#i could be wrong i could be totally wrong but idc that's how i read it
ben-crytalker · 1 month
listen. listen. l i s t e n. listen. listennnn when penelope asks colin to let her help with his cut, and he only gives in when she says please, and he could merely extend his hand but instead places it directly into hers?? and while she bandages him he jumps between studying her face and their touch? she lingers for a fraction of a second but he curls her fingers into his before she can pull back??? they look up at each other and his other hand instinctively reaches for her too but can only just land on nervously playing with the fabric, not quite letting go???? and they're still holding hands until she mentions his writing??!! he's so caught up in her approval it takes him a second to remember how it came about?! what causes him to break away isn't embarrassment over feelings for her. she just unintentionally reminded him that the safety of his fake persona, the armor as violet later calls it, had been stripped away when she read his journal. he distances himself because in that moment he was still convinced the 'new him' was how he needed to be in order to somehow achieve some sense of purpose or belonging, and pen was drawing him back toward his old self, the true self he was desperately trying to cover up. and even despite this he can't help himself but make sure he'll still see her again??? the symbolism of the glass breaking around the candle? him trying to grab the pieces of the casing to build it back up, and being cut by it? penelope being the one to mend the wound it causes??? HELP ME I AM SUFFOCATING HE FELT TOO VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED AND LATER THE FLAME GOES OUT WITH THAT DUMB GLASS BACK AROUND IT LIKE HIS SPIRIT WITHERING IN THE RUSTED ARMOR HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS SEASON AND DO ANYTHING BUT REVEL IN IT ALL
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
hi!! 💗
i was wondering if you could do a yuji drabble wherein he walks into our dorm and we're just BAWLING and he goes to comfort us thinking it's serious and is like "it's okay.. you're bf is here.." bc he SUCKS as comforting people (LMFAOO) and then after a while when we calm down we tell him (still crying..?) that one of our favorite MALE (heskeske) characters died in an anime and he just gets all dramatic and jealous and then gets gojo-sensei in on the situation 🤭🤭 like a whole AITA 💀
this request is a bit short and not so explanatory, but idc how you write it since it's yuji and i'll read ANYTHING abt yuji. 💋
ASK AND YOU. SHALL. RECIVEEEEE. (Recive it unedited.)
Here we go.
Yuji who sucks at comforting you only to getting jealous over 'guy'
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Yuji knocks on your door, he wanted to drop off some of the books he borrowed from you only to get no response. It was weird because he knew you were in your dorm...
"NOOOOOO" You yelled making Yuji panic
"Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" He said as he burst open your door only to see you balled up on your bed crying into your pillow while muttering random sentences hysterically.
"He was-HIC- so-HIC-"
"Calm down Y/N are you okay?!" Yuji asked scanning your body for any inguries
"NOO IM NOT" you shouted throwing the pillow in your arms at the T.V infront of you before going back to crying.
"Shhhh calm down what if Nobora hears you?" he said with an awkward look on his face.
You stopped everything and stared at him.
"You monster-" you said before the tears rolled down your cheeks again.
"Do you not care?" you said through tears with your lip quivering.
"Okay, okay, i'm sorry but I can't help you if I don't know wats wrong." he said rubbing circles in your back in an attempt to soothe you.
It was no use because you really started to cry now.
"What's going on? I heard someone crying" Gojo asked sticking his head in the door way of your dorm.
"First he-he, and now Yuji, MY OWN BOYFRIEND DOSEN'T CARE ABOUT ME"
"I DO!" he retaliates
Gojo scans the room laying his eyes on your T.V seeing the end credits of Demon slayer playing. His face went white.
"No- Don't tell me-"
You nodded your head up and down aggressively while sniffing into a tissue
"RENGOKU-SAN" Gojo yelled grabbing the T.V by the screen watching the credits go by.
Yuji finally realized what this was all about.
"Are you kidding me?" He turned to you stiffly.
"Y/N...He's not real, your crying over someone who's not real-"
You and Gojo both froze
"Yuji, clearly you don't understand the gravity of the situation" Gojo starts.
"You see when someone with a pure heart and soul dies, no matter if they are real OR NOT, its a hard loss. Its like if they killed the earth worm man in the first Human worm movie."
Yuji turns his attention back to you
"You didn't even cry this much when I 'died'" Yuji mumbled
"THATS COMPLETLY DIFFERENT!" You said offended that he would even consider bring that up right now.
Mean while Gojo laid on your floor muttering the lyrics to the end credit song while crying.
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AUTHORS NOTE: some of this totally isn't based off a personal experience. Anyways I hope this is close to what you wanted anon. And thanks for your request. reblogs are welcomed btw.
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softie-rain · 2 months
Give me some Sejanus headcanons please? 🥺
I love how you write him 💖
Note: ok first off anon please marry me I'm such a whore for compliments I'm like Rachel (from friends) when she's pregnant, you compliment me I give you EVERYTHING you ask for. Second off, I'm assuming you meant x reader so I went with that! If you meant only about Sejanus' character, please tell me and I'll write those too :D
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x gen!reader
tw: none babes pure fluff
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Sejanus Plinth will literally do anything for you, and it is not an exaggeration.
"Sejanus I'm cold."
"I wish I could control the weather to make you feel warm, but since I can't, here, have my jacket."
If you're sick, for example a fever, he'll take the whole day off/skip Academy just so he can take care of you. He doesn't care that he might get sick as well. You're hungry? He'll prepare you a soup just like his Ma' taught him. You're cold? All the blankets you need are on the way.
He'll also help you take your pills, medication, anything you may need!
He helps you study, I feel like Sejanus is very good at school (he is in canon, if I'm not wrong) so he's 100% up to help you with your classes.
He'll make cards with questions to ask for any upcoming test you may have, and give you a cookie he made for every correct answer! Or a kiss, too.
... he'll strip down for every correct answer if you want it to he nsfw. up to you.
Cuddles!! All the time!
Sejanus is a listener, he loves listening to you talk. Especially if it's something you love, like your favourite book or simply a special interest you have
Picutre this: you're sitting on your bed talking, as Sejanus is laying on his side next to you listening to and at some point he zones out, which you notice.
"Sejanus? Are you listening?"
"Sorry darling, got distracted by how beautiful you are."
And you get flustered and blush and feel like you're 12 with your first crush
He's so smooth with his flirting??? So so damn charming.
He LOVES to make you flustered, he gets so happy when he sees how red in the face you get after a compliment
He's so protective and jealous of you too, but that doesn't admit it because he's a bit ashamed of that. Even after you reassure him it's fine and that it's normal.
He's so nervous when you meet his Ma' for the first time, but she loves you the second she lays eyes on you
This is a Strabo Plinth hate account so he's not there ❤️
Take this one in a modern au probably, but she'll totally show you embarrassing Sejanus baby pics
He's not a huge fan of pda but he'll hold your hand any time he has the chance. In class, in the hallways, at home, as you walk
He always spoons you. Idc if you're taller my man WILL be the big spoon.
in a modern au again, you're watching your favourite movie which he hasn't seen but he's so confused
"Wait who is he" "Oh is he the bad guy?" "What is going on?" "I don't understand, why did they do that?"
Though it's probably just so you get to talk about and he knows how much you love to talk about it
He'll read for you if you ask him to!
As I said he's very jealous (ahem insecure ahem) but he trusts you, so it's the cute kind of jealousy
He's always reminding you that he loves you, both by buying you gifts or just by telling you.
