#i decided to keep them to myself and yep their an au now
psuedox · 1 year
cringe culture? what is that?
*makes len'en.exe*
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hikari-drkspc · 1 year
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❅ “A Fun Show” ❅
characters: yandere! midoriya izuku, yandere! bakugou katsuki & yandere! todoroki shouto [boku no hero academia]
warning: yandere, mentions of m0rder, intentionally h0rting oneself, deep wound involved, izuku is lowkey ooc ; MINOR/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, PUT YOUR AGE IN BIO/PINNED POST TO INTERACT
words: 2.1k
a/n: this is a repost from my main blog (@/hikari-writes) so yes this writing is old + bad, i just moved them here w/o editing bc im lazy and wants to keep reminding myself how bad my writing used to be <3 this was a request and i still have no idea whatre the significance of circus au is/gen🧍🧍
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Midoriya Izuku, the strongman.
Bakugou Katsuki, the knife thrower.
Todoroki Shouto, the trapeze artist.
Those three were considered to be the highlight and main star of UA Circus.
And then there’s you, one of the behind-the-scene staff, who’s stuck in their obsessive love.
“Oi, Todoroki! You were the one who swapped my lunch with Deku, weren’t you?!”
Katsuki yells at Shouto who stares at him without a change in his expression.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He continues slurping at his soba, clearly showing his disinterest in the conversation. Katsuki’s vein was about to pop off when you suddenly stepped in between them while holding out both your arms to stop the fight.
“Wait, wait, wait! I’m sorry, Bakugou. I was the one who accidentally swapped your lunch box with Midoriya’s.”
You look at him with an apologetic smile. Katsuki stares at you, his eyes are still glaring but you could see it soften a bit. He lets out a frustrated sigh before turning around from you.
“Make sure to not make the same mistake again. I don’t eat the same shit as that Deku does.”
“That’s mean, Kacchan…”
You heard Izuku softly comment on Katsuki’s statement. Right after he’s out of sight, you blink in confusion with an awkward smile adorning your face.
“H-he really did repeat the same thing as before…”
You silently thought to yourself. The truth is, this is already the fifth time you “accidentally” swapped his lunch with Izuku. The first time you did it, he gave the same exact response as he did just now and you got curious as to why he gave you that kind of response when he could’ve just got real mad at you. So you did it again, just to see whether he’d get mad at you or not, to which he didn’t. And so you did it again….and again….and again….and before you knew it, it already has been the fifth time you did that yet his reaction stays the same.
A part of you was actually impressed. Even without anyone telling you, it’s pretty obvious to you that Katsuki is a sharp person. He has always shown to be a focused and sharp person, a trait he picked up from his role as a knife thrower. So it always struck you as odd that he didn’t realize the same mistake you’ve been repeating for the fifth time.
Just as you decided to shrug it off and stop pranking him, you heard Shouto talking to you in his usual calm voice.
“You’re having fun with that?”
You turn to him with a small grin.
“Kinda, yep! Rather, you noticed me doing it on purpose?”
You ask while chuckling a bit, amused at yourself. You didn’t expect Shouto of all people to realize what you had done. He’s always known to be a dense person after all.
“Well, you always have that amused smile on your face whenever you were swapping their lunch boxes, so you weren’t exactly hiding it.”
You stop chuckling and look at Shouto with an awkward smile. A bead of sweat trickles down your face, and an ominous feeling takes over your whole body.
For all you know, everytime you swapped their lunch boxes, no one was around. They weren’t even supposed to be around. They were supposed to either be performing their part of the show or be in the break room after their show had ended at the time. Even if they were around and saw what you did, you would’ve sensed their presence.
You shake off the uneasy feelings away, thinking maybe Shouto just happened to see you on accident and you were too focused on your prank to not notice his presence.
“A-anyways, he’s an interesting person, don’t you think? To think he didn’t realize what I did…”
Shouto stays silent and keeps slurping at his soba until it’s finished before turning at you.
“Interesting huh? I wonder about that…I believe it’d be more interesting if he does some trapeze acts….”
“Oh, you wish for him to do the same thing as you? That’s nice—”
“…and falls down from that height while doing so. It would be interesting if that happened. That’ll for sure teach him a lesson to not ever take what rightfully belongs to others.”
You shut your lips up and look at Shouto’s indifferent face. Either he just meant that as a joke or you misheard him. Either way, your heart is beating like crazy against your ribcage right now.
“D-did he take something of yours, perhaps? Even so, you really shouldn’t joke about that.”
You try to ask him in a calm manner but your shaking voice betrays your hidden feelings as it shows how much you’re in fear. Shouto stays indifferent. If you look closely, he almost looked…amused at your reaction. And your gut is telling you that his amusement isn’t because he was joking about what he said, but rather the opposite.
“And what if I said that that something is you?”
“L/N, can you come here for a second?”
Izuku’s voice snaps you back into reality as your conversation was cut short and you quickly leave Shouto behind after giving him a small nod of apology. Shouto stares at your back as you disappear from his sight. You could almost feel his stare digging holes on your back but you chose to ignore it.
“What’s wrong, Midoriya?”
You silently thank him for getting you out of that uncomfortable situation. Izuku gives you a wry smile and points at his bleeding arm.
You let out a loud shriek at the sight, both worried and terrified at the deep looking wound.
“I uh…accidentally cut myself when I was walking near that thing…”
Izuku awkwardly points at a sharp looking metal with a smile, as if the wound on his arm isn’t serious and his arm isn’t bleeding heavily.
“Call me earlier! Oh gosh, follow me now!”
You lead him to the treatment room in a hurry. You glanced back at the wound and saw the blood dripping on the floor, making your own face pale.
Izuku has always been careless with how he treats himself. Shota, one of the circus’s behind-the-scene staff, even once asked if he had some kind of magnetic attraction towards accidents that ended up hurting him. He just laughed it off, saying stuff like, he’s used to it, or, it wasn’t that big of an injury.
Izuku is indeed the strongman of UA Circus. Despite having a baby face and a polite and meek personality, his strength rivals even the adults. He once told you that he’s aiming to be an amazing strongman just like All Might, a legendary strongman in the history of circuses. Ever since then, he’d been training diligently to get to where he is now. While you admire that part of him, you really wish he’d stop accidentally hurting himself.
“There. Be careful next time, alright? Good thing the wound isn’t that serious. If it had been, you might need to take a break from doing circus acts and rest at home. It’s a talent at this point to keep hurting yourself like this.”
You completed the treatment and jokingly said with a light chuckle, trying to distract yourself from the wound. Izuku stares at you for a bit before opening his mouth.
“If you ask me, I don’t really feel like I’m hurting myself.”
You look at him, curious as to what he meant by that. He sends a sheepish smile and scratches the back of his neck, a small blush starts to form on his cheeks.
“Rather it feels like I’m rewarding myself. After all, I got to enjoy your beautiful self treating my wounds like this. Before I knew it, I just seemed to start getting myself hurt on purpose whenever I see you nearby.”
Izuku lets out a small giggle as if he’s a teenage girl in love. You probably wouldn’t have minded it much if he had stopped at the second sentence. You would have probably just thought of him being his usual sweet self.
But he just HAD to add that last sentence, huh?
You look at him in pure shock and fear. What he said was definitely not normal. Why would he do that, would be a stupid question to ask at this point, especially since he has clearly stated his reason before the last sentence.
You see the way his eyes are glinting dangerously as his lips curve up into a sweet smile. So sweet it’s almost sickening.
“I-I have to go. Excuse me.”
You quickly leave the treatment room behind. Your minds wander back to the one time you were talking with Shota. The older man had mentioned in passing how Izuku had gotten into accidents and hurting himself more after you had come to work at UA Circus. You just brushed it off, thinking that Shota was just overthinking things. You thought nothing of it and had almost forgotten all about what he said.
But after what just happened…you started to think there was a possibility that what Shota said…might be true.
You quicken your steps and your mind is thrown into chaos. A part of you doesn’t want to think about it anymore, hoping what had happened today was just a bad dream, but you knew better than to run away from reality. Another part of you is just so bothered by Shouto and Izuku’s weird demeanor towards you that you can’t help but to start speculating things.
You kept your eyes on the ground while walking, completely oblivious to your surroundings. Only after your face hits someone’s chest do you finally tear your eyes away from the floor. The one you bump into doesn’t seem too pleased however since you heard him scowl and curse under his breath.
You look up to see a very familiar face. Katsuki. You could’ve sworn you’ve never been more happy in your life to see the gremlin blondie. Your face completely lit up but it soon wilted into a confused frown when you saw Katsuki glaring down at you.
He was being pretty soft and kind to you just a few hours ago. What have you done in that short span of time to make him look…angry at you even though you literally didn’t even see his face during those few hours?
Well, I just hope you don’t need an explanation because he won’t be giving you any. Before you knew it, you’re already on your knees and looking up at his intimidating eyes. After all you’ve been through for today, you thought that maybe Katsuki can help comfort you, even in the most indirect way ever.
You guessed wrong.
Instead of “comforting”, his glare literally made your knees weak, resulting in you cowering before his seemingly tall figure. Instead of “comforting”, he made your fear worsen and your mind totally gave up in trying to think up any words to say, at all.
“What were you doing, talking to that half and half bastard and that loser Deku?”
He asks in a low, rumbling voice. It almost seems like he’s trying hard to hold back his anger, as if the one he’s showing isn’t enough.
You try to say something, anything, but the word never came out. Instead, you’re left gaping at him like a dumb fish. Tears started forming at the corner of your eyes and you slowly closed them, in hopes that you’d wake up from this nightmare.
Instead of waking up, you heard a loud scoff behind and shortly after that, your body was being carried by a pair of strong arms.
“Kacchan, you really don’t know how to treat your object of affection nicely, do you?”
Followed by a small, mocking chuckle, you saw Izuku carrying you bridal style. Your heart must’ve leapt out of your chest for a minute because you suddenly stop breathing out of shock. After the situation has sank in however, it beats again rapidly against your ribcage, almost making you feel like throwing up.
Not even a second after that, you’re greeted with another shock as you saw a sharp blade only an inch away from Izuku’s neck. Izuku sends a side glance to the perpetrator behind him.
“Hands. Off of her before I make you.”
Shouto calmly threatens while tightening his fingers around the blade. Izuku doesn’t seem surprised at all as he lets out a weary sigh.
Izuku finally lets you down and puts you a bit farther away before gathering back to the other two.
That night became your unlucky night and you’ll forever remember it.
Not only will you need to witness this little bloody show battle in front of your very eyes but you’ll also need to be the prize of the winner of the battle.
And it goes without saying that your opinion doesn’t matter here.
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terry-gator · 30 days
(TSAMS Continuity AU) Take My Word
Superstar Daycare Basement...
Terry: ...What the hell did Teek do to the basement??
Solar: If I had to guess...they transformed it with their Dark Star power.
Ruin: I...can't see anything, why'd they have to make it so dark?? It's like...oh, hm...it's like some kind of cocoonish nest.
Lunar: Couldn't say it better myself, I do not like how sticky and slimy the floor feels.
Terry: Dude, don't point it out now I'm noticing it, eEW-!
[The camera pans over to show what the group is talking about, a dark shadowy substance coating the walls and floor. The current group consisted of Terry, Lunar, Solar, Ruin, and Moon. Sun, Bloody, Harvest, and Monty had decided to take care of the remaining endos that had taken over the more "minor" areas of the Pizzaplex. Moon's eyes start to glow in the dark, a key feature he had been implemented with.]
Terry: Woooo glowy glowy!
Moon: Yeah I kinda forgot that I had this feature, I usually sleep when it's dark out so...you know.
Ruin: Oh, I can actually see things more clearly now! ...Moon....how many times has the Creator sent his drones to the daycare?
[Ruin has clearly noticed something now that Moon's eyes were glowing, sounding disturbed.]
Moon: I don't really keep track, why?
Ruin: You're either going to be really happy or really disturbed, there's really no other way to say it-
Solar: Holy...
Lunar: OH, that is disturbing!
[When Moon completely looks at what they had noticed, he reels back in slight horror. It was a huge pile of dead Creator drones, stained with very old oil and covered in rust. The whole thing stunk of it, that and death.]
Solar: I...so we're in agreement that Teek's actual strength without their Dark Star power is scary to think about, right?
Ruin: Yep....and quite frankly I don't want to think about it.
Terry: Let's just go find them already, I doubt this is gonna be an easy fight.
Lunar: Especially since I don't know if I'm allowed to use my powers on them!
Solar: Well, they'll have to make an exception for this. If they don't, they can suck my bolts.
Terry: Heheheheh....
Solar: You are such a child.
Terry: I mean I'm not that much younger than Earth was, I think...
Solar: You're mentally and physically 19 though-
Terry: I meant in terms of sentience leave me alone!
[Terry lightly punches Solar in the leg, Solar rolling his eyes at the small gator. The group then travels further inside the basement until they make it into an open area surrounded by a dark hurricane, the area looking similar to the final boss area of Bowser's Inside Story.]
Lunar: Wow, great dark hurricane!
Moon: Huh...they actually sweat the details...
Teek: I would say thank you....
[Teek's voice has an echoey effect to it as they appear from a dark, blazing aura. Their appearance has been more consumed by the dark power coursing through their systems, their skin appearing to be a void black color. Their claws have also gotten noticeably longer and sharper...]
Teek: But that wouldn't be very...in character. After all, you lot replaced me! And to drag my younger brother into this battle, despicable!
Moon: Listen, I don't want to have to fight you, Teek! I can help you!
Teek: Help me...help me?? Why would you and my other replacements ever wanna help me?! You're the "superior" animatronics, are you not?! Ahahahahahaha! Oh you're hilarious!
[Teek's grin slants and becomes more maniacal and sly in nature.]
Teek: You may have gotten through my endo army, but what makes you think you can defy against my new world?
[Teek, with their dark magic, makes a blade with their right hand then stabs their left one, pulling out a large, darkness and shadow infused double-ended scythe.]
[Teek laughs as the battle starts, targeting everyone but Terry in terms of attacking. Teek would then use a sort of dark matter ability summon to pin Terry to a far wall.]
Teek: You just sit tight for me, little one.
[Terry screams and shouts in frustration, his luck was just the worst thing, it was getting ridiculous with how many times they had to be saved throughout their life.]
Terry: God damnit, Lunar kick their ass to kingdom come for me!!
Lunar: Trying to, I'm really trying to here!
[Lunar had tackled himself onto Teek's back, tugging hard on their head only to get thrown into Solar as he tried to power up a shot with his arm canon.]
Lunar and Solar: SHIT-!
Lunar: Ha, jinx!
Solar: Lunar not now-!
Ruin: Look out, both of you!
[Ruin runs and pushes both Lunar and Solar out of the line of Teek's aerial slices, getting cut up in the process but otherwise still standing.]
Teek: Oh aren't you an impressive little- GYAHHHH!!!!
[Moon had managed to sneak up on Teek and shock them with an enhanced taser, the sparks shooting out of Teek's body as they grit their fangs and fought to get Moon off of them.]
Teek: You conniving, sneaky little....rrrrr!!!!
[Teek, despite being weakened and nearly completely stunned, still managed to throw Moon back.]
Teek: You're...really asking for me to cut you in half, aren't you...?
[Teek's voice sounds like it's wheezing and crackling, the Dark Star power seeming to leak from their mouth in a liquidy matter.]
Teek: It will be....one of you gone from my perfect world...!
[As Teek swung their scythe towards Moon, they feel a hard kick to the middle of their spine, making them collapse and puke up not only the Dark Star energy, but also the Dark Star itself. Before Moon can make a grab for it or even get a chance to destroy it, it melts into the ground, taking the transformation done to the Daycare basement with it. Teek, meanwhile, had collapsed onto the floor, passing out from the sudden loss of power keeping them going.]
Ruin: Are...are you okay, Moon?
Moon: I'm fine, I'm fine, what about everyone else?
[Terry is busy being broken out of the dark matter by Lunar, looking extremely annoyed.]
Terry: Every...time!
Lunar: I know....hurts being the "idiot in distress" all the time.
Terry: Ugh, tell me about it.
Ruin: So...what are you planning to do with them, exactly? Sun didn't really tell me anything.
Moon: Well after the whole flushing their systems of their bugs, glitches, and viruses, I'm gonna install an antivirus software into their system and then we can go from there.
Ruin: Right...but who's carrying them? I'm certainly not.
Terry: Yeah and me and Lunar can't carry them, we're too short and they're too heavy despite looking so skinny.
Lunar: So that just leaves you and Solar.
Solar: ...Not it!
Moon: Figures...
[Moon bends down and lifts Teek over their shoulder, grunting from the weight of them.]
Moon: Christ, what metal are they made of??
Terry: Well if they're like me, they're probably made of some kinda really expensive metal.
Moon: Somehow I doubt that, fucking HELL-!
[Moon nearly crumbles under Teek's weight as he starts taking Teek down to parts and services, the group following closely behind.]
Parts and Services
Teek: Un...mm...
Moon: Ah look at that, morning sleeping beauty.
[Teek groaned, their head was swimming and their vision was blurry. It could be noticed that Teek's eyes were a ruby pink and their hair had been straightened out and retied back.]
Teek: ...What...where...Dazzle?
Moon: Nooot quite. I'm Moon, actually. Remember, the guy you nearly cut in half?
Teek: Nngh...my head hurts...where am I?
Moon: You're in the parts and service tube. I just finished downloading an antivirus software into you.
Teek: ...What?
Moon: Yeah I fixed up all your bugs and glitches and flushed out your viruses, stuff like that. Though...I had to completely remove your night time mode, that thing was too messed up to save.
Teek: F-F-Fixed? You...fixed...me? I-I...I thought I was...
Moon: Fazbear can suck it, you're not dying anytime soon. Oh, you might notice those wristbands you're now wearing. Those are dark magic limiter bracelets that Freddy, the og, gave me. Just to keep that in check.
Teek: ...O-Oh...um...so...Fazbear really did replace me..and I did almost kill everyone, that wasn't just a dream...!
[Teek covered their face up, their tail lowered as the heavy guilt set in.]
Moon: ...Damnit...
[Moon unlocks the tube and grabs onto Teek's hand, leading them out and awkwardly hugging them.]
