Luke like he was a weird specimen. Her hand squeezed his beneath the table in support, and he was finally squeezing back just as tightly.
Was it bad she felt some sick pleasure he understood how fucked he was? Probably. It seemed warranted.
When everyone had their plates filled, the interrogation began.
"So, Luke, how old are you?" Victoria asked.
"Going around town with a twenty-three year old?" She sniffed. "Interesting..."
"Do you have any siblings?" Donna inquiried.
A wry grin ticked up his lips, sensing the irony of the situation. "I, uh, I'm an only child, actually. Mostly raised by my dad, 'cause my mom worked long hours."
Shoving a fork of meatloaf in her mouth, Julie withheld a guttural wince at his words. Luke Patterson was the poster child of everything the Molina's didn't like and she brought him in their cave.
"What do you do for a living?" Abuela croaked, peering intensely.
His smile didn't falter, but instead widened. "I'm in a band, but I also bartend a couple of nights a week."
"A band, huh?" Mom leaned forward, intrigued. "Has Julie told you I used to be in a band?"
"How can I not, mom?" Rolling her eyes, Julie added, "You'd tell him anyway..."
"I was in The Petal Pushers, the best protest punk-rock feminist group of the 90s." Her fist punched in the air as she spoke and Julie could imagine the fingerless leather gloves and purple streaks as she did. "What kinda... band do you have?"
Her endearing Luke didn't read the warning signs humble himself, so he enthusiastically perched himself at the end of his chair as he said, "Punk-rock too, actually! Yeah, we're really killing it right now at all the clubs."
She smirked. "I'm sure you do."
"What are your plans with Julie?" Elena asked, one of her cousins.
Both her and Luke froze at that. Shit. That... was not something they've discussed. A relationship of seven months was still pretty fresh, not ready for a confrontational talk about futures and plans.
He scraped his throat, briefly let his gaze flicker to her, and then uttered, "I'm, uh, a one day at a time kinda guy."
Julie cringed, not hiding it this time. To her, it was an alright, albeit lame answer. But to her family? Horrible. So, so horrible. Gah, she had to put an end to this!
Abuela scoffed, nearly choking on her hard seltzer. "One day? At a time? What is this, the 70s? My little girl deserves more than carpe diem!"
Mimi hissed. "Wrong, wrong answer, boy toy."
The questions kept shooting at lightning speed, each one more outrageous than the other, while Julie's grip on her fork tightened and tightened in anger.
"How many times a week do you shower?"
"What's your least favourite colour?"
"Do you pick up women? Is that how you make extra money?"
"What's your view on children?"
"Can you handle spice?"
"How did you even find our darling, huh? Did you lure her into that bar of yours?"
"Is Luke short for Lukas, or Lucrative?"
"Alright, enough!" Julie screamed, standing up with a stomp of the foot.
A hush crossed the table, aghast and surprised, her mother perpetually amused as always (too many in drugs in the 90s, she presumed) while Abuela feigned to be sleeping. 'Resting her eyes' would likely be the excuse.
"This is insane! Stop acting like this and start treating Luke with a little respect!"
From the corner of her eye, she vaguely noted he was staring at her, gobsmacked. He did well, given the circumstances, but she couldn't just idly sit there and let him take all this shit.
Mom puffed, leaning back in her chair. "We haven't been disrespectful, Julie."
"You have, mom! Can't I just have a boyfriend without—"
"We've invited him," she interrupted. "That's enough of a courtesy."
And before Julie could fire back, furious beyond belief, Rose added, "You know how the Molina cookie crumbles, honey. No men stay. Not for long, anyway."
That smug response made her explode. "Mom! Can you just for once—?!"
"I love her though," Luke quipped, shy.
The fight halted instantly, all ten women gawking at him like he just spoke a new language.
And he did, to Julie at least. Luke loved her? Even after all of this? She obviously knew he wasn't impartial to her, those seven months equalling tenderness and partnership like nothing she's ever experienced before, but... love? He was in love with her?
How could she abide by the 'Molina Women Rule!' rules when he confessed that, no hesitation or stutter heard?
And so, Julie's heart melted. "You love me?"
"Of course, I do," he whispered. "Why else would I be here?"
Elena nodded, sympathetic. "Good point."
Unable to stop her smile from becoming a dazzling, lovesick beam, she repeated his words with as much conviction as she could muster. "I love you too, Luke."
Abuela shot up from her sleep with a cough and a snicker. "Yeah, right."
Mom waved her glass around, congratulating them. For the first time tonight, her tone held kindness instead of poorly veiled contempt. "That's very sweet, Luke. Tell me in seven more months how you're feeling then."
Though Julie couldn't expect her to suddenly change her ways. Damn.
Mimi scowled. "We're letting 'I'm a one day at a time kinda guy' slide?"
Disgruntled chatter rose again, and that was her cue to go. Tapping Luke's shoulder, she mouthed home — something she hadn't done before and wasn't sure which apartment she meant either, but it left flutters in her chest regardless — and he nodded in understanding.
Oh, God. He loved her. That still hadn't set in.
"And if you'll excuse us, me and Luke are going," Julie continued. "Thanks for dinner, mom."
The woman laughed, baring all her teeth. She clearly had a fun time. "See you at Victoria's birthday, mi amor. And Luke? Who knows!"
He forced a chuckle at her remark. Awkwardly bouncing on his heels, he waved at all the ladies. "It was really cool to meet you all. Now– now I know why Julie's so incredible. So... thanks." A true smile appeared. "This was great."
No one said anything after that. Abuela gurgled her drink and her cousins prodded at their leftovers, mom peering at her like she was trying to find something. Sometimes, Julie and Rose were so alike, and other times, they were complete strangers. She liked that. It kept dinners like these exciting, she supposed. Mom seemed to think the same.
They bid goodbye one last time with a kiss on the cheek, and then they hurried out the door. A giggling breath left as the cool wind hit her skin. Luke was buzzing with adrenaline, unable to keep his limbs still.
Clambering in her car, the comforting quietude wrapped around them as the doors slammed shut. A beat passed. No one spoke.
"What the fuck," he whispered, horrified. "What the fuck. What the fuck did just happen? What the fuck—"
Julie squealed. "You love me!"
"That's what you got from that?!"
"Of course!" Her arms curled around him, teasing. "You love me!"
"That shouldn't be the most surprising thing tonight, Jules," he grumbled, though a playful shimmer sparked within his beautiful eyes. "I thought I was, y'know, obvious."
She shrugged, bashful. "It's always nice to hear, no?"
"Oh, man," he sighed, eyes flickering across her face as though he couldn't decide what to focus on, as though she was indescribably stunning. Her heart swelled tenfold at the thought. "I love you, Julie. So fucking much. Even with your crazy family."
Laughing, she reached forward and kissed his lips, fingers pressing in his neck and their silly grins preventing them from deepening the warm touch.
"Let's go," he mumbled, noses nudging, eyes hooded and pouring with the love she somehow hadn't noticed before. "Before they're ready for round two."
But before he could move away, she kissed him again, better this time, and cherished his sigh when they slowly seperated.
"I love you too," she whispered. "Like, a lot."
He grinned, breathless. "Good to know."
Victoria's birthday was four months later, and Luke attended as well. And also for Mimi and Elena and mom and Abuela and Donna and every other Molina member. And when Julie got surprised with a 24th birthday party, she figured out Luke and mom combined their powers to host it.
Molina women were independant and lived life by their own rules... which included Julie.
Loving Luke Patterson unconditionally probably made her the most unique Molina of all.
@bluefirewrites @blush-and-books @ourstarscollided @thedeathdeelers @pink-flame @constantly-singing @willexx @unsaid-emily
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fockingnice · 4 years
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@franboos @to-enter-polaris @gucciboner and myself worked on a massive fic recommendation list with all our favourite sobbe fics classed by word count.. enjoy!
< 10k
- hold me close @sincerelysobbe (2,5k)
Robbe is stressed because of a test and Sander comforts him.
- You make me feel like I am whole again @nbrook (2,7k)
Robbe is having an awful day. But it ends in the best way possible.
- A Beautiful Night @Lwritings (3,6k)
Sander has been friends with the Broerrrs for half a year and Robbe has been desperately crushing on him. A game of Never Have I Ever changes everything.
- Love potion no.9 @thekardemomme (3,8k)
they’re best friends. and potions partners. or: it’s amortentia day.
- Croissants @bruisingknees (3,8k)
Robbe thinks that maybe the guy working at the bakery has been flirting with him.
