#i didnt even get notified of this omg im so sorry
lightofunova · 1 year
Munday: If you could write a letter to each of your characters, what would it entail?
i think this was from last week but i legit didnt get notified so sorry im doing it late waaaa
But oh boy there would be alot to write haha, I think I’ll focus on the few I have on blog rn and maybe one extra secret one as a surprise
Reshi: My daughter!! My bb girl!! I love her!! I would write and tell her that she would love to explore Unova and see all it has to offer! Don’t be afraid to accept change like I’ve been for so many years, embrace it and try to see the good in what has become of it! Dont let anyone stomp out her fire and to always keept that little spark in her that makes her unique, there is no other person or oc in the world like her and that’s what makes her special
Tor: Ohhh boy, there’s alot to this one LOL I would write to tone down his voice XD by like, alot. Even when normally speaking he’s loud, and it can get on peoples nerves sometimes, so he needs to be more courteous of everyone’s surroundings. Especially if using his powers. Also tell him to not skip leg day, and to try a different hobby!! He wouldn’t listen to me though lets be honest.
???: This boy omg, I love him alot. I would tell him to forgive himself. He has been through alot of pain and a big part is self inflicted through his own accidents and trying to hold himself accountable. He needs to understand that it isn’t his fault, and that he needs to forgive himself if he wants to move on, or else that pain and anguish he feels towards his past self will never heal and it will fester into something worse. He’s doing a good job, but he forgets that sometimes.
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hungryistrying · 2 years
okay bet
"So what?" She rolls her eyes. "Half the people in our school suck, I wouldn't even kiss them if they paid me." "Well, there's your answer." Jinx frowns in confusion. "What?" "You're so worried that no one's ever kissed you, but have you ever wanted to kiss someone?" She opens her mouth to retort. And then closes it with a frown. Shit, he has a point. It's true that Jinx doesn't have anyone specific in mind she'd like to kiss. She's just sick of being inexperienced.
this stood out to me because this was me in high school and undergrad and like everywhere until I realized I was on the ace spectrum and while I did like kissing people I feel less motivation to do it???? but when I was young I didn't understand any of that and worried I was just ugly, like Jinx does, so reading this was like awkward laughter and a flood of relief for being grown and knowing myself way better lmao
now I just need to find my own Ekko; as Assata Shakur says, a revolutionary woman can't have no reactionary man...
omg im sorry i didnt answer this 😭 tumblr didn't notify me i received an ask at all?
that aside, i totally get it from personal experience! i identified as aro/ace for the longest time bc i just...didn't have the urge to engage in romance/sex?
i'm unlabelled now but there was a lot of pressure in high school to conform to some sort of label, so that's what i went with. it's funny to see we both had similar experiences on that front, though
also i'm manifesting you find your own ekko soon 🙏
anonymously or not send an ask with one line from something I’ve written that really stood out to you or lingered with you
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pomfiores · 2 years
"Vil, a student from Pomefiore just glitter bombed me. Apparently, I was too bland looking so they decided to "make me sparkle" "
Cue Yu coated from head to toe in Glitter. The prefect was not amused, and his eye was twitching in annoyance
"Would it be wrong of me to hunt them down and exchange their makeup for drug store knock offs"
    If it isn’t one thing, it’s another.  Turning his attention from his conversation with his manager via text message to ... a spectacle of a prefect standing before him, Vil’s eyes flick down then back up as his expression contorts.  “ I don’t know which is worse, the fact that you’re accusing one of my students in such a manner or the fact that you couldn’t be bothered to clean up a little before tracking all of this into my dorm. ”
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    Sighing, Vil rose from his spot in the lounge.  “ I wouldn’t exactly fault them for that, either, considering you could get a new look... Fufufu...— ” Not like this, however. Despite the Queen finding some amusement in this.
  “ I can admire your desire for revenge — but I can’t let you just jeopardize my students skin with drugstore products like that. Messing with their complexion is a step further compared to messing with clothes which can easily be resolved. ” And don’t get any ideas with tampering with their dorm uniforms. 
  “ Blemished skin will take a while to correct again and I won’t jeopardize that when a photoshoot can be happening at short notice. ” They’re grown enough to know how to approach petty behavior.  “ Ugh, you’re sparkling all over my floors. Couldn’t you have had this conversation on a broomstick out the balcony? ”
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teathpaste · 5 years
Howdy there, Teath! I don’t have a Tumblr account, so this is the only way I could contact you, but I just wanted to say how much I adore your Incredibles OC! The Incredibles is one of my all-time favourite movies and seeing all the imaginative characters people have created since the release of the sequel is really making me want to create my own! (1)
If you wouldn’t mind me asking, would you by any chance still have that blank NSA template lying around? I’m not a digital artist, so I probably won’t be able to use it quite as intended, but I’m sure I could always just redraw it on paper (2)
Omg im sorry was this sent recently or long ago? My tumblr didnt notify me at all/// thank you so much for the compliment! The Incredibles is really incredible!! i’ve watched it so many times now especially the second part, such outstanding character designs! And yes I still keep it! 
here it is ! 
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I wonder if i should get back into drawing them :’)  I hope you’ll be able to see this answer even if this is sent a long time ago, have a good 2020! 
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come2brasil · 8 years
What is your favorite ziam moment
WELL HELLO THERE OMG U SENT THIS ASK ON CHRISTMAS AND I NEVER GOT NOTIFIED OF IT ?? im sORRY BUT IM HERE NOW with ALL THE ZIAM ITS BEen so long since ive even thought abt ziam properly like....... how do i answer this......alRIGHTY SO do i have a favourite moment wtf no yesmaybern im yelling a bit bc LIAM TWEETED ZAYN ZAYN LIKED IT LOOK ZIAM IS ALIVE AND WELL but favourite ? nah just quality ziam to start off the year the airport scene tbh like ‘i’ll try but i’ll miss you too much liam’ likeFUCK THEYRE SO PRECIOUS I JUST THIS IS SO REAL AND SO PURE AND like such a throwaway comment that clearly means something to them and like bc it was so offhand and natural  it MEANS THE IDEA OF MISSING EACH OTHER IS SMTH THATS HAPPENED A LOT like it takes a lot to miss someone buT A LOT TO SAY IT ALOUD YOU KNOW DO YOU GET ME DO YOU HEAR ME so thats really important and i think abt it a lot and i think abt this and im like .....damn. bc they really do mean a lot to each other and ahhhhhh do you rememebr that tIME WHEN ZAYN WAS LIKE ‘BIT OF A BROMANCE BETWEEN ME AND LIAM HE WAS TEXTING ME SAYING HE WAS MISSING ME AND STUFF’ like have we forgotten that happened bc i feel like these two moments can go together there we go thats ONE oK BUT UM the fact that they kissed like i mean just the waY HE TOLD THE STORY i lost my shit it was so innocent and tbh such a them thing to happen like ???? are u serious ?? we should have expected this maybe i should just say everytime they hug / trust fall on stage......................... thats a lot of times does it count as a moment......NO WAIT THAT TIME LIAM WAS IN FRONT OF ALL THE PAPARAZZI AND WAS LIKE ‘ IM STILL PROBABLY THE CLOSEST TO LIAM’ like lets talk tabt the definite pronoun here “THE CLOSEST” hold up i forgot to mention ziam hour didnt i oops you know what i cant answer this question properly there are too many moments for me to think about but maybe if i had to pick one id have to go with the Ill try but i’ll miss you too much liam just because it is something i will never forget and i swear i could tlak about this for hours just helP im suffering 
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