#requested: little women 2019
stargirldotcom · 7 months
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- on unrequited love
little women (2019)/ cool about it- boygenius/ fleabag/ you’re on your own kid- taylor swift/ mr. nobody/ strawberry blonde- mitski/ @death-born-aphrodite/ waiting room- phoebe bridgers
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stedefxckingbonnet · 8 months
Congratulations, dear traveler, you've made it!
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You've found my list of all of my writing thus far! You can come back to this at anytime, and I will update it frequently as I continue to write. Requests are currently OPEN! Wide open ♡
Our Flag Means Death
Izzy Hands
Past Lives
Eternity part 2
Moonlight Meetings
My Favorite
My Gem
What I See
The Holdovers
Angus Tully (coming soon!)
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mockscreens · 2 years
Hi pretty! I have seen some of your Little women lockscreens. I love Amy x Laurie but I can't find many for them. If you have the time could you make some Amy x Laurie lockscreens? I know you are on a holdiay so have fun!
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please like/reblog if you save!
more lw 2019 lockscreens here!
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lemoncrushh · 15 days
Rain Rain
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Summary: Lexie is on her way to visit her sister, and she's taking Harry on the road trip with her, planning to drop him off at his friend's house for a wedding. But the weather has other plans.
Warnings: Not much - this is pretty much fluff with just a little petting and making out.
Word Count: 11k+
A/N: This is your basic "friends with one bed" trope. Harry x Bi!OC, AU, written in third person. Originally written and posted in 2019. This was based on a request I had gotten back then (which I still had copied into my docs): no worries if you’re not down to write about this, but it would be amazing if you wrote about someone who is mostly into women but just has this love for harry like no other. (maybe smutty idk) Thank you to that original anon wherever they are now! This ended up being three short parts, but I've combined them into one.
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The rain was pouring so hard and so fast, the pavement was nothing but a blur as Lexie gazed out the window at the parking lot. She was grateful she’d remembered her raincoat, but cursed herself for not bringing along her boots. Her sneakers were bound to be a saturated, wet mess even after the short jog from the car. She could feel her bare toes curling against the rubber soles, and with a bitter scowl she shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat.
“Hmm?” she turned her head in slow motion to see Harry looking at her with a raised brow.
“You sure you’re okay with this?”
Lexie nodded, giving a hesitant grin. “‘s fine. No worries.”
With a short nod to the man behind the counter, Harry took the room key and covered his head with the hood of his jacket. Pushing the door open, he grunted at the volume of the rain, both the noise and the amount, allowing Lexie to exit the lobby first.
“I can’t believe they only had one room,” he grumbled as she passed.
“Harry, don’t worry about it,” Lexie assured him. “We save money this way anyhow.”
Harry lifted his head to check that she was smiling, her nearly ever-present grin lighting her face, even on a full shit day such as this. He grinned back, making his way down the sidewalk to the last room on the left. Rain seemed to pelt against them sideways despite the awning above their heads.
“Jesus, it’s cold though,” Harry heard Lexie mutter as she bounced on the balls of her feet, waiting for Harry to unlock the door.
Sliding the key into the slot, the light flickered green and Harry pushed the door open. Rushing inside, Lexie pushed her hood off her face and took a gander around the room.
“Not too bad,” she appraised, sitting on the bed and kicking off her wet shoes.
“I’ll go get the bags,” offered Harry.
“Oh shit, I forgot!” exclaimed Lexie. “Let me put my sneakers back on.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” Harry waved his hand. “Sit, relax, get warm. I’ll just be a second.”
Lexie made a face, but reluctantly took off her raincoat and sat back on the bed, watching Harry make a run for it. She could see him out the window, opening the trunk of her car to retrieve their luggage, laughing to herself as she recalled how he’d called it a boot when they’d packed it.
The trip was supposed to have been a short one. So far it was twice as long as it should have been, nothing but a string of disaster after disaster. They were way behind schedule. But if Lex was being honest, she didn’t mind. Harry had proven to be a great travel companion, entertaining her jokes and chipping in some doozies of his own. When they’d gotten a flat tire, she’d helped him change it and then bought him breakfast. When Shelby had called her cell unexpectedly, and she’d panicked, Harry had covered for her, saying she was driving and couldn’t stop to talk.
“Safety first,” he’d said, even though she had bluetooth in her car.
Rising from the bed, Lexie held the door open for Harry as he ran back inside, a bag on each shoulder. Dropping them down beside the television with a huff, he finally got his own look at the room.
“Sorry about the one bed,” he sighed, unsure how Lexie felt about having to share it. “I’ll take the floor.”
“Don’t be silly, Harry, it’s a King! And should you really be offering that with your terrible back? I won’t have you complain for the rest of the trip.”
With a chuckle, Harry unzipped his hoodie and shrugged out of it, tossing it on the nearby chair. Fingers ran through his damp curls as he stepped out of his shoes and placed them next to the door. Unzipping his duffle bag, he pulled out some dry clothes.
“Mind if I shower?” he asked, pointing to the bathroom. “Unless you were…”
“No, it’s fine,” replied Lexie, grabbing the remote. “You go. I’ll watch some TV and see how this storm’s doing.”
“No calling Shelby, right?” Harry raised a brow.
Lexie scoffed. “No! We talked about this.”
“Alright. Just making sure. I mean, I can’t tell you what to do, but if it were me…”
“Harry!” exclaimed Lexie. “Go! I’m fine, I swear. I’m not calling her.”
“Or texting.”
“Or texting!”
With a smirk, Harry turned for the bathroom and shut the door. Lexie turned on the television, finding the local weather. No surprise there was a big storm in their area, possible hurricane and flood warnings.
“No shit,” she muttered under her breath.
She was bummed she wouldn’t be at her sister’s tomorrow afternoon, but she wasn’t really in a huge hurry either. It was Harry she was more concerned about. He was supposed to be at his friend’s on Saturday for a wedding and Lexie was dropping him off on the way. If this storm kept up and they got stranded, they might not make it in time.
Getting bored with the newscasters, Lexie reached for her phone. She stared at it for a few minutes, reading the last text from her ex-girlfriend. Her fingertip ghosted over her name as she contemplated texting her back. The sound of thunder made her jump, however, and with a grumble she took it as a warning, just like she knew Harry would have done.
Setting her phone next to her, she scooted back on the bed and leaned against the headboard. She heard the squeaky turn of a faucet and the shower stopped. Moments later, Harry emerged, his hair sticking out in pieces around his head from towel drying it. Lexie couldn’t help staring at him, though she didn’t realize she was until Harry caught her in the mirror and wiggled his eyebrows. She swiftly turned her attention back to the TV where the news was on some story about a robbery at a local convenience store. She could hear Harry brush his teeth and spit in the sink before he turned for the bed.
“So how’s it looking?” he asked as he climbed onto the bed next to her.
“Huh?” Lexie half-gasped.
Harry chuckled. “The weather. How’s it look for us the rest of the night?”
“Oh. Um...possible flooding they said. Hurricane conditions.”
“Bugger,” Harry muttered as he settled himself against the pillow. “Hopefully we’ll be able to get back on the road in the morning.”
“Fingers crossed,” said Lexie, crossing her hands over her stomach.
The news broke for commercial, but Lexie remained focused on the television. Her hand itched to reach for her phone, but she resisted. Her nose had suddenly made her hyper aware of her sense of smell as she inhaled the scent of soap, shampoo and something else she couldn’t quite pinpoint. Harry smelled so good lying beside her, it made her mouth water. Her stomach did some weird flip, her face was warm to the touch, and she tried to put her focus on the 1-800 numbers flashing on the screen as she wondered from where on earth this feeling had emerged.
The truth was, Lexie had been attracted to Harry since the day they’d met. They’d had a few mutual friends, one of which had introduced them at a party for another. And while Lexie considered herself bisexual, she had almost exclusively been dating women for the last few years. In fact, she had just begun a serious relationship with Shelby when she’d met Harry at that party. They’d become fast friends which she was fine with, but she couldn’t deny there was some sort of spark there, at least from her point of view.
The sound of a hearty laugh made her turn her head abruptly, but she realized Harry was giggling at the trailer for a new comedy. Lexie watched his face for a moment, the way his eyes squinted when he laughed, the deep dimple in his left cheek. These were just a couple of things that she liked about him, though she could probably make a long list.
Seemingly aware of her stare, Harry mimicked her gaze, his eyes twinkling. Lexie smiled at him, trying to come off as casual and not like a staring buffoon.
“Are you gonna go?” Harry inquired.
“The shower, love,” he explained. “Thought you were gonna go next.”
“Oh,” Lexie blushed. “Of course.”
Rising from the bed, she grabbed her phone before it slid off. Harry, however, was quick too and reached for it.
“Nope. Not bringing that with you.”
“Fine,” Lexie rolled her eyes. “Wasn’t gonna look at it anyway.”
Harry smirked as Lexie rummaged through her suitcase for something to sleep in, then stuck out her tongue before closing the bathroom door, making Harry giggle again.
Lexie let the hot water soothe her muscles as she stood under the stream. She hadn’t realized she’d been so tense, but she blamed it on the weather and Shelby’s texts. Her ex wanted to get back together, it was obvious, though she hadn’t said it directly. But Lexie knew it was over. It had been over long before they’d actually broken up. Still, she couldn’t deny that she missed her.
Lexie thought about the phone call in the car when Harry had answered her cell. Afterwards he and Lex had a deep, albeit short conversation about relationships and how sometimes things quit working because you’ve run out of road.
“You’ve just reached a dead end,” he’d said. “And that’s when you know it’s time to say goodbye, let it go and travel down a new path.”
Though she knew he was right, Lexie was hesitant about taking that detour.
As she shut off the water and grabbed a towel, she could hear singing. She grinned when she realized it was Harry in the other room singing along to a commercial. She giggled to herself as she got dressed, finding herself humming the tune as well. Harry was a joy to be around. He made every situation bearable, no matter the circumstances. Perhaps, she considered, her attraction to him was merely his light that shone from within, and not anything sexual. When she emerged from the bathroom, however, and found him sprawled out on the bed in a simple t-shirt and sweats, one arm behind his head as the glow from the television defined the lines and curves of his face, she dismissed that notion.
“Damn,” she muttered under her breath before crossing the room to her suitcase.
“What’s wrong?” Harry inquired, his eyes following her. He watched her pull out a small pouch from her bag and return to the vanity.
“Nothing,” she lied, taking out her toothbrush. “That thunder just...doesn’t sound good.”
“Yeah, I think it’s getting closer than further away,” Harry commented, shifting onto his side to face Lexie while she brushed her teeth. Resting his head in his hand, his gaze roamed down her body as he noticed her sleeping attire.
“Those are cute,” he said, not meaning to. It just slipped.
“Wha’?” she sounded, her mouth full of toothpaste. Spitting into the sink, she eyed him in the mirror. “What’d you say?”
“Sorry,” Harry mumbled. “I just...I like those pajamas. They’re cute.”
“Oh,” Lexie blushed. “They’re old. But thanks.”
She couldn’t think of any other reply. He liked her old, worn out flannel pajamas? She’d had them since before Shel-
Clearing her throat, she ran a brush through her hair before making her way back to the bed. She could feel Harry’s eyes on her as she climbed in beside him again, pulling her knees up to her chest.
“Wanna watch a movie or something?” she asked, her gaze on the TV.
“Yeah, I was gonna ask you that,” Harry replied. “Unless you’re too tired.”
“I’m not really ready for sleep yet. What is there to watch?”
“Actually, not much. Most anything I found worthwhile is halfway over and has commercials. And I don’t reckon we wanna pay for something, especially if we end up losing power.”
Just as he said the last sentence, another crack of thunder sounded and made Lexie jump.
“Um…” she muttered with a grimace, “maybe we should just pick whatever’s on and hope for the best.”
With an easy grin, Harry rose from the bed.
“While you decide, I’m gonna go get some ice and a few things from the machines, if there is any. What would you like?”
“I'd like you to stay here with me,” she blurted without thinking.
Harry’s smile grew wider as he slipped back into his jacket. Lexie bit her lip as she felt herself blush for the second time.
“I won’t be gone long,” Harry offered.