- Paper rings @thekardemomme (4k)
When Sander’s nose twitches, causing him to make this soft little whimpering sound, Robbe can’t help himself. He leans forward enough to kiss Sander’s forehead again, and then he dots one on each cheek, and then finally on his nose. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispers.
- You’re an angel in disguise (you’re an angel in my eyes) @thekardemomme (4,1k)
Robbe is Sander’s guardian angel.
- The sun came up and I was looking at you @allforyoumylove (4,2k)
Robbe and Sander waking up on a quiet Sunday morning in June. Sander is a tease, Robbe is awestruck, and both are hopelessly in love.
- I’ve always wanted a (boy)friend @thekardemomme (4,2k)
before sander, robbe never liked christmas. christmas is sander’s favorite holiday.
- Purple lips (underwater) @dottori (5,3k)
it’s a sunny, warm friday at the beginning of march, and sander wants them to go for a swim.
- Day Fifty @beejohnlocked (5,7k)
Robbe makes a plan to confess his feelings to Sander on Christmas.
- The blind date bomb @thekardemomme (5,8k)
”He thinks of the gorgeous man in the picture, and he thinks of how Sander said his YouTube is cute, and how Britt—who hardly even knows Robbe—thinks that he and Sander would be a good match.And he decides… Fuck it. One date can’t hurt, right?” or: robbe and sander go on a blind date
- Let's dance @msleviss (6,2k)
Robbe and his friends go to a club to check out Amber’s DJ cousin.
- 12 things I love about you @nbrook (6,3k)
Sander can't spend the whole day with Robbe on their anniversary, but he still figures out a way to make him fall in love with him all over again.
- Love me while your wrists are bound @alsjeblieft (6,4k)
the cabin trip but with a twist.
- Sun shining from pure desire @skamtrash (6,6k)
Sander has been flirting with his student teacher, Robbe for months now who keeps reminding Sander that he's wasting his time but eventually the flirting and chasing wears Robbe down to where he cant deny his attraction to Sander. University TA/Student AU
-  At ease with you @Skamtrash ( 7,7,k)
robbe tells his mom he and his best friend, sander are dating to get her off his back.
He doesn't expect his mom to congratulate them by getting them tickets to join her on a cruise vacation.
Cue a week of pretending to be a couple.
fake relationship to lovers au
- Besotted with your love @Skamtrash (7,7k)
sander has a photography project and decides to shoot at the skatepark where robbe is his subject. when he approaches robbe and needs him to fill out the release form, he's absolutely smitten from the start.
sander falling in love with robbe who's deaf.
- Taking pictures of you as the light came through @allforyoumylove (7,9k)
Robbe photographs Sander in bed. Things take a steamy turn.
- My midsummer darling @robbesdriesen (8,2k)
Robbe goes on a summer week-long retreat to his aunt's quaint, little villa in Genoa. He doesn't know he has a neighbor close by, one that would capture his entire soul.
Robbe and Sander fall in love in a whirlwind summer romance. One that would change their lives forever.
- Afterglow @Skamtrash (9k)
On vacation in a small winter village during the holidays, Robbe meets one of the hotel's employees, Sander.
All it takes is two weeks. 14 days for them to fall for each other.
- Christmas Dreams @sonderthroughthestreets (9,6k)
Robbe is stuck with his typical 9-5 job as an HR analyst until a conversation with Sander from IT on their company rooftop makes him reconsider his dreams. In the midst of it all, Adam from Accounting has a massive crush on Robbe and wants to ask him to the Christmas Party, so Sander offers to be his "date" to help him. Christmas fluff and flirting ensues.
> 10k 
- Sander Driesen versus a mistletoe @dottori (10,1k)
it’s not a fair match.
(or, sobbe go on a christmas date, and sander really wants a kiss under the mistletoe.)
- This isn't our first time around @noobishere (10,7k)
One moment they are in the kitchen of their shared apartment, the next, they're in this strange but familiar room.
(a.k.a the au in which they accidentally go hopping through multiple universes)
- Our love story is my favorite @robbesdriesen (13k)
a wedding fic for robbe and sander
- It’s an unrequited love @eggsntoast (14,1k)
Sander works part-time at a museum every Sunday. Robbe is a frequent visitor.
- Agents Sliding Down The Chimney @berrevy (14,2k)
The smile that twitches at the corner of Sander's mouth is like the tiniest opening, and Robbe takes that as a challenge. He’s always been good at slipping through small spaces.
“You wanna see a trick?”
Sander sizes him up for a moment, then swivels on his heel to face him fully. “Ok then, magic boy. C’mon.”
(aka a late Christmas fic)
- Come lie with me @allforyoumylove (14,6k)
“When Robbe lifts the blanket and gently tugs on the leg of Sander’s sweatpants, silently inviting him in, Sander doesn’t ask questions, doesn’t hesitate, he just drowsily slips into Robbe’s embrace.”
(or the one where they both have a terrible relationship with sleep but find out that it gets a little better when nestled up against each other)
- Man on a mission @littleliefe (17k)
The agency is under attack but Sander is just thirsty for Robbe. On the other hand, the rest of the agency is more concerned about helping Sander ask Robbe out for dinner.
- life was a willow and it bent right to your wind @nbrook (18k)
Sander and Robbe became best friends before Sander made a move and then Robbe went and got himself another boyfriend, leaving him pining. And it’s fine, really, it is. Sander promised himself that he wouldn’t do anything about it for as long as Robbe was happy. But when Robbe’s boyfriend ridicules his love for everything Christmas, he decides to step in to give him the Christmas traditions he deserves himself.
- You're my stars...and everything in between @aurorawinds (19,7k)
A Star-Crossed Lovers, Romeo & Juliet inspired, AU where Robbe and Sander are the sons of Antwerp’s two most rivaling families of tech companies, head over heels in love with one another as they find it more and more difficult each day to hide their relationship from their families. To hide their love.
- Lovers never lose @dottori (24k)
twelve-ish kisses robbe and sander share at the trip to ardennes (and afterwards).
5k - 20k
- In the middle of the night @Lwritings (complete | 9,3k)
The Broerrrs go on holiday for a week to London. Robbe is very excited for it until there is something wrong in the hotel and he has to share a room with Sander. And not just Sander, no the guy he has been crushing on for 3 months ever since he joined their group. And not just a room, no there is only one bed as well. When it's just the two of them in the night, anything can happen..
- If a June night could talk it would probably boast it invented romance @allforyoumylove (complete | 14,7k)
Robbe and Sander are childhood best friends. They’re also secretly in love with each other. Confessions are made under a beech tree on a warm summer evening at the end of June.
- Drie @skamtrash (complete | 15,4k)
Robbe stands up and finds the voice calling the name and fucking hell, the guy's well fit. He's only dressed in a black t shirt, black jeans and boots but the tattoos that layer his arms immediately entice him. And that platinum hair,  his actual face,  who looks that good. He gets himself together quickly, "I think Bowie's here."
The au in which Robbe finds a toddler hiding in a clothing rack at a store and ends up falling for his dad
- The way we feel @toskyandbeyond (in the works | currently 17,8k)
It’s always been like that. Robbe and Sander, through thick and thin. There was not a thing they didn’t go through together. Moreover, they couldn’t even imagine living without each other’s presence.
The day they met it was almost like two old souls encountered once again. Like they were meant to find each other.
- The finest of the meadow @allforyoumylove (complete | 18,8k)
The universe brings two lonely boys together in a flowering meadow. They fall for each other fast and hard among delicate daisies, warm summer breezes, and shooting stars.
20k - 40k
- Come closer I’ll give you all my love @sonderthroughthestreets (in the works | 22,6k)
Robbe’s ex is a pain and Sander helps get rid of him. The problem? They’ve been friends for as long as they can remember and some point between the blurred lines, they fall in love.
-  Put your head on my shoulder @Aniloracat (in the works | currently 24,9k)
Because of some past mistakes and communication issues, Robbe and Sander can't stand each other anymore, until they are "forced" to stay in quarantine alone and face their feelings.
📌 Or the enemies to lovers, roommates, quarantine fanfic nobody asked for 😅
📌 Title based on Paul Anka's song 'Put your head in my shoulder'
- Waiting down at the station @ivy_seas (in the works | currently 25,5k)
The world is winter, it’s the inconvenient snowfall on the walk to the six-thirty train, it’s falling for the stranger who happens to take the same train. When to take a risk becomes the same question of when to let go of something you’re not really sure you had in the first place. But maybe the world isn’t so cruel.
