#bechloe apartment
kris246 · 3 months
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
For my 100th post I thought I’d share this little milestone and a quick story.
Fun fact I’ve been part of the pitch perfect fandom for years (at least 7) and I’ve read hundreds if not thousands of great works from many authors who have become my favorites. It was during 2020 when I decided to start writing though because I wanted a creative outlet at the time. So I trashed my old tumblr in ‘21 (may they rest in peace 🥲) and created one dedicated to my new journey. I hope in these last few years I’ve given people as many laughs and feel good moments as I’ve been given and I hope to continue doing just that. Even if I’m the last person in the fandom and I’m just writing for myself.
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Rating - T Chapter 26/? - Watch The World Burn Pairings: Bechloe Chapter Summary: When a fire breaks out in an apartment building, Beca takes a team to help with the immediate fall out, but things are not easy in either the field or back in the ED
Little slower with this update, sorry about that 😅 Also I thought I'd be further into this particular storyline but the gays got carried away with themselves and took up more of the chapter than I thought they were going to, but I feel like there'll be no complaints in the end dfklgjfdlkg 😂
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dinosauring130 · 6 months
Fandom: Pitch Perfect Rating: T Category: F/F Relationship: Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale (Bechloe) Characters: Beca Mitchell, Chloe Beale Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Pitch Perfect 3, Domestic Chloe Beale/Beca Mitchell
Beca hates everything about her life in New York City. She hates her job, the apartment she lives in is falling apart, and she hates the city in general.
The one thing she didn't hate about New York... was Chloe. The one good thing that she's got.
New fic alert!! I haven't written for the Pitch Perfect fandom since 2021, which is wild.
Shout out to the regional train system for giving me time to write this fic.
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massivedrickhead · 7 months
Hey, I don’t usually send prompts, since I’m just really happy for any authors still writing Bechloe. Especially my favourite ones. And you happen to be one of my favourites. But since you posted a prompt list, I thought I’d show how much I genuinely love your stories and would be happy to read anything you’ll create out of prompt No 23.
Thank you 💚💚💚
Thank you so much for sending this! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to.
This is a perfect example of what happens when I start writing something with absolutely no plan and no idea what's going to happen next 😅
23. “Did I do something to upset you?”
Prompt taken from here.
Read on AO3
“Did I do something to upset you?” Beca asked, her thumb scratching at the label on her beer bottle, her eyes looking anywhere other than Chloe.
“No,” Chloe said, frowning and forcing herself to look up from her phone. “What makes you ask that?”
Beca shrugged and took a drink. “You’ve been… off with me,” Beca said, searching for the word. “Quiet.”
They were in their tiny kitchen, in their tiny apartment. Beca was leaning against the counter, and Chloe sat at the island. She had been engrossed in her phone since returning from work, and all of Beca’s efforts for conversation had fallen flat. 
“It isn’t you,” Chloe said, standing and getting her own beer from the fridge. “It’s nothing.”
Beca sighed and rubbed the heel of her hand into her eye. She was tired, a headache had been slowly building for the past few hours, and the beer wasn’t exactly helping.
“Are you having second thoughts?” Beca asked. She looked calm and relaxed on the outside, but the crack in her voice betrayed just how scared she was to ask that question. 
“Second thoughts about what?” Chloe asked, popping the cap off her beer and returning to her chair. Her phone buzzed on the island, and Chloe fought the urge to pick it up.
“About us. About me,” Beca said, and she chanced a look at Chloe, hoping to gauge her reaction.
“Are you serious?” Chloe asked. “Baby, no. No, of course I’m not.” 
Beca’s shoulders slumped with relief, and Chloe hurriedly got out of her chair so she could put her arms around her. 
“Why would you ask that?” She asked, feeling Beca take a steadying breath against her. “Why would you think it?”
“What else was I supposed to think?” Beca asked. “Everything was great and then it wasn’t, and the only thing that’s changed is that we became, like, official.”
Chloe ended their hug and cupped Beca’s face in her hands.
“I’m crazy about you,” Chloe said. “I always have been, and us becoming a couple hasn’t changed that. It isn’t you that’s upset me, I promise.” She kissed Beca on the forehead and then softly on the lips.
Beca felt herself melting slightly, the way she always did when Chloe kissed her, but she pulled back after a few seconds because she still needed answers.
“Then what is it?” Beca asked. “If it wasn’t me then someone else must have upset you, and if that’s the case I need to know who to fight.”
Chloe laughed and took hold of Beca’s hand, tugging it gently until she followed her into the living room. 
“It’s… You know things with my Mom have always been a bit rocky, right?” Chloe said as they took a seat on their battered sofa. 
“Yeah,” Beca said. “What did she do?”
“I told her about us,” Chloe said. “And I thought… You know, it was one of the few things she never had a problem with. Who I dated didn’t really matter to her, as long as I was still getting good grades, still thin, still pretty, you know, whatever. At least… I thought it didn’t matter to her. Apparently it does now. Apparently now that I’m almost thirty and still,” Chloe made air-quotes with her fingers, “‘messing around with girls instead of finding a husband and starting a family’ she has a problem with it. She thought me being bi was just some attention-seeking teenage thing that I’d grow out of. She can’t actually stand the idea that I’ve fallen in love with a woman who I plan to settle down with and-” Chloe cut herself off as she realised what she’d just said, her hand flying up to her mouth. 
A silence stretched out between them and Beca reached out to take one of Chloe’s hands.
“Fallen in love with, huh?” Beca asked. Her voice was soft, there were tears in her eyes, and she had the hint of a smile on her lips.
“Please don’t freak out,” Chloe said. “I know it’s soon, I don’t need to hear it back, it just slipped out-”
Beca cut her off before she could carry on rambling, and she pressed her lips against Chloe’s. 
“I love you too,” Beca said. “It might be soon to other people, but we’ve been dancing around this for ten years, Chloe. What’s the point in waiting when we both feel it?”
Chloe let out something between a laugh and a sob. “I’m sorry I made you doubt, even for a second, how I feel about you. I’m sorry you thought there was a chance I could ever have regrets or second thoughts about us. I love you. And I didn’t mean for it to slip out like that, I thought it would be way more romantic when I first said it, but I’m glad it’s out there now.”
“I’m sorry I doubted you,” Beca said. “And I’m sorry that your Mom sucks.”
Chloe laughed and wiped her eyes. “Me too. She’s been blowing up my phone for days, texting me pictures of single guys in her church, and I think… I think I might be done. She’s been chipping away at me for years, trying to take away all the bits she didn’t like, trying to fit me into this mould and I’m…” Chloe took a breath. “She doesn’t get any more of me.”
Beca let out a shaky breath and pulled Chloe into her arms. “I’m so happy to hear you say that,” she said. “Your Mom, she… She terrifies me. It terrifies me what she can do to you. What she’s already done.”
