#i didn't even like the camelot musical that much but i can't stop thinking about these dutiful romantic assholes
nancywheeeler · 1 year
arthur / guenevere is compelling because it brings that arranged marriage flavor of "do i love you out of duty or of my own free will?" guenevere / lancelot is compelling because giving into their attraction not only betrays a man they both love, but inherently taints the chivalrous and dutiful qualities they love in one another. arthur / lancelot is compelling because nothing fucks harder than "i pledge my life to you." and arthur / guenevere / lancelot is compelling because it wouldn't change the ending.
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sn0tcl0wn · 10 months
wish and the star boy we never got is proof of my long standing theory that disney (and animation as a whole) needs to bring back cute boys. they stopped featuring them as much back when frozen came out to focus more on famalial love and i respect that. however, that was the tail end of an era where animated movies were almost always guaranteed to have one super cute boy. this was the thing that brought audiences in. i swear to god until i was like 18-19 if an animated movie had a cute boy, i and all my friends were there opening night. a movie could look like pure garbage and if a boy was cute we were there. and of course there are other factors like the other character's designs and music if it's a musical, but cool designs didn't go anywhere and i, as well as many people, can overlook a bad musical if the animated dude is pretty (quest for camelot is a movie that exists). like why do you think anime really became so popular amongst preteen/teenage girls? they'll outright tell you, just go in the tags. it's the cute boys. cute boys bring in audiences.
it's not sexism, it's not heteronormativity, it's not "teaching girls all they're good for is marriage" or whatever the fuck people were complaining about ten years ago when disney made the executive decision to step away from having cute boys and by extension started a trend of studios doing that; it's the simple fact that people, especially girls, tend to like cute animated boys. and yeah people like pretty and cute animated girls too but that's kinda the whole point of disney princesses. we don't even need cute boys as love interests, in movies like treasure planet and rise of the guardians there is no romantic subplot for either of the movies' cute boys. it's just cute boys doing cool stuff with other well designed characters.
i feel the overwhelming response of disappointment when the star boy concept art was released is proof that, at the end of the day, animation fans want more cute boys. and i agree. you wanna actually sell that shit to your main demographic of kids, specifically girls, aged 10 and up? cute boys worked every damn time for decades. it only became less prevalent in the 2010s when people decided we for whatever reason didn't need the cute boys and nixed them completely in an attempt to seem progressive and not "reduce" any girl protags to love interests. which is an awful way to refer to writing a love story btw, we need to work on that because that gets said every time this happens and it's weird people can't fathom a strong, independent girl who also has a boyfriend. and yes, yes it's better if she has a girlfriend but there is still a desire to see a cute boy character on screen. the best animated movies from the 90s-2000s all had them and everyone vividly remembers a time where that drawing was their husband or literally them. it's important for some weird reason for cute animated boys to exist and the star boy proves that these movies would do way better with cute boys.
and the "boy" in question doesn't even need to be human or whatever. you think zootopia sold because the trailers actually looked good? what about sing? god no. no matter how much i like those movies, the trailers made them look like trash, but the power of cute boys prevailed even when the "boys" are a fox and a gorilla.
ik this rant is long and it seems pointless but i feel like i cracked the code for why so many animated movies have been sucking harder than ever and it's because for almost two generations we had cute boys to soften the blow of a bad animated movie and now we have more evidence that they're actively making decisions to cause that. i said this about five years ago when i realized the majority of cute animated boys were furries or anime boys and now i see this star boy shit. and i'd been saying how ugly i think the star is for months beforehand too when merch started popping up.
i just feel like they could have avoided fucking themselves so hard if they just let the cute boy exist. i genuinely feel people would at least be more likely to see the movie but most people didn't even bother and the people who did say don't bother. but if a cute boy was there and they used his song as the trailer? we'd wanna know what this little magic man was about. we'd wanna see how things panned out between him and hero girl. and if it ended up being bad we'd all say "yeah but the designs were good" or some shit and disney would get that sweet, sweet centennial money. but that's not what happened because some moron somewhere decided girls don't want to see cute boys in their princess movies and a chain reaction started that won't stop until disney undoes it and gives us a goddamn cute boy. and that's not even a joke. that's my honest to god theory for how to save mainstream animated movies. we saw a glimpse of this with spider-verse. like those movies ate but a big draw for both of them was the fact that there was a cute boy for everyone to crush or project on. we need cute animated boys now more than ever.