—strangers to lovers au
- Wings to Earn @to-enter-polaris (complete | 26,6k)
After playing volleyball abroad for two years, Sander comes back home to fix his mistake of leaving in the first place, but Robbe isn't ready to forgive him.
- time may change me, but i can't trace time @abittersweetsong (in the works | currently 30,8k)
“You’re my best friend and I love you.”
It’s a simple admission and it settles gently in Robbe’s soul.
Or Robbe and Sander find each other in every universe, but in this one they're best friends first.
- If You say Run, I'll Run with You @Aniloracat (complete | 32,8k)
Robbe is having a terrible day and a hot, but annoying white-haired photographer that won't stop appearing everywhere is not making it any better. That's it, until sparks fly, and Robbe decides he's found the perfect distraction from his terrible day.
 One-night stand AU that's not meant to be a one-night stand.
- Vrijdag 21:37 @wasteourdaysdreaming (complete | 34,8k)
The same party one Friday night in February, told from different perspectives.
- You know i'm always at your shoulder (take your heart out of its holster) @wafflesofdoom (in the works (but can be read separate from each other) | currently 35,2k)
“I must have been really good, in another universe, to deserve you,” Sander whispered, thumb brushing the line of Robbe’s cheekbone, the pad of his thumb soft against Robbe’s skin.
Robbe simply kissed the inside of Sander’s wrist, shaking his head. “You are good in this universe, too,” he said. “You found me, when I needed you the most.”
learning how to be in a real, actual relationship isn't the easiest thing in the world, and robbe is very new to it all, and he's got a lot to figure out when it comes to being in actual, everyday love with sander. the first six months of a relationship are the best - and they're some of the hardest, too. these are the first six months of robbe and sander's relationship.
- this rough magic @aholynight (complete | 36,4k) 
Though he’s a sixth-prefect and the newest member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Muggleborn Robbe can still hardly believe that he’s made of magic.
Sander is the seventh-year Gryffindor beater whose wild behavior and delinquent reputation precedes him.
Though Robbe desperately wants to believe in the angel-faced boy he sees in front of him—and ignore the rumors of Sander’s devilish behavior—he’s not sure his heart can afford the risk.
But when Sander and Robbe are left in a nearly-empty Hogwarts over the Christmas holiday, avoiding Sander might no longer be an option.
40k - 60k
- The night we met @themoongirl (complete | 42,8k)
Robbe Ijzermans has a brain that won't let him sleep, a chest that feels far too heavy and thoughts that never stop.
During his first year of college he meets Sander Driesen. Robbe finds what he never went looking for.
AKA, a college AU.
- Visitations @lucidpantone (complete | 46,1k)
Does Robbe and Sander's relationship survive into adulthood.
This fic takes place in two simultaneously timelines: the past and the present.
The present occurs in one entire day. Both timelines are completely out of chronological order. Everything is in clips.You can be dropped in at anytime of the day in any timeline. So clip by clip you will need to piece together what happen to Sander & Robbe and why the present looks the way it does and what happened in the past that got them there.
This love story is a journey. So be prepared.
In the words of one of our Even's. It’s a complicated love story between complicated people.
- look into my eyes, ignore the rest @robbesdriesen (complete | 47,4k)
a story of how robbe and sander fall in love in front of the camera and behind it (which in their case, the camera isn't needed at all)
- rotten work @aholynight (complete | 50,5k)
Robbe is a college freshman whose reckless habits and excessive drinking are starting to look an awful lot like calculated self-destruction—though his loneliness might be the thing that kills him first.
Sander is a visual arts major a few years above Robbe, with a face nobody can forget and a fuck boy reputation he can't seem to shake.
Everybody warns Robbe to stay away from the Sander, unless he wants to get burned. But Robbe's the kind of boy who likes playing with fire.
- just friends @sincerelysobbe (complete | 51k)
Months ago, after a one-night stand that couldn't stay that way, Robbe and Sander made an agreement—the two of them, no strings attached. But, Sander's feelings for Robbe were strong, to begin with, and they're growing stronger with each passing day—and he knows that he is more in love with Robbe than he should be.
- run and score @robbesdriesen (complete | 59,8k)
Robbe Ijzermans is the star goalie of Antwerp U’s football team, naturally blocking shots as if it were his sixth sense. Sander Driesen is their star striker, having an eagle eye for the goal at all times.
Robbe always had a distaste for his bleached-blonde teammate and the annoying way he carried himself, but Robbe can never mask how much he admires him from a distance.
When they finally begin to learn more about each other, there is no going back for either.
With the looming playoffs in jeopardy for their entire team, will Robbe & Sander be able to manage it together? All while falling in love with each other at the same time?
> 60k
- Eastwood liberty @fockinglevendcliche (in the works | currently 69,7k)
Eastwood Liberty students had only one mission: to always be on top, at everything, no matter the cost.
It took Robbe just a day to realize that people there only cared about two things: money and power. But that was no surprise to him. What he didn't expect was to be confronted by this group of rich and spoiled boys, who used to always get what they wanted, especially their leader, Sander Driesen.
Sander made the rules, but unfortunately for him, Robbe had never been really good at sticking to them.
- Do i know you? @SrtaPepa (in the works | currently 88k)
Robbe has lost his memory from the last three years. He doesn’t remember finishing school and start college with Yasmina; he doesn’t remember going to live to the flatshare, or move out to a new place, or being friends with Milan, neither coming out as gay. And the worst of all of this is that Robbe doesn’t remember meeting Sander or that he is, in fact, truly, madly, deeply in love with him.
Hopefully, sometimes feelings are stronger than memories.
- jij verliest @sincerelysobbe (complete | 104,1k)
For the past three months, Robbe’s life—and what it once was—had been stripped away and rearranged. Now, if anything, his life had become a bit repetitive: homework, stream, ignore Thomas’s Instagram, repeat. But one Friday evening, Robbe meets a hurricane in the form of a platinum-haired tattoo artist who just might show him everything that he’s been missing.
- Remember my name @ijzermans (complete | 106,3k)
The past few weeks, Robbe has noticed a new guy has attended his high school.
Nobody really seems to care about the strange bleached kid, yet Robbe on the other hand, can't help but feel intrigued by him.
The new guy happens to be Sander, and he's not that easy to connect with. He's quiet, distant, and has a past he'd rather not share.
Or will Robbe make a difference?
- Paint me in trust @themoongirl (complete | 116,2k)
“What are you looking for, Robbe?” Sander tilted his head, moving closer.
“A rush.” Robbe whispered, his lips brushing Sander’s.
Robbe Ijzermans has spent the better part of two years chasing the need to feel real again. Though being an adrenaline junkie is hardly a healthy coping mechanism, it’s one of the only things he has left.
Sander Driesen is a vampire with an unspeakable, dreadful past that won't seem to leave him.
When Robbe gets roped into Sander’s life he finds the feeling he has been chasing all along. But Sander's world has a different kind of risk, and it forces them to come face to face with the greatest danger of all. Fear of a life without the other.
148 notes · View notes
shrouded-dreams · 3 years
Xue Yang, is that you?
So right off the bat I had a weird dream that involved Xue Yang but was set kind of in the real world.
Guess we could say this is:
#Xue Yang Modern AU
Anyway so as is the norm with dream world logic many things change up and don't make sense also I forgot some stuff too cuz I never fully remember them afterwards.
But getting right into it.
Idk what is my job or anything but I was supposed to capture a dangerous criminal who was planning to kill some people. My sister and my cousin were working with me and we had to help whoever he was trying to kill too. So I find the criminal and I'm like
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And it was.
Xue Yang was in a building that basically was my house but at the time it wasn't supposed to be my house it was just a building that he was hiding in and my sister, my cousin, and I were supposed to catch him.
We were also supposed to rescue the people he wanted to exterminate. In this case, the Chang sect was replaced by the Wen Remnants. And they were supposed to represent many people but like turned out to just be four. And it was supposed to be Wen Qing, Granny, Uncle Four and A-Yuan. Of course they didn't look anything like them but they represented them I guess...
So somehow I found Xue Yang's hiding spot which was basically just a room in the building. And there's a gap here because I can't remember exactly what happened but the next thing I know is outside of the room there's a long corridor with plastic seats like in a waiting room and my sister, my cousin and I were forced to sit there. We, for some reason, had the airfryer with us. And when he told us to move I asked if we could take it with us cuz we literally just put chicken in it to cook. So he obliged and I picked up the airfryer from where it was and moved it next to me onto a plastic chair.