“But I just brushed my teeth.”
Harry chuckled. “Then brush ‘em again. You know you want snacks, I can see the look in your eyes.”
“Yeah,” muttered Lexie. “I guess I do.”
“Plus if we end up stranded, you’re not eating my leg.”
Lexie burst out laughing. “Good thinking. I’ll take some potato chips and any kind of cookies they’ve got.”
“Juice if they have it. If not, something without caffeine. Do you need money?”
“Nah, I got it,” Harry said, grabbing the ice bucket. “Be back in a second.”
Lexie sat back on the bed and flipped through the channels before landing on a Spiderman movie. She’d forgotten if she’d seen that one before or not, but it didn’t really matter. It was more for a distraction anyway, from both the booming thunder outside and the thumping of her heart inside her chest.
Harry rushed back into the room in record time, his hands full. Dropping several items onto the bed, he left again only to return seconds later with the ice bucket. Lexie watched as the door shut behind him and he pushed his hood back, revealing his damp curls.
“Were the vending machines not covered?” Lexie asked, grabbing one of the Sprite bottles Harry had brought.
“They were, but the water was dripping between the slats right above them, so I got a bit wet. No worries, though.”
“Harry, why is nothing a big worry to you?” Lexie eyed him as she took a sip of soda.
Harry shrugged as he returned his jacket to the chair and kicked off his shoes.
“Pick my battles,” he explained. “We got food, drinks and ice. Mission accomplished. A little rain didn’t stop me.”
“A little rain?” Lexie scoffed. “Sometimes you’re just a little too Mary Sunshine.”
Harry looked at her as he sat next to her on the bed. “Would it make you feel better if I told you I stepped in a puddle and nearly hit my head on a metal beam when I heard the thunder?”
Lexie smiled. “Yeah. Kinda.”
Reaching for a bag of Lay’s, she could feel his eyes on her. Finally when she bit into a chip, he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You’re one to talk.”
“What?” Lexie raised a brow.
“Mary Sunshine.”
“Excuse me, I am not Mary Sunshine.”
“Yeah, you are,” said Harry. “You were totally cool with taking me along on this trip. You were fine with us sharing a room here, even just the one bed. Right now, you seem perfectly fine with that soda instead of the juice you’d really wanted. Honestly, you’ve barely even said one negative thing the entire time. Except maybe regarding Shelby, and even that you seem to be taking in stride.”
Lexie considered his words for a moment before giving a shrug. “Maybe I pick my battles, too.”
“Fair enough.”
Taking another swig from her Sprite bottle, she looked down at her lap. “It might have something to do with present company, too,” she said softly.
Harry turned his head and looked at her, his eyes seeming to study her face, hoping she’d expand on her admission.
“You’re easy to be with,” she added. “You don’t judge me and you’re considerate and nice and...I dunno, I just like that about you. Rubs off on me, I suppose.”
Harry continued to look at her as she ate her potato chips, her eyes on the television.
“Oh,” he finally managed to voice. “That’s...really lovely, Lex. Thank you.”
Lexie gave him a soft, short smile before biting into another chip. The two of them ate and watched the movie in silence for a while, until the next commercial break. When Lexie rose from the bed to shake off the crumbs and throw away her trash, she heard Harry speak again.
“I like that about you, too, you know?”
“What?” she raised a brow.
“I like that you’re easy to be with. Fun, actually. You don’t complain a lot, and you almost always have a smile on your face.”
Lexie tried to hide her current smile but failed.
“I’m not sure that last part is true,” she commented.
“Oh, it definitely is,” said Harry. “I just noticed it earlier. I know you’re...still getting over...um...someone...but you still seem happy.”
“That’s a facade,” Lexie confessed. “Inside I’m a mess.”
“Really? Could’ve fooled me.”
Lexie eyed Harry with a smirk. “I guess I just did.”
Softening his expression, Harry nodded. “‘m sorry. You wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.”
Harry studied Lexie’s face for a moment, wondering if she would change her mind. But when she didn’t, he knew not to push her. “Okay.”
Lying back on his pillow, he folded an arm behind his head. Something about his relaxed state made her want to cuddle with him and tell him all her problems. Shaking away the thought, Lexie lied back too, her eyes on the TV.
“I think we just grew apart,” she finally muttered.
“What?” Harry turned his head to look at her.
“Shelby and me,” she explained. “We just...got too comfortable, I guess? If that makes sense. It became boring. And when I get bored, I start to get restless.”
“I think that makes sense,” Harry commented. “You can only spread yourself so far.”
“Exactly!” Lexie nodded. She rolled onto her side, facing Harry. He blinked at her nearness, her wide-eyed expression.
“Like I’m willing to give myself to somebody, everything I have. When I love someone, they’re my world. But after a while it felt kind of one-sided.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry said again. “How did Shelby feel about it?”
Lexie shrugged. “We would just end up arguing when I brought it up. She said she wasn’t like me, that she needs her space and time separate from me. I told her I understood that, but I still needed her to meet me in the middle once in a while.”
“And maybe more?” Harry asked.
“What do you mean?”
This time, Harry turned onto his side, so he was face to face with Lexie. “Maybe sometimes you needed her to make the full effort like you were doing, so you didn’t have to meet her in the middle at all.”
Harry watched Lexie’s eyelashes flutter rapidly until a tiny drop fell down her cheek. Without thinking, he lifted his hand to brush it away with his thumb.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he whispered.
Lexie shook her head, then reached her hand up and grasped Harry’s wrist. “No. You’re absolutely right. How did you know?”
Harry shrugged. “‘s not hard to figure out, Lex. You’ve worn yourself thin.”
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t try,” she choked.
“I know.”
“I loved her.”
“Course you did. Maybe you still do?” Harry lowered his hand, releasing it from her grip.
Lexie pursed her lips. “I dunno. I guess I’ll always love her in some way. But I think the real love was gone a long time ago.”
“You think she feels the same?” Harry asked.
“Well...she was angry when we broke up. But now she says she wants to get back together.”
“What do you want?”
Lexie sighed, running a hand through her hair as her eyes darted around the room. “I guess...I dunno I just don’t think she can change. She’s just...she’s probably gonna keep calling me…”
Harry stopped her by taking her hand, making her look at him again. “That’s not what I asked, Lex. What do you want?”
Lexie opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly. Then biting her lip, she really considered Harry’s question.
“I just want to move on, to be honest,” she finally admitted.
“Then move on.”
A loud boom of thunder sounded then, once again timely as though it punctuated Harry’s words. Neither of them, however even made a move. They lay facing each other in silence, the movie credits scrolling up the ignored television screen.
Butterflies danced in Lexie’s stomach as she stared at Harry, his green eyes seeming to say unspoken words. Though she wasn’t quite sure what those words were, she had an idea. Swallowing hard, she loosened her hand from his grip only to thread her fingers with his. Harry dropped his gaze to their joined hands before his eyes darted back up to her face, landing on her mouth. Instinctively, Lexie licked her lips and in one split second, she felt Harry’s lips pressed against them.
They were so soft. That was the first thought that crossed her mind. The second was that she hoped he didn’t stop any time soon.
Thunder cracked once again as Harry released Lexie’s hand to cup her cheek. She sighed against his mouth, and that was enough for him to know it was okay to deepen the kiss. Lexie opened her mouth to him, allowing his tongue to meet hers. She felt something then - something more than just arousal.
Rain continued to pelt against the roof and the window, the sound so loud, one would think the glass might break and water would rush in. But at that moment, Lexie heard nothing but the beating of her own heart in her chest.
Harry shifted slightly then, resting his leg between hers as he laid on top of her. Their kisses became intense, an apparent hunger as though they couldn’t get enough. Lexie’s hands found the back of Harry’s jeans, her fingers looping into his belt at his waistband. She held on for a few moments as his hips began to buck against hers, causing a friction that drove her mad. When his lips finally left hers and dragged across her jaw, she gasped for air.
“Ha-harry…” she sounded. Swallowing hard, she blinked to get her bearings. “Harry.”
Lifting his head, he looked at her face, her eyes reading uncertainty.
“Sorry,” he breathed. “Jesus, Lex, I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
“No,” Lexie interrupted. “Don’t. Don’t be sorry.” She shook her head. “About anything.”
“Really? Then why…”
“It’s just…” she licked her lips. “I’ve never...been with a guy...before…”
Harry’s eyes widened as he tried to sit up, but Lexie pulled him back.
“I mean...not like this. I’ve dated men. Well...boys really,” she chuckled nervously. “But it’s been a while.”
“But have you…”
Lexie shut her eyes and shook her head. She heard Harry sigh and felt his body relax against hers. She felt a flutter in her chest at the idea that he hadn’t moved off of her. She liked the feeling of his body against hers. When she opened her eyes, she saw him eyeing her, his expression sweet and calm.
“I don’t wanna make you do something you’ll regret, Lex,” he said. “But you should know, I didn’t tell you to move on in hopes that you’ll sleep with me.”
Lexie giggled. “But I am sleeping with you.”
Harry rolled his eyes and smirked. “You know what I mean.”
“I do,” Lexie said softly. “I also know I like you.”
Harry’s smile grew as he brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. “You do?”
“Mhmm,” Lexie nodded. “The truth?”
Harry raised a brow as Lex grazed her fingertips across his back. “You’re the first guy I’ve ever had these kinds of feelings about.”
“What kind of feelings?” he whispered.
“You know…” Lexie hesitated. “Feelings like...I think you’re incredible and sweet. And I want to touch you. And I want you to touch me.”
Lexie felt Harry shift again, his thigh nearly pressing exactly where she wanted it to.
“Yeah?” he asked, his eyes studying her face intently.
With the flutter of her eyelids, she nodded again. “Please.”
Before she could say more, before she barely had time to process how sexy and deep his voice sounded when he said her name, his lips were on hers again.
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Lexie shoved her pajamas into her overnight bag as she watched the light yet steady rain continue to fall outside. The weather wasn’t as bad as it had been during the night. The thunder and lightning had stopped, and the parking lot wasn’t flooded like Harry had predicted.
She could hear his footsteps coming up the sidewalk. Taking her eyes from the window, Lexie turned toward the sink to grab her toothbrush and other toiletries. She heard the door open behind her and the sound of feet stomping to rid of their dirt or water.
“We’re all checked out,” he announced. “So...whenever you’re ready…”
“Okay,” Lexie called over her shoulder before turning around and dropping her toiletry bag inside her suitcase. Then she zipped it up and gave a tight smile. “All set.”
“Here, I’ll take that,” Harry declared with a nod as he reached for Lexie’s bag.
Sucking in her lips, Lexie decided not to argue, accepting Harry’s chivalry as she slid her arms into her raincoat. Then she followed him out to her car where she unlocked it and popped open the trunk. Lexie sat in the driver’s seat, the engine running while she heard Harry slam the trunk and rush to his side.
“Rain’s not so bad now,” he commented, rubbing his hands together, “but the temperature’s dropped.”
“Yeah, it’s cold,” Lex agreed, immediately regretting it.
The entire morning had been nothing but short, redundant replies to his comments or questions, punctuated with tight-lipped smiles and nods. Awkward didn’t begin to describe the thick air between them.
“Breakfast?” Lexie managed to ask when she shifted the car into reverse.
“Yeah, sure,” Harry said as he buckled his seatbelt. “Don’t reckon those potato chips and sodas lasted long after…”
Though his words trailed off, Lexie looked at him with wide eyes. When his gaze lifted from the click of his seatbelt and he gave a smirk, however, she felt herself blush. A small, nervous giggle escaped her throat as she shifted back into drive and turned out of the parking lot.
Still catching a flicker of a grin on Harry’s face out of the corner of her eye, Lexie quickly found a radio station that was to her liking, and she quietly hummed along. Truth was, she was nervous as hell, though she wasn’t quite sure why. She didn’t like it that Harry suddenly made her nervous either, because he never had before. He was her friend. But now he was…
Her mind wandered to the night before, his soft kisses, his hands on her hips as his own pressed against her. He hadn’t tried to rush her. In fact, he had been completely gentle and respectful, knowing she was hesitant. Her own brain had been spinning like a whirlwind, unsure of how far to go. She knew she liked him and was attracted to him, that was a given. And the feeling of his lips on hers only confirmed that. But it had only been a short time that she’d been broken up from Shelby, her long-term girlfriend and the only person who’d even seen her naked in two years.