Please remind him you love him too or he'll cry
and me with him
You don't want him to because you don't want him to spend money on you but the only reason he'd use his father's money is to buy you gift or take you out on fancy dates
Hugs from behind!!
if you're shorter he loves to pick you up
Can you tell Sej's my favourite character
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cartoon-buffoon · 3 months
I decided to read the Epic Mickey graphic novel—which by the way it's just chilling on the Internet Archive? Like you can read it at any time and I'd highly recommend doing so—but I noticed something very interesting in regards to the heart and the entire real plot point of Epic Mickey. I LOVE over analyzing stupid meaningless things in relation to my favorite characters so this is another stupid rant, sorry if someone has analyzed this before me it's just a neat thing I noticed.
WARNING: rant by someone who hasn't played Epic Mickey properly, sorry if the game contradicts whatever I say somehow. Also SPOILERS for the Epic Mickey graphic novel, I'd recommend reading it yourself because it's pretty cool.
Okay I'm aware the heart is a metaphor for fame, yeah the toons stuck in wasteland are stuck there because they are forgotten. However one thing I find interesting however is how the heart seemingly changes a toon's personality as well? It's for like a single panel where they show the heart does more for the toons than allowing passage in and out of wasteland. It at least affects them in some way.
This is right after Mickey gave up his heart to save Gus and Oswald who the blot had grabbed, now up until this point Mickey was very happy go lucky. Until his heart was stolen, and he suddenly lashes out at Oswald?
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This is really random and out of character from what we've seen until now and in fact Mickey himself seems like he's aware he's not acting himself. As soon as the heart gets stolen we see Mickey who is generally jokey and happy suddenly get mad and outright confrontational. Look at how he gets up in Ozzie's face! Now Oswald did have a reason to be mad at Mickey, his reason was TOTALLY justified and idc if it was an accident Oswald had all the right to mistreat Mickey for ruining wasteland and killing his wife. Yet Mickey always just took on the chin, he felt remorseful yeah yet he just kinda took the insults, this is the first case of Mickey fighting back and Oswald wasn't even insulting him!
Later on when using the rocket we also see Mickey start writing his will when the plan to self destruct the rocket starts going up in flames.
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Although comedic and funny this is pretty fucking grim if you look at the fact that he's just casually preparing for his death. After the rocket crashes we also see him give Oswald some slack and make a snarky remark.
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Now not exactly out of character for Mickey to be funny it's still interesting how his way of being funny in this instance is taking a small jab at Oswald's piloting skills.
Later on we also see Mickey get serious and be really aggressive when fighting the blot.
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Now this could just be of course Mickey deciding to right his wrongs and taking things serious, but I find it interesting that this comes AFTER he loses the heart.
This spring of sudden aggressiveness only awakens after he loses his heart and we see from the panel right after he loses it and Mickey seems dazed and discombobulated. AND THEY JUST GRAZE OVER THIS DETAIL! "I just... Feel so..." AND THEN BOOM! The comic just goes "alright keep it going, move the plot along we only got so many pages" and nothing comes of this. They never clarify what Mickey is feeling, this detail is just passed over, yet it seemingly affects the way Mickey acts for the rest of the comic (or at least until he gets his heart back). What I find so fascinating about this is Oswald and his character, we see him be pretty dynamic and go through a character arc, we learn he has resented Mickey and he built a eutopia for him and other forgotten toons until Mickey ruined it with the tinner. From there his resentment turned to full on rage due to his grief of not only losing his world yet also his wife, yet we see when Mickey tries to right his wrongs Oswald comes to realize Mickey isn't a threat and he acts a lot better. By the end of the comic we also see the two being best friends and relationship patched up.
We never really see Mickey go through a character arc though? Yeah he rights his wrongs and fixes the world he fucked up, yet that's the bare minimum and we see the wizard intended for it to play out like this.
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I mean, I guess Mickey learned a lesson although I don't think "don't mess with magic and things that aren't yours" is a lesson, that's common sense. Mickey is the protagonist of the story and he fixes what he messed up and in the process rekindles his relationship with his lost brother, that's pretty much it. I find this really interesting as generally Mickey is just a tool to tell a story and he rarely shows his character. The time he DOES show character its usually not referenced by Disney or acknowledged, like Runaway Brain.
Fun fact, Runaway Brain which is one of the few instances Mickey is more of a indepth character is also referenced in this very comic!
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Now of course this could be pure coincidence and I 100% think I'm reading WAYYYY to far into this, but it's still interesting to see this comic reference an instance of Mickey being a character with depth. I don't wanna talk about Runaway Brain too much as there's a YouTube video that does a better job of analyzing it better than me, but if you're unfamiliar with the movie it does something unique in the fact that it gives Mickey flaws, painting him (haha get it paint?) as a video game addict.
Got off track a bit but circling back around to my point: Mickey has never really had personality once he became a Disney mascot. In the classical shorts we see him be a lot different than the sterilized mouse we have now and it's only recently did we actually see Mickey get some of his actual charm back (I love the Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse so much and all the stuff related to it). Now as much as I love Oswald he ALSO didn't have much of a personality when being owned by Disney back in the silent era and it wasn't until Epic Mickey did we get to better understanding him and his personality considering he actually talks and he's in a setting with a genuine plot that's more than humor. Oswald in Epic Mickey is this actual character who changes as the plot happens, meanwhile Mickey stays constant UNTIL HIS HEART IS STOLEN. The games could be different or something idk, it's entirely plausible this theory is counteracted by the second game. But at least in the comics we see once that heart is snagged he acts more dynamically and becomes more than just a jolly cartoon character trying to fix his mistake.
I think the heart is more than just fame, it's also a reflection of character and a company's treatment of a character because of fame. Mickey is the mascot, he's flawless, he's the face of a corporation, his heart or aka his fame is what makes him him and it's the image Disney crafted for him. Without a heart toons end up like Oswald, old, bitter, and resentful, yet also dynamic and capable of change and I find this concept so cool yet once again in the graphic novel, IT'S A LIKE A SINGLE PANEL! This idea is kinda just discarded and left as an inference to be made and possibly entirely retconned or countered by the second game or the first game! I don't know, I haven't played either nor the awful 3Ds game.
Alright well that's all, I just wanted to make this little rant because I wanna procrastinate on some stuff I gotta do and I love coming up with theories or overanalyzing things. I don't know how to end this so have this screenshot from the graphic novel that made me go "what the fuck does that mean?"
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(seriously wtf are gus and Mickey on?)
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
Alright, first things first, I hope you are doing fine and stay positive for anything in your life, I don't know you but stay safe and healthy^^
I kinda feel bad bc I have already requested from you and I don't want to pressure you.
But I need more Kurapika context bc I have already read everything about him on here and I wanted some more
Okay, onto the actual thing now😅
I still remember that scene when Kurapika comes in the hotel with the scarlet eyes on gift package and that idk-remember-his-fucking-name rich dude which he punched later (or before?😅) started talking shit and then he said "Idc who I kill right now".
So like, what if the Reader, who has no moral compass or anything( like a Zoldyck), gets seriously enraged and starts punching and kicking him until Kurapika tells them to stop (I love the clueless with morals x no morals and entirely devoted to them)
Take your time, I don't mind, and stay safe and sound ^^
Love ya🦋
🌿~ hello, my lovely insect hashira! don’t feel bad for requesting again, you can send as many requests as you’d like. here’s your request, ily<33
☕️~ also sorry if some things aren’t totally accurate to the actual scene and stuff😭been a minute since i watched that particular arc
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ gender neutral reader (may be fem!leaning), mentions of violence and blood ahead
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It was a dark night- literally and figuratively. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and it was almost midnight. But Yorknew City was far from at peace. The notoriously terrifying and powerful group of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe, or the Spiders, had just unleashed a brutal attack on the city’s largest underground auction, resulting in the disappearances and the deaths of hundreds. The whole city was in a state of chaos and panic, and the mafia group you worked for’s job was to be in the center of it- despite the state the city was in, you still had a job to do, and against all odds you’d managed to pull it off- along with your colleague, Kurapika.
