#i do know it's a collaboration with someone and i don't blame them for taking up the offer
vivalasthedas · 1 year
sims 4 released another overpriced kit consisting of content you can get better of for free, and it's called Modern Luxe. So it's meant to be like fancy and luxury.
The bed has an energy recovery rate of 5.
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ngl kinda curious what happens if mc gets shipped with one of the nobles more often than the kings instead?
You know the AO3 ship popularity chart? Let's say they did one of those for the "child of Solomon" fandom.
Mod Jjok: The most popular ship with Mc for this month is... Mc x Sitri! With over 20k words in the longest running fanfiction on the ship reaching peak popularity in the middle of the month!
Dantalian: Sitri? Isn't that his majesty Satan's blood bag?
Glasylabolas: It turns out he has a name.
Paimon: I think this must be mistakeeeeen. I just recently wrote in collaboration with Astaroth a 25k words fanfic about Mc x Satan
Eligos: Oh, I mass-reported that one. I would apologise about that, but demons can't lie
Paimon: You're so sillyyyyy
Paimon: You just lost cuteness session priveledgessss
Eligos: :'(
Eligos: It was for the greater good of Tartaros
Bimet: Very noble of you, Eligos
Dantalian: Bimet! You fucking bitch, where's my MC body pillow????
Eligos: @Dantalian please take this in private we don't vibe with this negative energy here
Dantalian: Speak for yourself, I vibe with it!
Gamigin: Guys, what happened????? I was asleep, it's like 5 AM in here.
Gamigin: HOLY FUCK
Gamigin: How did Sitri of all people win????
Paimon: I mean, he's not that baaaaaaad
Gamigin: 20k words isn't even that long! How?!
Gamigin: I think we all have to come together to break the two up
Gamigin: Sitri is a common enemy and we shall stop him!
Dantalian: I'm sharpening my knife as we speak.
Gamigin: His Majesty Lucifer said I'm not allowed to leave Paradise Lost :'(
Dantalian: And?
Gamigin: And ... what?
Dantalian: He's not your dad! Even if he was, you don't have to listen to him. Do you think I listen to everything his majesty Asmodeus tells me to do? No. He may be my dad and my king, but I am in control of my own future.
Glasylabolas: Preach brother, preach
Gamigin: But I don't want to go against Lucifer's orders
Dantalian: Pussy
Glasylabolas: Pussy
Dantalian: First! Suck it old man!
Gamigin: Wait, doesn't Paimon live in the same country as Sitri?????
Gamigin: @Paimon, dearest, could you please kill Sitri for us? At least tranquillise him or something. Make sure he doesn't move anymore.
Paimon: I'm not murdering Sitri over thisssss
Paimon: I'll just ask him if it's true he's dating Mccccc
Dantalian: I think we should vote on Sitri's fate
Glasylabolas: Absolutely. I am for democracy.
Dantalian: Knife or gun death?
Glasylabolas: I prefere knife. Gun's make everything messier. How am I supposed to get arroused by a pile of guts?
Dantalian: Ask Ronové or Phenix and they'll tell you
Dantalian: I once saw Ronové remove an angel's intenstines and fucking them
Eligos: That's why nobody wants to visit Abaddon.
Dantalian: In his defence, it was kind of hot
Glasylabolas: I can imagine
Glasylabolas: I should call Ronové again...
Dantalian: He charges for one night stands now cause Abaddon lost its health care recently
Gamigin: Yeah, Morax told me about how you started getting curious about his eye hole.
Dantalian: I don't even blame Ronové for that one. I'm also curious what happens if you cum down someone's eye socket.
Paimon: Ok guyssssss
Paimon: I talked with himmmm
Paimon: It turns out that he just had a lot of black tea recently and wrote 20k words in a dayyyyy
Paimon: And a lot of people read it because Asteroth recomended it on his bloggggg
Dantalian: ah, yeah, shipping
Dantalian: Asmodeus x Mc for the win
Eligos: In your dreams
Dantalian: Yes. I do dream about that often.
Dantalian: I don't even know why y'all care so much for Mc's sex life
Dantalian: Having sex with only one partner is boring
Gamigin: Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
Dantalian: Only if you make me
Eligos: I'm going to mass report it
Gamigin: I already did <3
Sitri: All of you are so mean
[Mod Jjok stopped comments on this post]
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AITA for being in a music duo behind my friend's back?
<3 <3 <3 (So I can recognise it) I (18M) have this friend I'll call A I really appreciate (19Gender Complicated) and we've both wanted to be in a band forever. I can sing, but I've never been in a band before. This friend wants to write lyrics and maybe play keyboard. I like writing lyrics, but I figured he could do keyboard, I could sing, and writing could be collaborative. I gave him my keyboard to learn on but I don't think he's touched it due to pathological demand avoidance, which I get.
I have this other friend I'll call B (18M) who can play guitar and drums and is pretty good. He wants to be in a duo with me partly because fun, partly because art, and partly because he needs any extra money we might get from busking or gigs. I'm super down, and the band me and A tried to start just never really worked out so I was super excited. We've written a couple songs and it's been amazing! Our flaws as musicians really balance out, as I've never been good at the chords and instrument of things, and B doesn't sing or write lyrics.
But I feel like I have to keep it a secret from A. A has been feeling left out of the friendgroup at large for a few months now. Because I'm the closest to him out of our friendgroup, he sometimes blames me for not inviting him to hangouts with the others, even when I'm a guest at someone else's house and don't control the guest list. It's like, a whole thing. I know that if I try to tell A about my duo with B it will NOT go well. A will take it as a rejection, and me leaving him out again. But truely, I want to make music with both B and A, it's just things with A never got off the ground and things with B are. B and A aren't super close and probably wouldn't want to all be in a band together for several reasons that don't matter much to the ask past explaining why I don't just make a band with both of them.
AITA for being in a duo with B behind A's back? I really don't want to hurt A, but I don't know how to tell him and realistically I can't hide my duo with B forever.
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jazeswhbhaven · 11 days
An Unslighty Guy | React | SPOILERS
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So there really much to this part of the story it's literally just these two clowns pranking each other each meeting and I found that c r a z y lmao because???
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Sitri gave this man a blank report
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Amy smashed a pie in Sitri's face the next go around (lmao what is happeningggg)
Sitri starts laughing and everyone is like "oh shit" because I'm willing to bet it's not the genuinely "that silly Amy" laughter it's the "I'm going to fuck him up so bad" laugh
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Ppyong calls it as he sees it lmao they both childish at this point
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Okay so let me observe something.
Ya'll notice how Sitri's pranks are literally like the worst possible thing you could do to inconvenience someone? Like give them blank reports to follow during the meeting, stick your thumb in your fucking food? And then Amy's is literally just little hahaha I smashed your face with pie and gave you dressing instead of a drink. I feel Sitri's are more on the meaner side because that's just how he is or maybe he's really trying to prove something to Amy on how much he just can't stand the man.
Anyways Amy proceeds to eat the pudding to prove a point but then sits close to Sitri to play footsie kick his shins til they're bloody and I'm like SIr how hard you kicking????? holy shit?
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Now this right here I don't blame him for doing that because nah why you kick me so hard I'm bleeding? No chair for you, fam.
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Amy is stubborn asf lmao
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Belial is fucking right because the more they fight...lol
Also...is Jjyu cryin'? He looks sad or scared or something I barely pay attention to the little bab because he's so tiny lmao
So now Gehenna has made it to where these two fighting every five years is literally like a thing to come and watch and take bets I guess or support their fave on who would win.
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I'll have you know Amy, I like black tea but only if it has milk and sugar in it. But I'm also not a girl so nvm lemme mind my business
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Now Sitri...don't sleep on canned coffee. I don't drink coffee but that shit is convenient. Just pop and there you go. Ain't gotta wait for the kettle, the pot, none of that. Though I do love the fresh smell of coffee.
They need to leave Ppyong alone like clearly he doesn't want to pick a side, damn.
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i wanna make a comment but i'll refrain lmao sometimes my humor can step on some toes and i'd rather not.
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Astaroth should be my therapist because ain't that the truth.
Anyways, the discussion here is that since Amy and Sitri never fought together on the same level it could be really bad if they do have to defend Gehenna and they won't be able to collaborate or get along on the field and that would cause issues.
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And ofc everyone is worried that it would be dangerous for Gehenna in the long run if those two don't find common ground.
Astaroth has a simple approach about it, to simply just enjoy the chaos and take things as they come. Anything could happen anyway even if there isn't impending doom shadowing over their country.
But with the ending saying that "it" happened...it seems that our goth devil friend here actually manifested something just by even saying it outloud and you know what???
That shit often happens to me too. Like I'll literally be like "damn I hope xxxx doesn't happen" and then it fucking happens.
Well lovelies...let's see what awaits us on day 4!
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astralleywright · 17 days
How do you feel about Orym's deal with Morri?
There was something kind of funny about Liam getting increasingly obvious - 'ORYM HAS DARK VINES IN HIS VEINS. YOU CAN ALL SEE THIS.' and it still going unacknowledged, but now it just feels like a damp squib. (to me at least)
anon i had no fucking idea what a damp squib was. i thought you mispelled squid. it makes perfect sense now that i've looked it up-you damn british-and i agree but i was SO confused about what squids had to do with any of this
anyways, onto the actual answer-yeah. it's a shame, because its one of the most interesting decisions Orym has made, and maybe the most interesting one that has managed to stick around and inform the character, but. it's been treated so underwhelmingly so far that its hard not to think about it as such.
and i don't blame the other hells at all, really. they were on the moon! and then FCG died and who knew if Orym's deal was relevant any longer! one of their own spontaneously learning to teleport is just an average tuesday for them! (as i've joked before, they might just think its ashari shit! [FCG voice] he's doing it! his aramante!)
as someone who's been playing a similarly reticent and repressed character for the last year and a half in a weekly COfD game, one thing i quickly learned is that if you sit back and wait for the other pcs to ask, you might be waiting a really long time. if you're waiting for the other pcs not just to ask but to push and prod over your continued avoidance, you might be waiting forever. the other players are fallible, and probably don't know your character as well as you, and have their own characters as well as a billion other things to focus on. they may be too wrapped up in their own problems or the problems of the pcs who already shared to (or might simply be playing a character that would not) ask about yours.
take the confession during swordgate: it was in the middle of a tense situation where one of the party members (Laudna) was in clear emotional distress, two of them (Imogen and Ashton) were completely focused on her, and two of them (Dorian and Braius) didn't know what Orym even meant by it or that it was a secret up to that point. that left Fearne and Chetney, and Chetney may or may not have been asleep at the time. so that leaves Fearne. she clearly clocked it and has the most reason to care, but Fearne is honestly even more emotionally repressed and avoidant than Orym, and with all due respect to Ashley, she is not who i would rely on for "initiating rp conversations" and "remembering things."
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(Also Fearne tried to check on Orym earlier that day and this was his response, so like.)
TTRPGS are collaborative, yeah, but i would argue that part of that is not leaving the responsibility of your own character’s development largely to the other players. Or if you do, accepting that you might be playing a character whose vivid inner life remains entirely hidden, and also that that might not be as interesting to the other players as the things they can readily interact with. Which makes it less likely for them to follow up on it, and so on, until "sold the rest of my life to a hag to protect everyone" kind of feels like a damp squib.
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laladellakang · 1 year
crossover episode (mila)
masterlist | wattpad
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italics dialogue = english | bold dialogue = japanese
this chapter is not canon, and is just for funzies. this is a collaboration with @enmi-land with her enha oc (who is also poly), mila!
kang della and milana bai in the same room?! is this a crossover episode?! (pls tell me you get this reference)
contains: 4.6k words, a bit (or well... kinda a lot) of angst but a happy ending!, mentions of cheating (mainly jay)
What the fuck just happened?
I asked to be dropped off at the convenience store near our dorm. I needed to buy some toothpaste, and I was perfectly fine with walking back. It had happened many times before without any issues over the (almost) three years we've lived here.
Until now. Though it's not anything I could ever explain.
As I was about to enter the building, someone behind me called my name.
"Della," she said quietly.
"Ah, 안녕하세요," I bowed nervously. Her hood was up, and a mask concealed her face. If anything were to happen, I wouldn't be able to describe her features. I was terrified. (annyeong haseyo = hello)
"Don't hate me. And good luck. I won't take long, I promise," she slowly made her way closer.
The moment she uttered the words 'don't hate me,' my instincts kicked in, and I discreetly tried to retrieve my card from my pocket. When she started getting closer, I didn't care anymore and tapped the card reader without hesitation.
But the doors open and close automatically. Of course she would catch up to me.
"Wait!" even if I ran as fast as I could, it's either the stairs or the elevator, both of which would take a lot of time. 
She barely did anything to me. All she did was touch my back as I rushed up the stairs. Though I suddenly felt intense dizziness, and felt as if I were floating for a moment, before returning to normal.
She was nowhere to be found afterwards and everything seemed the same..
Yet, somehow, everything felt different. It was as if the air and the overall atmosphere had changed. I couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.
Perhaps it was magic.
What if she's a witch though... Witches scare the shit outta me.
I don't know what she did, but I do know that I have to hurry home before anything else happens.
I just wanna get home and cuddle with whoever's free.
Taking a deep breath, I entered the dorm using the combination.
My heart sank as soon as I stepped in.
Female shoes. Ones that are definitely not mine. 
Nausea overcame me, and my breathing became heavy as tears welled up.
No. Della, don't. You trust them. She could be anyone. No one is cheating on you.
What if it's a sasaeng? Did that girl break into our– no. Most, if not all, of the boys should be home. They would have done something if someone had broken in.
It can't be a relative either, as we would have informed the group beforehand.
Then who is she?
"I'm home," I managed to say in a normal voice, trying to hold back the tears.
I heard panicked shuffling and quickly wiped away stray tears before they could see me.
You're strong, Kang Della. Don't show any weakness or insecurity to whoever this person is.
And there she was, someone I had never met or seen before.
She had made herself at home, wearing loungewear and her hair styled in a messy up-do.
