#i did a relationship reading for my sister as practice (her gf was in her lap for this lksadfkldj)
lildoodlecat · 2 years
learning how to do tarot readings not bc i believe in it but bc i bought a pretty deck so now i’ll feel bad if i don’t use it
turns out it’s fun even if you don’t take it seriously ✨
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acuar-io · 13 days
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Dropping a little lore on these three, I may have made it messy on purpose bc I refuse to make izara and Sephtis have drama within their relationship 💀💀💀
So Fatima & Cypress are siblings! Fatima is a year older than her brother.
Fatima is dating Pierce (guy in the middle) their relationship is a bit dramatic, they have petty arguments and they’re on and off. She met him when she tagged along with Cypress to a band practice, just for fun! First glance at Pierce and she was head over heels. She told this to Cypress and he was shocked. Not because his sister had fallen for his friend, but because he’s been in love with Pierce since he’s met him. *AH YES, ONE SIDED LOVE!* The thing is, Pierce is a straight man (so he claims). Cypress being a good brother, set his sister and Pierce up.
It’s giving Angelica and Eliza Schuyler in love with Alexander Hamilton *cue satisfied*
Anyways, these two’s relationship is a rollercoaster they love the thrill of fighting over stupid shit ig 😭 at some point, Pierce and Fatima take a “break” and there was a time where Pierce called Cypress to talk (vent abt his relationship problems). They cracked a cold one together and Pierce vented away abt Fatima. Cypress was tired of their stupid fights and he was tired of their relationship period point blank, he wanted it to end FOR GOOD. He was fed up to the point where he right then and there confessed his feelings to his best friend and band mate of x amount of years.
So at this point, cypress realizes what he said and is like “fuck WTF did I just say” instant regret from the liquid courage. BUT ☝🏼 Pierce was like fr??? U like me??? 😳🧍mind u both of them had a couple of beers ok…so if it wasn’t obvious already, Pierce is gay and he’s been questioning his sexuality. The reason why he’s weary to just accept he likes men is because he’s so used to heteronormativity. ANYWAYSSSSS The alcohol is alcoholing in this moment, cypress embarrassed, red in the face, Pierce cups cypress’ face with his hands and kisses him 😳 there kiss deepened and it could of gone further until Pierce realizes he’s kissing his friend, band mate and gfs brother…Pierce wanting to pull away, cypress clings onto his jacket.
This obvs sent cypress over the moon, but the moment is stopped because PIERCE GETS A CALL, FROM HIS GF….AKA CYPRESS’ SISTER….asking if they could meet up to talk.
Their convo leads to them….dating again…..🧍but Pierce ends up cheating on her constantly because he & cypress and secretly hooking up behind her back!! 😁 I’m still trying to flesh out why and what caused Pierce and Fatima to continue to date so sorry if some stuff doesn’t make sense!!!
Thats all I have for them rn!!! I plan on doing edits with my OCs so stay tuned and tysm for whoever read this lore lol
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marcianoliterati · 1 year
June Book Reviews, Part IV
3 romance books, ranging from thanks i hated to that was actually pretty fun!
Oblivious roommate, by Devon Doe
 I think this is based off a reddit post about a guy complaining about the guys his rommate brings home only to realise it bothers him cause he likes the guy.
The premise is that the MC is transferring colleges and moving in with his best friend from back home, after a breakup, and upon learning said friend is gay and in relationship has a bit of a existential crisis. 
It’s a nice idea, and I certainly enjoyed the reddit post, but the problem in this book is basically that the MC is a giant asshole.
 It makes it really hard to root for them as a couple when one is so fuckin immature and behaves in really stupid ways. Which is a shame,cause the other guy seems really nice actually. 
But my favourite ships are always the ones where I like everyone involved, and the way he acts is so insecure and ridiculous i’m not sure the couple will really stay together.
He thinks he might be gay  and like him so his idea is to trick his friend into kissing him and then lie to him about it? He goes digging around for dirt on the boyfriend cause he thinks “i dont like him and i dont know why so he must be a bad person, so i’ll help my friend get rid of a bad guy and then he’ll be free to be with me!” he actively sabotages his best friend’s relationship
It’s like all those awfully toxic tropes found in het romcoms but this time its gay
I do not recommend this book. 
The ex hex, by Rachel Hawkins/ Erin Sterling
3 stars
This book is urban fantasy, an ‘our world but a little bit to the left’ plot, just add a little magic. 
It’s set in a small town somewhere in the US, it’s a made up town hidden somewhere in the mountains. I think the location is mentioned but I forget, it hardly matters. 
It starts with a young witch who just got her heartbroken and while she and her cousin drown their tears with alcohol they decide to curse the guy who did the breaking.
Fast forward to nine years later when the guy is back in town, and the curse is causing real issues for the town, so they have to work together to fix it and uncover the hidden story of the town’s founding.
The town has sort of a gilmore girls feel so i’m guessing somewhere in new england, it has a witchy reputation they love to play up and actual magic users, including a whole magic faculty in the local university. 
It’s sort of a murder mystery cause there is death, and ghosts, and mysteries to solve.
They don’t work particularly hard at the world building tbh. The university has classes on magic, though we don’t get a lot of detail on that.
The MC’s family owns a magic shop that sells both trinkets to tourists and real magic items, the coffee shop runs on subtle magic and sells potions disguised as coffee, stuff like that.
Like the movie practical magic.
It’s all quite wholesome and it’s well done. 
And in the middle of it all, the MC and her ex are dealing with rogue magic.
Cause the ex, who is a descendant of the founder, is in town to “charge the lines” but learns quickly upon arriving that his magic is on the fritz and this causes a lot of issues, and his life may be at stake, so they have to fix it, before it hurts someone, and before their founders day festival cause if bad things happen then it could hurt the economy and destroy the masquerade.
It is very entertaining, and funny at times. 
It’s no great work of art but it is a good read, if a bit light. 
Plus two, by Natasha West
2.5 stars
This is a sequel to “plus one” where a woman is need of a date for her sister’s wedding, after her gf whom she’d talked up, suddenly breaks up with her, so she finds a service that hires people to act as emotional support for big events.
and the woman that shows up to play pretend for a day, is no other than a woman who a decade prior was her first love and first heartbreak. 
This book finds them a couple of years later, everything is going smooth until one of their parents brings up the baby talk and it reveals cracks in their seemingly-perfect relationship.
Tbh, i didn’t like it as much as the first one, there is just so much baby talk it gets a bit tired.
What is interesting is how they react to it, how they deal with said baby talk and the issues it presents. 
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serendipityseulgi · 4 years
8 Ways of Love;
— park seonghwa
according to the ancient greeks, there are eight different types of love. here is:
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・*:༅。 the one known as pragma, the enduring love.
aka, the kind of love that matures and develops over a long period of time, and somewhat rare to find. 
8 ways of love series; version i
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A love story that shows the progression of yours and seongwha’s relationship from the moment you two become friends, to lovers, to exes, and everything else in between. 
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love catalyst: the subconscious.
At the age of six years old you declare Park Seonghwa to be your boyfriend, solidifying your “relationship” with a hug.
“Eww, y/n, you have cooties!” your best friend barks, pushing you off him.
“Wha- hey no I don’t!” you squeak.
“Yes you do because Mingi told all the boys not to touch the girls because they have a disease and it’s going to eat our bodies alive!” he practically screeches getting up from the sandbox about to walk away from you.
“Seonghwaaa he’s lying!” you whine out and he huffs turning around to face you.
“Well all the other boys are listening to him so he has to be right.” 
“Well I touched you yesterday when we were playing tag and you’re fine!” you defend. “And if all girls have cooties then how come your mommy still hugs and kisses you goodbye in the morning? Wouldn’t you be dead now?”
Even at the age of 6 you were the biggest smartass Seonghwa knew.
After a moment of deliberation, he sighs. “Okay fine, you’re right.” your friend huffs. 
“So are you gonna back so we can play again?” you ask, arms crossed over your little body. 
Seonghwa nods before grabbing onto your hand to drag you back into the sandbox. 
The two of you return to making your sandcastle and it’s only a mere two minutes later does your friend speak up.“Am I actually your boyfriend now?” he asks suddenly and you whip your head towards him.
“Well I hugged you so yeah.” you roll your eyes at him and his soft little laugh makes your tiny heart jump.
Within the next week you two forget you’re “boyfriend-and-girlfriend” and go back to being the best friends you’ve always been, playing in the sandbox after school, watching cartoons at your house, and never missing a single dinner together while your parents listen to the two of you talk your little heads off.
For the record, there wasn’t much of a difference in your so-called relationship and your friendship in the first place when you were just six years old.
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 At thirteen years old, your best friend confesses he likes you.
“Okay I know this is weird because, I should see you as like, a sister or something, I don’t know!” Seonghwa rants, pacing back and forth in your bedroom as you watch him frantically explain the way he feels about you.
“You know what I mean though? You’re like, practically family to me! Right? Right...” you figure he’s talking more to himself than to you as he asks himself questions that he’s quick to answer to. “Like you’re probably gonna think I’m weird or something, but you are my best friend and I don’t want it to be weird-”
“Seonghwa for the love of god can you just get to your point.” you interrupt impatiently.
“I like you okay?” he says quietly, avoiding all eye contact with you. 
His heart is beating so fast he feels like it’s actually going to rip right through his chest. He’s never been nervous around you ever. You’re his best friend, and you have been since you were 5 years old, and he doesn’t know why he suddenly feels like you’re the only girl he wants in his life. 
When he hears you laughing at him his heart drops to his stomach and he braces himself for the upcoming rejection.
“Can you come sit next to me.” you ask, gesturing to the empty spot on your bed. 
Seonghwa complies, yet his anxiety is rising by the second. He has never been so nervous in all the thirteen years he’s been alive. He almost wants to vomit as his stomach churns at the thought of you telling him you didn’t feel the same way.
“You’re rejecting me aren’t you...” he sighs, plopping down onto the spot next to you.
You shake your head with a smile. “No idiot, I like you too. Obviously.” you roll your eyes at him.
“Wait, what? Seriously??” he almost goes into shock. “Are you joking?”
“I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious.” you shrug. “I was throwing subtle signs at you for the longest time.”
“Like what?!” 
“Like the time I kept pestering you to take me to the Valentine’s Day dance, and when I made you hold my hand during that scary movie when you know I never get scared of horror films. Oh, and the time you kept badgering me about why I rejected Hongjoong for no good reason. I kept telling you that you were the only guy I needed in my life and you were too oblivious to realize I didn’t mean it in the friend way anymore.” you chuckle.
“Oh... Oh,” Seonghwa realizes. “I really am oblivious then.”
“It’s okay, I already knew you liked me back anyways.” you smirk at him, grabbing your remote off the bedside table.
You flip the TV on as you feel Seonghwa’s heavy gaze on you. “So does this mean you’re my girlfriend?” he asks you and you pause.
“I mean technically we never broke up when we were six so you’re basically just re-asking me out.” you tease, pulling the blankets on both your bodies as you settle on a show to watch.
“Oh god, you still remember that?” 
Of course you do. 
“Obviously, how could I forget you screaming to the entire park that I had cooties.” 
He laughs at that and you can’t help but smile widely hearing him. You both lay comfortably next to one another, watching intently at the show in front of you, yet both your minds were racing at the fact that officially, you could say you were boyfriend and girlfriend. 
“So when did you start liking me?” he asks you. 
“Honestly, I think I always did.” you answer truthfully. “But, like actually realizing my feelings for you?” you pause for a moment to think. “I think it was when you got really sick that one time and your parents were away for a business trip, and my mom made me drop off soup to your house. And I was only supposed to drop off the soup but I took care of you because even when you were all snotty and gross and barely awake to hang out with me, I kinda just realized I’d rather spend my time with you doing that than anywhere else.”
His eyes soften at you. “Aww.”
“Buuut then before that, there was also that time that Ashley told you she liked you and I got super jealous and I was actually going to shove her into a brick wall, so ...I kinda just figured...” you add.
“Way to ruin a sappy moment, moron.” Seonghwa playfully shoves you and you laugh. 
You cuddle up next to him returning your attention back to the show in front of you. Only a few minutes pass before Seonghwa speaks up again, and his question catches you off guard.
“What if we break up... like eventually?” 
You think about it for a second. “Then we go back to being best friends.”
“That easy?”
“That easy.” you nod. 
“For the record though, I don’t ever want there to be a time where I don’t like you. I hope there isn’t.” he says.
“I hope there isn’t either.” you assure, and just like that, you two go back to watching tv.
You’ve always had a soft spot for Seonghwa so it never came as a surprise to you, or anybody for that matter when you figured out you had a little crush on your best friend. 
In a hypothetical situation, if somewhere along the way your feelings ever started to fade, you still couldn’t picture a life where he wasn’t right beside you no matter what. He was your person, and he has been since you two were five. There was nobody in this world that could replace the bond you had with him.
Even at the age of thirteen, you knew you wanted Seonghwa to be there for the rest of your life.
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At the age of fourteen and a half, you and Seonghwa have your first ever fight where he conveniently declares that he loves you for the first time. 
seonghwa <3; received 4:24 pm
y/n can u not be like this and talk to me :( 
i’m sorry
can u let me come over and talk to u
Your phone continues to buzz as you stare at it beside you, rolling your eyes at his insistent messaging.
You try your best to ignore it but the continuous beeping irritates you to no end.
you; delivered 4:26 pm
i’m mad at u.
seonghwa <3; received 4:26 pm
you; delivered 4:27 pm
can u like do smth with ur life instead of bothering me
seonghwa <3; received 4:27 pm
Okay, you admit. That one was a low blow and for a second you almost feel bad until you’re reminded of the fact that you were still royally pissed at him.
you; delivered 4:28 pm
ur actually annoying
seonghwa <3; received 4:28 pm
ya ik i am
but yk what i’m not
someone who is going to do nothing about their gf being mad at them
so open ur window bc im climbing up so i can apologize
stop being a meanie and let me say sorry
Despite how mad you still are, your heart can’t help but skip a beat reading his messages. No matter how hard you wanted to stay angry at him and tell him to go away, you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist him even if you tried. Seonghwa was charming like that, always managing to sweet talk you in every way. 
You crack open your window and see his tuft of black hair climbing up your ladder. As he hops into your bedroom you fold your arms across your chest, not daring to say a word to him until he speaks first.
“Look, I’m sorry for being an ass earlier.” Seonghwa apologizes, and all you do is look at him. He sighs before continuing. “I was just having a bad day and took it out on you and I shouldn’t have blown up on you during class. I get it. Dick move.”
“But then you had to go and talk to Ashley about it?” you added. “That was like the worst part of it! Do you trust her more than me or something?”
“What? No! Of course not!” he panics. 
“You, and everyone else and their mother knows she’s like obsessed with you!” you shout in frustration. “She’s liked you for so long, do you know how stupid you made me look running off to her knowing how she feels about you?!”
“That wasn’t my intention-”
“Were you trying to make me mad?”
“No, y/n.”
“Did you do it to make me jealous?”
“So why Seonghwa, did you have to go and vent to her after you yelled at me in front of everyone when all I did was try to help?”
“I don’t know, okay!”
“I just don’t understand why me of all people you had to take it out on. When all i’ve literally done for you for like the last ten freaking years of us being friends was listen to you when you had a bad day or try to cheer you up when you were down! Never once when I was feeling crappy did I take that out on you. Never.” you explain with a heavy sigh. 
“I’m sorry.” he doesn’t know what else to say because he knows he’s in the wrong. 
“Do you like her or something?” your voice is quiet and the hurt is evident. “Cause if you do just tell me.”
Seonghwa is quick to shut you down as he pulls you into his arms.
“No, no, no. Y/n, I don’t like her. I don’t. Please believe me.” he begs. “Look, I don’t know why I went to her when I should’ve gone to you. I couldn’t even begin to explain what was going through my head at that point because I don’t know. But I love you, okay? I would never, ever like Ashley.”
Your eyes widen and you pull away from him. “W-what did you just say?”
“I... um...” Seonghwa starts to fumble over his words because he didn’t exactly intend to tell you, but it sort of just came out and now he’s starting to panic.
“Do you mean it?” you ask.
He just nods, a little embarrassed at his sudden declaration.
“I love you too.” you say softly, and he relaxes.
"I’m really sorry, y/n.” he pulls you close to him, burying his face into your hair as he hugs you tightly.
“I’m sorry too.” you murmur against him.
“I hate fighting with you.” he mumbles.
“Me too.”
“I promise I’ll never take my anger out on you again. And I’ll never talk to Ashley again. And I’ll literally do whatever you want me to if it means you won’t stay mad at me because I don’t like it when you’re mad at me, and I hate making you sad.” he rambles and you let out a small chuckle.
“Just come lay down and watch Friends with me.”
And you ultimately forget that you’re mad at Seonghwa because you decide that you can’t really stay mad at him after he tells you that he loves you. And although all is forgiven, he still decides to grovel for the next week as a reassurance that he really meant his apology.
So at fourteen years old, you have your first, and last fight with him.
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At the age of sixteen, you celebrate your three year anniversary with Seonghwa, and decide you were ready to lose your virginity to him.
“Okay I know you said that the expensive dinner date was enough of a present for you, but you know me and always overdoing it....” he says behind you as you hear the crinkling of a bag behind you.