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imkylotrash · 3 years
What A Time
Pairing: Sir Leon x reader
Request (shortened version): The reader is a princess that has been taken prisoner when Morgana took over in an attempt to use her as leverage against Uther. But she can't help think back on her life with Leon and neither can he.
A/N I don't think I've seen this far in the show so if I get anything wrong, please just pretend like I didn't 😂
Tagging: @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody @shadowhuntyi @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 Let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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Sometimes life takes a funny direction compared to the path you always saw yourself on. You were a princess, a twin to the future King of Camelot, and you were a good sorcerer. In fact, you were a great sorcerer under the training of Gaius, and when Merlin showed up, it only made you better. But magic was forbidden in Camelot, and you knew it. It was only a matter of time before Uther would figure it out...
"Gaius, do something!" You're looking down at your brother, who is losing far too much blood far too quickly. A hunting accident that may just take the one person you love more than anything.
"There are limits to what can be done naturally," Gaius scolds, throwing several herbs into a pot to mush, but you know it's not going to be enough. If Arthur's going to make it through the night, he needs magic - and a lot of it.
"Then let me do something," you plead because you can't lose him. Not already. Neither of you has lived properly yet. You hold Arthur's hand to make sure he knows you're right there.
"Uther will be here any minute," Merlin informs as he enters with a bunch of towels and hot water.
"Then we have to be quick," you sternly say as you lock eyes with Gaius. He's not dumb enough to stop you, so he steps back to let you work. But Merlin's right. Uther does arrive within minutes to find his son dying on the table and his daughter trying to save his life using the one thing that scares him more than anything.
"What is going on?" he demands to know. And you know you should be worried, scared, possibly even dead already, but you'll deal with that later. Once you know Arthur is safe, you'll turn around and face your judgment. Except it never comes. Instead, your father shocks you by pulling you in for a tight hug.
"Thank you." He's looking at you well-knowing that he'd never be able to kill you. So he helps keep the secret, and you continue training.
You're even more powerful than Merlin, which feels slightly ironic considering your current predicament. Trapped in the castle's dungeon awaiting whatever Morgana decides to do with you. Every spell has been tried to break the confinement created by Morgana's own magic, but you have yet to be successful and breaking free. Camelot has been lost, and you can't do anything about it. All you can hope is that your family made it out alive.
He's watching you. Of course, they're all watching you because you're sitting next to the King of Camelot at the high table, but it feels different when he looks at you. He's not looking at you because you're King's daughter or the sister of Arthur. He's looking because he wants to. Because he can't tear his gaze away, and you love it. You almost revel it in, but you can't be too obvious.
"Your Royal Highness," he says and lifts your hand to place a gentle kiss. The action alone is enough to make you blush.
"You know, we're married now. You can call me by name." An arranged marriage and you just so happened to fall wholly and utterly in love with the man.
"I know. But your father is watching, and I'd like to stay in his good graces," Leon whispers with a smile, and you want to drag him to the bedroom right then and there. But you must wait for the formalities to finish. Waiting with Leon by your side makes it a lot better though.
"Father, we're going to retire for the night." You kiss him on both cheeks before leaving hand in hand with Leon. Both of you are itching for the privacy needed to act very inappropriately, so you rush down the hallways until you reach your chambers.
"So, husband, are you ready for married life?"
"With you? Always." He drags you inside and closes the door. Gentle fingers untie the laces of your corset, and one layer at a time, you feel the heat in your belly spread.
