#i do have a tablet i could technically use 4 drawing but its supposed to be for school its hooked up to my moms apple account n like
steakbones · 4 years
me: :D time to draw! i have so many good ideas and actual motivation to do this for once :D!!!
my painting program: *crashes before i can even finish sketching the head*
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Run And Don't Look Back Chapter Ten
Summary: Running from her past she finally settles down in a new town. But as it turns out, helping the wrong person will throw her even deeper in the life than she had ever been before.
Word count: 4 168
Warnings: angst, bit of fluff, fear, panic, mentions of torture and injury, MOC!Dean
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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"Okay, let me get things straight," Sam said, "you've been having visions since we rescued you from Crowley and didn't tell us about it?"
Jane ran a hand over her face with a sigh. They had asked her to tell them about all of her visions and she had, but that still didn't go well with either of the brothers; Dean had gone to the store right after she had finished and Sam had been pacing around the room with a dissatisfied frown for the last five minutes.
"I know how it sounds, but I thought-" she stopped to correct herself, shutting her eyes in frustration, "- I hoped they were just dreams." She was sitting at the table in the Library and watched as Sam finally took a seat opposite to her. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but she was glad that Dean wasn't in the Bunker; she was on edge ever since their conversation in the Kitchen. Sam wasn't possessed and that was a good thing, but Dean's behaviour that morning was something else. Her heartbeat quickened every time she remembered the way he had looked at her - with so much anger, so much hate. And the way his whole body vibrated, like he was getting ready for a fight... She shook her head to stop her streak of thoughts.
Sam leaned on the table with his elbows. "And it had never happened before?" He seemed genuinely interested, concerned even, so unlike the anger she had feared she would receive from him.
Jane shook her head. "No, never," she answered honestly. Dean hadn't shouted at her, but he didn't need to to let her know he was angry; his silence and quick departure said enough.
Sam frowned and leaned back in his chair. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. Jane's heart sank at the words. There was the anger. "Why didn't you tell me when I found you here? I mean- you told Dean."
Jane swallowed hard before answering, trying her best not to let her voice shake. "I- I was afraid you were still possessed by the angel," she confessed, shame weighing her down. Sam's face softened slightly at her words. "I don't have the best experience with them," she added, trying to explain her actions more to herself than to Sam.
Sam cleared his throat. "Yeah, well, that makes the two of us," he said with a soft smile.
Jane felt the corners of her own lips twitch upwards slightly as weight lifted from her chest before her face returned to a concerned frown. There was more behind Sam's words than just being possessed; something had happened, that much she gathered from Dean, but felt like it wasn't her place to ask. Not being able to control her own body, seeing how her hands did things... she knew that feeling. It was personal, way beyond the awkward friendship the two of them had began to build. She absent-mindedly rubbed the back of her neck where her anti-possession tattoo was before a yawn took over and she lowered her head to hide it. Heavy silence fell on them. Jane could nearly taste it on her tongue as her throat tightened. She anxiously watched Sam, trying to figure out what to say next to make the situation better. She had already argued with Dean before, but didn't want to go through that with Sam as well.
"I'm sorry," she said softly after a moment.
Sam's eyebrows shot up. "W- why are you-"
"I should have told you," Jane didn't let him finish and lowered her gaze.
Sam shook his head with a faint smile. "It's okay, you told me now," he answered. But Jane wasn't convinced.
She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her forehead and chin wrinkled with anxiety. She opened her mouth to talk, but shut it without making a sound; she wanted, no, needed information, but Dean didn't want her to be a part of their problems. But she wasn't one to take orders from anybody and Dean was not an exception. The corners of her lips shot up with that realisation; she might have been injured and tired, but she wasn't going to be useless. Not when she could help. She remebered the way Dean's hands clenched and a muscle in his jaw twitched when he looked at her before he had left. She quickly pushed the memory aside.
"What happened to him?" Jane asked. "To the angel that possessed you, I mean," she explained quickly.
Sam ran a hand through his hair. "He, um, he works for Metatron," he answered hesitantly, visibly uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading. Gadreel was still a sensitive topic for him, the memory of what he had done too fresh.
"And do you have a plan on how to take Metatron down?" she asked, leaning forward.
Sam watched her with a scowl. She wasn't even trying to hide how interested she was. She knew Dean wouldn't tell her a word about what was going on, but Sam wasn't as stubborn as either of them and they all knew it. He noticed a scar on her bottom lip, now clearly visible with her skin so pale. The bruises on her face were nearly gone, but she looked far from healthy; the first word that came to Sam's mind was fatigue.
He cleared his throat to stop his thoughts. "We don't," Sam admited, "not yet."
Jane furrowed her brows, deep in thought. "But even if he's playing God, he's still an angel, isn't he?" she contemplated out loud.
Sam sighed. He knew he shouldn't tell her what he was about to tell her. Dean was against the whole idea of dragging her into this mess, but then again, she herself was like a smaller, younger version of Dean. It wasn't just her determination and stubborness that reminded him of his brother; he had seen Dean build up his walls many times over the years and he had seen Jane doing the same, not wanting to bother anyone with her feelings and struggles, even if she had let him in the morning before. No, he wasn't about to hide this from her. He knew she would find the information one way or another, presumably losing sleep which she desperately needed.