“I didn’t even realise she was doing it,” Chloe said. “For the longest time, I thought that was what love was. She wasn’t all bad. She still isn’t. It’s hard to separate the bad from the good when everything she did was with a smile. It’s not like she yelled, or hit me, she just… Her tone of voice was always sweet and kind and then you’d suddenly feel like you’d been stabbed with something sharp and not know where it came from.”
“Abuse with a smile is still abuse,” Beca said, holding her tighter, scared she might suddenly slip away. 
“I don’t know that I’d call it abuse,” Chloe replied. “But, yeah, I know. It just… It makes it hard to hate her.” She swallowed and when she spoke again, her voice was watery. “I should… I need to tell her to stop. To give her one last chance to accept me as I am, or else I’m done.”
Beca ended their hug. She cupped Chloe’s face in her hands, mirroring their position from earlier, and she swept away the tears on her cheeks with her thumbs. “I don’t think she deserves a final chance,” Beca said. “But if you want to offer her one, then I’ll support you. I’ll do whatever you need me to.”
Chloe placed her hand on Beca’s arm and closed her eyes, savouring the feeling of being held. Of being loved.
“I know you will,” Chloe said. “Thank you. Thank you for being patient and for showing me what real love feels like.”
“Thank you for showing me the same.”
With a shaky breath, Chloe pulled out her phone. “I guess it’s now or never, right?”
Beca took hold of her hand. “I’m right here with you. I love you.”
Chloe squeezed her hand and closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a calm breath. “I love you too,” she said. She called her Mom’s number and held the phone to her ear. It felt like each ring lasted a lifetime, but then she finally answered.
“Hi Mom. I’ve got something I need to tell you.”
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Beca checked her phone again.
No new messages from Chloe since the “just got out of the plane heading towards u now” from approximately 20 minutes ago. It had been almost a year since the two had seen each other in person because Beca had started working with DJ Khaled and moved to LA. Leaving Chloe in their, now her, small New York apartment. The two FaceTimed and texted as much as their busy schedules allowed, but it wasn’t the same as being together in person. Luckily, they’ll be together soon. Beca’s waiting in the airport pick up area for her. Waiting for her best friend.
Beca’s phone buzzes on her thigh, breaking her from her thoughts.
She clicks on the notification, “I see you ur car walking over”
Beca quickly gets out of the car. As she rounds around the back of the car she sees a familiar redhead about 20 feet away. She’s dressed in a gray faded Braden University crew neck with green collar and cuffs, pink running shorts, and white converse that look like they’ve certainly been worn a bit.
Before Beca can even process that Chloe was here, in LA, HER Chloe, the woman in question runs toward her with her suitcase, stops it next to her, and throws her arms over Beca’s shoulders. She quickly returns the hug by holding her close by the waist and burrowing her head in between Chloe’s neck and shoulder. A few moments pass by, the two simply standing there with their arms around each other.
“I’ve missed you so much, Becs.” Chloe whispers into the other woman’s hair.
Beca tightens her hold on her and replies;
“I’ve missed you, too. Way more than you could ever know.”
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atotalpitch · 2 months
Just a few Bechloe asks for you, no pressure to answer them all if you don't want to, you can answer whichever ones you wish! I just love hearing people talk about their thoughts on Bechloe 😄
What are their favourite things about each other?
When did they both realise they had feelings for each other/who fell first?
When did they actually confess to each other/who started the conversation/was there anything that lead to it?
If they were to get married, who would propose to who?
What's their favourite food/drinks?
What's each of their favourite thing(s) to do together?
it is also five in the morning, now closer to six, as i answer this. please dont come @ me if what i say is not coherent in any shape or form
What are their favourite things about each other? beca: she LOVES chloe’s voice. it literally Does Things to her no matter if chloe’s speaking or singing (or anything else... wink wink). it’s definitely in her top 5 things that she loves the most about her. the other four? that’s for her and her only to know. chloe: she cannot pick a favourite thing, even the thought of it makes her so overwhelmed she wants to cry because she Loves her so much it sometimes physically pains her. though if she was hold on gunpoint, she’d probably say beca’s height as a first instinct. she likes her pocket sized girlfriend
When did they both realise they had feelings for each other/who fell first? beca: she fell first. it took her Forever to realize that she was actually In Love With Her Best Friend, but it was somewhere along her junior year probably. chloe: she fell harder. she knew she was into beca the second she laid her eyes on her at the activity fair, after that it just went downhill rapidly. she realized she had actually developed feelings after they graduated.
When did they actually confess to each other/who started the conversation/was there anything that lead to it? so it was actually beca who started the conversation out of the blue on a completely random Saturday evening when they were getting ready at their shoebox apartment. she just straight up asked “do you like me?” and that’s where it started. she was maybe probably Definitely drunk at that point, but nobody needs to know that. chloe was the first one to fully confess.
If they were to get married, who would propose to who? they’d have one of those insanely emotional double proposals, but chloe would drop on one knee first. they go on like a Cheesy romcom vacation, where both have plans to pop The Ring. chloe’s just somehow first, then they both cry, beca proposes too, and they cry more. 
What's their favourite food/drinks? beca: she likes any kind of food, but her favourite is seafood in any form. she loves it all. if you were to ask specifically, then sushi or squid rings. her favourite drink is anything legal with caffeine chloe: she also Loves food, almost as much as she loves beca. and even though she eats all kinds of fancy food on a daily basis, her favourite is just plain pasta with tomato sauce and shredded mozzarella. her absolute number one drink is guava juice which she hasn’t yet found in the states. What's each of their favourite thing(s) to do together?
cuddling. like, yeah. just cuddling. i don’t have any brain capacity left for a more creative answer so take that as you will.
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thehypotensivegrad · 3 months
The Adviser (32/45) | Bechloe Mafia AU
Chapter preview - read the rest on ao3
Beca stirred gently awake, blinking away the lethargy of a dreamless sleep. It's been that way for the past few days, and perhaps it would be that was for a while. Still, she was careful with her movements, not wanting to wake up a slumbering Chloe next to her.
She stayed still for a few minutes, taking in the view of her bland room in her apartment at Barden Tower, her mind still processing all that had happened over a week ago now. Beca took comfort in the arms around her waist, of the weight of the person pressed up against her, telling her she wasn't alone in all of this. In a way, it was Chloe's arms, her presence, that had held her together through the wake and funeral. She never thought it would be this hard, saying goodbye to her father, when she spent so long conflicted about her feelings about him. Perhaps it was the tragedy of it all, that just when she's finally sorted her heart out, when the glimpse of hope of reconciliation, and bittersweet memories of whatever days they could still share was there within her reach, it all had to be torn away.
The pain of regret stung deeply in her bleeding heart. This grief would not pass gently and quietly, she knew that.
But Chloe never abandoning her for one moment, never leaving her side, staying with her every night even when it was just to cry – for both of them, because Chloe had such a soft heart – to sleep, soothed her heartache, even just a little bit.
Chloe was the sun in her dark days. She was the only one who managed to get through to her, especially when it came to her father, and for whatever little comfort those precious last days she managed to spend together with him – days she didn't even knew would be the last – she would forever be thankful to Chloe for.
