#i cant lose this opportunity i have but its becoming harder and harder each passing second
defiantly-ageis · 2 years
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Ok hmmmm fake dating art school au with Malec, Claia, Lukemaryse and (platonic, obviously) garrowbane where hmmm magnus is with an ex at the start and tries setting up Luke with people
well this got really cracky really fast
okay so im gonna go ahead and say that i have no idea how art school works in the US so for the sake of My Convenience™ imma go with the way it is in Brazil, which is "there are numerous kinds of arts going on in the same institute/college"
so im thinking..... clary obviously is doing visual arts, painting, whatever its called (this is probably where i should warn you that i know nothing about visual arts). maia is not really an arts major, but she's doing a course on technical/scientific drawing since shes a biology major and that's useful for her field studies. magnus is on the same course, except hes like an engineering major really. im a slut for inventor Magnus so yeah he wants to be an engineer to develop new kinds of technology so technical drawing is important for him. meliorn (watch me slip meliorn in literally everything i can) is a theatre major, and Luke and Maryse r both studying music
Luke and Maryse r older and like idk how common that is in the US but here in Brazil some ppl (spec retired ppl) come back to college to study something they have Always Wanted To but that wouldnt bring them money. i know that the whole "no free college" thing makes that harder but they can be post-graduates i guess. or Luke is and maryse is a regular major but shes a super rich hotshot lawyer who after the divorce decided to be less stuck up and dedicate herself to things she enjoys, and since shes rich, she has the money to do a major or a music course just for fun
anyway! Magnus is the kind of guy whos friends with everyone from all ages and courses. he quickly becomes friends with maia (shes on his course after all) and meliorn (who is a theatre major but takes classes in everything they can because.... they can)
i just realized maia/meliorn has a LOT of brotp potential but ok anyway
magnus and maia bond greatly over their shared interests (yeah shes a biologist and hes an engineer but magnus' interests vary a lot and also hes a fan of biochemistry. they also have relatively similar life stories and a similar sense of humor, even if maia is sharper at the edges - which is something Magnus likes, really. she's fierce and fun and unafraid and he wishes he were more like her sometimes. they have a mutual admiration and kind of protection pact). meliorn on the other hand is kind of the local queer cryptid in a way, which of course means magnus immediately befriends him, and Maia is just delighted at how much of a trickster they are. magnus also likes meliorn a lot because they're so... chill and easy and unbothered by social conventions to the point of being nearly unaware, which makes Magnus feel so comfortable. and meliorn thinks Magnus is interesting, and they all get along.
maia kind of brings luke into the group. luke is kind of maia's adoptive uncle. she lives alone but once she ran away from home luke was super nice and helpful and also one of the ppl who most encouraged her to go after her major like she wanted
luke and maia are clearly close and have each other's backs, but they also tease each other a lot. so when one day luke teases maia over her crush on clary, she retaliates by looking DIRECTLY at meliorn and being like "he's just jealous. did you ppl know he hasnt been on a single date in years" and meliorn, who thrives on the chaos, is like "oooh we should set him up" and magnus of course jumps at the opportunity
so the three of them keep trying to set ppl up with luke, and it just ...... never works. like doesnt come even close to working. its kind of a disaster actually. its awkward, it never clicks, and at this point luke is begging them to stop but you know thats not gonna happen. so as a last resort, luke lies that he's dating a woman from class. cue him asking maryse, whom hes never talked to in his life but is the only eligible woman his age at class, to like, please do him a solid. and maryse is just so shocked by this random (but handsome) man's life, shes like. lmao sure. look shes a post-divorce woman she wants to be free and cease giving fucks
and maryse kind of has fun pretending to date luke, but she's a busy woman and she doesnt hang out with them often, and they are like [BANGING POTS AND PANS] WE WANT TO ACTUALLY MEET HER
and luke is all like "well maybe if all of yall singles got dates we could have a date together otherwise get out" so maia asks clary out purely out of spite and turns out it works, but Magnus and Meliorn are like "uuuuhhhhh,,,,,,," so meliorn is like "what if we pretend to be together lmao" and Magnus is like shit we're gonna do that aren't we
i know its not exactly Magnus having an ex but look im struggling to put all of this together okay udhdhdbd also im not big on the whole "breaking up because of someone else" trope ya feel
god this is just the setup for malec to meet, im,,,, a mess
so anyway Magnus and Meliorn are determined to totally sell this to luke (maia knows its a scam of course, she can smell bullshit from miles away). and luke and maryse are also totally determined to sell this cuz everyone is an idiot. so they keep having, like,,,,, dates together, until eventually they kind of become a solid group of friends. they all welcome maryse and are really impressed by how critical she is of her pre-divorce self and how it did wonders for her, they think shes really strong. she even shares about how she struggled with her son being gay and her daughter deciding to become a forensic pathologist instead of a lawyer like her, you know. in short they all become good friends
so now everyone (but maia and clary who are happy and drama free and laughing their butts off at Magnus and Meliorn) is in a difficult situation because now theyre all friends! what are they gonna do, confess it was a scam all along? pretend to break up and make the whole thing awkward? they're trapped in their fake dating and it looks like they're just gonna have to, like ... deal with it
and in luke and maryse's situation it's even more complicated because they are kind of getting into each other, and theyre like groaning because theyre grown ass adults they shouldn't be living this trope. and yet
anyway as they become closer they start going to maryse's (shes the only one with a large enough place) and that's when Magnus meets Alec and meliorn meets izzy
which,,,,, despair
because they had been doing a great job of fake dating so far, excuse you, they are partners in crime. they're a well oiled lying machine and they work together flawlessly. magnus is not even a good liar but shit if meliorn didnt teach him every trick on how to not technically lie, and also they are very close and the kind of ppl who are comfortable with sharing affection, so yeah they drape their arms on each others shoulders and hold hands and kiss each others cheeks NO PROBLEM but now theyre both interested in someone else
hell, theyre both interested in maryse's kids
meliorn is all like "i told you we should have pretended to have an open relationship" and Magnus is like luke KNOWS im monogamous he would KNOW we're lying and meliorn is like FUCK and maia and clary are losing their shits
meanwhile luke and maryse are becoming more and more domestic and oblivious to the world. they will b like "you kids put the movie on, we'll make dinner" and be all like fluffy asshole
izzy quickly picks up that its a scheme cuz shes smart, and flirts with meliorn when maryse isnt around, while Alec is like SHIT dude i cant believe ur into a TAKEN MAN what the fuck kind of sad gay stereotype r u
but their pull is like,,, stronk and they frequently find themselves getting lost in their own little world and lowkey flirting and just being a liiiiil too close (especially in alecs case since hes like ..... stoic extraordinaire) and then theyre like AH SHIT WAIT and they jump and pretend nothings happening
and look, izzy would tell Alec about the scam, but she's, como se dice...... having way too much fun at his expense. she and meliorn start dating on like day 1 and make a pact to see how long they can keep the act up and enjoy the show
maia and clary have eaten their combined weight in popcorn by this point
the intrigue. the chaos. the misunderstandings
it gets more and more ridiculous as time goes by but Magnus is still determined to yknow keep the act up and not expose his and meliorn's lies
they just,,,,,,, live like this
it lasts for so long
like ..... months of ridiculousness
and alec is suffering because hes into a taken man whos obviously very in love with his partner and he feels guilty and all of that shit
and magnus just.... doesnt know what to do with his predicament. look he has anxiety this was a bad idea how is he gonna walk up to Alec and b like "hey so I'm not really dating meliorn it was all a scam so we could spy on luke and ur mom but it went too far" and the more time passes the more awkward it gets
the dam probably breaks when magnus finds meliorn and izzy on a date on accident, and hes like rjrhrjrjdnc SO THEY KNOW???? and meliorn is like nah only izzy knows we wanted to see how long itd take for u and alec to get ur shit together. and magnus is like oh my god and meliorn is like "in my defense i didnt think it would take literal months!!!!!! and then it started to feel awkward to just tell you to go for it"
so magnus is like FINE i guess i will TELL ALEC and ask him if he wants to DATE ME IN SECRET so we can keep NOT HAVING TO CONFESS WE LIED TO HIS MOM
and then i guess he tells Alec???? and he still isnt sure whether or not Alec likes him so he isnt planning to ask him out immediately afterwards, just, you know, let him in on the secret, and Alec is like "dude my mom is lying too" and Magnus is like what she and luke are like married
anyway knowing about that gives them full permission to come out as lying bitches so they're like "how dare you lie to us like this.. but also we did the same thing"
eventually luke actually asks maryse out
i dont even know whats happening anymore god im done
this is your fault anon
if anyone wants to actually write this, feel free rjrhdjdn honestly id read it
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sweethazzababy · 6 years
Not So Professional- Chapter 1
Plot: Y/N gets the job as Harry Styles’s personal assistant. Working for him, she deals with the ups and downs of his career ranging from difficult breakups to music celebrations and everything in between. How will her and Harry’s relationship develop?
A/N: Ahh oh my goodness hello my beautiful friends!! it’s been so so long since i updated my writing, and i apologize for that. i just havent had the inspiration to write, but tonight something sparked in me and i am so happy about it. i’ve decided to start a “book” and update with chapters. i actually started this a while ago, but i went back to writing it again and i want to share it with you all. i cant promise that i’ll update regularly but i will try my hardest. i hope you enjoy it!! :)
Chapter 1.
       One. Two. Three. Four. I’m counting my steps in my head as I walk down the busy street, pandemonium disrupting my ears. Peace is nothing but a fantasy in the place I live in. There is never any quiet noise. So many mornings I wake up hopeful to hear some birds chirping, some wind rustling through the delicate leaves of the limited trees we have in this city. But no. It’s always the bothersome noise of multiple taxi horns, or people yelling down streets. My earbuds try their best to block out any sort of something that isn’t music. Tides-Swimming Tapesmy lock screen reads. The beachy guitar riff pleasantly floods my ears as I try my best to imagine the sand and the sea. Ever since moving to the city, the beach is something I long for every day. The fresh salty aroma, the warmth of the sun beating down on bronzed skin and the sand beneath the pads of your feet. The calming and relaxing sound of waves crashing quietly onto shore. The kind of quiet noise I wish I could experience on a day to day basis.