Regardless of the success of your particular task, the walk back to the hotel was silent, the mood between the two of you grim. You were shaken by the loss of several your coworkers and the carnage you’d witnessed, while Kurapika, walking beside you, carried the item you’d won at the auction close to his chest, his eyes not even visible behind the shadow cast over his face. Inside the small box he held were the Scarlet Eyes- one of the only pairs left following the massacre of his family, the Kurta Clan. Despite how you may have been feeling, you knew for a fact he felt worse, knowing he was carrying the eyes of a dead family member, their memory disrespected and tarnished by the greed of the mafia.
Neither of you said anything while you were walking, the mood so heavy it seemed to weigh down on your throat, preventing you from speaking. You wanted to say something to soothe Kurapika, but you knew that really, there wasn’t anything you could say to help him, and you felt very sad for him as you watched him with his head low and his aura despairing.
It was then, though, as you two were crossing a bridge, that you saw a silhouette in front of you. It was Zenji, the short, pudgy man with a big nose and glasses that had been pestering you and Kurapika earlier as Nostrade’s bodyguards, appearing over and over again just to criticize you two and mock your skills and how young you both were, calling you both incompetent. It wasn’t necessarily a surprise that he was there all of a sudden, but you knew that it was absolutely the wrong time for him to be here. You stole a glance over to Kurapika, wondering if he saw the man in front of him, but his dark demeanor didn’t change, and he simply continued to walk.
As you two got closer to Zenji, neither of you acknowledging the man’s presence, he lifted his beady eyes and fixed them right on Kurapika. “Bastard.” He scoffed, his eyes narrowed. “You think you can just walk away?”
You figured he was talking about Kurapika’s blatant dismissals of Zenji’s insults earlier, and how Kurapika had punched him after he got a little too cocky. You guessed Zenji’s ego (and nose) had been injured, and now the idiot was here to get even. But Kurapika just kept walking, still ignoring Zenji. You knew he was in somewhat of a catatonic state after gaining the Scarlet Eyes, and you didn’t want this guy to agitate Kurapika further. So you chose to not engage simply for Kurapika’s sake, even though every muscle in your body screamed to beat this man to the ground.
He turned his attention to you now. “You too. Neither of you are getting off easy tonight.”
It took everything to not reply to Zenji, but you knew more drama tonight wouldn’t be good for you or Kurapika. So you didn’t acknowledge him, either.
Zenji was clearly agitated by being ignored, his jaw clenching as he let out a growl. “Tsk…”
Still no response from either of you.
Zenji, reaching his limit, finally reached for a gun strapped into his belt and pointed it at Kurapika, then you, then back at Kurapika. “Stop before I blow your heads off!”
The sound of Kurapika’s voice seemed to startle both you and Zenji, both of you turning abruptly to look at Kurapika. His voice was low and ominous, sending a chill down your spine when you heard it.
Zenji’s eyes widened with fear and fury, and he cocked the gun at Kurapika. “Don’t be-“
“Just stop.” Kurapika spoke again. Just then, you noticed an odd light from the corner of your eye- and when you hesitantly turned your gaze to Kurapika, you felt your stomach turn at the sight. His eyes were glowing a menacingly deep red, his hair hanging in loose blonde strands over his shadowy face. There were no words to describe the raw fury in his expression, and Zenji stumbled backwards in surprise, letting out a fearful gurgle.
“I don’t care who I kill right now,” Kurapika intoned, the glowing of his eyes only getting brighter and brighter as his rage increased. “And it might as well… be you.”
Zenji’s whole body was shaking now from pure fear, the only thing leaving his mouth incoherent croaks. The aura Kurapika was radiating was so intensely foreboding and malevolent that, even if it wasn’t directed at you, you couldn���t help your blood from running ice-cold. But once the trepidation settled in your stomach, you felt the anger begin to bubble up in your own mind. For someone to drive Kurapika to want to kill without cause… to awaken his fury like this- as Kurapika moved closer and closer to Zenji, who was frozen in his place, you knew instantly that you couldn’t let Kurapika go down like this. Zenji simply was not worth it.
And before you knew it, you found yourself flying at Zenji, fists raining down onto the man like a merciless hailstorm and your feet slamming into his doughy body with as much force as you could manage. Both you and him crashed to the ground, Zenji grunting in pain with every hit you delivered to him. You didn’t even really know what your goal was; all you knew was that you wanted to hurt him, swinging at the most painful areas you knew of: pummeling at his mouth, eyes, nose, and kicking at his crotch. Blood and saliva flew from his mouth as you managed to knock out a tooth, and his already injured nose began gushing blood like a waterfall. You clawed at his clothes and shattered his glasses, everything but a blur in front of your eyes.
Then, abruptly, you felt someone grab you from behind and yank you harshly from Zenji’s battered body, but you were still swinging, not ready to let him go. Zenji scrambled backward on all fours, blood staining his face and tie and his suit full of rips.
You struggled violently against the hands that held you back, twisting and thrashing in every way possible to try and break free, falling to the ground and taking Kurapika with you. “Y/N! Y/N, stop!” Kurapika shouted, keeping his grip on you despite how much you fought him. “Stop it!”
For a moment the words didn’t register, the only thing on your mind being Zenji, but when your rage-clouded mind cleared you remembered Kurapika’s voice, finally stopping your struggling. Kurapika let out an exhausted sigh. “There you go. Y/N, it’s just me- restrain yourself, alright?”
When you finally looked up at Kurapika, breathing heavily and body still heated with fury, his expression had faded from his previously seething one to a more melancholy expression. The anger was still there, of course, his eyes still a luminescent scarlet- but as he looked at you, you didn’t feel the anger as you had felt it earlier. You allowed your body to relax, slumping over a bit with your head resting on his chest. You both were sitting in the middle of the street, Kurapika behind you.
“Why did you stop me?” you asked, sounding exhausted yourself. Your fists were bruised, achy, and stained with Zenji’s blood. “I thought- I thought you wanted to kill him.”
Kurapika exhaled again, breaking eye contact with you and staring straight ahead. “It was just a warning, really. I couldn’t kill him because the repercussions would get in the way of my goals for the future.”
“So why didn’t you let me do it?” you pressed, genuinely perplexed. “I have no such compunction. I could’ve just killed him.” Your jaw tightened. “God knows he deserved it.”
Kurapika looked back down at you, the storm in his eyes settling a bit. “I’m not letting you kill anybody, Y/N- and certainly not him. He isn’t worth it.”
“Well, I don’t care,” you protested. “I still could have killed him. He doesn’t have any right to do anything he’s done to you.”
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, but when he looked back down at you, he had a smile on his face. Not quite a happy one, but not quite unhappy. “If I let you go after everyone who’s ever caused me pain, you’d be dead. So… just don’t worry about me, alright? And don’t do that again.”
You frowned, but reluctantly nodded. “Fine...”
Kurapika sighed again and wrapped an arm around your shoulders from behind you, letting his arm rest there. He didn’t move, the box containing the Scarlet Eyes sitting beside you. You just let him rest his chin on the top of your head. It seemed to help.
