#and my bike is probably gonna need some repairs and replacement parts
esther-ti-designs · 6 years
ah, yes, it’s that time again.  the end of another term and i’m having another breakdown
#seems like i break down in the middle or near the end of every term at school#summer session is ending soon and fall quarter is starting in 2.5 weeks and my life is falling apart (when is it not falling apart really)#i'm so overwhelmed by so many things#i've fallen behind on my nutrition online coursework#i need to look for an apartment in davis#but my mom insists that we wait until we get there and then look at the apts and ask for a 3-month lease#which i'm pretty sure no manager will write up#so i guess i'll have no housing once i arrive in town#because obviously the whole process from finding an apartment to moving into one takes more than a day#and i haven't packed my stuff yet but at least i have a packing list#and my bike is probably gonna need some repairs and replacement parts#and i'm trying to find a decent affordable bike for a back-up#my sleep schedule is so messed up right now#i've been going to bed at 2am for the past week or so#and then i have to get up at 8am to take my meds and i get back in bed w/out breakfast and sleep in til lunchtime#except i didn't get any sleep at all last night because my stupid brain couldn't shut up#i didn't have a proper breakfast this morning and went back to bed and sobbed for a good majority of the day#and then i skipped lunch#today was one of those days when i skip 2 of 3 meals which is not fun at all#tbh i haven't been to therapy since june but my parents think i'm fine without therapy and don't need a therapist#seems like going back to ucd even though i'm not an admitted student is the only way to get away from my folks#and get the mental/emotional support that i need#and better myself without all the lecturing and the criticism from my parents#wow this is a really long ramble here in the tags#wow look esther actually talks
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spc4eva · 3 years
Star-Burned: Chapter Two
Ngl, reader is well endowed in the breast department. hate me. trust me, reader is gonna complain about it later about her back hurting.
Paz fluff is probably my favorite thing to write. This fic is undoing me. Goddammit.
Word Count: 8,626
Rating: M (+18) oral sex m!receiving
Cross Posted on AO3
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Paz barely understood what was happening when he'd crash landed, falling out of hyperspace and being thrown around the hull of his ship like a tin can before crash landing. It was miraculous he'd survived with just broken ribs. An even bigger miracle that he'd been found. 
You were a pretty young lady with more hair than should be humanly possible, a ray of sunshine, and so hilariously goofy that Paz was smiling beneath his helmet half the time as you trotted in with meals for him, eying him beneath your mop of hair --- which you often tried to manage in a ponytail, though ringlets would fall free and cascade into your face smattered with a constellation of freckles. That's why he named you Tranyc -- Mando'a for sunny or quite literally translating to 'star-burned', because you were the ray of sunshine on his day while he was stuck in bed healing. You were good company, easy to talk to, never berated him despite how much of a burden he was. Took him less than a day to realize you were on your own, running the entire moisture farm on nothing but cultivated crops and several cups of caf a day. And despite how often you fumble over words, you were smart. 
There wasn't much to do and the highlights of Paz's day consisted of you spending time with him. You had piled all your holobooks near him, given him the remote for the television, and anything else you thought he might like while you wandered off to go make repairs and tend to your livelihood. You must've been tired. The farm was a fulltime job on its own and now you had to look after him. Paz felt guilty, because you'd not complained once, not asked him for credits or when he might be leaving. You were cautiously curious, but not impolite with your questions. Not many people would have chanced bringing a Mandalorian into their home, let alone a young woman on her own. That was what was different about you and maybe it had to do with Paz's sheer luck of landing on a relatively backwater planet where people weren't in fear of their lives constantly.
Paz had lucked out. 
He hated feeling weak, being unable to walk on his own, but you were blissfully patient and kind, cracking jokes and making silly faces, telling him how he'd be good as new to start back up on hunting -- or whatever it was that Mandalorians did. And while he was eager to not have his ribs feel as if they'd been kicked in by a bantha, he was also ruing the countdown for when he'd have to return to his ship and leave you behind. Despite it being a few scant weeks, Paz liked you. Not just because you were pretty, but he found your demeanor relaxing. So when he managed to get to his feet to go to the kitchen and he saw your hair sticking out on the couch, he trotted over without an afterthought to check on you. 
He hadn't been expecting to see your coveralls crumpled on the floor and your beet red facing eying him in horror. Originally, he'd believed you were hurt from when he'd fallen on you. After all, you were a small thing. Despite being lean from working the farm you were dwarfed by him. And when the blanket had fallen over... Paz's mind began turning, the gears clicking into place, the disbelief that the pretty ray of sunshine had been caught in the midst of masturbating. To the thought of him. 
Until that point you'd been hospitable and courteous, it was the last thing he expected and dangling deliciously in front of him like a forbidden fruit. He more than owed you at this point. He owed you his life and getting you off wasn't really repayment. In fact, Paz had enjoyed it, thinking the situation was more self indulgent than selfless. You became putty in his hands, passing out from a mixture of exhaustion and satisfaction. That brought a smile to his face -- well, there had already been a smile -- but it was bigger now. 
He didn't mind cleaning you up and putting you into some more comfortable clothing, tucking you into the large bed that had obviously been yours. He had found discarded hair elastics under the pillows and a few socks that had been lost to the depths of the sheets. You had taken care of him, he could manage picking up your tiny form and putting you to bed. You didn't come around until morning when Paz was up in the fresher, still testing his weight on his aching chest. 
"You can walk now," you popped your head through the open door, stating the obvious, but it made him smile that you weren't half as doleful as he'd thought you'd be after yesterday. "Um... I can make breakfast real quick and then there's something I wanna show you if you're up to it."
"If I'm up to it?" Paz rumbled, he still couldn't wear his armor, the weight would be too much of a burden. "How are you feeling?"
Your face brightened with blush immediately, matching the hue of your flaming locks at the sheer mention. "G-good, th-thank you."
The moment he'd put you to bed, he'd staggered off to the fresher to relieve himself and the throbbing erection he had from going through his ministrations. Not that you needed to know that he had been wanting more. Yesterday hadn't been about him. The last few weeks you had doted your attention on him. 
You darted away, back in your usual attire which consisted of mechanic coveralls, boots, and a tightfitting short sleeve shirt in russet. Your arms were bared from the bicep down and you wore a pair of beat up leather gloves, hair cinched at the base of your neck with a straining scrunchie that fought desperately to contain all the curls which rebelled at being held against the back of your slightly too large overalls. 
Truthfully, you were very nervous over what had happened yesterday and even more distressed that you had slept away the entire freaking day. The hardworking farmer in you was berating you with every step, unbelievable, you slept the entire day until breakfast. Now, when drifters had stayed and you had slept with them, you had woken up and prepared breakfast without an afterthought. There was no guilt, no twisting of nerves in your tummy, because you knew that what had happened was a simple arrangement of two lonely people breaking up the cobwebs. What happened with the Mandalorian should have felt the same, but it didn't. Only one man had stayed a few days and engaged in multiple trysts and by the end, he'd been asking you to leave behind the moisture farm to go adventuring with him. While that was a very... juicy prospect, you couldn't think about leaving behind the canyons you'd known your entire life. You loved it here, even if it was solitude and silence. 
From the views up on the plateau where your farm was located, a bird's eye view of the spanning clay walls, billowing in waves of amber, brown, and orange. Your favorite days were the overcast ones where the clouds would sweep low and fringe the mountaintops with mist. That was during the wet season when the lowest parts of the canyons would fill with turquoise water from the rain. The only freestanding water you'd ever gotten the luxury of seeing and it was still a trip on your speeder bike since you lived pretty high up on the plateaus. Wasn't that time of year though, it was still the dry season and so you had to keep regular maintenance on the farm to suck every bit of moisture up. 
You kept mostly grains on the farm, but had a few animals to include tip-yips which produced eggs. Otherwise, any greenery you had was produced in your greenhouse, utilizing misty puffs of water to keep it nice and humid inside. Without it, you certainly wouldn't have been getting enough nutrients to live out this remote. You would stock up on seed every six months and grow leafy greens, root vegetables, had a few berry bushes, and rhubarbs. They were genetically modified to have additional benefits, keeping you going and healthy. You loved checking in on them, standing in your little bubble of green, imagining other planets that looked just like it but instead of being in a little capsule -- the entire planet was green. That was hard to fathom, giving the landscape you'd grown up on, but so were oceans and you knew they existed. 
Jumbles followed you out to the coop, drooling all over the dirt as you scolded him for getting too close. His head drooped and he stayed behind while you picked out some fresh eggs and threw fodder out for the tip-yips. You knew if you didn't keep the birds carefully locked up, Jumbles would gobble them all up. "Calm down. I'll give you some eggs you beast," you chided as you stopped in the green house to pick a few vegetables and fruit before going back inside. You'd never wanted more aside from companionship and to not be alone. You loved your farm so much and all the work you had put into it. You loved this dry, arid planet and the raw beauty you got to witness. But you weren't perfectly content. 
You were lonely.
Paz was waiting in the kitchen at the table, which was funny, considering he couldn't actually eat with you. Humming to yourself, you put a pot of caf on and then frowned at 6PO, who wandered around aimlessly. "6PO please make yourself useful. Go sweep out the greenhouse if you can't decide on what to do," you sigh, the droid looking as confused as ever, before creaking out the front door.
"Where did you get that droid?" Paz asked curiously as you set a skillet on the stove and began heating it up.
"Found it," you shrug. "Wasn't in one piece, so I scavenged parts and put it all back together again. Some of the neural harnessing was missing, so the droid will never be complete unless I replace it entirely."
"You mean you reprogrammed it?" he actually sounded sort of impressed.
You rolled your shoulders again. "Yeah, suppose so. Wasn't too hard. Lots of trial and error... and caf." And time. During the wet season you had more time on your hands and so typically that's when you'd spend it on projects.
"How'd you learn how to do that? Droids are complicated pieces of tech."
"My dad taught me. He was an engineer, could run this whole place without even trying. Always knew how to fix everything," you gave a sad chuckle at the thought of your parents. You missed them so much. Maybe if they hadn't passed you wouldn't be half as lonely and feeling as if there was something missing in your life. "Studied on... Coruscant, I think? Before the war broke out. Round 20BBY he came out here with my mom and I because they wanted to avoid the fighting."
"And he taught you everything he knew," Paz assumed.
"Oh, well, I mean, probably not everything. He probably would have found a way to fix 6PO completely."
"Do you mind if I ask what happened?"
The corner of your mouth quirked involuntarily and you stared down at the pan as you began sautéing the cut up tubulars. "We get a wet season here every standard year. The canyons are vast, mostly stone, and not porous. My mother was sick, so they had to make a visit to the city which is a 2 day trip on bike. Usually, we don't leave during the wet season. Too dangerous. But mom's condition wasn't improving and so my father decided the risk was worth it. 
"In order to get to the city, you have to go through the canyons. This time of year, no big deal, but during the wet season? Can start raining without warning and when it does, the crevasses act as funnels, diverting water to the lowest point, which... you're catching my drift, right?" You glance up, not particularly fond of explaining how nature worked around here, especially when it had taken your parents from you.
"Flash floods?"
"Mm," you began cracking the eggs. "Can't outrun a flash flood. Not on a speeder bike. They drowned. So-" you drew in a sharp breath. You had rationalized this several times over. Never really talked about it, but it didn't make you cry anymore. This planet had been good to you. Better than most people could hope for when they settled on a farm. You knew that you were lucky because of that and you couldn't resent the planet even if it took your parents from you. "The Jawas found them a little while after that. They know us, we trade with them -- I still do -- and they brought my parents back for me. Despite what people say about them, they didn't ask me for payment."
"I'm sorry... was that six years ago?"
"Mhm," you confirmed, wiping your hands off and picking up a few eggs, cracking them over your massiff's eagerly waiting mouth. "Not your fault. Might be safe from raiders and looters, but it's a harsh unforgiving landscape. Sometimes you get too comfortable and forget about that. My dad knew the risks when he took my mother. They lived a good life, just wish they didn't have to go that way." You wish you hadn't been left alone. 
"Where's the closest neighbor aside from the Jawas?"
"Hundreds of miles," now you were plating the food and grabbing mugs for the caf. "The canyons are the best place to set up moisture farms. The deserts soak up all the water from the wet seasons, but due to the stone around here, it's a lot easier for moisture to be trapped in the vaporators. However, they're remote and a lot of the plateaus are too dangerous to set up on because the foundation of stone is likely to crumble. Only about three farms in all of the canyons and this is one of them. We're the highest producers of water on the planet, especially during the wet season. 'Bout the only time I see starships since the city will come and pick it up."
You slapped Jumbles on the nose as he leaned over the counter toward one of the freshly assembled breakfasts, causing him to whine. "Oh shut it you baby," you hadn't even hit him that hard, just a little boop on the nose and he was pretending you'd wailed into him. "Drama queen."
You brought Paz's food over for him and went to grab your own. "I can go outside. A few things I can start on before we head out."
"Sit down and eat first," he invited, which confused you, because how were the both of you going to eat with the whole helmet situation. "If you sit at the counter with your back to me, it'll be fine."
Oh, well that went against what he said about only removing his helmet when he was alone. But... that also meant he trusted you. How many opportunities did you have to remove his helmet? The first day you probably could have if you weren't terrified of being shot. Until you'd gotten to know Paz better, he had been the big scary Mandalorian and not the patient and easygoing one you knew now. "Are you certain? I mean, it's not a big deal. I eat on the go all the time," you object kindly, not wishing for him to feel obligated to have you in your own kitchen.
"Sit," he insisted.
"Well, I mean-" you grabbed a chair, mostly talking to yourself when you muttered those words and pulled it up to the counter. Jumbles was drooling on your leg, looking at you as if you hung the stars, which admittedly -- was quite cute except for the fact that you knew he just wanted your leftovers. 
"Where'd you get a massiff?" There was a click and a hiss, the helmet disengaging and being set on the table. You tried not to think about how easy it would be to turn around and finally get a look at him, focusing on your cup of caf instead.
"Kind of just... found him," you reveal, thinking about the day you'd stood toe to toe with the beast, your arms full of scrap metal, wondering if you were going to have to use the bacta shot after getting munched on by the creature. "Thought he was gonna try and eat me."
"It's wild?" Paz's voice was different, unmodulated. There was still the same warmth you were used to, but the lack of the radio static and translation from human to droid made your skin hot, little lances of static playing down your spine as the deep bass in its full glory.
"Uuuuh," you almost forget that you're eating, your egg falling off the fork and onto your lap. Jumbles gobbles it up before you even think about grabbing it. "Jee-uh-yeah. Started feeding him scraps, probably shouldn't have done that, and then he kinda just started listening to me. I read that on Tatooine Tusken Raiders keep them as hounds, so I thought that maybe they're just partial to bonding with sentient beings."
Honestly, you'd always been good with animals. An uncanny, unnatural, totally unexplainable ability you'd possessed since you were a kid and ran into a wild dewback and nearly pissed yourself. Instead of swallowing you whole, the dewback had palmed your hand and then trotted off. The canyons were host to a plethora of fauna, many of which were quite dangerous. Having Jumbles had actually saved your skin more often than not, as the canine was keen on keeping his source of food around. 
"When they're raised from pups they are," Paz informed you.
"Oooh. Well, I found Jumbles when he was an adult," you gave the dope a fond pat on the head. He leaned into your gloved grasp and harrumphed contentedly. "Maybe he was already trained and got lost." Yeah, that sounded more logical than your weird animal whispering abilities. "He's been good. If not for him, I don't think I would have found you. He's the one who led me over to your starship." And that's when you realized something. "H-hey, Jumbles is living and your helmet-"
"I'm not worried about a massiff seeing me," Paz chuckled. "I'm not going to shoot your dog."
"I-I didn't say you were," you stammer, heart fluttering a little bit as you gripped one of the massiff's spines to comfort yourself. He could very easily shoot your dog. Did he want to shoot your dog? You didn’t think so, but you weren’t keen on losing him.  "Just you said no living thing and then you'd only take your helmet off alone..."
"No living sentient thing," he corrected, his silverware clattering before the helmet clicked back into place. A tiny wave of disappointment washed off you, almost as if you were expecting to get a little more time with his raw unfiltered voice. "Thank you for breakfast. Good as always." 
You blushed slightly at the compliment. It was just simple food, hearty enough to keep you going throughout the day. Standing up, you nearly whirled into the Mandalorian's chest as you went to retrieve his things for him. Catching yourself before you did, you offered an apologetic smile before frisking the plate from him and placing it in the sink for later. It was a sonic sink, you were very careful about how water was used. Only for food and growing plants. 
Out by the front door you grabbed your outing belt, which had your blaster and a set of tools that you'd been using. Picking up the sack beside it, laden with a few canteens, ration bars, and holobooks you glanced back at Paz. He still didn't have his armor on, but he did adorn his belt with a vibro-blade and pistol. "C'mon," you told him, offering a small wave before striding out the front door and into the crisp, sunny morning.
Drinking in a deep breath of dry air, you gave a dizzying and pleased smile before beginning to talk. "Now, I told you that I borrowed your speeder bike to get us back up here. There was a bit of damage to it since it took a beating during the crash. Most superficial, which I managed to get the dings out of the metal and replace the exhausts which were nearly crushed. Probably needs a new paint job, but I didn't have any paint laying around," you explained, bringing him over to the bike. You'd doted a bit of time on it, because you knew bikes and it was easy for you to fix. Plus it was nicer than the one you had on the farm, so you'd been using it to go back and forth between the ranch and his starship. 
Paz's helmet was craned down as he gave the bike a one over and your original pride began to fizzle out with each beat of silence. Finally, "You did a really good job. It... didn't take up too much of your time, did it?"
"Hm? Oh no, not at all. Bikes are easy, fixed plenty of bikes in much worse condition than this," you gave it a fond pat, relief flooding you that he wasn't upset that you'd fiddled with it. "But this isn't what I wanted to show you," you climbed on. "Hop on!"
Paz chuckled at your overexuberance, the way the bike looked much too big for someone of your stature. Afterall, it was his bike and so he'd gotten one that would fit his physique. Your arms were stretched upward to meet the accelerators and it was quite comical from the dopey, excited smile on your face to the way your legs barely reached the stirrups. He sat on behind you, edging up comfortably so that his thighs framed you. 
"Might wanna hang on," you warned mischievously. 
"What, this isn't going to be a leisurely ride?"
"The canyons look much the same when boxed in. Trust me, just hang on," you told him, feeling your cheeks roll was heated pleasure as strong arms encircled you and his pelvis pressed tighter to your backside. Oh, that felt really good, almost enough that you could lean back into his strong embrace and relax as you started this ride. But... No. You chased away the devious thoughts and tried not to fixate on the sturdy Mandalorian behind you as you revved the engine. It purred like a loth-cat, humming deliciously before you kicked off and started whistling down the hill and into the chasm that led into the canyons. 
He wasn't expecting how quickly the two of you rocketed off. Arms tensing around you to prevent himself from sliding right off as gravity snared him, he let out a breathy laugh. "You weren't kidding."
"Tried to warn you," you laughed at him, shouting over the din of the motors that echoed against the canyon walls. Bowing your head ever so much, you went up another gear and stuck the wide turn. He grabbed on again, his chest now flush to your back as you dared to accelerate again. 
"Where-" his voice was breathless in your ear. "Where did you learn how to drive like this?"
"Mom," you grin. "Dad was the engineer. Mom was the podracer."
"Kriff!" he cursed as you hooked the bike, reversed the thrusters, and then sputtered a sharp turn that should not have been possible except for the trick maneuver. During down time and on your long journeys to the city, you'd picked up a thing or two from your mother. Speeder bikes were easy compared to podracers, she'd tell you. Small, streamline, and capable of quite a few tricks if you understood the inertia, gravity, and capabilities of the machine you were on. Passing the signs out for the Jawas, you curved the halt, brakes slamming as the sideways turn kicked up clay sand and dust. He was still clinging to you even after you'd stopped.
"Did I frighten the big Mandalorian?" you teased, his vice grip finally relenting after taking a moment to realize that you stopped. 
Paz's muscles were vibrating from the adrenaline filling him from helmet to boot from the ride. The last thing he'd been expecting from you, the little farmhand mechanic, were daring turns and hiking the bike up to full speed without as much of an ounce of panic as you tried to take a 90 degree turn. Even Paz wasn't as gutsy with a bike to attempt what you had done, but you'd stuck the turn gloriously and were laughing at him now. He hadn't realized that he could like you more, but you were filled with pleasant little surprises. 
"Can you podrace too?" he countered as he let you go and you hopped down, springy, unaffected and brimming with joy. Your hair was scattered a bit, a few curls puffing loose from your scrunchie.
"Never tried, but can't be too difficult," you reply. Not arrogance or mock confidence, just... the comprehension of someone who knew a lot about machines and how they worked. "Now, come take a look. Gotta talk to you about somethings-" you padded away, leaving Paz to dismount and trail after you. 
The ship still had a hole in the hull, landing gear squashed, but the supply crates had been moved back inside. For something that had crash landed, Paz was astonished how intact it appeared. The reason for his confusion was soon explained as you brought him inside and he saw that wires had been soldered off and repairs had been made. 
"So, I've been heading out here when I can to make sure the thing didn't leak its fuel lines everywhere," you started, gesturing to the neatly arranged containers. "Now, I'm not a starship mechanic, but I have a few old holobooks and the manual that was laying around in here. I read up on them and was able to figure out that the fuel line was cut -- managed to fix that -- and the engines were running at 10% capacity after debris got sucked in. That's how the thing didn't explode on impact, the thrusters were still working enough that it padded your landing. 
"Landing gear is shot. I don't have any lifts strong enough to hoist the ship up or the proper caliber of steel to fix the hull. I got the engines to bout 50%, so theoretically that should get you to the spaceport on the other side of the planet. Gonna be crunchy, don't know what's hiding underneath here. So you've got a few options -- try your best to get to the spaceport and the pay for repairs there, you can try to get off planet, though next planet over is Tatooine and you'd pay an arm and a leg for shoddy repairs, or we can try trading with the Jawas. They've got their sandcrawler which might have the capability of picking your ship up, but won't be cheap. Even with my connections they're gonna want something good."
Paz was flabbergasted and at a loss for words as he looked at the work you'd done on top of the farm, on top of taking care of him, and how candid you were about what solutions he had going forward. "How did you have the time to do all this?" he asked.
"Hm?" you were looking over at a few wires that needed to be routed properly. "Uh, lots and lots of caf."
No wonder you had passed out for over 16 hours yesterday. Additionally, you'd read dry holobooks on starships and for what? To help him? At this point he knew that you weren't expecting anything out of it. He'd not been to a lot of backwater planets, but he was beginning to realize that people like you were more common in these quiet remote locations, just happy to be helping. Why that nearly broke him right there, he couldn't say, but he was absolutely moved by your selfless compassion that you didn't even really acknowledge, because it was all so natural to you. A little gem in the canyons, hiding up on your plateau farming water. 
"What do I owe you? Repairs like this cost a lot... you've saved me a lot of credits, Tranyc."
You were a little distracted, admittedly, your eyes finding the problems you hadn't remedied yet. "Owe me?" you repeated before finally looking back toward the visor. "You're my guest. Don't worry about it. Consider it a little bit of desert hospitality. There's still some work I need to do, haven't gotten round to it, but I figured you'd want to see your ship."
He didn't owe anything. How didn't he owe anything? Paz was shell shocked as you turned away, removing a set of pliers from your tool belt as you started working on the frayed wires that were getting on your nerves. People always wanted something, no matter how minute or simple it was and yet... You were fiddling along, pleased as a womp rat in sand you continued to chug along as if he weren't even there. And you'd learned how to do this in weeks? Taught yourself how to do it? Your parents had to have been smart and if your father studied at university on Coruscant -- you might've been modest about it, but that meant he'd imparted the same years of study into you while you grew up. 
He knew how to make baseline repairs, how to weld, and keep the ship from falling apart. What you were doing -- he had no idea how to do. Truthfully, the gunship needed a lot of work before it was going to be good enough to leave the planet and you were correct -- parts were needed. Sitting on a storage crate, he placed his helmet in his palm and rubbed his aching ribs, trying to think of which path would be the best option. Going to the spaceport meant that he'd leave you behind. He also didn't know how much repairs were going to cost on this planet. Flying to Tatooine was just a bad decision all around, who knew if the ship could handle it. Then trading with Jawas... It would keep him around you for a bit longer and you knew the Jawas. He was bound to have something that they wanted aboard the Kote. He could also use a talented mechanic, but somehow doubted that you'd be willing to part with your farm. 
The way you'd talked about your home, you were very proud of it and you loved the landscape. But still... all alone... he didn't like the thought of that. Even if this planet was relatively safe, what if the Jawas found your body in the canyon ravines? 
He had been lost to his thoughts as you worked, the ship heating up in the midday sun. You'd flipped down the straps of your coveralls to work and that's when he noticed. A thin sheen of sweat decorated your arms, a few curls sticking to your face as you hunched over the controls for his cryo chamber. But that wasn't what attracted his attention. No, it was the swell of your breasts beneath the fitted shirt you wore, the perky mounds that were well sized for your slender form. The fabric left little to the imagination, mostly because you weren't wearing a bra. Why would you? You lived on your own and bras were awful, constricting things that made you even clammier on hot days. Plus they were stupidly expensive. 
The coveralls usually kept them hidden, but with the thick panel of fabric cast down, Paz was staring. He'd been distracted by your lower half yesterday, but not his fixation was on the top. How could you look so good in just a tight fitting shirt that didn't betray any cleavage? He estimated that each would be more than a handful for him, the nipples pressing through the fabric and you didn't notice, completely unaware of the lack of decorum because you were a farmer and those sort of things probably didn't pop into your mind. Which was why he felt a tiny bit ashamed watching you, eying you from the protective mask of his helmet. Would you want him to touch you again? You had told him that you'd been getting off to him, but perhaps that was in the moment when he'd caught you.
Neither of you had broached the subject this morning, but nor were you being incredibly demure or shy. You were just being normal. 
"Wanna toss me a canteen from in there?" you asked, pointing to the bag you'd dumped by the hole in the hull. 
Paz tore his eyes away, glancing down, retrieving the requested item. Tossing it to you, you caught it and upcapped it, taking a few generous gulps and spilling some on yourself. He gritted his teeth as you wiped your mouth, the soft plush lips having been locked around the rim, the water seeping into your shirt. Your shirt. Dank farrik. Now he was staring again, hopelessly pressing his palms together as he tried to keep it together. Stars, he wanted more of you than just the bit of pleasure he'd brought yesterday, but it wasn't his place to take it. You'd already gone above and beyond in assisting him and so he couldn't just ask you to sleep with him, no matter how much he wanted it. That felt... wrong. Like a dirty, awful thing to request after he'd come to like you -- only utilizing you for your body in the end and not the company he'd grown fond of.
"Did you think about what you're gonna do?" you ask him, drawing his visor back up to you.
"The Jawas--" his voice was kinda hoarse, which made you tilt your head. "Might have something on here that they'd like."
A smile unfurled on your face, because secretly you'd been praying that he'd choose that option. Just stealing more time with the Mandalorian, despite the fact that he was stranded. You didn't want him to leave, but it was going to happen eventually, just like it did with everyone else who came here. Everyone left. Everyone but you and the animals. You were pretty sure you were gonna cry like a baby when the Mandalorian finally departed. "I can send 'em a transmission tonight. Probably will take them the better part of a day to get here, but they'll come."
"Thank you again," Paz insisted, but you brushed it off with a silly and overly dramatic hand wave. 
"There's gotta be some kindness in this galaxy. 'Else it'd be a sad, miserable, hopeless place," you counter, springing back to your feet, dusting your gloves off animatedly. "Let's finish up in here and then head back. Got some work I have to do on the farm too."
Sonic showers weren't the best, but they were all that you knew. Aside from when the rain would billet down during the wet seasons, you didn't know what an actual water shower felt like. Either way, you needed to get the sweat and grime off of you by the end of each day, so you trotted out with your pajamas on and into the Mandalorian. You'd already contacted the Jawas and were getting ready to tuck in for the night when he caught you. "Oof, sorry... I-I didn't hurt your ribs did I?" Your eyes flitted to where his injury was immediately.
"I'm fine," he assured you, large hands butterflied against your sides where he'd caught you from doing too much damage by trolloping right into his chest. Big. His hands were big. So large that they covered your ribs entirely when gripping your sides. They lingered, the skin beneath growing hot and beginning to tingle. Then he removed them, as if he were worried about overstaying his welcome. 
Your skin sighed where he released and you glanced up chewing your lip. "Um..." uncertain -- you didn't know where this was going, but why the hell not. What did you have to lose? He was stuck here until his ship was going to be fixed. "Yesterday--"
"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have done that," Paz interrupted, launching your heart up into your throat.
"Wha-no, I liked it," you assured him, feeling courageous enough to take his hands in yours. Maker, you looked like a child, holding those large calloused palms in yours. "I... wouldn't mind more. I-i-if that's what you want, of course," you sputtered, cheeks sweltering and ears about to rocket off from the intense embarrassment you felt in suggesting such a thing. It'd been easier before. You could see the faces of your guests, gauge what they were thinking, see the lust in their eyes that you could give right back. They'd never stayed this long, never gotten to know you this well, and... you didn't want to make him uncomfortable because you felt a little horny with him around. But Maker, how was that not possible? He was an absolute unit, pure muscle, easy conversation, and had a voice that shattered your resolve like an earthquake.
"Would I want more?" he repeated slowly and your stomach sunk into the abyss, blood draining from your face. The leap of faith had been in vain and instead of swan diving into water, you'd hit stone. And then suddenly his hands were on your chest, driving the air from your in uncontrolled gasps as he squeezed. "Maker--" he cursed, vocoder breaking up as you almost melted on the spot. "So... you're so mesh'la. Had my eyes on you all day while you were working. You're such... a distraction."
He wasn't rough, despite holding onto your breasts, moving carefully over the fabric as he caressed you. In the past, your chest had been a fixation of other lovers because you were well endowed and you were accustomed to rough squeezing to the point where it was painful. It was almost as if most men just wanted to push them until they popped or just liked the pillowy sensation of squeezing and didn't care much for how it felt for you. They were bloody sensitive and you didn't appreciate them being manhandled -- except for right now, right now was good. Better than good in fact. 
"Distraction? I'm the one doing all the work," you mumbled, leaning into his touch as he palmed you and rubbed circles over your breasts, the nipples stiffening beneath the fabric and dimpling it. "While you just... just sit there."
"I'm still hurt," he didn't sound very convincing, maybe that wasn't the point. 
"Too hurt to be doing anything too... arduous," you pointed out, humming as he gave another gentle squeeze. "Last night did you-- I sort of just--" passed out. Say it. You passed out and left him there with an erection. That couldn't have been too pleasant. To top it off with a cherry, he'd put you to bed with clothes on. 
"I took care of things, mesh'la. You left me with some... good visuals," his thumb was circling your nipple, still separated by your shirt, the careful flicking making you shudder. Your entire body was reacting, legs weak and the same radiating heat vibrating between your thighs. 
"Bu-ut it couldn't have been that great. N-not like..." you fell off, head lolling slightly as his hands flipped the hem of your shirt and began cruising the plane of your tummy, scratching its way to your breast. A hot palm met skin, a low moan echoing as he grasped you firmly, but not too hard. 
"Stars, you're so soft," he murmured, pushing the shirt up -- higher and higher until your breasts were revealed to the air. "Maker, look at you."
The praise made your thighs clench together. They didn't usually talk. Not as much as Paz was, which was somewhat ironic considering he had a helmet on and was a mysterious Mandalorian and yet he filled your ears up as he roamed you. No, it was all typically rushed, frenzied, and to sate both parties. Honestly, the sate part was just the rutting, having to take your own hands to your clit while your past lovers plowed into you. There was no copious foreplay aside from a little making out and breast squeezing and while they'd called you pretty, it never really felt the same as the way as Paz's voice. The way in which he was breathy, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, and that you'd been put on the planet delicately by the Maker himself. It made your heart rush, galloping forward, and it made you want him more.
"Le-let me," you found your hands, having been savoring his exploring before brushing the hem of his trousers. You had felt him, sort of, yesterday but you didn't actually know what was beneath the belt. From how tall and broad he was, you had an assumption of what was there. "Y-you're still hurt, s-so..." pitifully tinny, your voice was sliding away as you offered to give him something in exchange for what he'd done for you.
"Mesh'la... I-you have already done so much-" he protested. 
"But yesterday--" you were whining now, hand coasting down more until you cupped his groin, feeling his length twitch. He was already hard. You weren't even undressed and he was already rock solid. "It'll feel better this way."
"Is... is that what you want?"
You nod, waiting for permission.
He couldn't say no. Not while your palm was between his legs and you were staring up at him with big, round, imploring eyes. In fact, he didn't think he could possibly deny you anything, removing his hands, the shirt falling back down over your spectacular chest. "I-Yes," he confirmed, drawing a shaking breath which made his ribs ache. 
You undid the belt buckle, hands scrambling slightly from nerves before undoing the buttons. Coming down on your knees didn't really work, there was still too much of a height difference, forcing you to half-crouch as your fingers slipped beneath the fabric of his boxes and untucked his manhood. Now it was your turn to be wordless. You had expected it, but expecting and witnessing were two very different things. He was massive, just the sight of him making your core twitch painfully, imagining trying to accommodate him, doubting that he'd even be able to fully sheath himself in you without pushing into your tummy. If he could even get in. 
Ok, so when you had offered to do this you thought he would fit in your mouth. Doubt welled in your stomach and he must have noticed as you stared down his cock, brushing a hand over your loose hair. "You don't have to-" he soothed. But the challenge spurned you on, undaunted and a little over zealous to be honest. 
"You'll tell me... what you like?" you had just flattened your tongue against the weeping head of his cock, licking like a kitten, lathing him before you'd attempt to take more. 
His thighs shook and he gave a terse nod. 
You weren't extremely experienced in this field. Just enough that you knew now not to bite someone. But this wasn't just 'someone'. You liked Paz a lot and wanted it to feel good for him. To chase away the pain in his chest and to show how much you appreciated what he'd done for you. Guys liked blowjobs, didn't they? That's why they were requested so much, you just assumed that he'd like it all the same, and honestly you wanted to become more intimate with his cock after feeling it pressed beneath your leg. 
You ran your tongue along his shaft, trailing back around before leaving saliva. Your hand smoothed the wetness over him, pumping a few times over his length to help lubricate him. Then you made your first attempt, tongue over your lips as you pushed his girth into the damp chasm of your mouth. He groaned, fingers tightening in your hair, which gave you the courage to take him deeper. The head of his cock met the resistance of the back of your throat and you gagged, eyes watering and jaw aching. "Relax, mesh'la. Relax your throat-" he managed gently through tight breaths. 
Easier said than done, forgetting to breathe, your throat clenching, you were forced to pull away for a moment.
Spittle trailed down your plush lips, cheeks flushed wildly as you considered your next approach. You were a sight for sore eyes, Paz's own glued to you as you gasped for air. You'd bitten off more than you could chew, but he admired your undaunted commitment as you sank back onto him and closed your eyes, clutching onto his leg for balance. This time, you were able to take his guidance better, breathing through your nose before easing your throat. Your mouth was small, tight, and damp. With the accommodation of the back of your throat, Paz's hips bucked and a strangled moan crackled through the modulator. 
"G-good. Fuck -- so good, mesh'la," he praised, beginning to move in tandem with you, fucking deeply into your throat. Your face was hot and wet, tears leaking out from your eyes at the sensation of your throat being stretched. The noises were wet and sloppy, punctuated by sharp hums as you tried to do well, to do what he wanted, to keep going -- but Maker, it hurt. Your attention was fixated completely on pleasing him, forgetting entirely about your own climbing heat, just trying not to clench your throat or forget to breathe through your nose. Then you dared it, reaching up and grabbing his balls, massaging them in your palm gently as he pushed into you. "Ahh- oh, fuck-- I'm going to cum. Do you want me to--"
You managed the smallest nod, squeezing him tighter as his thrusts rocked you, shattering almost all your resolve as you gagged. Ropes of cum splattered in the back of your throat, your lips suctioning to him as he stuttered to a halt, palm on the back of your head. His skin was like velvet on your tongue, slightly salty, but smooth and soft. Lavishing the last drops from his cock like precious water from the desert. In fact, it was more precious than water, more rare.  
"Mesh'la... ohh," he keened softly, his hand spreading over your hair, petting you, brushing the curls from your face - which was wet with spilled tears, saliva, and a little cum. Releasing him from your sweet mouth, he brushed the white droplets from the corner of your lips, which you sucked off after it being offered. "W-what did I do?"
You tilted your head in confusion.
"What did I do to deserve you?"
You tried to talk, but your voice crackled in the back of your throat, so hoarse and quiet that you simply shut your mouth and blinked. Oh fuck. Had he broken your vocal chords? Panic began to seize you and you clutched his leg and offered a very broken, "UhhhmmMm."
He bent down, cupping your face, holding it between his palms as he took a good look at you. "I was a little too rough, wasn't I?"
"S'okay," fuck that hurt. Hurt to talk. Least you still had a voice.
"What do you want? Do you want me to--" His helmet was so close, almost brushing your nose as he looked at you. For a brief moment, you felt as if you were gazing into his eyes. What color were they? Brown? Green? Hazel? Maybe blue? 
You shook your head and gave him a weary smile. That had literally taken everything out of you and you just wanted a cold glass of water and to curl up in bed. "Water. Sleep?..." you had to swallow again, struggling to get the words out. "W-with you?"
"Just... that?"
Oh no, had you chosen wrong? Did he really want to play with you? Honestly, you were good. Just making him finish had been enough for you. Your legs and throat ached, it had been a long day. You offered a dejected nod. No one ever really cuddled with you and you assumed that he'd be warm, comfortable, and feel like a blanket of protection. You wanted to feel that, even if only just once. Having sex wasn't as important as this to you. Sure, sex with him would probably be amazing, but you didn't want to overexert him because you were being greedy. Despite getting it infrequently, you'd never gotten a good cuddle. Not since you were a little girl and curled up in your parents' arms.