Beca carefully extracted herself from Chloe, not wanting to disturb her, and sat down the edge of her bed. Her eyes landed on the letter by her bedside, a letter she had read multiple times over. On the side of her bed, hanging on the corner of her headboard, was the scarf her father knitted for her. She smiled sadly, as her hands trailed over the scarf. This was not how he had thought it would make it to Beca, and this was not how Beca thought she'd read the letter and found out the truth that her father knew all along, and yet here they were.
In a way she was glad. He had entrusted his final gift to Chloe, and it was Chloe who wrapped it around Beca when she finally came clean about it the night following his death. Beca couldn't imagine herself falling apart again the way she did in front of Chloe to anyone else. Chloe simply understood, yet again, even without the need for words, what she needed. How she wanted to be held, how she didn't need comforting words, but just soothing arms around her to let her cry and process her feelings the way she best knew how.
Chloe didn't judge. She was simply there to be what Beca needed. She simply listened as Beca rambled on about how stupid she was. About how silly her father was.
They could have just dropped the act all along. But that's too late now. So much time was wasted, memories never made, love and forgiveness unsaid and lost because of what? The fear to face the truth?
Regret is the most painful thing in life. No matter how much Beca has of it, she'll never be able to turn back time. All she can do is make do of what she was given, of the time she managed to steal away with him back in her life, imperfect as it was.
Now she'd have to keep longing for her father's warm embrace at their reunion for the rest of her life, Chicago's brutality and lack of honor made sure of that.
And nothing would satisfy Beca's need for vengeance until he has felt the same pain he had dealt.
Three days, Beca processed her emotions for three days. She spent the following four sorting her thoughts and feelings, with Chloe. But the plans she made? Her grand designs? Her schemes? That's all in her head for the moment.
She'll tell them what they needed to know to carry out her plans when they need to know it.
Perhaps, the reason why she took a week before she summoned her allies again was for this very reason.
No more playing games, the next steps they take required cold hard precision. She told Chloe once to harden her heart, and Beca did the same for herself. But she still miscalculated the amount of ruthlessness she needed to use to pursue their enemies. She won't make that same mistake twice.
But to do that…
Beca glanced back at Chloe, still peacefully sleeping.
She knew what she had to do to enact her justice. But like everything, it will inevitably require a price to pay. Beca was a creature of the underworld, she can't afford to love. Her father was a prime example of what happens when someone like her loves someone.
Beca smiled at Chloe wistfully. If things had gone a different path, then perhaps…
Perhaps she wouldn't need to give anything up.
Because if she wanted to protect her now that she's seen and known how far Chicago was willing to go, Beca knew she can't afford to love. Because that it was, the feeling that Chloe evoked in her heart. That peace, warmth, and happiness she brought Beca.
To do what she must, she had to give up her love.
Beca wished there was another way. In fact, she tried all other ways, but now they've forced her hand.
Babel will pay.
DSM, the Kommissar, and most of all Chicago.
They will know what it means to pay.
But if Beca was honest, she knew she wasn't willing to pay the price of her vengeance. She knew very well what the path before her now entailed. She can't have it all, and something will inevitably have to give. But Beca didn't want to give Chloe up.
Her heart already felt like dying at even the thought of it.
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Chapter Three of Beautiful Mistakes is out!
Chapter: 3/? Fandom: Pitch Perfect (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Beca Mitchell/Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell & Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell/OC Character Characters: Chloe Beale, Beca Mitchell, Aubrey Posen, Stacie Conrad, OC Character, Tommy (Pitch Perfect), Jesse Swanson, Tammy OC Additional Tags: Roommates, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Love/Hate, Original Character(s), Bechloe AU, Hate to Love, Eventual Smut, Eventual Sex, Eventual Romance, Smut, Roommates Who Hate Each Other, Inspired by GIFs Summary: When her roommate graduates and leaves, Chloe can't afford the place on her own. Apparently, asking Tommy if he knows someone who is looking for an apartment was a bad idea, because he comes back with that smartass from Activities Fair.
Inspired by this gifset by @captainpeachperfect
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ferretboy74 · 1 year
Bechloe Week: Day One - 20 Years
For Bechloe Week 2023. Day One: Reunion
Beca writes Chloe a note telling her everything. Professing her love. Nothing happens. Lots of stories have Beca as the clueless one, or the one dragging her feet. Also it is common to see the two drift apart. This one doesn't do either of those things. After 20 Years of spending life together, will the Bellas' Reunion change things between the two women?
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kailoraurelius · 2 years
What are ur headcanons for bechloe as a couple 🤔
Oooh okay. Ummmm. I don't think about their movie versions much these days lol gotta think. Lemme see if I can keep this organized.
1. Beca big spoons fairly often, but in a little spoon kinda way. Like she tucks her face down against Chloe’s shoulders, instead of being level with her. It's very cute.
2. Beca initiates touch with her friends pretty regularly in the movies, but I think once she and Chloe got together, there would be a brief period where she didn't initiate touch with Chloe in front of other people quite as much. And there would have to be a "hey, you know you can hold my hand or whatever in front of the others" kinda conversation where Beca admits she has slacked off because she fears she won't be able to keep her hands off Chloe at all now that she's allowed to reach out more.
3. Beca sleeps on right side of the bed. Chloe is supposed to sleep on the left, but she usually ends up more in the middle than on her side.
4. Chloe’s parents are super chill and helped Chloe pay for all those extra years of college. At first, they were just like "oh baby, failed. It's okay, you got it this time." Then they met the new Bellas, and especially Beca, and they went "ah ha. Okay, go get her, tiger!" And happily helped with the next few years too. Biggest Bechloe stans. They threw a literal party when the couple became official.
What number am I on, 5, okay: Chloe is a morning jog and shower person and Beca is a "I will put on my eyeliner and fix my hair, but otherwise I am not actually awake until noon" person. Chloe slips out of bed every morning with a soft kiss on Beca’s temple and usually returns from her jog right as Beca is leaving the house, where she gets a real, somewhat grumpy kiss goodbye.
(Note: If I have written Beau instead of Beca anywhere, it's because I've been talking a lot about Beau from Critical Role recently and I am not going back to fix it lmfao)
6. Beca likes to nap facedown on the couch after long days and Chloe will put on TV and lie on top of her like a weighted blanket.
7. Chloe cries the first time Beca calls her "my girlfriend" and Beca, mortified and horrible with crying people, starts saying it as often as possible so Chloe will quickly get used to it and not cry anymore. About a year later, they're laughing about how adorable and ridiculous it was and Beca off-handedly says, "I mean, what're you gonna do when I call you 'my wife' one day, dude? Fall apart?" And Chloe cries even harder. And then spends the morning making Beca incredibly late for work.
I think that's all I have atm! This was a super fun question to wake up to and now I gotta go write more fanfic of them. ✍️ Thank you!