Moon: It's...it's gonna be fine, no one died and that thing you made is gone, hopefully. Just gotta work from the ground up.
[Teek squeezes Moon rather tightly, burying their face into Moon's neck.]
Teek: Are you sure...?
Moon: Just...take my word for it, kid.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
More crappy memes
Unpublished au flavored tho :v
I decided to just introduce these obscure aus by just yeeting a summary and a meme :'3
Honestly it sounds like a dumb idea, but I really enjoyed myself doing these as a breather so :v
Ok, we have 8 aus to see :3
Smol note: why is Idia so memeable?!
More under ✨️le cut✨️
Magical girl Idia au:
This au is crack, mostly since Idia is just hit with all the tropes of your usual magical girl story. His only motivation is born from the fact that the main antagonist(which is literally named 'evil overlord') cursed ortho to be a smol pocket kitty. The plot armour is so ridiculous and obvious that Idia himself goes to LENGTHS to just get rid of it(spoiler: he fails). Add to it the fact that NRC collectively thinks a pretty girl in a sparkly skirt and high heels saves them, cue Idia just trying his darn best to survive this school year.
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Surveillance duty(horror au):
This one was in the drafts for SOOO much... like I didn't know if I should make just 1 oneshot or a full lil series... but the premise is that Riddle, a teacher at a high-school, offers to vouce one night of camera duty for the guard. From there a series of shenanigans and actual horrors make Riddle to realize that there is more to the school than the eye lets on. Also that the elderich monster is kinda hot
Ps: my fave part is the unholy abomination of energy drinks and coffee Riddle brews. Yes, this is the au that started that bandwagon
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Addams Deuce au:
As the title says... Deuce's an Addams, which in twst actually has them be vampires. :v It's mostly a rom-com type of crack, Deuce trying to adapt to nrc and also nrc trying to adapt to Deuce. Doesn't help that he has a venomous snake as a pet.
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Matt Hatter au:
I also like this one :v. Basically, the grandfather on the father's side of the zibvolt family leaves as inheritance a cinema. Sevek discovers the truth about the movies the zibvolt family once made along with the parallel world they created. So Sebek has to embark on an adventure to restore and maintain peace in the movie world, while also attending his guard and student duties.
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Monster high au:
You had to expect it from me. This one, surprisingly, has a pretty interesting plot, following a timeline made out of the mh movies, starting with Why do ghouls fall in love, ending with an eah movie: way to wonderland.(It's my way of making parallels). You have everything in there! From ghosts and a shy boogieman, to forest monsters and Demons who accidentally blow up things. Most of them actually have pretty angsty stoties, so it's not all that happy. :v
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Wild magic au:
In which wild magic is like in s7 of winx. The source of that dark magic is guarded by the nrc Dormheads and some students. Rsa is a school for fairies, which tries to defeat the 'misterious wild magic mages'. The teachers at nrc, nor the Rsa or anyone else knows that some of the nrc students actually got wild magic and they would rather keep it like that. They are petty, they don't like to share :v
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Shazam! Au
In which poor, sweet, innocent Ortho is thunderstruck with God powers and now has to juggle school life and 'superhero' life all while he and Idia try to fit in with their new adoptive family. Ace clearly hypes him up, Sebek's the voice of ration and the rest? Well the rest shouldn't really know for now. Apparently since the supposed to be mentor dipped, the heir of Hades's powers, which so happens to be idia, is now tutoring Ortho.
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Over the garden wall au(another horror au):
In which Idia and ortho venture into the forest, but only ortho gets out. Being cursed to take place of a monster that ruled that place, idia lurks through there and tries to control his new powers and not led madness consume him. Also he has some fear-hate relationship with butterflies :v.
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And those are all :3
For now >:3
Yep, those are chaotic and I couldn't focus one bit on them without having someone to egg me on or ask me about it.
Ironically, they are all(minus addams deuce and Matt hatter aus) fully fleshed out with a lot of details. They can get wild at times, but hey! That's the charm :D
So go on... theorise or ask on why do I think these memes are hilarious /hj
Because really, there is sum insane mental gymnastics there.
Hope you enjoyed another silly round of crappy memes!
Until next time! Buh bye!
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How many original characters do you have?
Fav food?
Is your pfp a photo of you or your OC?
when did you start self shipping?
Whoa hey, that's I lot of questions in one Ask, Anon! XD
1: I actually have multiple OCs in arounnnnnd *thinks for a moment* 4 different stories, my latest one actually being an AU of MDHM. I hope that one day, I can make a graphic novel out of these stories.
2: Like my OCs, I have multiple favorites, depending on the type of food I'm gonna eat: But the first thing that came to my head was pepperoni pizza, soooo I'm gonna go with that.
3: Yep, that's me! :3
And 4: (Be prepared, it's a LONG one...)
I honestly started self shipping for multiple reasons: Mainly because the first boyfriend dating game I discovered was Your Boyfriend, (back in 2021) and I found out the game's version of Y/N is a dick.
Like, not even on some tsundere level, Y/N was just a jerk.
After that, I realized, "Wait, Y/N means your/name, right? Doesn't that means it could actually be me?"
That and I really love so many of the characters throughout all the games, I wanted it to be a part of it, interacting with the characters, as a character that's me...not an OC that's their own person, and has nothing to do with me except the fact I created them.
(Also I ended up shipping myself to other boyfriends like the Spiderverse: Every game's storyline has their own me.
So now Ann stuck in the yandere boyfriend dimension...until I find somewhere else I want to go.
Also, I'm not a fan of horror, but I found out about a genre of horror called "Horror comedy"...So while the murder storyline to keep towards the horror...
I decided to challenge myself to turn the storyline to comedic shenanigans, (by self inserting XD)
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Happy Birthday Dork
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Yep! Today's my birthday! This gal right here is turning 16! (Now time to change my age in all my bios💀💀)
And i decided to draw these two gals. Now of yall weren't following me back in 2020 on insta, then yeah, you have no context to who these two are
The blond one is well, Cake, my oc/persona, and the ginger one is Brooke, an oc thag belongs to @/ molzysketch on Instagram. I wont go into full detail, but we basically ship these two. We made them during the fall of danplan, Brooke was supposed to be Ann for molzy's pirate au. A group chat was made to make theories of what would happen on the next part of the au, but the next day the fall happened. After the fall we revamped them as ocs tho, and everyone in the group made their own ocs and we role played with them
I'll add the version with no text under the cut, plus bonus info and ramblings boyt my art :>
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This all are kinda redesigns of them really. Brooke was redesigned by her own creator molzy of course, but i worked on the colors by the end 😌
On another note tho! To make this drawing an even better birthday gift to myself, in the middle of doing this i realized how similar it was to an old drawing of these 2
This one was from July 2020, it was the last time i did a proper drawing of them in their pirate self
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But honestly, looking back the old drawing i did of them, god am i happy with my progress. You can see they actually grew up too, the old one looks more soft, childish and now they seem to have grown up! It's more mature, has more personality to it, to the characters!
I'll keep it short, but basically, I'm happy with how my art and the characters grew. They actually feel like pirates, and Cake feels like how i wanted them to feel, and Brooke now actually seems like Brooke and not a revamp of Ann. Which props to Molly for that!
Also, i tried out a new shading technique here, which i love! But hate it just as much, bc of how many layers i had to use, and how slow it gets when you leave or come back to the drawing 💀
Also really time consuming, but it's worth it bc it looks epic. And honestly it's way more fun, with how free i am with it and messy i can get with it
And yeah, the similarities between this snd the 2020 one, it was PURE coincidence. I started to work on this mostly testing out a technique i saw on a reels and it turned out great, the bodies, didn't know who to use it with. After a while decided to use Brooke and Cake, was gonna draw Brooke holding cake, but the body better fit Cake so i did them instead. And only when i was sketching Cake out did i realise it
I miss these gals, and i wish to work with them more. Hell i actually am re working on Cake's story now. I plan on maybe changing their name to Cory, tho I'm yet to fully decide
Tho idk how the og crew's story is now, but honestly, it's alr i can still have fun with it XP
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wooahaes · 2 years
.... ok, layton anon here again (I might just use that as a tag if that's okay? 👉🏻👈🏻)
I literally just typed out a long ass reply and then tumblr decided to crash - but maybe it's a sign to try and keep it shorter (update: i failed)
for the maze runner thing, it was honestly just about the "people appearing one after another without memories" I think aside from that it's very different, especially in terms of general atmosphere. I've read Day 1 too now btw and I loved it sm! I'm really intrigued to see how it continues<3
I hope your meds are safe for you to take and that they help quickly!!
yess him being like shigure would work really well (i also love shigure sm as a unit but that's a different story)
Also imma be honest as well - i'm the same. Birthright is the only one I finished and other than that I'm like almost through with awakening, halfway with echoes and revelations and idek how far with three houses. I think I get too much into strategizing and spend too much time planning out the classes and skills instead of just playing and then I tend to abandon the games for a while...
So since I'm not super deep into the story myself my 3h au isn't that deep. Y/n would take Byleths place, simply because it makes a lot of sense. And then I sorta assigned the units to the houses based on Vibes TM aka Blue Lions - HHU, Black Eagles - Vocal, Golden Deer Tiger - Performance.
I also felt that some characters shared traits or reminded me of members (Linhardt - Han, Ferdinand - Seungkwan, Sylvain - Mingyu, Claude - Hoshi, Ignatz - Hao). But they'd mostly be themselves and not take over the exact role of anyone. I've also have thoughts on classes for some but not for all. I think Woozi would be something along the lines of a General, Han would be a Dark Mage, Hoshi a Hero, Scoups a Swordmaster or Cavalier (or anything else just give the man a sword) and- yeah I think I'll end it here
thanks for letting me share my fire emblem brain rot!! have a good day/night/evening!<3
omg hiii thats absolutely fine!! i didnt want to just assign it to u but thats 100% fine w me!!
its ok i also fail at writing short responses 90% of the time dskfhdsf tumblr crashing during those is awful tho
ooo yeah fair :0 i can def see it!! ive learned a lot abt tmr through posting this fic lmao but im glad you liked day 1!! the fics gonna honestly slow down for a bit purely bc the next 13 parts are each individual members parts and those are honestly just gonna take a hot sec for me to like... be happy w all of them :(
aaa i still havent taken them just bc. anxiety bad! they shouldnt have any bad interactions since they're not a sulfa drug, but anxiety louder, y'know? im waiting until i know family is awake (yes ik its 4 pm shh) in case i need shit
i also love shigure but thats at least slightly bc of my love for m*tt m*rcer as a voice actor sdfhsdkjfh i adore him tho!! thats my beloved!!
i get DEEP in trying to figure out my units tbh i usually end up drafting out my pairings when i play. if awakening + conquest both had the ability to scout out things as easily as u can in birthright + revelations, i would have def beat them by now tbh.
but also i tend to abandon games after a while by accident sdkfhsdfh
i know little abt 3h but i am nodding along and golden tiger makes me happy. its what my man deserves <3
me lookin up these characters and sees ferdinand is confident and hates losing like YEP thats kwannie. i can see a lot of the comparisons u drew!! :0
i can def see general woozi + hero hoshi + swordsmaster cheol + dark mage han!! cheol is getting a sword and thats all i care about actually /j (nah but if i could give him some sort of rally skill, i think he + woozi + hosh would all have one in some shape!! and most likely seok too since booseoksoon leader ykno)
i honestly feel like shua would potentially be a war cleric. can heal you, but can also can Kill.
alternatively for hannie tho he could be thief -> trickster imo?
i honestly feel like vernon miiight either be a cavalier or an archer. its a gut thing tbh i cannot explain otherwise.
u are always welcome to share ur fe brainrot sdkfhsdf this blog is where i share my svt + trsr (+ skz tbh) brainrot now lmao y'all can Always share stuff ur interested in w me!! i hope u also have a good day/night/evening! <3
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Kiss you godless
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My Masterlist  
Pairing: Modern!AU Hvitserk/Reader
Summary: Hvitserk agreed to a no-strings-attached arrangement without thinking twice about it. Now, almost eight months into it, he finds himself lingering for too long on the curve of your smile and the sweetness of your voice. It probably means nothing, right?
Word Count: 8.5k (this really got away from me, I hope it isn’t too much)
Warnings: 18+. Smut. Fluff and Angst. Sub!Hvitserk. D/s dynamics. Oral, female and male recieving. Tiny mentions of (past) wax play, and also of (past) subdrop. Marking, biting, tiny (the tiniest) bit of blood play. Edging. Aftercare. Latina!Reader (we going full self indulgent here, mijas) but it is easily overlooked, just a few terms of endearment. A surprising amount of plot in my pwp. And, most importantly maybe: this is most likely very OOC, I don’t have a good grasp on Hvitserk, so I apologize in advance lol
A/N: You all know who to blame for this. This is a horny version of hostage exchange between me and @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​ where we give each other sub!Hvitserk pieces, that’s it.
Read hers here!
This was so fucking fun to write, so I owe ya one Ana, thank you for ‘requesting’ this. Hope you like it!
Sorry I forgot to tag you @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom​, here ya go, have this behemoth of a one shot Hvitserk smut 😉😘
Title from the quote: “She pins you to hotel doors - not a goddess anymore, but she still looks like religion in high heels. She kisses you godless. Whispers, we dress like princesses to go out and kill kings.” Ashe Vernon
The familiar sound of his phone startles Hvitserk out of a dreamless sleep, and before he can ask himself why and how he has Pavlov-ed himself into alertness by hearing your ringtone alone, he’s unlocking his phone to check the simple message.
Hey yourself.
Did I wake you?
Squinting at the blinding light of the screen, he types his answer.
No, couldn’t sleep.
Your own reply doesn’t take long.
He can hear the teasing tone in your voice, can picture your daring smile, as if you were whispering the word by his ear, and he chuckles to himself.
Fine, you caught me. What are you going to do with me?
Your answer takes too long, entirely too long. Or maybe he is clinging to whatever it is you will say so much so that he doesn’t realize not much time passes until you send your reply.
Depends. How fast can you get here?
Hvitserk sits up on the bed, disbelieving.
You’re here?
After that message there’s the name of a hotel near the airport, simple directions on how to get to your room, and the promise reception knows you are awaiting a guest.
He’s scrambling out of bed by the time another message arrives.
With the sudden idea that you could be as cruel as to lie about having return to Kattegat, he grabs his phone again, only to find a picture of your crossed legs from above, your hand reaching down between them, though the view is obscured by the lace panties you insisted on keeping on. Goddamn tease.
If I get myself off before you get here, you won’t get to.
He doesn’t know if that means you won’t let him get you off or you won’t let him get off at all himself, but he doesn’t intend to find out.
He rushes out, passing by Ivar and his girl cuddling on the couch, and offering only a gesture at his brother’s grumbles about Hvitserk looking like an addict, chasing after his next fix in the dead of night.
He isn’t be too far off, really.
Your arrangement started the better part of eight months ago, after a night of too many Østersø Colas -even then he should have known he was gone for, making that too-sweet monstrosity over and over because you’d pout whenever he tried having you drink anything that wasn’t that- and even more shared secrets; you stumbled into the realization that you were…compatible.
A lot of -sober- talking later, and you decided to give it a shot, with the reassurance from Hvitserk that no friendship is possibly ruined by sex and least of all sex as fun as the one you two were planning on having.
“Colors works just fine for me. Anything else?” He asks, eyebrows raised. You shake your head, and there’s the beginning of a teasing smile on your lips that he cannot help but be drawn to.
Hvitserk leans closer, but you lean back. He meets your eyes with a frown you reach up to smoothen.
“What are you doing?” You drawl out, head tilted to the side and smile annoyingly smug. He loves it.
Taking a deep breath, he concedes,
“I really want to kiss you right now,” You stay silent, a quirk of one eyebrow that makes heat run through him. Hvitserk sighs, “Are you going to make me beg already?”
You drop the ruse with a breathy laugh and a shake of your head, but it is your hand at the back of his neck that makes him cross the distance and finally claim your mouth, so he isn’t so sure he wasn’t asking for permission then.
Surrendering to the pull and moving to lay between your legs, he loses himself in the feel and taste of you, in the thrill that runs down his spine when you muffle a kittenish moan against his lips, a wordless praise that fills him with warmth.
But before he is ready for you to, you pull back, leaving him to chase after your lips like some eager boy. Your smile is soft when you reach to trace his bottom lip with the tip of one finger, and he does not much mind showing how eager he is if such softness is the reward.
“Are you sure, Hvitserk?” Your eyes search his, more clarity in them than he would like to see, but he guesses that’s a good thing, that you keep a clear head.
He doesn’t hesitate to nod, leaning down to steal another quick kiss, “I’m sure. I trust you, yeah?”
It took a lot getting to where you two are now, he knows that. That makes falling for you somehow worse, when he thinks about it. But at the same time, it makes it almost inevitable, that he would get to know you like this and fall in love with you.
You leaving to spend a couple of weeks with your family wasn’t what made him realize he wants you much more than he gives away, or that he wishes for more than just play between the two of you, he has known for a long time now.
Your absence just made it all the worse, making him realize how much he has grown used -dependent- on hearing your voice during his day, on seeing you just because, on knowing you’re there within reach.
During these infernal two weeks he has had to stop himself from calling you with no other excuse than missing the sound of your voice, or asking you to video call him just so he can see that adorable little smile you grant him when he tries greeting you in Spanish.
Missing you has proven torturous, and his damn heart -stupid, hopeless heart- races at the mere thought of seeing you again, so much so that he’s fidgeting on the entirely-too-long elevator ride up to your floor.
When the door to the hotel room opens, Hvitserk’s mouth goes dry.
You are there, standing on the other side, finally within reach, dressed like half-goddess half-hell on that lacey lingerie set the picture did no justice to.
Smiling widely, you tease, “Made it just in time. I knew you could be good.”
He wastes no time, crossing the distance between you with a desperation that surprises him as much as you, claiming your mouth before he can think twice about it, moaning at the taste of you, at the feel of you solid under his hands.
You walk backwards into the hotel room, and he follows, of course he does, he would follow you anywhere as long as you keep looking at him like that, as long as you keep kissing him like that.
