#i didn't have a proper breakfast this morning and went back to bed and sobbed for a good majority of the day
esther-ti-designs · 6 years
ah, yes, it’s that time again.  the end of another term and i’m having another breakdown
#seems like i break down in the middle or near the end of every term at school#summer session is ending soon and fall quarter is starting in 2.5 weeks and my life is falling apart (when is it not falling apart really)#i'm so overwhelmed by so many things#i've fallen behind on my nutrition online coursework#i need to look for an apartment in davis#but my mom insists that we wait until we get there and then look at the apts and ask for a 3-month lease#which i'm pretty sure no manager will write up#so i guess i'll have no housing once i arrive in town#because obviously the whole process from finding an apartment to moving into one takes more than a day#and i haven't packed my stuff yet but at least i have a packing list#and my bike is probably gonna need some repairs and replacement parts#and i'm trying to find a decent affordable bike for a back-up#my sleep schedule is so messed up right now#i've been going to bed at 2am for the past week or so#and then i have to get up at 8am to take my meds and i get back in bed w/out breakfast and sleep in til lunchtime#except i didn't get any sleep at all last night because my stupid brain couldn't shut up#i didn't have a proper breakfast this morning and went back to bed and sobbed for a good majority of the day#and then i skipped lunch#today was one of those days when i skip 2 of 3 meals which is not fun at all#tbh i haven't been to therapy since june but my parents think i'm fine without therapy and don't need a therapist#seems like going back to ucd even though i'm not an admitted student is the only way to get away from my folks#and get the mental/emotional support that i need#and better myself without all the lecturing and the criticism from my parents#wow this is a really long ramble here in the tags#wow look esther actually talks
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ageofevermore · 4 years
Adore You
summary → in which Harry goes away for a few weeks and upon his highly anticipated arrival home your daughter doesn’t recognize him. 
word count → 1.7k
note → this was meant to be set when Harry’s in Italy, but I screwed up so he went to Miami instead. 
add yourself to my taglist 
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Harry had been away for weeks, leaving you home alone with Goldie and a recently adopted goldfish named Finn. The coast of Miami was beautiful from your little corner of the world back in London but from speaking with Harry so frequently, his experience had been filled with bad luck and pissed teenagers. He had been productive in developing new business relations, but he missed you both immensely.
Goldie wasn't handling the separation well either. She had spoken to Harry on the phone nightly, but even then she was inconsolable between every nap and clung to your torso desperately. Your little daddy's girl was in desperate need of a proper cuddle, yet the man for the job was oceans away.
His flight was set to come in Monday, narrowly avoiding a wicked storm as it passed directly over London. Goldie had been reassured for weeks upon weeks that Daddy was coming home soon, but every night she pitched the same prompt that he was lost at the shops.
Her sweet worry had come from memory of a trip down to the shops a few months back with you and Gemma. She had dropped her favorite stuffed animal out of the trolley and had gone hours without saying anything, only when you got to the car did you notice the missing stuffed elephant.
You promised her night after night that Daddy wasn't lost at the shops, but every morning her little green eyes filled with tears upon his prolonged arrival home. When Monday came it would have the same reaction as Christmas, only making the wait even harder to bare.
The sun was setting overtop of London, signaling another bedtime prep filled with sniffled and mindless babbles. At almost two Goldie wasn't all the interested in talking. She could formulate coherent words and short sentences, but you and Harry knew her expressions well enough to cater without verbal assistance. Some would consider her spoiled, and you couldn't completely disagree.
Bath time had become an acoustic concert, Fine Line playing softly as yours daughters preferred lullaby. Her little green eyes were barely open as she soaked in the overpriced bath bubbles, your hand never straying far from her back in fear of her tipping over from exhaustion. When you had drained the bath water and covered her little body in Harry's sworn by lavender baby magic lotion, she was asleep against your chest in minutes. The night was stripped of routine whining and crying, and that almost made it worse.
She just couldn't understand that daddy was coming back. Three weeks was the longest she had ever gone without him, not that she would remember his absence having been a newborn, but this four week excursion was weighing on her patience.
You went to bed that night with a heavy heart, ready to have your husband home and warming the bed beside you.
Monday had finally come.
