#i could do very interesting things with the daine/numair thing in that setting
dr-dendritic-trees · 1 year
Having slurped down Swords and Fire I do also now want to write a story where Daine is a full-on Witchlord.
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unculturedmamoswine · 4 years
I just finished rereading Tortall and Other Lands, and made a totally subjective ranking of the stories. I posted it on reddit but I figured, what the hell, may was well post here too. If i could put it under a cut I would but sadly I am on mobile.
11) Time of Proving
It's good and all; I especially like the concept that the protag, Arimu, has to live alone and map new lands for a year to show her value to her people in order to lead them. But I think I like that bit of worldbuilding more than the actual plot. Though I do think it's pretty cute that Arimu comes up with excuses to keep helping Sunflower. An enjoyable story that's just eclipsed by the greatness of much of the rest of the book.
10) Plain Magic
I like this story. I like the thread magic especially. However, I don't think it really shows us anything new from Tammy if that makes sense. The thread magic, the ignorant folks doing stupid things, the cool stranger whisking away a gifted protagonist to a new life, it's all familiar ground for Tammy fans.
9) Lost
It's hard to put this story so low on the list. It has a lot of qualities to love, but much like Plain Magic it seems like it does mostly what we've seen from other Tammy content. Adria is a girl good at math, which isn't that valuable a thing in her society. But people around her recognize that and take her away to a better place for her, Tortall of course. And we get the darkings, which, cute as they are, seem kinda.. OP. They were OP in Aly's books, too. Ah well, despite my complaints it's still really cool and a fun story. And I love the way it shows the effects of years of abuse and how it makes you feel small. The way Adria's father uses fear to control her whole family, and the way Adria gets away from him by showing her courage, those are important things. I feel sure someone out there was helped by this story, you know?
8) Elder Brother
When I did my ranking, I was baffled that this story was so far down. I really like this story. That's the trouble with ranking stuff you really like, I guess. Fadala is a cool character, Qiom is an even cooler one, and I love reading about Qiom struggling to live his new, more confusing life. Reading about him weeping over his last apples is somehow really sad? And it's very cool to read about a totally different part of the world in the Tortall universe.
7) Huntress
It's very cool to read a modern-day story by Tammy! I love the merging of modern times and the fantasy elements of our usual Tammy stories. It's interesting to see how Corey (I don't think we learn her first name?) isn't devout, and arguably isn't even a believer, but the Goddess still comes to her aid anyway. I suppose it's out of respect for her family. I love the touch of the Goddess wearing modern day running gear. But my favorite thing has gotta be the total utter batshit crazy Pride. What completely insane villains. It's very Tammy to cast the murdering freaks as a bunch of privileged rich douchebags who think they can do whatever they want if they prey on the vulnerable and those that society has deemed as valueless. Golly, does that remind you of anything? It's nice that this story takes a fairly strong 'murder is bad' stance, when even in real life plenty of people are ok with rapists and drug dealers getting murdered. And I like that Tammy shows, through the Lions' threats to rape Corey, that they clearly aren't killing 'bad' people in order to be good guys, but just so they can get away with it easier. Though you could argue that the Goddess killing all the kids somewhat undercuts the 'no murder' message...
6) Testing
Admittedly I probably wouldn't like this one as much as I do if it weren't for the context of it being a semi-autobiographical account of Tammy around the time she rewrote Alanna's books as books for teens. That being said, it's a sweet story that looks at how vulnerable kids can come to trust an adult in lives that have been tumultuous and hard. It's honestly such a feel-good yet realistic tale.
5) Student of Ostriches
I think this one appeals to the kid in me. I was always so enchanted by African animals as a kid and that never really went away. Kylaia teaching herself to fight and run using the animals of her home as inspiration is just unbearably cool to me haha. Though it is much the same as I've said about Plain Magic and Lost in that it's well-trod ground for Tammy, Student of Ostriches really works for me. And it's always nice to have a peek into parts of the Tortall-verse we don't often see.
