#yandere the black phone
horror130 · 6 months
having Henry Bowers and Vance Hopper obsessed with you would include
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" One,two,Daddy is coming for you. Three,four,knocking down your door."- Henry Bowers
“If his filthy hands touch you again, I will kill him!!.”- Vance hopper
💢 You must be a very special and very unlucky person to have these two sociopaths "in love" with you.
💢 You can forget about your social life, since because of Vance's overprotectiveness and Henry's possessiveness, they won't let anyone be close to you, not even your family.
💢 As you can imagine, these two are not at all willing to share you, so you can expect Henry and Vance to fight over you every day, with Henry starting most of the fights since Vance only fights if provoked.
💢 Henry likes to push Vance when he is about to beat the pinball record so that he loses, the last time Henry did this, Grab N'Go ended up completely destroyed.
💢 As much as Vance and Henry hate each other, if they see someone paying too much attention to you, they will join forces and send this MF to hell, but then they become mortal enemies again.
💢 Being in the middle of Vance and Henry's fights can be very annoying and irritating, because they will scream insults at each other while you are in the middle trying to hold your hands over your ear trying to muffle their screams, sometimes they literally have a tug of war with YOU!, but sometimes you can take advantage of their fights to escape.
💢 I imagine you being on a (forced) date with one of them, only for the other to take you (forcibly too) out of that date, just imagine that you and Henry on a date, in the beginning Henry is paying full attention to you, but he you end up getting distracted for a few seconds and when he looks back at you, you've disappeared without a trace, while Henry is confused and pissed as hell and wondering where the hell you are, Vance is holding on tightly (but not to the point of hurting) you hand and taking you to Grab'N Go so you can watch him play pinball.
💢 You can be sure that at some point the two of them would no longer be able to stand each other, and they would literally start a war, and the last one standing would be with you, one of them would die or both of them would kill each other, one or the other, (maybe just Maybe you can stop these two from killing each other).
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katscloudy · 19 days
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me when im trying to find good fics but its all smut ..😞
like PLEAAASE 🙏 i love smut but sometimes i just to read angst
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"𝐼'𝓂 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊!" pt.2
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Warnings: kidnapping, abuse, obsessive behaviours, possessive behaviours, unhealthy mindset, manipulation, The Grabber
(Y/N) had been saving multiple boys from the basement but was unable to help them escape because the Grabber had upped security in the house to make sure that none of the boys ever escaped.
(Y/N) managed to sneak the boys some food (mainly her own meals) and in return they told her about the world outside of the house they were all trapped in.
When she saved the most recent victim, Robin, however, the Grabber gave her a strict warning after beating her.
"If you take the next boy out of this basement, I'll fucking kill you! Do you hear me?!" Was his threat and it lingered in (Y/N)'s mind.
(Y/N) was terrified of this, even though she was almost always on the brink of death due to lack of food and the heavy amount of beatings.
But to be able to protect the other boys, she knew she couldn't hide away the next one, it would be the end of her life and in turn, the end of the rest of the boys’ lives.
But she had an idea about how to help the boy.
She found some old walkie talkies and hid one in the basement and kept the other in the secret room with the other boys so they could give the next boy advice.
Once the next boy was in the basement, the Grabber's brother came to visit, so (Y/N) was locked in her room, since she too, was a kidnapped child.
(Y/N) was becoming very weak and it took a lot of effort to move.
So while she was locked in her room, the Grabber would barely come to see her and deliver food.
He only did that early in the morning then never came back until the next morning, so that gave (Y/N) time to talk to the boys.
They were her first friends and the only connection she had to the outside world.
She had no idea what life outside of the Grabber’s house was like, so everything they told her made her so curious to what the outside world was like.
Bruce and Robin were her favourite friends since they were always nice to her and told her about everything in detail.
Bruce found it a bit funny even that she liked fairytales so much and would often tell her that she was like Rapunzel, beautiful not knowing what the outside world was like.
This made (Y/N) smile since she didn’t feel beautiful, especially with all of her bruises and scars but Rapunzel was supposed to be a beautiful princess despite being held captive.
But then (Y/N) noticed something after a few days, the Grabber came into her room more frequently with more meals, which made her think that the person downstairs left already.
But because (Y/N) was giving the boys almost all of her food, she became weaker and weaker until she could barely give the boys food anymore.
By using the walkie talkie, the boys were able to communicate with the new victim, Finney.
They gave him advice on how to escape and Finney managed to get out the door and start running but he then was captured again.
Luckily, by using the advice from the rest of the boys, after Finney was recaptured, he managed to kill the Grabber and leave the house.
The police entered the house after Finney came out and began getting checked on by professionals.
The boys had heard the snap of the Grabber's neck through the walkie talkie, so they exited the secret room, knowing it was safe to do so.
But (Y/N) wasn't able to move due to injuries and extreme hunger.
Vance carried her out as they all quickly left the house and encountered the police, who recognized them as the missing boys.
They didn't know who (Y/N) was but she was loaded into an ambulance and driven to the hospital.
She was kept there for quite some time to recover since she had severe injuries and was extremely malnourished.
The boys who she saved often came to visit and Robin brought Finney along to meet her once.
The boys, that were kidnapped before Finney, thought of (Y/N) as their saviour and soon Finney thought of her that way too because if she hadn't intervened, then all of them would be dead.
She was making a slow recovery as the police tried to locate her parents.
But they were struggling to find her parents since (Y/N) had no recollection of her last name or her parents, she didn’t even know if (Y/N) was her actual name since it was the name the Grabber called her.
Since she managed to recover before the police found her parents, Griffin’s mother, Ms.Stagg, volunteered to take care of (Y/N) in the meantime since she noticed how attached Griffin was to (Y/N).
Griffin and (Y/N) developed a strong, sibling-like bond and (Y/N) was very protective of the small boy.
But with (Y/N) living with Griffin, he did his best to make sure that (Y/N) wouldn’t hang out with the other boys she saved, and that he could brag about all the fun things he did with (Y/N).
Like building a pillow fort together, how she would read him stories, giving him piggy back rides and how when he said he had a nightmare, she would let him cuddle with her until he fell asleep.
The other boys were very pissed off by this, they wanted to be around (Y/N) so badly, they wanted to joke and laugh with her, talk to her about their stresses, make her happy but Griffin was amazing at restricting their interactions.
(Y/N) was honestly just happy to be out of the Grabber’s house and having the feeling of a family.
The other boys thought that maybe when the police found (Y/N)’s parents, they could have more interactions with her since she’d be around Griffin a lot less.
But those hopes were shattered because it turned out that when the police were looking through the Grabber’s house, they found two bodies, two adult bodies.
They managed to recently connect the dots and figure out that these were (Y/N)’s parents.
As it turns out, the Grabber had become so attached to (Y/N) that he wanted to make sure that she never had anything to go back to, therefore he killed her parents, so he could be her only parental figure, so she really would think that he was her dad.
(Y/N) would’ve been more upset had she known her parents but it was still distressing news.
Ms.Stagg took initiative to adopt (Y/N) since she was growing to love the girl like the daughter she never had.
