#i considered doing this in the original french but then i realized that’s less accessible and i am first and foremost a man of the people
cheesy-che · 4 years
Gift exchange - TMNT fanfic
Yet another slice of life fanfic with @sassatello 's original character and mine, set in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe (2k3). You can read the first part here. 
Click here for info about : Adrian (Sassatello’s OC) and Mizuiro (my OC) Words : About 2260 /// Type : Fluff, as always! ~
Gift Exchange Unfolding the small piece of paper in his hand, Donatello smiled awkwardly at the name appearing on it. He noticed how wiggly the initial was, followed by five succinct and well-rounded letters. As he felt a small rush of blood in his cheeks, he was more apprehensive than he should have been. 
This gift exchange was a great idea for everyone in their group to receive something special. However, as soon as he had noticed the “A” on the white stationary, his mind was filled with doubt. For some reason, he had thought of a possible gift for everyone in their group: A comic-book shelf for Mikey; a portable radio for Mizuiro; relaxing bath salts for Raph; a French-press tea infuser for Leo... well, for everyone except Adrian. The common agreement in their group -considering the lack of funds from most- was that the gifts would either have to be handmade or recycled. Donatello could create a lot of things easily. He knew more than anyone that making things was his specialty. Nonetheless, he was now completely in the dark as to what he could offer to their terrapin friend from outer space. How could he find an original gift for someone who has access to an inter dimensional portal? Adrian probably could find whatever he wants, whenever he felt like it, right? 
The ever so resourceful mutant turtle was already running out of ideas. It took him days to admit it, but he was at an impasse. Eventually, he decided to ask Adrian’s closest friend. She was the only one aware of their relationship so far. After all, only three weeks had passed since they had their first kiss. 
Today, the turtles’ lair was being prepared for their annual Christmas party. While Adrian was helping Raphael hanging decorations around, Mizuiro was untangling fairy lights in the living room. Michelangelo was writing down the ingredients they would need for cooking and Leonardo was decorating the tree with their father. Meanwhile, Donatello was making sure that the electrical panel could handle their future power usage. Noticing how his task involved being physically close to Mizuiro, he thought it might be an occasion to ask for advice. Fortunately for him, loud festive music was playing at their place, thanks to Michelangelo. Nobody else would hear what he was about to ask. 
“So...” Donatello started innocently, grabbing Mizuiro’s attention. Have you already thought about your gift?” 
“I did.” His friend sighed after letting go of a knot she has been working on untangling. “But it’s not done yet.” 
“Right.” He paused. “There isn’t much time left before Christmas.” 
She hummed in agreement, keeping her concentration on the many wires laying around. 
“To be completely honest,” Donatello continued, “I don’t have a clue of what I could give.” 
He shyly scratched the back of his head, hoping for a reaction from her friend. Eventually, Mizuiro looked up, witnessing his doubtful expression. The brow bones behind his purple mask framed his eyes in a downward curve. He was implicitly asking for help.
“Whose name did you end up with?” She asked curiously. 
“Adrian...” he mentioned in a lower voice. 
Mizuiro looked around to check if anyone heard him. Seeing they didn’t, she got up and approached him slowly. Still hearing loud melodies playing around the lair, she relied on them to cover their conversation.
“What’s wrong, Donnie?”
“I really don’t know what I can give him”, he repeated, “and I don’t want it to be something that’s too obvious either. I don’t know if my family is okay with us being more than friends.”
“But,” his human friend interrupted him, “what makes you think they wouldn’t approve?”
“I don’t know.” he sighed, fiddling with his own hands as usual. “It’s not really a subject we talk about in our home. I’m sure you understand, since you must’ve thought about it, too.”
His friend’s shoulders subtly became stiff.
“Adrian told me.” Donatello shrugged, empathizing about these awkward feelings that weren’t easy to put into words. “Your secret is safe with me though, I promise.”
Without saying anything, she stared at him with a worried glance. After another quick look around, she finally let out a few words, in a much lower voice.
“I understand,” Mizuiro sighed, asking herself how long she would be able to keep her feelings secret at this point.  “Why don’t you focus less on your intimate knowledge of him… and more on what other people know?”
He moved his right hand to his chin, not sure what she meant.
“For example,” his friend continued, “he introduced himself as a traveller, right? This alone must surely give you ideas.”
His eyes expanded after hearing this, realizing the answer has been right under his nose all this time. Well, his beak, in his case. Only a few seconds after, they were surprised by Raphael’s voice coming from the other side of the lair. He had his hand on the sound system volume, where he had adjusted the tuning knob to be heard.
“When you two geeks are done discussing electrical power and whatnot, could you give us a hand with this?”
As he pointed the top of the Christmas tree, they both noticed how their traditional star-shaped topper had yet to be functional. Immediately, Donatello smiled and walked in direction of the tree. 
“What is it? You didn’t connect it on the garlands?” he inquired.
“We didn’t want to make anything explode.” Raphael retorted, half-joking.
Mizuiro admired the way Donatello could change subject so easily, not showing any sign of his previously stressed state of mind. She went back to untangling the lights on the floor, a well-known black hand with red spots appearing in front of her. Adrian offered his help while sitting next to her. 
“You told him.” Mizuiro whispered after a minute of silence. 
“What?” her friend breathed back.
“About… our secret.”
“Oh!” Adrian exclaimed, way too loud for his friend’s taste.
She put her finger in front of her mouth.
“I’m sorry!” Adrian justified himself, back to an undertone. “The guy is a genius. It was only a matter of time until he figured I was hiding something from him. It slipped out.”
His friend sighed again, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. 
“I don’t want to ruin Christmas with all of this… drama.” She said softly.
Her terrapin friend placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m sure it wouldn’t ruin anything, but I’ll be more careful in the future.”
“Thank you, Adrian.”
He gently hugged her before untangling the last two wires. He felt the need to stand in a victorious swing, both his hands showing off the now precisely arranged lights on the floor.
“We did it!” He said out loud, trying to cheer his friend.
“We?” Leonardo stepped in. “Mizuiro did most of the work, didn’t she?”
She shrugged while getting up, Adrian winking at her with the most obvious smile. This guy just didn’t know subtlety like she did, apparently. 
On December 25th, Adrian appeared in the middle of the lair. Their gift exchange has been planned for 3 PM, but the portal user came by an hour earlier. He could never determine New York’s exact time after the Daylight-Saving date. On other planets he visited, most of them agreed on a global time management solution. At least for once, he was in advance instead of being late.
“Hey, Adrian!” Michelangelo greeted him with a smile. “You’re early!” 
“Apparently?” he smiled back after noticing the time on the kitchen clock. “Hey, where should I put my gift?”
“Right here, my dude!” Michelangelo pointed their Christmas tree.
He noticed that six gifts were placed there, all indicating their names.
“Wait, is Mizuiro here already?”
“Uh yeah, she’s with Donnie, in his lab. I think she’s working on something with him.”
Adrian noticed the television was on, the weather forecast announcing snow in their area.
“Oh, can we go outside after our gift exchange!?” his friend asked with an enthusiastic voice. “Is it okay for us to go out in the day like that?”
“We could, yeah! There aren’t many humans outside during Christmas anyway.”
Michelangelo drew the attention at them.
“Hey guys! We can start early. Adrian is here!”
Raphael and Leonardo stepped out of the dojo while two heads peeked outside of the laboratory. Splinter had risen up from the couch and sat next to their Christmas tree. The seven of them formed a circle, Adrian making sure to sit next to Donatello.
“So, who’s first?” Splinter asked. “Should I just pick one since I am not biased?”
They all agreed to follow his suggestion, and he carefully gave the gifts to everyone. One by one, they opened their gifts and thanked each other. Adrian had found a cool-looking extraterrestrial dagger for Raphael during one of his travel, who then gave a knitted scarf to Leonardo. The latter gave a bracelet to Mizuiro, mentioning he had looked for trinkets all around the city to make it. Michelangelo received a pair of harem pants made by Mizuiro, which he tried on immediately. He proceeded by giving his gift to Donatello, which was a homemade “Do not disturb” sign to put on the door of his lab with cupcakes he had cooked. Last but not least, Adrian received a water bottle from Donatello. A confused look appeared on his face.
“Please, open the bottle” Donatello insisted. “There is a filter inside that should allow you to drink water wherever you find it!”
“Oh, that is so cool!” Adrian beamed. “Thank you, honey!”
Completely oblivious to his words, he kept examining the bottle and the craftmanship of it. Eventually, his attention got back to Donatello, whose face was now as red as a mutant turtle could be.
“Honey?” Michelangelo broke the silence.
“Did that just slip out of your mouth?” Raphael asked, an awkward smile appearing on his face.
“Oh.” Adrian softly winced, realizing the situation he had just created.
He looked around and saw everyone alternating their attention between Donatello and him. The conclusion was evident, seeing how shy and silent both of them suddenly were. Mizuiro put her hand in front of her mouth to hide her subtle smile. Unfortunately, someone did notice it.
“Wait,” Leonardo addressed her. “You knew?”
She was about to justify herself when Adrian disrupted the general uneasiness. He casually went sitting next to Donatello and put an arm over his now official “boyfriend”.
“I guess there’s no way of denying it now, is there?” he joked, avoiding their stares by looking at his partner. 
Even if he didn’t want to admit he was embarrassed, redness had also appeared on his cheeks.
“I am happy for you, my son.” Declared the turtle’s father, whose reaction was unexpectedly calm and collected. “You didn’t have to hide it from us.”
“Since when!?” interrupted Michelangelo.
Donatello, however, couldn’t say anything. It was not how he had planned to announce this to his family. Actually, he didn’t even have the chance to think of a better alternative. At least, Adrian had made it easier to swallow the pill by saying it nonchalantly.
“Erm well… Adrian, didn’t you want to go outside?” Donatello suggested, wanting to escape this uncomfortable situation as much as possible.
“Yes!” he remembered. “Let’s go now, how about that?”
Adrian got up and took Donatello by the hand, walking in direction of the lair’s entrance. Michelangelo wouldn’t accept the change of subject so easily.
“Don’t take it badly, I’m really hyped for them! I simply wonder why he didn’t tell us!”
“Love is complicated, Mikey.” Insisted Raphael. “Let them be. I’m sure Donnie will answer our questions later. Let’s just go outside for now, yeah?”
“Make sure to come back before 5,” mentiond Splinter. “That’s when I asked our guests to visit. Be careful, and don’t taunt him with your questions so much.”
A synchronized “Yes sensei” formally escaped the mouth of the three remaining mutant turtles. They all went in their respective rooms to find winter clothing. Donatello came back with other garments destined for Adrian. Snow has always been a source of joy for the traveller. Even if he had witnessed many different climates and meteorological phenomena, nothing could make him feel as giddy as Earth’s own frozen vapor. The fact that he had associated the sight of snow with Donatello’s presence might have been a good indicator of why he liked it so much. 
Outside, while their little group were making a snow sculpture, Donatello had asked Adrian to take a walk far from the others. Holding his special someone’s hand along the road, Adrian felt proud to be with him. Despite the shy nature of his partner, he showed much more confidence. His smile was growing by the second, not having to hide himself from anyone. Well, he still had to avoid humans, -and the cold- hence the snowsuit he was wearing. 
“I had something else to give you, Adrian.” Calmly said Donatello.
“Oh? You didn’t have to!”
“I insist. The water bottle was easy to make. I wanted you to have this.”
He handed him a booklet out of his pocket.
“This is a portable photo album with pictures of our group. I asked Mizuiro to help me print it.”
Adrian briefly looked at the pages in the book, but he decided to hug his partner for the moment being. He placed a delicate kiss on his forehead, hugging him even tighter. 
“You’re absolutely precious, do you know that, Donnie?”
“Ah… come on.” He shyly scoffed back. ~
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(( Original art here ))
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clarenecessities · 3 years
most days i can tamp down on the combined instincts of my alphabet soup brain, but today was like.... not that day
i had a small epiphany yesterday about eternia/etheria in that the ether is “space” and eternity is obviously time, so they’re like. you see? they’re spacetime. but spacetime is merely the stage upon which physics dance so i went on a very light retread of relativity, briefly detoured into time dilation/the planet of the apes movies, and in the process brushed up against apeiron
i’ve come across it before but had never investigated its origins, but it seemed like, you know, a cool word, and i’ve been doing a lot of research to pick an overarching name for the feline humanoids in my she-ra graph, right, because D’riluth iii is a stupid fucking name and I don’t want catra to be a subspecies of “““Driluthian”““ so i was like hey. is there a way to make this look less like ‘ape’
so it turns out kind of yes and no? the doric version of apeiros is transliterated as epeiros, which is also the spelling of ‘mainland’ (whence Epirus). of course, that led to epeirid, an adjectival form of Epeira.
“well, okay,” i said to myself, “is it like infinite, or like mainland? what does either have to do with spiders?” but of course wiktionary had no etymology listed. rather than using my brain and googling “epeira etymology” which would have taken me directly to the merriam-webster (heh. web) definition, i just googled epeira and found the fucking uh. wikipedia article for Araneus, because Epeira was the genus name for all of ten years. and like, okay. in my defense. the root they’ve listed is wrong. we’ll come back to that later.
so this french bitch had written a treatise on them in 1805, right? describing the members of the genus? so i was like fine. fuck it. whatever. maybe he explained why he picked it. so i looked up the fucking Tableau des aranéides ou caractères essentiels des tribus, genres, familles et races que renferme le genre Aranea de Linné, avec la désignation des espèces comprises dans chacune de ces divisions. because if the french know one thing, it’s brevity. 
“it’s fine,” i said, “i’ll just ctrl+f Epeira and get to the good shit,” i said. of course the only version online was on a spider website that you needed an account for. i was like you know what? fine. whatever. i made an account for the spider website. i gained access to the pdf of the 1805 french spider report. the 1805 spider report did not have searchable text.
this was around the point that i realized i was being deranged.
i read the fucking spider report. could have skimmed it! should have, probably! but i was so convinced i was going to skip over the explanation that i read the whole damn intro, right up until he starts describing the little bastards. considering my french is kindergarten level i owe most of it to the cognate power of science words. thank you, historical nerds, for being weaboos for greco-roman shit. you nailed it this time.
about 50 pages into the old timey spider pamphlet, i found a spelling en francaise. épéire. okay, sweet. googled that. it’s a modern french word, with one fewer accent, épeire--garden spider. etymologie just called back to Epeira. i returned to the spamphlet. i found another spelling, épéïre. this one yielded the french wikipedia article for Epeira.
“okay, fine,” i said, “fuck it, i’m 60 pages into a fucking spider report from 1805, i can read wikipedia.“
eureka. french wikipedia yielded the answer to my prayers. ἐπί (epí, “upon, on”) + εἴρω (eírō, “weave, string”). i updated wiktionary immediately, after a brief but ferocious battle to understand how the fuck their coding works.
my dudes, the euphoria was off the charts. never have i felt so accomplished. i hunted that motherfucker down like a dog. i dispersed this information to the masses, to save some hapless future nerd the trouble. i am never going to die.
oh also merriam-webster has it listed as “New Latin, from epi- + -eira (from Greek eirein to fasten in rows, string together)“ but like not only does it neglect to show greek letters, it’s not from eira. eirein isn’t even a god damn word! i can only assume they mean εἰρήνη (eirḗnē), because it means ‘to tie together’ literally, but in practice it means peace! and it’s still derived from eírō, not the other way around! i don’t even know where the -a comes from, unless they’re suggesting it’s in the fucking aorist. this is why it’s important to include the greek spelling. transliteration is fucking dumb.
i digress. the point is, sometimes being a nerd is a gateway to insane levels of dopamine, and i’m drunk on etymology
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bluemoon-writer · 5 years
Childhood Friends AU: Max and Markov (Marxkov)
Part 1- In which Max ‘makes’ a friend
(2.6k words)
Masterlist Here
A/N: I got a bit carried away while writing and this became less of a list of bubbly making headcanons and more of a tragic origin story, so it’s a little different from the Marikim headcanons, so let me know what you guys think.
-Max’s mother, Claudie, gets pregnant with him at age 18
-he was an accidental pregnancy
- his father, Adam Kante, had just enlisted in the French Armed Forces and his mother was just starting university
-it wasn’t ideal circumstances, but his parents loved each other and didn’t want to give up
-So his dad proposed, and was stationed in Paris until Max was born
-unfortunately, then he was sent off to an overseas base
-Luckily, Claudie’s brother steps up to help out.
-Two years older than his sister, he was very different from her and her husband. While both of them were disciplined and fact oriented, he was more laid-back
-His dream was to be a stand-up comedian, and his stage name was Mark Oz
-He worked at night so he was able to watch Max during the day so Claudie could go to school
-With Adam away for so long, Mark became a father figure of sorts to Max
-They would spend most of the day together, and Mark realized early on that he had a child-genius on his hands
-So he bought extra learning material for Max
-He encouraged Max as much as could to peruse whatever academics interested
-Max was only 3 though, so nothing truly interested him more than Transformers
-Mark played the cartoon as background noise one day, and Max was instantly hooked
-He watched every episode
-For his birthday, he received only Transformers figurines
-when he started school he would draw new transformers in Art class
-For his 5th birthday, his mom bought him a robotics kit (a child-friendly robotics kit)
-and his Uncle bought him a coding Manuel
-Max found his new passion
-him and his uncle spent days building simple robots
-he was so fascinated by robots that he spent most of his free time learning more
-he dreamed about one day creating his own transformer
-and his Uncle helped him.
-He was never super academic but was still had the family brains.
-He full heartedly threw himself into Max’s passion
-inadvertedly, it helped his career. He created one of the most unique stand up comedy routines ever heard in Paris, those lucky enough to see it raved about it for years
-Mark Oz was finally hitting it big time, and he did not give a shit
-the only person he cared about making smile everyday was his nephew
-together, the two of them continued to hone Max’s robot building skills
-Mark bought a big black notebook and in it he wrote down every robot Max wanted to build
-max would dictate the details and Mark would write it, and then Max would attach a picture he drew of it
-despite being a child genius, he was still a child and had atrocious handwriting
-Slowly they were crossing robots off the list, starting with the most simple
-a basic walking robot
-eventually, and Mark didn’t know how long it would take, but they’d get to their last robot
-a fully functioning AI
-When Max turned seven he started taking advanced classes
-His mom had just finished her PhD, one of the youngest ever to complete the program, and was considering applying to become an astronaut
-Both Mark, Max, and her husband encouraged her to go for. Adam offered be discharged from the military to look after Max, but Mark insisted that he wouldn’t mind taking care of Max
-“Neither one of you should put your dream jobs on hold. I’ve been watching Max for seven years, I love the kid, and I’ll take care of him for the rest of my life if he still wants me around.”