So while Xue Yang was doing...whatever Xue Yang was doing, we were trying to come up with a plan to rescue the Wen Remnants. So we decided that I would distract Xue Yang and my sister and cousin would go get them.
Of course this plan was doomed to fail. Somehow Xue Yang actually decided he liked me well enough so he was like 'Ah I'll spare you but the rest of them...'
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I ended up begging him to let me take my family away while hugging the air fryer, and I said I wouldn't try to stop him just let me have them. Apparently he really did find me amusing or whatever so he agreed.
I am rushing now to get my family out and to come up with a plan that would save the Wen Remnants from him. I somehow got ahead of Xue Yang and managed to make it to the room where the Wen Remnants were. My sister and cousin were there and they were holding onto A-Yuan but looking sad. I was there panicking like hurry help me get them up and we'll make our escape with them. The three who were supposed to be Wen Qing, Granny, and Uncle Four were lying on the big bed in the middle of the room and they were looking really weak.
I went to try and get Granny up and was telling them come on I'm here to help, we don't have much time, lets go.... and she's shaking her head. Then she showed me her wrist and I was horrified. The other two had the same wounds. There was no blood in the dream but it was fairly obvious what it was. Apparently when my sister and cousin warned them about Xue Yang they gave in to their fate and instead of waiting for him to kill them they slit their wrists and were basically dying. They told me to leave them that it was too late for them and I could tell it really was. Xue Yang would come there and find them dead when he arrived. I was distraught cuz I couldn't save them.
A-Yuan was crying and I told my family what Xue Yang agreed to and so we tried to sneak him out as if he was my sister's kid.
So by now the building turned back into looking sorta like my house and we rushed down the corridor and went into my grandmother's room and locked the door. By this time Xue Yang realised that the kid we took wasn't ours and he was really pissed so he decided he was going to burn down the building to get all of us in one shot. He started taking cloth and covering the edges of the door, just shoving it into all the gaps.
Idk why but in dream logic it was supposed to keep the smoke in the room and have us breathe it in and die. In reality sealing up the space would probably really serve to not let smoke in but this is dream world so who knows how that works.
Anyway so idk how he got there but my brother was somehow in the room with us now as if he was always there. Like we didn't think this strange or anything.
I was panicking and like I didn't want to burn to death so I found the keys to the burglar-proofing and unlocked it and opened the window which is actually big enough for us to jump out of. The room however is an upstairs room so we couldn't jump out just like that. I was panicking again and telling them let's see if we can get to the steps on the side of the house and climb down. That would be really dangerous cuz there wouldn't really be anything to hold on to. My brother is telling me to use the middle staircase. I am arguing with him because, what middle staircase? We have one at the front of the house and one at the back but none in the middle.
The dream decided to conveniently provide a staircase that apparently extended out from the middle of the house and we just had to get to it and run down. My brother is there like I told you so.
So we're out of the house and have to try and get somewhere safe. We also have to contact A-Yuan's parents. A-Yuan btw has now become a girl but dream logic made it so that in fact, we always collected a baby girl so there was no change and none of us were questioning the fact that we had a whole different child with us.
I called a number that was supposedly A-Yuan's mother's number and talked to her for a few minutes. His mother turns out to be my past Shakespeare lecturer. Except that lecturer died in real life and in the dream I'm thinking wait isn't this lady dead? And dream logic smoothly compensated by making it that I was talking to A-Yuan's father instead, who had a British accent. But my real consciousness is also questioning this because in real life her best friend (another lecturer of mine) is British but he's not her husband. So the dream made him her husband anyway and a woman's voice came over the phone and she was supposed to be his idk what gf or wife or something.
They're both questioning me and I'm giving them what details I can. We apparently wanted to keep A-Yuan who was very attached to my sister since she was the one holding her when we got away. I think they were letting us keep her but they really grilled us on how we were treating her etc.
I finally hung up the phone and we had to decide where to go from there.
I was finally holding baby girl A-Yuan who was a bit fussy because she was more attached to my sister and I was a bit upset by that because it was me who helped them all get away but my sister was free to hold the baby who then got attached to her.
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Then some random woman appeared and was in true dream logic fashion apparently supposed to be with us as a group and she's supposed to be familiar to me but I was already waking up so my mind was questioning everything. She tried to take A-Yuan but A-Yuan really didn't want to go to her and rather stayed with me. Because the baby was upset however I passed her over to my sister because even though I was glad she rather stay with me than the lady I knew she would be more comfortable with my sister. She had gone through an ordeal and I didn't want to stress the poor baby out more.
The lady was berating us for something after that and I remember pointing out that there was a police station just up the hill and a police car was right there. I was almost fully awake by this point and the last thing I remember is that we had decided we were safe or something.
I have no idea what happened to Xue Yang, at some point he just became irrelevant.
Woke up like huh.
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ramblingaboutthings · 4 years
Hard | Draco Malfoy
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Word count: 3.5 kkkkkk LIKE WHAT?
Summary: here
A/n: this contains swear words, blood and a lot of mistakes, but I got so excited and got too carried away. I warn you, I changed A LOT of things and I'm kind of not sorry for that.
Also TUMBLR HERE decided to delete my draft and I had to correct it again so sorry if it sucks, it's 00:40 here and I'm going crazy.
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It'd been a stressful day, you went to Hogsmeade and someone put some strange spell on a poor girl. No one really knew who did it. But everyone was getting strange vibes from it.
So he created some kind of project, once a month a student from each house was selected to move temporarily into another house, to avoid internal conflicts.
That night, was a special one for Hogwarts.
Dumbledore wanted the school to be united, every house had to say goodbye to rivalries.
And that day was one of those times, Dumbledore was going to announce who the lucky students were.
You at dinner, in the great hall, with your Hufflepuff friends.
"Hey Black, are you okay?" One of them asked, noticing you spacing out and only earning a death glare, as a response from you.
Those days, you'd been in a bad mood and the fact that your dad's died not so long before didn't help at all, he was everything she had.
And now he was gone, leaving his only child alone.
Sirius Black didn't even know he had a daughter until his high school girlfriend showed up at the Potter's door one night with a little girl in her arms, the love of Sirius' life, before disappearing.
He later discovered he wasn't your real father but he still loved you like he was. Then we all know what happened next.
He'd raised you until he was accused of homicide and taken to Azkaban.
You only got to see him for two years, after he escaped the prison.
And after they finally got to be in each other's lives again, Harry came up to her, one night, and told you he was dead. You were angry, sad, frustrated... not even a last goodbye, he was just gone. After that you simply locked yourself up in your room and got out only to go to class.
Until that day.
You hoped you could finally spend your next month away from the Hufflepuffs, they knew too much about you and you needed a fresh start.
They were good friends of course, but you wanted to be free for that whole month.
You glanced over the Gryffindor table to find Harry mirroring your sad look, but Dumbledore coughed to get your attention making you turn around quickly.
"Today, my dear students, if you're lucky enough, you'll be experiencing a new thing, you'll get to know other mentalities, other personalities so please listen here. For the slytherin house, Pansy Parkinson will go to the Gryffindors" a loud mix of groans erupted from the gold and red table, interrupted his speech. But he just ignored it.
"Hermione Granger, we all are aware of your intelligence, so you're staying with the Ravenclaws.
Miss Lovegood, you're staying with the Hufflepuffs" your table cheered, you all loved her.
Your smile faded when you realized, one of the Hufflepuffs was going to be a Slytherin for four whole weeks. And for some reason you knew for sure you were going to be that one.
"Miss Black, all your family comes from Slytherin witches and wizards so I thought you could try and understand what being one of them is really like" you groaned as your suspicion got real, and lowered your head while a dozen of people from the Slytherin table were clapping.
You gazed around your table only to find shocked faces, someone even glared at you.
'Fuck this' you thought before walking toward the Slytherins.
One of them, Deneb was her name, -you recognized her from divination class- called you from the table, and you were more than happy she did, because you two got along just great, and it would've been awkward sitting beside someone you didn't know.
"So, you're the new Slytherin uh? I'm glad it's you Y/n, come on sit down." She invited you.
You glanced around to study everyone's faces but they were like stone, no emotions.
You sat between Den and the most handsome boy you'd ever seen, Draco Malfoy, he'd grown up so much since you'd last seen him. But his signature smirk wasn't plastered on his face as usual, in it's place there was a thin line, his lips sealed in a neutral expression.
"Hey Malfoy" you greeted kindly.
"Shut up half-" he said harshly,interrupting himself trying to insult you.
