#i did not succeed. but i did read a lot of spiderman comics
jewfrogs · 2 years
i used to know a site that was like. a list of every single appearance of comic book characters. but i forgor what it is and im pretty sure its only marvel. but i wish
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One’s Own Hero
April Daniels’s Dreadnought is a very thoughtful and impactful story that is about a transgender girl who encounters a superhero and is gifted with not only their powers, but also with a female body. Ultimately, I rate this book a 3.5/5. This is a piece of young adult literature and is held to certain constraints of readability and content, and ultimately I feel like this book succeeds in creating a compelling plot, strong characters, and has plenty of action throughout. 
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The struggle that Danny goes through on both a personal level with exploring her gender and sexuality is a strong presence throughout the book and is very well written by Daniels. In a world dominated by Marvel and DC, it is intimidating entering this field, and I believe that April Daniels successfully did so. But, unfortunately, I cannot rate this book higher than a 3.5 for three main reasons. 
First, I feel as though too much time was spent on world building. This is a difficult task in any book, but especially when it is a story as involved as Dreadnought. Daniels has made an incredible world built around the existence of superheroes and supervillains, all in a world still similarly structured to our own. Though I admired many of the risks she took, I absolutely abhorred the Wikipedia segment and the storytelling. It was not at all necessary and took so much away from the overall story line of the book. I feel as though leaving the reader in the dark and allowing them to discover new parts of Dreadnought’s identity throughout the book. It is difficult to create a superhero story outside of the realm of comics or film because visuals are very important to create the world, and despite this, Daniels still did a fine job in creating this world.
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Second, the writing is easily digestible, but too cliché in many areas. Of course this is a point that is critical and should not be taken into account too much (as this is young adult literature and generally should be understood by all audiences), but a lot of the writing is just not exciting or new. It is similar to the movies from the Marvel Universe. The first time that Spiderman shot webs or when he caught the train, it is absolutely visually incredible and action packed. But then the next movie loses its luster unless something new is added. I feel Dreadnought has this fantastic and original concept, but the story is nothing we haven’t seen before: a hero struggling with newfound powers and the responsibilities as well as personal change. Even though Danny’s story is unique to her, it generally is not one that is very original to the genre. These books ultimately reminds me greatly of books in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series; interesting concept but not a very interesting writing style.
Finally, I did not enjoy the introduction to this book. The first chapter of the book has so much information thrown at the reader all at once and forces a lot of emotion on the reader. As stated earlier, this story spends far too much time on details unnecessary at that moment in time. The two reasons this is done is to immediately introduce the reader to the world and Danny as well as draw the reader in. Again to reiterate a former point, Comics are able to do this very quickly with intriguing artwork and style, but I still feel Daniels did a good job with what she had. I believe this should be more drawn out and go into more detail in some parts, and little to no detail in others.
             Outside of these very few criticisms, I genuinely enjoyed the book. I do recommend it to anyone who is interested in superhero stories or who simply wants a good read. It does set high expectations for the next book and I hope the sequel ties together any parts left unknown to the reader. The Superhero genre needs a new hero, and I believe Dreadnought may be able to step up into the role.
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artistsofaustin · 7 years
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 J. Sam Frankel
“Don't live life as an artist, live life through the eyes of an artist. Even if your purpose in life is to be an artist/creative/visual story teller, life doesn't always call for paint or pen.”            
Instagram:  @scribe23creative Webpage: www.jsamfrankelart.com Shop:  www.scribe23creative.com
What triggered your initial interest to make art?
I was around 6 or so when I showed my initial interest in art - it would be heavily inspired and fueled by my grandmother, Kaye. Or Neenaw as we called her. She was involved with Art Therapy at a rehabilitation center in Lexington, Kentucky. There is a small doodle I did at this time while visiting her, its my first still life done on a pharmaceutical company post it note. A boot-shaped looking vase with a couple sad flowers in bic pen. From then on, I was doodling in the margins of dog-earred notebooks, from kindergarten with Inspector Gadget/Get Smart-esque spies to middle school textbooks. 