You had woken up that morning to Goldie. It had been months since your daughter woke up crying, startling you into consciousness. Your first instinct was to grab the baby monitor, but that had been forgotten downstairs after a fight to the wash room last night. Rushing to your toddlers aid, your baby was laying on her stomach, reaching for the two pacifiers she had dropped over the edge of her crib.
"Monkey." You cooed, catching her attention. Your palms were up towards the ceiling, ready to pick her up and hold her close. At this point you were just as desperate for Harry as she was, and cuddling with his mini-me seemed like the best coping mechanism. "I miss Daddy too." You promised her, allowing yourself to tear up briefly.
"Dada?" She pleaded, clammy hands pushed against your cheeks and squishing your lips together into a fish pout. Any other day she would have laughed at your tight featured, but her little eyes were filled with too much sadness to find humor. "'ome?"
"Yeah. Daddy's coming home." You promised, nuzzling your nose against the soft blush covering her cheeks. She didn't seem to believe your promise, not that she had in the four weeks since he left, but she laid her head down on your shoulder and let her lashes flutter anyways.
Your morning carried on as it normally did, however it was hard to push aside your desire for Harry. Breakfast had taken thirty minutes, whereas it typically took close to an hour. Goldie was fussy, you were running low on diapers, and the laundry had still yet to be done. Tasks were piling up as weeks went by without your best mate helping you along.
You had set Goldie up with some cartoons in the play space downstairs, finally getting to the cutlery keeping home in your dishwasher. It couldn't have been six minutes since you stepped away, but already had your curious toddler gotten into something. The sound of plastic hitting the wooden flooring an obvious give away to her clumsy discovery.
"Bubba." You cooed, bending down to your toddlers level when her eyes filled with tears. She had just dropped a cup of water all over herself after whining that she didn't need a lid. You couldn't find the strength to be cross with her trembling face, so you forgot about the puddle on the floor, instead cuddling the confused and frustrated mini-Styles to your chest. "A few more hours, Gold."
After you had fixed her up with Harry's new merchandise and requested princess slippers, she clung to you miserably. Her nose continued to rub against your collarbone while curious fingers shoved into your shirt and held tightly to your bra. She had been doing the same thing for months, finding comfort in being so close to you.
You had sorted through a load of laundry with her in your lap, curiously poking at the warm clothes as they came from the dryer. She had tried to help for a few minutes before tugging at your shirt, little eyes begging to nurse.
You had only just pulled your shirt back down and over your bra when the front door opened. Just over two months ago Harry had gotten the rusted hinges fixed, therefore giving him the capability of sneaking up on the two of you.
A grin broke out across your face, wanting nothing more then to rush into the arms of your husband, but having to be mindful of the fussy baby on your hip. You set Goldie down, thankful that she didn't wiggle her way back into your embrace, and turned her body towards Harry. He was dressed in your favorite grey sweatpants from Nike, and a black shirt, his worn adidas shoes loosely tied around his feet.
"Whose that, baby girl?" You cooed, brushing your fingers through her golden locks of hair. She giggled, ready to run when suddenly her face crumbled and she fell backwards into your embrace. Your brows crinkled, looking up to share a worried frown with Harry.
Goldie had never had that reaction towards her Daddy.
"Monkey," You cooed, "What's a'matter?" You picked her up, holding her tightly against your chest with panicked thoughts.
Walking her closer to Harry despite the increasing volume of her terrified sobs, your husbands heart looked like it had shattered into a million pieces. His hands, usually adorned with a multitude of rings were bare, and clammy as he wiping down the sides of his sweats. You passed the toddler off to him, wincing when she desperately grabbed a handful of your hair.
"No Mama." She cried, reaching out for you. You had seen her get worked up with strangers before, but that was always during tour when somebody would grab her from Harry after sound check. "No."
"Calm down, Petal." Harry tried to soothe the toddler, a hand pushing her face into his neck the way he knows she loves, "Just me, s'just Daddy."
You scanned Harry sadly, watching him try his hardest to calm the waterworks. Your eyes fell from his, down to the sculptured patch of light hair above his lip. Your heart hammered when you realized why your daughter was so distraught, and you giggled. She didn't recognize him, used to his bare face or occasional stubble. Stepping closer to the struggling pair, you gently grabbed one of Goldie's flailing limbs.
"Look. Hey, hey we don't hit, Indie." You reprimanded softly, bringing her little hand up to softly caress Harry's mustache, "It's just Daddy. I know, he's got that silly thing on his face, but it's just Daddy."