Sam breathed out sharply, his lips pressed into a thin line. Jane held her breath in anticipation. "He is, technically," Sam said. "But he's... stronger." Jane furrowed her brows in confusion. "Do you know how to capture an angel?" Sam asked her.
"A ring of holy fire," she answered matter-of-factly.
Sam nodded. "And Metatron just- he just blew it off, like it didn't affect him."
"But- but that shouldn't be possible," Jane argued. "Holy fire is supposed to work even on archangels."
"It does work," Sam agreed. "But we think Metatron is drawing power from the Angel Tablet which makes him kind of invincible."
Jane blinked and pursed her lips. "The Angel Tablet?" she repeated hesitantly. "As in the- the Word of God?" Sam nodded. "Wow," she exclaimed with a shake of her head and ran a hand over her face. That was way beyond anything she had ever faced before, even with the Men of Letters. How were they supposed to kill something that powered itself with God powers?
Sam watched her with concern. "You still wanna be a part of this?" he asked. He saw her struggle, but what he saw wasn't fear, not even anxiety. It was something else.
Jane cleared her throat and sat up straighter. "Yeah," she said with a nod, "yeah, I do." There was determination in her eyes as well as her voice, not a sign of hesitation in her whole demeanour. She wasn't scared. She wasn't afraid of the consequences of her actions. The time when she could turn her back on big problems was gone. It was time to make action and she wasn't one to back down. Not now. Even if she couldn't fight, she still could do something.
She hadn't even noticed she had clenched her hands into fists, but Sam had. He saw a hunter, not just a kid like Dean did. She knew what was at stake and even then she didn't back down.
"Okay," Jane said to herself, "so-" she rubbed her hands together and looked up at Sam "- we need a plan."
Sam felt the corners of his mouth shot up. Yes, they did need a plan, but couldn't make one unless they knew how to get to Heaven.
"So, we know that Metatron is powering up with, um, the- the Angel Tablet which basically makes him a God," she summarized. "Which means that in order to kill him we need to get the Angel Tablet," she continued slowly, her face twisting into a frown. "And the Angel Tablet is in a secure location... and the best one would be in Heaven." She sighed at the realisation. "Which leads us back to square one, because we can't get to Heaven." She ran a hand over her face to cover another yawn. "Great."
Sam patiently waited for her to come to the same conclusion as him. "Yeah," he breathed out.
She raised her head. "And your angel friend doesn't know anything new?" she asked hopefully. Even though she knew his name she didn't like the idea of using it any more than the idea of actually meeting the angel.
"Cas?" Sam asked. He was surprised that she even thought about him considering the two of them had never even met. She was thinking of all possible sources and Sam could see the military training she had talked about when she had first mentioned the British Men of Letters. He cleared his throat to sort his thoughts. "No, he- he doesn't know anything new."
Jane leaned back in her chair in resignation. "Great," she repeated. Another yawn forced its way through her body. She blinked a few times to clear her vision before clapping her hands together. "Okay, back to research then," she said in a tone that sounded far from happy.
"Maybe you should go to bed," Sam suggested as he watched her fail to hide another yawn.
"Why?" she asked innocently, but her voice betrayed her, sounding breathy and tired.
Sam sighed. "You were yawning the whole time we've been talking," he pointed out.
Jane grimaced. She thought he hadn't noticed, but was wrong, obviously. She shook her head. "I'm fine," she said, "and we have work to do." She reached for the book she had been reading the day before, but Sam stopped her, laying his hand over hers. Heat was radiating from his body. She reluctantly raised her eyes to look at him.
Sam's face was crooked with worry, his forehead wrinkled and his lips pressed together tightly. "Is it because of the visions and nightmares?" he asked sincerely.
Jane lowered her gaze. She noticed how huge Sam's hand was in comparison to hers. It wasn't hard for her to see why Dean was trying to keep her away from what they were dealing with, but she had to make him see her as more than just a kid. "A little bit of both," she admited hesitantly before she gave him a shy smile, silently laughing at herself, "and the fact that I'm used to sleeping with a gun under my pillow."
Sam chuckled. "Yeah, me too." He watched as her smile disappeared in a matter of seconds before he spoke again. "I can get you a gun if you want."
Her head shot up. "Really?" Jane asked in disbelief and withdrew her hand. "Aren't you afraid I'll shoot you or something?"
Sam laughed at that. "You had plenty of time to kill us both," he answered. "So no, I don't thing you'll shoot us." He furrowed his brows. "Unless you can't shoot."
"Are you making fun of me, Winchester?" she asked playfully.
Sam raised his hands in surrender and shook his head. "Never would have dreamed of it," he answered.
They both laughed, but Jane's smile froze on her lips. Breath hitched in her throat when she remembered the way Dean had looked at her and she quickly placed her hands in her lap, resisting the urge to curl into herself. Sam looked at her with concern, the light atmosphere disappearing. She wasn't afraid of nightmares; she had been having them her whole life. But she didn't want to fall asleep and see the elder Winchester doing what she had thought he had been ready to do in the Kitchen. She shook her head at Sam's silent question. "Nothing," she said, "it's nothing."
