#i do in fact note all of the no sleeps that have surreal estate n house horror
anissapierce · 4 years
Hey, I saw your recommendations for seafaring pods and I was wondering about those shortform seafaring anthology episodes! Thank you so so so much for all of these recs
Alright cool! Ill go thru the anthology podcasts i listen to soon pick out the episodes.
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oliviayamaoka · 4 years
Evan MacMillan (Trapper) x reader continuation
It had been nearly a year since you were released from the realms. But, despite the time, the trauma and nightmares never went away. You heard the familiar chuckle of the Nightmare when you fell asleep, you’d hear the Clown laughing, and the Huntress humming when you were in public. None of it was real of course but it still stuck with you. Sometimes you wondered how the other survivors dealt with the aftermath of stuff. How was Evan?
Evan. You researched the MacMillan Estate, it was real. In this reality but you weren’t sure about the time periods you were taken from. You planned to go eventually but returning from the realms was overwhelming. Seeing your family and friends again was amazing but you also needed to catch up with life. You were gone for a total of four years yet never aged. You tried explaining to your family what happened but they didn’t believe you. And now, you were in therapy. The cops also asked you questions and assumed it was a case of trafficking or a kidnapping. Still, they refused to acknowledge the fact you didn’t age. Time was a strange concept nowadays. 
However, none of this stopped you from loving Evan. You knew he was real and you could never forget the pain the Entity brought down on you. You took notes and planned to drive to Washington without a word. You would have gone sooner but your family kept you off the grid due to the things you’d shout in your sleep and the whole story behind the realms. It was understandable yet frustrating. It angered you to think everything you went through was invalid. It made you feel even more alone now, knowing that nobody else knows what happened in those realms. Nobody knew what it was like.
Y/N sighed as she slid on her coat over her sweater. It was a cold day but it was now or never. You had a good dream last night, it was about Evan. Your lips curved into a happy yet solemn smile as you thought about the idea of spending your life with him. The two of you talked about it while in the realms. You never really thought about romance or the idea of spending your life with somebody until you met him. It was bizarre, falling in love with somebody who was supposed to make your trials a living hell. The Trapper, they called him. Y/N got into her car, still thinking about him. The smile never left her face. She had only hoped that Evan was from this timeline but didn’t keep her hopes high since she met Laurie and Steve, people from the 70′s and 80′s. It was a crazy experience.
Hours Later
The MacMillan Estate. You broke into a cold sweat as you lifted your hood over your head, exiting your car. Y/N was happy to have finally found it but the memories of being hooked and tortured were still fresh. Your eyes shut as you took a deep breath to relax yourself, no killer can hurt you now. Nobody ever will. Your hand subconsciously rested on the side of your chest where you’d have been hooked over a hundred times. 
Your eyes opened after a moment. You had to be brave, to see what became of this place and if Evan was here. Your eyes averted towards the gate. Y/N walked towards it. It was chained but loose. During your research, you learned teens would come to look around the place. Y/N’s hands fumbled with the old chains before finally being able to pull them out of the gate’s handles. The gates were pulled opened and Y/N took a step inside. It felt too surreal to see the familiar buildings and the brick walls you’d vault over. The only difference being was that there wasn’t a killer shack or any hooks anywhere. It was evening yet it wasn’t as blue as the realms version of the place. 
Y/N shut her phone off as it vibrated and kept her hands in her pockets as she walked through the Estate. She smiled as she recalled a funny encounter with Yui and Feng, the three of them would joke around and make the best out of their situation whilst working on a generator near the coal tower. Another memory popped up, she remembered talking with Felix about the architecture of McMillan Estate. He said the place was fixable. It was funny because Evan saw nothing wrong with the place. Y/N unknowingly chuckled as she walked towards the main building, thinking about the good times she had with the others. It was nice to recall those memories, she hoped her friends were dealing with the situation well. 