Her eyes were wide, mirroring my previous vulnerability, and her breathing was heavy.
And she was stunning. Her freshly-dyed blonde hair contrasted with my midnight black one. She was tall (though not as tall as me, judging by how high she reached the shoe rack), with a small face, big eyes, and plump lips.
Honestly, she reminded me of myself, but in a different font or something. I don't think she's Korean.
"Who are you, and how did you find out where we live?" she asked me fearfully. "How did you know the passcode?"
Just wow.
I know that in situations like this (or at least what it's looking like), the blame should mainly fall on the cheater rather than the person they cheated with.
But she just referred to my home as hers. Ain't no fucking way.
"Where YOU live?" I scoffed, licking the inside of my cheek. "I'm sorry– who are you, and why are YOU here?"
That's when I noticed she was wearing my favorite Jay-shirt. It felt like my heart was being crushed, and I could feel the symptoms of a panic attack creeping up.
My sweet Jay. Earlier today, he woke me up and told me I was the most beautiful woman in the world. How lucky he felt to have me. His eyes showed sincerity. Was it all a lie? How can someone so lovely be so cruel?
"I live here. Who are you, and how did you know the passcode?" she responded, a bit more sternly. What the hell?
"This is Enhypen's dorm. I live here," I said, in disbelief that she didn't recognize me, even though she's dating a member of my group.
Shit. That stings. Park Jongseong fucking cheated on me.
Confusion crossed her face, and she was about to say something when we were interrupted by more shuffling.
We both turned and saw an angry Heeseung.
"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" he said sternly, pulling her behind him to protect her.
Heeseung too? My protective Heeseung who got angry at the other members if they left me unsupervised after my injury.
Now he's protecting her instead of me?
My heart started pounding, and it became harder to breathe.
"Heeseung-oppa?" I said in a small voice, feeling incredibly betrayed.
"Who are you?! Get out of our house before we call the police!" he raised his voice at me. The boys had never spoken to me like that before, especially not in such a harsh tone.
"I live here! Lee Heeseung, what are you saying?!" my voice shook as a few tears escaped.
More commotion followed, and this time all seven members appeared. Even Jake, who I could see peeking from the side of the wall.
Is he... afraid of me?
My Jake who was scared of the girls in I-Land but became so comfortable with me that his golden retriever personality came out. Now he barely wants to see me?
"You don't live here. Who are you?" Jungwon stepped forward. My Jungwon. Enhypen's leader who is ready to protect everyone despite being maknae.
But why isn't he protecting me?
"I—" the sight of all my boyfriends turning against me and defending this girl became too much. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate, and a panic attack was on the verge of consuming me.
Shit. I haven't had a panic attack in so long and the fact that my lovers are the ones to trigger it is insane. Everything was perfect just this morning– what happened?
"Breathe. Take your time," Oh my Sunghoon. So incredibly precious. Always reassuring and giving me reminders since day one.
"Sunghoon," Heeseung scolded.
"She's going to have a panic attack! How can she explain anything?" Sunghoon reasoned. "Niki, get her some water."
"No, Niki. She should leave. Now," Sunoo said firmly. "I'm calling the police." My Sunoo, our sunshine. We've had our squabbles, but I've never been this scared of him. Now I understand what people mean when they say he has an intimidating face.
"Wait, wait. What's your name?" Riki asked. "Calm down a bit. Tell us how you got in," he approached me and gently rubbed my shoulder. I tend to forget that he's still so young since he hates when I remind him of our slight age gap. My Riki is too pure sometimes. He's doing this when I'm a stranger to them. 
It suddenly hit me.
Shit, why didn't my brain work faster?
I'm a stranger to them. They don't know who I am.
It breaks my heart but I should at least introduce myself so that they know I'm not a threat.
Was this the working of that bitch (no Della, don't call her a bitch, you don't know her) who used witchcraft? Did she erase their memories or something?
"Jay-hyung, call the police," Riki switched languages, probably to ensure that I don't understand.
"Wait! Don't call!" my eyes widened, instinctively grabbing Riki's wrist. "I'm not a crazy fan, I swear!"
"Let go of him," everyone said in unison.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hold him. It was a reflex," I let go and took a deep breath. "My name is Kang Della. I'm a member of Enhypen."
"I'm sorry, what?" Sunoo scoffed. "We only have two female members in our team."
"What the fuck is happening with the world?" I couldn't help but chuckle humorlessly. "Have I gone insane?"
There's no fucking way that what I'm thinking is what happened.
"Alice?" I simply asked.
"What is Alice... answer us– what do you mean you're a member of Enhypen?" Jungwon asked.
"Did I do that thing from Everything, Everywhere, All at Once?" I leaned against the wall, clutching my aching head. "Just give me a second."
I have officially gone insane.
Even if I did 'multiverse hopped' or whatever you call it, I have officially gone insane. My head fucking hurts.
This is why I am afraid of witches.
"Can you please answer us?" Jake asked in a softer voice.
"My name is Kang Della. I was born on March 16, 2003. I'm from Seongbuk-gu, and in 2020, I participated in a survival show called I-Land," I looked up at their faces, hoping to see some recognition. Some looked in disbelief, while others seemed slightly annoyed.
"I made it into the final lineup of Enhypen. Seven boys, two girls. It was you seven plus me and Alice, but Alice left shortly after, so I was the only girl," my eyes welled up with tears at the thought of them not remembering me after everything we went through. "I live here. This dorm has been my home for almost three years. I was attending a class in university, and suddenly I came home to... to this."
"You expect us to–" Heeseung was about to say something when she cut him off. She moved closer to me, looking me in the eye. "Mila–"
"Do you have any proof?" she asked softly.
I maintained eye contact as I pulled out my phone. I let out a shaky breath when I looked at the screen for my Face ID.
The lock screen displayed a picture of us, my Enha.
I opened the gallery app, and a few tears escaped my eyes. I flinched slightly when Mila's hand reached out to wipe them away.
"Take your time," she assured me. Damn, she's sweet too. She seems perfect.
"Thank you," I whispered. My thumb hovered over the photo album labeled 'my forever.' I know I'm being dramatic but all I kept thinking was 'will I ever return to my world again?' "Here you go," I handed her my phone.
I watched as she scrolled through the pictures, but quickly averted my gaze to the floor. I really want to go home. I'm surrounded by familiar faces, but they're not my comfort people.
"Guys... These are actually you..." Mila turned around to show the seven. "And it's not even a look-alike, it's definitely you. This is the company building," Jay took the phone out of her hands to have a closer look.
I saw him tap on a specific video, and Shout Out started playing. It must be from one of our concerts. 
That's when I couldn't take it anymore. Again.
I broke down. A full-on panic attack.
"Oh my God," Mila wrapped her arms around me. "Let's get you inside. Niki, get her some water."
Hearing Shout Out made me think of four things at the same time:
One: How the hell am I going to get back home, and how long will it take?
Two: I'm all alone in this world/universe/whatever this is.
Three: I'm surrounded by people who resemble and act like my soulmates, but they're not mine.
And, four: I guess we're not together in every universe after all. I know it's probably impossible, and the guys were just trying to reassure me, but it still hurts. 
This is one of the worst reality checks I've ever received.
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Afterward, I didn't feel like doing anything. I didn't wanna eat, talk or look anyone in the eye. I just sat lazily on the couch and occasionally observed this Enha. I could sense that Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, and Sunoo were more cautious around me, while Jungwon, Jay, Mila, and Niki tried to attend to their "guest."
I also noticed a little something else.
I ended up spending the night, sleeping in Mila's bed while she sleeps in Kiara's since the other female member was away for two days.
Just like our schedule, theirs have a two-day break.
I overheard a few members canceling their plans because of me, which made me feel incredibly guilty.
I didn't want to stay here, but if I had left, Mila would have come with me, and that was a hard no from all the male members.
Mila hadn't left my side since my panic attack. She was doing everything she could to make me feel better, and I truly appreciated it.
That's why, when we're finally fully alone, I immediately tried to initiate a conversation.
"Are you dating any of the boys?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.
I needed to be sure. I wanted to confirm my observations.
Also, after hearing her talk with Jake, I noticed that she's fluent in English and had an Aussie accent. It seemed like she was more comfortable and fluent in English than in Korean.
"What?" from the corner of my eye, she seemed startled but relieved to hear my voice.
"All seven of them, perhaps?" I whispered.
She remained silent for a few moments before answering quietly.
"Yeah. All seven."
I let out a deep breath and nodded.
She's just like me.
"I noticed the way you look at each other," I said. They were trying not to reveal anything in front of me, but eyes don't lie.
It hurt even more knowing that this universe's Della wouldn't be with this Enha. Why would they when they have this goddess of a member?
I would've cried if I had not exhausted all my tears.
"We didn't want to tell you because we saw your photos," she said. "You're dating all of them too, aren't you?"
All I could do was nod.
"We were worried that our affection would... hurt you," well that's sweet of them.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it," I breathed out. "But I'm sure looking at those pictures on my phone pains you just as much, so you don't have to hide. I'll be fine."
It must be even more surreal for her to suddenly meet this girl in the comfort of her home, who has solid proof that she came from another dimension.
"It didn't," she said confidently, making me look up at her. "I mean... it did at first– like like– when you– I mean, when I first saw the pictures and how smitten you are," she stuttered a bit at the eye contact. "–but honestly? I'm completely okay with it," she smiled sweetly.
She's really cute.
"Because you kinda remind me of myself," her eyes sparkled. "I like to think of you as a Korean version of me."
That's an interesting way to put it.
We do resemble each other. We're both members of Enhypen. We're both dating the same people. Our names both end in 'la', and we're practically the same height. There could be a lot more too.
"That's a great take," I smiled for the first time since being here. "But how are you so sure that we're THAT similar? We barely know anything about each other."
Her eyes lit up even more (if that was even possible), and she eagerly sat beside me.
"First things first, I was also born in March 2003."
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Mila and I ended up chatting until two.
Our conversation covered various topics, from discussing our favorite things to gossiping about our respective Enhas.
I absolutely adore Mila. We have so much in common, and she's incredibly cute.
I discovered that our personalities are quite different though. She has more of a bright energy.
And well... she's an extrovert with a gorgeous, friendly face.
But I think our contrasting personalities will make our bond even stronger. People like her are good for me.
At around two-fifteen, my hunger became unbearable, so I mustered the will to go to the kitchen.
I really didn't want to run into any of the boys, but Mila assured me that they should all be in their rooms playing games by now (just like my Enha), so I hoped she was right.
Especially because she's calling it a night so she can't accompany me.
Poor girl had a tiring day but still managed to stay up just to talk to me.
I decided to take Mila's suggestion and make myself some cup ramyeon to bring back to the room. That way, if I did encounter any of the members, I could quickly retreat.
"Good night, Lala. Enjoy your food," Mila yawned.
"'Night, Mimi. Sweet dreams," I replied before leaving the room.
Fortunately, the lights were out in the living room, indicating that no one is outside their rooms (unless they're in the bathroom).
I swiftly prepared my noodles and nearly succeeded in avoiding the boys, until the door to the master bedroom opened, revealing Jake followed by Jay.
They halted in their tracks upon seeing me. Jay even glanced back at the other members.
"Della-ssi," Jake exhaled. "You're not asleep?"
"I got hungry, and Mila told me to eat," I spoke my first words to them since my arrival.
"Eat up. You must be hungry," he eyed the ramyeon with a nod.
"Thank y–" I reached for the doorknob of the girls' room until Jay called out.
"Della-ssi? Do you mind coming here for a bit? You can eat the ramyeon while we're at it too," he pushed into the space Jake slightly left. "We wanna say a few things."
Shit. This is going to be awkward.
"A-ah... Okay..." I walked towards the room slowly. "안녕하세요," I greeted with a small bow.
"No need for formalities," Sunghoon said from his bed. "You can sit on my chair," he pointed.
"Thank you," I immediately took the seat, opening the lid of my ramyeon.
"You add cheese, too?" Sunoo asked, eyeing my noodles.
"Yeah, I always do," I stirred my noodles, slowly realising the 'too' in his question. "Do you also use cheese?"
"Mila does," all seven said in unison.
"Ah..." damn they also have that syncing habit. "Does she also use half of the seasoning packet?"
"No, she loves spice," Jay answered. An awkward silence followed before Jungwon broke it.
"Listen... We're sincerely sorry for being rude to you earlier. We were startled and scared that a stranger was in our home," he began. "On behalf of all seven of us, we deeply apologize."
"Oh no! Not at all! I completely understand!" I shook my hand. "I practically broke in, so it's only natural for you all to panic."
"We know, but still... we caused you to have a panic attack," Heeseung hugged his knees. "We're truly sorry."
"Don't worry about it. I completely understand, and I forgive you," I smiled softly. "I really appreciate it."
Silence hung in the air for a few moments. The only sounds coming from my slurps, Sunghoon's finger tapping, and Jake's foot bouncing.
I thought about leaving, but I wasn't sure how. Maybe I could quickly finish my food and just excuse myself.
"How is–" Riki spoke up. "What's Enhypen like in your world?"
Oh wow.
First off, he called me 'noona' and I had forgotten that they don't know about my dislike for that term.
Secondly, I had discussed this with Mila, but hearing one of the guys ask about it was a bit heart-wrenching to be honest.
The other members looked at me with anticipation.
"In my world, Enhypen is..." I took a deep breath. "Popularity wise, me and Mila concluded that we're pretty much the same. Majority, if not all of our achievements are the same," I smiled at the thought.
"I guess that's good then..." they nodded slowly.
"Relationship-wise?" My smile wavered slightly at Sunghoon's question. I took another, even deeper breath before responding.
"Our bond keeps getting stronger," I fiddled with my chopsticks. "The public doesn't know, and only a few trusted do, but we just love showing it off," I grinned. "Whether subtly or not-so-subtly."
"Do we–" Jungwon cleared his throat. "Do we treat you well?"
"What?" I chuckled.
