#i couldn't think of a name for the baby so little fucker it is haha give me name suggestions and maybe we'll christen her together
archangeldyke-all · 7 months
you think pitlover have the technology to make 2 woman have a kid? ( no need a men like only the 2 woman's)
it be so pretty
I want sevika's baby.
i don't see why not! hope u like this!
men and minors dni
sevika would be hesitant the first time you bring up kids.
it's not like she hasn't thought about it before. she loves you, you love her, what better way to celebrate and expand that love than by adding your own baby into the mix?
it's not like she doesn't love the idea. a baby with your eyes and her nose? with your hair and her temperament? she wonders what your baby would call the two of you. 'mom' for both of you? sevika's partial to 'mama.' she knows you'd love 'mommy,' knows your heart would break the day your kid gets old enough to demote you to 'mom.' she laughs at the thought.
so yeah... she's definitely thought about it. it gives her butterflies and makes her heart swell each time she does. but she's also scared.
she's scared of the potential complications of pregnancy, the potential complications of birth. she's scared of losing you. she's scared that the little baby will grow up to hate her, that she'll be just as shit at being a mom as her old man was at being a dad.
so you let her think on it. you guys have all the time in the world to make a decision.
but once you put the thought in her head, it's all she can think about. you figure you guys will talk about it again a few years down the road, but sevika brings it up on a weekly basis.
"we'd have to, like... babyproof the whole house." sevika grunts out over dinner one evening. you raise an eyebrow.
"for what?"
"if we have kids." she says, confused at your confusion.
the next week, as the two of you are out shopping together, she stops in front of a pair of baby shoes. "their feet are really that tiny?" she asks as she gazes down at the itty bitty boots. you laugh and kiss her cheek, tugging her along toward the produce.
a few weeks later, you two are out at dinner when a woman comes in with a newborn strapped to her chest. sevika's eyes trail over to the sleeping baby for the rest of the night, a soft smile on her lips.
she catches you admiring her gentle gaze and rolls her eyes at you.
"you totally want a baby, don't you?" you tease her from across the table. she shrugs.
you're pregnant by the end of the month.
she has her appointment first, and you hold her hand the whole time she's in the stirrups.
she does the same for you the next week when it's your turn.
it's a success on the first attempt, and sevika's so excited and happy that she cries in the doctor's office as she delivers the good news.
she wraps you up into a bear hug, pressing kisses all over you.
that night, you wake up to sevika petting your stomach, looking down at you in awe. you giggle as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
"nothing's gonna change down there for a few weeks, honey." you tell her. "go to bed." you say, pulling her down to lay on top of you. she nuzzles her head into your tits where she always sleeps, but doesn't bring her arm up to cup your free breast. instead, she keeps it planted on your stomach, drawing small circles in the skin until she's asleep.
your first month is easy-- you have barely any symptoms. but at the beginning of month two, you start getting horrible morning sickness.
sevika refuses to let you puke alone. even when you're grumpy and hormonal and want to be alone, she'll endure all your bitching and cursing to rub your back and keep your hair from falling in your face.
she buys you a little padded stool so you don't have to sit on the cold tile when you're throwing up in the toilet. she always brings you mouthwash and water when you're done, helping you off the floor and giving you a big hug.
month three rolls around and your sense of smell goes crazy. sevika comes home from work one day and you vomit at the smell of stale cigarettes trailing after her.
"i only smoked one!"
"you smell like you smoked a pack in a parked car with the windows up." you groan into the toilet bowl. this is one of very few times sevika's not sitting beside you while you vomit-- because she's in the shower beside you scrubbing the scent away from her skin.
she gives up smoking that night. completely. quits cold turkey. you've been trying to get her to give up the horrible habit since you started dating years ago, and she managed to cut her consumption way down but could never quite kick the habit. (and besides the cigar she and silco share in the parking lot of the hospital after you give birth, she never smokes again.)
it's not all miserable, though. as the morning sickness fades and your second trimester rolls around, your libido skyrockets-- which sevika is thrilled about.
she's also thrilled about the way your tits are swelling, the way your belly's starting to grow. she's just as needy for you as you are for her, obsessed with your changing body, unable to keep her hands to herself
most exciting of all though, is finding out the baby's sex. sevika's shaking in excitement in the waiting room of the doctor's office. she can't decide if she wants a boy or girl more.
