#i cant imagine Kendrick indulging
therealestpodcast · 1 year
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As the professor droned on and on, Ona couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom creeping up on her. It was dead silent in the lecture hall, save for the sound of the professor's voice that seemed to be taking the life out of her. She tried to focus on the lesson but her mind kept drifting off to the plans she had for the day.
Math had never been her strong suit, which was surprising given how much she struggled with typing out a full sentence correctly to her friends. But today, she couldn't care less about her dismal performance in class. She had bigger things to look forward to, including writing scripts for the podcast and spending the rest of the day sleeping to her heart's content.
As she gazed around the room, she noticed Stan Marsh, her partner in crime (not to jae’s knowledge) , scribbling away in his notebook. The two had become inseparable ever since they discovered they had at least two classes together. She couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.
Opposites attract, Stan liked to say to her a lot. Ona couldn't agree more. She liked winter and he liked summer, she was outgoing and he was reserved. But somehow, they just clicked.
Ona closed her eyes for a moment, imagining the sweet sound of silence and the feeling of her soft pillow beneath her head. She couldn't wait for the day to be over so that she could finally indulge in some much-needed rest. But until then, she would have to endure the professor's monotonous voice and try her best not to fall asleep.
"Ona, you're drooling," Stan snickered, his eyes crinkling up with amusement as he watched the drool slowly pool on her desk. Ona quickly lifted her head up, feeling embarrassed as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to hide the evidence. "No, I'm not," she retorted, hoping to convince Stan that he was mistaken.
"Yeah, okay," he said, shaking his head as he put his pencil in his pocket. It was technically Ona's pencil, but Stan's favorite excuse was, "You said I could have it."
"I need a favor from you," Stan said, looking directly into Ona's eyes. Ona raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he could possibly want from her. Stan was known for his outlandish requests, but he was also one of her closest friends, so she was always willing to listen to him.
"What kind of favor?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. Stan leaned in closer, “I need your help for film class”
“i have my own project Stan” Ona looked at him confused. “ do you have a partner yet?” The boy said quickly,
“ I was gonna have Jae help me with it or something, she already took the class a while back.”
“ Join my group! I’m sure the guys don’t mind” Stan smiled brightly, Ona took a pause.
She knew the boys, duh she cant be friends with Stanley Marsh and not know about his best friends. It’s basically one of his favorite topics. She had a few interaction with them here and there, a lot of bickering with the blonde one. We’re doing a whole project with them? It was a sick thought to even mention to her.
"Pleaseeee come on, see look, I promise Kenny will pull his weight!" Stan pleaded with the girl, noticing it was taking her quite a while to think about her answer. He had been eagerly waiting for her response and was hoping to hear what he wanted to hear.
Ona looked at Stan skeptically, wondering if he was being truthful. She was well aware of Kenny's lack of interest in academic pursuits and was not sure if he would be able to contribute to the project. Despite her reservations, Ona decided to give Stan the benefit of the doubt and agreed to work with them.
"Okay fine," she finally relented, causing Stan to silently cheer inside. Ona let out a quiet laugh, trying not to draw attention to themselves amidst the other students.
"So, what's the plan?" Ona asked, eager to get started on the project.
Stan hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should reveal their idea. "Well... Kenny was thinking of doing a paranormal investigation," he finally said, leaning back in his chair.
Ona raised an eyebrow, surprised by their choice of topic. "Is that why you wanted me as a partner? Wowwww Stan," she remarked sarcastically, causing Stan to feel a bit embarrassed.
"It's not like you were going to do the project if you were doing it by yourself, come on." Stan huffed, trying to defend himself.
Ona chuckled at Stan's response, finding his defensiveness amusing. "Okay, okay... I'm in. But we need to plan this out carefully and make sure we have all the necessary equipment," she said, taking charge of the situation.
“Which you can thank me and Jae for.”
Stan nodded in agreement, grateful that Ona had agreed to work with them. He knew that with her help, they could make their project a success and possibly even uncover some spooky paranormal activity.
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"You're doing what?" Jae asked, pausing from making their sandwich and not really believing all of what Ona started telling them.