Sam watched her with worry. "It doesn't look like nothing," he commented. Her face was twisted in thought; forehead wrinkled, eyes cast down and her lips chapped from where she had been biting them.
"Does Dean seem nervy to you?" Jane asked instead. "Angry almost?" Sam had asked her whether she wanted to talk about things multiple times and she knew he would try to get her to talk eventually. Dean on the other hand never made her share things she didn't want to talk about, not since they had arrived to the Bunker. He hadn't pressured her into talking, just stayed close and made sure she was alright. He hadn't pressed her even after she had told him about her family and still hadn't said anything about it when Sam had returned from his run. But right now she needed to talk.
Sam blinked, surprised by the question. He knew what she was talking about and knew the answer. The Mark of Cain. The Mark made him always be on edge, ready to fight. But the brothers had agreed to keep it a secret, at least for now, until they found out more about the Mark and more about Jane.
He cleared his throat. "Did he- did he hurt you?" Sam asked hesitantly.
Jane's eyes widened. "No!" she answered quickly. "No, he- he never..." she trailed off and fell silent. He hadn't, at least not intentionally. But had he wanted to? She had seen the way he had looked at her, the way his eyes bore into her and his body shook. She had pushed her fear aside, but what if it hadn't been just a normal feeling? What if it had been her instincts trying to warn her?
"Jane?" Sam asked after a moment. Her eyes were unfocused and she had bitten her lip so hard it started bleeding.
She finally snapped out of it and raised her head, looking around the table. Her eyes landed on the white container with painkillers. She didn't even flinch when she forced five pills down her throat, not bothering to wash them down with anything.
"I think I'll go to bed," she said quietly and stood up. She needed answeres and even though her visions had so far given her just more questions, but she had to give it a try. Whatever had made Dean behave the way he had, she was determined to find out. Sam shot to his feet and quickly walked to her to pick her up. Jane stopped him with her hand on his chest, keeping him at arm's reach. Her blue-green eyes were wide with realisation. "You don't see me as a kid." It wasn't a question, but Sam shook his head nonetheless.
"No," he said, "no, I don't." He had shared everything they knew with her and didn't try to persuade her to back down once. Jane watched his face with wonder; he cared about her and yet he didn't bench her, making her feel completely useless. She let her arm fall down to her side.
Sam picked her up carefully and carried her to her room without a word. He could feel her eyes on him the entire time. He set her down on the bed and left to find a gun for her.
When he came back she had already changed into an oversized T-shirt and fuzzy socks and had let her hair fall freely down her back in shiny ginger locks. She was facing away from him with her head down, her fingers absent-mindedly running over the cuts on her arms.
Sam cleared his throat.
Jane turned to him with a faint smile, but Sam could see through the facade. The painkillers were taking effect and made her eyelids heavy and her mind numb. She hadn't been thinking about anything, just let her hands wonder over her wounds in hopes of staying awake long enough for Sam to come back. Sam came to her and awkwardly handed her the gun.
"I probably don't have to tell you to be careful," he said while watching her examine the gun.
It was a black Beretta pistol with stainless slide. Jane was trying to fight off sleep, but didn't even have to think when she checked the gun was safe and loaded, the actions automatic after years of practice. She made sure the safety was on before she looked back up at Sam, who fell silent at her movements. No, he really didn't have to tell her to be careful.
Sam cleared his throat. "Alright," he said with a hesitant smile, "call me if you need anything." He turned to leave, but Jane caught his sleeve. Sam looked at her expectantly. She was barely awake, her breathing even and her eyelids heavy.
"Thank you, Sam," she whispered, "for everything."
Sam didn't even get a chance to reply before she fell asleep.
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She had seen the room only once, but that was enough for her to recognise the subtle changes from how she remebered it; everything seemed brighter and warmer - all the things the Dungeon wasn't supposed to be. Her breath hitched in her throat when she noticed who else was in the room; Crowley. He was chained up in a chair right in front of her, unable to do anything, but she still felt her heartbeat quickening and her breathing becoming heavier.
It was him. The same person who had tortured and starved her for days. Who was responsible for her having been in a coma. Who had sent demons after her. Who had made sure she would most probably never hunt again.
She was shaking. Her clothes stuck to her body with sweat. She couldn't let it happen again. Tears prickled her eyes. She had to get out of there. She had to get away from him. But as much as she tried, her body was frozen on the spot, shaking in fear, as memories of torture invaded her mind; blood pooring out of her wounds, smell of burned flesh, her knee-
"What do you want, then?" Jane jumped. She had been so focused on Crowley she hadn't noticed Dean and a dark-haired man standing next to her. The stranger's voice was deep and rough with unsaid threat.
"Well, for starters..." Crowley said and stopped to think for a second. "A massage." The stranger next to Dean rolled his eyes, but Crowley wasn't finished. "Between the sitting and the shackles, a body gets a little stiff." His voice haunted her. It brought back memories of hunger and pain. But those weren't the worst ones; the moments when his touch had become almost comforting, when he had caressed her cheeks or wiped away her tears, those were the ones that terrified her.