“Trust me, babe. You’re gonna love it.” he assures as he walks over to you.
Your eyes instantly fall onto the small red velvet box in his hands and your mouth falls open.
“This was expensive wasn’t it?” you pry and he shrugs.
“Maybe, but I was saving up for it for a while now.” he responds, sitting next to you as he hands you the box.
“I always feel bad every time you spend money on me.” you sigh as your fingers smooth over the velvet.
“I know but it was worth it, trust me. Open it.” Seonghwa urges.
You pull apart the bow and lift up the lid, your eyes widening in awe at the shiny ring placed inside. You lift it out gently noticing the small engraving on the inner part of the band, with both your initials and a small ‘i love you 4ever’ written underneath.
“Oh my god,” you utter. “I love it.” you place the ring on your finger.
“Good because I have a matching one too.” your boyfriend grins at you as he pulls out another box lined with a silver band with that very same engraving. 
You pull him in for a hug as he wraps his arms around you instinctively and all you can feel right now is an overload of gratitude for him. 
“I actually love you so much.” you say, pulling his face towards you to press soft kisses all over his face.
“Yeah, I know I’m the best,” Seongwha chuckles. “But I love you too baby.”
Your lips mould together perfectly, the kiss slow and soft at first. His hands wrap around your waist and your mouth moves gently against his. But soon enough you’re clinging to him and his body is pressed against yours, the kiss growing more needy and intense.
You knew when things started to get heavy he would stop the both of you from going further, never wanting to push you to discomfort. The furthest you had gone with one another was only third base, but it never went further than that and Seonghwa always left that decision up to you if you wanted to take it there.
You figure if you don’t speak up now, he was going to cut this short, so it’s only then at this very moment do you decide you wanted him to be your first.
“Do you want to have sex?” you blurt out suddenly and you swear you’ve never seen your boyfriend’s eyes go so wide before. 
He opens his mouth to speak but he can’t seem to find the right words to say. “I- um, wait, are you being for real?” he stutters. “I mean, I do want to, but, are you sure you want to?” he asks, still in disbelief from your question.
“Shit, sorry I know that was really sudden to ask, but I do want to.” you assure. “But only if you want to.”
“Of course I want to.” his eyes soften, and his hand finds yours in an instant delivering a comforting squeeze.
“Okay so come here and kiss me again please.” you say quietly.
And just like that, Seongwha’s soft lips land on yours once more. Without breaking apart he gently guides you to the head of his bed, laying you down underneath him as your bodies press up against each other.
You swear you can kiss Seongwha for hours and never grow tired of the feeling. You get drunk off his kisses, unable to think of anything else but him. It’s dizzying really, but you love it. You find that off all the things you love about him its his lips, and how impossibly soft they are and how familiar they feel against your own. How much comfort it would bring you, and how all you had to when you had a bad day was just kiss your boyfriend for however long he let you.
It felt like home.
His lips trailed lower to your neck, littering soft pecks across your skin. Quiet noises escape your lips and Seongwha can’t help but grind against your lower half. His hands travel across your body and the ache between your legs grows by the second, and the only thing you can think of is how much you love him, and need him.
Your mind kind of blurs because the next second you find yourself both naked and he’s fiddling in his drawer to find what you assumed to be a condom. He notices your curious stare as he opens his mouth to speak. “M-my dad told me to keep these in here,” Seongwha stutters. “He said to be prepared in case the time comes, and well, here’s the time I guess.” he laughs lightheartedly and the very sound makes your heart swell. 
“Nice call on Papa Park I guess,” you joke and Seongwha chuckles.
He climbs over you and delivers another peck to your swollen lips. “Okay, no more mention of my dad please when I’m about to put my penis in you.”
“Sorry, sorry.” you chuckle nervously as your boyfriend pulls you in for another kiss. 
"Okay, if it hurts tell me to stop and I will, alright?” his eyes stare deeply into your own.
You nod at him with a small smile, admiring what little of his face you could see in the darkness of his room. “I will, don’t worry.”
“Okay.” he sighs, positioning himself in front of you. “I love you.” he whispers against your lips. 
“I love you more, baby.” you say to him before you feel him push himself inside you. You gasp at the feeling and he stills in his spot to let you adjust. 
And once you signal that it’s okay for him to move, he does at a slow pace, and you gasp at the intense pleasure. Even though the pain has subsided his thrusts are still slow and controlled, and you don’t know if it’s because he’s afraid to hurt you, or if he just wants to revel in the feeling of you around him. Either way your heart fills with love for this one boy. 
“I love you so much, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you  know that?” he whispers in your ear and your eyes shut at his words and the newfound feeling you would grow to love. “and thank you for trusting me right now...” his breathing grows heavy. “because I would do anything for you, and I just want you to know that, okay?”
You almost feel like you could cry because above all the pleasure that you’re experiencing right now, his words feel different, more intimate, and all the more meaningful to you. 
And you believe every word he says because you know he truly means it.
“I would do anything for you too.” you repeat his words back to him and he buries his face into your neck as he continues to thrust into you. 
So at sixteen years old, you have your first time with the love of your life. And you tell yourself that no matter what happens between the both of you, you were never going to regret giving that part of yourself to him. 
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At the age of eighteen years old, you do the unthinkable.
You decide after a long and heavy conversation, you two were going to break up. You were both set to leave town to pursue your studies at your dream schools, and you felt that parting ways at this point was the better option.
While you two could figure out a way to make things work while half way across the world from each other, you had to take into account all the factors that would drive you two apart. The time difference, the long distance, the fact that you were inevitably going to meet new people, and that you simply did not want to hold each other back from experiencing a life without one another. 
Because all you’ve known almost your entire life was being with Seonghwa, and him with you. You knew it was only fair to give each other the chance to explore something new, and now was that time.
It wasn’t an easy decision by any means, and although it was an amicable split, you’ve never felt the pain of a broken heart before. It hurt really bad.
Your friends and family decide to throw you both one last goodbye party, wanting to celebrate this special milestone with you. And of course there was no way you and Seonghwa could pass up the last good night you two would have together as a couple.
The party was fun at first. The dancing, the singing, the laughing, and the endless exchange of pictures as you guys shared the last few memories you would have as high school graduates. 
But as the night started to creep in, you both realized that in less than 24 hours, you two would no longer be attached to one another like you had been for the last thirteen years. And after five years as a couple, you still couldn’t believe that your relationship would come to an end, just like that.
You hear the faint music in the background of your house, as you and Seonghwa sit in your backyard, gazing up at the stars.
“This fucking sucks.” Seonghwa sighs, resting his head on your shoulder as you lean your head on top of his. 
“I know.” your throat burns, suppressing the urge to cry. 
“I just didn’t expect this day to come. I never thought we would actually break up with each other.” he admits, and you nod your head in agreement. 
You grab onto his hand rubbing comforting circles onto his skin, and you feel Seonghwa’s body start to shake next to you. You don’t want to look at him because you know if you see him cry, you’ll cry too.
You close your eyes trying to control your heavy breathing and the quivering of your lips. Your eyes are watering but you refuse to let your tears slip, and your heart hurts like it’s never hurt before, and you don’t know if the pain will ever go away.
“Seonghwa I really love you.” your voice breaks and you finally let the tears fall.
“I know, baby.” the pet name has always affected you, but now more than ever it tugs at your heart strings in a bittersweet way. “I really, really love you too. Always.”
“You know you’re the love of my life right? You’re always going to be.” you state and he delivers a squeeze to your hand in acknowledgement.
“And you’ll always be mine.” he answers back. “You’re my best friend in the whole world and the last five years with you as my girlfriend will forever be the greatest five years of my life. I will always stand by the fact that you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
As you stare at one another with teary eyes, he knows you’re saying the same exact words to him. He doesn’t need to hear you say it, nor does he expect you to. Your eyes say more than enough to him.
You look down at the rose gold band around your finger and you realize how long you’ve kept it on, never once taking it off since that day Seonghwa gave it to you. “Do you want your ring back?” you utter, your eyes watering once more.
Seonghwa shakes his head. “Please keep it. Because I still mean it. And I always will. I’m gonna love you forever, y/n. Even if you decide to take it off, if that’s the last reminder you have of how much I love you, then please keep it.”
Your heart is hurting, and the tears seem never ending as they continue to fall down your cheeks. “I don’t want to leave you Seonghwa.” a sob escapes from your lips, and Seonghwa squeezes your hand again.
“I know, baby but you have to. You’re going to the school you’ve dreamed of going to since you were in the fourth grade. You’re going to accomplish so much and a build a great life for yourself, y/n. And even though I won’t be physically with you, I’m always going to support you every step of the way.” he assures.
You knew in a perfect world you two didn’t have to break up. But long distance was a bitch, and you moving across the world was never going to be easy on him. You couldn’t force each other to wait for the other. Not when the both of you had to start a whole new life separately. You had to let each other go.
You turn to face him, your teary eyes staring into his own. “I’ll always support you too, okay? No matter what. I want you to make the most of your time in Seoul, study hard, surround yourself with good people and have the most fun you’ve ever had. You’re gonna make so many friends and pursue the career you’ve always wanted and experience new things that you’ve never done before. And most of all, you’re going to meet a girl and love her just as much as you loved me. And you’re gonna fall in love all over again, and just be happy. Just promise me that you will make the most of your time over there and live your life to the fullest. Don’t look back, don’t wait for me. Just live until I get to see you again.” your voice breaks. “And if somehow we find our way back to one another, then just know everything we did up to that point was worth it.”
Seonghwa lets out a sob and nods. “I promise.” his voice breaks and you pull him in for your last goodbye kiss.
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At nineteen, you visit your hometown for Christmas, which was the first time you’d be back in a year and a half. 
Having missed out on the chance to visit last year with your busy schedule, you made sure not to pass up the chance to see your family and friends. The more you grew accustomed to your new home you managed to find a good balance between school, work, and your personal life, so you found that this year was finally a good time to return back for a visit.
And there was no better time to come home than for Christmas day.
“Yeah, just landed at our layover and waiting for the next flight.” you say to your mother over Facetime.
“That’s great honey, I’m so excited to see you.” she smiles at you and you return the gesture. 
“I missed you mom.” you say.
“And I missed you even more.” 
You two continue conversing amongst one another, as she filled you in on all things you missed while you were gone before a voice interrupts your conversation.
“Hey babe, here.” Juyeon says, handing you a coffee as he presses a small kiss to your forehead.
“Oh thank you.” you murmur with a small smile as your boyfriend sits down next to you.
“Oh hey miss y/l/n!” Juyeon greets seeing your mom’s face plastered on your screen.
“Juyeon!” she squeals excitedly. “I can’t wait to finally meet you in person instead of over video chat. It was about damn time.” she states and you and your boyfriend chuckle. You hand him your phone allowing them to talk with one another and you smile fondly at the newfound bond between Juyeon and your mother.
“I know, I can’t wait to meet all of you guys too! I know y/n’s been really excited, it was all she could talk about for the last three weeks.” he teases. “And she says you make really good pie so i am definitely looking forward to that.”
“That is such an understatement, I make the best pie.” she scoffs. “And I made one specifically for you.” your mother beams.
After a few minutes of playful banter exchanged, Juyeon hands your phone back to you. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom before we board, I’ll be back.” he excuses himself and you nod in acknowledgement. 
“Oh y/n, I just thought I should mention Seonghwa and his family are coming over for Christmas dinner as well.” your mom says and the sheer mention of his name as your heart beating in your chest.
“Oh he’s back in town too?” you ask casually and she nods.
“Yup, he’s also bringing his girlfriend.” she adds.
“That’s great, I’m really happy for him.” you say with a smile.
And you meant it, truly. 
You knew of his girlfriend from the few photos he posted of her on instagram, and he seemed genuinely happy. Aside from his newfound love, he was clearly enjoying his time in Seoul like you had hoped, and it was everything you wished for him. 
You two hadn’t really spoken over the last year, and it wasn’t really on purpose, you two just kind of drifted, as expected. You two were starting fresh in an unfamiliar place, and you both were finding your way around your new homes. You two were also preoccupied with school, and meeting new people so it was sort of inevitably really that you two grew apart. Of course there were the few times you two would chat, but it never lasted long due to time differences and busy schedules. 
Although you missed him immensely, you were beyond happy for the life he started for himself, and you knew he was happy for you too. He did exactly what he promised you the last night you spent together, and that was enough to make you happy.
“Flight 219 now boarding.” the announcer calls and Juyeon meets you right on time.
“Okay mom, that’s us. I’ll see you in a few hours, bye, love you.” you bid your farewell before hanging up, and Juyeon grabs your hand leading you to the gate.
“Ready to go home?” he smiles at you, and you beam excitedly, nodding your head.
As the days pass leading up to Christmas, you spend all of your of time with your family and friends, using every second to catch up with your loved ones. You find that Juyeon is adapting well to your home life, bonding with your father and making your mother love him even more than she already did. You introduce him to your childhood friends and he instantly wins over Mingi, Hongjoong, Yunho and Jennie. You admire how much of an effort he put into forming a friendship with them because he knew how much it meant to you.
You were thankful really, to find a guy who was almost perfect for you.
But still, in the back of your mind, even though you loved Juyeon beyond belief, you knew Seonghwa would always have that special place in your heart.
On the day of Christmas, you and Juyeon set the table as you await the Park’s arrival. You were slightly nervous, obviously, given the fact that you had not seen Seonghwa in over a year and you would be meeting his girlfriend. Although you were happy for him, you still felt anxious to see him and her, and you could only hope that she was good for him, because he deserved that much. 
Only a few moments later do you hear a knock at your door and your mother walks over to greet your longtime neighbours. Juyeon stands next to you as he wraps an arm around your waist comfortingly and you relax against him. 
You see Mrs. Park first as she walks inside, giving your mother a friendly hug. Mr. Park follows suit as he greets your mother and your father with a wide smile on his face.
And then you see him.
His hair is slightly darker and he does look a little older. But other than that his face is so familiar to you and your heart beats wildly in your chest as the two of you make eye contact. His face softens when he sees you and you deliver a small wave to him as he smiles. His girlfriend trails behind him and you take notice of how beautiful she was. You smile at her too and she returns the gesture and your heart kind of warms seeing how shy she is because you always kind of knew Seonghwa would pick someone similar to him.
“Oh my y/n, how long has it been!” Mrs. Park calls towards you and you hug her tightly. 
“I missed you!” you say to her and her arms wrap tighter around you.
“I missed you too, darling. And you look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you!” she compliments. “And who is this handsome man?”
“This is Juyeon, he’s my boyfriend.” you smile, and Juyeon shakes her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Park. Y/n’s talked a lot about your family.” he says politely.
“Y/n’s picked a good one, I see.” she winks playfully as you notice Seonghwa and his girlfriend make their way towards you two.
“Hey y/n, long time no see.” Seonghwa says and you almost melt at the sound of his voice. He pulls you in for a hug and you notice how he still wears the same cologne that you had bought him all those years ago.
“Yeah, it’s good to see you again.” you smile at him, and although it had been well over a year since you two last saw each other, there was no hint of awkwardness, just nostalgia.
“Oh, this is Juyeon.” you introduce and Seonghwa delivers a warm smile to your boyfriend, shaking his hand respectfully.
“Nice to meet you.” Juyeon smiles.
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Seonghwa. Y/n’s... childhood friend.” he decides to say.
“I know she’s mentioned you a lot in her stories.” your boyfriend acknowledges. “From all the things she told me you were one of the people I was looking forward to meet the most. You seemed really great to her.”
“I could only hope so. She was my best friend after all.” Seonghwa glances at you, and you know there’s a deeper meaning behind his words. “And you seem like a really great guy, so I’m glad she has good people in her life.” Seonghwa returns and you find it heartwarming how well their exchange is going.
You look at the girl beside your ex and she’s staring at you with gentle, curious eyes. “Hi, I’m y/n.” you smile at her, extending your hand out for her to shake.
“Rosé,” she beams at you and you don’t even really know her but there was something about her that assured you she was good fit for Seonghwa. “I heard a lot about you as well, Hwa’s always talking about his life back home so I’m really glad I got to meet his best friend. You were really special to him.”
You smile softly. “I’m glad I got to meet you too.” you say.
“Okay, time for dinner everyone!” your father announces and you all take a seat at the table, passing over plates of food and catching up with one another.
“So Seonghwa, how’s Seoul treating you?” your mother asks as everyone turns their attention towards him.
“Uh really good actually,” he responds. “I joined a band actually! Uh, I became friends with these really nice guys. San and Yeosang. They basically recruited me after they found out I could sing and now we play at this local bar every week on Friday’s and Saturday’s. It was really good for me, I think. It helped with my stress and stuff. And that’s actually where I met Rosé.”
“That’s amazing.” your mother comments with a warm smile.
“Yeah he was really shy at first but San kind of forced him to talk to me which I was really thankful for because I was eyeing him for a while and was too shy myself to approach him.” Rosé says. “I still remember the night he asked for my number and he was stumbling over his words and I swear he looked like he was going to pass out.” she chuckles, and everyone at the table laughs along with her.
“Oh my god I know what you mean, he also cracks his fingers a lot and starts to turn really purple when he’s nervous.” you add and Rosé points at you nodding in agreement.