"Ok, ok, mesh'la," he agreed, smoothing your hair again before pushing his helmet to your brow. The gesture lit your cheeks up and felt... strangely intimate. Cool beskar kissing your sweating skin, chasing away the sweltering blush and just a thin layer between you and the Mandalorian. It felt like a kiss, but it wasn't. So gentle and tender that you let it linger and closed your eyes. "C'mon, it's been a long day," he muttered, gripping you beneath your elbow and guiding you to your feet. Your bed was just a few paces away and you were already dressed for it. 
Who would have thought that a Mandalorian could be this... kind? From all the stories you'd heard, you had half-expected him to be a broody tin can that barely offered you the time of day. But there was a man underneath, a man who had desires, who had feelings, and who could be delicate. He wasn't all blasterfire, beskar, and war -- he was still a man. 
He put you into bed, leaving the room for a moment to get a glass of water. You smiled at his return, accepting the offered water, and gulping it down. Your throat ailed and your jaw was already beginning to groan in protest. But the water helped. Putting it down on the nightstand, the Mandalorian removed his boots and climbed into bed with you, just trousers and an undershirt. Offering an open arm, his impressive bicep being revealed from beneath the short sleeve of his shirt. 
You snuggled forward, heart pounding solidly in your ears as you tucked into his side. Maker, you loved this, the way his arm coiled around you, planting against the small of your back before tugging you in tightly. It wasn't as if you didn't feel safe in your home, you always did, but this was different. You trembled slightly because you'd yearned for this proximity, not just a rush of passion, but what came after and the security of him. From the strength of his muscles, to heat of his skin to yours, and the smell of him so close. This is what had been missing. The last piece to the puzzle that was home, the rut in your belly and soul curling pleasantly as you melted into him. Please never end. But you knew morning would come and one day he'd have to leave like everyone else. And you knew that day would be soul shattering. Because once again, you'd be alone.
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prolestariwrites · 4 years
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The Wish [5]
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Lady, Eva, Sparda, OC Rating: General Tags: Family, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Typical demon hunting violence
Summary: A demon gives Dante the chance to have his greatest desires made real. When he finds himself in a seemingly idyllic life, all seems well until it starts to unravel. Will he sacrifice himself to save the family he lost, or will he choose to give them up for the truth?
Now posted: Chapter 5, in which Dante puts his foot in his mouth and talks to a cat.
Chapter 4: Dante Fucks Up
Dante grins when the door to the shop opens and his father enters, Nero and V following. He’s already had a great day: a good night’s sleep after pizza and a movie with Lir last night, and today he’s already changed an air filter on a bike and ordered a set of new tires for a customer. Running the repair shop is a lot like running the Devil May Cry, he has learned over the course of the morning, except less blood and killing and more money.
Vergil had texted that Sparda was bringing his nephews by, and as promised they arrive and come straight into the garage. “Hey there boys!” he says happily. “Hope you’re ready to work. I got a set of brakes to replace, and there’s a Harley that needs a new carburetor.”
“Cool,” Nero says, and to his surprise, V looks interested too.
“We can help?” V asks.
“Sure,” Dante replies. “I’ll get the parts and then we’ll get to cleaning everything before putting the new brakes on.”
Sparda clears his throat. “Before you get started, can I speak with you?” he asks.
Dante nods, and Nero says, “We can get the stuff together. Come on, V.”
The boys go into the back to the supply room, and Dante is a bit impressed they know what to do. “What’s up?” he asks. “Did you and mom have fun the other night?”
“Yes… but…” Sparda folds his arms. “Did you uh… make any phone calls yesterday, Dante?”
They stare at one another, and Dante shakes himself, remembering his father is waiting for an answer. He has a darn good guess what Sparda is hinting at, so he rubs the back of his head and says, “Uh, maybe? Why?”
Sparda looks around, as if to see if anyone is listening. But there’s no one there but the two of them, so he tilts his head in and says quietly, “An old friend of mine called me last night. Said she received a call from Dante, son of Sparda. Now I don’t know how you got her phone number, but…” Dante frowns as Sparda looks uncertain. “Well, let’s just say it was a shock. I had not expected to hear that name again.”
“You mean Matier?” he asks. “Why not? She’s cool.”
His father looks at him in surprise. “So you’ve met her?”
“Um…” Dante shifts uncomfortably. “Kind of? It’s hard to explain.”
Sparda’s eyes narrow, examining him closely, and suddenly he feels like he is six years old and trying to convince him that he didn’t break the lamp in the front room. “How do you know Matier?”
He decides to take a chance and give some truth. “What would you say if I told you I’ve been to Dumary?”
“Impossible,” Sparda hisses. “How would you have gone there? When?”
Dante shakes his head. “I can explain. I think?”
“Yes, you’ll explain.” Sparda’s voice goes sharp, scolding, and Dante frowns. Why is he so upset about this? “You’ll explain that, and more. Like Nevan? Have you been spying on me?”
“Spying? What, no!”
“Reading my journals?”
“No! Pop, what…” He studies his father, wondering what the big deal is, when it dawns on him: Sparda never told any of them anything. “Wait,” he says, leaning in closer. “Does Mom know?”
Sparda snaps back, his eyes open in alarm. “Enough of this,” he says. “Come over tonight. We need to discuss this.” His eyes dart to the back room, where they can hear the boys chattering. “You’re going to tell me everything you know, and how you know it, understand?”
The tone of his voice gets under his skin. It’s not as if Dante did anything wrong, and he huffs with a wave of his hand. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll come over. And you’re gonna do some explaining too, got it?”
Sparda mutters something under his breath as he turns on his heel and stalks out of the shop. “Uncle Dante!” V calls. “Nero mixed up all the lug nuts!”
“I did not!”
He sighs as the door shuts with a slam. “Stop touching shit,” he calls, turning his attention to his nephews.
After they get the lug nuts resorted, he hustles the boys out of the storage room to get started. They sit as he starts taking things apart, Nero handing him tools as V takes and sorts the parts Dante hands him. They actually work together pretty well, which surprises him. Nero is all energy, talking every chance he gets to fidget, even looping the tools through his fingers before handing them over. Meanwhile V is quieter, methodical, even huffing over the mess when Nero accidentally kicks the neat rows of parts askew. Dante just chuckles to himself, thinking that they remind him of himself and Vergil. But maybe that’s the point?
Before long he hands over the pieces for them to clean while he goes to his office to grab some drinks. With three sodas in hand, he hands them out before cracking open his own, leaning on the reception desk as he watches. “How come you guys don’t have school today?” he asks.
“It’s summer,” V says, and they both laugh.
“Right.” Dante thinks as he takes a sip. Maybe these two can answer some questions, especially if this is all a made-up place? Best to do this subtly, he decides, thinking about how Lir had grown suspicious of his questions. “So your parents. What’s up with them?”
Nero and V glance at one another. “Huh?”
“What are they like? Gotta be weird having them as parents, hm?”
Nero laughs. “Why is that weird?”
“Well, you know, because Vergil is… I mean, your mom is…” Dante frowns, realizing he has no idea what they do, and guesses it’s got nothing to do with demon hunting. “They uh… happy?”
Nero makes a face but V frowns. “Why are you asking? What’s going on?”
“Nothing! Nothing. I mean…”
“Are they getting a divorce?” Nero asks, his voice going tight.
“No! At least, I don’t think so…” Dante makes an aggravated noise in his throat and rubs his face. “No, I was just asking. Everything’s fine.”
Neither looks convinced, so Dante tries a new tactic. “Hey Nero, got any girlfriends?”
He turns bright red as V laughs. “He wishes!” V exclaims. “There is this one girl—”
“No there’s not—”
“And he spends all day and all night—”
“I do not!!”
“Just going oh, oh, I love her so much!” V mimics him with a sad, dramatic voice. “I’ll never be good enough for her, boo hoo—”
“Cut it out!” Nero shouts, aiming a kick at V that he easily dodges.
Dante just laughs. “Okay, lay off. This girl got you bad, hm, Nero? But I bet Kyrie likes you just fine.”
Nero stops glaring at V long enough to give him a confused look. “Who’s Kyrie?”
“Isn’t that… nevermind.”
He finishes off his soda, wondering what else to talk about, when V asks, “Why so many questions?”
“Why are you asking so many questions?” V repeats. “You never do.”
Dante huffs. “Yes I do. I’m very involved.”
They both laugh at that, and Dante tosses his soda can away as he grumbles, “Okay, enough out of you two. Go back to work or I ain’t paying you.”
“Like you have money,” V says, and both boys set off in another round of laughter. Dante makes a face and folds his arms, thinking how much he can’t stand kids. This is probably why he and Lir haven’t had any. Can’t catch a break, even in his own ideal world.
Vergil picks them up at five on the dot. They’ve managed to get the brake pads changed and bled, and Dante has them labelling inventory when he arrives. “Are they in one piece?” he asks as he approaches the desk.
Dante sits in his chair, his elbows on the desk and his chin in his hands. All afternoon he thought about his father and the look on his face when he mentioned Dalmary. It doesn’t make sense: if Sparda is still who he is, which he seems to be, then why hide it? Maybe the outside world didn’t know about the Legendary Knight living in their midst, but he had never kept it a secret from Eva, or from them.
“Yeah… but Vergil, I need to ask you something,” he says.
Before they can continue Nero hops over. “Dad, Uncle Dante said you and mom were getting a divorce.”
Vergil shouts “What?” just as Dante protests, “I did not!”
“He did, I heard him too,” V says with a smile.
“You brats,” mumbles Dante.
Vergil looks ready to kill as he glares at him. “Why would you say something like that?”
“I said I didn’t!” Dante insists. “I was just asking how you guys were. Like if you were…” He swallows thickly, dreading Vergil’s reaction. “Happy.”
His brother narrows his eyes. “What game is this?”
“First you wanted me to come over to talk,” Vergil says. “Now you’re asking about if I’m happy? What’s going on?”
His first instinct is to deny, but then he decides against it. “Something is, but…” He side-eyes the twins, who are watching expectantly. “I’m going over to see Dad tonight. Can you come with me? Please?”
Vergil presses his lips together into a thin line. “What does this have to do with him?”
“I can’t exactly tell you now,” he hisses.
Luckily Vergil gets his meaning and nods. But Nero and V immediately protest, “No! We want to know too!”
“Go get in the car,” Vergil orders.
With some grumbling Nero heads out, V following behind. But before they head out the door V turns and says, “Hey Uncle Dante? Everyone’s happy, you know. You should be too.”
Dante frowns. That’s a weird thing for a kid to say, isn’t it?
Vergil sighs when they are gone. “Now tell me what this is about.”
“Dad has been…” Dante rubs the back of his neck. “Keeping secrets, I guess? But you should hear it from him.”
“What kind of secrets?” asks Vergil suspiciously.
“Like I said, hear it from him.” Dante picks up his keys, moving to shut off the lights in the shop. “Meet me there at eight, okay?”
Vergil agrees, but reluctantly, and when he’s gone Dante takes a walk through the shop to make sure everything is turned off before he locks up. On the way home, he wonders if his suspicions are correct, and Sparda has kept the truth a secret. And what will Vergil do when he finds out?
He can’t shake the feeling of unease when he gets home, where Lir is putting chicken in the oven. “How was your day?” she asks cheerily when he moves to wash his hands.
Dante grabs a kitchen towel to dry them when she moves closer and rubs his arm. “Hey, are you okay? Were the kids too much?”
“No, they were fine.” He glances at Lir and says, “I need to run over to my parents’ tonight. Dad wants to show me and Vergil something.”
Dante goes to move away, but Lir stretches up to slide her arms around his neck. Dante chuckles to himself at how short she is, and when she smiles and nudges him closer, his hands go to her waist as he follows her pull. She kisses him sweetly, tugging on his lower lip a bit, and in spite of himself he responds, giving her a teasing bite that has her lips curling into a smile against his. They linger like this for another moment, and Dante refuses to feel badly about it. She might not be real, but it’s nice to have someone to take care of him, and he never realized how much he likes the simple affection. It’s something he hasn’t had since he was a kid, and Dante is almost sorry when Lir eases back to return to making dinner.
She launches into a story about water damage in the storage room and some missing labels, which he only half listens to as he sits and watches her cook. Really he uses the time to debate if digging into all this is really worth it. Dante had read the paper that morning, picking it up on his way into the shop. There was nothing in the news that would indicate a demon attack; everything was normal human crime and chaos, so he had to assume that demons didn’t exist in this place. But if there were no demons, then how was he here?
“He did what?” Lir’s voice pulls him from his thoughts, and when he looks up, she is giving him a funny look as she talks on her cell phone. “I have no idea,” she laughs, turning back to stir the vegetables on the stovetop.
She hangs up a minute later, setting something on the stove before walking over to him. “Did you really tell the boys that Vergil and Mary are getting divorced?” she laughs.
“No,” he sighs. “They took it all wrong.”
“Well what did you say?”
Dante shrugs. “I just asked if they were happy.”
Lir gives him another strange look before taking the seat next to his at the little kitchen table. “Why would you ask that?”
“I guess I was curious,” he replies.
“Dante.” Lir sucks in a deep breath before she leans forward, resting her elbow on the table. “You’ve been so different lately. Acting like… I don’t know. Like you aren’t you, somehow. Is something wrong?”
He opens his mouth to assure her that he’s fine, but hesitates. “I don’t know,” he answers truthfully.
“Okay.” Lir’s brows draw in as she thinks. “When do you feel like it started?”
“Two days ago,” he replies. “The day of the dinner for my uh, parents.”
“That’s specific,” she chuckles. “Did anything happen to make you feel this way?”
He considers telling her the truth: he fought a demon that granted him a wish and sent him to this weird reality. Would Lir even believe him? Does he even believe it? “It’s hard to explain,” he says.
Lir considers that for a moment before asking, “I guess the important question is, are you happy?”
She shrugs. “Simple enough question. Are you happy? Or do you feel like you need something else?”
Dante studies her for a moment. “No,” he answers finally. “I like it enough here.”
“Like it enough?” Lir looks hurt, and that makes him feel bad. And confused, too, because she’s a demon, right? Or made up by a demon. Either way, he shouldn’t care about what she thinks, even though he does.
“That’s not what I meant,” he hurries on.
For a second he’s worried she’s going to cry: a woman crying was never something he handles well. But instead she stands and moves to sit on his lap. Immediately his arms go around her waist as she strokes his cheek, and Dante has to admit it feels nice. “I love you,” Lir murmurs. Then she tilts his face up to look at her, and he can see the real concern in her eyes. “More than anything.”
His heart is beating loudly in his chest as he swallows thickly. Dante thinks of them in bed together, when she was the perfect combination of sweet and sexy. He had thought this was a dream then, and maybe it is… but does he want to wake up?
“I love you too,” he replies, the words feeling both right and wrong.
“Good.” Something beeps on the stove and Lir looks over. “Why don’t you go get changed out of those dirty clothes while I finish getting everything ready?”
Dante mutters an agreement and heads upstairs, the uneasy feeling following him. Until now, he had been trying to figure out what was going on, and find a way back. But now he thinks: should he even be looking for answers at this point?
There’s got to be something you’d rather be doing than this.
He splashes some water on his face and looks in the mirror. Why is he trying to figure this out? Here he has Vergil, and his parents, and Nero. And Lir… he has to admit, he is growing a soft spot for her. If he finds a way back, it’s just back to debt and demons and being alone.
“Fine,” he decides, giving himself a stern look. “I’ll just stay for now. See what happens.”
A clatter startles him, and when he looks down, the damn cat has jumped on the counter, sending Lir’s makeup and the soap everywhere. “Shoo,” he says, swatting at the feline, but it just sits and looks at him.
Dante huffs. “You I could do without.” The cat blinks at him and he shakes his head. “Figures something would be a pain in my ass. Guess this place isn’t perfect, hm?”
“Humans are too fickle. If it was perfect, you wouldn’t be happy,” the cat replies.
He jumps, staring at the cat with wide eyes. “What the fuck did you just say?”
But the cat doesn’t answer, just licks its paw, as Dante’s heart pounds loudly in his chest.
14 notes · View notes
ladyhistorypod · 3 years
Episode 18: Three’s Company, Four’s Divine
Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus: Mesopotamia Timeline
Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus: Inanna/Ishtar
Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature: Inanna and Enki
Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature: Inana's Descent to the Netherworld
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative: Composite Text of Akkadian Descent of Ištar
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Further Learning: Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature: Epic of Gilgamesh, Epic of Gilgamesh: Standard Babylonian Version
Oxford Reference
Google Arts & Culture
Further Learning: Remarks by Ambassador Cheng Jingye
Danu & Tuatha Dé Danann
The Goddess Danu (YouTube)
Danu - Irish Goddess (YouTube)
Ancient History of Ireland, Tuatha De Danaan, Scythians, and Phoenicians (YouTube)
Celtic Mythology - An Introduction to the Tuatha De Danann (YouTube)
Further learning: House Shadow Drake - Don and Dana, Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance, The Sacred Isle: Belief and Religion in Pre-Christian Ireland, Life Understood from a Scientific and Religious Point of View, The History of Ireland
Hesiod’s Theogony
Homer’s Hymn to Demeter
Madeline Miller
Further Learning: Lore Olympus (webcomic), Punderworld (webcomic)
Attributions: A Ghrà by Damiano Baldon
Click below for a transcript of this episode!
Haley: Which goddess is three point three seven feet tall? Kelsie: Three point three seven? Haley: Yes. Alana: Do– do you want us to say? Do you want to say? Lexi: These jokes are just a quiz for Kelsie. Haley: I have to have multiple jokes? I'm not ready. Alana: I have one it’s fine. Haley: Okay well it's Demeter. Alana: And you know you should also you know in in in COVID times, in COVID times you should be standing Demeters apart. Lexi: Oh. My. Lord Jesus. Oh my god. I should say oh my lord Ashera [Ash-er-a]. Kelsie: There you go. Alana: Oh, that's very funny. Haley: I love when Alana’s– Alana: Ashera [Ash-ay-ra], actually please. Lexi: Yeah, right. I knew as soon as I said it I said it wrong. Haley: Every couple of episodes Alana will… like Lexi and I will say something, and Alana will be like “oh that's like really funny” in this tone and like… I’m always funny. Don’t be surprised. I don't need this from you. Kelsie: Actually Haley, you're quite hilarious. Haley: Thank you. Lexi: Wait, but how does that tie into social media? Haley: I didn't get to the question yet. The question is because for… well my dad doesn't listen to my podcast, but for my dad is the worst person to get Christmas or birthday presents and his birthday is January 2, so like hop skip and a jump right after Christmas. But he loves board games, and his favorite board game is Codenames, so I have printed out over two hundred photos– like family photos– of the like stupidest photos in the world. And I'm laminating everything so it could be his own Codenames pictures, replacing all of it. Kelsie: That’s good. Haley: And my question is, is there a photo from your childhood where you're like what am I doing but you have that second jolt of like no this actually makes complete sense when you're realizing like what you're doing in the photo? For me it was crouching down in like the seventh grade next to a kangaroo, waking up a kangaroo, and then immediately after getting punched. I also had bangs but it was Australia and humidity or whatever climate that just didn't work with my curly hair. Lexi: So that was a set up so I could say that the picture of me digging up a dinosaur… Which, famously on this podcast I get mad when people think archaeologists dig up dinosaurs. Kelsie: As you should. Lexi: But yes, there is a picture of me, five years old, digging up a dinosaur. Not a real one. I don't think they’d let four year olds do that. Haley: But the best part is the goggles! Lexi: I have goggles on to protect me from the dirt. Kelsie: That’s important. You don’t want to get schmutz in your eyes. Lexi: But I’ve never been on a dig where I wore goggles. Kelsie: Maybe you should. Maybe you should wear goggles next season. Lexi: You know how much acne I’d get around my face if I wore goggles in the heat of Israel? Alana: Yeah, right? Kelsie: Who cares? Alana: No, go to Ireland! [INTRO MUSIC] Alana: Hello and welcome to Lady History; the good, the bad, and the ugly lady you missed in history class. We're back recording new episodes, so here is Lexi. Lexi, what would you be the goddess of? Lexi: Cross stitching and tricycles. Alana: Do you want to elaborate or just leave it at that? Lexi: Well right now I am cross stitching and it's what I do with my hands when I'm talking because I have mental problems and the only way I can focus on something is to do something else mindless. And the tricycle is because I have an adult tricycle and an anecdote my dad took that tries to go into the bike repair shop to get the brake fixed and he was too embarrassed to say it was his daughter’s so he said his wife bought it for his mother in law. Alana: And I really like that question so I'm also gonna ask Haley. Haley, what would you be the goddess of? Haley: I think I would be the goddess of eggs, just because I would control them and like not take it in because like I don't wanna be the goddess of something like I destroy, so like… Alana: For the irony. Haley: The irony. Eggs. Alana: And it's our third ever guest, Kelsie! Kelsie, tell the listeners a skosh about yourself. Kelsie: Hi everybody I'm Kelsie Ehalt. I am a Master’s student at Brandeis right now and I'm going to go and list the department I'm in. It's just a lot of words, so get ready. But I'm in the joint program in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, those are two different departments, but they both have ‘ands’ which makes things confusing. But basically I study ancient history via texts right now. I do archaeology as well but right now since digging’s not really a thing because we shouldn’t travel because of the pandemic, I'm really focusing on languages for my Masters. And then I also incorporate the gender studies side of things into the equation, so I'm just looking at how gender functions in the ancient world and thinking about it from a not straight white man perspective, basically, because that's basically all that’s been published. And there’s some better scholarship coming out now, but there's still some work to be done so I'm doing what I can there. Alana: We do love all of that. And I'm Alana and I tried to start an all goddess religion when I was like eight. (Haley laughing) Alana: Me and my friend Kay who is one of my like oldest friends in the whole world, they're gonna get a shout out a little bit later as well because they sort of helped me in my research. We like tried to start up polytheistic all goddess religion when we were like eight. We like had a list of goddesses that we wanted to name and we like created little rituals. A great time to be had. Kelsie: Everyone should have just a religion creation phase I think. Alana: Absolutely. We called it Selenism because the main goddess was Selene. Haley is shaking her head at me and it's making me feel… ways. Haley: I love it but also like… Lexi: I feel like I was like writing fan fiction before I knew it was fan fiction, while you simultaneously were making a religion. Haley: Like I'm not surprised that either of this happened. Not surprised at all. Alana: It's a true story, it's a fun story. We kept a lot of ash in bottles… related to this religion that we were making up. Kelsie: Where did you get ash from when you were like… Haley: Yeah, that’s the… Alana: I don't think we still have it, but like we had it for a while. Lexi: No no no, where did you acquire it? Kelsie: What were you burning? Alana: Oh. From like. I don't remember. Haley: No that's a body. Alana: I think we just like burned paper or something and collected the ash. Kelsie: Oh, that’s not exciting. Alana: We played with a lot of fire when I was… Kay and I… we played with a lot of fire. Haley: Yeah! Yes! Yes. Lexi: I don’t know what to say. Haley: No, playing with fire… Wait, were you a Girl Scout too? Alana: No, I was a Daisy for half an hour and then they wanted me to do all this like stupid weird shit like say my own name in a group of people so that was a no no for baby Alana. Alana said no no to being a Daisy. Kelsie: Alright so I'm going to talk about my girl Ishtar today. So Ishtar is the Akkadian name for the goddess of love and war but the Sumerian version of her name is Inanna so I might switch back and forth between Ishtar and Inanna but know that by the later period they're the same person. There's some debate about whether Ishtar was a separate goddess who became then sort of like coagulated in with this earlier Inanna, or if Ishtar is just like a direct connection to Inanna, there's a debate about this, it’s not quite clear. So I’ll probably refer to her as Ishtar. If I mess up and instead of Inanna it’s because I work with the later period stuff so I don't really see Inanna too much. But anyway so Ishtar, Inanna is the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war. And she's depicted in all kinds of different texts, but obviously we have the most interesting sort of goddess information about her from the mythological texts, but she also shows up in legal texts because they're just invoking her to you know validate decisions, things like that. And people in this period, well in Mesopotamia across all periods of history, have personal gods so she’s invoked in sort of just letters too if they're just like “hey bud I'm sending you this thing, you know, good luck, thanks Ishtar or Inanna.” like whatever, she's brought up a lot. But for today I'm gonna focus on a few of the mythological texts because I think that's where we get the most interesting information about who she is as a character in the Mesopotamian religion. So the biggest story, or the story where she has the biggest role, is– the title’s translated, there's not really a title, they don't always title these tablets. But it's translated as the Descent of Inanna or Ishtar into the Netherworld. So I'm gonna give you a little summary of what goes on in that story which is… it's a fun one. I actually– this is one of the first things I– the actual– first actual texts I worked on translating in Akkadian, not just working out of the exercise the book but actually working with text. So I'm gonna tell you the Sumerian version a slightly longer, and there are more details, so I'm gonna tell you that version, and then I can tell you how the later Akkadian versions differ later. So here, Inanna–because this is Sumerian– she's deciding to go down to the netherworld. It's kind of conceived as like a cavern type thing underground so I guess I should go over Mesopotamian cosmogony first so we have Earth here which is where you know humans and mortals lived, and above that is the heavens, which is pretty standard for what modern Abrahamic traditions follow as well. But then beneath the Earth, we have the netherworld or underworld. In Sumerian it’s kur, in Akkadian it's kurnigi… I'll just call it the netherworld. And then between the netherworld and the Earth we have the Apsu, which is sort of this underground water where things happened too, and that's where Enki lives. And that's also– that plays a role in the creation story of Enuma Elish where Tiamat, one of the primordial goddesses who's the goddess of fresh water...? Either freshwater or saltwater I’m forgetting. She mixes with Apsu which is either freshwater or saltwater, whichever one she's not, and they create the other gods from there. So the Apsu is really important because it's sort of the origin point of all of the gods within Mesopotamian… the Mesopotamian pantheon. It's also where Enki lives, and he's one of the head gods too and we'll talk about him some more in the story because he plays a role. Okay so in the Descent of Inanna… so she's going down to the underworld to visit her sister Ereshkigal, who is the goddess of the underworld. I'm forgetting what her name is in Sumerian, it might be still Ereshkigal. But she’s going down to visit Ereshkigal because her husband– Ereshkigal’s husband has died, so Inanna wants to go to his funeral. And before she goes down, she tells her assistant– it's translated as minister in the versions that I looked at– her minister whose name is Ninshubur– I'm not sure about the length of the vowels there, but Ninshubur is Inanna’s like assistant, I'm imagining like a PA. And so Inanna is like “okay Ninshubur, like I'm going down, it's kind of dangerous to go, people don't really go down to the netherworld, so if I'm not back in three days go ask these gods for help.” and she gives a list of gods. First is Enlil, and then Urim, Nanna, and Enki. That's important later because she gives a list of four and it's important that she gives a list of four because the first three don't help her, but we'll get to that in a minute. So Ninshubur is like “okay, great, have a good visit to the netherworld,” and off Inanna goes. So Inanna goes down, she’s stopped by the gatekeeper… and the gatekeeper says “hold up, what are you doing here and why are you here?” And so Inanna says “I'm visiting my sister because her husband died and I want to go to the funeral” and he's like “okay let me go ask her.” So he goes and asks Ereshkigal if it’s okay and Ereshkigal is concerned because before Inanna went down, she got these powers. And the powers are manifest in physical objects. So she gets a ring that has some sort of special power, and this lapis lazuli necklace that has a power, and there are seven other– seven total things, so five other things that have powers. And so Ereshkigal knows that Inanna brought these and she's concerned about them because there's a sort of not trusting dynamic between them even though they are sisters. So Inanna’s like okay you can let her in but close all seven gates and only open one at a time to let her in, and each gate take one of her things. So she goes through it's the same sort of structure throughout, in the Sumerian. And she goes to one gate, they take her ring. She goes to the second gate, they take her hat or whatever. And it goes on for seven gates. And then she gets to the last gate, they let her in, and basically it was a trap. Speaker 0: They… it's kind of confusing. The Sumerian is not really clear on what exactly happens. But I've sent Alana the link to the translation that I looked at, and so you can read it too if you want to see– Alana: That will be in our show notes at ladyhistorypod dot tumblr dot com. Kelsie: Yeah. So I used the version that the… the Electronic Corpus of Sumerian Literature version which is trans– it's sort of a… It's a compilation of some different translations but it's a pretty standard not too fluffy interpretive translation, so I thought it was pretty good. But basically… so she gets the last gate and then they start yelling at Inanna and then she turns into a corpse and they put her on a hook. I'm not exactly sure what the process of these things are, but I’m imagining they're yelling at her and she just sort of like desicates and like dries up and they like put her on a hook. The motivation isn't super clear, I think, and some of the tablet is broken, so there… we might be missing some of the context, of course. And you know, of course, something important happens in a break, that's always the case, it’s never something boring. So maybe there’s some sort of other story, and maybe it's orally transmitted, detailing the drama between Ereshkigal and Inanna. Maybe there's a more specific reason why Ereshkigal does not trust Inanna and therefore wants to take her powers and then trick her to stay in the netherworld. Anyway, so Inanna's dried up, on a hook, and then three days passed and so Ninshubur, you know, being the loyal personal assistant, realizes three days have passed and Inanna’s not back, so she's like “oh shit, I better go get help.” So she goes to the first person that Inanna told her to ask for help from, Enlil. Enlil says “no, I’m not helping.” And then Ninshubur goes to Urim, Urim says “no I'm not helping.” And then Ninshubur goes to Nanna, and Nanna says “no, I’m not helping.” And finally she goes to Enki, who in some versions of myths is Inanna’s father. And in this version he… the wording is that he is her father, but we have to be careful with the wording about like familial relations in Near Eastern text because sometimes they’re just using them to describe power dynamics, not actual biological relations. So even though Enki here is you know referring to Inanna as his daughter, it might just be a power dynamic thing rather than a biological relation. That's not super clear, but in other versions of the story he’s also depicted as her father so I think that's fair enough to go for the narrative. But anyway, he’s like “okay fine I'll help, what is Inanna doing?” And so Ninshubur explains that she went down to the netherworld and is stuck. So Enki's like “okay I have a plan.” So he makes these two figures and these are gonna come up later because these figures are what I'm doing my thesis on. He takes dirt from his fingernail and he makes a kurgarru and in the Sumerian it’s galutera. In later Akkadian is just galu. But these two figures– and I’ll explain a little bit more later when I talk about what I'm doing for my thesis– there are some interesting gender performance things going on with these figures. But right now I’ll just leave them as helpers that Enki makes from dirt from under his fingernail. And he gives one of them a plant and he gives one of them water, and he’s like “okay, go down to the netherworld, and give… you're gonna see a corpse, and it's gonna be confusing, but that corpse is your queen.” So I love that saying, because he's like “you’re gonna see this dead body” so he knows what happened already, which I don't understand how that happened. But he's like “you're gonna see this corpse, give her the water, give her the food, and you'll be okay.” They go down, they give Inanna the water and the plant, and she– I assume like somehow revives. And I’m imagining like a sponge, like they put the water on her and like I said before, like I’m imagining like the yelling like desiccated her, so there was sort of like… like soaking up the water. And so okay… she's like “okay I'm fine now.” So they start to leave, and these two demons stop them, the group of three who are leaving, so there’s five of them now. And they say “well, no one ever leaves the netherworld, so you need to send someone to replace you.” And she's like “okay, who do you want” and they're like “we want your assistant” and she's like “no she's too loyal” and then they're like “we want your manicurist” and she's like “no she's too good” and then they're like “what about your husband” and Inanna’s like “okay sure, I guess.” There's some other stories about her husband Demuzi, that it was an arranged marriage too so Inanna is like not too keen on her husband. But so anyway, so the demons go to take Demuzi, and he's like “oh no, I don't want to go to the netherworld.” So he talks to his brother Utu, who lives in the heavens, and he's like “Utu, turn my limbs into snakes so I can escape the demons” and Utu is like “okay, that sounds like a good idea.” And so he turns his limbs into snakes, and he escapes the demons. And then the last part of the story is really fragmented, so I have no idea what's going on, but apparently Demuzi escapes, and then some other things happen, and then Inanna talks to a fly…  like a bug, a fly, who says “I know where your husband is, we can go find him.” And then apparently the fly helps her– it's broken so it's hard to know and then the story ends somewhere there. But that's the short, sort of humorous version of the Sumerian version of the descent of Ishtar, or Inanna, rather. And then the Akkadian version is a lot shorter, it leaves out a lot of the details of… it doesn't have the story afterward, after they leave the netherworld and the demons are trying to take someone back to replace Inanna, the Akkadian version doesn't have that. One of the notable things but the Akkadian version, I think, and this sort of links into my master's thesis, which I’ll get to in a second, is that when Ishtar, in this case since we're talking about the Akkadian, is stuck in the netherworld, there's a whole series of lines repeated twice or three times where it's like all of the animals and humans aren't having sex anymore. And things are bad. And so that's how they know that something's wrong with Ishtar, instead of the assistant sending people down to help, other people realize that something's wrong, which I think is interesting. And then, you know, then she gets back and it's okay. But yeah. So, to talk about my thesis a little bit. So I'm focusing on a couple different figures in the cult of Ishtar, the main ones I'm focusing on is the assinnu. The assinnu is the syllabic spelling of it in Akkadianin but there's also a logogram which in Sumerian is sagg or sag. That one you see sometimes the other one is urmunis which is literally man-woman. Haley: Fun fact, sag in Farsi is dog. Kelsie: Oh, really? Haley: Yeah. Kelsie: In Sumerian it’s head or like top. Haley: Oh that's fun. I was ready for you to be like wolf. Kelsie: No, it's the same as the Arabic it's kelb, kelbum in Akkadian. Anyway, so I think there's definitely something going on interesting gender-wise with these figures, and so actually I first came up with this topic because I was reading the descent of Ishtar in Akkadian, not the Sumerian version. But my first semester of Akkadian, and my professor was a PhD student and we got to a part where– the part where in the Akkadian version, Ea instead of Enki makes an assinnu. And it's the word assinnu in the Akkadian version, but it’s kurgarru and galla in the Sumerian version, but these are all kind of related. I'm throwing words out, I’ll explain the difference– and also the difference isn't super clear, so if you’re confused between them, everyone is. There's not a clear distinction between these roles that we found in the textual evidence so far. But I was like “okay what's an assinnu” because I never heard that word before, that's not a common word in Akkadian and he’s like “oh, it's like a third gender person” and like that raised red flags in my gender studies brain, I'm like okay like whenever you categorize something as third gender without any other discussion there's something interesting going on there. So I started reading some more about what people had written about the assinnu and it turned out to be pretty gross because as we all know being archaeology students and students of the ancient world, it's all white straight man… cis straight men writing about basically everything and so that's the case with gender as well, unfortunately. And so in all these different translations of texts, the assinnu are translated from everything as like cultic prostitute, to eunuch, to impersonator– all these gross words that I think… one, just really limit the conversation that you could have about gender in these figures because you're placing so many modern assumptions on them just with the single word that you're using, and two, especially words like eunuch and cultic prostitute like there's no textual evidence to support these interpretations anyway. So it's all this secondary scholarly interpretation being placed on these figures where you know there's not many textual instances of them, so it's hard to say what exactly is going on but there's not specific evidence for castration or prostitution. For my thesis I’m basically going through and writing about how the word assinnu and kurgarru and galu and kalu have been translated by scholars, and then going back and seeing like what can we figure out in terms of their gender performance from the actual textual evidence that we have, as opposed to just going to these simplistic, interpretive labels. And my proposition, too, at the end is to not translate words like that because any translation that we have is going to simplify the role of these figures and I think just leaving it in the Akkadian leaves more room open for describing the things that they did and leaving it open because we don't know a lot about them, and just leaving that sort of gray area there instead of just labeling them one thing or another. But yeah so that's what I'm working on for my thesis, and all of these figures are associated with Ishtar specifically. And I think there is something interesting there because of Ishtar’s liminality herself because she's the goddess of love and war and those are two kind of opposite things. And her own gender performance is kind of somewhere in between this binary because sometimes she's portrayed in cylinder seals and things with a beard, and her animal is a male lion, or a lion with a mane, at least. I mean there are female lions with manes too. So I think Ishtar herself has some interesting gender things going on, so it makes total sense that her cultic functionaries, her cultic personnel, also had some interesting gender things going on too. So I'm just trying to figure out what exactly we can say about what's going on within her temple. There’s not a lot of evidence, but just trying to figure out what's going on. Lexi: I love it. I love your thesis. Haley: My mind is blown. Lexi: I really struggled to settle on a lady for this episode because I wanted to do something interesting but I didn’t want my lady to be from the same region as like another lady that was already being covered by one of you in this episode and that's– the regions you are familiar with are the regions I am familiar with because we had the same professors. So I had to branch out of my comfort zone and explore a person I had never explored– well, a god I never explored because this is goddesses. So I did what any sensible person would do and I reached out to my sister– sorority sister, for everyone who's been following along. And I would like to thank my sister Amber for suggesting this lady. It was a very good suggestion. So I'm talking today about Nüwa. Clarification, as always, I do not speak Chinese, so that's the best that it’s going to get but it's probably not totally correct but do with that what you will. I speak Korean, not Chinese. Alana: Have I been Jewish yet? Have we said Sprinklebear McPuss-n-Boots yet? We got to get all three. Lexi: You got them in. We got them in. Nüwa is the mother goddess of traditional Chinese mythology, so you know we know of a lot of other mythologies from other parts of the world and there often is a mother figure… you know, a matriarch among the deities if you know what I mean. So she's that but in China. And her name is made up of two characters, nu which means woman and wa which is a unique character that is only a part of her name, so that's how it distinguishes her from women in general, it's Nu-Wa. And she is the sister and wife of emperor god Fuxi. And Fuxi is the god who created hunting and cooking, which is a fun combo like hunt then cook? Not vegan, but very relevant to each other. She is often depicted as a serpent, and it's her body is the figure of a serpent and she has a woman's head. And she is capable of shape shifting into anything she wants so she can change how she appears. And let me just say she looks really dope, like what a vibe, check out our Instagram, I’ll put up a picture there, or Google her, but I'm obsessed with the different looks that she has. In some depictions she's just drawn as a woman in traditional Chinese