You stopped near a old workshop table and noticed a metal welding mask. Y/N was quick to pick it up and observe it. Evan would sometimes wear these masks to trials but he only wore it when fixing traps or making them. Your thumb brushed against the metal feeling of it, it was old. As you held it, you observed the rest of the items that were on the workshop table. There were some old blueprints and other stuff. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the initials ‘E.M’ written on one of the tools. Your eyes rested in relief as you got some sort of confirmation he did truly exist. Still, your eyes watered in both relief and sorrow. You longed for his touch, for his firm hold on you to keep you from going crazy again. 
“Come back to me.” You whispered as you wiped away your tears. 
You took a few moments to yourself, holding the mask close to your chest. Y/N sighed deeply before turning around with it still in hand. You figured you should do some more investigating. 
“You’re on private property.” A gruff voice from behind you said. Y/N gasped in shock, not expecting anybody to be around. 
You whipped around, dropping the mask, Your heart was already pounding. The person had given you a good scare, YN’s hands trembled but quickly stopped when she made eye-contact with the much taller man. His expression also seemed to drop when he was able to see the hooded person’s face. It was Evan. Your mind was processing a million things in the moment as the two of you stared at one another in shock.
“Y/N...?” He asked lowly, having his own doubts about timelines and realities. 
“Evan.” You managed to say as his expression lit up. Through your tears, you laughed in joy and relief. It really was him.
Without any second thought, you both rushed towards one another. He hugged you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Y/N smiled widely as tears streamed down her face. Oh, how you missed his firm hold on you. Evan was still somewhat in shock but he kissed your head. He missed your scent and the feeling of you in his arms, safe and loved.
Y/N looked up at him, cupping his cheek in her hand. Your thumb brushed against his upper cheek, it was an amazing feeling that consisted of sweet relief and tenderness. No Entity. no interruptions. Nothing. Just you and Evan at last. There was a look of sadness and love in Evan’s eyes. All that mattered to him now was that you were here with him. 
“I couldn’t find you and I wasn’t sure if...” He said to you in awe.
“It’s fine, it’s okay.” You say to him as you both lean in for a kiss afterwards.
The kiss was passionate and long. Your hand rested over his on your lower cheek. After the moment had passed, you both pulled away but never broke eye-contact. A single tear fell down his cheek. You’d never seen Evan cry, even if it was just one tear. He kissed the palm of your hand as you smiled warmly.
“I missed you so much, Evan... I-I wasn’t sure if we were in different time periods or whatever. I would’ve came sooner but my family was being crazy and I-“ You said as he interrupted you.
“That doesn’t matter anymore... You’re here now.” He said to you.
All you did in response was smile widely in happiness and hugged him tightly as he lifted you up, twirling slightly. It was such a rewarding feeling, finding him again and not feeling so alone.
Evan felt the same. A part of him felt empty after being released from the Entity. He felt relieved he didn’t have to be tortured by it again to hurt people. Especially you. It took him a bit to get adjusted to being back in the real reality. He never did stop thinking about you.
Maybe you could indeed live the life you two fantasized about whilst stuck in the realms. Either way, only time will tell.
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hitsuackerman · 5 years
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 1
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At age 10, (Y/N) (L/N) became one of the first Hashira's along side her mentor Sakonji Urokodaki.
However, despite the honor of becoming a Hashira, she does not see herself fit for the title. Only Urokodaki and Ubuyashiki know about her breathing style.
10 years have passed since that faithful day. Now that the Hashira's have grown into 10, she starts to open up to her fellow demon slayers. One of the newer Hashira's catch her attention. The one with the mismatched haori.
-I do not own Kimetsu no Yaiba. None of the characters nor story do not belong to me. -I will try to incorporate some scenes of the anime ;)
-this is also in ao3/quotev/wattpad :)
You slowly sheathed your sword back to it's scabbard.
It was a full moon tonight and you admired the silence the forest had to offer. Each chirp the crickets produced, the sound of a nearby river flowing with nature, and a random owl hooting in the distance effectively calmed you.