"Come on, you can tell us! Did they treat you well? Your secret is 100% safe with us, like... who would we even tell?!" Sunoo became excited at the topic.
"Well, that's true," I giggled, then became serious again. "You– well... they treat me incredibly well. More than I deserve. I love each and every one of them deeply, and they mean the world to me. All seven of them."
"We can tell. The way you talk about them speaks volumes," Riki smiled, and I smiled back.
"I hope they realise it too," and my mood went back to being somber.
Please, I really hope I can return. I really hope that girl/witch/whatever she was told the truth and actually won't take long.
And please, let it be before the public/my parents find out. I'm not sure what the company would do but I can imagine mom crying before anything else and dad causing chaos in attempt to find me.
I wonder how the boys reacted. I'm pretty sure Heeseung would tell everyone to remain calm, but ironically be the most panicked. Sunghoon would–
"What's Jake like?" Jake interrupted my train of thought. "Am I still Australian?"
I couldn't help but laugh at his question, and it sparked curiosity in the other members about their alternate selves as well.
I noticed that they were mostly the same as my Enha, although not entirely identical. They have a few different traits, and based on what Mila told me, the way they treat their girlfriend is quite different as well.
Though what was undoubtedly clear to me was their love for Mila. They were so deeply in love with her, it's so endearing to see.
I'm so glad Mila got someone good.
Well... plural.
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Yesterday was such an eventful day for me that I ended up sleeping in and didn't wake up until the commotion outside the room became too loud to ignore.
I could hear voices, but my mind struggled to process the words being said.
That was until I suddenly realised that there were way too many voices to be just eight.
Especially when some of those voices seem to be talking to themselves, like– why is Sunghoon asking and answering himself?
I quickly sat up and waited for a moment before rushing out of the room.
There they are.
My seven men.
I could see them collectively sigh in relief at the sight of me.
Without a second thought, I raced to give them a massive hug.
I didn't know who I was aiming to hug first since I wasn't really thinking straight— I just wanted to be engulfed in a group hug, desperately hoping it was possible.
And it was. I found myself embracing the tallest two members, and the rest of the group wrapped their arms around us straight away. Just how we like our intimate group hugs.
Tears began to well up, and I just know that I'm gonna ugly cry any second now.
"Della," Sunoo's voice quivered, and that's when the ugly sobs started.
"Awww, Della," I felt a gentle hand caressing my hair. "Our baby."
"I- I missed y-you all so muchhh," I hiccuped. "Ho-howw did you find me?"
"We've told you so many times, Lala. No matter how lost you are, we'll always come and guide you home."
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As it turns out, the girl who brought me here was Della from another dimension. She came from a world where she was extremely academically gifted and just got tired of her straining job and constant scrutiny. 
So she tried to create a universe-hopping device in secret, in hopes of having just a few moments to herself where she can try living someone else's life.
My universe just so happen to be the first one she successfully jumped to. She realised the potential chaos that could arise from two Dellas existing simultaneously, and had to find and transport me quick. She said we can take at least an hour to be in one universe with our alternate selves.
With a simple touch, she transported me to a reality that was the safest route. One where a Della no longer existed.
Her device was not advanced enough to find out how or what the other universe Dellas are doing yet, so when she found out that she landed in one where the Della was an idol...
Needless to say, she didn't need much convincing to bring me back ASAP.
What took a little longer was just her going back and tuning her failed attempts to be just like her current one, just so the boys can come fetch me.
Apparently they paid her a ton (IN US DOLLARS.), even though they were only borrowing and this whole grand gesture was totally not necessary.
I love them so fucking much. How can you fucking not?
Either they love me so much or they just wanna universe-hop. But I like to be a bit delusional.
"Thank you so much for everythingg!" I hugged Mila tightly. "I'm so sorry for this mess and for the has–"
"Aish– don't even mention it," Mila hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry you were transported but I'm so glad you landed here."
"I'm so glad to have met youu," I nuzzled her hair. "I wish we could see each other again after this."
"I hope so too! Oh my God– this will be our first and last time meeting!" I could feel Mila mirroring my nuzzle on my shoulder. "This is so sad! We can't even exchange contacts!"
"Take care of yourself, okay? And work hard so Enhypen can achieve more," I rubbed her back. "Good luck with your men too. I hope everything goes well."
"You too! You too! Let's both work hard so when we do see each other again, we'll be equally proud!" we pulled away from each other. "Do you wanna hug the guys? Like.. my guys?"
"I would buuut..." I turned my gaze to the scene behind Mila, prompting her to look in the same direction.
We learned that my Enha is the slightest bit more intimidating. It's not apparent in the stories we told each other (especially Mila's jealousy and teasing episodes– dear God, my Enha feels like primary school) but with Mila's Enha constantly fidgeting under my Enha's glares, I feel like the latter is just the tiniest bit more intimidating.
"Oh my God– what happened?" Mila giggled quietly at me.
"They're jealous because your men are basically them but in another dimension so they don't want no chances of... you know..." my English suddenly stopped working.
"Ahh– ahh!" thankfully Mila fully understood my point. "Am I just invisible to them? Like my guys' girlfriend is right here!"
"Don't worry about it though, they're just being cute," I smiled, making my way over to them. "Thank you for having me in your home, and I'm sorry for intruding. I hope you have a great rest-of-your-day-off," I said to Mila's Enha while wrapping my arms around my Jungwon.
"Don't mention it. Thank you for being friends with Mila. She looks really happy," Mila's Sunghoon spoke in behalf. "We hope you can meet each other again one day."
"Hopefully," I smiled wider at the sight of Mila hugging her Jungwon. "I'll see you guys around, too."
"We'll look forward to it," they all gave a polite smile, causing Mila to gasp and slap the second nearest one (Riki)'s shoulder.
"What do you mean you'll look forward to meeting her again?!" she playfully pouted. "I'm right here!"
"Sorry my love– we were just saying go–" the cute little exchange was interrupted by SmartDella reminding us of the time. "Well– we hope to see you one day– YOU ALL one day." 
"Likewise," my Jungwon squeezed my shoulder before looking at me. "Ready to go home, Lala?"
"Of course I am."
this last scene might be a bit rushed but oh welllll
plus i couldn’t focus on any of my assignments until THIS WAS FINISHED SO NOW i will sleep
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @riikiblr @one16core @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount @nvmbheart @3amstarlight [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint @4sahii @8-itsmee-8 @toriluvsfics]
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 4 *Edited*
I have not seen a single person who requested this buuuuut! I'm doing it anyway! Please reblog any of my works of you like them so my works can get around faster. :) Collaboration with @heaartzforcupid Thanks for the great idea!
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Warnings: murder, Y/N witnesses murder, manipulation, swearing, gore, violence, toxic relationships, yandere shit y know? THEY ARE ALL AGED UP TO 18!!!.
Summary: Y/N witnesses the boys murder Moose. While Vance, Robin, Billy, and Griffin take care of the body, Bruce and Finney manipulate Y/N with their sweet words, soft touches, she's crying so hard, and she's so in shock, she believes them. What she didn't expect was she would take the blame.
I heard a loud crack and saw Robin snap Moose's neck. I screamed loudly and started running quickly out of the alley trying to make it back to my car so I could call the police but someone caught me by waist while someone else caught me by my wrist. Finney had his hands wrapped around my waist and Bruce grabbed my wrist. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" I screamed, my knees buckling. I was sobbing and my vision was blurred but I could still see Moose's dead body being hoisted up by Vance and Robin while Griffin and Billy cleaned up the blood. Why was there blood? Did they beat him?
Finney's hand covered my mouth before I could scream again while Bruce whispered sweet nothings in my ear. Finney sat with his back against the alley wall and my back against his chest. He still had his hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell for help again. Bruce stroked my hair and let me calm down a bit. I stopped crying so I could maybe get a chance to run. Finney slowly removed his hand away. "Are you gonna scream again sweetheart?" Bruce asked me. I shook my head no. "You murdered Moose! You're murderers! All of you!" I said, my voice shaking.
"No no no baby. We did this for you. Moose beat you with a pipe! You should be thanking us, little one." Finney whispered. "I didn't want him to die! I would've reported him to the school!" I said. "He deserved it, didn't he sweetie?" Bruce asked me, still stroking my hair. "No! He didn't deserve to die! It was my fault! I made him mad!" I started to cry again. "You murdered him. All of you had a part in it! I'm calling the police!" Finney's arms wrapped tighter around my abdomen. "Baby, I promise we're good guys. All of us. We did it for you!" Finney said. "He'll never hurt you again, darling. Ever" Bruce added. "We made sure of it."
I cried harder when I saw the rest of them walking over to us. "Oh hun, we did it for you" Griffin said. "Don't cry love." said Billy. I just kept sobbing. So many thoughts were running through my head. What if they get.caught and I get sent to jail? I can't go to jail! "Hey hey hey. Princesa, breath with me. In and out. In and out." After a few minutes of all them whispering to me and Robin helping me take deep breaths, I calmed down. "Ok." I whispered. "Ok what, sweetheart" Bruce asked. "Ok. I won't tell anyone." "You promise?" "Promise" "Good girl" Robin said. "Good job, baby." Finney said.
"Let's take you home, dollface." Vance says. They helped me up and I bolted out of the alley. The last thing I saw was all the boys looking furiously at me.
Y'all really thought I was gonna us that naive? Nope. Let me know if y'all want a part 5! Please please request shit! Love y'all! -Kaylin
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vamossainz55 · 2 years
hi bestie, thank you for tagging me <3
i think i speak for everyone if i say that we all need some cute carlos
❛ you can hold my hand, if you want. ❜ + carlos sainz jr
summary: you should have known the invitation to collaborate with the Scuderia Ferrari was too good to be true (or the one where you regret saying yes to Ferrari Land)
a/n: not my favorite, feel like the transitions were not the best, but i hope you like it dom <3. wrote this w all my heart !!
part of my drabble party <3
hold tight, & don't let go — (cs55)
“Tell me again why I agreed to do this?” You’re shaking a bit, palms clammy and toes almost numb from the sense of dread that had been coiling in your stomach all morning. 
Your manager laughs, clearly unbothered by your distraught expression that was only getting paler by the second. The sounds of metal grinding against each other only makes your skin rise, you were definitely regretting your decision now. 
“Come on, you were excited about this yesterday,” She’s not wrong, you were in fact excited. How often could someone say that the Scuderia Ferrari team had invited them for a collaboration on their social media platforms? Not only would you be getting good promotion and money from the collaboration, but it was an amazing accomplishment for an account like yours who was still just starting to grow. 
You would’ve just been more excited if the venue wasn’t harboring one of the things you were most scared of; roller coasters. 
A part of you blames yourself, remembering the eager email you had sent out to the media team. ‘I’m open to do anything’ you had typed out excitedly, but now, looking at the itinerary you had been handed during a quick meeting you asked yourself whether you really were open to do anything. 
It’s the boldness of the letters, contrasting red against the rest of the schedule. You figure it’s because it’s the most important part of the day, but it’s still intimidating, almost taunting.
Roller coaster video with Carlos : A Get to Know Driver #55
You stare at the words, hoping that the universe would somehow change them. You’re so focused that you don’t even hear the footsteps coming from behind you. You almost feel light headed again, folding the paper in half before you’re pressing your hand against your eyes. 
“First time doing a collaboration?” The words are said jokingly, laced with an all too familiar accent that is impossible for you to not recognise. 
You slowly peek through your fingers, spotting his usual disheveled mane, and that’s the only confirmation you need. You lower your hand, his face slowly coming into view. 
“Hi, y/n.” You introduce yourself sheepishly, offering your hand out to shake. “Sorry- yeah. First time doing this.” You laugh nervously as Carlos takes your hand into his. He laughs, earnest and sincere and it somehow relaxes your shoulders as your nervous smile turns genuine. 
“Carlos,” He says back, giving you a firm handshake. He knows he doesn’t need the introduction, not when you were there to interview him, but he still does it, smiling at you before pulling his hand away. His eyes linger on you for a bit too long and you feel your cheeks flush slightly.
“How are you though? Excited?” Carlos asks, clearly trying to be friendly. It’s nice for him to ask, sweet even, but you can barely entertain a conversation when your stomach is twisting into knots. 
“I’m gonna be honest,” you murmur, “I’m terrified.” You spill, unable to hold your words back. Carlos’ eyes widen slightly. 
“Am I that intimidating?” He asks, and the words surprise you to the point that you have to let out a laugh. 
“No- you’re not intimidating.” You say, quickly slipping in an apology. “I’m scared to get on the ride.” The explanation seems to make sense to Carlos because his demeanor changes, his cheeks going red. 
“Ah right, shit.” He says, scratching the back of his neck. “Not to be rude, but, why did you agree to do it?” Carlos asks and you look at him with a feigned expression of insult. 
“Didn’t you say it yourself? When Ferrari calls, you answer.” 
Quoting Carlos seems to strike a chord with him because he does try his best to make you feel better. He grabs you a bottle of cold water, sits next to you, and you both end up talking about the interview, the questions you had been given to ask him.
You feel bad for him as you go through the questions, most being the overused generic ones; understeer or oversteer, day or night race, circuit or street race. You can tell he’s a bit bored as he tells you the answer. 
“What question would you add onto if you could?” Carlos asks curiously, knocking his shoulder into yours. You think for a moment in thought before speaking. 
“What are you scared of?” You ask curiously looking over at him. His brows perk up at the question before a smile plays at his lips. 
“Heh, haven’t thought of that actually,” Carlos says, putting his fingers to his chin. He’s in deep thought, but before he can ask the question you’re both being called over to be guided to the ride’s entrance. 
All the blood leaves your face as you get up, the nerves that Carlos had shooed away suddenly coming back. 
You both walk anyway, following the park’s worker. To your surprise Carlos holds the lower of your back the whole way, hand gently rubbing you soothingly. “You’re gonna be fine.” He smiles once you’re both at the platform. 
“We’re gonna have a test run first,” One of the people wearing a Ferrari shirt explains as the park’s worker helps you into your seat. Carlos slides next to you in your booth, handing you the cue cards for the questions you’d have to ask later. 