4) Mimic
I think Mimic sticks in my head more than any other story in Tortall and Other Lands. Ri, Mimic, Grandpa, even the dogs and the crow are all great characters. The beautiful setting, with the great plain and the storms, the dragons, the compact between the village and birds, it's all so memorable. I love that it's about choosing to grow up, and how you can't go back but it's worthwhile and necessary.
3) The Dragon's Tale
Call me basic, but I love dragons! It's so nice to see a story about Kitten, so great to see things from her point of view. Not being able to speak for sixteen years sounds like a freaking nightmare, but she handles it pretty well, I'd say. I like that she clearly thinks of Daine and Numair as her parents, and she adores her bestie Spots, it's just so cute! They really love each other, and I will always be a sucker for stories about people who love each other. But it's not just cute, there's some great meat here in the form of new characters like Afra, Uday, and Kawit and, best of all for me, worldbuilding! I really like when we see glimpses of the Tortall universe that we could never have imagined, as with Beka's unusual wild-adjacent magic. Here we get to see Kawit and learn that she's another example of an immortal that humans overlooked when locking them away four hundred years ago (and we get to see more of Tammy's love of opals lol). I like the subtle implication that opal dragons may be almost a link between classic dragons and basilisks, what with the beaded skin and long long tails. We learn more about Kawit's unusual magic. We get an explicit confirmation of the fact that multiple colors of Gift= more powerful Gift. This whole story is just crammed full of fascinating Tortall content with a soft, gooey center.
2) Nawat
This story is heavy, which is why I like it. I enjoy it when non-human characters are actually characterized as being fundamentally different from humans. It's challenging for the reader and the author to connect with a guy who is considering killing his kid, but I think Tammy succeeds here. It's hard to watch Nawat struggle with the different parts of his life coming together, and sad to see him feeling like his heritage is slipping away. It's nice to see that he really will be able to teach his kids about their own crow heritage when Ochobai grows her first quill. It's also fun to see Aly through his eyes.
1) The Hidden Girl
This story is so good that it makes Elder Brother better just by existing. It's really cool to have Fadala and Teky exploring different attitudes with regard to their culture. While Fadala has an almost Alanna-esque rejection of what her society sees as feminine, we also get to see Teky appreciate what powers women in her society are afforded, and also see her work to change some of the things she sees as wrong. While Fadala isn't willing to play by her people's rules and elects to leave them behind, Teky wants something better for everyone in her homeland. Neither of these attitudes is wrong, they're just different reactions to institutionalized inequality. Like Elder Brother, The Hidden Girl shows us new and fascinating Tortall content in the form of the more monotheistic culture on the far side of the world, which is very cool. We've never really seen an oracle before, and it's a cool new 'badass girl' archetype to add to the Tortall roster. It's all just wonderful, knowing women are changing things all over the world in this verse.
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lostinthewinterwood · 5 years
Chocolate Box Letter 2020
Dear Chocolatier…
  Thank you for writing for me!  I hope you find inspiration, if you need it, somewhere in this letter, but either way, good luck with your writing!
(some of the prompts are… rambly and disjointed; the lengths vary wildly, but dw I love them all.  I hope the rambly ones still make sense; this letter is uhhh almost 3k and my brain is Tired.)
General DNWs:
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death*; smut/graphic sex scenes; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm**; graphic depictions of suicide;  gore; heavy gender dysphoria; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; full setting AUs (canon-divergence, even significant canon-divergence, is fine); graphic eye trauma; graphic and/or permanent hand trauma (unless the setting can provide a more-or-less fully functional prosthetic or equivalent); issuefic.
*exceptions noted below.
**I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
  General Likes:
I like family/friendship stories, things that play with canon in interesting ways, honestly… a lot of things.  I don’t know. articulating things I like is hard.
I’m an absolute sucker for identity porn/secret/mistaken identity drama, as well as non-sexualized/non-fetishized crossdressing (either direction, and especially if for plot-relevant disguise purposes!) and if you combine them, well, I’ll be a very happy camper.
Other things I like include wriggling into canon and exploring something left unexplored by said canon, what-if stories featuring some sort of canon divergence, and plotty fic, if you want to write something long enough for that to be relevant.