Griffin made sure to brag about how (Y/N) was now officially his sister and basically did his best to piss off the others with how much he was bragging.
They decided to secretly find ways to meet up and hang out with (Y/N).
They set up little ‘shifts’ where one boy would distract Griffin and the others could hang out with (Y/N).
Bruce and Finney taught her how to play baseball, or at least brought her to their games.
Vance made her watch him play pinball at the Grab ‘n’ Go as he beat his records, then would buy some kind of candy for her with the pocket change he had.
Robin would take (Y/N) to the drive in movie theatre to watch horror movies, especially if she was terrified by them, because it would give Robin an excuse to cuddle (Y/N).
Billy would take her on early morning bike rides with him as he did his paper route.
But Griffin soon found out about what the boys were doing and was furious.
He didn’t want to share his older sister!
She saved him first!
She talked to him first!
No one else should be around her besides his mom and himself!
After he found out, he would throw a tantrum every time that one of the boys tried to get him away from (Y/N) then smirk at the boy as he walked away with her.
Griffin attachment to (Y/N) was like a toddler with their favourite toy, never ever wanting to it go.
This made the others frustrated but luckily for them, Finney is a genius.
He decided to approach (Y/N) and start talking to her while Griffin was around.
Griffin whined and complained but his efforts to get (Y/N) away from Finney failed.
She would instead scold Griffin, and tell him that she was talking to someone and that they would hangout later.
Once the rest of the boys witnessed this, they began using the same strategy angering Griffin to an extreme.
Griffin then began ignoring (Y/N), pretending she didn’t exist, in an attempt to get her attention back on him.
But the boys kept (Y/N) so distracted that she didn’t even notice, which made Griffin extremely upset.
The boys just loved her big and beautiful smile, something they barely saw while she was trapped in the Grabber’s house.
Eventually, Griffin's attempt of getting (Y/N)’s attention began working, causing the others to spend less time with her as she was trying to rebuild her relationship with her younger brother.
Vance eventually got the idea that instead of sneaking around behind Griffin's back or hanging out with (Y/N) in front of him, why not become allies with Griffin?
If Griffin liked him enough, then Vance would be allowed to hang out or even ask out (Y/N).
Vance never, ever told the others about this because if it worked, then he could have (Y/N) all to himself even though he did technically need to share with Griffin.
It was all a big competition for (Y/N)’s affections but who would win this contest?
The end?
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tht0nesimp · 2 years
Y!Bully!TBH boys X reader
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TW: Drugging, weed, oral sex (m, receiving), poly, party, kidnapping, sexual themes, crying, dub/non-con, 16+ characters, modern au (THIS IS FOR 2 AND THE NEXT PART)
 You were dreading the junkyard the whole day, especially as lunch rolled around and vance stopped you in the hall “your eating lunch with us dipshit” you gulped and collected your thoughts “actually, i have plans with my friend..” he looked at you while holding back laughter and grabbed your arm, practically dragging you to the lunch room
Griffin waved rapidly and finney looked up from the textbook he appeared to be teaching to robin with billy just scrolling on his phone. Vance sat you down by your shoulders onto the bench and leaned down “try anything, we all post that photo”you nodded nervously and swallowed your fear “but i dont have my lunch” he sighs and heads back down the hallway…
He dropped your bag in front of you and you got  out your sandwich avoiding eye contact with everyone until griffin who sat next to you started pulling on your sleeve “napkin” his childish demeanor was strange for someone who had just seen you practically naked where anyone could see but as you handed him one the bell rang for 5th period
After 8th period you prayed and left the school slowly as you contemplate your life. But as you worried about being late you realized robin was beating moose up and your worries eased as you realized you were not going to the latest to the junkyard and sped up a bit to run to the junk yard seeing billy waiting outside of the entrance
He smiled at you and finney pulled up in his car with a smile along with griffin, bruce, and vance in the car too
“Your going to a party tonight darlin” 
billy spoke with excitement and malice…
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
hi! I saw you were taking requests, can I request a fem!reader who always seem to shake off the yandere tbp boys affection? Like reader keeps rejecting the boys’ advances to them? it’s okay if you don’t do this request as well ^^
Of course! thanks for requesting. I appreciate it! I'm experimenting with nicknames in this fic so if I've never used these nicknames before, that's why.
Yandere!Poly!Ghost Boys + Finn x Sweethearted but uninterested Reader
"Hello darling. Would you like to come to our baseball game today?" Bruce asked me, sitting in the chair beside mine. "We would play better if you did, Bambi." Finn said, sitting on my other side. "Um no, sorry. I already have plans. I really wish I could though!" The bell rang and I ran out of the classroom.
At lunch, I sat down with my friends. While I was eating, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Vance, Bruce, Finn, Robin, and Billy. "How can I help you?" I asked, politely. "Would you like to go on a date with us this Saturday at the drive in, mamacita?" Robin asked. "Um-" Before I could finish, my best friend Sophie butted in. "Sorry, boys! But Y/N and I already have plans this weekend!" They all nodded, excepting the lie. What I didn't notice is them glaring at Sophie as they walked away.
As I was walking around the school to get to my house, I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me around the corner. It was Billy and the other boys. "Boys! Please! This is so inappropriate! Stop or I'll have to report you to the principal!" They all chuckled at my attempt to be angry at them. You were just too sweet to be mad. They were all so much taller than you and it was very intimidating. "Oh c'mon, doll. Don't act like he would do anything." Vance told you smirking. "Alright gorgeous. Let's go home." Billy said, pulling you to the left. "This isn't the way to my house, Billy!" "No no no. Not your home. Our home." I felt a sharp sting in my neck. And then.
Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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star122234 · 2 years
Yandere alphabet Vance Hopper
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-[A]ffection- How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it be?
°Vance is a super protective yandere so expect him to protect you from everything and everyone even if there is no real danger
°he always has an arm around your shoulder or a hand on your waist or starts a make-out session just to show others that you are his
° and you can be sure that Vance is very intense
-[B]lood- How confused are they willing to be when it comes to their sweetheart?
°vance literally almost killed a kid for making him lose at pinball. do you really have doubts that he would kill a person just because they looked at you in a strange way
° it is obvious that he would not kill the person in front of him or other people he would wait until his victim was alone so he could beat him to death
-[C]ruelty How would they treat their girlfriend once kidnapped? Would they mock them?
°Vance will try to be kind and patient with you, even if you yell at him Vance will just take a deep breath and try to calm you down, but if you annoy him Vance may not hurt you but he will yell at you
° he feeds you and makes sure you are clean
° he also tries to make sure that the place you are stuck in is as comfortable as possible
° he gives you some gifts to distract you when he is not with you
° physical touch will be very common in your relationship even if you don't like
-[D]arling- Besides kidnapping, would they do anything against their sweetheart's wishes?
°touching you
°he always hugs you or kisses you or holds your hand even if you don't want to
-[E]xpose- How much of your heart do they lay bare for your darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to your sweetheart?
° he is not vulnerable at first but the more you gain his trust the more vulnerable he becomes
-[F]ight- How would they feel if their sweetheart fought back?