"Yeah, I ain't rubbing you," Dean responded, discusted by the thought.
"God, no. Get Kevin," Crowley purred. "His tiny fists can really work wonder –"
"Kevin is dead," the stranger interrupted him.
Crowley seemed to be taken back by that. Who was Kevin? "Oh," he only said before falling silent again, his face impossible to read. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't pretend you care," the stranger said harshly. He walked towards Crowley and leaned with his hands on the table. "You tried to kill him."
"I told him this was gonna happen," Crowley responded almost sadly. "I was the only person who tried to warn him." He fell silent for a split second, his eyes baring through the man in front of him. "I told him to run."
"From what?" Dean asked. He sounded tired, defeated even. When was Sam in all of this? She had always seen the brothers together in her visions.
"You," Crowley answered simply. "How many times am I gonna have to say this? People in your general vicinity don't have much in the way of a life-span."
A sound made Jane whip her head around, but when she turned the warm colours of the dream began to blend together. She remembered all the times her visions ended this way, but this time the colours swirled together and didn't fade. They made her head spin and she felt like she was falling. She tried to catch onto something, her fists grasping the air, unable to draw in a breath. And as soon as the last vision disappeared, a new scene shaped in front of her. She breathed in deeply. The feeling of falling was gone, but her head throbbed and she knew something was different.
She was in the War room and saw Sam and Dean talking, but even though she heard them, the meaning of their words escaped her. She was standing, felt the hard floor under her feet, but at the same time, she was lying down, curled up in bed, feeling the soft covers around her body. She shifted her hand, but it didn't move, at least not in her vision. But in reality, where her mind was right on verge of consciousness, her fingers curled around the handle of a gun.
There was a noise, the same one that had made the Dungeon disappear. She watched the brothers, saw their lips move and heard them form words, but couldn't focus. Her head was spinning and the floor seemed to sway under her feet. There was nothing she could do as her body hit the ground. She tried to keep her head up, tried to hold onto the vision, but her sight was blurry and she could feel herself slip.
The same noise sounded again, louder this time. It seemed to be closer and Jane quickly looked around the room, but found nothing. She could hear her frantic heartbeat in her ears. Her breathing changed into panicked panting. And then her surroundings started to blend together once more. The colours swirled and danced in front of her eyes, hugging her with their warmth, and she could no longer feel the cold ground underneath her.
She caught a scent. It was just a hint at first, a distant memory of male's cologne, but it intensified by second. She knew it, recognized the the bitter aftertaste it left on her tongue, but couldn't place it. She inhaled deeply, still floating in the warm blanket that remained from her vision. She felt like she was at two places at once; her body lay in bed, her injuries throbbing and stinging, but her mind was weightless, surrounded by the feeling of familiarity. She didn't think about the sounds that had made her so alarmed; her mind was at peace.
Her breathing was deep and even and the fresh scent of cologne remained. It was familiar and brought back memories of caressing touches she wanted to melt into. But then she smelled something else and her blood ran cold.
She no longer tried to hold onto what remained of her vision. She needed to wake up and she needed to do it now. The memories weren't pleasant or safe. Her heart was racing in her chest as she tried to push the layers of colours out of the way with her shaking hands. Panic clouded her mind. She had to wake up. She had to.
The colours began to fade. They became darker and darker, the false sence of comfort gone and replaced by blackness of remaining sleep.
Her mind and body became one. And yet, the threads of sleep weighed her down like stones in water. Her breathing was no longer deep and even, but changed into panicked panting, just as it had in her vision. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked away her sleepiness, forcing her body to wake up. She gripped the gun from under her pillow and aimed it towards the door, sitting up, all in one swift movement.
And there he was, standing at the foot of her bed with hands in the pockets of his dark coat, a smug smile on his lips. She knew the gun was useless. She knew she should scream for help to alert Sam and Dean, but any sound she wanted to make got caught in her throat. She tightened her grip on the gun, but every logical thought she might have had was gone, replaced by pure fear.
"Hello darling."
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ernmark · 7 years
Can I please have a vixen Peter sequel
Can I just say?
I love that we’re well into the seventh part of this particular series, and all this time the unwritten part is always referred to as the “Vixen Peter Sequel”.
I actually thought of a plot point at work a little while back, and I mentioned it to a coworker. To which she goes “oh, you’re writing this story now? What is it called?”
“Uh….” And honestly, I have no idea. Because all this time, I’ve always been calling it “Vixen Peter”.
Gonna need to come up with a better title before it goes up on AO3…
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
I’ve had some pretty bad hangovers, but they’ve been nothing like this. I squint against the light that hits my eyes, but it doesn’t hurt like it usually does. My vision is swimming– usually that stops by the time I pass out– and I usually don’t get as nauseous as I am right now.
The ceiling over my head is too close, all neutral tones painted over riveted alloy plates. 
This isn’t any bar I’ve ever been to, and it isn’t my apartment or my office. And I… I distinctly remember drinking at home. A bottle of bottom-shelf rotgut I had stashed under the sink. And sure, it tasted kind of funny, but that comes with the territory of “bottom-shelf rotgut I had stashed under the sink”.