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Rating: T Chapter 8/? Pairings: Bechloe (slowburn) Chapter Summary: In the aftermath of the explosion at the collision, the ED braces itself for more than just patients as mistakes are made and walls are put up. Winter storms bring many things, but no-one sees the danger in their own home until it is far too late.
Distracting myself from the fact that my life fell apart earlier this week and idk what's happening next by writing fic, so have a new med au chapter! Now I'm not moving out, I've got plenty of time to update stuff so let's see what else I can churn out 🤡🤡🤡
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emipumpkin · 2 years
Please check out my wattpad story! It’s based of Bechloe, I update it every few days:)
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massivedrickhead · 1 year
Bechloe Week Day 3: Lost/Stranded
Words: 1771
Notes: Again, I probably went a little heavier than I initially intended because apparently that's all I can do, but I hope you enjoy anyway!
Read on AO3
“Hey, it’s Chloe, I’m sorry to call so late,” Chloe said, as soon as she heard Beca’s mumbled greeting upon answering the phone. 
“S’okay,” Beca said, stifling a yawn as she rubbed a hand over her face. “What’s up? Are you okay?”
“I, um, I’m kinda stuck,” Chloe said, and Beca could hear the cringe of embarrassment in her voice. “I’m, like, stranded.”
“What do you mean?” Beca asked, briefly holding the phone away from her ear so she could check the time. It was a little after 1 am. “Where are you?” 
“That gas station on 35 I think.”
“Is that the one with the all-night diner that does those hash browns we like?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said. “Chicago was driving me home from our date and we had a fight and I made him pull over.”
“Are you okay?” Beca asked, suddenly feeling much more awake. “Is he still there?”
“No, he left,” Chloe said. “My phone is dead, the waitress in the diner let me use their phone, and yours is the only number I know by heart. Could you call me a cab or an Uber or something? I’ll pay you back.”
“Are you kidding? Look, just stay in the diner, I’m coming to get you,” Beca said. She pulled a coat over her pyjamas and shoved on her shoes, the phone held in the crook of her neck. She hesitated for a second and grabbed a second coat from the hooks hanging by her apartment door. 
“Bec, you don’t need to do that,” Chloe said. “It’s late.”
“It is late. And you’re a woman alone at a gas station in the middle of the night. I’m coming to get you.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said, the relief in her voice palpable. “You’re a lifesaver.” 
Beca thought murderer might have been a more apt title for when she was done with Chicago, but she didn’t think saying that would help the situation.
“I won’t be long, okay?”
“Okay,” Chloe said. She hung up the phone and gave a grateful smile to the waitress. “Thank you,” she said. “I promise, next time I’m passing this way I’ll stop in and give you guys the biggest tip I can afford.”
The waitress waved her off with a smile. “Don’t mention it,” she said, before moving down to the other end of the counter to pour coffee for some truckers.
Chloe spun in a slow circle in her chair until she was facing the entrance of the diner. She wished her phone was charged so she could at least distract herself. She was cold and tired, and she felt the beginnings of a headache forming behind her eyes. She already regretted the third glass of wine with dinner.
She rubbed her fingers into her tired eyes - no longer caring about smudging her mascara - and prepared herself to defend Chicago to Beca.
She knew he didn’t actually deserve defending - not this time - but she prepared the arguments in her head anyway.
He had a long day. Work has been really stressful for him. Money is tight. I insisted we go to this particular restaurant. I was too friendly to our server and it gave him the wrong idea.
Her shoulders sagged as she thought about all the excuses she was going to offer for him and, not for the first time since she’d put it on, her eyes fell to the engagement ring on her finger and she felt a ripple of doubt.
Was this really the way she wanted the rest of her life to be? 
Chloe was broken out of her thoughts by the squeak of the diner door being pushed open. 
She saw Beca scan the diner until her eyes fell on Chloe, and she seemed to deflate with relief.
Chloe climbed down from the chair and walked quickly towards her best friend.
“Thank you so much for this Bec,” she said. She saw Beca had shoved her coat and shoes on over her pyjamas, and in her hand she held a second coat.
“Here,” Beca said. “You never bring a jacket with you.”
“You’re the best,” Chloe said, gratefully pulling the coat on over her dress. She turned to the waitress who had looked up from her conversation. “Thank you again for letting me use the phone.”
“No problem, get home safe,” she said.
“Thank you for keeping an eye on her,” Beca said, and the pair left the diner and were soon climbing into Beca’s car. “Are you okay?” She asked, turning on the engine and cranking the heat.
“Yeah,” Chloe said. I am now you’re here, she thought. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
“You don’t need to keep thanking me,” Beca said. “I couldn’t have just left you there. I’m glad you called.”
“Yeah, me too,” she said. She absentmindedly twisted the engagement ring around her finger as she let her head come to rest on the window. 
“Do you want me to take you home, or do you want to crash at mine?” Beca asked. 
Chloe swallowed. She didn’t want to go home. Not tonight. She was too tired for another fight. “I… I don’t really want to see him right now.”
“Okay,” Beca said. “I have a charger in my glovebox if you want to plug your phone in. You can text him to let him know, in case he’s worried about you.”
“Thanks,” Chloe said, taking the wire and plugging it in. It took a few minutes before her phone came back to life. She wasn’t surprised when she saw there was nothing new from Chicago. She knew she should expect radio silence from now until she apologised.
She fired off a quick text to him saying she was staying at Beca’s, and then she put her phone away. She knew if anything this would make him more pissed, but she also knew if she stayed silent she’d be blamed for making him worry. 
“So,” Beca said, trying not to sound angry when she spoke, “he left you alone at the gas station? With no money, and no phone?”
“He, um, he didn’t know my phone was dead,” Chloe said, realising it was a pathetic defence as she said it.
“Oh, I guess he’s off the hook then,” Beca said. “Fiance of the year.” 
“Please don’t make me have to defend him,” Chloe said. “I don’t have the energy for it.”
“Why on Earth would you defend him right now? Anything could have happened to you,” Beca said. 
Chloe had expected Beca to sound angry, but when she spoke Chloe realised that she was scared. Beca was right, anything could have happened to her. 
Why wasn’t Chicago scared about that? 
Why hadn’t he tried to call or text? Why didn’t he care if she was okay?
“I’m not going to go on about it,” Beca said. “I just… Whatever you might have done, whatever argument you guys were having, it doesn’t justify this. He put your safety at risk and… I dunno. I dunno how you come back from that.”
They were silent for a little while longer until Chloe spoke again.
“I laughed at our server’s joke,” Chloe said. “That’s what I did.”
Beca pulled into her parking spot at her apartment building, but neither made a move to get out of the car. It had started raining, and the only sounds were the low white noise of the car heater, and the wipers moving against the windshield.
Beca didn’t speak, but when she looked across at Chloe she saw tears in her eyes.