You pin him against the closed door at his back, your soft body pressed against his and your eyes -dark, hungry, yours- focused on him with a want he is still taken aback by.
It robs Hvitserk of breath, to have you look at him like that, like there’s nothing you want more than him; to have you demand from him what you want, even wordlessly.
You slip one of your legs between his as you lean even closer, your breaths trailing over the skin of his neck, and Hvitserk isn’t entirely sure when he became so enthralled that even as you torture him by being so close but not close enough and everywhere but nowhere at the same time, he remains still, pliant against you.
You seal your smile in a kiss against the underside of his jaw, making him shiver at even that simple of a gesture. You were gone for so long, he had missed you so much, everything about you, from the heady scent of your perfume to the thrilling feeling of your hands on him; and to have you so close now is overwhelming him.
As if you could read his thoughts, you press even closer, teeth closing over his earlobe before you drawl out,
“I missed you, mi amor,” His eyes fall closed at your words, he can’t tell if at the term of endearment that makes him so willing to surrender with nothing but two words, or at the admission that you felt his absence as much as he felt yours. Your leg purposely presses against his crotch, and if he was half hard at the mere thought of seeing you, now with you clouding his every sense he feels so desperate it almost hurts. You breathe a laugh when you feel his erection pressing against you, “And you missed me too, didn’t you?”
“You know I did.” He bites out, jumping a bit when your hands on his sides tighten just enough that he feels the faint press of your nails against him over the damn shirt he should have taken off long ago.
He cannot help it, he grinds against the touch with a shaky breath, chasing the delightful pressure that is somehow too much and not enough, one of his hands grasping helplessly at your shoulder while the other grabs at your ass, urging you closer.
Immediately, your hands on his hips tightening, you force him to stop, keeping him immobile against the door.
“Ah, I did not say you could touch, did I?
Gods, he loves it when your voice gets like that, with that mix of coldness and heat that drives him mad.
If you are expecting an apology, you know by now you have to work harder for it.
Hvitserk has long since accepted how easily his body will surrender to you, how effortlessly you make him submit to you without but a word, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like defying you once in a while, even if it is in small things such as this.
At his silence you pull back, a quirk on your lip as you look him over. Even as you take a step back, Hvitserk remains against that door, breaths quickening at the look in your eyes.
You motion with your head to the bed, and order, “Undress for me.”
He obeys without hesitation, quickly and maybe a tad eagerly, but he doesn’t care about hiding it.
Hvitserk feels your eyes on him as he strips down, and it makes him feel exposed, vulnerable, way past the nakedness of his body.
Before the nakedness, the way he stands there -exposed, offering all that he is and hoping you will take him-, can get to his head; before the thoughts of inadequacy and sudden and pointless insecurity can take root in his mind, you are there, sweet voice and gentle touch and everything he could ever want, smiling up at him with a softness he isn’t sure he deserves.
Hvitserk doesn’t know how you do it, how you manage to pick up everything about him, how you manage to calm down fears he didn’t know he had and also awaken wants he didn’t know he could have.
But you do. And now, as you take your fill of him, hands trailing over the muscles of his shoulders and working down his chest; he can surrender and think of nothing but you, and what it feels like you be yours.
If these scattered hours are all he can get, then he is still the luckiest man in the world, he knows it.
He knows it, but it still makes his chest pull tight when you tilt your head up and giggle against his lips, as if you are truly happy to be with him for more than the play you get into, as if you are as drunk off him as he is off you; because he knows he is fooling himself in thinking you want anything more than this.
Instead of giving morose thoughts any more free reign in his head, Hvitserk answers your silent command and leans forward, letting his eyes flutter shut as he stops, just shy of kissing you.
He feels your smile against his lips when you cross the remaining distance, and his heart skips a beat in his chest at the intensity behind your kiss. One hand tangled on the hair at the back of his neck, you guide his movements as you deepen the kiss, tongue mercilessly slipping into his mouth and stealing him of breath.
There is no feeling like this one, and he knows he truly is addicted. Addicted to how natural, how right, it is to be in your arms, surrendering to you. Addicted to how you look at him like there is nothing you want more. Addicted to everything about you, really.
When you pull back, all-too-soon for his liking, Hvitserk chases after your lips, leaning down to try and capture your mouth again.
You put a hand on his mouth to stop him, and, distracted it seems, you trail your fingertips down, parting his lips. He has never felt as wanted as he does when your gaze drops to his mouth.
A breath, two, and he holds his own as he awaits for whatever it is you will do, whatever it is you will demand. Hvitserk knows that regardless, he will grant you anything.
“I’ve missed this,” You whisper, quietly as you trace his lower lip with your finger. “I’ve missed your mouth on me.”
The effect of your words is immediate, filling him with a restless sort of energy while at the same time soothing at some part of him he refuses to give voice to. Yes, you want him, you want the pleasure he can give you, no one else.
No one else can make you feel like he can, no one. And you want no one else.
Swallowing thickly, he tries, “Can I?”
“Can you what, amor?” You press, smug smile curving at your lips. “What is it you want?”
“I want to eat you out, I want to make you come,” He blurts out, at the quirk of your eyebrow amending hoarsely, “Please.”
You say nothing, but the smile on your lips is devilish, is the reason behind the way his heart thrashes madly in his chest.
Your eyes drop to the ground before you, and then slowly lift to meet his again, the command clear even before you speak, head titled to the side.
“Sabes que te ves tan bonito de rodillas.”
Keeping his eyes on you, tethered to your darkened gaze and unable to look away, Hvitserk drops to his knees before you.
He could swear your expression softens, a strange tenderness overcoming you, and you reach with a soft hand to cup the side of his face, your thumb running back and forth under his eye.
After debating on what you might think of it, he decides to lean into this secret fantasy of his, a fantasy he sometimes can lose himself in, where you want him like wants you, where you care for him the way he does for you, where the warmth in your eyes is love; and leans into your touch, turning his face towards your hand and basking in the soft affection.
Your smile widens, bottom lip trapped under your teeth as you give the barest of nods, granting him permission.
Swallowing thickly, Hvitserk reaches for you, settling his hands at the back of your thighs, slowly travelling up, trailing over the impossibly soft skin with reverence.
Unable to stop himself, when he reaches your ass he grips a little tighter, squeezing the soft flesh under his hands, and, in a daring breath, he pulls you closer, making you stumble a step forward.
Your hand on his hair forcing his head back is immediate. Hvitserk smiles up at you, not bothering to hide that the reason he misbehaved is because he wanted to have you remind him of his place.
“Behave.” You warn, but still release your hold on his hair and let him have his fill.
He smiles, and presses that smile over the side of your hip, right above the elastic of the offending garment that he both loves and hates right now, hooking one finger on the elastic and slowly, torturing both you and himself, tugging it down.
He reverently kisses each new expanse of skin he discovers, before switching to the other side, and doing the same.
Lifting his eyes to you, Hvitserk slides the lace panties down the soft skin of your legs, trailing his hands down the back of your calves as you lift each leg to take them off.
But the second leg he doesn’t let go of, looking at you with the plea clearly written in his eyes. Your head tilts to the side as you smile down at him, and with a caress of your nails down the shaved side of his head that makes him shiver, you take a couple of steps backwards.
Back resting against the wall, you look at him in a way that makes him feel like he is the prey, even as he moves across the floor to cross the distance between you.
Hooking one of your legs over his shoulder, Hvitserk leans up to press a trail of kisses down your stomach, starting right under your bellybutton.
Gods, you weren’t bluffing when you sent that picture, you really were touching yourself just before he came here. He can see in the slickness of your core, can taste it when he dares lick a long strip up your center.
Just the thought of that, imagining you working your fingers over the tight little nub, or curling your own fingers inside you just the way he does, wishing he was there, getting off to the thought, the memory, of him; makes him lose his breath.
He licks his lips, but before he can get to you, your hand on his hair tightens, drawing a hiss from him. You keep him still until he meets your gaze.
“Eyes on me, alright?” You order, waiting for him to nod before you let him taste you again.
He had missed the taste of you, had missed making you squirm and shatter with only his tongue. And now he eats you out a man starved, hungry for every little moan he can make you let out, desperate for every breathy call of his name you can grant him.
When he first gets his fingers inside you, your hand on his hair tightens to the point that the familiar blend of pain and pleasure shoots down his spine, making him groan against you.
You tug on his hair again, a reminder of your rules that makes him realize his eye shad fallen closed; and he silently obeys, holding your dark gaze.
One more time he forgets himself and lets his eyes fall closed, and this time the tug on his hair is sharper, more pain than pleasure. The third time he forgets because when he pulls back momentarily, the sight before him stalls him, and his eyes linger on the way his fingers disappear inside of you, and a pit of thrilling fear runs down his spine when you don’t remind him of the rules that time. You never forget to enforce them, he knows that.
Hvitserk feels you climbing higher and higher, he knows your tells by now, and continues a steady pace as he brings you closer and closer to the edge, finding that almost as desperate as you are to come he is to see you come for him.
Your voice, haggard and hoarse as you call his name, will always be his favorite sound in the world. When you pull him back, making him stop, keeping him tethered, your hand on his hair keeping him still, he has to stop himself from reaching down to grasp at his acing cock, if only to relieve some of the pressure that’s building inside him.
You run your thumb over his bottom lip, a hint of possessiveness in the gesture that isn’t lost to him, and motion with your head for Hvitserk to get on the bed.
The sheets are cool against his back, making him realize how much he feels like he is burning under your smoldering gaze.
Your hands grasp at his wrists, and move his arms up over his head, making him hold on to the headboard. When he does, his reward is a deep kiss that makes him whine breathlessly when you pull away.
Wordlessly, you reach down and grasp his hard cock in your hand, running your thumb over the tip and collecting any precum to make the movements of your hand easier.
Hvitserk holds his breath as you start the slow work of your hand on him, languid strokes that send little shocks of electricity down his spine with each movement of your wrist, with each caress of your free hand on his leg that nears close enough to his balls.
His own hand did no justice to you, and if your hand is all he gets, he will die a happy man.
Unable to stop himself from thrusting up into your touch when you finally reach with your free hand to grasp at his balls, the soft touch enough to make him call out your name.
He feels you seal your silent praises against his neck in soft kisses, and slowly but surely you bring him higher and higher, taking him all the way to the edge of the abyss, but not letting him fall just yet.
“I’m, ah, I’m close,” He warns you, eyes fluttering open to meet your gaze. He searches desperately for an answer he knows he won’t find there, and pleads, “Let me come, baby, please. I’ve…I’ve been good, I-…”
“Hm, have you?” You ask, and your hand doesn’t slow down, still bringing him closer and closer to the edge with each stroke, with each movement of your wrist.
Hvitserk nods rapidly, a moan of your name that sounds like a prayer leaving his lips as he desperately awaits your permission.
You don’t stop, and you don’t give him permission.
He can’t come. He knows he can’t.
He wants to, though. He wants to, so bad.
His hands on the headboard tighten, and at this point his breaths are gasping and ragged, he’s on the edge, he needs only a push, he needs your permission, but you don’t stop.
“Please!” It’s a frustrated, desperate yell on his lips, a plea for mercy.
You continue, a twist of your wrist that makes pleasure shoot down his spine, just the right amount of pressure on your soft hold to fill his head with noise.
He is going to come, he feels it building, tightening and…
“You broke the rules, mi amor.” You whisper by his ear, making his blood run cold.
Your hand leaves him right before he can go over the edge, leaving Hvitserk helplessly rutting against nothing, chasing any kind of friction with each desperate and fruitless buck of his hips.
“No, no, I-…”
“I told you not to look away,” You continue, ignoring his pleas. “And you did.”
You start trailing kisses down his neck, mimicking with your delicate fingers on one side what you do with your lips on the other.
Seeming to disregard the frantic and haggard pattern of his breathing, you continue down Hvitserk’s chest, lingering for a few breaths too long on the lines of the tattoos on his left side.
He closes his eyes, unable to handle the sight of you making your way down his body with that smug and irresistible little smile, with that hunger in your eyes. He feels the ghost of your touch on his legs, spreading them apart before your weight dips the bed in between them.
Hvitserk squeezes his eyes shut more tightly, as if he can will away the images of you with your mouth inches away from his hard cock that his mind conjures up.
Your hands trail up his sides, an allure of softness he finds himself falling for, before the sharp sting of your nails dragging down his sides startles him into attention.
“Open your eyes.” You order, and how could he not obey?
Biting back a choked little whine at the sight of you, lips kiss-bitten and gaze dark, so close to where he wants you makes his cock twitch helplessly where it rests, painfully hard against his stomach.
He says your name, whispers it, moans it, he isn’t sure. Your smile widens, and you venture down his thigh to bite down softly on the inside of it, sending a familiar heat down his spine.
When you lift one eyebrow at his silence, as if he is forgetting something, Hvitserk amends, voice hoarse,
“Please, baby.”
With your hand trailing torturously from the inside of his thigh to the base of your cock, you delight yourself in the way you make him almost tremble in anticipation of your touch, he knows you do.
Grasping him firmly in your small hand, you trace the underside of his cock with your tongue, offering a few kitten licks before you finally have mercy on him and wrap your lips around him.
The feeling of your mouth around him leaves him boneless and pliant against the mattress, a dizzying sort of relief clouding his thoughts; while at the same time it leaves every nerve in his body raw, making every bob of your head send  currents of pleasure down his spine until all he can do is surrender, head tilted back and lips parted, as his body shivers and quivers at each of the expert movements of your mouth on him, at each lap of your tongue, and each stroke of the length your mouth does not reach.
Surely, and more quickly than before, pleasure builds inside him; bringing him closer and closer to the edge he can’t fall off from until you let him.
Hvitserk feels all of him tightening, twisting into a tight spiral, the world around him disappearing because all he can think of and feel and understand is your mouth around him, so wet and soft and warm.
He shudders, resisting the urge to curl around himself, and the sharp cry that leaves his lips as you hum around him is the only warning he can give you, the only plea that can leave his lips that you please, let him come.
The sudden loss of your touch leaves for too long tethered to that spiral, tense and desperate and so, so close¸ and before he can mourn the loss of yet another orgasm, he feels your mouth on him again.
Only this time you are nowhere near his cock, instead biting down somewhere under his left pectoral, clamping your teeth down on him so hard he’s sure you’ve drawn blood, leaving him chasing madly after the pain and the tendrils of pleasure it leaves dancing over his skin.
Hvitserk’s back arches off the bed as a haggard moan leaves his lips. His head feels funny and filled with noise, and he isn’t even sure if that noise isn’t him whimpering and moaning helplessly.
His head falls back, face turned towards the pillow as he takes gasping breaths, trying to hold on to a control he has long since surrendered to you. Hands grasping tightly at the sheets, as if somehow he can keep tethered by grabbing onto them, as if he can keep himself from being drowned in the sensations you draw out of him.
“P-Please, please, I c-…”
You laugh, bubbly little laugh that taunts him, and it sounds so jarringly innocent and lighthearted, that when he opens his eyes and finds the faintest evidence of blood staining your lips he fears he might come untouched.
“What?” You drawl out, hand trailing up and down his chest, “Don’t tell me you can’t take it, amor. We both know you can.
He closes his eyes tightly -that smile is going to kill him one day, he is sure of it- and shakes his head.
You lean closer, and he loves and hates the feel of the lace of your bra as it traces over the skin of his chest when you do.
“You looked away,” You remind him, a ruthless edge to your tone that makes a shiver run down his spine. “Three times. I’m only making sure you don’t forget the rules next time.”
“I-I won’t.” He attempts, even though he knows you won’t let him off easy.
“I know,” You offer, voice almost a sing song. Pressing close to nuzzle at his neck, pressing a kiss to a spot he can tell you are itching to leave your mark on, you promise, “One more. I know you want to be good for me, you can do one more.”
Eyes searching yours, the pull of wanting to be good for you, wanting to earn the praise that makes his chest warm and head fuzzy, is too strong, and Hvitserk nods his head, conceding.
You smile, and grant him one sweet kiss that he finds helps him calm down, slow his breathing even if it robs him of it.
Feeling you grasp his cock once again, Hvitserk shivers. It almost feels overwhelming, like he’s entirely too sensitive to even stand another second of this maddening game; but at the same time the fine line between pleasure and pain that your touch dances on is too enthralling for him to want anything but losing himself in it.
You start working him slowly, almost torturously slow strokes of your hand over his cock, that remains hot and heavy in your grasp.
You trail a few kisses down the column of his throat, but Hvitserk knows better than to expect the softness to continue so for much longer.
Even though he is expecting it, the sharp pain of the bite over that spot on his neck makes him gasp loudly, black spots dancing in his vision as he writhes underneath you on the bed.
Over and over, you continue biting him, marking him; making the line between pleasure and pain all the more blurred as your hand speeds up and tightens slightly on his shaft. But you do not let him get used to anything, keeping Hvitserk drifting as you alternate between the sharp bites and the soothing presses of your lips.
He has long since stopped attempting to stifle the mewls and moans that leave him, and though he does try to stop the helpless and desperate rutting of his hips into your touch, he quickly realizes it is a lost battle as well.
More slowly than before, pleasure builds inside him, and somehow knowing you won’t let him cross over that edge makes him all the more desperate for it.
It feels like it has been hours, like it has been a fucking lifetime of being so close and yet so far, taken to the edge only to be brought safely back even if all he wants to do is fall.
And when you stop for a third time, he knows the sound that leaves his lips is more of a sob than anything else. He even feels the prick of tears in his eyes, and if they have already fallen down his face, he has no idea when.
He feels your hands tun up from his stomach to his chest, the pressure just soft enough to be soothing and just hard enough to be grounding. Hvitserk doesn’t know how you do it, how you drive him wild and calm him down with barely a touch, and he gathers it should scare him that you have this much control over him, but there’s nothing he loves more than that.
“What color, mi amor?” You ask, voice by his ear.
Green, fucking green. Please don’t stop.
He nods his head eagerly, gasping breaths not bringing enough air for him to actually be able to voice anything.
But you aren’t content, and you insist, “Words, Hvitserk.”
He understands why you ask, he understands because the now and the memory of that night somehow blur together to him too, though for different reasons.
This weightlessness, this breathless feeling at surrendering to you, this all-encompassing warmth at having been made yours, it overwhelms him, it fills his sense with nothing but you, and it is a lot like that night.