She’d let him touch her. When his hand had slipped inside her pajama bottoms, she hadn’t stopped him, though his eyes questioned her. She’d bit her lip and opened her legs, a sigh quickly releasing from her lungs when she felt his fingers on her. His gaze had been focused on her face the entire time while his hands had done the magic, making her throw her head back and moan as her legs shook. She thought she might have breathed his name, though she wasn’t sure. It was a possibility it had gotten lost behind the sound of the thunder. She did remember, however, the tender kiss he’d given her when she’d come down, his hands cradling her face as though she was a china doll.
“Huh?” Lexie blinked. She blushed again, realizing her focus was not on the road.
“Looks like there’s a diner up there,” Harry pointed. “Unless you just wanted to find a McDonald’s.”
“Oh! No...yeah...that sounds great, actually.”
“I know I could go for some pancakes,” Harry commented, patting his belly.
Lexie smiled at him. “Yeah. Me too.”
Pulling into a spot next to a pickup truck, Lexie put the car in park and killed the engine. Pushing her door open, she felt something brush her hand. But just as she turned to look at Harry, she saw him quickly peel his eyes away and open his own door, shutting it with a thud.
The overly chipper waitress seated them at a table by the window. After ordering coffee and juice, Lexie pulled out her phone, prepared to text her sister when she suddenly frowned. Harry caught it, his breath stalling in his throat as he waited for Lexie to say something.
He watched her silently as she typed hastily on her phone. He wanted to snatch it from her hands and throw it out the window, but instead he waited. Despite what happened between them the night before, it was none of his business whom she was texting. But he really hoped to God it wasn’t Shelby.
The waitress returned with their beverages then, and Lexie laid down her phone with a smile. They both ordered a big breakfast with pancakes, but suddenly Harry wasn’t very hungry.
“Um…” he hesitated, reaching for his silverware. “Everything okay?”
“What? Oh…” Lexie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s fine. I had a text from Shelby, but I ignored it. I was texting my sister to let her know I made it through the storm, and that I’ll text her again once I’ve dropped you off.”
Harry sucked in his lips and nodded, though he felt his insides release the tension they’d been holding.
“I’m sorry I had to tag along,” he muttered.
“Don’t be silly, Harry,” Lexie waved him off before dropping a straw into her orange juice and taking a sip.
“Well, if you didn’t have to take me to Brian’s, you could get to your sister’s sooner. You have to go out of the way.”
“Harry, it’s not out of the way. In fact, it’s exactly on the way. It’s fine.”
Harry watched Lexie’s eyes as she took another drink. He liked the way her eyelashes fluttered slowly, laying delicately against her cheeks. He thought of kissing her eyelids, her cheeks, her lips. He’d never been this awkward around anyone before, the morning after. But this wasn’t just anyone.
“Besides,” Lexie added, sitting back in her seat, “it was you that needed the ride. It just so happened that I could visit my sister at the same time.”
The waitress returned with their food, and for several minutes they ate in awkward silence. Or perhaps it was only Harry who felt awkward. He wanted to mention the night before, but he reckoned in a diner while eating pancakes was not the best place to bring it up.
“So, are you excited about the wedding?” Lexie asked, breaking the silence.
Harry shrugged. “I like weddings. But I’m not sure excited would be the right word.”
Lex giggled, making Harry look up from his breakfast. He’d come to notice that he really liked her laugh.
“Why not?”
“Well…” he began, swallowing the bite in his mouth, “Brian’s an old friend of mine. And I’m happy for him. His family’s always been great to me. Looks like he’s found a great girl. It’s just…”
Lexie looked at him, tilting her head. “Just what? You’re not jealous, are you Harry?”
“No,” he shook his head. “Not jealous. I just...he’s got a big family, lots of cousins and friends. I’ll be the only person there alone.”
“Oh,” Lexie mouthed. She wasn’t sure what else to say.
“Last time I visited them,” he added, surprising Lex, “I was seeing someone.”
“Oh,” she whispered again.
With another shrug, Harry dismissed his own thoughts, diving back into his pancakes. “Doesn’t matter, I know. It’s my mate’s wedding. It’s not about me.”
“That’s true,” Lexie nodded. “You’re just there to show support.”
“Exactly,” Harry said with his mouth full.
With an odd feeling in her stomach, Lexie managed to eat the rest of her breakfast. She mentally kicked herself for even bringing up the subject and vowed to stay quiet about it until they’d reached their destination.
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Back on the road, Lexie gave Harry control of the music, letting him choose a playlist from her phone. Except for a comment here or there on the songs, the conversation was sparse. They were on a long stretch of highway with nothing much on either side but pasture and the occasional farm or herd of cows.
“So, um…” Harry hesitated a moment before deciding to just admit what he was thinking. “I enjoyed last night.”
“What?” Lexie turned her head quickly before returning her eyes to the road. She heard Harry let out a soft, deep laugh, making her weak in the knees.
“I was wondering how long it would take either of us to mention it, but it’s been hours now and...well, I reckoned I’d have to be the one to address the elephant in the room...or, um...car.”
Sucking in her lips, Lexie felt herself blush as she gripped the steering wheel.
“Sorry,” she finally muttered, stealing a glance at Harry. “Guess I’m not very good at this.”
“Nothing to be sorry for,” said Harry. He paused before adding his question. “Did you enjoy it?”
Lexie felt her lips curl up as she kept her eyes on the road. Then tapping her thumbs on the wheel, she nodded. “Yes. Very much.”
“Good.” Harry sat back in his seat then, trying his best not to seem cocky. But she’d said she’d liked it. And that made him happy.
“I um...just want you to know…” he added, “it doesn’t have to be...weird between us now.”
“Oh, yeah, I know,” Lexie agreed hastily.
“It’s just...um...I’d really like to do it again, but if you feel-”
“If I feel what?” Lexie eyed him, her cheeks still pink.
Harry grinned, looked down at his knees and licked his lips. He was kind of enjoying the obvious effect he had on her, but he didn’t want to push it.
“Just...if you don’t want to, I’ll understand.”
“Harry, I um…” Lexie shifted in her seat, gripping the wheel. “Something else you should know about me. I’m not a one and done type of girl. I don’t...sleep around.”
Harry’s lips widened, his dimples deeper. “I know that, Lex.”
“But by the same token,” she continued, “I don’t rush into things either. I mean, I just broke up with-”
She stopped when she felt Harry’s hand on her elbow.
“Say no more,” he murmured. “I understand.”
Slowly releasing her grip on the steering wheel, Lexie lowered her arm to the seat, laying her hand next to her, palm up. Taking it as the gesture it was, Harry gracefully slipped his fingers through hers. Their hands remained like that through the next three songs as they both hummed softly along until stopping at the next exit to fill up on gas.
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Harry had gone inside the food market to get a few snacks for the road while Lexie pumped the gas. Paying the cashier, he pushed the door open to see Lexie with her back to him, leaning against the driver’s side. It wasn’t until he got closer that he realized she was talking on her cell.
“I just can’t do it anymore, Shel,” he heard her say. “I just...I think it’s time we both moved on.”
Afraid he was intruding, Harry started to turn back to the market, pretending he’d forgotten something.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned around again. Lexie beamed at him as she pushed a strand of hair from her face. He never thought she looked so pretty. Except maybe last night…
“What’d you get me?” she asked, jogging around the back of the car. Peeking into the paper bag, she raised her brows. Then she giggled, recognizing the potato chips, cookies and juice. “All my favorites.”
“Well, you didn’t get your juice last night so-”
Lexie planted a haste kiss on his cheek. “You’re sweet. I’m going to the ladies’. Be right back.”
“Hey, would you like me to drive for a while?” Harry inquired.
“If you like,” she smiled, handing him the keys.
Harry watched her practically prance into the market. He didn’t want to jinx it, but it certainly seemed like she’d gotten the closure she needed with Shelby. He was happy to see her with a little pep in her step.
Setting the groceries in the backseat, Harry put the key in the ignition. Then reaching back, he grabbed the two juices and placed them in the cup holders between the front seats. Just as Lexie returned to the car, Harry noticed it was sprinkling.
“Good timing, I guess,” remarked Lex as she climbed into the passenger seat. “I saw the dark clouds forming a few miles back.”
Switching on the windshield wipers, Harry pulled out of the gas station. As soon as they were back on the highway, he heard Lexie open the bottles then hand him one.
“Cheers,” she said with a sly grin.
Harry mimicked her, tapping his bottle against hers. “Thanks.”
“So, tell me more about this Brian guy,” said Lex as she pulled out the bag of potato chips and opened them.
Harry looked at her and then back at the road. “You sure are in a good mood.”
“Am I not supposed to be?”
“I dunno. I just thought…”
“That I’d be sad or still hung up on Shelby?” she asked.
Harry shrugged. “I couldn’t help overhearing.”
Lexie was quiet for a moment as she stared at the chip in her hand.
“It’s over,” she admitted softly. Then turning, she captured Harry’s gaze. “I ended it. Officially.”
Swallowing, Harry set his juice in the cup holder and nodded. “How do you feel about that?”
With a grin slowly spreading across her face, Lexie popped the chip into her mouth.
“I feel good about it,” she announced. “Great, actually. Is that awful?”
Harry shook his head. “Not at all. I’m glad you got the closure you needed.”
“Me too,” Lex agreed. Then like before, she laid her hand palm up across the console. Harry took it as an invitation and with a tiny flicker of a spark, he threaded his fingers through hers.
“Thank you.”
Harry wasn’t exactly sure what he’d done, but the look on her face and the touch of her skin was enough reason.
“You’re welcome,” he said. “Now hand me some of those cookies.”
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“Hurry before you catch pneumonia!” Lexie heard the woman at the door call out.
The rain had been coming down nonstop for the last couple hours. Though Lexie had been grateful to Harry for taking over behind the wheel, she felt guilty for making him drive through that grueling weather. They’d finally made it to his friend Brian’s house, or rather, his mother’s, but the rain was determined to be difficult, the wind only adding to the arduous driving conditions.
Closing the trunk of the car, Lexie followed Harry as he carried both bags up the steps of the large farmhouse, stomping his feet on the massive wrap-around porch. Lex had given Harry a short questioning glance when he’d grabbed her bag, but with the woman shouting and the rain pouring down, she decided not to argue.
“Virginia!” he shouted. “Nice to see you.”
“Harry Styles, get in this house this instant!”
Practically shooing him over the threshold, the woman wasn’t slow to notice the girl following behind.
“Hello, dear!” she greeted. “Welcome.”
Lexie barely got a thank you out before Virginia addressed Harry again. “Who did you bring, handsome?”
“This is Lexie, Virginia,” Harry answered as he dropped the bags in the foyer. “We drove here in her car.”
“Oh, I see,” Virginia beamed. “Lovely to meet you...Lexie, you said?”
“Well, it’s Alexis actually, but…”
“Oh, come here, give me a hug,” the older woman insisted. “I’m so happy for you.”
Lexie wasn’t sure if she was more embarrassed because she was wet from the rain, or because the woman obviously thought she and Harry were a legit couple. Catching only a slight twitch of nervousness in Harry’s reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall, she opted to once again leave it be. Virginia was certainly used to playing hostess, and from the aroma in the house, Lexie could already tell she was good at it.
“Styles, you made it!”
Lexie looked up to see a man around Harry’s height and build saunter down the stairs. Meeting Harry, he caught him in a tight embrace, murmuring thank yous and missed yous.
“Lex, meet one of my oldest, dearest mates, Brian Ramsey.”
“Nice to meet you,” Lexie nodded, extending her hand.
“Pleasure’s all mine.”
“And you already met his mother, Mrs. Ramsey, AKA Virginia, AKA the best cook aside from my mum.”
“AKA the one you never come to see anymore,” Mrs. Ramsey swatted at Harry with her dishcloth.
“I’m sorry love, I’ve been busy,” Harry smirked.
“Mhmm, I see,” she nodded, eyeing Lexie and then giving a wink.