"He's not been himself lately, usually he's not that bad, you all always judge him, but he's sweet with the people he fancies" Den explained, and you did believe her, because you saw the good in every person and he flooded with kindness. You noticed how his eyes sparkled before a quidditch match, his soft sneaky smiles that grew onto his face whenever he got a spell right. You knew he was a soft boy, he just liked to think that it made him weak so he covered it all up.
As you met his gaze you noticed his bright grey eyes were dark and full of sadness that made you smile softly. Just the fact that he was trying to insult you made you feel sick.
"I'm not sweet" he stated, probably less convincingly than he thought.
"It's okay Draco, I don't want to argue" you clarified. His expression changed for a quick second, before going back to his stone-face self.
He liked that you called him Draco, it made him feel like you liked him for who he was, not Malfoy, not the Slytherin prince, just Draco.
And that was exactly your intention, to make him feel like someone actually cared.
After that little conversation, everyone in the big hall started to leave to go to their dorms.
Some of your house walked right in front of you giving you sad smiles, Harry, Ron and Hermione even gave Draco death stares.
You knew he had been an ass in the past years, you knew he wasn't the nicest when it came to words, but he wasn't what the others said he was.
Or maybe it was your big crush on him speaking for you. Yeah, probably.
"I'm going to sleep. Malfoy? Show her where's our room" she said.
Draco gave her a hint of a smile that almost made you feel uncomfortable.
'No Y/n you're not jealous, stop' you thought.
"Draco, uhm- so you and Den-?" Draco let out a semi-genuine laugh, before you even completed your sentence.
"She's not my girlfriend Y/n, I don't like her, she's like my cousin, she is my father's cousin's daughter, you're probably kind of her relative too" he explained, and you suddenly felt stupid.
"I'm not your cousin Draco, I'm not a real Black, dad- Sirius just gave me his last name" his lips parted slightly at your confession.
"You're not a Black? Y- he adopted you? Like- oh sorry I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he said quickly. A chuckle escaped your lips.
"It's fine, my mom abandoned me, I only know Voldemort killed her and she was a half-blood and so was my real father, who died as well. Professor Lupin was the one who raised me for twelve years, but I've only ever cared about Sirius, he was the best thing in my life even if for a short time. " you confessed, he smiled sadly, his gaze burning on your face.
You didn't know why you trusted him, but for some reason, you did.
"You know, my father uhm- made me do horrible things, but he's family, I don't want to disappoint him" he confessed reluctantly.
Later he'd invited you to his room, he seemed to have loosened up a little bit, while you entered his dorm.
A green and silver scarf was hung on the wall with his last name on it. His bed was perfectly made, no wrinkles, just a smooth green blanket.
To say you were impressed was an understatement.
You smiled at him "so that's why you hide your good part uh?" he nodded.
He just suddenly wrapped his arms around you tightly. You made him feel alive again. He missed the feeling, it was like a deja vu from last year, when you found him crying in a hidden corner when without saying anything, you hugged him, lettinghis speak.
"You're not that bad for an Hufflepuff you know?" He smirked. His first signature smirk of the year, just for you!
"And you're not that bad for a Slytherin either" you laughed.
"I missed physical contact, I-I uhm- it's not very common in the Malfoy manor, to get all cuddly I mean" his chest vibrated with his embarassed laugh that filled your ears as you memorized that beautiful and harmonic sound.
"You're so warm" you said, obviously blushing. Thank you dark night!
"And you're a freezing Hufflepuff" he pulled away much to your dismay and took something out of his wardrobe.
He handed you a green hoodie with a basilisk on the front and the name "Malfoy" on the back.
"I can't accept-"
"It's yours Y/n. Now if you excuse me I have to go somewhere, I'll show you where you're going to sleep" he grabbed your hand, not even realizing it, and took you with him to another corridor, a wooden door with a sign was suddenly in front of us, 'Pansy and Deneb' it read.
You were too zoned out to really comprehend what was going on, but suddenly your hand felt cold, extremely cold. You looked at it, disappointment clearly written all over your face.
"I'm sorry... for you know, taking your hand and everything" he said before walking away, without even waiting for an answer.
You opened the door in front of you and found Den sitting on what you assumed was her bed.
When she spotted you, she smiled.
"Did you do it?" Your cheeks flushed at your not so holy thoughts. You shook your head 'no daydreaming about these things you fucker'
"W-what are y-you talking about?" You asked her with wide eyes.
"Did you kiss Draco?" She asked.
"He's like my cousin Deneb!" You whispered.
"He's not and you know that, so please tell me. Do you like him? " she giggled. You gasped quietly, surprised she knew you weren't a Black.
"I-I want to sleep, uh good night"
"Y/n likes Draco. Y/n likes Draco. Y/n likes Draco!" she chanted.
You ignored her and sneaked into your new very comfortable bed.
Was it that obvious? That you liked Draco.
"All you do is stare at him Y/n " she said like she had read your thoughts or something.
"He's not what he wants the others to believe he is" you explained
"plus he's cute" Deneb completed making you both laugh.
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That morning the atmosphere was extremely strange and tensed, there weren't many students in the Great Hall.
As you approached Harry in your new Slytherin hoodie, Draco's last name properly covered with a scarf. He kind of looked at you in disgust, like he despised you. But you knew he only hated Slytherins in general.
"You look great in green!" Hermione exclaimed happily.
"And you look hella good in blue 'Mione!" You winked.
"Katy said she can't remember anything from Yesterday, but I know it was Draco, I saw him" Harry assumed, your blood began to boil on anger.
"He's not a bad person" you said as calmly as you could.
"Oh you're so blind Y/n" and you were going to spat at him but Draco made his way into the big room, his eyes full of fear and, regret? Was Harry right?
You didn't even have time to answer that question because Draco ran away toward the bathroom.
Harry followed him, and you resisted your instincts for once, all you wanted was rushing after him, she wanted to know who Draco was, who he really was.
You all sat at the same table, including Deneb. It was a nice morning except for the fact that you didn't know where either Harry or Draco went.
"How's being a Slytherin?" Hermione asked snapping you out of your trance.
"It's quite nice, they're not as bad as you think ... and you're just wrong about Draco, he's actually really calm and sweet when he wants to" you explained, a light blush crept onto your face as you did.
"Are you kidding? Malfoy? Sweet? You're crazy" Hermione hissed.
You huffed looking at Deneb for a moment.
"Draco isn't the one you think he is, I'm his cousin, I know what I'm talking about. But his father... he's ruining him, his mother is trying her best but Lucius is just an evil coward" Deneb said, way too calmly.
Ron and Hermione looked at each other before smiling.
"Deneb, is this girl right there intrested in your cousin?" Ron asked, smirking and pointing to you.
"No, she just has a really kind heart" she answered sending you a wink.
You even stopped listening to the conversation. All you could think about was Draco. Where the fuck was he? You swore, if Harry'd done something to him you were gonna kill him slowly,You kind of thought, at that point, that he was just a selfish boy trying to get some attention.
You spaced out for a little while.
Draco's grey eyes popped onto your mind, his smile, his face... but every good thing stopped appearing as soon as you got anxious, you were going crazy right? Harry couldn't hurt him. Could he?
You stormed out of the great hall without even saying anything, you just ran up the stairs, your breath was heavy and it was like your legs got heavier and heavier with every step. But the worst happened when you opened the door of the bathroom.
Draco was laying on the wet floor, he was wincing in pain, his platinum hair sticking on his forehead, his beautiful eyes were closed and some tears were stained on his cheeks.
But even worse was the fact he was covered in blood, his white shirt was now all red and you felt extremely useless.
"Draco, Draco it's me, Y/n" you said before kneeling down beside him.
"Y-Y/n-" then he yelled, that loud your head started to pound slowly.
"Draco, please I'm here, Snape is coming upstairs, I saw him, stay awake" you pleaded as you started to cry, hot tears streaming down your cheeks and landing on your parted lips as you sobbed loudly.
"Y/n? Why a-are you here?" He winced
"You're my friend Draco!" You exclaimed brushing his hair away from his forehead.
"You s-shouldn't b-be- Y/n I-"
"Draco you're not a bad person! Stay with me, please." you implored sobbing loudly and crying, but you didn't care, you only wanted him to live.
"You what Draco? Stay awake please" you sobbed loudly when you noticed the death eaters symbol, that was what he was trying to say, but you didn't give a fuck. You didn't want to lose him, death eater or not, you were falling in love with him.
