#i could put 2gether a whole list of red flags for pagan and cottagecore blogs you wanna avoid
leathermouthfag · 5 years
hey, u don't have to answer this if u don't want to obviously, but I was wondering if u could elaborate on what u mean by "folkish" Norse pagens/heathens (from your dni)?
sure thing! this is going to be a long post, there's gonna be a lot of frank discussion of racism and nazis, and i don't know how to add a read more, so be warned
some background: tons of nazis and white nationalists are really drawn to norse paganism because it's easy to paint the gods as symbols of white power (regardless of basically everything we know of the myths, but you cannot try to bring logic into hate. you can't try to rationalise it). they've stolen a lot of symbols to the point where thor's hammer, specific runes, and runic writing as a whole are registered as hate symbols by the anti-defamation league. you get hate groups (soldiers of odin is the only one that i can remember off the top of my head, but there are a lot more) popping up, skinheads use a lot of norse and norse-inspired imagery, a lot of white power/white pride symbols are (or are designed to look like) norse pagan symbols. this is something that's been happening since the 1930s (the ss logo is 2 sowilo runes).
then you get people who will swear they aren't racist, but norse paganism/heathenry/whatever you want to call it (note: i'm very wary of people who say ásatrú in the usa, and people who use odinism/wotanism/etc are nazis) is just something that only white europeans (specifically germanic/scandinavian, but they really only care about skin colour) can do. it all has to do with "homelands" and "ancestry" and "intrinsic genetic links to culture and homeland" (that last one is straight up nazi ideology, btw. like. in the Shoah and genocide class i took last year, we spent a week just discussing it).
these people are "folkish" and there are some different degrees of folkish, but they're all racist. heathenry is NOT a closed practice (like Vodou, and many Indigenous religions). anyone can practice it regardless of race or culture, and saying otherwise draws into nazi ideology.
my gods are very important to me, and it hurts to see them used in the way they are.
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