  Order of fandoms:
·        Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
·        Super Powereds – Drew Hayes
·        Tortall – Tamora Pierce
·        Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019)
·        The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)
·        Frozen (Disney Movies)
·        Little Women (2019)
·        Original Prompts
·        Crossovers
    Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy)
So uh I may be having a slight case of Feels™ over these two, though tbh I’m not entirely sure what those feelings are exactly.  I don’t know what exactly I’d most want, though I’d be interested in explorations of their evolving emotions in relation to each other, especially through Kylo Ren/Ben’s whole death/rebirth thing.  What-ifs are another thing; what if, say, Ben didn’t die?  What happens, then, since they’d have to actually deal with what he’s done?  Feel free to retcon the kiss (which I thought was rather devoid of chemistry; in general their dynamic came across to me more as weirdly sibling-ish, especially after the Death Star duel) to a hug or something, if you want.
If you want to go to a lighter place, I can also see all sorts of shenanigans emerging after they discover their Force-teleportation skills.
Also feel free to retcon Rey’s parentage, if that is where your heart takes you: might she be Luke’s secret child?  Leia’s?  A descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi and, say, Satine Kryze?
Apart from that I’d prefer no full-setting AUs; canon divergence is fine, and if you go that route you can pick a divergence point as far back as you want.
Feel free to include whatever other characters are necessary for the story you want to tell.
(And also do keep in mind that you can absolutely cut off someone’s hand here, or for the Star Wars crossover farther down; in this franchise it is a goddamn motif.)
    Super Powereds – Drew Hayes
Adam Riley & George Russel | Relentless Steel (Super Powereds)
I’m utterly fascinated by the relationship these two have; the interplay of Adam’s… vendetta, maybe?  I’m not sure what the right word for it is… and the fact that George also serves him as a mentor/almost-parental, in some ways, figure.  And, you know, that Adam (maybe) kills him.  We don’t actually see that; for all we know he made a different choice.
Consider this an exception to my “non-canonical MCD” DNW, since it’s deliberately ambiguous in canon; you can kill George, if that’s where your muse takes you.
  Alice Adair | Legacy & Vince Reynolds | Jack of All (Super Powereds)
Their friendship/cousin relationship is Wholesome and I love it.  Any point in the timeline, post-canon, all of it is Good and Welcome.  Do they form a legacy children/villains’ kids club? They’re secret cousins; untangling the mess that is the past; so much juicy juicy stuff to work with!!
  Phillip Adair | Globe & Charles Adair | Alchemist (Super Powereds)
Brother vs brother! O the drama! But also, they grew up together; they were once best friends; and Charles grew hard and it all fell apart—give me their childhood, maybe, or HCP years or young heroes before Shelby’s powers grew too much for her, or lean into the tragedy of what comes later…
    Tortall – Tamora Pierce
Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper & Varice Kingsford (Tortall)
Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper & Varice Kingsford & Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe (Tortall)
Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe & Numair Salmalín | Arram Draper (Tortall)
Varice Kingsford & Ozorne Muhassin Tasikhe (Tortall)
I love these kids, okay?  And I wish they could all just… be okay.  But of course they won’t be; we already know what becomes of them, after all.
There’s a lot to explore here, with these three in their varying combinations of course.  Right now I’m most interested in the pre-Wild Magic timeline—what was Varice and Ozorne’s dynamic before Arram came along? what little snippets of things happen offscreen during the timeline of Tempests and Slaughter? how does Arram gain his black robe; how does Ozorne feel about that? Varice? how does Numair end up in exile, and how do the others feel about that whole affair?—but really I’d also be interested in something set during or around the time of Emperor Mage, from any of their POVs.  We get all the story there from Daine, who is great! but she doesn’t know the history between the three of them, not intimately as they do, and I’d love any of their emotional reactions to being together again under such strained circumstances, so many years after everything fell apart.