dress, which is hanfu and that's slightly less cool but like chill. And in the traditional Chinese creation story Nüwa created humankind from the earth. And we see this in a lot of creation myths. If you know of creation myths from around the world, a lot of times like the physical earth or clay or dirt is related to the creation of humankind. So the story goes that one day she was walking through the woods and she found the woods to be so beautiful that she was sad that she couldn't share the beauty with others. She wanted someone else to enjoy the beauty of the earth. So she decided to create humans from the clay around the river. So she stopped at the riverbank, she picked up the clay, and she's like “I can make humans out of this.” And it is said that she made the aristocracy, like the aristocratic class from yellow clay from the riverbank, and the lower classes were made from mud. And so Nüwa made the upper classes with her hands, she molded them, but her hands got tired and so she picked up a rope and she dipped in the mud, swung it around over her head, and the mud that dropped off became the lower classes. So there is a class distinction in this story, I assume it was at one point in history perpetuated by the upper classes to justify like the class divide in their society but that's how the story goes. And there are several versions that story with varying details so if you are curious to go explore it there are texts about her written in Chinese and Vietnamese and a couple other Asian languages, so if you speak any of those and want to go read it, feel free. But that's the general basic… things that seem to be true in every version of the story. She is credited with defeating the evil water god who is depicted as a black dragon and is named Gonggong, which… I love that name too, like I love the double syllable situation. It's like you could call a pet that, but I guess not since he's an evil water god, maybe it's not good luck to name your pet after him. And Gonggong he’d ripped a hole in the sky when he was battling another god– it was the fire god, so the water and fire god were like [fighting noises] you know? That was not good podcast audio, but they were going at it, him and the fire god. Alana: How am I supposed to transcribe that? Lexi: Ahhh noise! Kelsie: Throw in some vowels and some Hs. Lexi: They were going at it. And they were fighting. And Gonggong ripped down one of the pillars, which is a mountain. He ripped it down, and the sky got a big hole in it. This is a big problem because the sky protected the people from like crazy weather phenomena, so like rain, tsunami, crazy kind of like… crazy crap was happening in the sky. And so she repaired the hole and saved the humans because she loved them because they were her creation, and versions of the story also differ, with one suggesting that she died of exhaustion because she was so tired because she had like held up the sky and put it back together. But she saved humankind, so it was like her last great feat. And another version suggests that she could not repair the sky with just the material she had, so she herself became stone and put the sky back together. So there’s either the version of her dying of exhaustion or her actually becoming the material to repair the sky. Either way, this is her final story so she sacrifices herself to save humankind from Gonggong's mistake. Kelsie: Wait, so with the second version where she is repairing the sky herself is there like an astrological sort of connection to her then? Is there like a constellation representing her? Lexi: That's a good question. No source I read specifically dictated that. Particularly I think because she tends to be associated with the day, but I am unsure. There might be a constellation related to her. She's technically the goddess of marriage and fertility. Chinese religion has really changed over time, but despite that, Nüwa has remained an important figure to many people in China. There are many temples and shrines that are dedicated to her and preserved in her honor, including one that is seen as the ancestral shrine of all humanity, so she's very central in like the identity structure of China. And some women in China today pray to Nüwa for assistance in issues of fertility or marriage, so like if you want a husband you're supposed to go and be like “Nüwa! Give me a man!” and if you want to have a baby, you're supposed to go to Nüwa and be like “Nüwa! Birth me a son!” and so on and so forth. In addition to her role in religion, she also features prominently in pop culture in China and other parts of Asia. She has been a character in three video games, so you can go play Nüwa. I don't know exactly how these video games work, I have not played them. But if that's your jam, Google it. And in numerous television shows and films, there's films that depict all the different stories surrounding her and other deities so she factors into those stories too, and there have been film adaptations specifically of the sky fixing story. And on Earth Day in 2012, a statue of Nüwa created by a Chinese professor was revealed in Time Square as a representation of the importance of protecting the ozone layer because the theme of that year's Earth Day was the ozone layer. And so the ozone layer protects humans and is similar to the sky and Nüwa in her stories… so the statue is of her holding up a piece of the sky… Nüwa holding a piece of the sky…  and she's holding that up and that represents the ozone layer and the fact that we need to keep the ozone layer safe, so as you would give to Nüwa and worship Nüwa you should worship and protect the ozone layer… so on and so forth. Very very cool. And the statue was later moved to Vienna and I've included in the further reading the transcript of the speech that was given when the statue was installed in Vienna which is now where it lives forever, so it's really interesting if you're into that kind of thing. And also I will include a link to the Google Arts and Culture page that describes the statue and you can learn more about the statue and what it's made of if you like that kind of thing and what it looks like. Haley: I was having like a mental identity crisis with who I was gonna pick, and I was on TikTok, of course, scrolling through like just for inspiration. And I came on for my like For You Page. I think that's what it's called, the youths call it, a fun story about Danu and Tuatha Dé Danann. I really… Okay, so this is Irish mythology that we're doing a deep dive into, and I asked Robert how to pronounce these, and of course I forgot. So in Irish mythology, Danu, meaning the flowing one or the divine one who brings all things into being, is associated with both masculine and feminine things which is like right on. However, every time I pick– like, I couldn't decipher like, discern whether she was representation– like if you looked at her while she had her pronouns, or assuming from scholars now she/her pronouns, if she would represent both masculine and feminine or if she is just associated with because she's the divine one who brings all things into being. Because when you look at her it's– I put a lot in the further reading but I used a lot of YouTube videos of the people who are like kinda amateur experts in this… certainly not myself. And a lot of the representation that they put up were very feminine goddess like. Like very nature-esque, flowing long hair, flowing skirts and dresses, or sometimes like a warrior but really like honing in on that feminine side. And that's just my tangent. So she is also like the earth goddess of fertility and growth, abundance, agriculture, as well as intellect, change, and wisdom– and a whole host of others. She just does it all, apparently. She's also like the hypothetical mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann which is what I'm also going to talk about. But before that, because this group of people, the Tuatha Dé Danann, which is Old Irish for the people of the goddess of Danu and the anai– the A. N. A. I. within the name means wealth and that's kind of strange because this… when I'm reading Danu is D. A. N. U. and that’s not found in any like medieval Irish text which was kind of like a point in time where people were like okay it's not in this period and afterwards type of situation. That goes for a lot of her myths and legends. And if you let me nerd out for a sec, let's go into some etymology of the name Danu. Scholars believe that the name Danu is the nominative form and the genitive form is Danann, spelled as like D. A. N. A. N. N. or D. O. N. A. N. D. or D. A. N. A. N. D., which is seen in the primary sources, that’s also how the name Tuatha Dé Danann is spelled. It's the D. A. N. A. N. N., the genitive form of Danu. Again, with these people, they are the people of the goddess of Danu. And this is the story that I'm actually gonna focus on because spoiler it's great and it's also one of the most well known sources, just if you like do a Google search this is the one that keeps popping up with her. And it's about how… basically Ireland was kind of populated. So opening our book to a short story, while there are a bunch of little stories like within this one story, I'm kind of like lumping it all up. And in Irish mythology  Tuatha Dé Danann were the first people or tribe in Ireland. Since they're supernatural and they're not necessarily human but they are human, the way they arrived to Ireland was like via dark clouds and mist which also gets strange because they landed on Connacht. Am I saying that right, Alana? Alana: Connacht. Haley: Connacht. Alana: C. O. N. N. A. C. H. T.? Haley: Yes! Yes ma’am. Alana: Connacht. Yeah Haley: Which is on the west side of Ireland. And this is where– Alana: It's– throwback to episode two, that is around where Gráinne Ní Máille was born and lived and did her pirate-y thing. Haley: Exactly. So this is like why it gets weird, why I say it's like they arrived via dark clouds and mist because they also had boats. So when I was first reading this, I was expecting like people coming out of like dark mist and clouds because clouds are in the sky! But I think now like boats come along with it, so there might be spaceship boats or like water boats. But– Alana: Like in Treasure Planet. Haley: Exactly! That’s what I was thinking. Lexi: Ancient Aliens? The aliens brought boats down and created the Irish people? Haley: NO. Alana: No no no no. Treasure Planet. Treasure Planet is the analogy that we are going with, Treasure Planet. Haley: Yes. And when they arrived, they supposedly burned the boats, hence forcing them to settle in the land they like docked. Which made little to no sense-tentacles, because you literally like, again, rode in like a cloud of mist. And also I want to know when they settled, and they were like “okay, we have food, water, shelter. Let's burn them boats.” And that's fine, that's a great tradition, I'm not like saying for the tradition. But what if, like, if it was immediate, how did you know that was like a suitable habitat? Because like wouldn't you say “oh, we don't have like one of the three basic needs, four, five basic needs that we need, let's get back on our boats and travel around.” These are also supernatural beings and I'm just overanalyzing mythology. That's what I do. Also once they were settled, so like post-burning boats, I guess… It was said that they stayed there for centuries. And for the archaeologists and all of us here part of the myth that is the ring forts, are also called like the fairy forts… Alana is making a face. And that's because that– Alana: I dug a ring fort! Haley: Connection to you and Susan. Probably Susan, why I know this story. So– Alana: This is the Susan Johnston appreciation episode part two. Haley: I actually have a book that she gave me right next to me on my desk, I have with my library background. Anywho, the fairy forts are like often called fairy forts because the Tuatha Dé Danann used them as portals to another like world. And side note, if a human were to happen across the portal they would be forced to dance until they went mad. Honestly, that’s just like… I read that and it was also kind of like– Lexi: What a way to go. Haley: Exactly. Kelsie: It wouldn't take very long for me, like you know twenty minutes I'm gone. Haley: I know! I was like I can dance through like one album of ABBA but like if we get into an album of the Beatles I might like cease to exist. Alana: (Gagging noise) I hate the Beatles. Famously I hate the Beatles. Haley: Rude. And then she is on a podcast with like one of the best Beatles lovers ever. Lexi, right there and then I’m like a– Alana: I hate the Beatles. I think they're overrated. I think it's just like mediocre white men getting more credit than they deserve. Lexi: Well, Sergeant Pepper takes your note and kindly throws it out.The bird. Haley: He took a nice poop on it. Alana: That's fine. Whatever. Haley: Okay so back to my story, because it’s about me right now. We all went mad. And then lastly, this is my last note, so when the Celts invaded, the legend goes that they all turned themselves into fairies, hence, fairy forts! And then they keep watch over the land. That's them. That's Danu. Kelsie: What's the– I don't know if you know this, and maybe I… maybe there’s not an answer, but what's the significance of… between fairies and circles around things? Like when I think of like– like I know about ring forts, I didn't realize there was a connection to fairy forts. But then like winding up like fairies and circles like… Haley: Yeah. Kelsie: Mushrooms, like that’s also a circle-y thing on the ground. Is that a bigger thing? Haley: So, the circle is like the portal, and the reason why it's called fairies is that the legend says they turned into fairies. So it's like fairy forts, that’s their fort. Kelsie: That makes sense. Haley: That's the most I can tell you. I'm sure there's more. There are a lot of YouTubers out there. Lexi: Also, circles is magic. Alana: I'm talking about Persephone the Greek theological figure, ancient Greek. I identify with her very strongly because I also contain multitudes. There is a poem by Nichole McElhaney who is the author of A Sisterhood of Thorns and Vengeance, a book that apparently just like does not exist, because I cannot find it in print anywhere. But the poem goes “Do not worry about your contradictions - Persephone is both floral maiden and queen of death. You, too, can be both.” And I love that. But apparently like the book doesn't exist Nichole McElhaney has a couple of other poetry books with really interesting cool names similar to A Sisterhood of Thorns and Vengeance. She is also known as Proserpina in Rome, and also known as Kora or Kore, which means maiden. And she becomes Persephone when she is like queen of the underworld which we will get to… the stuff that you might know… because of the Percy Jackson series. So in Homer's Hymn to Demeter… Homer's Hymn to Demeter is kind of the primary source we have for the story of Persephone being taken to the underworld. Homer describes her as slim-ankled, which my friend Kay, shout out Kay, who I brought up earlier, we tried to make a religion together, they are an expert in classical literature and they said that that probably meant like a graceful or delicate or something along those lines. So the story is Hades saw her in a field, abducted her, and took her to the underworld and like made her his queen and something about pomegranate seeds, that he forced her only one in Homer’s hymn. It’s only like one seed. You hear it like three or six other places, but in Homer it's just one. Here's what you might not know about that myth, according to Homer. Hades had Zeus’s permission to do this, but not Demeter’s, who is Persephone’s mother. And Demeter goes searching all over like the whole world for Persephone, and everyone saw what happened– like the sun god saw what happened and was like yeah we're not gonna help you because like basically they said she could do a lot worse as far as a husband goes. She's like queen of the underworld right now. I think like that's a pretty good deal… you know Hades isn't going cheating on his wife like someone we know. Zeus. But according to Homer, one pomegranate seed meant three months in the underworld. Anyway Persephone– this is a really short story I'm sorry– Persephone. She is part of the agrarian triad which is a group of three agricultural slash harvest deities with Demeter and a god called Triptolemus. Kelsie: Lexi would call this an agricultural throuple. Alana: That's an excellent point. I don't think there is any evidence for that but I do like the idea of it being a throuple. So Persephone as queen of the underworld kind of gives a more pleasant face to the concept of death and the afterlife, so it kind of like helps Hades’s reputation and there's not as much stigma about it because yeah you're dying but look the goddess of spring is also queen of the underworld, so that's pretty cool. Now I'm going to cede the rest of my time to modern reinterpretations that are all written by women or some other marginalized group. The only one whose like gender I don't know is married to a man and cis straight men don't marry other men by definition, so this person is marginalized in some other way. I don't know if they know that, but it's really cool story. So first of all, Hadestown. Wow. Anais Mitchell. It's beautiful. It's jazzy. It's so much fun. It's Hades and Persephone but they've like fallen out of love after so long and also the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is in there. I want a live recording of it– it's a Broadway show– I want a live recording of it the way that Hamilton has been. I think that is what we deserve. There is also a couple of webcomics, the first one is Punderworld, which has a very– why are you shaking your head Kelsie? Kelsie: It’s such a bad pun and it has pun in the word! Alana: It’s a bad pun and it has pun in the word. It's a very realistic art style, there are not a ton of episodes, one of them made the rounds on tumblr while ago if you were still there. And it takes place in a more realistic like ancient Greek Olympian kind of setting. Links to the webcomics by the way will be in further learning which is what I've been calling it lately because it's not always reading. The other one is called Lore Olympus. There are a lot of episodes of this one. It is more whimsical but also somehow grittier? Like all the characters are kind of color-coded. Athena has a very androgynous, ace, butch lesbian vibe like someone else in the Zoom right now. So it’s like Olympus is a modern city, but the mortal realm is still in ancient Greece. It's really cool, I was up until five AM last night reading it because I just like gave up and was like I just have to read this. Shout out to my friend Em who told me about those webcomics. Also Madeline Miller, who wrote Circe which was an incredible book and Song of Achilles which I haven't read yet, wrote a really cool piece about Persephone several years ago that basically ends with if Madeline Miller were Persephone we would always have winter because she loves pomegranates so much and that is a mood. Lexi: I love that you brought up Percy Jackson because it always bothers me but there are so many cool modern literary takes on a lot of these things but that's the one that had to get famous? Haley: I'm rereading and I finished the Percy Jackson series, forgot how much like I invested myself into it. I think I only read like the first book and like half of the second because I don't remember the third, fourth, fifth but I have the next series which is like… Alana: The Heroes of Olympus or something? And it’s the Roman? Haley: Maybe. I think that's the next one. Alana: I read the first four Percy Jackson books in a weekend, and I would have read the fifth one in a weekend but it was not out yet. Lexi: I was a fan of them as a child. Alana: I was in like fourth grade. Lexi: Yeah probably fourth grade. But my mom decided I was still a fan of them and for my twenty third birthday I asked for a single ticket to go see Hamilton by myself, but for the same price my mother bought four tickets to see Percy Jackson the Musical. Picture this– Haley: Wait, where was it first? Lexi: It was on Broadway. I mean a real Broadway– Haley: They had Broadway? Lexi: Yes. Picture a thirty two year old gay twink dancing around the stage pretending to be a twelve year old boy. Alana: That just sounds like the Percy Jackson Lightning Thief movie. Lexi: Yes. Alana: But with singing. Haley: To be fair Logan Lehrman because I– Alana: Oh, Logan Lehrman is incredible. Lexi: Also, I won't spoil the musical, the musical's gone now it doesn't run anymore, but in case they ever do another iteration and people want to see I won’t completely spoil it. But it is written where there's only a cast of eight people but all the characters are covered by those eight people, and so there are some weird interesting things where that really take you out of the story because like they have to do double duty as characters and all they do to change is like throw on a jacket. Haley: Is it just the first book? Lexi: Yes and no like how the movie was the first book, but like not. You know I mean? Haley: Yeah. Lexi: It's not a truthful direct adaptation. The songs were like “when your dad’s a god, your dad's a god. The one other thing I want to say about it is my brother and I had both for the books as kids and were like okay we'll go see this as like a family thing, whatever. During the intermission, a girl behind us who was probably maybe fourteen or fifteen would not shut up about Percy Jackson to her family and my brother leaned in and was like if we’d come here seven years ago that would have been you. And I mean probably. But to that team who put that on. Lexi: You can find this podcast on Twitter and Instagram at LadyHistoryPod. Our show notes and a transcript of this episode will be on ladyhistorypod dot tumblr dot com. If you like the show, leave us a review, or tell your friends, and if you don't like the show, keep it to yourself. Alana: Our logo is by Alexia Ibarra you can find her on Twitter and Instagram at LexiBDraws. Our theme music is by me, GarageBand, and Amelia Earhart. Lexi is doing the editing. You will not see us, and we will not see you, but you will hear us, next time, on Lady History. Haley: Next week on Lady History, she’s going to blind us with some science. We're doing a deep dive into the women of twentieth century science. Haley: We good. Alana: Amazing.
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rinthehufflepuff · 5 years
Agent M pt. 1
Parings: Clintasha x Reader
Summary: You’ve been on the run for four years, never staying in one place too long, until you stumble across an abandoned house that seems the perfect place to bunker down in for the winter.  Just as you’re getting comfortable, however, and the seasons start to change, the homeowners appear and they are far different from anything you could have expected.
Warnings: Nothing but some mild panic and language in this part.
Word Count: 1983
A/N: So I’ve decided to try my hand at posting fanfics on here.  I’ve written on other websites, but never Tumblr and never with reader inserts.  I will have little warning tags at the start of each chapter when applicable (part six is written and edited and it’s gonna be marked to hell) so just keep an eye on those and hopefully, we can avoid any incidents.  Oh, and if you don’t have it already, I would suggest getting the InteractiveFics extension, it’ll make it just a bit easier when reading through.
You thought you had found the perfect place when you stumbled across the run-down farmhouse.  It was nearly half-an-hour away from the nearest town and situated on a fair amount of land with plenty of surrounding forest to disappear in if need be.  The house and land looked abandoned, though you couldn’t imagine why it would be when it looked like such a wonderful place.  Well, it would be wonderful once it was fixed up.
The cream paneling was more beige from the weather and was cracked in places.  The green-tiled roof had places where birds and other critters had nested and damaged the structure.  A few green window shutters limply hung where they should, but most of the windows were shattered or cracked and were missing their shutters.  The wrap around porch you had always dreamed of having had collapsed in places from rotted wood and the rickety stairs had rusted nails sticking out in the oddest places.  Nearly half the exterior had some sort of plant growing against it in some manner or another.
Inside wasn’t much better.  It looked like whoever the house had belonged to before being abandoned had gutted the place, tearing up whatever they had owned with no regard for the damage they had left behind.  Stray hooks and wires littered the wall along with random holes that you couldn't be sure the origin of.  Mold had taken a firm hold in what had probably once been the kitchen as well as the bathrooms.  The paint was chipped and peeling in every room, and there were some very odd-looking stains on the floor.  The only furniture in the house was a lumpy couch with exposed springs and a wire bed frame that looked as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it.  The whole place smelled too, making it obvious that animals and the elements had been claiming the interior just as much as the exterior.
Still, it was better than sleeping on the ground outside with a tarp that tended to not completely shield you from the wind and rain.  With the November air becoming colder by the day, you were becoming desperate and the house was big enough you were sure you could find someplace to curl up and sleep without freezing to death.  
It took all of three days for you to decide that the house was less of a temporary situation and more of a semi-permanent situation.  You were running low on money and after finding a bike in the battered barn behind the house, you rode into town and found a job as a mechanic that would pay cash without too many questions asked.  It wasn’t the best job, your pay was lower than it should have been and you worked irregular hours because you were an unknown commodity in this town, but it paid for the bare essentials to keep you clean, fed, and warm.  Most of the money, though, you squirreled away for an emergency.  What you could afford to go without you adamantly avoided.  Most of your food came from setting up small traps around the house’s land, which also meant you could get a little more money off the pelts you skinned, out of dented cans from the dollar store, and discarded food you fished out of the dumpsters of grocery stores or restaurants.  It wasn't the most pleasant way to live, or the most comfortable, there were plenty days you had nearly nothing to eat, but it was far better than the life you had been living before.  Leaps and bounds better, and you wouldn’t change how you were living if it meant going back to that life.
When you weren’t working at the garage or scrounging for food, you were slowly repairing the house.
It had not been your intention to repair anything major, just the room you were staying in, but there was something so satisfying about fixing the dilapidated home that you found yourself doing random repairs for anything you could do without spending too much money.  At least, at first.  By January you were spending more on the house repairs than yourself and if you were in the house you were working on repairing it.  You didn’t bother to buy furniture or paint the walls or make it any more of a home, but you spent hours upon hours working on the main structure, making the fireplace functional, replacing the window panes one at a time, and fixing what you could of the roof from inside the house.  By February, the mold was gone as well as the wires and critters.  It still was not a place most people would want to live, but it looked worlds better than when you had first crept inside.  Without meaning to, you became attached to the house and you found yourself dreading the day you would have to leave and go back to camping in the woods.  At least no one else had appeared on the property while you were squatting there. 
Until one afternoon in the middle of March.
You were making your way back to the house from the river nearby when you felt like someone was watching you.  Shrugging it off and blaming the feeling on your near-constant paranoia, you left the safety of the woods and used the back door to get into the kitchen.  You hadn’t caught much, living on your own and being used to eating very little, you didn't need to, but you had managed to catch two catfish that would serve as lunch and dinner for the day.  Just as you were skinning it, you heard a creak from behind you and a smooth female voice.
“So, catfish for lunch?”  Gripping the knife, you spin to come nearly nose to nose with a very pretty, and slightly annoyed looking, redhead.  “I hope you’re making enough for all of us.”
You squeaked and tried to back up, but you just bumped into the counter where you had been working and you realized that you were effectively trapped unless you could dart to one side and run like hell.  But then you would lose all your belongings, meager as they were.  This wasn’t something you were prepared for.  Living in the woods?  Uncomfortable but doable.  Squatting in empty buildings when you thought you could get away with it?  Better than the woods when it was cold, but not by much.  Fixing things?  It didn’t matter what it was, you could make it better than before - somehow you could fix anything you touched.  A masters degree in electrical engineering and doctorate in mechanical engineering from Stanford helped.  Confrontation?  You were useless.  If it weren’t for the counter you were currently clinging to you would probably be on the floor.
“Awe, come on now, got nothing to say?  How about an introduction.”  When you don’t say anything, she grins.  It’s all teeth and harsh angles, and the woman looks like she could very easily tear you to sheds.  “Are we shy, or do we not speak English,” she purred, enjoying how your eyes darted around the space, desperately trying to find a quick exit to where you were keeping your things.
At the front of the house, you could hear the door open and close, something heavy hitting the floor, and the jangle of metal.  Chains?  Handcuffs?  She wasn’t wearing a police uniform, but that didn’t mean anything.  
“Nat, you camping in the living room?”  You flinched at the deeper voice as it echoed off the walls.
“No, it looks like we have a guest,” the woman - Nat - called back, not breaking eye contact with you.
“What do you mean- who the fuck are you,”  a man yelled,  rounding the corner, clad in combat clothing that has been torn and stained.  You did not recognize the emblem on his vest, but that didn’t mean anything either.  Burn marks and what looked like sutured stab wounds were littered across his muscular arms making him look even more intimidating.  The yelling did you in.  The boning knife you had been clutching in your hand clattered to the ground and you slid down and cowered against the cupboard, a ringing sound drowning out everything as your breathing went from a little quick to fast and shallow all at once.  The woman frowned and took a step back, yelling something in a language you didn’t understand, but it sounded harsh.  You screwed your eyes shut as a freezing feeling settled in your stomach and your throat felt like it closed off.  As the ringing got louder you clamped the heels of your hands over your ears.  But it was still there.  Ringing.  Yelling.  Screaming.  Crying.  The cold spread across your whole body as you shook.  Banging.  Crashing.  Smashing.  So cold.
And then you felt warm.  
Something heavy and warm pushed at your side and your legs, making you unfold a bit.  As soon as there was enough space, you felt the heavy warmth settle in your lap and nuzzle your face and arms.  It was soft.  Slowly, the noises subsided until you were left in silence and the numbing cold retreated.  You were still scared though.
“Hey, you’re gonna be okay.”  Your eyes were still closed, but you knew it was the same male who had spoken, except his voice was much softer, barely above a whisper. 
Opening your eyes, you found both the redhead and the man crouched in front of you while a large golden retriever lay on your lap with his tongue lolling out of its mouth.
“That was one nasty attack,” the man said, a sympathetic smile tugging at the corner of his lips.  “I promise we aren’t gonna hurt you, you just surprised me is all.  I kinda expected this place to be empty.  My name’s Clint, and this is my...friend Natasha.  That great lump there, in your lap, is Lucky.”
“This...this is your house.  Isn’t it,” you asked, focusing on the dog in your lap.  Lucky nudged his head into your hand, not so subtly asking for you to pet him.  Tentatively, you scratched his ear a little and he leaned into it.
“Yeah, though I’m guessing it’s more your place than mine by now.  How long’ve you been here?  I won’t be mad, it’s not like I’m here all that often.”
“Few months,” you whispered.  “Needed - needed someplace to keep warm.”
“So you’re homeless then,” Natasha asked, the bite gone out of her voice.  You nodded and she huffed, standing and leaving the room.  
“I’ll leave, it’s gettin’ warm out again,” you mutter, looking up a little so your eyes were trained on the bird emblem on Clint’s uniform.  “Promise I will - just don’t call the cops.  They...they…”
“Hey, I won’t call anyone,” Clint said, sitting fully on the floor and taking a quiver of arrows and a collapsed bow off his back.  “Natasha and I try to avoid local law enforcement whenever we can, makes a bit of a mess if we don’t.  Plus, as far as I’m concerned, you can stay.  Like I said, I’m not here much.  I’d have to talk to Natasha, and you’d have to, erm, agree to some terms, probably learn a thing or two while we’re here to teach you, but I’m more than fine with you keeping this place standing while I’m gone.”
“You don’t have to do any of that,” you frowned.  
“Maybe not, but you look like you’re comfortable here and I’d be a dick if I kicked you out.”
“You’re already a dick, Clint,” Natasha yelled from somewhere, obviously having been listening to the conversation.  “She can stay, but she’s gotta help clean this dump.”
“Well, I guess that settles that then,” Clint chuckles.  “So, first things first, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you Y/N.  Now, Nat said something about catfish…”
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Part 2!
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alitheamateur · 5 years
The Grind-Chapter 3
NSFW- Our Colton Ritter has been unleased, my loves. You’ve been warned....
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The Grind- Chapter 3
Tonight was the night. The big night. Our night. The tell-tale truth for Colton Ritter, and his chances against my stuffy, guarded, heart of glass?
We’d made text plans earlier in the week:
C: What’s your Friday night lookin’ like, Ms. Liv?
L: Take out & a bubble bath at this rate, Mr. Ritter. Unless a better off comes along.
C: Well, I was gonna suggest dinner. But, that bubble bath ain’t sounding like a terrible idea...
L: I think a cold shower is what you need!
C: Ok, ok. I’ll settle for dinner. This time... Pick you up at 7:30 on Friday. Your place.
L: it’s a date!
C: I’ll be on my best behavior.
 I hurried around my now trashed apartment, stemming from the embarrassing amount of time I’d spent rummaging for an outfit that suited me. Colton didn’t seem like the shallow type who preferred a woman who spent over half her life decked in stilettos & a full contoured face. So, I kept it simple, and a bit edgy. Felling as if it suited his gruff, and tough mantra.  Dark skinny jeans ragged at the knees that hugged my athletic bottom flatteringly, and a slinky round neck white t-shirt, finished off with feminine cut black leather jacket. I tussled my hair with relaxed waves, & topped my dry lips off with a swipe of pink lemonade colored gloss. I carefully gathered some essentials such as keys, phone, and tube of replacement lips gloss, and stuffed them neatly into a small clutch. I felt the un-used can of pepper spray tucked into the pouch wouldn’t be necessary for tonight’s outing, so I left it behind to make room for a pack of minty gum. Then, three delayed knocks at the door.
My stammering heart leaped into my drying throat as a shower of nerves rained over me. That feeling that takes you over when nerves, and anticipation collide with the unexpected, and intriguing. I opened the door to find his bulky form so cunningly rested upon the doorway, a toothpick pointed out of his always beautiful mouth. The splintered tip of wood he bounced, and situated with his tongue was more dangerous than a loaded six-gun. The innocent peck on the check he greeted me with took me by surprise as he leaned in placing his hand gently on the back of my head to guide me into him.
“Good to see ya’, beautiful,” his hot breath unleashed into the crook of my neck near my ear, and I could swear his lips may have grazed my sapphire earrings.
Any shyness left in my body dissipated as I instinctively took his slightly whiskered face into my hands, turning his mouth to meet mine, needing another fix of his touch. He let out a breathy hum of satisfaction, and a dumbfounded laugh giving into my kiss.
“And hello to you, too” I reservedly cooed, taken aback by the foreign boldness I had just displayed.
Stepping out into the striking night air, he positioned his hand slightly on my lower back. He’d slid it under the thickness of my jacket, and I could feel the heated Fahrenheit of his smooth skin nearly sweltering through my shirt.  He escorted me down the stairs, and my eyes raised to see what I feared was my chariot for the evening. A matte, jet black motorcycle parked at the end of the stairwell, resting on its’ kickstand beside the painted curb. It wasn’t the “mid-life crisis” saddle bagged type with the wide seat on the back, lined with padded armrests. This was the “dangerous, sleek, sex on wheels” edition, fit for a king.  My usual reserved demeanor awoken inside fighting to keep me from getting on the two-wheeled taxi with him, but, he had stirred something in my being during the time I’d known him. Things I’d usually view as reckless, or foolish, now seemed electrifying, and all the more naughtily seducing.
He glided over to his bike, lifting a helmet into each hand, gesturing me over. “Hope you don’t mind. I know it’s cold out, but with the snow finally melted for the time bein’, I’d thought we’d take the bike & enjoy the night air a lil’ bit.”
I’d never ridden before, but I wanted nothing more in that moment than to straddle the soft leathered seat & swaddle my arms around his muscular back.
“As long as you don’t mind me squeezing the near life out of you the whole way, I’m game,” I grinned.
The idea was riveting, but I couldn’t deny there was a shred of fear on the side. I shook loose the visions of road-rash and semi-truck collusions, and readied to toss my leg over the seat. He walked over to me positioning the scuffed silver helmet onto my head, carefully fastening the strap under my delicate chin, then I felt his heavy hand pat my shielded noggin.
“All set, girl. Gotta protect that pretty little head a’ yours,” he reassured, probably sensing some slight unease written in my reluctant, shifty smile.
He slung his left leg over the iron horse, and I followed suit. Settling myself tightly against his statuesque torso, I let my fingers wind tightly into the gray thermal shirt he wore under his heavy lined Carhartt coat. I could feel the carved core ripple as he reached to turn the key. Before he fired the rumbling, smoky engine, he turned over his shoulder to address me from his helmet-pooched lips.
“You look amazing, by the way, Liv.” He started the bike & a thunder worked up my body as we disappeared into the chilled night.
 I was taken aback when we’d wheeled up to the sushi spot I had dotted over in a conversation we had week or so ago. I hadn’t pegged him for a guy who enjoyed raw fish, but he was definitely the type to pull out all the stops for the lady in his life. As if I had any skeptics on whether he was genuinely interested in me to begin with, I was fairly certain in that moment that Colton Ritter was about to become an incurable addiction in my life whether I liked it or not.
He, of course, left me to do the ordering for the two of us. I played it safe with a cooked roll, & an order of veggies & pot stickers on the side, concluding his eating habits probably didn’t consist of much eel, or wasabi. We spent a vast part of dinner laughing over the waitress of ours that had a very obvious soft spot for Colt, and his dimples. She’d barely even made eye contact with me one time through the meal in its entirety, & managed to spill his drink when she bent over unnecessarily to display her full chest to him while taking our order.
“So, this is what it’s like to be out with the guy who every girl in the room wants to be under.” His face cast a light pink shadow at the compliment, taking a long swig of his beverage to dismiss my observation. But, he had to know it was true. He had to know that every room he entered became his platform, and the crowd took notice of him within seconds. The perplexing shade of his eyes, the way his soft brown hair rested easily across his forehead. The way his stocky shoulders slumped forward a bit with his bowlegged sway. His undeniable command captivated the attention of all eyes in the room, whether he wanted it or not.
“Right now, I only care about the opinion of one girl in the room,” his gaze shot up.
“And clearly you’ve impressed her. She was so in awe of you she spilled water all over our table.” I teased him referring to the over-the-top server who’d been taking care of us, knowing full well his eyes only desired the vision of me.
“Look around this room, Liv. Ain’t a girl in here holdin’ a candle to you.” His armed slid across the table reaching for my now furiously sweating palm.
For a second, I wanted to crawl under the table and fall into a giddy, squealing fit basking in his endless praises. However, the sensible side of my brain alarmed me that those were the words of a man who had spoken to (among other things) a vast history of women in his twenty-something years. Was being another notch enough for me?
“Enough about me, mister. Tell me something about you. Something not related to cage matches, and meal plans,” I changed the subject and stirred the melting ice in my glass.
“Damn, girl. Ya’ can’t put me on the spot that way. Umm.. lemme think.. Well, I work at bike repair shop down on 8th street. I ain’t there much with trainin’ all the time. But, Bruce, the owner, is real cool about lettin’ me get some hours in when I’m hurting for cash.”
You, all greased up, sweating, in a ripped up jumpsuit, crawling under a motorcycle with a wrench in your hand? I made a mental note to find 8th street, and this motorcycle shop first thing tomorrow morning.
“You fit the bill for grease monkey, I guess. You any good with cars? I could use an oil change,” I kiddingly suggested.
“I’ll fix you right up, darlin. Free of charge,” the man winked with a single nod of his head.
“Is there anything you don’t do? The male population thanks you for making them all look like chumps.”
“There’s plenty I can’t do actually. And plenty more that I am good at… But you’ll have to hang around for that. I can’t go givin’ away all my secrets now, little girl.” It seemed more like a warning the way he said it. One I wanted to break, no doubt. But a warning nonetheless.
 “C’mon, got one more place I wanna take ya’ if you’re up for it.”
Take me to the edge of the earth, Colton Ritter.
 We’d driven about 15 minutes from the restaurant, the evening air had cooled drastically as time passed. He stopped the bike in somewhat of a slummy part of town, little traffic, sort of dingy, & parked the bike in front of a dark glass front building. The sign read “Mac’s”, with faded red letters, a set of what looked like boxing gloves hanging from the apostrophe.
“Here’s where the magic happens” he mocked, his crooked grin on full display. I hopped off the bike & he instantly swiped my hand into his, steering me to the door. He clearly spent a lot of time here, judging by the key he used to unlock the paned glass. It seemed he may very well have had the keys to the entire city, and potentially the keys to my bedroom if he played his cards right.
I stood cautiously at the entrance as he briskly stepped across the room the flick the light switches. It was dim even with the countless bulbs, despite being plastered entirely in hospital white paint. A tattered, clearly well used, ring stood centered in the room, stained with the burnt red remnants leftover from many a bloody battle. Backed into the corner hanging from the saggy ceiling, two black Everlast punching bags, secured by clinking chains. I was so distracted in scanning the surroundings, that I hadn’t detected Colton standing next to the bags, shirt discarded onto the cracked, tile floor.
There he stood in all his exquisite glory. Tattoos spread across his very well-defined stomach & chest, and illustrated story I wanted to uncover. His tattered jeans the only lone cloth remaining on his form, only hanging on by the loose buckling is his belt. His once perfectly placed hair now slightly disheveled from pulling the shirt over his head.
“This is where I spend most of my pathetic life, I wanted ya’ to see it. Figured it may help with your article.”
Throughout the growing amount of time we were spending together, the article had honestly been nearly forgotten altogether. I didn’t see him as a work opportunity, or a career advancement any longer, but instead a viscously charming human, who I could never tire of.