I don't remember a time I was not doodling or ideating on anything I could get my hands on. I was a fan of coloring books when I was much younger, but I just wanted to create my own cool things. A lot more so to escape a troubled and tumultuous childhood. Small Rural towns don't provide a lot of artistic inspiration, I looked to comic books for both inspiration and escape.  I had this one issue of Amazing Spiderman circa 1997 that I copied the pages from over and over again, getting caught dozens of times by this hellish Social Studies teacher. 
Yet, again my fated location didn't provide opportunities for great art supplies either. Using what i could - typically an art box kit my mom bought from the Sears Catalogue or an assortment of Crayola Markers/Crayons. Not getting a hold of a paint brush till I was twelve. Neenaw had set me up with oil painting lessons with an old, country-lady version of Bob Ross named Edith King. 
From then on I attended a magnet program for the arts in High School - which afterward it was non-stop art, sketching, doodling, painting, creating. 
What have been some of your main sources of inspiration?
My grandmother played a major role. Not just in the facilitation and access to the arts - but in a love of color and making your own thing. She always added a bit of her own personal flare or touch to everything she owned: clothes, furniture, home and so forth. Creativity was something you lived not just did.
Of course, my favorite teachers - with few exceptions - were my art teachers. I had some amazing, and patient, professors while attending Northern Kentucky University (NKU). At that time, I was very interested in graffiti artists - mainly mural and poster work. I was in college during the early days of GIANT by OBEY/Shepard Fairey and Banksy, but it was Sam Flores out of San Francisco who got me going - he plays with a lot of confluence between humans and animals, touches of his Asian-American roots aesthetic. 
Overall my love of comic books and graphic novels opened up the desire to be a comic book artist in my own right. I was a fan of mainstream names for sure - but it was the one-off Superman/Batman stories that grabbed my eye, those with unique artist/writer mashups. Frank Quitely & Grant Morrison for one - their work on All-Star Superman and New X-men was phenomenal. It was the art of David Mack in Kabuki and Daredevil (also an NKU Alum) that got me on the style of work I aspired to make - watercolors, ink washes, and just a free style of art. It was because of him I wished to attend NKU itself. More recently, finding Rafael Grampa as a newer artist I am inspired by. (Frank Miller's DK is a must)
My travels to the Middle East and connection to Judaism has played a role in my work. Religious imagery and subjects; and an eye for the architecture. There is a lot of color palette, iconography, and lighting being used in all kinds of interesting ways in religion. I have fun combining it with surreal subjects to add this holy aspect of the scene. 
My other Artist inspirations: Winsor McCay, Geoff Darrow J.M.W. Turner, William Stanley Haseltine. 
Lastly, music - I grew up with an 80's mom who loved Fleetwood Mac, Prince, Robert Palmer, and Madonna - with a grunge rock brother to follow.  I feed off a lot of visually strong artists these days - Arcade Fire - Queens of the Stoneage, The Decemberists, TV on the Radio. 
What’s your purpose as an artist?
I always baffled my art teachers when I would explain that my art was just for fun. It was difficult for me to express my feelings through art that read well to others. Art's purpose for me was an escape, something that doesn't exist, a new idea or place. Away from life. 
The want to tell a narrative stems from the dream to be a comic book artist, but I want my viewers to come up with their own narratives. I want it to be a snapshot of a moment or from another world that has different stories to tell. Much of my art is derived from an idea I had about a comic book series that went from conceptual character to a series of mutated vegetation. 
Art is definitely therapy or a healthy distraction for me. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, painting it down helps properly express myself. Diverting that energy into something I control, followed by a sense of accomplishment. There is nothing like having a finished piece(s) having been made during a time of turmoil or emotional distress. I am one who thrives in chaos and under pressure. It took my mind of my deployment to Afghanistan, a small sketchbook and plethora of sharpies. 
What would you recommend to other artists that seek for inspiration?