"i think i want a boy." she decides. you smile at her, intertwining your fingers.
"oh, yeah?" you ask. she sighs.
"i don't know!" she's giddy. "maybe a girl will be better." you giggle.
"the good news is it's not up to you." you say. she huffs.
"well what do you think?" she asks. you roll your eyes. she's asked you this a thousand times.
"you know i think it's a girl. i'm carrying too high for it to be a boy." sevika scoffs beside you.
"that's just a myth." she says, rolling her eyes.
it's a girl. sevika cries from joy. the doctor leaves to give you a minute to collect yourselves, and sevika tries to fuck you right then and there.
"a girl. a girl's perfect. our baby girl." she whipsers in awe as she presses kisses down your neck.
you manage to pry her off you long enough to get to the car, but she doesn't let you guys leave the parking lot before getting her mouth on you.
that night, you wake up to sevika hovering over you, studying you, her hand tracing patterns on your stomach. it's become a familiar sight to wake up to. "my girls." she whispers, leaning down to kiss your belly then up to kiss your lips.
your third trimester is uncomfortable.
you feel huge. you struggle to move. you have to pee all the fucking time.
sevika's patient and kind with you. she massages your sore ankles and tits every evening, helps you waddle to and from the bathroom all throughout the nights.
you're exhausted and bloated and swollen and achy all the time. baby brain makes you confused and disoriented, and sometimes you just cry about it all.
sevika never laughs at you, never tells you to stop. she just holds you and kisses you and tells you how fucking proud she is of you.
she's always making sure you know how sexy she finds you. she genuinely thinks you're at your hottest eight and a half months pregnant, covered in hormonal acne and struggling to stand on your own.
the fact that you're making a baby turns her on, the fact that you're carrying her baby makes her a little crazy . she kisses every new stretchmark hello when they appear, greets all the new hair that sprouts up on strange patches of your body with gentle scratches.
she feels the baby move first. you're sleeping and she's awake, tracing patterns into your stomach, when your stomach moves beneath her.
you wake up to sevika shaking your shoulders, tears in her eyes as she guides your hand to your stomach where your daughter is squirming in her sleep.
"she's really in there." sevika whispers in awe. you kiss her firmly.
"she'll be out here, soon." you say.
"she's growing up too fast!" sevika exclaims. you laugh, kissing her tears away.
in her free time (when she's not busy pampering you) sevika's devouring parenting books. you might be carrying the kid, but sevika's the one who's really preparing for it.
she baby proofs the house, builds a crib in your room, paints the nursery (formerly her home gym) a lovely baby blue. every time she leaves the house she comes back with a new stuffy or toy or onesie.
when the baby arrives, sevika is cool, calm and collected.
the delivery is rough, they have to give you an emergency c-section, and you're sure you wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for sevika's soothing voice beside you the whole time, calmly telling you what's happening, what the doctors're doing to help, and that you're doing your job perfectly.
she never once leaves your side or lets go of your hand.