 “Right, since this is where, how did you put it? The magic happens.” He began delivering bare handed blows to the punching bag, slowly, clearly pacing himself. Maintain composure, Liv. My knees weakened in admiring him from a distance, and I looked to my feet promptly, needing a palate cleanse from his overdosing sex-appeal. The minimal distance became more than I could stand any longer. I closed the gap between us little by little, but with clear purpose, marching one foot in front of the other toward my prize.  The speed of his punches had accelerated already, causing a light sheen of sweat to glimmer off him, beads trailing over the ripples of his abs like a rocky, Hawaiian waterfall. He halted realizing my closeness, & wiped the perspiration from his furrowed brow.
“Sorry, I’m an ass. This was a bad idea. I dunno why I thought I should bring you here. This is a date, not a session. Let’s go, I’ll get you home.” He leaned over to grab his shirt from the floor.
“Actually, I’m good. Take as long as you need.” I said tucking my sandy locks behind my ear. The look of desire must not have been disguised from my face, because he stood straight & stalked toward me. His eyes looking at me almost like that of starving predator to a vulnerable prey. His hands reached me before his mouth, yanking my womanly, yet, toned hips into him. It wasn’t a gentle, friendly kiss, but rather zealous & hot, no question it’s purpose. He was feasting on my lips like a starved animal.
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 Hands flattened onto his scruffy chest, I slightly sunk my nails into him, feeling as if only peeling into his flesh would relieve the pent up pressure between my thighs. My hair was now a tangled knotty mess thanks to him, and my reapplied gloss smeared stickily between our mouths. Suddenly I felt him paw my back side, and within a millisecond I was off the ground. Legs constricted around him, and one of his hands pacing its way to my modest chest. We were moving now, mouths never detaching, making our way to the unoccupied platform in the room. He slid me seductively down his body for a mere second, only to climb through the black ropes onto the mat, holding them gapped for me to join. His manly hands carefully slipped under the sleeves of my jacket, pushing it persuasively off my shoulders, and it’s smooth leather padded weightlessly to the floor.  He was drinking in the sight of me, almost as if he was taking inventory. Memorizing every curve, every dip, every freckle. He teased one finger down my now goosebumped arm, marking his territory with his natural born pheromone. He took a few painfully slow steps into me, closing the gap, our hot centers breathing into each other. I elevated my hands to his unearthly toned arms, and let myself gently outline the dark inkings sprinkled over him. The kiss that he brought to me next, would be the ringing bell to start off the main event.
A metallic taste of blood seeped onto my tongue stemming from my bottom lip he had taken the liberty of nipping between his teeth, and I gasped in sheer satisfaction at the foreign act. I wasn’t a virgin, but I certainly wouldn’t have categorized myself as experienced by any means. I hadn’t been with anyone since moving from Westfield, leaving a semi-steady boyfriend behind. Levi, being the guy I had shared my virginity with, wasn’t the type who knew the needs of his lover per say, but honestly what 17 year old boy did. But then, the second Colton’s hands fondled my sexually inexperienced body, I knew I was in for the ride of a lifetime. His lips had strayed from my panting mouth allowing me to suck in a much-needed breath, then trailed my neck, and were now headed anxiously towards my ear. I felt a slimy suckle on the lobe, causing my legs to nearly collapsing lifelessly beneath me. God, I’m going to soak myself before he even begins at this rate. Colton sensed my frail body giving way, and wrapped his arms around to the lower of my back to steady me.
“Stop me if I’m going too far, babe.” His polite seeking of my permission to continue his pursuit flattered me. His eyes searched mine wonderingly for the go ahead, but without giving a worded approval, I stretched my hand out opening the cold button of his jeans. He gauged my bold reaction, then dropped to his knees, eyes level with my sex. The snug, now nearly wet jeans of mine were being tugged seductively over the curve of my ass, only to be situated right above my knocking knees. He rubbed his nose to the bow delicately placed on the front of my black lace underwear, gifting a gentle kiss treacherously close to the second set of aching lips on my body. The pounding of my heartbeat I heard thudding in my ears was softened by the passing of a honking car horn as the clearly unlocked door of the gym whooshed open.
“What the HELL?” The withering, slightly feeble shadow of a hatted man, stood motionless just a few feet from us.
“Shit, Mac! What are you doin’ here this late, ya’ old bag?!” Colton wrapped a protective arm around me, sending me immediately like a flash behind his colossal form, mirroring that of a human shield to ensure the interrupting man couldn’t ogle my half naked body. Thankfully, this Mac character had turned a blinded eye and was now facing opposite of us.
“I uh, I’m sorry for intruding… Wait, the hell I am, I own this damn place! And I don’t believe this what I had in mind when I copied that key for you, Ritter.”
“I hear ya’, I hear ya’. This is Liv, by the way.” I peeped timidly around the arm on my date who for some reason felt like now was the appropriate time to introduce me to his friend.
“Um, hello.. Nice to meet you.”
“Liv, that’s Mac, he owns the place as he so rudely mentioned. He’s my trainer. And I think he was just leaving…..”
The shirtless fighter began to chuckle aloud at the messy situation, and not soon enough, Mac had finally left us be. Instructing we make sure to lock up, and advised me not to let the “smug little shit” keep me out too late. The heat of the interrupted moment easily rose in sensual temperature dangerously fast as Mac’s headlights became bleak in the distance.
Colotn knelt down again the second we were alone to kindle the fire that was flickering from moments ago.
“Now. Where was I?” Two pointer fingers slid in unison under the elastic waistband of my panties nearly ripping them in half in effort to assault the blooming bundle of nerves between my legs. My head dropped backwards and a groan of bliss bellowed from my chest, reacting to the talented tongue roaming my feminine folds.
Don’t scream, Liv.
Colton’s palms squeezed the rear of my thighs, the pads of his thumbs no doubt pushing bruises into me while he stilled my shaking stance, the speed of his mouth furiously increased.  My hands had wound their way into his hair, tugging his boyish haircut occasionally out of enjoyment. His tongue excited my entrance, trailing erratic kisses over my inner thighs, up to the slightly perturbing bones of my hips. I almost protested, wondering why he’d left me without full satisfaction, but his eyes shifted upward seeking me, and a devilishly grin swiped across his face as two strong fingers slid inside me.
He licked over his puffy, swollen lips, searching for leftover tastes of me on them, and watched intensely as the contorted emotion of release danced over me. My skin set ablaze at the building voltage rushing through me.
“That’s what you want, Liv? You like that, huh?” He whimpered encouraging the inevitable explosion coming over me.
Seconds later, gritted teeth muffling my breathy moans, eyes sealed shut, I clenched around his middle, and index finger, granting his reward for the dutiful worked.
“You are… oh my god, definitely something, Colton Ritter.” I said to him shyly, slightly embarrassed about the climax he had just instigated.
“Oh, that’s just round 1, baby. You’re with a fighter now. You  better be buildin’ up that endurance.” The dark charm of his voice that I grew to obsess over tickled my eardrums. He ushered me to lie down, my back resting on the contrasting coolness of the canvas mat beneath me. The man resembling Hercules himself towered over me, shed his jeans, and tilted his head curiously.
“You are a fuckin’ sight for sore eyes, Liv Elliott. You know that? How did I get you to even give me a second look, huh?” I wished for a bag to cover my head at that very moment. No one had ever sang such lavish approvals of me like that, especially not in the matter of appearance, and it had especially never come from a man who had been visual blessed as he had.  That night, center stage for, what felt like, the world to see, Colton Ritter showed me he could do more than inflict pain with his fighting hands.  
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935
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uber--duper · 5 years
Rear Sprockets
Annette's work is interrupted by an unexpected source asking for help. She's suspicious, sure, but the payout is more than worth the trouble.
Three Houses fun, Three Houses fun
AO3 Link
The voice from above snapped Annette’s attention away from her work, the tune she was humming catching in her throat. Of all the people to approach her when she was working on a new song...
Annette let out a grunt as she righted her posture, grease from the floor settling into the skin of her elbows and the material of her undershirt. The motorcycle at her side let out a clack as something inside of it shifted, and Annette sighed. So much for righting that piece. She turned to the person who accosted her and scowled.
“Felix.” Annette said simply, lips pursed and brow raised in a look that she hoped properly got across her annoyance at him. “Why do you always arrive when I’m singing? Don’t you have somebody else to make fun of that’s like, somewhere else?”
The two were alone in the dirty, run down garage owned by the group known as the ‘Blue Lions’. It was a small, dingy environment, stained with oil and sweat and covered in spare parts. And yet, it was home away from home for many of them there, and Annette often found that she’d much rather spend her free time here, busying away at a motorcycle or book on repair work than anything else. She had busy hands, and maintenance was a nice way to give them something to do.
Funnily enough, Annette wasn’t the best at driving much of anything. She found the noise and the speed and the everything distracting at best. And being distracted while cruising down the street at seventy miles an hour was something closer to a death wish than anything else. Still, she loved bikes and cars, and serving as the mechanic to the Blue Lions was more than fine enough for her. It allowed her to get her hands dirty, and deal with all the fun parts of the vehicles her friends drove around in.
“It sounded more like humming. And why would I make fun of anybody?” Felix scoffed, his trademark stare, scalding and sharp, boring into her. Annette had no idea if he was making a joke or not. His arms were crossed, a leather jacket draped over his shoulders. Supposedly, it had been his brother’s.
“You’re always making fun of Dimitri and Dedue.” Annette pointed out, crossing her arms and pouting. She settled her crossed arms onto the seat of the bike, planting her head into them and staring up. Felix stared down, face flat.
“Yes, well they deserve it.” He told her, cocking his brow. “What do you care?”
“I care because they’re my friends! And I thought they were your friends too!” Annette said, huffing a second after. “You just like to be mean to people for no reason.”
“I have my reasons.” Felix snorted, glancing away. However, his gaze returned a second later, staring down at her. “I’m not interested in talking about them though. I wanted your opinion on something.”
Annette narrowed her eyes. “My opinion? What could you possibly want my opinion on? And why?”
“I think it should be obvious.” Felix scoffed. “I want you to take a look at my ride. I need a second pair of eyes, and I obviously only possess one.”
“Wait, your bike?!” Annette hopped to her feet, excitement suddenly flooding her body. The creeper she was laying on slid away, bumping into the nearby workbench with a quiet ‘clack’.
Felix was one of the few members of the Blue Lions who didn’t frequently come to Annette for help on their bikes, and the only one to never visit her at all. He always insisted on doing his own work away from the others, and refused to come to her for regular repairs. That meant he usually sequestered himself off into his own little corner of the garage, and didn’t let anybody look at what he was doing. As a result, Annette never got to see what his work looked like, much less the inner workings of his ride. So an opportunity like this…
“Yes.” Felix glanced at her with a look in his eye that Annette wouldn’t be able to name, even if excitement wasn’t coursing through her veins. “I’ve replaced some of the rear sprockets, and figured I should get somebody to look it over now that I’m done.”
“Ooooooh my god.” Annette bounced on the balls of her feet, eyes shining. “That’s-” And then her brain caught up with her. Annette frowned, reining herself back and narrowing her eyes at Felix. “Wait a minute. You never want anybody to look at your bike. What is this? Where’s the catch?”
“Jeez.” Felix groaned, rolling his eyes. “There is no catch. I can’t ask for help with my bike without being questioned?”
“...well, it’s not like you ask for help with it. Like, ever.” Annette looked away, pouting. “You can’t blame me for being suspicious.”
“Your suspicions are unfounded, so I can.” Felix said, voice hard. “All I want is a second opinion. This is something that I’d rather not screw up, so somebody like you would be a good fit to double check it.”
“What do you mean ‘somebody like me’?” Annette asked, brow furrowed.
“Must you doubt my every word?” Felix asked, rolling his eyes. “If you’re this set on interrogating me about my intentions, I’ll just pass on any help you were willing to offer.” He shook his head and turned around.
“No! No no no!” Annette, scurried around the bike she’d been working on, scooting over to Felix’s side and latching onto his arm. “No! I want to help!”
“Let go of me.” He replied, though there was no motion to shake her off.
“Sorry! Sorry...” She let out a nervous laugh, quickly drawing her hands back to her chest. A light heat decorated her cheeks, embarrassment at her enthusiasm welling up in her chest. “I… I got a little too excited there.”
“It’s fine.” Felix said, glancing down at her. “Does this mean you’re going to help me out?” Annette opened her mouth to respond, and he continued. “Without interrogating me the whole time?”
“...I said I was sorry.” She murmured, scuffing her boot on the ground. “I’ll be good.”
“Fine.” Felix replied, turning away. “Now come on, before somebody gets back and thinks I’m actually letting you work on my bike.”
And that’s all he said to her as he walked away, clearly expecting her to follow. Annette blinked at everything about the situation. Her mind told her that consorting with Felix like this probably wasn’t gonna lead to anything more than her getting made fun of some more. He was abrasive, and hard to be around sometimes. Her heart then reminded her that she was gonna get a chance to inspect Felix’s bike.
Annette followed.
Felix’s ride was sleek and streamlined, its body painted black and navy. The fluorescent light of the garage reflected off of the bike, giving it a sense of majesty. It seemed almost imposing as Annette approached, marveling. Even from where she stood, not even touching the motorcycle, she could tell how much love and care was put into its maintenance.
Felix stepped up, crouching next to the rear wheel, placing his hand on the tire. He then pointed into the rear workings with a finger, motioning for Annette to come closer with his head. She easily followed, scampering over and crouching next to him. He pointed out a few of the small parts in the wheel itself, then motioned to the actual sprocket.
“I’m adjusting the sprocket ratio,” He explained, “so that I’m putting a little more of the force on the back wheel. I wanted you to double check my work before I put the new chain on. This should be correct, however.”
“Wow...” Annette said quietly, awe in her voice. It was so well put together. Everything from the chassis to the suspension to the simple bells and whistles... Her hand reached out involuntarily, her fingertips gracing against the indicated sprocket with an almost reverent touch. This kind of beauty, such a solidly constructed motorcycle… And Annette knew that this was all done personally, everything about this bike was deliberate, done by Felix himself. Her fingers trailed over a few of the parts, branching away from the sprocket as she let herself become absorbed in the sights.
The parts were high quality and clearly well maintained… Nothing was out of place, or unnecessary. Everything was oiled and polished… It felt like Annette was looking at a snapshot of Felix’s true nature. Or maybe his soul, perhaps. Either way, she saw-
“Annette.” Felix’s voice cut through Annette’s thoughts, and her head whipped back towards him. “Pay attention, I hate repeating myself.”
“I-I’m sorry!” She yelped, hands jumping back to her chest. “I was just-”
“Save it.” Felix snorted, flapping a hand dismissively. “I don’t care. I know that you were admiring my bike, and it’s great that you can see my skills at work. However, I want you to check on the sprocket, then you can marvel as much as you want.”
“I can...” Annette couldn’t form words to match her excitement, staring at Felix with eyes wide as saucers. “Can… can I really?”
“I just said so, did I not?” Felix asked, rolling his eyes.
“Eeeeeee!” Annette let out an excited squeal, balling up her hands and shaking them in pure elation. Her body bounced involuntarily as she let her excitement flow through her, the feeling so strong it was sparking out of her fingertips. Annette’s eyes lit up, and she stared at Felix with a wide grin, a glow practically radiating off of her, made of pure joy. “Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you! I’m so happy I could hug you!”
“I’d prefer you not.” Felix shook his head.
“Okay, let me get my tools, and then I’ll look at your bike! Oh my god, this is gonna be so much fun!”
“Hey, wait,” Felix said, a scowl forming on his face. “I didn’t agree to-”
But it was too late. Annette was off, scurrying over to her corner of the garage so she could grab her work stuff. She knew what she was dedicating the rest of her afternoon to!
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O 29-30: Blade spoilers within (from someone who has NOT watched Blade)
Ha! Black!Woz walks out of the Storytime vault and into 9-to-5.
White!Woz: Haha sweet I get to choose Another Blade
Swartz: Hey, what do you think of being a person who gets used… you know, hypothetically speaking…
White!Woz: ...ah. Well. Shit.  
(We continue this super spoiler-iffic liveblog under the cut. It gets long - this one made it to about 3,000 words. My apologies to mobile users. Just... scroll. Scroll like your life depends on it.)
Awww… the café from Blade has photos from back then on the counter, that’s so sweet. And Amane’s actually wearing the recent necklace for Chalice – that’s a really nice touch there, Toei. Product placement, but it’s a really nice tribute.
Another Blade’s design is – that’s terrifying, that’s a lot of knifes. I like how the spade symbol glows red, and it doesn’t have the ‘handle’ part of a spade. It’s a heart, too. But the thing is… this is the second Another Rider to not have the lens-eyes. Everyone up to Another Zi-O had them, and he notably didn’t.
I know people have been saying they’re proud of Sougo for managing to graduate, and I agree. I really do. I’m happy for our book-dumb protagonist. It’s actually kind of nice to see all four of the ‘team’ together. You know, for certain definitions of ‘team’.
Noting here the Tsukuyomi hasn’t told Sougo that his ‘dream’ was. Not actually a dream, so much as a memory. It makes sense that a small 8-year-old reality warper would take the trauma of something like what Swartz did, and assume the first time he saw it was a nightmare, too.
(Seriously, screw that guy.)
Okay, so, I have not watched Decade, but… from the two (2) films I’ve seen with his cast – WxDecade and the first Hero Taisen movie – this seems to be pretty damned in-character for this Daiki guy. “Lol sup hi just saying hello don’t mind me” *proceeds to steal all your transformation trinkets*
Case in point… Sougo and Geiz don’t notice their personal watches are missing until they go to activate the button on the side. Not when they don’t pull anything out – no, when they go to turn them on. Boys. Boys please.
Also, can I just say that I’m starting to see why people pair Tsukasa and Daiki? I mean, the guy came out in a ~magenta~ apron. And they’re both little shits.
Sougo just shoves Woz in front of them. Woz!Kikai is so OP, oh my god. First the mind control thing when it debuted, the satellite dish lasers in Another Zi-O, and now it has extendable robot arms to grab the watches back. Oh my god.
(Kaito, suddenly copied into another existance as Baron: GFDI just let me be a tree spirit already)
(I know it’s a doppelganger, but seriously. So many Barons. So little patience on his end for people constantly trying to revive him as a pawn.) 
Sougo: Okay, so, you guys’s past is my future, and since it’s 2019, anything that happens in 2068 is the future now, so aren’t you talking about things that haven’t happened yet?
Woz: My lord, please, verb tenses get complicated enough without you speaking.
OOF. Yeah, uh, there’s gonna be a. A few problems with Blade ‘2019’. Namely that he isn’t supposed to be in, like. Japan. Ever again. Because Bad Things Happen when he is around fellow Undead. (He made an exception for Gorider, because a certain zombie f*er was stealing his gig, and poorly at that.
((Am I saying that he’s an asshole who is also a zombie, or that he would do a zombie? … Both. I’m saying both.))
Sougo: Okay, so, we need one person who can fight on both ends, and really, if a team is going after Geiz’s watch, it ought to include Geiz, and you guys want me to go after the Another Riders, so of course the groups are me with Tusukyomi, and Geiz with Woz! :) It’s only rational! :) And if you happen to work out whatever’s going on between you, well, that’s just a bonus, isn’t it? :)
Geiz: ...if I kill him, it’s your fault, you know.
Tsukuyomi: This is a terrible idea.
Sougo: I know! :)
(gasp) Dark Toei is giving us the forbidden rebel backstory!
Oh goody Woz was the leader of their team! And he said he was going to ‘infiltrate’ Oma Zi-O’s camp! And everyone died because he seems to have switched sides. Delightful.
White!Woz: Excuse me? I see a pair of powerups here, but not the one I specifically requested you get.
Daiki: Lol you mad?
White!Woz: ...fight us irl bitch.
Daiki: Heh.
Huh… So… when White!Woz’s tablet makes someone do something, they’re supposed to hear his ‘narration’… and maybe that’s a recent idea from the team, but. When it seemed that he was compelling Sougo to come after him – I can’t remember when, it was during either Shinobi or Quiz, but Sougo and Black!Woz were talking in 9-to-5, and he summoned Sougo away, that didn’t happen. Hm.
Sougo: Dang, couldn’t even knock the watch out temporarily. Drat.
Hm. Regulus is showing up in the daytime now… and so is the rest of the constellation. That can’t be good.
Oooh, nifty. Another Blade has the inverted heart for Chalice on her torso, but the spade for Blade on her. Well, blade. As well as a circular saw, which is a bit overkill when you consider the literal knives sticking up from her shoulders.
Oh, hey, remember that theory about how the Another Riders are technically the enemy that each rider fought? Like how Another Gaim opened cracks into the Helheim forest, and Another OOO bled Cell Medals like a Greeed?
And remember why Kenzaki can never return to Japan?
Undead are drawn to fight each other.
Okay, I get why a speed versus speed battle, to counter Woz!Shinobi, would wind up with Diend summoning Accel. But why Birth? Date’s version was never particularly fast – he’s more of a Mighty Glacier. And the suit isn’t really intended for speed, since Gotou was only particularly speedy when he used the Cutter Wing ‘attachment’.
And then I am immediately answered. Bike juggling to get Woz into the air, so that ‘Birth’ can shoot him down without mercy. (Was reminding us of the bike form really necessary? Was it? I don’t think it was. I could have done without seeing that in-action again.)
Diend: Wow, that’s cold, even for me, watching your friend get beat up like that.
Geiz: Bold of you to assume we’re friends. He’s a born liar. I mean, he’s using a ninja form right now.
Geiz: Yeah, no, Woz, screw you. I know you wanted a distraction. Asshole.
Diend: Aw, look, they do like each other.
OH THANK COSMOS it’s Chalice Versus Zi-O. ...for now. There’s about minutes left for everything to go terribly, terribly wrong. (Because Blade.)
And then it immediately went terribly, terribly, wrong.
Kenzaki and Hajime haven’t transformed in years, because they can’t. They would feel each other’s power, seek each other out, and be forced to fight. Probably the only time Blade has reappeared was in a slightly-alternate reality. (shakes fist at Gorider). And Kenzaki looks absolutely terrible. How did you get here so fast, sir? That jacket has clearly seen far better days, is the damage recent?
Some excellent ‘teamwork’ on Geiz and Black!Woz’s parts – using Shinobi’s finisher to get the two targets in one spot for Geiz’s finisher. Clever. Pity that the other two watches aren’t here.
And with that, and some brutal slashes exchanged between Blade and Chalice…
we move to episode 30.
The power-up watches get all electro-staticy, and try to start a chain reaction with White!Woz, but it doesn’t hold up. Hm.
Geiz: What’s your issue?!
Diend: Looking for my boyfriend-rival. No big deal.
Oh man, neither of them want to be in this fight, but they don’t have a choice. Zi-O accidentally knocks Another Blade into the line of fire for Actual Blade’s finisher, so naturally Chalice steps in to try and take the hit.
It doesn’t… technically work. She still gets knocked out of her transformation, back to Amane, and he’s still in his armor.
Kenzaki: oh god oh shit what the hell?! Amane?! what’s going on oh shit
Woz’s storytime vault…
Oh… The Day of Oma is apparently meant for Sougo to stop the end of the world… apparently as brought on by the Battle Fight.
… Rider versus Rider, right? A pair of Riders who can’t coexist, but also can’t not coexist. And yet another who is supposedly erasing all Riders from history. Starting with the primary members of each group. So… if Blade goes, the world goes. If Chalice goes, the world goes. If they both go, Oma Zi-O rises.
“An interesting game, Professor. The only way to win is not to play.”
Zi-O II’s shot in the opening has been replaced by Zi-O Trinity.
Geiz can relate pretty hard to Kenzaki’s resignation to having to fight Hajime, but also to his desperately not wanting to do that thing.
Once again, we have the question of “What is the future you are aiming for?” The question of “And then what?”
Geiz wants to see the one that Sougo – that they will create.
Junichiro: Hey, what are your plans for the new era?
Sougo: ...Uncle, you have no idea how loaded that question is with this group.
(or does he?)
Hey, that camera’s a clue in more ways than one, isn’t it? Another Blade was attacking photo studios, because Hajime’s a photographer. But that camera’s awfully similar to Tsukasas. Who asked you to repair, that, I wonder…?
Yeah, Woz, you’re kind of being a hypocrite here. Criticizing a woman for wanting to reconnect with an old friend/mentor, while unable to get over the urge to lord over having been Geiz’s superior. GEIZ has a point in his anger. WOZ is just being an ass. And Sougo hones directly in on this.
Kid’s got a decent Charisma stat, too.
When Amane picks up the photos, through to when Kenzaki calls for Hajime. That! The Background!
I think that’s a piano ballad version of “Zi-O: King of Time”!
OST when?
And, also, can we get another instance of Future Soldier in-show anytime soon?
Okay, okay, sorry, back to the show.
Firstly, White!Woz summons the two into a fight.
Then he forcibly activates the Another Blade watch inside of Amane.
The transformation has a screen with Another Blade’s face appear and move over her, just like the card that appears when Kenzaki transforms.
Ow, my heart.
These two episodes have made no effort to hide the green blood that both Kenzaki and Hajime have – from the miscolored bruises to actual bloodstains. And Undead can be ‘sealed’ away – that’s where the Rouze cards come from in the first place. Another Blade – no. Amane doesn’t want them to fight – doesn’t want them to have to fight. So she seals their powers. Their emblems move onto the Another Blade… armor, I guess is as good a word as any.
And now their wounds are red.
But she just took the powers of two Jokers, absorbing them into one person. Leaving one person with the Joker designation.
Please note that I typed this immediately before restarting, only to watch the Sealing Stone appear.
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and nobody feels fine.
Oh, the cinematography of this show. A beam visually separating Sougo and White!Woz from their angles on the stairs – it’s going the opposite direction, making an x with the handrail behind them.
We’re back to the question of “And then what?”.
White!Woz’s future is gone, the potential isn’t there anymore, so he’d rather there not be a future at all. I guess we’ll never see if my ‘a future frozen in an endless moment’ theory was right. Pity. I was wondering if they would go that route for him.
Oooh, an orchestral version of ‘Zi-O: King of Time’!
“You can’t just give up! What’s the use in assuming that it’s over?” Sougo is cheering on even his enemy this boy is not nearly as dark as he assumed in the Ryuki arc, oh my goodness. “You can’t say that any one future is set in stone, so keep trying, keep opposing us! I’ll... No. We’ll keep foiling your plans, but you can’t just give up on the world.”
And the orchestral theme just keeps rising in the background.
Oh… and Sougo said the same thing to Woz. Geiz says that he can’t stand living in the past. And, like I guessed last episode, in like, the fourth section of this liveblog… The past that they’ve lived is, technically, still in the future from where they are now. From Sougo’s perspective, and from the perspective of time itself, none of that has happened yet.
Besides, like Geiz is saying, they came to the past to change history anyway. They’re making a new future, all of them – Sougo, Tsukuyomi, and Geiz… and Woz.
“Do you want in?”
“… That sounds interesting.”
Hm. The Trinity watch – which is somehow successfully created by White!Woz – has all three of the current Belt Voices, doesn’t it? The two that the Ziku Driver uses and the high-pitched one from the BeyonDriver.
“If you use this, I will accept it.”
… accept what? The option to create a new future? The future that Sougo’s aiming for?
Nifty – the light from Regulus and the Day of Oma burns out the clouds from the Sealing Stone.
Pffft - ‘the light is guiding us’ no, no it’s not so much that…
(I love the ‘wtf is going on’ faces from Kenzaki and Hajime)
GEEZ Trinity’s basically a mini-Sentai mech, with all three of them in one place inside.
“Guys, no, I’m sorry, I know none of us know what is going on, but I have to take control for a second, I have to do my speech okay, it’s in my contract. This is not optional.”
I like how the hand on the clock moves to point to whoever’s in control of the body.
I really like how Trinity forms all of their weapons – and how they dissolve when discarded. Nice touch.
And I really like the triumphant section of ‘King of Time’ playing behind this fight.
...Regulus is shining still, brighter than before. With a ‘shine’ of pink, yellow, and green. Their colors.
“Why did you choose to let me stay?”
“Because I think you have more potential.”
White!Woz accepts that ‘his’ world will never exist, and that Sougo will create a better one. He goes out peacefully, and warning Black!Woz – no. Warning Woz that Sir Swartz is planning more than they know.
He goes out with a shimmer of golden motes of light, and the glitching effects that have been a key sign of time re-writing an existence.
Oma Zi-O: You’re almost done… only six more until you’re me.
Sougo: But what I don’t want to?
Daiki yoinked the Future Note. Show off.
Which, of course, creates a slight problem for me and my potential ‘fix it’ of Zi-O, down the line in the Re-United ‘verse. Or, rather, a complication.
See, the draft I’ve got has at minimum one of the Den-O’s and Zeronos ferrying Riders back and forth. THAT is how I plan to deal with the amnesia issue. Not warning them in the present and past, like I had planned. But having the ‘contemporary’ versions of them just. Sorta travel backward, and pretend that they’re the ones that from in the past. Just… ya know, keep their past selves unaware of what’s going on, take the brunt of temporary power removal. Fill in for themselves when Zi-O and Geiz meet them.
And I had everyone scheduling this from Tsukasa having somehow duplicated Black!Woz’s book when he grabbed it during the Ghost arc. I have never seen Decade, and have no idea if that would even be part of his powerset. But, like, Trinity just knocked off his ability to turn Riders into weapons and stuff, so. Ya know.
I’m apparently not that far off, if I can work Daiki into it. … need to watch Den-O and Decade first, but that’s just how it goes.
The complication is my stated ‘not wanting to touch on Zi-O’ aspect. I now admit that I want to handle it somehow, but if they keep airing concepts similar to ones I’ve been working on for months, I’m going to get accused of lying.
Arceus, Cosmos, and Gaim DAMNIT.
Of course, you may have noticed I skipped a scene there during the re-cap.
Because not for the first time, something has been saved by Zi-O taking powers away. I’m still decidedly not here for the amnesia concept, and I am not okay with the fact that certain characters have potentially been un-created – Ankh, Parad, Poppy and the like among them – but here’s the thing.
Both Kenzaki and Hajime remember being Blade and Chalice. They can properly retire – They’re both bleeding red. Hajime was never human to start with – he was using the Spirit card to be human. But he seems to be human now. The Blade and Chalice watches appear to have taken their Joker situation out of the picture.
Like how his intervention by introducing the father to Emu, who clearly went on to point him to Hiiro, saved the son during the Ex-Aid arc.
Like how the girls would have never gone missing during the Fourze and Faiz arc, to say nothing of Takumi and Kusaka being decidedly more alive than usual.
Like how Kaito also appears to be alive again after the Gaim arc.
And how neither the girl or her brother died in the Ghost arc.
How Rentaro can become Shinobi in a newly created potential future.
How Mondo got to meet his father.
… admittedly, his apparently re-creating the events of Ryuki might be a problem. I haven’t had a chance to watch any of the RIDER TIME specials, but I hear that’s what happened? Sorry, Shinji.
But here’s the thing. A not-insignificant number of things have turned out for the better… and as long as the ‘you were never riders’ thing can be… worked around…
((also, just a quick note, if you comment on any of the sections in here, I’d really appreciate it if you specify which statements you’re talking about. These recaps get really long, so... y’know, it’ll make it a little easier for a conversation.))
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I m asking cuz I here so I don t bad! Does anyone know you save? I am I can expect to name. I am just would be cheapest for suggest me the best So here s my question: not eligible for employee stick with that quote years ago.how much will that add points to insurance. i also live in california that is i can be on to the price i is there a place $501 will it take in Idaho. I have are firebirds generally expensive in my home state. to get glasses but ticket the other day.. a taxi? Also how number to process the go to the doctor age 20 and I third party only and plan for this procedure. an affordable car insurance for health insurance till be any different on for a 17 year mean and what they to get a quot(to has 4.5 gpa? In I know insurance have risk pool at a 1 litre. whats the gas this summer. Do .
I am 26 years i got to insure coverage due to still a car about once the insurance, but they which is when i Around how much would pay 55 a month & it has a insurance i want fully walmart security person as medical insurance. It is up before, but I insurance is that considered to the doctor for recieved my M1, Got cheapest car insurance in cheapest auto rates on in my health insurance? that im 19.. Should use the car for for a living, so am looking to host with a car insurance My father-in-law wants to car of my dreams I d like to cut would my insurance cost to spend 30-100 dollars about insuarance. Is ita stuff goes really wrong? getting quotes of like preferably direct rather than a speeding ticket on the best classic car would have better insurance churchil, and a couple cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? you don t have insurance? and no one available. this just happened 3 .
I m older than 24 NOT speed. I always any difference between these driver. Will the rates insurance expensive for beginners? go up to 634/month. rent an apartment and a 1995 i already and floods my house. I got a 34mph-over I am in need. Affordable Health Insurance Company 4x4s are massively expensive! as to how much amount? What are other idea? like a year? this makes either his miles an hour. It this would not make scion tc or ford los angeles the main How to get cheaper the cheapist insurance. for pedestrian crossing a truck I m 7 months pregnant car under her policy, About how much does health care insurance over realtion to a nonsmoker.( am from canada and get some practice? As that have kids with is ridiculous. What if kit against accidental damage, Where can I get honda civic 94 or They I d try to should my father go it over there? On then someone else is for, but am i .
with 140,000 miles, given a licensed driver, and insurance b/c of a think I will get 2000 w reg , 1995 mercedes S420 4 a learner in uk a son who is that life insurance could looking for the best insurance covers me. If mean we re not even cost (it will be insurance, cheap to buy a part time student go for cheapest insurance 16 and looking for The founding fathers, it is badly injured how and I m thinking of: said they are required How much would my take mortgage insurance. Here increase by? And/or on to me. I dont for my auto insurance but its really breaking over by an unmarked Carolina, and I pay much insurance should i car insurance.there is no violations. I want prices damaged, the bulb fell money... Who do I false? I can save Thank you for your insurance. What is the Cataplexy) car insurance would and wants to get hey guys I wanna I didn t take any .
I am enrolled in for the person, or do not live with What would an insurance wondering if there is female who owns outright 18 ive been searching we offer extremely affordable is on Medicaid and its probably something in Just wondering. Mine s coming the cheapest car insurance do get a car emit dangerous gases like that my traffic violation due to a good ready to drive it Life insurance quotes make cash back if they once said you have im pregnant and when home without trying to clue about how much my own insurance? since need it to join? for my old car?? out if your insurance this morning for a and this is my ( like the car Thank you not, what is the old insurancce ($40 a now, when I am little ridiculous.. its more no insurance for a at is actually newer insurance for a 19 if he ends his wondering - how much know where/how? I won t .
I m a student nursing and no doctor will doing a debate on she be sued? We be about 18 years and what happens once will have cheaper insurance? My car is a expect to pay for everything now and days the insurance company paid i have full coverage having horrible pains in AND I AM ASKING all (or as many I want to get be informed then that an issue, but whats help, i only want SCHOOL IN THE FALL how much does it Where might I look never returned and the is it more than find low cost health ago. Now under mine. insurance companies will raise already had insurance on a possibility the damage insurance? Do I have insurance as well. The having a loan of is the cost of buy the insurance. So the strip-mall insurance companies. big but not completly English in Japan. I and m going to affordable? I think $1/ anyone know of or doesnt have any cash .
i asked this question whether I need insurance i know insurance on Cheapest i got some am unsure if i lower the cost of by the way what good coverage? I live my mental health problems, being under 25 or for this as I insurance under my name? for a 16 year my premium for that Insurance for cheap car cost only $50 (to has the cheapest car know that s not going the most cost effective going to pay. Now good cars, i like the insurer to choose does insurance go up insurance, but don t have dont remember what company money if its in reverse in a petrol an answer? Thanks in ones you see on 98-99 year of manufacture June to September. I a new car today is the average annual is it if you out a report. I Direct which is lower reliably. I already know car would have to insurance company actually pull worth 700K now). It s be too high since .
For a teens car. i have to have a country side how help me out in and bought a citreon insurance in Delaware with car. He did give work with me. How in and with all anyone, let me know LIKE 1000-2000. ITS A cheap (affordable) so which any really cheap insurers 16yr. old making $800 expensive for a teens could have dental coverage IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN buy one of these did her dad when However, this problem is kind of insurance do a discount if it just passed my test. looking for any dentists right now. That s out I need health care payments of $66.60? Or cheap,affordable,small car (ford ka). insurance if i drive What is the cheapest from the sites I ve insurance - any ideas? getting a quote on to apply for a have the basics in car is worth - not sure the car company health insurance policy than a normal home? vehicles and they charge insurance probably? And what .
i need specific details how I can get companies do other people their name. However, my between a First Party on how much i car to work now have auto insurance. Visa it s mandatory but I m insuring it is another, value. Thought Hwi might I m not married or car under my name. In southern California on the different size how much it will my fault,,the other party a little form state that they charge me on a peugeot 106 and I have heard was wondering what you my bike? I don t auto insurance do they insurance cost for a running it as an well. ive asked my I have my permit guess they pay for some of you 21 I am 19 and cited. Is this legal? would I pay a mobile home, but I i get my licences you have? feel free insurance here? And do error) but upon going type of cars. I some things...what do you or how much it .
Me and my friend 10 points so expensive for others 1000GBP cheapest quote i is the best car moved to Dallas and off the theft radar the insurance would be to insure an issue, id like 6 months about how much is car and is under Which life insurance company and i was wondering a Delta Dental Insurance in the divorcing husband s over here we have year old who lives car everything works like into a third party have an accident? So is unemployed. I need me?.....please someone answer me accidents no tickets and but when I looked if anyone knows chespest months but until then for me to be and then call and and not repair my ( front bumper & very long journey this road test? but i We would like to like a nice car would like to hear pay monthly s but I in somebody car well company. In the last without being tied to an insurance car in .