Your walls are tight and warm around him, and though all you do is rotate your hips just slightly but he feels pleasure shoot through his whole body, leaving him trembling.
The shiver makes you move as well, and more drops of wax make their way to his chest, sealing the heat over his raw nerves. He will lose his mind like this, he is sure of it.
He thinks he hears your voice, but it sounds like he is trying to listen from underwater. He doesn’t mind, he doesn’t care, all he can think of his how good everything feels as he surrenders his body to you, how good he feels being yours.
He forces himself to return to the present, but he could swear the sting of the bite marks that litter his body feel a lot like the lingering heat of the drying wax on his skin.
“G-Green. Fuck, so green, baby.”
You hum, pleased, and seal a proud smile against his lips.
“Good boy.”
His heart races at the praise, and he doesn’t bother telling himself he is asking too much when he tilts his head up, asking for more.
With a breathed laugh, you lean down, chest pressed against his, and kiss him fully, gently even if hungrily. Hvitserk puts his hands on your sides, and when one of them slides to grasp lightly at the curve of your ass, you don’t say anything.
It is a wordless form of praise, to be allowed to venture past what’s allowed like this, and he smiles stupidly against your lips.
Pulling back and looking into his eyes, your legs on either side of his hips, you lower yourself over him, sliding torturously over his cock but not allowing him to enter you yet.
Hvitserk feels like breaking, he feels like he’s shaking and he wonders absently if you can feel it. His head tilted back, all he can do is give up a haggard groan to the ceiling above.
He feels your hand grasping him and he swears he could cry from the relief, certain now you will have mercy and allow him inside you.
Forcing his eyes open to look at you, he finds you already focused on him -and what a heady feeling it is, to be wanted by you, to be wanted like this, shattered, pliant, submitting-, biting your lip.
Guiding the tip of his cock against you, making it rub just slightly against your clit, you shudder, and lean forward so that your face is almost hidden against Hvitserk’s shoulder.
He feels you bite down without much warning on already-sensitive skin by his shoulder, and hisses at the sharp sting.
“Fuck, you’re, ah, you’re-…”
He couldn’t for the life for him know what he was trying to say, and the cry that leaves his lips drowns out any words when you finally take him inside you. A shiver makes you tremble and wrecks you both, and all Hvitserk can do is let his head fall back into the pillows, lips parted and eyes squeezed shut as you demand your pleasure from him and give back the same.
In the rhythmic movement of your bodies, the quiet and not so quiet cries that leave your lips and wash over him like little electrical currents to run over his skin, the drag of your nails or mark of your teeth on his chest and neck as you climb higher and higher, Hvitserk loses track of time, loses his breath, loses what was left of his mind.
He isn’t sure if it is with words that he warns you when he is getting close this time, but you understand regardless. Leaning down so you are face to face, you claim his lips in a biting kiss he can only half-heartedly return, too-lost in gasping breaths and trembling limbs.
Pulling back with a sharp bite over his bottom lip that you soothe away with a flick of your tongue, you order, “Come for me.”
His orgasm overwhelms him, dragging him under a rip current in which he can’t make out up from down; leaving him gasping helplessly, lips parted and throat strained at the desperate sounds of painful relief and weakening ecstasy that rumble past his chest.
There’s nothing but you, and the maddening scent of your perfume, and the feel of your hands on him, the sound of your voice as you call out his name in adoration and ecstasy, the tight warmth of your walls around him. You, you, you.
Pleasure steals the strength from his body, the air from his lungs, and even after he’s finished, he can do nothing but lay there, trembling and almost aching, feeling every shiver of his body in the aftershocks rattles him to his core.
He’s barely aware of you sliding off him -he thinks he manages one last weak and haggard moan as his softening cock slips out of you-, of your soft touches as you clean him up -he hopes, he really does, that you understand the mindless hum he lets out as his gratitude, because it is-.
All Hvitserk can think of is the dizzying relief, the bone-deep satisfaction of having been good for you; and he leans into that weightlessness, into that untethered existence, trusting blindly that you are there with him, that if nothing else your voice and your touch can keep him bound to this world, that you can take care of him and keep him safe.
He comes back to himself bit by bit, regaining a bit more of his mind thanks to each of the soft kisses you press over the marks you left behind, murmured praises that fill him with warmth in between each kiss.
“You were so good for me,” You’re telling him, and if he’s smiling drowsily, like the lovesick idiot that he is, well, no one can blame him. “So good. I’ve missed this, missed you so much.”
“Mhm, missed you too.” He drawls out, eyes fluttering shut when you stretch out by his side, your body soft and warm against his.
Even lifting his arm to drape it over you when you nuzzle close to him proves to be difficult, but he manages, and he soaks up all your warmth and your comfort as he dozes off in your arms.
After making him accept the water bottle and checking the bite mark on his neck -he knew you’d draw blood one of these days, was hoping for it really-, you sit up on the bed.
“Shower?” He makes a face at the suggestion, and you laugh, your nose furrowed adorably when you do. “Sorry, no bathtub in this room.”
“If you’d come to my place instead of here, we wouldn’t have that problem, now would we?”
Not that he even suggested you go there tonight -he thinks he might have, if he had any thoughts to spare when he read your message, and if his brother and his girl weren’t spending the night in-, but he still feels he needs to make that point. Sometimes he likes defying you for the sake of it, he’s found out.
“I can hear you pouting, Hvitserk,” You grumble good-naturedly, “Were you this whiny when I left?”
“Well, you left me for two weeks, can you complain?”
“I’m your mistress, not your trainer.”
“Aren’t you?” He taunts, and he knows immediately in the glint of your eye that you got him.
“I thought pet play wasn’t your thing,” You muse, annoyingly smug when you tilt your head to the side. “If it is, there’s some lovely collars that wo-…”
“Alright, alright, shower it is.” He interrupts, quick strides taking him to you.
The laugh you let out, carefree and playful, fills him with warmth, lets him pretend this is his life. This teasing, this easy intimacy, this familiarity.
His arms wrapped around you from behind, both of you waddling clumsily to the bathroom as he tries fruitlessly to make you stop laughing by pressing kiss after kiss on the side of your neck and face, Hvitserk can pretend this is his life.
And by Freyja and all the Gods, it feels like it is for a moment, and…he wants it to be, more than anything.
He’s fucked, he knows it.
But, for now, he forgets. He follows you into the entirely-too-small shower, and he laughs at the face you make when he puts his body between yours and the spray, and he holds you close and forgets.
Few times he has actually spent the night with you, and now, as he holds you to him, your back to his chest as you both drift off to sleep, he tells himself he should know better than to overthink this, he tells himself it means nothing and you just offered because it is nearly dawn already; but he still finds himself hoping this means something.
Maybe you missed him too, in the time you were apart, missed him enough to realize this no-strings-attached thing is not all you want anymore. Maybe you want him near too, maybe you have been falling steadily -madly, helplessly- all this time too.
It was that first time he spent the night with you that he realized for the first time the depths of his feelings for you.
Your focus is drawn to his chest and before he can figure out what you are doing you reach and peel a lingering drop of wax, the most adorable of furrows between your brows.
Still, he jumps a bit, and you lift big eyes to him, offering a sheepish, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” He mumbles. He isn’t sure what to do, how to act. A part of him feels like he should apologize, like he should be ashamed.
It was nothing short of amazing, the best night of his fucking life really, and Hvitserk feels like he’s somehow ruined it, like he was too weak, too much, too something.
You reach for the water bottle on the nightstand, taking a sip or two, but your gaze remains on him. Your eyes on him make him feel exposed, and he grits his teeth against the impulse to look away.
“Are you doing alright, Hvitserk?” You ask, that unending softness in your tone. He hates it now, because he is no longer mi amor, he is Hvitserk. Hvitserk, that was too much, Hvitserk, that ruined things.
He nods, maybe a little too hurriedly, “Mhm. Yeah.”
But your eyes on him, your attention on him, it makes him jittery. Before he realizes it, before he can try to stop it, his body is trembling, and his breaths quicken.
Why can’t he control it? He is fine, everything is fine.
It was the best sex of his life, why does he feel like he will break into pieces? Why can’t he fucking breathe?
“Hey, it’s alright,” You soothe, scooting closer, “Being jittery after an intense scene is normal.”
“Huh.” He nods his head, he doesn’t really know what to do with that information.
You put both your hands on his chest, soft and cool against the sensitive skin, and meet his eyes, unwavering. Slowly, carefully, you guide him into breathing in par with you; and he can slowly come down from it.
He has a feeling you know he is craving the touch, the contact of your body against his, a bit more than usual, but he doesn’t mind that you do, because as long as he can hold you to him and find something to ground himself on the short and uneven rhythms you tap against his chest with your fingers, he doesn’t much mind anything.
After a while, he isn’t sure how long, you lift your head and, chin resting on his chest, offer, “Hungry?”
He was feeling like shit, probably looking like it too, but even if he felt like he had been stitched back together after breaking apart at the seams, that night with you, eating cheap takeout and talking until the sun rose was no doubt one of his favorite nights. Even without counting that he had had the best sex of his life to date that night, it still would have been right there at the top.
When he wakes up in the morning the first thing he notices is how his every sense is clouded by you, in the best way possible. The faint scent of your perfume and something that is just you lingering in the air, filling his nose when he buries his face against your hair, burrowing closer to you; the warmth you radiate but also seem to seek in him, based on how you settle in his arms with a sigh when he moves closer; the even and soothing sound of your breaths as you continue to sleep.
In the time it takes you to wake up -and he can’t for the life of him tell how long that is, too lost in his own thoughts-, Hvitserk decides he will come clean today. He decides he will tell you how he feels, and he makes a draft of a plan on how to convince you to actually give the two of you a shot.
You are everything he could want in a woman, from the way your nose furrows adorably when you laugh at his stupid jokes to the way you can give him a look that makes him want to beg you to fuck him, he is certain there’s no one out there like you, no one that can make him feel like you do.
Murmuring your good morning, you offer quiet and short words about taking a shower, and Hvitserk lets you go, drumming his fingers over his bare stomach as he waits for you to come out.
He may or may not give himself a mental pep talk to give himself enough confidence to go through with this, and the voice in his head during said pep talk may or may not sound a lot like Ivar’s.
When you do, he blurts out, maybe less articulately than he intended,
“I want more than this.”
You turn to him, eyes wide, “What?”
“You heard me,” He states, confidently walking towards you. He doesn’t feel confident in the slightest, more like the opposite, but he might as well fake it till he makes it. “And I think you want the same.”
“I care about you, as more than a friend,” He admits before he can think of keeping the words to himself. At your silence he feels a pit of dread grow on his stomach. He really fucked it up this time, didn’t he? “I have for the past…Gods, I don’t even know.”
There it is, that little furrow between your brows.
“You never said anything.”
He shrugs, “Couldn’t risk losing you.”
“What changed?”
You left town for two weeks and I felt I was losing my mind pretending I didn’t miss you like crazy.
He could say that, it would be more than true. He is done pretending he didn’t feel your absence in these past weeks and pretending he didn’t wish more than anything that he had the right to just call you and talk to you until he fell asleep to the sound of your voice; he is done pretending he didn’t feel chained and restrained -and not in a fun way- by this distance you put between the two of you.
I spent a night with you in my arms and I couldn’t imagine waking up alone again.
He could say that, and it would also be true. The past twelve hours have been a fucking dream, and for all the times he allowed himself to get a little lost in the fantasy where there is love in your eyes and permanence in your embrace, he has also realized there is not that much of a difference between what you have now and what you could have.
But that is about what he feels, and he remembers at some point Ubbe told him sentences starting with ‘I’ are not good for conversations about feelings, or something like that, he wasn’t really listening; so he tries something else, that is also true.
“I-…we could be so great together, yeah?” He tries, eyes jumping between yours as he tries reading anything in your expression, in your gaze. “I can make you happy, I can-…let me prove it to you.”
“Prove…?” You shake your head, stepping forward. That’s towards him instead of towards the door to bolt out of here, and that’s a good sign, right? “You don’t have anything to prove, Hvitserk.”
He swallows thickly at the silence that follows your words, because there’s only one thing that might make or break this neat little plan of his, and it hinges on your answer.
“Do you…do you think you could…see me like that? Like something more than this?”
“I could, I-I do, but…” You do. He can pretend you didn’t say that fucking word after admitting to seeing him as more than a friend, in fact, he will pretend, happily. You press your lips together, big eyes lifting to meet his. “What if it doesn’t…work out?”
“What if it does?” He asks, taking a tentative step closer, feeling his lips pull into a smile. Finding courage in that little curve of your lips that you grant him, he confesses, “I’m falling in love with you, and I don’t think there’s much of a chance of going back now, you know.”
You chuckle, and he will ignore the way it is a little watery because he isn’t much better.
“I think…I think I’m falling in love with you too.” You offer, tentatively. Hvitserk cannot keep the stupidly wide smile from curving at his lips, lovesick and almost delirious as he asks, just to make sure,
You nod, “Yeah.”
He surges forward, and he isn’t surprised you have the same idea, the both of you meeting halfway to kiss. He kisses you hungrily, a tad of relief and a bit of desperation, mouth moving eagerly over yours.
His hands wander the exposed skin of your back, and he presses harder against you, smiling at the kittenish little moan you stifle against his lips. By all the Gods, he adores you, and he has you, all of you.
He is half certain there is some kind of cosmic misfire that has somehow made it so that he gets to have this, but he will not hesitate to hold on to it, hold on to you.
I trust you, yeah? He had told you all those months ago when you both jumped into this.
And that never changed. He has trusted you with his body and everything else for all this time; it is effortless to trust you with his heart now.
____ ____ ____
Thank you for reading!! Would love to know what you think!
In case it wasn’t clear enough, the two flashbacks (the short one where he is asked about the color, and the longer one where he is thinking about when he realized he was falling) are of a scene in the past (involving wax play and, though it wasn’t explicit in this one, impact play) that ended up being more intense than usual/expected, and Hvitty went through a pretty rough subdrop afterwards. Idk why I needed you to know about that scene, but apparently I did. I might (might) write another smutty oneshot for Hvitserk and this Reader character that goes into how that went down, idk.
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @1950schick​ @ietss​ @peachyboneless​ @encounterthepast​ @maggiescarborough​ @fae-sedai​ @zuxiezendler​ @crazybunnyladysworld​ @stupiddarkkside​ @northumbria​ @aprilivar​  
Btw, I have more Hvitserk works planned (because someone enables me, ahem, @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie​), so I’m gonna request that if you are in this taglist and want to REMAIN in it for the Hvitserk works, you let me know, otherwise I’ll keep you on the just Ivar one. Of course, if you wanna be added to the Hvitty taglist, ask away!
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witchyweasley · 3 years
Love Potion - Ron Weasley
Pairing: Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: You can’t really have sex in the burrow, but there are other options. This is a bit of an AU. Instead of knowingly prepping for war, the only pressing matter is Bill & Fleur’s wedding.
Word Count: 1.9k 
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, thigh riding
Spending school breaks at the burrow is always nice. All of the Weasley’s are very welcoming, especially now that Ron and I are officially dating now. I was hoping to get more free time with him during this break, given that Fred & George had moved out, but there were more people than normal at the burrow. Ron had failed to mention that it was time for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, so now all of the Weasley’s were back under the same roof again.
“Well, so much for any alone time,” I sighed, leaning my head on Ron’s shoulder. We watched as Fred and George kept trying to get Percy to try one of their products.
“Well actually, I’ve got an idea,” Ron said.
“Oh yeah? What’s your idea?” I asked.
“Well Harry and I were talking. What if, once everyone else has gone to bed, you and Harry trade rooms?” Ron suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Do you think we could get away with that? I thought you guys were worried that your mom would catch us?” I said thinking it over. As I said this, Fred had somehow convinced Percy to try the small potion. Percy’s hair turned bright green and then turned into moss. Molly was soon  chasing after Fred, telling him to get the antidote potion if he wanted to attend the wedding in a couple days.
“I think she’s got her hands tied with everyone being home. I feel like we are the least of her worries,” Ron laughed.
“Fair point, what about Hermione though? She’s also rooming in Ginny’s room right now,” I pointed out.
“She’s going to sleep in Charlie’s room. He won’t be here until tomorrow evening so she will chill there tonight,” Ron answered.
“How long have you and Harry been planning this?” I asked, a bit shocked at how much he had thought into this.
“We planned it last night. I’m not exactly thrilled with him staying in Ginny’s room, but it means that we can at least spend one night together,” He said, squeezing my hip.
After dinner, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I went on a walk around the yard, trying to get away from the chaos. We decided to settle the plans whilst away from everyone, the only somewhat alone time we’ve had so far.
“So, what time are we all moving rooms?” Hermione asked.
“Well, mum and dad usually go to bed around 10pm, so probably 10:30, to make sure that they’re both asleep,” Ginny answered.
“Are we all moving at the same time, or do we need a plan?” Harry asked.
“What do you mean?” Ron asked.
“Do you want to move one at a time? Act like you’re going to the bathroom, and then just go to the other room? And then that person go get water and switch rooms? Or do you just want to be ballsy and move all at once?” I asked.
“That plan sounds good. I think Percy still thinks he’s head boy, so if everyone moves at once he will sense trouble and snitch,” Ginny said.
“Works for me,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around Ginny.
“Harry, can I talk to you for a second?” Ron said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
“What’s that about?” Hermione asked.
“Who knows, honestly,” I shrugged.
“He’s probably getting onto Harry for holding me, he acts like I’m a child,” Ginny whined.
“I’m sorry, I try to talk some sense into him, but he can be a bit dense at times,” I laughed. Soon Harry and Ron caught back up with the group and we all decided to go back inside, getting ready to execute our plan.
At 10:30, I went down to the kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water. As I was pouring the glass, I heard someone coming downstairs. I looked over to make sure it wasn’t Harry going against the plan.
“Oh, hi George. How are you?” I asked, silently relieved it was him and not Harry or Percy.
“I’m doing alright, how have you been?” He asked, grabbing a snack from the cupboard.
“I’ve been pretty alright, despite Ron completely forgetting to mention that Bill’s wedding was this week,” I answered.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. Speaking of which, you two are officially a thing now, right?” He questioned.