Still gripping the handle of your Nichirin blade, you reminded yourself to regain control of your slightly trembling body. It took a considerable amount of effort but you managed to take control and used full focused breathing once more.
Feeling that your senses were now tranquil, you opened your eyes. In front of you were the remains of seven demons. All had their heads severed. Save for one of which you ended up disintegrating. But that was your goal so it was alright. Blood stains were now present in your haori. Your haori had absorbed a decent amount causing it to droop a bit.
Tonight's one on one training was rather... unique. Instead of using nature, Urokodaki decided to take you into the woods to see how far you had developed your breathing style.
"You seem to have trained behind my back, (Y/N)."
You hadn't noticed that he was now beside you. Both of you now staring at the full moon.
"The blade hates being sedentary."
The moon cast a yellowish glow to the rocks and grass. Whatever demon you had slain, they were now non-existent. A gentle breeze embraced the two of you. In your own absurd way, you liked to think that the wind was the way of demons saying thank you for releasing them from the curse given to them. Whether it's true or not, you didn't really care.
"Shall we head back?"
Heading back to the water estate, the comfortable silence between you and your teacher got cut with a messenger raven.
"It still perplexes me how you managed to convince Ubuyashiki-sama to give you a raven and not a crow." Urokodaki commented with a hint of pride in his voice. You were one of his protege's and being given a privilege to care for a different messenger bird was a small accomplishment.
"(Y/N) (L/N) to report to Ubuyashiki-sama."
"Even managed to train it to talk calmly. As expected nonetheless." He gently patted your head. "I will be fine on my own, proceed with utmost caution (Y/N)."
Without waiting for a reply, you watched your teacher walk towards your home. His light blue kimono glistened a silvery hue once the clouds showed the moon's presence once more.
"Leggo, Karasutori."
Nipping on your palm once, Karasutori took flight and lead you to the Ubuyashiki manor.
Though the distance wasn't too great, it took a good 30 minutes of walking (granted you got lost). When you finally arrived, you were greeted with his children. Despite people claiming them to look magical, in your head, you still saw them as creepy. The way their gigantic eyes would stare at you always put you on edge. Thankfully, Ubuyashiki-sama has the Soothing Voice.
Tea was served as you waited for the 97th leader to arrive. Fiddling with the chains at the of your handle, you only noticed that each chain had a red glossy finish.
"Good evening, (Y/N)."
"Ubuyashiki-sama." You gave him a bow. Looking at his face sent pain through your veins. You had made it a personal mission to somehow find a cure to his curse. Though you had no clue as to how, yet.
"I see you have quickly mastered your breathing style."
"Not all ten yet, Ubuyashiki-sama. The 9th and 10th are a bit difficult, but nothing too much to handle."
"Sakonji-kun has taught you well."
Simply nodding, you shifted a bit in your seat. In all honesty, you were tired from the training session. You started from morning and barely took any rest.
"What is my purpose here, Ubuyashiki-sama?"
"I have heard and seen your abilities, (Y/N). You see, my foresight has shown me that you will achieve many in the near future." Taking a sip of his tea, he stared at you through his blank lavender eyes. "It is about time you become a Hashira."
"Huh?" Taken aback by his statement, your jaw hung loosely as you processed what he had just told you.
"Become a Hashira, (Y/N). You have all the skills and mastery to be one. I have already informed Sakonji-kun. It is now up to you to grab the opportunity or reap another future."
"I would love to... But my breathing style, Ubuyashiki-sama. It's not suited to be a pillar."
"Can I still live with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"For the time being you may, but in due time, you will have to live in your own estate."
The picture of having your own estate boggled your mind. The estate would probably be dark and empty as hell.
"Alright. If it brings calm to your foresight, then I will agree."
As a token of his appreciation, he instructed Kiriya to get a box from his personal quarters. When Kiriya arrived, he held onto a rectangular box. The box was matte black tied together by a gold ribbon. The tips of the ribbon were raggedly cut and stained with black. You couldn't help but smile at the beauty.