"I've thought about this all night," he admits placing a kiss on your bare shoulder. It sends a shiver through your body that you don't even bother to hide. You want him to know what kind of effect he has on you.
"Kiss me properly."
The sound of heels on the ground diverts your attention to the hallway.
"Enjoying your stay?" Seeing her stand in front of you awakes a rage inside of you that you struggle to contain.
"This could all have been avoided if your father had shown me the same compassion for me that he showed for you." You keep quiet. Your father had loved Morgana with all his heart could offer. Whether he had accepted her magic or not, Morgana would have taken the same path. Of this, you felt completely sure even now.
"Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to love you enough to come back to Camelot and face his actions. None of them do. Not even your little lover Le—"
"Don't say his name!" you sneer walking over to the bars so you can look at her properly.
"One day I'm going to kill you. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after that. But someday I will kill you." Images of your past life flash before your eyes; Arthur returning home after a quest, Leon and you dancing in your chambers with no music, Merlin occupying your Arthur so you can steal moments with Leon. One day you'll return to them, and you're going to make sure that Morgana never threatens you again.
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namelessayakashi · 3 years
Merlin/Arthur Fic Rec List
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This is going to be a long post, so the recs start blow the cut!
I wanted to make a fic rec list!! So, here I am. Should be doing my uni homework that's due tonight but I am a terrible procrastinator.
I will probably make another one later on when I have more time that is more organized, but this one is in no particular order.
Last Updated 23 Sept. 2021
Also, quickly, a big thank you to @kickassfu for the making gif above for this post, ilysm Maf!!
Onto the fics!
Unsaid Love by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Return Fic; Angst with a Happy Ending
Wordcount: 4,022
Quick Summary: Songfic for the song Unsaid Emily from Julie & the Phantoms. Follows Merlin through the years as every century on Arthur's birthday more and more of a song is revealed to him when he goes to sleep. [Regency setting fic]
-- I am still not over this fic of @aeonthedimensionalgirl's, this fic is literally incredible. It is so good. I recommend reading it with Unsaid Emily playing on repeat in the background.
The Wisdom Of The Ages by tehfanglyfish
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Fluff; Getting Together
Wordcount: 4,200
Quick Summary: "Saving Arthur while disguised as Dragoon the Great was all well and good until the king decided the old sorcerer deserved a reward. On the run from Arthur, Merlin finds sanctuary in an elderly women's social club. What was supposed to be a one-time visit becomes a regular part of Merlin's week, as he returns each Friday to discuss recipes, commiserate about aches and pains, and lament the state of his love life." - Summary directly from AO3
-- Such a good fic, honestly, like. Merlin befriends Camelot's elderly ladies. Need I say more? It's great.
Forgetful Days by OnceFutureEmrys
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Fluff; Modern AU
Wordcount: 620
Quick Summary: "Arthur is very forgetful. Luckily, Merlin is there to help." - Summary directly from AO3
-- Seriously, @oncefutureemrys this fic is so cute and it's just great, def recommend it
Home in Your Arms by OnceFutureEmrys
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Pining; Fluff; Modern AU
Wordcount: 1,574
Quick Summary: "Arthur is missing Merlin when when he hears someone knocking on the door..." - Summary directly from AO3
-- Yes, another one from OFE, because I love her and her fics. This fic is so sweet, it is a modern University AU!
Ink On A Page by Hisa_Ai
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Pining; Fluff
Wordcount: 2,170
Quick Summary: Merlin writes his feelings on parchment, because if they are on paper, they are just words on a page, and not really his and didn't hold any meaning. One day Arthur notices him writing on one of these pieces of parchment.
-- Literally so beautiful. I loved this fic so much, and I recommend it so much. It is a canon era confessions fic, and it's just so good.