        You must be thinking, why would you move to the city if you hate it so fucking much? Because at my age of 22, money is a little bit more important than happiness. Supporting myself is a lot harder than I ever imagined. When I moved out at 18, I was so eager to finally be on my own, making my own decisions without anyone holding me back from what I wanted in my life. No judgements on the way I chose to live. No doubt, I love being on my own, but money has become a bit of an issue. Here in the Big Apple, good jobs are much more accessible rather than some no-named beach town in New Jersey with a population of a measly 5,000.
       Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three… my brain can’t help but continue to count my steps, a habit I’ve grown to develop. I lift my head to look at the street ahead of me, making sure I don’t walk past my work place. Shuffling around the crowds of people making their way to work as well, I zig zag through seamlessly. Living in New York City is a bit of a learning experience. You learn the detours and shortcuts of walking through Manhattan to get to places, almost like a daily routine of successfully walking through a maze. I always make sure to have my earbuds everywhere I go, to help make the journeys at least a little bit enjoyable. The delightful sound of my playlist can distract me from almost anything around me. Getting lost in music is one of the not so many things I adore.
       Once I get to the building, I tilt my head as far back as I need to in order to see the towering skyscraper before me. The height is so surreal that when I look up to the top from the ground, it almost seems as if it’s falling and tilting in the sky. After all these years, I still can’t help but gaze in wonder at how one can build such a thing. Shaking my head from my pointless thoughts, I sigh in annoyance as I gather my shaky breaths to control them and take my first steps forward to open the big glass door. As usual, I am greeted by Nina as she sits behind the main desk typing away and taking dozens of calls. She lends me a warm smile, her eyes crinkling a bit at the corners. I’ve always liked her, even though sometimes she can be a bit too cheery. No one likes their job that much, especially a desk secretary. I set my eyes on the nearest elevator, seeing it is about to close. My feet start to pick up the pace as I walk faster to catch the elevator before it takes another 10 minutes for it to come back down. With a building that contains 53 floors, you never know how long the elevator will take to come back to ground level. A middle-aged woman sees me making a beeline towards the elevator and stops the doors from closing while kindly giving me a welcoming smile. I nod my head in appreciation as I settle into the back-right corner of the elevator, my usual spot. As the elevator starts to make its way up the building I keep my attention on the numbers as we pass each floor. 53reads on the small screen as the ding signals the door to open. Yes, the top floor. It’s always a pain to work on the top floor, knowing I have to give myself a 5-10-minute window before I actually clock in. My flats make a faint tapping sound as I walk down the marble floor to my boss’ office. I take the stainless-steel handle in my hand and twist to open the door.
       “Good morning Y/N! A beautiful day it is isn’t it?” I look up from the floor for my eyes to meet with an elegant but sophisticated office. The glossy marble floors continue to flood into the room. On top of the floors lies a large black desk with a black swivel chair, big enough for two people to sit comfortably. The desk sits atop a black rug to compliment the marble theme. Behind the desk, my eyes set on the beautifully breathtaking view of the city skyline. Mr. Garrett Rowland. CEO of the Sony Music Headquarters. I give a polite smile as I greet back.
       “Indeed, it is! Happy to feel the warm weather again.” I say with a sigh of relief. The month of April is finally settled in, which makes me a little bit cheerier. The past winter felt like a lifetime with multiple unwanted snow storms. I’ve never been a huge fan of the snow. He gives a nod of agreement towards me and takes a seat in his throne of a chair. His salt and pepper hair is styled nicely, as always. Never have I seen a day where he looked less than perfectly put together. I sit in the chair opposite of him and wait for my duties to be listed today. As his personal assistant, I’ve gotten used to the fact that my job here is to be as helpful as I can no matter the number of tasks he asks of me all at once. I like to keep myself busy which is why I guess this job is suited for me.
      “What can I do for you today Sir?” I question with a smile, portraying eager and slight enthusiasm. I need to at least show I enjoy my job. He folds his fingers together on the desk as he is probably preparing his list of tasks. I tuck a loose strand of blonde hair behind my ear that happened to fall out of my loose, but sophisticated, pony tail. My fingers tug down my pencil skirt a bit as I sit with my legs crossed.
         “Well Ms. Y/L/N, I actually have a bit of news to inform you of.” He says. His face is stern but soft eyes contradict the boss persona he’s trying to front. I raise my eyebrows, eyes widening, not expecting that response opposed to my usual orders. “I got a call from Syco and Columbia Records earlier this morning before you came in.” Confusion sets on my face as my eyebrows furrow, not really sure what they would be calling for, and why it concerns me. Confusion soon turns to curiosity as Garrett continues on.
         “You have quite a reputation as my personal assistant and it seems that one of their recording artists is in need of one. The last one got fired for having an affair. They called asking about you.” He finishes, leaving the floor to me. My jaw drops a bit, not really knowing how to respond. Me? A personal assistant to a famous artist? My mind is racing, occupied with questions and thoughts that I completely forgot I was sitting in front of my boss who is awaiting some sort of answer.
         “Uh…u-um, wow. I, uh, don’t know what to say.” I stumble over my words twiddling my thumbs, unsure of what to do with my hands. I clear my throat as I try to piece together somewhat of a valuable response. “Are you saying I have the choice to take the job?” My eyebrows raise once again, as I try to process this situation.
         “Y/N, you have worked extremely hard to get to the place you are in right now. Over the past 3 and a half years you have been nothing but helpful, and always such a joy to work with. You have earned every raise and promotion you received, and I feel this opportunity is one that won’t come again. Although it will be bittersweet to lose such a valuable employee, and friend, I believe you deserve this job. You will be getting paid twice as much with the bonus of traveling the world. I advise you to take this opportunity.” Garrett finishes with nothing, but complete truth and sincerity shown through his eyes. He gives me a kind smile, the aged wrinkles forming by the corners of his lips. His dark brown eyes are gleaming as he tells me the news. I have developed a bit of a relationship with Garrett, almost like an uncle type of figure. I was so young when I started, I matured and grew up working for him.
          I can’t help but smile myself, the corners of my lips slowly curving up to form a shy grin. My heart pounds inside my chest at the amazing news, something I thought would never happen. Rarely do lucky opportunities come along for me. I may be the CEO’s personal assistant but as he said, I worked hard to get to this position. I know I have to take this job, I mean I really do need the money after all. As I think of a way to respond, I realize I don’t even know who this artist is. What if it’s someone I hate? Like Chris Brown or something? God no I can’t be his assistant
          “Are you sure? It sounds like an amazing opportunity I just don’t really know any details. Who would I be working for?” A tinge of uncertainty is hinted through my tone, not really knowing what to expect. I bite my bottom lip, feeling the blood rush to the surface… another nervous habit. Garrett takes a bit of a deep breath before answering the burning question. He looks down at his hands still clasped together, his thousand-dollar watch shining as the sunlight hits it creating a glimmer.
          “Harry Styles.”
           After hearing the name that slipped from Garrett’s lips, I held my breath for a few seconds. Trying to process the new information, I glance down at my hands. My dainty fingers rubbing the clammy sweat perspiring on my palms off onto my skirt. My manicured nails give my outfit a pop of color, a bright yellow to celebrate the spring time. Harry Styles. The boyband guy? What’s the name of that group…One Direction? I have never really paid much attention to the teen pop culture anymore considering my age now, but I do keep up watching E! News or reading a few magazines. Apparently, this boyband is on hiatus-which sounds to me a lot like a break up. But Harry Styles I do know is seen not only as the front man, but as a huge flirt. A womanizer, if you will.
          “Oh wow…” I trail off, unsure if I should pretend to fangirl or show a little bit of excitement. I bite my bottom lip again, the news sparking my nerves.
          “I have a picture of him, in case you weren’t really sure who he is.” He picks up on my surprised but uncertain tone of voice, and I roll my eyes with a smirk at his comment. I may not be a screaming One Direction fan but of course I know who Harry Styles is. I chuckle to myself at the thought of him thinking I live under a rock. I nod in agreement, taking the picture from his hand.
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          The first thing I notice, immediately after receiving the photo, are his emerald green eyes. Those eyes are mesmerizing to look at, as if they are piercing right through me. I can’t help but stay speechless in awe at his beauty. I’ve always known he’s attractive, but I’ve never really taken a good look at him before. I’m almost regretting not paying careful attention before. After looking into his gorgeous irises, my eyes set on his hair. A beautiful shade of brunette, styled to lay up and off of his forehead, only it looks effortless. Small, loose curls peek out behind his ears and by the back of his neck. His hair is short, but full and voluminous. How is it possible for a man to have such great hair? I next lay my eyes on his lips. A natural, but pretty shade of a dark pink with dimples peeking through near the corners of his mouth. Absolutely charming. My heart begins to flutter looking at him, and my stomach feels like it’s doing cartwheels. His face structure is strong, but cheeky with a jawline that is insanely chiseled. The smirk on his lips finishes it off, making my heart jump even more. There is something a bit mysterious and dark about him, but I just can’t put my finger on it. I also can’t take my eyes off of him, taking in his handsome features. His attractiveness is already overwhelming, I can’t imagine him in person.
           The sound of someone clearing their throat takes me out of my little fantasized world, my head immediately leveling out and swerving my attention back to Garrett, snapping myself back into reality.
           “Well, well, someone finds this man quite the dime…” Garrett jokes with a playful smile. I immediately feel my face flush, probably a nice shade of pink. I chuckle along with him and cover my face with my hands embarrassed.