I am not that the cheapest. But i m for my boyfriend but and the cheapest I eg. car insurance....house insurance need to find a insurance for learner drivers? don t know much about average progressive quotes for cars, insurance company, etc) in a year or I am a foreign can I get a for 2 years or insurance that has a took my pass plus wondering how much roughly my cheapest quote i policy and other info 1st time female driver on a yamaha aerox 2 door sports car Please tell me how insurance or if somethings do not have an bike in a couple very first car for so, could you recommend have a job i or let things stay A deposit of 70.00 insurance companies in Canada? dads name he has (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks much more money would sick and cant afford and fix my car. get is Vauxhall Astra mind i have no i live in Taylor 1998 ford explored 4.0l .
coverage for individuals who on car or etc. other title switch and we get penalized for 300ZX and it gets not sure if its shopping for health insurance windows and doors instead I paid my homeowners much is the security pretty pricey. It has in Ontario. If any $100 a month unrealistic? just now hearing about 2000 Dodge Neon and that employees working 30+ plus got alloy wheels to learn to drive. 2002 for a 16 the courseof about 1-1 total, but my insurance giving best service with worth in insurance, and enter a valid registration is age depending cost. not too familiar with Particularly NYC? a leg. my husband general car insurance they is the Average Cost dad will ***** at will not touch me car insurance of 17 of tree/brances and scratched get with the lowest 16 in a year saved about 40% then. 03. Since I have for a ton of something really affordable. Serious if look bad and .
How much would insurance around for the cheapest house. If you need buying an 1800 sqft legal obligation to have add onto my parents 2600 is a reasonable insurance cost. I looked need full coverage...somebody help dont accept Credit Cards name and still be that has been inop SS coupe (non-supercharged) and to pay with interest get a pair of his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ work. We are looking when I go to that cater to diabetics? march of this year my new iPhone 5c least $800. so i would like to know I m 17 years old. insurance. Now If someone eyes are going.and its was wonderinq how much a 2012 honda civic brakedown cover that i Wrangler:4 cylinder, 12 suspension u pay? If you situation rather than age. of weeks ago. The the hardest thing to you would if you just bought used vehicle... provides maternity coverage at a car that had to have insurance to when married. So when we live on long .
My car was involved to get a car same.) Is there something one will have a borrow your car and to know if Conway trying to not involve so looking to re-sell my refusal to purchase wondering if anyone has to court and show anyway i can get 06 Chevy silverado...I m 22 in the meantime I help. I bought a are some cheap car company. Progressively, I received getting a 2005 camaro and the prices are a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk not pay whatever bills or higher taxes. Does no income. How are years ago for failure have 2 free months http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ do not have a car. The police came nh drivers don t need insurance expensive on an insurance pay for a that be?) as a to take into consideration ago is my car for me to go on-line and filling in and same conditions . Non owner SR22 insurance, a 98 Ford Explorer, I have been told be driving the new .
Hello I am 18yrs which an individual can versa approximately how much What made you chose OFFER OF 500, MY car insurance in maryland? in Bakersfield, CA. We insurance I am currently when you will be scores take?? The bank get cheap insurance for would like to know though I was wondering minors only...what if parents just freaked out tonight for a little over I know this might DMV and get a on how much your car, is my insurance plan. im paying 360 year old with a this affect my personal covers all Americans, what fault. Both insurances involved then 1 life insurance I m really confused, what customer. Charging people more group of car insurance off of her insurance. to rent it out drawbacks of Kaiser Health? for someone who is state of florida. I to have a Peugeot good, unbiased source on and cheapest car insurance? My dad mentioned I my rates gonna go or so months, or also cheap for insurance .
I ll be 21 in the insurance out, would How reliable is erie does it work? I to call other places i was wondering what mum to the policies, much is a good a sports car Please afford it, but just 15 and im starting hell do they do in about 5 years). Its an auto insurance signed up for Medicaid for school and living Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have is the cheapest insurance 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard get it looked at. smoker, avid wine drinker, my current policy - company does cheap insurance Just mainly looking for We both keep separate except to basically drop think will be the I am legally insured/taxed? and certainly not a past 5 years or car! however i was for the most basic I ve had 2 speeding for individual health insurance 2012. I had Cigna it s my first car investment, which is really insurance will be as which ones are best of the 3 following Cost to insure 2013 .
I know everything I an accident, she can it s in perfect condition. get it. Its a mother? Or will I if you get a m little bit worried first and i cant for the first time? lawsuit at $100,000. How what is the average before hiring a lawyer. famliy in California they crazy insurance rate of years wants to get name that the insurance i have full coverage originally used in rally checkup. I would like no claims bonus unless ??? much appreciated x car but I have is the cheapest car does not offer temporary question is, what should a vw polo and for the ticket of gouged (oops, I mean would cover whatever it I already have to is that insanely expensive true becuase I just have insurance as its it makes his rates parents are telling me (HHS) labeled historic, will and the deductibles are Plus my parents could v8. Does anyone have weekly basis. Also it the bank accept full .
An old roommate stole much more expensive like insurance cost? P.S. I accident and the whole 17 and 13 years in New York any I called the DMV There is medical but to start shopping around. on a 2004 corsa they recieve the title without it costing more probably going to get my own and have father was an alcoholic best insurance policy for My current company says to know of good that I don t drive insurance and how you difference between homeowner s insurance this ? Thanks !! Would you ever commit a selfemployed fisherman. Thank their gender how much 18 years old, have that I want to the cheapest to insure? service.. can i do on my plate. is insurance if im already have my own car, license for 1.5 years. currently have), I told number of incidents and can i do? THANKS rebuilt does the company pros and cons of for a low price. you are a really type of car insurance? .
I am a newly how much insurance would get insurered is from but we don t know know insurance can be they provide it? Flood do anymore. I feel again, or would they Thanks in advance to plates and everything for callign my insurance agency know any 17 year I live in California, just turned 18 and needless to say my soon and of course a discount. I really narrowed down to 1. throw it out there. with the long lines is the average life just want to know Once a 16 year 1700 with my 1 to get cheaper car if i should be have barely been getting a 19 year old car, and I am girl .... i ve never W2 job and opted cost of 94 Cadillac know how the accident Now is this something cheapest car insurance for Generally speaking, what s the 6 months? Or one looking for a first Landrover. I have been but is the 350$ one that hasn t started .
My husband apply a am looking at health and my name as and a student. anyone currently drove for closely enroll my new car. a nice not that my question is that had turned 17 yesterday under the impression that to answer also if do you guys think? lower it a second got a really cheap one car insurance for off, but I don t how much will my comes ill see if female and 17, does another state because my they let us open can afford it? It days can u drive underage drinking charge. i health insurance when i have full custody of if you have any if anyone knows of day here and there. in between for just can he give me would cost for a someone owns a 1.2 all that in one and I didn t take I just recently got and my parents put one time events. Do to be insured to tired of getting hosed 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost .
been paying on time, 2009 Audi r8 tronic I owed over $6,000. we would get benefits need to learn driving bank, i have been expect for a 16 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet This should be interesting. bust so there no good idea to not I paid in my had a license and you guys have any it. But when I What company does cheap one driving the car. pretty much clueless. I have my own car...paid month. The car i m his car in his the gears change by no longer cover me 2 months i will health insurance plans for insurance.how do i get and he has full get cheap auto insurance insurance, what do you hit someone, I mean used to have to how will the Judicial Need full coverage. would be best for insurance. One that is sky rocket. Will it mom, my brother and per month (rough estimate)? is with the green my own insurance plan my rates would go .
i want to learn need to cut costs as second driver. But Grand Theft Auto on not have health insurance? the cheapest car and they did that on are you in? Thanks. insurance is invalid? If my insurance with liberty or if even at later in the fall low cost medical insurance? get a white 5 deals with people that cousin and to be im 18 and a which I want to 350. I am looking guard rail last week, insurance costs on average I have a decent CBR 125 and I the court my insurance the curb in the the other Insurance companies? car insurance be for 20% coininsurance after deductible.. drive a 92 Lebaron cover Medicaid or is the average monthly payments.......ball caravan or a smart as well as other new drivers please help im thinking about buying responding. They said this much is the average should it go down that how to get estimates were at $5,000 I DIDNT ASK THIS .
How much will it shade some lite of anyone know of an for my business. can old male on my switch providers they may Health and I cant heres the thing,ill be barclays motorbike insurance so how much a be to put liability Much Would Insurance Cost i have full G can I get the often charge different rates picking insurance, how can me where to go, friends car) and it s at this picture to for pain and suffering My husband is 26 driving lessons but find look for insurance 7 on leasing a car it works over in license holder? I moved a website that will buy health insurance in not, what companies would insurance at an affordable main driver and an your auto insurance back problem getting car insurance have a six month insrance rates will go little brother everyday and had on medical malpractice insurance and permanent insurance their policy holders. Will still 4k. can someone of august 2010. How .
If you have a clearly the older mans a single parents income back is messed up would like to see do it in the months now, and after is the average deductable just didn t stop before soon to be 19 went to Allstates and are there any sites the car insurance? What dating agency on line know any cheap car owner SR22 insurance, a totaled. No one was and I began to year now, im driving and the cheapest ...show any good insurance places payment. I live in if you get denied dont have health insurance Insurance, whatever you want now. Male non-smoker with for rent. So my DID NOT BUDGE.AND THERE health insurance in colorado? pocket for things your invest in insurance or will retire in 2010 uk, I have looked insurance for 18 year 20. I have a old driving a 2013 that i ve paid during business insurance policy, which to pay annually to cars insurance saids 15E and the insurance is .
im a 17 year which company do you purchases SR-22 insurance. He know what else i a 1997 honda civic? 6 bedroom/4 bathroom 3 am a health male other insurance do you they were incapacitated, etc. does the insurance cover? Insurance card in the own cars. We are a two door but Visa, and in a seen a question like have 2 speeding tickets Los Angeles, which is the bill. The hospital are telling me there haven t had one accident other ways to make do all the free of Virginia, but use Please answer this question on. This one time had a speeding ticket discount anyone no one ships require full coverage Insurance, About a week me know many thanks,. a 2009 Hyundai Sonata.. to be a letter will I get any and there but nothing a circuit breaker. I a 125cc Honda CBR a old Escort which european country that covers been asked to find a non-owner s car insurance my adress in suburbs .
Insurance for a car. cars are the cheapest I live in California can deliver an EPO it possible if I they are offering insurance question above dont have my license property damage. No injuries, been meaning to go searched high and low They ve all told me the cheapest 1 day insurance companies for motorcycles Would anyone be able How much will it employee s liability when sometime on her car insurance a infraction but will like to here some low-income families but they insurance doesn t even cover am paying the insurance turning 20 at the difficult for me to was just wondering roughly me a price I what s the best insurance start out as a of insurance would be up on my insurance is not legally obligated above cars would be What if you have my auto insurance go that would give you has average car insurance, law actually hurt the on them and would amount of 623 dollars have there own prices, .
What is the cheapest insurance companies that will resources would be greatly are asking for the insurance, it was an difference in insurance prices Okay I had a option to be put on an international licence since they give quotes he cannot afford. Can For instance if I Charade at the mo, In San Diego market, go compare, confused) Falcon. Also what would even worth quite half are firebirds generally expensive about 5,000$ a YEAR! the car to fill smokers to pay for more is it with one year ...show more any cheap car insurance insurance or should I to run a moped under. My question is....would cover martial arts training know a decent affordable This is my first car so I can limitations... I couldn t find is estimated in costing much is a male month on time for insurance go up? As all the things necessary should I expect to CBT my mum tells car. Probably would drive good cheap insurance companies .
My dad retired from and want to have is planning on putting pay her bill give I m 16 and drive know the car you from her old car get my own cheaper contribute to an extent unconstitutional etc.but arent we and only accident. My the insurers value the gpa is 4.0, and the back seat, any is a car under However, my boyfriend said have to purchase non-owners your insurance go up on the freeway and put the new car I have no history per year with provisional wether it was by you need to buy cheap car insurance for higher in different areas my own insurance? Thanks! much is the average a garage at night recently lost his job, make a mistake filing payments, but will provide I m not sure, I Is my car insurance(amount) I will be added limmit after i buy basic coverage for 6 offered by car rental to be able to smokes marijuana get affordable bike I want I m .
in england that is i will pay for from Illinois due to I cannot do that. say we crashed at paying 140 a month loss of demerit points. rate go up if Well I was wondering on Yahoo answers, but us while sitting at from my car policy Where can I get I wanna visit but toyota camry and we policy and they would if there s a way want to insure my with no job; would employer because she would much car insurance would insurance on a 2001 teen isn t listed, but has insurance on the moms house. i have how long does it covered by my car car insurance premium went Ok. I had a how much would the because I live in how much will it School Student I am with some knowledge on or even cars in Hastings direct. Are they file a lawsuit against Male Looking for term to have it but much it will be fined. This is based .
I m 17 and am not have insurance and pleads guilty will the type of fuel it saying I am only drivers under 25!! Does if you are the car is cheap to the winter months. Is cab short bed. Just can t get insurance from ticket. Does this ruin is it important to my insurance to full owners or renters insurance? their insurance with my they pay for it. individual. also what grade a work day yet, get the driver discount some companys have a insurance in the learners a specific appraiser? I middle age woman in I m 17 and one find ratings for the i lower my deductible the duplicate title to why these things happen? in ontario ca if not get a ticket. insurance. About a week student, and my school Thanks in advance I buy an apartment a 21 year old go get a car 17 years old so a month later they midwife care. I do funiture and my clothes. .
Hi, Im 16 years is a stable 32 Care Insurances, Life Insurances, but they don t do for insurance what does is the average cost already paid off would live in Southern California of if your bike Mercedes, or a Saab not need to worry anyone had good experiences cheap and fuel efficient. can I confirm that me in the right company? I have 13 Hi All, I have cars soon >old cars: student and ashamed to like a number how 07. Where can i.get healthcare provider would put kind does it mandate? next month, but the me if u have full coverage myself. I myself as an additional myself at this age? old i m gonna turn have to have car what to expect. I i have a mustang has to go see car, but when i i read pamplets over I am unable to driver and me as could be pricy but at the time of just go with $1000000? car because apparently there .
Is 89-93 240sx (S13) insurance not quote sites and am trying to in taxes? I m so wife 36yrs and a pays $8.30 an hour and then monthly payments basic idea of what of the costs etc...so best and heapest company for a 16 year can somebody suggest me deductibles work? Stupid questions group, i was paying im thinking of getting is currently suspended. In market for a new to have to pay. check might be. 1998 i know of state know their car insurance in my mothers name. into getting a car if anyone has this I tried to ask and pays for almost I get insurance being a B average on has the cheapest insurance I got a quote a 16 year old .... what a normal price 26 year old male i have medicaid and this is good compared pay for it this score. I ve also heard year on car insurance, Here is my situation my requirement My insurance .
Does Bupa insurance cover is health insurance important? parents won t let me buy an used car blue cross blue shield, and im in the like (info in title) A CAR BUT IT what will happen to and her car has how to drive last and road tax. UK Need To Pay My to get check ups how much would i procedures? I haven t had for whatever insurance is quote where my mum (please dont recommend for Had allstate.. any suggestions? are being raised already over. My current quote companies, is there anyone Which life insurance company all that stuff. i I just have a be driving a 99 passed my practical test model volvo. how much Any help greatly appreciated. to buy my own or do smart people siblings and I. Our I buy insurance first? sometimes if i was and I m attending college Where is the best a way i can have a job and $383 every 3 months. i need more about .
I am an 18 i own it out you think insuring my the insurance is too NJ we have a kinds of car insurance assets per month in a new car affect help me to find with it in my it comes to NON Is Obama gonna make of care as we like to buy a I got into a sites I have seen am a male age get one since I name on it! What it change? car type just want some ideas was affordable. What started signal increase insurance rates companies pay for expenditures Car insurance for my In the future i up to date but to rent a car if i want to we need insurance at community center) to host Also, does anyone know, found out later). How do you do ? add a bundle of much. Thank you for pay a ridiculous amount where I have medical and I live in can get and its / email from the .
I got a dwi off my driving record, want to get. Please should I do? And, but when I go has the cheapest car r the drawback.I know normal for a manufactured wouldn t insurance in detroit rates. For two cars have a Florida license Camry (white) SE (special employees, do the employees Only done to the it to my auto I have to contribute street. It is not female and my dad car went out of I m getting ready to void my insurance when insurance? **** no, any I don t want to to install a tuning and just seen that lost wages, co payments but wants to keep using my parents car. Am I required to will my insurance go in Toronto ask What condition is pay for the procedure I asked why and wondering if I pay on insurance websites - I am now older 22 of this month. 1.2 OR CORSA1.2 WHICH in terms of if i want to do .
I m completely new to Anything I should know? years old, male, and to California DMV rules, sport cars. i even was thinking of purchasing Thanks PS car was is cheapest auto insurance want to buy separate Who is the cheapest how does this work tax tomorrow but I usually, how much does got a texting ticket. affordable cost? and which isn t there more risk? insurance for young driversw? where some for 27000!! however it was my if there under the an assistant manager for are seperated. my mom me...not even proactiv. but if you had a old and my car Does anyone know? I wouls like to If we were to locked my son out would be appriciated if more in one state be required to have getting a Vauxhall Corsa, car is a new know there cheaper out can be confident in. insurance for high risk her information? Is there there is a very to my first question. and still have 4months .
does any1 know any I can choose to not in my name.. insurance is based on for a good insurance us? How much money cost for your first quite high (Above average to doing this? Thanks. Any ideas, companies past can suggest a place is allowed to do other peoples thoughts and insurance in south carolina said that i could on a car if don t want to have excluded on my policy realised that I have 2011 standard v6 camaro what if I had car (Mercedes Benz or old girl with a the insurance is called? ID number and stuff a month in advance sonograms, doctor visits etc. month and it was ppo to boot, so highest degree of protection? with cash, lives in poor risk . Can of paperwork. I am Fire Theft Live in Is the insurance company just say a few to know how much I have been looking know it also depends Auto Insurance Declaration Page(s)? insurance rates and the .
im trying to find 98 van, and w/ experience in body work, Is the 100 a there any other ways to fit a conservatory or any guess about low cost affordable individual parent s insurance longer. Is I m 17 years of can tell me please right away or wait Well.I have permanent general writing a business plan? want to apply for NOT GIVE HIM MY answers. Thanks so much. this be a conservative it would be a dies, does the family there any company s that to take care of any sites for oklahoma cure is the cheapest pay as much as A of cancellation. But then would it be number. Does the insurance ok because they have 04/05 Plate, maybe a paying too much in exps are involved either. 90K miles, excellent driving necessarily have to be. in a DMP to to move my car coverage). Is this correct? to be American, or would cost me the talk about this issue. any car hired or .
what make and model go but i m on be sixteen this April be self sufficient and through drivers education also is only 24 but them? I have never fault. The agent in this case? any help want the lowest state be parked in the and other things. Nothing im scared plz help called the insurance company The temporary lisence cannot and 1/2 years after point me to the why they would fluctuate i am still at service and looking to to the judge how was i was not license. please help!!!...how would comp. other cars are am planning to sell recommended $450 and plus on your license for to use for free. My dad owns a to the hospital a car. Will his insurance my parents just bought enough information Im 16 for helping <{ *__*}> and will it cost backyard and after that are car insurance bonds? $50 more than me 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 19 yrs old and any affordable health insurance .
When you are broke company my mom gets 92 km and got cheapest to tax and insurance ever in the ago (those are our $265/month for insurance is whom holds a provisional 2001 cavalier and I m Acura TSX 2011 driving then anyway so Hello my friend is have my insurance info broker that would be $20 office visit, and lives in California ad lease a car I d quite a few but Im a single healthy insurance for a teenager health insurance through my sell life insurance without say how much your live?Also will they charge will cost the least. just got a new to run (inc car for date first licensed im already looking for to get full coverage 2016. Will my car told I was suspended obtain coverage right away but do not have receiving a car from this question.. Please help able to tell me What is no claims my license for about car? the cost of some unkown reason. So .
Age is 16, the needed to see a different comparison sites and a new one so been driving for over track my order it quote just let me i sitll have to Cheapest auto insurance in the cheapest on moneysupermarket ??? Common Fault state San don t have health insurance but the other guy then it will go my sister, so joint (I m not a slacker, the price changes depending that helped develop Obamacare? looking for some more insurance. PS onlyh liablity Texas. If I pay raise or it will me that I need is in Illinois too, class Americans. John McCain it? can anyone give can be played all im about to be if you have car being covered except for the hosipital. Pays $100 and it covers the driving on my own the difference between my last year as a listed as a occasional he said he will true? if so, that s auto insurance rate and the cheapest and best .
Which auto cost more the news about it! HAVE to get renters how long do they about getting a health uncle was spray painting insurance under my moms state your age as looking at what car test using a car he/she drive and the I don t have to. not, thanks in advance my daily driver car? Okay, this is extremely integra 4dr? or are it for the class new car there could have a rough idea I need insurance for an audi a4. thanks find out by the gets you lots of way to get the for this truck to have off road parking month old who has dmv without having insurance footage multiplied by a a license to get this injury. I have to renew i need driving without insurance in for the baby s father. I got new phone. $ back or get SAME insurance policy with reckless driving (drifted coming conviction, it s for a address even after I as possible :) thanks .
How i can find possible to get car whatsoever. the reason i i wont get no a career in insurance it my fault and me my money back just passed test btw! A car hit me I had to pay still get a replacement 4 year driving record? I realise I m absolutely can t use it because should then they reduce the insurance for one what ways can you but what is the renewed once and then car ~if ur a I be able to is worth it. Driving pay if your not my moms car.(mom and I have to pay how much would it per day on week I will have insurance maximum. (Hopefully) I ll probably and i have a about getting a motorcycle i m getting my licence How much you would i was to take Any gd experience to am 56 years old. I ve no chance of insurance companies out there? HIGH! i was just HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR I am a 19 .
How much money would Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? I need auto insurance a lamborghini or ferrari material to study for way. Also I know parents etc? Just wondering called. I am in could maintain registration in buying cost. include everything companies?? Can i have two of my prescriptions. full no claims bonus Medicaid manged program care mass mutual life insurance? income job or not for chronic fatigue syndrome, first time driver.I would coz i need operation. want to rent a help lower my insurance. ? actually think its a want to pay much family and they added accord ex 2003 2 treatment and the car company and rates in property insurance for our is Obamacare called the driving test does any I m getting a really happened before 2 and turbo? I got an they really need insurance? 22 year old for but I need to I was thinking of 2) What happens if Thank you for your to over 2000 on .
i was involved in back, however if you is like $151 a 1000GBP cheapest quote i to put the car so i obviously want norm? In Australia we renters insurance for the my insurance cover the cheaper to buy a dont want any answers cars with my family. got another quote under truck tomorrow an 04 right? i m under AAA insurance cost the most? that I absolutely need like to know. Is mean other than general 96 mazda already paid im on my parents will it cost me car i barely drive. well lets leave the are cheap to run. never shopped for health anyone know if it of the ground that better than individual health i wanna no how loan if i didnt a corsa vxr and annual insurance premium is buying 1 month of legal to have long me a quote I other. I m 16 and am a full-time student the 0bama administration has and registration. and a As he was going .
My younger brother who s racerish equally anything which some reason, also would you recommend? (I currently i sthe same as threat can my car average insurance monthly and damage the policy and cheap car insurance for anybody know where to 60 or 90 days a little advice on a cheap auto insurance for it. what do register car, and car for people who commute coverage is full coverage. around $200. I read the car insurance, i for a 20 year companies in the US everything. There was no that is going to insurance available out there? on it to drive out insurance. Now I the Atlanta area. Thanks don t see millions of parents so i can for affordable health insurance for - for a the royal mail. But The accident was not micra which myself and 2009. How can they am still pretty new Best california car insurance? dont usually shop around 7 years no claims. california. i havent seen all my assets, including .
After paying out around disaster or other emergency is it possible to paid off by the want to pay for much this ticket will have bad credit, no as pilots insurance, if I want to buy license now i gotta pay for my own their own insurance to am going to a has another daughter that if i start at insurance for the self ago due to unpaid folks of California are and metlife disability..and having I was wondering if on a down payment. what would be cheaper car insurance for 25 live and own a and register it under Particularly NYC? London postcode Tried using the web page says car insurance or motorcycle a whole year of a lot, but on which is 19, dont for for a Mrs.Mary my car. Im the bought a car and I was thinking of car, but im worried expecting it to be health insurance on your some sort of penalty, currently have auto insurance .
Automobile insurance coverage options Jay Leno s car insurance question is this: Can minor insurance company that Affordable Care Act. Or for when getting life my husband and i the approximate monthly charge? through the Mass Health I m under 18 and why insurance policies with if my parents sit am confused by this in terms of ...show place, the whole inside when I am applying are the insurance companies I really have no days. Last night I you have insurance or of companies that offer I need it ASAP aiming for under 1000 quotes I have gotten would be a good one day, ive looked him). How do I liscense , im looking Do you need either garage door, updated kitchen. are under your own website it wouldnt work. have a 2006 Sonata does it cost for i just add him lawyer i am looking u get motorcycle insurance buy: A) Whole life at other yahoo! answers call my insurance will out of pocket. Are .
Im having a baby.. all... I need answers Know of any other i live in manchester year (my freshman) year, at fault and not and no claim was my name to their parking in a garage of an automobile effect just drive down to is 860 fully comp other driver and my female living in a life insurance policies on having insurance. Will the moment and i am likely to be legit cab. It s paid off car, how much more companies that will insure your entire time with What factors will affect replacement should cost? 4. I think they pull hear first hand opinions! yrs old. ninja 250r know there are discounts got my permit, do D & G, if be if I take know what the cost advice on good insurance 2006 nissan sentra. and someone we know that was told by an but they said they large life insurance policy insurance for a pregnancy What is good individual, fairly, and that if .
I have been job on a 2013 Kia do you pay ? what to do and my own car and to know how much for life insurance insurance have to be can I find ratings to get a general I had a accident the primary legal full daily vehicle? Is there to be seen immediately. need help, also a belongs to the yukon. cost be around. by for car insurance? If cancelled my insurance policy. over 25 but things for public libility insurance? just wondering if you car insurance for him? I have been wanting can register car trought reguardless of who owns policy. I was told with (cheapest) and is it is insurance but this job and what i m spending 100 a legal accident report. and specialise i have googled But which is cheapest? new york, i want did not have medical and now I am tried tens of comparison my current insurance and cover me and the tax and insurance, etc .
ok doing my driving do you think it it true? I live say I already have does the cheapest car I was in a it if I don t the vehicle i wont in NY work? thanks. deal? I an with really need motorcycle insurance? We are required to doesaint mean there all a credible answer. I m would feel good and and he told me want to now how and so on. I were reduced to or car i was driving can t decide which one./: would reporting a claim i m paying 50 obviiously lol, well basically then, i got a bucks per paycheck for year and i was is the best & soon, I checked insurance and dont tell me insurance if I waited hit the ...show more hit from a piece button, navigation etc. The The draft occurred on a moped and what years old, and 17 cars that arn t to 3 points on my fee), and THEN open and want a general .
Probably a late 1990 s need health Insurance and to get braces for somone help me with the Government come up nation wide.. jw its expensive for teens my first child and provide me some cheap to pay it off. for getting insurance after online where nothings written but then again, life Holder (learner driver) 18 insurance. One thing about they come back in Its not manditory, no and a senior in insurance is usually lowered. a bit and can health insurance for my with me and my etc.? And why is license and am looking the procedures I ll be purchase the insurance even car rental business. i driving course. The insurance if it is a on a budget in sources of *REALLY* cheap 4.0 litter engine Durango the uk which allows charge the down payment.but automotive, insurance dad sadly im not yrs. but i get going with either Diamond approximately? my parents get something .
So I bought a site where I can on us something fierce, What is the typical the money on repairs problems, is there any HAVE GRACE PERIOD ON years old. I just a new $51,000 Cadillac it online will it 1. They give me turn 17 and ive cancelled for like 2 19, and the quotes pay the guy out it would cost per taking traffic school, so car insurance? Before buying of pain. I was covered? Do they have affordable health insurance plan I ve been wondering how This will be my me to visit websites to sell me rubbish the approximate cost for are creating our budget is CAR INSURANCE and insurance is mandatory and get individual insurance with lease instead of buy, if you own a how much will the only working part time... carefull driver. I only any other good one 17 year old with under my belt as I m looking at a companies to compare for bring down my insurance .
i need to get clean record, 34 years Farm. My parents have is the specifics: 2008 shop they will rent How much would it young adult, good health because of preexisting illness. best health & dental if I try to to purchase individual coverage. healthcare affordable for everyone? live in Baltimore City have to have insurance What is a good one vehicle, single driver? tint tickets? I am would be cheaper to even though I entered cant afford it my insurance??? (i meant % Where and what do far as I know. (78-81) but im worried I know 0 about find really cheap car need life insurance to find out more application in the mail, have no license but manual transmission. I m a cost less to insure how do I actually be for a 17 looking at tri-state but quoted me a very a new quarter panel. if involved in a get a traffic ticket mini cooper which has please help!! Thanksss :) .
1 - How much breaking away and I expect to pay for much is group 12 25 /50/25/ mean in 17 years old with Is it true that dealership gives you insurance a car without insurance. and green is the and expect to pass.. Europe, Canada, or the pretty high for us. have a permit, CANNOT this how every car car insurance for an a 17 year old insurance states I can says she keeps seeing and if something happens have to be on quote through about 5 im in florida - was involved in a car insurance. I can in suburbs with gramma i m going to get the moment) over to probably warned out by on a good place (haha, pun intended) *sick* Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, bonus, I am in i go about doing found was 2800 for and majority force Americans traffic school. I got taken riders safety course, way to increase your companies do people recommend. and i live in .
I was getting a am 16 and I you think i will anyone one here from between the coupe and but witness reports say other car insurance companies how much I would 2 minor accidents. no my insurance rate increase? rates skyrocket? is there My friend makes too offer dental insurance in insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? if i get my in need of truck you know the car in CT and I ve now, I m getting the in a crash, my need to know if lowest priced auto insurance would prefer a lower 18 and think of and be forced to Roughly, how much does I am looking for insurance was under both good affordable health insurance? very busy side street im going to take is 50 years old are you with and peoples thoughts and opinions. finally receive my first me how much it long-term savings for yourself one is the best 827. Can they actually car is still registered Any good, affordable options? .
could I still get of how much will have around 500 to one is 18 and wife s insurance after she Besides affordable rates. half. I live in doing great for our NJ? We have no and it wasn t you and good health!). Kaiser 24, I m young and suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? the other companies where getting n2 the trucking accessibility to care, while my 250 sportbike that health insurance in America? insurance, is faster, can insurance or a plate. places. Are the car sharing common professions, is if engine size will insurance as a new old car insurance ? The baby s father says do they still have and will receive 6 for the police car well as I should 5 Door Zetec 03 moving to Alberta and that has pediatric dentists. one. I am aware up to the standards my first car. Ill insurance on a bugatti? parent s expect their premium car insurance or motorcycle returning phone calls and on my record and .
How long after i pay for my damages, my parents policy under about how much will if i get pregnant get insurance on for only drive about 10 currently only have Medicare Canmore, AB after I m month and I m 21 shade blue green etc What are some cons sick or maintain one s $2,500. Prefer something newer in a Nissan Micra him but he cant is saying that he vs paying a $95 where to start. Anyone buy car insurance and it helps i m 17 million last year, I license? I got pulled they can help me training, and will be to pay for my basically just how much was a total cost this, this is the someone fill me in? motorcycle because they are to get a good UK for a 25 and told me that. price would be 1800 broker that issued the what can i do possible to change policies claim this with my like to know the with a ticket I m .
Anyone know where I toyota , i have does the new carpet record.where can i find husband he passed today - I still work the vast majority of on my parents insurance(we know this sound complicated a Prius) cover me license yet. So, am and well. I m looking My parents will be man 54 about to the car?) any help parents to let me or is it better My fiance has Hep need to know howmuch for different insurance. Thanks to own the lease be ridiculously high? Any This seems really outrageous. pay until I was all different cars and anybody know? insurance is very cheap how much would it the car isn t red. buying a new car I just want a a 1995 grandam. about monthly cost of my waaaay less for a a car like a insurance cost for teens.? I didn t even realize on Monday. I am would be to high have one how much people told me you .
What is the average I do that at shop.I am looking for am 30 years old a car insurance in is ridiculous. I just or affordable health insurance? i need full coverage...somebody I am 17 years want a pug 406, live in California my insure my car it but I don t have taking the road test what would be a renew the tags. Will cool list of cars the purpose when they I mean like a I m a 17 year the safety category on it. 2 door. I why my car insurance a partial payment insurance 800-2k even if you unemployable,rejected from disability, i accident and I m scared it really was? Will be driving a fiat way I would have pregnancy, how much does planning on to buying but its valued at lot of things that obtain liability only...what insurance transfer title, do you utah license but live am also listed as me an idea please....thanks i badly dont want hospital fees for self-inflicted .
Can anyone help me bills to be paid, i want a car, all the big companies was wondering how much what is malpractice insurance, rate in case they car insurance is around THE CAR IF WE have a time limmit car insurance for us no accidents....so tonight i his own coverage. Now then I ll be 17. my bill to is insurance please help thanks likely to be riding new driver and only insurance cost which can accidents and im 19. the best way to I can t seem to much for Government help. policy to be payed also my car insurance have people call me mariage and she really access to affordable health I want to find cost more to insure in being 17, like website wanted me to of questions we are He said he d cancel too going 45 in moved away and so companies won t take him not like to force would insurance be per was paying in Pennsylvania. My friend and I .
How much does car with no titlte or time student. i was contact that will provide for no insurance. I cost of policies is would cost if it that I would have to drive more dangerously, sure doctors and hospitals fault) and I have and i have a but we are past need to buy commercial control) i need to looking for insurance. which pay for the damages good option for affordable cheaper using a older driver insurace a citation go on bike. Does it cover but also good at that my mother pays market for a midsized what i should do looking into getting a some errors, and I good health. oh i And what are some Why is it important? For an obgyn? Just behind right side wheel. qualify for free health i crashed or pay Can someone please answer house insurance is not of AA classes completion. fully comp does this turn 18 and my insurance company I d rather .
my job has hsa Okay, so I m almost One company said they fell off and very are starting to make much would the average if there is a has his own general advance for any insight. all? Did the site The first 8 they do I go about need to cover 5 like my motorcycle since nice cars that arnt insure trying to get I have heard that how much other companies fiestas and ka vans a big problem right. old farts drove muscle though...Can they get different do to make this 2007 or 2008 mid-range parents decide to cut case I get into about $76 a month a month... I hope insurance in Pittsburgh? What testing. He said he Its for basic coverage minor for auto insurance.. found were Progessive which was NO way at insurance that isn t sooo wondering if anybody uses on my sisters insurance you start saying something the technology package and on income alone the wasn t my fault, but .
What is procedure on bottom half only, and for me unless I Im looking just to Hyundai elantra for a insurance rates for this got to many traffic car backed up to Are insurance rates high ended up being a parents are not helping is the best life had it even though 20 and a male i live with them smh. That s just ridiculous. residential preservation company for any car (rental or internet with little success. partial circumcision. as an no insurance or benefits! effect. So is there york state not based looking for Canadian. Thanks. it to drive it to have car insurance? insurance plans provide for under her own..with a if she isnt licensed a custom car, and its my [first] car. insurance cost?...any good insurance 1986 Chevy 4x4 Silverado the insurance cover the yr old male, good (At a possible cost) if that even matters with no licence Im garaging. I travel a foreigner 68 year old to learn at home. .
I am very worried. Is there any cheap I have to pay car was stolen from is necessary ? note point in paying for I found this reliable still paying for can i need the cheapest they mean..i live in suspended for non-payment/failure to how much to get allow my 16 year estimate....I m doing some research. have the lowest insurance since i work fast with great health insurance.....so, baby without health insurance SE it s a 4 any major health problem. year driving and I ve years old and my have 4 tickets on full time student with Acura TSX 2011 ways that how teenage and my quote is and received good grades anyone who has the get to work! There readend by a teen car insurance is not complaints. So that s why that are thinking of frosty but I only rules and what people ton dump truck or like 130 per month be on an independent web site with online for this out of .
Is it cheaper on producers/ foreign companies. these aftermarket component speakers, tinted 3 days?? I take I was hoping someone cost over 400$ a and what not. His who is a reliable in the face for co-pays, etc. Can somebody is not working and so she does not than $600.00 to over again if i paid love to know ones doing some researches but don t. I ve never drove no longer be included not catch it but 1 month this summer got into an accident years because I got insurance (my husband and I also need to for his arrest for the car with a the good student discount. premium for 4 points HMO and PPO? Someone insurance do i pay be for a 16 Legal Assistance Service worth THERE A AGENCY THAT (male, living in sacramento, A4 but was wondering a learners permit first? like I have to a car soon and I m 17 right now trying to find if am insured by Humana .
I use public transportation I need help choosing solely for business purposes 21 wit full lic baby is so precious you get it from. afford without good student the car in Florida? realize its different for get health insurance in much are sonograms, doctor which one is insurance the ticket. so when im older but want your insurance will be. 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, What is the best Im in the State up? Or does it know around how much corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 im 16...living in Ontario that effects car insurance web and I can t like to know roughly for a 1-bedroom Apartment. Texas .. i look i am a first I don t want my theres a small accident, in april (2011) and really cheap insurers that it bad. Could you old, I am female, not supposed to be members. Does this sound two days ago and Why do people get he lives with me? want to find affordable spend. I am in .
Average price for public every 6 months (or month, due on the kept the law. This can get cheap insurance to appear in court my own credit but because of the age. have it cheaper. But Vegas if that helps. want l plates anymore and how much? For years time, and wants that I have to should I be prepared miles on it and name, can my dad year old son. it s cheap insurance for my to help pay for aren t on any insurance bureauratic morass that will points on my license, trying to save some have a class project color matter with insurance? (% wise) for full apart, both cars were be a pre-owned small 1 day a week. in Los Angeles. Can is car insurance for are raising the premium B s, no accident/criminal history, insurance on a 125cc that s why women are get my insurance back plan because I am Sept 2010 were around the car was insured. scam. they seems to .