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peachiime · 9 months
aaaah they are idiots in love to me!!!! let them be boyfails!!!! i made yansim real so its canon now
(shoutout to you @cainpain)
reiichi has a profound love for jose's curly hair and daydreams about running his hands through it. very heterosexual
they're both way too cheesy when it comes to romantic gestures. jose will make a bad math pun and do finger guns and reiichi will do a dramatic reading of a long ass poem he wrote and then toss flowers at jose
reiichi's antics leave the gardening club wondering why all the plant pots have suddenly become empty
jose usually turns to rino (she's a 1989 akademi student to me idc!!!!) for advice. she is his wingman and she WILL do his english homework so he can impress reiichi over the weekend and kiss him. see: this
everybody else can tell that reiichi and jose like each other.......... except for reiichi and jose
daisaku is so PISSED at them for being the bumbling idiots that they are and would not hesitate to just smack their faces together if he could
daisaku actually tried to help reiichi learn portuguese so he could confess his love to jose in his language. it went very wrong he taught him spanish instead (see: this)
jose saw reiichi with his hair down once. he whispered to himself, and i quote, "senhor, perdoe-me porque pequei"
the reiichi flower thing has expanded so greatly in my mind and i think the same happened to him and now he's dedicated hours of his time to researching flower language and how to subtly hint at his feelings for jose without explicitly saying anything but jose doesn't speak plant dude you're overthinking it
hehe reiichi taller than jose I'M SORRY i just want everything about them to be the setup to a cringey bad boy x softie dynamic and then hit you with the loser4loser
that said reiichi tried to be all cool once and carry jose when he injured his ankle but the moment he got him in his arms he fell over and hurt himself too
hanae wrote an article detailing their romantic involvement with each other and reiichi promptly burned every copy of that day's paper
jose's inner malewife shines through and he will bring reiichi whole ass meals like 5 courses he'll bring in a whole buffet to school and because he's totally 100% subtle he'll use the excuse of "i accidentally made too much food for lunch"
waaaah they're in love :( <3
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grishaverse-chaos · 3 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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whatifitwasgttho · 1 year
So i saw you like Rui! You have any g/t headcanons of rui with his tiny troupe or anyone else that you'd be willing to share? (You don't have to though if you dont want to.)
Also i hope you have a wonderful day and keep up the awesome job with your art and writing!😁👍💙
YES! ill do one for each character tbh. Lore provided HCS and silly g/t hcs + romantic ones!
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despite other’s opinions on him, as a person who reads the jp stories and is generally caught up with lore— rui would be extremely gentle.
my reason to believe is is within his first event focus story— where he accidentally injures tsukasa with one of his crazy ideas. he immediately shutd down; doubting himself as he didn’t want to hurt him.
rui’s main plot-point to me is his arrogance when is comes to his machines. being a prodigy, he views his machines as brilliant— and doesn’t seem to think things will go wrong, or people will get hurt.
this goes hand in hand with my g/t hcs, where i view him as a gentle, yet slightly careless giant. he would treat tinies/humans as if they were glass— but his stupid ideas would make him almost a scary giant.
in his recent event focus in jp, he thanks tsukasa for everything he’s done for him— and that he wouldn’t have been able to change and be a friendlier person— a more approachable one.
this would be an amazing story for a giant— like it totally would be. while his nature stays intact, rui would grow to be a more trusting person, similar in the stories. rui kamishiro is a sweetie, and nobody talks about it enough!
personally— i think he’d be rather teasing of a giant; yet not stupid. he’s brilliant, and could tell, if someone is getting uncomfortable, immediately stopping.
now onto the sillier hcs..
he would definitely pull the “little one” on everyone, especially tsukasa.
he would be hella affectionate. like especially with an s/o. expect him to be very adoring.
he is so sweet with his kisses, like featherlight gentle. he knows his strength and wants to be careful with it.
i feel like he’d be in the 70-80ft range.
giant rui has claws IDC
he’s a little loser. if anyone said he was too tall, expect a “how could you say such a thing~? you’re the small one~”
emu uses him as a blanket, transport bed and jungle gym LMAO
due to being childhood friends with nene, i feel like she would NOT be even a little intimidated. if anything, a little nene is scarier to him..
G/T MIZURUI!! YESS!! my favourite rui ship ever.
mizuki would either find him when skipping middle school, or afterwards when she’s trying to avoid bullies.
they are both little shits, so g/t mizurui would be adorable.
yknow the white day au in their cards for the past two years? yeah. giant “evil” sorcerer rui and knight mizuki!!
i know these are all giant rui hcs but i cant she him as a tiny🥲🥲
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kierancaz · 2 years
𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐊𝐢𝐝
(𝐃𝐚𝐝!𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐱 𝐈𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧!𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐎𝐜)
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A/N: I have rewritten this authors note three times and I’m so close to just giving up oh my GOD. Anyway. Hello !! This is my first fic on here and honestly it was completely unintentional !! This idea has been rotting in my brain for days so I figured I would write it and here we are. It’s a little dark ??? read the warnings before proceeding. Tell me if you guys would want a part two to this bc honestly I have ZERO plans for this fic and it just kinda happened so I could totally do that if it’s wanted. Geralt might be a little ooc ? but yk what it’s like 20 or so years after raising Ciri so idc. ALSO ALSO I labeled this a Reader/Oc bc I’m toying with making it a oc story. It’s written in second person POV but I kinda want to give reader grey eyes and white hair (bc character things *cough I haven’t decided what they’re going to be as for the inhuman part cough* and also easy to project onto bc they’re bland yk?) and I was maybe thinking of giving them a name? So tell me if you guys would be ok/would want that, ok? OK GOOD HOPE YOU ENJOYYY [A/N2: I’m 99% sure the production of this post killed me and I’m still not happy with the lay out. I am so sorry. Future fics will be better I promise.]
Warnings: starvation, death threats, injury, violence? (If I missed anything tell me and I’ll put it here)
The spring breeze was chilly as Geralt entered the next town on Roach. He was hoping to find a place to stay for the night and possibly a job. He had heard rumors about their being a monster in the woods around here from the town over, although they weren’t very specific he figured he could check it out just in case there really was some coin to be made here.
Geralt was wrong. There was no place to stay and there was no coin to be found here. There was however, a very, *very,* tiny thief.
You had seen him from behind the corner of a building. His back turned to you and from his belt a tiny leather sack was hanging. It may have had coin in it, you hoped it had food in it, but you wouldn’t know until you *had* it.
Once his head was turned you sprinted out from where you had been watching the woman and snagged the pouch from his belt. Not one second later your shirt choked you as you were yanked backwards and your feet left the ground. Instinctively you curled up, clutching the pouch in your hands so hard your knuckles blanched white.
Geralt was… unsure of what he was looking at. There was you. In his hand. Held up to eye level by the back of your shirt and cloak like one would hold a kitten by the scruff of their neck. You couldn’t have been more then four or five, but it was hard to tell. You were so dirty he couldn’t tell what color your hair was or if you were a boy or a girl. On top of all that you looked sickly. Pale with sunken eyes and hollowed out cheeks, your legs and feet were bony and he noticed how a couple of your fingers were crooked, clearly having been broken before and didn’t heel correctly.
You were pouting at him, but he assumed it was meant to be more of a glare. He could see the fear in your eyes. You were so small…
Geralt signed. Lambert was right, maybe he *had* gone soft since he adopted Ciri.
He set you down on your feet and crouched down to your level. “What’s your name?” He asked as soothingly as possible. Your eyes were fixed unblinkingly on the ground in front of your feet. You were stiff as a board and if Geralt couldn’t hear the almost imperceptible huffing of your breath he would’ve assumed you stopped breathing.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he reassured cocking his head to the side to try and catch your eye. “Do you have a name?”
Your lip trembled for a moment and you refused to look at him. A few more seconds of silence passed before Geralt signed for a second time and got to his feet. Your eyes flicked to him for a moment before looking back at the dirt. He looked at you, still completely frozen in fear, before he made a final decision and lifted you from the ground once again.
You didn’t struggle as he lifted you from under your armpits and rested you on his hip. You found footing on his armor but didn’t move after that. Your breathing sped up and he could feel the frantic pounding of your heart and put a hand on your back in attempt to sooth you. “You look like you could use some food.”