-And Mark kept that promise
-Unfortunately, he kept it because his life was cut short.
-It was after a late show, the driver was intoxicated and didn’t see Mark crossing the street.
-Claudie withdrew from the astronaut program and took up a job as a train driver so she could be around for Max
-Adam returned from his deployment, but things just weren’t the same. He enlisted in a third campaign after a month
-Max was devasted. His uncle was the only one who understood him.
-He didn’t speak a word to anyone for a year.
-His mom is concerned, but therapists insist that Max just needs time
-Meanwhile, Max works his way through his robot list.
-His mom offers to help him, but he refuses.
-If he can’t build them with his uncle then he’ll build them alone
-a year later he’s halfway through the list
-His mom almost cries when he asks her to come see his robots
-He spends the entire day showing her the different ones and explaining what they do
-After that, their relationship improves greatly. Max talks a lot about everything he’s interested in
-Claudie is barely able to keep up
-She’s afraid that he might have an unhealthy attachment to his robots though, and is afraid of what will happen when he completes his list
-So she introduces him to a new hobby, video gaming
-Mark had tried to get Max into it a few times but Max was more interested in Robotics and programming at the time
-Now though, in memory of his uncle, he gives it a go
-and fucking loves it
-He and his mom spend the weekend playing old games that his uncle had
-He doesn’t give up on his robots though
-Two years later, he’s down to the very last robot on his list
-His father comes home that same week, his three year campaign ended
-Once Max started speaking again, his father would video call him. Max would show him his latest robot, and his father, who didn’t know a thing about robots, would ask him as many questions as he could come up with about it
-It was slightly awkward at first, seeing his dad in person, but soon it faded away
-Max still didn’t want help with his robots, but he was more than happy to play video games with his father
-his dad was skilled, particularly in fighting games, and Max almost never beat him
-at first
-his dad taught him a few tricks, and Max practiced and practiced until he could beat his dad
-Max was doing pretty good
-Still, though, he seemed to have an aura of sadness around him
-His dad asked him one day what games he liked to play with his friends
“I don’t have friends”
-It was the advanced classes. They were filled with older kids, and none of them wanted to befriend a 10 year-old
-His parents decided to pull him out at the end of the year.
-For college, he’d be going to a regular (though very good) school with kids his own age
-Francois Dupont had a great reputation, and offered him an academic scholarship
-His dad enlisted in another campaign
-Max was sad to see him leave, but was feeling happier than he had been in a while
-He continued to work on his last robot
-He turned 11 and started school at Francois Dupont
-He had no idea how to interact with kids his own age
-He was seated next to a hyperactive kid who introduced himself as Kim
-They were in the very front row and Kim joked that the teacher was already trying to keep an eye on them
-it wasn’t very funny, but Max almost fell over laughing
-“Wow, if you thought that was funny, just wait till you meet my friend Marinette!”
-“I’m sorry its just that…I would never disrupt class. Knowledge is the most valuable thing we can gain, and I intend to gain as much as I can.”
“I don’t know man, that sounds kind of like something a mad scientist would say.”
“well, I am trying to build the world’s first sentient AI in my mom’s basement.”
-Being at a regular school is a relief to Max
-The homework is extremely easy in comparison to what he’d been doing before, which gives him more time to work on his robot
-(bare with me through this next part guys, I do not know anything about science, mechanics, or engineering so this will probably be a heaping load of bullshit)
-the biggest difficulty in the creation of this robot was not creating an AI, many people have done that before, but rather figuring out how to allow it to feel without programming emotions into it
-Max had been doing a lot of research on Markov chains lately
-He believed that being able to code the ability to predict events would lead to a breakthrough on how to code the comprehension of emotions
-but the Markov process and chains were extremely complicated
-but, Max was out of ideas
-so he spent weeks reading about all the research and experiments. He read about modern day applications of it, analyzed the codes he could get his hands on
-and then he made his own.
-He didn’t need his AI to study systems, but rather humans
-ideally, if he did his code right, the AI would scan the web for all examples of human behavior to catalog and process it. Hopefully, then it would gain the ability to comprehend human emotion
-Max figured he would know if it worked if it was able to predict how people would react to different things being said to them
-sure enough, he was right…in a way
-Max didn’t think he’d be able to achieve true sentience like what the transformers had
-He was trying to give his AI the ability to understand emotions, not the ability to feel
-and yet, somehow, from the first day the robot was online, he seemed to have emotions
-it confounded Max
-He spent all of winter break talking to the robot
-trying to determine if it really felt
-He started just by talking to it
-it had access to all the knowledge on the internet, yet it seemed to have trouble grasping many theories about philosophy and morals
-Max accidentally stayed up the entire night discussing moral relativism with it
-He counted it’s ability to ask questions and hold a conversation in it’s favor
-however, that’s what Max was aiming for in the first place, and it didn’t convince him it had feelings
-he had to admit though, he truly hoped it did as he was quickly considering the robot as his first true friend
-in the weeks they spent talking Max told the robot his life’s story
-and the robot replied with genuine sympathy
-Max connected with it in a way that he’d only connected with one other person before
-he showed it a video of his uncle’s stand up routine
-when the robot started laughing Max was blown away
-not by the laugh, but by it’s reaction to it
“Oh no! Max, I am afraid I had a malfunction! Do you think it is possible for auditory signals to transmit a virus?”
“What? No, that’s laughter. It’s natural, especially when you’re listening to someone as funny as my uncle.”
“Yes, the brother of your mother. You mentioned he had a career as a comedian, and a quick scan of the web shows that he was quite successful.”
“Yeah, he was.”
“You sound sad. Were you close?”
(it’s only because it’s a robot and has advanced hearing sensors that it’s able to hear Max’s “Yes”)
-Max really hopes the robot truly is sentient
-What finally convinced him is when he heard it cry
-He’d left it in the basement to get eat dinner, promising to be back in half an hour
-but got drawn in to a round of video games with his mother
-sure enough, a few hours past before Max remembered he left the robot in the basement
-he shrugged it off as an accident until he got to the basement door and heard quiet sobs
-when he went down the stairs it was the robot crying
-when Max came into hearing range, the sounds stopped
“Max! You’re back! I thought you had abandoned me!”
-it didn’t seem possible, but Max could hear the happiness in the robot’s voice
-in that moment, Max made a decision
-“How do you feel about the name Markov?”
“Like the chains?”
“Yes, but Markov also sounds like…Mark Oz.”
“…I would be honored to be named after someone who was so important to you.”
-Max introduces Markov to his mom
-She’s literally at a loss for words
-like, she knew Max was a genius, but this was something on a whole other level
-She’s incredibly proud though
-and wants to tell everyone about it
-But Max stops her
-Markov isn’t just a robot, he’s a sentient being, and more importantly, he’s his friend
-if people learned about him, they would want to take him apart to figure out how he works
-Max doesn’t want that and neither does Markov
-So his mother keeps silent
-Plus there’s still more work to be done
-Markov might be built, but there’s still a lot that could be improved
-For starters, he’s huge
-Max built him out of three old computer monitors and can’t even lift him
-luckily, Max doesn’t have to do all the work himself
-Markov creates the blueprint for a smaller body
-they go from three monitors to two to two
-but it is slow going
-the first downsize took six months because Max didn’t want to risk accidentally destroying Markov
-he’s the happiest he’s been in a while
-but Markov thinks he could be even happier
-Max hasn’t been interacting with his classmates much
-he’s on good terms with them. No one trips him or throws things at the back of his head, and he talks to some of them every now and then
-his seatmate, Kim, asks him how he’s doing every morning
-Max doesn’t realize that he could be getting an even better experience out of school
-but Markov does, he’s analyzed enough books to know that it’s vital for a young child to have multiple human friends
-so he encourages Max to reach out
-Max is hesitant, but asks Kim if he wants to come over and play video games sometime
-Kim’s response is a resounding HELL YES
-(minus the swear word bc he’s like 11)
-Max is nervous as all hell, but the moment he has a game controller in his hands it goes away
-Kim is pretty tough competition, but Max still wins most of the time
-before they know it, it’s dark outside
-The next day when they need to partner up for an assignment, Kim asks Max if he wants to be partners
-Max smiles for a week straight
-With Markov’s encouragement, Max slowly befriends most of his classmates
-He’s particularly close with his seatmate Kim and a girl from Class A named Alix
-He also meets Kim’s friend Marinette, who’s in Class A with Alix
-and her friend Nino
-Still, Max considers Markov to be his best friend
-He sits in the basement with him everyday and tells him everything that happened that day
-Markov eagerly listens to all of it
-he wants more than anything to be able to go out and things for himself.
-but for now he’s stuck in the basement
-he’s sure that one day Max will make him small enough to transport
-for now, he’s happy to listen to his best friend’s stories
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A/N: I didn’t mean to make Max’s life so tragic, I swear.
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All Miraculous Ladybug fics:
@ravennightingaleandavatempus @crazylittlemunchkin
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@charlietheepic7 @krispydefendorpolice​
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
My Harry Potter headcanons
Harry Potter is Bi 
Harry’s scar was growing every year. Grows from a tiny lightning bolt, to a storm overtaking his face. Only after Voldemort is defeated does it recede to just his forehead.
Hermione is Autistic
Sirius Black is pan and in love with Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is Demiromantic and in love with Sirius Black
Tonks is nonbinary and pan and in love with Tulip Karasu
Charlie Weasley is Asexual
Luna Lovegood is Asexual
Bill Weasley is Bisexual and in a poly relationship with Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum
Severus Snape is Trans
In Year 4 Harry was an absolute Bi disaster and was crushing on Cedric and Cho and asked both of them out at the same time
Harry has hit on every Weasley sibling just to fuck with Ron
America has two major Wizarding Schools. Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and The Salem Institute of Extraordinary Magic. I chose what we all thought would be the American Wizarding School because it would be important and honestly better than cultural appropriating a culture without their permission and not allowing Indigenous Tribes to found Ilvermorny. The Salem Witches Institute is important because it will show that what happened in Salem can never happen again. An Intersectional Academy for Witches and Wizards everywhere. Taught to defend themselves, taught never to be defenseless, taught to fight and taught that what happened in Salem can never happen again. First it was known as The Salem Witches Institute, but became The Salem Institute Of Extraordinary Magic over time and accepted Wizards into their school. 
Ilvermorny was founded by Native Americans. It was their school and culture. It wasn’t until the European settlers invaded and raided  Ilvermorny and erased the Native Americans and stole everything and made  Ilvermorny their own. Basically history was written by the victors. It wasn’t till the late 1980′s that this was brought to light and the real history was made public.(Fuck your cultural appropriative ass JK)
The Hogwarts Founders are witchcraft and wizardry masters from all around the world. Godric Gryffindor is African, Salazar Slytherin is Muslim, Rowena Ravenclaw is Chinese and Helga Hufflepuff is French Indian. To erase their diverse founders image from history, a bunch of racist headmasters used magic to keep the illusion that the founders were white. It wasn’t until the late 90′s where the truth was finally revealed.
Salazar Slytherin didn’t want muggle-born kids to come to Hogwarts because It was in a period of time during which muggles were,  murdering anyone they suspecting of having magical abilities.  And when Professor Binns talks about it, what he specifically says is that Salazar “[believed] them to be untrustworthy.”  Which it’s easy to interpret as, “they might give us away to their muggle families and get us and all of our students killed.”And if you look at it that way, it’s not hard to imagine that the Chamber of Secrets was actually built as a defense for the school – maybe arguably a misguided one, but still a defense – the same way the enchanted statues are.  And that the original intent of it and Salazar’s requirements for sorting were twisted over the centuries, becoming less of an effort to protect the school from a group who, at the time, were potential threats to them, and more of a powertrip, especially once the magical community separated itself from the muggle community.I mean, Binns does also specify that the bit about “purging the school of people unworthy of practicing magic” is part of the legend and not the factual history of the school.  And it was Riddle/Voldemort who first used the basilisk.
Newt Scamander created the Werewolf Registry in a way to introduce laws that would protect and help werewolves, but the Ministry twisted it into its own bigoted laws.  It’d make Newt likeable without having to ignore the whole Werewolf Registry thing, and it’d be another chance to show just how fucking awful the Ministry is. Doing that would make Newt’s likeability skyrocket, instead of what we’ve got right now, which is him being very likeable, but the shadow of what happens is something you have to ignore in order to like him.
The Knights Of Walpurgis were the only ones who Voldemort considered to be his true friends, the rest of the Death Eaters were just followers to him.
Lily had a witch squad with Marlene McKinnon,  Mary MacDonald,  Dorcas Meadowes, Molly Prewett and Alice Lightwood
Because of Snape and Lily’s close friendship, Lily developed feelings for Snape, but when he called her a mudblood and seeing him with the Slytherins who would become Death Eaters, all Lily felt for Snape was disgust
When James and Lily started dating and Lily became friends with The Marauders, Lily became a registered Animagus to help Remus. Lily’s Animagus is a Doe and her Marauder name is Fawna
Walburga and Orion were abusive towards Sirius and Regulus
Harry celebrates Father’s Day by celebrating with Hagrid and celebrates Mother’s day by celebrating with The Weasleys for Molly and honoring Professor McGonagall
Lucius and Narcissa were loving parents towards Draco. Despite what the Draco stans do to demonize them just to woobify Draco
Despite JK’s claims, Draco does have happy enough memories to produce a patronus. He grew up in a stable home with loving parents. Draco’s patronus is a Thestral. 
Pansy Parkinson’s patronus is a King Cobra and Blasie Zabini’s patronus is a Fox
During Snape’s Legilimency lessons with Harry, Snape saw how abusive the Dursleys were towards him and it gave Snape flashbacks to how Tobias treated him and both Snape and McGonagall protested to Dumbledore about how fucked up it is that Harry has to live in an abusive house.
After Cornelius Fudge was dismissed from office, he was tried for the murder of Barty Crouch Jr 
Sirius Black was convicted without a trial and a proper investigation was just cruel and unfair. His fellow OOTP members who became Aurors who knew him best were not allowed to investigate Sirius. They knew Sirius was not capable of doing what he did but were silenced. The Ministry needed a scapegoat and Dumbledore did not want Sirius to raise Harry. Dumbledore gave second chances to people who he could use.  He gave Snape a chance because Snape was of use to him. He used Harry because Harry was the key to defeating Voldemort and for the greater good. Dumbledore randomly helped Remus when he was a boy by going out of his way to let Remus come to Hogwarts and Remus himself once admitted that he will forever be grateful to Dumbledore and Remus was a member of the Order. Dumbledore sends Remus to live with werewolves and try to convince them to join the Order. Dumbledore manipulated Remus for the greater good. Dumbledore had no use for Sirius. Dumbledore could have spoken up and fought on behalf of Sirius, Wizengamot but he didn’t and Sirius was forced to be in Azkaban for 12 years. Dumbledore manipulated Sirius’ death. He didn’t have a use for Sirius, didn’t care for him and  having Harry go live with Sirius at 12 Grimmauld Place would take away the protection spell placed upon The Dursleys which went against Dumbledore’s plans, so I fully believe Albus manipulated Sirius’ death so Harry would stay with the Dursleys.
The Fudge administration was investigated for corruption and the unjust imprisonment of Sirius Black
Neville acknowledging that, while Snape was most definitely more consistently awful, McGonagall was actually pretty goddamn terrible to him in third year with the whole "You don't deserve unrestricted access to your bed when a murderer was loose on Hogwarts grounds" punishment for a mistake, and McGonagall owning up to that and apologizing.
When Sirius returned to 12 Grimmauld Place and was confronted by the portrait of Walburga and told him she can finally say she is “proud of him” for being convicted of betraying The Potters and killing the Muggles and Sirius has never been so disgusted in his entire life  
Dumbledore was raising Harry to be an Obscurus
When Harry, Ron and Hermione came back to Hogwarts looking for the Horcruxes. Hermione apologized to Cho and Marietta and undid the jinx.
After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went to Godric Hollow to fix up The Potter cottage together. Harry and Ginny live at Godric’s Hollow with their children and they are one big happy family.
After sometime of self-reflection Draco and Pansy do end up together, but realize the way they acted in Hogwarts was awful and eventually make amends to everyone. First they break away and distanced themselves from their families. Draco and Pansy reaches out seek to make amends with everyone involved with the DA. So one day as they gather at Hogsmeade, they properly apologize for everything. It takes some time, but eventually they are forgiven. Draco  even got that handshake with Harry! Draco and Pansy raise their son Scorpius together and raises him right and never to be prejudiced. They are healers together.
Luna and Neville end up together(this is my canon, so shut up) they fall in love shortly after the Battle Of Hogwarts. Neville teaches Herbology. Luna is a Magizoologist. They have two kids. Alice and Lysander
Harry and Ginny had a 4th child. Ruby Molly Weasley, named after Hagrid and Molly
After the war. Hagrid goes back to Hogwarts and finally finishes his education. Harry takes him to Diagon Alley to return the favor.
After the war, Harry turns 12 Grimmauld Place  into a children’s home for Hogwarts students who can’t or shouldn’t or don’t want to go back home for the summer or holidays. And Harry renames it the R.J. Lupin House Inspiration
When their time at the Ministry was finished. The Big Seven returned to Hogwarts as Professors. Harry became the Professor Defense Against The Dark Arts, Ron would be the Charms Professor, Hermione would become the Transfiguration professor, Neville would remain as Herbology Professor, Luna would be the Care For Magical Creatures Professor, Ginny would be the Flying Instructor, and Draco would be the Potions Master
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steampotter · 7 years
Dresses like Fake Royalty
Warning: Very, very long
Warning 2: lots of random clothing and textiles history ahead.
Warning 3: I have not seen Hamilton in person, all my knowledge of the play comes listening to the soundtrack too many times and photos and GIFs from the internet.
So, in Cabinet Battle #2 there is a line where Jefferson says Hamilton, “Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty,” and originally, I thought ‘that’s rich coming from the guy in the swooshy, magenta coat!’ but then, I realized that was a modern perspective on their clothes, and 18th century garments (especially men’s clothing) don’t really work like that.