Harry knew you weren't fond of his mustache, you had made that very clear the minute you saw the first picture. What he hadn't prepared for though, was the possibility that his little love wouldn't recognize him. She was quite skittish, much like he was as a child, but he figured with your anxiety, he gave his little Goldie quite the fright.
"Be right back, love." Harry handed you the clingy toddler, rushing off towards your en-suite with a simple kiss to the forehead. Your eyes followed as he went, but you stayed with Goldie by the door. You figured familiarity was best right now, having never been in this position.
It was a few minutes later that Harry came back down, freshly shaven and barefoot. Goldie had calmed down since he left, but her usually bright eyes were puffy and red.
"Look at Daddy." You cooed gently, coaxing her into turning her head and looking towards the man that loved her more then anything in the world. You knew that if push came to shove Harry's first priority would be Goldie, and seeing him so distraught earlier only highlighted his complete adoration for her.
The blonde toddler in your arms squealed, whining and reaching out for Harry to hold her. You grinned widely at your husband, happy to see them both so relieved and ecstatic. Once he was close enough for Goldie to reach, she thrust herself into his arms. Her head down his chest and her hands went to wrap around his ringlets, sighing contently into his hold. Her little green eyes red, but filled with such love and admiration.
"Dada." She babbled, leaning closer to place a wet, open mouthed kiss on his collarbone. She had done the same thing nightly, and Harry hated how much he missed his slobbery kisses while in Miami.
"Yeah, Daddy's home, baby love."
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All Might X Reader
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- You and All Might are a new couple and after a year of dating, you guys decided to move in together! All Might is worried because for some reason your not sleeping!
Pairing: All Might X Reader
Word Count: 3K
Genre: Fluff and comfort! 
Warnings: Minor cussing
Author Note: This is part of bnha collab i’m doing from the server Bnha Sanctuary! that @myherowritings​ created! It was @therainroguefanfiction​ idea to do the collab! This is my first completed fic? (one-shot) i’ve ever done! so lmk what you guys think and thank you so much for letting me be a part of this collab!!! 
The Collab!!
Also thanks for @ambershaydeoffical​ for helping me edit the first half!! ILYSM THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME <3 and grammarly too <3
Y/N and All Might were in their new house together, they had finally unfinished unloading all the boxes from the moving in truck. Y/N leaned on the counter of the living room, drinking a glass of water when suddenly All Might had received an urgent call from Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. All Might went through a spectrum of emotions, from anger to guilt to anxiousness. His face paled, and his body shook a bit; finally, he turned to look at Y/N. He spoke in an apologetic tone, "Do you think you can hold off the dinner plans for tonight? I need to head to the police station, one of my students is… in a sticky situation right now..." He flashed her one of his brilliant smiles, "No need to worry though, it's nothing that I can't handle!"
Y/N set her cup down, only for it to crack. She stared at it and had a bad feeling. She chose to ignore it and proceeded to walk towards her lover. She gracefully cupped his cheek in one hand and leaned to peck his lips. "All that matters to me is that you come home safe. I'll be here," she whispered.
All Might’s gaze never faltered, and leaned in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around his lover’s waist “I’ll be back soon” and out he went to save the day.
                Hours passed, and Y/N has not heard anything from Toshi. The homemade cooked dinner Y/N had left for her dear boyfriend was cold, sitting on the kitchen table untouched.
Y/N woke up in a cold sweat, her body shaking as she looked to her side and noticed that her man still was not back home. She looked at the time, and it was past midnight. She unlocked her phone with shaky hands, and the first thing she noticed was the news of All Might fighting All for One. Her breath hitched, and she started to watch the live news feed.
               “DESTRUCTION! THEFT! EXPLOITATION! MANIPULATION! THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, JUST TRYING TO LIVE DAY TODAY! YOU LAUGH AT THEM, SCORN THEIR HARDSHIP, THOSE ARE THINGS THAT I CANNOT..." All Might move to punch All for one “FORGIVE!” he went and socked All for One while pinning down the villain with his left hand. Steam started to rise from his body 'my time limit…' All might thought.  
Y/N gasped in horror as she saw the steam emitting from his body, knowing that he was severely injured, saw the blood, and sweat on her lover. She saw that he was half deflated. She recognized that pained look on his face. She did not know what they were saying but knowing her boyfriend and the situation wasn't anything pleasant.