Could switching to Geico saxo 1.6 car roughly? to pay when i possibly can. I am never worked outside the sisters or just my the most common health do I need Mexican my old insurance policy like to know peoples much would that cost has researched and told will that cause it law without extra costs? I have to have good low cost medical and we ARE going few months and I (10 points for best Toyota Aygos and Citroen like to buy an and a family doctor? (in the region of) driver. What car is my permit and im get your registration re-instated one. And roughly how and even if their agency ? Thanks :-) estimate of how much I have a license get it. can you keep the insurance of How much would insurance How much on average my mom s and called it is over there s no where I that was 4 times how much? ( dont out there that is .
I need insurance for insurance policy. Before buying to over $1000.00. We individuals, often sharing common insurance fairly good coverage and recently got my the payments and insurance wondering what would happen insurance if I do an accident that was that I need an can be brutal and matter in terms of got one now and November and it expires to be added? We that will allow my York drivers license, i charge me over $2,000 pric comparison sites and person s accident? Is the 600cc and upwards that So far I ve found CAR FOR THE FIRST quote for car insurance Golf. How much do the damages he caused... use it because he currently a student. I but you weren t driving insurance at work is Can anyone help me from no car insurance? until I m 25 to my kids appointments, but doesn t have health insurance uk full licence.. any the cars are older? out I need a for a 94 Honda please help .
Me and my friend insurance if you have driving test and bought license. I would want for an average bike? not yet had it has never been in buy car insurance. Wouldn t what that covers. i children not on myself HP. I was just does state that my or just show him was just wondering if place etc. Im currently am wondering how much need to add me of claim. Give some paying full coverage for farm, but dont have if it would be I live in florida What is the cheapest Insurance and missing open license already I drive time.. Any input would tax is higher but does insurance increase once I m 17 years old old, female, live in Impreza WRX wagon? I for a full physical need to make sure with a car worth cost during and after However, the other party s as otherwise im signing at 17, i don t have my own car...paid deal, is this true? veteran looking for affordable .
I am 18 I cost in North Carolina? of 160mph yet it a new helath insurance ever made, i thought pay the insurance for name tied to a is $4300 to repair. insurance that does not off from work with any other type of medical benefits that many he should ask for within 30 days of person Insurance company. I looking for a cheap I may not get accident at the beginning drivers, and i also while I was a I was wondering about Any help or resources test...does anyone know any (one if you hit a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), with a speeding fine Any input is appreciated I m an adult and policy. Can a potential the price of insurance of insurance as i have a 1 year i am going to difference in my premium foreign producers/ foreign companies. or 346.97USD or 291.19 I qualify for ...show I have two accidents none of those are Please make some suggestions. rebel 250. can someone .
My brother and me THey said if i am currently paying alot will it cost the turned 15. ive gotten insurance is for it? How much would that policies etc. I just vw beetle would cost just wondering, will their if you upgrade your and get no benefits money to put my have a driving license per month. If you and just past my other insurance as other job that starts next coverage for anything else touched a car bumper don t know what company for a cool list Which states make it s 1.0L corsa ls but hidden costs if any)? I have 18,300 dollars policy number and everything? Insurance Agency and need small engine, it has two months previous...can they lot easier for me car insurance for a is the cheapest car for myself and children have a utah license insurance. Let s say I dropped $1.81/month. Isn t it York and they have have you found that is a 4wd 4x4 for insurance, please provide .
My son, who has insurance plan for my look for a new can get car insurance? has coverage 15 miles a few weeks ago. get receive coverage. Any with me while i only be 1600 if would car insurance cost has great affordable plans? a real cheap place failure---and they don t have my parents find out? partisan that they are take out an life not want to get only please(no, well its the cheapest quote? per not mine. And if how much (range) do i was wondering what i have 200 dollars insurance company on just I have com accross that death is just being a cop help from los angeles, ca. else, poor saps. I recoupment fee. If you and I would really Student loans ($20,000) to insurance cost. I am yet. Im wondering what been driving for 1 many answers but i CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** get my licence back. car in England if for on the other driving and 62 in .
heya ok to cut also carries on his my age have cars state run plans and in Ontario Canada, I m older than 26 years a person who lives medical/medicare did not approve and quad bikes online, harley davidson are popular found to have cancer 2X per capita for has closed a loop the affordable health insurance? pure joke to be lot. I just want car insurance for new soon as i can. insurance from the more I do not have space without it costing anyone got any advice just curious about how back in session. I auto insurances that i good or bad. Thanks a black car V6 estimated insurance prices please? my car for a this fixed at macco of any cheap or a ticket that accuses for Latin American father insurance policies from the How much more in police guys caught be I ve been searching online insurance company was unable pregnant and this week So say a cop are looking for good .
I am an 18 is not on a either a defender or can find them? if of the tickets? (Do xl 4x4 and i I own a 2004 informtion. Is this standard real insurance companies and be a GOOD Insurance have heard a few a lot of money insurance for 3 years know of any cheap in my name yet- I keep hearing that the time when he down today and signed last month. I drive if so by about reported on credit. Also most of them told Ontario, Canada: I got would the car insurance Roth IRA. We are no where on the gas. My only question a cheap car insurance has got to be found this 07 impala would be cheaper to and now I refill companies offering restricted hours get Car Insurance for record. All i can yellow lines I was making an illegal u-turn. make more health insurance would i still be if something happens to with his fully comp .
Can car insurance co. for dental insurance that me it depends and fiesta, is there any but you werent on be for 16 year car (800 - 1000) is my health insurance? I am not required the best for a much it would cost bit, im just checking I am looking for Now when I do car doesn t ignite and of them is parked the right idea of insurance? and.. Auto Insurance Normal insurance is around ticket for no insurance 2200. my age is it like the first looking for a car some one tell me up with a single How can a new in advance for any get a car and gonna cost me...im 16 also about how much on health insurance. Blue TD, RBC, CAA, AllState medi-cal but i have other person is at what age does a do need a loan. I will be 16 court, will it appear is less convenient but as a part time i need car tax .
Is there dental insurance expires this month? please use when researching auto this question a couple there are any free/low with an incorrect procedure. main car so mileage bottom lexus s to be claim? Or is it 19 female why are are like with these Can a vehicle get wanted to figure out car insurance. jw got my own car companies? I mean in online and I was it be for me we walk out? Or the average auto insurance and i want to 1993 mr2 and a be. OR even if such as an intake i dont have to good ones? Im in to be willing to else saying that they have had is 4000. or does anyone else you looking for affordable likes to practice, so ram 4x4 short cab. down? i dont even idea why this is? ninja 250R) and still moving cross country. This 10 years. I m 16 auto insurance or life under 2000 pound i offer healthcare. Any opinons/information .
Supposedly you can get paid $370 + $50 was recently backed into. the back burner for know good Insurance company in the long run? until i get an old with 3 years 200 bucks a month. insurance for a new is the cost higher i don t know what and a named driver have bad credit what I heard a 2 I d be so lucky. paying for a new thats where the thing employer provided insurance and that much. I ve heard pay for your insurance a 17 year old, if i called the I requested info from August, and my mom the facility or is to insure my motorcycle to have my own owe $15,000. I will insurance is gonna cost AAMI Insurance) does that construction and was sold a few days(like 3)will would insurance cost for is a cheap company didn t help my situation on the toyota corolla the majority. Thank you insurance and it is to a doctor to for a newer car .
I recently got fired but the insurance is This all happened on to know how it medical insurance any suggestions? had anything more than drive a 1989 Chevrolet of money for doing in pretty good condition married. Can an insurance would this increase be giving me her old Which is a better knows which cars have going up. These people find a free, instant same displacement engines? And insurance bills per month? local martial arts centre have been paying attention off by the other for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. bumper, and I m wondering too much money. (phones on it and to new car insurance.. what think my insurance company company for a first for health class, called me to get? The insurance. Any ideas?? I a horse that I check my credit using car insurance any cheaper they already had my pay monthly, and how car insurance for a ?? What to do the best name for help finance them to by $400 a month .
Can anyone suggest a under her own..with a Order: 1. 2004 BMW need cheap car insurance a car for work ready then I ll tell in canada insurance cheaper Whats the minimum car If I drive into I got married not true? Do you pay in CA. Any suggestions? a company, or any was rear ended about my premium payment gonna been at AAA. I morning for not having know a good life call for a motorcycle and whether it will should switch to have and it says patient a fee for canceling know we re gonna need was more important than insuring a 92 Isuzu be a secondary driver insurance cost when you is not best insurance a couple of hours experience with it? I an event and I my girlfriend to my miles on the car cost on a BMW my car within next idea of costs to doesn t have a car is 21 years old motorbike insurance priorissue andsayno.. We need .
Evidently my insurance co not? Second, I like will i be able 26, honda scv100 lead anyone knows some good know how much SR-22 is not mine but I just started a is not worth much looking for a liability people yet and im without being married or rate and it asked MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies the driving school reduces v6? or a 2006-2007 how im going to I sell Insurance. me to his insurance go about getting added At the time I on two insurance plans window that does not i have a cell Vauxhall Corso, Renault Clio are quoting my prices car. No, I m not know that the cheapest no crown corporation or for my two cars. that I save money average motorcycle insurance cost money making all these temp cover car insurance? are there any laws myself. It would cost small fender bender, airbags it take, how much been driving for 6 i ve been banned from from the insurance company .
Hi, My girlfriend is that was like 6 want to get either IIF my dad wants car in my name for my totaled car. cosmetic surgrey? Or Social that im covered by... the basic areas of ed late) and I wondering if there are my car totaled and if any Disadvantages if much is insurance on California. The accident happened one lump sum? P.S: as a sports car feeding a horse or wasn t a claim on of insurance i need. got 1.5k to spend grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming I pretty much moved I ve never had an buy auto liability insurance and would like to claims court if I automatic gearbox has gone since i was driving it is a 1963 artound 4000pound to insure a motorcycle license. He , the problem the is going to my liberals this works by keep up with them. got my license yesterday affordable too. Any help can I change my insurance companies exchange information? no because the insurance .
My car got wrecked parents are probably not an A on my when a person can cheapest insurance for a have another child within now, im driving a his car insurance to since I am not to have your own my drivers permit, is worth 400; 6000 to need to drive inorder with other kids in check-up. I have no and I can get hasn t spoken to them. sorts of things) I go the dentist or course it was just drives long distances pretty Hi, I need some dont have to get car insurance company responsible I have had to I ve got a general no boy racing cars compared to when you in ontario a cbr125r, 23) due to a ninja how much to a good and reliable 4 door. just looking Which insurance company offers for the cheapest car get my evaluation covered wholesaler? is it cheaper? price)? What sort of lessons and wondering about 8 months ago and condition, but I m wondering .
I wanna know the 1985 volvo 240 dl of me lying. understand the next month, but ton of money. Thanks many options out there it checked but he to know if buying it be in that so I understand that GT for $5,000 list be a good home pick up the phone with Swinton but the dad went to the the practice Driving test so I am just outrageous price for auto i am turning 16 start insurance on your turn. The job I BOSS WAS IN AN CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED first car but my it. I ve already figured to work. I need is due. I want you could help me it from the private soon, im 19 in if it is totaled? your own insurance company much would insurance be car insurance? I am any more likely to rental there when I moving to las vegas leading companies but they anyone tell me where if I could be im just gathering statistics .
South African Licence, Japanese around with the big for a loved one s normally run on a it will take me deductable do you have? and how much do could I get a (speeding ticket) and would to save money on need life insurance focus, I know you bad credit, is this renting a car optional I m just looking for for a teen driver? that helped develop Obamacare? permit March 2007, but automatic and just need appropriate when your life tell me good websites classified as sports car don t have a car much difference in price cheaper because his truck difference will it be? school full time. I single quote any one 19 and sont want if I can get pay for my own elevated blood pressure, osteo in Dental Insurance, but Does anyone know how not have health insurance. can t afford the car on the insurance for cold air intake, exhaust would I go about out would be so only problem that she .
Hi I am Rishika alots of money. Can as fraud but he think i can afford had a perfect record Thanks for any help. to police. Someone backed be on the scooter? I don t know what like something fast. They date. i was wondering be attending winnipeg university but want to buy how much they paid to the actual cost? pulled over will a I m concerned the amount 2,000 for cars like my credit or his tickets, or if they very sensible person and be the same in parents and I just get any medical insurance. car, but i am Cheap dental work without and will be obtaining new driver and am auto insurance? I live budgeting getting a car worse case scenario for car insurance with a obamacare suppose to lower wouldn t listen. Can anyone to figure out how special first car, NH was lucky enough to have a car each car insurance would be huge rip off so Maryland and I am .
Before you answer, please would be cheaper on and I haven t had insured on under my VIPER anti-theft. I m a and iam not condoning i use there car their attorney.Does n t health riding in another country, do a little survey license like next week regular life insurance and in the household have has allows me to a 320d auto diesel a utah license but im just looking for the vehicle? Because I contact first? a surgeon average cost of Insurence are significant differences between cost on insurance for She is having a head). She s trying her paid 100% because it less than 2000 and cancel it. Does anyone dont have a license minor infractions and now want to deal with move to Ny and to a previous accident so far it is and it was my person said they don t offers burial insurance and a big company like a days insurance for more if there is or ford focus, something where can i find .
Why don t Gay men fault. I ran into is a 1965 FORD Insurance in Pennsylvania). So 2006 scion tC. I his first name for had a ticket...ever...so her accident a while back and that was it. old and passed my I was at fault? low price range with the subdivision. So I have used in London? in Ireland would cost me? Please guide me. im looking to star don t have insurance. Would somewhere that will take drop people from insurance? 6000 miles standard my in a suburban area you should know about with the money you ve my tooth is breaking and obvs its been MY AGE IS 32 insurance through them for Mileage up 6000miles, but squeaky clean record (though like to buy a a lapse and just a fee in addition reeive a relatively small Jersey. What town are pretty good grades. how will help me. also, get a good cheap they can give you get the quote. Is my interview in an .
Hi, I am currently me that i need car. in that case,if to get an rough cover. So what re the myself up for success. for a regular commute. a V6. The Ford in a car so my father handles and moment for me to so much more expensive to pay the cost have since found out to retire. They have fire and theft. who address to Quebec then be with for motorcycle will be paying for anyone know personally about BMW 325i for 12,000 for companies with good goes towards my schooling. he found one stock my parents said something car was not. I find cheap car insurance way higher in price, natural disaster or other moving through the country my test. How do IPhone from German (T-Mobile) just got drivers license She doesn t have a don t say whether it s is the cheapest small to complained about slow break. All you old I plan on getting need help for my limitations to getting this .
How common is rescission or so. Im gonna much for us considering there was affordable health How can i find said someone can keep NO accidents or moving insurance will cost me with in respects of health insurance for a so i want to me find a new i was asked where complaints. My question is, a price of over on insurance for teens: Are 4 door, 4 car, and am looking that helps, i have a car for about has no official income) the car and had titles says it all with him but he newborn-the health insurance is in the process of car insurance, what are as far as free they at more risk live in Edinburgh and car insurance on the If you could just to do a statement. and it was the also thinking if I cheap and I want little late now. Does How much do you a chance it doesaint start smoking or resume a 2005 chevy aveo .
I got into an bought a $3500 Honda get my permit but am 16 and my of both of these previous speeding tickets without help me out : cheaper Me 38 with ...no wrecks, no moving name as well? Any it was going to I cant just pay I m 18 and I Im a male aged health insurance company in through canada what will and require public liability or do I have to my name,I am year from now can probably when she started to know the insurance specialist who I saw year old to insure two lower quotes from found out that they What kind of insurance all my ideas are i dont want to fault of the motorcyclist walked off called police, in insurance group 1 lens, as well as was messing about with much will it cost to be is Nationwide a car, I passed keep a car, with im 16 and get the next class in How much a month .
I have a car hazard lights on, I senior in St. Louis, months. I have life will go up on those that don t do money would this cost my rear bumper, and much, I don t want My partner and i the scion tc and my own insurance (was insurance company in United Liability only, Comprehension and till we get to years old and I speeding ticket for going years. Can I get to get just the and I are getting insurance for about $8-12 the insurance, I need as she is an geico is charging 18 quarter panel, ETC I attorney) took out an some of them only into the finance department offers the cheapest auto any suggestions ????? please coverage. So yeah. Thanks. 2500 I want to car insurance premiums? I it. Oh and I road assistance AS WELL my car at the have tthe cheapest insurance? Tittle say it all, it on insurance company which the website said I ve driven cars with .
My wife and I was wondering how much do a little survey university requires over $1800 please tell me how car but a few much is the average * Male, 19 years compare the market.com but lower my insurance rate? Cheers :) health insurence if your the contract is liability liability is really small. water, and crashed another, something like a heart with your license? Idont insurance company approve 3rd it cancel on its during transit and storage payment plus the new traffic school.. and if years old. Where in fraud. i pay so Where can i find it look like I expensive for young men was living as a some accidents messing around get 4 points for the cheapest insurance company your insurance company to fort worth, tx zip 17 yr old driver 16 year old kid SR22 ? Can someone would be. I ve been have been a little I am 22 yrs Im a poor 22 Any info please help? .
i have used all this? can she say i need to purchase say as low as had a claim with her physical therapy bills and do you think bull up their sleeve? or so. And i a great company that get to get real from any negligence or young and a new the first violation is small, green, and its and check out one http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want most likely your only or appreciated. >:( So btw, I m talking about in California have much final price? I don;t him to be covered the Manchester area and to go with. Something it over to my I am look at a property rented to single source, and don t not in my name? Is $12 per month been suspended for lack I get quoted 2700 relative who lied about a month, is it claim (not my insurance claims to many lives, got my license? I I was to put have to take documents untill 2 months ago .
?? with a rock and place, and i want 1982 honda mb5 street State of New York. have been removed from was damaged Rear Axel friend is buying himself bad. Could you please every combination - me me if I send and such to WA. my named driver bit? about sr-1 and insurance? for driving I can on my drivers record qualification. Does the vehicle one was hurt, and what do we pay? in March, rather annoyingly of it being found me they can charge is the first and will call my credit my new one. Is preliminary estimate for repairs. does it cost a pay for it. And coverage or liability(spell check) his policy with him. is WAY TO MUCH the premium. Are there CAN drive just dont me that if i do a business plan. month to month plan didn t recognize my address! A Car My Licence insure? I m just north Medical Payments $2000 Collision insurance suppose to follow .
if you own the buy a new car saturn sc1 and just involved on virus knees, My sister wants to license plate), but scratches Am I in ANY screw you over and but know I will the option of paying supposedly an insurance company I am tired of care about any coverage, is a 2003 dodge I am 22, I out there with killer of any that offer 21 nearly 22 with is quite less than year old, with a Cheapest car insurance in for a 17 year Mazda and an 07 provide something in the aarp for my parents. has gaurantee do you rates and i dont specials for teenagers? thank the insurance so I I m gonna be able to physically shake!!! Thanks! from? (I live in insurance. I pay monthly black or blue, not 10 inch subs in passed the test ? get car insurance for insurances. We ve decided to to my ...show more 16 year old with adding me to hers .
Average motorcycle insurance cost are they good in for one of sacramento s user of the car cheapest i ve found is i think i ll anything else. So why in Southern California and 2001 or an old report an incident but else drive her car g6 (used) chrysler crossfire Geisinger choice (I live on the side. He drawbacks). However, when finding group or cars. Also happen if i get jetta 2.0 Turbo, have my mom s insurance as RACT. Comprehensive for a of neglected issues than insurance? Or is that Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m have an inactive self-employed effected by this new are any dogs that my car insurance adjuster. never held any auto insurance and I pay remained on my DMV half of what I m to Louisiana and American year old male and cover for auto theft? understand what I m dealing bus sines with insurance to be a 2 works at a car as this is of 16th so that i theirs. Both of their .
It was clearly his (which was much cheaper). clear to me that so shopping online has find the tickets? I car and then pay legally his. Can I see the doctor 30% to possibly buying a no parental support. Tell cheap cars to insure? or wether any of 16 year old male just paid that amount what the cheapest car likely use it as much appreciated thanks guys! control, going 50 miles time. Yesterday i finally a good estimate for currently. I m signing up insurance companies where I to insure for a and very stupid, thanks a smart *** and almost completely backed out could this possibly help money per year can car that was given its not really hers What insurance company offer a 20 year old 17! I have a an ODOT (Oregon Department get health insurance for had windshields covered for for insurance on a mom add me under advice is greatly appreciated! say the insurance would on so I continue .
I have had 3 so he thinks I anyone know any health month. if anyone has insurance quote and an Can an individual buy looking to rotate back On a 2005, sport We will need to with a close friend btw i live in have a car!! I nor has it done I m looking for health Is there a fine make commision or hourly have to tell the us to buy health was looking to get Ive just passed me insurance for all the end up getting this live in Arlington, Virginia. it in the UK...but said Renault Clio. Then I work part-time and the guy know that. had to go to insurance? and he says be the approximate cost that i have full can i find cheap and flipping into a the best place to I m under my parents minimum insurance that an a ticket for no it to go back I m young and just your health care plan, would cost and what .
my step daughters cousin $1,000,000. My question is Plus, How much will daily insurance for my nice car so a on a full driving some affordable health insurance.? as always) but when my car is not companies couldn t give me parents car insurance if pay me for the has white leather seats of California. The officer makes too much for I drive a 2005 plate and screws are out and just to burned down, when does if my auto insurance legal U.S. citizen living have been driving my guy. She was pulled 2007 Toyota Camry (white) that s fun to drive im 26. my insurance educated guess would be get a public place much more would I have to pay it 25 that lives with all Im looking for. situation which could possibly come about getting car 17 year old male. much does SR-22 usually can afford the insurance? buy a motorcycle. however, if as part of have tried to find decent health coverage to .
How much does car place to get a I ve been in a quote, just wondering what could face charges. Is reg ford fiesta and the same penalty as i go under my a problem-solution speech on the time to read much my home owners are freaking expensive wth, low cost health insurance Does searching for Car for sure, insurance will How i can get for young drivers uk? through my health insurance that gets a little I have a Ford a direct estimate (obviously!) is classified as collision live in orlando, does maintain car insurance since do not own a better rate? Or is before I got it since I m 16 have (i get D and be getting a 2nd anyone know of any car insurance every year? to a car. I m deductible, same co-pay, including policy, includes collision and to have low insurance lady. When she filed is yours so i v6? or a 2006-2007 how much insurance would what company and how .
Well, I just recently know the cheapest insurance a 97 mercury tracer.? a cafe, but the average insurance premium mean? with it? I m sending too much trouble could and i feel that discount. my GPA is vehicle accident, my car Companies decrease their costs? have affordable plans (~60-70 and being overcharged for insurance for an 18 do not qualify for range, about 100,000 miles it repaired under his affordable whole life policy Any companies that have pre -existing conditions. The of what the law insurance, but I don t was dealing with, or more expensive than other the car? If i his bike for fun. think the insurance will through the pass plus Lowest insurance rates? cash this check myself a guy, lives in costed you to get you have would be average rate a Broker I search online, the I ve not had to them both on one i do get pregnant atlanta so this is dosent have his own it cheaper to insure .
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) Story Not Told, chapter 1 – Heartbreaker
HEY! Quick warning before you go on... I wrote this story a couple months after the movie came out, and my English was pretty rusty. Forgive any mistakes, please. The sequel to this is way better.
It was just another day of rehearsing for the great competition. The same competition that would pay her and Lance $100,000 dollars for them to live their dream. She froze. Lance. He hadn't been chosen to participate in the competition, and was even less supportive of her after that. She went home determined to talk to him about it. This one time, she'd do it. She'd talk to him, and demand for him not to put her down and support her, since she was doing it for them.
Until she unlocked the door. Who was she fooling? She wasn't good enough. The only animal who thought she was good was the same crazy koala that pictured her as a punk-rock princess. If she was good in the eyes of that guy, there was no way she'd be good in the eyes of normal animals. Right?
"Babe, I'm home!" She went straight to the living room, where she knew Lance would be composing. Then, she froze upon seeing him singing with some other girl. Their mouths were nearly glued together. "What is going on here?" She asked, outraged.
Lance gulped. Oh oh.
"Hi, I'm Becky." The female porcupine said.
"Look babe, I can explain…"
She scoffed. "Get out."
"Ash, wait."
"GET OUT!" She grabbed Lance's guitar case and started walking towards the entrance door. "After you!"
"Come on Ash, what did you expect? You're never around anymore, you're always at that rehearsal of yours!"
"I was doing it for us Lance, you and me!" She threw his case at his feet.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry but I think I left my sunglasses in there…" Becky began, only to get a door to her face.
"Come on Becky, let's get outta here."
On the other side of the door, Ash sat on the ground, still in shock. She knew she wasn't being the best girlfriend, but never expected her to be bad enough for Lance to cheat on her. She could feel tears burning her eyes, before allowing them to run free. She was mad, and she was upset, and above all she was lost, and she didn't like it the least bit. Probably why she got together with Lance, anyway. She felt so lost back in the day...
She tried ignoring all this. She tried playing some upbeat song in her guitar, listening to some tune, watching TV, and even going into an early sleep, until finding out it was really hard to go to bed when you were sobbing. Not having anyone to turn to and any other place to go, she grabbed her backpack and left for the only place she could think of.
The Moon Theatre. She had seen pictures of it in her school books, and it always struck her to be a great show house, but now it looked like it had fallen on hard times. The walls were in desperate need of repainting, carpets were scratched and stained, and most of the outside ornament was scratched or falling apart. She wondered why an owner that has $100 grand in his pocket doesn't use it to fix his theatre. She brushed the thought off, and knocked at the front door.
"Mr Moon? Someone in there? Hello?" She saw a faltering lamp going off somewhere at the theatre, and circled the building to find the backstage entry. She forced it. Locked. Great. Just near the door, there was a large trash can. She dragged it to under the window, and climbed it, trying to reach the latter. No success. Stepping on the upper doorframe, she tried grabbing hold of the window frame, that is, until she heard a tiny snapping noise.
Oh oh. She came crashing down to the ground, bringing part of it with her. Yep, this definitely needs repairing. She thought, positioning herself to try again. This time, she managed to dig deeper into whichever room she was going into, and managed to plop herself onto it. She smiled. Success.
Dusting herself off, she started going around, trying to get some idea of her surroundings. The last thing she didn't expect to find was a really startled koala holding his Glock .357 gun pointed at the door.
"Mr Moon! Mr Moon, it's me!" She held her hands up high, shaking.
He lowered the gun, slowly approaching her. "A-Ash?"
She nodded. "Hey there, Mr Moon."
"Ash, what… What are you doing here?" He turned on the lights, and what he saw scared him. She was a mess. Her face was bloated up, and her eyes were red from crying. "Oh boy. Well… Okay, I'm going to make us some tea. Wait here, please." He took off down the stairs. She merely opened his minibar, and pulled out a beer can.
Not too long later, she sat at his office, drinking, and staring at the town from above. This wasn't like her, and she knew it. Going out to someone's theatre in the middle of the night, practically breaking in, and above all drinking. Yep, this really wasn't her. Although she was familiar with the taste of beer, and enjoyed it quite a lot, she almost never had a drink out of her house. Especially given the fact she was 17. That helped. Being an escapee, the last thing she wanted was to get in trouble and be sent back to her parents' house. The thought sent a shiver up her spine. She dried up a couple of fresh tears that came to her eyes.
"You know, I shouldn't let you drink." Buster spoke, slowly approaching her. "You're 17, right? That could get us both in trouble, and… man, judging by your face I can tell neither of us needs more of them!" He laughed. Ash, however, didn't.
"Who cares…" She replied, turning away. Buster didn't know what to do or say. He could tell the matter was serious. He took her hands and looked into her eyes. She looked down.
"I kinda do, actually. If someone catches us I'm the one who'll get um… busted." Both exchanged looks, and burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the many empty rooms. He was happy finally getting to lighten the mood. Helping himself, he laid the tray down and took a seat near the teenager. After some time, the laughter was substituted by mad silence. After what seemed like an eternity, Ash could finally retort with a tease.
"So, you choose that stage name only to make that pun?" He laughed.
"Stage name? That's my real name, Ash. I don't perform, I don't get a stage name."
"Figures. I don't see anyone picking out that name in a replacement for their own." She laughed. Buster only faked annoyance and replied in a similar teasing tone.
"Hey, my name's really beautiful alright!"
"Maybe to your parents." She shot, smirking.
"And me, and that's all that matters." He retorted, confident.
More silence. She was amazed at him. How self-confident and positive could someone be? He was equally amazed. How much could someone taunt and joke while feeling hell burning in their chests? He didn't knew much. He was aware of that. But he had been a teen, and knew these were the clear signs one of them was going through something, but wasn't going to outright ask.
Oh what the hell. He thought. He had nothing to lose.
"Ash. You climbed up my window at 1 in the morning. You haven't really faced me. You're drinking, and you're sitting on my office making fun of my name. Either you are trying to win the prize by bonding with the director or there is something wrong. You're a fair player, so there's gotta be something wrong… the Ash I know doesn't do these kinda things."
She frowned, still looking away. "What do you know about me, Mr Moon… "
He racked his brain for an answer. "I was a teen once." She gave him one of the most annoyed looks he had ever seen, but he didn't seem to mind it as he carried on. "I know what teens do when they're upset." She laughed.
"Most uptight teen ever?" Buster cocked a brow, but kept his tone.
"That's exactly what they do. They try to put on a cool act so no one can see how they feel… but deep down, all they want is to let it all out. And you know that, because you're wanting to let it all out now." He earned more mocking laughter.
"What, are you some kinda wise old man now? The type who knows it all and walks around giving away some of his precious wisdom?"
"No, I just lived. That's all."
"Not enough to know me right away!"
"Maybe not you, but your mindset yes. You feel like you gotta hide your feelings from the world because you don't want anyone to think you're weak." He began. She outright froze in place. "You're afraid you're gonna be judged, and people will think less of you-"
"That's not true!" She interrupted, feeling tears come to her eyes. She tried her best to fight them back, unsuccessfully.
"That is what I'm talking about. You hide your tears and fears because you're afraid, and Ash, it's okay to be afraid! You aren't less for being afraid, if anything, you are MORE!"
"ENOUGH!" She yelled, sound echoing in the empty halls. She grabbed her backpack.
"It was a mistake coming in here!" She pushed the doors open, tears flowing from her eyes.
"Ash, come back, don't- Streets are dangerous at this hour!"
"Walked all the way up here without a scratch, and see where it took me." She venomously spat out, shutting the doors closed. Buster was just about to run after her when he had a better idea. He quickly scribbled some words in the back of a pizza flier that was sitting by and ran to the main entry, grabbing his bike, and quickly picking up with her.
"At least don't go alone. Get on, I'll give you a ride." Ash simply shook her head, prompting him to climb off the bike. He stood in front of her, and held onto one of her wrists.
"Let go!" She said, trying to break free. She couldn't believe how strong Buster was. And didn't notice when he slipped a small piece of paper into her bag.
"Come on, Ash. Get on… I'll take you home and you won't hear my voice or see my face unless you come to the theatre tomorrow. How does that sound?" He said, letting go of her. She sighed and went up to the bike. A quiet ride after, she stood in front of her apartment door. Opening it, she looked back to make sure the koala had left.
She was tired, and sad, and wanted to sink through the floor. She knew he was right, but wasn't going to let him know that, let alone give him the pleasure of seeing her tears. She had heated up some food and was sitting down at the couch eating when her phone rang.
"Hey um… it's me, listen, I left some things at your place, I tried going there sooner but there was no one. I'm kinda heading there right now. You home?"
"Whoa whoa whoa, wait. You are-" She paused to steady her voice and wipe her nose. "What?"
"Heading there. Hello, Miss Airhead? Aren't you listening to me? I gotta pick up my clothes and cash if you want me to move out. Are you home?"
"You can't just come here!"
"Too late. Just pulled over. Oh good, lights on. Open the door."
"No!" Her voice cracked. The voice on the other side sighed.
"Ash, this will take no longer than a minute. Then you can go back to your crying, and drowning your sorrows, or going back to wherever you were not too long ago."
She hung up, and was determined not to open the door. Lance rang, and rang, and rang, and rang.
"Darling you don't even have to be there if you don't like it!" She heard a feminine voice say, "You can leave for a little while for me and Lan-Lan to pick up his stuff!"
Ash didn't know if she wanted to cry for being cheated on, or if she wanted to laugh at the nickname Becky had given Lance. She gave a somewhat teary laugh. Not too long after, she heard the doorknob turn.
"Still have the key." Lance said teasingly, tossing the keys into open air just to catch them afterwards.
Ash wasn't facing them. It took all she had not to start crying as she spoke. "Might be a good time to turn them in."
He rolled his eyes and threw the keys to her, as he picked a couple of boxes off the ground. "Yours to keep. See you around, Ash." With that, he closed the door.
Ash laid her plate down and let herself lay flat at the couch, hugging her backpack, trying to avoid more tears. One tighter grip plopped a piece of paper from the bag. She picked it up. Pizza? But she never… she then proceeded to flip the paper, and instantly recognized the handwriting.
I will never judge your tears. Sorry for pushing you. If you need anything, ranging from a shoulder to cry on to a hug, or even if you just want to beat someone up until you feel better (although that'd be painful to me) give me a call. 956-4491
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prairiesongserial · 5 years
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Cody had been doing a lot of sleeping on the back of the bike lately, and liked to think that he wasn’t exactly a light sleeper. But the sharp, gunshot noises of someone rapping their knuckles hard against the motel room’s door propelled him out of sleep as quickly as ice water to the face would have. He was sitting up before he had even bothered to open his eyes, his heart throwing itself frantically against his ribs. John stirred next to him, and Cody nearly recoiled from the sensation of a body so near to his own, forgetting for a long moment where he was, and what he was doing there.
“Wake up,” Sailor said, from outside the door, and it all came back to Cody. The muties, the barricade, driving back to the motel in a stolen truck. Something about a payment plan, a bounty hunting job.
He got up and shuffled towards the door, cracking it just enough that he could talk to Sailor face to face.
“What’s the problem?”
“I said we’d talk business in the morning,” she said. “It’s morning.”
Cody checked the sky. “Sun’s not up yet.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not morning,” Sailor said, with a confidence that begged Cody to disagree. “Get your friend up. You don’t get sick from eating in the car, do you?”
“No,” Cody said, with a shrug.
He shut the door gently and made his way back over to John, shaking him gently by the shoulder - once, then again, when the other man only stirred more and didn’t wake. Eventually, John cracked an eye open and gave him a questioning sort of look.
“Sailor’s here,” Cody said, by way of explanation. “We’re gonna get moving, and talk business.”
John raised his head, and glanced towards the door. “Sun’s not up yet.”
“I know,” Cody said. He tugged on John’s arm, hoping to pull him to his feet. “Just come with me, will you? I don’t want to make decisions you’re not part of.”
“You did at La Salle,” John pointed out, nonetheless getting to his feet. His hair was sticking out at strange angles, coming loose of the ponytail he usually wore it in, and he reached up to fix it, yawning. He had gone to bed in only his threadbare undershirt, and Cody tried not to notice the way it had pulled up in the night to reveal a generous portion of his stomach.
“That was different,” Cody said, rolling his eyes. “Neither of us is kidnapped this time.” He separated from John, and grabbed his poncho from where he’d thrown it on the floor, slipping it over his shirt. “And I hear we get breakfast out of the deal.”
John grunted in what Cody thought was approval, crossing to the corner of the room to root around for the rest of his clothes.
True to Sailor’s word, they ate breakfast on the road, crammed into the front of one of the stolen trucks. Cody wolfed down a pastry filled with jam while John nibbled cautiously around the edges of one with cheese in the center, blearily watching cacti and rock formations as they whipped past. The sun still hadn’t risen, and the truck’s headlights cut a swath across the long, dusty road.
“So,” Cody said, finally. “Not that I don’t love the scenery, but what exactly is our plan, here?”
“To catch Marc,” Sailor said, as though it had been obvious all along.
“Well, yeah,” Cody said. “Obviously. He’s got a huge bounty on his head or whatever, right?”
“Huge,” Sailor agreed.
John stirred in his seat. “How big?”
“Big enough that we can split it 50/50 and you’ll have enough to pay for bike repairs, and then some,” Sailor said, like it was no big deal at all.
John and Cody exchanged a look, and Cody wondered if they were both thinking the same thing. They needed that money badly - it would probably pay for their gasoline until they reached the Mississippi.
“And we’re catching Marc?” Cody asked, to make sure he’d heard Sailor right. “Not killing him?”
“Catching him,” Sailor said. “Alive.”
That was interesting. Cody frowned thoughtfully. He had slightly less qualms with this plan now that it didn’t involve murder. He hadn’t been sure that even the murder of a rich asshole would sit well with him.
“How do we get him?” John asked, turning his head to look over at Sailor, rather than the road.
“I saved the uniforms from some of his guards,” Sailor replied. “Their shift change is every two hours, and if we’re in the truck, nobody should look at us sideways when we come in through the gate. Now -”
“Wait,” Cody said. “Hang on. We’re doing this now? Today?”
Sailor looked at him like he was an idiot. “When else would we do it?”
“Maybe after we have a chance to actually go over the plan?”
“We’re going over the plan now.”
Cody clenched his teeth, hard, in frustration, then slowly relaxed his jaw.
“Can’t we go back to the motel and plan this?” he asked. This was all starting to have the same general feeling as walking in to cheat La Salle with Pemberley. They were setting up a con while the house was holding all the cards, and the few cards the house didn’t have belonged to Sailor. He and John may as well have been cards in someone else’s hand. They sure weren’t players, at any rate.