“Yes! I notice that all the time!” she laughs, and you can’t help but laugh with her.
“Trust me, I have the most embarrassing stories of him when we were kids.” you say.
“Oh god, you have to tell me all of them.” Rosé giggles.
“Obviously, we have the whole night for that.” you wink at her, and you realize how easy and natural it was to talk to her, and that confirmed that you indeed really liked her. 
Seonghwa watches the exchange between you both, and as you two make eye contact with each other, a small smile appears on his face as you nod at him, silently approving of the girl he chose to bring home for this special day. His heart grows full seeing how well the two of you got along, and he’s forever grateful at how amazing of a person you were that you were so willingly to form a friendship with his new girlfriend.
Although he loved Rosé dearly, there was still a piece of his heart where he’d always love you. And that piece grows a little more when he realizes how you continue to support him, even through this unconventional situation. 
Seonghwa decides he’s going to do the same for you, because just like you were happy for him, he was happy for you too. 
Of course he was glad you found someone who could put a smile on your face like he once did, and he knows that for you to have willingly dated Juyeon, he had to have been just as great as you were. You always had the best judgement of people.
“So Juyeon, how’d you and y/n meet?” Seonghwa asks genuinely and he notices the way his face lights up at the mention of your name.
“We had a lot of mutual friends and they introduced us. It’s funny actually, I could tell y/n didn’t even really like me that much at first, she was always so disinterested when I would try and talk to her.” Juyeon laughs.
“Probably stressing too much about trivial things.” Seonghwa chuckles.
“Yeah she does that a lot, so overly anxious all the time” Juyeon notes, and Seonghwa agrees. 
“Hey,” you interrupt and Juyeon apologizes.
“Sorry babe,” he chuckles. "but yeah, I finally sweet talked my way to get her to go out on a coffee date with me and then the next day she asked to go out for lunch after our lecture. We kind of just ended up hanging out more often and well, the rest is history I guess.”
“That’s great, I’m really glad she found someone that makes her happy.” Seonghwa smiles, and you feel a sense of gratitude towards him.
The rest of the night your families converse with one another and share a few drinks, as you and Seonghwa share old stories with Juyeon and Rosé. If you told yourself three years ago that you would be sitting by the fireplace on Christmas day with you and Seonghwa as exes exchanging stories with your new lovers, you would’ve never believed it. 
But you don’t think it’s a bad thing at all. In fact you’re immensely grateful that despite not being as close to Seonghwa anymore, you were able to see each other grow and adapt with your new lives. A life where you made new friends and made new memories. Where you tried things you’ve never tried before, and explored new places. And where you could love other people and still be so insanely happy for one another. 
This was a good thing.
At one point during the night the two of you find yourselves alone, a comfortable silence filling the room as you stared at the fire in front of you, basking in its warmth.
“I missed you.” Seonghwa is the first to break the silence.
“I missed you too.” you return. “And I’m really happy for you, you know?” 
“I’m really happy for you too, y/n.” Seonghwa smiles at you. “And I really like Juyeon. He seems really great, and he makes you happy, I can see it. That’s all I ever wanted for you.”
You hum in acknowledgement. “And I think Rosé is amazing. She’s perfect for you. And I’m forever grateful that you two have each other. I know we’ve drifted over the last year, but you’re still my best friend in the whole world. And even though I don’t say it often, or even out loud, I’m supporting you through everything. As long as it makes you happy that’s all I care about.”
His heart warms at your statement and he locks eyes with you. “And you know I’m always supporting you too. Seeing you happy and thriving is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. It’s all I want for you.” he states.
Neither of you have to say it, but you know this is your unspoken way of saying that you both still loved each other greatly. You still stood by the fact that Seonghwa was, and always would be the most important person in your life, and you in his. Seeing one another content and happy despite not having each other around anymore, was the one thing that mattered to you both. The maturity and support you continued to show was only because of the immense love you have, and have always had for one another. 
The kind of love that lets you give up the person you love the most so they can have a better life without you. 
And the kind of love that’s okay with it.
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At twenty-one years old, you and Seonghwa meet again.
It’s during one of your breaks where you find yourself extremely homesick. You don’t even give your family a heads up until you’re outside your childhood home knocking at your door.
It was an impulsive decision but it’s not like you were currently in school. You had the time and the money, and you missed your hometown so incredibly bad that it only took you one second to make that decision to come back.
“Coming, one second!” you hear a male voice call behind the door and your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Well, that’s is definitely not my mom, or dad.” you say to yourself. “Did they move out without telling me or something-” your internal conversation is cut short as the door swings open and you’re greeted by an unexpected figure.
“Y/n?” the boy says in surprise.
“Seonghwa??” you say even more confused. 
“Who’s at the door Seonghwa?” now that’s your mother’s voice you hear and she gasps as she walks over to the door. “Y/n! Oh my god why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?!” she pulls you into her arms.
“Surprise.” you chuckle. “I kind of sort of felt really homesick and impulsively bought a plane ticket last night so I could fly back so... here I am.”
“Well come settle in! Seonghwa was just helping with some renovations in the house but I’ll let you two catch up.” your mother grabs your luggage, carrying it up to your bedroom. “Go grab a coffee or something!” she yells upstairs.
You look over to Seonghwa and he shrugs. “Let’s go then.” he smiles and your heart swells.
The two of you walk comfortably beside one another as you take in the scenery around you, missing the familiar place you once called home. 
“I didn’t know you were back in town too.” you say after a few moments of silence.
“Yeah, it was pretty impulsive too actually.” he admits as he looks at you. 
“What was your reason?” you ask curiously.
“Break up.” he states and your mouth falls open.
“Wait, you and Rosé...” 
He nods. “Yeah, things just kinda, fizzled out. You know, we grew apart, wanted different things, came to a point where we were in different stages in our life.”
“Oh wow.” is all you say. “I’m sorry to hear, she was really sweet. I really liked her.”
“Yeah, she was,” Seonghwa sighs. “I mean, we ended on good terms. We’re still friends, actually. I don’t even think I’m necessarily sad about it to be honest, it’s just different, you know? Like I know we weren’t even dating for that long, like two and a half years at most. But I just got so used to being around her and spending so much time with her, and then things just weren’t really the same after a while. It just felt odd not having someone. And being alone made me miss everything I had here so I came back.”
You nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, I totally get what you mean.”
Seonghwa raises his eyebrow at you. “You mean... you and Juyeon too?”
“Mhm,” you hum. “I think for us we just realized we were better off as friends than as a couple, you know? Like after a while the attraction kind of went away and we were only really together because it was comfortable. And we didn’t want to stay together if we weren’t in love anymore, it wouldn’t have made sense. The break up was easy and it felt right when we ended things, I kind of wish it happened sooner but, I was still thankful for the time we spent together. He is still one of my best friends so I’m grateful for that at least.”
“That’s good.” he smiles softly. 
“Hey at least we both can confidently say we have a track record of smooth break ups, right?” you joke lightheartedly.
“Thank god for that.” Seonghwa says with a laugh.
When you two enter the coffee shop you’re once again hit with a feeling of nostalgia as you think of all the times you, Seonghwa, and your friends would spend most days after school, drinking hot chocolate and eating pastries together as you all talked for hours and hours.
“I’ll get our usuals, you can wait by our spot.” Seonghwa offers, and you nod making your way towards your designated table. 
The moment you sit down you’re hit with a wave of flashbacks you shared in this very space, and a small smile creeps onto your face as you look back on all the old memories. 
After your brief moment of reminiscing, Seongwha sits across from you handing over your cup. 
“Sometimes you don’t realize how much you miss home until you’re actually back in all the places you grew up in,” you note as you take notice of the small engraving in the corner of the table marked with yours and all your friends’ initials. Your fingers ghost over the mark and when you look up at Seongwha you see that he’s also eyeing the engraving. 
“I remember when we put that there,” he recalls with a smile. “After five years of coming here and sitting at this same exact table with our friends we claimed our ownership by putting that stupid engraving that took us forever to do. As if that stopped people from sitting here anyways.” you both chuckled.
“Well at least Jennie and Hongjoong were brave enough to kick out the people who stole our spot.” you laugh.
“Yeah,” Seonghwa smiles fondly at the memory. “I still remember the days where Mingi and Yunho would bet the barista on how many butter croissants they could eat in one sitting so we could all get a supply of free hot chocolate for a year.”
“And it was only after Mingi threw up everywhere that it turned out all we had to do was ask her, and she would’ve done it anyways because we were regulars here.” you finish with a soft chuckle.
A comfortable silence fills the air as you two reminisce on the old memories of your teenage years.
“Can I ask you something?” Seonghwa says.
“Of course.”
“When you finish university,” he starts. “What are you gonna do afterwards? Like do you plan on living abroad permanently? Or are you gonna come back home?”
You pause for a second. “Honestly, after the first year there, I fell in love with the city. And I truly was planning on starting my life there and making that my permanent home, ‘cause I had Juyeon, and I had my new friends, I had jobs lined up for me after graduation, and just an overall great home.” you say. “But after splitting up with him, and sitting with the fact that I was constantly homesick, I kinda realized that this is my home, you know? Like, no matter how much I loved my new friends, and loved the city, it would never be as special to me as here. Nothing over there compared to everything I have here. And I knew you were gonna come back from Seoul after graduation, and Jennie and Yunho were gonna come back from New Zealand too. And Mingi and Hongjoong, and the rest of them were all still here... I didn’t want to be the only one gone. All my real friends are here, my family’s here... you’re here. I didn’t want to leave that all behind.” you exclaim and Seonghwa’s face softens.
“I’m really glad honestly.” he responds. “Because I missed you a lot. And it would’ve really sucked to know you weren’t gonna be here anymore when I moved back. I just really miss spending time with my best friend.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Well, you have the next two weeks to do that.” you smile up at him.
“I have an idea.” his eyes light up and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Do you wanna have a sleepover tonight? We can have a move night and order take out like the good old times.” he grins at you.
“You had me at sleepover.” you say with a smile and so he grabs your hand, pulling you towards the exit.
When Seonghwa lets you into his house you almost forget the fact that you haven’t been inside in almost three whole years. This was practically your second home and you found comfort in the fact that nothing really changed since you last saw it. Everything looked almost exactly how you remembered it, minus the new couch and dining table, and a few new paintings hung up on the walls.
“Your mom didn’t change much over the last few years.” you observe.
“Yeah, she was going to do a whole renovation like your mom, and she even planned a whole design out, but she opted out last minute. She said she wanted me to come back home to something I remembered.” Seonghwa answers. “I didn’t get why at first but it only started making sense to me the more I started visiting and realized this was like my safety net.”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” you say.
You and Seonghwa walk upstairs to his bedroom, and of course nothing changed inside either. It almost seemed like it had been untouched aside from the fresh bedsheets and clean floor. You notice the small picture frames neatly placed across his dresser table and you realize most of them are pictures with you. You pick one frame up as you remember the day so clearly. A faint smile forms on your face as your fingers ghost over the photo.
“I asked my mom to put those up again recently.” Seonghwa states from behind you. “I was gonna put more with our friends but I realized we didn’t take many with them. They were mostly just of us two. I hope you don’t think it’s weird.”
You shake your head. “No, of course not. I would never think it’s weird.” you say, placing the frame back onto his dresser.
Seonghwa tosses you one of his shirts and a pair of your old shorts that you always left at his house during your impromptu sleepovers. And suddenly you’re once again hit with a wave of nostalgia. 
“What do you wanna do?” he asks and you flop onto his bed with a deep exhale.
“Let’s just lay here for a second.” you say pulling him down next to you. “I just wanna remember everything that I missed while I was gone.” 
Seonghwa settles beside you and you can’t help your racing heart as he inches closer to you. As you lay next to one another looking up at the ceiling, your breathing relaxes and you revel in the feeling of just being so comfortable and at so at home. 
“You don’t know how much I missed this,” Seonghwa whispers next to you. “even though we haven’t seen each other in years and we don’t talk as much anymore, when I’m with you it’s like we never even left each other. Like we just pick up right where we left off. You’re the one person who’s always brought me comfort and I never feel like we have to force things with each other, no matter how much we drifted.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and suddenly the room feels so much warmer. Your heart beats fast and you realize how much of an effect Seonghwa still has on you after all these years.
“I think about you everyday, you know that?” you confess, turning your head to look at him. “Every time I’m out somewhere there will always be little things that remind me of you. And I think about all the places in the city I would take you, and the places I know you would love. I think about all the things you would tell me when I was feeling down, and how you would react to certain situations as if you were right there beside me the whole time. I miss you all the time.”
You both stare at one another and your eyes flicker back and forth to his lips and when you look into his own eyes you notice him doing the same. After a moment of just staring into each other’s eyes, unsure of what to do next, Seonghwa pulls you towards his face and kisses you, and the feeling absolutely overwhelms you in all the good ways.
It’s far from soft and sweet, instead heavy and messy, and so intense that your chest burns with desire. You don’t dare pull away from him even when you needed to catch your breath, because the feeling of his lips on yours after all these years intoxicates you and has you yearning for more. He’s pulling you closer to him and you feel like your body is on fire. 
Seonghwa rolls on top of you and your bodies mould perfectly with one another, as if you were both the two missing pieces of a puzzle. You can’t exactly describe the feeling but it’s overwhelming and very reminiscent and brings you back to all the times with Seonghwa that brought you so much happiness years ago. It’s a feeling you didn’t know if you would ever feel again and you missed it more than anything.
The ache between your legs becomes overwhelming and before you know it you’re begging him to touch you, and without any hesitation he does. Your bodies press tightly against each other and your desperate need for him only grows the moment he grinds down on you. 
The next thing you know, you’re both unclothed and fully exposed to one another, and you see each other in your most vulnerable states for the first time in years. When he finally pushes himself inside you the pleasure is significantly magnified as the fire inside you only intensifies at the feeling of him.
It happens quick at first but Seonghwa decides he wants to take his time with you. Like you, he didn’t know if he would ever feel you in this way again and he was going to use every second with you that he could.
You don’t know how much time has passed but by the end, you both are exhausted and sore, and panting heavily next to each other. It’s dark outside and the room is warm and even though you’re both sweaty and gross, you haven’t felt this good in a long, long time. 
“Was that okay?” Seonghwa asks, pulling your naked body into his arms.
“Yeah,” you say with a small smile. “It was perfect.”
So you lay in each other’s embrace for a while and your heart feels warm and fuzzy, bringing you an endless amount of comfort. You feel content at this very moment, and your worries are pushed to the back of your mind as you fall asleep soundly together.
It’s only at 2 o’clock in the morning do you wake up in a haze and through your fatigued confusion does your brain recall the events that took place a few hours ago. Unable to make out your surroundings in the darkness, your eyes widen not knowing if what happened earlier really happened. When you attempt to sit up you feel a pair of arms wrapped securely around your waist and your body relaxes. Soft snores escape Seonghwa’s lips and you snuggle closer to his body to feel his warmth.
It dawns on you that you still are very much in love with Seonghwa, and of course deep down you knew that you always would be. You also knew given the chance (like now) your feelings would resurface because well... they never really left in the first place.
The unknowingness of this outcome has you shifting in your spot and anxiety creeps in as you think of leaving him all over again. Because after tonight, you don’t know if you can bear the thought of parting ways with him and returning to your life abroad where you can’t tell him exactly how you feel.
You don’t realize right away that Seonghwa has woken up next to you and he only does so because of your constant shifting. It’s when he delivers a gentle squeeze to your waist do you finally take notice.
“Are you okay?” his voice his deep and tired and the sound is enough to make your heart beat fast.
“Yeah.” you reply unconvincingly, but Seonghwa has known you all his life and was also the one to date you for five whole years. He knew you better than you probably knew yourself so in an instant he could tell there was something bothering you.
“What’s on your mind?” he asks.
Your back is leaning against his chest, and you can feel his soft breathing on your neck, and instinctively he starts to rub small circles on your arm knowing that was the one thing that could calm you down.
“It’s stupid.” you say, your voice is quiet and laced with a hint of embarrassment.
“Do you regret what we did?” Seonghwa asks and you’re quick to shut down his claim.
“No! No, of course not.” you return. “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?” 
You exhale, letting out a heavy sigh. “Seonghwa I still love you.” it’s almost inaudible to him but he knows he heard you correctly. 
He lets out a soft sigh and a smile smiles forms on his face.
“I still love you too, baby.” and when you hear him call you by the name you loved so much, you feel like you’re going to melt in his arms. “I always would remember?”
Your eyes start to water because it’s been so long since you’ve been able to say that to him, and to hear him say those same exact words back to you has a weight lifting right off your shoulders that you didn’t even know was there.
“Why’s that upsetting you?” he questions and you feel him press soft kisses to your shoulder.
“I don’t want to leave you all over again.” you admit. 
He sighs next you and attempts to pull you even closer, if that were possible.
“Well we’ll spend the rest of the time we have together and enjoy every second of it. And after graduation we’ll come back home and we’ll pick up right where we left off like we always do.” Seonghwa tries to reassure you and you shake your head, sniffling.
“That’s not what I mean...” you say. “I mean that I don’t want to go back and not be with you. I don’t want to wait out till graduation and know that we aren’t together because I don’t think I can. Not after tonight.”
