#i did cry but like i also did screenshot for his back
fullsaw · 1 year
This was a really touching scene and I did find it sad but it was hard to concentrate on the actual scene when ROCKETS BACK WAS SO FUCKING JACKED HOLY SHIT
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coconut530 · 2 months
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Sulk in the sea of your sadness, starlight
textless/bg under cut
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#The Dragon Prince#6#Well hello beautiful followers I am not dead#I was just away and busy for a month#But now I’m back home#And I am dying over TDP#I’ve been into that show since it launched… watched ATLA for the first time in 2018 so I knew who Aaron was#And I have been continually impressed by it#Every season gets better and better and better it’s amazing#My favorite characters are Callum Janai Amaya Terry Ruthari Zubeia Soren and of course Aaravos… and now Leola#I found out the season came out the day it did#I was just like “hm lemme check the tag” and then saw so many new screenshots and the countdown acct saying “23 hrs for S7”#Then I went and watched the trailer that I was 2 weeks late to and was just BLOWN AWAY#But I was not home then so I had to wait a couple days#Then when I got home I IMMEDATELY turned it on#This season was stunning#Animation is so much better like the microexpressions and scenery and all that just omggggg#All the callbacks and development for the characters were done so well… Soren Viren conflict broke meeeeeeeeeee#And worldbuilding crazy like the Starscraper wowwwwwwwww#But yeah I immediately looked for Aaravos scraps and when I got to episode 9 it just broke me on so many levels… Rayla’s parents Runaan hgn#And Aaravos’ backstory got me crying in the club Leola didn’t deserve any of that#Her stimming and Aaravos’ expert parenting the representation in this show continues to be the most meaningful in the business#So yes I had to draw something for him#I know his colors technically muted after he lost her but let me have saturated colors I love them#So yeah I’m back… also got a fun surprise for tomorrow so stay tuned here!!
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dreameralive · 3 months
i think one of the most noteworthy things about Blaise that i haven't really seen anyone discuss is his tendency to liken others to children, his weaponization of it, its relation to him being a child abuser, and its relation to his defeat.
one of his first lines of dialogue, before he even introduces himself, is him humiliating Franziska by calling her 'little von Karma', and then bringing up something retroactively embarrassing she did as a little girl.
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he frames this as genuine nostalgia, but to me, it's pretty clear this was a purposeful, and almost sadistic, powerplay.
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there's also these lines. these aren't too strange, out of context - "let's all play nice" is a relatively common phrase, and in the second screenshot where he's discussing Kay and Edgeworth's friendship, they are literally youths (well, compared to him). but in context, it's clear that this is part of him attempting to assert his dominance over everyone else.
he wants to let everyone know that he is the adult here, and all they are is children - and thereby, they are completely powerless to his end-all authority, so they shouldn't even bother attempting to resist. this is further emphasized during his logic chess segment.
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he calls Edgeworth 'my boy', he reminds him that he is his 'senior in life', he tells him he's being naïve. he threatens to never give back his prosecutors badge if he doesn't stop trying to question his authority. he asks him, mockingly, if he's scared. then, while grinning, he tells him that there is nothing he can do, and he should give up already.
he once again, more blatantly this time, is attempting to force someone else into accepting that they are the weaker party and that he could do anything he pleased to them, and once again, he is weaponizing the societal power imbalance between a child and an adult to do so.
i could go on and on for a while with more examples of this, but then that would make this post really long and rambly. so, instead, i'm going to discuss what his behavior ultimately results in.
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this is probably one of the most disturbing interactions in Ace Attorney.
he does this purely so Sebastian will feel humiliated and ashamed in front of his colleagues, people he respects and who in turn are supposed to respect him. he does this to remind Sebastian that he is his father, and Sebastian is his child. to Blaise, that means he has complete control over him. and until this point? he actually does.
he has controlled every aspect of Sebastian's life to be exactly how he wants it. his path in life, his school, his tests - even Sebastian's constant usage of his surname serves as a reminder that Sebastian's only purpose to his father is to be an extension of him, a tool to feed into his ego. an object. something he owns.
note how, in their sprites, Sebastian is typically tilting his head slightly downwards, and in his crying sprites, he's leaning down. meanwhile Blaise stands high, and in his grinning sprites, his head is tilted up, as to literally look down on the person he's talking to.
but in the end, right before Blaise is convicted, right as Blaise tells him he should just remain his idiot son, Sebastian is looking up as he tells him goodbye. a way of saying that he's not beneath him, and he won't let him act like it anymore.
Blaise is immediately infuriated by this, and says all you've ever been able to do is depend on me. he screams Sebastian's name in anger - but it's cut off.
in fact, there is no more dialogue from Blaise after this. because he has no more authority, no more ability to scare Sebastian or anyone else into submission. in the end, Sebastian has finally taken back his autonomy that Blaise has robbed him of. so has Kay. so has Simon. all of them are children he has mistreated, threatened, and jerked around for his own selfish gain, but ultimately, they all still have more power over their own lives than he ever will again.
there's a lot more i could say on this, but these are all my thoughts i could organize. thanks for reading.
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 months
Vanishing Act ~ HHJ
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⤜GENRE: Established relationship, mafia romance, mafia boyfriend! NON IDOL, Arguing couple, fighting, making up, cry baby reader, angst with a fluffy ending
⤜PAIRING: Hyunjin!Mafia x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2024
A/N: I lost the original screenshot! But I remembered cry baby reader so I hope this is okay! 
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Hyunjin paced back and forth in the dimly lit office he'd spent most of the day in, his mind plagued with worry. You had vanished without a trace earlier in the day. You hadn't answered his calls or messages, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that gnawed at him. In their world, disappearing like that wasn't just unusual; it was dangerous. His anxiety only grew in his chest the more he thought about what could have happened to you.
"Did you find her?" He growled out at your personal guard who had managed to lose you this morning. He'd hired Mark because he was supposed to be the best of the best, an ex-military man who was also a private investigator and you'd managed to get out of his sights.
"No," Mark gulped, looking around at the office and back at Hyunjin who looked as though he was about ready to throw up at the thought of something happening to you. Being who he was in this world meant anyone close to him had a giant target on their back and you were the closest person to him in the whole world. 
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As the hours stretched on, Hyunjin's anxiety mounted higher and higher as he thought about everything. He imagined all sorts of scenarios - rival gangs, undercover cops, or some personal vendetta targeting you. He couldn't afford to lose you. You were his anchor, his solace in the tumultuous world they inhabited, you were everything to him and the thought of losing you was tearing him up inside.
Finally, as the evening descended into darkness, Hyunjin made his way home ready to find someone else to try and find you but when he walked through the door he couldn't believe his eyes.
You were sitting calmly on the couch, engrossed in a book, and his anger flared. No one had been able to find you and you'd just been sat there all day?
"Where the hell have you been?" he barked, his voice echoing off the walls. You jumped, dropping your book onto your lap and staring up at him with a mixture of surprise and confusion spread across your face.
"Hyunjin, I was just out for a walk. I needed some time alone." You breathed out, you assumed he was referring to you being gone most of the day. You just needed some time away from everything to relax and clear your mind. 