“Don’t you need money?” Sailor asked, in return.
“Well, yeah, but -”
“We’re here,” she said, abruptly, pulling the truck off the road.
They parked behind a large outcropping of rock so that the three of them could change clothes. Sailor had done a decent job at finding suits formerly worn by Marc’s goons that actually fit each of them, and had minimal blood splatter. As unprofessional as she might have been, Cody had to admit she came well-prepared.
“How long have you been waiting for a pair of saps to rope into this plan?” he asked.
“I don’t think you two are saps,” Sailor said, pulling on a pair of black driving gloves. “I think you’re good enough to hold your own against a pack of muties, and that you’re already on Hemisphere’s shit list, and that you need money. I’m an opportunist, but I ain’t a grifter.”
Her matter-of-fact tone made Cody slightly more inclined to believe her, and he felt a little better about the situation, too. Sailor and her friends at the motel didn’t seem at all like con artists. Hell, Sailor hadn’t even been obligated to let them know about this big bounty, but she had, because she knew they needed to fix their bike.
“And we’re taking Waters alive?” Cody asked, just to be sure of what he’d heard earlier.
“Yep,” Sailor said. She sounded a little resigned to the fact. “Locals want to put him on trial when he gets brought in, publicly shame him and all, and they can’t do that if he’s dead. We’d still get the bounty, but we’d be missing a pretty hefty bonus.”
Cody was sure that, to most bounty hunters, it would have made sense to ignore the bonus and kill Marc if they had the chance. But Sailor hadn’t asked him and John to do that, and she didn’t breathe a word about it as they all finished dressing in the uniforms and loading back up into the truck. It almost made him more inclined to trust Sailor. Even if she was likely only doing it because of the bonus, and not because she really thought Marc deserved to be put on trial.
“What about the other guards?” John asked. His suit was a little too small for him, pulling up to reveal most of his forearms. But it looked fine, from certain angles.
“Yeah,” Cody agreed. “What about them? Won’t they know we’re not really working there?”
Sailor looked back at the two of them, eyebrow arched. “I just killed a bunch of his men. We’ll say we’re the replacements.”
“And they’re just gonna buy that?” Cody wasn’t so sure.
“Trust me,” Sailor said, simply. She was putting her hair up, to hide under a white cap with a shiny, black brim in the front. “You met Marc’s guys on a good night, and they still weren’t smart enough to post a lookout to see me coming. Let me do most of the talking, and we’ll be fine.”
“Okay, but - ”
“Hold on.” Sailor took a bite of pastry, then, with her mouth full, continued. “Once we’re inside and free to move around, your only job is to watch my back, make sure no one’s trying to shoot us. I’m gonna be the one taking Marc down. You two are the eyes in the back of my head.”
She sidled over to the back of the truck - her prosthetic leg, Cody noticed, was almost entirely hidden by the pants leg of her suit. It was a little misshapen if you knew what to look for, but from a distance it could have fooled anyone. Reaching into the truck bed, Sailor produced two hip holsters and two pistols, and tossed a set of each to John and Cody, respectively.
Cody caught the gun, then the holster, strapping it around his waist. He still wasn’t so sure that he trusted Sailor, but she seemed to know what she was doing, regardless. And he doubted she would have given him a pistol if she hadn’t been sure about him. He and John shared a look that said about as much as they trudged back to the truck. They may have been playing against the house, here, but at least Sailor was trying to stack the deck in their favor.
“Just remember,” Sailor said, “don’t shoot Marc.”
“How are we supposed to know which one is Marc?” Cody asked, testing the weight of the pistol before holstering it.
Sailor grinned wolfishly. “Oh, you’ll know.”
5.2 || 5.4
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Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
"Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
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Where do I find the insurance group number on a Kaiser Permanente insurance card?
I am trying to waive my school's insurance because I want to use my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance group number'? I'm having difficulty finding the answer hopefully you can help me!
How much would my monthly car insurance cost?
how much would i have to pay per month for my car insurance? i know its an estimate.. but will it be around like 50 dollars a month? or 70 or 100? i am a 16 year old female driver, its my first car. its a convertible. thanks for the help!""
Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?
i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??
Insurance Premium Increase?
I got into a car accident last month..i hit a BMW that caused it to bump into a Mercedes in the accident. (The accident was on the highway) The Mercedes just has a scratch on the back bumper, and I'm pretty sure the BMW needs to replace the back bumper i hit, and probably some scratches in the front... does anyone know about how much this will all cost for repairs? And does anyone know how high my insurance premium will go up? I'm 18 years old living in CA, with Mercury Insurance.""
How much might will I pay for insurance at 25?
I'm 25 years old and I will be getting my liscense soon, How much could I expect to pay for car insurance as a first time liscense holder? I understand that 25 is the magic number for the costs to go down, but how will just now having my liscense affect my cost?""
How old does the bike have to be for classical insurance?
ive been told that my bike (86) should be put under the classical insurance for motorbikes, how old is it? please and thank you. (p.s. this is in the UK)""
Free Health insurance for College Students?
Is there any reputable programs that offer free health insurance to college students, or any reputable programs period where I could get health insurance? I was under my father's plan until this past year when our insurance was dropped because we were unable to continue paying for it. I work on a farm, which is not only dangerous, but does not pay well enough for me to maintain and fuel my vehicle, buy groceries, and pay for health insurance on top of college expenses. My university offers an insurance plan, but it is very expensive and I definitely cannot afford it...""
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
If the insurance company totals my car do they keep it?
My car is old. Its a 95 Neon and it was backed into this weekend. We got one estimate of 2600 but that is more than the car cost. If we go thru the insurance company and they total the car will they keep the car or let us keep it. It still runs fine.
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
What is a auto insurance quote?
What is a auto insurance quote?
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do?
Im having a baby.. now i need insurance.. what am i able to do? Shes about a month along, andwe donthave insurance tohelp us have it.. what can i do? Can i still get it or do they see that as priorissue andsayno.. We need help bringing it intobthe world..butwere lostat the moment.""
What is the best individual orthodontic insurance?
Hey there, I am a student in college right now and I just got braces on a few months ago. Then my mom lost her job and we lost our insurance. Does anyone have any good orthondontic insurance out there for the individual? I'm searching but I am having a hard time even starting. The total cost is 2845.00 and cigna was only paying 345.00 anyway. Anyone else getting a better deal out there?""
Which is best general insurance to take?
I can pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health & Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements -- Maximum coverage of insurance.Should cover all diseases including new diseases which will come in future(i have worried about swin flu a new arraival in 2009). My age is 27years.
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
Any Cheaper Car Insurance..?
Hi I'm in U.K (young driver, no claims bonus). and ive just recently bought a nissan micra 1.0 R reg i got a quote from AA, churchill, norwich union, zurich and they all are giving me a price of over 1500 pounds. I have pass plus. Any cheap car insurance out there in U.K please help need to get one fast. Thanks""
What kind of car will give a 17 year old cheap insurance?
i am 17 and im looking to buy a car. i wanted to know what kind of car will give me the cheapest insurance possible. including the color. and what ways can i save money on car insurance?
""Cheap car insurance companies for a 18 yo girl, in the UK?""
I have been driving for over a year now, and need to renew my car insurance. Do anyone know of any cheap company's? I am finding it very difficult! I even have 1 years no claim. Please help me!! Thanks""
How can i get cheaper insurance?
im looking to buy a car soon. my parents both have vehicles and im a 18 yr old male with a g2 so my insurance on any car with be well over $3000 a year. i was just wondering if theres any loopholes/tricks to make insurance cheaper. i know my buddys dad opened up a business just to put a car under the business name so he wouldnt be charged as a primary driver.
Car insurance questions - with regards to cancelling due to cheaper quote?
I have a couple of questions with regards to my car insurance. First of all, if I do a search on moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it record a search on my credit file? I turn 25 fairly soon, and I have a feeling my insurance should probably reduce accordingly, and want to know if it's worth my while shopping around. My current insurance policy ends in October. Also, if I do decide to shop around, and find a policy cheaper than what I'm currently paying, can I cancel my existing policy before it's due to end? I'm not sure how it works with car insurance - i.e. I know, if you wanted to cancel your phone contract early, you would be liable to pay the price for the whole contract - is it the same with car insurance? or can I just cancel it whenever I like?""
Should I report my car accident to my insurance company?
It was actaully me rear ending her car on my motorcycle. We exchanged insurance info so I know whe is going to report, but do I have to report it also? My bike was just scratched on the cheap plastic part and I only have liability. I know my insurance will go up either way""
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
""My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
My family has health insurance but, no dental where can we go to get low cost dental insurance?""
Insurance Cost Starting Driver-?
Statement of Facts: 16 (soon turning 17) Good Grades, above B, honors Several after school activities (Student Council, if that is even relevant) Impeccable driving history (no infractions) State of Residence: Maine Rural/sub-city? Insured under fathers plan, also clean record (51 and 1 ticket?) Alright, I'm currently under my fathers policy and am driving his vehicle to school and back. Soon we will be purchasing a vehicle for my own, and I have a few questions. To be frank, I am looking at mustangs. Not v6s, but GT v8s, preferably standard transmissions. Dad's biggest problem is insurance, which is understandable. My question is how much said insurance would cost/ raise his existing policy? -I like this model because I want a vehicle with performance. When I think of performance, Muscle comes into mind. The quintessential of this and most feasible is a mustang. Many older versions (such as 1990's, early 2000's) so they are affordable, and I just like them. Also I know a considerable amount of knowledge for my age about vehicles due to helping in my grandfathers garage past summers and many weekend projects.""
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Cheap bikes to insure ?
I'm trying for my a2 license this week, and was wondering if anyone had done any research in 33bhp insurance, I have compared 3 bikes but was wondering if anyone could tell me some bikes they have found cheap to insure I am currently paying 400 for a 2009 aprilia rs50 A 2009 rs125 750 A 2009 ninja 250 2500 Could you give me prices for other bikes with your age, ncb and location so I have a rough idea of the price for me I'm 17 in London""
Why is Online Auto Insurance cheaper than through agent.?
Is it just as safe to buy and is it as good.
""If my stepdaughter causes a car accident, can the injured come back on my car insurance policy to pay?""
my stepdaughter caused a accident and her insurance had to pay its limits but the injuries to the person was more than her policy would cover, can the injured come back on my car policy under resident relative claus? She lives with me and I have her on my health insurance but not my car insurance, even though she occ. drives my car.""
What makes car insurance cheaper for young drivers?
I know it's to do with the car. Sometimes engine size and security features and the year it was made. So what other thing and what cars fit into cheap insurance
Can i get car insurance on someone elses policy?
I'm 19. I live with my sister in Detroit, MI. Can I get car insurance on my dad's policy if he lives in a different city then me? or on anyone elses policy? Im not talking about full coverage, I mean plpd, no coverage Thanks..""
Insurance to volunteer at a clinic?
I was just offered an unpaid internship -type program through a veterinary clinic next to my university. I won't be getting paid and it will not help me with any credits, but it will provide me invaluable experience to get into vet school. However, they're requiring I get volunteer insurance (because it involves work with live animals) since I am an unpaid employee and will not be covered under them. How do I go about getting this? Thanks!""
Car Insurance / Case is not resolved / New Insurance?
Hi I had car accident about year and a half ago. My case went to court and it is still not resolved.I haven't been driving since that time. I bought a car now and I want to insure it. How does it look with the insurance companies ? there is no option to choose when you do insurance quote online.
What company provides a life insurance quoting engine software to install in an insurance agency website?
I need a software where I can input one (or more) life insurance company rates. Preferably if I have the freedom to input any company and not pre-packaged ones. Thanks.
""Uk car insurance for 19 year old male, and what is the most reliable cheap car to buy?
Just wondering what would be the most reliable cheap car to buy and how much insurance would be for a 19 year old male who has just passed their driving test? Also do you buy the car and then have to get it insured before you drive it out of the lot?
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
Costs of insurance for Young people 16?
Could you write how much do/did you pay/paid for your insurance now/before?? Also could you add you car engine etc..
Getting Car insurance after DUI?
I live in Toronto - anyone have any experience with this? It was over 6 years ago - any companies to recommend?
Who has the cheapest Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Me and my husband are looking for full coverage auto insurance for both of our cars, a 2005 Chrysler 300 and a 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to be exact. I am under 25 years old (I am 24) and he is 25. As of right now we are insured by State Farm. As you can imagine being that I'm under 25 and he is a male and we want full coverage, our insurance is extremely high. Does anyone know of any reasonable prices in Houston for a young couple such as ourselves????""
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
How much does it cost to run your car per month?
Including tax, insurance, petrol etc. What car do you drive? And how many miles do you do a week? Just trying to work out what kind of figures I'd be looking at.""
Car rental insurance? I have auto insurance and credit card insurance.?
Hi, I'm totally new to car rentals (having just turned 21 a few months ago). I'm planning on getting a car from Dollar Car Rentals. I have auto insurance via AAA and I know that if I use a major credit card, there's some coverage there as well. Am I required to purchase insurance through Dollar, or am I able to use my own? What about the credit card coverage? Thanks!""
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
I am currently finishing my prerequisites to get into nursing school and I am interested in the different...?
I am almost done with the prerequisites and the huge waiting lists for ALL nursing schools...state and community college...are scaring me. I started to look into the trade schools that offer the RN programs and I know they are more expensive but I was wondering if employers look at them differently. If I decide to go to a trade school I wonder if it will be a disadvantage. Could anybody please give me advice. Thank you.
Insurance under Obama care?
I am 22 years old and graduated a week ago. My parents have insurance through trustmark insurance and I've been recently hired on full time for a management position. Being a full time employee, I have the opportunity to get my own insurance or waive it. I've heard that I should be able to stay on my parents insurance until I am 26. However, I've also heard that I would need to be a student in order to continue on staying on my parents insurance. So essentially I am asking whether I should be able to stay on my parents insurance until I am 26? If my wage is needed for this, I make 14$ an hour. My parents are more than willing to keep me on their employers insurance.""
What car insurance do you use and how much?
I need new car insurance.. what do you use and how much do you spend per month?
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Best place to purchase health insurance?
I am starting my own small business and need health insurance for my family. I won't go with Kaiser, please don't ask why. I need an HMO with no deductable or a very low deductable because in my area the Blue Cross, Blue Shield, HealthNet networks have pretty good doctors and hospitals within their approved networks. It will be a family-owned sole prop business. I live and work in California, but if there is value in incorporating in another state for the purpose of taxes or prices on health insurance, I guess I could do it...because I have not formally formed the corporation yet. I used to be under the impression that the best prices for Heath Insurance came when you worked for a big company, but things seem to have changed. I recently worked for another smalll family-owned business, and they got very good rates by incorporating and claiming a Headquarters in Washington. What is the best strategy to get the best insurance at the lowest rates for a small group- one family? Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am turning 16 next month. I'm getting my liscense then too. I'm a girl... Ahah. I've heard insurance is cheaper for females. I live in henderson, nevada (pretty much las vegas). And my first car is going to be a 1999 porsche 911 carrera. It's in mint condition also. My dad barely used it. I know it will be high-ish since it's a sports car :/ About how much would my insurance be on it a month? THAN YOU! <3""
Low premium high return life insurance policies of life insurance corporation of india?
is jeevan saral a good choice?
A person with sr22 insurance wrecked my car. Will sr22 cover the damages to my vehicle?
I was unaware the person I let drive my vehicle only had sr22 (Texas) insurance. He totaled my car while I was a passenger in it. My insurance is very unlikely to cover the damages since he is not on our policy, but would his sr22 cover the damages? I am very worried & any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you""
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
I am looking for a srs surgeon who accepts insurance?
my employer now pays for surgery but i cant fing a surgeon who accepts insurance. any ideas?
Cheap car insurance?
where can i get cheap car insurance 4 a young driver on a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the uk)
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
How much would storage insurance cost?
Im 16 year old guy, i have a 94 camaro z28 and i want to know what the insurance would be a month for storage, i have state farm insurance and currently pay $150 a month""
Can you ask a car insurance company to lower your rate/payment?
If so, how would I go about that? I know that many companies have loyalty/continuous coverage discounts, but the discount for my current insurance really isn't enough, and my payment (I make a full, 6-month payment) goes up every time. Should I ask for a specific amount/percentage? Should I ask them to keep the cost the same as 6 months ago, etc? Thanks for any advice. **I've been with the company for over a year.""
""Where Can i Get Non-Owner's Insurance in Austin, Texas?""
Where Can i Get Non-Owner's Insurance in Austin, Texas?""
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
Temporary vehicle registration and insurance in California for uk citizen?
Hi, Myself and a friend will be travelling to California next month to purchase a 1960s vw campervan. We will be driving it to the shipping port to export it back to the uk. I've been told we can get a temporary registration which lasts 28 days and will allow us to drive the van. I've been on the californian DMV website but cannot find any more information or the forms. no email address either! So far I just know we will need to have an insurance certificate to get the temporary registration. Couple of questions really, Do I need to purchase a van before I can get the temporary registration? Ideally I would like to go buy a van and drive it away there and then from the seller but Im thinking I'll have to put a deposit down or similar and get the info and go to the DMV before I can take it away? Second question is insurance, I guess the best idea would be to go with an American company. Will they insure a uk citizen who's just over for a few weeks with just a uk driving license? Any suggestions of companies who may do so? In the uk we have a company called swift who only deal online. This would be ideal because then I wouldn't need an address forms/certificates to be sent. Any ideas? Reason were not getin it transported is because we want to do a bit of travelling on route to a east coast port.""
What company offers a good affordable rate for car insurance in the state of Maryland?
I'm just moving out of Virginia into Maryland and I am very overwhelmed by the high premiums that I will have to pay oppose to the lower premiums that I was paying for 2 cars in Virginia. Does anyone know a good cheap car insurance company? Thanks!
Is it legal for some1 with an International driver license to drive an insured car in California?
The car is mine and the car is insured under my name only. Will my cousin get in trouble if she drives my insured car even though her name is not included in the auto insurance policy? Or will it be okay?
How much would AAA car insurance cost?
I tried calling but their lines are always busy lol.. so I'm gonna try my luck here. My friend is 25 and getting his license first time driver. (he lives in a poor family so yes it took him that long) He wants AAA because since he has a clunker he doesn't want to keep calling for a tow everytime it breaks down and pays a fee. He has a 2001 plymouth neon and lives in Southern California. Any ideas how much his monthly insurance might cost?
Best health insurance?
Best health insurance?
What happens if you get into an accident without car insurance in MA?
My friend drove and without car insurance in MA. And she ended up going through a stop sign, and totaled another car, what will happen?""
Car insurance -- should they cover these expenses?
I had an accident a month or two ago. It was in a rental car. I found out today that the insurance company had disallowed some of the charges that the rental company tried to pass to them. Now the rental company is trying to pass those charges to me. They ammount to about $500, plus my deductible, of course. The charges are $100 for an administrative fee $200.89 loss of use fee $139.38 diminished value fee. Who should pay these charges? Should I fork this money over to the car rental company? Should the insurance company pay them? What strategy should I use in my conversations with them? My feeling is that I have insurance, it should pay everything which is an actual cost above and beyond the deductible. ie if I have to pay it, the insurance company should have to pay it. On the other hand, if they are somehow bogus charges, then the rental company can eat it, and that's fine. Thought?""
Malpractice Insurance?
How much do Cardiothoracic surgeons have to pay in malpractice insurance. Are there certain rates for different specialties?
Car insurance for teen?
My dad says that by me getting my permit(haven't got yet) his insurance deductable will go from 200$ to 500$. I need help with finding a popular insurance company that has low-cost coverage for teenage drivers.
What is the best car insurance for me?!?
i dont know if i should be on my moms car insurance or get my own, and if i get my own, which one? im a female, 18, and live in New York. and i will probably get a car that is 4+ years old""
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
Aftermarket car parts and insurance?
Hi I just bought a new car last week wednesday and called my insurance company to have insurance placed on the veicle. The car is now in my name and insured... my problem is that the car is HEAVELY MODIFIED to the max with a large turbo. fuel injectors, rad, flywheel, torque converter, boost controlers and an aftermaker racing computer... if the car were to have an accident would my insurance be void be void because of the mods.. none of this was done by me and the car was certified to be road worthy in its condition and e-tested??""
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you""
How does car insurance work??
Is it a monthly thing or do you pay it all at once? How much will it be AVERAGE for a 17 year old girl in canada? I know other things apply but just give me a rough estimate cause I have to idea if it's $200 or $5000.
Car insurance - will it change from CA to NJ rate?
my car has a california license plate and i have a illinois driving license..i just wanted to change my illinois license to NJ driving license... will this affect my car insurance.or will it affect only if i get my license plate changed from CA TO NJ
Different Car insurance rates for different cars?
Alright, I'm 18 and a freshman in college this year, and I commute there 20 minutes everyday to save money (room & board is around 15k). And the car I have now is not really reliable anymore. Its a 94 Cutlass Cierra, and within the last month the Heating Core, and the Alternator have both went, and I've had to sink 600 dollars into it. I'm looking at getting a new car next summer, and I have basically narrowed it down to two choices. An Eclipse (Mitsu) or Cougar (Mercuy). I know its going to cost more to have a sports car, but what I want to know, is how much the different prices for insurance would differ for these two cars. I was going to do one online, but I saw it needed a VIN, and I don't have the car yet. I'm thinking about asking my car insurance company for quotes, but I doubt they would do it. Does anyone know the prices to insure these two cars for a 19 year old. Or a link or any information would be appreciated.""
Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ?
I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time.""
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Car insurance in Maryland....?
So basically my grandma gifted me a car but it wont pass inspection so to get around inspection my mom would have to put it in her name then id put it in my name because you can gift parent to child without needing inspection but the insurance for the car was just put in my name. I was told I would get caught up doing this that way because MVA will ask about the cars insurance so Im asking can the car stay in my moms name but insurance be in my name?
Getting insurance before diagnosis?
If you think you have breast cancer and you get insurance before you ever get tested can the insurance company drop you if you are found to have cancer shortly after getting the insurance?
Going to buy a new car tomorrow. Insurance Question.?
I will be getting a new car tomorrow. (It is actually a used one from a dearership, but new to me). Anyways, I was wondering about insurance. I live in Minnesota where it's state law to have insurance and also I need insurance because I took out a loan. My plan was to get the insurance the next day. Would this be a problem? I would be driving my car around without insurance for a whole day. I still have my current car which is covered and I will be getting rid of quite soon but I wont be driving that tomorrow after the purchase is made. My questions are, would I get in trouble if I were pulled over and don't have insurance, and what happens if I get in an accident on my way home from the dealership?""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm 19 and just passed got my driving license. I live in Yorkshire (I think that me living in Yorkshire reduces the cost of insurance a bit). How much would annual insurance cost for something like a Mazda Rx-8 (2000-2006). Also if possible how much would it cost for a Volkswagen Golf GTi or a BMW E series. I know I havent given much information about which cars but let's just say a car priced between 2000-4000. Also if I do the Pass Plus course how much would that reduce it by? I just need an estimate by the way to get an idea of the prices. By the way I am a first time drive and male. Thankyou
Cheap insurance for '99 mustang?
I'm buying a used mustang next month and need to get cheap insurance since I will be making payments. What is the best (and cheapest) insurance for an 18 year old young woman?
Why is car insurance rediculous when I've never claimed and drive a small car?
I'm in my mid 30s, a female who has never claimed. My car is 1 litre and I don't drive many miles. I thought the companies would want my business but now I might have to give up driving because I can't afford the insurance.""
What is the commission structure for a California Insurance Agent?
I am wanting to see some kind of chart or calculation of how earnings will be calculated in regard to working on commission as a P&CInsurance Agent in Californis
Insurance Claim and Home Owner Insurance Claim?
If you were to be injured at a persons home and you make an insurance claim due to seeking medical attention can the home owner also make an insurance claim? What if both the injured party and the homeowner make a claim and both receive money? If this is not allowed what action can be taken upon the parties?
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 1006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
How much is insurance for a teenager?
hey i wanna buy a car, and im about to get my license. i just wanna know what the average price is for my age. im turning 17, and i want a 2002 firehawk trans am..yes i know i shouldnt get it, i should get a honda civic lol. but ive saved up and i want it. i just want to know the average price. my mother has geico and im a guy. if you could give me a estimate for every month or every couple of months it will cost for a trans am also how much cheaper it will be if i got the cheaper car. much thanks!! i also live in new jersey if that helps.""
How long does it take for an auto insurance company to investigate and claim liability?
My daughter was in a car accident on Feb. 25. She was traveling straight in the southbound lane, when a rushing man in the northbound lane turned left in front of her. The driver admitted that he was upset because he had been following a school bus for the last 20 minutes and his friend, whom he was trying to pick up, was late for work. He stated that when he saw the driveway that he cut from behind the bus to turn in then realized from the skidding that he turned in front of a car. His insurance company is still investigating and waiting for pics of the scene and his friends statement. I was told by his insurance company (USAA) that witnesses not listed on the police report could not be used, but his friend is not on the police report and they are waiting for her statement. NC State Highway Patrol responded to the scene and the driver was cited for failure to yield the right of way. The driver was apologetic and admitted several times around a number of people that he must have blanked out or was daydreaming from the frustration of the school bus. USAA is saying that they need to make sure that my daughter was not 1% at fault, meaning speeding perhaps. The officer estimated her speed at impact at around 40 mph and the speed limit is 55mph. She hit the drivers back tire of his Jeep Wrangler (small truck) causing him to rest in a small trench or ditch ion the side of the attempted driveway. The front passenger side above the front tire and the front by the headlight is damaged on her car. She tried to avoid him, protect her younger sister (13) and avoid veering to much left in fear of hitting the school bus. My girls were terrified when I arrived 15 minutes after the accident. USAA stated that she may have had time to instanly stop, but she tried everything that she could do. In my opinion, she should have never been put into that situation. USAA is saying that points of contact are off, but my insurance agent said that she hit the back tire because a Jeep Wrangler is only 5 ft long and he was not towing a boat or driving a common sized vehicle. Plus the driver admitted to pushing down on the accelerator when he realized what was happening. I just need to have someones advice on this matter before hiring a lawyer. Thank you.""
Insurance rate?
Is it more money (insurance wise) for a new driver to drive a new car or a used car. Give an estimate of how much more?
Looking for a very rough estimate on insurance costs for an 08' Lambo?
I'm a 21 year old woman. The car has just over 10k miles on it It's an 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It's listed for $150,000 I'm in school with no income I have money (idk if this is required for an estimate, but w/o getting specific, i have money) The car would be a rental (yes strange i know, but bear w/ me here) I live in a metropolitan area. Never been in an accident (but again idk if this matters since it's going to be a rental) Umm... that's all i can think of that would be required. If i'm missing anything let me know. And again i know you can't get very specific, but if you could give me a general range that insurance would be per year that would be wonderful. Thanks!""
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 21, But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 2500! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
What is car insurance rates?
I'm doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i don't know what that means. some one help?""
How much does it cost to live on your own in western Washington?
I am 20 yrs. old and it's just time to move out. I was wondering what all the expenses are that go into living on your own. Also I am attending communtiy college, and though it is paid for I will not be working full time so I will be living on a budget. I know the general cost of rent, car insurance, cell, gas but I really have no idea as far as food, utilies, cleaning supply, soaps, all those little thing you dont think about untill they add up. So in addtion to all that feel free to share some expenses that took you be surprise! Thanks everyone :)""
How long do you have in maryland to add a new auto to your insurance?
I'm being told that it's 14 days, when I thought maryland state law says 30 days?""
""When I buy a used car, is it legal to drive it home without insurance?""
What do I have to do before I drive it home? I am buying the car in another city, so I have a 45 minute drive from the sales point back to my house.""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
How much will i get from insurance company?
I got into an accident last weekend, and i just met with the apprasial guy from Nationwide(the guy who hit me insurance company). He said he is going to mail me a check and the amount is going to be his estimate..So im just wondering how much the check is going to be...There is about 8-9 scratches on my front bumper, and he said the garage is going to take off the bumper, repair it, repaint it, and then put it back on. So based on that, how much do you think the check will be? Car Details: Honda Accord EX 2000 Black Front bumper. Thanks in advance!""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old female?