°Vance would feel hurt and angry
° you can try to fight Vance but he is stronger than you so he would take you down quickly
°he would lock you up or tie you up somewhere and leave you alone until you calm down
-[G]ame- Is this a game for them? When would they like to see their darling try to escape?
°this is definitely not a game for Vance
°he would hate for you to try to escape
-[H]ell- What would be your sweetheart's worst experience with them?
°probably when he kills a person in front of you
-[I]business- What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their sweetheart?
°Vance dreams of taking you to live in a house in the middle of the forest where no one can bother you two
°maybe have two kids and a dog
°and about marriage Vance doesn't give a damn he thinks the two of you are already committed to being together forever and that he doesn't need marriage
-[J]ealousy- Are they jealous? Do they attack or find a way to deal?
° a normal Vance is already quite jealous a yandere Vance is extremely possessive
°at the first opportunity he kills the person he thinks is trying to take you away from him
-[K]isses- How do they act around or with their sweetheart?
° he acts like a guard dog around you, he is always behind you and looking fiercely at everyone and growling at anyone who gets close to you
° when you think you are alone you can be sure that Vance is watching you
°when you're not paying attention Vance takes pictures of you so he can admire you when you're not with him
° wherever you go he goes along with you
° when you go to the bathroom, he will wait for you outside the door
-[L]ove letters- How would they go about wooing or approaching their sweetheart?
° he would first be your friend, he wouldn't realize that he likes you in a romantic way at first but when he does he starts flirting with you all the time and at some point he would ask you on a date
°Vance also likes to buy gifts for you, gifts are not expensive or anything like that but they are things you told him you liked like books, clothes, accessories, etc…
-[M]ask- Are your true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
° to tell the truth yes
° I mean he would still be that kid with anger issues who gets into fights all the time
° but with you he would be more affectionate and gentle
-[N]aughty- How would they punish their darling?
°Vance would punish you by hurting someone you love
°he would hurt a friend or a member of your family and then he would take a picture of them and show you just to show you what happens when you don't behave
-[O]ppression- How many rights would they take away from their darling?
°he would take away your right to socialize
°Vance doesn't like you being around or talking to other people he wants you to talk and be around only him
°it will isolate you from the rest of the world
°And why would you want to be around other people when you already have him?
-[P]atience- How patient are they with their sweetheart?
°compared to the patience he has with other people he is quite patient with you
-[Q]uit- If their sweetheart dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, will they be able to move on?
° good depends
°If you escape Vance he will hunt you down like a wolf hunting a sheep
°but if you died Vance will be crazier than ever anything annoys him, and he would also isolate himself from the rest of the world
Would they feel guilty about kidnapping their sweetheart? Would they let their darling go?
°no he wouldn't regret it, he wouldn't regret it at all
-[S]tigma- What brought out this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
°Vance's childhood probably brought out this yandere side of him
-[T]ears- How do they feel when they see their loved one screaming, crying and/or isolating themselves?
°he feels a sense of guilt but even with that feeling he wouldn't release you
°he would try to comfort you by hugging you and telling you how he's just trying to keep you safe and how he loves you
° maybe he would leave you alone for a few hours but only for a few hours
Would they do anything other than classic yandere?
°he is certainly not as sweet as a classic yandere
-[V]ice- What weakness can your darling exploit to escape?
°The more you convince Vance that you really love him, the more manipulable he becomes.
-[W]is the end- Would they ever hurt your darling?
° Vance could never hurt you at least not on purpose
°maybe he hurts you unintentionally
° if he hurts you by accident he will feel extreme guilt maybe he doesn't show much but you can be sure he feels guilty
-[X]oanon- How much would they revere or adore their darling? How far would they go to win their sweetheart?
°Vance thinks you are an innocent angel who needs to be protected and he will protect you
°he will kill anyone who dares to threaten you or threaten your relationship
How long do they crave their sweetheart before they snap?
°it will probably take about five months before he decides to kidnap you
-[Zenith- Would they break your darling?
°I would say yes
°bom he literally threatens you saying he will kill friends and family if you don't behave and he's probably already killed some people in front of you
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trippy-thot · 2 years
Pls do yandere Billly showalter
Idk how I feel about this but, enjoy!
Yandere Billy Showalter
(Aged Up Billy & Reader)
(Tw: Degradation, Possessive Behaviors, Manipulation)
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You met Billy the first morning he got his new job as the paperboy.
Long story short, he hit you in the face with some papers and came over to apologize. But the apology was cut short when you insisted you were fine and even invited him in for some coffee.
That Summer was pretty much the two of you hanging out all the time. Spending weekends together, going on walks, getting milkshakes. He even let you ride on the back of his bike to deliver papers with him!
He was taken aback by how sweet you were to him. Considering he just cut your face (on accident) with some papers. He loved how kind-hearted and upbeat you were. The fact you would give him your undivided attention for however long he spoke. The fact that you were so friendly to him gave him butterflies
The only problem? You were like that with everyone. He’d never noticed considering the only time he really left his house was when he went somewhere with you.
Poor Billy. He thought he was so special for having someone so loving around him. That was until he ran into you the first day of school.
He had chained his bike up and was walking over to the courtyard. His eyes lit up when he saw you walk his way with a wave. He waved back, only to realize it wasn’t him you were acknowledging. It was someone else. His eyes lingered to his right to see some tall black haired boy open his arms and you practically jump into them.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment before he let you go. It didn’t bother Billy that you were talking to someone else. But it bothered him that you didn’t even bother to acknowledge his presence. The black haired boy took your hand and you walked right past him!
Throughout the day, Billy kept an eye on you. The two of you shared classes together, but so did that other dude. He never got a chance to speak to you since you were so infatuated by him.
When lunch time came around, he spotted the two of you sitting outside. It took him by surprise when you waved, signaling him over. Billy was almost thrown to the floor when you hugged him. He didn’t mind though. Nor did he want to let go.
He learned all about the other guy.
His name was Devin. He was 18 and a senior. He had a motorcycle. The leather jacket he had on was from his bike gang. His arms were scattered with tattoos. (Disregarding the facial piercings) And Billy could tell he was head over heels for you.
Billy could tell you felt the same way about him which made his blood boil.
What did Devin have that he didn’t? Other than An actual bike, and tattoos, and piercings, and-
All he could do was sit and smile as you gushed over Devin; gripping his plastic spork so hard it broke into 4 separate pieces.
About a week after Billy met Devin, he asked you to hang out at his house. At first you declined, stating that you had plans with Devin that day. But you were persuaded when Billy told you he needed to talk to you about some serious stuff.
“Billy, this better be important. I was gonna go down to the cinema with Devin.” You groaned, sitting on his bed. He shut the door behind him and sighed. “About Devin…”
The two of you bickering back and forth over him. Billy had told you Devin had gone around doing stuff with other girls, which you didn’t believe. “You’re such a liar! Is this because you’re jealous of him? If you cared about me, you’d be happy for me!”
Billy sighed and turned the other way. “So I’m the bad guy because I want to hang out with you?” You stopped grumbling and looked at him. “What?” There was a brief pause. “No, I never said-“
“I just wanted to hang out with you is all. And I figured while you were here I’d tell you what I saw. Don’t believe me, believe me. It’s up to you. I just don’t want to see you get hurt because some douche played with your heart.”