Something you used to do a lot before the two of you had moved in together, something you didn't think was that big a deal, especially since you'd stuck to the gardens of his mansion and just spent most of the days in there. The place he had once told you was the safest place in the country. 
"Alone?" Hyunjin's voice rose, his frustration bubbling over as he stared at you, how could you not be taking this as seriously as he was? Did you find this all funny? 
"You think you can just disappear like that? Do you have any idea how worried I was? Do you know many enemies we have out there that would love to get their hands on you!?" His voice bounced off the walls and you stood up, wanting to get away from his wrath since you knew he would go on a tangent for a while.
"Hyunjin-" He cut you off by shaking his head at you and scoffing loudly,
"Don't Hyunjin me! You know how worried I get when you disappear on me without a word!" He yelled, his anger finally getting the better of him as he lashed out at you, knowing deep down that it was wrong for him to do so. 
"What if someone had gotten to you? Huh? Kidnapped you?!" You stared down at the floor, feeling the tears starting to rush into your eyes as you did your best to stop it from happening. 
You were so insecure whenever it came to crying in front of anybody but especially someone that you were getting into an argument with. You hated that whenever someone was yelling at you your body's response was to cry, it was the same thing that happened whenever you were angry the tears would just stream down your cheeks. Hyunjin's anger surged as he saw tears rolling down your face, your shoulders trembling with silent sobs but instead of softening, his words only turned harsher, cutting through you like a knife.
"Stop crying!" He barks at you, his voice laced with venom and impatience.
"Is that all you know how to do? Acting like a damn crybaby whenever someone yells at you?!" You flinched at his words, your head shooting up and finding his eyes on you as you stared back at him. your tears flowing more freely now, your silent sobs turning into choked gasps as he turned your insecurity back on you. Something you'd never thought Hyunjin, of all people, would do to you.
You struggled to compose yourself, wiping your cheeks with trembling hands, but the tears refused to stop flowing. Hyunjin's heart clenched at the sight, a pang of guilt piercing through his anger and allowing him to see how much he had hurt you.
He knew just how insecure you were about it, how you saw it as a sign of weakness but his frustration had gotten the better of him and now he'd only added to your pain,
"Yn, I..." He began, his voice faltering as he reached out to you, but you recoiled, your eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. 
"Don't," You whispered, your voice barely coming out, you couldn't believe that he would do this to you.
"Just...Don't," You choked out, walking away from him as he called for you to go back to him but you couldn't. Right now you didn't want to be near him or face him after what he had said to you. 
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After an hour or so Hyunjin decided to venture up to your shared bedroom, his anger had completely vanished the second he realised how hurt you were but he'd wanted to give you some time alone before he came up to your room. Entering the room, he found you curled up on your bed, your shoulders shaking with silent sobs. 
The sight tore at his soul, a painful reminder that he had been the one to cause all of this. 
"yn," He whispered as he approached you cautiously, his footsteps hesitant as he sat down beside you.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," His voice was barely audible over the sound of your tears. You flinched at his words but you didn't push him away. Instead, you turned over to face him, your eyes red-rimmed and filled with sorrow.
"You always say that." You murmur, "But it doesn't change anything." Hyunjin felt a stab in his chest, he knew he messed up and he knew that mere apologies wouldn't be enough to mend the damage he had created. He reached out to you, his hand shaking as he wiped away tears from your cheek. 
"I know," He admitted, his voice heavy with regret, "But please, Yn, give me a chance to make it up to you. I'll do anything, I swear," He begged. He wasn't below begging you, he would do anything for you, take a bullet, run in front of a car, anything for you.
"What could you even do to make this up to me?" You mumbled, your voice tinged with scepticism and he moved to sit beside you on the bed, looking at you as he sighed softly. 
"I had a whole evening planned you know, I was going to take you out to dinner...wine and dine you," He smiled weakly as you stared at him,
"When you weren't here I freaked out, I got scared that something had happened to you and I let my anger get the better of me," He admits as he looks down at your hands, intertwining his fingers with yours and squeezing softly. 
"You disappeared all day without a word...I was worried." He admits to you, not trying to get into another argument but just wanting you to understand his side of all of this.
"The thought of anything happening to you kills me inside." He whispered and you stared at him,
"I wasn't in any danger, I was in the gardens most of the day...I just took some time alone," Your voice had a tinge of frustration but you cuddled into your boyfriend's arms. 
"You can't just wander off without a word, in this world, I need to know where you are." He pleaded with you, his eyes finding yours as you bite down on your lip and nod at him. 
"I worry because I love you. I can't bear the thought of losing you." He whispers as you kiss his cheek softly, 
"I love you too," You whisper back to him as his eyes start to fill with tears.
"I...I just can't lose you, Yn. Not now, not ever," He whispers as tears start to fall down his cheeks, your arms wrapping around him and cuddling closer to him. Your chest hitting something hard in his pocket,
"What-" Your laugh cut you off as you felt the box inside of his pocket.
"Oh," He groans pulling the box out from his jacket pocket and holding out the small velvet box. It was something he'd been planning to give to you at dinner that night before all of this had happened.
Slowly he opened the box and revealed a delicate diamond necklace. 
"I got this for you, I wanted to give it to you tonight, but I messed everything up," He laughed softly as you traced your fingers over the intricate design. 
"Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how much you mean to me," He begged, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears before you nodded slowly, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Okay," You whispered, kissing him softly as he carefully put the necklace around your neck and made sure it was perfectly sitting on your skin.
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81folklore · 1 year
dress - SV5
pairings: sebastian vettel x famous!reader (fc: taylor swift)
summary: its known that seb has been married for a few years now despite the public never seeing is wife, its also known that yn is in a committed relationship and has been since she disappeared from public eye. maybe they are more connected than people realise
authors note: i have had this idea on my mind for SO LONG so im very pleased to finally be writing it. essentially in this, yn is taylor and seb is joe but no one has ever seen him nor know his name, if that makes sense? honestly i have no clue how this will turn out but i needed to write it
authors note 2: this is set in the midnights era however i switched the songs a bit so ‘dress’ is on midnights instead of ‘sweet nothing’ and vice versa!! also ‘dress’ is going to be a single. i also apologize for how all over the place this is, especially the tweets
authors note 3: just pretend whatever says taylor swift says your name and the photos with her hands have a wedding ring!! i also got so confused when trying to screenshot the twitter stuff so the timeline ones are backwards
authors note 4??: haha didnt realise there was a 30 pic limit... pt 2 here :)
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liked by user3, user18 and 10,628 others
yn on her story today, possibly posting song lyrics! thoughts?
