#i couldn't resist it
ltorekdraws · 1 year
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ad-1812 · 6 months
careful with the volume
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radiobelle-bitxch · 3 months
Okay so... hear me out
We know Charlie has daddy issues, and Alastor has very likely some heavily repressed mommy issues, because Viv said he's was a momma boy so...
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So... in a very fucked up way... they compliment their codependency together.
Truly a match made in hell 😏
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meep-meep-richie · 10 months
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Oh my god not the goddamn midhapocalypse
I'm sorry, the dannypocalyspe was merely a test run to prepare you for this, this is the real deal
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stingslikeabee · 2 years
@runladybugrun . from here
She had been incredibly lucky to have arrived the moment she did - had Melissa appeared a minute later on that part of the beach, she might have missed the pleading hand of the child that was so close to drowning when the weather suddenly turned and the sea got dangerous. The ex-hostess had time but to assure Maria she was feeling fine through her earpiece before running towards the water, her mission forgotten for a moment while she shouted for help in her native English.
Given the storm approaching, some people did not hear her - but the sight of an anguished woman by the beach did not go unnoticed by some of the surfers who saw the brunette coming towards the waves that got more aggressive with each minute. Melissa was in normal clothes - nothing too flashy, but she did look out of place when everyone around had colorful swimwear on; her shorts and shirt (and the poor sneakers, soaked and muddied with the wet sand) were beginning to give her a chill when the rain started, but she didn’t stop calling for aid.
Finally, someone appeared to understand what she was screaming and pointing towards; a surfer went over to the place where she had last seen the kid and Melissa waited. The ex-hostess’ hands were moving constantly, trying to keep chestnut locks away from the eyes and trying to distract herself from how agitated the beating organ in her chest felt. It wasn’t like she had anything to do with the girl in the sea, but the idea of a kid drowning was horrifying; as a child, she had seen one of her sisters going through a similar episode at the family house’s pool and it was impossible to ignore the memories that rushed back.
At long last - one of the guys from earlier resurfaced, his arm bringing a smaller body with him towards the sand. A couple of other people approached, and finally - the parents. A couple came forward, yelling with clear desperation and they all met where the waves were no longer a threat, kneeling on the sand and welcoming their daughter back with grateful tears and effusive appreciation for the men who had brought their child back. She was conscious - scared, with more water in her lungs than one would appreciate, but fine.
It was only when Melissa sighed in relief to see the little girl rescued that her head turned to take a good look at the main savior - and her heart almost stopped. Ladybug. Younger, of course, but it was undoubtedly him - the selfless side; the long golden hair; the voice that sounded so warm and the smile that could definitely power up a small city.
As fate would have it - she had found him; and thanks to her being there, a life had been saved. Melissa laughed, hiding her face into both hands and amazed at the precision of their encounter, meanwhile missing the way he approached her. The kid was now in the care of her parents, things were under control and the weather was too bad for surfing. But... What was she doing there? With these clothes, no relationship to the girl whatsoever?
‘Excuse me, but - you’re not a guardian angel, are you? You look like one but I see no wings.’
The brunette raised her head - and it was him alright; a lovely smile and a look that translated some sort of concern. The ex-hostess couldn’t blame Ladybug: she probably looked like a wreck after the rain picked up, and she just laughed at his chosen line of introduction. Up this close - by God, Melissa wanted to hug him, kiss him, tell him that everything would be alright.
But she couldn’t - so instead she just offered her first name and joked that a bee would be the closest thing she’d ever be given the fact she was called ‘Melissa’; he seemed to find it amusing and countered with his own name - Jack Daniel, a clever idea by his (slightly alcoholic) mother.
Jack - his name was Jack. And ironically enough, not once had she given him such a common name during all the time they spent together in Tokyo.
He asked her for a moment then - just enough to discard his wetsuit and change into better clothes, but he could get her out of the storm for a little while; it was the least he could do to repay her for saving a total stranger’s life - not many people were that kind. Melissa couldn’t believe her luck - she had worried about approaching him and earning his trust before making the ‘jump’, as Maria had called it; but the universe was just having him finding her instead, and inviting the brunette to tag along.
This was meant to be, right?