(she's panicking internally, horrified that all her worst fears are about to come true, but she knows that if she lets the fear show on her face it'll only cause you more worry and pain. so she gathers her strength and focuses on you.)
it's all worth it when the first cries of your little girl reach your ears. you burst into tears, one of your hands reaching out for your baby, the other still intertwined with sevika's.
the doctor lets you hold her for a second. she's slimy and bloody and screaming her little head off. she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
the nurses clean her up, and sevika cuts her cord, tears in her eyes as she watches her baby squirm. the doctors stitch you up and set the three of you up in a quiet little hospital room for your recovery.
you and sevika spend the night curled around your daughter, cooing down at her as she sleeps.
you should be exhausted. you lost a lot of blood and you were in labor for hours. but there's so much love and joy in your heart, with your wife wrapped around you and your baby girl in your arms, that you can't sleep.
sevika takes to being a mom like a fish to water.
she's obsessed with skin to skin contact-- determined to make 'the little fucker,' as she so lovingly refers to your daughter, aware that she's her mama as soon as possible.
babygirl is equally as obsessed with sevika. it pisses you off a little bit, you carried the little fucker around for nine months, and you're the one that feeds her, but all of your irritation disappears when you catch the two of them together.
sevika loves wearing the baby in a wrap on her chest or back as works around the house. she's always humming below her breath, always swaying to and fro when she's still, sure to keep the baby satiated.
she somehow manages to find the time to still take care of you too. every night she rubs lotions and creams in your body, kissing the stretched skin of your stomach, rubbing cooling cream between your legs, soothing cream on your chapped nipples, lotion on your legs and arms and face.
as the days go by and your baby girl gets used to the world, you and sevika's contributions to her start to show.
she's definitely got sevika's nose, which you're thrilled about. you've taken to pressing kisses to the tip of her nose just like you you do sevika's. she's got sevika's silver eyes, but your eye shape. your cheeks but sevika's lips. she's quiet like her mama sev, but she's got an appetite like yours.
since her arrival to the world, you haven't heard one complaint or worry from sevika's lips about motherhood.
well, that's a lie. she's very vocal about how unfair it is that your tits are no longer hers, that her own flesh and blood would steal you away from her like that.
she comes home one night to find you reading in bed, your baby asleep against your breast.
"little fucker took my spot!" she says. you laugh, shaking your head.
"she's definetly your daughter."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay
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symphonic-scream · 2 years
Okay wholesome post time
So. This all started with like a little joking idea
"haha since Makoto is the group mom of the Phantom Thieves the others would joke about her kid being their sibling"
And we all know I'm Weak and Gay.
Oh hell yes I wasn't sure that was gonna work I've never done that before fuck yeah
Ahem. Anyways-
That got me thinking. Hey. That's funny. Hehe. And then I thought some more. Gay thoughts. Wholesome, gay thoughts.
And yeah. I think Makoto and Haru would be the most caring, loving parents ever. This is after days of spamming my dear friend with messages about how Haru would totally use the most sugary sweet pet names to fluster poor Makoto, who would totally read books over Haru's shoulder as they cuddled
(this of course all steming from a small idea of "hey what if Haru moved in with Makoto and Sae after losing her dad")
Anyways. I made them mom's.
At first it was this general "ah yes their kid" and then my good friend (@justanotherpersonsuniverse ) was like "if they have a daughter they'd call her their princess cause Queen" and I joked back "haha a son would be a little prince"
And then.
"...okay but what about both-"
And now I'm digging through hours of the fuckin sweetest hcs I've ever come up with trying to put together a post that makes any sense
Okay I forgot a piece of context Sae is boning down with Takemi. Maybe they're dating. Who knows. Not me that's for sure
Fuck uh lemme try to actually make this post ugh
So. I hate the idea of Cop Makoto bleh. So she's a defense lawyer of some kind. Known for taking underdog cases and such or whatever. Haru totally opens up her cafe though, and they live above it in a home that's theirs and warm and GAY ITS SO GAY and when they move in they set up their room, a guest room, and there's a spare room even after Makoto's little study-
And when asked about it, Haru just
"well, we should leave it for now. In case we want to have a little family of our own!"
And boy do they
(they get married first. Haru totally proposes and it spurs Makoto to immediately enter this frenzy that doesn't end until she's used every connection she has to get them legally married)
And later, when everything's settled down, they talk. About their families, parents, fears, hopes- and it all comes to a boil. They believe they can do it together. Be better. Break the cycle. Give their kid a good life.