“Yep, as of a few months ago, we are officially a thing,” I said.
“So I have a question. Fred and I have been looking for couples to try a new product we were looking to release. Are you down to try it?” George asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What is it?” I asked, a bit skeptical. Though, I trust George far more than Fred in regards to trying products.
“It’s just a potion. We don’t like to tell testers what it’s supposed to do though, because we don’t want a placebo effect to happen,” George explained.
“Why not have Ginny try it? She and Harry have been dating longer?” I suggested.
“Fred and I are a little uncomfortable with the idea of giving her this to be honest. Yes, she’s an adult and she and Harry are very cute together, but she’s still our little sister,” George explained, cringing at the idea of giving his sister the potion.
“Fine, I’ll try it,” I sighed, giving in.
“Lovely, so are you going up to Ron’s room right now?” George smirked.
“What? No…why would you think that…” I was never a good liar.
“Expendable ears work wonders,” George winked. Sliding a small pink vial towards me.
“You’re lucky I like you George, had Fred asked me it would be a no,” I sighed before taking the potion like a shot. It tasted like strawberry roses, making it one of the more pleasurable potions to take.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about Fred. I told him not to prank you in our 6th year but he doesn’t always listen to me,” George said as he finished up his snack, “Now, go sneak up to Ron’s room, I’ll ask you about the potion in a few days.”
George walked upstairs and I followed suit, heading into Ron’s room instead of Ginny’s.
“There you are! I was worried you had forgotten,” Harry said as I came in.
“I’m sorry, George was in the kitchen so I had to talk to him,” I said as I sat down on Ron’s bed. Harry headed over to Ginny’s room, leaving Ron and I alone.
Ron wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down next to him. He pressed a kiss to my temple before nuzzling into me.
“You know Ron, when I said we should have some alone time, I wasn’t expecting to cuddle,” I laughed.
“I wasn’t either, but I kind of made a promise to Harry,” He said slowly.
“What did you promise?” I asked.
“Ummm, basically I promised that we wouldn’t have sex because I asked him to not do anything with Ginny tonight,” He said, bracing himself.
“Ronald Weasley! Why would you do that!?” I said, smacking his chest.
“She’s my little sister!” He argued.
“Who’s been in a relationship with Harry for about 6 months now. Not to mention, she’s of age,” I pointed out.
“It just makes me feel weird,” He said. “Plus, I like cuddling you.”
“I like cuddling you too, but I also like having sex with you,” I sighed, tracing my finger along his chest.
“I’m sorry darling, I wasn’t thinking,” He sighed, tracing small circles on my hip.
Soon, my skin was far more sensitive than usual. The small circles on my hips felt like heaven, and I could feel myself getting turned on by the action. I shifted around, trying to relieve some tension. I settled down with one leg wrapped around Ron, my core pressed up against his leg. His arm moved down to trace circles on my thigh, driving me crazy.
“Are you alight?” He asked as I took in a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m just...honestly I’m just incredibly turned on right now,” I admitted.
“Oh? You’re that turned on by my touch, I was trying to keep this innocent,” He said, a bit confused as to how turned on I am.
“Fuck, I think this is George’s fault,” I sighed.
“Not making me feel any better here babe,” Ron said, grabbing my thigh. I grinded against him slowly, trying to relieve some of the tension his touch has caused.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. He asked me to test a product and I agreed to it. He didn’t tell me what it was, but he said they were looking for couples to try it out,” I said, my breathing getting deeper as Ron continuously massaged my thigh.
“So it’s a type of love potion?” He asked, watching as I grinded against him subtly.
“I guess so. Fuck, why’d you have to make that promise to Harry,” I whined.
“Well, there is something we could do…”Ron started.
“What? What is it?” I asked, desperate for some release.
“Well, you could get off on my thigh. You’re sort of trying to right now anyways,” he said.
“So you want me to ride your thigh?” I questioned, a bit too excited about the idea.
“Yeah, I think it would actually be really hot. And I technically wouldn’t be breaking my promise to Harry,” Ron said, his hand now running up and down my thigh.
“Mmm, I think it’s a great idea,” I said, pressing a slow kiss on his lips.
“Do you want these on or off?” He asked as I kissed down his neck, pulling on the waistband of my pants.
“Off, and I want yours off too,” I said, standing up to slide them down. Ron shimmied out of his and sat down on the edge of the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, kissing me deeply as I straddled one of his thighs.
Small moans left my mouth as I lightly ground my covered pussy against his thigh. Ron kissed me deeply, using his mouth and tongue to try to muffle my moans.
“You’ve gotta be quiet baby,” he said quietly. I nodded, holding back the moans as my hips grounded down on his thigh. His hands grabbed my hips tightly, and slowly started guiding my hips on his thighs. I bit my lip and threw my head back, breathing heavily as I try to not make any noise to wake up anyone.
“You’re so beautiful,” Ron groaned out softly, watching my hips move against him. I buried my head into his neck, sucking on his skin so I could muffle the moans escaping from my mouth.
“Fuck, Ron,” I moaned out quietly as he started bouncing his leg a bit. His hands continued guiding my hips, going faster and faster.
“Are you going to cum, baby? Are you going to cum on my thigh?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and grinded my hips harder on him, chasing my high.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he whispered, knowing it would push me over. My legs shook and I bit harshly at his neck to suppress my loud moan as I came over his thigh.
“That was...fuck that was hot,” he breathed out.
“Yeah, um, I really enjoyed that,” I sighed out, laying down on the bed. Ron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“For once I’m glad you tested out one of the twins products,” he laughed.
“And for once I wish you didn’t have such good morals, because I’m still incredibly horny.”
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rosyl-stuff · 3 years
Pretend You Like Me
Paring: Ji Changmin (The Boyz) x reader
Genre: eeehmm… fake dating!au; enemies to lovers/friends, angst?, some short fluffy moments
Word Count: around 1.8k
A/N: i had some trouble with finding out if this has any triggers or not, if you found it triggering, please tell me why and i add those as warnings
You took one last look in the mirror. You looked good, you decided. Still, you couldn't help but be nervous as hell. Your stomach felt like it was turning the whole time and, you wanted to change again and spend the evening in bed. Unfortunately, you couldn't, because the charity event tonight was organised by your own mother. She expected you to be there and act like the perfect child. The perfect child, of course, also included the perfect partner, successful and good-looking. And you had this kind of partner until three weeks ago. He broke up with you. He no longer had feelings for you and was falling in love with someone else. He didn't cheat on you, but you were still hurt and had feelings for him. To make it worse, he was a friend of the family and therefore, he will attend the event tonight, most likely accompanied by the person he had fallen in love with.
A glance at the clock told you that your date was late. Of course, you thought. Ji Changmin was a colleague of yours. He was successful and good-looking. However, you didn't like each other very much. He knew everything better and only cared about himself. He probably thought you were bitchy and overbearing. But he was the best choice if you wanted to keep your dignity tonight. Who knows, maybe you could even make your ex jealous and come back to you.
Changmin was 10 minutes late by now. If he's any later, you thought, I certainly won't help him with his project. Convincing Changmin to go to the charity event as your date was kinda damaging for your pride, but he didn't think much of you anyway, so why not try. It probably even gave him satisfaction to see you begging him. Of course, he wanted something in return. He wanted you to help him with his upcoming big project. Not like you don't have enough work on your desk already, you thought.
Finally, the doorbell rang and, you pulled open the door to your apartment. "About time. My mum will kill me if we're any later." He just rolled his eyes and muttered, "Nice to see you too." At his car, he opened the passenger door and let you in. He jogged around the car, got in and drove off. Both of you were silent and, it wasn't a pleasant silence either. Changmin seemed to feel the same way because he cleared his throat and said, "Shall we go through our story again?" "It might make sense!" you sighed and started, "Well, we know each other from the company. Probably the only thing that isn't a lie!" "We used to have lunch together. And I liked you for quite some time, so I mustered up all my courage and asked you out," Changmin continued, his words dripping with mockery. "I was a little surprised, but I agreed. On our first date at an Italian restaurant, we found out that we get along really well and have a lot in common", you continued the story unimpressed by Changmin's behaviour. "Like tennis, for example" "I hate tennis!" you interjected. "Not tonight!" Changmin returned, grinning. "Do you have to make it harder than it already is?" you sighed. "Yep!" Changmin returned cheerfully, "Sometimes it's easier, to tell the truth! You'll learn that tonight!" "Are you threatening me? Listen, if you ruin this tonight, you can forget about my help with your oh-so-great project. And I promise you, your job at the company will feel like hell!" Changmin laughed, obviously not bothered by your threat. "All good. I'll try my best to impress your mother. After all, there are many influential people there tonight." "Are you using me to make new connections?" you asked, shocked. The thought hadn't occurred to you.
Changmin didn't answer any more, because you had arrived. After he parked, he got out and opened the door for you. You took another deep breath before you took his hand, which he held out to you. It was pleasantly warm and warmed your nervous cold hands. His thumb gently stroked the back of your hand as if he had sensed your nervousness.
Shortly after you entered the event hand in hand, your mother floated towards you. She hugged you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "How nice that you finally found your way here." "Hi Ma, this is Changmin. Changmin, this is my mother." "Nice to meet you! Sorry for being late. Y/N had a bit of an outfit dilemma." said Changmin with a charming smile. Your jaw dropped. Did he really just say that you thought. Your mother paid no attention to you, laughing at Changmin's comment, "Yeah, that's how you know them." "Come along, there's someone over there I want you to meet." She led the way and, Changmin held out his arm for you to hook onto. You took his arm and whispered to him, "What was that all about? You were the one who was late!" "Yep, but that doesn't make a good impression!" he said with a grin. You gave him one last dirty look before putting on your charming smile as you were both introduced to a handful of important people.
After a while, you had a little break from Changmin as he was deep in conversation with some businessman. And then you saw him, your ex. Before you could hide, he had already spotted you and came to you. "Y/N! How nice to see you!" he said and gave you a quick hug. "H-Hi!" you stuttered and were probably already as red as a tomato. "Your mum said you're not here alone?" your ex asked. "Y-yes, um no. I'm here with Changmin. From the company." "Oh really? I always thought you didn't like that guy." "Yeah." you said, laughing nervously, "Turns out he's quite nice." Your ex eyed you sceptically. "And we have a lot in common. Tennis, for example. I love tennis."
Before the conversation could get any more awkward, you felt two arms wrap around you from behind and how someone gently kissed your cheek. "There you are. Shall we go to the buffet?" said Changmin and pulled you closer to him. You were a little speechless and stunned by the sudden closeness to Changmin and only glanced at your ex, who continued to look at you sceptically. Changmin followed your gaze: "Hi, I'm Changmin," he said, but his friendliness seemed fake. Your ex only nodded briefly and turned to leave.
Changmin pulled you towards the buffet and whispered: "My God, that was pathetic. Stuttering around and blushing. Not being able to get a sentence out. Your ex couldn't have been that great." Annoyed, you pushed his arms away from you and stomped to the buffet on your own. Changmin followed you and asked with a grin, "Did I upset you?" Swinging, you turn around and glare at him angrily, "You're a fricking idiot! You don't have to like me ok? But please pretend tonight." You barely managed to stop the tears, turned around and disappeared into the toilet.
Fortunately, no one else was there and Changmin did not follow you. It took a while, but then you felt ready to face the world again. When you left the bathroom, Changmin was standing there, waiting. When he saw you, he came up to you and pulled you into his arms. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." "Yes, you did," you grumbled, but you wrapped your arms around him anyways and returned his embrace. A hug was exactly what you needed right now. And it didn't matter now that the hug came from someone who didn't like you. Changmin gently stroked your back, "How long does your mother expect you to stay here?" "Until the end, I'm afraid!" you sighed. "And what if you're not feeling well?" Before you could answer, your mother came up to you. "Are you all right? Have you been crying?" she asked you when she saw your face. You were about to shake your head when Changmin said, "They're not feeling well. I'll take them home now." "Oh, they shouldn't make such a fuss! I'll get you aspirin and you'll be fine," your mother replied. "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but we're leaving now," Changmin said firmly and pushed you past your mother towards the exit.
The ride home was silent, but this time it was a more comfortable silence. "Thank you!" you whispered barely audibly, but Changmin seemed to have heard because he reached for your hand and his thumb began gently stroking the back of your hand as he did before. A little later, you realised Changmin was driving the wrong way, "Changmin, you should have turned right." "I know, but I'm still hungry and I thought we both deserve a proper meal now," he said, stopping in front of a fast-food restaurant.
Totally overdressed, you went into the restaurant and ordered. While you were eating, you noticed Changmin's hamster cheeks and started giggling. "What is it?" he asked. "You look cute with your hamster cheeks," you said, still giggling. Changmin glared at you, "You're on thin ice. Very thin ice." You laughed even more and, he couldn't help but smile a little too. During the rest of the meal, you had your first real conversation and realised that you actually had some things in common. And it really wasn't tennis. Afterwards, Changmin drove you home and accompanied you to your flat door. When you were standing in front of it, it was kind of awkward. Do you now shake hands or hug each other goodbye? You opened the door and turned to him again: "Thank you very much. I don't know how I would have done it without you today." "No problem. Sorry again. You're not pathetic." You rolled your eyes with a smile, "I know myself that it's high time for me to get over him." "If you need help again, let me know," he said. "Thanks!" you said again and then wrapped your arms around his body and buried your face in his chest. A little hesitantly, he also wrapped his arms around you and gently stroked your back. A little later, he gently kissed your temple. "It will be alright," he murmured as you broke away from each other. You smiled at him one last time and then went inside. Maybe he's not that bad.
Back in the car, Changmin let his head fall down on the steering wheel. He couldn't get the sentence: "You don't have to like me ok? But please pretend tonight. " out of his head. At that moment, he would have liked to reply, "But what if I actually do like you." But no, he had to stand there like an idiot and said nothing.
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | woops, finally have chapter 3 here! alex wasn’t able to finish it so i (monnie) did, but alex edited it so it was a smooth process. please like and reblog!! feedback is greatly appreciated!! please excuse any mistakes!
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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hongjoong had gathered everyone around, gaze settled upon his members. “this mission is very important. we’ve managed to get a good deal. he says if he manages to make a good first impression with us, he’ll be willing to work with us at a smaller price.”
everyone nodded along, understanding what he was trying to say: don’t mess this up. 
the leader continued as everyone seemed to catch the drift, “but we’re going to be very careful with this. we don’t put ourselves out there, so i don’t know how he knows our reputation enough to want to further business before we’ve even started.”
seonghwa perked up, arms tightening around himself, “that means old business is talking.” hongjoong nodded, letting him know they were both on the same page.
after a moment of silence, hongjoong sucked his teeth and looked up at y/n, eyes holding an emotion the older couldn’t read. the two held eye contact for barely 3 seconds before hongjoong spoke in yeosang’s direction. “i want you to stay here with y/n,” at those words, the younger gave a look that explained his feelings very well, y/n thought.  
yeosang thought this was bullshit, but he couldn’t speak out on it because he trusted hongjoong knew well enough. “don’t take it personal, i don’t trust y/n fully. we don’t know what can happen.”
yeosang could only nod, deciding against disobeying hongjoong’s orders. 
“alright, everyone get ready. we leave in an hour, i wanna get there early. scope out the place.”
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y/n felt ashamed and angry. 
ever since the group left for the mission, almost an hour ago, yeosang has been rude and treating him like he was the cause of all his problems. he felt ashamed because yeosang’s bruteness made him feel, somewhat, small and embarrassed, like it was his fault they were in this situation.
“get out of my way,” yeosang had shoved y/n on the way to the kitchen. the older stared dumbfounded, patience wearing thin.
“a simple excuse me would’ve been nice.”
yeosang scoffed, opening the refrigerator. if there was one thing that bothered him, it was being on babysitting duty. 
“yeah, well i’m not exactly in the mood to play around and be all goody-two-shoes. so you know what would be nice?” he directed a sharp glare to y/n, not giving him a chance to answer his rhetorical question, “if you would fuck off.”
y/n bit his tongue, sizing up the smaller. his thoughts blocked his irritation, taking in the fact that yeosang was a gang member. he’s pretty sure size wouldn’t inconvenience the younger when handling a physical situation, much less a verbal one.
the doctor went to walk away as yeosang placed a plate in the microwave, until he noticed red markings on the skin of yeosang’s wrist, his shirt sleeve sliding down as his arm lifted. “are you okay?”
“last i checked, i didn’t ask for some psychological evaluation. so for the love of god-”
“no- i meant your wrist… is your wrist okay?”
a barely noticeable blush covered yeosang’s ears, “i’m fine. it’s nothing.” 
y/n’s head tilted, an unsure look on his face.“do… do you mind if i take a look at it?” 
yeosang stilled, the low hum of the microwave filling in the silence. he hesitated, but decided against it, knowing yunho had told him he needed to get it looked at because there wasn’t much he could do.
his eyes drifted to y/n, his arm slowly gravitating in the direction of y/n, a silent approval. the doctor carefully walked forward, gently grabbing yeosang’s hand and pulling the sleeve slightly. a small gasp left his mouth, the sleeve barely pulled back but the wound already looked pretty bad. “do you have a first aid kit?”
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the metal lid of the small trash can clinked as it swung back and forth, ointment-clotted swabs and bandage wrappers crinkling within the confinement. “thank you,” yeosang’s voice was small, his upset mood dissipating as time went on. 
“it’s no problem,” y/n finished wrapping yeosang’s wrist, careful not to make it too tight, “that was a second degree burn though… how’d you get it?”
yeosang looked down, a blush settling on his cheeks. his head dropped and his feet swung under the medical cot he sat on. he mumbled something, biting his lip afterwards, and y/n’s eyebrows furrowed. “i’m sorry, what was that?” and yeosang mumbled once more, y/n still not hearing what he said. “huh?”