“I had all these excuses ready for him, but all I did was laugh at this stranger’s joke. That was enough to make him feel threatened enough to start screaming at me on the highway. I made him pull into the gas station because I was scared. He wasn’t paying attention to the road and I was scared he was going to crash,” Chloe said, wiping her eyes with her hand. “I got out of the car as soon as he stopped and he just drove off. He hasn’t called or anything. This isn’t… He was so… He was the perfect gentleman when we got together. So sweet and attentive and kind and now… It’s like I don’t even recognise him anymore. This wasn’t what our life together was meant to look like, and I feel so… Lost. I feel like I made a mistake”
Beca reached across the car and took Chloe’s hand. “Whatever you decide to do, I’m here for you, okay? No matter what. If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me for as long as you want.”
Leave him, Beca wanted to scream. Leave him before he really hurts you.
But she knew she couldn’t push Chloe into this.
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “Can we go inside? I’m really tired.”
“Of course,” Beca said. 
They rode the elevator up to Beca’s apartment in silence, and when they got inside Beca got her some water, makeup wipes, and a pair of pyjamas. She even insisted that Chloe take her bed.
Chloe couldn’t remember the last time someone had taken care of her like this.
“For what it’s worth,” Beca said, hovering in the doorway before she went to go lie down on the sofa, “you deserve to be treated better than this. You deserve something infinitely better than this. Get some sleep, okay?”
Chloe sniffed again and wiped her eyes. “Bec? Can you please stay?”
“Yeah,” Beca said, smiling as she climbed into the other side of the bed. “I can stay.”
Chloe was still sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the ring on her finger. With a shuddering breath, she pulled it off and set it on Beca’s nightstand. She settled back down onto the bed, feeling like a weight was being lifted off her shoulders.
“Can you drive me home tomorrow?” She asked, her back to Beca as she stared at the ring.
“Of course,” Beca said, her heart sinking. It’s her choice, if she wants to go back to him, she told herself. All you can do is be there for her.
“I need to give Chicago his ring back,” Chloe said. “Could I… Do you think I could stay with you for a little while?”
Beca swallowed and tried not to cry through sheer relief. “Of course,” she said.
Chloe turned away from the ring and pulled Beca into a hug.
“You might have saved my life tonight, Beca,” she said. 
“You saved it,” Beca said. “I just provided the getaway car.”
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022
Day 21 - (We Will Not Be Having) A Green-Eyed Monster Christmas Wedding
Follow-up to I'll Have A Green-Eyed Monster Christmas (Chapter 26 from the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2019). 
A year after becoming engaged, Beca and Chloe are planning their Christmas Wedding. Chloe wants to invite everyone (including Chicago) from the dance studio to the wedding. Beca is none too happy about Chicago being invited, especially since he's still up to his old tricks of trying to get with Chloe.
Last Christmas, Beca proposed to Chloe, and Chloe said yes. They are planning a Christmas wedding this year and were discussing their guest lists. Beca had just seen Chloe's guest list and was none too happy about one of the people on the list.
"You're still planning to invite Chicago even after I explicitly said I don't want him there," Beca said. "Why?"
"I'm inviting everyone else from the studio," Chloe said for what felt like the hundredth time. "It wouldn't feel right not inviting him, too."
"You know I hate the guy," Beca said. "It's my wedding, too, and I don't want him there."
"It won't matter because he'll probably decline the invitation," Chloe said, shrugging.
"No, he won't," Beca said. "He'll be there, and he'll hit on you like he always does because you won't stop him."
"Beca," Chloe said. "I can't keep having this same argument with you. It doesn't matter what he wants or does. I'm marrying you, not him."
"You keep saying that," Beca said. "And yet he still does everything he can to get under my skin. And you still have done nothing to stop him."
"Beca," Chloe said. "Let's not do this now."
"You're right," Beca said. "Let's not."
Beca grabbed her jacket and stormed out of the kitchen. She left Chloe's apartment, slamming the door behind her.
"Dammit!" Chloe mumbled as she flopped back in her seat.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
Beca was angry as she drove off. But, after a few minutes, she calmed down and called Stacie.
"Hey, Beca," Stacie said. "I thought you and Chloe were doing wedding stuff today."
"We were," Beca said. "But, we can't get past her guest list. Did you know she's still planning to invite Chicago? She knows I hate that guy, but insists on inviting him anyway."
"Come here; we can talk," Stacie said.
Beca hesitated but then said, "I can be there in ten."
"See you then," Stacie said. "And be careful."
"I will," Beca said.
"Beca and Chloe are arguing again," Stacie told Aubrey when she ended the call. "Beca is coming here so we can talk."
"What are they arguing about now?" Aubrey asked.
"The same thing they've been arguing about for almost a year," Stacie said. "Chicago. Apparently, Chloe is still planning to invite him to the wedding."
Aubrey shook her head. "I don't know why. She knows Beca doesn't like him or want him there."
"I know that," Stacie said. "But Chloe doesn't seem to care about that.'
"That's not true," Aubrey said. "She loves Beca with every fiber of her being."
"I know she loves her," Stacie said. "But, if she cared so much about what Beca wants, why does she keep pushing Chicago on Beca when she knows how much Beca hates the guy?"
Aubrey crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know."
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
Beca was much calmer by the time she finished talking with Stacie and Aubrey. Aubrey had made one valid point that Beca could get behind. Aubrey suggested Chicago kept hitting on Chloe because he knew it would bug Beca. She then suggested that Beca should ignore him when he does that.
Beca agreed and decided to go talk to Chloe and apologize for her earlier behavior.
Chloe was surprised to open the door and find Beca standing there.
"Can we talk?" Beca asked.
"Come in," Chloe said, a bit wary that the talk would lead to more arguing about Chicago.
Beca entered the apartment and followed Chloe into the living room. Chloe sat on the sofa, and Beca sat next to her.
"I want to start by apologizing," Beca said. "I'm sorry for storming out on you. And I'm sorry I let Chicago get under my skin. I know it's not an excuse, but I was jealous."
"Jealous?" Chloe asked. "You have no reason to be jealous. Especially of him. I love you and only you!"
"I love you, too," Beca said. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again; I trust you, I don't trust him. And I promise I am not going to let him get to me anymore."
Beca sighed and took Chloe's hand in hers.
"I'm sorry for making things difficult. You know you can invite whoever you want to the wedding whether I like them or not, right? I should be excited over the fact that we are planning our wedding and that you and I will become partners for life. Can you forgive me for being an idiot?"
"I can forgive you as long as you can forgive me," Chloe said, pulling Beca to her. "I'm really sorry about the whole thing with Chicago."
"Let's not give him another thought," Beca said, kissing Chloe. "Let's talk about the wedding. Do you want to talk about our guest list or something else?"
"Let's talk about our dresses," Chloe said, smiling at Beca. "I've scheduled my mom and Aubrey to look at wedding dresses with me in two weeks. Maybe you and Stacie should make plans to look for yours soon as well."
"Why can't I look at dresses with you?" Beca asked.
"Because it's bad luck to see your bride's dress before the wedding," Chloe said.
"I thought that was only meant for the groom," Beca said, smirking. "What's the rule when there are two brides?"
"It still applies," Chloe chuckled. "Nice try, though."