“Well, c’mon, Harry, let’s go have a drink,” Brian gestured down the hall to where Lexie only assumed was the kitchen. “Pretty sure Pops, Jenny and Serena are back here.”
Eager to join him, Harry looked back at Lexie with a smile.
“Oh,” she mouthed. “Actually, I should probably get going.”
“What?” Virginia asked incredulously.
“Yeah, um...I was actually just dropping Harry off. I have to get to my sister’s.”
“Oh, honey, you can’t go out in this weather!” Virginia insisted. “It’s supposed to be raining all night, possible flooding. Maybe even a tornado.”
“And the roads around here usually flood pretty quickly, so they close them off. You probably won’t be able to get out until tomorrow morning, at the earliest.”
“Oh,” she whispered again.
“Don’t worry about it, Lex,” Harry offered. “I’m sure Mrs. Ramsey won’t mind you staying over.”
“Of course not, dear!” she exclaimed. “Trust me, you’re not going anywhere in this.”
“I don’t want to put you out,” Lex started to argue.
“Nonsense! I have enough rooms, blankets, towels and food for an army!”
“Ugh, the army line again,” scoffed Brian.
“Hush, you!” Virginia said, daring him with his own swat from the dishcloth.
Reluctantly, Lexie followed the two boys through the hall and into a large open area with the kitchen to the left, and a family room to the right.
“I thought a heard a raucous out there!” announced the man sitting in the leather recliner. Rising from it, he quickly held his hand out. “Harry, good to see you, son.”
“Hey, Pops,” said Harry, giving him a big hug. “How’s life treating you?”
“Can’t complain.”
With a grin, Harry stepped back and placed his hand on the small of Lexie’s back. “Pops, this is Lexie.”
“Hello, Lexie,” the older man greeted with a handshake. Then placing his other hand on top, he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Just so you know, he’s one of the good ones.”
“What are you telling her, Pops?” asked a young woman who’d just walked into the room.
“None of your business.”
Lex eyed Harry who let out a burst of giggles.
“Hi, I’m Jenny,” said the woman. “Brian’s older but wiser sister.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“And that one over there,” she pointed to the brunette in the kitchen, “is Brian’s fiancée, Serena.”
“Not for much longer,” Serena sang, taking a cookie sheet from the oven and placing it on top of the stove. Then wiping her hands on her apron, she walked around the counter, holding out her hand. “Hi, so nice to meet you, Lexie.”
Lexie suddenly felt as if she was in a movie, one of those wholesome Christmas films that were shown on television every year. Everyone was so nice and hospitable, it seemed...unreal.
Brian emerged from the kitchen then with two glasses of wine, offering them to Harry and Lex. Lifting his glass, Harry proposed a toast to the happy couple, wishing them all the best.
After several games of cards, and a couple rounds of charades, in which Harry won both, plus far too many of Serena’s cookies, the evening had finally wound down. The wedding pair retired to their room upstairs and Mrs. Ramsey set both Harry and Lexie up with their own rooms, across the hall from each other. Lexie had already called her sister to tell her the situation, and that she would be arriving later than scheduled.
After brushing her teeth, Lexie opened the bathroom door to find Harry standing in the hallway. A smile slowly spread across his face as he took her in. His gaze suddenly made Lexie self-conscious, and she looked down at her ensemble.
“Different pajamas,” she remarked.
“I can see that,” Harry smirked. “I like those, too.”
Blushing, she bit her lip, then ran a hand through her hair. “Um, did you need the restroom?”
As Lexie turned down her bed, a beautiful blue and white rose quilt, she found herself humming one of the songs she and Harry had listened to earlier that day in the car. A smile twitched at the corners of her mouth as she recalled the way he’d told her he’d enjoyed the night before.
Suddenly, a knock sounded behind her, and she looked up to see Harry standing in the doorway.
“Hey. Can I come in?”
“Of course,” Lexie gestured.
Harry stepped into the room, gazing up at the photos and paintings on the walls, then walked over to the dresser and inspected everything on it.
“The Ramseys are really nice,” Lexie remarked, taking a seat on the bed as she watched Harry.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded. “They’re like...my second family.”
“I can tell. They’re definitely fond of you.”
“And it was very kind of them to let me stay. Even though it was mostly Virginia’s idea,” Lexie laughed. “I don’t think she was about to let me set foot outside again.”
Harry chuckled nervously in agreement. “She’s a tough one, that Virginia. What she says goes.”
Placing an old, framed photo back onto the dresser, he let out a sigh. Finally, turning around, he sucked in his lips. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Harry looked at the floor.
“Um...hey I know it’s kind of last minute, and you need to get to your sister’s and all…” he paused, biting his bottom lip before finally lifting his eyes to Lexie, “but I was wondering...and you totally don’t have to...if you’d like to stay...a little longer tomorrow...and be my date. For the wedding.”
Lexie’s eyes widened. She hadn’t expected him to ask her that.
“Oh!” she breathed. “Oh, well...I…”
Harry shook his head. “It’s alright. It was a dumb thing to ask.”
“No!” Lexie exclaimed. “I mean...no, it wasn’t a dumb thing to ask. I mean...actually…”
The corners of Harry’s mouth quivered slightly before his lips spread into a smile and his dimples appeared. He let out a tiny chuckle, causing Lexie to glare at him.
“What?” she asked.
“You’re as nervous as I am,” he replied.
Lexie blushed as she realized he was absolutely right. With a smile that nearly blinded Harry, Lexie stepped forward and took his hand.
“I’d love to be your date,” she beamed.
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Lexie stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror. While she wouldn’t call the dress exactly her style, she was grateful that Jenny let her borrow it for the special occasion. She liked the dainty blue flowers and flowing sleeves.
“I think it’s perfect,” declared Brian’s sister. “You look so pretty.”
“I do?” asked Lexie bashfully, her cheeks blushing a light pink.
“Definitely. Looks better on you than it ever did on me. Lucky we’re the same size.”
Biting her lip, Lexie ran her hands across her waist. She silently wondered what Harry would think.
“What about your hair?” asked Jenny. “Were you planning on wearing it up or down?”
Lex grinned nervously. “I actually hadn’t thought about it. This whole thing wasn’t planned at all.”
“Of course,” Jenny smiled.
“I usually wear my hair down though,” Lexie added, winding a strand around her finger. “What do you think?”
Jenny’s smile widened. “I have a great idea.”
Turning to her dresser, she opened the top drawer and pulled out a headband, bringing it to Lexie.
“What do you think of this?” she asked. The headband was simple, adorned with dainty flowers and leaves in gold metal.
“I love it!” exclaimed Lex.
With gentle ease, Jenny placed the headband on the center of Lexie’s head, allowing her soft, delicate hair to fall around it.
“Yes,” beamed Jenny. “Absolutely perfect.”
A knock sounded on the door then, and Jenny walked across the room to open it.
“Harry, you can’t see us yet,” Lex heard Jenny say. “It’s bad luck.”
“I thought that was just the bride and groom,” Harry chuckled from the doorway.
“Even so,” Jenny whispered. “I wasn’t quite finished.”
“With what?”
It was then that Harry spotted Lexie across the room, her reflection in the mirror as she looked down at her hands.
“Oh!” he sounded, his eyes wide.
With a sigh, Jenny stepped back and allowed Harry to enter the room.
“Wow, Lex, you look amazing!” he announced.
“Thanks,” she muttered, turning around to face him. Grabbing the sides of the dress, she felt herself blush again. “Jenny let me borrow it.”
“It’s lovely on you.”
Lexie and Harry seemed to stare at each other for a few moments until the silence was broken by Jenny’s voice.
“Shoes!” she squealed, nearly making Lexie jump. “What size shoes do you wear?”
“Um…” Lexie swallowed, “eight.”
“Aw crap,” Jenny scowled, snapping her hands on her waist. “I’m a nine. They’d be too big.”
“It’s okay.”
“I bet Serena’s your size,” she added. “I’m not sure if she brought any other shoes with her, but I could ask.”
“Really, it’s okay,” Lex chuckled. “You’ve done enough for me. Besides after the weather last night, I might be glad I’m in my sneakers.”
“Oh, that reminds me why I came up,” said Harry. “Your mum needs you downstairs. Something about a broken table and angry caterers.”
“Ugh,” Jenny rolled her eyes.
“Oh no, I hope everything’s okay,” said Lexie. “Maybe I should help.”
“No need,” Jenny held up a hand as she headed for the door. “When Virginia Ramsey’s involved, there is a way.”
“Send out an S.O.S. if you need us,” called Harry.
“Will do!”
Harry’s shoulders shook with laughter as his best friend’s sister left the room, leaving him alone with Lexie.
“Look at you,” said Lex, making Harry turn and raise a brow. “You clean up nice, Styles.”
Harry looked down at his suit, his hands on the jacket lapels.
“Wha’ this ol’ thing?” he smirked, causing Lexie to giggle.
Stepping closer to him, she reached for the cross around his neck, displayed in the center of his chest.
“I take it you’re not a tie kind of guy,” she remarked.
“Not particularly,” Harry grinned at her. “Why, do you think I should wear one?”
Lexie shook her head. “I didn’t say that.”
She felt his hand on her waist before he pulled her closer, his chest colliding with hers. His green eyes seemed to dance as his other hand slid under her ear.
“You look really pretty, Lex,” he said softly.
“Thanks. So do you.”
The corners of Harry’s mouth twitched before he leaned forward, his lips so close to hers she could feel his breath on them.
“Is it okay if I kiss you now?” he asked.
“I was beginning to wonder why you hadn’t already.”
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Lexie gasped when Harry opened the back door, and she followed him out onto the large porch. It was trimmed with dangling lights and floral garlands that cascaded down the banisters to the large canopy in the backyard.
“Kinda magical, innit?” asked Harry, catching Lexie’s eye. She smiled and nodded.
“C’mere you two!” someone called from the yard and Lexie turned to see Mrs. Ramsey beckoning them. “I could use your help.”
Taking her hand, Harry lead Lexie down the steps and between the rows of white chairs to where Virginia stood.
“At your service,” offered Harry with a grin. “What do you need us to do?”
“Oh honey, don’t you look lovely!” exclaimed Virginia when she finally got a good look at Harry’s date up close.
“Thank you,” Lexie said shyly, looking down at her sneakered feet.
Her hand went to her forehead to brush a strand of hair from her face when she remembered the headband. Gently, she adjusted it, careful not to make a mess of it before the wedding as she caught the gleam in Virginia’s eyes when she smiled at Harry.
“If you wouldn’t mind, my dears,” said Mrs. Ramsey, “could you kindly stand outside the gate to greet the guests as they come in? Brian’s cousins are ushers, but I’d just like to have someone out there to make sure they’re entering on the right side, and no one steps in a mud puddle or anything.”
 “No problem,” Harry and Lexie replied in unison.
Squeezing her hand that he was still holding, Harry gave Lexie a wink before guiding her around the corner to the large fence that surrounded the Ramsey’s backyard. Then unlocking the gate, he released her hand only to push it open.
“So, we just stand out here?” inquired Lexie.
“Yep. Guests should be arriving soon.”
Twirling around, Lexie inspected the view of the backyard through the gate, getting an idea of what guests might see when they walk through.
“This is really a great place for a wedding,” she commented.
“It is,” agreed Harry with a nod.
“And convenient, too. They probably saved a ton of money.”
“You better believe it,” Harry chuckled. “And not just because it’s the Ramsey’s house. Virginia will find the best deal anywhere. She’s kind of famous for it.”
“Really?” Lexie smiled, intrigued.
“Yeah, if she can do it herself, or get Pops to do it, she will. If not, she knows everyone within the next three towns, and she won’t let them take advantage of her. She always gets her way.”
Lexie laughed. “She’s a pretty cool lady.”
The corners of Harry’s mouth twitched as he stepped closer.
“You’re a pretty cool lady, too,” he declared.
“Stop,” Lexie playfully swatted at him as he tried to put his arms around her.
“Too cheesy?”
“Hmm, maybe a little…” she bit her lip.
“Sorry,” said Harry as he managed to pull her closer. “I’ll cut back on the cheese.”