But it wasn’t just that, was it?
I try to sit up, and my vision sloshes again. My thoughts are slow, but I can rub enough brain cells together to draw a conclusion: I’ve been drugged. 
I’m too busy trying to figure out which way is up to notice the other person sharing the cramped berth with me until he speaks. “Oh, good. You’re awake. I was starting to worry.”
I whirl to face him, and it feels like the inside of my head decided to keep spinning without me. I think I’m gonna throw up, but I manage a glare. “Where– where the hell am I?”
He looks down at a tablet in his hand. “We are… passing through the Solar asteroid belt at the moment, from the looks of things.”
“The as–” Oh god. I’m on a spaceship. “How the hell did I get here?”
“It wasn’t easy,” Peter admits. “You’re heavier than you look, Juno, but I can be quite resourceful when I need to be.” 
It’s a non-answer if I’ve ever heard one, but it tells me enough. “You kidnapped me.” Which means… “You drugged and kidnapped me.” 
“I rescued you,” he says, like this whole goddamn thing is just a matter of semantics. “I take it you’ve never read A Tale of Two Cities?”
He waves me off. “Never mind, it’s ancient literature. These journeys get rather dull if you don’t bring reading material.”
Right now I have half a mind to slug him, but I’m pretty sure I’d miss. “We’re getting off the topic that you drugged and kidnapped me.” 
“I didn’t have much of a choice,” he says– no, whines. He abducted me, and he’s got the nerve to whine about it. “The police were closing in. If I waited much longer, they would have caught you. I wasn’t about to let you rot in prison.” 
“Are you serious?” I’m practically shrieking. “Fleeing the planet just makes me look guilty!”
“But you are guilty,” he points out.
“That was entrapment and you know it.”
“That’s what I said, but the officers didn’t seem to care. In fact, they didn’t seem particularly interested in whether you were actually involved at all.” He sniffs indignantly. “I can see why you quit the force. You’re in better company without them.”
“I didn’t quit,” I mutter under my breath, but my mind is elsewhere, and I’m still too foggy to multitask. “If you actually wanted to help me, you wouldn’t have drugged me to do it.” 
“You were fairly clear about not wanting to see me again. I didn’t think you’d actually listen if I tried to reason with you. You might have turned yourself in, just to spite me.”
I huff. “Come on. Like I’m that petty.” I am, and I know it. And judging by the look Peter gives me, so does he. “Why do you give a damn what happens to me, anyway? I’m nothing but your fall guy, aren’t I? That’s all I ever was to you.”
His expression softens. “Oh, Juno…” And he reaches for me.
And that’s the last straw, more than the drugging or the kidnapping or the fact that he fucking dragged me into this mess in the first place. There’s plenty of time to be pissed about that later. But after all of that, he still thinks he can just bat those pretty eyes at me and I’ll be putty in his hands again? How goddamn pathetic does he think I am?
I slap his hand away before he can touch me. “Don’t even start. I’ve had enough of your lies.”
“Alright.” He sits back, putting more distance between the two of us. “Then turn me in, if you don’t trust me.” 
I glare, but my head is still too foggy to process it. “What?”
“Turn me in if you don’t trust me.” He’s completely calm and composed. “There’s a marshal on this ship with the authority and equipment to detain me. It isn’t as though there’s anywhere for me to run. I’m at your mercy, Juno. Do with me what you like.”
I swallow. There are a few dozen things I’d like to do to Peter, and handing him over to the authorities is pretty low on that list. I’m pretty sure Peter knows that.
Lacking a snappy comeback, I drag himself out of the berth and stomp away. Peter doesn’t try to follow me.
I wander the public halls of the ship, feeling lost on more than a few levels. This is all actually kind of new to me, beyond the drugged-and-kidnapped bit. I’ve  never been on a spaceship before. I mean, I’ve considered buying a ticket and leaving Mars for good, but I could never quite justify it in my head. Where would I go? Why would it be any better out there than in Hyperion City?
Technically now I have the chance to find out. It’s either that or go back and spend the rest of my life in prison over a grudge and a misunderstanding. It might not be all that bad, going out into the great big world and seeing it all firsthand. Maybe Peter might be able to recommend a few good places to start–
“Not going to happen,” I say aloud, and immediately I get shushed by the occupant of a nearby berth with its hatch still open. Frustrated, I keep moving. 
Peter’s a criminal. The last thing I need is to get even more involved with the likes of him. Shady morals aside, that’s a fast track to getting stabbed in the back.
But Peter tried to plead my case to the police, didn’t he? Why the hell would he risk talking to the cops when they’re actively investigating him? Or did he do that at all? Did he make it all up? And if he did, how did he know about how much the cops hate me? It’s not the kind of thing I ever told him myself, after all. 
Dammit, I want to trust Peter. More than anything. But I can’t. I shouldn’t.
I keep walking.