You where standing in front of a brown horse while the white haired man fished around in his saddle bags. You leaned away slightly, side eyeing it nervously as the horse brought its nose to your cheek and sniffed. It whinnied in your ear and bobbed it’s head.
“Easy Roach,” the man said and pat its neck. He crouched down to your eye level and held out his hand to you, he was holding a biscuit. “I’ll trade you.” He said and you thought the corner of his lip might have twitched upwards for a moment.
Your mouth watered. *Food! He has food!* Your eyes were big as saucers and solely focused on the thin biscuit in his hand. You pried one of your hands from where they were suck in the coin pouch and hesitantly began to reach out.
You stopped, looking Geralt in the eyes for a moment. Geralt nodded, silently telling you that it was ok. Quickly you snatched the biscuit from him and dropped the coin pouch to stuff your face with both your hands. Slowly Geralt reached out and took it from where it lay at your feet and watched at you devoured the honey biscuit he had given to you.
He lifted the pouch and examined it, there were ten tiny holes in it now. He would have to get a new one. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed you had stopped eating. You were coughing with your mouth closed, your face twisting in pain.
“Hurts…” was all you said and touched your throat. Geralt was a little taken aback by the sound of your voice. Strained, croaky, and like it hadn’t used in months. He handed a canister of water to you and you drank a couple sips eagerly.
He sat down on the ground in front of you. After drinking you didn’t go back to eating but instead cast a rather upset look at the honey biscuit in your hand. “You can soak it in the water to make it softer if you’d like.”
The next few minutes went by with you soaking your biscuit in water and trying to choke down the rest of it, sitting down the process. Geralt studied you as you did all this.
The more he looked the more you seemed to shrink. You were entirely to skinny and your clothes to big for you. The way you where sitting allowed him to see the bottoms of your feet, they were so dirty they might as well have just been black and had open wounds the bled crimson. Those would be infected if nothing was done about them, it must’ve hurt to walk. Every couple of bites you would cough, choke, and gag, before chugging some water and continuing to eat.
You had noticed him staring, glared, and shuffled so your back faced him.
“What to tell me your name now?” Geralt asked. You glared at him over your shoulder for a moment, then went back to your biscuit. “Will you let me bandage your feet?”
Again you looked at him over your shoulder, but your eyes where softer now. More surprised and curious looking. Geralt took some stuff out of Roach’s saddle bag once again and when he looked back at you, you where facing him and looking up at him with a curious gaze. He gave a slight smile as he crouched in front of you and with a wet rag began to wipe off your feet.
You winced and tried to yank your foot away but Geralt had a firm hold on your ankle. “It’ll sting, but it’s better then being infected. Hold still.”
And you did. You stayed perfectly still and let Geralt wipe off the dirt and bandage your feet. Once he was done and put his stuff away he picked you up once again and carried you like he had before. Your heart was beating just as fast and you were just as stiff as earlier.
“Do you have a home I can bring you back to? Parents we could find?” He asked. He felt your grip on his shoulder tighten. He hummed but didn’t ask anything else.
He carried you to an inn and when he entered he got many strange and alarmed looks, but it was nothing he wasn’t used to. He went up to the man at the bar. “Excuse me,” he said, you shifted in his hold to peak over your shoulder, and the man lifted his gaze from the cup he was cleaning.
Immediately his eyes blew wide, the cup he was holding hit the floor and shattered as he stumbled back into the shelves of alcohol and sink behind him. He pointed a shaky finger at the witcher. “Get out,” he said shakily, trying to find his voice.
Geralt opened his mouth speak again but the man beat him to it.
“Take that foul *thing* out of here!” He shouted catching everyone’s attention.
You squirmed in Geralt’s gasp like you were trying to melt into his armor. A sudden pain shot through his shoulder. Like tiny knives had pierced his skin. He didn’t let the pain show on his face, he could feel your tiny heart beating more rapidly then he though possible.
From behind him he heard chairs clatter to the ground and swords being drawn. “You heard him,” one of them men who had drawn his sword said. “Get it out of here.”
“Before we kill it.” Added the other man menacingly. You had frozen solid in his arms, he could feel you short, panicked breathing against his neck. Your eyes wide but staring at nothing. The men inched closer.
Geralt held up his free hand and the men stopped. “We’ll leave.” Was all he said before turning and make his way out of the inn.
He walked you back to Roach, you were still the entire time. The claws in his shoulder were beginning to burn. But he didn’t do anything until you reached Roach.
There he gently maneuvered your fingers free from his shoulder and set you down on the ground. There was a long moment of silence.
“You don’t have a family do you?” He asked. Looking at your feet, you shook your head.
“Or a place to live?” You shook your head again.
“Do you have a name?” He asked. You nodded your head, he waited a for a moment but when you didn’t speak he continued.
“You can’t stay here can you?”
You shook your head.
“How would you like to come with me then?”
You looked up at him for the first time since he picked you up last. Your mouth parted in surprise. Quickly you closed it and gave him a single nod as your answer.
“Well then,” he said as he quickly tied off the wound in his shoulder. “We best get moving.”
With that he picked you up and set you on Roach and the two of you left town.
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lovl3igh · 26 days
i just finished one three hill season 1 (ik, pretty late) and i just gotta say: yes, i did started it as lucas girlie. yes, i heard that everyone become nathan girlie after few episodes. but... no?
if i'd have to choose between the two of them, and honestly i don't really want to, i'd still choose lucas. i'm aware that next few seasons will change my mind (i LOVE spoilers and i already watched tons of edits and scenes and read a lot of things lmao) but right now it's still lucas >>>>> nathan. and i'm saying that while having brooke as favorite character because even though lucas cheating on her with her best friend is totally unfair and wrong, he's still better person than nathan, objectively
nathan is literally a BULLY. he tormented lucas and made other people to do it as well. let's see: he calls him a bastard (yeah, bc it's lucas villain in this story, not your daddy), attacks him verbally and physically, basically kidnaps him, destroys his property or even sexually assaults him (I fucking hate how they showed lucas covering with balls as sth funny, this is literally sex crime). and anyway it wasn't only lucas, cause gary confirmed that nathan and his friends attacked him too
nathan decides to use haley to get revenge on lucas (for what?? being good player?), manipulates her and later SA her as well - and no, idc he was on drugs, that's the reason, not excuse, she said no and he ignored that, get angry at her and with any other character you'd hate them for doing sth like that, but ig it's okay since it's nathan scott. he saw her tattoo and started pressure her to have sex with him (they litrally both admitted that 1. haley said she felt pressured 2. he said he was pushing her to have sex). he also cheats on haley with peyton. "the rules of the auction meant they need to kiss each other" so i guess deb was supposed to kiss tim? no one would know if they didn't kiss and anyway they could just kiss each other like haley and lucas. not the way they kissed, especially after that conversation in the pool which was weird as fuck
and talking about peyton, he was shitty boyfriend all the way, cheating on her, arguing, calling her bitch, all that masculine jelousy was disgusting
i blame the way they were introduced, nathan as a bully who eventually turns out just to be poor boy abused by his father so everything forgiven (yeah, right, cause being abused allows you to become abuser), being better and better, while lucas at first is mama's boy living in the shadow hoplessly in love with popular girl and later turns out to be a cheater
but for what to hate lucas in s1 besides cheating on brooke and slutshaming her? that was reallyyyy low, don't get me wrong, but that's just it. was a bad friend? he was great friend and honestly his and haley's problems started with nathan. i'd be mad too if my best friend started hanging out with my bully behind my back, not telling why and then lie to my face about it after being confronted. haley had a reason and wanted to protect him but that was wrong and honestly they both to blame here (besides nathan obv)
i just hate how people excuse nathan's behaviour with his daddy issues, divorce of his parents and the fact that lucas even being there effects so much on nathan. because if we can excuse nate being a bully bc he's father abused him and being crappy boyfriend bc his parents had problems, then we should also excuse lucas for cheating on brooke bc he also didn’t have easy in life. so poor boy, cheating wasn't that bad, right?