It clicks in Seonghwa’s brain and he knows exactly what you mean, and so he decides now’s the time to ask you what he’s been wishing to ask you for so many years. He knows he wasn’t supposed to wait for you, but he always knew he would.
“You don’t have to then.” he states.
“I don’t?”
“Do you want to get back together?” he asks and your heart almost stops. “I mean we only broke up ‘cause of the distance right? And we both fulfilled our promises to each other that we would experience a different life and learn what it was like to not be together. We’re in our last year of uni, we’d only have to be apart for a few more months and then we’ll both be back home in no time, permanently. We would never have to be apart again.” he reasons with you.
And it did make complete sense. He was right in every way, so in truth, there really wasn’t anything stopping you from being together again. You don’t have to think much about it because the decision was already made deep down. You knew you wouldn’t hesitate to be with Seonghwa again if you had the chance, and now was that chance.
You turn to face him and even though you two can’t see each other, there’s a small smile painted on both your faces and you lean in to press a kiss to his lips. 
“Okay, let’s get back together.”
So at twenty-one years old, you and Seonghwa officially reconcile, and spend the next two weeks together like you planned, catching up on everything you did while you two were apart.
And just like he said, it was like you two never left each other.
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And now, at twenty-two years old, Seonghwa pops the question.
And you finally marry him.
"Family, friends, and all loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Y/n and Seonghwa. We stand here to support this couple and share the joys of their love and commitment as they solidify this partnership, choosing to spend the rest of their lives together.” 
“Through this marriage you make a lifelong promise to one another to always love, respect, trust and honor each other through anything, and everything. You promise to stay committed, and loyal, and most importantly, share your dreams, your happiness, and your sorrows with each other.” 
“From today, and this moment on, you will forever be united as one.”
You stare at Seonghwa and your heart beats hard against your chest as you stand in front of him watching his eyes light up and his smile grow by the second. You feel like you’re in a dream and everything around you feels so surreal.
Your eyes scan the alter and you see your mother beside Mrs. Park, both of them clinging onto each other as tears of happiness running down their cheeks. Their smile is wide and filled with so much love and you knew this day was something the two have been waiting for, for as long as they could remember. 
You see Mingi, and Yunho, and Hongjoong, and Jennie, your best friends who witnessed every progression of your relationship with Seonghwa from the moment you two met. They’re all grinning from ear to ear and you can’t help but laugh as they silently cheer you on from the pews.
You see your dad, and Seonghwa’s dad, and both of your grandparents, and the entirety of yours and Seonghwa’s family joined together as they smile brightly at the two of you.
And then your eyes meet with Rosé and Juyeon as they mouth a “you got this!” to you and Seonghwa, delivering a thumbs up in your direction, and your heart kind of warms because even after splitting up, the friendship between you four remained and it was evident through their support on this special day.
When your eyes lock with your soon-to-be-husband his lips quirk up into a warm smile as you mouth out an “i love you.”
“Now Y/n, Seonghwa, please join hands” the officiant states.
"Do you, Park Seonghwa take Y/N Y/L/N to be your wife?” 
“I do.” he states softly, eyes gazing into yours.
"And Y/N Y/L/N, do you take Park Seonghwa to be your husband?”
“I do.” you respond beaming.
"Seonghwa, please repeat after me.” the officiant says. “I, Park Seonghwa, take thee, Y/N Y/L/N, to be my lawfully wedded wife.” 
“I Park Seonghwa, take thee, Y/n Y/l/n, to be my lawfully wife...” he repeats.
"...To have and to hold from this day forward...”
“...For better for worse...”
 “For richer for poorer...”
“...In sickness and in health...”
“...To love and to cherish...”
“...And to honour you all the days of my life...”
“Till death do us apart.” Seonghwa finishes and your eyes start to water.
“Now, Y/n, please repeat after me.” the officiant calls on you. “I, Y/N Y/LN, take thee, Park Seonghwa, to be my lawfully wedded husband.”
You exhale before repeating his words. ““I, Y/N Y/LN, take thee, Park Seonghwa, to be my lawfully wedded husband.”
"...To have and to hold from this day forward...”
“...For better for worse...”
“For richer for poorer...”
“...In sickness and in health...”
“...To love and to cherish...”
“...And to honour you all the days of my life...”
“Till death do us apart.”
As Jennie walks over to hand over the rings she smiles brightly at you, as the crowd watches you and Seonghwa each place the new band on your fingers, signifying the start of your lifelong commitment to one another. 
“Well! By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the officiant shouts with a smile. “You may now kiss the bride!”
And without a second wasted Seonghwa pulls you in kissing you like he’s never kissed you before and the loud shouts and cheers in the background fills your ears as everyone hollers around you. And when you pull away you can’t seem to wipe the smile off your face as Seonghwa carries you out of the alter.
“Here’s to our new life together, Mrs. Park.” Seonghwa says with a grin as you kiss him once more.
“I love you so much.” you say.
“And I love you even more.” he returns.
So at twenty-two years old you know that you’re never going to stop loving Seonghwa, and that love was made permanent by the unity of your marriage. From the moment you declared him as your boyfriend at the age of six, to the years you spent learning everything together as a couple, growing apart and reuniting, you know that this was a rare kind of love to find, and one that had to mature and progress over a long period of time. 
And so you remember the words you said to him all those years ago the night you parted ways, “if somehow we find our way back to one another, then just know everything we did up to that point was worth it.”
Which stayed true four and a half years later, and for the rest of your life thereafter.
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Hi, I love your blog! Can I request a cake, if you’re still doing them? It’s fine if you’re not though.
If you are, can you do it for a boy? I’m generally considered tall (I’m 5’7”) and I have really curly brown hair with green eyes and really pale skin. I’m Irish-American and I’m an Aries. My hobbies are; photography, reading thriller or historical fiction novels, writing fanfiction, and listening to music (specifically punk rock or really obnoxiously loud Irish rock). I’m quite shy when it comes to new situations or places and I have an anxiety disorder, so I’m usually quite anxious and generally considered quiet (which makes my music choices ironic). Before people get to know me, people think I’m a b*tch or that I’m cold because I tend to stick with the same people and not generally talk to others unless I’m forced. Even my friends have said they thought I was mean before they actually met me. I can be pessimistic at times, but I care about the people I’m really close with and I’ll defend them no matter the situation. I can be annoying, I overthink everything, and I am insecure about literally anything and everything about myself (from my body to my writing)
I’m generally considered one of the smarter ones in my friend group, usually my friends come to me when it comes to writing essays or having to read a book for class, since I’m good at analyzing things. I’m the friend that usually everyone tries to protect from things, from fear that I might “break” or something like that, which can be annoying but I know it means that they care. Though I would prefer that people be straight forward and honest with me instead of walk on eggshells or keep secrets, because contrary to popular belief, I can defend myself just fine. My friends say I have a hard time letting people in since I don’t want to end up hurt, so I have a tendency to keep people at arms length because I’m afraid to have my heart broken.
I don’t know if that’s enough information or if I over-shared (I have a tendency to do that), but if you are still accepting these kinds of requests, I hope this is enough.
🍰 for @lifewouldbebetteronmars
Hello my Aries sister!!!!
Romantic Matchup
Tsukishima Kei
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How yall met
Ok be prepared to be shocked
But Tsukki needed a tutor
He was having a difficult time understanding the new topic they were doing in class
So the teacher recommended you as a partial tutor
At first he didn't really like you
It really wasn't anything you did
He just hated that he needed someone else's help
And he was kinda embarrassed about it
But as time went on he started to warm up to you
Some could even say he looked forward to your tutoring sessions
So when he didn't need you to teach him anymore
He tried to find excuses to hang out with you
He's just too prideful to say that he likes you and wants to hang out with you
And even though you knew that was probably the case
You didn't want to call him out like that
So you would just hang out with him whenever you could
And the bond between you two grew with every passing day
And eventually you guys started dating
What they love about you
He loves how intelligent you are
Tsukki is pretty smart himself
So if he thinks that your smart
Bb you're a genius
And although he resented your smarts when he first met you
He's come to realize it's one of your most admirable traits
He loves how you care so deeply for your loved ones
He knows you would do anything and everything for him
But he also knows you would do the same thing when it comes to any of your friends and family
Like he's literally seen you telling off somebody for picking on one of your friends
He made a mental note to be careful who he picks on that day
He loves how straightforward you are
Ok so this is Tsukki were talking about
He doesn't really like overcomplicated people or people he can't understand
And you are anything but that
Tsukki can read you like a book
Maybe its because hes spent a lot of time with you
Maybe it's because he pays more attention to you than other people
The world may never know
What you love about them
You love how he doesnt try to “protect you”
Now don't get me wrong
Tsukki would take a bullet for you if it ever came down to it
But he knows for the most part you can take care of yourself
So unless you specifically ask for help hell leave you be
You love that he understands your limitations
Tsukki knows you have anxiety
So he tries to make social exchanges as comfortable as possible
If he notices that your uncomfortable talking to someone
He’ll swoop in and remove you from the situation
He tries to get you to step out of your comfort zone from time to time
He knows just as well as you do that being social is just apart of life
And he doesn't want you do always be dependent on him when it comes to being social
So he just gives you little nudges
Until eventually its like your anxiety never even existed
Favorite things to do together
Ahem anyways
Mans loves to have a good study date with you
It's really just you two doing homework and reading together
But he loves those little intimate moments with you
Late night walks
You guys take late night walks ALL the time
Once again it's nothing more than just walking round and listening to music
But Tsukki finds comfort in your presence during these times
Random Hc
The team was very very shocked when they found out you were Tsukkis gf
Like Tsukki + a relationship = error
Definitely got bombarded with questions when you met the team
He keeps some of the photos you've taken in a little box in his room
He proofreads all of your fanfics
One time it was your turn to pick the music for a study date
He was very shocked when hard core irish rock started playing…
When you guys first met there were a lot of moments when you just stared at eachother like
Because you didn't know how to talk to each other
Sometimes he acts like he doesn't know something just so he can be around you
Aries + Libra
Compatibility 62%
However difficult it might be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primal opposition that represents partners by signification.
Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as any other opposing signs, for they are each other’s seventh house, house of relationships.
Even more so if we acknowledge the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general.
Any problem they might have with each other is something to be worked on, because it shows what their personal problem with any relationship is.
When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that could separate them, no matter the differences.
Wouldn’t we all like to find the middle ground with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that’s a fact, but their relationship is a promise of a perfect fit of two souls meant to be together.
Friendship Matchup
Tendou Satori
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How yall met
You guys have been friends since middle school
You saw how other people treated him and you just didn't think it was right
So you befriended him!
You guys were attached at the hip all throughout middle school
Then he left for highschool while you stayed in middle school
Then when it was your turn to go to high school you had went to karasuno
So you guys lost touch
But then one day you saw a familiar head of red hair at one of your boyfriends matches…
It was Satori!
You were so excited to see him again that you practically sprinted over to him to reunite
He was so happy to see you again!
Ngl the entire Karasuno team was very confused on how you knew the guess monster of Shiratorizawa
Why you became friends
Like I said you saw how people treated him all throughout middle school…
So even though you were 2 years younger than him
You decided to befriend him
He was shocked by your kindness
And honestly a little hesitant
It wouldn't be the first time someone pretended to be his friend just to stab him in the back later
But for some reason he thought you were different
So he became friends with you
He was super sad when he lost contact with you :(
He always thought about how you were doing
But hey fate decided to bring you two together again
And it was like nothing changed
You both still had the same strong connection you had way back in middle school
What yall love about each other
He loves how out there you can be
Like there was a time where you two just blasted music in a park and just were dancing and vibing
He loves how your able to channel your creativity into your photography
He compliments every picture you take
Even if it's not a good one
He loves that how you look vs how you act are two totally different things
He won't lie to you you definitely have RBF Syndrome
(resting bitch face syndrome)
It almost reminds him how ushiwaka looks
But the difference is behind you rbf is a generally warm person
You love how fun Satori is!
Moments with him are always filled with laughs
Never a dull moment with that one
You love that he does not allow what others say get to him
Oh and on the days they do
Your right there to pick him back up and get him back to normal
Overall you guys love that you can depend on each other
Random Hc
Tsukki felt a little intimidated when he found out satori was your friend
Their rivalry during their game may or may not have had something to do with you…
You guys had homemade friendship bracelets as kids
And he kept his in his room even after you lost touch
Ironically enough he WILL NOT allow you to be insecure
He's like Insecurities we don't know her ❤️
Aries + Libra
A friendship between an Aries and a Libra brings in the inherent polarity of the Zodiac itself.
The constellations of Aries and Libra lie opposite to each other in the Zodiac, at an angle of 180 degrees between them.
This polarity is displayed in their characteristic traits as well. Each sign has qualities that the other sign lacks.
Add to it the fact that Librans have a natural desire to be harmonious, and Aries and Libra form a relationship of great equilibrium.
The polarity of Aries and Libra could be described as self versus other.
But the differences go much further than that. Aries are impulsive, excitable, and willing to jump into things immediately.
Libra are indecisive, peace loving, and prefer a calm, quiet view of everything.
Star signs with opposite polarity often share a zealous relationship with each other.
In general, polar alliances turn out awesome when they are good, but rather challenging when they are bad.
Polarities could twist and knot together if the signs didn’t understand each other well.
However, Aries and Libra are a well balanced pair.
Libra are charming, well cultured, and have pleasing manners that could compensate for the brazen nature of Aries.
On the other hand, Aries are strong willed and decisive, which could compensate for the irresolute nature of Libra.
Aries could help Libra reach resolutions more easily and make them more spontaneous.
Libra could, at times, show Aries that they are not always as right as they think they are.
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shellbilee · 5 years
What about Henry and famous gf do an interview together and he accidentally spills something embarrassing from their sex lives? Humor me! 😂😂💓
I love this H/C! Thank you for requesting! Hope it’s along the lines of what you wanted. This is my first ever head canon and I realise it’s really long but sue me. Requests for Henry Cavill or Chris Evans head canon’s open!
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You and Henry had been dating for several months, having met during the initial casting call for the Witcher last year. You were an up and coming actress who’d thus far only had small roles here and there in TV shows and netflix movies. You’d been over the moon when you’d received the call to play the part of Ana, a powerful mage and Yennifer’s sister in the second season of the Witcher.
You’d arrived at your first table read for the new season and Henry had clocked you as soon as you’d walked in, remembering you from your audition a few months back. He’d been almost completely enamoured by you when he’d watched you audition, in awe of both how gorgeous he thought you were as well as how captivating you’d been with your scene. He’d known instantly that he wanted you to play Ana, feeling an instant chemistry when you’d acted out a scene together for the producers.
You’d beamed when he’d approached you, delighted that he’d even remembered you, unable to help your smile when he’d taken a seat beside you and proceeded to talk, laugh and joke with you through the table read.
A month of script practice, late night dinners on set and shameless flirting, Henry had asked you to dinner for a real date. It had been everything you’d imagined and more, Henry as always the perfect gentleman, ending the night with a goodnight kiss that had made your heart flutter and your insides turn to melted chocolate. The rest they say, is history.
That’s how you’d found yourself sitting beside Henry in a press interview, following the hugely successful release of the Witcher season 2. You grinned stupidly as you waited for the interview to start, glancing over at Henry and smiling affectionately when he’d squeezed your knee reassuringly.
“So Henry, Y/N, it’s great to see you both! How are you feeling about it all? Henry, you’ve obviously now been on two seasons of the show with Geralt, and Y/N you’ve just joined as the ever mysterious Ana!”.
Henry nodded and flashed his effortlessly handsome smile that made your stomach flip, going on to talk about how much he’d enjoyed playing Geralt and working with the rest of the cast and crew. It was more than evident as he spoke just how passionate he was about the show, and just how much he was actually enjoying playing the role. “Yeah the hours can be brutal, and the initial getting into shape even more so, but when you hear the final ‘CUT’ or even see the finished product on screen, it all just becomes so worth it!”.
“And Y/N what about you? This is the first major project that you’ve worked on. How has your experience been with it all?”. 
You grinned and nodded. “It’s been incredible honestly. And every one has been so supportive. My first day I was so overwhelmed, there seemed to be a million and one things going on at once and it was very easy to lose your head. Henry especially was great though, he helped me get settled with everything. Talking to a 'seasoned veteran’ like him is certainly helpful”
You flashed him a playful smile and felt your heart swell when you saw him looking at you with that same expression, completely enamoured and in awe just like he had that first day at the audition. 
The interviewer nodded, looking down at her list of questions before looking back up at the two of you. She went on to ask Henry a few more questions before turning to you. “So, there are quite a few nude scenes in the show. Henry you are as Y/N said, a 'seasoned veteran’ by now with those, but Y/N how did you feel? Have you ever done anything like this before?”
Henry laughed and you let out a nervous chuckle, glancing over at him with an amused expression. “Yeah…about those” you said as you turned back to the interviewer, “At the time I remember being ridiculously freaked out. I’d never actually done any nude scenes or any love scenes so I felt like a wide-eyed innocent on set compared to everyone else” you explained with a laugh. “I was incredibly nervous and I remembered feeling like all of a sudden it was like every single insecurity I’d ever had about my body was popping up at once”.