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user66: is this hinting at her reputation era?
user13: i was just thinking this, more specifically the time just before reputation
user55: if it is about lover and the time before reputation this will BREAK ME like,, HE SAW THE BEST IN HER EVEN IN HER WORST TIMES😭😭
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liked by gracieabrams, ynupdates, olliebearman and 7,277,739 others
everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about…
this album has been such a rewarding piece to create and im so glad that soon enough you will all be able to listen and enjoy it with me! one thing i love in particular about this album is the song ‘dress’
dress was originally a piece i started to write when making reputation however i felt it was right to keep it to myself, to keep it between my partner and i for a little while longer. however recently our lives have been changing for the better, and while that lid of privacy will still be on, i want to share more with you guys
you have all been on this journey with me and you have treated my partner and i with the upmost respect and for that i thank you. for me dress is a letter, its statement, its a declaration of my love for him and im very grateful to be able to give this to you all
this song is one im very proud of, i really enjoyed writing this the first time, and getting to revist and polish it up felt very special to do.
dress out now on all platforms🖤
comments on this post have been limited
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liked by user34, user5, user88 and 23,683 others
seb in suzuka with the grid at his turn 2 bee (insect) hotels,, we've missed seeing him at the track :(
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user3: of course the grid come together for him :’)
user5: im not crying!! just hay fever!!
user5: oh i have missed him SO MUCH
user34: the way he was like a teacher throughout the whole thing😭
user18: does anyone know if hes staying the whole weekend or is it like monaco??
sebupdates: we believe hes staying the whole weekend but unsure if hes with a team or not!
user18: ok thank you :)
user77: the way the first thing lewis asked him was if his wife was okay, oh what if i cry😭😭
user66: im kind of new here, have the grid met sebs wife?
user77: i know they all at least know about her and know who she is, i dont think everyone has met her but i know lewis has met her quite a bit!!
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part 2!
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2amriize · 1 month
˚⟡˖ when you are both idols — RIIZE | hyung line.
shotaro, eunseok, sungchan, wonbin
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ᡣ𐭩 masterlist
note! hi hi! i want to start doing also one shorts of individual members, so if anyone has an idea or an scenario to write about let me know! ♥
genre fluff
pairing idol!riize x idol!reader
click here to see maknae line ver.!
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You and Shotaro already knew each other before he debuted, since both of you have been dancers from a young age, and you had taken dance classes together more than once
When he debuted, you didn’t lose touch and continued talking through messages
Everyone around you knew how close you were—you even congratulated him on your Instagram stories for his debut!
Just a few months after Shotaro debuted, the company you were with decided to add you to the next group that was set to debut, and you finally debuted at the end of november as the main dancer
You and Shotaro would often meet up whenever you had the time
Since it was the end of the year, you were able to meet several times at year-end award shows and festivals, and you even had to practice together because you had a collab stage together.
Oh my god, everyone could sense the tension between you two.
You just weren’t officially anything, or rather, you had never talked about it.
After the collaboration, people started shipping you two. too much
And then screenshots of the stories from your old account surfaced, and people began to speculate whether you were a couple
Neither of the companies said anything, and you both continued acting as usual
You met because you were both chosen to be MCs together on a music show.
You couldn’t help but be surprised by how handsome he was in person.
At first, both of you were quite shy, but during the rehearsals for the special stage you had to prepare, you started talking more and becoming closer.
In truth, you had a lot in common, so it was pretty easy to find things to talk about. You wouldn’t stop talking until they called you back for practice.
After a few weeks as hosts, people began to notice how good your chemistry was, and you even started joking with each other during interviews.
It was no surprise when you won the award for Best MCs of the Year.
But after a few months, the contract as hosts ended, and your last day as hosts had arrived.
You were quite sad and even started crying during your final speech.
When you returned to your dressing room, you were still crying, so Eunseok came over to try and make you laugh, saying some joke as he always did, which worked.
“You know we’re going to keep seeing each other, right?”
You had heard that Sungchan from RIIZE was tall, but when you saw him in person in the company hallway, you didn’t expect him to be THAT tall.
He had debuted recently in RIIZE, but you had already been an idol for a few years, so when he saw you, he greeted you with a slight bow.
You found him too cute to just see him in the company hallways, so one day, you asked some mutual friends to give you his number so you could talk to him.
What surprised you was that you didn’t need anyone to give it to you, as you received a message from him just before you could send one.
“Thanks for the snacks you sent us! We enjoyed them ^^!”
A few weeks later, you were already having dates inside the company, in hidden spots so people wouldn’t catch you.
But the secrecy didn’t last long, because when asked in an interview who your ideal guy was, you didn’t take a second to perfectly describe Sungchan.
“I like tall men, very tall. And ones who work out regularly. But not serious ones, they have to make me laugh and have an angelic smile.”
Although there were some rumors, no major news broke out.
Whenever you were promoting at the same time, you always visited RIIZE’s dressing room to give them gifts and cheer them on, as well as to see your boyfriend.
oh wonbin... Among all the idols, Wonbin is famous for his looks.
And that’s exactly what you did when you saw him in person for the first time.
You had to do a challenge for your comeback together, so you met in one of the hallways of the music stations to film it.
Wonbin had a very soft voice and was very respectful, and you could tell how ambitious he was since he didn’t mind recording as many times as needed until both of you were satisfied.
You couldn’t stop sneaking glances at him whenever you could.
But you refused to ask for his phone number—it was too embarrassing.
After finishing the recording, you simply said goodbye and went back to your respective waiting rooms.
To your surprise, you bumped into him again at the cafeteria.
And what surprised you the most was that as he left, he placed a piece of paper on your table.
His number.
Oh, your face turned red, and you couldn’t help but smile.
You didn’t hesitate for a second to text him, and to your surprise, you got along quite well.
It didn’t even take a week before you arranged to meet up to learn some dances together since you both loved it.
He was the perfect dance partner!
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click here to see maknae line ver.!
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fisshbones · 12 days
Hcs of some Hoyoverse characters!!
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ft!! Heizou, Sunday, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Furina, Sampo, Xiao, & Pela
Genre: fluff/crack!! No warnings that I can think of besides of being mildly ooc and some being shorter than others. Could be read as platonic. Modern Au Gn! Reader.
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Heizou ->
Has thousands and thousands of screenshots, pictures, and videos saved on his phone. Refuses to delete them because “you never know, they might come in use later.” Once in a VERY LONG while does his habit actually pay off. He’s paying for the cloud subscription service 1000% If he doesn’t his phone is borderline useless. If you go through it you’ll wonder how he finds jack sh*t in that phone, there’s no organization on/in that thing. That being said he doesn’t need to put things in separate albums because he had absolutely no issues with finding what he needs. (he’s literally me)
Sunday ->
Sunday likes to tend to his multiple gardens back where he lives. There’s two green houses back at his home. One is his and one belongs to his dear sister. If you want one too, he’ll gladly make some plans for yours next. When him or Robin can’t tend to the flowers, he has a gardener come tend to them in the meantime. While all of them brings joy to him he has a special soft spot for (white) calla lilies and spider mums.
