#i could've written double or triple
cyanidehog · 1 year
Hello! Could I request some yandere Silver the hedgehog headcanons? If not that’s okay, I totally understand. Have a good day!
BLOG'S 1ST request is for my favorite boy <333 thank you for kickstarting off my writing with this ! no spellchecking we die like (redacted)
⤷ “ i swear to you. as long as i’m by your side, you’ll never be harmed. ” [ ♡ 1.2k words -- SILVER + READER. ]
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> first of all: worst hedgehog to have after you. he literally jumps through time. whether you are a civilian or an overpowered entity, you're screwed. not in a physical sense—he values your freedom and your dignity. it's just... you won't be able to avoid his advances. silver knows you better than you do yourself. after years of studying you, he'll have figured what makes you snap, what makes you melt, and the little intricacies that weave your past. then he'll drop himself back to a point in time where your relationship was still amicable and he'll sweep you up with a winner smile, using up every detail he soaked up in conversation about your person as a stepping stone.
> how you met is inconsequential. it could've been simple happenstance aided by your curiosity, or thanks to amy introducing you at an event. whatever the reason, you come to know of silver's plights and circumstances.
> silver latches onto you with a hunger because of your care and interest in his well-being. it's not that people aren't welcoming, or haven't been kind to him and blaze, of course not. there's been warmth aplenty in sonic's timeline. what sets you apart are the extra lengths you go to for his accommodation in a world alien to him and the love you display in different gestures: cooking him a sprawling dinner (a banquet of cultures, really!) or tidying up a place for him to crash at if need be; spending hours explaining history and the current state of affairs to a being completely removed from the context of modern society and common knowledge; finding time in your schedule to go places together and make albums of memories... the list could go on. you really tried your best for your friend - silver who'd never seen a tree or a valley or a flower... how could you not?
> you won't ever have fights with him. it's surreal and fantastical. he always, always has a hand in guiding you to a pleasant time. attentive and sweet and teasing, silver knows how to rile you up into feverish delight and how to soothe any nerves and doubts of yours. it's slightly unfair, actually, because at times you wish you could have the same tact and coolness he displays. whenever you express the want to make him happy he gets touchier and more joyful than usual, so you count that as a little win of yours. it is nice to brighten the day of someone who treats you fondly. and the tiny, furiously wagging tail is an endearing sight.
> your like or dislike for physical touch will define how he starts showing affection to you. if you're fine with it, silver won't hesitate to caress your back or shoulder, will lock arms with you on walks, and say goodbye with a peck to your temple. warm and strong hugs will be commonplace. you'll find yourself encased in embraces far too tender and embarrassing to remain cool-headed. and the average distance between you two will shrink every week. slowly but surely.
> if you are averse to it, he'll do his best to keep his hands to himself… though if you fall asleep in his vicinity, he'll slide a hand or two through your face and play a little with your features. it will be innocent enough to sate his need for your warmth. for a while. he'll get into the habit of playing with your fingers or tugging your clothes for attention. might develop a fondness for spaces full of people, if only to feel you leaning on him thanks to the moving multitudes. he'll also steal trinkets or inconspicuous articles of clothing that belong to you. he won't realize it, but not having your touch will starve him terribly, and he'll try to have his fill in other ways.
> you call him silvie and he's about to bust an aneurysm. his face catches on fire to the point he thinks it might be a heatstroke, and the real possibility of him fainting grows exponentially. he gives you a very personal nickname. some inside joke between the two of you. will whisper it only when you are both alone.
> he's devoted? dedicated? invested? in your friendships and emotional health. scratch that. like rotisserie chicken, his brain rotates worries about your daily life and physical and mental health to the point of burning itself to a crisp. he fears not having control over your joys. he gets literally sick ruminating on whether or not you are getting your due sleep, your due rewards, or your deserved love from those around you. he'll be a smidge too sharp on picking up changes in your mood and mentions of acquaintances and buddies and family. he probably has a journal with graphical maps on your relationships and other miscellanea. has filled up the margins with ideas on how to cheer you up and keep everything in check. whatever that means, or entails.