“Even though she has absolutely no reason at all to be insecure. I mean look at her” Henry added quickly, causing the interviewer to let out a quick 'aww’ as you’d felt your cheeks flush.
You shook your head dismissively and laughed. “Even so, even though I’d done months of training and clean eating prior to starting shooting - which might I add, was basically torture, even though I feel like I’m currently in the best shape I’ve ever been in, it was yeah, still super daunting for me”.
“You and Henry have several love scenes together in the show. Did you find it got easier to film them as you went on?”
You tilted your head as you considered her question, glancing over at Henry as he too thought about an answer. “Well, I initially and perhaps naively assumed they’d film all of those scenes together to just save time. But it wasn’t like that at all, they spread them out quite a bit actually, giving us time to recover I guess. They give you notice too actually, so you’ve time to prepare. We’d end a day of shooting and they’d be like, just so you know, we’re doing one of those scenes tomorrow.” you answered with a laugh.
“Was there anything you did to make it easier for yourself?”
You laughed out loud this time, shaking your head. “Well look, the first one I felt like I needed to have a few shots of tequila or something just to calm my nerves. And you know, like you’re acting that you’re having sex and it’s as far from the real thing as it can be. You’re supposed to feel completely relaxed, in the throes of passion type thing. In reality, you’ve got thirty people watching you, yelling out 'move this arm here’, 'louder’, 'squeeze his bicep’ that type of thing, so you feel the furthest thing from relaxed”.
The interviewer laughed and turned to Henry. “What about you Henry? Anything you do?”.
Henry chuckled, “Look not really. I can’t say there’s anything specific that I do. Like Y/N said, it’s hard to completely relax when you’ve got thirty pairs of eyes on you and people yelling out telling you what to do and you’re trying to convey this sense of erotic intimacy. I just try and block out everything around me and focus on the person I’m with. Try and make it as natural and comfortable for them as possible - especially when they’ve not done it before” Henry added, gesturing to you with a soft smile.
The interviewer nodded. “You and Y/N are dating though. Did you find this made it easier for you?”
You and Henry both laughed out loud at this one and you felt your face flame with embarrassment. Henry glanced at you and looked back at the interviewer. “Well for me, it was yes and no, but definitely yes more than no. It’s much easier to act something when you’re actually, feeling it, you know? But obviously, you also need to remember that you can’t get too carried away since it’s not just you two in the room. But yes, I’d say that it definitely made things easier. For me anyway”.
You felt your cheeks heat as you listened to Henry, instantly remembering the time that you’d actually had an orgasm on set.It was during your second or third love scene with Henry and you’d only just started having sex with him in your relationship. You’d been so ridiculously turned on from having his skin on yours, his thick muscles holding you as he’d ground his hips against you, it had just happened. The directors had praised you for doing such a good job and when you’d watched the play back you’d been silently mortified. Henry had picked up that it had been real almost instantly, teasing you mercilessly about it ever since.
“What about you Y/N? Is that the same for you?”.
“Uh well yes and no. I was new to the whole thing so having some one I was…for lack of a better word, familiar with, certainly made it easier to a certain degree. But yeah as Henry said, there is also that flip side”.
“We had plenty of….practice runs, both in and out of costume” Henry suddenly interjected, yelping when you elbowed him in the ribs almost instantly.
“Henry!” you squeaked in morbid embarrassment, burying your face in your hands as both he and the interviewer laughed. This was going to be watched by millions of people everywhere. You wanted to die of embarrassment.
“What?” Henry asked innocently, putting his hands up in a surrender gesture as he looked at you and grinned, “It was your idea to bring the wig home from set remember. And the leather pants”.
“Oh my god” you gasped, Henry’s eyes widening as he’d realised what he’d just said, the interviewer chuckling out loud.
“Can I go now? Before the floor swallows me up and I die of shame and embarrassment?” you asked, looking around dramatically and shaking your head at your boyfriend.
Henry only grinned sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders as he listened to you back pedal, trying to explain that it was to try and 'get comfortable with the scenes’.
You paused abruptly half way through a sentence, only shaking your head. “You know what, I’m just going to stop talking. Can we PLEASE change the subject?” you pleaded looking at the interviewer as she laughed and nodded, looking down at her questions.
You glanced at Henry and narrowed your eyes, giving him a look that said 'I’m going to kill you after this". He only grinned back at you with a chesire-cat grin, wiggling his eyes brows and leaning towards you so that his lips were at your ear.
“Oh baby I can’t wait”
REQUESTS OPEN FOR H/C’s - Henry Cavill or Chris Evans
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
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somertonmayor · 4 years
i. intro
Hey! My name is Lívia, I’m twenty four and I’m from Brasil. I’m a law student/intern. Here are three fun facts about me: (1) i was watching a small town show and I went “i’m either making a small town rp, or i’m finding one that fits all my different criteria” and I can’t tell you all how glad I was to find Somerton because it saved me from creating 10 thousand pages of small town info. (2) my dog is named after luke skywalker. (3) i overuse l.m. montgomery quotes for literally everything, i apologize in advance.
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ii. george
you can find the bio here (tws:  death, car crash, teen pregnancy) and underneath the cut, i’ll start talking about him
OKAY SO IF YOU READ THE BIO, YOU’LL REALIZE I DECIDED TO REALLY GIVE THIS MAN A TRAGIC BACKSTORY (look, i’ve had george since like 2018, and for some reason everytime i adapt him for a new rp, his backstory gets a little sadder, i’m worried about this man, i really am). 
quick summary: golden child becomes spoiled, discovers his gf is pregnant at 18, his parents die on the way to the hospital, he raises his sister and his daughter. he eventually becomes a nurse and then the mayor.
 good boy, tired boy.
But tbh, George is actually a pretty cheerful muse. He is a happy guy, he has found peace and balance. He is the sort of guy who smiles at everyone and whose shoulder is always free, he is a great listener and he really tries with his advice (might not always be the best, but he gives it from the heart).
He has a 20 year old daughter and a 34 year old sister. While the age difference between him and his sister might not be that big, it was in the moment they lost their parents -- he had to finish raising her, made sure she graduated high school and got into a good college.
He is the current mayor. Recently elected, been doing a good job so far. Formerly, he worked in the daycare (and did some odd jobs around town as well), before he graduated from university and became a nurse. He worked at the hospital for practically a decade (he was a dermatology nurse).
He has lived in Somerton all of his life and has always been the sort of person to befriend lots of people. Those who went to high school with him might have a bad opinion of him (he went through a jerk phase, would love to plot a connection for that tbh), but it’s been twenty years and he is a beloved guy. His family has lived in the town for decades. HIs father was a doctor, and his mother was an author (published romances set in Maine).
iii. injury (tw. nerve damage)
I ended up not going into this in the bio, but he had to go undergo some surgeries after the car accident. He has nerve damage and lost some sensation in his left leg. A former quarterback, George tries to act like nothing is wrong, but he has some troubles.
He uses a cane sometimes when the pain is bad/when he has lost sensation in the leg. He is a bit touchy about it and will sometimes not use the cane when he is supposed to.
iv. wanted connections
friends: LOOK, HE IS NICE, HE IS FRIENDLY, HE IS LOYAL, HE WOULD DEFINETLY HAVE A BUNCH OF FRIENDS. Gimme his guy friends that he shares a beer after work, and then give me some girl friends that he also shares a beer after work.
old friends: i’d really die for someone who has known george for like 15 years, gimme some people who know him very well!!
ex-girlfriend: how about someone he was dating a few years ago, but he was so focused on his daughter that the relationship fizzled out/they had angry fights about him not making time for her?
former co-workers: imagine you wake up one day and a person you work with is suddenly in charge of the town? everyone who works at the hospital had to deal with that!!
fuck buddy: look, the man is busy and while his daughter is finally an adult, he has gotten used to not having a proper relationship, just passing ones. 
anyone who works in the town hall: he is a good boss, i swear.
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theskyexists · 4 years
I've only seen one Christmas movie before in truth - and that was AWFUL - like, the second hand embarrassment was insane - and in the end she....kinda swapped her boyfriend for his brother? Lol. I enjoyed it for how awful it felt to watch and how the whole family bullied the main character because she was so socially inept/insecure. The escalation was incredible and the catharsis was uh....death. That has given me the impression that Christmas movies are all about dealing with family and relationship and personal problems and the way those three interact this movie really seems to be in that tradition - and I like it.
It's amazing how fucked up Harper's family is and it's amazing how much rejection and disdain and indifference and being left behind Abby is having to take. Like - damn. She's gonna have to express that soon or things will BLOW. Harper is being very stupid and selfish but I understand completely how it might come to this.
I love the chemistry between Abby and Riley - it's such a breath of fresh air - it's a GREAT contrast with the suffocating toxicity of Harper's family and their circles and etc.
Oh Harper - you fuckin dick
It would be funny if she lost her second girlfriend whom she's hiding from her family and throwing under the bus to her first girlfriend who she hid and threw under the bus.
I mean tragic of course. But I'm feeling slightly spiteful.
Kstew has SUCH great hair in this my god!
Harper you fuckin dick
I know exactly how this feels and it feels AWFUL
Harper you IDIOT you're risking your relationship you're risking it alllll
Also Abby is kinda an idiot' for lying the whole time. She's either a great liar or really Harper is wanting to believe her lies
Harper is clearly so stupid and scared all the time and also an asshole because of it. She has no space in her brain beyond : gotta make sure I make my parents proud & gotta make sure nobody finds out im gay
No band width
If I was Abby I'd be like - ok BYYYYEEEEE
Just to make her feel what she's breaking
Oh! She's actually trying to do that. Sucks u came here in your gf's car
Yes!!!! Go to her ex the only one who's treated you decently!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Jezus christ this mother....
AND hypocrisy about exes from Harper too.
Oh how the fuck could this turn out well for them ever???
LOVE how them being buddies is eating her. What has she told Abby???
Oh my god that break up HURT like HELL - so quick, so deserved, so tragic, so stupid, so awful. What a great shot. Great director.
Yeah Harper I get the shitty situation you're in but you haven't done enough I'm afraid. I mean, what the fuck was that with the friends and with Connor and letting her family and friends dismiss her roommate which means FRIEND. Yeah cos she's been trained to, yes bc she's working on 2 % brain power and the rest is spent on being afraid. BUT WHO WAS HURT IN THIS SITUATION
Yeah but it's hard not to offer comfort to a person you love when they're in pain
Ofc the fuckin sister comes in
The way they never have any privacy is really the problem
Oh god John - WHY. No no no I can't get through THIS part
'no one's supposed to know yet - we had an agreement' ???????
This is going to be........... Disastrous. Isn't it. Oh I am preparing myself in order to ENJOY these shitty parents' downfall and not feel the second hand lash of the whip
Do love how them being such shit parents sure is finally blowing up in their faces. HOORAY.
Wow Sloane. Harper get her back. Just rip it all to shreds
Oh no. Nope. Harper fuckin hell. Please don't do denial. Just tell them that uhhhh her husband is cheating (is that what was happening?)
*office gif I can't find* NO!!!!! NO!!!
I can't seem to continue the video. Ok harden my heart. Just . Good practice. Harden heart.
Oh it keeps going. Oh fuck.
Welp. Guess you've lost it all. After all. Idiot.
Ah she was trying to go there but she never got there because she went denial first and that unexpectedly sounded really terrible. Yeah that's realistic. So in character so far. Thinks things will be simple and doesn't even imagine the hurt it causes others.
Liked the little shot of Sloane being like hmmm.....that didn't feel as good as I thought it would.
Damn these children are all horrifically stunted. Except Jane.
Jane is really wonderful and my heart hurts so much for her and she made me laugh about joining the fight. And I'm glad Harper looked stricken about what she'd done. (Once again, very in character). The thing is, I would have just pushed Sloane to the floor and screamed in her face as I shook her very violently. Pretty sure anyone untrained in martial arts would do that. But this is a film.
I like how they've basically made all these sisters equal in their parents' eyes - and destroyed their dads career in one fell swoop. Welll done! Finally some breathing room.
Oh god....that's so heartbreaking. Abby.....her parents. Christmas.... They really didn't tell each other enough at all huh
I know that John is right but it's still really hurtful though! Like goddamn
'I wanna be with someone who is ready' THAT'S AN AMAZING THING - BECAUSE THAT'S ALSO PERFECTLY VALID.
'you ok' from Riley. Wow
Harper now's the time to apologise for what you did. YES
god that was her best friend. She lost so much to this SHIT
I'm fucking crying
Your career ruined your family's well-being! Greatttt!
I'd have just left
I guess its a good thing they didnt
Ok I guess - the - uh - I guess its cos the stress is gone but like - this also very much reads like - if you're a romantic partner you get to be important and otherwise not. Also I get why it's gotta be Mother, but this is Harper once again dropping the ball and not inviting Abby herself lol.
I knew Jane's book was gonna do well just from her brief plot description lol. So Happy John was so interested. Oh MY GOD I FORGOT HE WAS A PROFESSIONAL EDITOR. sneaky sneaky writing
I thought the height difference was gonna be awkward but so far it's actually been really cute
That was a great ending shot
OH MY GOD RILEY IS WITH THEM AT PRIDE AND SEEMS TO HAVE A GF! Those insta posts are actually a great epilogue.
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alenajade · 5 years
Tumblr media
❛ alexa demie, 19, cisfemale, she/her ❜ was that ALENA MONTANEZ i just saw hurrying across the quad? you’d think they would know what happens when a SOPHOMORE is late to class. then again, the FASHION major has been known to be pretty MANIPULATIVE. maybe being so VIVACIOUS helps keep them out of trouble. i heard that they are BISEXUAL and love DADDY KINK + SIZE DIFFERENCE
ayyye it’s G bringing ya’ll yet another lovable trash heap (i play Ezra too hi) ! figured I’d up my chances of being able to plot with as many people as possible if I had both a male & a female, plus I’ve been dying for a chance to use alexa as a fc so! alena is a brand new muse i’ve never played before & i’m super hype to develop her here for the first time ok so lemme just FINALLY get around to introducing this bitch real quick
alena jade montanez was born that bitch.
 was such a daddy’s girl up until age 6 when he left her, her mom, and her (at the time) 4, almost 5 year old little sister to pursue a new life with his mistress- after that, alena’s grandmother moved in with them, and her mom went through such a transformative stage that she had no choice but to pick herself up and make the decision to raise the strongest, most confident daughters she possibly could, because she never wanted a man to be able to break them the way the one she’d thought was her soulmate had broken her
and that’s exactly what she did 
alena grew up in a small town in pennsylvania; her mom had wanted to move after the divorce, but decided it best for alena not to uproot her when she was already accustomed to the life she had there. her mom made sure she was involved in absolutely everything she could possibly do so she wasn’t bored out of her mind, often driving her miles and miles to bigger cities for gymnastics meets and practices, cheerleading practice/competitions, dance practice/competitions, etc
thanks to child support from her dirtbag dad, who never tried to maintain a father/daughter relationship with her or her sister after she left, and both her mom and grandma essentially revolving their lives around caring for the girls, alena never really wanted for anything- in fact, materialistically speaking, she was spoiled rotten
every toy, every lavish birthday party, every cute little outfit, and as she got older every expensive new makeup release she just had to have, alena always got, and she rarely ever had to make a fuss or ask twice, meaning she was bred into someone who absolutely despises being told no or being told what to do
her mom eventually remarried (alena would’ve been around 8) a dude who alena just never connected with or considered any kind of father figure, but he was loaded, and out of that deal came her step sister around her same age who she loves VERY much (wc!!)
she was head cheerleader at her high school, she was also voted prom queen, but she never wanted to be one of those bitches who peaked in high school, 
so that’s why, even though she partied way 2 much and sucked way 2 much dick to actually be learning anything in hs, she got good grades and always aced her tests because she knew she wanted to be able to go to college and eventually move away- she chose noru bc it’s close to home so she can still visit her mom and her grandma, and ofc bc of its party school reputatuion
she’s a full on bratz doll personified okay she has a passion 4 fashion or whateva, she loves makeup and she’s loved making her own clothes from the time she learned to sew at just 11 years old, which is why she’s at northridge studying fashion- her main goal (is to blow up, and then act like she don’t know noboday) is to eventually get accepted for transfer to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in los angeles and get out of PA altogether 
she hates PA because... well, she feels fucking haunted here. literally and figuratively
lemme explain: my girl sees ghosts- like either she was born with something wrong with her (CW: f u don’t wanna read abt this spooky stuff or don’t believe in the paranormal u can go w/ that & skip this whole part but) she sees ghosts, str8 up, bc it’s been this way all her life, as long as she can remember
the house she grew up in was crazy haunted and that means she saw a lot of creepy messed up shit happen growing up- but the rly fucked up part comes in how, even after her family moved out of their house and into a new place right before alena turned 16... the creepy haunting shit didn’t stop, it got worse, with family belongings going missing, cupboard doors and windows all being found open in the middle of the night, incessant footsteps, whisperings, and unexplainable banging sounds. 
instead of a new environment solving the haunting problem, it was like whatever energy had been in their previous home had somehow attached itself to her. alena started having horrific bouts of sleep paralysis literally every time she slept too deeply or for too long- this has continued into her early adulthood, and because of this she:
!!! literally, doesn’t sleep- like, gets as little sleep as humanly possible, as a person could possibly function on, and she does it with the help of her rampant caffeine addiction and (TW: drug use) stimulant drugs- you will never catch alena smoking pot or wax bc it will make her sleepy and she won’t feel safe
that also means she never spends the night with anyone because then they’ll know how fuckt up she really is, so she prefers to keep things surface-level with most people, putting on an individualized performance for anyone she is attracted enough to to pursue, but never letting it get any deeper than casual sex
loves and is so fiercely protective of all the women in her life!!! is more likely to be leery of or mistrusting with men, but ofc there’ll be exceptions
and YEA that’s p much what i have for her so far, like i said she’s brand new so i wanna do most of her development here in this group but i had to get something up !!
i’m working on a connections page for her but some stuff i’d love off the top off my head are !!! ofc her younger sister (would be not quite 2 years younger than alena, so freshman age/ just turned 18) and her step-sister (would be the same age as her, 19 going on 20), best friends / squad, (she’s a cheerleader but she’s not a captain or anything bc her focus is on fashion now that she’s @ uni), an ex bf/ gf / fling (or 12 ), fwb, enemies w/ benefits, frenemies, exes who hate each other but still fuck, a professor / administrator she fucks on the reg (bonus points if they’re older and/or married), anything ur lil heart desires ok hmu <3
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jawnjendes · 5 years
kiss your fears goodbye | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf
this is the real sequel to mystery if there’s anything you want to happen in this series, let me know!
masterlist | series playlist
“I thought opening up was supposed to make you feel better,” I said to Callie. “Instead, I kinda wanna jump ship.”