Eventually, when Haru finds out she's carrying, she tells her big dumbass wife in the softest way possible
("Haru, Dearest, dinner's ready!"
"oh, Love, thank you so much!! Ah, do you mind serving me a little extra?"
"feeling hungry today?"
"hm, not really, but I have to eat for two now, silly"
"haha yeah-"
They launch into a frenzy. Haru starts up plans for a nursery in their spare room, and Makoto takes time to have a little chat with their kid each night, incorporating vitamins into her wife's meals, getting special lotions and creams
It's at one of their appointments with Takemi that the other shoe drops
"oh hey, congrats you two. Check it out, second heartbeat."
That's right fuckers I gave them fucking TWINS
One little prince, one little princess
Yusuke is asked to come paint a mural in the nursery, and the other thieves get so excited for "their new siblings"
And, because I couldn't resist,
They go to have a little chat with an old friend.
("hey Boss. So, neither of us have any parents left, so our kids- they don't have grandparents. And, well, we thought we'd offer the position to you."
*gross Sojiro crying noises*)
Makoto starts doing bottle warming and diaper changing drills. She challenges the other thieves to races. She must be the best mother. Haru thinks it's cute, but draws the line when she notices her wife working herself to the bone. For fucks sake their babies aren't even born yet and Makoto's pushing her limits,
Ah, that's her dumbass though
The day comes eventually. It's a long labour, but eventually a nurse is holding out their first born to a jittery Makoto; "would you like to hold your son?"
So she softly takes the little bundle, stares down at her son- HER SON -with wide, awed eyes, and gently sits at an exhausted Haru's side to show her his little face
"Baby,, look- it's him,,, our son,"
"he's perfect, Mako-chan,,,"
And they're so caught up in their son, that they're jolted when another nurse glides over with another bundle; "are you ready to meet your daughter?"
And man if Makoto wasn't crying before, she sure is now. Everything feels so perfect, she's there with her wife, their son, their daughter; their own little family,,,, but something's missing, still...
Once she's made sure both twins are secure with their Mama, Makoto goes out to greet the crowd waiting in the waiting room
(Makoto: okay ground rules before you guys get to see Haru and the new babies. One, Morgana is not allowed to touch the babies
Morgana: WHAT
Makoto: you're a cat. Germs. Second, hand sanitizer. Everytime you go to touch any of them, apply three squirts. Soak your hands.
Futaba: yes mom
Makoto: 3. No flash photography. You can take three photos each, but no flash. Keep cameras and phones at least four feet from the babies
Ann: you gotcha momkoto!
Makoto: now, ready to meet them?)
It's very soft in that hospital room. The twins are gently passed around, meeting each "sibling". Ryuji breaks into silent tears, holding them like he's never held something more precious. Yusuke just has a look of awe, and mutters about understanding how his mother found such inspiration from him. Joker jokingly calls them the "littlest thieves of hearts" for already stealing all of theirs
Ann can't stop going on about how precious they are and how she's gonna spoil them absolutely rotten and "I need a photo for Shiho SOMEONE GET A PHOTO OF ME WITH THIS BABY MY WIFE NEEDS TO SEE THIS". Futaba, with Morgana on her shoulder, is hesitant to even hold them, instead hovering her fingers over them while Joker holds them. Sumire has this look of complete wonder on her face, even if at times her smile is a little bittersweet. She makes sure to tell both parents how special a pair of twins are
All the thieves agree to help out the new mother's as they adjust to parenthood, especially with twins right off the bat. A rotation comes through every few nights to give them (ahem. Makoto.) A chance to rest. Momkoto herself has three months away from her law office, spending time with her family and running Haru's cafe while she recovers from birth
Their little princess looks almost exactly like Haru, all curly hair and soft eyes. Their prince looks much the same, though his eyes end up a very clear red. Haru was so delighted when she saw them. "MAKO-CHAN HE HAS YOUR EYES"
Futaba buys them little gamer onesies while Sumire brings the twins little toys from the places she travels to for gymnastics
(origin of this screenshot)
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Ann swoops in with Shiho to spoil her siblings rotten, with plenty of stylish clothes and fancy European treats. Even once she's got a kid of her own she still spoils the twins. "Uh, duh, I do it because im a great big sister!"