You felt a hint of guilt in your chest as you looked at Billy. He really did look upset and concerned for you. “Not to mention he’s probably only using you for your body.”
The next hour you spent crying on Billy’s shoulder as he spoke. He continuously put you down and practically slut shamed you for hanging out with Devin. And when you tried to defend him, he changed courses.
“You don’t think he actually loves you. Right? You’re not that dumb. I mean seriously (Y/n). Why would he? You’re just a daft bimbo, and he seems to recognize that. He’d only use you for your body and throw you to the curb after. Of course he doesn’t love you! I don’t think anyone even would. Other than me.”
Billy spoke so harshly of you, but in such a sweet tone. He rubbed your back and played with your hair as he continued to tell you no one would ever love you like he does. His words coaxed you into his arms as you cried into chest. You couldn’t see it, but the large smirk on his face was confirmation of you falling right into his trap.
The constant degradation from Billy eventually consumed you fully.
You no longer hung out with Devin. Or anyone else other than Billy for that matter. You stopped wearing clothes that fit and instead worse baggy oversized pants and shirts. No one spoke to you anymore because you were never alone.
You were always with Billy. At his side. At all times. Following him around like a lost puppy. Anyone who tried to converse or interact with you was driven away by his harsh words and insults. Not you though.
Overtime you learned that people just didn’t like you. He was right all along. People were only ever using you to their advantage. No one loved you. No one cared for you. No one even acknowledged you!
Other than your boyfriend Billy.
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deadghosy · 7 months
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THANKS TO @gaylorvader FOR THIS IDEA💗💗🦆✨ lol this could be a series guys-
prompt: after waking up, you find yourself in hell again with your friends.
Warning: light yandere feelings🔥
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As Lucifer takes your small form in his, he gives you a small kiss on your head writing the letter he promised as it says. “Don’t steal what’s not yours ass face.” And left chuckling to himself closing the portal to heaven as he enters the hotel holding you up as if you were simba(💀)
“Guess who I got back~ that’s right the big boss got em back!” Lucifer says happily as Charlie looks up from her restless state as stars are in her eyes at your cute sleeping sight.
“READEERR!” Charlie exclaims making you wake up to be met with the faces of the crew as Charlie hugs you. You quack happily rubbing your chubby cheek on Charlie’s on face.
“DONT. Ever….leave the hotel during extermination.” You heard Lucifer said as you quack shocked to see Lucifer have glowing red eyes at you. He seemed to be pissed at how Adam snatch you, even if Heaven made a mistake to send you to hell. You belong in hell with them.
You nodded not wanting to see him far the king of hell himself go. Lucifer’s mood switched so quick as if he didn’t almost go full demon mode. “Good.” He says softly sitting you down to the ground as fat nuggets ran up to you happily with an oink as Angel dust was just happy to see you and fat nuggets being gossip animals again.
Even Alastor patted your small fluffy head as he smiled truly seeing you safe and sound here in the hotel again.
“I’m happy to see you my adorable fellow” alastor says as you quack happily at his face. You hugged his legs making him smirk at this. “I am pleased you missed me too..” Alastor says.
Husk immediately snatches you from Alastor as husk walks over to the bar with you. “Listen kid, I got your favorite milkshake ready. I uh..learnt it while you was gone.” Husk says a little flustered admitting he actually learnt something for you as you smiled with a blush. Just happy to drink your fav milkshake.
Angel teases husk for him learning to make your favorite drink as you drink the milkshake as Lucifer and Charlie talk to each other. Vaggie was beside her girlfriend and nodded along with the Morningstars who were staring at you.
“Aww is the big bad cat having a soft spot for the penguinnnn?” Angel says teasing husk as husk turned away from Angel onto for the said person to pull husk’s chin to Angel’s face. “Get out of my face.” Husk says.
You quacked with laughter seeing husk push Angel away from him. Husk huffed cleaning a beer glass as Angel just rolled his eyes with a smile.
As you felt at home, you felt tired having husk’s attention as he chuckles with his usual grin and poke your chubby fuzzy cheek. “Guess this one is tired from their trip” husk says gaining Lucifer’s attention from his daughter as Lucifer picked you up chuckling seeing you fall asleep instantly in his arms.
You woke up as the morning hellish sun hits your face. Lucifer snores loudly having one of his pair wings hug you. They were very soft as you quack notifying Lucifer that you were awake now and ready for a new day.
Lucifer lets you go as he mumbles getting up seeing his precious bird up and ready to be seen…..he just wanted to keep you here as he was glad he got you back. Lucifer had explained that last night Charlie and him declared your presence was back in hell and every one was excited
So excited they declared for a celebration of your return as Lucifer brought in a clone of himself holding up clothes your size. (A/n: Thanks to Velvette anyways💗)
The king of hell helped you get dressed as he put a pin on your shirt saying, “I’m back, and better than ever” it was a little corny, but you appreciated the pin Lucifer gave you.
You go downstairs seeing your friends in your new outfit as Lucifer was behind you having his usual smile. Niffty waves excited to see you again as you watched and went to go towards her with a smile.
You and niffty hugged, happy to see each other like a short duo as Charlie was telling the other staff what’s going to go down for this party.
Angel was already texting Cherri about harmless fireworks as Cherri bomb was on the go with fireworks.
A bunch of knocks hit the door of the entrance of the hotel interrupts the planning. Everyone looks at it nervously until a small voice was called out. “I’m here for the party?! Is this the right address?” The person yelled out making Charlie excited that a party was gonna happen. Charlie rushes to the door as vaggie puts on a party hat for you and for her.
“Let the party begin!!” Charlie yell as as she opens to the front doors of the hotel as your eyes shine excited to have a party.
Hour later, the party was amazing as sinners actually came in the hotel to see you again and giving you baskets of your favorite food and flowers which made you quack happily.
Music blasting, laughter in the air, and everyone was just happy in hell like it was happy day In hell indeed. Charlie and vaggie made a lot of fun party games like “pin the tail on the donkey”
Husk was giving out drink as he gave you a non-alcoholic drink of course, he can’t have you looking dumb on a party about you.
Alastor played jams, of course old jams making sir Pentious wanting to change the dial but scared to even do that.
Lucifer danced happily with you as you quacked getting lifted into the air as Lucifer felt happiness in his heart, warmth like the sun seeing your smile and penguin self.
The clocked strikes 10:30 pm as its almost curfew for the hotel staff to go to bed.
As everyone was getting ready to leave, they all waved goodbye to you as you quacked happily to see the sinners you gave mail to on the weekdays and weekends. You always left love everywhere you go.
At night everything went quite as a light shined in Lucifer’s room who had you on his bed while you play with this duck toy that moves when you clap. Lucifer made it incase the “rescue” mission succeed. Which it did as Lucifer smiles at your happy nature. Lucifer turns off the light, taking away the toy as you tiredly quack. “Yes yes…it’s time for bed my little bird.. sweet dream.” He said lastly giving you a forehead kiss.
You sleep peacefully by Lucifer who had you in a cute duck gown as you coo softly in your sleep feeling warm by the king of hell.