"I h-hurt people" he whispered weakly
"I-" he opened his eyes for a quick second looking at me but right then they closed again and you realized he'd blacked out, his heart rate fell and he wasn't breathing. That's when realization hit you. He was dead.
Everything that happened soon after went in slow motion, Snape coming in and picking him up from the floor, some people coming in and out of the room, water still flooding the floor. But you were completely still. watching the blood on your hands.
You let out a frustrated scream, when the room was completely empty.
You sat there, sobbing like a little child.
It wasn't like he was the best of your friends, but he somehow understood you, even though you had talked to each others just four or five times in six years of school he listened to you and didn't judge you a single time and you let him die under your watch.
Couldn't you have just gone downstairs and call a professor? You were sad and mostly angry at yourself and at who did that.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked appearing behind you.
"Leave me the fuck alone!" you yelled, not stopping the tears that now completely made your face wet.
"Y/n what happened?"
"He-he killed him, he's dead. Draco is fucking DEAD!" you shouted angrily, your voice rough.
"Who killed him Y/n?"
"Your fucking best friend Hermione" you hissed sniffling.
"I hate him! " you screamed on top of your lungs.
Hermione hugged you tightly after sitting down beside you.
"You love Malfoy. don't you?"
"H-he's d-ead" your voice trembled as Hermione soothed you tracing circles onto your back.
"I'm sorry Y/n"
"He wasn't that bad you know" you took a long shaky breath but broke down crying again immediately.
"I trust you"
"He didn't want to harm anyone" you groaned in frustration.
She helped you up and put one of your arms around her neck.
Your legs felt numb and as you made your way to your dorm, you felt weaker and weaker.
As you opened the door you launched yourself on the bed, face buried in your pillow.
"What-" Deneb asked.
"Draco- " Hermione stopped to take a long breath. "He died" she explained. You on the other hand just continued to cry uncontrollably.
"Hey Y/n it's oka-"
"Don't you fucking dare say it's okay!" You screamed.
"Y/n listen to me okay? He was a really good person, he'd always been awfully nice to you but now he can rest in peace, without all the terrible things they constantly do to him. He deserves this" you knew she was right but you still refused to stop sobbing.
At some point you did stop, and the other two girls smiled softly when they heard your shaky breath become heavy as you drifted off to sleep.
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The following days had been hell for Y/n, all she did was cry and cry.
Dumbledore often went to console her, and she knew something was up, they didn't even have a funeral for Draco.
Y/n's life had gotten miserable.
You locked yourself up again, professor Mcgonagall said you were in shock because you saw someone die under your eyes, so she even let you skip classes. And you were glad she did.
But that day you had been dragged out of your room by Deneb. Against your will.
"Y/n come to class, at least today, if you don't feel good then you'll be a free elf" you groaned in frustration.
"Why do I have to?"
"Because you need to get some fresh air, so now come with me, we have transfiguration"
When you got to class everyone got silent.
You sat on your new desk as a Slytherin and tried to concentrate but as the professor started the lesson, you grabbed your pen and started sketching on your notebook.
"There are rumors flying around the school. Someone said you and Draco were friends with benefits, some said you were dating but he was using you." None of these were true and Deneb knew that, but she still decided to tell you, after she saw your, almost, scared face.
And even though it wasn't consciously, you soon realized you you were drawing Draco.
At the end of the last clas, in the afternoon, your notebook was filled with drawings of him, really detailed ones, that much that your tears threatened to come out. Again.
You silently made your way to Draco's dorm.
You laid on his bed inhaling his scent, and memorizing it. You'd never see his face again.
You opened your notebook and traced the shape of his head with your finger.
You took out a pen from your pencil case and wrote on the drawing: " hope you're doing good up there ♡" as if he could see it, and after ripping the page you put it on his pillow.
When that night Deneb asked if you wanted to sleep there, you obviously said yes.
That lasted for a few days until, three days later you woke up and didn't find the piece of paper with his face in it.
When you fell asleep on that bed everything bad that happened to you disappeared.
And when you woke up you were actually feeling better.
You panicked, it was your favourite drawing. So you frantically searched under the pillows, under the blanket. But nothing was there.
"I look good in this Y/n/n" you heard a voice and you gasped, at the sound of Draco's familiar voice.
"Hello, Y/n" Draco suddenly appeared from the shadows. He noticed your puffy eyes and bags under your eyes.
"What are you?! A ghost or something?" You asked widening your eyes.
"I'm Draco, with bones and all" he laughed, even if his eyes were full of fear.
"Is it really you? But you died!" You shot up.
"It's me Y/n/n, Snape knew the spell and healed me, but not entirely so they kept me hidden until they were sure I'd survive." He explained.
"A bird told me you missed me" he continued walking extremely close to you.
"I- I surely did, you were- are my friend" you blushed heavily.
" I'm sorry for everything I did, I hate myself for everything, and something happened.. I - refused to kill Dumbledore but-" he interrupted himself starting to sob.
Your confused expression almost scared him.
"Snape killed him, it's my fault I-" you didn't let him finish ignoring the sadness and smashed your lips onto his.
You fell on the bed, but he continued to kiss you almost roughly.
As you pulled away he smiled.
"I like you Y/n, but I'm not a goo-"
His eyes filled with happiness for the first time in years as you smiled.
"Stop! You are the fucking best person I've ever met!" You exclaimed punching his chest.
"Don't you feel ashamed of a death eater?" He asked, remembering when he'd showed you his tattoo.
"No, as long as you're safe"
"Do you mind if I kiss you again?" In response you kissed him, again, softly this time.
As your lips moved together until you saw the door fly open.
"Are you done sucking faces? Lunch is ready" Deneb teased before walking away again.
"I like you so much Y/n. Would you uhm- goonadatewithme?" He asked, his voice trembling a little.
"Of course Drakey"
"Don't call me that"
"Shut up. I love you dork"
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godess-of-the-void · 6 years
Numinetale Chapter 4
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They group got the call from Mettaton that everything was ready at New Home Square. And before the Monsters blinked they were already there. Sans looked at VI who was still wearing her red punk outfit.
How much power does she have? I can't bring that many people through a 'shortcut', barely two others besides me! Yet she can bring this large group through one without breaking a sweat!
"Darlings! Over here!" Mettaton wheeled himself over to the group. "The stage is ready when you are! And may I say, love the puck rock look."
"Thank you Mettaton for your help. This will do quite nicely with braking the Barrier... The second time around." VI let out a sigh.
Mettaton patted the woman's shoulder, "Yes Everyone in New Home noticed that the Barrier was back. So how are we going to break it with a concert?"
"Mettaton! Mettaton!" VI wrapped her arm around the rectangular robot. "This is no ordinary concert. This is also a rematch between you and... Frisk!"
Frisk eyes lit up. They took out a pair of sunglasses out of their inventory and did a dramatic pose. They then snapped their fingers and asked for some MTT brand foods from Mettaton. You know, for ratings. Mettaton was happy to give the ambassador a Starfait and a Glamburger.
Toriel had a thoughtful look to her face. "This have something to do with SOULS growth, does it not?"
The woman giggled as she looked away from the young teen and gave the Monster Boss her full attention. "RUNE is also a video camera and will show live footage to the Surface while we are doing the show. Mettaton. We will do a warm-up with Blooky and me doing a instrumental duet." At the mentioned of his name, Napstablook appeared. "I have practice playing 'Spooktunes' with my guitar, if that's ok with you." Napstablook gave a sad looking wink and disappeared. "Then I'll sing a solo to heal and humans SOULS that is fractured to increase our chances of getting SOUL PARTICLES. Then the dance off. I will be playing my guitar during the rematch to set mood and to gather the Particles to the Underground. Any questions?"
"What are SOUL PARTICLES?" Mettaton asked.
"Napstablook! Are you set? I want to play with you before the concert to do sound check." Napstablook waved at VI from the stage. The strange woman joined the Ghost Monster. They started playing one of DJ's songs for the sound check.
Damn, they sound good! Even if it was a sound check with just a DJ turntable and a guitar, they were killing it.
Mettaton looked at his cousin with pride. But it was short lived when he remembered that no one answered his question. "What the hell are SOUL PARTICLES!?!"
Napstablook and VI finished their part and the plan seem to work. While VI didn't out staged the Ghost, in fact quite the opposite actually. She have the whole stage to the DJ and played mainly back up. But it was enough for some SOULS, both Monster and a few Humans, appeared over the stage.
They joined the others, "Hey, Mettaton. How's the ratings?"