Fool Me Once by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Type: Humor; Magic Revealed; Dark Humor
Wordcount: 18, 728
Quick Summary: "Uther finds out about Merlin’s magic, but can’t seem to kill him. Merlin is just trying to protect Arthur. They become a begrudgingly effective duo. Arthur doesn't understand why they think he isn't noticing this." - Summary directly from AO3
-- I mean, can I just recommend this entire series? Seriously, the series this fic is in is just--excellent. I love this fic. It has Immortal Merlin and Uther Knowing about his magic. Seriously, though, just this series is amazing ahah Exceptionally Exceptional, Calling the Middleman, Returning the Favor, In Which Arthur Lets a Sorcerer Live and Regrets It, just to name a few, are incredible and I definitely recommend reading them.
for my beating heart is far too small for the entirety of my love for you by kickassfu
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Fluff; Established Relationship
Wordcount: 1,566
Quick Summary: Arthur is trying to learn a little magic to surprise Merlin at his coronation after their wedding.
-- So, I actually gave @kickassfu the prompt for this one. And oh my gods. How they did it? So soft, sweet. It is so good, and I 100% recommend you check it out!
That’s my Man by AeonTheDimensionalGirl
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Magic Revealed; Arranged Marriage; Angst with a Happy Ending
Wordcount: 2,287
Quick Summary: "By ancient, prophesied law, Arthur Pendragon must wed Emrys.
Problem is no one knows who they are." - Summary directly from AO3
-- I told you Aeon would be on here again! Love this fic so much. Love magic reveals, love arranged marriages. Seriously, this is great.
the house is flooded (as is his heart) by powered_by_notes
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Domestic Fluff; Return Fic
Wordcount: 2,281
Quick Summary: Arthur leaves to do some work in town, and Merlin runs into a bit of trouble with the cottage and their chickens while he's gone.
-- They have chickens. Enough said. No but really, this is so good, they live in a cottage and they have chickens and I definitely recommend this fic.
Emrys the Really, Truly Terrible by lindenwaverly
Rating: Teens & Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Magic Reveal, Emrys Reveal
Wordcount: 15,241
Quick Summary: Arthur has repealed the ban on magic, but Merlin still hasn't come clean about his identity. The issue comes in where, Arthur wants Emrys to be his Court Sorcerer
-- literally. cackled. this is so great, i loved this one. i read it in the morning and do not regret it one bit. some of the dialogue just killed me. it's a great fic, and you should definitely read it.
Arthur Pendragon's Business Judgment Rule by oddishly
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Woke Up Married
Wordcount: 27,459
Quick Summary: "Arthur and Merlin wake up married. Camelot is in the middle of treaty negotiations with a visiting king. It's okay, Arthur has a plan." - Summary directly from AO3
Lord Drake's Bequest by Pennyplainknits
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Type: Modern Era, Fake Relationship
Wordcount: 9,966
Quick Summary: " "To my great-nephew Arthur I bequeath Tintagel Distribution, wholly and without reserve, save for one condition. You must marry, and stay married, for a period of no less than six months. You're a wonderful businessman Arthur, but a full life needs love and companionship, not just a string of affairs. Settle down young Arthur, and your life will be the richer for it." " - Summary directly from AO3
of all things magic, a cerulean haze by powered_by_notes
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warning: None Apply
Type: Magic Reveal
Wc: 7,092
Summary: "When Arthur goes missing, Merlin goes off on his own searching for him. He knows to look for things that the others simply do not and has things at his disposal that the others, again, simply do not.
. . .Magical things, of course.
In all his power, worry, anger, and relentless searching, he has no idea the missing king is being shown all the things that Merlin is doing with that power.
. . .Magical things, of course." - Summary directly from AO3
-- Loved this sm. Gods, I was supposed to read this ages ago, but only FINALLY just found the time to last night and it was so great. Arthur is kidnapped while out doing smth for Merlin and it's just really good.