The angels were sad, some weeping at the loss of their cute new angel delivery boy..who would give them fresh cookies and mail….as the angels weren’t taking the news lightly that you were missing. Someone had it worse.
Lute was pissed…no..not pissed. She was feral and livid at the fact her sunshine, her sweet baby was kidnapped from a god’s creation gone wrong.
Lute started to flip tables screaming about going down there and kill Lucifer herself. Throwing things off table and literally throwing a chair. Barely missing Adam’s head.
Sera sighs rubbing her hand over her head as Emily looks uncomfortable seeing lute freak out this way. They never seen Lute look this angry before.
“Lute please calm down. This isn’t the holy way to act when upset…” sera says looking at lute. Sera and Emily had came to check up on Lute as angels had heard crashing noises in lutes’s place after news got out you were missing. More like “kidnapped” as Adam’s woke up to see the note and rush over to tell sera this news.
“YOU THINK I WANNA CALM DOWN AFTER A PERFECTLY, GOOD, KIND SOUL ANGEL GOT KIDNAPPED AT THE HANDS OF THAT DISGRACE?!” Lute yells angrily as Adam flies down to her. He also didn’t look impressed as he just stood there.
Sera gave a stern glare to lute, “Adam. Control your lieutenant.” Sera says not taking the yelling towards her lightly as Emily looks away with embarrassment at this high tense moment.
Adam could tell that lute wasn’t calming down. Adam also wanted to spill out his mind but oddly he was being more quiet then spilling out his bullshit thoughts.
“Chill the fuck out lute…” Adam says putting his hand on lute’s shoulder. “This isn’t over at all…We still got time to snatch that cute lil shit from those worthless bitches.” Adam says smirking as his mask glitches thinking about you being locked up in heaven with him.
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horror130 · 4 months
Can I get Yandere TBP boys headcanons about the way they try to win over the reader please ?
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Warning:None really
🌙 Finn is too shy to talk to you in person for a long time, so he becomes your secret admirer who tries to win you over with love letters and simple gifts, he loves seeing your cute reactions when he finds a love letter and a chocolate in your closet.
☀️ To win you over he would obviously use all his great charm, he literally tries to act like those heartthrobs in Mexican soap operas, it's the worst, and it really works,he also tries to act as your knight in shining armor protecting you from threats real or not.
⚾ He is similar to Robin, he uses charm and popularity to win you over, the only difference between him and Robin is that Bruce is more like a prince charming than a heartthrob.
♣️ Vance is a different story...he wouldn't try to win you over, he's more like...marking territory, as if...suddenly he got closer to you and the closer he gets to you the more he demonstrates his yandere tendencies.
🦮 Among them all, Billy is the most normal in terms of winning you over, he invites you on dates, gives you cute gifts, he launches those cute cheesy flirtations, Billy is the one who takes the longest to reveal his obsession with you.
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
u can make headcanons of the boys from the black phone yandere x reader having their first kiss
I'm back everyone! And hopefully I will complete more requests!
Yandere Black Phone Boys reactions to being their darling's first kiss:
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Warnings: Kidnapping mentions, manipulation, degradation, dub-con/non-con (not sex but still non-con and dub-con), delusions, unhealthy behaviour, unhealthily mindsets, mentions of death, mentions of violence, mentions of murder, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT
Finney Blake:
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Free will:
Finney would be over the moon if his darling would kiss him out of their own free will! And being their first kiss too? He’s never been happier! He will cling out his darling, always doing things for them in exchange for kisses. He becomes so giddy every time his darling kisses him, whether it be on the lips or anywhere on the face.
Less excited over the kiss since he knows his darling was coerced into it. Will still be very happy knowing he’s his darling first kiss and will often coerce them into giving him more kisses which may begin to enable a delusion of his darling being in love with him.
Robin Arellano:
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Free will:
He had no doubt in his mind that his darling would kiss him out of their free will, after all, he’s been so kind to them. And his darling still doesn’t know about how Robin may have “gotten rid of” a few people in their life. He would be all prideful about being his darling’s first kiss, gloating about it then having his darling kiss him again.
He doesn’t care that he needed to coerce his darling into kissing him, he’s still their first time and it is a definitely a memorable one if his darling is trapped in Robin’s basement or in a small shed. They quickly learn that kisses = rewards, so if they kiss Robin, he’s less likely to hurt or kill someone and his darling might even get a candy bar.
Bruce Yamada:
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Free will:
He would be all smiles, practically giggling with glee. He would cling onto his darling wanting more of their kisses and wanting to flaunt the fact that he’s kissed his darling that his darling holds at least some romantic affection for him.
This action would completely enable his delusion that his darling is in love with him. He would be so happy! Again, the kisses = reward system, every time he gets a kiss from his darling he gives them a treat or plushie.
Vance Hopper:
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Free will:
His darling kissed him? He didn’t threaten them though? He’s confused and red in the face before he kisses his darling for their second kiss but he makes it more passionate than his darling’s initial kiss. He will have his darling constantly be around him when he plays pinball and when he beats his record, he’ll make out with them in front of everyone but no one’s allowed to look unless they want their skull pounded in.
He would just laugh, knowing that it’s a pitiful attempt of gaining more freedom. No kiss = reward system, rather he will kiss his darling whenever he damn well pleases, they are his darling so he does whatever he wants. He’ll laugh at their pitiful attempts to please him in order to create an escape because he knows genuine affection from fake affection. He’ll take advantage of that and grope his darling during their kisses/make out sessions.
Billy Showalter:
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Free will:
He’s happy and smiling. Much kinder to his darling after that, especially when he learns that he’s their first kiss. Doesn’t really degrade his darling, is actually much softer with them for a while. His darling soon learns that kisses = less degradation/a softer and sweeter Billy. They use that to their advantage until they’re confident enough to tell Billy they like him much better without the degradation.
He’ll just smile, no change in behaviour, no kisses = reward system. He’s happy that he’s their first kiss, of course but he knows that it could possibly be some form of escape attempt, so he doesn’t change his degradation to his darling. You keep their mind weak, their body becomes weak as well.