Don't live life as an artist, live life through the eyes of an artist. Even if your purpose in life is to be an artist/creative/visual story teller, life doesn't always call for paint or pen. You have to be in the moment in-order to enjoy it; that enables you to take the full experience and translate it on paper/canvas with that much more vigor.  But always bring something to take notes with - I have mountains of notebooks from my military days that I jotted all my ideas for work and comics, it kept my creative side engaged while I did my job at the same time. 
For me - the experiences I had where I couldn't be knee deep in art are what defined me as a person, later deriving what I learned from those experiences to my art. From the Army I understood that if you want to succeed you have to lay those pounds of flesh down - special forces guys are good because they dedicate their lives to being proficient with their craft. If you want to be a big bad artist, you have to start somewhere, from one sketch a day to one sketch an hour. No one starts out as good artists, even those with natural talent, only that can carry them so far. 
Curating your Instagram is a good way to have a non-stop flow of inspiration. Follow new and up-coming artists to see what the trends are. Follow artists who do the kind of art you wish you could, they share techniques and advice. Follow other visually strong people, not just the popular people. Don't follow artists who have more photos of them "thinking of the next big piece" or have huge numbers of followers with very little work to show. 
If you are nervous about a new medium but dying to dry it out, do an experimental phase with it. Grab your favorite CMY relative hues, just the basic colors Blue Red Yellow even, plus a black of the same medium. This is a low cost investment. Use the colors in the new medium to create small pieces in your style and usual subjects. Experiment with techniques, tricks, and process. If you like the results or feel the potential - then grab a few more basic colors. The scary thing about new mediums is that artists feel like we have to take a header into full kits - when just the basics are good enough. 
Embrace your fear of all things in the creative world - for those who are afraid of using colors there are those afraid to use black in their work. For those who are afraid of putting their work in shows there are those who are afraid of going bigger with their work. We learn more from our mistakes than our successes, if art was so easy of a win - every five-year old kid that parents say could do a Jackson Pollack would be rolling in Instagram fame. 
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fashionkibatain · 7 years
Originally published on Superheroes that we love: List of top ten written by Zahra Hassan on Zahra Hassan
We all love superheroes. Even though we know in the hearts of hearts that they are not real but we do not really want to admit it. The people’s immense love for superheroes is imminent from the fact that all the superhero franchises are making million and millions of dollars. Be it cinema or the television or toys or clothing, superheroes are everywhere. Producers happily invest in multi-million dollar superhero projects because they know they will get an even bigger return. In this article we list ten superheroes that we love.
Why do we love these top ten superheroes?
Superheroes are depicted as larger than life icons who fight the evil and work for the betterment of whole society selflessly without asking for any reward in return. They are portrayed as the ultimate saviors of the society. So we as humans are forced to fall in love with them because of all the good that supposedly do. Also they are just cool. I mean look at all the amazing gadgets they have and all the cool stuff they can do. So we love them and we are in awe of them.
There are so many superheroes nowadays. Every other comic book character is getting a movie made on it.  And a movie does not mean that a two and a half hour show and the end of the show. Then there are the superhero goodies, likes clothes, cups, action figures, costumes, and what not. Everything you think of has a superhero customization. Young and old all are into this big race, to reach their favorite superhero as near as possible by having as much superhero stuff as they can.
So the businesses are thriving and people are blindly in love very happy about it. So here is the list of top ten superheroes that we love.
The Batman
The caped crusader is different from others because he has no inborn superpowers. He has learnt the art of fighting, advanced martial arts and self-defense. He has trained his body, the hard way, to be powerful and strong. And then he is the owner of the multimillion dollar Wayne empire. That makes it possible for him to design get built the state of the art gadgets like Bat mobile or the signature Batman motorbike. He is also an expert in using the weapons.
So the son of a millionaire, scared by the ruthless murder of his parents right in front of his eyes, decides to fight the evil by actually going into the dark crime alleys and fight first hand with his own hands.