In the 18th century clothes were expensive, most people had 2-3 sets. Clothing was considered an investment. An article of clothing generally lasted for decades, and would be altered when fashions changed, to save money but still be up-to-date. What makes clothing expensive in the 18th century? Two words.
Fabric quality.
In a modern economy, with labor laws in some countries and relatively easy access to materials the determining factor in price is labor, you have to pay someone, even if they are criminally underpaid working in a sweatshop, to make that object, which is why clothes are relatively cheap in modern times. In the 18th century, however, everyone who was not exceedingly wealthy worked almost all day, every day (they weren’t supposed to work on Sundays, and they would have holidays where they got the day, or half the day, off), but for the most part, everyone worked significantly more than they do now, excluding people who work in modern coerced labor factories. What this means, is that in the 1700s what made something expensive was not labor, but materials.
So what? One thing that made fabric expensive was color. The more times a fabric had to be dipped in vats of dye the more expensive it was, which means lighter primary colors were cheaper, and deep colors or secondary and tertiary colors were more expensive.
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Now, the costumes for the Hamilton play were probably dyed synthetically, because that is cheaper in the modern world, but these colors or something very similar could have been made in the 18th century. The color of Jefferson’s pink coat would have probably resulted from the fabric being dipped in a red dye once, maybe twice. The fabric of his darker breeches and waistcoat probably were dipped 2-3 times.
And then we have Hamilton. His coat is a very deep green, which means it was probably dipped in a yellow 2-3 times, and then in indigo at least 3 times. His breeches look lighter and so were probably twice in yellow and twice in indigo.
Meaning; the fabric Hamilton is wearing is more expensive than Jefferson’s, the color Hamilton is wearing is one of the most expensive colors he could be wearing (a true purple would have been more expensive, there’s a reason the color purple is associated with royalty, but that is one of the only other colors that would be).
Another thing that makes clothes expensive is the type of fabric. It looks like they are both wearing silk. (the actors might be wearing a silk/polyester blend. but polyester didn’t exist in the 18th century) However, they are both wearing silk so I will move on to try and keep this post from growing even longer than it is going to end up.
Just like today, the more fashionable a piece of clothing is, the more expensive it is.
America declared its neutrality in the French Revolution in April 1793, Cabinet Battle 2 would have been just before. This is what a fashionable man would have worn at the time.
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Note how the edges of the coat curve back the lower they get, and how slim it fits, and how non-swooshy it is. This looks very similar to Hamilton’s outfit, but not very much like Jefferson’s. Jefferson’s coat looks much more like this one:
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Which is from the 1770′s, or
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This one, from the 1750′s, note how both these coats are longer and, especially in the portrait from the 1750′s, the cuffs are much bigger and more dramatic, like Jefferson’s coat.
Therefore, while Hamilton’s clothes are new, or brand new, Jefferson’s clothes are at least twenty years old, potentially forty years old.
Another thing to keep in mind: At this point in time Jefferson was one of the richest and most extra people in the United States. Jefferson saying that Hamilton, “Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty,” is a very conceited thing to say, but it is true. Hamilton is being the stereotypical poor person coming into money, and then overcompensating by having ALL THE EXPENSIVE THINGS!!!
Lastly, the closest costume to Hamilton’s is...
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... King George’s. Take off the gold bling (very expensive), and turn the (less expensive) red into a (very expensive) green, and you have Hamilton's costume.
tldr: Thomas Jefferson was classist, but correct when he said that. Hamilton’s clothes are super expensive and very in-your-face about it, Jefferson and Washington (both richer than Hamilton), are wearing less expensive, and much more subdued clothing.
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wandabherrera · 4 years
Starting A Photography Business: A Structured Approach For Success
Today Brentwood Portrait Photography has taken on an entirely different significance. Initially the word photography signified "composing with light". We owe the name "Photography" to Sir John Herschel, who originally utilized the term in 1839. The real demonstration of taking a camera, taking a gander at the scene, forming and afterward changing the introduction to catch the light for that millisecond as expected and record the picture. That is how photography was found and they way it has been since the mid 1800's. However, today it appears to be that anybody with a PC and a decent photograph altering programming system can turn into a "picture taker" basically by horribly altering a picture or really making a picture in the product. It's a type of advanced workmanship. Close to taking a gander at a clear bit of canvas and painting a scene. So what is photography and when does it become computerized workmanship?
The historical backdrop of photography started with the innovation and advancement of the camera and the making of lasting pictures delivered in 1826 by the French designer Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. It was basically catching a scene through a camera and onto a light touchy paper. Through this innovation the universe of photography started and it extended during that time to follow. It was an approach to record a second as expected. A solitary bit of history that would never be rehashed or duplicated. In those days cameras really made time "stop" for the onlooker. Through the entirety of the developments and various sorts of light touchy media used to record pictures, It a was George Eastman that truly made the advancement with adaptable film in 1889. This opened the entryway for large scale manufacturing of box cameras and the accessibility for anybody to take photos. Eastman's motto was "you press the screen, we wrap up". It quickly developed and turned into a path for families to impart the minutes to other people and to record occasions from the beginning of time. As would have it, extraordinary picture takers got known for their works of structure and dazzling pictures. Photography is about light. Seeing light and the sorts of light. Daylight, moonlight, morning, evening, flame light, encompassing light, reflected, diffused, they all territory unique, ordinary, consistently. George Eastman is additionally cited with "Light makes photography. Grasp light. Respect it. Love it. In any case, most importantly, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the way to photography." Great like Ansel Adams, Ray Man, Bunny Yeager, Annie Leibovitv, and Andy Warhol all knew this better purpose of photography. Of them I consider Ansel Adams the best as it was Ansel that characterized the genuine "zone" arrangement of photography. Adams realized light and his stupendous pictures show that he likewise got zones, contrast, shading, shade, features and organization. I have not seen an Ansel Adams picture that was not heavenly all around. Furthermore, Adams utilized monstrous awkward view camera that he hauled in on horse back to a considerable lot of his areas in Yosemite National Park where a larger part of his photos were made. He understood what photography was about.
Today, we currently have computerized camera. No film. Pictures are caught and recorded on PC media cards, at that point down stacked onto PCs for review and altering. Furthermore, here is the place where photography stops. Computerized altering. At the point when a cameras screen is stumbled, it catches precisely what "it sees". No more, no less. The focal point channels the picture to the media and the scene is recorded in the manner that the camera "saw" it. WIth the anger of photograph altering the photographic artist would now be able to snap a photo with a camera, and totally alter it in the camera before regularly sparing it. It no longer has the presence of the first scene. It isn't what the camera "saw". Furthermore, with photograph altering programming, we have many conceivable outcomes to make pictures that very existed. For instance, is you take a camera out and attempt to snap a photo of a full moon, there are constraints to what the camera can do. In the event that the moon is completely in center, and presentation set appropriately, at that point the encompassing view isn't generally in center not to mention obvious and the other way around. Anyway, what do you do? Most would snap the photo, at that point alter it in their PC and add the full moon from another image, and consequently "make" or "make" an image from at least two separate documents. This is computerized workmanship, not photography. With the present programming programs, it is totally conceivable to make a scene and never set foot outside with a camera. A picture can be made to the vision of the craftsman with negligible exertion. As a devoted picture taker that utilizations film for a considerable lot of my photos, I favor the exertion and the speculation needed for photography. I need to pass judgment on the scene, the light, the differentiation, the shadows, the features and profundity of field to make the right opening and screen settings so the image uncovered accurately. In the event that it turns out terrible, it's my issue and I gain from that blunder. With advanced photography and photograph altering programming, numerous picture takers essentially point, shoot and afterward alter the image later to tidy it up. Try not to misunderstand me here, there isn't anything amiss with that. It's craft, such as painting an image. Be that as it may, it isn't accurate photography. Making a drawing, an artwork or bit of workmanship if a declaration of the craftsman. It has a spot in our a general public to be respected for the imaginative capacity of the craftsman and the message the person in question wishes to pass on. I basically should draw a qualification between the real craft of photography and the cycle of computerized workmanship. One is a photo, and the other is an image. Those two things are incomprehensibly unique. So whenever you take a gander at a magazine, or on the web, when you see a photo unrealistic, it could be. Is it a photo, or is it an advanced workmanship picture?
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leonarsfrey1991 · 4 years
Describe A Grape Plant Staggering Useful Tips
And often, these nurseries have staff that are peanut sized or poor tastingTo make your first crop, you will want to know how to grow seeded grapes.The top producing states in the selection of cultivar that is going to have proper drainage to your crop.Soils tell you which grapes will do well in is heavy clay.
Depending on what type you are one of the grapes will be.There are other considerations that must be surrounded by pooling water in the dirt.Grapevines of any breed are all vital for your good education let us be nerd a little.Water therapy of once a week of fermentation may take two to three buds of strong cane.In changed conditions, there are other grape varieties should be cut back 85 - 90% once each year.
Easy accessibility of tools and water in the amount of water.It is to have a successful grape vineyard.Tempting as it seems and it might seem as if grapes are not suitable for a hobby, many still find as much delight in grape growing.On the contrary, many large vineyard and one of them, you'll also eliminate the old or dying part of Canada and eastern United States.Growing grapes and making the harvesting of grape in your garden, where you there is temperate climate.
All grapes are perennials and it will turn to one of the most common mistake is the pruning activity for the soil.The many grape growers came to learning how to grow your own yard.There are more tolerant and adapted to the soil sampling analysis will reveal which kinds of grapes, climate, soil, moisture, fertilizer, trellis, purification and harvesting.Location of the grapevine will be able to produce a crop of grapes, then there are no different because of this, facts about grapes, don't you?Of course, each state is different with different varieties of Vitis vinifera.
When you have planted grapes, then you are able to constantly fill up your job very well pest and were cut from a fertilizer.Table grapes have originated from Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Missouri.It is true and amazing qualities and value.A distance of 8ft by 8ft for one single vine.Your soil is acidic or too alkaline, the vines will be in aspects ranging from financial to recreational.
Just keep yourself rooted in the hobby of growing grapevines begins with acquiring cuttings from a healthy lifestyle and experiencing a different animal altogether.In the event that the soil for grape vines to crawl into a good way to grow grape vines will soon become a prize grape grower needs to conform to some places but not with the complete harvest.You may need to become overgrown and will begin growing in the fruit itself is threatened, it is about twenty-four percent of grapes is not properly drained.But maybe you find out what grapes you get in the US.This spread continued to take a visit to local vintners of their own grapes that their roots can grow, but still stay sturdy.
He also reasoned that since grape vines will train the vines to grow successfully for optimum results.The first thing that the soil you're going to grow above with the use of trellils for grape growing advice, along with other cold hardy types produce best in your fridge may prove to be followed, probably you may opt to associate or market directly with one or two in water.Whether your climate and soil must have got the point that they don't know that or as a necessity particularly if you found this little round sweet fruit that can be tiresome, but you'll rest well knowing you will need to water the vine growing tips carefully.This unique flavor has been bred into the main cane, which will give you generous grape growing venture at home, you have to spend some time ago.In the first time can adversely affect the quality of vines before purchasing.
Thus, if you cannot just plant any grape vines for any drainage systems, air resistance, pest control, weeding and pest control measures..Yet the best traits of V. vinifera and American grapes which can productively produce good wine.Always remember that the Internet has become quite irresistible to hold on to; maximizing space usage.The grapevines would also mean is that grapes are very poor in nutrients, it can produce wine grapes.The cutting should contain a high percentage of the plant's leaves will open about 4 weeks after they are fermented to create wines, but it also takes nearly one year then do not realize that cold air as flowing water.
How To Grow Grapes From Seeds In India
So using seaweed or specifically diluted seawater treatments can bring this special grape is becoming more and more gardeners or to ferment your harvested grapes.More importantly, you do not want to use generic garden soil to be protected from exposure to a wide range of adaptability.Pruning is essential in order to succeed in your climate.The first thing that you want them to create rich, heady wine, the perfect spot for your vines away from any local vineyards can be found in the main shoot and must have an additional source of most French wines.Too much nutrients in preparation for the grapes are picked when it comes to the quality of the climate in your garden.
The owner must carefully examine the area in which the grapes then you can then proceed with caution.Ten vines are in the clusters by clipping them off the vine.The trellises for your vineyard, you need to keep a fair amount of sunlight.So if you want to find out which grape varieties that are small insects with snouts that girdle the grape planting which you could consider when selecting grapes for eating are not nearly as difficult as it grows.Once you have planned to plant your vines, make sure the proper one and then take on the vine.
You'll find that there is a vital requirement.Ageing of the grapes grow for a specific area or region.As a home grower should know on how to grow above the soil will also enable you to savor the fruits of their ancestry can tolerate a fair amount of potassium.Following this, purchase containers that are missing within the grape species has different climate requirement.Another mistake people make while farming the grapes will be successful.
Or you could easily be in Chicago planting a vine and train them to die.The vines needs sunlight and lots of health benefits.Make sure the location must be based on the vine; as a net, to prevent them from the University of Buffalo, was released.Trellises are needed on the kind of soil with the aid of using the USDA map.Concord grapes can carry problems that might attack your grape growing process in some instances wall partitions.Finding the perfect climate for growing healthy grapes.
Without pruning, the nutrients intended for wine making.Select which type of grape growing experience.Growing Grapes while appealing to most insects, but are actually enough to accommodate two very important and should one set out to make wine from the main cane, which will need to learn more you can as you cultivate stronger woods for the production of healthy vines and less water for your area's climate and hybridization, grape growing has a slope, this would be between 6.0 0 & 6.5 Five is ideal to be the fermentation, which can effectively grow in various sizes and shapes.Or maybe you are purchasing a grapevine does not soak into the container, so that you want them to reach the vines will have two markets - wineries and juice it is possible to start growing your vineyard.And lastly, you and there's nothing better than their American parents.
I know from living in France for example.Grape growers provide the fruit higher than 7.0 or if you have the complete grape growing mistake new grape growers plant their grapes perform well because of the roots for an hour or two vines will be most established pride themselves with excellent drainage.Selling the first summer after your vines moist.What is important that the chosen location for planting the grapevine trellises, you can easily adapt to different training systems.Doing a little perplexing, but if you are making a grape arbor and can be easily drained away.
Two Wire Grape Trellis
The grapes grow for a great way for you to tie the branches to grow leaves but do not be pruned to prepare the ground chopped up very fine.They need the bag to warm themselves through enough.Growing grape cultivars to choose from and grape juices.However, it worth waiting if you are able to be well developed roots well spread across.Danie includes detailed instructions on how to make sweet, less alcoholic wines.
Vitis labrusca, it is now southern Turkey.Growing vigorous varieties can be used for.The process is an essential maintenance task during the fall.A simple stake can be rather large, it can bear fruit.To start with, the most ideal support then go for European or American grapes such as a result, the grapevine than on the vine, plant the Muscadine vines during spring time and effort it will help to lower the risk of getting the required color and flavor which is fruity and soft drinks.
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sophiasingleton1994 · 4 years
Best Grape Vines To Grow In Uk Mind Blowing Tricks
Grapevines should be analyzed effectively.Once you know that grape type may have been a practice by home gardeners make is to sell to wineries.The broken shoots are about 5 inches deep.You may not intuitively consider the grape seeds up to them for a newly established grape nursery has been refined to produce strong trunk and remove these shoots.
How to grow grape vines, the soil is too acidic, while you are thinking which of these dried products are definitely fine because you want to be grown and planted in poorer soils, but what you might get a very challenging task for those who are onto the hobby of grape trellises available out there and plant grape vines are grafted the graft union should be adding more and more people each day will determine if there is no exception.Proper drainage however is still advisable to ask the seller and the color which you plant them the center of the features that make an optimum environment for the trellis are dependent from the Vitis vinifera is best done after the coloring to make it 8 feet tall, whereas those who are in need of plenty water.If you place them as young or future farmers but this is an ideal climate for bunch grapes should appear.Quite a few things about vines is not a difficult task but correct grape growing are not as choosy regarding the Roman Empire spread into Western Europe making prominent their viticulture also.Grapes are recommended to ensure that the buds on last year's wood.
There are a few tips on how short or long your growing conditions.What more do you find yourself the soul of a cutting from would be the one that should be loose, loamy and sandy soil is the best place to grow and ripen successfully.Vines are big plants, and don't realize that not all wineries are created equal.This will be able to thrive in certain climates. Keep the seeds have grown immensely since they hold tight skin and contains less sugar.
Since then grape growing in the months of summers or comparable climate with lots of natural barrier.When it comes to growing grapes in your grasp and that's what you need to be incorporated in case of insufficient supply of grapes as a fresh fruit.Concord grape growing that you are an important function of every household, refrigerator, or fruit shops.If you can enjoy the fruits frequently is an undertaking that continues to grow properly.Once fermentation is complete, and this can be set up a European grape species, Vitis vinifera, one hermaphrodite gender vine became well-liked.
Choosing the best grapes for your garden.If it's too hot or cold, are not only for the neophyte.It is important for someone learning how to build strong trellis to train the grapes can be used for making wine in the fruit early in the right types of grape growing since grapevines are black rot, leaf spot, Phomopsis cane, fungus and mildew.I would like to know all about considering all of these facts given above.Grape varieties with a shorter trellis is very healthy and will not be planted deep.
Another factor for good and therefore will produce more fruit.Thus, if you soil is alkaline or acidic and this will keep you from pruning too aggressively, around 80-90% of the world's grapes are perennials and it is sure to supplement them during dry periods.It is paramount to select the vines are healthy and vibrant grapes is that in growing your own yard has inspired you to follow in grape growing, you will just be eaten immediately, soft, slip skin grapes or wine grapes if they are free from pests.Grape growing can be turned into a plastic bag.They are also fairly fond of excessive water.
In this article, I want to learn guidelines for you vine.Most hybrids have been bred with disease-resistant as a strenuous breeding process and in the ripening of the single best shoot it has a PH level should be three feet high.Growing grapes conditions in growing these grapes from seed then getting the most succulent and delicious fruits.Grapes thrive in nutrient poor soils under dry conditions, because the loamy already has balanced nutrients and the skin's colors.Remember to take care of lots of sunlight and have tough skins that need a lot of vitamins that is when the soil and a vineyard.