“Okay, ready?”  Carlos asks with a smile at you. You look at the tracks in front of you, heart leaping the moment the metal bar of the carriage clicks you both in place. Carlos’ leg is pressed against yours and you can hear the way the tracks click underneath you but you give him a nod. Your hand wraps around the metal bar, knuckles going white as the carriage begins to move. 
It’s slow at first, the carriage climbing up the hill. It’s not too bad, you’re far up but the scenery is nice, but the moment you start seeing the drop in the tracks you’re shaking again. 
“I’m scared. I’m scared.” You say, voice shaking as you look around, terrified when you realize there’s nowhere to go.
“Hey, hey,” Carlos says, his hand gently taps at your wrist, smiling. 
“You can hold my hand, if you want to,” He offers it with a soft voice. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.” He says just as the carriage stops at the top of the rollercoaster. 
“Okay, but don’t let go.” You murmur quietly taking his hand. The track clicks and you’re hanging, about to drop down the hill. “Carlos,” 
He laughs softly before nodding. “I won’t let go, I promise.”
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gratuiciel · 2 months
@ttkinnie here's the one-shot that's ready for beta-ing!
and here are the warnings: major character death, cheating, suicide, mentions of sexual assault, alcohol use, smut, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, kisaki is his own warning
relationship: kisaki/takemichi
word count: about 5k words
summary: set a few years after the epilogue, during the final timeline. kisaki invites his two childhood friends for dinner. takemichi shows up alone.
i put it under a read more let's gooo
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It had been a while since he'd cooked dinner for himself or someone else. In retrospect, Kisaki should have expected it would turn out poorly. Fortunately for his guests, he did fully expect that, although the smoke alarm ringing out in the middle of an important phone call was a bit of a surprise. In any case, he made the right choice having a spare dinner delivered to his apartment for tonight. He sets it on the table as if that had been his plan all along, windows wide open to get rid of the vague burning smell still lingering in the air.
The evening is warm but not suffocating, gentle winds suited for the end of spring. Kisaki takes some time to appreciate this, as he will likely forget to do so again for the next couple of months. Somehow, he has to be reminded that life can be good and beautiful despite it all and somehow, he can only remember that lesson when he thinks about his two best friends.
The doorbell rings. He closes the windows, fixes his shirt's collar and walks to the door. On the other side, a man in semi-formal dress. Alone.
"Hinata isn't with you?"
"Sorry, she won't be able to make it tonight. Too much work at the hospital these days," Takemichi scratches the back of his neck apologetically.
"That's too bad," Kisaki replies, acting like those words didn't cause a spike of adrenaline. "I hope she isn't overworking herself."
"Aren't you doing that as well?" His friend playfully scolds him, while setting his contribution to the dinner on top of the table.
Takemichi brought the alcohol, as always. Cheap beer, even though Kisaki has a whole cabinet of the world's best liquors on display, free for him to choose. But his friend simply never drinks expensive alcohol.
Kisaki pretends he doesn't know why. He drinks that cheap beer with him, straight from the can. It warms him just as well as any other spirit, and even the taste of it is something he's grown to appreciate. It is Takemichi's favorite brand, after all.
They catch up on everything, anecdotes from their respective works, movies they've seen recently, books they just started, and of course discussions about their mutual friends.
"Did you know Chifuyu, Baji and Kazutora are officially a throuple, now?"
"Is that what they call it?" Kisaki dubitatively pushes up his glasses, aware of the fact he sounds like a grumpy old man right now. He passes the blame on to his line of business, definitely less up-to-date with cultural shifts than the movie industry. "Most of my collaborators at work can barely fathom the concept of same-sex couples. Hearing that word might give them a heart attack."
"Wait, they don't know about Koko?"
"Inupi always dresses up and wears high heels during parties. Since he never says a word, I suppose they believe he's a very quiet and meek woman."
"Pfft!" Takemichi tries, and fails, to hold back a laugh. Tipsiness gives his face and ears a pinkish glow. It has been months since they last saw each other. Kisaki sometimes wonders if the feelings will fade away, eventually. If one day he'll look at this man laugh and his heart will keep quiet. It would seem today is not that day.
Takemichi sits back against the couch with a sigh and cracks open another beer. Kisaki offers him a cigar, lights up the tip while his friend holds it between his fingers, in front of his lips.
In his mind, the same scene plays out with their roles reversed. Kisaki is the one smoking an expensive cigar. Takemichi holds the lighter. He is the one whose hands shake a little as he brings the flame close to his face.
The visions started early. Dream-like, fleeting thoughts, just on the edge of consciousness. It took him a little while to tame them, make them reveal their secrets.
Sometime in his teens, Kisaki reads a book about the War of Troy, a line about how the cause of the conflict was a woman, and in the back of his mind he can see a girl lying on the concrete, face covered in blood and bruises, legs wide open and more bruises between them. He asks himself Did I do this? but finds no answer as the image fades. He rationalizes. No, I'm not physically strong enough to hurt somebody like that. Then, almost as an afterthought: And besides, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone like that either, he tries to reassure himself.
Days later, as he watches a stupid crime show ― it's cold outside and Hanma crashed in his room for the night ― the answer invites itself into his thoughts while a coroner examines this episode's victim. No, I did not do this. I wouldn't leave my DNA behind as evidence. That's why I made other people do it instead. He accepts that answer, even though he knows for a fact he never did such a thing in his whole life. He is thirteen, and above all terribly afraid his best friends will hate him once they figure out the truth.
Over the years, more visions came to him, more vivid as he learned to recognize their presence, hold them in place and ask them the right questions. While Toman collected victories over rival gangs, while his friends began to grow up and work towards their respective goals, he could see these twisted versions of them, destroying themselves and the ones they loved. They all seemed to curse his name. Takemichi cursed it the loudest.
Sitting next to him, Kisaki watches as he takes a drag and exhales the blue-grey smoke, staring at the ceiling. Taking advantage of this moment of inattention, he swiftly takes the cigar from his hand and fills his lungs with the same poison. Looking falsely offended by the theft, Takemichi tries to get it back, without success.
"Careful, or you're gonna burn the couch." Scolding him, Takemichi dives in an attempt to reach for it, and Kisaki lets him. He falls onto his back, Takemichi falls on top of him. Too easy. Hanma was the one who came up with that trick, and it never failed him. Or so he says.
Takemichi looks at him with an expression that is less one of surprise and more I knew you'd do that. Fondly. He then takes the cigar from his hand, flicks it over the ashtray on the table behind Kisaki's head, before sitting back and taking another drag from it. All the while straddling his waist. His hand resting upon Kisaki's heart. Kisaki may be able to control his expression, but not the way his pulse dances under his fingers.
They shouldn't be doing this. Obviously. Takemichi doesn't want to hurt his wife. Still. He puts away the cigar and bows forward, like an apology. With his hands over Kisaki's chest, he buries his face onto the couch, just above Kisaki's shoulder. A moment passes.
"I told Hina about us," Takemichi finally confesses. "That's why she didn't come today."
"I see."
"For what?"
"I made her cry."
Kisaki remembers, then. The words he had said on their wedding day. If you ever make her cry, I'll never forgive you. Half in jest, mostly a stupid attempt to soothe his own broken heart and act like he'd accepted his defeat. Thus ended their decades-long rivalry.
Lying under him still, Kisaki raises an arm and slides his hand over his back.
"I'm not the one you're supposed to apologize to. Besides, I'm just as guilty as you are."
A sigh is all the reply he gets.
"Are you going to cry?"
"I don't really cry anymore these days..."
"Then I encourage you to think of what Draken and Emma will do to you when Hinata tells them what you've done. And they won't be the only ones."
"Ha ha..." A weak laugh reaches his ear. "I'm so boned."
Kisaki moves his hand to the back of Takemichi's hair, running his fingers through the short, curly locks.
"Not necessarily. Isn't there still a way for you to go back in time?"
A cruel question to ask, but his friend cannot resent him for being curious. Still, his body tenses upon hearing the words. The next moment, Takemichi shakes his head. The answer is no. Kisaki feels like it might be a lie. He wraps both arms around his friend. Every comforting gesture, he learned from him.
Kisaki figured out the truth about the time leaps on his own. The memories of things he'd never done were evidence enough, although he could not entirely rule out some delusion of the mind. Takemichi's knowledge about people he shouldn't know and events that had yet to come were tangible proof that something was afoot. So he confronted him about it one day, in their late teens. Takemichi didn't deny it.
In the autumn of 2017, Kisaki invites Takemichi over for a drink. Coincidentally, a new series of visions had been haunting his thoughts at around the same time. Memories from a past life, he knows what to call them by now. Takemichi sets a few cans of cheap beer on his table while Kisaki watches himself-from-another-time spike his glass with soporifics.
He does not ask how the newlywed life goes. He cares very little for how their mutual friends are doing right now. There's only one question on his mind.
"Why did you save me?"
Takemichi seems slightly surprised, which is rare enough. He doesn't reply, though.
"Was that out of pity?" Kisaki insists, feeling something like panic bubble up within. "Did you find me so pathetic you just had to intervene?"
He'd seen right through him, hadn't he? Even after Kisaki pointed a gun in his face, shot him, drugged him, made him kill. Every display of wealth and power, a disguise. His emptiness so richly adorned, no one dared to question him or why he did the things he did. Least of all himself.
Does Takemichi know how it ends for Kisaki each time? With a gun to his temple and a smile on his face. None of that really mattered, did it? He can't even bring himself to look guilty for everything he's done. His contrition is for one man only. That man is gone, now. He was a real hero, it turns out, super powers included. So none of that really mattered. Takemichi will fix everything and then come back to kill him. Another time, maybe.
But it never happened. Instead, his hero came back, took his hand and never let go.
Why in the world would he do that?
Kisaki feels two arms wrap themselves around him. Like breaking a spell, it snaps him out of his thoughts, back into the present, and the tears falling from his eyes make the world around a blurry mess. Was he crying, just now?
"A long time ago, I used to be terribly alone," Takemichi replies, his voice low. "I just kept everything to myself and lashed out however I could, mostly against people who had nothing to do with my own self-inflicted misery. Pathetic, right?"
Kisaki doesn't answer.
"And then I died. The end. Except I somehow survived and got another chance at life. So I decided I'd try to do something worthwhile for once in my worthless existence, and save the life of someone who didn't deserve to die. That's how it all started..."
Kisaki cuts him off.
"I deserved to die, didn't I?" Unlike Hinata. Unlike Draken unlike Baji unlike Kazutora unlike Taiju unlike Emma unlike Izana unlike Atsushi unlike Chifuyu unlike Mikey. Unlike Takemichi.
"Maybe. But I needed you alive." Kisaki shivers as his friend softly nuzzles the side of his neck, holding him tighter. "I saved you because I wanted to understand. I saved you because I thought we might be the same, deep down." A short pause. "And you know what? I don't regret it. I love you."
Vertigo. Kisaki has to hold on to him or else he'll surely fall. Pressed against his chest, Takemichi's heartbeat is just as fast as his own, both drumming furiously as if begging to be let out.
"What..." Kisaki's mouth is dry. "What kind of love are you talking about?"
"I don't know. We've been through so much."
"And Hinata?"
"I love her too. In a much simpler way."
"That's why you married her?"
"Yeah. Two guys can't get married in this country anyhow."
"Give me ten years and I'll change the law."
"Ha ha."
"I'm not joking."
"Yeah, I know."
Holding the sun in his arms would be less overwhelming. Kisaki has killed men with his own hands. They shake harder now than they ever did before.
"You realize... that there's no way I'm going to let you go back home tonight, right?"
"Of course," Takemichi replies. Of course.
Thus started their affair. Takemichi didn't want to lie to Hinata, but Kisaki didn't want her to know the truth. They both knew how important faithfulness was to her. In the end, he managed to convince Takemichi not to tell her anything.
They saw each other every now and then. Both well aware of their transgression, yet unable to put an end to it. So they compromised, swore not to cross certain lines. Barely took off their clothes, never kissed each other's lips. Hands only. This paradoxical distance, these self-imposed rules they somehow never broke, only made their desire stronger. Takemichi kept coming back for more. Kisaki was happy to oblige.
Within these walls, Takemichi belonged to him and him only. And since they couldn't reveal their bodies, they bared their heart instead. They would sometimes talk for hours on the pillow or silently hold each other through the night. Maybe that was an even worse transgression.
Takemichi is lying next to him on the couch, half-asleep in his arms. Resting upon the ashtray, the cigar has almost completely burned out.
"Are you going to stay overnight?"
"I've got nowhere else to go."
"I want to stay here."
Much better. Kisaki enjoys the little spark of pride knowing that between all his closest friends, Takemichi still chooses to spend this time with him.
"What do you want to do?"
"Everything." Takemichi replies.
"What does that even mean?" He chuckles.
"I don't know."
Kisaki disentangles himself from his lover and sits up, smoking what is left of the cigar before crushing it inside the tray.
"Let's find out, then."
The bedroom is as wide as the rest of his apartment, with a large, comfortable bed at the center of it. Takemichi follows him inside and, as soon as Kisaki closes the door, hugs him from behind, breathing him in.
"I missed you so much." Takemichi whispers in his ear. God, he'd missed this, too.
It couldn't be helped. What kept them apart had been a shock to them both, leading them to take the same decision without even needing to consult each other. It was best to end this. Things were messed up enough as it is.
And yet, here they are again.
Kisaki lets his lover's hands distract him from any other thought, tilting his head to the side to receive his kisses.
"Takemitchy," he calls out, almost an order. Does he ever think about that time he was under his command? Takemichi stops.
Kisaki turns around, grabbing his wrists. He looks up. Tired blue eyes look back at him, waiting.
"Can I kiss you now?" Kisaki asks.
The fact that they do not accidentally headbutt each other in their precipitation is a small miracle. Reflexes somehow still sharp from their delinquent days, they both pull back at the same time when they notice the other approaching a little too fast. Then Takemichi snorts and starts laughing, and Kisaki leaves impatient kisses on his cheek and next to his mouth until he has caught his breath again. After that, they get to kiss properly. At last.