On the Run by Sorceressofdragons
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: None Apply
Type: Modern AU
Wordcount: 18,155
Summary: After an unsuccessful attempt on their lives, new neighbours Arthur and Merlin decide to take off into the woods. Their destination is Morgana’s country estate, but these two city boys don’t know anything about survival—so if the foxes don’t get them, the lack of Monster Munch might. Featuring sex mishaps, weird food, walking in circles, and some obligatory cuddling. Oh, and Merlin is hung. - Summary directly from AO3
-- fucking KILLED me. This was just -- it was great. Literally, from the start I SWORE i knew the who and why only to discover I was totally off with the *why* and it was fantastic.
Hear Your Heart Sing (Love, Love, Love) by schweet_heart
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: None Apply
Type: Soulmate Au, Modern Au
Wordcount: 15,834
Summary: Merlin used to like the idea of finding The One – until he fell in love with Arthur Pendragon. Now he has a boss he can't date (but can't stop thinking about), a soulmate he can't find (who has terrible taste in music), and a best friend who can't believe he still hasn't got his act together (even though it's seriously not his fault).Sometimes, life is unfairly complicated, even without your soulmate singing painfully catchy tunes in the back of your head. - Summary directly from AO3
-- This one was just great. The soulmates, the songs, the misunderstandings--it was great. I loved this one.
Note to Idiot by tinylilremus
Rating: Teen & Up
Archive Warnings: None Apply
Type: Harry Potter AU, Modern AU
Wordcount: 9,762
Summary: Arthur and Merlin are members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad who work different shifts and share the same office. Arthur, who works the day shift, can't stand the rain. Merlin, who works the night shift, can't concentrate without it.
When they both get tired of changing the weather in the magical window in their underground office, is there a more British way to settle their differences than with a few passive-aggressive memos? - Summary directly from AO3
-- HP AU! A Ministry AU at that! I literally. I loved this so much. Merlin & Arthur are both in the AMRS, different shifts, and it's just hnsdsjdkh it's so good. Really, it's great. And we get to see them on the job a bit!!! Which is fun. This one is def a great one to read, esp if you like HP AUs
as stated previously, this list is being frequently updated with more fics!!!
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huniths-muse · 4 years
WIP word - see
Thank you, sweetie! A warning - this WIP is just about 50k and merthur mpreg, so you've been warned. Some spoilers may like ahead.
It's in there a bunch, let's "see":
Merlin turned away before Arthur could see just how much that had hurt him.
He did and didn't want to see Arthur again before he left.
Merlin turned away so Gwaine wouldn't see the tears that were threatening to fall, but he nodded in acknowledgement of his words.
Merlin almost didn't want to look into them now, not for fear that they would show him something he didn't want to see, but that they would show him nothing at all.
Around the corner came the very last person Merlin wanted to see: Morgana.
He searched the crystals, frantic to find Arthur, to see that he was all right, that he was still safe.
"Will I see you again?"
"You see me when you need me, Merlin."
"I'll always be with you, my son, even if you don't see me in this world."
"Help me with my armor, and then go see what Gaius needs, please."
"Want to sssee you, want to feel you."
He was diverted from thoughts of Merlin when he entered the Council chambers later that day to see Mithian standing by the Round Table.
"I'm surprised to see you here, Princess."
"I'll have George see to me today."
"I'm headed to see Gaius now."
Arthur was pleased to see him when he woke him sometime later.
Well, he hoped he would be there to see it.
Merlin stopped dead in his tracks, his hand going to his middle, waiting to see if it happened again.
To anyone who looked at him, they would see the same skinny Merlin he was known to be.
"While we may not be able to see or feel much of a difference from the outside, we may be able to hear it."
As Merlin entered the fourth month of his pregnancy, he took to examining himself in Arthur's mirror before he woke him each day, trying to see himself from an outsider's perspective.
"I want to see the difference."
"We should wait and see."
"That is what all these great kings and queens see in you. They see a leader worthy to take on the responsibilities of an empire. They see the man behind the king. They see someone they know they can trust. They see the real you." (A 5-fer in that one bit of dialogue!)
He looked up to see Arthur looking at him, concerned.
"I'm upset that I can't stay in Camelot to see it through to the end, but you know the law."