“No, it’s...it’s cute.”
“I really like you, Lex. And I’m glad you’re here.”
A big smile spread across her face as she slid her hands up his arms. “Me too.”
Harry was just about to ask which statement she was agreeing with when an older couple approached them from the front yard.
“Don’t tell me the wedding’s started already,” the man chided.
“No, sir,” Lexie began before she noticed the twinkle in his eye.
“Harry,” he added, holding out his hand. “Good to see you, young man.”
“Mr. McRay, a pleasure,” Harry greeted.
“How’s that beautiful mother of yours?”
“She’s just fine, sir, thanks for asking.” Harry reached for Lexie then, placing his hand on her back. “Lex, this is Mr. and Mrs. McRay, the Ramsey’s neighbors.”
“How do you do,” Lexie smiled.
“I do wonderful, pretty lady,” Mr. McRay said, giving her a wink and earning himself a poke from his wife.
“Charles is a big flirt,” she scoffed. “Don’t mind him.”
Lexie felt herself blush as Harry’s fingertips dug into her waist as he gently pulled her closer to his side.
“You two look lovely,” Mrs. McRay added. “I trust Virginia’s inside, running herself ragged?”
“Just a wee bit,” said Harry, making Lexie giggle.
“I better see if she needs my help. Hope to see you two later.”
“Enjoy the wedding,” smiled Lexie.
By the time the McRays made it inside the gate, a short line of cars had formed along the curb, some on the driveway. Lexie took a deep breath as she watched guests exit their cars and begin the walk up to the gate.
After greeting at least half a dozen couples and clusters of families, Lexie noticed something. Harry’s hand had remained on her back the entire time. Perhaps it was a silent reassurance that even though she wasn’t a member of the wedding party or even an originally invited guest, she was still very much a part of the day’s activities because she was Harry’s date.
His date. Lexie let the word roll around her brain for a moment while she watched him chat with someone else he’d known nearly all his life. She liked the word. It was simple, not too formal or labeling. He’d introduced her as his date a couple of times already, a big, dimpled smile on his face as he’d said it.
“This is my date, Lexie,” he’d beamed, his hand giving her another light squeeze.
She liked that he hadn’t said “friend”. Although she certainly was his friend, she always thought that word held little romantic value. Even Shelby would sometimes introduce her as her friend, after they’d been dating for months, and it would rub her wrong to put it mildly. It wasn’t that she thought she and Harry had crossed the line into more than just friends after just one night together, but…
“Lex?” Harry asked, making her blink.
“Yeah, sorry,” she swallowed. “What did you say?”
“I was just telling Jackson about our little adventure on the road to get here.”
“Oh!” Lexie’s eyes widened.
Harry let out a gleeful chuckle and leaned into her. “Not the motel part, love.”
Lexie couldn’t help but laugh in spite of herself, and when she found she couldn’t stop, she rolled her head into Harry’s chest.
“Seems she’s gotten a fit of the giggles,” Harry explained to Jackson who’d joined in on the humor of an obvious inside joke.
“I’m so sorry!” Lexie shouted, muffled from Harry’s shirt.
“I’ll meet you inside,” laughed Jackson. “Good to meet you, Lexie.”
“You too!”
Harry’s chest continued to shake with laughter as he gently rubbed Lexie’s back. Once Jackson was out of earshot, she slowly lifted her head.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she whined.
“Why?” Harry asked, an enormous grin on his face.
“It’s not that I thought you’d told him...it’s just...it’s the first thing that came to mind, and...oh, God.”
Grabbing the lapels of his jacket and burying her face in his neck, Lexie got a good whiff of Harry’s cologne and suddenly felt her legs go weak.
“You are so fucking cute, Lex,” she heard him say.
“I am?” she asked, breathing him in. His skin was so close to her lips, she wanted to touch it.
“Yeah. I kind of always thought of you as very confident and self-assured.” Harry’s free hand found the back of her head and began to lightly brush his fingers through her hair. “And you are, I find it very sexy. But this…”
“Hmm?” Lexie sounded when he paused.
“This is a different side of you,” Harry explained. “I dunno if it’s because of me, but...it’s like you have your guard down a little bit. And I think it’s very sexy, too.”
Her legs now jelly, Lexie shifted slightly until her lips met the warm skin on his neck. She pressed three soft kisses there until she felt him hum against her mouth.
“Lex…” he whispered.
Lifting her head, she saw a deep green in his eyes she’d never seen before. He brushed a tiny strand of hair from her face before cupping her chin. Just as he was about the lean forward, however, a voice behind him interrupted.
“Harry, son, they’re getting the wedding party ready,” announced Mr. Ramsey.
“Oh yes, of course,” Harry cleared his throat. “Be right there.”
Lexie gave another look of embarrassment that only earned her a grin from Harry. Then taking her hand, he kissed the back of it.
“C’mon, I’ll take you to your seat.”
“You know, I knew you were the Best Man, but I guess I wasn’t thinking about the fact that you wouldn’t be sitting with me. Makes me kinda sad.”
“‘m sorry, love,” Harry frowned.
“It’s okay. I’m being dramatic,” Lexie teased. “At least I get to watch you.”
Harry chuckled low as they reached the end of a row of chairs where Lexie took a seat.
“Who says I won’t be watching you?”
“Please, it’s a wedding, Harry. Nobody’s even looking at anything but the bride and groom.”
“Hmm...that’s what you think.”
With another giggle in her chest, Lexie watched Harry turn down the aisle and walk up the porch steps. Soon enough, the music started and Brian escorted Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey to their seats on the front row. Serena’s mother was escorted next, followed by Harry and Jenny, serving as the Best Man and Maid of Honor.
Finally, the wedding march began, and Serena emerged from the porch and down the steps, her arm looped with her father’s. Lexie immediately felt the heaviness in her chest as Serena walked down the aisle, her face all aglow as her eyes met Brian’s. Then turning in her seat, Lexie caught the look on Brian’s face and just about lost it. No matter how strong and self-assured she sometimes seemed, Lex was no stranger to crying at weddings. Perhaps she was a true romantic at heart.
Just when the ceremony began, Lexie heard a familiar sound and realized it was raining again. However, with the party safe under the large canopy, it was almost tranquil.
As the couple said their vows, Lexie’s eyes veered toward her date who stood behind the groom. Her insides nearly melted when she realized he was looking at her too. And when the rings were exchanged and a tear made its way down her cheek, Lexie caught Harry’s lips curl up until they widened into a smile.
When the happy couple was pronounced husband and wife, the guests clapped and watched them make their way up the aisle. As Harry followed, he discreetly held out his hand to allow it to graze across Lexie’s shoulder. As if the looks he’d given her during the ceremony weren’t enough, her entire skin was now on fire.
Moments later, as the reception began, Lexie had just finished chatting with a friend of Serena’s that she’d met earlier when she felt the familiar hand on her waist.
“Did you enjoy that?” he whispered in her ear.
“Did you enjoy mocking me?” she teased.
“Mocking you?”
“Yeah, what was with the huge grin while I was clearly in tears over the vows?”
“That was not mocking,” argued Harry. “I was happy.”
“Happy I was crying?”
“Well...kinda, yeah,” Harry shrugged.
“No,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “I mean I was happy that it moved you that much.”
“I told you I was gonna watch you,” Harry added.
“Glad to be your entertainment.” Lexie folded her arms and looked down at her sneakers.
“Heyyy,” he said, lifting her chin with his finger. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it was...it was a beautiful wedding.”
“It was. But it’s not over yet. We have a party.” Harry spread his arms out.
“Yeah...I can’t stay that long though.”
“Oh,” Harry dropped his arms and frowned. “Why not?”
“I just...I have to get to my sister’s.”
“I thought you had that all worked out.”
“Yeah, but I feel bad. I was supposed to be there a long time ago, and now I’ll only get like a day and a half with her as it is.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry muttered.
“Not your fault,” Lexie waved her hand. “I should...I should probably go ahead and get changed. Pack my stuff. Looks like the rain stopped, so I should get out before it starts again.”
As she turned toward the back porch, Harry grabbed her hand.
“But wait…” he pleaded. “We...we haven’t had our dance yet.”
As if on cue, a slow love song began to play, and a few couples took to the dance floor.
“Please?” Harry held out his hand.
With a sigh, Lexie took it and followed him. They began to sway in each other’s arms, the music leading them.
“Thanks for coming with me, Lex,” Harry said low. “And for being my date.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I wish we...had more time.”
Lexie stared at Harry’s lips for a long while before shifting her gaze to his eyes which seemed to burn into hers.
“Me too,” she finally admitted.
Shutting her eyes, Lexie leaned forward.
“Harry…” she whispered. “I don’t wanna go.”
“I mean...I still wanna see my sister, but...I don’t wanna leave you.”
“Lexie…” Harry breathed, lifting his hand to her cheek.
“Is that awful?” she asked when she opened her eyes.
Harry’s face looked so serene and beautiful, Lexie couldn’t help but feel a sudden calmness, even though her heart was beating a mile a minute.
“I’ve had the best time with you,” she confessed. “I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.”
“Me neither.”
“Would it be...completely awkward or inappropriate if I asked you to come with me?”
“To your sister’s?” Harry asked.
“Yeah…” Lexie’s expression faltered. “Never mind, forget it. It’s ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not,” murmured Harry as he blinked slowly, pulled her closer and pressed his lips to hers.
Rain began to pelt against the canopy once again just as the fire she’d felt before returned full force and Lexie fell into the kiss. Their bodies continued to sway as their lips and tongues collided, until the song finally came to an end. Then leaning his forehead against hers, Harry gave her another of his dazzling smiles.
 “I’d love to,” he said.
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Hope you enjoyed!
Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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ianmckellen · 8 months
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Little Women (2019) Headers (requested by anon) - 7 headers (640x360) | 3 different border versions under the cut (the second black border thats normally under the cut is in the link) - all versions + 2 extra border options here - please like or reblog if you take one - credit isn’t required but it’s appreciated - requests and commissions are open for other headers!
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Hello! I would like to request a webweave about unreciprocated love for a close friend :]
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i've done a few web weaves on this concept but i decided to make another one with some different poems. i hope you're doing well <33
Little Women (2019) dir. Greta Gerwig / girl in red i wanna be your girlfriend / unknown / Mikko Harvey / 重庆森林 Chungking Express (1994) dir. 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai / Clementine von Radics Mouthful of Forevers / Amal El-Mohtar This is How You Lose the Time War
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sarcastiaa · 2 months
uh if you take requests, a young nanami gets a haircut from the reader please!
This is you sharing one of your favorite moments from quarantine with your boyfriend~
Me and Nanami moved together in Late 2019 and it’s been a year since we’re living together. It’s COVID means we’re staying home together at home, working from home. The second wave of COVID was not that scary, even though it’s not as serious as the last one still we couldn’t take a chance to go out and get sick or anything. Well on a random Thursday me and Kento were sitting in the living room and we were working. I saw him sitting on the couch in living room looking at his laptop without even looking anywhere else for almost an hour now. I was worried about his eyes and the back pain he’d get from being in that position. But that wasn’t the only thing I noticed, I also noticed the way he was trying to move the strands of his hair away from his eyes. His haircut wasn’t really bad but it wasn’t my favorite, it gave “EMO” and I felt like his facial structure and his hair cut didn’t match him at all. I kept watching him struggling and getting all annoyed. And that’s when decided to go to bedroom and bring one of my hairbands. Coming back to the living room I stood behind his couch and placed my metal hair band on his forehead and swiped his whole hair upwards. At first he was startled then he looked back at me with a smile. “You noticed?” He asked me and I replied with “of course I did. You were struggling for almost 30 minutes now” I chuckled at him. He held on my hand pulling it closer to his lips and kissed on it and went back to working. I stood there blushing and smiling as he went back to working in his laptop.