Beca chuckled as well but then became serious.
"I asked my mom about going with me to look for a dress," Beca said. "But, she still doesn't accept that I'm marrying a woman and said no. She also said not to look for her to be at the wedding."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Chloe said, getting up and going into the kitchen.
Beca watched Chloe leave with a furrowed brow. Chloe came back a moment later carrying a pen and the guest list. She sat next to Beca and held up the list.
"I already crossed Chicago's name off the guest list," Chloe said. "Do you want to cross off your mother's name, or shall I?"
"I'll do it," Beca said, taking the pen and making a line through her mother's name. "Thank you."
"Is there anyone else we need to remove?" Chloe asked.
"Not that I can think of," Beca said.
"Good," Chloe said, straddling Beca's lap and putting her arms around Beca's neck. "Now let's talk about whether you're spending the night with me here tonight or if I'm spending the night with you at your house."
"I thought we were discussing the wedding," Beca said, kissing Chloe's neck.
"We can do that, too," Chloe said, nibbling on Beca's ear.
Beca moaned and said, "I don't have anything to wear for tomorrow. Grab your stuff, and we'll go to my house."
"Good idea," Chloe said, kissing Beca before moving off her. "I'll be ten minutes."
Beca smiled as she watched Chloe walk away.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
After Beca promised not to let Chicago get to her anymore, she was happier than ever. Even on days when she went to the dance studio to have lunch with Chloe or pick her up to take her home when Chloe finished work, Beca would smile politely at Chicago and then ignore his blatant attempts at flirting with Chloe.
The wedding was just a few weeks away, and Beca and Stacie were at their final fitting for their dresses. Stacie had just finished changing into street clothes and was waiting for Beca to put on her dress.
Beca looked in the mirror and smiled.
"It looks amazing," Beca mumbled as she ran her hand down the dress. "Wait until Chloe gets a load of me in this."
"Come on, Beca," Stacie called from outside the dressing room. "Let me see how it looks."
"Coming," Beca said, exiting the dressing room.
"Wow!" Stacie said and whistled. "If I wasn't so in love with Brey, I might make a move on you."
"What do you think Chloe will say about it?"
"Probably nothing," Stacie said, quickly adding, "She'll be rendered speechless."
Beca turned to look at herself in the three-paneled mirror behind her. She turned this way and that to see how she looked from every angle.
"Yep," Stacie said. "You'll definitely render her speechless."
Beca nodded her head and continued to look in the mirror.
"I can't wait for our wedding day."
"Get changed," Stacie said. "We're supposed to meet Brey and Chloe for lunch."
"I'll be right out," Beca said, returning to the dressing room.
~~ 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases 2022 ~~
It was finally Christmas, which also meant it was Beca and Chloe's wedding day. The two brides were in the 'bride's rooms' at the church, each with their Maid of Honor attending to them.
"How is it that I'm nervous, and you're the one getting married?" Stacie asked Beca as she did her makeup.
"I know this is going to be one of the best days of my life," Beca said. "Chloe completes me. I know that's a movie reference, but I don't know from what movie. I just know it fits this situation."
"Beca, are you ready?" Aubrey asked as she entered the room.
"I'm all set," Beca said, standing and smoothing her dress.
"Wow, Beca," Aubrey said. "That dress is amazing. Wait until Chloe gets a load of you in that."
"How is she doing?" Beca asked.
"She's nervous," Aubrey said. "And excited."
"I know the feeling," Beca said. "Stacie, could you let my dad know I'm ready?"
"I will," Stacie said. "Come on, Brey. I'll walk you back to Chloe's room."
The two left, and Beca stood alone, waiting for her father.
"Beca?" Dr. Mitchell said from the doorway. "They're waiting for us."
"Let's not keep them waiting," Beca said, walking over to her father and taking his offered arm.
"You look amazing, by the way," Dr. Mitchell said as they walked to the door they would use to enter the chapel.
"Thanks," Beca said. "So do you."
"You ready for this, Beca?" Stacie asked from her place in front of Beca and her father.
"More than ready," Beca said. "Let's do this."
The traditional wedding march began, and the doors to the chapel opened. Stacie slowly made her way down the aisle as Beca and her father waited in the doorway. Beca's breath hitched when she looked past Stacie to see Chloe standing on the altar with Aubrey.
The music changed slightly, and Dr. Mitchell began to lead Beca down the aisle. Beca's eyes met Chloe's; Chloe smiled and winked at her.
Beca's eyes never left Chloe's as she made her way to the steps leading up to the altar. Leading up to Chloe.
Chloe reached out a hand as Beca took her place and stood face-to-face with Chloe.
If anyone were to ask Beca about how she felt standing up to exchange vows with Chloe, she would not have been able to answer. Once she looked directly into Chloe's eyes, everything around her disappeared. She did not see anyone or anything but Choe.
"I now pronounce you married," the officiant said, bringing Beca out of the spell she had fallen under. "You may kiss your bride."
Chloe giggled and pulled Beca to her, crashing their lips together in the first kiss as a married couple.
The kiss ended, and Beca hugged Chloe, muttering. "Merry Christmas. I love you."
"I love you, too," Chloe whispered, pulling out of the hug. She threw up her arms and yelled, "Woo Hoo! It's official, we're married!"
The crowd laughed and clapped as the newly married couple left the altar and, holding hands, started down the aisle to begin their new life together.
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atotalpitch · 2 months
First random thought that comes to your mind when I say Bechloe? :D
im sorry. but like, that and Titanium.
if we go past those and to actually coherent thoughts, the first thing i think of is a collection of scenes from fanfiction i’ve read over the years. theres so much i can’t even tell them apart but they basically form The Entire Image i have of bechloe
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cheeyathebard · 2 years
Creatures of the Night
Hi Friends, this one features the Vampire!Chloe and Slayer!Beca characters from my Bechloe Drabbles fic. Enjoy!
  “It’s a good thing you’re the slayer,” Chloe said as she kissed her way slowly down her lover’s bare back.
 Beca was lying on her front, chin resting on her crossed arms as she relaxed into the soft pillows on the vampire’s four-poster bed. “Said no other vampire ever,” she chuckled. “I’m really glad you got your soul back.”
 Chloe grinned. “No, I meant... I love how we get to sleep together during the day.” They’d been dating for a few months now and had fallen into a comfortable routine together.
 “Mmm...” Beca flipped onto her back and wrapped her arms around the beautiful redhead, pulling her closer to kiss her. “I have a question about that. How come no one ever questions why you don’t take day shifts at the clinic?”
 “I’m the boss,” Chloe shrugged. “Plus, none of the other vets have to work nights except for once in a blue moon when I take a night off, so I don’t think they question it.”
 “Makes sense,” the slayer mused. She ran her fingers gently through Chloe’s hair, smiling as the vampire growled softly. “God, that’s sexy,” she murmured, feeling her body respond with heavy arousal. “You do that on purpose to turn me on, don’t you?”