Scaramouche/Wanderer ->
The definition of an annoying menace. He’ll put sticky notes with (sometimes with writing) on your back without you knowing. He used to do this to Childe too, only when it was Childe it would be way meaner. One fool read the ‘kick me’ note on his back and actually did it. Poor idiot guy learned a lesson that day. The worst he’s put on your back was a note with a stupid face on it. And if someone makes fun of you for it, he’ll give them a black eye! He’s the only one allowed to be an ass to you. :)
Furina ->
Does catwalk struts in her mirror when no one is home. She gets wayyyyy too into it. She’ll start on one side of the house and when she gets to her mirror she’ll strike a pose. One time you walked into her standing in front of the mirror doing pose 28. She couldn’t look into your eyes for a week afterwards. If you ask her to give her a lil show, she’ll do it but don’t laugh cause she might cry. lol. (she’s so me coded)
Sampo ->
He plays those driving games with the steering wheel and all. Sampo started streaming it too to make some hot cash$$ This man is DEDICATED to the act he preforms while streaming this game. If he gets into an accident in the game he makes it look like it happened irl too. He’s given himself whiplash from how fast and hard he slammed himself in his chair. think this.
BIG CONCERT FAN!!! Hates the crowds so much though (T ^ T) He’s so not a people person. Always manages to get great seats for you guys. He’s willing to see any performer if it’s for you, even if it’s not someone he likes. I personally see him as liking every genre of music, so there’s a fat chance he’ll still like the music being played. Xiao would put you on his shoulders if you ask him too. But I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to see any better this way because of how short he is.
Pela ->
Pela makes a crap ton of edits and fanfics. Any where between thirst edits and angst edits of anime characters. She’s got over 50k followers just waiting for her to drop the newest robin or satosugu edit. She’s also got of followers on the platform she posts her fanfics on. She’s big on x readers AND ship fics. That girl puts in work making sure both her edits and fics are absolutely perfect.
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If you enjoyed likes/reblogs/replies are appreciated!!
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fisshbones © 2024 do not repost or translate
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noosayog · 2 years
[9:12 PM] Kageyama Tobio
wc: 800
warnings/content: fluff
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“Tobio, it’s cold,” you complain. 
“It’s winter.” 
You pout. “Okay, and?” 
“Tobio, I’m cold.” 
More silence. 
“I told you to bring an extra jacket,” he says as he wraps his own scarf around your neck. “You can’t have my jacket.” 
“You’re mean,” you grumble, shrinking your neck to dip as much of your face as you can into his scarf. 
He hums in distant acknowledgement. 
Tobio’s always been awkward but you figure the years of dating and living together would have knocked that out of him. For the past few weeks however, it’s like he’s regressed to his high school state of socialization. 
It’s also been a little strange that homebody Tobio has finally been taking hints with the yelp screenshots you’ve been sending for years and taking you to dinners at nice restaurants you have been wanting to try. At least he has a professional athlete salary and sponsorships to keep this lifestyle up, you suppose. 
“Did you enjoy dinner?” 
A soft grunt. 
“Did you like it more than the last place?” 
A hum. 
“Well, I liked the place we went to last week more.” 
You stop and Tobio doesn’t seem to notice. He keeps walking, face to the ground, deep in thought. 
You let him get about 10 steps away before you’ve had it. With his track record of ignoring you for the past month, you figure he’d get all the way home before even noticing that he left you in the cold. 
“Tobio!” You emphasize your frustration with a childish little stomp of your boots on the pavement. 
He startles and turns around. “Why are you all the way back there?” rushing back over to you and mumbling a quiet apology. He grabs your hand and begins walking again, but you stay rooted to your spot. You yank your hand away and cross your arms over your chest. 
“I’m not moving until you tell me what’s on your mind.” 
Tobio looks around and says, “can we not do this here?” 
“I’m not embarrassed about making a scene out in public if that’s what it takes for my boyfriend to tell me why he’s been such a bad boyfriend recently!” 
He blinks a bit at that, as if the thought of being a bad boyfriend has only just occurred to him. You watch the expressions fly across his face; first a furrowed brow and open mouth to rebut, then a pause as if he remembers all the dinner dates he was in outer space for, then resignation with a sigh and one hand running down his face. 
“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll tell you, but at home. It’s not good for us to do this outside when you’re already freezing.” 
Despite his gentler tone, it does nothing to soothe the unease. Does Tobio maybe… want to break up? If that was really it, you think it’d be better to do it at home, away from prying eyes anyway. 
You nod, lips wobbling a bit. Tobio flashes you a slight smile, one of the firsts you’ve seen in weeks. You don’t know if it makes you want to cry or smile back at him. 
“C’mon,” he says as he once again reaches for your hand. This time, you allow him to guide your frigid fingers into his coat pocket where they brush against something hard. 
Still in his pocket, you unwind your fingers from his and feel for the item again. Feels like a velvet box. 
Tobio freezes. 
You wind your hands around the box, thumbs beginning to drift over the divot in the box. 
Tobio grabs your wrist and yanks it out of his pocket, just before you can close your fist over the item. You’re staring at your empty hand that was ejected from his pockets, semi-comprehending the situation.
When you return your gaze to Tobio, his face is red and it’s not from the cold. The flush reaches down to his neck before being hidden by his turtleneck; you suspect it reaches all the way to his sternum, like it does when you’re in bed together. 
One of his hands is rubbing the back of his neck and his eyes are averted. You reach up and cup the reddest part of his neck. The cool from your fingertips jolts him and he meets your eyes with his comically widened ones. 
“Is that what I think it is?” 
“No! Well, maybe. I- uh.” 
“Is that what all these fancy dinners were about?” 
Every question you ask seems to make your large, 6’2” boyfriend shrink before your eyes. He lets out a large exhale. “This is why I wanted to do this at home.” 
You giggle a bit and let him go. Content that you’ve figured out what has been bothering your boyfriend and excited for what was waiting for you at home, you skip down the path towards your shared place. “C’mon, Tobio! Let’s go home. Can you believe I thought you were going to break up with me?” you laugh. 
This time, it’s you who notices that Tobio’s footsteps aren’t following you anymore. You turn around, about to urge your silly boyfriend to walk faster so you can get your present that’s at least a month in the making. 
Only to find Tobio on one knee.
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tealvenetianmask · 3 months
More about Blitz and anger . . .
Anger is a super stigmatized emotion. That's for a reason- it's powerful. When we see it from other people it's usually externalized- it's ugly, aggressive, shows up in abusive situations- it sometimes leads to violence. But when we talk about righteous anger, or the anger of marginalized people, we sometimes praise it. That's because anger can be empowering too.
I want to talk about how Blitz's anger, while it's also destructive at times, has empowered him.
Personal note: when I was a kid, I was yelled at frequently by my mother. The house I grew up in was a 60's rancher with a long hallway in the center, and she would chase me down the hallway yelling. As I grew older, I learned to yell back. Feeling anger and externalizing it didn't make the hurt go away, and it didn't solve our problems- it turned us into two people yelling at each other- but it did make me feel less helpless.
So let's look at Blitz as a kid. In addition to guilt tripping him, his father tells him that "there are scarier things," than stealing from a wealthy and (literally) powerful family, and he doesn't disagree. I think this screenshot captures their relationship pretty well.