Jack changed fast into clothes that now didn’t make the woman look so alien; another joke followed about the fact that neither whiskey or honey mixed very well with such heavy rain (although there was a follow-up line there about whiskey and honey, she was sure - Melissa herself carried some bottles like that back at her club) and he motioned towards this cabin close by, taking her by the hand and leading the woman through the quickest and safest path there.
Once they were safe from the wind and the cold - the towel. The ladybug pattern. Melissa found herself frozen to the spot, trembling soft under the weight of all these coincidences and feeling the cogs in her brain turning; was this a side-effect of the time travel? Was she supposed to feel so moved and so strongly emotional to see these things and suggestions of who he would be in the future?
The hug - by God, it helped; it grounded Melissa again, and she found herself inhaling the air sharply. It came with a mix - the mold of bits of the furniture, the salt from the sea, the petrichor itself and him. Years later down the road, and the ex-hostess would feel something similar - this mixture of scents that was never sufficiently overpowered by cologne or soap - just him.
Melissa’s trembling subdued - if the hug had been fueled by Jack’s instinct, the same went for how the woman’s face went to his chest, burying her visage there for a second. Maybe it all felt like too much - too familiar, too intimate for two strangers, but fortunately the woman was a good actress; the trauma of the near-drowning experience seemed like a good justification.
“...Yeah. This helps, actually,” she said with a hint of a chuckle, sighing deeply before pulling apart a little, but not entirely out of his range; his body heat was indeed comforting, after all, “I’m sorry, Jack. I have younger sisters and I once saw one of them going through something similar and... Let’s just say that that girl was lucky you were out there.”
The last words were uttered with conviction, the brunette sniffling thanks to the chill that had successfully penetrated her body despite Jack’s best efforts. It wasn’t like the shed was very well insulated either, “But you were more of a guardian angel than I was. Or rather a guardian... Fish? Dolphin? Badass merman?” she offered her best attempts, but ultimately laughed at them all. Melissa wasn’t nearly as skilled at coming with these analogies as Ladybug had been in her time (a talent he had possessed since the beginning, apparently).
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powpowee · 2 months
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I like them
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anonymousdandelion · 1 year
Reblog for a larger sample size for no sample size at all, because obviously nobody will vote
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six-tooth · 6 months
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Zoob is fed up with that rabbit twink
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feluka · 5 months
In front of the Journalists' Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt, on 15th January 2024.
The crowd chants:
مصر مشاركة في الحصار معبر بيننا و بين اهالينا الصهيوني متحكم فينا طول ما الدم العربي رخيص يسقط يسقط اي رئيس عملوها احفاد مانديلا و احنا فخوف و فعار و مزلة عايزين المعبر مفتوح
Egypt participates in this siege! A crossing between us and our people! Controlled by Zionists! As long as Arab blood is seen as cheap, Any and every president must fall! Mandela's grandchildren have done it, While we are seized by fear, shame, and humiliation! We demand Rafah Crossing open!
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theworldisaplace · 4 months
with apologies to lewis carroll
The Walrus and her Fairy friend Were strolling down the block; They paused and then debated on Which one of them should knock: ‘You know, this might be easier If we just pick the lock!'
‘If I’m the one to do it And they find me standing here, Do you suppose,' the Walrus asked, That they would shriek in fear?' The Fairy said ‘I bet they would,’ And shed a bitter tear.
The Walrus and the Fairy then Walked on a little more, And came upon the house That they’d identified before. They flipped a coin to see which one Would now approach the door.
‘O Tumblrina, let me in!' The Walrus did beseech. ‘A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk, For I have much to teach.’ (The sounds of this discussion Were within the Fairy’s reach.)
The Tumblr user looked at him, But never a word they said: Too wowed by this new circumstance To even shake their head. ‘Would you prefer,’ the Walrus sighed, A Fairy’s knock instead?’
‘The time has come,' the Fairy said, Accepting his new role, ‘We must admit this visit Is in service of a goal.’ And then the two together cried, ‘We’re here to take a poll!’
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dreemurr-reborn · 5 months
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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there he is !!
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asukachii · 1 year
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( ◓-◓ )(◝ ◡ ◜V)
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post this gif somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use it in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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little-pondhead · 1 year
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hellaleg · 5 months
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time lord victorious but make it slutty
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