 “Maybe...” the vampire winked impishly. “Because, honestly, I can’t keep my hands off you.” It was times like this that her sweet Georgia accent made Beca melt.
 The brunette laughed, clapping a hand over her mouth. “Jesus... are all creatures of the night as horny as you are, Beale? Not that I’m complaining in the least!”
 “I'm not a representative of ALL creatures of the night...” Chloe protested gently. “But sex is a big thing for vampires. Sex, blood and causing chaos are about the only things vamps can really take pleasure from. Otherwise, our lives are long and boring, you know?”
 “I take it not all vampires hold down a full-time job the way you do?” the slayer asked thoughtfully.
 “Very few do actually,” the redhead shrugged. She nuzzled her lover’s neck, breathing in her scent as she cupped her breasts and caressed gently, sending waves of pleasure from her nipples to her clit. “But you know I’m different. I’m not one for causing chaos these days.”
 “Mmmmm...” Beca moaned softly as Chloe’s fangs scraped gently along her skin. “If you’re hungry, go ahead,” she said then with a smile.
 “Thanks, but it’s ok,” the vampire sighed. “I just like hearing how your blood rushes faster when I do that.” She giggled then. “Admit it. You totally have a fang fetish!”
 “Do not!” the slayer exclaimed indignantly at the same time as acknowledging to herself that it might in fact be true, when it came to Chloe. The best orgasms she’d ever experienced had been when her lover was feeding from her while her fingers were inside her.
 “I believe you, millions wouldn’t,” the redhead chuckled. Beca loved the way the vampire's fangs made her speech sound slightly lisped. It was ridiculously cute. She was about to draw her lover in for another kiss when there was a sudden thudding against the front door of the basement apartment. Chloe listened, tilting her head, then sighed heavily. “Shit.”
 “What is it?” the slayer asked.
 “It’s Aubrey, my... um...” Chloe swallowed, face turning deadly serious. “You should go out the back, Beca.”
 “Oh my God. Chloe, are you married? Or dating someone else?” Beca asked, halfway between upset and indignant.
 The thudding was louder now.
 “No, of course not,” the vampire refuted as she got out of bed and pulled on a shirt and jeans. “Aubrey and I aren’t together anymore. She’s my sire, Beca, and if she finds you here, she’ll kill you. You need to get out now.”
 “Too late,” a voice purred from the doorway and Chloe whirled to find her maker watching them with her arms folded, face fully transformed into the demon she was. “You made dinner, Chlo. How thoughtful.”
 Aubrey lunged forward but Chloe moved faster than a blink of an eye to put herself in front of Beca, catching her by the shoulders and stopping her dead. “Back off, Aubs,” she said, holding her hands up then, but not yet morphing.
 The blonde tutted unhappily. “Getting your soul back really has turned you into an unsufferable bore, Beale.”
 “I can take care of myself, Chloe,” Beca said evenly as she quickly pulled her own clothes on and got her stake out, holding it tightly in her hand.
 “Oooohhhh.... Oh my God... is this...? You’re fucking the slayer?” Aubrey laughed incredulously. “Wow, I’m almost but not quite five steps away from being impressed.” She perched her hands on her hips. “She’s so tiny though. I thought she’d be bigger than just a bite. Do you have to ration her?”
 “I’m more than enough to handle you,” the slayer spat, but Chloe glanced back, making big eyes at her.
 “Not helping, Beca,” she sing-songed tightly. Then she turned back to her friend. “Listen... I know how this looks but... this isn’t just... I care about her, Aubrey. A lot.”
 The blonde laughed and shook her head. “She’s a human, Chloe! And the slayer! Do your kind a great service… Kill her!”
 “NO!” the redhead exclaimed as her face fully morphed into its heavy-browed version. “I’m NOT going to hurt her and I’m NOT going to let YOU hurt her either!”
 “Chloe, let me take her down!” the slayer said angrily.
 “No, Beca! I’m not going to let you hurt Aubrey either. She's my best friend!”
 The trio glared at each other, but Beca finally eased back, her feelings for Chloe making the decision for her. God, it was complicated. “Alright,” she said, holding up her hands and then pushing her stake into her back pocket. “Let’s just talk.”
 “There’s nothing to talk about,” Aubrey said, folding her arms stubbornly and looking away. “You have twenty-four hours, Chloe. Choose. And if you choose her, you BOTH die.”
 “Aubrey, wait,” the redhead begged as her friend turned and walked away. “Please?”
 “Choose, Chlo,” Aubrey demanded from the doorway, then blinked away.
 “Fuck,” Chloe sighed as she dropped heavily onto the bed, face morphing back to fully human. “She’s as stubborn as a cat.”
 “That was Aubrey Posen, right?” Beca asked softly as she sat down and put her arm around her lover’s shoulders. “She’s over six hundred years old.”
 “Yeah,” the vampire nodded, pushing her hair back and resting her forearms on her thighs. “She was already very old when I was a newborn. She’s very powerful.”
 There was quiet between them for a long moment, then Beca cleared her throat softly. “You have to break up with me, don’t you.” It wasn't really a question. “We have to go back to being enemies.”
 “Don’t do that,” Chloe said gently. “Don’t be selfless. I don’t want you to be. Don’t you want to fight for us?”
 “Of COURSE I do,” Beca replied. “But I’m not the only one in this relationship and you’ve known Aubrey much longer than...”
 Chloe held up a hand. “Aubrey will just have to get over it because... because, I’m in love with you and I don’t want to break up,” she stated calmly. There was another beat of silence. “I don’t expect you to say it back, but I want you to know how I...”
 But Beca’s lips silenced her as she kissed her wantonly. “I don’t ever want to lose you,” the slayer whispered then as she cupped the redhead’s face between her palms and searched her eyes. “I love you too much to survive it.” Then she smiled teasingly. “Wait... you’re not glamouring me, are you?”
 Chloe couldn’t help but laugh at the familiar joke between them. “No, you fell in love with me all on your own.” She sobered then. “Listen, I’ll talk to Aubrey and make her understand.”
 “And if you can’t?” Beca asked worriedly.
 The vampire looked away; eyes distant. “Then she and I will fight.”
 Chloe had, despite Beca’s argument that she was the slayer and well able to take care of herself, walked her girlfriend home after dark before heading out to her Barden clinic. The vampire had been a vet for a very long time and owned several practices around the United States that she regularly visited. It was a large part of her fortune, and she had trustworthy managers at each one to run things for her when she wasn’t there. She was also licensed to practice veterinary medicine in many states. It was a lot of upkeep but worth it. She could take the certification renewal exams in her sleep at this point.
 She was walking past the Barden Cemetery when a voice she knew as well as her own made her slow down and chuckle. Her best friend was so cliché at times.
 “I know you think I’m being harsh,” Aubrey said as she stepped up to the fence and leaned against it, looking down at her manicure.
 Chloe shrugged nonchalantly. “No, I think you’re just being you. I get it, Aubs. We’re vampires and we’re supposed to eat humans. You’re not wrong... but that’s just not me anymore, and it’s never going to change.”