                All Might is pushed back, and he flies up in the air, heading towards the helicopters, but Grain Torino swoops in, grabbing All Might like he was a child, and placed him on the ground. A bit of shifting occurred, and the talking resumed. All for One went and punched All Might, and All Might was left in a weakened state. He was his usual scrawny self, but with many wounds, his arms battered, and his clothes barely holding themselves together. It seemed all the life of the symbol of peace was gone, it was a devasting sight for the world to see. All Might was no longer smiling.
Y/N was clutching at her phone tightly. Her heart was beating erratically, and she already knew how Toshinori looked at his standard form. After all, that's how she met him for the first time, not knowing it was All Might. Tears were streaming down her face.
"You promised me that you'll be back home soon," she choked out. No one was in the room with her as she continued to spoke "Our life is barely just starting…our life…our future…please honey…come back home alive” she was desperate.
She didn't know what else was going to happen, and here she was watching the love of her life be torn into pieces, on live television. She was at home, being utterly useless in a situation she cannot help. Y/n broke out into a cold sweat, her breathing became hysterical, as many intrusive thoughts swarm her brain, her vision blurred, and chills ran up her body. Her left hand clutched at her chest as she was in pain.
‘Toshi…Toshi…’ his name kept repeating in her head. ‘You need to calm down and breathe. Just breathe.’ She thought. She couldn’t speak as she tried to calm herself down, ‘have faith in him, he is the number 1 hero, and he can do it. He will survive,' she advises herself.  
All Might bulk up his right arm and spoke to All for One “YOU’RE RIGHT, THERE’S SO MUCH WE HEROES HAVE TO PROTECT! AND THAT’S WHY WE DON’T LOSE!” all the surrounding heroes joined All Might, helping him in the background, giving him back up, and moving all the nearby civilians out of the way. There was an explosion and a cry “UNITED STATES… SMASH!” and another impact was heard. The land shook, and the smoke cleared out, revealing a broken bleeding All Might, with his right fist up in the air. He then faced the camera, pointing it and uttering out the words "You're Next."  
Y/N immediately threw her phone onto the bed. She shoved the covers off her, ran into her closet, grabbed a random coat, and slipped onto her slippers. She grabbed her purse, phone, and keys, and rushed out the door. Dialing detective Naomasa, to find out which hospital her beloved would be staying in.
At the hospital, Y/N wasn’t allowed to see Toshinori immediately. She walked briskly in the waiting area, and a few of the nurses not believing that she was All Might’s girlfriend, thinking she was just another crazed fan. It wasn’t till detective Naomasa had told the nurses she was, indeed, the lover of All Might, and promptly led in. She burst into Toshi’s room and fell by his side.
There lay All Might, and he was bruised and scarred. He was bandaged from head to toe with a broken arm. He was shocked by the sudden loudness and appearance of Y/N. He immediately sat up "Y-Y/N!" his lover marched up to him and lightly threw her arms around him. She started sobbing onto the crook of his neck.
“Y-You idiot!” she bawled. All Might awkwardly held his girlfriend with his one arm, trying to calm her down frantically “H-Hey W-Why are you crying?! Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!”
Y/N pulled away from All Might slightly but had still kept him at arm's length. "Why am I crying?! Am I okay?! Are you out of your damn mind?!" she spoke angrily, her jaw was clenched, and tears streamed down her face. "The question is, are You okay?! I just saw you get beaten up on television!” she exasperates. She was in disbelief that he was asking about her safety; she took a deep breath.
“Honey, I’m fine. But you worry me so much. I’m only glad that you are alive and okay” she kisses his cheek and takes a seat in front of his hospital bed.
She pulls out a protein bar from her purse and shakily hands it to him "Here, you haven't eaten anything. You should get something in your system…" All Might's cheeks flush a light pink, as he glances at Detective Naomasa and Gran Torino, who looked at him with knowing grins. His focus goes backs to Y/N and gently takes the protein bar from her, and he gives her an awkward chuckle.
"I'm the number 1 hero, dying is the last thing that will be on my list."  
Once All Might was discharged from the hospital, he was surprised to see that all the boxes from the moving truck were unpacked and unloaded. All their stuff was already placed around the house! He came to a beautiful home, where it was clean and smelled a lot like Y/N. She really did put that girlish feel into the house which he loved.