           “Oh my gosh stop it!” I giggle trying to keep my cool in attempt to prevent my cheeks from turning to a brighter red. “I’m just observing the person who will be ordering me around the next few years.” I try to give a logical reason as to why I was staring for so long. Little does he know I might have developed a bit of a crush just by looking at the one picture. Garrett rolls his eyes jokingly but accepting of my excuse.
           “His management team already gave me an address and a date for you to start. They are really interested in having you.” He explains, trying to refocus our conversation to more important things. I nod along to his talking, but all the while can’t help but think of Harry. I really need to snap out of this if I’m going to be working with him every day.
           “When and where do they want me to start?” I ask.
           “In three days, in London.” Garret says. My eyes widen with shock. This is absolutely crazy. I feel like so many things are happening at once, that I can’t really comprehend it. In three days…three days, I will be moving to London. Nerves start to set in, in place of my original excitement. I have never traveled outside of the country, hell I’ve never left the East Coast.
           Garrett proceeds to tell me the rest of the information. When our meeting is finished, I shake his hand and give him a hug realizing I no longer work for him anymore.
           “Don’t be a stranger.” Garrett tells me with his hands on my shoulders. I nod and smile, then continue on out of his office. On my way down to the first floor, my mind runs wild. I can’t believe this is happening to me. Never do I get opportunities like this, and I can’t help but feel excited awaiting my future in London. Once I get to the first floor, I walk out and take a deep breath. My last time leaving this building as an employee. I pass the main desk on my way out, saying a goodbye to Nina who looks shocked and a bit teary-eyed. I’ll miss her. Walking out of the building, I take a breath of the fresh New York City air. If I’m going to be honest, this place will be missed. I’ve grown to love the rush and the pace. The smells, the noise. Walking back to my apartment, I make sure to pay deep attention to everything surrounding me rather than ignore it. The bright sun is beating down on me and the rest of the city giving it a glow. The buzz of the streets never fades, and the traffic on the streets never clears. There is always something exciting and new to look forward to living here.
           My mind starts to wander off into thoughts of London. I wonder what the weather would be like, how the people interact. I’ve heard through talk that it’s always raining and cloudy. I feel a bit of annoyance at the thought but sometimes a good rain shower is calming. I walk up to my apartment building and start making my way up the stairs to the second floor. I shuffle through my purse to find my key and when I finally see it peeking through at the very bottom, I retrieve it and push it into the lock. Opening the door, I am greeted by Luna, her little paws scratching at my legs. I bend down and run my fingers through her fur with a smile. Living in a big city by myself can feel a little lonely sometimes. Ever since I got Luna though I have company to look forward to when I come home which is nice. Although she is just a small little Yorkie, I feel like the two of us are companions. I never had a dog growing up, my mom never liked them. It’s a shame because I longed to grow up with a family dog, to always have someone to cuddle with.
           I stand up from a bent position and make my way towards my kitchen, the size of a decently large walk-in closet. I toss my bag on the island, kick my shoes off and let out a relieved sigh at the feeling of my feet no longer compressed by the narrow shape of my flats. Feeling a sting I arch my back and turn my head to my backside in attempt to see my feet where the sting is coming from. The back of my right heel has turned red with a fresh tiny cut forming from the harsh leather of my flats. I scoff at the sight and roughly search through my vitamin cabinet for a Band-Aid, hoping it would make it feel a little bit better. As I am peeling the Band-Aid from the thin paper I hear a buzz coming from my purse. Reaching my hand in my bag I grab my phone which is reading an unrecognizable number on the lock screen. Reluctant, I answer.
           “Hello?” I politely answer.
           “Y/N Y/L/N?” A man’s voice responds.
           “This is she. Who am I speaking to?” I cautiously ask. The number that called wasn’t a familiar area code.
           “My name is Jeff Azoff. I’m Harry Styles’ manager and I was just informed that you will be joining our team as Harry’s personal assistant.” The man on the other end has a youthful tone, making me wonder how old this guy is. 
           “Oh hi! Yes, I am coming to London in about three days to start.” I say.
           “About that…” Jeff chuckles through the phone as he trails off. “There has been a change of plans. We are going to need you to start tomorrow.” Jeff finishes his sentence and my heart drops. I start to quietly panic knowing I only have today and possibly tomorrow morning to pack and leave.
           “Wow okay…um sounds good!” I let out a little laugh in response to the situation. Jeff lets me know that the plane ticket is already paid for I just have to pick it up and let the officials at the airport know.
           “Your plane leaves at 1 PM your time and it’s about a 7-hour flight, but when you get here it will be about 1-2 in the morning because of the time difference.” He explains. Shit. The jetlag is going to be terrible. We finish up the conversation and say our goodbyes. After hanging up I immediately run to my room and take out the biggest luggage I can find in my closet. I am not actually moving out of my apartment, so I am going to try and pack as much as I think I’ll need. Who knows how long I’ll be gone. 
A/N- I’m not sure where I’m taking it, so I’m open to suggestions to help thicken the plot once the story starts to advance…thank you for reading! I’ll let you guys know when I’m updating :)
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Changes (Namjoon x You ONESHOT)
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Hey thanks for the request anon! Honestly, this song give me feels. This is my first ever hyung line fic, so thanks for giving me the opportunity and hope you will enjoy it! <3
Mmm, baby, I don't understand this You're changing, I can't stand it
"Y/N, please baby, open this door," Namjoon whispered for over a hundred times as he slide down her apartment door. He has been here for hours, begging for her to open the door and just talk to him. They have been arguing for weeks, probably months, that Namjoon lost track on how long it actually is. And the worse part is, its over something Namjoon don't even know about. Despite their rocky relationship and Y/N asking him for the gazzilionth time to just end the relationship, let her go and just move on, Namjoon doesn't seem to be able to do it.
Y/N is his love.
She is everything he has ever hoped to find in a girl. She is his perfect match in every single way. The way they met, although is more than a cliche typical love story, their feelings for each other are definitely not. Namjoon and Y/N loves each other very much, too much, they believed they have met that one person that was meant for them in this big world. She catches his eye at a fansign over thousand other girls and he has been pursuing her since them. Relentlessly and shamelessly showing his interest until Y/N submit to her feelings for him that he knows she have.. After months of persuading and chasing after her, Y/N finally opened up her heart to say yes and accept his love.
They were madly in love. They perfectly complemented each other in every way. They spend almost all of their waking time together in Y/N's tony apartment where Namjoon will only go back to his dorm to sleep when he absolutely have to. Tours that use to excites him has become some kind of a torture to him now. Having to spend months away from the love of his life, with only limited time for phone and video calls and short text messages to quench his longing and desire for her was hell. The boys doesn't seem to mind their over obsession with each other, as their leader seems to be at his happiest when he's with Y/N. A happy Namjoon means he is willing to work harder, dance harder, especially on days when Y/N would come and watches him practice, he is constantly in a good mood and with his mind always on cloud nine, Namjoon is able to produced more award winning love songs in a heart beat, all thanks to Y/N. The boys definitely have nothing to complain about their relationship, in fact, they welcome her into Namjoon's life.
Their relationship has been going on so strong for almost three years, Namjoon was sure nothing would ever break them apart. Sure, they have their off days and up and downs. Which couple doesn't? But they will somehow always managed to work things out and it will only lead them to develop a stronger feelings for each other. However, for the first time ever since he met Y/N, Namjoon can feel something is changing. Y/N is changing and it scared him to no end to think he might actually really lose her this time.
Things started to go downhill when he went off for on the last leg of his world tour. Months of separation has taken a toll on him. He miss Y/N so much, he is more than ready for the tour to end, pack his bags and went off to see Y/N, taking her in his embraced, making love to her all night long and never lets go. However, about two weeks before he was set to go home, he can sense the distance Y/N seems to be putting between them. Phone calls that she used to eager to received is now left unanswered. Video calls are met with excuses. Text messages are left unread, making Namjoon more anxious to come home even more. The worse part is, he doesn't know the reason why, and one thing that can make him aboslutely crazy, it is not being able to understand what is happening.
Once he got out of the plane, the first thing he does is run off to hail a cab and make his way to Y/N's apartment, leaving the boys and their manager in confusion. Expecting to see a smiling and overjoyed Y/N who is waiting for his return, Namjoon is sorely hurt and disappointed when he is only greeted by a cold Y/N who wouldn't even let him into her apartment or talk to him. Again, without any reason or excuse.
Y/N is changing.
The months he spent away from her made her change.
And his heart cant take it.
He needs his Y/N back.
"Y/N, its me. I'm back baby!" Namjoon knocks on the door with excitement only to be met with Y/N who looks tired and seems like she's been crying for days. "Baby, what ha-"
"You shouldn't be here Joon. Please just go," Y/N spoke between the crack of the door, voice sounded so weak and defeated, it breaks Namjoon's heart, although what she said should break his heart more.
"Go?" He asks in confusion. "What do you mean baby? Why are you saying this? Open the door and let me in. I miss you," he smile, hoping Y/N will drop the act and told him that this is all just a joke, a prank to rile him up and nothing has changed. Everything is just like it used to be.
"Please Joon. I... I don't want to do this anymore. I cant do us anymore. Please just go," was all the she answer she gave, partnered with a solemn face as she push the door trying to close it shut.
"What? You cant possibly mean that. Baby, I-" Namjoon didn't get to finish what he had wanted to say before Y/N is already shutting the door right on his face, leaving him in confusion and in dazed of what just happened, standing awkwardly in front of her door with his luggage scattered all over the floor.
Namjoon thought maybe Y/N is just going through a phase, and with time, she will be back to normal.
But all that happened months ago, and the situation doesn't get any better. Y/N refuses to talk to him at all, or even see him. Still with no explanation or reason from Y/N, Namjoon was left confused and broken, which made him resort to waiting for Y/N everyday in front of her door, begging and waiting for a chance to talk to her.
And today was no exception.