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We see moments of defiance from Blitz though, even as he's very much under Cash's control. Georgia Dow pointed this out in her video about how Blitz learned resilience in his childhood. Here, have some defiant expressions:
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Notice Blitz's eyebrows here, mirroring his father. I suspect that as he grew older, Blitz learned to push back harder, to argue, maybe even to yell. He learned to channel his anger- at being used, diminished, devalued (very likely yelled at and probably physically hurt too) into expression, into fight (I don't picture him physically fighting Cash, but the guy has fight in him- of all kinds).
He learned to feel angry at the world and express that too- for treating imps as lower than other demons, for limiting his options in life, for filling the road to success with exploitation (as we see in the Mammon flashbacks with Fizz).
Speaking of that flashback, he's very ready, as a teenager, to express anger exactly when he needs to for the purpose of protecting a loved one.
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Fast forward to the present.
Blitz's anger helps him stand up for the people he cares about- see Fizz in the present at Mammon's show but also Moxxie in Spring Broken.
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It helps make him good at his job too. When we see him fight, he doesn't tend to seem all out enraged, but he's super determined and all in. He's at home in a conflict. When he's doing his best fighting, we see a mix of the "angry" facial expressions and pure confidence.
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Anger also helps him manage a lot of difficult emotions. Disclaimer (and idea I'll get back to soon)- I said manage, not deal with.
When he interacts with Verosika and with Robo Fizz early in season 1, there's genuine underlying pain from how the relationships with Verosika and the real Fizz ended, but he channels that into anger. The anger makes him take action (Good action? Eh. But still action- he's not crying on his couch.) rather than get consumed by more painful emotions. He's able to keep going.
It also gets in his way, even as he uses it as a coping mechanism. Is his anger at Muffy and the Karen in the doctor's office understandable as he's dealing with his frustration about the inaccessibility of healthcare for Loona and his worries about losing Stolas? Yes. Is it helpful? No, probably not.
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It isn't useful with Stolas either. Stolas is this person who's kind and beautiful and quirky and able to match his wit, and who Blitz has grown genuine feelings for, but who is also deeply entwined in the unfairness in Hell's society that Blitz has grown to resent throughout his life- AND Stolas unknowingly participates in some very familiar microaggressions himself.
Blitz channels a whole range of complicated emotions- love, fear, despair at the thought that he isn't loved back- all into anger because he HAS been wronged and his world IS unfair, and anger is COMFORTABLE because anger is ACTIVE, and with it he doesn't have to just let things happen to him!
So we end up back here.
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hearts401 · 6 months
Tessa fucks me up dude can I just talk about her for a sec? Yeah? Yeah.
She loved those drones. She loved them because they were what she had. She felt sympathy for them when nobody else did. And I like to think there was a little bit of loneliness motivating her as well.
Her mother hated her. She was nothing to her. When her mother scolded her by saying "seems you still can't follow simple orders" her respone was "No, no no! Please!" BEGGING. Begging her mother to believe in her and be kind to her. She got chained up in her room (multiple times btw. At leas tthats implied. the hand she winced at and rubbed is the same hand the chain was on, which means shed be chained up long enough for it to rub her skin painfully. long enough to leave lasting pain.)
She is very connected to these drones, to the point where she kept all the error drones aroud because she LOVED them. She spent time digging them up. HELL SHE TOOK A FAMILY PHOTO WITH THEM DUDE...
Even when Cyn was creepy and scary, she kept her around. She'd rather lock Cyn up than get rid of her. and when n points it out, shes apologetic and hesitant. But we know WHY she did that. Even if it was kind of a sucky move, it was because she didnt wanna have to throw cyn out. and in the end that killed her.
Also she knows J well enough to know what sets her off (enough to. bite the shit out of a chain). She knows them. and she loves them.
I wish we'd gotten to know more about her an N. why is he so clearly her favorite? but thats not relevant ig
also her saying "I've only ever yakked to robots, J!" She has NO human friends. she has nobody to support her other than these robots. these robots who get treated like garbage by her family.
and then she has to watch these robots turn on her. Not just THESE ROBOTS but the three that she loved most. (also im going off what wouldve happened in ep 5 WITHOUT uzi, where n doesnt get out of the swamp, and nobody goes down to the basement)
V first, then Cyn, then J. And we KNOW she loved these three+N especially bc she took a family photo w them, interacted with them more often, and generally just seemed much closer with them.
and what does she get for it? killed. And also its implied by this screenshot that she wasnt ACTUALLY killed by cyn right then
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(the scientists, the sword beside her, the footprints, the way shes sitting against the wall, the expression she has. she totally just saw all that shit)
and she cant have been skyn bc the scientists wouldve known. the skinsuit wasnt exactly. hm. pretty.
which means she DID see her whole family+more slaughtered in front of her while she was powerless to stop it. She DID see J violently kill everyone around her. She DID see Cyn kill everyone. And she just has to. Deal with that. And despite all her efforts, the solver took over and cyn killed her. (im assuming tessa died somewhere around when n's mineshaft flashback was like i mentioned b4)
and all the while she was convinced shed lose N, id assume. based on the state of the other drone out there.
And honestly, i think what she got was worse.
also i am team "N knew Tessa wasn't the same Tessa he knew back on Earth"
The way he looked at her, and the way he was suspicious of her. He knew HIS Tessa would never treat a drone like this. Cyn has been known to have relatively shitty recreations of people at times (like Thad in episode two) But even so there was no way he could believe it was someone else (like. who would it be? he saw her blood he heard her voice like...) which is why he was so stressed after killing her (when he leaned on his sword and was breathing heavy, yk?)
he loved her and she loved him and now shes dead. just like everyone else he loved.
this isnt about n but like. idk if tessa could see him now i think shed cry. she loved him and all of them
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druizard · 2 months
Alright so, I'm going through my thousands of BG3 screenshots. I tend to snap pics of conversations and dialogue that I like or find interesting and then ultimately forget about them cuz my brain is mashed potatoes half the time.
ANYWAYS, the scene in act 2 when you save Rolan and he has a breakdown has a lot of lines that I adore but also they break my heart because not only do I love Rolan, but I also relate to him in a few ways. At least on the self loathing part.
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Right off the bat, this is what he says after you rescue him. There are so many things he has done right, but he cannot see them, not past his failures, no matter how small.
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I particularly LOVE how Larian wrote extra lines for different classes in conversations!! I don't have lines from all of the classes I've played (I'll probably add more to this post later if I end up grabbing more screenshots of em) but I do have a few of my favorites. Here we have my origin Gale, telling Rolan, "A good wizard knows when to ask for guidance - for help." To which, Rolan replies.
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Heart-wrenching. And if you ask him, "Should I have left you to die?"
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(excuse me while I cry)
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My Druid/Bard, Aislyn, in another play-through, tells him, "If it helps, when I re-tell this story, I could say you killed all the monsters?" His response:
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While he is speaking to you in this scene, he starts off angry and venomous but very quickly his tone shifts and his voice begins to quiver as if holding back tears. (Bravo, George Taylor) He talks a big talk in Act 1 at the grove, but he really did mean it when he said "I care about our lives, our futures!" He says his greatest ambition is to become the greatest wizard in all of Faerûn, but it all means nothing if Cal & Lia aren't there to share his future with him.