Another week, another hour in my shrink’s office. The last major thing that happened in my life was telling Shawn about Luca, and I knew it was major because I felt very exposed after doing so. I felt completely naked whenever I was around Shawn, and I haven’t even been properly naked in front of him yet. So I did what I do best and kept a distance.
“Jump ship as in… what?” Callie asked.
“He knows too much,” I explained. “He knows things that I don’t like to talk about. I know that I made the choice to tell him these things, but I just… I have this urge to just get as far away from him as possible. But I also don’t want to do that.”
“Okay. Why don’t you want to?”
“Because he was really kind when I told him about Luca. And, Shawn and I took things to another level… I spent the night at his apartment. And he still liked me after. He makes me… not sad.”
“So you like him, but there’s a part of you that wants to run away. Like, a way to protect yourself from getting hurt. Has he done anything to make you think he’ll hurt you?”
The answer was no, a very fast no. But I still found myself thinking about it. There had to be something. He couldn’t be that good. Why would he be that good to me?
“Somehow I always end up getting hurt.” I shrugged. “I’m two and a half months into this thing. I went into it tiptoeing and watching him carefully. It’s like I’m waiting for something bad to happen. But for once, I want to enjoy this thing. I want to make it work, and I want to not feel paranoid about it.”
Have I mentioned that I kissed Shawn on the first date? Me, the girl who was healing and doing so by guarding herself. I just couldn’t resist, he’s too pretty and charming. You try having a conversation with Shawn Mendes and not get overwhelmed with the urge to punch him in the face! With your lips! On his! Softly… It was a moment of weakness in my book.
That weakness is what made Shawn believe that I was into what we had going on. He couldn’t read my generally expressionless and timid face, so I had to show him that I was into him somehow. Two months later, I told him about a minor trauma that skewed my view on romance and I haven’t seen him since. We still texted and Snapped, but I haven’t seen Shawn in person. Yes, it was on my doing. My excuse: a research paper for my stats class. That, and work. At least he was still calling me his girlfriend, right?
I really was holed up in my dorm, though. I had my laptop in front of me, and I was trying to salvage my failing stats grade. Honestly, I wasn’t worried about my relationship status today because I was worried about repeating a class that contributed to my anxiety and nightmares. I needed to pass this class. It wasn’t even the end of the semester, when everyone typically started to care about their grades. That’s how desperate I was.
Apparently, that wasn’t enough for Shawn to give me my space. He sent a text saying he was coming over after his final afternoon class. When I told him I was balls deep in a formal essay, he replied with, “it’s important.”
“Bitch! So are my grades!” I yelled at my phone.
“I’ll drink to that!” yelled Stella from her room. She didn’t even know the context, but her heart was always in the right place.
My essay progressed minimally by the time Shawn was knocking on the door. I pushed myself off the couch somewhat reluctantly, and answered to find him standing there with his backpack over his shoulder and his guitar case in hand.
“Hi,” I said, not exactly overjoyed to see him.
Shawn leaned in, kissed my cheek, and then let himself in. He looked around the dorm and then stopped in front of the couch. He saw my mess of notes, textbooks, and my laptop. Not only was it an academic mess, it was also several half empty water bottles and a half eaten cup of ramen.
“Oh. You were busy,” he said like he wasn’t expecting this.
My fried brain did not like hearing those words. “What, you thought I was lying?”
It didn’t faze him at all. “No. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t avoiding me.”
Well, someone didn’t come here to fuck around.
I looked at Shawn, now a little more than mildly annoyed, and then I went back to my spot on the couch. “Well, sorry I can’t be attached to your hip twenty-four/seven. I have other things to do besides walk in your shadow.”
“Alright, stop with the attitude.” Shawn set down his case and his backpack. “It’s just that you decided to spend the night at my place, and then you didn’t talk to me for a week. Then, you told me a little bit of your past relationship - again, you decided to do that - and I haven’t seen you since. I just wanna know what’s going on here. I don’t know what you want, or what’s inside of your head. I don’t know why you keep running.”
He really isn’t fucking around. He was way too observant of my bad relationship habits.
“I’m not running,” I said feebly, looking at my laptop screen even though I knew I couldn’t crap out another formal sentence if I tried.
“Look, I know you don’t trust people easily,” Shawn told me. “I know it’s hard for you to bring your walls down. I’ve been trying so damn hard to be the person you can let in. I’ve been doing everything I can to show you that I can be trusted.”
“I know…”
“Do you? Because everytime I think we’re moving forward, you take it back again. I know you’re scared, but it’s okay. You don’t have to be afraid.”
Suddenly, I wasn’t timid and soft spoken anymore. I looked at Shawn once again, my eyes practically daggers. I slowly stood up, my hands balled into fists. “I’m not scared.”
He gave me an incredulous look. “You’re not scared, eh?”
“If I was, I wouldn’t have said yes to being your girlfriend.”
He nodded, and then he rambled. “I wanna buy you flowers, and bring them to you when you’re at work. I wanna spend every night with you. I want to clear a drawer for you at my place. I wanna sing to you, I wanna write songs about you. I wanna introduce you to my friends. I want to meet your parents, I want you to meet my parents, and my sister.”
My stomach felt light and heavy at the same time. I had stepped back from Shawn, and he stepped forward, refusing to create distance between us. Yeah, fear struck in my chest, and for once it was impossible to keep off my face. My eyes went wide at all the mental images he provided for me. I just couldn’t fathom the idea that he wanted all those things.
“I want everything with you,” Shawn said gently, “and I’m not afraid to show it. You just have to let me.”
I folded my arms and averted my eyes. “I never said you couldn’t.”
“I’m worried that any sudden move will you make you leave. You’re a flight risk, honey.” His hands went on my shoulders. “Hey, look at me.”
You said you wanted this to work. You can’t be afraid to try.
I tore my eyes away from the beige dorm walls and planted them on Shawn’s light brown eyes. They were as gentle as his hold on me. I wanted to melt away under his gaze. He was really worried about this, about me.
“I’m not the guy who hurt you,” he said firmly, “whatever his name is. I would never do anything to hurt you. I just wanna make you happy.”
Logically, he’s right. He was not the one who did me wrong. I needed to leap into this. I couldn’t let this seemingly harmless, soft boy get away. I didn’t want him to get away, I just didn’t know how to say it without feeling like the dam in my head will burst.
“Be mine,” he softly coaxed. “Be mine…”
I nodded, letting myself lap up the sweet words. “I am.”
Yeah… that wasn’t enough. Another uneventful week went by, and it was Shawn’s last straw. We went out to see a movie as an attempt to diffuse the tension, and it required minimal communication. However, his breaking point happened when he was walking me across campus back to my dorm. He silently went to hold my hand, and I mindlessly deflected the gesture. That was when he had it.
“So you’re embarrassed to hold my hand now?” he asked defensively.
He had stopped in his tracks, in the middle of the walkway. Of course, this had to go down in front of many nosy onlookers. It made my face go hot, and I felt very attacked.
“No, I’m just-” I tried to say.
“I don’t know how long I can keep doing this.”
“Shawn!” I glanced at the surrounding students before stepping closer to him. “Can we do this somewhere else? Please?”
“We don’t have to.”
And he took off back towards his car. If I wasn’t being stared at by passing students, I would have stayed there, frozen by my dumbfoundedness. Instead, I went the other way, towards my dorm.
I never cried unless it was in front of my therapist. This wasn’t an exception, but I felt the sting in my throat as I speed walked through campus.
I knew Shawn had a reason to be upset. He just didn’t give me the chance to explain myself.
Here’s the thing: plenty of people on this campus and in the city knew Shawn Mendes. Plenty of people were attracted to him in one way or another, and why wouldn’t they be? He was a walking Photoshop edit with that face and those muscles. He was ridiculously talented, and kind to every person he came across. He had so many emotions, and he wasn’t afraid to feel them. He has so much love to give and spread. He could have anyone, literally anyone.
Why would someone like Shawn choose to publicly hold hands with someone like me? I walked around hoping to some higher entity that I won’t be looked at. I always looked like there was a storm cloud above my head. I look and act like someone died. I had walls up so high it put China to shame!
Oh yeah. I fucking cried. Fuck.
This better be the last time I do a walk of shame to Shawn’s apartment. As soon as I knocked on the door, I pulled my phone out and started to write out a text. I didn’t look up when Shawn answered.
I did not come here to fuck around.
“Can I come in?” I asked, chin up and looking him in the eyes. My text was sent.
Shawn had changed into his sweats and a white t-shirt in the two hours we were apart. Certainly wasn’t going anywhere, by the looks of it. He seemed a little reluctant, but he stepped aside.
I looked confident as I walked inside his living space. However, my limbs were shaky. Time to get to it.
“First of all,” I began, “I understand why you got upset today. But I did not appreciate you calling me out in the middle of campus. If you have a problem, just wait until we’re together in private, okay? No one needs to know our business.”
“Okay,” he said shortly. “Is that all you came here for?”
I took a deep breath, trying to relieve tension from my shoulders. “I’m sorry I didn’t hold your hand. I’m not very into PDA.”
“But,” I continued, “with you… I can get into it.”
Shawn’s eyes lit up a little bit. “I mean… I won’t make out with you in public or anything… unless you want to.”
I chuckled. “We’ll start with hand holding. I’m not used to being with someone who actually likes me. That sounds bad, but it’s true.” I paused. “I know you haven’t done anything to hurt me. But my brain likes to work against me. A lot. It’s hard for me to trust you, but I wanna try because… because…”
“Because we can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart.” Shawn smiled, stepping towards me.
I did the same thing. “That’s from Grey’s Anatomy.”
He held his hands out, but I stopped in my tracks. I really wanted to touch him, hold his hands and whatnot…
“One more thing,” I said as I held up my phone. “I texted my mom, and I told her about you - us. I was gonna wait til we hit four months, but you need to see that I am serious about this. So I texted her, and she’s gonna call me in like, five minutes. And, and you’re gonna hear me talk about you a lot, and-”
Shawn suddenly closed the gap between us. He cupped my face and pulled me in for a deep kiss. My arms found themselves on his waist, pulling him in just a bit closer. I went up on my toes when he pulled back, not ready to stop anytime soon. He smiled as his lips met mine again. It felt right.
Within a few minutes, my phone started buzzing. I pulled away from Shawn and looked at the glowing screen. Then, I looked up at him, cheeks flushed.
“You’re about to hear me gush about you,” I said.
His smile was absolutely radiant. “I can’t fucking wait.”
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internetrodeo · 5 years
Ehixh self-introduction
Ehich was my Internet handle before DLTQ. EH ICH. Or Which.
The German ICH ('me') is spoken with a guttural sound, while the English word 'Witch' or 'Which' is with a dental sound.
I started using Ehich in 1998. I used it when I that spring was chatting in strange arenas. I used Ehich as my first blog name, on LiveJournal in early 2000. I used Ehich when I hit on girls online. That sounded wrong but I don't care. I hooked up with a girl called _________ using the Ehich name in 1998. She was from Hong Kong. We dated for 5 years. In the end, we both moved on. I had www.ehich.net back then. But I later gave up on that domain. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Ehich was a meditation. Of my wish to both look at the externals (dental) and the internals (guttural) of life. Of my goal to both be in the world, and forsake the world. Look outwards, and inwards.
I also moved on. New phases. So in 2003 I decided it was time to go for a 4 letter handle. From 5 to 4. From Ehich to an acronym. I spent a weekend, stuck in a room. Read Camus, and thought about the Internet. And I realized that I always preferred questions. Answers aren't important, but good questions are golden. If you ask the right questions, you can open up all kinds of Pandora's boxes. So I ended up centering my acronym around questions. OK. So what is there about them? Well, I was still quite young then. My father had just died, but I was only 25. I had gambled away 100K USD in a furious week, but I was still only 25. I had wanted to kill myself after thinking far too many times about my father's words to me when he was on his death-bed, and I had gone to visit him before he died, and he had become furious. Screamed and thrashed his arms around. "Why are You here? Who told you? WHO TOLD YOU?!"
His own sister had betrayed him. My aunt, my father's sister, had betrayed him and his law, his law that "Nobody is to tell my oldest son that I am dying." She called me up one morning, had finally found me. She betrayed his law, his last will, his wish to not see me again. The last time he saw me was 5 years earlier, in 1998, when I had tracked HIM up. It was bloody hard. It took 2 months. But I finally found him in _________. And I travelled there. And knocked on his door. He opened. He opened. And asked who I was. What I wanted.
"The last time you saw me, I was 2 years old. You left me!" I told him, with anger, hurt, sorrow. His eyes widened. Widened and widened. And widened. And widened. Then: "Raymond?"
It is I. Ehich. Eh? ICH? Eheieh. I am what I am.
Yes. I am Raymond.
He shouted at me. Why did I come there? Was I hysterical, like my mother? No. I am only half of her. You were married with her for 3 years, remember? You married her. Then I was conceived. Then I was born. You still sailed the oceans. You sailor father fucker you. A mistress in every harbour. A cliché so thick.
He calmed down. Asked me to come inside.
He asked me if I wanted coffee. I said yes. We drank coffee. He was 41 then. I was 20. It was 1998. I had moved from Denmark to Norway in December 1997. To study. To find my father. Confront the basterd.
We talked. For 2 hours. I finally knew why I am so different from my mother, in most mood states. I got my mood genes from him. He told me why he had left me. Me and my mother. He found someone else. Not just any mistress, but someone to live his life with. To have children with.
Me: I have siblings?!
He: Yes. 2.
Me: How old are they?
He: Your sister, _______, is 16. Your brother, _______, us 12.
Me: - - - - - - - -
He: Yes. It is true.
Me: A sister?
He: Yes, ________. She lives with her mother in ________.
Me: You left them too?
He: Yes, we divorced 2 years ago.
Me, to myself, murmuring "A trail of children"
He, heard it, nodded. Serious. Direct.
At the end of our 2 hour talk, I left.
We exchanged phone numbers. Email addresses.
"We will keep in touch", he told me.
I smiled.
I had not forgiven him. But I was ready to establish contact. I had missed him all those years, days, minutes.
He changed his phone number after I left. He deleted his email account. Throw away phone, number, email, relationship.
I tried to track him up again. Reached his girlfriend, the one he lived with when I had tracked him down, when I visited him. She screamed at me. "He left me after you visited us! You bastard! It's all your fault!" she then hung up the phone.
I was 20. I was not ready for That. So. I gave up. I stopped the hunt. I did not want to destroy the lives of more girls. More of his trails.
But. I had gained a sister, and a brother, in the process.
I tracked them down. Visited them. And their mother. They all greeted me warmly. They never understood why he did not want to be a father to me. To be there. At least sometimes. Once a year.
He was there for them at least. Stayed with them until he had enough. That was more than 2 years of the children's lives, at least. More than his first attempt of being a father. The first. Without practice. Hating the chains. Was he Supposed to stop having the girls, one in each harbour? Brazil, Egypt, USA, Netherlands. Etc.
So. In 1998 after I lost my father again and gained 2 siblings, I found the Ehich. Handle. Name.
In 2003, 5 years after my visit to him in 1998, I one morning received a phone call from my aunt in _________, Northern Norway, near the border to Russia. She asked me if I am Raymond, son of _______. Yes, he is me. I am him.
Her: "I am your aunt" Me: "Oh, hello! Never heard of you, sorry"
Her: "Your father is dying. He is at the hospital in _____" Me: "What?! He is in My own frigging city? Dying? At the hospital?"
Her: "Yes. Listen: If you visit him before he dies of cancer, don't tell me it was me who told you, okay? He would never forgive me"
Me: "Okay. Thank you. I guess I will go to the hospital now."
I went there immediately. When I arrived, I asked for him by name. The nurse: "Who are you?" Me: "I am his son." The nurse: "His son? Really? I have never heard of you." Me: "I am the son he always avoided, since I was 2."