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chaostheatre · 7 months
you’ve mentioned how antisemitic stereotypes are given to gideon but could you elaborate on what exactly is going on with that? only if you want to of course!
okay so before I start talking about this I need to acknowledge a few things (for context at the least)
I have not seen the anime, so these may or may not be applicable to it. I don't know, but by default I'm going to ignore the show entirely.
I am not Jewish, and I definitely don't intend to speak over or for anyone on matters like these. I started college as a religious studies major, left to go to film school, and am now going back to religious studies in january. cultural and religious history, especially as is represented in media, is something I've written a LOT about. but I am not an expert.
I AM NOT TRYING TO CANCEL ANYONE. I do not at all think bryan was being intentionally shitty, of course not. antisemitic stereotyping has existed in story villains for HUNDREDS of years and has become an unfortunate presence in popular culture.
my argument for gideon being jewish coded is based on the context of how other creators have represented jewish coded characters. again, it's not intentional, and of course I don't think all jewish people fit into "one box" but we're talking about stereotyping. i.e. what would a jewish villain look like to someone who isn't jewish? look at the discussion around mother gothel from tangled, for example. that's where I'm coming from
I've read nothing to indicate bryan is jewish but if he is and this comes off as distasteful, my bad
okay anyway
if we wanna start off on the base points we can talk about gideon being "stereotypically" jewish (again, from the perspective of a gentile creator). I WISH I could find this post again but I once read something very interesting about neutral and negative stereotypes from an actual jewish person. but that's more where I'm coming from: starting off with gideon being a hebrew name (again this isn't about the anime idc about the anime), being from new york city, and being portrayed by a half jewish actor. all of these are neutral traits and contextual evidence. for me, at least.
alright so with that in mind we can talk about some of the worse ones
being rich and portrayed as a greedy douche about it. materialistic, selfish, vain, capitalistic... the list goes on. this is probably the most egregious
depicted as being an incredibly controlling and powerful force in the music industry AND being the leader of a mysterious organization bent on controlling the lives of the other characters (i.e. ramona and her love interests). gideon says this shit in text it's CRAZY. the league on its own is one thing, totally fine, but within the context it gets a little blurry for me.
having mind control abilities???
being sexually deviant and 'corrupting' a gentile woman (the kink scene is just.... hohhhh my god. depicting bdsm as evil and abusive is one thing but depicting a female character who has only had loving vanilla sex with the hero so far as being LITERALLY controlled and sexually corrupted by the evil kink pervert is NUTS)
THE ASSOCIATIONS WITH THE CHRISTIAN DEVIL. I'm not even reaching here that's a major part of his character and it's fucking insane. the demonization is insane.
you guys can decide for yourselves whether you agree or not. it's not my job to make perceptions for you, and this is just mine. I may be totally wrong, who knows! it's been a while since I've read the books anyway.
there's more I could go on about but the longer I talk about things like christian influence in western media the more insane I sound (comparing scott to jesus in any way whatsoever is honestly kind of blasphemous to me, and I'm non-practicing. however the trope of the heroic resurrection is VERY christian influenced and with gideon being the killer that's. um. uhhh mirroring deicide. but again this is very very very much based on my own perspective as a religious media nerd and there's no solid evidence or ground for my case other than parallels in other christian-influenced media). at the end of the day this is just another iffy villain on a mountain of iffy villains, spanning from the medieval ages to the present.
anyone who knows more abt this is very much welcome and encouraged to add on. turning off rbs so this doesn't become a fandom discourse topic rather than an actual discussion
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alliumbunny · 7 months
If I know anything it's that 2012 tmnt is both my least favorite show ever and also my second favorite show. ever.
so I watched like 4-5 more episodes of tmnt (left off at the season 3 time travel episode, y'know.. with renet aaaaaaa)
um so. I don't like renet.
not really the character itself, but like, how they, depict her. 1. her outfit, idk what it is, but i can't help but think it's fucking ugly. I kinda understand how hard it is to make 3d models of humans but omg you've done semi-good outfits before, casey has a pretty good outfit i'd say, i think, i don't look at him much, april's outfit is... okay... at least... kinda good at most, I think it can be turned into something really good with just alittle bit of change in it, but it's okay. like renet tho, idc how future she is, her outfit, ugly as sin, omg. please omg why. anyways um
2. I fucking hate, the mikey and renet romance, it feels so so so so so so so, how many so's can I put... so so so So, weird. Renet says a line, after mikey implies a first "date" that, isn't he alittle OLD for her, She hasn't even been born yet, and WOW, good point, I was mostly looking at the fact that renet looks like a fully grown adult, like 21 at least, 25 at most, I do not see that women as a teen, she acts like a teen at times, but every time I look at her and her character and what I know about her, it gets more and more unlikely for me to think she's even close to being a teen. and since Mikey is canonly at least 15 and at most 16 at this time(He's 15 in the start of season 3 but leo says that they go at least 16 years in the future so idk if there's a year inbetween tang shen dying and splinter buying(lol) the turtles, that probably is it but incase it isn't, y'know, idk) I personally think their "15" still(although depending on how many months he spent in Dimension X and how many months ago their birthday is, he might genuinely be 16 in canon, but we will never know) from how the show puts it but u can think what u want, either way, still a minor, still weird to me, I just can't get renet being an adult out of my head now that i've seen her in the show. I also just don't like how mikey acts with her tho, All the brothers are slightly similar when it comes to romance, aka... they can be kinda.. creeps, in a way. i don't like how renet kisses mikey(i think on the forehead or cheek, but I skipped that part, ngl) because they have JUST met, not kidding, they have JUST MET. another thing i hate. I hate that they JUST MET and yet they are inlove, i don't like it... i understand the love at first sight trope, it's in like half of the other romances in this show, i just fucking hate it, :) There's probably SO MUCH MORE, I fucking hate this romance aaaaa
3. I don't think there is a three, other then then those two, i think the character is kinda under welling and could've been done better, but they are pretty cool in concept, I will continue hating the writing and design of this character and will probably like them more in the fanfiction side of things. yippee.
I have to remind y'all that this is all my opinion and you should watch the show or at least those episodes before you, yourself, decide to hate renet aswell. I look into this show, WAY too much. If you like Renet, that is totally fine and very valid, you could've taken her character a completely different way than me and that is completely fine. I see nothing wrong with liking the character or the romance/love story between her and mikey, I just personally see it as a really weird choice. that doesn't mean you will see it the same way, and that is completely okay. people see things differently all the time and this is definitely going to be one of them. There's gonna be people who love renet, i'm just not one of them. Tho i wish i could like her ngl.
in the end, umm... i wanted to rant about another tmnt thing, and I did. i wrote way to much, I'm sorry if you actually read all of it, my thoughts run wild, and I am too lazy to fix any spelling mistakes </3
I will continue to ramble about tmnt another day, today, i am done watching tmnt, i got through a tiny amount a episodes and i am mentally exhausted <3
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justalia · 1 year
Hello Alia,
Hope you're doing fine!
Okay so, I recently understood everything and what was happening for me as I was wondering why my 3D wasn't reflecting my committed relationship with my SP and him being in love when I was almost there the whole time. It's been since like march I feel like I'm having him hot/cold, but we have a relationship almost like a couple, it's just the romantic parts that were missing this whole time (holding hands, kisses, i love u, and commitement).