"Please baby... I dont understand, why are you doing this..." he whispered as he leaned weakly and sat on the floor, back leaned against Y/N's door, whispering the same words he has been asking every day since he came back. Words that he doubt Y/N even hear. Or care.
Namjoon leaned back his head against the door and closes his eyes, trying to think about any possible reason that could have make Y/N changed so drastically. But however long he thinks about it, nothing came to mind except the thought that scares him the most; she just doesn't love him anymore.
If that was true, what could have possibly change her heart?
"Baby... what made you change? Dont you love me anymore? Did you change your mind? Did you decide that I'm not worth to love anymore?" he will always whisper into the cold, still night air, intending for Y/N to hear him but with a voice so weak and defeated, nobody would be able to hear the cries of his broken heart.
Namjoon will spend the whole night curled up in front of her door, believing that she will finally reveal herself one day if he didnt give up and only goes back to the dorm when the sun has risen as he still have his responsibilities to fill. Looking at the tired and a broken down Namjoon everyday worry the boys but they know they should give their leader time before they starts to interfere.
"I love you so much Y/N. I'm not going to give up on us. On you. Never.I love you. I will see you tomorrow love," Namjoon leaned his forehead against her door as he softly speaks through it every morning before he left, hoping that one of these days Y/N will hear the plea of his heart.
Little that he know, every night that he spend leaning and whispering through the door, Y/N is right on the other side, leaning back, hearing every single thing that he said while clutching her aching chest, trying to calm her broken heart while trying hard to muffle her cries from Namjoon's hearing.
My heart can't take this damage And the way I feel, can't stand it
Namjoon is going crazy. He cant think of anything else other than Y/N. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the only thing on his mind is Y/N. Months has passed and Y/N still didnt even give him a slightest reason on why she's doing this. Namjoon's heart is broken beyond repair and its taking a toll on everyone around him.
Is this how it feels to die from a broken heart?
He asks himself as he lay down flat on his bed, flipping through photos of him and Y/N in his phone.
Where did everything went wrong?
The memories of the two of them sharing smiles and laughter flooded his mind.
Why did everything change?
He touched his wet cheeks from the tears that he dont even know is rolling down from his eyes.
What happen Y/N? Please tell me. I dont think my heart can take this any longer.
A soft knock on his door makes Namjoon raised his head to see Jin leaned against his doorway, a sad smile on his face as he looks down at his broken friend and leader. It hurts Jin to see someone who is always so charismatic beaten down to a pulp like this.
"Hey Joon, can I come in?" Namjoon only answered with a weak nod and Jin walks in to take a seat besides him on the bed. "What are you doing? Are you thinking about Y/N again?"
Namjoon closes his eyes and sighed. No one understands what he's feeling and he hates to answer all this questions when all they are going do is judge him and tell him to move on.
But how can someone just move on from being in love?
"What else am I supposed to do hyung?"
Jin sighed. "Joon. Its been months. I think Y/N has made herself perfectly clear on what she wants. Dont you think you should move on too? Isnt that what she would have wanted you to do?" Namjoon straighten himself up and clasped his hands together under his chin, his head hung low.
"How can I do that hyung? When she doesnt even tell me why she's doing this? I thought about it every day but nothing makes sense. I dont understand," he huffed. "My feelings for her is not like running water that I can just turn off whenever I want to hyung. My feelings for her is real and with her doing this... I... I..."
"What is is Joon?"
"I feel like dying," he closes his eyes as if to recall the devastating feelings before continuing. "The way I'm feeling, the way my heart is breaking... I cant stand it hyung," Namjoon buried his head in his hands. Jin softly run his hands down Namjoon's back, patting him as an effort to try to comfort him. He himself is not an expert in love, how is he supposed to say words that would help calm Namjoon's heart?
"I dont know what else to say Joon. But I just hate seeing you like this. All of us do. We are all worried about you," Jin paused as he stare straight ahead at the blank wall. "But always remember that you are not alone. You will always have us," he softly stood up and heads for the door.
Namjoon maintained his position for a while longer as he rethinks and rethinks about everything that had happened in the last few months. Finally, with ultimate determination, he stood up and grabs his jacket. He is going to get his answer, and he is going to get it tonight.
Girl, you're making it hard for me
"Y/N, open up this door or I swear to God I have no problem to break it down!" he yelled as his fist bang against the door, making the wood creaks loudly. He had enough of being Mr Nice Guy. Y/N is going to give him the answers he wanted tonight whether she likes it or not. After the banging continues for almost another 15 minutes, making the neighbors around pokes their head through their door to see what's the commotion that's happening and only to be met with Namjoon's sneering, Y/N finally open the door.
Namjoon quickly steps in before Y/N have a chance to lock him out again. He only realizes what Y/N looks like after locking the door and turning around to face her. Honestly, she looks worse than he is. Her face pale and colorless, dark eye bags all over her eyes as if she hadnt have enough sleep for the last few months, eyes red and swollen, signs she too has been crying non stop and she looks so skinny, that her collarbone shows and protrudes against the loose collar of her oversized t shirt.
"Ba...baby, why are you like this? What happened to you?" Namjoon pulled her into his embraced as Y/N just stood still like a statue, submitting to his every touch. He released her after a while and peeks at her sunken face.
"Baby, please. Please tell me why you are doing this? What happened between us?" He plead. Y/N closes her eyes for a bit before opening it back to stare into his, hollow and blank.
"Why are you here Joon? I told you. I told you I dont want to do this anymore," her quiet voice that Namjoon missed so much finally filled the air.
"No. I know you dont mean that baby. Can you just tell me what's going on? Whatever it is, we will work through it. We always do,"
Y/N looks at his face as tears starts to pool at the corner of her eyes. "No. Not this time Joon. I dont deserve you. Please just go," she begged. Namjoon grab her shoulders and shake her.
"No! I'm not ever going to let go. Y/N please. My heart cant deal with this anymore. The damaged it went through for being apart from you... I cant baby,"
"Joon, you dont understand. Please..."
Namjoon shakes his head. What is Y/N talking about? Why is she saying all these things? What dont he understand?
"Then make me understand Y/N. Tell me. Show me. Explain to me. Whatever it is, as long as I dont lose you, I know I can handle it,"
Tears starts to fall more rapidly down her sunken cheeks at his words. Namjoon dont understand any of it. What has made Y/N so broken?
"Joonie... I love you," her voice is so low Namjoon had to take a step forward to actually hear her. But once he did, once the long awaited the love confession reached his ears, his broken heart soared. Hope starts to rise for him again.
"Baby. I love you too. I love you so much. There was never even a second that I have stop loving you," he gave her swift butterfly kisses all over her face. "Please tell me baby. Make me understand. Mend my broken heart that only you can fix,"
Y/N closes her eyes as her tears is no longer able to stop from spilling out. After a long paused, she finally opened her mouth
"I'm pregnant Joon. And its not yours,"
A/N: I am planning to turn this into a two shot, where the second part has nothing to do with the song, but everything to do with the story. I feel like Y/N deserve another chapter to explain what actually had happened. Give me your opinion if you think I should continue?
Namjoon held the door from letting Y/N slammed it shut on him again. He looked deep into her eyes and he is convinced that Y/N still loves him. He dont understand what is going on, and he want answers now!
"Dont you dare Y/N," he warned. "I know you didnt cheat on me. I know you are not capable of that. You love me and I can see it. Tell me what happened Y/N. Tell me and let me love you again,"
Y/N released her hold on the door and Namjoon take the opportunity to wedged himself in. She lowered her gaze as Namjoon stand in front of her and her tears rapidly fall to the floor.
"You are right Joon... I didnt cheat on you. I...I... I was..."
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veryangryhedgehog · 6 years
“Rabbit Heart Part IV” an Ede Valley story by Hedgehog.
Part IV
Around them, the ground had begun to harden, and the trees had ceased to droop so violently. Yet Murine was not pleased. It wasn’t that she wasn’t grateful for the respite from slogging through inches of mud, but now the wind had begun to blow through the trees, shaking the leaves, and freezing her already wet skin.
That night wasn’t much better, nor the morning after. The wind blew harder and harder, so hard that occasionally Muirne thought she could hear voices among them. The name “Forest of Whispers” was beginning to make more and more sense. Worst of all was that they increasingly seemed to be walking in circles, Muirne was sure she recognized the knots on some of those trees.
“So,” she finally began about mid-afternoon on the second day, after realizing that she might not get a better opportunity. They were taking a break from the endless walking on a moss-covered log, trying to not get blown away. Muirne didn’t want to push Gilveidan, but now she really wanted to know his tale.
He sighed. “I promised you a story, didn’t I?” to which Muirne nodded vigorously. “Where do I begin?” he paused, glancing off into the distance. “I had a sister, Viola was her name. We’ve lived in the wilds for years since our parents died. A monastery took us in, taught us how to use our powers. You think I’m skilled? I’m nothing compared to Viola. She could have destroyed the world, had she had an evil bone in her body.
“I suppose that’s why it found her. Her power.”
“Found her?” Muirne frowned. “What do you mean?”
The wind almost seemed to pick up more around them, and Muirne clutched her thin blanket around her.
“The monastery was built on top of some ruins, it was long forgotten what they were originally for, in the center of the continent.”
“The center of the—” Muirne’s eyes widened.
Gilveidan cut her off with a nod and a grave stare. “This ‘evil’ you’re so eager to defeat? It found her, whispered to her. It corrupted her mind, and she destroyed the monastery. Had it latched onto her further, she and It might have ended the world. So I...” his voice caught. “I killed her before that could happen.”
Muirne opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
“I’ve been wandering the wilds ever since,” he looked down at the ground. “And now you think I’m a monster.”
“No,” she said quickly. “No, I don’t. From what it sounds like, your sister was already gone. And you might have saved the world. It is horrible, so much so that I can hardly bear to think about it. But... you did what you had to do.”
He looked up at her, slightly surprised.
“I’m just sorry that it had to be you.”