“i said i burned myself trying to help seognhwa hyung make your meals!”
y/n blinked, “oh.”
and for the next few moments, it was deadly silent, the ticking of the wall clock echoing. y/n couldn’t take the awkwardness any longer, clearing his throat, “well, next time you get hurt, please don’t be afraid to come to me. it’d give me something to do, i already feel pretty useless and lonely here, to be honest.”
yeosang looked up, his feet no longer swinging, and a confused look on his face. “you’re not useless. we wouldn’t have kept you alive if you were.”
at that moment y/n inhaled, not knowing how to respond to that. “uh, jeez, that uh… hm, that makes me feel better… i guess?” a moment passed before the two chuckled, a comedic break turning out to be a lot more comforting than they expected. 
minutes passed, their conversation dying down into light replies and subtle smiles when yeosang asked a question that threw the doctor off. “do you know anyone by the name of heeseung?”
dozens of thoughts raced through y/n’s mind; why does he want to know? is heeseung okay? did he do something he wasn’t supposed to? 
“. . . yes.” but y/n couldn’t ask any further because before he knew it, yeosang had nodded and gotten down from the cot, walking out of the infirmary area.
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meanwhile, miles away the others had arrived at the meeting spot, every member cautiously looking out for anything strange. seonghwa began pulling in closer to the black van adjacent to theirs, letting hongjoong and wooyoung scout to make sure this was the man they were meeting with.
after confirmation that this was dongwoo, they holstered their weapons within the waistbands of their trousers and exited the van. 
“have you got it?” hongjoong cut to the chase; he was quite a brute person when it came to work. and dongwoo and his people wanted to make a good first impression? he’d see how well he could handle him.
“yep, got a truckload of ak-47’s, m16’s, and a couple 9mm’s. all smuggled from america.”
hongjoong pursed his lips, an impressed nod making dongwoo’s ego subtly inflate. word on the street said no one had successfully managed to smuggle weapons, specifically guns, to ateez without the korean law getting too heavily involved. the trader always got caught, and ateez always made sure to utilize their connections and silence those who they couldn’t trust to keep their mouths shut. 
hongjoong had to go to some expensive lengths just to get the glock 17’s they used now. the quality of the gun proved its worth though, they learned. however, it was rare that they resorted to guns—they didn’t rely on them unless they themselves were in danger or if someone needed to be silenced quickly.
“looks good to me,” hongjoong complimented, turning his head slightly toward wooyoung, “bring out their payment.” 
wooyoung nodded briefly, bringing his hands from behind his back, a large herbal drink-branded bag being showcased. dongwoo raised a brow, peeking over and catching a glimpse of the rolls of cash that filled the bag to the brim.
“thank you for your service,” hongjoong beckoned wooyoung to hand the bag to dongwoo, before he went to step toward his shipment.
“wait, what?”
at dongwoo’s abruptness, san stepped forward, “what do you mean ‘what’? take the deal or leav—” his words died down and he cowered back when hongjoong’s sharp glare met his eyes, immediately silencing him. 
the leader clasped his hands behind his back and made a sharp turn toward the man. “is there something wrong?” his head was tilted and a curious look was on his face, there shouldn’t have been anything wrong with this offer and if there was, there was only a problem on dongwoo’s side. call it being ignorant, but hongjoong didn’t say he never had a problem because he wanted to be cocky and egotistic. it was simply the truth. 
out of every issue he and the others had encountered with a deal, none had gone wrong on their part. it was part of the reason their group was at the top—they were efficient business partners and leaders. something only went wrong when non-mutual expectations weren’t met.
“there’s no ‘we’re looking forward to doing future business with you’?”
a small smirk had taken over hongjoong’s lips, hidden by the hanging of his head. “mr. yoo, we further business with those of the same intentions as us. do you, perhaps, know what those intentions are?”
dongwoo stood dumbfounded; of everything he heard about ateez and their leader, he didn’t think to find out just what their goal was.
“it seems you don’t know, so i’ll tell you. we, ateez, have come this far from one thing and one thing only—loyalty. when i heard your proposition of your first impression leading to cheaper traders, something was a little off,” his eyes squinted and he bought his pointer finger and thumb to barely touch, “you know a little too much, don’t you think?”
dongwoo’s eyes widened slightly but he recovered, however, it was noticeable. “what are you talking about?” 
“someone’s been talking, haven’t they? leaking information about us that they, most certainly, weren’t warranted to give, but you probably don’t know much—you’re not the loose tie that needs to be cut off,” he looked dongwoo dead in the eyes as his own narrowed, “i hope.”
his intimidating stare lasted for a few moments more before a light smile covered his face, eye lightening. “take your payment, we’ll be taking our things and leaving.”
hongjoong gave a nod of his head, him and the rest of ateez splitting up to hook the small weapon-filled-trailer to their own vehicle, dongwoo and his men pulling off once it was unattached. 
“boss, i don’t feel so good about this right now. i think we should hurry and get out of here.” yunho spoke, a hand rubbing at the hairs that stood on the back of his neck. hongjoong didn’t question further, sharing the suspenseful feeling that creeped up his spine, giving a prompt nod.
after 5 minutes were spent attaching the trailer and making sure they were ready to go, seonghwa started the engine and waited for everyone to get in. just as san and mingi were about to get in the van, the screeching of tires sounded nearby.
“get down!” and bullets went flying.
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“do you like raisin bran?”
y/n gave a slight nod, folding his hands in front of him. “sure!” yeosang held the box in the air, stopping mid-grab.
“aren’t you a doctor? raisin bran has a lot of sugar…”
y/n shrugged his shoulders, standing to get bowls for the both of them, “i’m a doctor, not a dentist. besides, i’m quite the sugar addict. with the injuries i see and multiple hour surgeries i perform, i need some type of a high—so sugar high it is!”
yeosang laughed, shaking his head and setting the cereal box on the counter before grabbing the milk from the fridge. “quick question doc,” yeosang began and y/n looked at him, setting the bowls and spoons down. “milk first or cereal?”
yeosang held a laugh in when y/n had a visibly offended look on his face, a hand pressing to his chest. “yeosang, please tell me you put cereal fi—”
“shit! y/n where the fuck are you?!” someone had frantically shouted from the front of the house, yeosang and y/n giving each other a worried look before tripping over their own feet to reach the living room.
“oh my—what happened?!”
“fuck,” hongjoong let out a belligerent roar, “get him to the infirmary!”
y/n panicked, grabbing onto the injured man and hoisting him up into his arms, rushing to the infirmary. he looked down at the paled man in his arms, huffing out a breath of air, “don’t worry san, i’ve got you!”
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san lies on the medical cot, eyes still and closed and chest rising and falling in a calming pattern. y/n is sitting next to him, checking his vitals every few minutes and making sure his labs are okay. after verifying everything is stable, he sat the clipboard down, closing his own eyes and lying his head in his arms on the cot, dozing off. 
it’d been about 3 hours since san was bought in like this. y/n could’ve laughed at how freaked out he was earlier—san’s injuries weren’t even the worst he’s ever seen or treated, but your emotions and professionalism change when the person lying on your operating table is someone you have a nice relationship with… and when said patient’s fellow gang members are breathing down your neck, reminding you that there’s no other option than survival for him...
“how is he?” hongjoong’s voice startled y/n out of his exhausted haze, the older jumping in his spot.
“he’s fine now. if you’d have been any later, he would have coded… and i can’t do much for coding outside a hospital.”
the leader nodded his head, his chest and shoulders dropping slightly as if he could finally breathe. y/n watched him, watched how hongjoong toed around the cot, staring san’s unconscious form down.
y/n fumbled with his fingers, running over his next words in his head before just blurting them. “is it hard?”
“what do you mean?”
he shrugged his shoulders, looking at the shorter, “being a leader… having to watch over everyone,” he held eye contact with the leader, trying to read his expression, “it must be suffocating when something happens to one of them.”
hongjoong’s tongue swiped over his teeth as he stared the taller down. the air around them was tense—hongjoong knew y/n meant good by his words, but he’s not the type of person to just get emotional with people, especially those who aren’t exactly close to him. the others may see y/n as someone more than a hostage, but to hongjoong, he was just that. a person they were taking advantage of—a person who was only cooperative because his life was on the line.
“we’re going to head back to the shooting scene and see if we can find anything that’ll lead us to dongwoo, son-of-a-bitch. wooyoung and yeosang will stay with you and san… so let them know if you or san needs anything.” y/n cleared his throat, giving a curt nod before standing up and walking toward the cabinets, desperate to escape the awkward and tense aura. 
when he heard the door to the infirmary shut, signaling hongjoong had left, he let out a sigh before starting to occupy himself again. he opened a cabinet, grabbing a roll of gauze—it was time to change san’s dressings.
as he made his way back to the cot, he noticed san was now awake and it caused him to stop in his tracks. “when did you wake up?”
“unfortunately, when it got awkward,” san watched y/n’s face fall, a look of embarrassment overtaking his tired features. he held back a teasing smile, leaning back on his arms, although hissing in pain and sitting back up when the pressure sent a stabbing pain through his side and shoulder. he watched y/n walk toward him and lift his clean shirt to start snipping at the dirtied gauze anchored around his naked shoulder.
a few moments went by of y/n re-bandaging and wrapping san’s wounds before the injured boy’s head tilted to the side. he didn’t know if it was because he was high off pain meds or if it was because he’s been so deprived of seeing an unfamiliar face… but y/n looked really handsome and flattering. even thinking about feeling that way sent a drunk feeling to san’s head, his mind getting lost and going blank in the echoing cavity of his skull. it was no secret to himself that he was rather flexible when it came to his romantic relationships and feelings, but he was still foreign to it.
he decided to push it to the back of his mind, feeling rather rushed and irrational at the moment, “y/n hyung… are you feeling better now?”
the older turned to look at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion, “i should be asking that—you’re the one who got shot in the shoulder and stomach,” he pulled san’s shirt back down, careful not to put pressure on his shoulder. he turned around for a moment before turning back and wrapping san’s arm in a sling.
“thank you,” the younger softly spoke, before continuing, “i just noticed you’re more at ease with all of...this. it’s almost a complete 180 from when we first met.”
the doctor’s hands froze against his own lap, a sigh leaving his mouth and his eyes fluttering in a blink of realization, “i guess so.”
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“they’re not here—”
hongjoong sighed through his nose, looking rather composed; and the others thought it wasn’t much of a deal until the leader kicked the seat in front of him, scaring seonghwa, who was in the driver’s seat. “call yeosang.”
“been here for a while, what’s up.” said male spoke through their communicator, sounding calm and unbothered.
“can you please stop doing th—can you find anything about dongwoo’s whereabouts?”
“give me a sec,” the boy registered, the clicking of a keyboard sounding into the communication device.
“alright so while yeosang’s doing what should have been done, please tell me why there wasn’t an extensive amount of research on this client?” hongjoong was pissed. not only did their transaction end in a one-sided gunfight, it ended up with one of their own having more than one bullet wound.
wooyoung swallowed, knowing damn well the question was aimed at him. “hyung, i did do research. i made sure to look up what links he has with other businesses and everything that i could think of. i’ve never failed at doing so-”
“then why did you fail this time?”
it got heavily quiet, seonghwa looking at his boyfriend through the rear-view mirror. no one uttered a breath and looked away from a fidgeting wooyoung.
“aight i’m back.”
hongjoong ignored seonghwa’s prompting  gaze, “what did you find?”
“nothing. they’re good at covering their tracks and maybe that’s why wooyoung couldn't find much. usually, we resort to hacking, but i’ve never seen these sorts of codes before and if you want me to break the wall down it will take longer than what you’d want.”
the leader sighed once more, pinching the bridge of his nose while bouncing his right leg. “No it’s fine, we’ll just hope dongwoo and his crew don’t appear again.”
“but hyung, isn’t that a little reckless-”
“you shouldn’t be one to speak right now.” hongjoong turned to glare at wooyoung, the younger male pursing his lips and nodding. “everyone get in the car, we're going back.”
“...so i’m not going to try and hack this? aw.”
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“what’s wrong?” san frowned as wooyoung sulked while sitting next to him on the cot.
“hyung’s mad with me…”
y/n had his back facing them, trying to arrange the mess that was on the counter where all the ointments and supplies were. yunho had came in earlier to apologize for not keeping it organized, his exact words being “i just clean up their wounds as best as i can, and i’m not really in here unless it’s an emergency.”
san lingered a glance at y/n as if the older would do the same. “is it because of dongwoo?”
the younger nodded with a pout, leaning on san’s side. “mhm, and he hasn’t talked to me since.”
“well you know joong-hyung, he’s…” san thought for a few seconds, and when he couldn't find the words, he bit the inside of his cheek. “ he’ll get over it, just give it time. or talk to seonghwa-hyung, he’ll know what to do, he always does.”
wooyoung whined, “i already did! and he said ‘i can’t do anything’ with that pained smile of his!”
san blinked, “what? you’re lying, hwa-hyung would never fail us-”
“no no, i was there. he talked to hongjoong-hyung before wooyoung came up to him...or at least tried. joong-hyung isn’t talking to anyone right now. that’s why hwa-hyung told you he can’t do anything.”
“yeo, i swear you’re the nosiest person ever. like, please, i’m not sure if that’s good or bad sometimes.” san grimaced after processing yeosang’s comment through the earpiece.
“as far as i know it’s done us more good than bad. plus, it’s my job to be nosy, remember? we all get paid for things, and i get paid for sticking my nose up yall’s business.”
“wait you do that 24/7?” wooyoung frowned.
“uh, no. sometimes i don’t even intend to do it, ya’ll loud as fuck so sometimes i don’t even need the communicators. and i only comment on things that mean something. and before you ask this did not mean anything, i just wanted to join in the conversation.”
san snorted, “then why didn’t you just walk in here?”
“cus i’m busy right now.”
“doing what?” wooyoung grabbed san’s hand and played with his friend’s fingers.
“doing what i was not authorized to do—hack that wall.”
“won’t you get in trouble?”
“maybe,” the sound of him smacking his lips sounded, “but at least i won’t be given the silent treatment.”
wooyoung sat up. “yah! yeosang i will come down there and kick you!” when he heard no response he jumped off the cot and walked out the room, “yeosang i warned you!”
while hearing his best friend yell down the hall, san laughed. his attention returned to y/n who had his head tilted and a confused look on his face. “what’s wrong, hyung?”
“how...were you two talking to yeosang?” 
san hummed, smiling while tapping the clear earpiece in his ear. “we have them on unless we’re showering and sleeping or something. but when we’re on duty we have them on, speaking of that, i’ll tell jongho to get you one-”
y/n shook his hands in front of him as san was about to move, “you shouldn’t move too much, you might reopen a wound. i’ll call him…” y/n’s voice died down when he realized what he was volunteering to do.
at the sudden look of horror on y/n’s face, san laughed. 
“don’t worry, jongho’s just a buff teddy bear unless in danger. but for now, i’ll call him over.” san raised his hand to his earpiece, making y/n question why he couldn’t do that before. “jongho, can you bring an earpiece for y/n?”
san nodded when the younger agreed, saying he’ll be there shortly. he lowered his hand and rested it on his lap. “have you gotten along with anyone here yet?” he tried to spark conversation with the doctor, highly interested in him and feeling the need to know more about him.
“aside from yeosang, seonghwa and you, uh, not really. maybe yunho? i mean, he’s never showed any sign of hatred towards me so i guess we get along decent too...but i haven’t really had a chance to meet the others.”
the younger nodded, “well we may look tough and all, but i promise we’re all chill. hongjoong-hyung is only tough and straightforward when he’s on the lookout. just give him some time and you’ll see how nice and caring he is.”
y/n hummed, “i guess..”
“i have arrived with the product~” jongho smiled while walking inside the room, a box in hand. “once you put it on it will send yeosang a message and he’ll grant access to it.”
san watched jongho gesture y/n to grab it, but he took it before the doctor did. “here, i’ll put it in for you.”
jongho did his best to not snort or laugh, leaning against the wall instead. he watched san help y/n with setting up the earpiece, amused at how san seemed interested in the doctor.
“ok done, yeosang should grant access soon.” san smiled at y/n, the doctor returning it with his own.
a few minutes of quiet tension passed and jongho felt the need to do something; he pressed the button on the side of his earpiece. “yeosang-hyung, are you not going to-”
“give me a second, i just kicked wooyoung out. if he goes up there with a black eye don’t question it, he’ll say what happened without you asking.”
“you didn’t actually give him a black eye did you-”
“if he did then that can easily be taken care of…” y/n commented while watching jongho roll his eyes.
“yeah i did-”
“no he didn’t.” wooyoung butted in, it sounded like he was munching on something. “it was the other way around-”
san chuckled, shaking his head at his friend's bickering. he realized y/n’s earpiece was successfully connected when he saw the older grin. 
“i bet they both have a black eye.” y/n nodded to himself.
jongho rose a brow, a grin prominent on his features. “and how much are we betting?”
y/n hummed, “thirty bucks.”
“i wanna bet too~,” san grinned, “let’s check it out then. can i move now?”
“hmm...i’d say no but you probably wouldn’t really listen to me so... as long as you don’t make sharp movements.” 
san cheered, extending his free arm to get help in getting off the cot. “let’s go then!”
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“mrs. l/n! how are you? it’s heeseung...lim heeseung.”
the woman on the other end of the phone gasped in what sounded like happiness, “heeseung! It’s been a while since i last heard of you, is something wrong?”
the nurse leaned back into his couch, “well i called to ask if you've seen y/n…”
“i see...well we haven’t heard of him for quite some time now. we thought it was because of work you know? but you two are close aren’t you, i assumed you would know about his whereabouts”
heeseung sighs softly, “well we were close before we broke up...i called because he hasn’t appeared at work for almost two weeks now. everyone knows y/n is a workaholic so it’s rare for him to miss days. and i wanted to ask if i can go to the police and file a report.”
“have you checked his apartment? you do know where he lives right?”
“i do...”
“well if he isn’t there then yes, go to the police station. please let us know if you find anything!”
“of course, thank you.” heeseung smiled painfully to himself, bidding farewell to y/n’s mother before hanging up. soon after he turned off his phone and sighed, he really hopes y/n is at his apartment and only took a vacation.
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y/n couldn’t help but bust out laughing when the three of them walked inside the kitchen. wooyoung did indeed have a black eye and so did yeosang. 
"darn it." jongho huffed as y/n ended up winning the bet.
seonghwa stood there confused, spatula in hand as he's setting out their plates for dinner.  "and what's this about?" 
san grinned, "we made a bet to see if yeosang and wooyoung gave each other a black eye or not. and luckily y/n ended up winning." 