"I needed to see you, Mother," Merlin began.
"Fine, we won't talk about it, but I really think you need to take a closer look at why you're here now, and see if maybe there's more reasons you felt like you had to leave Camelot than just the ones you've told your mother and me."
He would carry on, for Merlin, even if Merlin wasn't here to see it.
Huniths could see how hard it was on Merlin to think about after, so she tried to focus on the here and now and the soon to come in their conversations.
"See if it helps?"
"I need to see how much you've opened."
"I can see the child when you push."
"You want to see him again."
At least then Merlin would be able to see the child regularly, watch, even if only from a distance, as it grew up.
Merlin turned his head away, not even wanting to see the child lest he become attached.
"If I see him, if I hold him, I'll want him."
He missed his friend and he worried about him, and he needed to see him and make sure he was all right.
"I think she was going to see if she could find a wetnurse for him."
There will be a part 2. I have to go to a socially distanced music rehearsal.
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wontokkiluv97 · 6 years
Club Love
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A few little notes:
I'm real nervous about posting this but hi! This will be multi chaptered & I promise Wonho appears in the next chapter! It's very loosely based on my own experiences hah!
The only warning for now is for profanity I guess, that may change in the future...
This will be cross posted on Ao3 as well
That's it I guess! Hope you enjoy ~♡
"I really don't wanna go to a club this is not my type of thing..." You said with an edge of exasperation seeping through the phone, as you lay in your bed refusing to get up.
"Oh come on (Y/N), we're in freaking Japan you can't just hole yourself up in your room all the time." Your friend Amber replied with a whine in her tone. "You gotta let loose and have some fun sometimes, pull that stick out of your ass for god sake."
"I don't have a stick up my ass, fuck you Amber. I just don't see the appeal of being in a crowded room with the music blasting and being pushed around by a bunch sweaty people. Also, some of us haven't taken 3 semesters of Japanese, it's not like I can even flirt with anyone." You answered a bit sulkily. You were studying abroad in Japan for the semester, and even though you tried to teach yourself as much Japanese as possible before coming, the University you attended until now didn't offer Japanese courses like Amber's did, so you never got a formal Japanese education.
"Flirting has no language just come on it'll be fun!" She begged.
"Alright fine," you answered with a defeated tone, "But I'm gonna have to be drunk for this or it's not gonna happen."
"Of course! Hurry up and get ready, we'll take the train to Shibuya and stop at a Sev and pregame with some Strong Zeros. Meet me downstairs at 11." She blurted excitedly.
"What the hell am I even suppo-" you started before you heard a click indicating that Amber had hung up the phone. You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at the time, 22:37, before groaning and rolling over onto your stomach and burying your face into the pillow and sighing loudly.
After a minute or 2 you pulled yourself out of bed and walked over to the dresser and began looking for something to wear. You scrutinized your closet for a few more minutes before purposely ignoring your more risqué outfits and settling on a thin cropped black sweater with shoulder cut outs and simple but tight, high-waisted white washed blue jeans. You quickly threw on the outfit then walked over to your bed and sat on the floor, eyeing the few pairs of shoes you brought before deciding against the heels and putting on a simple pair of black flats. You then walked over to the mirror and looked at yourself, debating whether or not it was worth it to put makeup on, before simply applying eyeliner and mascara and being done with it. As you were grabbing your bag and throwing your wallet in it, being sure that your resident's card was in it in case the police decided to stop you since your University threatened they would, Amber was sending text after text telling you to hurry out. You responded quickly telling her to "calm her tits" you grabbed your badge to get back in the dorm and your passmo for the subway and left your room.
You, Amber, and another mutual friend Jules, were precariously sitting on a guard rail on the side of the road right next to Seven Eleven, each of you nursing your third strong zero and most certainly feeling a rather strong buzz at this point, arguing about the alcohol content of the regular cans versus the larger cans.
"Dude, that doesn't even make sense." You argued squinting at Amber and pointing a finger in her direction.