The Batman franchise has churned out many movies and many actors have played the character of Batman. The best of them so far has been Christen Bale’s stalwart performance in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight series. Nolan’s Batman series is a work off a genius and it beautifully captures the journey of Dark Knight from a kid who is afraid of dark to the strong protagonist who fights the darkest of the villains.
Unfortunately, christen Bale has bowed out of working in the Batman anymore. Ben Affleck is the new Batman and has already appeared in the mega hit, Superman vs The Batman. Now Batman will be having a reboot in The Batman that will be released sometime next year. Also you will be seeing Ben Affleck’s Batman avatar in Justice League that will be released later this year.
Having neck to neck competition with Batman for the spot of top superhero, is the Superman. This is one alien who has done much more for our home planet than any other earth born human has ever done. With lots of super powers, he is the superhero in the real sense. He can fly, he is extremely strong, has X ray eyes and also laser comes out of his eyes that can burn things away.
The superman franchise began long time ago when there was no huge franchise attached to superhero movies. The first Superman movie was released in 1978, in which Christopher Reeves gave unforgettable performance as the superman. It had sequels in1980 and 1983 as superman II and superman III. Although the movies lacked in CGI and modern technology but they have great storyline and performances. After that there had been multiple attempts at reboots but all had failed to make a greater impact. Recently in 2016, Batman vs Superman starred Henry Cavil as the alien superhero and the movie once again revived the chances of a superman movie series.
Our favorite friendly neighborhood Spiderman is also a superhero that is widely loved and admired. It is the superhero that was born by the bite from a genetically engineered spider. When young Peter Parker was bitten by the bug, it completely changed his life. He got the powers of a spider, however in human beings these powers becomes superpowers. He can climb walls, he can swing all over the city, he has super sharp senses and he has increased agility and stamina.
Toby Maguire did a Spiderman trilogy and was awesome. Then Andrew Garfield did another Spiderman reboot trilogy and that was truly amazing. Now the new Spiderman is going to be young Tom Holland. In the new movie, Peter Parker is young, a high school student, and coping up with a double life. The prior two Spiderman series were great, so there is a lot on pressure on the young star to do better. Let’s see whether he succeeds or not.
Iron man
This is one hero who is more of a superstar than a superhero. Unlike the previous three heroes, Ironman does not hide his true identity from the people. Everyone knows that Tony Stark, the extremely rich and a little spoilt, science prodigy in in fact Ironman. Ironman’s main superpower is his extra ordinary brains. He has profound knowledge about science and tech, and he makes the extra ordinary Ironman suit with his wealth and brains. The suits makes him a super hero. He can fly, he can shoot lasers and gunshots, and his suit is bullet proof. Although when he is not wearing the suit he is quite vulnerable and has no super powers.
Iron man has appeared in a number of super mega hit movies. The Iron man trilogy was wonderful set of movies and set the bar very high for the upcoming superhero movies. Then the superhero appeared in the highly popular Avenger series. Robert Downy Jr. has starred in six movies as Ironman and thankfully has no desire to quit being Ironman. Soon he will be seen in the next avengers’ movie.
Ironman ranks high on our score for his sense of humor and comic timings besides the power and all the other superhero gimmicks.
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Captain America
Captain America, also known as the first avenger, is the leader of the avengers. He is senior to all of them in age. Steve Rogers was a very physically weak man and was rejected many times to enroll in the war. However he is brave and noble of the heart.
Dejected by his rejections, he decides to be a part of a science experiment that makes him undergo a lot physical change. He becomes taller, stronger and faster. His senses are heightened and he aging slows down, in fact he becomes the perfect soldier and the weapon of war. There have been three Captain America movies (the first avenger, winter’s soldier and Civil war) so far in which Chris Evans plays the role beautifully. He can also be seen play among the lead in the avengers movies. In the next avengers movie too Chris Evans plays the role of Captain America. He is taciturn and somber and sometimes has difficult in managing so many superheroes together.