She told me that they were about to move him, from the regular room in the cancer department, to the part of the hospital that are for those who are dying. "Wait here", she told me.
I waited. Then I looked in the corridor. Sat on a chair. Then I noticed a bed being rolled by two other nurses towards me. I looked at the creature in the bed. Face in pain. Cancer-filled tongue hanging out of the mouth. Below the cheek. "Poor man", I thought.
Then I saw his eyes. Brown, like mine. Intense, like mine. But seething with anger, hatred. He stared at me. Glared. I looked back. Shocked.
The nurses rolled the bed past me. He did not say a word. But he was clearly Not happy to see me.
Fine. I was expecting that. I get it. I am not a retard.
I sat on the chair again, as if struck by lightning. All the years. And now he truly was dying, at age 46. Pappa. Dad.
A few moments passed. I then heard a wild scream. Looked to where it was coming from. Arms, thin arms, raising from the bed that was still being rolled towards the elevator. That scream has haunted me since.
I spoke with the nurse. She came back. "They are moving him now", she said. "I saw", I answered.
Her: "Ohh... OH!"
She connected the dots.
The bed. The scream. My white face, as if I had seen a ghost.
"Yes", I said.
She: "Let me talk with him. Wait here".
She followed the bed and the screams that were getting fainter.
She came back an hour later. She was sad. But also triumphant. Years of experience had helped her here. She said: "He finally agreed to meet you. Can you wait an hour and then visit him at room ______?" yes, sure.
I went there an hour later. Fuck. Fuck. Fucketi fuck. I dreaded it. I did not want more screams. I hate screams. My mother is a screamer. She screamed all through my childhood. The left-behind mother.
I met him. We talked. He barely could talk, but it was loud enough. I learned a lot about him. His life. He was calm. Resignated. Had given up.
Then he said: "I do not regret one second for not having contact with you all those years".
I nodded. I got it. That kind of honesty rang true. He was waiting for the shock effect. For me to react in tears, sobs, cries, screams, accusations. I gave him none of that. I am not my fucking mother, you bastard.
I nodded. I said: "I understand that. No regrets. I hate you for being away all that time. I hate you for being such a weak coward". He smiled. He understood. Was there a glimpse of pride in his eyes?
But when I asked him about my sami roots. The roots from his side. He flared. Angry. "There is no sami blood in our family!" OK ok, got it. Thinking to myself: "Weak coward. Liar."
I left him. Wished him a good death. His pain spiked, he glared at me. But then smiled. A small hint of a laugh.
I never visited him again. He died a few weeks later. At his funeral, I did not shed a tear. That would have made him proud. I drank a ton of vodka. Gin and tonic. And I gambled. Gambled it all away. Slot machine numbness. Gambled it all away, and more. Took debts. Lost that. Ruined myself. Had tons of unsafe sex. But my body withstood. My mind still had signs of life.
That is when I found DLTQ.
Don't Lose The Question.
A constant reminder.
What the question was back then, well, that question you can get over my dead body.
Ehich. DLTQ. I later had other domains. DLTQ.org. RMND.org. Etcetc.
I blogged. Vlogged. Vlogged my heart out. Got rid of my gambling addiction/escape. Cut down on the sex as well. And In 2005 in one of my diary books I drew a line. 2006. Moved back to Denmark. 2009. Moved back to Norway. 2010 married the then gf. Had a son. He is now 9. I am still married. To the same woman I married in 2010.
Ehixh is simply Ehich with an x. The X factor. www.ehixh.com once had secret subdomains. They are maybe still there, in the dark underbelly of the Internet.
Why I ride? I ride the Internet, and the Internet rides me. I ride the electrons and neurons. The flash of associations. To lives lived and memories collected.
My rodeo style is my own. You will see. I will not put my name after each post, signing it. We are not retards. If the system won't let you know what I did vs others, then that is not my problem.
Ehixh. Is me. Or a part of me. At least. Or a negative image of me. Where black is white, and white is black. Inverted. Inert. Enter the rodeo circle, the horse is mightier than the pen. The horse will throw us all of. We get bored. Or tear up. Or scream at the Internet for allowing this vileness. These meme machines.
Ehixh signing in.
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She-Ra: Princesses of Power (2018) and the Representation that I Want
When I heard She-Ra was back and GAY, I had to jump straight or not so straight into it. The amazing characterisation and themes of the show fit the modern audience perfectly. She-Ra: Princesses of Power (SPOP) did what Voltron: Legendary Defender wish it did. RIP. 
The SPOP series was written by Noelle Stevenson, and produced by Dreamworks. Season 1 aired on the 13th November 2018 via Netflix. 
There’s two things I want to discuss, so I’ll split this up into sections: visual character design & complex characterisation.
Visual Character Design
80’s She-Ra         
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 2018 She-Ra
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 She-Ra is the hero alter ego of Princess Adora, who transforms when she calls forth “For the Honour of Grayskull!” with The Sword of Protection. 
When I saw the visuals for the series and the new outfit for She-Ra I nearly screamed. It was perfect. I will always prefer Marvel cinematic movie adaptations on the basis that women wear full body armour, and not a skirt. So it was natural for me to fall in love with the shorts, flowy skirt, useful boots and 80’s influenced shoulder flares on She-Ra’s new threads. 
She looked PRACTICAL, and totally badass. I see no male gaze in the update. She-Ra isn’t wearing heels, or red lipstick, her dress doesn’t look like it’s about to give her a nip slip, and her hair still flows like golden threads in the wind! 
Notice how I just used the ‘Male Gaze’. The Male Gaze is essentially a patriarchal control of representation of women and/or other genders in media, and can be applicable to historical documentation (Mulvey 1989). Ponterotto (2016) describes it expands on the media’s control of feminine bodies as: 
“The invisibility of women has been accompanied in an extraordinarily inversely proportionate manner by the visual display of her physical appearance, of her body as material object, to be observed, judged, valued, appreciated, rejected, modified and essentially commodified, for socially-constructed purposes. From a feminist point of view, this purpose can be claimed to be essentially male pleasure, concomitant social benchmarking and commercial profit.” (134)
From the ‘controversy’ from predominantly male audiences on the release of She-Ra’s costume it’s obvious that it’s doing its job (Lenton 2018); with men reacting with things like: 
“The character designs for this show are god awful. She-Ra looks too much like a man.” MECCA_Studios @ twitter
“if you're trying to make your girls look like boys for your show then you are not actually fighting for equality you're proving that men is the superior gender and taken more seriously than a beautiful women, you're only helping sexism not fighting it” - iamconsumer @ twitter
I wanna acknowledge this was mainly white, cishet males reacting to a show that is predominantly AIMED AT YOUNG GIRLS. SPOP’s visual design of She-Ra was so key in getting this show right. She is a woman icon for young girls growing up and seeing her on screen wearing a non-sexual costume whilst being feminine, strong and beautiful will mean something for them growing up. Women/Feminine peoples can look at the screen and say “I’m She-Ra!” and not have to feel like they have to look good for male gaze to do that.  
People Of Colour (POC) Representation
Bow, Mermista, Frosta, Netossa and Catra’s - along with ethnically ambiguous characters - redesign was kind of glossed over with the amount of objections about the Queer and Feminist arguments going around. 
So here’s some of my babies:
Bow 80s 
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                                                            Bow 2018
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Mermista 80s
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                                                            Mermista 2018
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Catra 80s                                                  
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Catra 2018
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Frosta 80s
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                                  Frosta 2018
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Bow stood out to me alot because I empathize alot for my dark skinned brother’s who don’t have any or many examples of good representation on screen that explores queer identity, gender performativity, body image and positive masculinity that is casual and fun. (I speak of course from an Indigenous background, but a lot of my community look at the African-American community on TV for dark bodies representation.) Imagine a young dark skinned boy watching Bow being fun loving, supportive, gentle, obsessed with crop tops, hanging out with girls and embodying positive masculinity, then using as a mold to treat their sisters, mums and cousins. Incredible. 
 SPOP centers ethnic looking characters amazingly with their characterisation. Having POC on screens breaks out of normalizing whiteness, and de-centers it as the default way of being (Scharrer & Ramasubramanian 2015). People might argue that fantasy worlds don’t overlap with real worlds because race mightn’t exist in the fantasy world, but when you’re a ethnic kid growing up watching/ reading white bodies being superheroes and warriors and People of Colour don’t exist you have no representation, or worse POC are negatively stereotyped. Representation is IMPORTANT. Representation is the ability to control the way the world perceives a group of people, or yourself - white people often struggle understanding this because whiteness as an identity is invisible by normalization (hooks 1992, Dyer 1997). It can be compared to men as ungendered compared to women, or non-cis and queer people with heteronormativity. So it can only be visible when colour is involved, and depending on whether it’s good or bad POC representation it can create racial stereotypes (Brigham 1971, Nosek 2007). 
LGBTQIA+ Visual Representation
I feel like you can find a lot of this, but not any by me! 
I will start with Scorpia cause she’s such a dear. 
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Everyone is screaming ‘butch lesbian’ little to know that she is a total femme (anyone can fight me on this). Her open attraction towards Catra was loud, unapologetic and was super ultra normal. Despite her giant crab claws, I just want her to hold me gently. I think it’s another good example of different body types. Like it’s not just an exterior what makes a woman a woman or a good person a good person. Before I die of thirst, let’s move on to my Bow’s dads. 
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OH MY GAWD. Bow resembles Lance and George so much. Like the perfect little mix between their two personalities UGH. Both very different individuals who share a common obsession with history. Two gay Black dudes just be out here owning the biggest collection of ancient artifacts, studying the classics and raising 13 kids like wojefdikewajfaij
Lance out here rocking dreads and the glasses with sandals *bathump* and George with his little moustache and fancy hair. They go on like a normal couple picking on one another and knowing each other’s personalities, caring about their son and reflecting on their parenting when they realize they messed up instead of blaming their kid for not understanding them okmfoerngfa
Sorry, my heart nearly went into cardiac arrest thinking about them. 
I won’t miss the exceptional drop of them telling Bow their disappointed that he had to hide a part of himself because he was afraid of what they’d think of him or do. I remember that feeling….*glances at my physical wooden closet*
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Netossa is the only character (I’m pretty sure) who was originally dark skinned in the 80s She Ra - she also had no powers. 
Now rocking up with powers and gf, she is out here living her best life. Look at them. Just look at my babies. They swapped chokers, like wow, what a lesbian power move. Plus sized, buff queer women rocking their femininity being loyal and totally badass. Their actual appearances on screen are limited but impactful as they are seen as people seem to question more what the heck they do in the Rebellion rather than their queer relationship. 
Complex Characterisation
Let’s start with Shadow Weaver’s relationship with Catra and Adora. 
Starting off at Mystacor as Light Spinner, she a teacher and getting one of her students, Micah, to perform a spell that conjured evil magic - The Spell of Obtainment - ultimately decided her path as Shadow Weaver. She became an abusive, manipulative and self righteous authoritative figure to Catra and Adora. 
Shadow Weaver is an abuser. Abuse works differently in each situation but is defined by White Ribbon Australia in categories of:  Physical, Financial, Emotional, Verbal, Social, Sexual, Stalking, Spiritual, Image based, Dowry and Elderly Abuse. 
The emotional, verbal, social and I’m going to add economical (instead for Financial) abuse she inflicted on Adora and Catra made them stick together as companions through the hardships. Adora upon realizing the Horde’s actions and motives rejects and calls out Shadow Weaver’s abuse. Catra, on the other hand, looks for something like approval from Shadow Weaver. Catra grew up neglected and constantly compared to Adora in her duties to the Horde by Shadow Weaver, so when Adora left a shift happened in Catra. Adora was her main source of comfort and sense of safety in Shadow Weaver’s irract attitude towards her. Adora was her constant feeling of affection and comfort, when she went against the very codes that kept them together their entire lives - Catra was betrayed. Finally, maybe she could get the parental approval she was seeking from Shadow Weaver she never got when Adora was around. Also looking for validation of her moral that has been cause her actions other than rage and sadness that Adora had left her alone. Catra sort out her Abuser’s approval because that’s the only way she knew how to get validity and self assurance of her identity as a member of the Horde - all she ever knew. 
Catra feels alone and like she can’t depend on anyone, and because she knows how that feels she was also able to emotionally manipulate Entrapta into join the Horde. It’s a consistent cycle of isolation that stemmed from one person’s influence. 
The thing that differs Adora and Catra, was more Adora being given opportunities to lead and step up where Catra was always on the side. Adora gained leadership skills and an emotional capacity where she was able to trust others and trust herself. This ultimately allowed her to do the right thing and join the Rebellion. Catra on the other hand had to quickly use her head and be more aware of things other than herself which made her falter in the leadership role of Shadow Weaver, but that is her coping mechanism of isolating herself and having to immerse herself with other people and the world to take action. 
Adora’s culture shock between the way the Princesses live and the way it was in the Horde only shows how she’s been manipulated through learning the knowledge and behaviours that were enforced on her in the Horde. Princesses aren’t evil. The Horde is evil.
Adora’s role of She Ra has put a lot of pressure on her, and she is fighting her own self. 
What happened with Adora was she was specifically chosen because she’s had the experiences she’s had. She knows what it's like in the Horde. How their systems work. What type of people and kids are there. She knows all of that to use to win the war. She’s not gonna break into it, but out of it. 
When Adora breaks out of the Horde’s learning, and the truth telling begins the walls will crumble and there will be internal upset. There’s a good and evil battle going on inside of each character. Adora wants to protect her friends and do the right thing, but sometimes those two things aren’t the same thing. 
Another character I wanna bring up is Glimmer. Glimmer has been fighting to fight. She’s having to fight a struggle in her internal kingdoms. She’s been trying to tell the truth to the other Kingdoms and unite the Kingdoms so they can beat the Horde and save everything they love. She needed to stand up to her mother, the other Princesses, and herself. She is so damn strong and I love her so much omg. 
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When Bow went to the ball with Perfuma and she was upset, this was because she was afraid Bow would leave her. She’s been isolated also by her mother into doing Princess things that don’t actually have a big impact, but Bow has been consistent in her life and training to be a leader. When he left her side, she was scared that she was going to be isolated again. She knew it was irrational, but that kind of stuff just happens. Sometimes our feelings don’t always make sense to us at first, and we have to look somewhere else to understand what we’re feeling right then and there. But the besties will prevail. 
The other thing I didn’t touch on earlier, but will now is age. The Princesses age from around 11-18 (?). The thing about having young people saving the world is really where we’re at. Kids are rioting in the streets trying to get big corporations led by greedy bastards who want resources and exploit people to stop, and save their entire world - yeah, you know I’m talking about situations like the climate strike. We will learn from our elders mistakes and do it right. 
We shouldn’t give up because our parents did. We will be the ones to win, just like Glimmer, Adora, Bow and the gang.
Representation isn’t a debate - it’s a necessity.  
Thanks for reading babes. 
Reference List
Dyer, Richard. (1997) ‘The Matter of Whiteness’ in White, London: Routledge.
Brigham, John C. "Ethnic stereotypes." Psychological bulletin76.1 (1971): 15.
Nosek, Brian A., et al. "Pervasiveness and correlates of implicit attitudes and stereotypes." European Review of Social Psychology 18.1 (2007): 36-88.
Bell, Hooks. "The oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators." Black Looks: Race and Representation (1992): 115-131.
Mulvey, L. (1989). Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. In Visual and other pleasures (pp. 14-26). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Ponterotto, D. (2016). Resisting the male gaze: feminist responses to the" normatization" of the female body in Western culture. Journal of International Women's Studies, 17(1), 133-151.
Scharrer, E., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2015). Intervening in the media's influence on stereotypes of race and ethnicity: The role of media literacy education. Journal of Social Issues, 71(1), 171-185.
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scriboniuscurio · 5 years
My gf, who always gives me what I want. Turned out kinda long so read more.
How differently do they think of each other now compared to when they first met?
They’ve known each other for a long time and have gone through a lot of different views of each other. But overall Tsubakura thinks Kuroji is stuck-up and bossy, and Kuroji admires and respects Tsubakura’s intelligence but thinks they’re squandering their potential with their bad habits and laziness. And later on these views don’t really change, like Kuroji isn’t wrong about Tsubakura being lazy, and Tsubakura isn’t wrong about Kuroji being stuck-up, but they understand each other and why they’re like that better. They understand that the way they are today stems from the similar(or more likely, the same) situations they dealt with with being child geniuses and war criminals and all that, they just dealt with it differently. 
What do their friends/family think of their relationship?
Honestly they think it’s really fucking weird and surprising but not a bad thing? Like Hooaka and Aoji’s reaction to Kuroji being in a relationship with Tsubakura would be “You’re totally shitting us but somehow that also makes perfect sense.” Hoojiro isn't here but she’d think it’s cute in her true annoying older sister fashion. Yabusame wants nothing more than friends to get along and be happy and they’d think it’s nice, it’s a sign they’re healing.