It’s hard to keep track of the exact layout of the ship, but I try anyway. Most of its mass is taken up by passenger berths, some of them large enough to accommodate couples, like the one I woke up in, while others are only meant for a single occupant. They’re not big– long enough to lay down in, tall enough to sit up, and not much more than that. There are larger, more luxurious suites cordoned off to one side of the ship (the back, maybe? It’s hard to be sure), kept separate from the other spaces by a little public area that’s probably meant to resemble a park. At least, it’s painted green and there are a few potted ficuses scattered around. The park is mostly there to let passengers stretch their legs; most of the several-day trip is meant to be spent sleeping or reading or watching the in-flight entertainment.
Which would be fine if I wasn’t trying to avoid my bunkmate. 
I can only make so many laps around the ship before I take a wrong turn and wind up in front of the berth I woke up in. Peter’s still inside, reading something off a tablet and sprawled across the small space in a pose that shouldn’t be nearly so sexy. 
He looks up with a bright-eyed smile that has quite literally brought me to my knees. 
“Ah, Juno,” he says warmly. “Did you enjoy your walk?” He glances over my shoulder. “I see that the marshal hasn’t come for me yet.”
“Not yet they haven’t,” I mutter under my breath. 
But Peter just beams at me. “I take it you aren’t planning to turn me in, then?”
“Maybe I’m still making up my mind.” 
Peter’s smile turns indulgent. “Come now. You won’t be stuck on this spaceship forever, Juno. Once we dock on Europa, you’re free to go anywhere you like. To the Outer Rim, back to Mars– or perhaps somewhere else entirely.”
I keep my mouth clamped shut. Nevermind that I was just thinking the same thing. It’s not going to happen. 
It doesn’t help things in the slightest when Peter puts down the tablet and comes crawling toward me on hands and knees in the narrow berth. It paints a picture that I really, really didn’t need in my head.
“We could go together, you and I. We can sell the loot and live a life of thrills and decadence across the galaxy, always running, never looking back. We could have quite a time together, Juno. Who knows what kind of trouble we could cause?”
I almost bite through my lip trying to remind myself that I’m not interested. Because it does sound like an adventure. Like everything I could possibly want. Only I’m not supposed to want something like that with someone like him. 
“I should turn you in.”
“And yet you haven’t.”
No, I haven’t. And I already know I’m not going to.
I turn around and walk away.
It’s been hours.
My comms isn’t good for much right about now, but at least the clock still works. Unfortunately, all it’s showing is how very slow time can move. 
I won’t go back to the berth– not when Peter’s still in there– so instead I walk laps around the ship. Just endless walking, round and round and round.
No wonder I never hear much about space travel. It’s really boring. 
When my legs get tired and my feet hurt, I slump down in the park and checks my comms again.
Six hours down. Just… sixty-two left to go.
A shape steps between me and the nearest shrubbery. “Have you been enjoying your new exercise routine?” Peter asks.
Not this again. “Go away.” 
Peter just crouches beside me. “You can’t keep avoiding me forever, you know.”
“Doesn’t have to be forever. We’ll be docking in a few days. I can hold out that long.”
“Can you?” He sounds concerned. “The body needs sleep, Juno. And the flight attendants aren’t about to let you nap out here.” 
‘The body needs sleep’? Sounds like a challenge. “Watch me.”
“Then take the berth now. I’ll wait out here if you want; you can lock it from the inside. All I ask is that you talk to me.” 
I’m about to point out that we’re talking right now, but that might just invite more of a conversation. “I don’t owe you anything.”
“You–” He stops himself abruptly. When he continues, his voice is lower. “No, you don’t.” 
It’s about goddamn time he figured that out. “You lied to me, you used me, you drugged me, you kidnapped me, you let me think–” I clamp my mouth shut before I say something I’d regret. He let me think he could love me. “There is absolutely no reason why I should want you in my life.” 
I throw myself off the bench and stumble to my feet. My legs feel like jelly and I stagger, but I keep marching because I can’t take this anymore. I’ve just had too much. It needs to stop now.
“Then what do you want, Juno?” Peter calls after me.
“I should–”
“I’m not asking you what you should do or think or feel. I’m asking you what you want.” 
I don’t turn to face him. I can’t, because he’ll see it in my eyes.
I want to be his. I don’t care if that means being his muscle or his fall guy or his side piece or whatever. I want him, and I hate myself for it.
“I…” I scrub a hand down my face. “I’d really like to lay down right now.” 
“Alright, Juno.” His voice is soft. “I hope you sleep well.” 
I don’t need help finding the berth– not after all the times I’ve rerouted my pacing to avoid it. After all that marching, it feels amazing just to lie down. 
I pull the hatch door shut after me. There’s a lock on the inside, just like he said. I can lock him out and avoid him for the rest of this trip.
I leave the door ajar.  
I don’t know whether I’m disappointed or relieved when I wake up alone.
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neon-skies95 · 8 years
Tagged by @sketchesanddoodlesandthings​
So I’ll tag @artimus-maora​, @spaceferrari​, and @141-point-12​. Do what you will.
Favorite Place: My bed. It’s warm and will never harm me.
Relationship Status: Single. 
Favorite Color: Orange,
Pets: Currently deceased.
Last song I listened to: Keep on Loving you by REO Speedwagon
Favorite TV show: That’s a good question... Generally when I watch something, I rarely re-watch it. I guess Courage the Cowardly Dog then, that’s the one I re-watch the most.