“Thank... you,” he muttered, not quite sure how to respond.
“Here,” Muirne reached into her pack and pulled out the drawstring bag of nuts that Eimheer had given her. “These won’t be good for much longer. We might as well share them.”
She grabbed out a handful of nuts and made to hand them to him, but before he could take them, a particularly strong wind blew them from her palm, away into the dark trees. Muirne sighed, but just as she reached into the bag again, the wind stopped. Not slowed or quieted, but just stopped mid-rattle.
Muirne and Gilveidan stared at each other. The wind had been blowing for the last day straight. For it to suddenly stop... it seemed so quiet. They waited for what seemed like hours, though it was probably only seconds.
Then, with an ancient creak, the branches on the trees to her left began to part, forming a tunnel. At the end, a grey light shone through the leaves. The two glanced at each other, then stood and started walking.
Outside the edge of the trees they could see the beginnings of some marble-white ruins, and Muirne was so focused on getting out of the woods that Gilveidan had to grab her arm to stop her from passing directly over a message.
“What?” she asked, and he pointed down to the roots that she had nearly just stepped on. Against all odds, they seemed to be spelling out words.
“Ahead:” the roots seemed to read, “3 doors. You seek the 3rd.”
“That’s... strange,” Muirne said. “Think it means anything?”
Gilveidan started walking. “After everything we’ve seen, I’d be surprised if it didn’t mean anything.”
Muirne ran to catch up with him.
“I don’t supposed those were all the nuts you had?” Gilveidan asked. “They looked good, and I feel cheated.”
She rolled her eyes and handed him a few nuts just as the sky came into view beyond the trees. “You better not eat them all,” she grumbled. “If your cant of doom comes to fruition, I’ll never get any more.”
“All the more reason to eat them while you can.”
Yet try as they might, they couldn't keep up the witty banter as the ruins began to rise around them. At first, there were just a few buildings here and there, bits of rubble or stone foundation, but as they continued walking, the ruins grew into monolithic structures, piles of marble like bones reaching desperately towards the sky.
“Your monastery was here, right?” Muirne whispered.
But Gilveidan shook his head. “We certainly didn’t take up the whole ruins,” he said. “The main building was on the other side. I doubt we’ll see it.”
They wandered on, not knowing quite where they were going. Now that they were here at the center of the continent, they had no idea where they were meant to go.
Until Muirne saw an open doorway. By all means it should have just led to the crumbled foundation behind it. But instead, the interior was black, as if its destination was somewhere else entirely. Muirne almost passed it by, before freezing abruptly.
“What’s the matter?” Gilveidan asked.
But she wasn’t listening to him.
“Muirne!” called the figure behind the doorway, getting closer every second. A boy, a human boy, almost grown and healthy and proud.
“Ceallach...” she barely managed to whisper.
He smiled at her, and waved, a real wave, and a real smile. “Muirne!” he said again, his voice echoing oddly in the space beyond. He reached out to her, but he was so far away that the distance seemed insurmountable. Unless she went through the door.
“Muirne...” Gilveidan frowned, his breath on her cheek. “What are you seeing? Is it... your brother?”
But Muirne couldn’t quite hear him. He was fuzzy and transparent, and Ceallach was growing closer and more real with every second. She took a step forward, reaching out a hand. “I’m coming, Ceallach...:
“This is a trap,” Gilveidan warned, and grabbed her arm.
She pulled against him. “No, let me go!” she screamed, kicking and punching at him. “I need to get to him! I won’t lose him again!”
“It’s not real,” Gilveidan grunted through clenched teeth. “Listen to me: listen to my voice. I am here.”
“Muirne...” Ceallach was growing fainter, fading away.
“Let me go. Let me go...” she cried in frustration, grabbing at Gilveidan’s arm weakly.
“Look at me,” he said quietly, then louder as she shook her head. “Look at me!”
He touched her cheek gently and pulled her face away from the door. “There’s nothing there. It’s just an empty doorway.”
After staring into his eyes for a moment, the world seemed to clear. Muirne briefly glanced back at the door, only to see that he was right. It was just an empty frame. She found herself shaking, and took a deep breath to calm herself.
“Why Gilveidan,” she smiled slyly as she realized how close they still were. “If you wanted to touch me you could have just asked.”
Blushing bright red, Gilveidan stepped back. “It seemed to me that tactile stimulation would be the most effective method of getting you to focus on reality, ehem, as it were.”
She laughed. “I’m joking, you know.”
Ah, yes. Of course.” He cleared his throat. “Regardless, it seems we are to follow the forest’s advice. That door was not the correct aperture. One more false door awaits us.”
He turned away from her rather quickly and started walking, while Muirne laughed and followed behind.
As she truly looked at them, Muirne found the ruins oddly fascinating. She imagined all the people who had lived here in this city, and wondered just what had happened to them. As her eyes traced the entwining vines and greenery, she thought about Atlantis, and how someday the great city would also be so much stone and silence.
So lost in thought was she that she didn’t realize that Gilveidan had stopped until she ran into him. “Gil...?” she asked. “Are you...?”
She followed his gaze to an empty doorway. This must have been the second door.
“Vi...” he shook his head. “You’re... you’re not real. You’re dead. I know that.”
Yet, seemingly out of his own control, he took a step forward. “I... I’m sorry.”
And then stopped and Muirne wrapped her arms around him. “I’m here,” she said. “You’re right. She’s not real.” It felt like he might struggle, and Muirne wasn’t sure she was strong enough to prevent him from breaking her grip, but she gripped tighter anyway. “I’m not going to let go. You want to be forgiven? Help me end this thing that really killed her.”
“I...” he struggled, unable to look away from the door.
“It’s time to let her go,” Muirne whispered. “Believe me, I’m more of a hypocrite than you can possibly imagine saying that, but if we make it out of this alive, I’m going to let Ceallach go too.”
Gil sighed, slowly closed his eyes, and slowly turned away. “Goodbye, Viola,” he muttered, and then, locking eyes with Muirne. “Thank you. Let’s get away from here.”
And they did, very quickly. It wasn’t until they had wandered out of sight of the door and onto a weed-choked plaza that Gil began to breathe again. He gripped Muirne’s hand so tightly that it was almost going numb.
Once, this plaza had probably been a peaceful garden, a piece of the sky amidst a bustling city. Now the flora was overgrown, creeping over each other and up and round, ever upwards, until it had become a knot of vegetation, around which the dilapidated walls barely contained it.
There was only one place where the plant-life had avoiding growing at all costs: an actual door, still intact, the plants creating an unnatural arch around it. Though the building behind it was mostly destroyed, the crack under and round the door made it seem as if it was dark inside.
"It appears we've reached out destination," Gil said as they both stopped.
“Ai.” The word came calm, but inside Muirne was a ball of fear. There was something on the other side of that door, something powerful. It felt as if Muirne’s skin was trying to get up and crawl away.
Gil glanced over to her. “Are you ready?”
“No,” she replied. “But I don’t think I’ll ever be.” They nearly leaned on each other for support. “Well, it won’t do us any good waiting here. Let’s go.”
They went. And as they approached, the door opened quite on its own accord. It was waiting for them. They didn’t even stop, lest their nerve fail them. They just kept walking, into the darkness beyond.
And they found themselves somewhere else. The door did not lead to the crumbling building beyond, but to some other place entirely. Gil produced a ball of light, but there was nothing to shine it on except Muirne’s face. Around them was pure, pitch blackness. The only thing that they could be sure of was that they were going downwards.
It was utterly silent around them, and out of fear, Muirne drew her sword Brandubh. It almost seemed to be... glowing. She could hear the roar of blood thumping through her ears, and Gil’s breath beside her, and that was all.
They both stopped as they saw something ahead of them. A small point of... something, distinct from the inky blackness.
“What is that?” Muirne asked, but Gil didn’t have time to answer, for the point quickly expanded into a ball, growing bigger and bigger until it nearly consumed the darkness around them.
And then Muirne’s head exploded.
It was everything all at once. Every birth, every life coursing through her body. Every first love, every birthday, every laugh, every smile.
Every heartbreak Every fear Every pain Every lonely moment
We are so ALONE
Until we            (die)
Everything            (ends)(dies)(stops breathing)
She was in a bed, coughing and wheezing just wishing the pain would go away please take me away I don’t want to be here anymore I’m going to explode.
She was staring into the empty face of her creation, a perfect replica of the boy who was taken too soon, but it wasn’t him it wasn’t him it could never be and out the window the cold stone rushing past can’t take life without my sweet smiling boy.
And she was trembling as her older brother stared down at her, the blood of so many turning his cheeks rosy as the Truth whispered in her ear they all must die there’s nothing here it all ends in silence don’t kill me brother please I’m scared make it go away.
It all It all ends It all ends in It all ends in silence 
Tears were running down her face. Tears were running down her face and someone was calling her. “Muirne, the sword!” Gilveidan was shouting. “Use the sword!”
“There’s no point,” she whispered. The Truth was bare before her, the nihilism of the universe closing in. “Nothing matters.”
“It does!” A light bloomed in the darkness. There was Gil’s face, his weak ball of light pushing the Truth away. “Yes, everything ends, everything dies. But the point is that right now, you’re living. You and everyone else on this earth! Take my hand!”
Through the darkness, through the pain and crushing loneliness, there was his hand.
And she took it.
“Don’t look at it, look at me,” he said. “I have good news and bad news.”
“Good news first,” she nearly had to gasp out.
“This whole place,” he began, “Is a small pocket. Small as a pinpoint. You strike it, and we can seal it away in your sword.”
“And the bad news?” she asked.
He paused. “It isn’t just the Truth that will be sealed away. Everything in this pocket will go with it.”
Muirne’s heart fell. “We’re not getting out of this place, are we?”
After a moment, Gilveidan shook his head. “Unless someone breaks the seal, we’ll be here with it forever.”
“Alright,” Muirne nodded. “As long as you’re with me, I think I’ll be alright.”