How do their personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
So much. They’re have such an interesting mix of similarities and differences. They’re both very intelligent but Kuroji is very practical and Tsubakura is more relaxed. Kuroji is very proactive in their routes, simultaneously trying to get some benefit out of the situation while also collecting information about Mugenri, whereas Tsubakura just kinda goes with the flow and deals with things because they have to. They probably did work together at some point in the past, with Kuroji being a military strategist and Tsubakura making weapons but now that they’re free from that them working together on things they actually enjoy would be really nice.
Also they’re both bastards and they enjoy making fun of people together because they’re bastards.
What is their favorite aspect of each other?
For Kuroji it’s Tsubakura’s intelligence and strength, they truly do believe Tsubakura is the most talented person ever and that they’re lucky to be able to know them. They also find Tsubakura’s more whimsical and fun approach to their inventions kinda endearing even if it annoys them at other times. Tsubakura likes Kuroji’s practicalness if they aren’t being too overbearing about it. I imagine Tsubakura was considered an “important asset” in the outside world and they had a lot of stuff taken care of for them so they could focus on science shit so know they literally don’t know how to do a lot of adult things which is why Yabusame does most of their chores and stuff. Tsubakura sees Kuroji paying their bills and they’re like “Wow...wish I knew how to pay bills...”
Do either of them have pet peeves about each other?
I feel like a lot I could say here as already been covered but Kuroji doesn’t like how much Tsubakura drinks and Tsubakura doesn’t like how Kuroji thinks it’s a problem. In fact Tsubakura thinks most of Kuroji’s problems would be solved if they drank too. JUST ADMIT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM BASTARD. 
How would each reconcile with each other after a fight?
It’s hard for both of them since they both want to be right and they both have trouble communicating, but one of them sucks it up and apologizes because they do want things to be better between them. I imagine Kuroji probably usually apologizes first, even if Tsubakura was genuinely the one at fault in that particular situation, but Tsubakura admits some fault as well later.
What would be their ideal vacation getaway together?
Tsubakura prefers to stay at home but I’m so glad the soundtrack bless us with traveling as an official Kuroji hobby. Kuroji is still a big archaeology nerd at heart even though they don’t seem to do much related to that nowadays and I imagine they like to go places that are archaeologically important, which is probably really boring to most people, including Tsubakura. But they also find it interesting to see Kuroji actually engaging with their academic specialty and not just imitating what they’re doing.
Think of a new way (AU, different situation, etc.) they could have met for the first time.
It’d be interesting to see them meet under better circumstances where they get to grow up like normal kids instead of doing war crimes. They’d still have some personality clashing and Kuroji would still have their inferiority complex, but like, with less trauma.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
What’s your opinion on masturbation? I mean... you do you. ha. What is your favorite Queen song?   Bohemian Rhapsody and Under Pressure. Who is the sexiest celebrity? Would you cheat on your partner for this celebrity? If I haven’t already made it blatantly obvious by now, I really love me some Alexander Skarsgård. I’m single, so I’m ready when he is. haha. Do you take any medications? What for?   Depression and pain management. Who have you had an inappropriate crush on? No one.
Who was the last person you blocked on social media? Why?   No idea. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?   A friend last year. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?   Yeah. Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? I tried to be. Do you actually like going to school? I did sometimes, but I just would get so overwhelmed and stressed out so easily. If someone says to you “I don’t talk shit about people,” would you believe them?   I mean, they probably don’t make a habit of it or do it often but I think I everyone has and does at some point. You never know what you have until you’ve lost it, true or false?   That’s usually how it goes. Are you listening to anything?   Catfish. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done?   I don’t feel I’ve done anything crazy. Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid? No. When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?   My brother and I used to practice Spanish together. We haven’t in awhile. I need to brush up on it again. If your favorite band/artist/celebrity had a reputation for being rude to fans, would this change your opinion of them? Would it make you stop following or being a fan of their works?   Oh man that would be absolutely devastating. However, I’ve only heard great things about him from many people who have worked with him, right down to a stylist and photographer. Anyone who has worked with him in some way say nothing but nice things. I’ve only heard nice fan stories, too. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. Out of all the people you know/have known, who do/did you have the hardest time getting along with and why?   I haven’t had a hard time getting along with anyone, really. Have you ever really been in a “complicated relationship”? How did that work out? In your opinion, what makes a relationship “complicated”?   That’s the entirety of Joseph and I’s “relationship.” Who was the first person you’ve ever fallen in love with? Is this a person you’re still in contact with? How do you know you’re in love with someone?  Joseph. No, we’re not. We still have each other on Facebook, but he doesn’t post anything or go on all that much I don’t think and I don’t go on as much anymore either. Every now and then he’ll like a photo or something I posted and vice versa, but that’s really the extent of it now. Have you ever successfully broken a bad habit? How about conquered a fear of something?   Hmm. Not that I can think of. I’ve tried many times, but end up falling back into it. Have you ever read a whole series of books? Yeah. Are you going to walk at your graduation or just pick your diploma up? I did the graduation ceremony at all my graduations. Do you own a pair of brass knuckles?   Nope. Have you ever tried to break a Guinness World Record?   No. Can you sing your ABC’s backwards?   It takes me longer. Do you like Skittles? They’re okay. I haven’t had them in years. I’m not much a fruity candy kind of person.
Is your bedroom upstairs or downstairs?   We only have one story. Do you know how to read music? Oh man, I’d be so rusty now. It’s been ten years since I’ve read sheet music. Who would you say has made the biggest impact on your life?   My mom. What was the reason for the last time you bled?   Hangnail. Does anyone in your family besides you play guitar?   I don’t, nor does anyone else in my family. Where did your last kiss take place? I actually don’t remember. It’s been 5 years. Have you ever been stuck in the “friend zone?”   I’m quite familiar with it. You can only listen to THREE CDs for the rest of your life. What are they?   I really don’t know. Do you own any shirts that have a year on it? Yeah. Do you have any scratches on your cell phone? Just a couple small ones. Is your skin tone lighter or darker than your mom’s? Lighter. Have you ever done another person’s make-up? Attempted to, yeah. Honestly, do you double dip? Not if I’m eating dip that other people are eating as well. if it’s just me then who cares. Do you save your old school work? I used to, yeah. I was a big hoarder with that stuff. Who were you last on an elevator with? My mom.
Do you know anyone that has a black belt in karate? Nope. How often do you wear hats?   Not that often. Is anyone saved in your phone under a nickname?   Yeah.
Have you ever ordered from an infomercial?   No. When, where, and why did a needle last pierce your skin?   When I had blood work done a few weeks ago. Who is the youngest gay person you know? One of my cousins. Have you ever watched an animal being eaten by another animal?   No. What is the strangest, most “out there” thing you believe? I don’t know. Do you get along with people who are especially religious? Why/why not?   Depends on the person.
What types of people do you have trouble getting along with? I mean, just snobby, rude, arrogant people. Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait? I tried and failed miserably. What foreign languages did your high school offer? Spanish, Japanese, Italian... I don’t remember what else. Do you have any interesting pillow cases?   I have a body pillow with giraffe print if that’s considered interesting. Probably not, but I love it all the same. Are you more afraid of spiders or bees?   B O T H, but a bee can chase me. :O Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex?   Yeah, I wouldn’t feel comfortable. Would you rather donate time, blood, or money? Money. Can grills be sexy on a guy? I don’t find grills to be sexy on anyone, personally. When was the last time you ate marshmallows?   Not sure. It’s been awhile. A musical artist you love that isn’t well-known: Not sure. Does virginity matter to you? Yes. Last strong smell you can remember smelling? My food earlier. Last healthy thing you ate? Uhhh. Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic? I mean, they can be. Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Yes. Has your best friend ever seen you naked? Yes. Do you get mad when your current bf/gf talks about an ex?   Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?   Nooo. I’m sure I’ll still be single. Do you know anybody who was abused? Yes. Would you prefer a baby boy or girl? No babies for me. Well, just furbabies. When did you last feel like your privacy was invaded? Not sure. Do your parents volunteer anywhere? No. Does your kitchen have an island? No. Have you ever bought or sold something on Facebook Marketplace? Nope. Are you one to approach others, or let them approach you first? I’m not likely to approach anyone. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope. Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?   Yes. I’d be scared out of my mind considering I’m a virgin and anyway I can’t have kids. Who was the last person you did anything sexual with?   Joseph. Do you have a steering wheel cover? I don’t drive. What kind of wild cat would you be? *shrug* If you were a different religion from your current one, what would it be? Why? I wouldn’t be a different religion than what I am. What do you think of when you see sharp knives? I think of scary movies like Michael Myers type stuff. The highway and back roads take you to the same place; choose your route.   Sometimes it’s nice to take the back roads. Should adopted kids be allowed to find their birth parents if they want to?   Yes, of course they should be able to try. Sadly, sometimes the parents don’t want to be found.
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bleedingracquets · 6 years
You said you can make it stupid and ramble so Imma challenge you to the yakuza!hoshi (jk write it however you wanna
AU’s are beautiful and I love them. Send me more shit.
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Yakuza AU’s? Damn that’s fucking, wild jim. Holy shit. I love it hello yello I am all for this hell fuckin yeah. You know what tho, I’m gunna do it my way b/c I am filthy garbage and I hate myself BING BONG DAB EMOJIThey’re under a read more because I ramble like a little bitch and no one should be forced to read this utter mess.
🔪 So Hoshi’s mafia has dragon and star motifs b/c it’s literally his name (we don’t talk about the horses in this good Pastanafarian household thank you very much that and horse motifs are v hard to make look cool and edgy b/c oma looks like a dweeb more news at 5). So his beautiful tattoos are done by his Horishi (tattoo artist v/ old fashioned and needle master), who I wanna believe deep down in my rotten disgusting soul is Tsumewgi b/c needle aesthetics :tm: tattoo artist Tsumuwugu when, but is actually just one of his close friends. But back on topic, his back has a lot of scars and tattoos around those scars, because he’s a bit of a show-off and he went through a lot so he’s gunna be a rad bitch:tm: and show his scars as awesomely as possible, all in star and dragon motifs. They’re mostly black and white, but he does have hints of blues in there as well, as black white and blue are the gang’s main colors. Cats are a slightly less important, but still prominent symbol as well, as those are the symbols worn by the Kyodai (older brothers), while the Kobun (apprentices / younger brothers) tend to have a single star. Hoshi’s back in particular, has a dragon, a large star w/ many many smaller stars around it, cats and lots of just other more abstract designs, because he told the Horishi to get creative and get creative they did. Maybe I’ll draw it later or smth hell if I know.
🔪 Now how he became the head of the yakuza, is interesting. Because here, it all started by being just, a punk ass kid honestly. Junior high was a wild time for him, and he wasn’t born into a family-brand Yakuza, he was offered to join in by... let’s just say a close friend whomst family was the Yakuza he joined into. So, his life was normal and plain, and he kinda just.. wanted to be a bad boy:tm: that’s really it. So he ditched his family, and went to join the Yakuza. The Yakuza, became his family really. He preformed the ceremonies, and did what he was told. Yet, he was just greedy. Greedy because he wanted more, yes yes! Much much more! So, he started to climb from the bottom to reach where he wanted to be, which was the top. So it just became a matter of getting there. And he worked hard, and hard, but no matter what, well... nothing kept him from gaining any higher status than a Kyodai, since the rest of the upper ranks were more, family-born requirements he just didn’t fill. So, whilst the others were out and about doing their jobs, Hoshi went to the building once again, and slaughtered all of the higher ups. Every single one, minus his friend. Now his friend isn’t dumb, and while his whole family got murdered, the Yakuza itself was his family, much like the situation he provided for Hoshi himself back before. So Hoshi became the Oyabun (or boss) of the yakuza after his friend swore loyalty to him and they drank to it. V sappy stuff.From there, Hoshi built it up with people he could trust, no longer listening to the higher ups that once led the family before him. He runs a crime organization, a very tiny independent one but a tiny one nonetheless which he’s trying to build the reputation up oh ye.
🔪 Hoshi still had a girlfriend here! It was, well, a very bad relationship considering how quick it fell (and considering he was the one that killed her but shhh) but, for a while, she was the ane-san (big sister) of the organization. Anything that Hoshi wasn’t around to do, she took care of instead. His gf here was japanese, rather tall, and had long af hair like damn i’ll draw her one day but hoo boy Hoshi likes tall women more news @ ten. She kicked ass tho, and she got taken out because of infighting that she would cause l o l. So he got tired of her shit and she can’t just leAVE BECAUSE COMMON SENSE WOULD PERTAIN SHE KNOWS ALL THEIR SECRETS AND SHIT SO bye hunie sorry I don’t make the rules.
🔪 This one is lame, but he’s a BIT of an alcoholic. Just a little. He perhaps likes Sake, a little too much for someone his age, and he believes that bonds are really important when made over sake. Sakazuki (sake sharing) is practiced often already in Yakuza even now, despite looking formal and old at most weddings, but Hoshi practices that shit like holy fuck. Hell he just drinks. Has prolly developed a problem that no one will address him about because he’s the boss obviously. That being said fancy trips to bathhouses and loud af parties are also present, although he does get shit done. He’s a party-hard loser bitch but he still holds that strict af authority that has that fear into others. 
🔪 Hoshi’s yakuza specializes in organ sales. Lots of, fine ol gore and guts, he likes having a bunch of gross murders and stuff b/c he’s edgy and a loser that doesn’t know how else to express himself. That being said, he makes sure not to damage fine product? Like, gotta keep them bills paid somehow. And that’s through the black market w/ women’s hands and shit. Women are usually found from brothels, some old, mostly younger ones just starting, ouch. Men are targeted for their other organs and shit, and he does a lot of stuff hands on himself despite not being supposed to (but fuck you he does what he wants) so he’s just this edgy ass kid that has no social skills playing w/ guts and shit b/c his life choices and decision making skills suck ass. Hoshi in a shell nut.
🔪 Now I’m a gross weirdo so bonus I like to add how others interact w/ Hoshi? any possible interactions? Lol yeah u fuck I’m implying that DICE are pussies and Hoshi is totes ready to pick fights w/ Oma’s petty ass for drawing oveR HIS SHIT YOU LITTLE CLOWN ASS H O. But legit shit thinking abt it like, ooo how would he interact w/ Angielino? Perhaps she and him converse of ways to rule over a group of ppl, albeit Angine’s is under religion and his is under regime and shit, or maybe Kaitotototo as the Assassin (eyes @ u Drac bby never forget) and maybe there’s some rivalry shit goin on there. Ah yeah man so many possibilities. I just? Nut at the possibilities. 
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motherofthousands · 7 years
ive been meaning to do this for WEEKS omg here we go 2017 reflection:
1:What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before? I came out to most of my loved ones and got my first girlfriend, started at a university, went to the mountains (idyllwild and lake arrowhead!), took pole and burlesque classes
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? i dont remember my new year’s resolutions it was probably to cook and bake more which ihavent done ... and to take more pictures which i also havent done!
My new new years reso would be to work on my self esteem and not hold myself back from experiences
3:Did anyone close to you give birth? yes practically everyone
4:Did anyone close to you die? my grandpa did
5:What countries did you visit? i didnt go to any other countries!!!
6:What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017 my own car and my own place
7:What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? February 21st cuz its my anniversary with Michelle, September 21st because my niece was born!  
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year? being honest with my family about who i was/ my relationship and starting Uni
9:What was your biggest failure? emotionally and physically deteriorating, being upset over things people did
10:Did you suffer illness or injury? i got sick 1000 times
11:What was the best thing you bought? i cant remember which maybe..,. means that material items dont matter
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration? my gf’s she went from being a fuck boy to being a domesticated baby
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled? a lot of my friends and someone i used to hold close to me!!!!!!!! and donald trumps
14:Where did most of your money go? to food on campus 
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about? I got so excited about lake arrowhead, about starting school, about being myself!
16:What song will always remind you of 2017? Hymn by Kesha
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? © richer or poorer?
fatter and more rich, i was sad last year but optimistic about the possibilities and now that’s gone
18:What do you wish you’d done more of? More traveling!!!!!!!! more getting dressed up, more not caring what other people thought, watching more movies
19:What do you wish you’d done less of? cared about the actions of others and hating myself
20:How did you spend Christmas? being annoyed at my sister and yelling at my brother!
21:Did you fall in love in 2017? no i fell in love in 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:What was your favourite TV program? Ummm i loved mindhunters and shes gotta have it
23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? no i feel apathetic about more people
24:What was the best book you read? Oh shootsssss i loved things fall apart, nervous conditions, God’s bits of wood, and complaints and disorders
25:What was your greatest musical discovery? That i would rather listen to a podcast.......
26:What did you want and get? I wanted my woman and i got her!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry im talking bout her so much. i wanted to love my classes and i did. i wanted a 4.0 and i got it baby!!!
27:What did you want and not get? i didnt get as much financial aid, i didbt get loyalty from some people, i didnt get a car or a place outside of my parents house
28:What was your favourite film of this year? Wonder woman & get out
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? learning 
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017? im tired
31:What kept you sane? positive feedback
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? probably Kate Mckinnon but it wasnt as crazy as 2016 when i wanted to lick her feet 
33:What political issue stirred you the most? the president
34:Who did you miss? my friend who was very dear to me
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017. weirdly enough i learned that some of the pain i can feel in men’s hearts is something i feel gifted for not having to experience 
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year. if we die before we wake!!! who we are is no mistake!!!! THIS IS JUST THE WAY WE’RE MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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