With shallow breaths, hands over his shoulders, Takemichi guides him towards the bed before gently pushing him over. Kisaki lies back onto the soft mattress, panting. While his lover stands before him, observing, Kisaki holds his gaze, taking a more inviting pose. Opening his legs, he reaches for his jacket's buttons and begins undoing them.
"Are you going to keep staring or do you plan on joining me at some point?" He teases.
"Not sure," Takemichi replies, machinally unfastening his tie, eyes still fixated on Kisaki. "Both sound good."
He still looks torn between the two options as Kisaki is done taking off his shirt, and sits up to begin removing his trousers. Then, lying back against the pillows, he raises his legs towards Takemichi.
"Take them off," he orders, and both his trousers and socks are pulled off of him in an instant.
All that is left are his boxers, now. Takemichi finally looks ready to intervene, kneeling right in front of him on the bed, but Kisaki holds him off, pushing him with one foot against his chest.
"I'll take care of that."
In truth, he wants nothing more than to have them ripped from him in an instant, but knows better than to ruin a good show. Still holding his lover at a distance with one leg, he begins to stroke himself through the fabric, relishing both his own touch and the look on Takemichi's face. Moving his legs to give him a better view, he slowly uncovers the tip of his cock, running his fingertips over it.
"Please..." Takemichi begs, desperate to join him. And Kisaki, who just loves to hear him plead, moans as his cock twitches under his own touch, so close already.
"Not yet," he breathes out. With his left hand, he blindly reaches for the drawer on his nightstand and pulls it open. "Give me the lube."
Takemichi passes him the small bottle. Kisaki decides to get rid of his boxers already, throwing them across the room.
"Take off your clothes, too."
"Let me touch you..." Takemichi protests, watching him coat his fingers with lube and spread it where he needs it.
The cool sensation makes Kisaki whimper, and he has to take a few deep breaths before risking another move. He opens his eyes and notices Takemichi undressing next to him. Maybe a little too fast. That man works in the film industry yet clearly lacks showmanship. He's more interested in what Kisaki is doing at the moment, glancing back at him after he discards each new item of clothing onto the floor.
"Can I touch you, now?" He sits next to him, kneeling, with his hands over his lap. Behind his arms, Kisaki can see his cock stand fully erect.
Sliding his free hand over Takemichi's lap, Kisaki runs his fingertip across the length of it.
"Don't forget to put on a condom first," he teases.
Takemichi is by all accounts a patient man, but he still tears open that packet like his life depends on it.
"Good." Kisaki wishes he could reach high enough to pat his head. "Now come over here and fuck me."
It is still nighttime when Kisaki wakes up, his room lit up dimly by the city lights through the half-open curtains. Feeling parched, he reaches for the glass of water Takemichi left on the nightstand, and drinks it all up. When he slides back under the cover, he notices his partner facing away from him. Kisaki can hear him hyperventilate.
He calls his name to let him know he's there before placing his hands over his shoulders and massaging them lightly. Takemichi leans back into the touch.
"Sorry, I must've woken you up..." He apologizes with a strained, shaky voice. As if his state was not a good enough reason to wake somebody up.
"I don't mind."
Takemichi doesn't say anything more for a few minutes. His breathing settles into a regular rhythm while Kisaki continues to massage his shoulders, sometimes laying a kiss onto the nape of his neck.
"Hey... Can I say something terrible?"
"If it weren't for you and Hina, I'd have died a while ago. Maybe right after Mikey."
"Hmm." Kisaki had already sort of figured that out.
"I should've returned right away. Should've found a new trigger and saved Mikey before he did it. That was the only thing to do, wasn't it?"
"That power of yours only works if two people have the same desire to change the past, doesn't it?"
"Everybody wants to change what happened that day."
"Why not do it, then?"
"The truth is, I already tried. With Draken and with Chifuyu. It didn't work with either." He turns to lie on his back, eyes wide open. "That means I'm the problem."
"Not necessarily." Kisaki also turns to stare at the ceiling, but reaches for his lover's hand under the cover. Something to keep him grounded. "Chifuyu's living his best polyamorous life, and Draken has a wife and children he would be reluctant to leave behind."
"They'd still do it for Mikey."
"And you wouldn't? Please."
"No, I would. I would, but... When I heard the news, it felt like something just snapped in me. I don't think I lost my power. But... Even if I used it again... Is there even a point? We made it so that everyone would be happy. We saved as many people as we could, we prevented all kinds of horrible stuff from happening. This was supposed to be the best possible timeline. And Mikey still killed himself."
Maybe that was the problem. Takemichi no longer thinks he's capable of saving Mikey.
"People can live in castles, surrounded by everything they could ever ask for, and still shoot themselves in the face. Mikey had plenty of reasons to be happy, too. But maybe there was something else in him that made it all seem worthless."
"Why didn't he reach out if it was so unbearable? I mean... It's not like I wouldn't understand..."
The usual Takemichi would definitely be crying by now. Instead, there is a sort of distance between himself and everything he says. Maybe he got that from him, or from Mikey.
Kisaki holds his hand a little tighter, and turns so that he can drape his other arm over him, shifting closer to feel his warmth.
"Takemitchy. Whatever it is you want, I'll grant it for you."
Takemichi raises his arm to squeeze the hand on his shoulder.
"I want... I want to forget everything. To be carefree again. I want to love people without seeing them lying dead in front of me." His breathing grows erratic again as he speaks through tears he can no longer hold back. "I wanted to die, too, you know! There were times when I thought I couldn't do it anymore, and I'd cry for hours or say nothing all day and make Hina worry, but I still held on! So why couldn't you do the same?"
Kisaki doesn't reply. That question isn't destined to him, anyhow.
"And you know what? Even through the shitty times, it's been worth it, dammit! There's always gonna be another chance if you keep looking for it! But the moment you give up, things will never get better again! Why couldn't you see that, you idiot?!" Takemichi's voice goes shaky with grief, and he turns around to bury his face into Kisaki's chest. "Why couldn't you see how much you meant to everyone? How could you think we'd be fine without you?"
Before his suicide, Mikey had written a note. It simply said Don't look for me.
Kisaki doesn't know what pushed him to do it. Maybe the weight of everything he'd done was haunting him to the end. Maybe it was just a chemical imbalance in his brain. Maybe he simply got bored with life, or disgusted with the world of adults as a whole. Hard to say. People kill themselves for a variety of reasons. Some even do it to save another person.
Within his arms, his lover seems to have cried himself to sleep. At least Kisaki thinks so, until he hears him speak out, a tired whisper: "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Hmm..." Kisaki tries to figure out what he could be alluding to. Telling him he wanted to die? Being mad at Mikey for taking his own life? He doesn't find either option that offending. He has felt that way, too. Saying he wishes he could love people without seeing them dead? Kisaki knows the feeling all too well. "I really don't mind," is what he replies.
He feels glad for everything he shares with Takemichi, although he won't say it out loud right now. This must mean he can be good, deep down. Either that, or Takemichi is capable of sinking to his level. Both are fine.
He holds on a little more tightly.
This life has been a gift. Takemichi has shown him kindness he never thought possible, taught him so much. Kisaki has made a place for himself in this crazy world, he's seen what he had set out to see.
They even became lovers. Surely he would be loath to part from such a life.
But Kisaki cannot ignore a call for help when it comes from his hero.
He asks, "are you awake?"
"I could grant you your wish. You know the way, don't you?"
Takemichi doesn't answer. Maybe his mind isn't working that well at such a late ― or is it early? ― hour. Maybe Kisaki has to spell it out for him.
"If you gave me your power without acting as my trigger, I could return to a time in which you remember nothing about your past lives."
"Since the first time leap can be triggered by death, it's most likely the case for subsequent ones as well. Even if I don't succeed the first time, I probably won't need another person to act as my trigger at all."
"Hang on... You're not..." Panic begins to gnaw at his voice.
"Don't you see it? This is the only way someone like me can still be a hero." His own voice comes out a tad unsteady, as well. "I'll shoulder everything. I'll keep everyone you love safe. You won't even know they were in danger."
"You... You're going to lose your mind!" Takemichi pulls away from him and gets up from their bed. He turns on the light and drapes himself in a bathrobe. "Nobody can face this alone. You're not strong enough for this. No one is."
"I won't be alone. I'll get stronger so I can beat those older kids in the park when we first meet. That way you'll definitely want to be my friend again. And I'll be able to protect you."
"I can't let you do that. I'm not letting you kill yourself." Takemichi walks up to the door, putting as much distance as he can between that idea and himself.
"Takemitchy..." Kisaki gets up and stumbles, body still aching from their earlier lovemaking. He holds on to the nightstand for support. His friend has come closer, ready to help but also hesitant to reach out. "You've always been scared of me, haven't you? I felt it from the start, but I didn't mind. I thought that if you saw how good I could be, eventually you'd stop being afraid." How quickly he'd fled from him, just now. After everything they've been through, everything they've shared. "So tell me," Kisaki lets go of the nightstand, his sore legs giving out from under him. "How much more is it going to take for you to trust me?"
Hands onto the floor, Kisaki hears the sound of footsteps approaching. Takemichi kneels before him.
They look into each other's eyes.
"If you die, Hina will never recover," his friend whispers. "What I said earlier... it doesn't warrant throwing your life away. Couldn't you wait a few more years?"
"Can you?"
Takemichi's eyes say it all.
Kisaki raises one hand to cup his lover's face, wiping away a tear from his cheek. He kisses his lips, as gently and lovingly as he possibly can. Perhaps in the same way one might try to reassure a cornered animal. He makes himself unthreatening. Don't run away. Please don't run away. I didn't even get to tell you how much you mean to me. Don't be afraid. All I want is for my life and yours to be so deeply woven together there's no telling them apart anymore. It doesn't matter in which shape or form. I'll take anything you can give me. If that scares you, I'll keep silent for both our sakes.
"Takemitchy, you know I can handle this. Let me be your savior."
Takemichi laughs, feebly. He runs one hand through Kisaki's hair.
"There's just no way you won't be cursed, taking away my power and then killing yourself."
"I know. You'll have to give it to me."
"I've spoiled you too much, haven't I?"
"Maybe." Kisaki buries his face into his old friend's shoulder. He may have wanted more, still. "I know you can't refuse anything to me. But you should know the opposite is true, as well."
There is a short pause, until Takemichi rests his head against him, too.
"Do you think there's a way to love people that'll make them never want to die again?"
"I'll tell you if I find it."
Kisaki picks a green suit from his closet, the one he wore during a certain ceremony. His hand reached for it by chance, or perhaps there was something else influencing his choice. He feels ready to believe in fate.
Takemichi wordlessly gets dressed beside him, in clothes that entirely belong to his lover. He wears a black, striped suit. Strangely pragmatic of him. Kisaki fixes the collar of his shirt for him.
They kiss for a long time, before walking together towards the wide, open window. The sun is rising. Cool winds blow into their hair. It's a lovely day.
Takemichi takes his hand, and Kisaki feels a spark run throughout his body.
It all started with a fall, didn't it?
Kisaki holds him in his arms, then sways with him into the void. Once their bodies reach the ground, there will be no telling them apart anymore.
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It has been many years since Wen Ning last celebrated his birthday. In fact, he doesn't even remember when he actually celebrated it last -who could blame him, with the life he's had? And anyway, with him being technically dead, he isn't sure he even should be celebrating a birthday anymore at all.
But all that stuff doesn't seem to faze the juniors at all - because they've (with master Wei's and Hanguang-Jun's help) prepared him a very thoughtful gift this year: a spa day. Now, Wen Ning has no idea what a spa is, but he figures it's good, because even young master Jin said he has a personal one, and Jinlintai is known for luxury.
First, Wen Ning has received three sets of new, tailor-made robes. They're obviously very high quality and finely embroidered, with a note from young master Jin: "Please wear these so you don't have to look so ratty anymore. You're the Ghost General, you should look the part. Also, this is a thank you for saving me back there in Guanyin Temple. And in Yi City. P.S. I know you're sorry for what happened with my dad. We'll work through it. Happy Birthday!"
If he could still cry, he would have.
Next, A-Yuan - no, Sizhui - has gifted him three new pairs of shoes. "Jingyi and I couldn't decide, so we bought them all. We hope you like them!"
"They're super sturdy so you can still do your cool ghost general stuff wearing them! And we also got you socks!"
Ouyang Zizhen hands him a beautiful black box of hairpins and a handmade comb. "Hair is very important in one's appearance, Wen-gongzi. My mother's clan specializes in carving combs and hair pieces, and I hope you will wear them with pride."
The last gift is collaborative. A massive basket brimming with expensive soaps, bath oils, shampoo and perfume, each with little notes on what they're for and how to use them. Wen Ning can recognize Hanguang-Jun's calligraphy and finds himself touched by the gesture. He has been quite sure Hanguang-Jun did not like him very much, with the way he acted a while ago...
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji arrive last at Wen Ning's little party, with good reason. They've convinced the Lan elders to allow Wen Ning to live in the Cloud Recesses in a spare guest house, and they've been spending the last few days furnishing it.
"I'm going to get very emotional right now," Wei Ying says, taking a deep, shaky breath, "But you and Wen Qing and everyone that's sadly no longer around, you guys have been my home and my family when I had nothing. And I always regretted not being able to do more for you. But now I can and I hope I'll be able to offer you the home you deserve here, in a peaceful, clean place."
Wen Ning shakes with the emotion of everything that's happened and knows to do nothing but pull everyone in a tight ("too tight, Wen-gongzi, we're dying") hug - before he's being taken to visit his new home.
It's modest but nice, and that's more than Wen Ning could ever ask for. His mouth twitches when he notices his bathtub is the same sturdy kind that Wei Wuxian has custom ordered.
"You never know, A-Ning." he says, and winks. "Maybe you'll find someone to break bathtubs with as well!"