  Numair Salmalín & Myles of Olau (Tortall)
He was on a mission, was he not, when he became that hawk at the beginning of Wild Magic?  (please ignore if I am Wrong there.)  So how did they meet?  Why did Numair become an agent?  All sorts of questions, here…
  Prince Stiloit Tasikhe & Varice Kingsford (Tortall - Pierce)
Stiloit seems so… calm, and level-headed, especially when compared with Ozorne who is not.  And he clearly finds Varice interesting, and her company valuable.  So maybe tell me something about that—what does he think of her?  She of him?  What if, perhaps, he didn’t die when he does?
  Keladry of Mindelan & Nealan of Queenscove (Tortall)
They have a BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP and also ye gods when I reread First Test at like 19 (having first read it at 10) I was struck by how very, very fifteen Neal is in that book and it’s hilarious.  But more seriously—Neal’s PoV on things would be fantastic, since we only see him through Kel’s eyes and he doesn’t let her see everything about himself.
  Keladry of Mindelan & Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak (Tortall - Pierce)
What a beautiful mentorship relationship, I love them.  Also, how does Raoul feel about this open girl page?  Who’s so determined, and has such potential in how she could become more, in an area he knows about (that being military command)—how does he feel about her, living her best life; how does he contextualize it in his intimate knowledge that Alanna could not do what she is doing—and yet it was Alanna, with her deception, who allowed this to be.
  Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Numair Salmalín
The renowned lady knight-healer-mage and the black robe on the run from Carthak! How did they meet, anyway?  They’re something like the same age, I think, or at least he’s no more than ten years her junior.
  Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Thom of Trebond (Tortall - Pierce)
My poor Important Destiny Twins… Look I just, I want some content with poor Thom, right?  I’d rather here that we set the story before his death, or that we make it an AU where he gets to live.
    Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019)
Shadowsan & Hideo (Carmen Sandiego 2019)
There’s… so little of this stated or shown overtly, really, but I’m fascinated.  I can’t get over it.  Just tell me about the brothers, please.
    The Dragon Prince (Cartoon)
Runaan/Ethari & Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
Family fluff!  Or angst!  Or turn round and give them a reunion!  All depends on where in the timeline you pick, really.
(there’s a fic on ao3 with the tag “this fanfiction written by the ETHARI LOOK IN THE FUCKING WATER gang” and honestly that is just such a mood.)
  Amaya & Sarai (The Dragon Prince)
…I don’t have much to say here really, just that I love me some sibling dynamics.
  Callum & Ezran (The Dragon Prince)
A king by birthright, a prince only by adoption, who by age/maturity would probably be better-suited to ruling… look idk just, bros okay???
Maybe something when they were younger, or canon-era, or… idk I love them.
  Callum & Ezran & Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
Friendship! Angst! The gang’s all here!  If you want you can include rayllum but for this prompt at least I’d rather it be lowkey.
  Claudia & Soren (The Dragon Prince)
I am heartbroken over these kids and just—I need more content with them.  Even if it makes me sad.
  Callum & King Harrow (The Dragon Prince)
There are a lot of complicated feelings I have about them—how clearly Harrow loves his stepson, and how even after more than a decade, Callum still isn’t quite comfortable with his stepfather.
    Frozen (Disney Movies)
Agnarr/Iduna (Frozen)
How did they get together?  Why does Iduna stay with Agnarr; why doesn’t she just go home?  How does that revelation conversation go—when does it happen?  How do they come to decide to block Elsa’s powers; when/how do they decide to sail for Ahtohallan?
  Kristoff & Ryder Nattura (Frozen)
Reindeer bros!!  What did Kristoff do while Anna and Elsa were off doing the plot stuff?  Does he go with the Northuldra?  I love the dynamic between these two; it’s adorable and there’s so painfully little of it.
  Yelena & Mattias (Frozen)
So clearly they know each other, right? It’s been thirty-four years, and they clearly have some sort of sniping thing going on but they don’t seem to be actively antagonistic towards each other.  How do they feel about each other, really? How have they interacted in the past?  Is there anything there?  What about after Mattias goes back to Arendelle?
