#i did actually try to find a makeover fic but couldn't think of one
b-dubs-valdubs · 2 years
a little ethubs fic. they experiment with eyeshadow. enjoy!
fic under the cut, or you can read it on ao3
reblogs appreciated! <3
CW: none! this is pure fluff :)
"Hey, Etho," Bdubs called, practically tumbling into the room with armfuls of brightly coloured products, "Which one do you want?"
Etho looked up. "Uh, do you have any turquoise?" he asked.
Bdubs wrinkled his eyebrows, in thought. "I should have? Let's have a look!"
And with that, Bdubs dumped all of the sparkly products onto the bed, alongside the various brushes needed to apply the makeup.
Bdubs had never given someone a makeover before. It was a similar sort of passion to when he'd opened a barbershop back in season seven; he loved making things pretty, and wanted to extend that philosophy to people too.
He'd always wanted to experiment with makeup, like how he'd experimented with hair, but trying to teach himself on his own face was very difficult. Luckily, Etho had volunteered to be his test subject- uh, he means, his canvas.
"Hmm," Etho hummed to himself, looking at all of the different colours availible. "That one," he stated, jabbing a finger towards a glittery teal colour.
"A fine choice, good sir, a fine choice," Bdubs nodded, trying to act professional (which earned a raised eyebrow from Etho, and an answering glare from Bdubs). The professional character soon returned, as Bdubs branished his utensils and proclaimed: "Step into my salon."
Etho looked around him. "What salon..?"
Bdubs narrowed his eyes, "Very funny. I guess the bed is the salon for now, but just you wait! Once I'm done with you people will be begging to have me work my makeover magic on them, I'll practically be forced to build a salon!"
"Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiight," Etho rolled his eyes, "More like they'll see what you've done to me and ban you from ever using makeup again."
"HEY! Just remember that I'm the one with the makeup here, wise guy. So you better be careful!"
Etho chuckled. "Okay, okay, sorry! Just get this over with."
Bdubs stared at Etho, thinking through his process. "Close your eyes."
Etho obliged. Bdubs dabbed the small, spongy brush into the sparkly powder, before applying it as gently as he could to Etho's eyelids, being sure not to get it everywhere.
Etho huffed. "Feels weird," he mumbled, "Like you're pressing on my eyeballs."
"I'm being as gentle as I can," Bdubs whispered in reply, too concentrated on what he was doing to make any form of snappy remark.
Bdubs worked dilligently, ensuring that the touch of the brush was as light as it could be, while still concentrating on staying within where eyeshadow usually goes.
After Bdubs was done, he brandished a small mirror. "You can look now."
Etho cracked his eyes open one by one, and nervously looked at his reflection. He hummed. "Well done, Bdubs, this is actually decent."
Bdubs practically lit up. "HA! YES! SEE? I TOLD YOU!"
Etho just nodded along, accustomed to Bdubs's bragging by now. "Can I have a turn now?"
Bdubs's face suddenly contorted into an expression of confusion. "You..? Huh?"
"I want a go with the sparkly stuff. May I?"
Hesitantly, Bdubs shuffled a little closer and handed Etho the brush. "Okay... you can take your pick of the colour, I dont mind."
Closing his eyes, Bdubs was beginning to regret giving Etho so much control - but he couldn't find it in his heart to tell Etho to stop, not when he was humming a little tune as he worked.
Etho took a little longer than Bdubs did to finish the eye shadow, and from the amount of pauses that he was making, he seemed to be struggling a little bit. That's okay, Etho was only a beginner, no way he could match up to Bdubs's prowess right away. That would take years of training, at least.
"Hmm, okay. You can open your eyes now," Etho said, sounding a little timid.
Oh, no. What had he done.
Bdubs nervously opened his eyes and looked at his reflection in the mirror, before spluttering in indignation.
It was... beautiful???
Green glitter blended into the gold glitter effortlessly, the sparkles swirling together in a soft gradient that melted into his skin.
"H- how did you... What? Etho?"
Etho simply giggled. "I dunno, beginner's luck?"
Bdubs gasped dramatically. "BEGINNER'S LUCK?? OH, YOU-"
"Hey, dont worry Dubs!" Etho grinned, "You'll still be able to have that salon someday, just a little more practice!"
Bdubs pouted (and Etho found it hilarious). "You're a freaking jerk."
Etho smiled softly. "I know."
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lilydalexf · 5 years
Any fic recs where the focus is on nice kisses and makeover sessions?!
I am going to assume you meant “make out” insteadof “makeover.”  Although Iwould be fully in favor of a fic in which Mulder or Scully gets a makeover,leading to numerous nice kisses.Here are some very enjoyable stories that have a lot to do with kissing.Another Beautiful Saturday by @spookydarlablackScully invites Mulder to help her take care of her mother’s car. Flirtinessensues.Bite Size Love by @malibusunset-xf-blogSeason 7, my way.Counting Kisses by @lilydalexfMulder and Scully go on a journey of discovery and escalating recognition inseason 7, starting with Millennium and running through Je Souhaite. The journeyinvolves a lot of kissing.The Kiss by IsugradJust my idea of what could’ve happened after *the event* of the first fewminutes of Jan. 1, 2000.A Kiss For The New Year by @baronessblixenA conversation - and more - in the car.Kisses That Never Were, Could’ve Been, And Were Altogether Very Real by @mldrgrlWritten for @leiascully’s fnfKissing You by @baronessblixenAfter the events of “Millennium”, Mulder wakes up in bed with Scully.She Tastes Like Candlelight by @alexkryceksbuttMulder isn’t sure when exactly he fell in love with Scully. It’s possible thatthere wasn’t a specific moment at all. Maybe the transition from friendship wasso smooth that one day he just woke up and realized he’d been looking at Scullythe same way he looked at the night sky—like an intricately tangled mystery,full of beauty and questions and Truths, of which he may never know the extentof. Somewhere along the way, she had become his greatest X-File.Shooting Stars and Satellites by @nestrasThis is just a really sappy oneshot tbh. Takes place a few weeks after theevents of Millennium.This Humming Meadow by dbkateWrapping his arms around her helps and there’s nothing surrounding them exceptthis humming meadow, alive beneath the sun.To a better year by @i-gaze-at-scullyMulder and Scully actually kiss every New Year’s, which explains theunderwhelming Millennium kiss. Lots of fluff, a healthy dose of angst, and “acup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.”Untitled “Millennium” story by @baronessblixenA post-ep for “Millennium”Untitled prompt fic by @mldrgrlFirst Kiss + Shooting Star msrUntitled Season 5 story by @i-am-alittle-on-edge“Scully”. “Yeah? “I’m going to kiss you now.” Sheswallows unconsciously. Licks her lower lip. “You are?”Weightless by @all-these-ghostsThis isn’t real life either, the two of them curled together at the water’sedge, so she lets herself imagine a life where they’ve run far and fast enoughthat the shadows never catch them.
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