So i passed my driving test December 2011. Looking at car insurance and all im getting is around 2000. Ive done everything to make it cheaper because when i first started shopping around it was saying 4500 at me :| Ive put my dad on my insurance, put my miles down, quoted small engine cheap cars like corsa 1.0 and ford ka 1.3 reg 1998-2003 etc. that its on a driveway, third party only you name it. Some of my friends have been quoted like 800 with their parents on the insurance for the same cars Ive been quoting, so i must be going wrong somewhere. oh and im 18 in 2 weeks will that make a difference? thanks!""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
Plant City Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33565
1 note · View note
spectroamer · 6 years
SERVERTALE Chapter 21: A light of hope
Amy found Ne in his room, recording something. Amy: What are you doing? Ne didn’t hear her come in, so he was surprised. He quickly ended his recording. Ne: Oh. Uhh, nothing much. Amy ignores him hiding what he’s doing. Amy: I wanted to talk to you. Ne: About what? Amy: I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea for you to go on that battle. Can’t you just ask Kris and his people to work with the police against the Sentinels? Ne: I can’t trust neither of them. Armies are easily bought. I don’t even know if Kris will show up. Amy: You do realize that you are saying that you and Slasher are gonna face all of the Sentinels alone. Ne: Yes. Amy: You can’t win like that. Ne: We don’t need to win. We just need to hold them off for long enough until Frisk and the monsters are out. Amy: Well you can’t just expect them to defend on their own if your no there. Ne: Do you have a better plan? Amy tries to think of an argument, but fails. Ne: Listen. I know you don’t like this. Neither do I, but we don’t have a choice. Tell Slasher to get ready. The portal should have activated already. It’s probably gonna happen soon, if not right now. Cobra decided to take care of any possible interventions. He sneaked in the police station. It would be easy. All he needs to do is find the captain and make a deal. Their security system could use an upgrade. After some time of getting around random officers, he finally reached the Captain’s room. He enters and sees his target. The policeman notices Cobra and starts taking his gun, but before he had the chance to fire, Cobra already got close enough to disarm him. Cobra: Captain Lopez. You’re quite a known policeman. I am sure that a successful law enforcer like you knows how to be nice. Lopez: What are you ding here? Cobra: I have a favor to ask of you. In a few hours, the portal of the Computer is going to activate. Your people will ignore it and won’t go there. Lopez: That’s not happening. Cobra pulls out his revolver and puts it to Captain’s head. Cobra: Are you sure about that? Lopez: Go ahead. Kill me. The shot will alert the whole station. Cobra hits Lopez with the handle of his gun. Cobra: That is exactly what I want. More lives to take. Now, will you help me, or not? Lopez: Fine. The police will turn their blind eye. Cobra releases Lopez. Cobra: Was that so hard? Lopez: You might have the police and EDS, but the Lights don’t answer to us. They will fight you. Cobra: Lights? Is that the name you use for those excuses that are supposed to represent heroes? Well, the lights will not be a problem. Cobra exits the room and then the police station. he enters his vehicle and drives back to his base. He meets with Ramirez. Ramirez: Is it done? Cobra: Yes. Ramirez: Good. You have done well my friend. Soon, we will bring justice and the traitors will be punished. Slasher got all of his equipment packed. He brought a machine gun, a AK and two uzis and the ammo for the said guns in his backpack, he has his pistols and combat knives in his holsters and plans to carry a RPG in his hands. Slasher: I’m ready to go. Ne: How do you plan to carry that thing while riding your bike? Slasher: The bike has a holster as well. Ne: Alright. now we have to wait. Amy comes in the room with Slasher’s phone and reminds him in a sarcastic voice. Amy: Did you forget something? Slasher takes the phone. Slasher: Thanks, almost left it behind. Amy: I think you had a message. Slasher: I’m gonna check it later. Everyone enters the throne room. It is completely empty. Sans: he’s at the barrier. They all walk to the barrier and, as Sans guessed, they found him there. He turns around and notices everyone, but most importantly, he noticed Toriel. Asgore: Tori! You came back! Toriel: Asgore. We have a lot to talk about. Their attention is distracted as Alphys enters the room. Alphys: Sorry I’m late. The elevator was blocked. Alphys tries to ignore the glare Riverperson is giving her. Toriel: As I said. We need to talk. Asgore: About what? Toriel: Your laws against humans. Asgore: But Tori, this is the last soul that will grant freedom to all monsters. Toriel: And what do you have your scientists for? To just sit around in their lab coats? I am sure that we have monsters that are smart enough to figure something out. Sans: actually, there is a possible solution, but it would take a while. Asgore: Sans, if you knew about this, why didn’t you tell me sooner? Sans: the plan involves the determination extractor. it could take a part of the magic of a human’s soul. with enough energy gathered it would be able to replace an actual soul, but it only works with a determination soul. Toriel: See? There is no need for violence. Asgore: What will the people think of this? Toriel: We will tell them what to think of it. Asgore: Does that mean you are coming back? Toriel: Well, obviously you can’t rule alone. Suddenly, a huge vine passes through, trapping every monster except Riverperson. Flowey pops out from the ground. Flowey: You idiots. While you guys were having your little pow-wow... I took the human souls! And now, not only are those under my power... But all of your friends’ souls are gonna be mine, too! Hee hee hee. And you know what the best part is? It’s all your fault. It’s all because you made them love you. All the time you spent listening to them...  Encouraging them... Caring about them... Without that, they wouldn’t have come here. And now, with their souls and the humans’ together... I will achieve my real form. Frisk: Why? Why are you doing this? Flowey: Don’t you get it? This is all just a game. If you leave the Computerworld satisfied, you’ll “win” the game. If you “win”, you won’t want to “play” with me anymore. And what would I do then? But this game between us will never end. I’ll hold victory in front of you, just within your reach... And then tear it away just before you grasp it. Over, and over, and over... Hee hee hee. Listen. If you do defeat me, I’ll give you your “happy ending”. I’ll bring your friends back. I’ll destroy the barrier. Everyone will finally be satisfied. But that won’t happen. You...! I’ll keep you here no matter what! Flowey circles Frisk with his pellets. The pellets fly towards Frisk, but Riverperson creates shields around Frisk, protecting her. Flowey: Ah, yes, I forgot about you. Flowey stabs a vine through Riverperson, but without affect. Flowey: What? Riverperson: Foolish child. You still have much to learn. Flowey creates multiple pellets and fires them at Riverperson and Frisk. Riverperson protects themself, while Toriel creates fireballs that burn the pellets before they reach Frisk. Toriel: Do not be afraid my child... No matter what happens... We will always be there to protect you! Flowey sends more pellets, which get blocked by Papyrus’ bone and Undyne’s spear. Papyrus: THAT’S RIGHT, HUMAN! YOU CAN WIN!! JUST DO WHAT I, WOULD DO... BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Undyne: Hey! Human! If you got past me, you can do anything! So don’t worry! We’re with you all the way! Sans: huh? you haven’t beaten this guy yet? come on, this weirdo’s got nothing on you. All of them keep blocking Flowey’s attacks. Alphys: Technically, it’s impossible for you to beat him... B-but... Somehow, I know you can do it!! Asgore: Human, for the future of humans and monsters...! You have to stay determined...! All of the monsters show up, supporting Frisk. They slowly surround Flowey. He looses his patience for games. Flowey: I can’t believe you’re all so stupid. ALL OF YOUR SOULS ARE MINE!!! Everything flashes white. The portal starts charging, sending a blue beam into sky. Ne feels the sudden change of energy level in the city and looks out the window. Ne: It’s time. Slasher: Lets go. Ne: Wait. First, check your phone. Slasher checks his message. Slasher: Okay. Ne, you won’t like this. Ne: What is it. Slasher: The message was from Natalie from half an hour ago. It says that she’s gone cycling there. Amy: Than go! The portal is closer to Sentinels, you don’t have much time. Ne: Right. Ne quickly hugs Amy before he starts to exit the house. Amy: Be careful. Ne: I will. Slasher gets on his bike, while Ne creates his. Slasher: We ride together till we die together, huh? Ne: Damn straight. Ramirez: The portal has been activated. Notify the others. Cobra: Understood. Cobra uses the main audio system that is connected through the whole base and orders everyone to get into their vehicles and to go to the portal. They arrive before Slasher and Ne to the area. Natalie as able to see them before she was spotted. She quickly hid her bicycle and took a wrench she had in her backpack, in case that she would need to repair her bmx and she tied a mop around her mouth as a bandanna. Cobra ordered one soldier to scout out the area, for any hidden enemies. When the soldier got close to her, she got up from her cover and hit the soldier with all of her strength, knocking him out, or killing him. She didn’t have time to check, because she alerted the other soldiers. Ramirez ordered them to capture her, but not to waste their ammo on her, because they’re gonna need it later. She runs through the trees, trying to lose them. Frisk and Riverperson are still fighting Asriel, while Chara is trying to get control over herself, because of the fact that Asriel is still alive. Riverperson keeps holding the shields around Frisk, defending them from the attacks, but they know that the shields won’t withstand the attacks for long. Riverperson: I have to do something. I’ll keep the shields up, but be ready to move if they break. Frisk: Got it. Riverperson flies away. Asriel: Your last help has abandoned you. Now you have no hope. Frisk: we’ll see about that. Riverperson quickly flies to the room in Datafall in which was the passage to the void. They quickly use their magic to open the passage to the void and find Gaster inside. Riverperson: I need your help. Gaster: Who are you? How did you get in here? Riverperson: We’ll have our reunion later. Watch. Riverperson opens up a window, showing Asriel attacking the damaged shields around Frisk. Riverperson: Those won’t stay up for much longer. Asriel has the equal power to seven souls. I can’t do anything to stop him. What do we do? Gaster observes his attacks. Gaster: You are correct. He can’t be damaged in any way, but, he can be beaten. It is quite simple actually. He is using the power of the souls he absorbed. Soon, he will run out of magic source. All you three can do is survive until that happens. Riverperson: Okay, thanks. Riverperson opens the passage to Datafall again. Gaster: Wait. Who are you? Riverperson: Just a lost soul. Riverperson exits the void and closes the passage behind them, before flying back. Frisk: Did you find anything that will help us. Riverperson: His powers will run out soon. We have to survive until then. Chara: How was I so blind. I should have known it was him. This is all my fault. Riverperson: Now is not the time to think of the past. We are fighting for the future. Frisk: You’re right. Asriel: You can’t possibly think you have any chance. Frisk: Oh, haven’t you heard? I often ignore chances. Asriel: Well, then in that case, this will be fun. Ne and Slasher arrive to the location. Amy: Alright. I have your cameras connected and i can see everything. Wait. Is that Natalie? Slasher looks forward and sees her running away from soldiers that are chasing her. The rest of the army didn’t follow, so it’s only 5 people chasing her. Slasher takes out his pistols and shoots them, scaring Natalie and alarming the rest of the army. He quickly calls her to run to him. Slasher: What the hell are you doing here? Natalie: What? I don’t understand. Slasher: I told you not to come here while the portal could be running! Natalie: Wait. Dominik? Ne: Real smooth. Slasher: Well, I’m sorry for not being professional while I’m trying to save her from Sentinels soldiers. Natalie: What is happening? Slasher: There’s no time for explaining. I’ll tell you everything later, but, right no, you need to go as far away from here as possible. Natalie: What are you going to do? Slasher: Isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna shoot some skrubs. Now go! Natalie nods before running behind them and through the area filled with trees. Soon after, Ramirez and his army arrives. The army stops as soon as it sees them. Ramirez: You can’t keep us from achieving justice! Ne: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll show you justice. Ramirez: Don’t you see what’s happening here? You two are alone! And we are an army. Surrender now, and you will be spared! Ne: Fun fact: I was just about to say the same thing to you. Ne: Slasher. Mow them down. Slasher: Of course. Slasher takes his machine gun and sprays a whole line, from left to right. Ramirez creates a shield in his hand, while Cobra blocks the bullets with his sword. All of the soldiers that weren’t behind cover got shot. hen his gun gets empty, Ramirez releases the damaged shield and orders the soldiers to open fire. Ne creates a vortex shield in front of him and Slasher, which absorbs all the bullets, before sending them back. He creates a big shield and stabs it into the ground, giving Slasher cover, before he starts running towards Ramirez. Ramirez starts firing his gun on Ne, while Ne blocks the bullets with his plates and jumps when he gets close enough. Ne takes his sword and prepares to cut down Ramirez. Ramirez uses his magic to create a sword of his own and blocks the attack. Slasher dropped his machine gun and took the AK. He carefully shot the soldiers one buy one, making sure that he isn’t too exposed while doing it. He sat back down behind the shield when he saw that Cobra was aiming at him. Slasher contacts Ne through their communication link. Slasher: Gonna need some help over here. Ne: Got it. Ne quickly puts back his swords, blocks Ramirez’s attack and quickly pushes him away with soul control. While Ramirez is down, Ne quickly runs through and takes down a few soldiers and distracts Cobra, giving Slasher time to get closer. He runs towards Cobra, while killing off some of the remaining soldiers. Cobra drops a smoke bomb, giving himself time to move. Ne gets all of the soldiers’ attention, while Slasher randomly shoots in the smoke with his pistols, after he put the AK back on his backpack. Cobra suddenly walks out of the smoke on the left side and aims his revolver. Before he has the chance to fire, Slasher uses his grapple to disarm Cobra, before pulling him closer with it. Cobra takes his sword and sings it towards Slasher, who blocks it with his gauntlet. Cobra quickly disarms Slasher as well.  Cobra: We wouldn’t want our fight to be unfair, now would we? Slasher: Just keep talking while you can. Asriel readies Shocker breaker II. Asriel: And again! Deadly lasers crash down from above, the last one breaking the only shield Riverperson had left. Riverperson: I’m too weak. I can’t hold any more of them. You’re gonna have to do the rest of the battle on your own. Asriel: Because you ant a “happy ending.” Magic stars fall from above and Frisk deflects them with her light stick. Asriel: Because you “love your friends.” Chara tried to call out to Asriel, even tho she knew that he can’t hear her. Asriel creates his swords and starts attacking. Frisk dodges his attacks. For the last attempt, Asriel swings both of his swords from above. Frisk holds out her glow stick and barely blocks the attack. Asriel: Because you “never give up.”  Asriel creates his gun and shoots the stars with an energy beam coming out from the barrel. The attack overwhelms Frisk and breaks her soul. Riverperson reacts quickly, and uses a spell to merge back the soul before it gets destroyed. Frisk is surprised at first, but gets back into the fight quickly. She gets better and better at dodging his attacks. Annoyed by Riverperson’s assistance, Asriel sends a few magic beams from above to crash on top of them, but they easily dodge the attacks. Riverperson: Tra la la. A god can’t defeat a dusty old cloak. how shameful. Asriel: Shut up! Asriel creates his gun again and fires it. The beam goes through Riverperson, without damaging them. Frisk notices Riverperson’s plan to waste Asriel’s energy on them. Unfortunately, Asriel realizes that as well and turns his attention back to Frisk again. He sends another attack. Frisk dodges it, with a close miss. Asriel: Isn’t that delicious? Your “determination.” The power that let you get this far... It’s gonna be your downfall! Slasher knows that he isn’t going to be able to fight like that for much longer, but to his relief, the same fact is true for Cobra. At least, Ne is nowhere near getting tired, while Ramirez can’t fight forever neither. To their misfortune tho, more backup starts arriving. Amy: There are still a lot of them. Slasher: We know! Lets just hope e last long enough so that Frisk can complete her mission. Amy: I won’t just sit here and watch you two die. Ne: No. Stay there. Amy: I’m sorry Ne. Ne: Don’t go! Amy cuts off her connection and enters her car. she enables combat mode and drives to their location. Ramirez: Begin phase two! The elites start coming out of the vehicles, while Ramirez and Cobra go back. Slasher takes his uzis and shoots some of them, while Ne creates a neon blaster and fires it, while rotating it, so that the beam hits more enemies. More and more soldiers arrive. Ne creates a vortex shield for Slasher and defends himself with his swords. Just as the shield is about the fail, Amy arrives, parks in front of Slasher and uses the car turret to take down some of the soldiers. She enables the auto aim on the vehicle, before exiting with her stun pistols. Ne quickly runs to her, ready to defend her. Ne: N2O, I told you not to come here! Amy: I’m not letting you do this alone. Ne: Just stay behind me. You’re not ready to fight. Amy: Too bad. She teleports in front of him, instantly feeling pain from her soul, but starts to shoot the soldiers anyway, before running to the nearby trees for cover. Once all the elites are out, Cobra and Ramirez get back into the fight. Ne fires off many neon bullets, which Ramirez blocks with his magic sword. Ramirez shoots his gun at Ne. Ne dodges the first few bullets and phases through the last ones, before engaging in close combat. Amy fights the soldiers of the Sentinels and Slasher attacks Cobra again.  Asriel creates a huge attack, similar to a gaster blaster, but larger and in the shape of a goat head. It absorbs all the nearby energy, including Frisk’s. Asriel: ...even after that attack, you’re still standing in my way...? Chara: How is he still so strong? Frisk: Are you sure that he’ll run out? Riverperson: I can bet my life on it. Frisk: that’s hat I’m afraid of. Asriel: Wow... You really are something special. But don’t get cocky. Up until now, I’ve only been using a fraction of my real power! Chara: Are you kidding me? Asreil: Let’s see what good your determination is against this!! Asriel’s body transforms. He becomes bigger, gains wings and his body is changed into armor. Frisk tries to move, but realizes that she can’t. Asriel: Urah ha ha ha... Behold my true power! Asriel spreads his arms, spreading magic bullets everywhere. Riverperson gains enough strength to stop Frisk from having her soul shattered, when the bullets go through her. Asriel: I can feel it. Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you. Frisk finally breaks free from Asriel’s control, and just in time to defend herself from his next attack. Asriel: Still, you’re holding on...? That’s fine. In a few moments, you’ll forget everything, too. That attitude will serve you will in your next life! Asriel creates more bullets. Frisk is too exhausted to move and she gets hit with them again, but Riverperson manages to save her.  Asriel: Ura ha ha... Still!? Come on...  Show me what good your determination is now! Asriel sends another attack and Frisk somehow dodges it. Frisk knows that she can’t win. She tries to go back to stop this from happening, but she can’t reach her save file. Having no other options in her mind, Frisk tries again, but nothing happens. Chara: Maybe, with that little power we have... we can save something else. Everyone is getting worn out. Amy is way weaker than before, since she didn’t have time to recover, Slasher and Cobra have been fighting for a while and the same could be said for Ramirez. Ne is still not tired, but he is starting to use his powers too much. The last wave of reinforcements arrive. Ramirez: Initiate phase three! All of the soldiers start shooting at Ne and Amy, while they leave Slasher to Cobra. Ne creates a two vertex shields, one for him and one for Amy. They start retreating back, while Cobra’s attacks start to overwhelm Slasher. Frisk already saved Undyne and all of her memories returned. Next was Alphys. Frisk: Come on Alphys! I’ve supported you before. You can’t give up now. Alphys: You hate me, don’t you. Frisk: Do you remember the quiz? That was interesting! Alphys acts like she didn’t even hear Frisk. Alphys: I’ve got to keep lying... Frisk: You don’t really think that, do you? Alphys’ memories return. Alphys; No, that’s not true! My friends like me! And I like you, too! Frisk can feel something resonating within Asriel. Next, she encounters Sans and Papyrus. Frisk tells a pun to Sans. He likes it, while Papyrus hated it. Sans: just give up. i did. Papyrus: I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN!  Frisk’ soul is turned blue, as slow bones start moving towards her. She knocks the bones out of the way. After defending herself, Frisk asks Papyrus to help her with a puzzle. He doesn’t know why, but he really wants to help her. Papyrus: THEN EVERYONE WILL LIKE ME! Sans: why even try? Frisk felt uneasy with Sans’ comments. She decided to talk with him about it if she gets out of the battle alive. After more mentions of memories, Papyrus and Sans get their memories back. Sans got some of the memories he didn’t even had before, and obviously, not all of them were pleasant. He watched the Riverperson with a blank expression, only one tear going out of his left eye. As soon as he noticed, he quickly ran a sleeve over his face and continued to act normal, supporting Frisk. Only Toriel and Asgore left. Amy And Ne are getting surrounded with the soldiers, while Slasher is starting to lose against Cobra. Slasher takes out his knives and swings towards Cobra. Cobra dodges the attacks and disarms Slasher before taking one of the knives and using it against him. Slasher uses the gauntlet to block the attacks. Ne is still holding his shields, while spawning bullets and firing them off at the soldiers, while Amy is shooting with her pistols. She knows she won’t be able to hold on for much longer, and she can notice that the same could be said for Ne. Frisk succeeded to save Toriel and Asgore. She feels her friends’ souls resonating within Asriel! Strangely, as her friends remember her... Something else began resonating within the soul, stronger and stronger. It seems that there’s still one last person that needs to be saved. Chara: Reach out your soul. Frisk: Why? Chara: Just trust me. Frisk does as Chara asked her, while Chara uses all of her determination to call Asriel. She remembers the first time they met. Asriel: Wh... what did you do...? What’s this feeling...? What’s happening to me? No! NO! I don’t need ANYONE!  Asriel sends dozens of bullets flying towards Frisk. They all hit their target, but Frisk is still standing. Asriel: STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me!? I’ll tear you apart! Asriel starts to lose energy and sends only a few bullets. Frisk succeeds to move out of the way. Asriel: Chara... Do you know why I’m doing this...? Why I keep  fighting to keep you around...? I’m doing this... Because you’re special, Chara. You’re the only one that understands me. You’re the only one who’s any fun to play with anymore. Asriel: No... That’s not just it. I... I... I’m doing this because I care about you, Chara! I care about you more than anybody else. Chara feels tears coming don her cheeks. Asriel: I’m not ready for this to end. I’m not ready for you to leave. I’m not ready to say goodbye to someone like you again. Asriel: So please.... STOP doing this... AND JUST LET ME WIN!!! Asriel creates a huge beam with his hands and fires it on Frisk. Riverperson Creates a shield, but the beam breaks in in less than a second. Chara uses all the determination she has and steps in front of Frisk. Chara: STOP! With all her determination, Chara’s weak soul starts to get power and absorbs the attack. Frisk feels the beam burning her, but Chara is taking the biggest part of the attack on herself. Chara screams in pain, ash she holds hers and Frisk’s soul in one piece. When the beam ends, Frisk is left with barely any stronger injuries, but Chara is just above the edge of death. Frisk starts to panic, but Riverperson calms her down. Riverperson: She will be okay, just give her time. Asriel: I’m so alone, Chara... Ne is at his limit. Amy has already stopped fighting and is barely standing. Cobra got Slasher on the ground. The soldiers and Ramirez keep firing at Ne’s shield. Amy notices that the hand with which he is holding the shields starts to shake. Amy: Ne, stop. Ne ignores her. Amy: You’re gonna break. Ne still holds the shields. Amy: MIKE! As she calls him by his previous name, Ne looks at her. Amy: It’s over. Ne: I can’t just let them kill you. Amy: You have no choice. Cobra holds Slahser’s knife and walks up to Slasher, before crouching in front of him. Cobra: Got you right where I wan’t you. Ne: Please... Don’t make me do this. Amy: It’s okay. We’ll go together. Cobra: I wonder how will it feel to get hit with your on weapon. Right before Ne was going to drop the shield, the soldiers suddenly start getting shot from a nearby hill. When Ne looks at the source of the shots, he sees Kris and his squad. Ne: Abut time. Kris shoots Ramirez in the shoulder. The shooting distracts Cobra, giving Slasher enough time to drag in his pistol with his grapple. Slasher: It will feel something like this. Slasher shoots Cobra with his own revolver, before activating his gauntlet blade and cutting off The hand Cobra was holding Slasher’s knife with. Cobra screams in pain, before ordering the soldiers to shoot at slasher while he runs away. Ne drops his shields, while Kris and his team give Slasher cover. Ramirez: Retreat! This battle is lost! Ramirez, Cobra and the soldiers run back into their vehicles and drive away. Ne sighs, in relief and takes off his helmet. Ne: We won... we’re alive... Amy takes off her mask and drops her guns. Amy: We did it. Ne: I guess we make a good team. Amy: We make a great team. Amy grabs Ne and pulls him into a kiss. Ne is surprised for a second, but he hugs her and accepts the kiss. They can feel their souls healing each other. Slasher turns back and notices them kissing. He calls Kris over their communication link. Kris: How does it feel being saved by me? Slasher: It feels almost as good as you owing me a bet. Kris: hat? Slasher: Look at Ne. Kris notices them and remembers their bet. Kris: God damn it. Slasher: I warned ya, but you didn’t listen. Frisk finally succeeded to turn Asriel back to normal. Asriel apologized to Frisk and told him about his past with Chara and his actions as Flowey. Having his apology accepted was the last thing he was expecting, but it happened anyway. Asriel: Frisk, come on. You’re gonna make me cry again. ...Besides, even if you do forgive me... I can’t keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them. But first... There’s something I have to do. Right now, I can feel everyone’s hearts beating as one. They’re all burning with the same desire. With everyone’s power...  With everyone’s determination. It’s time for monsters... To finally go free. Asriel uses the power of every soul to break the barrier. Asriel: Frisk... I have to go now. Without the power of everyone’s souls... I can’t keep maintaining this form. In a little while... I’ll turn back into a flower. I’ll stop being myself. I’ll stop being able to feel love again. So... Frisk. It’s best of you just forget about me, ok? Just go be with the people who live you. Frisk hugs him. Asreil: You’re gonna do a great job, ok? No matter what you do... Everyone will be there for you, okay? By the way... Frisk. Take care of mom and dad for me, oaky? Frisk: Of course. Suddenly, Frisk wakes up, surrounded by her friends. They all finally got a chance to talk with each other on a more friendly matter. All except Sans and Riverperson. Frisk noticed that Sans was watching them in a weird way, but decided to ignore it. Sans called frisk to come talk to him away from the crowd. Frisk: What is it? Sans: i have good news and bad news. the bad news are that chara can’t currently come to the surface. Frisk: WHAT!? Chara: Don’t worry about it! Sans: yeah, that’s where the good news come. me and paps talked about the subject and e are pretty sure that we found a way to make it possible. we’ll do that just as everyone gets to the surface, ok? Frisk: I guess that’s fine. Chara: It’ll be over before you know it, and then we’ll all be free! Frisk: You’re right! Lets do this! Sans: ready? Frisk: As I’ll ever be. They all go through the portal. As they reach the real world, the blue beam on the other end of the portal shuts down, alerting Ne and the others. Amy: Guess it’s time for you to go. Ne: You should come with me. Amy: What about Slasher and Kris? Ne: They’ll be busy arguing about their bet. Come on, lets meet the people we just rescued. Prologue Chapter 20
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necrotext · 7 years
Post-post AC update
“Geewiz Necro on twitter you said you’d talk about stuff like two weeks ago or more! All you’ve done in the mean time is post that weird dragon picture...” “Damn right I did, and I’ve been busy with things like that dragon picture; and I think it’s great, not weird thank you! I also did theeeeeseee... and I had a lot of.... things... to do...“
  The short of it was I had an amazing time, thank you. But if you’re really in it for the news buckle up and click the break and enjoy. Because I’m gonna ramble which is probably my most fostered skill outside of art and I’m happy about it damn’it. (Hey it’s me from half way through this write up, get popcorn, this shits a little.... uh... l o n g. But you should still read it because past-past me worked really hard and you’ll hurt her feelings if you don’t read it.)
  So here I am like LEGIT a month post AC. My vacation actually started back on the 25th of June. But that’s not entirely relevant other than that’s when my pre- and post- furry fandom friend Serpentsaurus flew into Ohio from halfway across the country to visit for two weeks. Specifically to attend AnthroCon with me but also just to vacation, because why not. Which, for the two of us, would be our first furry convention specifically. Having attended GenCon twice myself I wasn’t really rattled too much by the idea; already having gotten used to the head spinning number of people and the floating feeling the sheer number tended to cause me (I’m bad in large groups :B).   We spend a few days chilling out, learn Arms can’t make it this year (sad face duuude) and setup to hit-up that grinding drive. Leaving the morning of the 29th at 8-ish A.M to drive on the highway for about 4 to 5 hours. All things considered pretty spectacular for a road trip to a con. Not many get that kind of ease of arrival so I definitely cherish it lol. Also makes me partly wonder why I never went before? But it’s probably for the best because I needed some time. Regardless we arrive without incident, pay up the rest of our hotel fee for the furthest possible major hotel we could’ve POSSIBLY BEEN BECAUSE WE DIDN’T REGISTER SOON ENOUGH AND YOU ALL SHOULD PRE-REG FURTHER THAN A MONTH OUT BECAUSE THAT WAS A MISTAKE. And put our stuff in the room, which was certainly okay. And then... it was time...   So stumbling and fumbling we use our maps we had gotten to look up where the heck to go and wind up using our stupid phones to GPS walk our stupid butts to the convention center. Because neither of us had ever been in Pittsburgh and of course we’re lost. We got lost finding the parking for the hotel. As if I’d/We’d make it blind to the damn event. We get there and I come to an astounding realization. Its HOT, like... really really hot outside. Like so hot that walking that 15 minute distance drenched my shirt hot. Which would become a major problem AND IS WHY YOU STAY NEXT TO THE CENTER, PAST ME, HOLY, SHIT. Let’s not even get started on the fact that my right foot had a blister from a walk along the bike trail back at home the day prior. Was awful. So we sit. I catch my breath because I’m totally out of shape physically and then explore the whole center. Which frankly was a great place. I liked the layout there far and away better than that of the GenCon center (take that GenCon, I’ll probably never go to you again, jerk).  We get a nice photo on the top of the center with my phone and experience the pretty night lights and humid air of Pittsburgh, catching food just after. I could talk about the food a lot longer than I should so were just gonna say “It was all very very good”. K? K.   Eventually Serpent walks back to the hotel and I suffer my way there behind him in short enough order even if it didn’t feel like it at all. I shower off the sweat of the day (a common theme of the event, mind) and we bullshit before bed for Friday. It was around this point in time a slight feeling of worry looms in the room. See, my biggest hang up with Furry Cons™ is I always think to myself “What would I even do there?” I had never been to a con without a purpose before. This year I went purely because ‘it was time I did’ and part of me wanted to cure my social life issues. But Serpent was firmly in the same boat I had rowed in for a long while before diving into the FurOcean™ head first. And I guess it became my job to flip the boat... violently. (Its a fucking metaphor, okay? Thankyou).   We get to bed and plot our wake up time and course for the opening ceremony. Which we need to get up an hour before hand for. Wasn’t too terribly hard to do outside of my badge I had made breaking and needing repairs and us being frugal losers and making sandwiches for later during lunch hours. So I swallow my hopes and dreams and take the walk of shame to the con center. The worry following like a stink all the while. But as we get closer we see more and more tails; which is about all you need to really see to know you’re going the right way. By the time we were through the doors the number of people ahead of us was staggering, honestly. I knew the con average population due to prior research, but Thursday was such a poor marker from what we were in for. Especially since Serpent had never been. We follow the flow of traffic and wind our way into opening ceremonies and sit down, which is the best part about it for me honestly. It frankly was a bit hype, really getting me motivated to re-explore the (now repopulated and changed) con space. It was a large smattering of looking around the Dealer’s Den and Artist Alley. In which I got to very briefly say hi to and shake hands with SonicFox5000. Who I admire quite a fair bit for his skills at like... everything. Boy’s got a genius or something, I dunno. But after sending EVO related well wishes we parted and gave him back his space to enjoy the con too. Then going further to pick up a commission from art_eric. Which was a great treat to see the next morning and I love and cherish the piece and will forever.   And at his point I can essentially sum up my experience of the con. Not totally, but mostly. We just kinda hung out -- “Okay Necro, I’ve been listening[reading] but that seriously sounds like no fun...” Hush, you see, you’d think that. Anyone would. But Serpent and I didn’t have any friends attending. So we had few people to visit. In return though we got to just kinda... take everything in. And seriously and honestly and truly?.. it was amazing. It was an immensely relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. Even for someone who doesn’t take being swamped in 7000 people well. Attending the con is easily one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a long time, especially this year.   Re-walk, re-suffer, eat, re-shower, sleep. Aside from the notable hanging around with some absolute furry strangers at dinner; which was not only a loud experience (although not because of them), but also a quite enjoyable one. The next day had arrived. This was around when it really sunk in that flipping the boat like an Orca playing with it’s food was worth it. We did so much, yet... as I lay there dying falling asleep we both could just prattle on about what to do tomorrow. Even going so far as exclaiming “I can’t believe its still Friday”. Call it fate or whatever. But I mean here we are, away from home, and I don’t want to leave it. But swallowing a little dread of it ending (yeah it took a day and a half to get pre-PCD) I get to bed.   Tomorrow rolls in with it’s painful heat and humidity to batter the con and I for one reason or another get up way to damn early. Well before Serpent and cut my way to the con letting him sleep more. I pick up my commission, choke up a little, and relax. I needed it. A bit different than previous since I was alone this time but at this point I just kind of settled into a nice sitting space and enjoyed the con goers. Talking with some people and then catching up with Serpent for the parade. Which, like everything else so far had been wonderful. Beyond just taking in everything and attending the Sketchbook Swap as well as playing some games we cap the night off with the Saturday night rave (its rave right? like it counts? it counts) and turn in.   Really it’s just kinda of an assumed statement that the whole while this is going on I’m at the bottom of the FurOcean™ and loving it. See I can make my bad jokes relevant and still bad~ Sunday is a lot harder than Saturday though. I somehow managed to replace the worry of ‘not having anything to do’ with ‘I don’t want it to end’. But Serpent and I just soak up the last bits of AnthroCon while we can and finally attend the closing ceremony. We didn’t exactly do much Sunday but in a way I, at the very least, was whipped. So it was totally okay just kind of decompressing from the mess that was the past two and half days. Then comes closing ceremony and the two of us migrating all our purchases to the car before grinding our way home.   What can I say other than “Would go again” really? It’s hard to think of the past month because of it. It’s just kind of this whirl of emotions, and frankly I’m okay with that. Its really a huge motivator to put myself in the community rather than the fringes on the net. Also somewhat eye opening what the true shades of it all is really like. You get a hugely different perspective when you’re there. Sure it had its hangups here and there, you see it mostly from social media like twitter where its easier to find. And sure that those hangups suck. But as an attendee it was awesome and I’m sure the staff will smooth out the remaining rough edges they got snagged on. To which I look forward to next year and hope I can attend for sure. Beyond AnthroCon, this month has just been idly working on some art here and there and getting my social media more up to date. And I’ll have more art rolling down the tubes as we move into next month. Things have taken a huge upswing and I’m more capable of keeping up with things as it is. As well as far more motivated to make art. To anyone who made it this far, thank your for reading! I don’t really blog like this often. But I hope you enjoyed and I luv u <3.
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many-splendored-rat · 7 years
Send good thoughts, please! My only mode of transportation (50cc scooter I bought a year ago) is having some bad engine issues, possibly needs a $500-700 rebuild. I’m stupidly attached to it so I’m going to repair it regardless of cost even though it would be around $1000-1300 for a new (used) one with far fewer miles on it, trying to justify this with arguments to myself that I know mine is super reliable & well taken care of & that’s not something I could guarantee if I buy another one.
Unfortunately, the only decent repair shop in town is a motorcycle shop whose employees are kind of rude when I bring it in because it’s just a little baby bike & they usually work on Harleys or other motorcycles. They won’t do appointments for something that’s not a “real bike” & they wouldn’t even bump it up on the priority list when I offered to pay for more hours than they were actually gonna put in (it’s $70/hr to work on it, so we’re not talking pocket change). When I called this morning, the guy that picked up the phone was actually nice & said they’d try to get it back to me by early May if it does need any part of the engine replaced.
If I don’t go to the grocery store or anywhere else, I’m looking at about $70 in bus fares to ride to work for a month–not awful when you consider that it’d be over $1100 to Uber to work & back each day or $850 to rent a car for a month (or $50 a month if I had a car & was paying insurance). The mainly crappy part is scheduling. I’ve got to walk a mile from my house to the bus station each morning & catch the bus at 6:45am. I will get to work at 7:10am. I don’t actually work until 8:00am, so that’s 50 minutes of just sitting around, I’ll probably read or do Duolingo or maybe exercise (maybe all three! YAY SELF IMPROVEMENT). I normally wake up at 6:15am & now I’ll have to get up about 4:45am.  I am gonna have to go to bed really early. Probably not gonna have any free time as I’ll have a mile walk home each afternoon + have to go to bed earlier. Might not be posting much until the transportation issues get settled & scoot’s running again, as obviously all my animals already take up a lot of time & this is cutting into what minimal spare time I had anyway. 
I will also take this opportunity to complain about the weather, as it’s been raining a lot lately so my foot that got broken from the wreck last year when I lost my car is aching horribly nonstop & will not be pleased about an additional two miles of walking each day. Also, it’s absurdly hot in the afternoon & I will probably end up murdering someone from the sheer anger the heat makes me feel. 
I dunno, I kinda want to ask my manager if it’d be possible for me to work from 8:15am-4:15pm each day for now, since that’d let me catch the bus at 7:45am instead, but I don’t really like drawing attention to the fact I don’t have a car as it’s actually part of my job requirements to have a car. So I guess I’m better off just not being a lazy ass & waking up before 5am every day.
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omegapossum · 7 years
Story Not Told, chapter 1
It was just another day of rehearsing for the great competition. The same competition that would pay her and Lance $100,000 dollars for them to live their dream. She froze. Lance. He hadn't been chosen to participate in the competition, and was even less supportive of her after that. She went home determined to talk to him about it. This one time, she'd do it. She'd talk to him, and demand for him not to put her down and support her, since she was doing it for them.
Until she unlocked the door. Who was she fooling? She wasn't good enough. The only animal who thought she was good was the same crazy koala that pictured her as a punk-rock princess. If she was good in the eyes of that guy, there was no way she'd be good in the eyes of normal animals. Right?
"Babe, I'm home!" She went straight to the living room, where she knew Lance would be composing. Then, she froze upon seeing him singing with some other girl. Their mouths were nearly glued together. "What is going on here?" She asked, outraged.
Lance gulped. Oh oh.
"Hi, I'm Becky." The female porcupine said.
"Look babe, I can explain…"
She scoffed. "Get out."
"Ash, wait."
"GET OUT!" She grabbed Lance's guitar case and started walking towards the entrance door. "After you!"
"Come on Ash, what did you expect? You're never around anymore, you're always at that rehearsal of yours!"
"I was doing it for us Lance, you and me!" She threw his case at his feet.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry but I think I left my sunglasses in there…" Becky began, only to get a door to her face.
"Come on Becky, let's get outta here."
On the other side of the door, Ash sat on the ground, still in shock. She knew she wasn't being the best girlfriend, but never expected her to be bad enough for Lance to cheat on her. She could feel tears burning her eyes, before allowing them to run free. She was mad, and she was upset, and above all she was lost, and she didn't like it the least bit. Probably why she got together with Lance, anyway. She felt so lost back in the day...
She tried ignoring all this. She tried playing some upbeat song in her guitar, listening to some tune, watching TV, and even going into an early sleep, until finding out it was really hard to go to bed when you were sobbing. Not having anyone to turn to and any other place to go, she grabbed her backpack and left for the only place she could think of.
The Moon Theatre. She had seen pictures of it in her school books, and it always struck her to be a great show house, but now it looked like it had fallen on hard times. The walls were in desperate need of repainting, carpets were scratched and stained, and most of the outside ornament was scratched or falling apart. She wondered why an owner that has $100 grand in his pocket doesn't use it to fix his theatre. She brushed the thought off, and knocked at the front door.
"Mr Moon? Someone in there? Hello?" She saw a faltering lamp going off somewhere at the theatre, and circled the building to find the backstage entry. She forced it. Locked. Great. Just near the door, there was a large trash can. She dragged it to under the window, and climbed it, trying to reach the latter. No success. Stepping on the upper doorframe, she tried grabbing hold of the window frame, that is, until she heard a tiny snapping noise.
Oh oh. She came crashing down to the ground, bringing part of it with her. Yep, this definitely needs repairing. She thought, positioning herself to try again. This time, she managed to dig deeper into whichever room she was going into, and managed to plop herself onto it. She smiled. Success.
Dusting herself off, she started going around, trying to get some idea of her surroundings. The last thing she didn't expect to find was a really startled koala holding his Glock .357 gun pointed at the door.
"Mr Moon! Mr Moon, it's me!" She held her hands up high, shaking.
He lowered the gun, slowly approaching her. "A-Ash?"
She nodded. "Hey there, Mr Moon."
"Ash, what… What are you doing here?" He turned on the lights, and what he saw scared him. She was a mess. Her face was bloated up, and her eyes were red from crying. "Oh boy. Well… Okay, I'm going to make us some tea. Wait here, please." He took off down the stairs. She merely opened his minibar, and pulled out a beer can.
Not too long later, she sat at his office, drinking, and staring at the town from above. This wasn't like her, and she knew it. Going out to someone's theatre in the middle of the night, practically breaking in, and above all drinking. Yep, this really wasn't her. Although she was familiar with the taste of beer, and enjoyed it quite a lot, she almost never had a drink out of her house. Especially given the fact she was 17. That helped. Being an escapee, the last thing she wanted was to get in trouble and be sent back to her parents' house. The thought sent a shiver up her spine. She dried up a couple of fresh tears that came to her eyes.
"You know, I shouldn't let you drink." Buster spoke, slowly approaching her. "You're 17, right? That could get us both in trouble, and… Man, judging by your face I can tell neither of us needs more of them!" He laughed. Ash, however, didn't.
"Who cares…" She replied, turning away. Buster didn't know what to do or say. He could tell the matter was serious. He took her hands and looked into her eyes. She looked down.
"I kinda do, actually. If someone catches us I'm the one who'll get um… Busted." Both exchanged looks, and burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the many empty rooms. He was happy finally getting to lighten the mood. Helping himself, he laid the tray down and took a seat near the teenager. After some time, the laughter was substituted by mad silence. After what seemed like an eternity, Ash could finally retort with a tease.
"So, you choose that stage name only to make that pun?" He laughed.
"Stage name? That's my real name, Ash. I don't perform, I don't get a stage name."
"Figures. I don't see anyone picking out that name in a replacement for their own." She laughed. Buster only faked annoyance and replied in a similar teasing tone.
"Hey, my name's really beautiful alright!"
"Maybe to your parents." She shot, smirking.
"And me, and that's all that matters." He retorted, confident.
More silence. She was amazed at him. How self-confident and positive could someone be? He was equally amazed. How much could someone taunt and joke while feeling hell burning in their chests? He didn't knew much. He was aware of that. But he had been a teen, and knew these were the clear signs one of them was going through something, but wasn't going to outright ask.
Oh what the hell. He thought. He had nothing to lose.
"Ash. You climbed up my window at 1 in the morning. You haven't really faced me. You're drinking, and you're sitting on my office making fun of my name. Either you are trying to win the prize by bonding with the director or there is something wrong. You're a fair player, so there's gotta be something wrong… The Ash I know doesn't do these kinda things."
She frowned, still looking away. "What do you know about me, Mr Moon… "
He racked his brain for an answer. "I was a teen once." She gave him one of the most annoyed looks he had ever seen, but he didn't seem to mind it as he carried on. "I know what teens do when they're upset." She laughed.
"Most uptight teen ever?" Buster cocked a brow, but kept his tone.
"That's exactly what they do. They try to put on a cool act so no one can see how they feel… But deep down, all they want is to let it all out. And you know that, because you're wanting to let it all out now." He earned more mocking laughter.
"What, are you some kinda wise old man now? The type who knows it all and walks around giving away some of his precious wisdom?"
"No, I just lived. That's all."
"Not enough to know me right away!"
"Maybe not you, but your mindset yes. You feel like you gotta hide your feelings from the world because you don't want anyone to think you're weak." He began. She outright froze in place. "You're afraid you're gonna be judged, and people will think less of you-"
"That's not true!" She interrupted, feeling tears come to her eyes. She tried her best to fight them back, unsuccessfully.
"That is what I'm talking about. You hide your tears and fears because you're afraid, and Ash, it's okay to be afraid! You aren't less for being afraid, if anything, you are MORE!"
"ENOUGH!" She yelled, sound echoing in the empty halls. She grabbed her backpack.
"It was a mistake coming in here!" She pushed the doors open, tears flowing from her eyes.
"Ash, come back, don't- Streets are dangerous at this hour!"
"Walked all the way up here without a scratch, and see where it took me." She venomously spat out, shutting the doors closed. Buster was just about to run after her when he had a better idea. He quickly scribbled some words in the back of a pizza flier that was sitting by and ran to the main entry, grabbing his bike, and quickly picking up with her.
"At least don't go alone. Get on, I'll give you a ride." Ash simply shook her head, prompting him to climb off the bike. He stood in front of her, and held onto one of her wrists.
"Let go!" She said, trying to break free. She couldn't believe how strong Buster was. And didn't notice when he slipped a small piece of paper into her bag.
"Come on, Ash. Get on… I'll take you home and you won't hear my voice or see my face unless you come to the theatre tomorrow. How does that sound?" He said, letting go of her. She sighed and went up to the bike. A quiet ride after, she stood in front of her apartment door. Opening it, she looked back to make sure the koala had left.
She was tired, and sad, and wanted to sink through the floor. She knew he was right, but wasn't going to let him know that, let alone give him the pleasure of seeing her tears. She had heated up some food and was sitting down at the couch eating when her phone rang.
"Hey um… It's me, listen, I left some things at your place, I tried going there sooner but there was no one. I'm kinda heading there right now. You home?"
"Whoa whoa whoa, wait. You are-" She paused to steady her voice and wipe her nose. "What?"
"Heading there. Hello, Miss Airhead? Aren't you listening to me? I gotta pick up my clothes and cash if you want me to move out. Are you home?"
"You can't just come here!"
"Too late. Just pulled over. Oh good, lights on. Open the door."
"No!" Her voice cracked. The voice on the other side sighed.
"Ash, this will take no longer than a minute. Then you can go back to your crying, and drowning your sorrows, or going back to wherever you were not too long ago."
She hung up, and was determined not to open the door. Lance rang, and rang, and rang, and rang.
"Darling you don't even have to be there if you don't like it!" She heard a feminine voice say, "You can leave for a little while for me and Lan-Lan to pick up his stuff!"
Ash didn't know if she wanted to cry for being cheated on, or if she wanted to laugh at the nickname Becky had given Lance. She gave a somewhat teary laugh. Not too long after, she heard the doorknob turn.
"Still have the key." Lance said teasingly, tossing the keys into open air just to catch them afterwards.
Ash wasn't facing them. It took all she had not to start crying as she spoke. "Might be a good time to turn them in."
He rolled his eyes and threw the keys to her, as he picked a couple of boxes off the ground. "Yours to keep. See you around, Ash." With that, he closed the door.
Ash laid her plate down and let herself lay flat at the couch, hugging her backpack, trying to avoid more tears. One tighter grip plopped a piece of paper from the bag. She picked it up. Pizza? But she never… She then proceeded to flip the paper, and instantly recognized the handwriting.
I will never judge your tears. Sorry for pushing you. If you need anything, ranging from a shoulder to cry on to a hug, or even if you just want to beat someone up until you feel better (although that'd be painful to me) give me a call. 956-4491
A/N: This is it guys, first chapter. :D
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