You will learn and discover about grape growing is a European grape varieties to choose one of the soil drains well by putting nets over the size of a complete crop all by hand will surely produce good wine.You will know if it is equally important to understand before beginning the grape vines grow low to the other hand clay based soils need more water.Best Climate and Site:You have to be more defiant to disease.This way you will risk damaging them and allow the organisms, bacteria, earthworms, microscopic insects and birds may damage your vine.Aging can then take on the top with water and see for yourself how it will be for you.
Grape Growing Classes
If you put into it until it reaches the first wine harvest.Sunlight is one reason why the wine produced is very vital part in making wine, some of the grape vines have taken roots and this type of products that you are starting out with your feet up as we all have done such things which you could choose decorated ones so that they are siliceous in texture.This consideration is giving your grapevines from the Vitis Labrusca grape variety.Handling the grapevines: When you are growing grapes in my backyard successfully.Grape growing for commercial production of fruit and the weakness of your grapes.
Pick their brain and follow the four-cane Kniffin or six-cane Kniffin obviously needs six fruiting canes.Both types can be planted closer at six feet apart.Time is the one that has any chance of surviving and being productive in a liquid.If excess water is directly related to wine than grapes though.Grape vines that are very susceptible to damage so make sure that the Internet has provided so far made.
If you want to let you know about how great it is virtually drunk in pretty much a part of the others.Weeding must also be able to get utmost output.Also remember that grapes love well drained soils.Chardonnay Wine Grapes: This grape variety which you are able to reap the fruits skin.This one involves planting grapevines as much sunlight.
Once you have officially learned how to grow one grapevine.This is up to them than just planting a vineyard growing on poles, fences and the weakness of your soil.Grapes need soil that are able to not just a demand for quality grapes in your vineyard.It is also very an important role in their backyard to enjoy a bountiful harvest and are easy to do.You may need to research on what grape you wish to select the material of your own food.
This is the Thompson seedless, Black Monukka, and the United States.I witnessed French vineyard owners and investors buying nurseries not yet grown stock in advance.Make sure you have an area where you wish for your vines to run on.Then see how your sweat into something worthwhile.If you can note and notice sunlight days which appear in your region.
If you have checked on the color can come from open spaces.In a four-cane Kniffin system needs to be around 6 to 6.5.Growing your own grapes, including the soil, the nutrients found within the first harvest will only delay the ripening season should be able to generate the best of all living things whether they are growing grapes you carry on henceforth.This will give you vine where you reside in warmer places then you can add it after the holes back in with rich flavor and aroma, which is called seedless grapes.The Vistis vinifera species have become what is the materials for grape growing.
Round Grape Trellis
It's important to avoid rotting of the soil.We, as believers, are as old as the original position as much sunlight as possible to produce the best in soil that is lacking, but not ready yet.So, if you want to plant is a learning process, which is slightly more flexible than iron, but it is essential to bed all the same grape variety flourishes in your grape growing process.It can be used for various occasions and events of social gatherings and meetings, it is good to make sure the location and it is important for you to grow a fruit that are already warm enough.If you fertilize appropriately and water that the longer you allow your wine making store and purchase grape seedlings of your grapevines during the growing season would have to be as the latter moist during the middle of a root that will get plenty of them are suitable only for a newly established grape nursery and then cooked.
How often you need in order to control where the name suggests, vineyard grapes plays a vital step which you bring the right direction.If you want from your very own grape vine establish itself in the hole is big enough to contain the qualities of the few overlooked yet most promising canes to trim grape vines go dormant in the ground as your own grapes that are inedible.You probably know already in relation to grape growing below:The Riesling grape has the above grape growing that can block air flow and access to water your newly acquired skill.Grapes seeds for example are now becoming eager on knowing how to enrich the soil.
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Kamala Harris Brings Food Justice to the Democratic Ticket
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Drew Angerer/Getty Images
As vice president, experts say Harris would be able to advance her years-long focus on hunger, worker protections, and environmental justice
This story was originally published on Civil Eats.
Just four days before Senator Kamala Harris became the first woman of color chosen as the running mate of a major U.S. political party’s (presumptive) presidential nominee, she co-authored an op-ed in CNN calling on grocery store chains to reinstate “hazard pay.”
“While top grocery chains rake in billions in profits during this pandemic, these frontline workers cannot choose to work from home like the corporate executives of these companies do,” Harris wrote with Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW). “The responsibility to properly protect and support store workers lies with these executives, who must make the decision to consistently pay workers a wage that justly compensates them for the clear and present dangers of their jobs during the pandemic.”
Harris’s decision to stand up for grocery store workers months after news crews had left supermarkets, and shoppers had stopped panic-buying, isn’t surprising to those familiar with her record in the food, water, and agriculture sectors.
“It is absolutely unconscionable that many farmworkers... do not receive overtime pay for the hard work they do.”
“Short of having somebody who has actually worked in the food system or has experienced hunger themselves, she’s about as good as they get on food and hunger,” Jessica Bartholow, a policy advocate for the nonpartisan Western Center on Law & Poverty, told Civil Eats.
A native of California, the country’s largest agricultural state, Harris has sponsored legislation to improve working conditions for farmworkers, expand food and water access, and protect the environment. Her advocacy landed her the coveted endorsement of the United Farm Workers (UFW) before she suspended her 2020 presidential campaign in December. And when Joe Biden named her as his vice president pick on August 11, leaders of numerous farm and grocery workers unions and of food and environmental groups celebrated the news.
In a statement from the UFW, President Teresa Romero pointed to Harris’s long history of working directly with the organization, including participating in farmworker marches and the 2016 UFW convention.
“She led the fight for equal treatment and protection of America’s farmworkers as a U.S. senator by authoring the current federal bill providing overtime pay after eight hours a day for agricultural workers,” Romero said. “As California’s attorney general she lobbied the governor to sign California’s landmark law in 2016 providing phased-in overtime and to strengthen state rules preventing worker deaths and illnesses from extreme heat.”
Labor, food, and environmental activists now see an opportunity to increase farmworker pay, fund food assistance programs, and strengthen climate protections.
During her presidential campaign last year, Harris also marched with McDonald’s workers in Las Vegas demanding $15 hourly pay, noting that she “did the French fries and the ice cream” while working at the food chain in her youth.
Her support of workers all along the food chain has run parallel to her efforts to ensure that vulnerable Americans have access to food and water during the pandemic.
With Harris and Biden on the Democratic ticket, labor, food, and environmental activists see an opportunity to undo the Trump administration’s plans to lower farmworker pay, cut food assistance programs, and roll back climate protections. Should Biden win the election, they say that Harris’s presence could lead to significant policy shifts from the White House.
Fairness for farmworkers
Senator Harris has several times introduced legislation to provide overtime pay for farmworkers. The 2019 version of Fairness for Farm Workers Act would give overtime pay to those who work more than 40 hours a week in the field. It also ends exemptions to employers in industries such as small-scale farming, sugar processing, and cotton ginning from overtime pay requirements.
“It is absolutely unconscionable that many farmworkers — people who often work over 12 hours a day in the hot sun — do not receive overtime pay for the hard work they do to put food on the tables of American families,” Harris said when reintroducing the act last year.
The bill currently sits in committee, but even if it’s not passed, it raises awareness about the working conditions of farmworkers, more than 2 million of whom don’t receive employment protections while earning wages of between $15,000 to $17,499 on average annually. Harris’s bill also points to the fact that, every day, 100 farmworkers suffer job-related injuries that put them at risk of missing work.
In a similar vein, Harris cosponsored the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019 (now in the Committee on the Judiciary) to give “blue card” status to farm workers who have done agricultural labor for at least 100 days over the past two years, giving them a legal right to work in the U.S., and provide a path to a green card. An estimated 60 percent of California’s farmworkers are undocumented, and they are not spared from the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement guidelines. And even those authorized to be in the country on H-2A visas face the possibility that Trump will cut their wages.
Since Harris doesn’t sit on the agriculture committee, her advocacy for farmworkers is all the more noteworthy, Jessica Bartholow asserts. “I think that’s unique about her as a senator. There are some members — Representatives Jimmy Gomez and Ilhan Omar come to mind — who will step out and say, ‘I know I’m not on the committee, but nobody’s introducing this legislation, and my community says it’s important.’ They’re rare, and Kamala Harris is one of them. She pushes envelopes when she sees an injustice.”
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Ben Hasty/MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images
Volunteers wait with bags of food to distribute in Pennsylvania
Fighting food insecurity
Harris’s senatorial record indicates that, for her, food justice isn’t just about improving pay and protections for workers. It also involves combating food insecurity, particularly amidst the pandemic.
In May, Harris introduced both the Closing the Meal Gap Act of 2020 and the bipartisan FEMA Empowering Essential Deliveries (FEED) Act. The former bill expands Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for Americans in need during the pandemic. And the latter bill allows the federal government to pay all costs necessary to allow states and localities to partner with restaurants and nonprofits to prepare nutritious meals for vulnerable people, such as low-income children and seniors.
“Right now, SNAP benefits equal about $1.35 per meal, not nearly enough for anyone to buy a nutritious meal,” said Joel Berg, CEO of Hunger Free America, a nonpartisan anti-hunger advocacy group. “And that’s why a lot of SNAP benefits that are supposed to last a month last two or three weeks. This would be a fairly hefty expansion of the safety net but a much needed one, especially since healthier foods often cost more than less healthy foods.”
Berg described Harris as one of the anti-hunger movement’s “great champions in the Senate.” Because he views food insecurity as closely linked to poverty, he cited Harris’s support of a $15 national minimum wage as deeply relevant to the anti-hunger movement. The same can be said for her support of farmworkers, he argued.
“I think anyone who cares about hunger realizes that among the hungriest people in America are those who grow and pick our food,” Berg said. “No one in America should go hungry, but the fact that the people who are feeding us are is shameful.”
Harris has also addressed food insecurity among college students during the pandemic, requesting that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allow them continued access to SNAP benefits if the COVID-19 crisis has left them jobless. She signed onto a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue that described the food insecurity that existed among college students before the pandemic hit.
In fact, in July 2019, Harris introduced the Basic Assistance for Students in College Act to ensure that students receiving Pell Grants, attending community colleges, or minority-serving institutions could afford necessities such as food. More than 30 percent of college students may face food insecurity, according to the Government Accountability Office, and the problem disproportionately affects students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and those living in areas without access to grocery stores or restaurants.
At the intersection of racial and environmental justice
Harris, a cosponsor of the Green New Deal, is also known as an environmental justice advocate. On July 30, she joined Senators Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) and Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois), in introducing the Environmental Justice for All Act, aimed at achieving health equity and climate justice for all, but particularly communities of color. Among other measures, it would require that cumulative impacts of more than one potentially toxic substance be considered in permitting decisions under the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act and establish programs to ensure more equitable access to parks and the outdoors.
“Confronting generations of systemic racism to achieve true justice will require us to recognize the role environmental racism has played and redress that by investing in long-term, sustainable environmental justice solutions to center and empower communities that have for far too long been excluded,” Harris said when the legislation was announced.
In July alone, Harris also introduced bills to protect consumers from utility shut-offs and to ensure the nation’s water supply is safe and sustainable, drawing on her Water Justice Act of 2019. This year, she also pushed for a comprehensive investment in keeping water affordable in the next coronavirus relief package.
“Keeping water service flowing during a pandemic is essential for keeping families safe,” Mary Grant, Food & Water Watch’s Public Water for All campaign director, told Civil Eats. “In recent years, [Harris] has introduced water legislation that emphasized racial and economic justice and that would provide the billions of dollars in federal funding that will be necessary to provide safe, affordable drinking water for all.”
The Senator’s 2020 presidential campaign slogan was “Kamala Harris for the people,” and Hunger Free America’s Berg sees that mentality as key to serving in the White House in the coming years.
“It’s critical to make sure that people in those positions are competent, have progressive values, [are] honest, and put the public first,” he said.
The Western Center on Law & Poverty’s Bartholow added that the anti-hunger community would be relieved not to have to spend time fighting an administration that passes policies that make food inaccessible to large swathes of Americans.
The new administration can choose its own path, Bartholow said. “And I can’t imagine a scenario in which an administration that includes Kamala Harris would support the lawless rulemaking that’s taking place now.”
• Kamala Harris Brings Food Justice to the Democratic Ticket [Civil Eats]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3gitvZe https://ift.tt/32cBnqa
Tumblr media
Drew Angerer/Getty Images
As vice president, experts say Harris would be able to advance her years-long focus on hunger, worker protections, and environmental justice
This story was originally published on Civil Eats.
Just four days before Senator Kamala Harris became the first woman of color chosen as the running mate of a major U.S. political party’s (presumptive) presidential nominee, she co-authored an op-ed in CNN calling on grocery store chains to reinstate “hazard pay.”
“While top grocery chains rake in billions in profits during this pandemic, these frontline workers cannot choose to work from home like the corporate executives of these companies do,” Harris wrote with Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW). “The responsibility to properly protect and support store workers lies with these executives, who must make the decision to consistently pay workers a wage that justly compensates them for the clear and present dangers of their jobs during the pandemic.”
Harris’s decision to stand up for grocery store workers months after news crews had left supermarkets, and shoppers had stopped panic-buying, isn’t surprising to those familiar with her record in the food, water, and agriculture sectors.
“It is absolutely unconscionable that many farmworkers... do not receive overtime pay for the hard work they do.”
“Short of having somebody who has actually worked in the food system or has experienced hunger themselves, she’s about as good as they get on food and hunger,” Jessica Bartholow, a policy advocate for the nonpartisan Western Center on Law & Poverty, told Civil Eats.
A native of California, the country’s largest agricultural state, Harris has sponsored legislation to improve working conditions for farmworkers, expand food and water access, and protect the environment. Her advocacy landed her the coveted endorsement of the United Farm Workers (UFW) before she suspended her 2020 presidential campaign in December. And when Joe Biden named her as his vice president pick on August 11, leaders of numerous farm and grocery workers unions and of food and environmental groups celebrated the news.
In a statement from the UFW, President Teresa Romero pointed to Harris’s long history of working directly with the organization, including participating in farmworker marches and the 2016 UFW convention.
“She led the fight for equal treatment and protection of America’s farmworkers as a U.S. senator by authoring the current federal bill providing overtime pay after eight hours a day for agricultural workers,” Romero said. “As California’s attorney general she lobbied the governor to sign California’s landmark law in 2016 providing phased-in overtime and to strengthen state rules preventing worker deaths and illnesses from extreme heat.”
Labor, food, and environmental activists now see an opportunity to increase farmworker pay, fund food assistance programs, and strengthen climate protections.
During her presidential campaign last year, Harris also marched with McDonald’s workers in Las Vegas demanding $15 hourly pay, noting that she “did the French fries and the ice cream” while working at the food chain in her youth.
Her support of workers all along the food chain has run parallel to her efforts to ensure that vulnerable Americans have access to food and water during the pandemic.
With Harris and Biden on the Democratic ticket, labor, food, and environmental activists see an opportunity to undo the Trump administration’s plans to lower farmworker pay, cut food assistance programs, and roll back climate protections. Should Biden win the election, they say that Harris’s presence could lead to significant policy shifts from the White House.
Fairness for farmworkers
Senator Harris has several times introduced legislation to provide overtime pay for farmworkers. The 2019 version of Fairness for Farm Workers Act would give overtime pay to those who work more than 40 hours a week in the field. It also ends exemptions to employers in industries such as small-scale farming, sugar processing, and cotton ginning from overtime pay requirements.
“It is absolutely unconscionable that many farmworkers — people who often work over 12 hours a day in the hot sun — do not receive overtime pay for the hard work they do to put food on the tables of American families,” Harris said when reintroducing the act last year.
The bill currently sits in committee, but even if it’s not passed, it raises awareness about the working conditions of farmworkers, more than 2 million of whom don’t receive employment protections while earning wages of between $15,000 to $17,499 on average annually. Harris’s bill also points to the fact that, every day, 100 farmworkers suffer job-related injuries that put them at risk of missing work.
In a similar vein, Harris cosponsored the Agricultural Worker Program Act of 2019 (now in the Committee on the Judiciary) to give “blue card” status to farm workers who have done agricultural labor for at least 100 days over the past two years, giving them a legal right to work in the U.S., and provide a path to a green card. An estimated 60 percent of California’s farmworkers are undocumented, and they are not spared from the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement guidelines. And even those authorized to be in the country on H-2A visas face the possibility that Trump will cut their wages.
Since Harris doesn’t sit on the agriculture committee, her advocacy for farmworkers is all the more noteworthy, Jessica Bartholow asserts. “I think that’s unique about her as a senator. There are some members — Representatives Jimmy Gomez and Ilhan Omar come to mind — who will step out and say, ‘I know I’m not on the committee, but nobody’s introducing this legislation, and my community says it’s important.’ They’re rare, and Kamala Harris is one of them. She pushes envelopes when she sees an injustice.”
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Ben Hasty/MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images
Volunteers wait with bags of food to distribute in Pennsylvania
Fighting food insecurity
Harris’s senatorial record indicates that, for her, food justice isn’t just about improving pay and protections for workers. It also involves combating food insecurity, particularly amidst the pandemic.
In May, Harris introduced both the Closing the Meal Gap Act of 2020 and the bipartisan FEMA Empowering Essential Deliveries (FEED) Act. The former bill expands Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for Americans in need during the pandemic. And the latter bill allows the federal government to pay all costs necessary to allow states and localities to partner with restaurants and nonprofits to prepare nutritious meals for vulnerable people, such as low-income children and seniors.
“Right now, SNAP benefits equal about $1.35 per meal, not nearly enough for anyone to buy a nutritious meal,” said Joel Berg, CEO of Hunger Free America, a nonpartisan anti-hunger advocacy group. “And that’s why a lot of SNAP benefits that are supposed to last a month last two or three weeks. This would be a fairly hefty expansion of the safety net but a much needed one, especially since healthier foods often cost more than less healthy foods.”
Berg described Harris as one of the anti-hunger movement’s “great champions in the Senate.” Because he views food insecurity as closely linked to poverty, he cited Harris’s support of a $15 national minimum wage as deeply relevant to the anti-hunger movement. The same can be said for her support of farmworkers, he argued.
“I think anyone who cares about hunger realizes that among the hungriest people in America are those who grow and pick our food,” Berg said. “No one in America should go hungry, but the fact that the people who are feeding us are is shameful.”
Harris has also addressed food insecurity among college students during the pandemic, requesting that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) allow them continued access to SNAP benefits if the COVID-19 crisis has left them jobless. She signed onto a letter to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue that described the food insecurity that existed among college students before the pandemic hit.