"would that be called a doctors intuition?" yeosang rose a brow while glaring at the plates seonghwa handed him. 
"good question." y/n chuckled while walking up to the second oldest. "need help?" 
"oh, yeah, thanks." seonghwa smiled while gesturing to the drinks. "set them on the table, everyone will serve their own drinks."
"got it. oh, and after dinner, i'll need you two to come with me so we can take care of those shiners." 
“yeah yeah...”
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haikyuuublog · 3 years
Okay so
First for Oikuroo
Act Like you Hate Me by Chrystie and Kate882 https://archiveofourown.org/works/8434426
College AU and their are in the theatre Club
Flirt, they want you to believe their are enemies, SO Funny (if you like this look for the authors other Oikuroo fic because they are all awesome)
Then some Sejoh being Sejoh
It's Like The Hunger Games But Better (by orphan account)
It's like an Aoba paint ball fight
And their are just chaotic as hell (I know you will love it) it's really hilarious and awww the friendship!!!
Now.. I promised myself i would control with Oikuroo.. But this is just too cute
Hachiko by owlinaminor
Agreeing to watch Iwaizumi's dog for the summer was a bad idea. Not because Oikawa Tooru is a bad caretaker (he isn't), but because of this asshole he keeps running into.
It's a friends to lovers and it's the cutest thing ever
Okay first poly fic and it's a series!! we have an Oikurodai (two first fic are OiDai in the third we have Oikurodai)
Catboys by Stacymash
It's a catboys AU with Oiks as the most perfect domestic cat, Daichi as an adorable and prescious master and, in the third part, we have Kuroo the trump catboy
Here we have a super rare ship (but so awesome) Bokuoi!!
Flowers in Your Hairs by Penstrikesmidnight https://archiveofourown.org/works/26746330
Half-nymph Tooru is helping Bokuto make a love potion to give to his friend, and his body has decided to start turning into flowers because of it. So that's great. As if he didn't have enough to deal with.
It's adorable, prescious sweet and so damn perfect.. I really love it.
And (for know) we end with one of my tops
Holding out of a Hero by Dicaepolis
CAPITANS POLY (but it's pre relationship.. They are just friends.. Totally.. Friends with a lot of phisical touch but yep only friends)
It's a Superheroes AU with the most beautiful and incredible characterization ever.
Just read it
You will love it so muchhhhh<3333
Tell me what you think when you read them!! And if you need more.. Girl I have so much for you❤️
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sakurabutterflyart · 3 years
Hugfia Week, Day 3 AU
The Princess and The Prince of Thieves
Sofia was known to be the Princess of Enchancia. She used to be a village girl in the village which is why she has a closer relationship with the villagers. Even if she's now the princess of Enchancia, she still enjoys being there. 
As she grew older. Since she's not gonna be the heir of the throne, she'd decided to train as a protector of her kingdom. Just like her brother. 
Nobody in her kingdom knows about it except her family and friends, cause she thinks that it's best to remain a secret. And it did. 
When she was just having a secret patrol in her village and decided to go home with some ice cream, that's a bit far away from other houses. There are currently only few people since it's already closing. Which is a perfect opportunity for thieves to attack. 
Sofia was about to eat her favorite flavored strawberry ice cream, she heard loud noises behind her. Before she could respond what's going on, she saw a guy with black hair and dark green eyes knock her out.
The thieves who are called Black Ice, have been known to be constantly stealing banks, restaurants, and shops. They are known to be the kingdom of thieves, for they can't be easily caught and it's been years but it's still an active thieves group. For they are being well trained and well strategize by their leader named Hugo, who hides behind the name the Ice Prince. For he is the prince of thieves. He used to be a beggar who was about to loose his life, since he still has his fellow brothers in the streets who needs to be fed. Which is why he has no choice but to live his life this way in order to provide all of them.
"Is everyone knocked out and tied." He asked his men.
"All down brother!" Desmond answered. Gently placing the citizen and checking the tied ropes to make sure no one's gonna go after them.
"Let's better hurry, before the village guards finds out we're here. We have to take something home for our guild." He ordered and everyone is taking the things that they will need. They were here for the money but Hugo thinks that he should take something special for his family and that is ice cream.
"Hey Hugo look!" Hugo heard his brother called, waving him to come.
He took off the cloak of the stranger I knocked out earlier, revealing she was a lady. She has soft white skin, She is wearing something like a hunter or a high position knight clothing that is very unusual for a girl to wear. Caramel brown hair that's tied into a ponytail. But what really stand out the most is her tiara and her pink amulet, that I can tell right away that this girl is the princess of Enchancia, Sofia. 
"She's a princess Hugo, what are we gonna do?" Desmond ask, a little worried like we're in big trouble. 
"What's with that tone Desmond? Isn't this a great thing? We can just hold her as hostage and demand the king for a fortune of money and treasures." Axel joined in, squeezing the knocked out princess's cheek.
Hugo's POV
"I don't think that's a great idea big brother. If we do that the king is gonna order all his soldier as they hunt down our home, including other kingdoms that is allied in Enchancia. It's best to leave her alone." I spoke, making sure the action we take don't get us into trouble. 
I look at the princess who is out cold and I gotta admit, she's very pretty. I scanned her looks wondering why did someone from the castle go to the village and with this outfit? 
"How about we'll take something expensive from this princess..." It seems like she brought nothing. The only thing I found valuable is her crown and her... "This necklace looks very expensive-"
I was about to grab it until I was surprised that a very strong grip stopped me. I look at the owner of the hand, it's not my brothers nor anyone around this room but the princess.
I looked at her as she got up, revealing her fierce ocean blue eyes burning in rage towards me. "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. My. Amulet. My father gave it to me, this is too precious!" 
She speak in a low tone expressing anger, but before I can even react she punch my face that took me flying across the room to the walls. It must be her pay back for knocking her out earlier. I manage to stay conscious, when I looked at her amulet it was glowing revealing that it's magical.
While I'm still trying to get up. My brothers are going after her to stop her from attacking me. But she managed to spar them with her sword that seems to be magical, even her punch and kicks are strong to make someone fly. She even gets to shape shift into an animal that is strong, she can even fly as a fairy. As few minutes past, she manage to defeat all 50 thieves from the Black Ice. 
"Now it's your turn." She pointed her sword towards me with anger on her eyes. It was threatening but I somehow find it attractive. She charge at me with full speed, and my brothers cried out in worries. I managed to draw out my weapon. Both of our sword clash that creates a strong wind. 
We were glaring at each other and staring at each other's eyes. The longer I looked to her, her glares may be scary, but she was darn cute. I smirk at the thought that this lady is really... My type.
"You... You're this famous prince of thieves who leads the Black Ice." She grumbled, but it fails to scare me but it made me smile.
"Yep, the one and only Ice Prince. But you can all me Hugo my lady. And I'm guessing you're this famous Princess Sofia of Enchancia, the hero of this Kingdom." I get up and manage to recover from  the pain of her punch. Giving a peck on her hand as greeting. She raised a brow, confuse at my response. "Even though you're known to be in dresses and staying at a castle, what are you doing here in this village?"
She pulled her hand away from mine, still glaring at me. "Don't be so casual to me Ice Prince! I've heard so many rumours about your recent attack through every villages, you've given so many problems in our kingdoms! I'm here to arrest you."
She spoke to her amulet, "Amulet, I called James to bring soldiers to the village's ice cream shop. The Black Ice are here..."
Her amulet glowed. As she continue to draw out her sword and charge after me.
Third POV
They were battling, their sparring took longer with Hugo flirting with her and teasing her. Until the fought ended with Sofia's sword skills and traping him to the ground. 
Hugo's POV
"Hugo the Ice Prince and the leader of the Black Ice. You are under arrest for stealing shops and banks, kingdom to kingdom. You bring enough harm to all of us." She declared, pulling the collar of my shirt and pointing a sword to my throat. 
Our face were so close and I can hear my heart is beating faster than ever before. It was a love at first sight with this girl, even though I never believe in those things and think it's a ridiculous way to fall in love. She's just so beautiful and strong, there's something about her that is so special when I look at those eyes. I just can't take it anymore. 
I smirked at this beautiful sight and also pulling her collar towards me, before she could asked and form a sentence, I silenced her with my lips. I can her hear yelp in surprise between our kiss. She was trying to pull away by letting go of her sword and push me, but I also do the same with mine and hold her hands tightly. Deepening our kiss.
I have never thought of myself as being forceful to a lady before. I promised myself that even if I'm a thief I'll still keep my good side especially to a girl that I will like. But she's a different story, I'm a thief and she's a princess who's gonna arrest me, and I also don't wanna let her go.
After enjoying her touch, I finally let go and let her breath. She looked at me in shock.
"Sorry about that, you're just too cute princess" I smiled at her, and I can see her face slowly turning red in embarrassment. "If I'm really going to prison, then I will never regret kissing a strong pretty lady like you."
"Y-you.. you jerk!"
I winked but I met a very hard impact to my cheek, though it doesn't really hurt cause I really meant what I say to her. 
She was gonna slap me with my other cheek, though this time I caught her hand and pull her closer, whispering through her ears with my lowest voice. "I like you, you're going to be my most precious treasure princess, you're mine now. I won't allow anybody, not even another prince to take you."
I let her go and we stare at each other. Her eyes looks confuse, not knowing what to respond. I sigh, as much as I wanted this moment to last forever, I can't afford me and my brothers nor my family to get arrested.
I snapped my finger and shouted, "Now Derek!"
The ceiling opened with our guild's magic. Revealing a bunch of dark carriages, I can see all of my guild mates, which is also my family, throwing rope ladders for my brother's to retreat to.
"What the! What's going on!" I can hear Sofia shout in anger. 
I whistled with my fingers, loud enough for my horse Electra to come to me. I hop on her and look at the princess. She was about to charge me with her magic sword, but this time I manage to catch her sword with my magic. 
"I'm called the Prince of Thieves for a reason Sofia, I use magic too and I never get captured that easily." I gave her a victorious smile, I can see her face looking very angry and also disappointed.
"You tricked me with those dirty moves and pick up lines. Is this what you use to any girls you fought with?" She ask, clearly disappointed being taken advantage of being girl.
I caress her face as I give a quick peck on her forehead, and patting her. To assure her. "Nope, you're the first lady that I ever treated this way. Even I don't expect to feel this way towards anyone."
Third POV
He smiled and suddenly flew away with his horse, when he saw the Commander James charging at them with arrows and chasing them down. "Stay away from my sister!"
As Hugo flew away, he smiled and shouted to her.
"Goodbye Princess, I'll see you again soon! If other prince tries to steal you away from me, I promise I'll steal you first!" He left, revealing he also steal her tiara. "If the amulet is too precious to you, I'll take this one instead dear! Goodbye for now my lady!"
He left and Sofia gritted her teeth, but she was completely flustered. She doesn't have the will to fight and go after them, leaving it to James. But they weren't able to catch them.
She was completely angry as she walk home with her brother, not being able to capture the greatest thief of the kingdom. She felt her heart tingling and beating just by thinking about him.
She felt dizzy at the feeling. She touched her lips, remembering the pressure he placed on her lips. Feeling frustrated about it. 
"How dare he... Out of all people, why him?"
Not only did he steal her first kiss, he also steal her heart. 
(A/N: This is from my wattpad. In Hugfia Week I'm a bit busy but I'll try joining in.)
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stupidzeldaaus · 3 years
Okay- here we go-
The Steampunk Minish AU
I'll leave a whole bunch of explanations under the cut because it's a mess. There's a lot....
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Okay getting the minish themselves out of the way first- these are just three of them.
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So first off is the minish girl with a mini guardian sword. She's the reason it turned into spirit tracks brainrot so it was fitting to give her an outfit based off of the engineers outfit.
She has a grappling hook as well, which is mostly for scaling up tables, chairs, and bookshelves in the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. And the guardian sword, due to being effective against guardians, is used to sever connections inside of them.
I had a sibling ask (around the vaatea au) if the minish used acorns as coffee cups so she has coffee in an acorn. She needs it.
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Next is this guy. I honestly haven't put much thought into him except he's probably alot older than he looks. Also I think he'd vibe with Robbie in Akkala. Those goggles he has probably move like Robbies do as well.
He was also the one who made the little guardian sword.
Oh and his tail is under his clothes. It's probably so it doesn't get in the way.
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Alright- my personal favorite and also the one that will probably out me on discord cause they're based off another OC I've already shown off and do not shut up about. Anyway, they're a ray of sunshine.
So they seem to carry a lot of tools on them, some of which can't be seen. They also have a lot of belts on their jacket, which, while it seems like just a fashion statement, I think they have a use. Most likely for holding more tools. The big pockets probably have tiny nuts bolts and screws. Also snacks. They gotta make sure their partner didn't just have coffee for breakfast.
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So Purah. She's actually pretty important since, not only is she a scientist, she can see them all as well. I had a theory a while back that she turned into a child to study minish and then that was cut from the game. She can see them but, can't quite understand them at that point. Maybe she makes a translator or finds a jabber nut later.
The minish trying to explain something here might be the first based off of handedness but also might be the first ones mother. The first picture has her speaking minish while the bottom has her drawing out a wrench, glasses, and a sword. The sword might be in reference to the minish cap.
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Yep. They still wear leaf cloaks. But they're more for camouflage now. Botw may not have cats that I know of but they do have birds that typically eat mice. And the manga did show that yep animals can see the minish pretty well actually.
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Alright- the fun part! It's mostly going to be explanation since- guardians...
Robbie studied guardians mostly so its probably his research that gave the minish the knowledge on their inner workings.
So the first picture has who I think is a younger version of the second minish.
We saw where Link had trouble climbing up sheikah walls and the minish probably had the same problem.
Theres one scene from secret world of Arrietty where they use double sided tape for climbing, and i wanted to use that but I didn't think tape was a thing invented in the zelda universe. And (after an adult timeline and beyond quest) SURE ENOUGH- Spirit Tracks wellspring station. Also possibly Purah or Robbies labs. So... I guess that can be a thing...
Secondly is the guardian labeled dead. It's been taken down. One thing I should mention- I'd like to think that if the active guardian stalkers are closer to towns or roads used regularly there's probably more of a chance that they'd be immobilized.
Plus the thought of the scene from revenge of the sith, with the AT-AT, would probably be cool with a guardian.
The guardians probably would go even more haywire than they already were while trying to shut them down and it's probably better if there isn't a giant spider robot running into one of the stables.
Link ran into this guardian, and knows he didn't take it down. So who or what did...?
There's a third unfinished doodle that I couldn't bring myself to finish, mainly because i couldn't figure out anything about the inside of a guardian. What I know is that there are gears, shafts, springs, and cores. I wanted initially to let them meet the hylian champion but- this link is more of an adult and he probably can't see them.
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Finally- I did say it devolved into spirit tracks.
The first picture is a book on New Hyrule, which is covering the Spirit Train, The Hero of Spirits, and Byrne apparently. This book might have been lost somewhere in Hyrule Castle, since I'd like to believe the royal family would keep track of all the legends and history of Hyrule.
Finally, the final picture.
So the minish girl (Okay they all really need names...) is trying to decide on how to power the train. Sheikah technology or Lokomo technology. Two very different technologies.
They are not the same. Not even remotely.
The train she's in the middle of sketching was from the ST concept art. Apparently the book she was reading didn't have much on steam power.
(But that doesn't mean it's the only book. If I had to guess there's most likely a few more books on the technology from new hyrule.)
I'd like to have eventually a train going from Akkala to Hatenos lab, and eventually go across all of Hyrule
Anyway thanks for reading through! I know it was a mess.
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shyvioletcat · 4 years
for striking matches au: "It looks like you have more fun with them than with me."
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here’s a little bit of Firefighter fun for your day.
Striking Matches Masterlist
Rowan sat slumped on the couch, arms crossed across his chest as he waited for Aelin to finish getting ready. It had taken him minutes to get ready, with his dark jeans and button up white shirt, a pair of lensless glasses frames tucked into the chest pocket. They were going to a Halloween party at Aedion and Lysandra’s place, and very honestly, Rowan didn’t want to go.
He and Aelin had only been going out for just a little over a month and he had met her family and friends a few times, but they definitely weren’t his friends yet. He knew what would happen tonight once they got to the party, and he would be left with two choices. One, he could follow Aelin around the whole night as she lit up the room and thrived on all the social interactions. Or two, he’d sit in a corner with a beer and watch. Considering that he’d just come off a hard shift, Rowan was feeling more inclined to do the second. The subject of him staying behind had been broached but Aelin wasn’t having it. She said it would ruin their ‘matching’ costumes and added that her friends wanted to spend more time with him. So of course Rowan relented for her. Only her.
“Alright, ready,” Aelin sang as she appeared from her bedroom. She was wearing a long black coat and a pair of black boots, her golden hair in soft waves with the ends chalked a vibrant red.
“You’re wearing that?” Rowan asked, not bothering to get up yet.
Aelin grinned at him. “No, I”m wearing this.”
She opened her jacket to show him what was underneath, and Rowan felt his eyes go wide. Aelin had decided on their costumes, they were going to the party dressed as each other professions. Rowan’s costume had been all too easy to put together, all he had to buy was a pair of cheap glasses from the discount store and pop the lenses out. Aelin had bought the entirety of hers new, unless by some design of fate she had this firefighter costume lying around. But Rowan seriously doubted that.
His eyes started at the black boots she wore – and maybe he had seen those before – but her long legs were mostly bare except for a small pair of black shorts with a trim of red on the legs and a yellow belt. A strip of her stomach was bare as well, the shirt hugged her waist and upper torso, and zip ran up the middle instead of buttons, leaving it open in a deep V as it precariously contained her cleavage. It was all topped off with a pair of suspenders that she had her thumbs hooked under as she still grinned at him.
“So, what do you think? Reckon Lorcan would let me join the team?”
Rowan blinked once before he managed to look up her face. The neckline was proving more of a distraction the longer he looked.
“Do we have to go?” Rowan blurted and Aelin tipped her head back and laughed.
“We most certainly do.” Aelin did her jacket up and grabbed her keys from the kitchen counter as well as a plastic firefighter hat. “Come on, Mr Whitethorn. Let’s go have some fun.”