As u said in an earlier post : I was being in the neutral "manifesting him" + "not believing he actually loves me" + stuck on his ACTUAL version of him --> that is why I was so lost, bc I kept having my attention on the 3D him and movement and whenever it wasn't going as I wanted : back again in a lower state. I was just like "ok the 3D is old idc etc" but then still focused on him in my mind and imagining scenes where he would say to his friends we're not back together, just chilling etc...
NOWWW, yesterday I understood everything, but as I took that into notice, I had a massive burst of anxiety, and my 3D still triggering me... i don't understand why, i tried meditating this morning, but I'm on a loop having him constantly in my mind and I'm in the state "I know now what to do but I'm anxious and he is already reflecting that in the 3D, wow he is reflecting me soooo fast if I can go back into the state I know he's gonna reflect me in a matter of days but I seem like I can't get out of this anxiety and looking at him otherwise than this actual version" while we were datin for 7 years and I re read messages of him always saying he loves me, i'm his wife and stuff.
Do u have any advice on how to take the focus off of this actual version, and ease myself ? get out of this state now that I took notice? Is it self sabotaging that now that I understood everything maybe my old self is scared that I can have it bc it has been usef to the manifesting/struggle ? WHY i have anxiety when I just understood what I was doing wrong and now I could totally just focus on this loving version of him loving me :(
hi love, i relate to this a lot as i struggle w anxiety myself so i hope my words can be of ease.
what has helped me a lot was just thinking about focusing on my state just for the sake of feeling good.
you know the law, you know imagination is the only reality but do you actually KNOW that the 3D will never EVER be able to fulfill you?
the 3D could be showing you all kinds of things but you will always only experience imagination.
me saying that imagination is the only reality is not a way of comforting you. it is the truth.
you could have an amazing 3D and still find a way to be indifferent to it and imagine “bad” stuff.
i know it because i did it in the past. the 3D will never be able to give me anything, your sp coming in, money, that car, it will never EVER be able to actually give you the feeling of fulfillment unless YOU as god attach it to the physical experience.
knowing this you can see how the physical world will never be able to give you anything. only YOU can give your desire to yourself.
don’t be too hard on yourself, realize that time is not even a thing and don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you don’t NEED to do everything right as soon as you understand the law.
it is always simpler than you think and you can never be stuck in a state, don’t condemn yourself for the state you have fallen in (which in your case is “i understand everything but i have anxiety and i can’t apply idk what to do”).
when you fall into a bad state do not question why or how this has happened JUST SIMPLY CHANGE IT. remind yourself that imagination is the only reality and you already have your sp, having them in imagination is your success bc that’s the only reality.
stop seeing the 3D as reality and start seeing it as a mere reflection of your dwelling state, whatever you experience is your creation. don’t be mad or hate your creation just simply experience something else in imagination.
do it just for the sake of feeling good bc you don’t deserve to feel bad about your 3D if you know you can actually have what you want at the blink of an eye.
don’t focus so much on the 3D reflecting and just let it be, leave it alone, stop wondering about what’s happening and if you’re interacting w your sp just remember that you actually know what’s the truth: imagination.
be indifferent to it and how they act in the 3D as they are not even the version you want, let it be, the 3D reality is not your reality therefore the “problems” in that world are not yours.
you don’t have to fix anything bc those are nor your problems anymore, you already got what you wanted by embodying the version of yourself who has it in imagination.
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glennis-hate-blog · 1 year
If not Dennis though then who?
if you're asking something other than who would i hate if not dennis, sorry for answering wrong (though the amount that i wrote should qualify my answer as wrong no matter what). i did three reading comprehension tasks total throughout my entire education, and received feedback on none of them. i went completely off the rails so skip to blue, bold text if you just want the real answer
-must of course be contextualised with the fact that when it comes to dennis, i am untethered and my rage knows no bounds. no amount of hate for any other person would substantiate. the runner-up for my-most-hated would compare to dennis as athlete's foot compares to gangrene. having established this, we can move on to establishing why i am dragging my answer out so much. it is because i crave human contact, yet i seem to dislike anyone close to me. the internet provides me with scraps of impersonal human contact that leave me oblivious to the real person, the human behind that interaction. this allows me to feel comfortable enjoying an interaction without convincing myself that i hate the other person. how can i hate someone i do not know? excellent setup! i feast like a starving lion. i suppose that with this in mind, i might claim that if not dennis, i could hate myself the most. but im assuming that we're talking sunny characters here.
it's hard to understand how i feel about the other characters, because i hold my affections about them while aware that they are obviously horrible people.
my mind jumped to dee first, seeing as she shares a lot of the same qualities that make me hate dennis. the most glaring example being that they are rapists. seeing a pattern of this trait in TWINS makes me a little sad though. it shows that what caused this probably had something to do with their parents. the fact that dennis is worse than dee can probably be attributed to his getting raped by the school librarian or whatever it was, as well as how differently their parents treated him on account of his being male. i think some patriarchally motivated power issues stem from that treatment, you can see how he acts out around women in this way (as if i have to explain). anyway dee would make sense as a solid contender. by default ill add her parents to the ring since im blaming them for making her the way that she is.
... im not a huge cricket fan. sure he has his funny moments which i adore, but that is much the same as the reynolds twins. i didnt love him before his decline/the development of his drug addiction, weakness and catholicism repulse me. (HALF JOKE. SORRY. sorry.) i say that he is weak due to his susceptibility to manipulation (a trait he shares with dennis- a man who was tricked into digging up his dead mother 'for gold')- by dee. she wasnt even in her milf era at the time and he left the whole church without even seeing a ring... ok :|. girlie travelled to a bar full of people who bullied and sexually assaulted him to check out a water stain :/ PLEASE. anyway then there's the drug abuse which was actually fairly slay i dont take issue with that. he got better and more acceptable after that in my mind.
third and final person ill seriously consider will be gail the fucking snail. ive seen gail apologists... no... shes not even that bad it's just that shes a caricature of REAL PEOPLE i have to deal with, i totally sympathise with the twins over hating and salting her. idc if she just wants to hang out. she should learn what fuck off means and start trying to find herself, rather than continually finding other people to latch onto obsessively and dissolving into a radioactive puddle of self-pity and non-committal, performative 'shame' every time she is rejected before restarting her circuit of the same 3 people she harasses. oh my god i dont think im talking about snail anymore. whatever. it's what she represents IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE OK THIS IS ABOUT THE PEEPEEPOOPOO SHOW.
scrolling back through all ive written over a simple six-word question, i can see that it is my fucking bedtime. i will be concluding now. ok so i think it's fair to eliminate cricket here, since she redeemed herself by learning parkour and being funny. while i hate gail and everything she represents, she isnt a rapist. she just needs to stop asking for my address and suggesting we have sleepovers and asking whether im a top or a bottom. fucking snail. that would make Dee Reynolds my second-most-hated sunny character! i couldnt hate her with the same fiery rage that i hate dennis, but if there were no dennis, there may very well have existed a dee hate blog.