First Fandom: Power Puff Girls and Barbie. That was in the old-time when I was a wee bab.
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime and cartoons. It used to be drawing, but that’s kind of my job now.
Books I’m currently Reading: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Also slowly making my way through Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
Favorite book: Phoenix: Future by Osamu Tezuka
Name: Mia
Nickname: just use shortened version of my URL, neon. the internet using my real name just feels weird.
Sign: Scorpio.
Height: 5′1″
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw. 
Favorite animal: Echidnas. They don’t have boobs so they lactate out their pores. They’re the raddest.
Time right now: 10:10 am.
Average hours of sleep: fuk
Cat or dog person: Dog. If I touch a cat, my throat closes and I run the risk of dying.
Favorite fictional character from Harry Potter: Norbert
Number of blankets you sleep with: ∞
Favorite singer or band: The Protomen. u thought echidnas were the raddest thing holy shit these wonderful ppl are 10x as rad
Dream trip: Tour of Japan. Just roughly half a year to explore the whole country. Learn some shit, buy some shit. The works.
Dream job: Character design for a video game company. I’m currently a level designer and concept artist for video game courses, so I’m getting there.
When was this blog created: long-ass fucking time ago when i was young and dreamed of glory
When did your blog reach its peak: haha wat the fuk is that?
What made you decide to make a tumblr: Most of the links to my OTPs traced back to tumblr and I had some friends already on it, so I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon.
5 things you’ll find in my bag: My laptop, at least 2 different chargers, my tablet, some pencils (most broken), and headphones.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: There is no bedroom, only plush toys.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Sleep all day, play all night, travel the world, learn at least one new language, and be productive. Some of these things contradict the others on this list...
5 things that make me happy: Cartoons, sleeping, plush toys, the cheesiest of music, and good scenery.
5 things I’m currently into: Pokemon, Sherlock Holmes, Transformers, Metal Gear, and sleeping
5 things on my to-do list: Required reading, meetings, finish MGSV, finish Birth by Sleep, speaking of sleep...
5 things people may not know about me: I’m a huge history buff and I like to learn as much as I can about history from different points of view. There are about 4 boxes of plush toys in my permanent home and at least 1 more still in the basement. I was a “Sherlockian” before the BBC show came out, and to this day I still prefer the Granada series. I started my love of Transformers and Pokemon roughly around the same time, and they’ve stuck ever since. Speaking of which, I have 2 other blogs: @thatcleffa (Pokemon) and @djblasterblastinrightatya (Transformers, but also just robots in general).
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs
(most of my music comes from Spotify, so I’ll just use my biggest playlist and go from there)
1: Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf
2: Live & Learn: Crush 40
3: Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
4: Science Fiction/Double Feature - Richard O’Brien/Rocky Horror Picture Show
5: The Stand (Man or Machine) - The Protomen
6: December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
7: The Trooper - The Protomen (it’s a cover of the original)
8: Flash - The Protomen (also a cover)
9: Opening Ceremony - Bjorn Skifs/Chess
10: Shia LaBeouf Live (Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf) - Rob Cantor
A - Age: 21
B - Biggest fear: My home going up in flames. C - Current time: 10:45 am. Time flies. D - Drink you last had: Water. Gotta stay hydrated. E - Every day starts with: reluctance F - Favorite song:  Will of the One by The Protomen G - Ghosts, are they real: i mean, they could be H - Hometown: Michigan. That’s a state not a town, but you get the idea. I - In love with: my bed. my one true love. J - Jealous of: Those who can actually draw. Also those who can pet cats. Please stop teasing me for my inability to touch cats. It’s a dick move. K - Killed someone: ur a nosy one arent ya? L - Last time you cried: like, last week. maybe last night. M - Middle name: Frances. N - Number of siblings: 1. Younger brother. O - One wish: infinite wishes. then i can do whatever. P - Person you last called/texted: My future Dungeon Master. We’re starting a one-off campaign this Friday. Q - Questions you’re always asked: Is it Mia or Maya? (when the fuck has it ever pronounced Maya???) R - Reasons to smile: my bed. it’s waiting for me. im coming my darling, just a few more hours...! S - Song last played: Keep on Loving You - REO Speedwagon T - Time you woke up: 8:00 am. Wasn’t technically awake until 8:05 am. U - Underwear color: They have the Avengers on them. V- Vacation destination: This Spring break I’m going to LA! Mostly for business reasons, but it sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun, too! W - Worst habit: I bite the inside of my lip a lot, and I grind my teeth and generally don’t realize it until my jaw hurts or my head aches. The latter is reason for most of my dental issues.
X - X-rays you’ve had: Mouth and arms, and one time my leg.
Y - Your favorite food: I can’t really choose one because if I eat too much of one thing I get sick of it. Oreos, Nutella, and lava cake are currently at the top there.