The ball of light in Gil’s hand grew stronger. “I’ll only be able to hold it off for a moment. Go!”
Muirne turned, Gil’s light burning the Truth as it shrank away, its unearthly call vibrating her bones.
Fear, loneliness You are alone
No, Muirne wouldn’t hear it. She screamed, running towards the Truth, and struck.
The world shattered while the Truth shrieked. But Muirne would not let go, she would not yield. For Atlantis, for her family. She would give her life for there’s. Her tiny rabbit’s heart beat wildly.
And they all fell away, into darkness.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Can Republicans Win The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-can-republicans-win-the-house/
How Can Republicans Win The House
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House Republicans’ 2022 Strategy To Beat Democrats: Target Socialist Agenda And Job Killing Policies
How Republicans can win back the White House
House Republicans have laid out their path to winning back the chamber they came close to flipping in 2020. They plan to rely on a similar playbook: slamming the Democrats as socialists who will implement “job killing policies,” while at the same time downplaying any divisions within the GOP.
Since President Biden has taken office, the National Republican Congressional Committee has honed in on the impacts of closing the Keystone XL pipeline and delays in reopening schools.
“It’s going to come down to two different agendas: one is about freedom one is about having the right to self-determine your economic freedom, your individual liberties. The other one is about big government,” National Republican Congressional Committee chair Tom Emmer said in a call with reporters on Wednesday.;
“Every voter is going to have a clear understanding of the Democrats’ socialist agenda and the damaging impact it’s going to have on their daily lives.”
The party is;targeting 47 Democrats and needs a net gain of five seats to flip the chamber. The committee has split its targets into three categories: battleground districts where Mr. Biden lost or won by less than 5%; districts where House Democrats trailed his margins or where they won by less than 10%; and districts in states expected to add or lose congressional districts.
“Liz Cheney not losing her position really showed, ‘Okay we’re going to move on,'” she said.
Reality Check : The Democrats Legislative Fix Will Never Happenand Doesnt Even Touch The Real Threats
Its understandable why Democrats have ascribed a life-or-death quality to S. 1, the For the People bill that would impose a wide range of requirements on state voting procedures. The dozensor hundredsof provisions enacted by Republican state legislatures and governors represent a determination to ensure that the GOP thumb will be on the scale at every step of the voting process. The proposed law would roll that back on a national level by imposing a raft of requirements on statesno excuse absentee voting, more days and hours to votebut would also include public financing of campaigns, independent redistricting commissions and compulsory release of presidential candidates’ tax returns.
There are all sorts of Constitutional questions posed by these ideas. But theres a more fundamental issue here: The Constitutional clause on which the Democrats are relyingArticle I, Section 4, Clause 1gives Congress significant power over Congressional elections, but none over elections for state offices or the choosing of Presidential electors.
Opinion: The House Looks Like A Gop Lock In 2022 But The Senate Will Be Much Harder
Redistricting will take place in almost every congressional district in the next 18 months. The party of first-term presidents usually loses seats in midterms following their inauguration President Barack Obamas Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010 and President Donald Trumps Republicans lost 40 in 2018 but the redistricting process throws a wrench into the gears of prediction models.
President George W. Bush saw his party add nine seats in the House in 2002. Many think this was a consequence of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America nearly 14 months earlier, but the GOP, through Republican-led state legislatures, controlled most of the redistricting in the two years before the vote, and thus gerrymandering provided a political benefit. Republicans will also have a firm grip on redistricting ahead of the 2022 midterms.
The Brennan Center has found that the GOP will enjoy complete control of drawing new boundaries for 181 congressional districts, compared with a maximum of 74 for Democrats, though the final numbers could fluctuate once the pandemic-delayed census is completed. Gerrymandering for political advantage has its critics, but both parties engage in it whenever they get the opportunity. In 2022, Republicans just have much better prospects. Democrats will draw districts in Illinois and Massachusetts to protect Democrats, while in Republican-controlled states such as Florida, Ohio and Texas, the GOP will bring the redistricting hammer down on Democrats.
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Voting With The Party
This section was last updated in 2014.
The following data comes from OpenCongress, a website that tracks how often members of Congress vote with the majority of their party caucus.
The average Republican voted with the party approximately 93.6 percent of the time.
The average Republican voted with the party approximately 94.3 percent of the time.
The top Republican voted with the party approximately 98.2 percent of the time.
The bottom Republican voted with the party approximately 75.1 percent of the time.
Reality Check : Biden Cant Be Fdr
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Theres no question that Biden is swinging for the fences. Beyond the emerging bipartisan infrastructure bill, he has proposed a far-reaching series of programs that would collectively move the United States several steps closer to the kind of social democracy prevalent in most industrialized nations: free community college, big support for childcare and homebound seniors, a sharp increase in Medicaid, more people eligible for Medicare, a reinvigorated labor movement. It is why 100 days into the administration, NPR was asking a commonly heard question: Can Biden Join FDR and LBJ In The Democratic Party’s Pantheon?
But the FDR and LBJ examples show conclusively why visions of a transformational Biden agenda are so hard to turn into reality. In 1933, FDR had won a huge popular and electoral landslide, after which he had a three-to-one Democratic majority in the House and a 59-vote majority in the Senate. Similarly, LBJ in 1964 had won a massive popular and electoral vote landslide, along with a Senate with 69 Democrats and a House with 295. Last November, on the other hand, only 42,000 votes in three key states kept Trump from winning re-election. Democrats losses in the House whittled their margin down to mid-single digits. The Senate is 50-50.
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The 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Close Even If Trump Is The Gop Nominee
One very important thing we should have all taken away from both the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests is that the two major parties are in virtual equipose . The ideological sorting-out of the two parties since the 1960s has in turn led to extreme partisan polarization, a decline in ticket-splitting and and in number of genuine swing voters. Among other things, this has led to an atmosphere where Republicans have paid little or no price for the extremism theyve disproportionately exhibited, or for the bad conduct of their leaders, most notably the 45th president.
Indeed, the polarized climate encourages outlandish and immoral base mobilization efforts of the sort Trump deployed so regularly. Some Republicans partisans shook their heads sadly and voted the straight GOP ticket anyway, And to the extent there were swing voters they tended strongly to believe that both parties were equally guilty of excessive partisanship, and/or that all politicians are worthless scum, so why not vote for the worthless scum under whom the economy hummed?
The bottom line is that anyone who assumes Republicans are in irreversible decline in presidential elections really hasnt been paying attention.
Can Republicans Win The House
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee came out with a memo yesterday asserting that the House was not likely to land in Republican hands, but Nate Silver thinks its more likely than Democrats may want to admit:
The DNCC memo, of course,; is meant to serve a purpose other than providing an accurate forecast of November theyre trying to make sure that the base doesnt become so demoralized that they stay home and make a bad election even worse.
Im still not certain that Republicans can take back the House, but its certainly possible for the reasons Silver points out.
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How Republicans Can Win In 2022
STUART WESBURY | Special to LNP | LancasterOnline
For Republicans, the only goal must be to win back the U.S. House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.
That should be easy. In November, even though Donald Trump was not reelected president, the down-ballot races boded well for the GOPs future. But we Republicans are not acting like we want to win anything. So where do we go from here?
Of late, Republicans have separated themselves into several distinct groups, each with a different attitude and view.
For one group, retribution is the goal. These enthusiastic Trump supporters, distressed by the seven Republican U.S. senators who found Trump guilty in his second impeachment trial, are in a very unhappy mood. While the Republican Committee of Lancaster County did not pass a vote to censure Sen. Pat Toomey, other local committees did. The Pennsylvania Republican Party rebuked, rather than censured, Toomey.
The other senators who voted with Toomey to convict Trump were subjected to a variety of admonishments, as was, most notably, U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming. It began to look like an inquisition.
This is very serious. A very large group of Republican voters, numbering in the millions throughout the United States, are similarly angry. They continue to challenge the validity of President Joe Bidens election, wrongly insisting victory was stolen from Trump in November.
In other words, the fight goes on and many solid Republicans are on the proverbial chopping block.
Republicans Will Likely Take Control Of The Senate By 2024
How the GOP can win the house in 2022
The usual midterm House losses by the White House party dont always extend to the Senate because only a third of that chamber is up for election every two years and the landscape sometimes strongly favors the presidential party . But there a still generally an out-party wave that can matter, which is why Republicans may have a better than average chance of winning in at least some of the many battleground states that will hold Senate elections next year . If they win four of the six youll probably be looking at a Republican Senate.
But its the 2024 Senate landscape that looks really promising for the GOP. Democrats will be defending 23 seats and Republicans just 10. Three Democratic seats, and all the Republican seats, are in states Trump carried twice. Four other Democratic seats are in states Trump won once. It should be a banner year for Senate Republicans.
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Reality Check #: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them
Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.
The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.
Why Republicans Are Likely To Win The 2022 Mid
The public opinion in the United States may indeed be generally opposed to the Republican Party coming to power in the 2022 mid-term election, yet we should not close our eyes to the fact that the GOP is still well-positioned to take back the House and change the balance of power in its favor.
Taking a glance at what happened during recent months, it seems highly probable that the Republican party may have little to no chance to win the 2022 mid-term election. The first and the most noticeable incident that helps this idea prevail is that it was a Republican president who instead of leading the country towards peace in a time of crisis back in January, actually added fuel to the huge fire of division and riot in the U.S. and encouraged his extremist supporters to attack the Capitol Building, creating a national embarrassment that can hardly be erased from peoples memory.
To compound the puzzle, while no one can deny the destructive role the former president Donald Trump had in plotting for and leading the , in the battle of Trump against the truth, the members of the Republican party chose to opt for supporting the former at the cost of sacrificing the latter; It was on this Wednesday that Republican leaders in Congress expressed their opposition to a proposed bipartisan commission designed and created for investigating the Capitol riot that was carried out by Trumps supporters.