> HAHA if you get sick? if you get sick you'll sooner perish from silver's overwhelming presence by your side than from your illness. it's here that his obsession bleeds through enough to be alerted by. he gets super fussy over who's coming over and what you're eating. feels like it's his duty to schedule your time indoors and outdoors, and to make several lists of activities and meals and exercises for your speedy recovery. will have restocked your pantry and fridge with your favorite snacks and fruits before you know it (how did you know this is my fave, silvie? to which he replies: oh - isn't this what besties are for?) and areas such as the bathroom or your kitchen will be cleaned thrice as fervently. he's going to be around so often that you'll stumble across his toothbrush or his towel neatly organized along with your stuff. and yes he will give a subtle nudge towards the idea of being roomies, and having sleepovers, and movie nights, and so on. he won't be moving his stuff out even after you recover.
> anyway - silver is a protective, obsessive, manipulative and insidious yandere. your needs will most certainly be met when he's around and he'll try to elevate you into a lil pedestal while trying to improve your lifestyle in ways he thinks are the best. you won't have to worry about threats (eggman's or others') because he'll make sure you live in a peaceful and beautiful world. if he ever has to travel to accomplish this he'll make sure to return with a plethora of gifts and stories to share. but he'll worm and dig and root his way through your barriers and reservations until you rely on him, to some degree or other. he'll be... soft and good for you.
> and... you'll never have to know about all the screw ups in a different timeline. if silver has committed a chain of overlapping atrocities trying to monopolize your affection, how would you ever find out? you'll never know the depravities he has executed on others, nor the kind of abnormality he is a slave to. he'll always be just silver to you.
> so please, please, please. don't look at anybody else with tender love in your eyes. don't break his heart and make him crawl on his knees. don't make him screw the world over for a few crumbs of your time, and everything will be just perfect.
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djservo · 4 months
crashes in in a fashionably late kind of way.. january is finally over!! 31 days felt like 300 but now that we’re on the other side of it, what books did you read to start 2024? what was the vibe any standouts has it changed what’s on the horizon?
I've started keeping a physical calendar again so you'd think having the month splayed out in front of me so directly and constantly would be grounding but week after week I was just like Omg how is there More.... we made it thru tho god bless xx January was fun!!
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in terms of my pre-planned monthly reading themes, January was a grace period where I let my whims guide me so I'm surprised at how many themes incidentally overlapped?? Naomi Klein referencing The Fire Next Time, the theme of internet doubles and online dark corners in Doppelganger essentially being the core of The Sluts, the dark spiraling mystery of The Sluts akin to the dark spiraling mystery of Mysterious Skin, yada yada yada. I luv when the dots inadvertently connect!! right place right time vibe!!
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
it's been really nice starting my reading off with Baldwin these past few years, something grounding about immersing myself in sharp indictments of the US amidst the usual new year wide-eyed blitheness. this one was only 2 essays but both gripped me just as much as his longer collections. I imagine it's hard to sort of reframe arguments, pleas, and points you've been talking about for years when things still haven't changed, but each new (to me) Baldwin essay reads so fresh in the way that he contextualizes these core points within different interactions + relationships. I think Ive said this before but it's also so rewarding to read an author's works chronologically because you can kind of follow how their frame of mind sharpens/adapts throughout the years and in a way you grow with them, and his first essay (a letter to his nephew) kinda feels like the culmination of that growth laid out with such care. super special
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
totallyyyyyy consumed + dizzied by this wow I can't believe it took me this long to read Naomi Klein. I think I'd been intimidated by the size of her books + my incorrect assumption that something so research-heavy (bc boy does she research!) will read too dense, but everything here was laid out and tied together so smoothly + accessibly (I feel like I use that word a lot for nonfiction which is probably my subconscious quest to entice ppl to read more nonfiction hehe) This read like partial investigative deep dive into the online world of conspiracy theories/Qanon cesspools + partial mystery novel about her own experience with Naomi Wolf (her 'doppelganger')?? idk it feels weird to relate someone's lived experience to a spectacle like that but it really was like edge of seat level curiosity/uncertainty/etc. just so engrossing and thorough and THRILLING, the epilogue made me gasp!!!