Hulk is another favorite among the people. He is result of an experiment gone really bad, and the over exposure to the gamma radiations make him turn into Hulk whenever he feels angry or have a strong burst of emotions. Hulk is a very angry guy. Whenever he gets angry or lose control of his emotions, DR. Bruce Banner comes a very tall and powerful green machine, known as the Hulk. He is all green as an after effect of the radiations. There has been a couple of individual standalone Hulk movies, but the biggest cinematic success has been being a part of avengers’ franchise. Among the Avengers Black Widow, learns to control hulk and help him transform back. She and Banner both share a special bond with each other.
When he is Hulk, Bruce Banner does remember what he did. He is also a science prodigy. In the beginning he tries very hard to remove his ability to turn into Hulk and be a normal human being but as he learns to control his powers to an extend and becomes a part of the avengers, he decides that he can put the strength of Hulk to good use and gives up on trying to get rid of his ability to turn into Hulk forever.
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Thor is a God and belongs to the planet of Asgaurd. He helps in the protection of the people of the planet earth. Thor was exiled from his home planet of Asgaurd by his father. He came to Earth, not as a God but as a mortal. His hammer named as the Mjolnir has a number of powers like controlling the weather, making Thor fly, and giving him extra human strength.
Chris Hemsworth plays the character of Thor, the axe wielding superhero who becomes an integral part of the Avengers franchise. The axe is really powerful but only the worthy can wield it, otherwise there would have been attacks on Thor by other people and super villains to get the axe away from him. Thor’s step brother Loki is the antagonist in the first Avengers movie. He steals the tesseract and in return for it, Loki gets an army that will make him conquer the world and he would become its master forever. Thor has a soft corner for his brother but he also stops him from destroying the world. The next Thor movie, the Ragnork, will release later this year and would be a scene stealer for other men.
The Ninja turtles
The quartet of genetically mutated turtles, could capture the heart of the audience this much was not thought out by the creatures of Ninja turtles, but it true that Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo are our favorites and deserve a spot in the top superheroes list. The comic book series based on the lives of these turtles who are trained by the genetically modified rat known as Master Splinter. Each turtle has a unique power and capability.
Donatello is the mechanical genius. He designs and invents most of the weapons that the gang then uses to attack the villains. Raphael is the aggressive team member who is a great fighter but usually his anger, makes him make the wrong choices. Leonardo is the leader of the quartet, who is devoted to all of them while Michelangelo is a typical teenager who in known for his love of pizza. There has been movies and cartoon series both on the lives of the turtles. Bothe franchises have been highly profitable.
Even now he’s starring in a critically acclaimed Netflix series, is Daredevil really on the A-List? Honestly, the fact he’s always flown under that top tier of superheroes is what’s made him so great, especially when you look at the work of writers like Frank Miller, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, and Mark Waid.
read more Logan : Hugh Jackman bids farewell to Wolverine
One of the only heroes with a true disability, Matt Murdock’s battle with depression also grounds him in reality in a way even his dark and gritty adventures don’t.
This is our list of favorite superheroes, although there are others too. Which one is your favorite? Let us know by commenting below.
The post Superheroes that we love: List of top ten appeared first on Fashion Ki Batain.
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thesnootyushers · 7 years
What are The Snooty Ushers looking forward to most in 2017?
2016 is well and truly in the rear view mirror now, and as the New Year haze is slowly clearing we are ready to stride into 2017 with renewed vigour. And what films should you pencil into your brand new calendars and diaries? Dan has already looked at a few films that might fly under the radar in 2017 here, the best upcoming horrors here, and some of this year’s riskier films here, but right here is where you can find our Most Anticipated Films of 2017!
(NB All release dates mentioned are the latest information on the planned UK releases, and are subject to change)
10. Thor: Ragnarok (Taika Waititi) Release Date: 27th October
James: This is all about the director. Taika Waititi has made two great films in What We Do In The Shadows and Hunt For The Wilderpeople, and the thought of what he could do in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is tantalising.