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tht0nesimp · 10 months
Tee hee I’m in my fall girl era tw: He’s soft and fluffy but might throttle your throat, isolation, insecurities(?), golden boy, 70s-80s
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“What do you mean?” He tilts his head to the left like a kitten, “I mean…I just think we should spend a bit more time apart!” You love him—truly, you adore him— but it’s getting to be too much for you
The constant snuggling, Hand holding, social events, parties, sport games, and every other activity he insists you participate in is wearing you out. So after a few months of the never ending behaviors, you just had to tell him it needed to stop now because you can’t handle it anymore
“I guess we can cut out every Wednesday dates…keep Friday dates…” he plans as if you weren’t even there “And I guess you don’t have to go to EVERY soccer practice, but I want you at the games!” He gives that golden smile and pushes a tuft of hair out of your face with his gentle touch—he was always warm, making him amazing to touch— his smile was a bit more accomplished than normal
You huffed, slightly offended he didn’t even ask about your opinion on the subject before deciding what was going to change. “I guess that works, but for me being such a great girlfriend…maybe we could go to some special fall event?” Bruce smiles “I’ll figure it out, baby, don’t worry!” “Thank you, golden boy~“ Bruce smirks at your teasing and pokes you in the side, resulting in a giggle from you and a chuckle from Bruce. “Your welcome, Golden girl!” His typical bubbly personality was back in a flash, he always seemed to know how to fix things
he was so perfect, god were you lucky to have such a cute boy like you. Even if he was a bit much—even if he coerces forces you into coming to everything he does— sometimes you just couldn’t help but get frustrated, but that’s okay, because Bruce is always ready to help sort things out
You dont really mind him taking the lead in your relationship because you were never too great at social situations. And anytime you feel like people only wanna be around you to get to bruce he's always there to assure you that you'll always have him
But is that really a good thing? so you try not to think about it too much, you just think about what your going to wear to wherever he ends up taking you. He always liked you in green because it was his teams color
You continue to contemplate it as you walk back home, ignoring the way bruce glares at a boy who looks at you for a bit too long, ignoring the way his grip gets just a bit tighter around your hand
He was perfect, and out of your league, but you managed to end up with him and in the end, thats all that matters to you to him.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Yandere!Finney x Reader x Yandere!Robin Headcannons
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Warning: toxic, manipulative yandere behavior. Aged up to 18!
I think that Robin would be an overprotective and possessive yandere.
Finney would be a manipulative yandere
If you tried to leave them, I don't think either one of them would have any problem with kidnapping you.
Finney would be so so manipulative. He would guilt trip and gaslight you into believing he and Robin are the only ones who love you.
While Finney's working on turning you against everyone you love, Robin is busy getting rid of everyone and everything that supports you.
He would get rid of your family, friends, everything and everyone that makes you feel loved and supported would be blackmailed or threatened into being mean or leaving you.
When you're bawling wondering what you did wrong, you'll be falling right into their trap as you cry into their arms
"Oh, Hermosa! They don't really care about you at all! Me and Finney are the only ones who truly care!"
"He's right, baby. They were just using you! But you can always rely on us. We'll never let you down"
Once you start to realize what they're doing and try to leave, bye world.
They will never let you leave. They already murdered your family saying they left you! Who's gonna stop them from kidnapping you hmm?
"Oh Princesa. You really thought we were just gonna let you go?"
"We're never letting you go, sweetheart. Ever"
....... That got way darker than I thought it would've. Working on Yandere!Bruce x Reader x yandere!Vance rn. Let me know if you want a part 2 or for me to make this as an imagine or scenario! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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star122234 · 1 year
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Finney Blake
COLINGY- They are rarely found far from the object of their affection. They are usually more childlike and relaxed than other yanderes as they trust their darling. This confidence often stems from a close platonic or romantic relationship. However, they don't trust others and this can lead to intense jealousy; especially if they feel that someone is trying to replace them. It is usually jealousy and insecurity that drive these yanderes to break down.
Types: sutookaa gata, ison gata, sokubaku gata, suuhai gata
stalker type, dependency type, restriction type, worry type
sutookaa gata stalker type
"You will never be alone. I won't let anything happen to you"
The stalker type will follow their love interest, often without their knowledge, to make sure they are safe and well behaved. They are constantly aware of what the object of their affection is up to and will often go so far as to exploit whatever technology or planner they may have. Sometimes they may feel the need to deepen their observation by following them from sunrise to sunset or setting up cameras in their loved ones' homes. They tend to focus too much on their love interest and can sometimes lose control of their emotions when it comes to disconnecting from them in any way, shape or amount.
ison babe dependence type
“I couldn't live without you. Promise you won't leave me"
The dependency type cannot function without your love interest. They are unable to live without their darling's motivation and will beg you not to leave or throw it away. It is not uncommon for them to succumb to bouts of jealousy or anxiety when they feel they are losing interest in their sweetheart. They prefer to keep the object of their affection away from the outside world. As long as they promise to stay with them forever, there's nothing to worry about.
sokubaku gata restraint type
“Why would you want to leave? You have everything you need here"
The restraining type will stop at nothing to make sure your love interest is on your side. If the two are not inseparable, the yandere cannot feel satisfied. They yearn for the object of their affection to desire them and are willing to put in as much time and effort as possible to obtain it. It's not uncommon for them to resort to gaslighting and kidnapping their darling to make sure they depend on them for everything.
suuhai babe worship type
“Would you love me more if I killed someone for you?”
The worshipful type will do anything for their love interest whether they ask for it or not. They don't care if their love is unrequited nor are they concerned about your well-being, all that matters is the object of their affection. There is no end to their loyalty as they are willing to cheat, lie, kill and die for their sweetheart. Worship yanderes are the least harmful to their darling, but this does not extend to themselves or others. If the worshiping type is experiencing any form of jealousy, they may end up lashing out at others and begging forgiveness from their loved ones as they believe they are not worthy of them.
shuuchaku gata obsession type
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
The obsessive type will try to absorb everything about their love interest, be it personal information, hobbies, routines or beliefs. They are constantly thirsty for more of their darling and consistently need to know what their love interest is up to. They regularly check the object of their affection and prefer to be by your side all the time (if possible, without frightening your darling). They don't necessarily want to monopolize their love interest, but they do want to know everything they do.
Robin Arellano
OVERPROTECTORS - These yanderes often approach the object of their affection before their dangerous tendencies reveal themselves. It is not uncommon for them not to perceive their actions as yandere behavior because they believe they are being protective. They prefer their love interest to be dependent on them and may refuse to allow them to leave their side under the guise of the yandere that keeps them safe. If they feel their love interest will be harmed in any way, they will cross the line and become more than just overprotective.
Types: dokusen gata, sutookaa gata, shuuchaku gata, sokubaku gata
monopoly type, stalker type, obsession type, restriction type
dokusen gata monopoly type
"Who was that you were talking to?"
The Monopoly type wants to completely dictate who their love interest interacts with and how they can interact with them. They are constantly asking questions and refuse to budge unless they are completely up to date on their sweetheart. It is not uncommon for them to bribe the object of their affection by appealing to their logical or emotional viewpoints - whatever is necessary to keep their darling from straying. At the height of their monopoly, the love interest will be held in a specific location with their days completely planned out for them whether they like it or not.
sutookaa gata stalker type
"You will never be alone. I won't let anything happen to you"
The stalker type will follow their love interest, often without their knowledge, to make sure they are safe and well behaved. They are constantly aware of what the object of their affection is up to and will often go so far as to exploit whatever technology or planner they may have. Sometimes they may feel the need to deepen their observation by following them from sunrise to sunset or setting up cameras in their loved ones' homes. They tend to focus too much on their love interest and can sometimes lose control of their emotions when it comes to disconnecting from them in any way, shape or amount.
shuuchaku gata obsession type
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
The obsessive type will try to absorb everything about their love interest, be it personal information, hobbies, routines or beliefs. They are constantly thirsty for more of their darling and consistently need to know what their love interest is up to. They regularly check the object of their affection and prefer to be by your side all the time (if possible, without frightening your darling). They don't necessarily want to monopolize their love interest, but they do want to know everything they do.
sokubaku gata restraint type
“Why would you want to leave? You have everything you need here."