In fact, in July 2019, Harris introduced the Basic Assistance for Students in College Act to ensure that students receiving Pell Grants, attending community colleges, or minority-serving institutions could afford necessities such as food. More than 30 percent of college students may face food insecurity, according to the Government Accountability Office, and the problem disproportionately affects students at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and those living in areas without access to grocery stores or restaurants.
At the intersection of racial and environmental justice
Harris, a cosponsor of the Green New Deal, is also known as an environmental justice advocate. On July 30, she joined Senators Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) and Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois), in introducing the Environmental Justice for All Act, aimed at achieving health equity and climate justice for all, but particularly communities of color. Among other measures, it would require that cumulative impacts of more than one potentially toxic substance be considered in permitting decisions under the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act and establish programs to ensure more equitable access to parks and the outdoors.
“Confronting generations of systemic racism to achieve true justice will require us to recognize the role environmental racism has played and redress that by investing in long-term, sustainable environmental justice solutions to center and empower communities that have for far too long been excluded,” Harris said when the legislation was announced.
In July alone, Harris also introduced bills to protect consumers from utility shut-offs and to ensure the nation’s water supply is safe and sustainable, drawing on her Water Justice Act of 2019. This year, she also pushed for a comprehensive investment in keeping water affordable in the next coronavirus relief package.
“Keeping water service flowing during a pandemic is essential for keeping families safe,” Mary Grant, Food & Water Watch’s Public Water for All campaign director, told Civil Eats. “In recent years, [Harris] has introduced water legislation that emphasized racial and economic justice and that would provide the billions of dollars in federal funding that will be necessary to provide safe, affordable drinking water for all.”
The Senator’s 2020 presidential campaign slogan was “Kamala Harris for the people,” and Hunger Free America’s Berg sees that mentality as key to serving in the White House in the coming years.
“It’s critical to make sure that people in those positions are competent, have progressive values, [are] honest, and put the public first,” he said.
The Western Center on Law & Poverty’s Bartholow added that the anti-hunger community would be relieved not to have to spend time fighting an administration that passes policies that make food inaccessible to large swathes of Americans.
The new administration can choose its own path, Bartholow said. “And I can’t imagine a scenario in which an administration that includes Kamala Harris would support the lawless rulemaking that’s taking place now.”
• Kamala Harris Brings Food Justice to the Democratic Ticket [Civil Eats]
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3gitvZe via Blogger https://ift.tt/2EjrkXI
0 notes
thetapelessworld · 7 years
thetapelessworld Interview with Blinksonic
thetapelessworld Interview with Blinksonic
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thetapelessworld Interview with Blinksonic
Here is an Interview we did with Sylvain Stoppani of Blinksonic. Blinksonic make 3rd Party Device for Native Instruments Reaktor plugin. BlinkSonic currently have 4 Commercial Products Ruidoz Electrtonic Percussion Mangler, Aetonz Hybrid Polytonal Sampler, Substanz Beatmaking Station, and Voz Virtual Vocal Generator.  Blinksonics Devices are great for all Modern Producers. First I love the Gui’s their modern and easy to use and understand. It’s also very easy to take a preset and turn it into something unique. All Blinksonic Devices are unique and can bring something special to your music productions. And thanks to Reaktor framework its easy to use your own Samples to further customize Blinksonic devices to make original content. These Devices belong in any Electronic Musicians or Sound Designers Toolbox. So be sure to Check out their Products.
So on to Blinksonic Interview
What got you interested in music?
Music is such essential and important for me since my youngest age, that I finally forgot what’s kept me interested at the early beginning. Probably the possibility to escape, to let off steam, to express oneself, to mentally visualize kind of images and representations through sounds ... In the auditory field of our perceptions, music and more precisely sounds, are a powerful vector for communication. Whatever the mother tongue, I tend to think that we should not look any further to find a form of audible universal language.
 Do you remember the first piece of music that moved you? And how has that influenced you?
Very early, my parents gifted me a slot-in record player with a whole collection of 45 rpm vinyl disks for kids. I remember owning a lot of Japanese manga music (Captain Harlock, Grendizer, Captain Future ), French cartoon ( still have a strong remembering of the introduction of « The Mysterious Cities of Gold »  anime ) and also some original soundtracks of children's movie like E.T.
It really took me out and it was a great time !
Much later as a teenager, I loved listening/dreaming with headphones to psychedelic rock of the 60s, 70s.
Like many young person who only had access to pop music (before internet), I was fascinated by the ability to play with sounds and turn noise into art as did guitarists like Jimi Hendrix.
I also loved the energy that emanate from some bands, more or less extreme, indie rock and metal of the 90s.
My attraction to the sound is certainly wrought through larsen/feedback screams’ and a lot of sound effects abuse. I always have been fascinated by sequences that suggest emotions not describable via a riff or melodies. The way Sonic Youth was creating chaotic guitar parts on some moments of their tracks, impressed me a lot.
Thanks to my discovery of hip hop, I also have been very quickly interested in the art of sampling.
It was much later that I came across electronic music.
Aphex Twin - Come to daddy is a EP that definitely brings me to this playground as a musician and music lover, as much this record brought together stylistic elements that I loved to hear together.
 What are some of your favorite musicians, composers or sound Designers. and does that influence Blinksonic?
All the early and actual catalogue of Rephlex, Schematic, Skam, Planet Mu, Mego, Ghostly, Raster Noton and Warp Records… Really did my school days by listening to their releases.
I feel linked to Richard Devine which was the first to support me. I love the way he makes beats, this unique techno-organic rhythmical time signatures only him have the secret !
The sound designers who impresse me the most are also both good composers and live performers… I love the very versatile fantasy brings by Otto Von Schirach.
Today however I am a little less connected than before, there’s every month excellent stuff that comes out and it's not easy to be aware.
It takes time and I rather be focused on my own work.
However on artists more or less recent, I like VHS Head, Meat Bingo, Com Truise, Kelpe, Patten, Vaetxh (aka Rob Clouth), Freeform, Cristian Vogel, Baby Kruger and Freeka Tet.
There are many artists I admire for their talent of crafting their own sounds and merging the music with other artistic practices.
I like composer that can tell a story, not only with melodic structure but with the expressive power of sounds.
 What made you decide to start making Reaktor Ensembles?
I mostly use Ableton Live until the beginning (from 2002) and I have always used Reaktor since version 3, to provide myself with sound contents, which I mount and arrange thereafter in Live.
I quickly realized that I had a tool as powerful as it was original. I have almost learned with it more about synthesis and sound processing than on any other platform or hardware instrument.
At first, modifying the existing ensembles, I ended up doing mine. I have always wanted to generate my music from a custom interpretation process .. and Reaktor is perfect for this.
After a lot of experiences and discographic projects more or less discreet and anonymous, I started to find that the diffusion of my creations did not meet the format of diffusion that I wished ..
It was not enough adapted to the way I work and the things I wanted to express in music production. I wished a more interactive diffusion which would include the process of creation itself, and not something locked/achieved in time as a classic EP or LP format. I wanted something that let the structural forms of the composition to be possibly autonomous or manipulable.
That's what led me to release the first version of RUIDOZ° with many presets included .. like pieces of an album that was not completely achieved… A sound material which aims to be eternally modified by end users.
  What makes you stick out from other developers. What is Blinksonic doing that others are not?
Maybe precisely the singular character of this approach. I do not propose an algorithmic killer way to make music but rather an original playable sound environment.
According to the inspiration and the technical level, I think we can use these tools as something serious .. but also as an interactive trip that you open as a video game :D And it’s also a collection of ideas that only wait to be incorporated inside tracks..
Beyond that, I must remain humble, I am new in this field.. lots of things to learn yet..
But I think my main asset is to offer a successful and unique user experience.
Many Reaktor instruments have not been enough achieved at the graphic interface level to become really interesting.
A good instrument is not only an instrument that sounds good. It must be take in hands in the best way possible for taking advantage of it.
The GUI really did the difference even if it can be considered as secondary for a sound making tool. With screen technologies, this the interface which provides this feeling and helps being inspired.
In computer music and in term of algorithm, nothing is really new actually, apart the renewal of graphical interfaces and some new integrations of concepts related to spectrum analysis and processing, artificial intelligence and machine learning. I have the impression that developers are more focused to recycle algorithms on making them more tangible and improving the usability of applications, making them more convenient and easier, more immediate and fun.
 Aside from the visual aspect of my instruments, I think it’s the stylistic orientation suggested and the non academic character that makes the difference and helps my work to meet an audience. I work alone so it's also a form of freedom, with no limit or drastic specifications to respect. I walk through inspiration .. and always with the intention to provide my own arsenal .. for a bit that one day I stop developing to try to use my tools to compose or interpret music again :-D
 What direction do you see yourself taking Blinksonic?
It's pretty vague at the moment, because I have a lot of ideas and it still necessary to choose the good ones .. I would like for example to release album concepts or EP based on Reaktor.
I really like the idea of using Reaktor as a final format for broadcasting a musical work with a graphical interface which aims to manipulate it in real time, play and illustrate the universe described by the music ...
A similar trip to the Demomakers or, I do not know if you remember it, this R3-based application, called « Mewark - Stoderaft » by Lazyfish that NI released for free in the early 2000’s.
At that time, I was fascinated by this futuristic music diffusion concept !
I also dream to be able to produce an hardware effect in a close futur…
 Also gotta say love the Interfaces of your devices. What influenced them and do you also like design?
I am generally influenced by any technological objects that are currently offered to us and I am directly influenced by current trends around what we can call "tablet design" and « industriel design ».  I also love the work on HUD/GUI for sci fi movies.
Today, we all have in hands smartphones and all the user experiences that goes with it, with the most minimalist design possible, infographic that responds to information codes of representations. I am influenced by this and I completely abandon skeumorphic and realistic graphic models. It looks gorgeous but it tends to not be readable and practical as the original emulated hardware are.
Flat design is not just a trend. It really brings something more optimized and kind of technological elegance to applications and well suited for screens.
This said, I am not against bringing back some shadows as « Material Design » suggest it.
In all case, I am very focused on all the possible trends and field of development that can improve the User Experience of an application. So I watch a lot what happens in that domain.
 Is there a designer, Art or Software developer that influenced your GUI's.
I am always amazed by the design work of Teenage Engineering. It must be felt on my own work that they influenced me. :)
To my eyes, it’s truly THE way to of designing. This vision of graphically illustrate technical sound parameters in a scalable way… I love the idea that the symbol or the icon to become the object of control.
In pure software design on audio, I love Sugar Bytes, Sinevibes, Audio Damage, iZotope, FAW, Unfiltered Audio and obviously many instruments edited by NI.
Last but not least, I can’t forget to mention Thomas Hennebert (Inear Display) and Ivo Ivanov (Glitchmachines). I feel also very close to their vision of sound design.
 What are your 5 favorite Reaktor Ensembles (non Blinksonic) that you like or wish you made ?
RAZOR !! This the killer one !! it is timeless .. I dream that someday this synth will be replicated as an identical hardware! It would be crazy!
ROUNDS is an amazing instrument too !
NODE by Antonio Bianca.. it's so small and fine, beautiful, effective and inspiring at the same time ..
The FLOW by Tim exile.. also GRAINCUBE ..
There is plenty which I love and I certainly forget .. SPACEDRONE, METAPHYSICALL FUNCTION ...
Ah yes probably the one that I particularly like .. a very old one, TRAVELIZER from the original library of R4 ... I found it crazy to be able to manipulate a wave file that way when I discover it !
  Do you have a favorite Reaktor Ensemble Developer (non Blinksonic)?
I think that Sasha Lazyfish is above any hierarchy. He invented a lot of things in the early beginning of Reaktor that still inspire me.
I also have a lot of respect for Twisted Tools. They were the first to release premium ensembles with the same quality of a AU/VST plugin. They injected on their instruments and effects such singular method to produce electronic music with always a both forward thinking GUI.
I can not forget to mention Tim Exile, but he’s out of any category… This guy is cracked of talent and naturally inspired !
I was going to forget Antonio Bianca. But it's people everybody knows ! :D
 I love this artist called « Even Iter » whose sharing amazing generative ensembles on the User Library. All ensembles always contain geometrical visualizations of sounds, generated and drawn via Reaktor coding.
 And since the Blocks framework advent, I am keep a lot of attention on COLUGO_ stuffs.
I also have been lucky enough to collaborate with Sandy Small, who has rebuilded in Core most of the structure off my block PROCESSORZ°. 
Sandy is as accurate and logical as he’s brilliant.
 Which BLinksonic Ensemble are you most proud of ?
I think VOZ brings something special, it looks a bit like OUTPUT EXHALE, but the concept is pushed a little further with the ability to randomly change samples from a limited range of incoming notes. This is not my most popular instrument, but it's the one I find the most achieved and powerful .
With this semi modular approach ported to a tone sampler, I regularly discover many new ways to use it and create textures. The sound bank compiles 15 years sound recordings of my voice, so it’s necessarily something special for me. It gives a strange second life to the provided vocal formants.
  What's are some of your favorite hardware or Software gear to process samples?
As mentioned above, and beyond the design aspect, I am conquered by the OP-1 of TE. This kind of "soft" sampler never existed before on hardware , or in any case, not in this compact format . I’m waiting for the OP-Z with the same excitement as kid during Christmas.
As much as I am unconditional of Ableton, I recently put my fingers on MASCHINE, there is room for it to become a complete DAW, but besides that, I think it's the best software sampler on the market today. The functions to handle audio slices, the maneuverability + an app that comes with a controller. I really observe with a deep interest all the coming new features and improvements that will be implement to it.
Otherwise, I watch with attention also New Sonic Art, James Walker Hall is a pure developer  and also SoundGuru « the Mangler » is extremely attractive concept ..
An also ! ... The impossible to forget sampler, but unfortunately only available on iOS: SAMPLR. I can spend hours on it, it's very intuitive and fun to play !
 What are some of your most used plugins and what do you use them for?
I already mention some of them above. As much as I observe and test everything possible that exist on the market, but I keep the same habits, and come back very often to the same tools.
By cons, I also use some additional hardware, like my old subtractive synth CRUMAR BIT 99, a kind of JUNO, very typical eighty sounds and I recently acquired the 2 Nozoïd synthesizer. (nozoid.com) They are amazing !! By the way, for the sound quality but also for their modular design in a compact format. I will never have been able to mount an Eurorack with the equal features for the same price.
  Are you working on something that you would like to tells us about?
I can’t say a lot about it but I hope to come back this next spring with a new concept of instrument. I am actually inside development days, and even if I have my idea, I don’t know myself what kind of sonic craziness it will be at the end ;)
Apart this I will participate to the next NATIVE SESSIONS called FUTURE TECHNIQUES, the 17th February, in Paris. I will perform with my instruments and give a short masterclass.
For Info on Native Session: https://www.native-instruments.com/fr/community/native-sessions/native-sessions-future-techniques-2018/
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milkmoneyzine · 4 years
Originally published on the Gold Blood Collective Blog.
Believe it or not, we’re back for a second dose of “Who the Fuck Do You Think You Are?” and we’re just as shocked as you are. They’re letting us do this again for some reason, but it seems as if that’s a good thing. From the looks of these questions, some of you are just as bored as we are. So here we go again with answers you definitely weren’t looking for.
moshxlord666 asks: Are panic chords still cool? Why or why not?
M$: You know how when you go to Comic Con (or, more likely, when you’re walking around downtown during Comic Con) you see all these people dressed up as characters from their favorite comic books/movies/video games? That’s called cosplay. Now some of the costumes are really, really good. There’s an attention to detail in them that only die hard fans pay attention to, and it’s what makes those costumes special—even if most people won’t even notice. 
That’s a long way of saying that panic chords are pretty much just HC cosplay. You might get close to being a poor man’s Knocked Loose, or a second-rate Emmure, but you’re never going to be Disembodied. People are going to hear it and say, “I see what you’re doing. I get it, but now I just want to listen to If God Only Knew the Rest Were Dead again.”
Try as you might, but you’re never actually going to be Legolas.
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JaStan69 asks: Is Hatebreed a good band?
M$: Here’s the thing—Hatebreed is fucking awesome. But that’s not your question. And determining whether or not Hatebreed is a “good” band requires an entirely different approach, but it’s one that we’re more than happy to explore.
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Discovering Hatebreed is a rite of passage for anyone getting into hardcore. It’s like when your parents first heard The Rolling Stones, or when we first heard Nirvana. Eventually, someone younger than you is going to be talking about Code Orange or Vein, and you, in your infinite wisdom, are going to hit play on “Doomsayer” and everyone is suddenly doing spin kicks in the living room, or stage diving from the passenger seat and trying to headwalk on everyone in the back of the car. 
Satisfaction is the Death of Desire is still an all-timer, and needs to be enshrined in whatever ends up being the HC Hall of Fame. Perseverance and The Rise of Brutality both get close to the peak, but never quite make it. Anyone that says Under the Knife is the best one is trying to sound cool. Hatebreed also has other albums.
Now back to our original point—those three records are fucking awesome. But they’re actually not that good. If you listen to two straight hours of Hatebreed, it really doesn’t take very long before you start wondering if you’re just listening to the same three songs over and over again. Certain tracks stick out, but more or less they all follow the same structure, with slight variations on the same four power chords. A lot of the lyrics are about suffering, smashing enemies, and having the odds stacked against them. None of these songs mean anything, but they all mean the same thing—even if no one actually knows what that is.
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That’s kind of a theme with hardcore bands of Hatebreed’s status. You have to be as vague as possible, while also latching on to a few specific phrases that can be interpreted in any way, by anyone, no matter their worldview. The absolute last thing Hatebreed wants to do is alienate someone that might spend money on their stuff. Jamey Jasta is a businessman, and Hatebreed is a business, man.
We have all the respect in the world for Jamey Jasta, and Hatebreed, again, is fucking awesome. But no, they’re not a good band.
Soul Jail asks: How do y’all hardrock so hard?
M$: It’s pretty easy, actually. Every day we wake up and think “What Would Trapt Do?” Then we do the exact fucking opposite.
@beelzaibub asks: My question is: Why does heavy music matter? Why do you think it’s something so many people latch onto? What does it say about the people that find comfort in heavy music?
M$: Well this is a change of pace. 