  Anna & Elsa (Frozen)
There is just.  There’s a profound tragedy here—they’re best of friends till they’re five and eight or so, then they don’t interact for thirteen years, they have three years together, and then they go off together to the Enchanted Forest and Elsa doesn’t come back to live in Arendelle, while Anna must return… I don’t know.  Tell me about that, maybe.  Or give me sweet fluff about them as children.  Or something.
  Anna/Kristoff (Frozen)
They’re adorable and I love them and I really just want more.  Maybe something from between the movies—how do they navigate forming a relationship, when he was raised by trolls and she’s been so isolated?
    Little Women (2019)
Amy March/Theodore Laurence (Little Women 2019)
…I don’t know, they’re cute, Laurie is a disaster, I love seeing Amy grow up, I hunger for moar content with them.
  Beth March & Mr. Laurence (Little Women 2019)
This has a lot of potential for cute/sad father/daughter dynamics, I think!  And I’d love more of it.
  Friedrich Bhaer & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Friedrich Bhaer/Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
I just want cute content with Jo and her dynamic with this man who actually respects her and her writing okay?  Maybe something like, I don’t know, navigation of boundaries around Jo’s writing and his criticism thereof… I don’t know.  Have fun with them.  And I really don’t care if it’s shipfic or not.
  Theodore "Laurie" Laurence & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Theodore Laurence & Josephine March (Little Women 2019)
Laurie is still a disaster but I love him anyway, and their friendship is sweet, and I need more content™.
    Original Prompts
In general: I’m not super picky about how shippy the shipfic gets; most of the ship prompts here would, I think, work as well for gen, excepting the suitor and the princess (which is not to say I’m asking that it be gen, obviously I’m not, but if your muse takes you that direction then go for it).  Likes I put up top still apply down here.
In terms of settings, I especially like high fantasy, space fantasy, or, if relevant, Classic Superhero City Setting, but I’m open to just about anything.
I’m also not tremendously picky about the genders of the characters involved; if it isn’t stated within the prompt, go wild, but please do stick to standard English pronouns; I have a lot of difficulty reading things with neopronouns.
Most of these pairings are prompts in and of themselves, but I’ll add in some bits of commentary for each one.
  Disgraced Vampire Queen Moonlighting As A Barista/Exhausted Vampire Hunter In Search Of Caffeine
Okay, so I just think this has great potential for absolute hilarity, and identity shenanigans aplenty.
  Dragon & Human Child (Original Work)
I love dragons.  I love playing with dragon-lore, though here I’d appreciate it being a relationship wherein the dragon is not evil, at least not to the child.
  Female Crossdressing General/Female Crossdressing Enemy General (Original Work)
So uh from my general likes, it should be… fairly obvious what called to me here lmao.  But there’s such potential here!  The drama!  Do they know each others’ real gender?  Do they know that they’re on opposing sides?  How does this romance across the battlefield work?  Is it even across the battlefield—are they at war, or just generally enemies?
  Female Failed Chosen One & Female New Chosen One
Such delicious depths to delve here… why did the first one fail?  What’s her relationship with her successor?  What have they been chosen for?  The setup of this makes me think that the failed chosen one is an adult of some age that’s distinctly older than the new one, who I’ve been imagining as an older child or young adult, but you should follow your muse there.
  Female Ship's Captain & Grumpy Stowaway Orphan Rebel
What kind of ship are they on, anyway?  Sailing ship?  Spaceship?  What’s the orphan rebelling against—an Evil Empire?  The Man?  Something else?
  Female Suitor Sent As An Insult To Ruling Monarchs/Princess Uninterested In Male Suitors
This seems like… I don’t know, there’s just such potential for dancing around each other and Misunderstandings™ about what’s going on.  Is this the princess’s Gay Awakening?  Has she known for a while why she’s not into the male suitors?  Why was this female suitor selected for the insult?
  Injured Male Superhero/Male Supervillain Who Saves His Life
I love superhero identity shenanigans, and ambiguous morals, and I’d love to dive into the emotional turmoil that results from this rescue decision—why does the supervillain do it?  How does the hero feel about being saved by his enemy?