"Wei-gongzi!! The children!!"
"It's fine, everyone knows what happens with the bathtubs." Jingyi says, casually. "It's Cloud Recesses lore."
"We should let Wen Ning enjoy his new home and his gifts now." Hanguang-Jun elegantly speaks as he ushers the kids out, and wishes Wen Ning a quiet happy birthday before walking out.
In his little kitchen, Wen Ning finds a bowl of Master Wei's super spicy congee.
At least he doesn't have taste buds anymore.
The Cloud Recesses comes alive with gossip the next day, rules be damned - everybody wants to know who the fine young master living in the eastern guest house is! He's so handsome and so polite, finely dressed and smelling of the most expensive perfumes, young ladies and young masters trip over themselves in his presence!
"As they should." Wei Wuxian comments and there is nobody to argue against it.
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hazbinhappy · 7 months
Hey just saw you had hazbin hotel match ups open! I’m a trans man (he/him pronouns) for sexuality I don’t really have a definite answer I’m open to all with a small preference to more feminine presenting people!
For personality and what not I’m told by friends I’m either chaotic neutral or chaotic evil lol, I’m decently slow to open up maybe saying one or two words and over all being pretty quiet but once I open up you gotta tape my mouth shut to get me to shut up (though actually I do enjoy the feeling of tape over my mouth I blame autism for that) I make a lot of sexual jokes (constant “that’s what he/she/they said and other stuff) along with that I have a pretty major sailor mouth as well I can be pretty sarcastic in addition I can be pretty slow as well I can be a bit all over the place which you might be able to see here idk lol! For stuff I enjoy doing I really love visual arts (I enjoy painting, been doing stuff with clay, digital art, trying to figure out animation) I also very much enjoy writing (I have I think it was 20+ unfinished fics on ao3 lol) been trying to figure out how to bake, and idk I have an obsession with plushies (please send help they completely cover my bed when I lay them all out) for stuff I enjoy it’s a bit harder since I constantly move around one thing to another like unless someone is with me I’ll start a show or movie watch the first five minutes then do something else unless I was already a fan of it, I will say I do enjoy the weird kid stuff like the bendy franchise and I know the lore of fnaf pretty well (until security breach when robot Gregory theory came out I gave up) tbh not much for stuff I hate I’m a pretty open person and don’t really hate a lot of stuff besides the word moist (it’s the one word that sounds like what it is and I hate the texture of that kinda stuff to and I can feel the word) it is the one thing I actively hate. For appearance while I don’t have an active drawing of my sinner look I don’t have much other then I picture being goat like (fucking love goats) and not really important but dying my hair constantly like how I do irl. Also even though yes I am a trans man I still like wearing skirts and dresses because damn it if I can’t be a pretty man then I don’t want to be a man (that is very much a lie I am still a man even if I won’t be able to wear my dresses and skirts)
Also one last important thing I don’t want to be matched up with Husk (I see him as a dad and I don’t want to deal with being paired up with my father) nor do I want to be paired up with Angel (I ship him and Husk so I don’t want to be paired up with other father) also no Lucifer I feel like if I get paired up my friend will kill me I wish I was joking she is only willing to threaten me when I do much as joke about taking them. Anyways have an amazing day/night I hope this was enough!
Your Matchup is.....
Velvette! You gotta here me out before I dish out the headcanons and mini-blurb!
Tumblr media
Looks at that cutie god I love her!
Anyways! I matched y'all up for multiple reasons! Have you seen the girl? She may be put together but Respectless just screamed out that she is chaos when need be and chaotic people love to be together (I mean look at Hell lmao). I think she wouldn't mind someone who is slow to open because she it lets her have more time for you to model and work with her! She wouldn't mind the sexual jokes and curses or sarcasm because that is up her alley (I mean Valentino is literally one of her colleagues I don't think she cares too much for him lmao).
okay onto the headcanons because those will explain better, no?
It may sound weird but I think Velvette would go to art shows to get inspiration! Fashion shows are actually a way to express and test what you can do with fashion so art shows are a great way to get inspiration
And wowie lookie there, a certain artist just happens to peak her interest a lot! She may either personally chat with you or send an email asking to collaborate on some pieces.
I wish in the show they played more with Velvette and the fashion instead of the social media. I think she'd be a boss in the artistic fashion and practical fashion
I swear this is important: Shae Bishop makes ceramic clothing and some of his work was in my school's art gallery!
why is that important? well i think it would be pretty cool if that was something you proposed to Velvette! She'd be unsure because "isn't that clay? isn't that breakable?" and it's a whole explanation about how it's for the art not actual long-time wear
so that brings you guys closer!
she did consider making a deal with you to permanently keep you around but you just kept coming back on your own so she didn't really feel the need if you just came back all the time
i think the dating would be a mutual understanding, but you'd ask and she'd be "of course, why wouldn't we be? (eyeroll)" (she was actually nervous to ask)
if/when you moved in with her she made space in her studio for you to do any kind of artwork because she wants to spend any kind of time even if she was too busy yelling at her models and artists
she may not always have her listening ears on but whenever you say something that catches her interest she'll respond (she'll remember bits of other things you say, she doesn't tune you out, she just cherry picks her responses)
She doesn't mind the plushie collection as long as there is room for her to cuddle with you. if not they are banished to the shelf.... maybe a couple on the bed.
she loves to dress you up in whatever is the latest fashion or even your preferred. she'd match in any way at any moment.
she will tease and bully at any moment but it's her love and she never means it. plus there is plenty of compliments that cancels it out.
idk why but you know how people like to have their oc's with horns have jewelry on them and even chains that connect? she'd find that so cute and would make some in different styles (like a bracelet for the day)
"Can you BELIEVE the nerve of these ladies! Prancing around like their ideas are any good! Wrist ruffles? Fifty layers? What are we? Doing a fuckin' blast to the past!" Velvette kept ranting on about her workers before you rolled her eyes.
"You're about to get a blast from the past if you don't get off my table. I was working." You gave her a deadpan look.
She gave you the middle finger before scooting you over on YOUR chair as you worked.
"Well, babe, I have no clue why they would think that is fashion? I mean, things from the past making a comeback? Neverrrr-"
"I know-! Oh Fuck You!"
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rattled-shadow · 11 months
Do you remember the notorious 11/21 exposition scene?
Would you like to hear it without background music?
My friend @ocean-stuck was kind enough to give me the isolated vocals, so I combined them into one track
And yes, I wrote a transcript for it under the cut:
Shido: I finally made it this far... It's already been two and a half years since we met.
Akechi: Back then, you were in the media's attention as a young politician who could rise up against bureaucracy. Because of that, those who wanted to preemptively deal with problems tried to tie you up in scandal.
Shido: To think I would fall for the ruse schemed by those decrepit fools in power. I recall that's when you came to me. You promoted yourself, saying that you had "special powers". If it wasn't for the research in cognition that I dabbled in, I would have thought you insane.
Akechi: I made those troublesome opponents psychotic, and erased any trace of that scandal.
Shido: Who'd think that tampering with a person's heart could trigger a psychotic lapse or mental shutdown? And when someone like that said he'd support me, I had suspected that there'd be an ulterior motive.
Akechi: It's because I sympathized with your aspiring ideology. I believed that your ideals needed to be achieved for the sake of the country's future.
Shido: Well, my faith in you is precisely why I pulled the plug on that research. I only need you using that power. It'd be troublesome if someone else uncovered how it works.
Akechi: ...Wakaba Isshiki, was it? That researcher, she wouldn't have had to have died if she just complied.
Shido: Any suspicions should be snubbed out. Even the smallest doubt must be severed at the root. After all, we had an active Public Prosecutors Office director on our side until recently.
Akechi: Astounding, isn't it? To think the director himself would often forge evidence to secure his promotion. He was quite surprised when you confronted him about it. He didn't know who leaked that information. Well, I got that out of his Shadow, so technically speaking, he did it himself.
Shido: This country's affairs have become stagnant. The political world is filled with old men who only act to preserve their own vested interests. The general public has forsaken such political affairs and don't even bother. Only ruin awaits us.
Akechi: I must agree.
Shido: There's no need to be ruined with such incompetent fools. I will lead this country to its revival. Those who get in the way must be eliminated at times - that's the correct way to use the Metaverse.
Akechi: Still, it would stand out if there were continuous deaths and scandals with your political rivals. Which is why I made them "suspects." Prosecute the targets that I turned psychotic... and solve them as cases unrelated to you. And thus, the charismatic ace detective was born.
Shido: Thanks to your efforts, my clean image remains untarnished, and I monopolized public opinion. Once I gained public sentiment, collaborators from all sectors began approaching me on their own. The police were no exception. With their management in my pocket, keeping them in check was easy.
Akechi: When the Phantom Thieves emerged, I thought things might become somewhat troublesome.
Shido: They were just brats once we looked into it. All we needed to do was to lay the blame on them...
Akechi: When you told me that, I knew then that you were the better man.
Shido: Their popularity was a bit beyond my expectations but flipping it made the negative press stronger. After that, all I had to do was openly berate them. I've been gaining more supporters since. The current administration is dead with ongoing scandals... never mind the fact that they're my doing. Even the government parties have begun splitting up... and they're dissolving just as planned.
[Shido laughs]
Shido: The time has finally come... Just a little more and I'll take the seat of prime minister. However, inauguration isn't my goal. That's when everything truly begins. I'll make this country rich for the sake of its selfish and ignorant masses who can only rely on others.
Akechi: In other words, you're creating a powerful country that can compete with the world.
Shido: The public resonates with my ideals and follows me. And for that, some "sacrifices" can't be avoided. That is my duty as the chosen one. Your assistance has been very influential in making my plan run smoothly. When I become prime minister, I'll grant whatever wish you want.
Akechi: With this most recent case, my name has become known across the country, perhaps even the world. Surely my story will be passed down as a hero who won against monsters that could control people's hearts. I believe I'll lay low and devote myself to my studies.
Shido: ...I suppose with your age, you wouldn't come up with debauched desires.
Akechi: ...I am thinking about the future though.
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Do you think S4 would've turned out better if Steve and Robin had been the leaders? I'm thinking more about S3 Robin here, but even in S4, Robin figured out a huge part of what was going on and Steve was the one to question to Nancy's plan, which obviously failed. I don't think Nancy would've like it, but I think Steve and Robin possess more common sense and street smarts than the rest of the group (whereas Nancy is incredibly book smart but I don't think her plans or leadership skills are the best), and we've seen them work well together in S3. Steve also has great people skills and had a good relationship with Dustin, who is more book smart, and could've bounced ideas off of. Or, do you think this dynamic could be interesting in S5, after Nancy's plan, as the leader, got two people killed?
it depends if we’re looking at this like… within canon do i think stobin would’ve been better leaders, or how do i think the duffers would’ve handled it.
because, the duffers needed them to fail in s4. in order for the cracks to split open, vecna had to survive. so i think even if stobin were the ones largely coming up with the plan, max and eddie still would’ve died.
however, i think stobin being the leaders does have a lot of potential. with robin helping lead scoops, and immediately trying to protect the children, and steve being eldest kid in the know left in s4, who would naturally feel a sense of responsibility over the others. the two of them together could’ve come up with a plan that didn’t get anyone killed. though i think it would require a lot of foresight. no one could know jason would burst in when he did, etc.
i think nancy fits much better into the role of investigator and fighter. she can get so focused on her own goals (killing the demogorgon, or vecna, or getting justice for barb), that she can forget about everything else. other lives being in danger for example. which means she’s an insanely good person to have on your side, but not necessarily one solely leading.
i think if he had to, steve would step up to try and save the day. but i think much like hopper does, he would want all the younger kids safe, and they’d inevitably go against that plan lmao. and the same goes with robin. totally willing to put themselves in danger for others, but not ready to let others do the same for them.
i do actually think that stobancy could be a good leadership trio. with nancy being able to look at the greater good and say “hey, i know we don’t want the kids in danger, but ultimately we don’t have a choice”. and stobin being able to put their foot down, and keep nancy thinking about the entire situation, and not just her desires. though whether nancy would be good at letting others take the reins is a whole other question lmao.
anyway! i think in regards to s5, stobin would be happy for an adult to be there. someone that they can actually rely on for help. because they really haven’t had anyone, even in s3. i think they’d especially want the adults because the plan went so wrong in s4. even though they didn’t really have a say in it, i think they’d still blame themselves for allowing it to happen.
i guess it’s more just a case of, the plans work best when everyone’s together and collaborating.
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peppertaemint · 1 year
This TaeKey situation is so messed up. Like, I don't blame people for being upset, or hurt, and wanting to let the guys know that the things they say can affect others negatively...  but at the same time the way this is going down is wild. I never thought I'd see shawols react to them like this.
The number of people(some of them that I've been following for a while, who always seemed mature and level headed) who were positively gleeful talking about Taemin and Key "getting their lashings". Calling them disgusting, saying they deserve what's coming to them, they don't want to see anything from them unless it's an apology "with tears" and all the other generally insulting things that people have been saying about their appearances and them as people.
It's like people were just waiting for their moment to turn. Or they're so desperate to show that they're "good" and they're not one of "those" fans that puts idols on a pedestal that they've gone tol far in the opposite direction and just gotten nasty.
Like, maybe I'm stupid, maybe I am one of those fans that's putting them on a pedestal but I'd like to think that Taekey are generally good kind people who always do their best to be respectful. Of course they're gonna fuck up every so often. There isn't a person alive who doesn't have some kind of internal bias about something, whether they're aware of it or not. But when someone I care about screws up, I would think the best course of action would be to say "hey, I know you probably didn't mean it maliciously, but the connotations of what you said are kind of shitty. Especially to people with darker skin tones and I hope you can consider that going forward" my first thought wouldnt be to call them disgusting and essentially get a megaphone to announce their fuckup all over social media so as many people as possible can see it and join the hate train.
I just hate this so much. And now stupid sm is just editing the video and the members probably have no clue about it and the people who are angry are getting even angrier and even more nasty.