After a bit as it was already around 1 pm or something an idea hit me, I nervously asked him, “shouldn’t you go take a shower already?” He only nodded being busy at typing on his laptop. At this point the constant sound of clicking on keypads kind of annoyed me. I wanted a break and wanted for him to take a break too. “…Ken?” I called him. “Yes, darling?” He said while his eyes were still stuck on his laptop screen. “Honey, before you shower…. Can I do something for you?” I asked him. He replied “What do you wanna do, sweets?” I smiled and looked away and said “Would you mind if I cut your hair? Like a new hairstyle? It’d be comfortable for you….” He stopped typing and looked up at me “can you do it? Have you ever done this before?” He asked slightly concerned. “Well I have done this for my dad before so I can cut your hair as well. And if it doesn’t look good you can just go bald” I joked “and If you go bald the women would check you out less” I added. He chuckled at me and said “well don’t make me go bald, darling but a haircut sounds nice. I need it”.
We walked towards the washroom after a bit as I made him sit in front of the bathtub, his head leaning backwards in the tub as I started washing his long hair with lukewarm water. I couldn’t really find a good position as he was sitting on the floor, so I was leaning down with my legs spreading on the sides of his lap. My loose shirt touching his face as I kept washing his hair with water. Then I pulled his head closer and semi-dried his hair. I brought a pair of scissors and took a deep breath and said “I won’t cut it too short, just a little from the front so that it doesn’t cover your eyes and I’ll trim the sides a bit too okay?” He nodded. “And I think maybe I would keep the back long as well but I wanna give you an undercut!” He looked up and me with a smile and nodded.
I sat on top of his lap to get the good view of his front hair. Combing his damp long hair covering his eyes I took a strand of them between my fingers and started cutting them. I kept my hand steady and kept processing with it. Sitting on top of his lap it felt so perfect. As I kept cutting his hair, I could feel his hands holding on my waist tightly and roaming around from up and down. I couldn’t feel anything other than happiness and flustered. “Ken, baby, stop with that… I’m gonna mess up if you keep doing that” but he wasn’t the one to listen to me. He didn’t care about his hair more than me. I kept cutting my hair giggling from time to time as his fingers tickled on my waist. I finally got up and sat on the edge of the bathtub, for the back I used his trimmer and started pushing it upwards from the back of his neck. Keeping his hair smallest on the back but enough to make his head look full. The upper part of his hair covered his undercut making it look even more perfect. As my fingers touched on his neck while I trimmed his hair I couldn’t hold myself back and I ended up telling him “Your skin feels nice” I said to him leaving a kiss on his neck. “Does it, now?” He teased back looking at me with a smile and rosy cheeks. All I could do is turn his face back to the front and giggle at his teasing.
I was finally done with cutting his hair, putting down the scissors I cup his face with my hands and moved his head from side to side to see if it’s even from every sides. He just sat there looking at me and smiling. 𝐹𝓁𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒹. Giving a sweet kiss on his soft lips I got up and started washing his hair again, this time with shampoo and conditioner. The washroom filled up with the mix of his citrus and musky smell. I washed his hair and dried it. After it was done I pulled him up from the floor and asked him to check it on the mirror. He was standing in front of the mirror looking at himself for a bit and checking his hair and face over and over “I look….different but in a good way, Sweets” he said and that’s all I needed to hear from him. “You look amazing, Kento… and honestly this suits you a lot better” I said chuckling at his reaction. His hair wasn’t covering his eyes anymore, he looked perfect. He pulled me closer and looked at me he wanted to say something more but he couldn’t, all I felt is his warm lips against mine and a little mumble of “I love it so much, honey”. To me those longer locks made him cuter but this new hairstyle made him…. HOTTER. And since then I’ve been Ken’s personal hair stylist, I cut his hair every now and then and he doesn’t even believe in going to the salon to get haircut anymore. He says I have magic in my hands that makes him look perfect and feel better~
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futbol16 · 2 years
Little Bird  • England Lionesses
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By popular demand...
Request: “Can we have a second part of Rio Manuela? Maybe during one of the World Cup matches she tears her ACL, all of the Barcelona and Lionesses present both on the pitch and on the benches. They all want to get rid of the painful scream they heard when their little sister went down on the pitch, Lucy, Ale and Leah trying to keep her calm”
Part 1 Rio Manuela
Part 3  Where’s Rio?
Word count: 1,7k
2023, August 16, Wednesday, 7:55 pm is when you first set foot on the pitch of Stadium Australia. You step onto the pitch with a proud smile on your face as you walk behind Lauren Hemp for the lineups. 
Standing with your hand over your heart, you let your eyes scan the crowd as you soak in the feeling of being here at the Women’s world cup. You have made it. You sing along to the anthem as you watch the English fans do the same and for a moment your smile falters. 
You knew she wouldn’t come, she never has. Yet, for some reason you couldn’t help but glance towards the family section in the stands, hoping to see your mother smiling back at you. But she wasn’t here, instead Amanda, Leah’s mum waves at you with a grin and you nod back at her with a grin of your own.
After the Euro’s your name has been one of the many that were now extremely well-known and popular in football talks, not only women’s football. You have continued to show your best football after the tournament with Barcelona and you have shown your continuous skill development on the national level, already winning two player of the match awards in this world cup.
You got your first one in the second matchday of the tournament against Denmark where you had scored two goals and assisted another one. Your other trophy had been handed to you at the end of your game against Canada, one goal and one assist.
 Your teammates knew that the diversity of the supporting crowd had been because of all of your performances. There were many fans, not English, not US fans, who were now rooting for either of the teams and as the camera pans around the stadium you also recognize some other countries national players in the stands. 
Passing by Leah and Georgia you give both of them a high five and a pat to the back. As you stand in your position, waiting for the referee to start the match, you have a nice stare down with some of the USWNT players. 
This semi-final was seen a revenge game for your last world cup against them, a rematch of sorts. You knew, your teammates knew and the US players knew as well. 
The whole world had been waiting for this. To see if the United States could once again defeat England in the semi-finals and to see if the English could hold their ground, even after the Euros.
But you were confident, confident in yourself and your girls. And you prove that to the world.
The first goal of the match was delivered in the 20th minute, almost the same as in 2019. This time though it’s thanks to yours and Georgia’s chemistry that England are leading. However, you go into half-time with a 1-1 scoreboard, but you’re still happy as ever, excitedly waving at Mapi and Alexia who sit in the stands with the Barcelona girls. 
Noticing you, your club teammates instantly start your chant and are soon accompanied by a lot of the fans around them. You only laugh at that, though the blush on your cheeks is hard to miss. 
You sit close to Lucy in the locker room despite your jersey numbers not coming after one another and you lean into her as Sarina and Leah start their speech.
“Well done girls, great first half out there! We’re going to change up a little bit though, subs in. I also expect you all to show the world what we have been practicing at training. I know you can do it, you’ve all played exceptionally well this whole world cup, but remember to also enjoy every moment of it, all right?” Sarina finishes up her team talk by telling who she’d be subbing in and Leah starts talking.
She has that focused look on her face, tunnel vision as all she can think about is winning this thing. Winning the 2023 world cup and taking it home.
Similar to your awarded matches you score a goal, a goal that is once again worth getting named the goal of the match. Running past Becky Sauerbrunn, you call for the ball from Mead who chips it your way. 
With Sarina’s words running through your head you attempt the bicycle whirl and the ball goes soaring through the air in an overhead goal. The stadium erupts in cheering and for a second you’re sure you’ve gone deaf. 
Somehow it’s Leah who reaches you first and she lifts you into the air, screaming your name. You laugh because it’s the only thing you can do, if you wouldn’t be laughing, you’d probably be crying instead after such a beautiful goal. And in a world cup semi-final.
Nevertheless, that thought soon changes as you scream into the grass twenty minutes later. Your team had been creating another goal chance in the 83’ minute of the match and you had just received the ball from Alessia. You were sandwiched between two US players.
You had outplayed one but as you go to move the ball from one feet to the other, your leg gets twisted in an uncomfortable angle. You think you’ll be okay, that is until milliseconds later Mal Pugh’s knee knocks into the side of your own and you fall to the ground with a painful wail. 
The whistle is blown not long after as the referee stops the game. To you it’s all in slow motion as the crowd raises from their seats, Alexia almost tripping over her own legs as she panics. It’s like a scene from Baywatch as Lucy and Leah take their sprint towards you, but it’s slow. 
To you it looks like everything has been slowed down. 
It was the exact opposite of how everyone else around you was feeling. It happened so fast, in a matter of seconds. One moment you were dribbling past the US players and next your body gave out.
 Your screaming is something your teammates are sure would haunt them forever. You’re screaming, sobbing into the turf as you clutch your knee, nails gripping at the skin of your thigh. 
You barely notice that the blonde is next to you until you feel her hand on your back. Then Lucy peels your hands off from your leg, afraid you’d hurt yourself and instead holds them in her own. Hoping you’d find some comfort in squeezing her hands.
Leah is trying to comfort you as well but it’s a challenge for her to form any coherent words as she swallows her tears. The Barca girls in the stands are all up on their feet, holding onto the railing tightly and you’re sure Alexia would be jumping over the barrier without a second thought if it wasn’t for Mapi and Patri holding her back.
By the time the medics arrive onto the field, you’re banging your freed hand on the turf before Lucy again takes a hold of it. You wither in pain as you’re placed on the stretcher. 
You try to focus on Leah’s eyes as she moves the hair out of your face and wipes the grass off your cheek, but the look on her face doesn’t fool anyone. It was bad. The thought of that only makes you cry even more and Leah is quick to shush you.
“It will all be okay Rio, okay? I won’t let anything happen to you.” she’s pretty much sobbing as well and she knows but she doesn’t fight the tears this time. You nod at her, trying to believe her words and as you’re lifted off the ground and carried off the field the crowd applauds your performance. 
You’re thankful for them, but in this moment you choose to keep your jersey firmly pulled over your head, you try to hide from the world, from the reality of this injury.
Hours later you’re sitting in your hospital bed after an immediate surgery on your knee. Arriving at the hospital it had been confirmed that you had torn your ACL, you wouldn’t be playing for a good bit. 
Lucy is the first in your room, quickly followed by Leah and Georgia and they all watch you with tears in their eyes. You were staring into space no doubt replaying the injury in your head over and over again. Your line of thought is interrupted as you’re pulled into a hug by the three English players. 
You cry together, they allow you to cry into their shoulders, but you know they’re crying too, the shake of their bodies and the wet patch on your own shoulders is enough evidence.
Eventually your teammates from the Spanish club arrive as well and an hour after you’re left alone in the room with Alexia. She’s pacing up and down, something you know you’d be doing right now if you were capable of it.
“Ale, come here please.” your words break her out of her marathon and she settles next to you in the small bed, aware of your injured knee. 
You sit in silence for a bit, that is until she cups your cheek and turns you to look at her. 
“I know you think that this is it, that this is the end of it for you. But it isn’t Rio, you’ll get back stronger than ever. And it won’t take you long, you know, I believe in you.” she tells you honestly. Her faith in you is what has you crying into her side softly and she holds you close, occasionally kissing the top of your head. 
Eventually you tire yourself out, the game from earlier and the surgery taking its toll on you. You cuddle into Alexia, though stilling for a second as you figure out how to position your leg, before slowly exhaling in comfort. 
Leah is back in the hospital room too now, and she watches with a soft smile as Alexia runs her fingers through your hair. The blonde also makes herself comfortable and holds onto your hand as you reach for her.
“Rest now, little bird.”