He thought that Y/N was utterly fantastic, unloading everything, and still manage to bring warm cook meals to him at the hospital, along with maintaining her job. His arm was broken, so whenever he needed help, Y/N was there, and she did a great job where he never felt babied. He felt blessed and loved as he knows that Y/N is doing her best to support him whenever she can.  
They had already gotten to the routine where in the morning, Y/N likes to cook breakfast for the two. They both get ready in the morning, and off to work they go, he felt like they were newlyweds. Still, he always blushed at the thought. It was too early in the relationship to think about marriage, even though that's where it seemed to be headed in the future.
After having dinner, you and Toshi decided it was time to head for bed, as he had a class to teach in the morning. He wanted to help develop his student's quirk abilities. You were changing into your PJs, and All Might had his back facing you, -he, himself, changing into his own proper sleepwear. Once you finished, you cough awkwardly to let him know you were done changing, and you both crawled into bed.
You were stiff and tense as you laid to the side, and shifted toward him, as he pulled out a book 'how to teach and motivate students for DUMMIES'; you snorted once you saw what he was reading. Toshi looked at you, embarrassed. "I need to help my kids develop a special move, but I don't know how too," he admitted shyly.
You flashed him a smile, “Honey, all you have to do is be yourself and provide them encouragement without giving them the answer. Don't stress too much; they are smart, creative kids, and they'll soon find the answer," you responded.
Toshi’s gaze shifted away and mumbled out an "It is not that easy as your making it sound…"  
You pressed your lips to the side of his cheek, and pulled away, speaking in a soft loving tone “I’m going to go to bed, Goodnight and get some rest, don't be up too late."
 You got comfortable on your side of the bed. Except, and sleep never came to you. You were awake when All Might had turned off his lamp, put his book away, gave you a peck on the top of your head, which you found endearing.
You laid there in the dark, with your eyes close, remembering that when your friend spoke to you, her boyfriend broke up with her because she kept kicking him in sleep. Or that she snored too loudly, and that she spoke in her sleep and tended to sleep-walk.
You thought he was an asshole, and that he did not deserve your friend! You had many sleepovers with her before! She honestly didn't move that much, and you felt that he was exaggerating.
Your thoughts had shifted in, and you began to wonder how you slept at night. You grew paranoid, ‘Do I move a lot in my sleep? Do I hog all the blankets? Do I snore loudly? Oh god, what if I hurt Toshi, especially since he's injured,' you thought.  
You knew Toshi, he wasn’t the type to break up with someone because they
were snoring loudly, but you couldn’t help the paranoia feeling of accidentally hurting him in your sleep.
Your alarm had pulled you from your thoughts, and you let out a deep sigh. You started getting ready for the day and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast for the day! You even decided to make Toshi a cute-looking bento. Luckily, you planned and had already prepped most of the ingredients at night, so it didn't take you long to prepare in the morning. You wrote a cute note, too, and placed it in the bento box with a cloth wrapping and set it to the side.
You were putting the pans in the dishwasher and cleaning the countertops when All Might showed up. He sniffed the air, "You didn't have to cook again," he spoke.
You can tell that he was grateful, as he was giving you a gaze with so much love that it made your heartthrob. "I didn't have too, but I wanted too," you replied back with a grin on your face.
“I also made you lunch for today! Who’s the best girlfriend~?” you sang.
All Might laughed “You, of course, and thank you for making lunch” he murmured as he wrapped his arm around you from behind, and kissed the top of your ears, to your head.
“Tonight, I'll help make dinner, and I'll help you set the table right now."  
He pulled away from you and started putting out the plates and cups onto the table. He already knew how you liked your coffee (or tea) for the day. You walked towards the table, where you found Toshi, waiting for you. You both picked up your chopsticks "itadakimasu!” and started to dig in.
Toshinori sighed in content, exclaiming how delicious the food was.
All Might wasn't much of a cook, so he didn't eat homemade meals until you came along. When you found out that Toshi, mostly ate take out, you took it upon yourself to cook every day. Honestly, it was a hobby of yours, and you enjoyed cooking, it was something that you did with your mother when you were young. It was very satisfying when you had friends and love ones take a bite of your cooking, and they always exclaimed how they loved it.
You felt even more appreciated when Toshi started looking forward to your cooking. He also started asking to join you, trying to help you as much as he can. Trying out new recipes was always fun, and you loved teasing him! You never let him into the kitchen when cooking secret family recipes, as he’s not allowed to know your secrets!