Their family bond is so important to all three of them and I only wish we had more backstory. I want to know what happened to them and what happened specifically to Rolan in his past that made him feel this way about himself. I love seeing everyone's headcanons, but I'd love to know what the writers had in mind when they wrote him into the game.
Anyways, I love Rolan, Cal and Lia, maybe more than anything else in the entire game, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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earl-grey-teacake · 6 months
The Jenson ask is hilarious! Now all I can imagine is Sky Sports telling Jenson to kidnap Logan again to get George and Alex on again. Meanwhile, Jenson, who has already kidnapped Logan again, rolls up like this is my new copresenter we don't need Danica Patrick anymore Logan has better thoughts on the race. Williams is on red alert trying to find their missing baby because James doesn't check his texts during races!
Oscar now attempts to escape McLaren every time he sees Logan on the Big Face Time (TV) because one miracle escape does not mean Logan will always be safe!
Oh I can totally see it!
Please enjoy this little thing I wrote. I am coping with Australia by writing and being in denial.❤️
Jenson is tired of Danica and decides if Sky Sports won’t give him a replacement, he’ll find one for himself. Logan is old enough to toddle around so he gets his own little space that he can play in when Jenson comes along and coaxes him outside.
Has Logan been given the whole “strange danger, don’t go off alone” talk by his parents? Yes, yes he has.
But Jenson isn’t a stranger so it’s okay and Jenson easily walks out with Logan in tow. After all, it’s not like he kidnapped him. Logan went off his own free will and with the promise of chocolate.
Jenson also shoots off a text to James saying:
Heads up!
Taking Logan for a bit. If you want him back, have Alex and George come to us. 1 interview.
You know where we're at.
James of course does not read it because he's busy being a team principal. In fact, the Williams staff are secretly running around trying to find Logan thinking he’s wandered off looking for his dads because “he knows better to wander off with strangers.” It isn’t until 15 minutes after that James is notified after Logan is confirmed to not be in the garage or hospitality. By then, Jenson has returned to where the rest of the Sky Sports team is with Logan in tow.
“Uhh, Jenson? “ One of the staff members spoke up, “We’re about to be on air soon.”
“I know! This is Logan. He’s my co-presenter for today.” Logan waved at the crew, who smiled and waved back.
"Did you ask to take him?" Nico smiled and waved back. "The last time you did this, Williams thought you kidnapped him."
"Logan wanted to follow me on his own." Jenson scoffed. "Isn't that right?"
Logan, for his part, just cheered and offered up a piece of chocolate to Natalie, who happily took it.
"On his own, huh?"
"It'll be fine."
"Isn't Danica supposed to be-" Natalie said.
"Nope, Logan's is already here. Besides, this is preparing him for the future.
"You don't even know if he wants to be a driver?"
Jenson gasped at Nico's comment. "How could you say that?"
"Don't listen to him, Logan. You can become a Williams driver. I believe in you."
"That's not-"
"And we're live!"
Oscar's eyes widened at the sight of the TV. "Lo!"
Lando looked up, having finished interviews early and returning to his driver's room. "Oh, yeah that's Logan. Looks like he's with Jenson."
Oscar watched in horror as Lando returned back to looking at the data. "No! Lo! Lo!"
Lando looked up at his son's insistent eyes. "Hey, it's okay. We're meeting them for dinner soon."
Oscar, however, did not agree with this and instead started to stumble towards the door and pull on the handle. Lando, being taller and faster, immediately jumped up and put his hand on it.
Oscar proceeds to yank at the door handle and cry. Going as far as to try and shove Lando away. "Lo!"
Alex and George were walking to find Sky Sports, especially Jenson, after receiving a screenshot of his message? Threat?
"I swear when I find him" George muttered. "How dare he kidnap my child? Logan knows better than to wander off with strangers."
"Jenson's not a stranger." Alex unhelpfully replied. "I'm sure he's fine. It's good for Logan to be around new people."
"What if he's hurt? Uncomfortable?"
"He's with Jenson. He wasn't kidnapped."
"That message read like a ransom note."
Logan was actually quite happy about participating in the interviews. He stayed silent when others were speaking and at the end, they would turn to him and ask if he had any questions to ask, to which he replied in mangled words and sounds. It didn't matter since everyone treated it as serious and the drivers even provided full answers.
"Yes, I agree with you Logan. Our strategy was obviously not the best. We will come back stronger next time."- Charles
"I agree, Logan. Hamilton definitely brake checked me. Thank you for seeing it my way. You would do great at Aston Martin." - Fernando
"Did Fernando say that? If the stewards haven't said anything, I wouldn't put too much weight on it, Logan"- Hamilton
"Oh, he's a natural." Jenson cooed as Logan received another cookie from Nico.
"Dada!" Logan cheerfully yelled out, his mouth covered with crumbs.
Alex looked almost amused at the scene but George seemed to be on the warpath. Careful not to let his collateral go, Jenson adjusted his hold on Logan. "Hey, George, Alex. Nice of you to stop by."
"Hello," Alex greeted. "And hello to you Logan. You seem to be having fun."
"Oh he is," Jenson cheerfully ignored George's stare. "He's such a good interviewer."
"Well thank you so much for joining us today, gentlemen."
"It's not like we had a choice," George muttered
For the entire five minutes, Logan watched as his dads were being interviewed on their performance on the track. Alex went along with the whole thing quite well. George, on the other hand, kept a neutral face but his eyes were firmly locked on Logan.
"Lo! Lo!" Oscar yelled out.
Logan looked up and smiled. "Osca! Osca!"
"How wonderful of you to join us Lando" Natalie greeted. "It's a reunion of the 2019 rookies."
Lando laughed. "It wasn't my intention. Oscar saw Logan on TV and begged to go."
The walk back was fairly quiet with Logan knocked out from the amount of sugar and Oscar exhausted from the tantrum he threw earlier.
"I wonder if Jenson would babysit for us." Alex joked,
"Absolutely not," George said. "Logan is going to start associating Jenson with candy and cookies. Jenson will also take it as an open invitation to just kidnap him again."
"He had a lot of fun. I'm glad." Alex said, practically ignoring George.
"I'm glad he had fun. Oscar kicked me in the shin." Lando muttered, a bit peeved at how peacefully asleep Oscar was.
This has been sitting in my drafts for a long time. Sorry it took so long to get out. The Australian GP gave me the push i needed to complete this.
Thank you for sending me this ask! I loved answering it! 🥰
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queenie-avenue · 9 months
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Don't run. He'll catch you anyway.
—> what happens when you try to escape him?
⤻ reader is gender neutral, dark themes, invasion of privacy, taking photos without consent, bullying, manipulation, slightly suggestive themes, typical yandere red flagginess (duh), min-jun is just a freak honestly, not too detailed but a small fic, besides straight up gore I think this is the darkest thing I've ever written
notes: @moyazami , i am so sorry, but i lost your ask. thank god, i took a screenshot before i deleted it. you are such a sweetheart. thank you for the ask, and keep them coming! i want to do the first imagine, but don't worry, i'll also do the second one at a later date! honestly wasn't sure to write out the part where he approaches you again but if anyone wants it, drop a ask, honestly-
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The fact that you left was laughable to Min-Jun.