Ona sighed out heavily, "Oh..my god. If you let me finish! I was explaining to you that for my film class-"
"-Stan had asked if I would join his group for that stupid final project.."
"And they're doing a paranormal film.."
"......right.." Jae looked up at Ona with a raised eyebrow.
"And... I sorta maybe said that we would help..?"
Ona raised her hands in defense, "Look! Before you say ANYMORE.. you agreed to help me!"
Clicking her tongue, Jae looks back down to continue making their sandwich, "Yeah.. I agreed to help you, not three other people, look Ona I have no problem helping you out but, now this is essentially allowing three other people to.. cheat? Or something? Hell I don't know."
Before Ona could say another word, Jae continues, "And? Haven't you talked about this guy’s group of friends before? What was his name..Karl..? Kent? KENNY! Him! Yeah.. you've complained about him to me before about his work ethic."
Ona nods, "Right.. but Stan has assured me that Kenny will work, in fact Kenny is the one that wanted to do a paranormal investigation! So you know he's engaged in this topic!"
"...You already told him that they could use our equipment didn't you?"
"No...?" Ona said, embarrassment and uncertainty in her tone and body language.
"Okay," Ona sighs, "I did...and they're coming in about five minutes.. to check it out."
Jae pauses, putting the peanut butter away, "They're what."
A knock is heard on the front door of Jae's and Ona's shared dorm apartment and Jae slowly turns to look at Ona, who is already heading towards the door to let the three boys in. Jae grimaces, cleaning up the rest of their sandwich making ingredients and taking a bite as Ona walks back in, three boys trailing behind her.
"And this is Jae!" Ona introduces.
The three boys awkwardly give a wave and Jae gives one back, munching on their sandwich.
"Jae, meet Stan, Kyle, and Kenny," Ona states, she looks back at her bestfriend with a wide smile.
The boys looked around the apartment, its was nice and modern, with the walls decorated in horror movie posters and pictures of the two girls.
Their attention was quickly drawn to the flatscreen TV that was playing an episode of "Sprite Archives", the show that the duo was a part of. Kyle's face lit up with amusement as he watched himself and his friends on screen.
"Do you two watch your own show?" Kyle questioned as he looked at the TV with an amused smirk.
Jae, who was busy munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, raised her eyebrow in surprise and asked, "you watch our show?"
Ona rolled her eyes and looked at her in disgust, muttering something under her breath about the sandwhich.
"Only when Kenny comes over," Kyle responded with a chuckle as he took his shoes off and placed them on the floor next to Stan’s and headed towards the couch where Stan, Kenny and Ona were already seated.
“Okay so whats the plan?” Jae sighed as they join the group on the couch.
Stan pulls out his laptop and set it ontop on Ona’s feet since they were placed on his lap. “Well we we’re thinking of doing something paranormal! Since the original project is to create a first person film.” Kenny explained.
“Why did you chose that genre?” Jae asked, Ona hummed in a agreement.
“ Because its easy, ghost arent real.” Kyle said as if it was obvious with shrug.
“ Here he goes…” Kenny whispered to Ona.
“You think ghosts…arent real?” Jae crossed her arms.
“I mean…yeah? Nothing paranormal is real.” Kyle stated.
“Huh…okay…” Jae looks at Ona trying to hold back a laugh.
“So anyways! That’s where you guys come in, we’ll make a ghost hunting film!” Kenny smiled, then pointed a hand to Ona, “And of course that include you, for you to also get a grade for the project.”
"And.. you're gonna work, right?" Ona muses.
Kenny rolls his eyes, "Yes I will work."
Ona clasps her hands together, "Perfect! Then I'm on board!"
Jae sits quietly for a moment, "Yeah I suppose this is fine, but if you break any equipment, it's being repaid for."
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yourknightingale · 7 years
“If I recall, Anna ate a huge amount of those cherry tomatoes.”
—Producers Commentary, about the cups of cherry tomatoes on the table in the apartment scene
Well, now that they mentioned it, I did see them on the foreground when Fat Amy was telling Beca to release the negativity.
Apparently, they did a couple of takes with Anna eating them so that drooling gag makes sense now. Oh, honey, you can never have too many cherry tomatoes in your mouth. You do you, boo.
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