I wish Taekey could address this but unfortunately I really don't see it happening and then it's like,where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here? A good question.
I think that where we don't go, but it's too late because it's already happening, is commenting on Taemin's IG that he should collaborate with Morgan Wallen. How is that helpful? It's disingenuous.
As someone from Canada, TaeKey's words were gross and not cool. But I also understand that they aren't from my culture, and because I watch a lot of Korean content, I know what is seen as acceptable there. That doesn't mean it's acceptable to me personally.
They deserve fans telling them how they feel honestly. And I think in the majority of cases that has happened. But like you say, some people are taking this extremely far and turning it into an excuse to be nasty, when I don't think TaeKey meant anything other than childish/ignorant making fun. That doesn't mean what they said was okay or should be overlooked, but intention and someone's character does count for something, does it not?
People keep leaving all sorts of remarks on IG, WeVerse, Twitter etc so I would say at this point, they should be aware there's a large swathe of the fandom unhappy. I did put my thoughts on WeVerse and Bubble - but I did that once and let it be. I'm not harassing people.
SM editing the video makes it worse because clearly management or at least the YouTube team know about the issue. But from what I heard, they didn't edit it well, and I think that speaks to the lack of knowledge around this issue. The staff members likely don't understand fully what the issue is and how it makes fans from certain areas feel, so they guessed at how to make it better and mostly failed.
Cultural exchange is full of this kind of uncomfortable stuff. It's easier when it's on a personal level, because then we can have a conversation with the person/people directly. We can't exactly do that, but fans have social media to use, which they are.
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
Not an ask, just an opinion.
Personally, I think Jensen has been in love with Jared the whole filming of SPN and Jared and he were involved all that time. When Jared decided to try to make his marriage with Gen work, broke up with Jensen and wanted to leave SPN, it devastated Jensen to the point where he wanted to hurt Jared very badly, by stealing the legacy they created together and making the Prequel. That would explain the anger exhibited by those videos/pictures he posted of him body building during The Boys, the refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming Jared, the bad decisions, the sadness and self-loathing he exhibits whenever he is around his wife, the self-aggrandizing (to get Jared's attention) and why he only looks alive and happy when he's with Jared. The supposed women he is having affairs with are just for cover, to appease his ego and stroke his soul, which is probably the only thing keeping him going right now, underneath the swagger of ego. He's an unhappy, jilted, ex who met his soul mate and now has to live without him. I don't see his unhappiness ending anytime soon.
Hmm interesting opinion/ask you shared with me here, Anon. I see you are a so called "tin hatter" who has managed to find my blog. Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts with me. So, I am going to begin by saying that I will admit I myself have had some questions about some things I've learned and noticed myself with what I have seen, heard, etc. I do think a lot of what you're saying here has some truth to it. However, it is not as simple as them being exes or in a secret relationship or in love with each other and I highly suspect things are one sided. I don't know if you've read much about my blog or if you've just seen certain anti Danneel posts of mine but my blog is mainly about the SPN cast along with spirituality related topics, particularly divination. For that reason, I am going to share with you a reading I did about this topic back on October 4, 2023 after a friend of mine and I have been seeing some things while dreamwalking, and noticing some things that have manifested after seeing said things.
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In the Tarot, The Hierophant who is said to be the masculine counterpart to The High Priestess represents spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, and sometimes on the contrary challenging the status quo. The 3 of Cups is said to be a card of celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations, independence, alone time, hardcore partying, and sometimes even the notion that ‘three’s a crowd’. The King of Pentacles is symbolic of wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance, or on the opposite end of things being financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, and also a stubborn personality. The Page of Wands represents inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, a free spirit, newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path being presented. The 7 of Swords (a card I admittedly am not liking in this reading I did) is a card that stands for betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, imposter syndrome, self-deceit, and states someone is keeping secrets. Death in the Tarot may sound self-explanatory as to its meaning but is not always meant to be telling of a literal death. In the Tarot, Death is about endings, change (and resistance to), transformation (internal and external), transition, and inner purging. Lastly, The Emperor in this deck ties in somewhat with The Hierophant with some similar meanings and what the card represents, which include authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and generally being inflexible.
So, I post an extremely small fraction of the things I receive divination readings about and post things with the direction of my guides. Some of my guides include the higher selves (in Jensen's case, former higher selves [currently a "dumped" incarnation]) of both Jensen's and Jared's. Some of the things I have not posted on here involve the true nature of their relationship, which again is not as straight forward or as simple as a said secret relationship between them or both being in love with each other. I do agree with you that Jensen seems to feel some hurt from some thing(s) Jared has done (or not) behind closed doors. After watching some old interview clips, con videos, etc., I do notice some interesting looks and behaviors coming from Jensen's direction (body language, how he looks at Jared compared to other people, etc.).
The King of Pentacles being diagonal from the Page of Wands (which I feel symbolizes Jared in this particular case) and also the 7 of Swords is very interesting (and concerning as I'll explain why). The Hierophant and The Emperor (boot looking card) paired in present in this reading together states there is an authoritative father figure that's fairly religious (Jensen's father who Jared reportedly called "Papa Ackles") involved that is a big reason why Jensen is in the closet. However, the 2 cards that tinhatters are probably not gonna like seeing the explanation for here are Death and 7 of Swords. As I'll explain below, these 2 cards are setting half the tone in this reading with . I am not here to appease to people with what I write and such. If it resonates okay if not then it doesn't, simple as that. The card in the center (Page of Wands) curiously is the same card I feel represents Jared. This to me confirms that Jared is more or less on the receiving end of things and isn't so much "giving" out as much as some think but instead "goes with the flow". I also believe greatly that Jared doubts himself a lot and seems to put himself down a lot when praising Gen and others, which is part of what's called Imposter Syndrome.
Based on what I know of his dad Alan and have seen in some YouTube videos (like this one, [trigger warning: this is a Pro Life related video so if this is a trigger do not watch!]), I do believe now based on what I've learned about his past, have observed both on and off camera with women versus Jared say, and even his actions (or inactions) that Jensen is not of the straight orientation. I believe also his dad is a big reason for this, as I think he is afraid of not getting approval from his dad should he not conform to the Christian family man image Jensen to this day tries to sell (and is failing at doing so more and more as the days go on). The Emperor (authoritative father figure) and The Hierophant (religious, institutional, and traditional ways of being) I believe tie in strongly with the dynamic between Jensen and his dad. Is Jensen afraid of "getting the boot" (The Emperor) from his religious dad (The Hierophant) and therefore his family? You mentioned the women/woman Jensen's sleeping with is all for cover and even his marriage with Danneel, or the so called "bearding". I have been wondering if this is why Jensen has never once that I can recall shown Danneel any real affection publicly (and vice versa). You can talk all you want about feeling this and that about her Jensen at cons but those of us who pay attention know better. Actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words. The 3 of Cups in this reading seems to point to what you are suggesting here.
With regards to the King of Pentacles representing Jensen, he likes to dress "nicer" (personally, I want to burn the green shirt he wore to the Charlotte con a couple months back), is VERY big on personal image and sticks with the Christian family man persona that clearly isn't working out. However, I believe he makes a lot of very poor decisions both from a business aspect (thus the "financially inept" tidbit from the King of Pentacles description coming into play here) AND in his personal life. I also elaborated a good deal here on the King of Pentacles representing Jensen in this reading I did a few months ago regarding Drake and Jensen's relationship dynamic (Drake being a so called "mini Jared" or "Jared 2.0). I also mentioned in that post things about Jensen wearing green velvet to interviews before The Winchesters aired. Rumors have been going around for a while that Family Business Beer Company is doing badly but I believe it's becoming more apparent in recent months. They are aggressively trying to expand the distribution of their beers yet their location hours remain at a solid 30 hours, which in itself is a troubling sign (as is being closed for 3 days of the week). Recently I've read a couple posts here on Tumblr mentioning possible layoffs have happened at FBBC in the last couple weeks, which is also always a troubling sign things aren't going so well. With respect to his personal life, whew I think that's just a downright hot mess. The lawsuit that was announced at the end of August with Jensen and Danneel Ackles named certainly will impact both their personal and business lives.
The house that Jensen bought back in July is surrounded by cemeteries (aka marked graves, who knows about unmarked graves), as I posted about here. I'll make another post about this but some speculated it was for business ventures aka a business investment to which my guides say "not quite, more like a real estate investment period". I agree with my guides 100% for multiple reasons and trust they are right. If Jensen intends on using this giant mansion for purposes remotely related to business investments, he and Danneel will be very unpleasantly surprised for multiple reasons. There is understandably some doubt about whether Jensen actually moved to Connecticut at all, due to several sightings of him in Texas at different times after he and Danneel were announced as the new owners of their CT mansion back in July 2023. Regardless of whether Jensen is fully living there, lives there part of the year, just bought it for a vacation home or whatever the story is, the fact is the Ackles don't seem to have had any strong ties to the state prior to them buying this house. Why buy a house on the other side of the country where you've barely visited previously if everything good going on for Jensen is in Austin, including Jensen's said best friend Jared?
I hate the be the bearer of bad news here but if you all think this is merely a business investment and that this will be converted into a B&B or another brewery location, I'll point you to 3 sources that says to me any plans Danneel and Jensen may have like this are extremely likely gonna get foiled real fast (type of zone their house is in, what you can and can't do in different zones in Connecticut, and oh my someone tried to petition to allow B&Bs in residential zones over 10 years in a house that's not even 4 miles away from the mansion and DENIED). Oh, and when signing the papers for buying the house, the lines indicating the purposes of buying the house per the online deeds records did not include any commercial purposes, only personal residence purposes. Hmm.... I would call the mix of these things being financially inept.
Jared on the other hand I wholeheartedly believe is represented by the Page of Wands in this particular reading. While both of them own businesses, are obviously wealthy, and both have refered to themselves along with Jeffrey Dean Morgan "the three kings", I believe that Jared has a more youthful spirit and can be more free-spirited than Jensen by a long shot. Generally, Pages cards represent either children, the younger self of a person in question, or in my opinion someone who has a youthful spirit (can be full of energy, enthusiasm for new ideas, is playful, etc.). Although the description of this card doesn't directly say it on the link I provided I always think of a youthful or playful soul when I see the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands in my deck has 3 peppers on it. It has been said that Jared switched out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky Dean ate in Season 15 Episode 5 "Proverbs 17:3" (scene clip from YouTube below) with real Ghost Pepper Jerky as a prank. Sam and Dean in Season 1 Episode 17 "Hell House" (which happens to be playing on my new TV in my room now as I'm writing this) also pulled quite a few pranks on each other going back and forth, and also reportedly did so in real life on the set but off camera. Jared I noticed also tends to dress more casually or if he dresses up more nicely it's not in elaborate outfits unlike Jensen. I mean also the second clip I shared from YouTube below says it all for me with regards to this card representing Jared in this reading from a youthful spirit point of view.
I also recall reading about how Jared explored Epcot Center and Universal Studios for a day by himself when he was just 8 years old, scaring his grandfather nearly to death who was crying when Jared walked out of the gates of Disney World. This to me shows that Jared is indeed a free-spirited soul who isn't afraid of embarking on new journeys alone (even if others don't like it and Jared doesn't end up liking what follows, thus at times does challenge the status quo even if he and others don't like the outcome), and seems to value novelty or discovering new things and even has more of a creative streak than Jensen if we're to be frank. It was also stated in this article I linked to earlier in this paragraph that Kripke felt that Jared's soulfulness and likeability would be more suitable for Sam Winchester while Jensen's more "charismatic" character would better fit Dean Winchester. Therefore it seems that Kripke and others just might agree with my statements about Jared's personality and that the Page of Wands represents Jared in this particular case.
If you notice in this reading, The Hierophant (the card that looks like a hand) is pointing down towards the 7 of Swords. Along with the 3 of cups being next to The Hierophant, this suggests that secrets are being kept hidden from the public's ears regarding sexual orientation and feelings overall (many signs point to it... literally). I'm not going to go digging through the tinhatters stuff because there's frankly way too much of it ha ha, and I'm sure you Anon are aware of at least a lot of it (and others who are coming across this will probably know some things). It's interesting going across the reading on the other side is the King of Pentacles above The Emperor which to me points to Jensen and his dad, along with society's expectations of men like Jensen as a whole (thus the whole Christian family man image Jensen's trying to uphold versus the reality of things).
Now, onto the part where at least a lot of tinhatters are likely not going to believe what I say or will like me less for it. I'm not here to appease people's beliefs or tell them what they want to hear but I'm instead here to simply state what I've observed, my interpretation of this tarot reading, etc. If someone resonates with this cool but if not, well that's on them not me. The 7 of Swords card is one of the most dominant cards in this entire reading and very much sets the tone. This card as I mentioned earlier speaks of things such as betrayal, deception, keeping secrets, ulterior motives, and even getting away with something. Jensen has been called homophobic for multiple reasons, including his remarks regarding how Brokeback Mountain ruined western films for himself and also saying that Destiel is not a thing. I have heard of the saying that the most homophobic men are in fact in the closet and trying to compensate. As Dean Winchester once said "Of course, the most troubling question is: "Why do these people assume we're gay?" and Sam Winchester said "Well, you are kinda butch, probably think you're overcompensating." (interestingly the website however says "but I just think you're overcompensating). People also do say art imitates life (and sometimes seems to predict things), which I won't fully explain here why that is the truth with Supernatural and Jensen and Jared holistically, not just in a tinhatter's kind of way. It seems Supernatural really did model Jensen and Jared's relationship in many ways... at least, that's what we're supposed to believe.
Based on what I've been observing myself, have been learning via divination (and watching manifest), and what another friend and I have been learning via dreamwalking, a lot of what we're all seeing publicly is in fact smoke and mirrors. I do believe that some of the negative things that have happened between them did manifest in part as a result of Jensen acting upon hurt emotions, but also due to more self-serving ulterior motives on his part. I believe Prequel Gate (along with The Winchesters related posts happening while Walker was airing on multiple occasions) and YANA ring a bell for some people.