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The Plausible Solution: Just Win More
Whether the public sees Democratic demands for these structural changes as overdue or overreaching, the key point is that they are currently exercises in futility. The only plausible road to winning their major policy goals is to win by winning. This means politics, not re-engineering. They need to find ways to take down their opponents, and then be smarter about using that power while they have it.
They certainly have issues to campaign on. In the few weeks, we have learned that some of Americas wealthiest people have paid only minimal or no federal income tax at all. Even as the Wall Street Journal editorial writers were responding to a Code Red emergency , the jaw-dropping nature of the reportfollowed by a New York Times piece about the impotence of the IRS to deal with the tax evasions of private equity royaltyconfirmed the folk wisdom of countless bars, diners, and union halls: the wealthy get away with murder.
Of course this is a whole lot easier said than done. A political climate where inflation, crime and immigration are dominant issues has the potential to override good economic news. And 2020 already showed what can happen when a relative handful of voices calling for defunding the police can drown out the broader usage of economic fairness.
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For The People Act Matters
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Gerrymandering, under state laws, can be done by the party in power. That means the GOP has a significant advantage as they control the legislature in most states. In some states, redistricting is done by an independent commission, but that’s a rarity. According to Ballotpedia, the GOP has a trifecta in 23 states, compared to the 15 by Democrats.
In a bid to break their dominance over redistricting, the Democrats have introduced HR 1 or the For The People Act. Amongst other things, the bill bans partisan gerrymandering and state-level voting restrictions, which would make it harder for the GOP to limit voting rights. So naturally, the party filibustered the bill in the Senate. TargetSmart CEO Tom Bonier told Mother Jones, “Absent the passage of HR1, the GOP is poised to gerrymander their way to a House majority.”;
If HR 1 is passed, it would abolish partisan gerrymandering by state governments in favor of independent commissions. It also invalidates existing maps that have the intent or effect of unduly favoring or disfavoring one political party over another. This is an issue that has to be fixed in Congress because as the Supreme Court ruled in 2019, federal courts cannot review partisan gerrymandering. There is however some hope for Democrats. A stripped-down version of HR1 has been proposed by Sen Joe Manchin. It does get rid of some of the more controversial measures but keeps in the ban on partisan gerrymandering.;
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Republicans Can Win The Next Elections Through Gerrymandering Alone
Even if voting patterns remain the same, Republicans could still win more seats in Congress through redistricting
In Washington, the real insiders know that the true outrages are whats perfectly legal and that its simply a gaffe when someone accidentally blurts out something honest.
And so it barely made a ripple last week when a Texas congressman said aloud whats supposed to be kept to a backroom whisper: Republicans intend to retake the US House of Representatives in 2022 through gerrymandering.
We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country, Representative Ronny Jackson told a conference of religious conservatives. That alone should get us the majority back.
Hes right. Republicans wont have to win more votes next year to claim the US House.
In fact, everyone could vote the exact same way for Congress next year as they did in 2020 when Democratic candidates nationwide won more than 4.7m votes than Republicans and narrowly held the chamber but under the new maps that will be in place, the Republican party would take control.
If Republicans aggressively maximize every advantage and crash through any of the usual guardrails and they have given every indication that they will theres little Democrats can do. And after a 2019 US supreme court decision declared partisan gerrymandering a non-justiciable political issue, the federal courts will be powerless as well.
How The Republicans Can Win The White House In 2016
The Republican Party finds itself in an odd place heading into the 2016 presidential election. Theyve made tremendous gains at the state level under President Obama, hold a near-unbreakable majority in the House, and now control the Senate as well.
But theyve come up short by a significant margin in the last two presidential elections, where turnout is higher and the electorate is more diverse, and have plenty going against them in the next one.
Presidential elections are unpredictable and it often appears that one party can’t lose until it does. Democrats bounced back from three demoralizing blowout losses to win in 1992 against an incumbent, President George H.W. Bush, who seemed unbeatable earlier in his presidency. Republicans could do the same in 2016.
So what does the GOP have to do to finally crack the White House? These are some broad theories on how they win:
Cut Into the Democratic Base
The guiding principle behind a number of Republican candidates is that the party can only win when it reverses its losing margins with Democratic-leaning groups. That means winning converts among the most important planks of President Obamas winning coalition young voters, minorities, and single women.
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seductivebeaut · 7 years
#FeedingDemons With @FeralTormentor
Frankie Loveridge, SeductiveBeaut: {My hands pinned above my head, each blow to my face blurred my vision. This 20 stone man that had me pinned beneath him was kicking my ass, fighting with everything I had, squirming, trying to attempt to shake him off.. how the hell had this happened. I must admit I'd been drowning for a while. My focus off, the darker side of me becoming less satisfied with each hit I did. I could feel the downward spiral taking hold. The next blow that struck was harder than the others combined, or at least that's how it felt as his knuckles bounced off my swelling cheek. But luckily for me the heavy swing threw him off balance, his hand stupidly releasing my wrists to stop himself from falling but it gave me just enough time to slip my hand in my boot, gripping the blade. I think this was the fight or flight moment.. but the second he gave me that opportunity that dark side took a firm hold. Within the blink of an eye I had sliced his throat, his blood spurting over my face just before he collapsed on top of me. 8 days had past since my run in with the big guy. The swelling had gone down and only a yellow bruise remained. My split lip was almost healed too. Finally spotting the car from my position on top of the fire station, I lined up my sight as it pulled up outside the town hall. With a feather light touch, I settle my finger on the trigger. The door opens and my target steps out.. taking in a deep breath, I take my aim, releasing it slowly as I gently squeeze the trigger. This was my second hit of the day and I couldn't stop the satisfied smile that claimed my lips as I watched the target hit the floor. I quickly started to pack away and get on the road, I had another hit in the next town over. 25 days in and all the hits kinda blurred into one.. takedown after takedown. I was averaging around 8 kills a week, and I wanted more.. Viv had set up a steady stream of hits to me. This guy that stood in front of me screamed and begged as I brutally shoved my thumbs into his eyes. Feeling them give under the pressure. Pulling them out wiping the goo on my jeans before I reach for my gun and shoot him between the eyes.. or not anymore.. As his body hit the floor the silence that remained was deafening. I stood over his now lifeless body for a moment.. wondering how long this could go on for.. if i was honest.. I was nowhere near ready to stop.} Stefan Salvatore, FeralTormentor: [If there was one thing I had learned over the expanse of my lifetime then it's that Mystic Falls -- is too small, especially when the flip has been switched. Far too many pesky humans sticking their nose in other people's business, eager to reconnect me with humanity. Buzzkill the lot of them. With my latest dance with the devil, I left town. I'd feed the hunger within me, my demons were inevitable. The only thing there was to do was to give into them. For months I drifted from to town, taking what I wanted, who I wanted. Killing on nothing but a whim. What did I care for the human condition? They were born screaming and I would ensure they would die screaming too. Covering my tracks at times, only to prevent someone from my past tracking my movements. The past was done with, I had no use for any of them anymore. Nights were spent in a blood and liquor induced haze. If the victim drank just the right amount then I'd have the pleasure of tasting it myself while I mercilessly fed. Nobo kills were so artfully pre-planned, I was a hunter, enslaved to my unwavering desire for blood. Drawing the pad of a thumb across my blood stained lower lip, gathering up the last droplets to savour the thrill of my latest kill. Booted feet shuffled silently across the floor, leaving the girls remains in the alley, she had torn just like paper, for some poor soul to find when dawn broke. Each step became more purposeful, there was a name to add to a wall. No sense in hunting any longer, even the stragglers would be fucks up in bed by now. The silence of the night broken by the sound of a struggle, lips pulling back to reveal a sly grin. It seemed there was still fun to be had. Scaling the fire escape of the nearest building, I followed the sound of the struggle, what better way to view a fight than from higher ground. The night sky was clear, leaving the stars overhead visible to all, such a clear night brought a chill to the air, not that such a thing bothered myself. Open palms pressed against the roofs edge, an emerald gaze falling to the blonde bellow, battling a guy who’s stature easily towered over her own. Nasal passengers filled with the scent of blood, his or hers? I didn't know. I didn't care, my only interest here laid at the feet of the victor. Blood filled with adrenaline… Hmm, now that always went down nicely. As the two man war raged on below it was becoming difficult not to appreciate the brutality of the blonde. It spoke to the darkness I held within. A darkness that until now had thrived alone. Thumbs removed the man's ability to see before a single shot rang out, sending him straight to hell. If I was to act on my hunger then now would be the time. Feet however refused to move, to kill such a dark beauty would be a crime, especially when there was fun to be had. Company was something I had lacked for a long time, not yet ready to introduce myself, I tailed the blonde first from the roof and then from the shadows below. I wanted to see just how dark she was willing to go] Frankie Loveridge, SeductiveBeaut: {I finally move, reaching to grab the collar of my latest victim's shirt. I drag his body a few yards and an odd feel creeps in. Releasing his collar. I allow my gaze to scan my surrounding briefly. My bottom lip juts out as I shrug a single shoulder.} You're losing it Frankie. {Securing my grip in this guy's clothing once again I drag the dead weight to my Truck. I'd put the Aston Martin in storage in Ohio I think. It was not practical so I got something that fit a little better. Dropping the tailgate and pulling back the cover. I fight with a bag of muscle and bone until he is in position. Shutting it all back up I jump in the truck and head to the little cabin I intended to crash at, it was literally 15 minutes away. Grabbing a dusty glass off the side I pour myself a large whiskey. Tilting the glass and it's contents down my throat in a couple of gulps. I set the glass on the sable top and hissed, shaking my head as the burn warmed me. Walking towards the door, I pick up a set of overalls and a hacksaw before heading out to the truck. I pause on the dilapidated porch and slide each leg into the overalls and push my arms through the sleeves. Taking the 3 steps off the porch I open the back of the truck and drag the guy off watching as his body slumps against the ground. With the same process, I drag him out back to a tin shack of a garage. After an hour this guy was limbless and I was beat, all I needed to do now was toss the parts onto a fire and then I could pass out before another day of hits. But first the fire. I rub my forehead with the back of my hand and head out, It shouldn't take too long seen as I was smack bang in the middle of small woodlands.