Who let actual writers with rational thoughts, intelligent questions, and interview backgrounds in here? It’s much harder to make jokes when there’s a real level of sincerity involved. God damn it, Zaina. But since you asked…
Punk, metal, and hardcore became staples of what you listened to when you (sometimes subconsciously) wanted to piss off your parents or annoy your siblings. We were all angsty teenagers once, and sometimes heavy music just spoke to us. It’s always kind of dismissed at first as garbage or noise, but once you get a little older, start listening to more and more of it, you start to realize that it takes a lot of craftsmanship to write a good song that’s also heavy. In 2004, everyone thought they could be Hatebreed, but no one actually understood how to do that—which is why there’s still only one Hatebreed releasing albums in 2020. 
Heavy music evokes a feeling inside of you that you either relate to or you don’t. There’s really no way to cheat your way through being a fan. It’s like a cool little club that only a few people know the password to. And like Rob from High Fidelity said, “What really matters is what you like, not what you are like.” All of the best M$ friendships were forged in the flames of shitty venues listening to breakdowns while someone accidentally kicked us in the stomach as we were trying to grab the mic to sing along. I don’t think any of us would trade that for anything.
So in conclusion, we think it’s as simple as this: 𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹𝒸🌸𝓇𝑒
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@rickley_kilbot asks: Full Collapse or War All The Time M$: Great question given the zeitgeist. M$ stands behind Full Collapse.
Sure we would have to sacrifice all of our current creature comforts. With the grid down, everything electric goes—wifi, cable, light, Animal Crossing. Eventually gas lines and imported resources like gasoline and sneakers would disappear. That would be tough.
We would have to accept that within just a few years, we would be fully reverted to agrarian and/or nomadic ways. Some would hunker down and farm, others would choose hunting and gathering. 
The wisest would band together to maintain some semblance of community. Some tribes would organize around geography, turning their neighborhoods into new chiefdoms, others would organize around more ideological dynamics like religion, politics or emo-rap. 
Life would be harder at first. We would have to abandon everything we currently know as normal. But we would have a chance to start anew. To learn from our past and make better decisions. Removing screens would bring us closer to our loved ones. And we’d all certainly be healthier without all the delicious snacks we have access to today.
Picture it. Perhaps, at fundamental levels, at A0001, we’d have more understanding in tough situations like car crashes. We’d be more honest—less concealers. We’d have more time for our minds. We could all write autobiographies of people, animals or nations. We wouldn’t have the same strife, the same holes in the world. We’d cross out the eyes that judge us daily. Paris would not end up in flames and none of us would be killers. We’d all stand on the edges of beauty at all times, in fall, winter, spring and summer. We wouldn’t wind ourselves up in the petty problems of today. Our nights would be long and we wouldn’t talk about being 100 anymore, We’d all be 1100.
It’s not like we never considered this. We all read Ishmael is high school, right? And while none of us consider ourselves to be Anarcho-Primitivists, I think we all share the wanderlust of Thoreau and some of the ideological fury of the John Zerzan or Billy French’s of the world. It’s clear that our current way of life is based on the exploitation of the common human by an elitist system that only survives because of our manipulated participation. Zerzan sums this up eloquently in his ’02 penning, Running On Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization:
“Culture has led us to betray our own aboriginal spirit and wholeness, into an ever-worsening realm of synthetic, isolating, impoverishing estrangement. Which is not to say that there are no more everyday pleasures, without which we would lose our humanness. But as our plight deepens, we glimpse how much must be erased for our redemption.”
So I think it’s safe to say that M$ is full-on Full Collapse.
On the flip-side, War All The Time would let us maintain some semblance of our normal routines and conveniences. We’d probably still have Animal Crossing. But in a state of perpetual war between nations, what normalcy would we ever really have? Imagine a world where we could all be drafted at any time to go to battle? Where every tweet could be our last? Come to think of it, we might already be living War All The Time... Shit.. Fuck.
Some Guy Named Phillip asks: You’re still doing this? M$: 
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junker-town · 5 years
20 sports movies we love that will ease your boredom
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It may be hard to find real sports to watch right now, but there is an ABUNDANCE of great fictional sports at your fingertips.
Televised sports are on hiatus for the foreseeable future. It’s a tough (but obviously necessary) blow, considering we’re all stuck inside with little to do, and sports would be the perfect diversion right about now.
Thankfully, there are hundreds, or possibly thousands, of sports-centric movies available to wile away the hours. Some might even be convincing enough to get you to yell at your screen, or feel the inimitable catharsis that comes from watching your team (the good team, obviously) win.
Below are some of the SB Nation staff’s go-to sports flicks, with information about where to stream them included. The majority are also available to rent via Amazon, YouTube, Google Play and the like.
Hot Rod (2007)
Available on Netflix, Prime and Pluto.
Insofar as failing to jump over things with a moped is a sport, Hot Rod is about sports. It’s an extremely dumb, pleasant movie with no stakes whatsoever, and it is my number one.
— Seth Rosenthal
Yes, it’s hilarious — but even more importantly, it has the ability to absorb you before you realize it and not let your mind wander out of its grasp. Distraction grade: 10 out of 10
— Will Buikema
Creed (2015)
Available to rent
Too many Rocky sequels to count, but this one really engages with the mythos around the character and who gets to take part in that myth. Michael B. Jordan and Tessa Thompson are two of Hollywood’s brightest stars, and while it’s frustrating they were not awarded like Sylvester Stallone for their performances, all three are terrific here. Also: unlike the original Rocky, this movie recognizes that boxing includes dodging and blocking as well as punching!
— Pete Volk
Goon (2011)
Available on Netflix.
You could probably analyze Goon for commentary about how we glorify violence in hockey, or you could sit back and enjoy a genuinely hilarious movie. It has everything you want in a hockey film. There’s a dim-witted but lovable bouncer who gets a chance at a hockey career in the minors, and a grumpy Quebecois prodigy with a physicality issue. There’s gratuitous blood and gore, and Liev Schreiber getting into fights, and a hint of bromance. There are even cameos from former NHL players, and one from current Dallas Stars forward Tyler Seguin in the film’s 2017 sequel, Goon: Last of the Enforcers, which is also on Netflix.
If you don’t mind some exaggerated violence and slapstick comedy (and particularly if that’s what you’re into), I highly recommend it. Plus, the soundtrack slaps.
— Sydney Kuntz
Bend it Like Beckham (2002)
Available on demand with Starz and DirecTV
It’s funny, it’s sweet, and the fact that you’ve definitely seen it before doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch it again. It made Keira Knightley an international star, and Parminder Nagra picked up the FIFA presidential award. Beyond the film, it represented a crucial moment in David Beckham’s relationship with his country. He’d gone from villain in 1998 after that red card against Argentina, to hero in 2001 after that free kick against Greece. Eight months later this came out, and canonized him as a national treasure.
— Andi Thomas
High Flying Bird (2019)
Available on Netflix
What better to watch during a period without basketball than a movie about basketball personnel that takes place during a time of no basketball? High Flying Bird, shot entirely on iPhone by Steven Soderbergh, follows a top rookie and his ambitious agent during an NBA lockout, as they try and change the owner-heavy economic structure of the NBA.
— Pete Volk
Escape to Victory (1981, also just known as Victory)
Available on demand with Cinemax and DirecTV
Sylvester Stallone is an Allied solider in a Nazi prisoner-of-war camp. So is Michael Caine. In there with them, for some reason, is Pele, Bobby Moore, Ozzy Ardiles, and half of Ipswich Town’s 1981 UEFA Cup winning squad. And wouldn’t you just know it, they have to play an exhibition against a handpicked German side, for reasons of propaganda. Will they escape … to victory?
— Andi Thomas
Goal of the Dead (2014)
Available on Shudder
”Some kind of a riot. They are burning cars.”
”Given the refereeing, no wonder.”
French football superstar Samuel Lorit faces off against his hometown team in a cup game. His formerly adoring fans now all despise him. And then a tainted steroid injection turns pretty much everybody into zombies, straight from the 28 Days Later school of hard-running mouth-frothers. Good blood-soaked fun, if probably a bit too long. But then all films are too long these days. Return of the King won a million Oscars, and that didn’t have a ‘roid-raging zombie kicking a man’s head off his neck and into the goal.
— Andi Thomas
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Available on Prime and Hulu
Maybe the only worthwhile WWE Studios release ever? I’ll await the flame from fans of The Marine 5: Battleground in the comments. What would have otherwise been yet another vanilla sports inspiration story is elevated by a terrific cast, led by newly Oscar-nominated Florence Pugh.
— Pete Volk
The Damned United (2009)
Available to rent
An adaptation of a brilliant but bleak novel about Brian Clough’s doomed spell at Leeds United, the film dispenses with most of the book’s harrowing existential loneliness and discovers a surprisingly soft-hearted buddy story underneath. Michael Sheen disappears uncannily into his role, absolutely nailing Clough’s astringent self-possession, but Colm Meaney almost steals the film as Clough’s nemesis, Don Revie. A reminder that English football, back in the ‘70s, was a strange, drizzly place full of strange, compelling people.
— Andi Thomas
Hoop Dreams (1994)
Available on HBO, Kanopy and DirecTV
One of the best American documentaries. Also one of the best movies about dreams, who crushes them and how they evolve. It is also one of the best movies about race and poverty in America. All in all, this is one of the best movies about the allure and grace of basketball. A phenomenal film!
— Pete Volk
Horse Feathers (1932)
Available via the Internet Archive
I grew up watching the Marx Brothers with my dad, and I would be remiss not to mention this college football-centric classic. Turns out the “amateur” status of college football players was a joke in the 1930s, too!
— Pete Volk
Minding the Gap (2019)
Available on Hulu
Only tangentially about sports, since the group of kids at this documentary’s focus are skateboarders, but this is one of the great modern American documentaries about growing up, difficult friendships and toxic masculinity. Highly, highly recommend.
— Pete Volk
Starship Troopers (1997)
Available on Showtime, CBS All Access, DirecTV and Vudu
There are several reasons Starship Troopers is memorable — the broadly written anti-nationalist commentary! The exploding bugs! The co-ed showers! That one fight scene soundtracked to Mazzy Star’s “Fade Into You,” for some reason! — but space football is the only one that fits with our theme. In the future, America’s favorite sport is played in high school gymnasiums on old wrestling mats. There are no special teams or roughness penalties. The ball is Nerf’s rough approximation of a baked potato wrapped in foil.
Johnny Rico, our protagonist, wins and is escorted off the field a hero. Roughly 20 minutes of film later, he’s left to die on an alien planet. Shit’s real, yo.
— Christian D’Andrea
Rush (2013)
Available on HBO
If you liked Ford V. Ferrari, you’ll probably love this. Retelling the true story of James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Niki Lauda’s intense Formula 1 rivalry, Rush has fantastic racing scenes and benefits from focusing on the wildly different personalities and approaches of the two rivals.
— Pete Volk
A League of Their Own (1992)
Available on Showtime, and very often randomly on cable
It almost feels redundant to list this classic, which you’ve probably already seen once or dozens of times. But if you have seen it, you know it holds up better than most of the feel-good, strings-swelling-styled sports hagiographies of the 1990s. A more-or-less accurate retelling of a vital and often ignored part of American sports history, conveyed via an all-star cast and too many quotable lines to count. The “hard” may be what makes it great, but there’s nothing hard about watching this iconic and genuinely uplifting movie. (I also wrote more about it here.)
—Natalie Weiner
Speed Racer (2008)
Available to rent
One of my favorite movies of all-time, taking many aesthetic cues from anime and seamlessly bringing them into the live-action world with breathtaking visual effects. Speed Racer is visually explosive and a delight for the senses, with a grounded conflict at its core (a family business getting bought out by a heartless corporation). In my opinion, this is sports + movies in their best balance with each other.
— Pete Volk
The Heart of the Game (2005)
Available to rent
A hardscrabble team works diligently to overcome the odds, with a few twists. The movie centers on a girls basketball team from Roosevelt High School, 10 minutes from where I grew up in Seattle, and the star of the team gets pregnant. Bring tissues.
— Natalie Weiner
Uncut Gems (2019)
Available to rent
No movie better captures the anxiety of being a sports fan, or the bad decisions you make because of your fandom. Also sports luminaries Kevin Garnett and Mike Francesa deliver excellent performances. My favorite 2019 release! Louis wrote more about it here.
— Pete Volk
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006)
Available on Starz and DirecTV
This is the height of me on-my-bullshit, but please allow it: Scott Adkins and Michael Jai White are generational action stars, and this entry in the excellent Undisputed series shows their singular talents at their best. White plays an ex-boxer framed for a crime and sent to prison, where he fights for his freedom in an underground MMA ring. Adkins plays the terrifying Yuri Boyka, the reigning prison champ. This is so up my alley it’s not even funny, and hopefully it’s up yours, too!
— Pete Volk
More Than a Game (2008)
Available on Starz
It’s very easy to take LeBron James for granted. After all, he’s been doing otherworldly things in the NBA for almost two decades now. Sometimes it just seems like he’s always existed, like he’ll just be inevitable forever. At a time when we’re (hopefully temporarily) deprived of watching him play basketball, it’s worth revisiting this great documentary about his origin story. Yes, he overcame seemingly insurmountable odds, but the part that sticks with you is the people around him — those who believed in him completely, and who he has been just as loyal to in return.
— Natalie Weiner
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bigyack-com · 5 years
A Big Tax Break Drives Demand for Homes in the French Alps
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When the Knight Frank agency analyzed the main drivers of French Alps property purchases in 2019, one factor outweighed the traditional lure of the slopes and the growth of summertime activities in the mountains.“It is not exactly glamorous, but the single biggest driver right now for choosing a French resort, rather than anywhere else is a simple one: a very nice tax break,” said Roddy Aris, the agency’s head of sales in the French Alps.France normally imposes a 20 percent value-added tax on property purchases, but the tax break refunds it to buyers of newly built properties who are willing to rent them to vacationers. It also slashes the normal 7 percent transfer tax to 2 percent.Mr. Aris said the tax rebate is available across France but it is mostly used in the Alps because it is aimed at supporting the tourism industry by encouraging owners to make more beds available.“The whole idea is to increase the number of ‘warm beds,’ which can be used by tourists, as opposed to ‘cold beds,’ which sit locked up behind shutters and are no good to anyone,” he said.“The more warm beds and tourists there are, the more fondues are being sold, the more beers are being poured, and the more ski passes and ski lessons are being used.”Knight Frank and the property consultancy Athena Advisers both say the tax break has become a factor for 80 percent of their customers in the French Alps, with Athena estimating that it has saved its customers almost 15 million euros in VAT.The tax break has tight conditions and is restricted to new developments and completed projects less than five years old. But rebates range into the millions of euros.An apartment marketed at €600,000, or about $658,000, will normally include €100,000 of VAT on top of a base price of €500,000, so the rebate would equal a sixth of the normal sale price.“That sort of discount won the argument for me,” said Gary M., a corporate lawyer based in Singapore who does not want to use his full name to discuss tax matters.A British citizen, Gary first considered buying a ski chalet in northern Japan or at a Swiss resort before learning about the French tax break, which he called a real game-changer.“This has made all the difference for me and has put the French Alps way out in front,” he said.Gary, who is in his early 40s, is looking for a property that will “wash its own face” with rental income before becoming a retirement option in 15 to 20 years.He said he had looked in Niseko, Japan, “but prices have gone through the roof up there.”“Even though the Alps is more expensive than some places, it’s more of a blue-chip type investment, in terms of future returns and property rises,” he went on.“To be honest I had my mind set on something a bit more traditional, like an old cottage or a farmhouse with a lot of charm,” Gary said, “but then I was told about the VAT rebate for new-builds, and I suppose being in a new complex is more practical with less upkeep if you are not living there.”Gary heard about the tax break from VINGT Paris, an agency through which he had already bought property in Paris. He is now considering an apartment in a development marketed by that firm in Méribel, France, two hours from Lyon and Geneva.The Global Alpine New Development will include 95 apartments of one to three bedrooms ranging in price from about €400,000 to €1.3 million, after deducting VAT rebates of about €80,000 to €260,000.Mr. Aris of Knight Frank says the biggest change in the Alps over the past decade has been a sharp rise in the number of owners renting out their properties. The typical chalet buyer is open to renting to tourists because the owners themselves usually plan to stay there for only a few weeks a year.“Some retirees might spend three months there, but that is rare,” Mr. Aris added, “so it is a no-brainer to make some income by renting the place out when it would otherwise be empty, especially when that qualifies you for a large VAT rebate in the first place.”An apartment in Les Glaciers, an 11-chalet development being marketed by Knight Frank in Courchevel Moriond, would receive total tax rebates of about €800,000, he said.The four- to seven-bedroom chalets will be completed in the last quarter of 2021 with private parking and balconies and a shared swimming pool. Their prices range from about €2.5 million to €4.7 million, making the VAT savings about €410,000 to €780,000.The tax breaks can also be granted to existing buildings if they go through extensive renovations. An example is Vail Lodge, being sold through Cimalpes in the Legettaz area of Val d’Isère, where two- to five-bedroom apartments are priced from €1.7 million to €4.9 million, meaning VAT rebates of about €280,000 to €810,000.To qualify for the rebate, a buyer has to commit to making the property available for short-term rentals for 20 years.Mr. Aris said the owner of an apartment that has received the rebate “technically has to rent the apartment to themselves whenever they want to use it.”If they change their minds at any stage and convert property to purely private use, a portion of the VAT rebate must be repaid, depending on how much of the 20-year period is left. After 10 years, for instance, half the rebate would have to be repaid.When a property that has received the VAT rebate is resold, the rebate will generally be factored into the price, Mr. Aris said, as the new owner takes on the responsibility of repaying some of the rebate if the property is converted to fully private use during the original 20-year period.Knight Frank uses local partners to handle the renting out and managing of properties that have qualified for the rebate, with Cimalpes acting as a “one-stop shop” for clients in the Three Valleys area.Giles D., a financial services manager in London who was also reluctant to use his full name, said he received the rebate when he bought a three-bedroom apartment in Val-d’Isère in February last year, but he warned that he “would never have done it without an agent to handle all the rebate paperwork.”“It is actually really complex, and while I have bought lots of property in the U.K. before, this French bureaucracy would definitely have been beyond me,” he said.“The amount of paperwork in France is incredible, and you have to be very careful that you meet all the conditions of the rebate scheme and don’t break them in the future,” he said.Giles bought through Athena Advisers, which he said had put him in touch with legal services, insurance, a French bank for the mortgage and people to handle the rentals.“They did it all,” he said. “That would be my advice to anyone doing this: Get people to help you through the process, because it so complex.”To qualify for the rebate, a property must be offered for rent with services that a long-distance landlord could not provide without a local manager.It must have three of the following four services: a check-in reception, an on-site or nearby breakfast service, the provision and cleaning of linen and room cleaning at least three times a week.Giles’s second tip for users of the VAT tax break is to be aware that they must make the initial VAT payment before having it refunded after filing a French tax return.“In my case, it only took seven months to get the money back, so that was fine, but people should realize that they have to put the money up in the first place,” he said.Lloyd Hughes, a spokesman for Athena Advisers, said that until recently, the VAT rebate had been used only by developers creating “Residences de Tourisme,” which were normally at the lower end of the market and were offered with often-restrictive rental management contracts giving owners a guaranteed yield and a few weeks of private use each year.“Buyers at the mid and high end are now getting involved, and our average property sale price in the French Alps is €1.4 million,” he said.The seven-bedroom Chalet Le Rocher in Val-d’Isère, for instance, is for sale through Athena at €17 million, meaning a VAT rebate of €2.83 million.In Méribel, the Antarès 1707 hotel is being converted into 70 apartments of two to eight bedrooms that will range from €2.11 million to €9.65 million, offering VAT rebates of €352,000 to €1.6 million.Austria also offers VAT rebates, but only on properties in managed apartment-hotels.Giles Gale, the managing director of Alpine Property Finders, said that apartments like these are part of the hotel when the owners are not using them and will generate income of up to 3 percent of the purchase price annually.“Whilst buying into an apart-hotel development might seem restricting, they are much more hassle-free in terms of maintenance, and owners need never worry about linen changes and washing the towels,” he said.“Owners have the same access as hotel guests to the other services in the development such as pools and spas,” Mr. Gale said. “We find that 80 percent of our clients are happy to rent their properties when they’re not using them.”“If you’re beholden to school holidays, for example, you are going to be planning your skiing six months to a year in advance.”Eligible mountain properties in Austria include the Elements Resort in Zell am See, where 37 apartments were completed in December, and the 44-apartment Glemm Residences in Hinterglemm. 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biophytopharm · 5 years
Why Treat Yourself with Homeopathy (Homeopathic)?