The robot was ecstatic! "This little RUNE sweetheart is the best! I must have Alphys make a replica. If only we had him three years ago. Our ratings just started but a good amount of them are from the Surface!"
VI smiled and lifted her guitar, "Cleft Sharp. Lime Light. Activate." Red Electric changed to a green pop singer costume with cat ears and tail. Her guitar changed to a microphone. She returned to the stage. Her voice was strong and beautiful.
Her song was sad and uplifting. Even though it didn't seem to make sense why the song have a happy tune, there was saddness to it. The lyrics had a rhythm and flow of enthusiasms.
Muster up your courage, child
And gather your determination
You've still got a fight to win
Your journey isn't over yet
Someday I'll forget the pain of
Living in eternal darkness
Hopes and dreams will save the world
And you will be the one to do it!
VI kept singing. SOULS of the Surface and Underground was being healed. They even glowed with brighten light.
Just know, baby, I'm sorry
To put an end to our story
I know someday you'll find a way back home.
So dry your eyes, no time to cry,
Just go and save the world!
Everyone in the Underground and on the Surface felt their SOULS grew.
Muster up your courage, child
And gather your determination
You've still got a fight to win,
Your journey isn't over yet.
Though I hate to say goodbye,
I'm glad I learned to love again
I'll be gone, but you'll live on,
Just say you will.
As VI wrapped up the song not a single eye was dry. She stepped down from the stage and winked at Frisk and Mettaton. "You guys are ready?" Frisk gave a thumbs up after wiping a tear from their face. VI changed back to her Red Electric form. Mettaton also changed to his other form.
VI was the first to the stage and started to play 'Death by Glamour.' Frisk was next waving at the crowd and the RUNES followed by Mettaton Ex. The two friends struck a dramatic pose and smiled. For every heel turn they struts their stuff.
The dance was epic. And everytime the ratings dipped Frisk did an impressive pose while taking a bit out of the Glamburger or Starfait. The two swirled, dipped, and sway in extraordinary timeing and grace. But Frisk was wearing out. So the brought out of their inventory a MTT Facesteack. The ratings where off the grid and the air above the stage was filled with cartoon heart shaped SOULS of many colors and white.
VI looked above her to count the number of SOULS there and was pleased to see that she now have more than enough for bringing back the dead and breaking the Barrier.
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Mettaton and Napstablook was playing music and dancing on stage while VI was collecting SOUL backstage. VI was contently giggling to herself, "One of each color and a Boss SOUL for the Barrier. And another one of each color with a Boss Mon-"
"You idiot! Stop! Right! Now!" VI looked at the flower with a questioning nit on her brow. "And stop looking at me like that!"
VI giggled, "Flowery, why don't you want a SOUL?"
Flowery's face puffed up, "It's not that I don't want a SOUL. It's that I don't want to give everyone false hope. Besides even if you do brought Asriel back there is the issue with Chara!"
VI scratched Flowery behind one of his petals, "I think being around so many SOULS have made a SOULESS plant have empathy." VI got up at walked back to gather more SOULS.
Color formed under Flowery's eyes, "Hey! Get back here! Idiot! You aren't even listening to me are you?" Frisk joined Flowery and asked if he was alright. "No! I am not alright! I don't want to give everyone's hopes and dreams to shatter... AGAIN!"
Flowery felt a weight of someone sitting next to him, "i can relate, bud. the unknown can be scary. losing hope is terrible. but sometimes you just have to be there, doing all that you can. sometimes you have to believe that everything is going to be alright, petals."
Flowery faced the short skeleton. He knew what he was saying. Even though Sans himself was in a dark place, he still stand tall for his loved ones. Even if it was pretend, Flowery knew. The souless plant wrapped Sans with his vines. Sans'body tensed up but only for a moment before he realised that Flowery was hugging him.
This will work. It has to work! Flowery was right to be concerned about Chara. This is a dangerous game I am playing.
VI was a giggling mess. All the Monster SOULS in the Underground equals to on human SOUL. Not only should the Barrier break from seven SOULS and a Boss Monster Soul, but that rule should apply also to Asriel. Easy Pesy. But what Flowery said about Chara hit her hard. And she can't stop her annoying giggling!
"VOID HUMAN! WHAT IS WRONG! YOU SEEM TO BE NERVOUS!" The taller skeleton was behind her with Undyne and Alphys.
VI smiled at the trio of friends in front of her, "Nervous, nonsense!"
"Y-you ju-just giggled..." Alphys looked at the woman. "Y-you gi-giggle when y-you are ner-nervous."
"And don't even try to deny it! I have be with my bae for to long to not notice a nervous tick!" Undyne glared at VI, "Now spill your guts, Punk!"
Alphys waved her arms at her girlfriend nervously, "U-UNDYNE! Y-you ca-can't be forceful. B-but she is r-right ab-bout your ne-nervous tick."
Sans probably noticed as well, but have more tack not to say even a pun about it...
"Guys. I think Sans is more important than my tick right now." Papyrus looked at VI with curiosity, "Papyrus, when was the last time Sans made a pun?"
Papyrus' eyes bulged out and he started to run to where he saw Sans last. Everyone followed him. The Dreemers saw them rushing somewhere and decided to go with the group. They found Sans, wrapped in vines and a teenager's arms. All three of them with tear stains on their faces.
VI sat behind the skeleton. "Well, I am truly not helping your PTSD." Sans made a noise with his non-existent throat.
"Wh-what do you m-mean PTSD? As in po-post tr-traumatic s-stress disorder?" Alphys looks at Sans with worry and guilt in her eyes. "S-sans, wh-why you didn't t-tell a-anyone?"
VI groaned, "Sorry, Sans. I take it you didn't tell them everything about the Resets."
"tibia honest, I didn't thought it was such a bonehead of a move to keep some of the Resets a secret." Sans winked.
"You don't fool me, I see right through you!" VI elbowed Sans' ribs. "You're just a boney phoney with no guts to tell anyone anything. Now everyone has a bone to pick with you."
"you really know how to get under my skin, don't you." Toriel and Frisk tried to hold back their laughter while everyone else was groaning but smiling. Sans and VI did a little staring contest before Sans got up, "fine! but only if the kid and flower helps me tell them about the Genocide Runs."
Flowery unwrap his vines from Sans body, "Deal!" Frisk not only agreed but shook Sans hand. The three told their friends everything.
"I-I d-don't like it! N-not one bit!" Alphys was cross about the dangers of ripping a demonic spirit of a human's body.
Toriel was deviated. One of her children is a SOULESS plant, another is a vengeful ghost, and the other possessed by said vengeful ghost. And all three are murderers. Papyrus was crestfallen that his brother was still keeping things from him. Algore felt the story was very ironic that his children killed, but felt their actions were more justified then his.
Undyne, who always seem to headbutt her way through any problem was the first to asked, "Now what?"
VI got off the ground and dusted herself off, "Time to bring back the dead!" She activated another form, this time she looks like a cross from a mad scientist and a phantom of the Opera. Behind her was a pipe organ. "This form is called Purple Keys. This can formulate or make concentrations of Souls. For example mixing one of each color of human SOULS and one Boss SOUL can either break the Barrier or change Flowery back to Asriel."
VI put the gathered SOULS in the little drawers attached to the pipes. "Or combining seven SOULS of DETERMINATION with a Boss SOUL can, in theory, will drive Chara out of Frisk's body. They will absorb the concentrated SOUL and the will to live will be so strong it will form a new human body."
She moved Flowery to a spot in front of the organ, "Don't worry Flowery. If Chara goes all Genocide, Sans will Karmic Retribution their ass."
"Most likely their be a Hyper Goner." Smirked the flower. Frisk just asked Flowery if that was a pun. "Yes, yes it was."
VI started to play on the keys. The Boss Monster SOUL glowed brightly as it was absorbing the human SOULS. Flowery still in position looked at the Boss SOUL with DETERMINATION. The Boss SOUL now filled out by the human SOULS started to move to the spot the flower was rooted. With tears in his eyes, he claimed the new SOUL.
A bright flash of light filled the area. A little goat child stands where the flower used to be. Asriel looked at his parents and hugged them with all his might. Frisk and the skeleton brothers joined in when Asriel waved them over. A defening roar of cheers appeared out of nowhere!
"Darlings! I am so sorry, but I had to use RUNE to broadcast what you all was up to." The robot explained with RUNE hovering over him.
VI marched over to Mettaton, "How dare you use my RUNE to broadcast a touching moment!" VI grabbed the metal star by the neck and whispered, "How much did you broadcast? How is the ratings? How could I have forgotten RUNE! I am so proud of you!"