  Musician/Dancer with magical powers (Original Work)
Another trope I love that I didn’t mention before is magic music and magical arts in general, so this here is right up my alley.
  Portal Fantasy Protagonist & Their Mentor In A Trade Useful In Both Worlds (Original Work)
…Look, idk man this is just sweet and wholesome and I Want.
  Retired Male Superhero/Male Supervillain Who Keeps Seeking Him Out Because He Misses Him
Is this not just the plot of Megamind?  In all seriousness, though, I feel about the same here as I do in the injury situation; I love me some hero/villain dynamics in general.
  Witch & Witch's Apprentice
Mentor and student!  Always a fun time.  I’m picturing this as some pseudo-historical or straight alternate-world setting more than modern, but follow your muse here.
  Wounded Werewolf/Female Apprentice Witch who Begrudgingly Rescues him (OW)
Honestly I feel like the dynamic here will probably scratch the same itch that the hero/villain pairings do.  Clearly I have a Type.
Oliver Queen (DC's Arrowverse) & Matt Murdock (Daredevil(TV))
Local Vigilante Man With Many Issues Meets Counterpart From Another Universe would be the headline here, probably.  I don’t know.  I think they’d be fun to bounce off each other.
For reference though I haven’t watched all of either show: I’ve seen the first four seasons of Arrow in their entirety and some of what comes later, and I’ve seen the first two seasons of Daredevil.  You can reference later events, I’m not currently really following either show and am not particularly worried about spoilers, but without some degree of context I’ll be fairly lost.
  Shmi Skywalker (SWPT) & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (SWST)
How do these two meet?  Is it time travel nonsense?  Shmi as a Force ghost?  Both of them in the afterlife?  And if it’s before Ben’s redemption but after his Fall, I do rather hope she’s Disappointed™ in him.
  Vince Reynolds | Jack of All (Super Powereds) & Midoriya Izuku (My Hero Academia)
Look.  Look.  All I have ever wanted since I started watching My Hero Academia (which… I haven’t seen much of, but don’t worry about spoilers I legitimately do not care) is to see Vince meet with the character who I immediately internally dubbed tiny green Vince.  How did this happen? Frankly I neither know nor care.  I just want to see it happen.
Thank you for writing me fic!!
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lz-01 · 3 years
as promised here, i am going to talk abt my previous library reads:
laurell k hamilton catchup
so i read the following from the anita blake series:
dead ice
crimson death
sucker punch
i really liked crimson death mainly bc i’ve adored damien from his first appearance all the way back in book 7 and i was happy to see him finally get some time center stage
serpentine was cool but only bc it gave me more bernardo spotted horse, who i’ve been fascinated w since book 9
sucker punch was by far the best of these recent works bc it was more of a callback to the action adventure, anita-working-cases plots of the early books
rafael was a bit of a letdown tbh
i also did a catchup on the merry gentry series including:
divine misdemeanors
shiver of light
i’d actually read divine misdemeanors before but couldn’t remember anything for the life of me. shiver of light concluded the longrunning plot in this series w the birth of merry’s 6-father-having triplets. it was weird, idk
amelia atwater-rhodes’ YA books
when i was a teen, i was obsessed w amelia atwater-rhodes bc she was the already-published-at-14 genius i wanted to be. rereading her work as an adult was interesting bc you could see her youth in how her early works mostly feel like the start to larger stories that she never got around to writing. they’re quick reads but honestly i had to take a break from her writing style before i finished everything and haven’t gotten back to it.