 The blonde levitated over the fence and landed next to her friend. “I can smell it on you, you know.”
 “Smell what?” the redhead asked.
 “Love. There was a time I smelled it when you were with me.”
 Chloe looked away, shoving her hands into her pockets. “I get why you’re upset,” she finally said. “I never thought I’d ever feel this way again. I...” She sighed. “Getting my soul back was the most painful thing that ever happened to me, Aubrey, and I know we lost us because of it.” She looked back, meeting her best friend’s eyes solidly. “But being truly honest, for me, losing Beca would be worse.”
 “But why her?” the blonde asked, lifting her hands in exasperation.
 “Why Samuel?” Chloe countered.
 “That’s not fair,” Aubrey growled.
 “How is it any different, Aubrey?!” the redhead demanded. “You fell in love with a human just like I fell in love with Beca.”
 “Yes, but I killed him,” the blonde said bitterly.
 “Because you had no choice,” the younger woman added, tone softer. “He was a hunter, and he was going to kill you after he found out what you were. Beca...”
 “IS THE SLAYER!” Aubrey stabbed a finger into her friend’s chest. “She’ll try to kill you sooner or later, Chlo.”
 “Is that what you’re worried about?” Chloe asked gently, taking her best friend's hand and holding it. “Beca loves me, Aubs. She’s not going to hurt me. We’ve been dating for months, and it’s been...”
 She stopped talking as Aubrey yanked her hand back and then grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. “Months?! This has been going on for months?!”
 Blue eyes filled with tears. “I love her, Aubrey. Please don’t try to take her away from me because I won’t let you and I don’t want to lose you either.”
 For a long moment, they stared at each other. Then the blonde tossed her friend away from her, as if she was nothing. “Love,” she spat, looking down at Chloe where she was sprawled on the ground. “Love never works out for creatures of the night, Chloe. Kill her... or I will.”
 Then Aubrey was gone before Chloe even had a chance to reply. She picked herself up off the ground, shaking her head as she dusted herself off. “I hate it when she does that,” she muttered, then turned to trudge the last mile to her clinic.
 “You know,” Beca sighed as she swung her legs back and forth. She was sitting on top of a mausoleum, waiting to slay newly risen vampires and chatting with her girlfriend on the phone. Chloe had told her about her encounter with Aubrey earlier in the evening. “She’s actually a terrible friend.”
 “She wasn’t always like that,” the redhead sighed. “She used to be uptight but fun. Now she’s just uptight and cruel and I don’t know how to help her.”
 “Were you like that… before?” Beca asked tentatively.
 “No…” Chloe sighed again. “I was a lot more chaotic but basically the same… but without the guilt.” She chuckled. “I was never really one for playing with my food.”
 The slayer heard yapping in the background. “Is that a puppy?” she asked.
 “It’s my lunch,” Chloe deadpanned, making her girlfriend gasp indignantly.
 “Not even in jest, Beale! You can’t make jokes about eating puppies like that!”
 “I’m sorry, Baby,” the vampire giggled. “I promise no puppies will be harmed in the making of my lunch.”
 “What are you having?” Beca asked curiously.
 “Nothing. I’m still full, from having you earlier,” Chloe replied. Beca could see the vampire’s eyebrow waggle in her mind’s eye.
 “Perv,” she teased.
 “You should have seen her a hundred years ago,” Aubrey suddenly said, stepping out of the darkness into the glow of the streetlight. “She made sailors blush.”
 “Uh… Chloe, I have to go. Aubrey’s here,” Beca said slowly, then hung up and shoved her phone into her pocket. “I assume you’re here to give me the shovel talk about not hurting your best friend, etcetera?”
 The blonde grinned a little. “I think we’re past that, don’t you? I know you have a plan to kill her. Why are you waiting? Are you trying to get information out of her first? Information about her six-hundred-year-old sire, maybe?”
 The brunette shook her head disbelievingly. “Um… paranoid much?” Blonde eyebrows lifted but the vampire just shrugged. “I didn’t even KNOW you were Chloe’s sire until the first time you and I met.”
 “Bullshit,” Aubrey chuckled. “I’m always the first vampire new slayers come after.”
 Beca shrugged this time. “My watcher is constantly telling me I need to study more, but I tend to focus on what’s around me to battle. I don’t care about vampires that aren’t here in Barden.” Her eyes narrowed then. “You should have stayed away, Aubrey, because now, I care about you.”
 The blonde scratched her head. “And... am I supposed to be afraid of you?” she asked, scoffing a little.
 “I think you shouldn’t underestimate her,” Chloe said as she skidded to a stop. “Hi, Baby.”
 “Hi, Beautiful.” The slayer hopped down from the roof of the mausoleum and bounced on her toes a little. “So, what’s going to happen tonight, Ms. Posen? Are we going to talk this out? Or am I going to kick your ass to hell?”
 “You gotta hand it to her,” Aubrey said, looking at Chloe. “She’s brave in the face of death.”
 “You have no idea,” the redhead chuckled. “She has skills too. I fought her seventeen times and even reading her mind, I couldn’t beat her.”
 Beca’s mouth dropped open. “But... you said you weren’t trying to kill me.”
 Her girlfriend shrugged sheepishly. “I wasn’t… but I WAS trying to beat you the first few times. You’re just a better and more motivated fighter than I am. I kinda lost interest in it after…”
 “You got your soul back,” Beca and Aubrey said at the same time, the blonde vampire punctuating her words with an eyeroll. Chloe just shrugged again and started pacing a little.
 “So,” she said then. “What do we do? Aubs, I think you’ve figured out that Beca and I aren’t going to give each other up. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. So… make your decision. Are we going to fight or are you going to get over it?”
 The older woman sighed and shook her head. “You’re infuriating, Beale.” She perched her hands on her hips. “But fuck it. I’m washing my hands of it. If you want to be with a slayer, it’s your funeral!”
 “Been there, done that,” Chloe teased, but she knew she’d won the battle before the battle had even begun.
 “Ugh,” Aubrey exclaimed. “Infuriating! Don’t expect me to be nice to her!”
 “And don’t expect ME to be nice to HER,” Beca added, although it was fairly half-hearted. She had to admit that a part of her was slightly terrified of the commanding blonde, even if she hadn’t been a six-hundred-year-old vampire.
 “We can work on that,” the redhead grinned. “Baby steps, right?”
 “Jesus Christ… I need a damn drink,” Aubrey stated. “An ALCOHOLIC one!”
 “Find a bar then,” Beca said.
 “Uh… that’s not…” Chloe began. Then she shook her head. “You know what, never mind. That works too.” Beca tilted her head in question, but Aubrey was already walking away to find a drunk victim. Two birds with one stone. The redhead chuckled softly. “I’ll explain later. Let’s get out of here.”
 And hand in hand, they headed toward the vampire’s clinic.
 Beca looked carefully at her girlfriend, who seemed relaxed and happy. “That puppy’s really ok, right?”
 Chloe just rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Bec.”
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