yip-fucking-ee im so sorry to anyone who thought it was worth investing the time to read any of that, especially the second two body paragraphs. im going to bed now have a fantastic day
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ezradogteeth · 2 years
do u have any advice or reassurance for someone who identified as a binary trans man for a long time and then realized he’s genderfluid and is kind of panicking about whether to come out again about it or just privately be genderweird and is questioning whether to continue hormonal transition? :)
i think its super normal and even cool to have transitioned as a binary trans person and later realized you're more genderqueer/genderfluid/nonbinary/androgynous etc. i know other people who have done the same thing, and i relate as well, more with my physical transition than my identity but yeah :)
i'd say for both hrt and coming out, it depends on what would make you happiest of course! if you aren't uncomfortable with people seeing you as male and think it wouldnt be worth it to come out again bc you're already fine with your social/external gender, its totally chill to just know you're genderfluid and be genderfluid on your own, no pressure to come out. but if you think youd feel more comfortable and understood if people knew you're genderfluid and maybe changed what pronouns they use for you (obvs u dont have to change ur pronouns if u come out either) etc, coming out again could be a good option! the people who love u will be excited for you figuring out yourself more and be happy to support you, i know it can be weird to come out again, but theres absolutely nothing wrong with changing how you identify. and remember u dont have to Formally Come Out all at once, u can also just tell your close friends one at a time when u feel comfortable with it, take it slow and casual, thats how ive been approaching changing my pronouns and some complicated stuff w my name.
as for HRT, i struggled a Lot to decide if i wanted to keep taking it, for months i was unsure. firstly i made a list of all the effects T had on me, positive and negative, and wrote each thing i thought about into two columns on a piece of paper (staying on T vs going off T) which helped me sort out on a practical level what going off it would mean. but its really all about the vibes lol like its completely cool for u to continue T and still be genderfluid, you don't have to meet any standard for androgyny, if you like being on T thats sweet. if you want to be read as more androgynous or feel like going off T would be more congruent with your identity, thats also great. and remember you can always go back on it in the future if you want!
everything i said was really obvious but yeah. its awesome that u have learned more about yourself and accepted it as part of you. whatever you do from here is up to you, and any path you take is great. personally, i find it worth it to re-come our to my closest friends and be open about changes in my gender identity and presentation, it helps me a lot even tho its a hassle to deal with. but as for acquaintances and strangers idc about coming out since any way they read me is whatever
it has been strange for me going very far with my physical transition (3years on T and had top surgery), and then deciding to go off T and present more purposefully feminine/androgynously. i love it tho its fun to explore now that i can choose with ease to be a boy or a girl or neitherboth etc since my body is v androgynous/masculine. love to be a girl with masculine features and love to be a boy with feminine features too. teehee
good luck i hope whatever you do makes u happy!!!
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gayspock · 2 years
im literally like crichton at the end of the finale now (fr struggling to putwords together) but i was being patient and polite with d'argo and chiana but
rightso ifr am struggling with putting things into words tonight i feel fucking . braindead and have done for the past two nights
BUT this is one thing i can sorta express i think like
firstly: i totally dont buy the marriage thing sorry. i dont get why theyre rushing this relationship so much. i just dont fucking buy any bit of it & idc... LOL... LIKE-
im not even against-against them (or i wasnt). BUT i think chiana and d'argo could work if done right, ive said that. or at least theyd be an interesting exploration even if they didnt end up together-together. i can see a version of events and miscommunication, done right, where they do gravitate towards each other since theyre travelling in close quarters like that and they have the wrong expectations and theres fallout and such- but all the way up to marriage? i dont know... i do not see it... like
i can seeeee chiana maybe panicking and just. agreeing to marriage even if she doesnt actually yknow with d'argo but i dont see d'argo proposing this fast. like this is crazy..... give it more than like. half a season of fucking background work, holy shit, yknow? eve n if theyhave been through so much together, like... i think i heard they got married at some point but i seriously expected that to be like s4- bringing it up now?
and like
soheres the thing
i dont know how old jothee is. sigh. + i think, even if we did have an exact number... WELL thatsa whole other ramble, but tbh one of my pet peeves in sci fi is people insisting that alien ages would always strictly correspond exactly to human ones wrt maturity (emotional and physical) which makes no damn sense like..they wouldnt even have to linearly correspond, or have the same structure, or same concepts (of adolesence, of being elderly, etc) and i mean they could, but its very much the same as like. only ever envisioning aliens as being strictly humanoid with face bumps like . i do nottt get it....
which i SAY because like. ewww!!! i strictly DONT want to be one of those ppl who is like "teehee, age doesnt matter, its arbitrarryyy to this alien culture [uses it as an excuse]" BUT i also dont want to be like one of those ppl who like "haha, well technicalllyyy this alien is 18 sooooo!<3" bc like . with the hypothetical extraterrestrial race yep! it does become completely arbitrary & banging on about it like that its like... ur completely losing sight of it, doing the math to try and check whether the fucker is legal, is completely, trying to gotcha "haha, its fine if i ship these two" &... missing the point ... of WHY weird age shit is wrong in the first place
bc its abt power dynamics... & its insaaaaane u have to point that out to people sometimes... but its like. p*dophilia is wrong bc young people are . extremely vulnerable. and do not have the power in that position; they are taken advantage of, and the are not capable of informed consent, and its sick in the head, yeah..
+ so WITH alien stuff. like fictitious species and things like that, yeah? its very much down to the precedent writers create, and what they construct and what they build...
andthats all to say iliterally. do not know what to fucking think of chiana necking with jothee because like....
literallyyyyyy. my honest 2 god truth. in my opinion? IF d'argo and chiana had never been a thingl; IF you wiped the slate clean, and never had even entertained it... chiana and jothee? they would actually make a HELL of a lot more sense to me.
like i always saw chiana as a very young adult. probs my ageish - maybe like a year or two younger?
and so i think jothee... again. shrugs. idk how luxons would age; fine, if he's technically younger in years, but like... FROM what ive seen of him, he reads like someone also of that age range, maybe a touch younger. but definitely close enough that i can see them very easily gravitating towards each other.
and again. like i think i said before, initially i read chiana and d'argo as more like... a parental dynamic, if literally anything? which is why i wasnt totally onboard with them to begin with- but was willing to, like, go with it because i understand that was my initial interpretation, not the canon gospel - and hey, if they can convince me otherwise then cool. i'm the one who misread it, yeah?
(bc also i will say like: ithink d'argo IS like a good example of being very alien in terms of age, in combination with him also being a bit off, i suppose, bc like... they say he's young multiple times in the show, and they say it was odd he went off and had kidsyoung- so like? to me... i again figure, like, a very young dad who just seems a hell of a lot older. i know guys likethat irl-plenty of them- who matured v fast even if theyre really still. a lot younger, in honesty. and i think thats fair enough.)
in isolation. if we had one or the other i THINK it wouldnt be fucking weird. for the reasons i said. i really dont think it would; the writers could make the either or work. but like- both of them...? yeah no- thats what makes it strange, even if you do play fast and loose with how ages work here, bc its like.. that DOES feel like a really freaking. icky shift to me even if i dont think chiana is taking advantage of jotheee or d'argo is taking advantage of chiana necessarily. theres just a strange dissonance, here, and its like.. mmmnn. noo :(
bc like again i said. i dont find chiana and jothee that weird by themselves and thats whatkinda makes it a shame bc i do think they actually suit each other better and especially frustrating bc. i just fucking wish they hadnt done chiana and d'argo at all at this point, bc it hasnt really done much to give us anything at all. and, like i think d'argo and her just feel like an unfolding misunderstanding- and not in the "oh, we balance each other out; we will work towards it" kinda way, but just like a. these ppl dont fit and they tried it butits just not meant 2 be way and thats fineee i LIKE it when you explore stuff like that man but eek they really... ARENT taking the time to explore it in that way. are they. theyrejust kinda botching it and
BC MEANWHILE LIKE. IF WE WERE TO TALK "OH, WHO WOULD BE AN ACTUAL THRIVING COUPLE?" from what ive seen thus far... jothee and chiana have a lot in common that i could easily see them connecting with quite strongly andi think... with the both of them in another environment, it could be messy, but with the rest of the moya crew grounding them it could actually be really sweet for them to find sth in each other. but like any potential of that- yeah. no . its gross now. because of the kinda setup presented
whichis to say
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