"How does it not make sense?" She questioned right back, "If I'm drinking a tall strong zero, it's like drinking 2 regular strong zeros and therefore has an 18% alcohol content."
"Are you stupid?" Jules jabbed at Amber. "Both the regular and tall strong zeros are labeled as 9% alcohol, which means drinking 2 small ones will get you more drunk than one tall one."
"That still sounds wrong to me..." you replied hesitantly, because for some reason Jules' argument was swaying you when you knew if you hadn't been drinking at all, you wouldn't have given it a second thought. "Either way I think the fact that we are having this conversation proves that we are well on our way to being drunk so we should chug the last of these and head to the club." You said before doing just that with the last of yours and cringing at the aftertaste. You really weren't a fan of grapefruit but it was the only flavor they had left at the Seven Eleven.
"Oh, someone's impatient considering I had to drag your ass here in the first place." Amber commented with a smirk before her and Jules finished their drinks as well.
"Don't let the alcohol get to your head. You couldn't drag me anywhere if you tried."
"Sure babe whatever helps you sleep at night." Jules replied with snark.
"You know, I'm feeling really attacked right now, maybe I should just go home." You replied sarcastically.
"And waste a perfectly good buzz? Nah, lets go." Amber answered as she got off the guard rail and you and Jules followed behind her, since she knew where the club was.
"TADA!" Amber screeched. "Welcome to Camelot, AKA the best club in Shibuya!"
"How do you know it's the best club in Shibuya?" You asked sarcastically. "Have you been to every club here?"
"I know you're trying to be funny but I honestly probably have, you know I go clubbing on weekdays too."
"Yeah I know, because you always miss class the next day and ask me for notes. Honestly they can fail your ass for breaking the attendance policy."
"I'd like to see them try."
"Can y'all shut up so we can go inside?" Jules asked heading into the club and you and Amber continued to bicker as you followed behind her.
You all walked down the stairs to the front desk gave the attendent your residence cards to inspect and paid the 1500 yen entrance fee for the club. She gave all three of you 2 free drink tokens and permitted you to enter the club. The club had several small circular tables spread throughout where there were various people smoking and drinking. Straight ahead was the bar in which there was a small line of people waiting their turn to order drinks. Further to your right you analyzed the dance floor where there was a small crowd of people dancing and jumping up and down. There was a fog machine periodically adding more fog to the atmosphere and red green and blue flashing lights. At the very front of the dance floor there was a stage with a DJ hyping up the crowd. There were three platforms on the dance floor that only girls were permitted to dance on. No one explicity told you that, but you assumed that was the case when you saw security guards pull guys down from the platform if they attempted to get on them. The music was so loud you couldn't hear Amber trying to get your attention so she smacked your arm instead.
"Ow you bitch, what do you want?!" You asked loudly, trying to raise your voice over the music.
"Do you have 100 yen?" Amber questioned.
"Yeah, for what?"
"There are some lockers over there we can put our stuff in, it cost 300 yen for the night. I figure we could all just share one for 100 yen each."
"Sounds good to me! C'mon let's go." Jules shouted.
The three of you walked to the locker room, taking some money out of your bags before stuffing them in the locker and taking the key. Your friends left the key in your care since even though you were all a little drunk already, you were known to be the more responsible one. You all left the locker room and walked to the bar and used your first drink tokens. Amber and Jules got tequila sunrises while you just got whiskey on the rocks. Not the tastiest but hey, if you're gonna make it through this night you're gonna need to be much more drunk and it needs to be right now.
"Hey Y/N!" Jules shouted both her and Amber already finished with their drinks. "C'mon let's go dance on the podiums!"
"I'll meet you guys there! Lemme just finish my drink." You yelled back and the others nodded in agreement before running over to the podiums and jumping up on them, dancing like maniacs immediately. You sighed as you downed the rest of your whiskey, and shook off that familiar burn. You mumbled to yourself as you walked over to join them.
"God it's gonna be a long night..."
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