here’s a list of what i did read tho:
in the forests of the night
demon in my view
shattered mirror
midnight predator
token of darkness
all just glass
the kiesha’ra series [also called the shapeshifters series]
the first six books are all set in the world of the den of shadows, a supernatural underworld ft. vampires, witches, and to a lesser extent, shapeshifters. each book is a totally independent story except all just glass, which is the follow-up to shattered mirror
the shapeshifters series is set more in a historical fantasy world where avian and serpent shapeshifters have a longstanding feud w each other
one thing that’s cool abt her writing is that she slipped in queer relationships during a time and in a genre where NOBODY was writing same-sex couples; later in the shapeshifters series, the main couple is FF
mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia
such a good book, omg; i kept hearing people rave abt this and i’m so glad i read it; really do highly recommend this suspenseful piece w fantasy/horror elements
tamora pierce’s tortall-verse
when i was a kid, there were very few books to read abt girls being action heroes. when pierce was a kid, there were none unless they were male-centric fantasy babes like she-ra (the original, not the current adaptation). correcting that imbalance and giving girls the role models they craved has been a central part of pierce’s writing. that being said, looked through a modern lens of critical theory, her works do have some problems, like a stubborn clinging to white feminism, fetishization of ethnic cultures, and a white-heroine-saves-the-poor-poc narrative
works included in the tortall verse are:
song of the lioness series
the immortals series
protector of the small series
beka cooper series
daughter of the lioness series
tortall: a spy’s guide
tortall and other lands: a collection of tales
numair chronicles
historically, my favorite pierce books were always the immortals series. i thought it was very cool that the protag was designed as a person of color. i then realized after reading a spy’s guide and looking at the character pics pierce supervised that daine, the protag of the immortals series, was never intended to be poc. she is, in fact, white, which is not how the original cover art depicted her At All. but now knowing that she’s actually white, it opened up a whole can of wow-this-is-problematic-writing worms bc it turns the entire 3rd book of the series into that white-heroine-save-the-poor-backwards-poc narrative, which is gross. 
that being said, these books still have some merit and it is solely bc of the mage numair
out of my recent reread, i would actually have to say that the beka cooper series is my favorite. i think bc they are all centered locally in tortall, it keeps pierce away from the temptation of her usual spiel. it also shows us a vastly different side of tortall bc it deals w the lower and working classes, which we don’t really get any exposure to otherwise.
the daughter of the lioness series made me want to throw things. you know, these were recently published works, and it just would have been So Easy to not turn this into another white-heroine-saves-the-poor-poc narrative. just change the pov character to Dove, one of the local princesses, who is a key character in her own write. put the saving of her and her people in her hands and her words rather than bringing in Aly, a white heroine from a foreign nation. but it’s like pierce can’t help herself. idk. really interesting plot but there are some basic craft choices that lead to some culturally insensitive mistakes that could have been avoided
that being said, it’s still worth it to give pierce’s works a read bc she is such a way-paver in the YA genre.
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lostinthewinterwood · 5 years
Yuletide Letter 2019
Dear Yuletide Writer,
well hello there! clearly you and I have some of the same interests.  I’ve never done this before; I’m afraid I don’t fully know what to say here, but here we go anyway.
General DNW:
Rape/non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death; smut/graphic sex scenes; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; graphic depictions of deliberate and methodical self-harm*; graphic depictions of suicide; heavy gender dysphoria; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
general other comments:
I like family/friendship stories, things that play with canon in interesting ways, honestly... a lot of things.  I don’t know. articulating things I like is hard.
I’d prefer gen over ship fics, and while I don’t mind sex being mentioned, for any actual scenes, a post-kissing, maybe, fade-to-black would be nice.  Overall I generally prefer ships to be background elements rather than a story’s focus, and definitely don’t think you have to write around canonical relationships on account of this.
(I don’t hate smut lmao, I’m just picky enough about it, in ways that are difficult enough for me to articulate, that I think it’d be better to not go there for Yuletide)
I like canon or near-canon settings, au settings that start from little divergences, that sort of thing.  I’d rather not have a full mundane, modern au (unless it makes sense with the canon in question? this mostly applies to The Numair Chronicles and The Dragon Prince.
I like plotty fics! but like obviously that’s going to depend on the length you’re going for.  Whatever you think best.
For almost all canons I’ve consumed all the currently available material; fandom-specific notes below.
Also, I’m Elsin on AO3 and liryian on discord.
My fandoms!
(paired with prompts and/or vague suggestions, but, you know, anything goes except for my dnws.  most prompts have spoilers in them so watch out if you’re avoiding spoilers for one you didn’t match on.)