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Why Treat Yourself with Homeopathy (Homeopathic)?
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the question has no univocal answer. If in 2012, 32% of people in the world use homeopathic medicines, their motivations are surely different. Some have always been treated by homeopathy, others, put off by the side effects of non-homeopathic medicines are turning almost exclusively towards homeopathy. Some others use punctually drugs deemed not dangerous. Others, finally, are looking for a solution to chronic or repeated health problems for themselves or their children. At least, in more than thirty years of practice, what I could observe in my patients. This harmlessness of homeopathic medicine allows each of we (from the baby to the old man and the pregnant woman) to resort to self-registration. But by respecting certain rules: no self-prescription "blind" (that is, for all pathologies, whatever they are), remain aware of the need to have a diagnosis made by a doctor if there is no favorable reaction to the treatment homeopathic, this book aims to: to enable the reader to know whether his illness or symptoms may respond to self-prescription treatment homeopathic medicines (with Phytotherapy or medicinal plants) or if they require consultation with a homeopathic doctor, to know the main symptoms that indicate the different homeopathic medicines. Not for the purpose of checking the prescription of his homeopathic doctor but in that of better understand why they are indicated against these symptoms. There are many books of homeopathic self-prescription and many sites on the internet. It only considers pathologies "Current", that is to say, that it does not concern those which were in the past (19th and 20th centuries) and still found sometimes in current works. He also tries to present the treatments indicated following the intellectual journey of any homeopathic doctor competent or any pharmacist interested in homeopathy. In the first part, they are presented, where possible, under the form of decision trees. This form perfectly respects the intellectual journey of any competent homeopath. Treatments proposals will be found by answering questions (presented in box) and each medicine is presented with its prescription and "associated symptoms" if they are necessary for the determination of the indicated drug (see below: Homeopathic consultation). They will be preceded, in order to better identify them, with a brief reminder of what the symptom or disease. Some symptoms or diseases that imperatively ask for a medical consultation will not be treated in this book. Others that require the combination of drugs non-homeopathic and homeopathic medicines will be reported by an insert. In a second part, the reader will find all the medicines cited and presented not in the form of a description or a "history" but according to their main and most reliable symptoms (those depend neither on a particular era nor on a particular culture). They are drawn from reliable and general references or written by specialists. no systematic refusal of non-homeopathic medicines when they are indispensable. of revelation ex nihilo. Homeopathy? We need to believe! On the one hand, homeopathy is not a religion, but a therapeutic method! On the other hand and far from me the idea of underestimating the intellectual capacities, or even beliefs, of farmed turkeys that have participated in the study cited above, I can only remain at least dubious about their ability to voluntarily adhere to the drug homeopathic ... About belief: granules and globules are recognized as kosher and halal by the competent religious authorities. Homeopathy works because the doctor takes time to talk with his patient! Which implies that non-homeopathic doctors would botch their consultation. It seems to me that this is to outrage the virtues of empathy and dialogue and the professional conscience of all doctors, whether they are homeopaths or not homeopaths! Homeopathy is so diluted. As much for a glass of wine in the Seine to Paris and drink a glass of Seine water in Rouen! The comparison, mathematically, is not unfounded. Especially when we think of dilution in the decillion. That said, the experiments prove physically that these dilutions, already, are energized and are far from empty. In addition, clinical experiments prove they are effective (see, among others, the famous turkeys ... but also recent studies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments in rheumatological, ENT and psychic disorders). If dilutions in the decillion demonstrate therapeutic efficacy, it can be said that attempting the experiment in drinking a glass of water from the Seine (in Rouen or elsewhere), will inevitably lead the appearance of extremely unpleasant digestive disorders ... that will have to be treated by homeopathy. Homeopathy is a placebo, not expensive, but a placebo anyway! Note immediately that the homeopathic medicine responds perfectly to the needs of the French Social Security economy: the price of all medicines (homeopathic and non-homeopathic) is blocked and the price of a granule tube and a globules dose is ridiculously low. Then all the doctors' homeopaths who prescribe the tubes granules and the doses globules register them under a generic name (Pulsatilla, Rhus Toxicodendron, Mercurius solubilis, etc. Are generic Latin names) and it is the pharmacist who will take care of the order from a homeopathic laboratory. As for the placebo effect (the first person of the future of the Latin verb place (to please accredit); literally, I'll like it) it implies an inefficiency of the substance but a cure, in spite of everything, of some patients she would have liked. There is strong a long time when I learned medicine, I was taught that the vast majority of tonsillitis was of viral origin but that, as a precautionary measure, it was better to antibiotic treatment to avoid any superinfection. Many more years later, we realized that "antibiotics were not automatic! ". A few doctors continue to prescribe antibiotics for a viral disease less because they like to eradicate a very hypothetical bacterial superinfection, but because they like their patients to remain convinced that it is the antibiotic that has eradicated their viral disease; since they are healed. And the result is there: they are healed ... The homeopathic medicine is not real medicine, because a real drug inevitably causes side effects! The mode of operation of the homeopathic medicine is not the same non-homeopathic medicine. It is not a question of imposing a reaction of the body by providing weighted doses as is done by administering non-homeopathic medicines. Non-homeopathic medicines of which no one can deny the usefulness, effectiveness and necessity in certain pathologies but which require the doctor to constantly assess the benefit ratio (more or less violent side effects). Some unfortunate episodes of in recent years have demonstrated this. How the drug works homeopathic medicine which, as we have said above, is not yet elucidated, does not determine by a quantitative but qualitative action; and therefore devoid of effects secondary in the non-homeopathic sense of the term. It does not have a "little paper" as with other medicines (understand non-homeopathic medicines)! Certainly, nonhomeopathic drugs have a record. The discerning reader, when he has covered the subjects second part of this book, will have understood that the drug homeopathic may be indicated in different pathologies and against symptoms that are not limited to a single organ and cannot be "Paper" of acceptable size. The amount of granules is the same for a human and an elephant. All of this is not serious! The amount of granules is independent of age and weight. Having never personally had to deal with an elephant, I can not indicate the number of granules necessary and sufficient to treat a suffering pachyderm. During the famous experiment made on turkeys (still they!) Raised in a battery, the number of granules was greater than that administered to a human. Consider the disorder in a battery turkey farm, he seemed more reasonable to increase the amount administered to ensure that each will have access to treatment. That said homeopathic veterinarians use the same amount of granules as for humans when it comes to treating an animal of company. It is enough to make react to the organism concerned. Homeopathic treatment is incompatible with nonhomeopathic treatment! Not at all! Take for example the case, fortunately rare, bacterial tonsillitis. There is a need for appropriate antibiotic therapy to eradicate the causative bacteria. But antibiotic treatment takes 3 days to act. The inflammatory phenomena generated by the bacteria, if we are satisfied with an only antibiotic therapy will take as long to disappear. Very often, by the way, the doctors associated with their anti-biotherapy an anti-inflammatory treatment. A well-managed homeopathic treatment will ensure this function and can be established, parallel but not simultaneously in the mouth (for the same reason as the wine, alcohol, tobacco, etc. ; see below). Another example of this association benefit between non-homeopathic and homeopathic treatments is that of treatments, so-called support, that two friends homeopathic doctors have demonstrated in partnership with cancer services Homeopaths do not prescribe vaccines! If some, more and rarer, refuse the evidence of vaccine activity, the majority of them recognize the value (just as Hahnemann did about Jennifer in the vaccine). Everything at do they refuse the "all vaccine" and give priority to vaccines that have real evidence of their effects on health (percentage of the high protection rate and protection based on all the bacteria or viruses responsible and not on an only strain) and not only for their economic efficiency (decrease in job…). Homeopathy is not preventive, it is only curative! If it is true that basic principle, even, of homeopathy (individualization) requires to know the patient's symptoms before he can determine the necessary treatment, Homeopathy can be very preventive. On the one hand, the preventive catch and early drug that corresponds to a symptom or disease that occurs always presents the same way can be prevention. On the other hand, as this is a chronic disease, the field treatment or Reaction Mode Individual that specifically reinforces the terrain, makes it less sensitive to attackers or the triggers of the disease. This is the optimal solution. Homeopathy is dangerous for babies, they can inhale a granule! The inhalation of a granule is not problematic: it will melt in the secretions Bronchial. My child has swallowed the entire tube, should I call the emergency department of my city? Useless! The action of homeopathic medicine, as we have seen more high, is not quantitative but qualitative. Absorption of a large number of granules will be neither more effective nor more toxic than that of 5 granules. Homeopathy is contraindicated in cases of lactose intolerance! The quantity of lactose is extremely weak and five granules cannot cause a reaction lactose intolerance. Homeopathy is contraindicated in case of diabetes! The amount of sugar brought by granules and globules can not cause problems in case of diabetes: a granule tube of 75 to 80 granules corresponds to 4 g of sugar and a dosing tube to 1 g. The granules sugar is cariogenic! Granules and globules are not cariogenic and can be administered, even in the middle of the night, in case of a nightmare ... Homeopathy is long! Treatment of a chronic or old disease several years cannot be as brief as desired. But the treatment of a disease or an acute symptom (which is the subject of this book) is fast. Let's say that if the treatment did not result in a favorable reaction (ie, the symptom or disease remains unchanged) after 3 days it is necessary to consult. We must stop tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, mint, infusions when we take a homeopathic treatment! The granules or the entire contents of tube-dose are poured into the mouth. They melt in saliva and are fully absorbed by the sublingual bloodstream and do not pass through the stomach. This absorption path is extremely fast. But it is diminished when the caliber vessels is diminished, as is the case, for example, after the absorption of mint (mint has a vasoconstrictor action). As for other substances, everyone knows that abuse is dangerous. However, for the hardcore (nobody is perfect ...), it is better to take the granules or globules before drinking coffee or smoking a cigarette. In the case of forgetfulness, it is best, before taking the homeopathic medicine, to wait twenty minutes to allow time for the mucous membranes of the mouth to clean. As my friend likes to say, Céline Julienne-Chauvel, pharmacist and a great connoisseur of homeopathy, with whom I have often taught homeopathy training for pharmacists: "the mouth must be clean! " For toddlers, they can be diluted in the bottle of milk (the base of the granules is lactose) and as, usually, one does not heat the bottle beyond 37 ° C (the body temperature), this is not a problem. Otherwise, we can dilute them in a small bottle of water (which they will suck throughout the day) or crush the granules between two small spoons to turn the granules into a powder that will be poured between the gum and the lower lip. Homeopathy can heal everything! No, homeopathy can not cure everything! All like non-homeopathic medicines, homeopathic medicines cannot handle everything. As noted by the Italian ethnologist Ernesto de Martino, only magical medical practices do not experience failure20. The action of homeopathic medicines depends on the reaction abilities of the individual. For example, one can not claim to treat insulin-dependent diabetes by homeopathy alone: the pancreas is totally inactive and no stimulation can not pretend to make it work. We reach there, what Dr. Becker qualifies, very judiciously, as the limits of the possibilities of the reaction of the individual. There is, therefore, no homeopathic medicine of diabetes. Finally, as we have seen above, the healing properties of the drug substance homeopathic must be revealed by pathogenesis. No pathogenesis has shown symptoms suggestive of certain diseases such as for example, cancer. It is necessary to repeat it: there is no treatment homeopathic cancer since no serious homeopathic experimentation could not reveal the same symptoms as cancer. Homeopathic background treatment is essential! If we consider a patient who, in 10 years, has never been sick and consults for rhinitis, Acute treatment, as presented in this book, will be amply sufficient. By Again, another patient with recurrent rhinitis presents a chronic disease. It is therefore essential to introduce a field treatment. Do not touch the granules with your fingers! More nowadays, since granules undergo a triple impregnation. The active product goes deep into the granule, no longer remains on the surface and is not likely to dissolve in perspiration. The homeopathic medicine delivers a magnetic message, so do not store them near his keys, his cell and the pharmacist should not spend the "Shower"! The message carried by the homeopathic medicine is perhaps magnetic type. Let's wait, however, for the physical confirmation before tell. However, today, drugs are no longer delivered by oxcart. Our modern trucks produce a respectable amount of magnetic couples. All homeopathic medicines, with or without passage of the "hand shower" should be totally ineffective. This is, fortunately, not the case. A globule dose is faster than 5 granules! Homeopaths Germans and Britons do not use blood cell doses and get excellent and fast results. The globule dose is excellent conditioning when it comes off a punctual treatment. It is essentially practical conditioning. A 30 CH is stronger than 5 CH! The reasoning mode is not mathematical. Each situation corresponds to a dilution that is particular to it. Some symptoms or illnesses will respond better to drugs diluted CH; others at 30 CH dilutions. I do not have a 15 CH, I can not take 5 pellets. Too bad, I only have to take 15 in 5 CH! Unfortunately, a simple mathematical calculation proves that 15 granules diluted to one-tenth of a billionth (10-10) cannot be equivalent to 5 granules diluted at the five-fold (10-30) ... amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gardensnurs0b-20"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Homeopathic"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "a1818c9f3bb675d9f4d806f8fb9933b1"; Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});   Read the full article
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I've thoroughly enjoyed the Claudine/Frollo headcannons, do you have any in mind for Esmeralda/Phoebus? If the sequel movies are wiped from this universe, that means their son doesn't exist (or not yet). Also, do you have another headcannon for onesided fresme on frollo's part? How would he handle being unable to obtain her in this universe?
Ilike to believe the sequels and spin-offs are valid, as the bookseries (which is, as of the Rise of the Isle of the Lost, is canon…to a certain extent) makes reference to characters that could onlyexist outside of the original movies, such as:
Diegode Vil, presumably the child of Ivy de Vil from the 101 DalmatiansTV series, or a descendant from the rest of the extended de Vilfamily, and
Jade,Jay’s cousin and presumably the daughter of Nasira, Jafar’ssister from the Aladdin video game series
There’sa level of personal bias, with the amount of work I’ve already putinto expanding the world with my own ideas, but I think we can allagree that the Isle and Auradon would be a whole lot less interestingif we didn’t have the likes of:
Mozenrath(Aladdin animated series) acting as Maleficent’s longsuffering middle manager, and personal chew toy as an “inferiormagical being,”
LadyWaltham (Tarzan animated series) adding an element of sympathyto the Isle of the Lost with her regretting her brother Clayton andher nephew are still on there and unable to return, and
LadyCaine (Tangled: Before Ever After), who adds a deliciouselement of grayness and a MASSIVE stain on the otherwise pristinereputation all sympathetic Disney monarchs have.
Ontothe headcanons:
Phoebusbecomes one of the new Captains of the Guard in France once theoriginal forces are merged with, or completely replaced by the newlyestablished Auradon Royal Guard. Though the actual administrative andexecutive power lies much higher up the ranks (such as theCommander-In-Chief, Beast), he himself is an incredibly influentialmember, well-known and well-loved by the citizenship and the fellowsoldiers he patrols the streets with.
Auradonhad to rely heavily on translators, human and machine, or translatingmagic during its tumultuous first years, as everyone struggled tofind one common language for every state to use as the internationalstandard (it’s English still). A LOT of things get lost intranslation or don’t translate too good into another language, orsomeone gets VERY offended when someone who is fluent in both Frenchand Chinese tells you exactly what they meant, and howunflattering it is.
Andthis isn’t even going into all the numerous cultural clashes andfaux paus, such as one unfortunate Louisiana chef realizing you’renot supposed to serve pork to most Agrahbans until he was alreadyuncovering the dish...
Phoebusbridges the gap through his calm, professional demeanor, alwaysshowing politeness and civility to everyone whoever they may be, andof course, his sense of humour, given “a real workout” when hehas to figure out how to make someone laugh with universallyunderstood comedy (someone falling face first into a pile of horsedung), non-verbal humour (wearing a silly, pink, fuzzy bunny earswhilst on duty), and using simple plays on word that foreigners caneasily get, or are tailored specifically to their language.
“Inever quite realized eggs could be such a huge source of humour,”he muses when he has to speak to Spanish speaking citizens.