With the box in front you, you carefully pulled on the ribbon and lifted the lid.
Inside was a haori. It had a geometrical pattern consisting of red, white and black. The hems were lined black. Lifting it up, you could feel how soft the material was. It was far better than the haori you had on. This one felt luxurious.
Taking your haori off, you carefully folded it and placed it beside you. It was only now you saw just how battered and blood stained it was due to the light of the room. Embarrassment entered your system till you wore the new haori.
In an instant, you felt calm and collected. Whatever thoughts than ran through your head slowed down. It felt as if a huge burden was taken from your shoulders.
"Ahh, you can feel it."
"Is this supposed to happen?"
"Only to that one. That haori of yours is a special one. I specifically made that for you. It's calming, is it not?"
"What if I outgrow this?"
"Inform Amane. She will make one tailored to your height."
This time, you couldn't contain the smile anymore. You continuously thanked and bowed to the leader till he excused you from his manor.
The journey back to the water estate felt surreal. This morning you were nothing but a 10 year old trainee under Urokodaki. Now, you were a Hashira. Running now, you couldn't wait to feel the happiness of your mentor. He had raised you and taught you everything you had to know despite not being able to use Water breathing techniques.
By the time you reached the estate, you could smell the aroma of soup coming from the building. Opening the doors, you were met with the familiar red mask and a bowl ready for you.
"You make me proud, (Y/N)..."
With a pounding heart, you ran towards your mentor and gave him a gratifying embrace. This was not a shock to the masked man since he knew you saw him as a father figure. Patting your back, he could feel the sense of calm engulfing the two of you. Realizing what their master had done, caused him to hum in content.
Letting go of your teacher and waiting for the soup to be served, you fiddled with your haori. Even your blade felt much lighter and clearer.
After finishing dinner, Urokodaki motioned you to follow him to the patio.
The sound of the river was relaxing as ever. The cool breeze that swept your faces, occasional frogs croaking in the distance, and the sound of the cackling fire made things fall into place.
"Yes, Urokodaki-sensei?"
"I am stepping down as a Hashira."
You weren't surprised. After being with him for a good 4 years, you could somehow read his actions. He wasn't too keen on the Hashira lifestyle. If given the option, he would rather live by the woods and chop trees. He did mention he would still train but only if he sees the person fit. Though you were not going to deny, it caused a bit of sadness on your part.
"I understand. Will you still train me if I ask?"
"Of course. You are the exception."
"Where will you go?"
For a moment, only the sound of the rushing waters could be heard.
"I am not sure yet, but I shall send my crow when I settle."
Nodding your head, you stood up and excused yourself. Leaving your teacher to ponder on his thoughts. Exchanging good nights, you silently closed your door and flopped to your futon. Loneliness slowly taking over you.
Dragging your futon near your window, you took in the moonlight. It usually managed to soothe your insomnia. 
Though you didn't really mind, you decided that it was time for you to better know who the others were.
One main reason why you chose not to was due to the fact that you were too young and they seemed to be coming and going. Ever since you received Karasutori, you had recieved multpile announcements saying that this hashira had perished in a mission. It just grew to you to avoid the unwanted pain of losing someone you know.
Sleep finally took the best of you.
Waking up with the rays of sunlight blessing your face, you exited your room only to find breakfast ready. Along with a note slipped under the bowl of rice.
You were alone once again.
Knowing that sulking wouldn't make a significant change, you ate your food and took a bath right after.
Taking a piece of paper, you scribbled a small note and attached it to Karasutori.
"Send this to Tecchikawahara. If you make it back in 3 days, I'll give you mochi."
"Bribes. Always with bribes." Your raven replied before speeding his way out. "Make it 3!"
Grabbing your haori and blade, you slowly made your way to the common training grounds. It's time you finally acquanited yourself with the others.
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