The restraining type will stop at nothing to make sure your love interest is on your side. If the two are not inseparable, the yandere cannot feel satisfied. They yearn for the object of their affection to desire them and are willing to put in as much time and effort as possible to obtain it. It's not uncommon for them to resort to gaslighting and kidnapping their darling to make sure they depend on them for everything.
Vance Hopper
OVERPROTECTORS - These yanderes often approach the object of their affection before their dangerous tendencies reveal themselves. It is not uncommon for them not to perceive their actions as yandere behavior because they believe they are being protective. They prefer their love interest to be dependent on them and may refuse to allow them to leave their side under the guise of the yandere that keeps them safe. If they feel their love interest will be harmed in any way, they will cross the line and become more than just overprotective.
Type: sutookaa gata, sokubaku gata, shuuchaku gata, haijo gata, koritsu yuudou gata, dokusen gata
stalker type,restraint type,obsession type,removal type,loneliness induction type,monopoly type
sutookaa gata stalker type
"You will never be alone. I won't let anything happen to you."
The stalker type will follow their love interest, often without their knowledge, to make sure they are safe and well behaved. They are constantly aware of what the object of their affection is up to and will often go so far as to exploit whatever technology or planner they may have. Sometimes they may feel the need to deepen their observation by following them from sunrise to sunset or setting up cameras in their loved ones' homes. They tend to focus too much on their love interest and can sometimes lose control of their emotions when it comes to disconnecting from them in any way, shape or amount.
sokubaku gata restraint type
“Why would you want to leave? You have everything you need here."
The restraining type will stop at nothing to make sure your love interest is on your side. If the two are not inseparable, the yandere cannot feel satisfied. They yearn for the object of their affection to desire them and are willing to put in as much time and effort as possible to obtain it. It's not uncommon for them to resort to gaslighting and kidnapping their darling to make sure they depend on them for everything.
shuuchaku gata obsession type
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
The obsessive type will try to absorb everything about their love interest, be it personal information, hobbies, routines or beliefs. They are constantly thirsty for more of their darling and consistently need to know what their love interest is up to. They regularly check the object of their affection and prefer to be by your side all the time (if possible, without frightening your darling). They don't necessarily want to monopolize their love interest, but they do want to know everything they do.
haijo gata removal type
"No one will love you more than me."
The remove type will remove everyone they believe their love interest doesn't need in their lives. While the severity of the removal can vary, there is no limit as to what they will do to achieve their goal. In most cases, there are two subtypes of removal yanderes. Those who secretly remove people in an attempt to keep their loved ones blissfully unaware of their true intentions have been known to light up their love interest to see the best in others' disappearance. Others remove people openly and, sometimes as a punishment to prevent your darling from misbehaving. They face little to no qualms about going to extreme lengths to get what they want - and keeping the object of their affection safe, of course.
koritsu yuudou gata loneliness induction type
"Shh, I'm here. You don't need anyone else, you have me."
The loneliness-inducing type will do anything to make sure their love interest feels lonely. They may do this by spreading malicious rumors about them to incite others to alienate them or sever their other connections through blackmail, murder, and other extreme actions. The moment it seems like your darling is losing their minds, they will pounce on your fragile mindset and become your lifeline. Inducing things that don't make your sweetheart feel lonely but cause some sort of mental damage, trauma is not out of character for these yanderes.
dokusen gata monopoly type
"Who was that you were talking to?"
The Monopoly type wants to completely dictate who their love interest interacts with and how they can interact with them. They are constantly asking questions and refuse to budge unless they are completely up to date on their sweetheart. It is not uncommon for them to bribe the object of their affection by appealing to their logical or emotional viewpoints - whatever is necessary to keep their darling from straying. At the height of their monopoly, the love interest will be held in a specific location with their days completely planned out for them whether they like it or not.
Bruce Yamada
COLINGY- They are rarely found far from the object of their affection. They are usually more childlike and relaxed than other yanderes as they trust their darling. This confidence often stems from a close platonic or romantic relationship. However, they don't trust others and this can lead to intense jealousy; especially if they feel that someone is trying to replace them. It is usually jealousy and insecurity that drive these yanderes to break down.
Types:mousou gata,ison gata,haijo gata,shuuchaku gata,sutookaa gata
dulsion type, dependency type, removal type, obsession type, stalker type
mousou cat dulsion type
"Why are you fighting? You've already admitted that you're in love with me"
The delusional type is unable to be dissuaded from the object of their affection. Not only do they rationalize every negative response from their sweetheart, but their love distorts how they perceive reality. If their love is unrequited, they believe it is due to those around them and will attack those they hold responsible. These yanderes are very protective and don't take threats to themselves or their love interests lightly. Delusional types are known to go to extremes if they believe it will gain them even the smallest favor from their sweetheart.
ison babe dependence type
“I couldn't live without you. Promise you won't leave me"
The dependency type cannot function without your love interest. They are unable to live without their darling's motivation and will beg you not to leave or throw it away. It is not uncommon for them to succumb to bouts of jealousy or anxiety when they feel they are losing interest in their sweetheart. They prefer to keep the object of their affection away from the outside world. As long as they promise to stay with them forever, there's nothing to worry about.
haijo gata removal type
"No one will love you more than me."
The remove type will remove everyone they believe their love interest doesn't need in their lives. While the severity of the removal can vary, there is no limit as to what they will do to achieve their goal. In most cases, there are two subtypes of removal yanderes. Those who secretly remove people in an attempt to keep their loved ones blissfully unaware of their true intentions have been known to light up their love interest to see the best in others' disappearance. Others remove people openly and, sometimes as a punishment to prevent your darling from misbehaving. They face little to no qualms about going to extreme lengths to get what they want - and keeping the object of their affection safe, of course.
shuuchaku gata obsession type
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
The obsessive type will try to absorb everything about their love interest, be it personal information, hobbies, routines or beliefs. They are constantly thirsty for more of their darling and consistently need to know what their love interest is up to. They regularly check the object of their affection and prefer to be by your side all the time (if possible, without frightening your darling). They don't necessarily want to monopolize their love interest, but they do want to know everything they do.
sutookaa gata stalker type
"You will never be alone. I won't let anything happen to you"
The stalker type will follow their love interest, often without their knowledge, to make sure they are safe and well behaved. They are constantly aware of what the object of their affection is up to and will often go so far as to exploit whatever technology or planner they may have. Sometimes they may feel the need to deepen their observation by following them from sunrise to sunset or setting up cameras in their loved ones' homes. They tend to focus too much on their love interest and can sometimes lose control of their emotions when it comes to disconnecting from them in any way, shape or amount.
Billy Showalter
MANIPULATIVE - Yanders with manipulative behavior wish to control the person of their affection. Their love interest may already love them, or so they are led to believe, before their dangerous tendencies are revealed. These are the types who put their love interest in dangerous or unethical situations to play savior and push them closer to addiction. It is important to note the push and pull method, where they will test the interest of the object of their affection by making them jealous or worried. They are not satisfied until they believe their love interest is equally in love with them.