Leslie F*cking Jones by Leslie Jones
my one + only spotify audiobook experience, cut short amid the last chapter bc I ran out of hours and no longer am a spotify premium user so I just read the rest </3 but that turned out to be fun bc I saw what a stark difference it was to listen vs. read this. the audio rules bc Leslie totally goes off script to add anecdotes (one of the reviews was like 'she was NOT reading what was written!!' LMAO so true.. and I love her for that!!) + an emotional depth I don't think could've been sufficiently captured in written form - her laughter and her palpable anger and her literally crying over... such a robust journey! I was an SNL fan basically my whole life til I went to college so I always love stories about it and I really admire how she didn't hold back in her criticisms. I feel like former members (especially those somewhat fresh off the slab in a way) feel like they have to be eternally grateful to their experience when so much of it is so clearly draining and thankless. doubled expectations because she's a woman, tripled because she's a Black woman, and therefore expected to just bend over and take it (her words) but she never does!! she never tries to compromise her own experiences like "this happened... but at least this happened too and they actually were nice in this way-" NO!! she compartmentalizes the good and the bad so distinctly so there's no misunderstanding, and I just really really admire that, the lack of kissing ass in an industry where that's practically what fuels your career/reputation!! she rocks + is such a funny storyteller+ I'm so glad I listened to this
The Sluts by Dennis Cooper
ofc had to squeeze my old man in... I think this was actually the book to first put Cooper on my radar so it was super fulfilling to finally get to it (even tho I devoured it in just 2 days.. a shame bc it was a slay to read this in public) Supremely up my alley with its 2000s internet mystique, the perfect backdrop for a twisted mystery + ruminations of Internet As Performance Art™, the internet as roleplay, what's real + what's just fantasy/fetish, etc etc. so so so good and while still sick and horrifying as his writing is known for, perhaps the most readable for an uninitiated reader of Cooper's works?? even then I'd say this is still for a very particular reader tho idk i can never get a pulse on what a majority of readers are into these days!! I really loved this though and I'm sure it'll be in my top 5 for the year thank u once again for the twisted ride denny !!!
My People Shall Live by Leila Khaled, George Hajjar
feels more like political ethnography than personal memoir. there is some of Leila's backstory and family and personal relationships sprinkled in (her husband is given maybe 5 lines total LOL), but so much of her being is clearly centered around Palestinian resistance + revolution, so recounting her political work within a collective was her truest form of autobiography as that was indeed her life/livelihood. wild to read how intense she was even from childhood, how Down she was to sacrifice things and put herself on the line... literally getting plastic surgery after hijacking a plane in order to be able to get involved in more demonstrations without being recognized like god!!! intense life-altering decisions and it's like she doesn't even bat an eye or show any regrets/wistful 'what if i hard a 'normal' life?'!! that eric andre margaret thatcher meme but instead "do you think leila khaled effectively utilized girl power by hijacking a plane?'' LOL I mean... ! 🤭
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
SILLY + ABSURD!!! a bit of a hike to get there but once I hit it, it was hard to put this down (as is my experience with a lot of classics, I find) I think I really enjoy magical realism rooted in political/cultural landscapes, or maybe I just really like wacky shit (it made me think a bit of Catch-22 which I also had fun with!!) + this didn't disappoint!! truly giggled aloud at some parts, the ridiculousness of it all!!! makes me wanna deep dive into the history of the Soviet Union but I feel like I'll need to clear at least an entire month for that .... will have to plan accordingly 👩‍🔬
Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim
heartbreaking and dark but handled with a lot of care. I guessed the "twist" (which feels indelicate to call it that but I cant think of another word rn) early on but I think that just heightened the slow unraveling of it + made it that much more emotionally grueling to get thru. perhaps that was even the point! I'd been meaning to watch the movie for like over a decade at this point but wanted to read it first so now having read and watched it I'm glad it was now vs. me at 10 or whenever bc dumb tween me likely wouldn't have processed it well enough and the darkness would've overshadowed the journey itself. sometimes it's important to wait I guess is what I'm trying to say!!!
I definitely want to squeeze in another Naomi Klein this year if possible, maybe some Russian/Ukrainian lit. I've focused on Baldwin's nonfiction these past years so I might pick up a fiction of his this month + ofc Cooper wherever I can squeeze him <3
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petit-papillion · 2 months
Can I ask you why you didn't like the article? Just curious
Oh of course you can ask me. 😊 This is about this Vogue Italia article, in case anyone is wondering.
I didn't like the article much because I felt it was a fluff piece that just rehashed a lot of stuff and didn't add anything new. Sure, perhaps that's needed for the target audience as they may be mainly into fashion and not into F1, but it felt a little all over the place. Maybe something is lost in translation, but it seemed to me that it was going to dive deeper into something (e.g. mentioning his "personal brand"), but then neglecting to mention CLACE, or his collaborations with Nahmias, or including how he and Carlos have modeled clothes for Ferrari. I think they could've gone a little deeper into Charles's passion for fashion, maybe asking him about some of his bolder fashion choices, how he decides what to pack for the double/triple header races, fashion choices he regrets, whatever. Anything to make this a bit more interesting to the reader. It's clear they didn't interview him at all for this piece, and frankly, I could've written it myself sitting out on my patio.