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
1. What can’t you sleep without? I sleep a lot easier with at least one plush to hug. 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? I have one pair with cute little Pikachus all over them and another pair with cute little sheep all over them. I try not to wear them when I have to walk a lot so they don’t get holes. 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? I really like soup... like a lot. Especially if there’s a lot of noodles and meat. It’s generally my go-to if I need a pick-me-up or can’t find anything appetizing on a menu. 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny and warm with a hint of a breeze. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? Get something warm (like soup), and get cuddly in bed with my plushies. Also some Youtube. 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? Book stores. 7. What color do you wear the most? Red and occasionally dark green. And a surprisingly large amount of black. 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? Pokemon.  9. Any guilty pleasures? “One Night in Bangkok”. The song is from the concept album/play Chess, and the song is about an American chess player being a douche in Bangkok. I don’t think we’re supposed to sympathize with him, but it can be pretty cringe-y. It’s very catchy and it’s terrible. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? It would be so rad to go to Destiny Islands from Kingdom Hearts. Preferably as a kid. idk, my current age on an island of kids would be weird.
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How to Hack SnapChat Accounts
Free Article Spinner Online - No Sign Up Needed!   Snapchat Hack On the internet HOT We have just noticed the positive purpose of installing a Snapchat hack system. To generate them, you'll want to upload an image with a transparent background (or use 1 of Snapchat's premade templates ), upload it to , pick a date, time, and place for it, and submit it to Snapchat along with your payment. As nicely, you are going to have the capacity to save Snapchat files and appear at them, through the app's manage panel. http://www.artfulchange.org/ Snapchat Hack is an straightforward to use tool that can be downloaded and installed onto any desktop and mobile device which will support you to hack any snapchat account quite straightforward for free. Each with password you will be in a position to grab telephone number, messages, images and logins stored on the target device. In contrast to other Snapchat Spy providers, we do not charge you any funds or ask your credit card information. Element of that consists of that we made our Snapchat hack in such a way that it automatically makes you entirely anonymous. Following all, the folks at Snapchat claim that sound is a big part of what makes Snapchat videos so attractive. Absolutely everyone who has worked on this app has had at least ten years of expertise & experience in hacking, from functioning in the skilled field all the way to the dark side of the community. Hackers appear to have posted account information for four.6 million customers of quickie social-sharing app Snapchat, creating usernames and at least partial telephone numbers accessible for download. You can use the hack on an Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, and on a Windows laptop. It can also help reduce video lagging whilst you happen to be recording videos utilizing the app. We identified a way to get into one particular of its servers, which enabled to obtain access to millions of accounts on Snapchat, while staying entirely invisible and anonymous to Snapchat. When you go back onto Snapchat it will then show the lenses that were obtainable on the day you have chosen alternatively. How Can I Track Mobile Phone%2c WhatsApp Calls Records%2c WhatsApp Text Messages Our hack is basic and efficient to use, security attributes have been implemented to hold your usage anonymous. If you are going to do that,” Platco told the Day-to-day Dot, why not just upload a whole Photoshop file?” Other individuals take into account it important to protecting their operate while crafting complicated pictures in a young and buggy app. Enter a e mail address of your account and then choose choices of the hack for instance: Download Images and so forth. Snapchat ‘s recognition has only increased considering that its debut, but for initial-time customers, the experience can be a bit daunting. Say you want to draw a rocket ship, but you are not an artist. Just select the rocket ship emoji and trace over it. Everyone will feel you are a Snapchat doodle master. This iPhone app will a individual to to watch just about all of the content material on cable without possessing the high monthly payments. The hack comes days soon after an Australian firm, Gibson Safety, warned of vulnerabilities in Snapchat's app which it stated could be exploited by hackers. Initial off, it will assistance point devices usually are supposed by four.three.x: iPad, iPad two, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation). On the iPhone, just go to Settings”, scroll down to the Snapchat icon and make certain the toggle is switched on by Camera”. Men and women mainly re-size emoji on Snapchat to replace their head and/or the heads of their buddies/pets/significant other, often to hilarious impact. Although we initially located a technique of getting in a position to screenshot Snapchats by utilizing Airplane mode and force-quitting apps just before the app could notify the sender, the strategy no longer works. The worst-case scenario is when hackers ransack a user's account and adjust not only their password but also their email address, phone quantity, and other speak to information. Snap, the firm that runs the show for the immensely well-known social network Snapchat , wants to make the app as entertaining as it possibly can be to make confident folks stick about. Whilst it may not be the most technical resolution to the difficulty, if you are desperate to preserve an incoming Snapchat for whatever explanation, use your tablet or a friend's smartphone to record the snap as you open it. Our Snapchat Hack no survey is almost undoubtedly the best Snapchat Hacks that can be on the net. You will require to spend for a subscription in order to access the power of mSpy for Snapchat. Lastly, I completely comprehend why folks would want to hack a Snapchat password. Such customers are usually banished from use of the app by merely banning their IP address from the Snapchat app servers. Today we present you the ultimate Snapchat Hack, a spy application which will help you to monitor over all previous conversations of your preferred Snapchat account. Throwing on an added filter or three on your Snap is much easier after a recent Snapchat update. The hackers behind the internet site that published the data stated they had exploited the security flaw highlighted by Gibson Safety. There are other methods to hack snapchat that are free of charge, but these are complicated things that only professional in IT Security and Hacking field would be in a position to comprehend and to perform such operation.
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