(also: the length of my prompts may vary between my requested fandoms, depending on a whole variety of factors. Don't worry - if I requested a fandom, I want it just as much as I want the other fandoms here, regardless of prompt length.)
Zombieland Saga | Hoshikawa Lily, Tatsumi Kotaro
This one can be Lily and/or Kotaro, though if you want to put them together that’s obviously great too!  I don’t mind other characters being brought in either.  I was thinking for Lily maybe something about family and/or deep friendship, maybe the relationships between her and her dad, or her and any of the other girls, or her and Kotaro... you get the picture.  Maybe something about her being trans?  If you go that route, dysphoria’s obviously a thing that’s there, but I’d rather the fic not wallow in it, if you know what I mean.  (basically: please no misery porn with gender dysphoria).
For Kotaro, I was thinking maybe something to do with his past, or maybe what the hell’s even going on with the zombie girls, or... well.  Whatever you think is best.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | May Parker, Olivia Octavius
So for this one I was thinking maybe something about the relationship between May and “Liv” and I would really prefer this one to be gen.  Pre-movie (why does May call her Liv?), post-movie (what happens afterwards?), whatever you like.
Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019) | Shadowsan
Anything about him, really! Any time during canon--what does he do with VILE? what does he think of little Black Sheep?  Any time post-canon, or pre-canon, either, and I would love you forever if you explored his relationship with his brother--there’s so much potential there!
The Dragon Prince | Claudia, Soren
Any sibling fic, really, with these two!  I’m particularly interested in unforeseen consequences from Claudia healing Soren with dark magic, or maybe what-ifs--what if she didn’t do that? what if she did it differently?
I’ll probably have seen Season 3 by the time reveals happen, so feel free to incorporate new developments (but ignoring season 3 is just fine too).
The Numair Chronicles | Varice Kingsford, Ozorne Tasikhe, Arram Draper
Oh man the dramatic irony of this book is absolutely killing me.  I am deceased.  send help.
Okay, but seriously, I love these kids and I (kind-of-but-not-really) hate the fact that they are all in character here, as younger versions of the characters in Immortals, and we can see in them how it’s all going to fall apart, and we know it won’t last... well.  It hurts in the best way lmao.  Anything exploring their lives before they meet would be great (in this case I’d take any one of the three) or anything during their school years or, or, or...
If the fic is set after Numair has to leave, whichever character(s) are missing I’d like to still be some kind of present for some of it, even if only in the others’ interiority.
also!  We know from Immortals that by the time Numair’s in his 20s he can’t heal, yet he can heal in Tempests and Slaughter.  If you wanted to explore what the hell could happen to him to make him lose that skill I would love it.  I’d love most things.  Don’t stress out.
I don’t have strong opinions on any of the possible ships (though I ship Arram/Ozorne less than any other option) and my preference for gen extends to here; I’d rather not have a heavy focus on romance.  Canon-amount is nice.  If you want to write a fic that ends 20 years after Tempests and Slaughter I wouldn’t mind inclusion of Numair’s relationship with Daine.
(...or in a super super super alternative option, since I just reread the book and am now excited about everything I’d forgotten about, if you wanted to write about characters who aren’t in the tagset, I would not at all mind getting fic about Prince Stiloit or Faziy, especially in something like the leadup to their death or what-if-they-lived.)
(...although this last may be best left to treaters, since it’s somewhat removed from the original tagset...?  I don’t know, I’m sorry, I’m just now excited about everything instead of just the kids, who I’m still very excited about, so you go wild, you do you, you beautiful writer.)
(a side note: if you didn’t match with me on this one, and are interested in picking it up, then for the full dramatic irony experience I would recommend reading the Immortals quartet first, since this book sometimes plays off reader knowledge of what is to come.  On the other hand if you don’t want to do that, it’s probably not terrible to start with?  I think it works on its own, but I just wouldn’t know, as I didn’t start with it.)
(I’ve read all the Tortall works with the exception of some of the short stories.)
final notes
Thank you for writing me fic!  I’m sure it’ll be lovely. :D
0 notes