The main article was a lot better, touching on Lewis's influence of bringing fashion into F1, and mentioning various women breaking through in different areas of the racing sport. I liked that article.
Full disclosure: I hadn't read the main article yet when I did my griping about the Vogue article and asked to bring GQ back. That said, any excuse will do to bring GQ back:
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deadbeatbirdmom · 3 months
Yeah, on top of the rather limited context & options visible to Yang when she noticed that horrid little scene, Adam wasn't *just* threatening Blake. He'd already put a hole in her torso. Which might well have been fatal on its own, 'cause I refuse to believe the man was Just That Precise. Dude gambled with her goddamn life to bait that trap & put 'she might be dying *right now*' in the romantic rival's head. Hell, he almost did the same thing to make Blake intervene for that other downed student. And for years afterward fan wags were acting like either bee could've somehow Known Better. Sheesh.
It's definitely just as well Blake still had Aura, and got herself and Yang to safety and some medical treatment not long after that. Gut wounds are dangerous things, and I think where Blake was stabbed almost certainly counts as one. Granted I'm not an expert when it comes to anatomy, but I think it's safe to say Adam was threatening Blake's life. Especially considering he tried to behead her when she got between him and Yang.
I'm rather glad that I haven't come across anything saying Blake should've known better than to try to stop Adam from killing that student. I can believe that it has been said, though, because it's so similar to Yang being written off as reckless for trying to intervene after he stabbed Blake.
I just... what were they supposed to have done? Was Blake supposed to have run away and let Adam kill that poor student? Was Yang supposed to keep her cool when Adam might've gone for a more immediately lethal stab to Blake next? Should Yang have called for help? By the time it came, Blake might well have been dead, and Yang too. I think they both did the best they could.
It might've gone better if Blake had warned Yang about Adam's Semblance, and if Yang had been fresh to that fight. She wasn't. She'd already fought her way there through Grimm and the White Fang, and her mind had to be clouded by the double whammy of being framed and Blake at first not believing her. Oh wait, triple whammy, because Qrow also dropped a hard truth on her about Raven and how she only saves those she's linked to once. And guess what, Yang? You already had your save. That and Qrow didn't believe Yang either, so I think it's safe to say Yang was already having a bad day before she saw Blake stabbed and then lost her arm.
I'm not blaming Blake, though. Because she had no idea Yang would ever face Adam. She didn't see it coming when the White Fang attacked Beacon. The most she knew was that they were working with Torchwick, and he'd been arrested. She thought they were safe.
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taviokapudding · 8 months
I like the fact that celebrities, politicians, and high ranking people are actively exposing themselves by not shutting up and taking time to educate themselves; not only do you learn they lack the basic knowledge of using Google and put too much trust in their pr teams/staff, but you realize they're so wealthy and so detached from actually understanding reality that they walk out way stupider than whatever dumb shit you've done in life up until now
Kim Kardashian is an Armenian who's publicly sided with Israel, Joe Biden had to admit he lied to the US masses about what he said about Palestinians a week prior, and Jamie Lee Curtis shared images of Palestinian children in danger and Gaza's devastation with pro Israel captions to name a few examples
I've had the wisdom for the past 14yrs to learn about the last 75/76ish years in partly (and sadly) real time while all these grown ass adults double my age, triple my income and quadruple the resources actively chose not too. I might be a bit of a girl failure, hopeless romantic, and socially awkward, but I will never be embarrassed ever again about any of my past cringeness or ignorance ever again knowing there's adults who are genuine failures.
All those who side with a corrupt far right government who's
appropriating Judaism to justify their violence
brain washing their nation's people for multiple generations with false information & propaganda
who knowingly funded the creation of Hamas
and has very publicly documented ethnic cleansing that's lead one of the biggest ongoing humanitarian crises and daily growing under 18 orphan population
are actually an embarrassment to society at large. Doubly Kim, I know Disney's writers wishes they could've written that plot twist.
The crows & cats who keep taking down the Israeli flags are the universe's omens that will come true. And if you live in a nation who's government sided with ethnic cleansing, be wary for what they are doing, what they are hiding in plain sight, and what they want to do to you and your neighbors if given the opportunity.
Also all 700+ of the US entertainment industry who sided with ongoing ethnic cleansing, I cast unemployment, bankruptcy, career implosion, divorce, and psychologically devastating loneliness for the rest of your lives
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