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's Masterlist
❒ Requested ✓
「 A compilation of Chaeri and Jungkook caught on camera 」
Video posted on YouTube by chaekooknation
Hello everyone, this is chaekooknation speaking! I'm back with a compilation of videos and super-zoomed images of how Chaeri and Jungkook act when they think they're not in front of the cameras I'd like to remind everyone that this is a video purely for the enjoyment of fans who, like me, believe there's something more than friendship between the two of them ♡
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clip one ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ September 2018; Canada ⠪ At that time the members were on tour for the 'Love yourself world tour' ⠪ After the last Canadian stage in Hamilton we know that they stayed a couple of days there before leaving for New Jersey ⠪ We know this in particular because of a dinner they had one of those evenings ⠪ We all remember videos and photos posted by the staff of one of the most exclusive restaurants there ⠪ These include a video of Chaeri and Jungkook that is a bit suspicious, don't you think? ⠪ When she noticed that someone from the restaurant staff was filming her having her hand on Jk's face she made a shocked expression ⠪ Sis, why be surprised? You live constantly on camera ⠪ Unless you were about to do something that others should not know about ⠪ Anyway, she became smooth again after a second and moved her hand to the back of his neck ⠪ SUS
clip two ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 22.04.2017; After a vlive ⠪ For this picture we have to credit our Jin hyung who posted them on weverse without them knowing ⠪ I quote the description "Armys our maknae stayed with you as long as she could. Can we all agree to scold Jungkook for not letting her sleep in peace? Turn off the lights!" ⠪ Chaeri and Jungkook had spent almost an hour chatting with us armys ⠪ "I am in Jungkookie's(hotel) room now, when we say goodnight to you I will go back to mine." ⠪ SHE NEVER DID!!!! ⠪ Isn't it adorable the way he keeps his arm around her body?
clip three ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2019; SBS Gayo Daejeon Music Festival ⠪ Photo taken by a group of fans from afar ⠪ Seems to be right after the show ended, probably they were waiting to leave ⠪ Fixing his coat is such an intimate and loving gesture ⠪ I wouldn't do it with just a friend. Would you do that? ⠪ Chaeri is always so caring, when it comes to him a little bit more ⠪ It was so cold that year, I'm sure she didn't want him to freeze ⠪ The way he looks at her!!!
clip four ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ [BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion pt2 | A night out
⠪ It was decided at the last minute there would be two Bangtan Bombs with the rapper: The first to meet her and the last to spend an evening together ⠪ Megan is amazing and beautiful, meeting her was a pleasure for all members, it's obvious ⠪ Chaeri might have been annoyed just for a moment perhaps ⠪ That way she tries to hold on to his coat and then retreat realizing she is being filmed makes me think (and laugh) ⠪ I don't think she felt threatened by Megan's beauty ⠪ Perhaps she was simply bored with all the attention she was giving Jungkook ⠪ Jealous Chaeri >>>>
clip five ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; ISAC ⠪ We had to zoom in a lot to get a good look at them ⠪ We remember the impact Chaeri had on the show, fighting to make the competitions mixed and no longer only for men or only for women ⠪ The camera was focusing on the other members, Chaeri and Jungkook could only be seen by those paying close attention ⠪ The way she hit the bull's eye of the target every time during the competition must have made Jungkook very proud ⠪ But do you see the way he looks at her at the end? ⠪ Google search: How to find someone who looks at you the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
clip six ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2018; Mama in Hongkong (Backstage) ⠪ I loved how nonchalantly Chaeri spent the time before the performance eating rather than rehearsing ⠪ We know how much Chaeri hates to be bothered while she's eating, but this seems like an appreciated interference ⠪ Very low photo quality but we had to zoom in a lot too to make it clear who it was ⠪ The glasses Jungkook is wearing are seen back on her at the end of the video, during the goodbyes
clip seven ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; Suwon ⠪ At that time their fame was still growing, there were not as many armys as today ⠪ BLESSED SOUL, THOUGH, THAT FOUND HERSELF IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE THE MEMBERS DECIDED TO GO ICE-SKATING ⠪ I tell you, it was hard to find this video ⠪ They are totally in a world of their own ⠪ Don't you think JK teaching Chaeri anything is the best Jk? He is always so careful with her ⠪ She clearly terrified ⠪ I bet he wanted to burst out in laughter ⠪ I wish there were more moments of that day to share together
clip eight ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ BTS in the soop; Season one ⠪ Is it just me or does it seem like they were kissing at first!? ⠪ The guys' cameramen give us joy every time and I don't think they even know about it ⠪ They were filming some of the boys outside the house but if you look carefully in one of the windows you can see these two silhouettes ⠪ To me it's obvious it's the two of them ⠪ What song do you think they were dancing to? ⠪ PLEASE we need to know
clip nine ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2021; After the episode '131' of RUN BTS
⠪ If someone asked me to show them a video about love I would show them this
⠪ The fact that Jimin accidentally caught them behind him during his vlive makes it even cuter
⠪ This is how they act when they think the cameras are off
⠪ Chaeri smile with her eyes when she's close to her Jungkook
⠪ Who would touch her hair like that if not someone deeply in love?
⠪ We have to thank our Chaekook fan n1 Jimin for the video and the producers of RUN BTS for throwing water on them for all that time
⠪ Looks to me like she's also wearing a men's shirt…did he give it to her?
Thank you all for watching my video! It seems quite evident that there is something more between the two, what are your opinions? Stay tuned for more Chaekook videos Bye!
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
A Whole New World
Remember how I said I was taking a break? Well that lasted for a day lol. This is a follow-up to my previous Jamil drabble. This was requested by @ghostercy. I hope that you enjoy!
Note: set during the Al'ab Nariya event, amiriti means princess in Arabic (I used Google Translate), FLUFF, lots of handholding, dance scene is inspired by Aladdin (2019). How many times did I watch "A Whole New World?" Yes
Word Count: 1187
Warning: not beta read, possible ooc characters, and a possibly badly written dance scene
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"How did you get Kalim's magic carpet?" Yuu asked while staring down below. Silk City reminded her of Christmas lights with all the lights and festivities happening. The light gave the carpet a beautiful glow as they weaved through the buildings. It was an amazing sight to see. It felt almost romantic witnessing it with Jamil, aka the guy she had a big crush on.
Not that he needed to know that. Yuu decided to focus on her trip instead. She was finally exploring something new, and she was alone with Jamil.
Jamil chuckled and placed a finger on his lips. "That's a secret for me to know," he teased, causing Yuu to huff in annoyance. "Why don't we go down there?" Jamil said while pointing down to a crowd. 
"Lead the way," Yuu nodded, and Jamil maneuvered the carpet. He softly landed it on a random alleyway, got out, and held a hand to Yuu. The girl blushed at the sight. Jamil looked the way he did when he invited her to their adventure. "Like a prince…" she whispered.
Jamil raised an eyebrow, "What?"
Yuu let out a cough, her face red with embarrassment, "I mean, thank you." She placed her hand on his let stepped out. 
Jamil silently thanked the carpet and watched it fly off to who knows where. He turned to the Prefect. Their hands were still connected, "You ready?"
Yuu nodded her head, prompting Jamil to navigate his way through the city. They landed far from the crowd Jamil pointed to earlier, but reaching it took little time. "Whoa…" Yuu's mouth opened in awe. Multiple pairs of people danced together in a circle around a water fountain. The women were in the outer circle, and the men were in the inner circle.  
"There's a legend where a prince once danced with the princess during a party she hosted. She initially doubted him, but he moved so expertly that he impressed her." 
"But I don't know the dance."
Jamil squeezed Yuu's hand for reassurance, "You did well earlier with everyone. Plus, you have me. Just mirror my movements, and don't forget to move your wrists." 
Yuu took a breath and squeezed Jamil's hand back, "Well then. What are we waiting for? Impress me," she teased. 
Jamil smirked. "As you wish, my princess." He said and quickly joined the crowd, with Yuu following. The two positioned themselves like everyone else and began to move. Despite Yuu doubting herself earlier, she kept her eyes on Jamil and followed his lead. The Prefect could not stop her smile from forming. She was having too much fun and did not want it to end. 
Yuu spun around while Jamil bowed. Now watching the other women, Yuu grabbed the silks in her outfit and held them up, spreading the fabric like she had wings. It reminded her of the peacock design on Vil's throne in Pomefiore. She moved her body to do her dance before stopping to let Jamil do his own. The two continued exchanging dances until they both danced together. Yuu almost laughed at how easily the movements were, almost like Jamil was using his signature spell on her. The thing was, he wasn't. He danced alongside her and stared at her with an unrecognizable expression. 
Yuu was too lost in her joy to realize the dance was done. The crowd clapping pulled her out of her dream world. Suddenly, an arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her away. 
"You did well," Jamil's voice murmured next to her ear, and then she realized how close he was to her. 
"Where are we going next?" Yuu managed to say and took a step away from Jamil's grasp. Her heart was going a mile a minute, and Jamil's charm was not helping it. 
Jamil's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Whenever you want. Are you hungry?" Right on cue, Yuu's stomach let out a loud growl. Jamil chuckled, "There's your answer." He gently grabbed Yuu's hand for the nth time that night and led her through a nearby market. The two had tried and retried a variety of Scalding Sands' food. Now they could have a bigger portion without worrying about a certain cat monster eating everything. 
Yuu and Jamil continued exploring on foot up until now. The duo was flying on the magic carpet again. 
"I will never get tired of this view," Yuu said while staring at the same romantic glow as before. She turned to Jamil with a smile. "Thank you for bringing me here. I had fun."
Jamil smiled. "Your adventure is not over just yet."
Yuu raised an eyebrow. "It's not?"
Jamil chuckled. "Do you trust me, princess?"
There was the same nickname again! Yuu was internally screaming. How can a guy with a handsome face like Jamil's call her that so casually? It's like he could read her mind and knew she liked him!
"I do," Yuu said, and suddenly the carpet was moving very fast. Yuu instinctively closed her eyes and held on the carpet for dear life. 
"Don't close your eyes!" Jamil called out and gently placed a hand on Yuu's shoulder. She opened her eyes at his touch. "You're going to miss the view." He whispered. Yuu immediately turned to see it. 
Gone were Silk City's lights, but the calm ocean was in its place. Yuu was so stunned by the sight that she didn't realize the carpet had slowed down. 
"It's beautiful…." Yuu said, unaware of the grey eyes staring at her. 
"It really is," Jamil added. 
Yuu leaned forward and stared into the water. Her eyes widen in excitement at the familiar shape swimming below. 
"Dolphins!" She turned to Jamil and grabbed his shoulder, "Dolphins are swimming below us!" She went back to her original spot and looked down at the animals. 
Jamil only smiled as Yuu let her fingers graze the water. He found her excitement adorable. 
"It amazes me just how beautiful Twisted Wonderland is. There are so many amazing cultures and lands. I want to see it all."
Jamil chuckled. "I want to do the same, but we must return to NRC tomorrow."
Yuu sat up and turned to Jamil. "Is there any place near here?"
Jamil nodded and pointed to the left, "If you fly here, you can reach the Sunset Savanna." He then pointed in the opposite direction. "If you fly here, then you will reach the Shaftlands."
"That would be nice to fly there." Yuu sighed.
"I can take you there one day if no one else does."
Yuu chuckled before leaning down, placing her head on Jamil's shoulder, and intertwining his hand with hers. "That doesn't matter. Anyone could take me anywhere, and I would still want to experience it with you. We can visit it as many times as we want."
Jamil smiled. "I would love that. I promise to make your dream a reality, amirti." He brought their joined hands up and kissed the back of Yuu's hand to seal their promise.
A promise that became more later on, such as going on an adventure as husband and wife. 
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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stray-kaz · 1 year
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Fandom works! So much here...
All reader inserts are female.
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Bucky Barnes
Girl Dad
Reds and Whites
Not Even a Candle
Reparations - 18+
Prologue   One   Two   Three   Four
Snow & Ice - 18+
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine   Ten   Eleven   Twelve   Thirteen
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Frank Castle
Kiss Cam
A Touch of Crazy
Brothers In Arms
Frank Castle x Family headcanons
Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner
Time and Time and Time Again - 18+
A Baby Shower for Frankie
Two Pink Lines
Two to Tango - 18+
Baby Talk
Paper Ring
The Opposite of Soft - 18+
Gone Off Half Cocked - 18+
Butterflies On Fire
A Stitch in Time
Look Where You’re Going
I Do
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Matt Murdock
On Blind Faith - 18+
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Steve Rogers
I Love You, But... - 18+
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Shadow and Bone
Jesper Fahey
A Better Distraction - 18+ - Completed
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven   Eight   Nine   Ten   Eleven Twelve
Kiss & Tell
A Good Shot
Little Lantsov
An Unexpected Prince - sequel to Little Lantsov
Swap With Me - 18+
He’s A Criminal and He’s Mine
Safe Inside, Out of the Rain
Laundry Day
The Law of Loss
You’re The Reason I Hate Champagne
There Goes My Life - An Assortment
One Two Three Four Five Six
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Mal Oretsev
Twice Wounded - sorta 18+
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Nikolai Lantsov
Patched - 18+
All Patched Up - 18+ - sequel to Patched
Monkey in the Air
Daddy and The Fox
To Be His Queen - 18+
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Kaz Brekker
Stray - request prompt
A Murder of Crows - Miniseries
Part One Part Two
Memento Mori - request prompt
Green - request prompt
Love is a Battlefield
Set, Charge, Boom
The Magpie Verses - Completed
Take Off The Mask , Caught , The Crow and The Magpie , Unmasked
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Aleksander Morozova
Trouble Just Walked In - sorta 18+
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Matthias Helvar
Scrubbed Clean
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Tolya Yul-Bataar
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Top Gun: Maverick
Bob Floyd
A Soft Landing - 18+
Red Flag Week
Baby. On. Board.