Regarding Prequelgate, I saw a Tweet of an old clip where Jensen specifically said "hell no" about doing a reboot as Dean after Supernatural ends and Jared confidently says "I'll answer that for him... NO". I agree with the OP that this didn't age well... This goes back to the 7 of Swords card. I agree with Jensen's critics, that Jensen is an opportunist who looks at every chance he can get to make money. Did Jensen genuinely believe he'd never consider making a SPN reboot as Dean, or did he intend to do so in the back of his mind all along? Clearly The Winchesters became the Dean Winchester show. I was given an interesting nudge a couple weeks ago to watch the movie Jennifer's Body in my divine hearing. I realized there are many parallels between Jensen and Jared, and Jennifer and Anita "Needy. In fact, I have concluded that the relationship dynamic between Jennifer/Anita and Jensen/Jared is in fact 100% identical behind closed doors.
Something else that's been bothering me lately as I'm doing this research. Now, I'm not sure what Jared's views were when Jensen decided to open the Family Business Beer Company physically in 2018 given the name was clearly a nod to SPN, 2 years after Jared opened San Jac Saloon in 2016. However, the FBBC LLC itself was filed and therefore was actually born November 5, 2014, which was 2 years before San Jac Saloon was opened. Did Jensen have plans of essentially "taking over" the Supernatural brand possibly for years and cashing in on it without Jared?
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With regards to YANA, I noticed also in my research that Jared wanted to end SPN multiple times (from what I understand 2 of these times took place in 2008 and 2015) but was stopped from doing so by Jensen and perhaps others chimed in as well. Was Jensen truly concerned about Jared's well-being and just enjoyed working with Jared so much he doesn't want to stop and that continuing SPN (and therefore those big paychecks) was just an added bonus... or was Jensen simply acting concerned about Jared's well-being while having ulterior motives up his sleeve the entire time? Also why, just why would Jensen and Misha even go with the YANA nonsense? I mean some of the posts correlated with things like Jared announcing his return to Gilmore Girls, Jared's McDonald's commercial airing the same day a YANA video gets released, Jared getting his 3rd national corporate sponsor from Chevy again on the same day a YANA video gets released, etc. Honestly, this YANA businesses sounds an awful lot to me like another money grab. And don't sit there and say this was all the studio making them do it. At the end of the day, we all have choices. You can't really force people to do things they don't want to. Instead of choosing to say no to making YANA a thing, Jensen and Misha still went about it. Conforming to an authoritative institution's wishes (The Hierophant and The Emperor) for self-serving business and therefore financial purposes (King of Pentacles), eh Jensen?
I'm also interested in hearing from anyone why exactly Jensen reportedly made 50% more than Jared per SPN episode in later seasons (100k for Jared versus 150k for Jensen). The most logical explanation I could come up with based on research was Jensen got a director title attached to his paygrade after season 5, even if he wasn't actually directing the episode in question (directed 6 episodes in all). I suspect some favoritism may also have played a role, even if no one is saying it. I especially find it interesting that Kripke who was the original Show Runner for Supernatural initially didn't think Jared was smart enough to play the role of Sam Winchester. Sure, Jared certainly may have proven he is intelligent and therefore Kripke stood corrected on that tidbit; however, Kripke has repeatedly praised Jensen for things like his charisma (riiiight, go watch any interview of Jensen and you'll hear lots of umms, uhhs, and even inconsistencies between what he says from interview to interview), looks, charm, etc. It can't just be feeling overwhelmed or burned out with work as to why Jared wanted to leave SPN multiple times but didn't, nor does it explain why Jared had the breakdowns that he did in the past and why he was diagnosed with depression to begin with.
Edit: Adding this in because I believe it's very important to note here with the suspected favoritism and hostility on the set of SPN. Now, if this is remotely true at all, that Kripke got onto Jared's case "for having a bad day" and essentially holding production up over what some called "a hissy fit" back when he had his breakdown in 2007, oh boy am I now a big time Kripke critic. Also, Kripke overly praising Jensen as seen here is just absurd. Get it together Kripke, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Now, for the other part of this reading the tinhatters are probably REALLY not gonna like... the Death card. Like I mentioned before, Death in the tarot isn't always about a literal death but is often times about the death of something and following that, the birth of another. This translates to things like transformation, change (and resistance to), inner purging, and endings. *Shudders* ENDINGS?! Like the so called "Jivorce" is really happening?! THIS CAN'T BE OMG! Chill out all... just a bit. I don't believe as Poseidon said that they will completely drift apart. However, there are only so many chances someone like Jensen will get from Jared as far as maintaining friendships and such goes. I also believe that with the physical distance that is presenting itself, a distance between them on a spiritual, psychological and emotional level will follow suit if it hasn't started already.
I briefly touched onto Jared's playful, youthful personality earlier when I explained my interpretation as the Page of Wands representing Jared and how this card has 3 peppers on it. I also touched onto Jared pranking Jensen by switching out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky with real Ghost Pepper jerky. The title of this episode is "Proverbs 17:3". The ESV Biblical verse says "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts." According to bibleref.com, the meaning of this verse says: "Scripture often uses the metaphor of a crucible: a container used to heat metals to burn off impurities. Passages frequently apply this in the context of God testing, purifying, cleansing, or providing loving correction to His people (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Jeremiah 9:7; 1 Corinthians 3:11–15). The "fire" of hardships, persecution, or God's testing proves what parts of a person's life are godly and which are not". Interestingly, Jensen eating real Ghost Pepper jerky could in a metaphorical sense be compared to "turning up the heat" physically and is therefore the "crucible" here. I believe however with the way things did go for Jared with regards to the set of SPN, YANA, Prequelgate, etc. that it is Jared's heart that is being tested and that Jensen (equivalent to crucible here) is being tested physically.
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
I mentioned earlier that I believe Jared struggles with Imposter Syndrome with regards to the 7 of Swords card, which is apparently common in people who have anxiety and depression. Jared was diagnosed with depression as many of us here know. I believe the one who is transforming and changing here is Jared, and Jensen is who is resisting these changes. Provided that Jared's been given the greenlight for a fourth season while Jensen's The Winchesters was cancelled (and not to mention a lawsuit naming Jensen and Danneel came out of it), it seems Jensen did not listen to signs pointing to no (and therefore resisted changing his ways). I do believe that the way things went with The Winchesters being criticized heavily was the death of Jensen's life as he knows it... Given the Page of Wands is in the center of this reading, it seems many signs and things in this reading point to Jensen and in this case ultimately going back to Jared. According to this Tumblr post, Jared took with him from the set of SPN the fact it's not necessary to work 14 hour days. Based on how this post was written, from my understanding of things it was suggested that Jared wanted it to be clear that people can joke around with him and be comfortable around him despite being the boss. I may be misreading this but to me, this does imply that there could've been some mistreatment or passive aggressive type of behaviors on the set of Supernatural... or just like I said earlier in one sweet word, favoritism.
On a final note, I noticed that timing is everything just as Jared knew while timing his announcements with the AKF versus YANA business. The Emperor in my tarot deck is the boot looking card and the 7 of Swords card is depicted as a mouse holding knives. The day I did this reading (October 4, 2023) I happened to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" a couple hours before I did this tarot reading. In the first scene of the movie after the title screen and Peter is no longer a citizen of Earth, he is seen putting his headphones on and starts kicking around small creatures that stand only a little above his ankles (equivalent to the mouse in this tarot reading in the sense of being smaller than we are and both being seen as "pests") while wearing what appears to be rain boots prior to stealing The Orb from Morag. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord is certainly no conformist, loves his freedom, is obviously free-spirited, creative, and is highly receptive to changing for the better. On a perhaps more odd note, my guides have told me for a while now that I am essentially the real life female Star Lord (personalities being very similar, some intimate life details, many encounters with "other kinds", issues with educational institutions, leaving Earth [in my case via dreamwalking many nights, almost crossing over aka "ascending" off Earth multiple times, and almost physically once too over 10 years ago], problems with authority figures and discipline, and more). I'm not sure if this is true or not but as an added bonus, some websites including this one stated that Jensen auditioned for the role of Star-Lord/Peter Quill.
How interesting, given I received this particular reading on the same day I watched this movie for the first time since I finally understood why my guides kept saying "nope" for me screwing or fucking around", and would instead consistently say "you Fooled Around and Fell in Love"....
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the-offside-rule · 2 years
Mitch Evans (Jaguar) - Dandelions
This one-shot is in collaboration with Deli_f1 and why-are-you-here- on wattpad. We realised there isn't much Mitch Evans Oneshots so we decided to come together and write one each, since we are all big fans of his. This was also a nice little break from writing requests. Also, don't forget to check out their one-shot books which are both amazing might I add and vote etc. Oh and I'm so sorry for not publishing enough, I'm currently on holidays so uploads will be a bit slow for a while. Thank you guys and enjoy the Oneshots x
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Y/n waved her hand delicately through the air as she sat in the passenger seat of her friend, Mitch Evans' car. Y/n and Mitch had known each other for a while now, since they were teenagers. They'd been inseparable except for when Mitch was away racing of course but when Mitch was home, he would always make sure to hang out with Y/n without a question. Mitch pulled into a little pebbled car park, the small stones crunching as the car ran over them. "Alright, let's go have our picnic then." Mitch said as he parked. "Thank god. I'm starving." Y/n replied, hopping out of the car. "Maybe I would have eaten quicker if someone hadn't got us lost."
"You just gave me the directions wrong. That's all." Mitch chuckled. "I didn't have to give you directions until you got us lost." She said as she popped the boot open. "I refuse to take blame for getting us lost, Y/n." Mitch took the basket out and closed the boot. Y/n laughed to herself before she looked for where to go for the picnic and saw a little pathway, so like any logical human being, she walked towards it but the other illogical human being had other plans. "Um, where are you going?" he asked. Y/n looked between Mitch and the path. "To the picnic spot? There's a sign." She pointed at the sign. Mitch waved his hand. "No, no, no. Let's go through the field. It looks nicer." Y/n looked behind him and saw a dandelion infested field, which wouldn't exactly help your hay-fever. "Mitch, that's how we got lost in the car. There's literally directions right here and you aren't taking them." Y/n told him. "I know but come on. The longer you're lost with me the longer you get to spend time with me bestie." He joked, earning a laugh from you. "Okay, fine but I'll kill you if we get lost."
The pair set off into the field, climbing over the fence and now walking through the dandelions. "Do you ever wish on dandelions?" Mitch asked. "Sometimes. I haven't wished on them since I was little." Mitch picked one up, twirled it around a bit and blew on it, watching as the florets danced in the air. "What did you wish for?" Y/n asked. Mitch tapped the side of his nose. "It won't come true if I tell you now, will it?" You smiled and continued to walk. "Maybe you should try it. You never know, your wish might come true." Y/n looked and plucked a dandelion, raising it to just in front of her lips before she did the same as Mitch, keeping her wish silent and close to her heart. As they walked on, Mitch noticed that Y/n was taking many dandelions and blowing every single one, which made him laugh a bit to himself.
"You've got a lot of wishes, huh?" Mitch chuckled as he watched Y/n pick up yet another dandelion to blow away. "Yeah and ironically, one of the wishes is not to have hay-fever." Mitch laughed as the pair walked on through the dandelions. "And do you want photos for your Instagram?" Mitch asked. "Nah. I'll be fine." you replied. "Oh come on, just take a photo. You look live one of those aesthetic girls. I like it." You laughed and looked to the ground before reaching into your pocket and pulling your phone out triumphantly. "Look, the dress has pockets Mitch!" He smiled as he took the phone. "Pockets must be scarce in your world." He joked. "You have no idea." Mitch opened the phone and went to the camera. "Right, how am I taking this then?" he asked. "Well you encouraged me to take it so you tell me what to do." Mitch let out a sigh and looked around for ideas. He rubbed the back of his neck as he thought of possible poses. "Okay, lie down." Mitch said. "I don't think my hay fever wish came true yet Mitch." you laughed. "I've got tablets, just lie down." You looked at the ground with an arched brow. "Trust me." Mitch said, holding his hand out for you to take. You smiled and held his hand as you helped yourself get down. "Okay so am I putting my arms up or what am I doing?" she asked.
"Do whatever you want? Just pose." She groaned and lay down, moving her hands and body in different positions as Mitch snapped the photos. "Absolute beauty." Mitch said, rounding his fingers into an OK gesture. "Right, now help me up." Y/n said, looking for Mitch's hand again. "Hold on." Mitch paused to get something from his bag. "What are you doing?" Y/n whined. "I'm getting a biscuit." Mitch replied. "You're what now?" Y/n asked for him to repeat. "Look, they're chocolate digestives, they're gonna melt!"
"So help me up and we can go eat them!" Mitch groaned and leaned over to help his friend up. She wiped down her dress and took her phone from Mitch, going to look at some of the photos he took of her. She swiped through the first two or three before she saw multiple photos of Mitch doing random faces. "Are you serious?" Mitch as he nibbled on a digestive. "You really aren't funny." She mumbled, shoving her phone back into her pocket. "I am, you know I am." They walked for a little while longer until Mitch spoke up again.
"So, what wishes do you think will come true?" Mitch asked, eating a biscuit. Y/n let out a sigh. "I hope the florets travel to my darling and let them know I love them. I don't think they're exactly aware of my feelings yet." Mitch turned his head to her. "Yet?"
"No, not yet but plans are being made."
"I like the optimism." He chuckled. Y/n looked at his side profile. Her smile softened. "Clueless." you muttered, quiet enough for Mitch to not hear. You see, her wish wasn't for her hay-fever to go away like she said, or perhaps it was, it wouldn't happen since she spoke it out loud for Mitch to know, her wish was for something else, something more important than measly allergies.
Her wish was for him and to call him hers and if she could, she'd spend all day in that field cloeing the dandelions and wishing upon it until it happened. But for now, and in the meantime, she would sit by praying and hoping that her wish would one day come true. Unbeknownst to her however, was that Mitch was wishing for the same thing.
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