} Stefan Salvatore, FeralTormentor: [Seeing the blonde drag the lifeless corpse along behind her was entertaining, clearly she cared for the clean up. Why else go to all that effort. As her svelte physique turned back I stepped further into the shadows where no human vision would ever pick up upon my presence. The tricky part came when she made a beeline for a truck, my own mode of transport a few blocks away, parked outside the place I had claimed as my latest place of residence. A darkened gaze swept out, weighing up my options, finally settling on one of the run down vehicles beside the curb. It would have to do. I waited until the truck and the mysterious blonde was nothing but tail lights before stepping out of the shadows and proceeding to break into the car. The task in itself was simple enough and hot wiring the engine had become child's play for me a long time ago. Tailing the blonde at a safe distance, if she saw me now then the plan I was beginning to build up in my mind would never see it's why to fruition. Pulling the car into one of the hedges at the side of the road I stepped out, deciding it was better to go the rest of the way on foot. Booted feet met the ground silently, shoulders hunched forward while attempting to make myself as inconspicuous as I possibly could. Thick brows rose in mild surprise as I drew up to an old cabin, I wouldn't have pegged the woman as the cabin type] What other secrets are you hiding? [Mumbling to myself. I'd reached the cabin just in time to see the woman drag the body around back. Jogging forward to catch up I found an old building around back. Unable to slip inside without making myself known there was little else for me to do, other than settle outside and listen to what was happening within. Being no stranger to the removal of limbs, although my victims tended to still be alive at this point, it didn't take me long to piece together exactly what was going on. Lips lifted into a sly smile, arms rising to fold at my chest following the approach of footsteps. The door swung outwards, hiding my broad frame from sight. The scent of blood once again making nasal passages its home] Tsk, who's been naughty. [Tone low and husky as the blonde moved past without noticing me. Hikes a brow, my head canting to one side while I await her reaction. My hearing focused in upon her heartbeat. The last thing she would be expecting would be company and mine was sure to be unwelcomed] Frankie Loveridge, SeductiveBeaut: {I made a b-line for the outskirts of the woodland. Only to freeze in place as the low tone meets my ears. My hand slowly moves behind me as I force myself turn towards the voice.} You have no Idea. {My gaze scanning the dark surroundings. A small stream of light that just made out the outline of the figure, I could make out it was a guy, his broad shoulders, prominent in the silhouette the crack of light cast over him. Pulling a small concealed blade from holster attached to my belt, taking a small step towards them.} If you're here to kill me, let's get this over with, I'm a busy girl you know. {My tone was firm and confident, not give away how I really felt, but internally I was thrown off guard, this was a safe house, how on earth did they find it for starters.} Stefan Salvatore, FeralTormentor: [Listening to the way in which her heartbeat picked up, undoubtedly pounding against her rib cage, she’d been running on pure adrenaline for hours now and the effects were wearing off] Oh I have an idea. More of an idea than you realize. [Leisurely footsteps brought me out from the shadows and into what little light the night sky had to offer. It wouldn't be enough for her to see my features clearly but it would be enough to afford her a better picture than the one she had] You intending to gut me Blondie? [Tongues tip, grazing across a lower lip, arms hang in loosely at my sides] Where's the fun in that? Not to mention.. [The sentence trailing off as I took the final step forward, a large hand gripping at the wrist of the hand that held the impressive blade, before she had a chance to react I pulled against her arm forcing her forward until the blade slid into my gut like butter, a small wince my only reaction. For months now I had drunk nothing but human blood, building up not only my strength but my tolerance for pain] ..I'm a lot harder to kill than your friend in there. [Hand released her wrist and returned to my side, while a gaze shifted momentarily to the shack behind me] So, what's it gonna be? Fun or messy? Frankie Loveridge, SeductiveBeaut: {As he spoke he stepped forward and I was on full alert. I almost relaxed when he said about an idea but in my line of work that could mean anything. I stood tall and pushed my shoulders back defensively as he drew closer.} What kind of idea? {With a tilt of my head my curiosity is peaked as my gaze roams over his muscular frame before returning to meet his own.} If you give me a reason too, I won't hesitate. {The confusion was real, was this guy gonna hire me.. kill me.. torture was an option to.} Wait fun? {The second he took that step closer my grip tightens around the hilt, but just as quickly his large hand grasped my wrist. I was about to fight back but he pulled my arm that held the blade, the muscle sliced as he drives it into his torso. I stumble forward and my hand reaches out, gripping his arm to steady myself. Glancing down at the blade then back up at him.} Vampire. I should have known. {His hand move from my wrist, i waste no time in pulling the blade from his torso, my other hand falls from his shoulder. I take a step back and wipe the blood from my blade on my thigh, staining the overalls I had on. I allow a small silence to follow before finally breaking it.} Can't it be both? {My lips curl into a sadistic smile.} I mean it's not fun if you don't get a little messy right? {Turning my back on the stranger, I head towards the woodland to grab the firewood, to finish the job i had started and burn that body.} Stefan Salvatore, FeralTormentor: [Dark pulsating veins webbed out beneath lower lids as incisors lengthen and sharpened, allowing the girl before me to get a look at the monster that lurked just beneath the surface. The self inflicted wound at my abdomen already healed] Mhmm, you really should have. [I hid my mild surprise beneath a toothy grin, it would appear the blonde was more versed in the supernatural than I first would have expected and the chances were if she knew of vampires then she would also know of vervain. Oh well, it all still worked in my favour, there was always more fun to be had when compulsion wasn't at play. Tipping my head forth in an agreeable nod at the last statement, girl had more fire in her than she showed. A trait I could easily show appreciation for, but maybe not just yet... Arms brought once more to cross at my chest, backing up once more into the shadows, blondie had a job to do and I wasn't the type for manual labour, not when I could slip inside the shack to appreciate the handy work of one so young. The game would continue upon her return..] Frankie Loveridge, SeductiveBeaut: {It had taken an hour to gather enough wood to build a fire big enough to burn the body, but it was worth it. Although, the whole time I wondered what idea this vampire had, I saw him continue to lurk the whole time. I mean what did he want with a twisted girl like me.. I’m sue if he wanted me dead, he’d have attempted it or succeeded by now. Heading back inside the shack I stuff the body parts into a sack, dragging it from the shed to just in front of the fire. Once the bonfire was lit and the flames lapped the wood, hungrily and one by one, I threw the mangled chunks of my last victim into the centre of it. The warm, amber glow consuming my concentration. Finally snapping myself from my daze, not quite sure where he had gotten to at this point. So I spoke hoping those keen senses he possessed worked in my favour.} So, idea, huh? I’ll grab the whiskey, and you can tell me more. {Turning on my heel I head back into the cabin for a brief moment to fetch two glasses and a bottle and head back outside to the fire, taking a seat on one of the old tires strewn about the area.} Stefan Salvatore, FeralTormentor: [A hooded gaze followed the retreating figure of the blonde with mild interest, knowing the task she was about to take care of and having little desire to help. Booted feet met the earth below silently, leaving what little light the sky overhead allowed to duck inside the shack. Nasal passages once again assaulted by the stench of blood, the place was filled with it. The interior resembling that of a one man massacre, this woman's style was something to not only be appreciated but also moulded into something greater. With someone such as myself at her side who knew what she could become. A forefinger traced the smooth cut at the neck, neater than any pieces I tended to leave behind. Then again I didn't tend to deal in power tools. Snorting to myself at the image such an idea conjured within the depths of my mind. I had no idea how long I had been appreciating her handy work when the silence was broken by approaching steps and laboured breath. No matter, I simply became one with the shadows of the night again. Leaving the blood soaked shack without her even noticing. Curious as to my location, that was a given, yet if I wanted to watch this mysterious woman who walked a dangerous path then it was best to do so from afar. In truth people such as us tended to work better alone.. at least for a little while. Eyes trailed upon her every move, almost robotic. Her soft features, now lit by the soft glow of the bonfire, were void of emotion. Lips twitched at the mention of liquor. Woman was smart, smart enough to realise I wasn't done with her just yet. Approaching the fire, only once she had disappeared inside the cabin, perching upon one of the upended logs] What would you like to know? [An emerald gaze cast briefly in her direction before returning to the lapping flames once more] Frankie Loveridge SeductiveBeaut {My gaze lost on the flames for a moment, my mind raced with the past few hours. I knew I felt, saw someone earlier, before I met him. I set the bottle firmly between my knees and twist the cap off, my other hand balancing both glasses, placing the cap between my teeth and gripping the bottle securely I fill our glasses.. The whole process repeated as I secure the lid back on the bottle before handing this guy one. I pondered his question as I swirl the liquor around the bottom of the glass before glancing over at him} Everything, I mean.. You must want something from me, I’m alive.. {Glancing down at the glass.} So, I figure you want me alive for a reason. You just watched me pop some guys eyes in and then chop and burn the bastard body. {Finally bringing the glass to parted lips I knock back the liquor.} So.. something tells me, you’re either as twisted as I am, or you just like being all creepy lurker around blondes. {A small twitch of amusement briefly curled my my lips. Blowing out a slow breath as I feel the heat of the whiskey Warm my chest} Why don’t you tell me everything. {There was nothing in my features, no fear, no curiosity. I felt numb, like I had for months now, but there was a twinge that pulled at my insides and that was there is a small chance this guy was similar to me, in some sense. Plus, something told me that this could actually turn out to be an adventure, but I wasn’t going to get ahead of myself. I mean, when did that ever happen. Reaching for the bottle once again, I refill my glass, and offer him another.} I’m Frankie by the way.
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