A week has passed, and the same repetitive thoughts kept you up at night, worried that you might disturb Toshi’s sleep. You always felt tired and were sluggish in your movements, your eyes were puffy, and you had dark bags. You kept up with your extensive cooking every morning, lunch, and dinner. At work, you kept getting distracted and even doze off a few times in the job.
Your co-workers had begun to worry along with Toshi, as he kept trying to coax you to sleep. The other night he gave you a gentle back massage since his arm was now healed. No matter what kinds of methods you tried, you always woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep. It got to the point where you started cleaning random areas in the house, and when Toshi would wake up, he would try to bring you back to bed, only for you to snap angrily at him.
Today was another night, and Toshi had decided to buy you some lavender bath bombs for you to try before bed. While you were in the bath, All Might had set up a humidifier that spewed out a Lavender and Chamomile scent. (He read online about aromatherapy), he pulled out a shopping bag, and out came a cute expensive pillow, he put your favorite [color] pillow sheets and had settled it on your side of the bed.  
He stood back, marveling out the room, and wondering what else he was missing, and he pondered why he couldn't sleep. He felt awful that he was getting a good rest, whereas you couldn't wake up for the day without feeling cranky.  
A Light bulb went off in his head, he had also gotten you another gift! He goes and gets another shopping bag, and as he does, you walk into the bedroom, look at the sight, the aromatherapy, the pillow, the bath bombs, and tear up at sight.
You notice, Toshi, walking next to you and handing you some fuzzy socks, "I read online that socks can help you sleep..?"
You noticed that they were brand new and start to sniffle.  All Might saw your teared-up face and started panicking, "Did you not like the color of the socks?!"  
You start to laugh, which confused him even more. Were you laughing or crying?! Which is it?! Why are you distress?! Are you distress?! What is going on?!
"No, you dummy," you sniffled some more and threw your arms around him. "I'm just so grateful," you whisper.
Your voice starts to crack “You are doing so much for me, and trying all these kinds of things for me, so I can sleep, how did I get so lucky?” you ask.
All Might, pulls you close to your chest “I think the question is, how did I get so lucky?”
He kisses the top of your head. "I just want you to take care of yourself and get a good night sleep, you're always worrying about my health, but sometimes, you need to remember to take care of yourself too" He paused, "In fact, take care of yourself first, before worrying about me, okay?"
You visibly relaxed, as you leaned in his arms, "You know that I love you?"
You soon froze. YOU JUST BLURTED OUT THAT YOU LOVED HIM! You internally started panicking; it seemed natural to you that you didn't think about it.  
All Might had tensed slightly when he heard your confession, but soon lifted you up in his arms as he briefly transformed into his buff form with a stupid grin on his face “No, I love-“
he had de-transformed and started coughing to the side, but still held on to you “I Love you too!” he blurted out with a heavy blush on his face.
You looked at him in bewilderment and started laughing, you were no longer unsure, and nervous. You truly felt loved, "shall we go to sleep, love~?" Toshinori continued to hold you in his arms, "We shall" and carried you to the bed.
You snuggled up to him in the bed and sighed happily, "Do you know what's stupid?"
All Might look down on you "What is?" he was massaging your scalp with his hand and was occasionally playing with your hair.
"I couldn't sleep because I thought I was going to hurt you in your sleep" you confessed, "and I thought I was a blanket stealer, or that I snored too loudly" you continued to ramble other thoughts that kept you up at night.
All Might had paused and tapped your cheek “I am the number one hero, you think you can hurt me?” he teased.
You huffed, "I did say it was stupid!" Toshi shook his head, "not stupid, my lover isn't stupid," he corrected you.
He chuckled a bit, "and Why do you need blankets to keep you warm when you have me?" he teased again.
You poked him in the face, "stop being cocky, Mr. Number One," you giggled.
Your confession was a weight lifted off your shoulders, and when Toshi had continued to massage your scalp, you soon drifted off to sleep, and not once did you wake up in the middle of the night.
Y/N and All Might laid in the extravagant bed together, all snuggled up with one another, the blankets wrapped around them. All Might’s arm was wrapped around Y/N waist, and his head laid on top of Y/N head, taking in her scent. The bright fuzzy socks were on the floor, forgotten.
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