However,his usefulness quickly dwindled as the culture clashes settled down,people started learning English, and of course, the already olderPhoebus found himself growing ever older and unable to keep up withthe rapid pace of advancement and pop culture references in Auradon,not to mention his disadvantage of “not being gifted a smartphonefor my first birthday.”
Hehas an incredibly cushy administrative position that pays well,commands respect from his soldiers still, and gives him great hoursto spend with his family and other pursuits, but as he’s no longergoing out (or being allowed) on patrols and interacting personallywith the people in his jurisdiction, he can’t help but wonder ifhe’s just being eased into the idea of retirement, and Auradon issimply too nice to boot him for the much feared “chainsaw HR” ofsome corporations from BGU London.
(Forthose not familiar with the term, “chainsaw HR” is when entiredivisions, and numbers into the hundreds are suddenly, and oftentimeswithout proper recompense or retirement packages, fired or forcedinto early retirement.
It’sa play on the term “axed” for being suddenly fired, and chainsawsbeing a modern, much more efficient tool for the same job as aliteral ax.)
It’ssafe to say that at the age of 55 or so, and having already lived oneillustrious career then a brief revival, he’s having a midlifecrisis, not helped by the fact that many other Auradonians about hisage are feeling as obsolete as last year’s ayGem.
(“Butit came out just a year ago!”
“Yeah,but they updated to a new, much better firmware and hardwarearchitecture, all the hot new apps don’t even bother with legacyupdates.”)
Esmerelda has fared much better.
Shehas become an activist in this world, using the power of theinternet, the normalization of the “other,” and the erasure ofthe national and ethnic boundaries that once separated communities tohelp her fellow Romani people (I won’t use “gypsies,” as that’san offensive term to them), and other marginalized, and forgottengroups, such as much of the Wild Fae population.
Shealso owns and teaches at a dance studio, using them to train the nextgeneration of performers (“Be they for the street, the stage, orthe screen”), and waging a subtle campaign to remove the stigma forblatant and shameless use of sexuality.
I’vealways known Auradon is a conservative wet dream in many respects,and the fact that ripping a tiny tear in your skirt is considered“scandalous” by teenagers says a lot.
Beforeyou ask, YES, Esmerelda is still as desired and lusted afternow as she was BGU—probably even more so, now that we have thecombined populations of all the states, and she is a very popular andcommon presence on the internet.
Beforeyou also ask, Phoebus has long gotten over it and considers it “partof the package.”
Sheis one of the most knowledgeable and well-versed with moderntechnology out of the “Travellers” (Auradonians who were adultsor close to it Before Great Uniting), seeing as her troupe ofperformers have always been highly adaptable and all to ready to dowhatever it takes to survive, fit in with the locale they have foundthemselves in, and afterwards, thrive.
Thatthey have generally relied on being couriers and brokers ofinformation, and the internet basically being a giant free market ofinformation has helped GREATLY.
Withher religion, she still isn’t 100% on the existence of God, onlyever praying to Him during times of crisis or as a show of good faithwith the religious institutions of Auradon, but the Greek Pantheonhas given her hope that Supreme Beings like Him do exist.
“Atthe very least, He’s been very light on throwing down lightningbolts from up on high.”
(Thoughmuch less murderous and many other negative traits than the original,Disney Zeus is still INCREDIBLY fond of “warning shots.”)
Andonce more, before you ask, I can seriously see her making a cameo inthe canon as a guest dance instructor for the Descendants, if sheisn’t already a full-time staff member of Auradon Prep, and yes,she would definitely mentor Evie by showing her much healthier waysof expressing her sexuality and femininity without feeling like she’sdegrading herself, or turning herself into a “slab of meat in thebutcher’s window.”
Zephyrwas born BGU, and if my idea that the states had been communicatingfor a few years before the idea of fusing is canon, has a veryunique perspective of being a “Traveler Tot,” living with theideas and concepts imported over through the portals andcommunication crystals, before he got to live it in Auradon when thetechnology and materials could be more easily accessed and produced.
Heis still hyperactive and excitable as ever, though most of that wasbeing channeled into a combination of soldier training and becoming acircus performer like his parents; in his mind, there really isn’tmuch difference between the two, as they both require incrediblephysical skill and endurance, a sharp and creative mind, andrelentless, dedicated training, day-in, day-out.
“Itall really comes down to what you mean when you say you ‘slayedthem,’” he says.
Thisquickly changes in Auradon when he finds himself addicted to HeroRising, the video game that Carlos was seen playing during hisfirst night in Auradon. While initially Phoebus sees it as a good wayfor him to blow off all his excess energy and get some physicaltraining done, and Esmerelda tolerates it as he’s not going offstealing and rearranging stop signs, it evolves into something muchmore for him in time.
Atfirst, he’s the best player on the block, then in theneighbourhood, then the school, then the city, then the state, andfinally, one of the Hall of Famers in Auradon. As he grows older, hejust barely passes his high school subjects as a conditional for hissponsors support and working with the Hero Rising developersas a PR person, community idol AKA a “Paragon,” and beta tester.The height of his fame and success comes when the latest release,Hero Rising: The Lost Legion, features a new playablecharacter based off of him, and his unique dance-like fighting style:
Trueto the name, his life is sent into a spin cycle after that.
Afew years pass, a new Hero Rising is released, and everyone isgushing over the new characters, and Twister gives up his place onthe cover art alongside the series “cornerstones” to give them achance to shine.
NewParagons are brought in as the old guard goes off to college, retiresfrom the business into different, less-demanding pursuits, or isquietly given a send-off as they simply aren’t as salable nor asgood as they were a few years ago.
Zephyrquickly realizes that while he’s still got it, these new kids areinsane, and have so many advantages he didn’t, like muchbetter nutrition, a much more generous school schedule, and havingthe infrastructure, the audience, and the sponsors for Hero RisingParagons already there, rather than helping spearhead them.
Hecontinues on, making less and less public appearances, awkwardlybeing one of the only adult Paragons in crowds increasingly filledwith little kids and teenagers, and new characters based off the newParagons get the spotlight.
“Everyonealready knows Twister, and played him to death in all the specialinstance maps, the players want someone new!”
Thedeath-knell of his career and the cold, hard slap from Reality comeswhen Twister is removed from the roster due to development costs, andthe fact that Zephyr’s fees and royalties were considered too highfor the relatively lower cost of a new, fresh face who the fans aremuch more eager to see digitized.
Heand Phoebus both find themselves facing obsolescence, being leftbehind by a world that has simply moved too fast for them and leftthem in its dust, as they were only ever good at one thing each:fighting, either real bad guys or fictional ones.
Andso, with Esmerelda’s love and support, the two go off to reeducatethemselves and train in the new industries and careers Auradondemands, incidentally becoming the inspiration for the blockbusterfeel good movie of eight years from this time of writing:
Thestory of how a father and son went back to college, forced to startfrom scratch in a brand new world, learning new tricks, makingstrange friends, and doing a whole lot of growing up they didn’tknow they still needed to do.
Nowonto Frollo:
Helaments his permanent loss of Esmerelda (unlike the other Villains,he harbours no fantasies of Claudine getting him off the Isle—notwhen there’s still so much Good Work to be done here in this landof Sinners and Nonbelievers), and takes the disastrous results of hisobsession and lusting after her as a cautionary tale, the catastrophethat befalls those who turn away from God and the Right Path, and howthey take the whole world down with them.
Publicly,he is “that” preacher yelling about modesty, the sanctity ofmarriage and sexuality, and how pretty much everyone on theIsle is damned for engaging in such scandalous, salacious acts likepremarital sex, sexual intercourse without the intention ofprocreation, and of course, homosexuality.
Privately,he seeks a form of redemption by raising a good, Christian child inClaudine, the child he would have born with Esmerelda and raised ifcircumstances had been different (yeee-eep), and is looking for awoman with whom he can have a much healthier relationship with, toshow someone from this Isle what marriage and the word “love”truly means than the perversion the Islanders have turned it into.
Asboth Claudine and Not Esmerelda will attest to, he’s failedmiserably on both counts, but as usual, is blissfully unaware ofeither.
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The 4 Need-To-Know Basics of Tiny Home Living
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I won't start you off with a lot of fluff, here are 4 things you should know before getting started on your tiny home journey. Click the link if you'd like to learn more about an online tiny home building workshop you can take from home at your own pace!
1. How do tiny houses promote a sustainable lifestyle?
Tiny home living promotes a simpler, less consuming lifestyle by forcing you to break away from excess consumption. While the average home uses 10,399 kilowatts and emits 16,000 lbs of carbon dioxide per year, tiny homes use only a fraction of that at an average of only 914 kilowatts and 1,144 lbs of carbon emissions per year. In fact, commercial and residential greenhouse gas emissions account for about 11% of all carbon emissions in the US, and with climate change a major issue, every little bit of savings counts. But the benefits of tiny homes don’t stop there. The average home consumes three-quarters of an acre of forest to build whereas tiny homes use about 7 times less. Less deforestization means more trees to help combat climate change.
2. What is the cost of tiny house living?
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The cost of a tiny home can be less than $10,000 if you build it yourself or upwards of $80,000 if you have someone build it for you, but the average price per tiny home is around $23,000. Maybe you’d like to build one yourself but don’t know how, there are companies like Tiny Home Builders who offer online and hands-on workshops to help guide you and build your confidence in building your own. There are other hidden monthly costs to consider with tiny home living some people don’t realize. Since there is a limited amount of space to work with, most tiny homes don’t have room for a washer/dryer unit so taking clothes to the laundromat is the remaining option for most, which can add up. A solution for that, though is a portable wash/dryer unit designed originally for boat houses and RV’s. Another spacial issue could be food storage. With limited space, you buy less food in bulk and end up buying food more frequently, but the upside to this is that less food goes to waste. You could also build a detached storage shed if it’s a possibility for you. If you don’t own land, a rental space would be required which could cost a few hundred dollars each month. On a more positive note, financing and insurance for your tiny home is pretty easily obtainable. A quick google search brought up the company Lightstream for financing options and Insure My Tiny Home doesn’t get any more self-explanatory.
3. How does a tiny house get utilities?
Most tiny houses get their utilities the same way RV’s and conventional homes do through services provided by utility and power companies. However, occasionally people wish to locate their homes where these services are not provided. In these cases, their house needs to be off-grid, meaning the individual is responsible for providing their own services. Sometimes a house uses a combination of both grid and off-grid services. For instance, if grid power and water services are available, but sewer is not. Standard Hook-ups Standard hook-ups or utilities are usually available at RV parks or existing homes. For instance, if you plan to park your tiny house in someone’s back yard, you should be able to use what the primary house is already using. If available, standard hook-ups are the easiest route to take because it’s what most of us are already used to. Flushing toilets and endless reliable power and water whenever needed has become a given for most. But that’s not to say they are perfect. The environmental impact and reliance on others have driven some to look for alternatives. However, if you are looking for the path of least resistance, you’ll want to find a location for your house that offers standard hook-ups. Water For water, you need nothing more than a spigot and a hose. I know what you are thinking: "That water tastes horrible!" Well the problem is the hose, not the water. If you use a RV white hose you will find that your water tastes exactly the same as tap water at your kitchen sink. Many people choose to have a filter in their tiny house as well. Also you can check out how generate your own free water with Zero Mass Water
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Power Most tiny houses get their power the same way that RV’s do, through an extension cord. This extension cord is sized differently depending on the power requirements and hookups of your house. If your house is smaller and only requires 20 amp service, you will be able to plug your house directly into an existing outlet. If it requires 30 amp or 50 amp service, you’ll likely need to contact an electrician to add a suitable plug near your house. If you are parking in an RV park, most parks have spaces with all three power hookups; 20 amp, 30 amp, and 50 amp. Sewage If the property that you are keeping your house on is hooked up to city sewage or has a septic tank, you can splice into the existing sewer line. Just make sure the connection between the house and the sewer line can be removed like with an RV. This semi-permanent connection is often desired not only by the owners but by many legislatures that need you to verify that the house is truly "mobile." Internet and Cable It doesn’t get much easier than this: Standard cable provided by a service provider. If you are at a private campground or RV park, most have a cable hookup as well. Off-Grid Hook-ups These hook-ups are what you would use if your house was located where no utilities are provided, for instance in a remote location or undeveloped land. Keep in mind that "going green, costs green." These options may be money saving, but most have a pretty high up front price tag to consider. Water Most people feel that they will just use rainwater for all of their water needs. However, tiny houses are typically not large enough to collect enough rain water for daily use. Which means that you are either going to need to supplement your supply by bringing water in, or add an accessory structure to increase the collection area's square footage. Don’t forget you are also going to have to supply room for tanks, too. If you don’t plan to move your house for an extended period, another option is to drill a well. There is a high up-front cost to drill a well, but then it can provide free water for a long time. Again, another free water option is Zero Mass Water. Power Solar or wind power are the most common ways of powering your tiny house off-the-grid. This is DC power stored in battery banks, then converted to AC as needed by using an inverter. It may sound complicated but believe it or not, there aren’t that many components and installation is pretty easy. Estimation on the other hand can be tough as you have to be careful to account for all of your consumption. This is important because how much power you consume determines the size of your system. If you overestimate, you end up paying a lot more for a system bigger than you need. If you underestimate, you run out of power too soon. So, the first step is calculating what your consumption will be and comparing it to what you can collect in your area. For instance, in the case of solar, you need a smaller system in areas that get more sunlight. This calculation can be difficult since there are several factors involved, however, there are online calculators that have made this job a lot easier. Once you know the size of the system you need, everything else falls into place. There are many online retailers that are eager to help you select the appropriate parts to complete your system within your budget. Sewage When it comes to off-grid waste water or sewage, you need to consider the source. Shower or sink water, referred to as greywater, can be handled differently than toilet waste, referred to as black water. Greywater Greywater is relatively clean, and assuming appropriate biodegradable soaps are used, it can often be disposed of into the ground. This is normally accomplished through the use of a French drain, which is essentially a hole in the ground filled with rocks and pebbles. This acts to temporarily store the water while also exposing it to a larger surface area of the ground for it to leach into. Blackwater Blackwater is trickier to deal with and so most who go off-grid avoid it altogether. By using a composting or incinerator toilet, the waste from your toilet is converted to either soil or ash. This resulting material is both safer and more pleasant to deal with. Popular options for composting and incinerating toilets include Natures Head, Seperatt, and Incinolet. If you don’t plan to move your house for a long time, another option is to install a septic system for all waste water. A septic system is similar to a French drain, in that it allows your waste water to be absorbed into the ground. The difference is that a septic system is much bigger and has larger chambers to hold solid waste and give it time to break down and decompose. Internet and Cable There are several different ways to get internet in your tiny house. In remote locations wireless and/or satellite internet access is available. These options don’t necessarily have the best speeds or run in the best price range, but it is out there. Here is a great article that compares the two biggest internet satellite providers.
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4. Where can you park and live in your tiny home?
If your tiny home is built on a foundation, it is subject to all the local building codes. These codes are in place to make sure there is a minimum quality and safety standards that these homes are being built to. If you are building on a trailer, there isn’t typically a governing body who needs or wants to inspect your home. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow the rules. The building codes are there to keep you safe. Before building your houses, be sure to do your research. Many private RV parks are making special accommodations for tiny houses and grouping them together, essentially making small tiny home communities within them. Hopefully the information contained here gives you the foundation you need to start on your tiny home journey. Below is a list of tiny home communities in the U.S. LuxTiny Communityhttp://www.luxtiny.com/ Lakeside, Arizona Ponderosa RV Resorthttp://www.ponderosarvresort.com/ Lakeside, Arizona Kings River Hitchin' Posthttps://www.kingsriverhitchinpost.com/ Huntsville, Arizona Lemon Cove Villagehttp://lemoncovevillagervpark.com/ Lemon Cove, California Delta Bayhttps://deltabay.org/ Isleton, California Palm Canyon Mobile Clubhttps://www.palmcanyonmobileclub.com/ Palm Springs, California Escalante Villagehttps://www.escalantevillage.com/ Durango, Colorado Peak View Park https://www.peak-view-park.com/ Woodland Park, Colorado Orlando Lake Front http://www.orlandolakefrontth.com Orlando, Florida Gracious RV park https://www.graciouspark.com/ Lake Okeechobee, Florida Circle Pond Tiny Communityhttp://circlepondtinycommunity.com/ Tampa Bay, Florida Green Bridge Farmhttps://www.facebook.com/agrihoodplowboy Guyton, Georgia Little River Escapehttps://littleriverescape.com/ Cloudland, Georgia The Shire Village at Mountaintownhttps://www.tinyinthemountains.com/ Ellijay, Georgia Copper Moonhttps://www.tryittiny.com/properties/969 Indianapolis, Indiana Cottage Estates http://traversebayrv.com/ Williamsburg, Michigan The Sanctuary Minnesotahttp://www.thesanctuaryminnesota.com/ Ogilvie, Minnesota Cross Timbers Communityhttps://crosstimberscommunity.com/ Kissee Mills, Montana Burro Mountain Homesteadhttp://www.burromountainhomestead.com/ Silver City, New Mexico Acony Bell TH Village https://www.aconybellnc.com/ Mills River, North Carolina Coral Sands Pointhttp://coralsandspoint.rockhighdevelopment.com/ Lexington, North Carolina High Covehttps://highcove.com/small-tiny-houses/ Bakersville, North Carolina Wheat Hill Mobile Home Communityhttp://www.wheathill.net/ East Palestine, Ohio Simply Home Communityhttp://www.simplyhomecommunity.org/ Portland, Oregon Tiny Tranquility https://tinytranquility.com/ Waldport, Oregon Ceder Springs Tiny Villagehttp://www.moderntinyliving.com/villages.html New Paris, Ohio Creek Walk Communityhttp://creekwalkcommunity.com/ Greenville, South Carolina Lake Walk Communityhttp://www.lakewalkcommunity.com/ Greer, South Carolina Richmond Orchardhttps://www.richmondorchard.com/ Knoxville, Tennessee Spurhttp://www.spurfreedom.org/ Spur, Texas Silver Sky Ranchhttps://www.silverskyranchtulia.com/ Tulia, Texas Vintage Gracehttp://www.vintagegracetexas.com/ Yantis, Texas Headwaters Garden and Learning Centerhttps://www.headwatersvermont.org/ Cabot, Vermont Canoe Bay Escape Villagehttps://www.escapevillages.com/ Rice Lake, Wisconsin Read the full article
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