I have so many more thoughts but I'm gonna cut myself off here this is too long already jeez
Anyways. I can't stop talking about this. Talk to me about this.
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ragingstillness · 1 year
Shadow and Bone spoilers - random thoughts from my notes (e1)
They matched Alina and Mal's outfits on the ship and that's cute. Alina's dress is gorgeous too. I'm very into the embroidered neckline.
Did they film this at the actual Ellis Island? It looks like it.
Alina's freckles are adorable and I'm happy to see them.
I'm liking the movable map version of showing us where things are. Wish they'd give us a tiny bit more context for the overall map though.
Baby Kaz is cute and I like him. Genuinely can't believe the Stadwatch thought they'd be able to take all three of them.
LMFAO about this fanart of Darklina wanted poster.
They're leaning hard on the "there is only one bed" trope as if the two of them didn't book the room off screen. Also the dialogue is literally ripped from a fanfic.
I'll never be a Malina shipper but show Malina is pretty cute. Like, they're nice to each other and sweet and I think my care for the actors is taking over my opinion of them a little.
Quoted literally from my notes here: "Give the people what they want fuckers, I wanna see Ben"
Durast!Jesper is everything to me and I am in love with this storyline. However, if he could make a key out of a coin why couldn't he undo the cuffs? Later in the season they mention that Durasts can control all metal, surely those cuffs aren't made of plastic or smtg. I wanna know the rules here.
"Like calls to like" - nice, iconic, happy to hear it.
I am very into the traditional African outfits for the Zemeni. But I am very conscious of being a white person so I'd be interested to read what someone who's POC would think of them.
Calling being Grisha a blessing, thank god we finally get some Grisha who are actually having a good time. Literally all other Grisha we've met until this point have been just suffering.
Endlessly funny to me that this wanted poster of Alina has a realistic image of her but people throughout the show continue to not recognize her on sight.
I am liking the increased action. I can see Archie's stunt double sometimes but he's doing a decent amount of the running and fighting himself. Mal is also just funnier and quippier this season and I like it. Is it racist to say I'm getting Aladdin vibes from him rolling back under the table and paying the dude while running from the police? Also pleased they're doing a callback to the fact that we did see Mal fighting in episode one of season one.
The sun saint salute. Excellent, well coordinated, we love to see it.
That photo negative wanted poster of the crows is hilariously creepy.
Love me some Inej just nicking knives but I'm surprised she hasn't had some on her already. Did she seriously use all of them in the Fold? I don't think we saw that.
The whole "say Inej every five minutes" thing is back haha.
Quoted literally from my notes here: "Pekka says fuck the police I guess"
"Funny guns and angry hat" are now my names for Jesper and Kaz.
Oof Hellgate looks awful.
"Valiant of you but I bet they printed more than one" - cuties
"First army needs to know its place" - yeah get fucked
Quoted literally from my notes here: "It ain't the Volcra dumbass. Get it Sasha"
Why do the Nichevo'ya look like the transformed Tyrant from RE2?
"This again" - fuck me up that is a tragic thing to say.
"I shall have to overthrow the king now" yeah you do that my man.
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softputridcentre · 5 years
Ok... another dream..
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And this one wasnt sexy AT ALL...
My partner bought me a gift, and I was so excited to open it and I could see she was too... I opened the small box to find an egg capsule like you would get in a kinder egg, attached to a cardboard backing paper like an action figure. All it said on the front was "Grow your own pet!"