A glint appeared in the robot's eyes as he whispered back, "The ratings are sky high! Everyone from here to the Surface was watching, is watching! And I started broadcasting long before Sans, the flower, and Ambassador Frisk confessed to the Genocide Runs."
VI returned to her companions, "We are not out of the woods yet! We still have Chara to bring back! In case they are planning to go Genocide on us, we better brace ourselves!"
Frisk stand at the same spot as Flowery stood. VI placed seven SOULS of DETERMINATION and the Boss SOUL in the drawers in the pipes. VI gave everyone a thumbs up. The Boss Monsters conjured their weapons and magic. Even Asriel conjured his Chaos Blades, preparing for the worse. VI played on the pipe organ. Again the Boss SOUL absorb the human SOULS, but this time the Monster SOUL have changed to a human SOUL.
The red SOUL became bright flash and a red haired child in a green and yellow sweater stepped out of the light. "Hey, Partner." They looked at the Monsters that are ready for battle. "I am not going to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I still hate humans. But, Partner, you did what Ariel and I never could. You freed the Monsters and lived in peace with the humans for three whole years." Chara hugged Frisk, "Thank you for bringing my family back."
My daughter is doing well I think. But there will be problems. I will make sure of that. Let's bring in more friends into the mix.
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ouraidengray4 · 7 years
I Can't Stop Pulling Out My Eyelashes (It's a Thing)
A few years ago, I saw a girl named Rosie, who I’ve known since I was five years old. We’d fallen out of touch but met again at a party, where we reminisced about our time co-creating the most popular club in first grade: The Teddy Bear Club. (I’m still not sure exactly what we did in this club—appreciate teddy bears)? Together, laughing, we wondered if our elementary school gym teacher, who must have been 100 when she was teaching us how to square dance and lift a giant parachute, was still running the gym classes.
"Remember," Rosie asked, giggling. "When you pulled out all your eyelashes in second grade and then cried at morning meeting about it?"
I froze. I actually didn’t remember. Chances are, I blocked out that particular meltdown; in the early years of my trichotillomania, which started when I was six, I’d had many of them. I cried to my mom after I realized my eyelids were yet again bald after plucking every last one out by the root during a family viewing of the movie Blank Check. And another when Babs Bunny from Looney Tunes pulled out all her eyelashes from stress, and my cousin, in front of everyone, yelled, "Look, it’s Lucy!" If I’m bored or stressed—anytime my hands find themselves without something to do, really—I pull. And when I was a kid, after I’d pull them, I’d break down soon after.
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I wanted to scream at Rosie. Not because I was mad, but because without knowing it, she’d revealed my biggest secret to a party full of people. I knew what she said would instantly make anyone who heard look at my eyelids. I could feel their eyes start to raise a fraction of an inch from my pupil to what should be my lash line, where they would notice the black streak across my lids isn’t three dimensional, just one: A layer of eyeliner that I’ve cast to play the part of eyelashes, which I draw on every morning. I haven’t left the house without it since I was 13.
Instead, I said, "Yeah, that was weird." Like me pulling out all of my eyelashes wasn’t something I’d been dealing with for the last 20 years of my life, but a weird fluke that happened during a particularly stressful portion of second grade (long division, probably). "Cool tattoo," I said, changing the subject.
Later, I crept away to the bathroom and did what I do five or six times a day: turned on the light that most brightly illuminated the mirror and put my face up to the glass. I stared at my bald eyelids, checking for any new growth. I looked at my eyes in profile and tried to imagine if the 10 or 11 eyelashes I did have, the ones that had been spared an untimely death (for now), were enough to convince people I had a full set. Maybe people with very blurry vision would be fooled, but it was pretty obvious, overall.
...Once my brain decides my eyelashes need to be removed, [my hands] work without my input, like a very determined gardener weeding a vegetable patch.
Some nights, I stay up until morning because I can’t fall asleep until I pull the perfect eyelash. There are differences in the way an eyelash feels: Some are deeply rooted and pull out with a thick, wet tip. These are good ones. Some, the ones I’ve pulled out over and over, have flimsy, black tips. These are disappointing to pull.
On nights like this, I get up to wash my face over and over again, trying to straighten out the lashes I’ve curled into corkscrews with my fingernails, the way ribbon on a present curls with scissors. I try to tell my hands to stop, but when it comes to my eyelashes, my hands only half belong to me. For most tasks, I’m in full control of them, but once my brain decides my eyelashes need to be removed, they work without my input, like a very determined gardener weeding a vegetable patch. My arm gets sore, but I can’t stop.
My eyes are always full of cat hair, dust, and sand. A giant scar runs down one of my corneas from a scratch I got from one of these foreign bodies my eyes could not defend themselves against without a barricade of eyelashes. I see it all the time.
I get out of bed and read online forums for people like me: trichotillomaniacs. I don’t talk about it with anyone. It’s not really something you chat with your friends about over brunch. "Is anyone else getting another mimosa? Hey, by the way, I can’t stop ripping my own eyelashes out of my head. Can someone pass the hot sauce?"
For a while, I wore fake eyelashes, which seems like an obvious solution. But fake eyelashes are made for people who have real eyelashes—they often flop over your eyes like Snuffleupagus’s when you have nothing to support them (last summer, at a wedding, a friend had to pull me aside to tell me my eyelashes were dangling off my face).
And when you do find falsies that stay up straight, they are almost never made to look natural: They either have gaps between the lashes where your real lashes are meant to fill in, or they look so gaudy and huge that wearing them on a daily basis makes everyone wonder if you just returned from dancing at some sort of daytime nightclub.
I turned 30 this year, which marks almost 25 years in my quest to remove every single eyelash from my head. Doctors have told me that eventually, they won’t grow back. A few months ago, for the first time, I noticed they were finally right—the tiny buds that usually showed up a few weeks after pulling were making less regular appearances. I secretly snuck onto Sephora.com and bought a $75 eyelash serum, which I told my husband only cost $50. Because while he is the only person I can talk about my trich with, I knew he wouldn’t understand that I’d literally be willing to pay any price to have real eyelashes: $75, $100, $1,000, seven years of hard labor abroad a questionably sound sea vessel, literally anything.
I wonder sometimes why I had to have a compulsion like trichotillomania instead of a weird birthmark shaped like Yoda, or strangely small ears, or anything less embarrassing them my own lack of control plastered on my face, right in the eyeline of everyone I have ever met. It seems a bit harsh.
But then again, it doesn’t cause me any real harm besides how I look, and occasional minor eye damage. I’m healthy, despite this minorly broken part of my brain. Even as far as trichotillomaniacs go, it could be worse. Some people pull out all the hair on their heads, and I’ve never touched my head hair. Doctors have told me that it’s only cosmetic.
The way you know if a cartoon character is a male or a female is this: Look for the eyelashes. Minnie Mouse is just Mickey with three curved lines drawn above her eyes. Lola Bunny sports a flutter of eyelashes, while Bugs only rocks his expressive eyebrows. Daisy Duck would just be Donald in a dress—if it wasn’t for her long eyelashes. Maybe it’s only cosmetic, but it’s hard not to feel like eyelashes are what make the girl.
I hope that one day I can stop, that I will grow a whole set of eyelashes and not have to wear a protective layer of eyeliner like armor. I’ve tried therapy a few times, and while I know other people have had good results, for me it never seems to help. The only times I’ve been able to grow my eyelashes back were when I’ve pushed myself hard for a specific reason: I grew them back once when I was long distance from my boyfriend to surprise him. I grew most of them back for my wedding.
But eventually it takes too much mental energy to hold my hands at my sides, and I give in again. All the milestones I set for myself have come and gone without permanent change. I used to tell myself, "By the time I graduate college, I’ll stop." "By the time I’m 25." "By the time I have a real job."
At some point, maybe I should change the goal: Try to leave the house bare-lidded, embrace being Donald in a dress instead. But for now, I keep the shame nearly secret and blame myself for what my hands can’t stop doing.
Maybe when I’m 35.
Lucy Huber is a writer, multiple cat owner, and sufferer of Reverse Dawson's Creek Actor Syndrome, which is a disease she made up for when you are 30 but look 15. To see her other work or ask more specific questions about her cats visit lucyhuber.com. from Greatist RSS http://ift.tt/2DlK1VO I Can't Stop Pulling Out My Eyelashes (It's a Thing) Greatist RSS from HEALTH BUZZ http://ift.tt/2p47tno
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