At first, he was shocked that you had actually left, and the reason was clearly because of him. Second, he was sad knowing he was the reason he would not see you anymore. Third, he was angry that you had left him. Who gave you permission to leave? Certainly not him.
Fourth, he projected that anger into scheming.
Sure, you left for another school. However, did you forget? Min-Jun's entire family was rather influential, perhaps not as much as the Samsung family in Korea, but certainly able to pull a few strings here and there. His entire family was full of ministers, civil workers, and some even celebrities with the power to topple the entertainment industry. Did you really think that transferring to another school would allow you to run from his grasp?
"Are you that idiotic?" He whispered under his breath as he schemed.
You leaving the academy was like inciting war and he was going to bring out the full arsenal to pull you back into his arms.
He would hire a private detective to comb through every aspect of your life; relishing in the intimate information the detective would give him. He honestly felt a bit bad about spreading it. Not because he worried for you, but because he wanted to keep all these secrets to himself, claiming ownership of you and every thought you had in the sickest manner. Still, he supposed he could part with this knowledge. After all, when he got you back, he'd be able to learn more about you.
As said before, rumours spread like wildfire. A simple strike of a match is all he needed to turn into a massacre.
Soon, not only people from your school but from your neighbourhood began to whisper about you behind your back. They talked about your nature, some even going as far as coming up with fake rumours about you just to entertain the masses.
It was hell on earth for you. Worse than when Min-Jun tormented you.
Then, it was only one person — a boy whom you had no idea was your academic rival — but now, it was your entire community that had turned against you.
It got worse when pictures of you leaked. How had someone managed to take so many pictures of you like that?
Some immature students even stapled your embarrassing moments to the school board, leaving you to clean them up during lunchtime.
Min-Jun had some friends in that new school you went to, so of course, he heard everything that happened to you. His poor rival, you must be so hurt by all the things happening to you!
Serves you right for leaving me, Min-Jun thought as he looked at the photos of you crying when you thought nobody was looking.
Just a bit more, and he would intervene. He wanted you to feel the pain he felt when you left him. Maybe about a week more, and he would come to your rescue one of these days.
For now, he would enjoy the delicious tears that streamed down your adorable cheeks.
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i’m several years late to this, but i finally finished attack on titan.
this show was everything to me when i was 16-18. levihan was my life, as witnessed by this blog. i found comfort in them, during a time in my life when i desperately needed that comfort. so when hange died…i felt like something was lost. the peace and comfort i looked for in levihan was gone, replaced by grief and anger. so i stopped watching it, stopped thinking about it.
but can you ever really stop thinking about something so important to you?
over the last three years, levihan has come back to me many times. in thoughts, in feelings. and every time, there was grief, but there was denial. i refused to truly process that hange was gone. so i refused to finish the show.
but i’m 21 now, and even as i’ve gotten older, levihan is still so important to me. i don’t think i’ve ever felt so strongly about a ship before. so, about a week ago, i made a decision: i was going to finish the show. i needed to see it through, needed to process the grief, and see it for what it was.
now here i am, crying harder than i have in years, because i got the closure i needed. i had convinced myself that levi’s life is a tragedy, that hange dying was the last straw and they should have killed him too because what’s left? and in finishing the show, i was proved so, so wrong.
this screenshot is so hauntingly beautiful. this scene was so hauntingly beautiful. levi seeing his fallen comrades, getting to tell them, “this is what we did with the hearts you gave.” the first time we see levi, he’s telling a soldier, “i won’t let your death be in vain.” and here he is now, several years later. and none of their deaths were in vain. levi took every death he experienced, both impersonal and earth shattering, and he turned that grief into strength, and now he can rest. he can let go. he can cry, can be weak, can let others take care of things.
he lost hange. he lost erwin. he lost kenny, petra, eld, gunther, oluo, farlan, isabel, kuchel.
but he has a life ahead of him. their hearts are in his heart, and as long as his heart beats, they won’t truly be gone.
i am devastated.
but i also think this was the most beautiful ending levi could’ve gotten.
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yakumtsaki · 1 month
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Spice and Cyan are the last cousin-fuckers left standing and are proving impossible to break up. I'm inclined to blame the fact Sugar and June also had the hots for each other and passed these destructive genes on to these losers but whatever it is they're just annoyingly into each other.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I did almost waver cause I was like 'man you know what they're second cousins so at the end of the day truly who cares, maybe I should just let them stay together and create one Union super-bebe'.. and then I see this:
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In case you can't tell from this amazing screenshot they have ONE BOLT. ONE. ALL THIS DRAMA OVER ONE BOLT ARE YOU KIDDING ME
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-What is drama compared to someone you almost desire? -Oh baby, the mediocrity of my passion for you is too much to bear!
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-This lukewarm hot tub water is the perfect metaphor for our love.. -Exactly, it's the water of the womb and we all know that's where that sole bolt is even coming from!
UGH. Also man the difference between your noses is UNREAL, now I'm more worried about that if you procreate than the incest.
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-Hahahaha, as expected I'm the only one of this trash family that's in a non-disgusting relationship!
Felina no offense but you could afford to add some drama cause you've become boring af.
-People are sick of all this perverted nonsense! They want someone dignified and happily monogamous!
Ya idk sis, I mean look at Barth dislocating his entire spine as we speak:
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-You were??
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Bro I can't, the entire house hates Barth other than Meadow and her billion nice points and Spice who is his childhood bestie. Note that he and Sunset have that goddamn amour fou and are independently becoming un-enemies, which I'm NOT GONNA LET HAPPEN.
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-Ok Barth, let's get drunk and make some reckless and sexy decisions!
-Why do you keep cockblocking us? You know our kids would be hot!
-Ya right! Don't act like you haven't thought about it!
-You know we would produce a hot, psycho turbo-Union! A little Jojo or Jojette, untainted by non-Union DNA, one freakshow to rule them all!! Look into your heart, you know it to be true!!!
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WTF. Why are you here we've paid our bills!
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Oh great, now half these flops are in aspiration failure, that's just what the doctor ordered.
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-Can you harpies take this somewhere else, I'm trying to get high here!
OK NO. No one's killing anyone, we're NOT cursed, ok?
-We're broke, afflicted with a bills glitch, fires keep starting and half the house is in aspiration failure!
Well let's be real, the broke part is on you.
You idiots are averaging a D each semester because you're too busy fucking each other, beating each other up or both..
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..I mean freaking Jimmy is on academic probation, I have never gotten this before in all the years I've played this game, this is the worst college run of all time.
My point is the bar is in hell so let's just get out of this run alive, ok? Now you kids make nice!
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-Well, Failina, now that I'm looking at you up close I guess putting lipstick on a pig does work sometimes.
-For my next move, I'll shove my queen in your other eyehole.
See, now isn't this nice? And I think I figured out what caused the bills thing so everything should be fine now..