I looked confused but she looked overjoyed. So I played along and acted excited like it was something I'd always wanted.
I open the little capsule to find what looks like a dried up mealworm. Dead and a little dirty... shrivelled even.
I tipped it out into my hand and my fiance let out an "awwww"...
"Awww? This is fucking gross" I thought... "ah well we better throw it away, it's obviously dead."
"No, it just needs water! It says on the box 6 drops of tap water and keep it warm overnight!"
I put water on it and she insisted I tap2d the worm to my arm where it could take advantage of my body heat.. fucking gross.. my skin was rippling with disgust as i tried not to think about the small horror attached to me. Now I'm no insectiphobe. I just prefer my bugs outside.
The next morning we awake and she points at my arm... the worm has gone... but there is a snail like trail roughly a centimetre wide trailing from where the tape was, up my arm and over my shoulder.. I sat up fast and she said "aww it's on your back! It must've wanted to be warmer!"
I couldn't see it.. but she told me it had gotten 'soooooo cute!'
She listed it from me and popped it back onto my arm... it now looked like a three inch sandy coloured slug.. now slugs... they freak me out! I don't know why, they just give me the Willie's... but I didnt want to break the cute factor so I'm trying not to flick it away and wash for a hundred days... and manage a quick "aww.. haha.. yeah... cute... best present ever!"
"What did you name him?"
"What's his name?"
"Uh... count... slugula? I don't know! I'll think about it!"... the slug began squirming up my arm again hunting for god knows what...
Later that day I watched as this sinister creature explored each curve of my arm, leaving trails and creeping me out. In the sunlight I noticed angular-looking lines beneath its semi clear membranous skin.
Within minutes, the angular lines began to move and work through the slimy outer flesh revealing them to be 5 inch long wings... wasp-like wings!.... its underneath began to fuse as we watched a metamorphosis before our eyes....
Legs began to unfold.. four spider-like prongs legs.. two at the front two at the back.... then suddenly an inch long stinger.... tapping and feeling my arm....
I was PETRIFIED.... but my girl was still in awe of its looks and cuteness... it looked like a khaki coloured tarantula hawk...
Now its slithering movements stop completely as it learns to scurry exactly like a cockroach... it patterns over my arm spreading its newly formed wings, scraping that stinger behind it.... before suddenly and without warning, scampered up my tshirt sleepover to my back.... I was frozen solid as it began scratching at my spine... I didnt know what it was doing... but I couldn't reach it, see it or stop it!...
As nicely as I could manage, I asked my loving other half "can you see what hes doing? I'm worried about him back there!?"
"Awww you worried you gonna hurt him? Lean forwards"
I lean forward in my seat as she peers down the neck hole.
"Aawwww hes fine back here! Hes just making a nest!:
"....a....a nest?....how... what with? "
"Hes just burrowing into your back!"
"Hes fucking WHAT?"
"Calm down! Hes just pushed all the skin away and buried his head in your back! How else will he be able to make babies?!"
"Ba... wha... fucking babies? Get it off me now!"
"I know! That's how we reproduce!"
"How... we... "
I sit up and look at my partners face... and she stared back... emotionless.. dead eyed... and not that I'd noticed before, but not breathing AT ALL... she let out a smile, and slowly a small dried up looking maggot began to wriggle from her eyelid... she never broke eye contact...
I learned back out of horror and crushed the creature into my back with a crunch...
As I did, my wife to be, pounced forwards attacking me violently to get to her crushed "friend" in my spine...
At this point I woke up... weird fucking dreams lately... but I've never had a dream make my skin crawl the way this one did... there are chunks I can't quite remember.... but this was the main bit! I remember this clearly because I told my girl about it as soon as I woke... my heart hadn't quite got back to its usual rate even when I finished explaining to disgusting characteristics of that creepy little fucker!
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Tarantula hawk... the size and wing shape of this.
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Slug, its larval form. And colour!
Honestly, worst sleep I've ever had.
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