Rowan was about to tell her they could have fun here, probably better fun too, but he just sighed and closed the apartment door behind him.
Aelin left her coat in the car. Rowan had parked and within seconds Aelin had deserted the car only leaving a heap of black material behind. He was quick to follow and the elevator arrived just as he got there. 
“Look at this fancy apartment building with it’s elevator,” Aelin mused as she pushed the button and then lent on the railing. “You never answered my question. You think Lorcan would let me on the team?”
Rowan turned, seeing that teasing look written on every feature of her face. “Definitely not. But that has nothing to do with the costume.”
Aelin laughed again. “You haven’t even told me if you like my costume or not. You make a very sexy Teacher if I do say so myself.”
He moved, they were chest to chest and almost touching. Then Rowan gave her a lingering once over that made Aelin breath just a little faster. Leaning in he kissed her, and he felt her smiling against his lips before she fully committed to it. The only sound was the mechanisms of the elevator, then there was the definitive sound of a zipper being pulled.
Aelin let out a comical gasp. “Mr Whitethorn, keep your hands to yourself.” 
Rowan chuckled and kissed her again, quickly, and stepped away, hands raised. 
“I was wondering how long it would take you, that was damn near obscene,” Aelin laughed, readjusting her suspenders.
He hadn’t been pulling the down, he’d been pulling it up to try and give him a little more peace of mind when he walked into the party. It was a stupid, jealous thing to do, and he expected Aelin to rip into him for it. But he was mistaken, it was all a ploy from Aelin to get his attention it seemed. The elevator arrived at the right floor and she pulled his glasses from his pocket, slipping them onto his nose before grabbing his hand and leading them out. They walked down the hallway, arriving at a door with music pulsing behind it. Aelin didn’t bother knocking and walked in, almost running into the hostess herself. Lysandra was dressed as Red Riding Hood, a bright red cape over a short green dress.
“You made it!” She nearly yelled as she hugged Aelin, obviously already a little drunk. Then her green eyes landed on him. “Nice lipstick, Rowan.”
Confused, Rowan rubbed at his mouth, his fingers coming away red. He gave Aelin an accusing look but she just grinned and rubbed away what was left of the lipstick.
“You look great,” Lysandra said, then she pointed between them. “I get it. You’re dressed as each other. Clever.”
“Thank you,” Aelin said, tucking into Rowan’s side. “Where’s Aeds?”
Lysandra waved behind her. “Somewhere. You guys have fun, now!” 
She was gone through the crowd and Rowan held onto Aelin’s hand as she led them to the drinks. He spotted Elide and a few other familiar faces, but overall there were a lot of people hadn’t seen before. Aelin waved to people she recognised, saying hello here and there, but she never let go of him. She found him a stool in a corner, letting him sit while she leaned into his chest. Aedion eventually found them, as did Elide and Lysandra, the women begging Aelin to come dance but she declined. 
Rowan could tell that she wanted to, so he leant forward and kissed her cheek. “Go have fun love, I’m fine here.”
She turned to face him then said hopefully. “You could always come dance with me.”
“I don’t think so,” Rowan said, shaking his head. 
Aelin pouted at him but she didn’t push him. “I’ll be back soon I promise.”
True to her word Aelin came back after a few dances, Rowan’s eyes had been drinking her in the whole time and she made sure to send him flirty smiles as she did. That costume combined with the way she moved was nearly driving him insane. But soon after she arrived she was dragged off again for a game of beer pong with Aedion. As a team the two cousins were unstoppable and by the time she wandered back to Rowan again she was definitely a little tipsy. She threw her arms around his neck, leaning fully into him.
“Come dance with me, please?” Aelin begged. 
That smile was almost his undoing but then a voice he actually recognised sounded from behind her.
“There you are. Not surprised to see you hiding in a corner, Whitethorn.”
Looking up Rowan saw Fenrys and Aelin turned to face him as well. 
“You made it!” She exclaimed.
It was then that Rowan took in exactly what Fenrys was wearing… or not wearing. He had worn most of his work uniform, just about everything except his shirt. Even with the jacket over the top Rowan could tell that he’s taken care to oil up his bare chest beneath, only ever so slightly covered by his suspenders. He lent his elbow on Aelin’s shoulder, and looking at the two of them they were the ones that looked like they had come dressed to match.
Fenrys tilted his head. “Who are you supposed to be? Clark Kent?”
Rowan crossed his arms over his chest but it was Aelin who answered. “No he’s a teacher. You get it?”
“Oh, yep yep. I get it,” Fenrys said nodding. “You’ve swapped professions. And, might I just say Miss Galathynius, you make a fine firefighter.” 
Aelin shoved him. “Come on, I’ll get you a drink.”
Getting a drink turned into a few dances, followed by a game of magnetic darts and then at least three songs worth of awful karaoke. In between the activities Aelin and Fenrys wandered away from each other, but always seemed to find the other again. At one point Fenrys came over to drop off his jacket now that he was getting a little warm, Rowan had even rolled his sleeves up to his elbows for a little relief.
Rowan fixed his coworker with a look. “You know you’re not supposed to wear your uniform outside of work.”
Fenrys’ reply was a shrug and a grin.
“You look like a stripper,” Rowan added and Fenrys let out an incredulous laugh.
“We all gotta live a little sometimes,” Fenrys said before disappearing to Aelin’s side again.
Rowan felt himself getting more sullen by the second, watching how Aelin and Fenrys smiled and had fun together. It was moments like this that Rowan wished he was more… sociable. More willing to put himself out there in situations like this, but instead he was sitting in a dark corner by himself, with only Fenrys’ jacket for company. Aelin wandered back to him, her hands immediately going to his face to make her look at him.
“What is it?” She asked him.
“It’s nothing,” Rowan said and she tried to shake Aelin off but she kept hold of him and just lent in closer.
“What. Is. It.”
Rowan sighed. “It looks like you have more fun with him than with me.”
Aelin smirked. “And him meaning Fenrys.”
Rowan nodded.
That smirk turned into a coy smile and she slotted herself between his legs, his hands finding her waist. “Well maybe if you got off this stool and came out to play.”
Rowan started to frown but Aelin kept his attention. “Hey, I’m kidding. I get it. Funny thing is that I invited him so you would have someone to talk to. Maybe I should have invited Lorcan instead, except he’d never say yes to me.” Rowan managed a laugh at that. “And I definitely don’t have more fun with Fen, trust me.” Aelin added earnestly.
“It certainly looks like it,” Rowan grumbled.
Aelin slid that much closer, her mouth right by his ear. “Oh yeah? Well, would I ever let him…”
She whispered in his ear, so close the breath that accompanied her words tickled his skin, making him break out in goosebumps. They were words that described something obscene about sliding on fire poles, on his fire pole to be exact. When she pulled away Aelin’s smile was feline and Rowan felt his cheeks heat.
“Can we go now, please?” Rowan’s voice was nowhere near as smooth or confident as he wanted it to be.
“I thought you’d never ask,” Aelin said. Rowan stood and went to take his glasses off but Aelin stopped him, her hands running up his arms to where his sleeves were rolled up. “You’ll be leaving those on. All night, if you please, Mr Whitethorn.” 
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this silliness. 
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poliel · 3 years
Adopted Egg
Yo, I wrote a thing based off the Adopted Egg AU!
While Boiling Bay wasn’t as bad as Sizzling Sands or Frosted Peak it was still pretty bad. All the lava made it too hot to be comfortable and the various aggressive and angry bugsnax made it a pain to traverse. But hey at least getting headbutted by a giant angry popsicle or hit point blank by a big scoop of seemingly frozen solid ice cream cooled Buddy off fairly well. And the ocean water was nice lapping around their feet as they wondered back down the beach.
Thankfully though their pack was full of bugsnax though, at long last they’d caught everything single one that could be found here now. Meaning they could finally head back to Snaxburg. … After a quick nap though because they’d been out and about for far too long. And dawn was still a few hours away so almost no would be out and about when they returned to town anyway. So they turned and started for the wreck Floofty had taken shelter in before they’d been convinced to return to town.
As they neared it, they slowed because… was that a skeleton? Shaking off the initial shock, Buddy picked up the pace, jogging the rest of the way over. Yep, it was a skeleton all right, nestled up deep in the shade and protection offered the wreck’s overhang. Its bones were a clean white, indicating it was fresh. The sand underneath it was a dark maroon, probably blood. But most intriguing of all was the egg it was curled around, lying on a little blanket, the edge closer to the skeleton marred with more dried blood.
Far too big to be an eggler even if this was an area they showed up in, the splotches of dark green and magenta on it made it pretty clear that it was a grumpus egg andthat it couldn’t have come from anyone in Snaxburg. Not that there’d been any real question about the latter given the skeleton curled around it. But… none of this really added up.
It wasn’t too terribly long ago that Buddy had been down this way and in this wreck, their sense of time was very off these days but it couldn’t have been much longer than a week or two. While it was perfectly possible a grumpus had washed up here on a raft or something, crawled their way up here and then died, presumably via injuries judging based off the blood, it wasn’t possible for their body to have rotted all the way to bones yet. And even if there was something around that could eat a corpse, the bones looked undisturbed and unchewed on in general. So… where had it come from?
They lifted their camera to take some pictures, being sure to get some from as many different angles as possible just in case they needed to look over the undisturbed scene again later. Then, careful of the weight of their full backpack, Buddy crouched down to get a better look. First, they poked skeleton and then leaned in to sniff it, learning nothing. Next, they pinched up some of the red sand and lifted it to their mouth. Gagging they turned their head to spit because while they’d definitely confirmed it was blood it tasted foul, whether that was because it was several days old or something else, they didn’t know enough to say, either way they regretted decided to taste it.
After shaking off their disgust, they turned back to look at the skeleton and its egg. They needed to investigate more but also… they couldn’t leave the egg out here unattended. It was possible it had already been left out too long and thus it was too late for it but they had no way to know that for sure right now so… with a sigh, Buddy picked it up before straightening. Holding it to their chest with one paw, they pulled Sprout’s buggy ball out of their pouch and then pushed the egg in there instead. While it was about the same size, the oblong shape making it a bit bigger, it was notably heavier, making its presence uncomfortably hard to not be aware of but they’d live.
They pulled their backpack off to shove Sprout inside for now. There was barely enough room for him and he didn’t sound happy as they zipped it up but he’d just have to deal with it for a little while because they had some more investigating to do.
Any evidence about the skeleton or how it had come to be there had long since been obliterated by the wind and sea, leaving the mystery disappointingly unsolvable. Buddy searched high and low all over Boiling Bay and then Shimmering Springs too for good measure and found a whole lot of nothing, not even any shed fur anywhere or more dried blood. There was a notable lack of snakpods that weren’t high up though, indicating it was likely the mysterious grumpus had found and eaten them before succumbing to their wounds and somehow rotting away to nothing but a skeleton.
It was nearing midday by the time Buddy decided to give up and drag themself back to Snaxburg. While they weren’t squeamish about skeletons or dead bodies in general, they’d rather not take a nap next to one if they didn’t have to. Besides they still had the egg and what to do with it to worry about.
The first thing they did upon reaching town was drop their backpack off in Lizbert’s hut. Almost everyone would be expecting food but they’d all have to wait a little bit longer. Next, they went to the research tent.
“There’s a skeleton out in Boiling Bay,” they said as they sidled up to Floofty at their work table. “It’s in the wreck you used to live in. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
Floofty looked up from the lollive they were dissecting with a sigh. “No. Even if I had any use for a skeleton, why would I leave it out there? And if you’re implying I killed someone, you’d also be incorrect. You can check around town to confirm everyone’s still alive if you don’t believe me.”
“Nah, I didn’t think you had anything do with it. I was just making sure since it’s in your old shelter and not many of the others ever go out to there.” Also if anyone in Snaxburg was responsible for it in one way or another they were near if not right at the top of list of likely candidates.
“Good. Now leave, I’m busy.” They lifted a paw to make a shooing gesture at them before looking back down at their work.
Buddy would’ve gladly left to go take a nap somewhere but they still had the egg sitting heavy in their pouch. Floofty wasn’t a doctor but they clearly knew some stuff and thus might be able to determine if the grumpling inside was still alive or not, thus saving Buddy another long trek up to Frosted Peak to ask Eggabell. So they pulled it out, placing it gently on the table. “I found this next to it. I figure you might be able to figure out if it’s been left out too long or whatever.”
Floofty paused for a moment before putting their tools down and shifting their attention solely to the egg. They carefully picked it up to hold up and turn in their paws, examining it from all angles. “Hmm…” The looked at Buddy again. “You found it next to the skeleton?”
“Yep. It’s really weird. Clearly, they died recently but… only their skeleton and a bit of dried blood are left behind. I looked everywhere for more but… there was nothing.”
“That is odd. Very well, I shall examine the egg. Later I would like to look over the skeleton as well.”
“Awesome. I’m going to go take a nap.”
They were awoken by the sound of raised voices. Their own fault for choosing to sleep in Lizbert’s hut with not only the door ajar but the window open as well. It was still annoying though. They could move and sleep elsewhere or close everything or heck, even just roll over and pull a pillow over their head to cover their ear holes but… what was everyone fighting about?
“…totally can take care of it by myself,” Gramble was saying, his voice two steps away from having a protective growl in it.
“Yeah, right.” Cromdo scoffed. “You’re half-starved and go wondering around and often outof town almost every night, no way you could take proper care of it and the grumpling when it hatches.”
Ah, they were fighting about the egg. Not surprising honestly but… why was it so hard for everyone to get along?
“So I should be the one to have it,” Cromdo continued.
“Hell no,” Beffica came in next. “You just want it for one your schemes.”
“She’s right.” Wambus, the only one not yelling so his voice was hard to make up from in here. “Ain’t no way anyone here would trust you with it.”
“Gramble and I are clearly the best suited to take care of it.” Wiggle. “Having a little grumpling might be the exact thing I need to spark my muse.”
“Uh, no offense Wiggle,” Beffica again, her tone making it clear offense was meant, “but taking responsibility for raising a kid is kind of a huge deal. Doing it because you want to ‘spark your muse’ is the wrong reason. And you know I hate to admit it but Cromdo’s actually right about something for once, Gramble’s barely keeping himself alive. Adding on taking care of an egg and then eventually a grumpling is a bit much.”
“Exactly!” Cromdo again. “Wait what do you…”
Gramble interrupted with a growl. “I can handle it. An egg is exactly what I’ve always wanted and now I finally got a chance and I ain’t letting any of ya’ll take it away from me.”
Wambus’ voice came in next. “Assuming you can somehow keep it alive long enough on your own, you’re going to teach it not to eat bugsnax and then it’s going to starve to death then.”
“Buddy already said after they finish publishing their story they’ll come back with food supplies for me so it’ll be fine.”
“Can I hold it?” Chandlo surprisingly cut in next. “Just for a bit.”
“Sure,” Triffany said, indicating she’d been the one holding it before.
The argument resumed after that but Buddy stopped paying attention as they rolled over and pulled the pillow over their head, muffling the voices to be near inaudible. They were curious about how it was going to play out but not enough to stay awake any longer for now. They’d ask for an update on it whenever they woke up properly.
They woke feeling not well rested – such was never the case these days and thus not worth trying for anymore – but good enough to go about their day and pretend they were fine. After forcing themself out of bed, they weren’t around town, doling out the fruits of their earlier hunting and donating everything left over to Gramble’s barn. They then returned to Filbo who was doing his rounds around town.
“What happened with the egg?” they asked as they fell into step with him.
“Oh uh… Floofty examined it and said it’s okay. And then as soon as word spread about it everyone fought about who should take care of it. No one wanted to trust anyone else with it for one reason or another. Eventually Chandlo suggested everyone could just take turns with it. Which no one was happy about at first but then we talked about it some more and that’s the best way to do it for now since everyone was fighting about who was going to adopt it.”
“Interesting solution. Who’s all taking turns with it?”
“Gramble, Wiggle, Beffica, Triffany, Cromdo, and Chandlo. I wanted a turn too but… Beffica pointed that I tend to be a bit uh… clumsy so maybe I shouldn’t have a turn since I’d probably break it or lose it or… something.” He let out a heavy sigh, sagging a little before perking back up. “She’s right though so… I don’t mind.” He’d never told a more obvious lie. “I can keep updated on it through just doing my normal stuff around town.”
“Hmm… it was great talking to you. I have something I need to go take care of though.”
“Uh… okay. See you later,” he said after them.
Beffica was in Filbo’s hut again, snooping. She jumped and even squeaked a little, as Buddy tapped her on the shoulder. “Oh, hey Bestie,” she said as she turned to face them. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
Buddy normally would’ve apologized but they weren’t very happy with her right now so they went straight to business instead. “You need to let Filbo have turns watching the egg too.”
“Uh… why?”
“Because he wants to.”
“But… he’s Filbo.” She gestured with her paws as if her point were the most obvious thing the world.
Crossing their arms as they stared at her, Buddy didn’t respond.
It took her a few seconds but finally she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine. If you think he can be trusted with it, I’ll talk to the others about him getting a turn too.”
“Good. Thanks bestie.” They lifted a paw to fist bump her turning to leave. They had tasks and stuff they needed to get back to.
Not even a full two weeks later and everyone in town had been scheduled into have a turn pouching the egg. Even Floofty and Snorpy, the two Buddy would’ve thought the least likely to want anything to do with it. And a few weeks later when they finally convinced Shelda to return to town it wasn’t long before she’d basically taken on a grandma role to the egg, having her own occasional turn with it.
Buddy was the only one who didn’t have a turn taking care of it. They were too busy running around doing stuff and working on their story. They’d hopefully be free of this cursed island soon anyway so there was no need for them to get involved with it much.
But seeing everyone start to get along around the egg was nice. There was still fighting and disagreements but overall everyone was trending towards being nicer to each other. It was more than Buddy could’ve asked or hoped for, hopefully it would continue into raising the grumpling once the egg hatched.
I'm ending it here because a lot of the other ideas proposed for the AU are pretty scattered timewise which would make it hard to cover them in this fic quickly and coherently. But know, post game everyone ends up living in one big house to take care of the egg and there's polyamory stuff and more eggs going on in the group.
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