9. Trainspotting 2 (Danny Boyle) Release Date: 27th January
Dave: As a Scotsman and a product of the 90s, Trainspotting was huge for me.  I loved how it took a group of pretty despicable characters and made you care about them.  I was 19 when this was in the cinema and I saw 4 times and 100 more since.  I have read the book twice and seen it on stage.  I can not wait to see what has happened to these characters over the last 20 years.  I am happy that Boyle has gone his own way rather that adapt Welsh’s lukewarm follow up novel Porno.  We have waited long enough for this, I am positive it will be worth it.
8. Paddington 2 (Paul King) Release Date: 24th November
James: Paddington is a heart warming family film that leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy. The chance to visit the bear from Peru again can’t come soon enough!
No trailer yet for Paddington 2, so here’s the trailer for the first.
7. Star Wars: Episode VIII (Rian Johnson) Release Date: 15th December
Welshy:  People will reminisce  in 30 years time and say “it was the best in the series”. Hand to god,  this will be our generation’s Empire Strikes Back.
No trailer yer, but here’s a trailer for the joyful The Force Awakens
6. Spider-Man: Homecoming (John Watts) Release Date: 7th July
Rich: Spider-Man joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe again for his first Marvel Studios solo movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming. The trailer is bursting with classic Spider-man quips and action, but it also shows you just enough of the characters and villains to keep a little bit of mystery about the plot .Directed by Jon Watts who directed hidden gem Cop Car it looks like he’s paid attention to some faults of previous Spidey instalments and is giving us a lot of things we haven’t seen before in this one. Lets hope the franchise can find new heights and stick around for years to come. Also go and watch Cop Car, it’s brilliant!
5. Alien: Covenant (Ridley Scott) Release Date: 19th May
Rich: Sir Ridley Scott is reunited with his baby, the Alien franchise which he helped create in 1979. It’s been tough going for this film franchise and its numerous directors and sequels, but I feel none came close to recreating what Sir Ridley Scott had done. Obviously the attempted reboot in Prometheus (2012) was a bit hit or miss with audiences but Scott seems determined to win back our trust with this glorious trailer which is dripping with the Alien style and aesthetic. Scott seems set on still fleshing out the universe but also returning to his roots of bloody and terrifying. Check out the trailer below and see what I mean.
4. John Wick: Chapter 2 (Chad Stahelski) Release Date: 10th February
Dan: Good lord was John Wick one of the best action films released in the past 10 years, and one that pretty much came out of nowhere. Who would have thought a film, starring Keanu Reeves, about a former hitman and his dog would be such an entertaining action packed watch. Not only did Reeves do brilliantly, the first brought us fresh directing talent, one of whom has been rewarded with Deadpool 2. John Wick only scratched the surface of this potentially massive underworld of criminals, assassins and hotels, and I for one can’t wait to see how they follow it up.
3. Logan (James Mangold) Release Date: 2nd March
Welshy: So here we are at the end of the line for the Ol’ Canucklehead. Well, for Hugh Jackman anyway. Having had a rocky start with his abysmal first solo outing, then gaining  great momentum in his second we reach the third and final chapter. Now oh sweet Mary the source material this is based on is one of the most glorious narratives ever put to seven panels and thirteen pages. It looks like they are going all out with this final instalment, James Mangold has learned from The Wolverine and now will showcase the best there is at what he does. Just Watch.
2. Blade Runner 2049 (Denis Villenuve) Release Date: 6th Ocotber
Dave: Forget Star Wars and Superheroes, this is what 2017 is about for me.  Blade Runner is one of my favourite films of all time.  Now, normally I would be sceptical about a belated sequel and when it was first mooted I dismissed it out of hand, then along came Denis Villenueve, he is one of the most exciting and promising directors working today.  Ryan Gosling most definitely has the talent to carry any film and then there is the returning Harrison Ford.  The teaser looks like they have nailed the feel of the original.  Here is hoping.
1. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (James Gunn) Release Date: 28th April
Dan: As a fan of James Gunn with his work on Super, and Slither, I was intrigued by the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Then the trailer hit and I just knew it would be special. Watching it in the cinema was the best experience I’ve had watching a Sci-Fi film since my mother took me to see the re-releases of Star Wars: Episodes IV-VI when I was younger, if not better. I’ve never been this excited for a film for as long as I can remember, I’m actually more excited than I was for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  And that is our Top 10 – let us know what you are looking forward to in 2017! For more upcoming 2017 releases, check out the upcoming horrors of 2017, the 10 films to keep you eye on in 2017, and the riskiest films of 2017.
Until next time, stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold. See you soonish.
PS As a special treat for reading all the way to the end, here are our individual Top 10 lists:
James 1. Blade Runner 2049 – Come on. I was looking forward to this before I saw Sicario. Then Arrival was amazing. In Villeneuve we trust. 2. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – Can they capture lightning in a bottle again? 3. Paddington 2 – One of the most charming films in years gets a sequel. 4. War For the Planet Of The Apes – After two amazing films I’m pumped for another! 5. Logan –His scene in X Men: Apocolypse was the best thing in it, and the trailer looks epic. Time to say goodbye to one of the best characters we have seen 6. John Wick: Chapter 2 – Will this be a Raid 2 style upgrade or a Taken 2 style retread? I imagine a bigger budget, but will it work again? 7. Thor: Ragnorak – Man, I just love What We Do In The Shadows and Hunt For The Wilderpeople 8. Dark Tower – Years of expectation means I can’t get my hopes up too much. But still… 9. Kingsman: The Golden Circle – Manners. Maketh. Man. 10. The LEGO Batman Movie – Yes, I AM still a 7 year old, so what?
Split – M. Night Shymalan’s comeback? Alien: Covenant – Prometheus has dulled my expectations of being blown away by this, but on re-watches that is an interesting movie. Kong: Skull Island – Godzilla? Justice League/Wonder Woman Spider-Man: Homecoming Star Wars: Episode VIII: Pressure is on, will need to stand on it own (can’t rely on nostalgia like The Force Awakens) but Looper is a great movie (and those episodes of Breaking Bad), so I have faith in Rian Johnson
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2
Alien: Covenant –
John Wick 2
Blade Runner 2049
The Dark Tower
Star Wars: Episode VIII
Ghost in the Shell
Blade Runner 2049 – Best director working today, a classic in waiting
Trainspotting 2 – cant’t wait to see these characters again
Guardians of The Galaxy 2 – More of the same please…
John Wick 2 – I could watch Keanu play this character all day long
Murder on The Orient Express – I love a murder mystery, just check the cast
Logan – Old Man Logan! Or as close as we will ever get on the big screen
Soldado – just watch Sicario and you will see why this is on the list
Alien Covenant – back to its horror roots?  Can’t be as bad as Prometheus right?
Paddington 2 – First one was a delight, Whishaw’s vocal performance was spot on
Despicable Me 3 – These movies are just fun.  Trey Parker’s villain looks a hoot.
The Mummy, Live By Night, Episode VIII, The Six Million Dollar Man, Lego Batman, Sing, King Arthur, Baywatch, Pitch Perfect 3
Welshy – Mine is very comic heavy
Star Wars episode 8
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2
Spiderman Homecoming
Power Rangers
Thor 3 Ragnarok
Wonder Woman
Justice League
Blade Runner 2049
The Coldest City
Alien: Covenant – come on… seems like its going back to its roots which is great
Spider-man: Homecoming – lets hope it skips the origin story
Eyes of the Mother – artsy, moody horror flick
Bladerunner 2049 – Trailer is dripping with style
Ghost in the Shell – big fan of the original anime
John Wick Chapter 2 – more shooty shooty
Baywatch – The Rock and Zac Efron!
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Justice League – It has to succeed, right?
Dark Tower – Will this even release in 2017?
2017 is full of blockbusters, sequels and franchises, but what films are The Snooty Ushers looking forward to most? What are The Snooty Ushers looking forward to most in 2017?
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