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Jake Seresin
Out of Bounds I, II, III, IV, V, VI - 18+
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Bradley Bradshaw
Jukebox Jive
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Lockwood and Co.
George Karim
Death and Doughnuts
A Personal Experiment - 18+
Stuck in the Middle With You - 18+ - requested
Oh Dear Baby - fic idea from @the-biscuit-agreement​
Oh How Time Flies - sequel to Oh Dear Baby​
Ghosts I Get, People Are Crazy
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Anthony Lockwood
Between a Tree and a Lockwood - sorta 18+
Honey, I’m Home - 18+
His Mistake
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The Invitation
Walt de Ville
The Flower and The Serpent - 18+
one    two   three   four   five   six   seven   eight   nine   ten
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Little Women (2019)
Sugar & Spice - 18+
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Zombies (Disney)
Zed Necrodopolis
Awkward Question
Midnight Resolution - 18+
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Leo Grande
Three Day Hire - 18+
One   Two   Three   Four   Five   Six   Seven
A Very Grande Christmas
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Sky High
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The School for Good and Evil
Rafal Mistral
The Sky Is Falling
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall
Under The Blood Moon - 18+
The Heirloom and The Heir
Evil, Be Mine
You Shall Be Loved
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Rhian Mistral
The Storian’s Favour
Back from the Brink
To Sleep and Not To Wake
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Ben Hardy Characters
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Billy / Four
Hold Me Close, Don’t Let Go - 18+
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The Witcher
Chasing Fire - 18+
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One Piece Live Action
Roronoa Zoro
A Book and A Nap
Starless - 18+
First Kiss, Last Kiss
Keeping Watch - 18+
Double The Bounty - 18+ - Part One  Part Two
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Tall Blond Pacifier
Sand and Stars
Wind and Rain - 18+
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Monkey D. Luffy
First Blushes
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In The Moment
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Dance With Me
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Christmas Drabbles 2023
Scent of Pine - Shanks
Neatly Tied With A Bow - Mihawk
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice - Sanji
The Perfect Excuse - Zoro
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Happy Birthday To You
Rest and Recuperation - 18+
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Tale of the Nine Tailed
Lee Yeon
Need - 18+
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Sweet Home
Cha Hyun-su
Sunshine Part One - 17+
Let Me Do It
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A Shop For Killers
Jeong Jin-man
Time - 18+
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Ready or Not - 18+
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Original Writing
Top Drawer
Quiet Peace
359 notes · View notes
stedefxckingbonnet · 8 months
requests info/intro!
hi, everyone!
i thought i'd take a quick second to introduce myself and to also formally open up requests. i'm already working on a few things, but requests really do always help and feel free to submit them at any point--but, we'll get to all of that in a moment!
my name is lavinia, and i am a uni student studying both theatre (dramaturgy specifically) and creative writing! i love to sing, act, write (obviously haha), read (i am a huge fan of classic literature, as well as donna tartt, mona awad, sally rooney, elif bautman, and ottessa moshfegh's works), go to concerts, go to the movies, style/design clothing, paint, collect records/cds, and so much more! this barely scratches the surface really but, if any of you share these interests, always feel free to reach out!
anyhow, as i said, i will officially be opening requests, and at the moment here is the media and the characters i will write for:
Our Flag Means Death
Izzy Hands (my BELOVED)
Ed Teach
Stede Bonnet
Lucius Spriggs
Jim Jimenez
Mary Bonnet
(more available upon request! these were just sort of my first instincts.)
Gilmore Girls
honestly, i'm pretty open to anything unless it's dean. just request and i'll see what i can do!
Gossip Girl
Blair Waldorf
Serena Van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey
Nate Archibald
Chuck Bass (like sometimes)
Rufus Humphrey
more available upon request.
The Fosters/The Good Trouble
Callie Adams Foster
Mariana Adams Foster
Brandon Foster
Jamie Hunter
Gael Martinez
Dennis Cooper
Malika Williams
more available upon request.
Select Wes Anderson and Tim Burton characters. just ask!
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Little Women (2019)
Jo March
Amy March
Beth March
Meg March
Friedrich Bhaer
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anakin Skywalker
Padmé Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Ahsoka Tano
more available upon request!
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Basically me just saying I'll write Mr. Darcy. but more characters available upon request, of course.
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff and Britta I'm a little iffy on but with the right request, maybe. don't hesitate to ask!
The OC
Seth Cohen
Ryan Atwood
Summer Roberts
Marissa Cooper
The Umbrella Academy
Luther is like, not preferred for me but if you feel strongly about him and have a good request, i’ll consider it but don’t get your hopes up too high!
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
August Booth
Jefferson (The Mad Hatter)
Ruby Lucas (Red Riding Hood)
Belle French
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White)
David Nolan (Prince Charming)
Peter Pan
Robin Hood
Any others, feel free to ask! I know I left Mr. Gold (Rumple) off, but that's only because it depends with each request. Also, please specify if you want it to take place in Storybrooke pre or post curse, or in The Enchanted Forest.
any others, feel free to ask. i am just starting S2, keep that in mind.
i'll just start there for now, as honestly it's been a bit since i've written an x reader and i don't want to overwhelm myself much! but please, feel free to request at any time! I will update this frequently, as I am always either getting into new things or remembering things I already love. I am mostly dedicated to OFMD right now, but you may also leave requests for other fandoms and I will keep them on file, or who knows, perhaps even get to them sooner than you may imagine! Have a wonderful day (or night!), and don't forget to request!
yours truly,
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me filing through all of your requests (hopefully!)
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mockscreens · 2 years
hi there! i adore your lock screens! can i please get some from little women 2019 with jo and friedrich? thanks so much!
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please like/reblog if you save!
more lw 2019 lockscreens here!
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vidavalor · 4 months
Hi! I love your language metas! I would like to request one of your dives on your favorite bit of innuendo if it's not something you've already written about? Or just one you think is underrated? :D
Hi there! Thank you. Hope you're having a great day. Fun question! Please help yourself to some tea and blueberry pie. 💕
Choosing one bit would be tough but one I love and also think is underrated is Crowley's joke after Warlock's birthday party in S1 that Aziraphale has gotten a bit too friendly with his bird. It's just the one line but there's several layers happening at once, like there is with so much of this show.
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Crowley knows that the "it" that Aziraphale is referring to is The Hell Hound but he responds as if Aziraphale is referring to the prone bird that Aziraphale is tapping near where it would carry baby birds. In the midst of it, the bird is close to death while a joke about it having had sex with Aziraphale is being made is-- a reference to orgasm as "the little death" and its contrast with actual death that recurs throughout the series.
Birds, though, obviously don't have menstrual cycles the way that some humans who can become pregnant do so you wouldn't say a bird is "late" to refer to it is as pregnant but you would say that about a human. Also in here is the English slang of referring to women as "birds"-- so, Crowley's playing with human language that doesn't know how close it is to reality. The joke here being that Aziraphale is an angel, which is both kind of a bird and a human being at once, and that, as a human being, he's not know as a great seducer of women not named Crowley lol so Crowley's jokingly explaining the birds and the bees of bird sex to the bird-and-human-like angel with whom he has human sex on the regular. The bird getting pregnant is what "comes of putting it up your sleeve" and letting it neck him when, as even though Aziraphale is fully in his human corporation, he's also kind of a bird as an angel. Crowley obviously knows that Aziraphale has no such intentions where this bird is concerned but the humor relating to the bizarreness of their existence is too good to pass up.
The bird is a dove, in the pigeon family, and they mate by the female selecting a mate from the male birds, who all preen themselves and puff out their chests and angle themselves in an effort to look good and be selected. Once the female chooses, the two birds preen and nuzzle one another by kind of tapping their beaks around the shoulder/breast/neck areas of one another. This the dove foreplay here that leads into bird sex and is what Crowley is referencing by saying that Aziraphale let the bird in his clothes enough to get all up on him.
Additionally, the phrase "up your sleeve" is a funny choice because of Aziraphale as a magician literally putting things up his sleeves as part of his magic tricks but the phrase also meaning to hold something back and keep it secret-- as if Aziraphale has been hiding a torrid affair with this bird from him.
What's very cute in here is that Crowley's quip is, on one level, just about the bird mating dance and less about the actual mating. The joke is designed to sound in tone on one level like well, that's what happens when you have unprotected bird sex with your magic trick dove, Aziraphale... but since the bit he's referencing is more the bird mating dance foreplay thing, it's actually also really just calling Aziraphale hot-- as in, the bird got pregnant just by being let up Aziraphale's sleeve. The angel's so hot that's all it took.
This is made funnier after S2 by the fact that Aziraphale's magician's assistant in 1941 was Crowley himself, who is then, in 2019, jokingly faux-jealous about being replaced in the magic show by another bird who is getting far too friendly with Aziraphale for Crowley's comfort. The one thing Crowley's going to get possessive about are the nuzzly Aziraphale snuggles. The joke really also has a light air of: That bloody pigeon is getting more of a canoodle than I am today, angel... the number of snake babies I've nearly had slithering around your vest and here you are, letting any old dove off the street cop a feel, you shameless tart.
Also might be why the S2 dance has so much shoulder and preening on Aziraphale's part here. 😂 Tongue-in-cheek mating dance with Aziraphale's preferred bird, who chose him ages ago, and who is just grateful this already stressful party doesn't also include another bird groping his husband.
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littlewomenpodcast · 3 months
Everything Wrong In Little Women 2019
On day to day basis I get so many requests to make a little women 2019 roast. I am convinced that Gerwig has not even opened Little Women. For this discussion I am joined by wonderful Christina from https://www.tumblr.com/joandfriedrich suggested that we would do a ranking. I hope you guys enjoy our discussions.
Christina: At the moment the first one is 1994. I don’t think much is going to change because we both know, what our dead last is. Last in this ranking is the 2019 version. There is no discussion on that. It is dead last.
Niina: When you asked me, can we do a ranking I was like, do we have to watch the 2019? No!
Christina: No. That movie has grained my brain so much. There are times when I just randomly think about it and I am just like..what in the world. Nobody but me, I am just sitting in my room…I hate that. That moment. Someone brought it up and I was like right I forgot. I told my mom when we were watching it the first time. I said you know. Don’t trick me, because they added these little things and I am like ”Oh that was in the book, I have never seen anyone doing” but then I think about it and it is just not right. Somebody mentioned that in the book, at some point Amy wants to expand her art skills, beyond painting. She tries to do sculpting and she puts plaster into a bucket and puts her foot in it. She is trying to learn how to do that. That is the motivation behind it. In the 2019 film, Amy’s motivation is to do something to Laurie to remind him of her pretty feet.
Niina: Jeez.
Christina: Just so you know everybody, in 2019 Laurie had a foot fetish. Apparently. When I saw that, I was like Oh my god! It just keeps getting worse. I just look back on it and I re-evaluate a lot of things I thought were okay. I have seen a lot of reviews that are like ”Oh I thought that apron scene was pretty good” and I am like ”Was it though”? Now that I am thinking about it. It wasn’t as hot and heavy as people try to make it be. Pride and Prejudice hand flexing scene it is not! That film is a train wreck and it is rightfully at the bottom of the list.
Niina: It’s funny about that foot thing because I was thinking like..well if we have this Amy who in the movie is twenty-something. Why would a twenty-something person give a sculpture of their foot to a guy? That doesn’t make any sense.
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