Types: Shuuchaku gata, Koritsu yuudou gata, Dokusen gata, Sokubaku gata, Sutookaa gata
obsession type, monopoly type, loneliness induction type, restraint type, stalker type
shuuchaku gata obsession type
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls?"
The obsessive type will try to absorb everything about their love interest, be it personal information, hobbies, routines or beliefs. They are constantly thirsty for more of their darling and consistently need to know what their love interest is up to. They regularly check the object of their affection and prefer to be by your side all the time (if possible, without frightening your darling). They don't necessarily want to monopolize their love interest, but they do want to know everything they do.
koritsu yuudou gata loneliness induction type
"Shh, I'm here. You don't need anyone else, you have me."
The loneliness-inducing type will do anything to make sure their love interest feels lonely. They may do this by spreading malicious rumors about them to incite others to alienate them or sever their other connections through blackmail, murder, and other extreme actions. The moment it seems like your darling is losing their minds, they will pounce on your fragile mindset and become your lifeline. Inducing things that don't make your sweetheart feel lonely but cause some sort of mental damage, trauma is not out of character for these yanderes.
dokusen gata monopoly type
"Who was that you were talking to?"
The Monopoly type wants to completely dictate who their love interest interacts with and how they can interact with them. They are constantly asking questions and refuse to budge unless they are completely up to date on their sweetheart. It is not uncommon for them to bribe the object of their affection by appealing to their logical or emotional viewpoints - whatever is necessary to keep their darling from straying. At the height of their monopoly, the love interest will be held in a specific location with their days completely planned out for them whether they like it or not.
sokubaku gata restraint type
“Why would you want to leave? You have everything you need here"
The restraining type will stop at nothing to make sure your love interest is on your side. If the two are not inseparable, the yandere cannot feel satisfied. They yearn for the object of their affection to desire them and are willing to put in as much time and effort as possible to obtain it. It's not uncommon for them to resort to gaslighting and kidnapping their darling to make sure they depend on them for everything.
sutookaa gata stalker type
"You will never be alone. I won't let anything happen to you"
The stalker type will follow their love interest, often without their knowledge, to make sure they are safe and well behaved. They are constantly aware of what the object of their affection is up to and will often go so far as to exploit whatever technology or planner they may have. Sometimes they may feel the need to deepen their observation by following them from sunrise to sunset or setting up cameras in their loved ones' homes. They tend to focus too much on their love interest and can sometimes lose control of their emotions when it comes to disconnecting from them in any way, shape or amount.
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trippy-thot · 2 years
Guys, guys. I have a ton of requests in my inbox and stuff and I wanna write some stuff but I can’t make up my mind. Sooooo, I’m have a like poll, per say?
From today-Friday (10/9-10/14) anyone who wants a request, pls do it on my page. Meaning vote for who you want and at the end of Friday I’ll look at them all and base my next work off of that.
Vance Hopper
Robin Arellano
Bruce Yamada
Billy Showalter
Finney Blake
^ Those are the choices. (In the order of number of requests I have for them rn). But pls vote lmao^
I’ll try to post more often. But thanks in advance!
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horror130 · 2 months
Yandere Robin arellano x Nb ice hockey player reader
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Warning: Mention of aggression and sabotage
🏒Robin is your number 1 fan!, he goes to all your games, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing!, that stops him from going to them, he will be there, screaming at the top of his lungs, rooting for you, seriously, he looks like a cheerleader, rooting for you.
🏒 Robin loves watching you play, he thinks you look so beautiful and hot, every time he sees you play he falls more and more in love with you.
🏒 Robin is aware that hockey is an aggressive game, and that players can often end up getting hurt, but he can't help but feel furious when you get hurt, whether by accident or not, if you get hurt because of something fight between teams, Robin will make sure whoever hurt you doesn't play again for a long time...or maybe never again.
🏒 If you can lose a game, Robin will do everything to console you, he may even secretly try to sabotage the rival team just so you can win and be happy.
order made by: @sp1d3rpvnk
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Obsessed with Perfection
The dim light of your studio cast long shadows across the room, illuminating sketches and fabric swatches scattered about. You were perched on a stool, fingers stained with ink and eyes locked on the latest design in front of you. It was almost perfect, but not quite. Your mind wandered to your muse, Albert Shaw, whose chiseled features and dark, enigmatic aura had captivated you since the day you met.
Albert was your ideal model, the embodiment of the dangerous allure you wanted your designs to convey. But it wasn’t just his looks that drew you to him. There was something deeper, something dark and thrilling, about the way he carried himself. You couldn’t get enough of him.
You stood up and walked over to the mannequin that wore your latest creation. As you adjusted the fabric, you thought about the last time Albert had been in your studio. The way he looked at you with those piercing eyes, the way he moved, the way he spoke. Everything about him was intoxicating.
A knock at the door pulled you out of your reverie. Your heart skipped a beat. It was Albert. You quickly smoothed your hair and opened the door, trying to keep your excitement in check.
“Albert,” you greeted him, your voice soft and controlled. “Come in.”
He stepped inside, his presence commanding the room. You could barely contain your admiration as you led him to the center of the studio.
“I have a new design I’d like you to try on,” you said, motioning to the mannequin. “I think it will suit you perfectly.”
Albert raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Of course. Anything for you.”
As he changed into the outfit, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was perfect, more than perfect. Every detail, every stitch, seemed to come alive on his body. Your heart raced as you imagined him not just as your muse, but as yours. Completely and utterly yours.
“You look incredible,” you breathed, stepping closer to adjust the collar of the jacket. Your fingers brushed against his neck, and you felt a shiver run through you.
Albert smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. “You’re too kind.”
You met his gaze, your obsession bubbling just beneath the surface. “I mean it. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of in a muse. No one else comes close to capturing the essence of my designs like you do.”
He chuckled, a low, dangerous sound. “I’m glad I can be of service.”
You bit your lip, fighting the urge to say more. To confess just how deep your obsession ran. Instead, you stepped back and took a deep breath. “There’s one more thing I’d like to show you,” you said, leading him to a curtained-off section of the studio.
As you pulled back the curtain, Albert’s eyes widened. The room was filled with photographs, sketches, and mannequins all dedicated to him. It was a shrine to your muse, a testament to your fixation.
“I’ve been working on a special collection,” you explained, your voice trembling with excitement. “Just for you.”
Albert turned to you, his expression unreadable. “You’ve put in a lot of effort.”
You nodded, your heart pounding. “You inspire me like no one else. I want to create something truly extraordinary, something that will make the world see you the way I do.”
He took a step closer, his eyes dark and intense. “And how do you see me?”
You swallowed hard, feeling the intensity of his gaze. “As perfection. As someone worth obsessing over. Someone worth everything.”
Albert’s lips curled into a sinister smile. “Obsession can be a dangerous thing.”
You smiled back, a hint of madness in your eyes. “I know. But I don’t care. You’re mine, Albert. My perfect muse. And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you.”
He reached out and cupped your face in his hand, his touch both gentle and possessive. “Then let’s see what you’re willing to do.”
As his grip tightened, you knew that your obsession had found its perfect match. And in that moment, you realized that you would go to any lengths to keep Albert Shaw as your muse, no matter the cost.
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