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Ok you know what I'm actually fine with that one, take it- Um do I hear hearts??
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-We've been friends for a long time-
You have?? Man I really need to pay more attention around here.
-Yes well you can't help being useless!
Very true! Well please, continue, let me just call someone over-
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Man I know, it's so terrible! Anyway-
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DOES HE?? Cyan you are one crazy bitch, I love it.
-I take after my mom! :D
Which one, they're both insane! :D
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-What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home? Hurry up, it's time for supper, order up, I'm hot to go🎵
Alright well Chapell karaoke seals it, Kea, welcome to the family!
-You mean it this time right, you won't fuck me over again like when I was engaged to Sophito?
LOL I forgot about that but no I'm certain this one is gonna work out, unless crazy ass Cyan goes back to one of her cousins
I said start planning the wedding!
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Please No!
Oh this part, the amount of times it has gotten me teary eyed, a lot of this will probably be squealing so sorry about that but I am sucker for angst and this movie knows how to hit me.
Before I start crying let's go back for a bit.
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The sequence of Miles seeing the future somehow hit him, and I am assuming it was him and only him since the others don't seem disoriented and were kind of behind.
However, all of them saw Miles clearly be shocked by The Spot's words, and honestly I think everyone would had been a bit intimidated after seeing the man basically tear time and space just to say how he will end you.
Gwen quickly goes for him to see that he is okay and that he can get up.
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Gwen is calling his name while Hobie is clapping his hands, so I am guessing they both realizing Miles is stunned but physically okay, or as well as any of them are.
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I love that Hobie tries to get Miles moving and went with Gwen to check on him, this guy just met Miles, who hasn't been exactly the friendliest to him (not that I think Hobie care, if he ever paid attention to that to begin with.) Yet he still goes and check on him, even if this hasn't been the point when he actively likes Miles.
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Miles is disoriented, the world around him sounds distant and how we see from his eyes everything is a bit confusing and difficult to process.
This is probably bias talking but I love how realistic this feels, it reminds me of the times I had gotten so overwhelmed trying to make sense of words is difficult and felt like I barely have time to process what's going on.
Which makes me feel it for Miles while for him it only lasts a few seconds, DAMN I wouldn't like to be feeling that way when I am having rubble falling on me.
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As soon as they start running Gwen checks to make sure Miles is following fine, we know she specifically was looking for Miles because Hobie was going in front of her and Gwen went directly to look towards the direction Miles should had been coming. Then she went a step back to grab him.
While this makes sense, considering he was the one who stunted and Gwen probably can hear Pavitr coming slinging; we can't pretend there is no more meaning behind Gwen checking on Miles constantly while going on.
Hobie went to make sure he could get up but after it is Gwen who is making sure he goes out in one piece.
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She continues to grab him by the wrist while running (which btw, tip, most of the time that's a bad idea; it works in this context since Miles seems to be still disoriented,)
She tries to guide him amongst the rubble until it starts getting difficult for her too.
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Still keeping an eye on him and helping to get him out.
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(Sorry for the shake frame, I try 3 times to get one that looked decent and this was the best I could get.)
I couldn't get a good screenshot for it, but after Gwen helps Miles out he is the one who takes the lead getting out of it while still holding her hand.
There are other things to talk about in this sequence, but they aren't really ghostflower stuff, so it would go in their own separate post.
Let's continue to the part that still hurts even after seeing it so many times.
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We all know that there was more than once reason why she did this, and let be honest here, I don't think the canon event was the primary concern.
Let me repeat that to make sure no one gets it twisted, maintaining the canon event IS STILL important for Gwen, but I don't think it was the main reason why she was worried about this, and we see it in the next scene.
Not My video, this is a link for the original.
Again I normally try to not use works (gifs, videos,) but there was no amount of screenshoots and words that would make this moment justice.
I feel my heart bleed every time I watch this scene, I can hear the desperation in Gwen's voice and all I can think is how she must be thinking about Peter; how she also lost him when rubble fell on him and she needed to move around to get his body.
I can imagine how absolutely terrifying and heartwrenching this must be for her; she said it before, Miles was her only friend after Peter, and while Hobie and other spideys are important to her, Miles is next level.
And the idea of losing someone that important to you in the same way you already lost someone else- goddammit I am getting teary eyed writing this.
This is why I said her priority was Miles while asking him to not go; because she didn't try to look on her watch or see if the canon event was still intact, I honestly thing she forgot about it until her watch warned her about it.
I could probably go on, but I would be repeating myself; anyone who says Gwen doesn't care about Miles (using what happens later in HQ as proof,) is blind in my opinion.
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I had mentioned multiple times about how the masks are meant to be more expressive than what they would normally be to allow the characters to show emotion.
This normally shows by the shape and size of the eyes, but something I picked up while watching this scene again was that Gwen's eyes look really reflective in this scene (more than usual at least,) which is not something you really see in other scenes.
I think this was a way to indicate that Gwen was getting teary-eyed below her masks, which I think would make sense considering that it already sounds like she is ready to cry by her voice.
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May be wishful thinking, but I think the way she says "Right" shows my point about not thinking on the canon event the moment she saw the rubble fall down.
For me it the way she says it looks like she just remember about this, and it needed to be her watch telling her in order to do so.
(By the way, we never see any scene with Hobie's watch doing this, it could had been that way because there was no point in doing so; but I wonder if, while being aware of canon events, his watch doesn't report these events because he isn't working full time with Miguel. Or maybe because Miguel doesn't trust him with that information.
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I think is around this moment, that Gwen starts to question the canon events situation.
While she technically sided with Miguel later (or at best, stood aside without doing much for any side,) she sees what they just did here, how they had saved a bunch of people and got a happy ending for Pavitr, who if Miles hasn't done anything, will had probably dealt with a lot of trauma and guilt that he didn't deserve.
Sidenote, sadly Miles and Gwen aren't holding hands in this scene, the angle just gives that impression. I wish tho.
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In a way, I think this shows what Gwen ultimately thinks about Miles' being an anomaly.
This entire situation is technically, an anomaly in itself, but she is looking at it in awe and shock, soaking at the image of a city that could had faced a worst tragedy hasn't them being here. She saw Gayatri hug her dad, something that wouldn't had been possible without Miles, because he was suppose to die in a event that is also suppose to kill Gwen's dad; I don't think that was something Gwen missed.
She knows Miles is an anomaly, yet she says she has always thought he was amazing.
I think she sees Miles in the same way Peter B does, yes, perhaps Miles situation was an accident, but it was ultimately good that it happened; because he himself is amazing, and he is better thanks to being an anomaly.
I see this scene, and I think of Gwen seeing Miles, while thinking "Perhaps is by being an anomaly, that you get to do the greatest things."
(Yes, I know that's a leap from speculation and into fanficfky territory, I may use that later.)
The Mumbattan scenes are interesting because we see an entire array of emotions coming from Gwen towards Miles. From being exasperated, to not wanting to give him the wrong idea about her and Hobie, to being so worry nothing else in the world matters.
There are still some things to talk about Mumbattan, but it has been mostly covered.
Thanks for reading!
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