#i don even know how cars work fr ...
roseamongroses · 2 years
i might have to do a fantasy au for shuriri content cause i havent cracked opened a scence book in a hot second and idk bout writing that dialogue
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tuberchelsea · 1 year
Come Out to LA
Pairing: Yoongi x f!reader
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple trip to LA to visit your childhood friend turns into a weekend of a life time
Genre: idol au, smut, fluff, strangers to lovers
CW: sexual content (grinding (we in da club), oral, fingering, exhibitionism (if you squint), dom!Yoongi, sub!reader, p in v), unwarranted Kiss Cam, Yoongi is just too fuckin cute. Also, we may have some sad girl times.
A/N: I have not been in the basketball circle for a while, so my knowledge is meh (also am not a Lakers fan). Also, for somebody (me) having a JK bias, Yoongi’s been on the (my) mind lately 🥴
Title inspiration: Come Out to LA - Don Broco
“Question - how would you feel about seeing a Lakers game while you’re here?” Your friend, Becca asks over the phone.
“I mean I’m not the biggest lakers fan, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched a game - I’m down!” Why not? You’d never been to Los Angeles, so it’d be a good idea to do as much as you can in the 4 days you’re there.
“Awesome! The game is tomorrow evening! Did you want to borrow a jersey? I have plenty hanging around!” Becca asked, knowing full well what your response was going to be.
“…I’ll just wear something nice.” There’s no was you’d be caught dead wearing a Lakers jersey.
“Okay! I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon then!! Love you!!” As Becca hangs up the phone, you glance over at your half packed suitcase and the pile of rejected outfits sighing - packing shouldn’t be this hard. Looking over at your closet, you eye the new lavender pantsuit you’d bought months ago - might be time to put it to good use.
“Why do I keep punishing myself with bum-fuck early flights?” You curse to yourself as you off board your last connecting flight to LAX. You needed to find Becca - thankfully she was waiting by baggage claim.
“Girl, you look like you need caffeine.” Becca stated as she gave you a giant hug. You nodded in agreement - 4 am flights aren’t exactly your jam. Grabbing your bag off the carousel, you follow her out to the car. Not even buckled in, Becca started rambling off the schedule for the day - something that didn’t surprise you.
“So, I’m thinking we drop stuff off at the house, you can change, then we do brunch? Get coffee and eat - kill two birds with one stone.” You nodded, sending the necessary texts to your family.
“What else do we have today? Better question, when is the basketball game?” You inquired - she hadn’t really disclosed that to you.
“Oh! That’s tonight! We need to be there at least an hour before tip off, it’ll be a bit easier to get to the seats courtside, plus I-“
“Did you say courtside?” You interrupted her, looking up from your phone. She nodded, smiling mischievously. “How did you land courtside? HOW MUCH DO I OWE YOU??” You KNOW you couldn’t afford the ticket at this point, even if you didn’t go shopping.
She shakes her head and laughs, “you don’t owe me anything, hun! Besides, I got them for free bec-“
“Did you win a contest??” You interrupted again.
“No, I got them fr-“
“Oh! Gifted from work?” You interrupted once more. Becca then glared at you, reaching for her flip flop.
“Well! I! Could! Tell! You! If! You’d! Stop! Interrupting! Me!” She yelled, striking you on the thigh with each word. “Now hush!” She tossed her flip flop at you. Your eyes the size of dinner plates, you nodded obediently, rubbing your thigh to help with the sting. “Oh I didn’t hit you that hard. AS I WAS SAYING, I got the tickets because I’m dating one of the guards on the Lakers. We haven’t gone public with our relationship, so I can still enjoy sitting courtside without media in my face. I was able to get him to get another ticket tonight so I could take you to see a game - they’re actually pretty fun!” You nodded, processing the new information.
“Wow - you moving out here last year really changed you for the better.” You sigh, looking down at your hands.
She reaches over and places a hand on yours, sensing your change in mood, “how are you handling all of that, by the way?” You go silent for a moment, thinking over the events from the past year.
“I was able to have closure - his family is still on my side with everything. Nobody’s really heard from him since his family and I found out why he left me for her.” You let out a frustrated sigh. “But I’m hoping it’ll be easier for them and myself once I move away.” You look back down, fidgeting with your phone again.
“Where are you planning on moving to?”
“I’m hoping here - I’m gonna check out UCLA’s Marine Bio Grad program tomorrow. It was one highly recommended by my professors.”
“Well if everything works out, I could talk to the landlord of my apartment complex. He’s actually a pretty decent guy. Plus you’d be in a pretty decent location.” Becca shrugs, turning into the complex.
“And I’d be close to you?” giving her the side eye and a smirk.
“I mean I think that’s the best perk if anything! Now come on, grab your stuff and let’s get you changed so we can start the day! Race you to my place!” She says, already running for the door.
“Becca hold on, I need my ba - I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO GO!” Groaning, you grab your bags, trying not to trip over yourself as you follow suit.
“I still can’t believe you wore a pantsuit, hun. I still think you should’ve worn a jersey.” Becca shakes her head as you both enter the Staples Center.
“Well, I think it’s appropriate - it’s a tint of purple AND I wanted to look nice since we’re gonna be court side. Plus lots of people will see us, even if we’re not sitting with the celebs.” You shrug, placing the blazer to drape off your shoulders.
“Hun, you do understand that court side isn’t like the VIP lounges, right?” Becca quirks an eyebrow at you.
“Meaning?” You send her a confused look.
“Meaning we will be sitting with famous people. Like there’s only one ‘court side’, hun.”
“Well now I just hope there’s not any cute celebs.” You scoff, following Becca to the seats. She grabs her seat, pointing to her left to direct you to yours. As you take your seat, you hear a conversation to your left - one that’s not in English. Your curiosity wins and you (assumingely) nonchalantly turn to see where it was coming from. Almost immediately, you make direct eye contact with the person that’ll be sitting next to you for the night -
He gives you a small wave and smile before sitting down, you do the same to him. Once sat, you turn to Becca with a bemused look on your face, earning a small shrug from her.
“Becca, I feel I don’t deserve to sit here!!” You whisper yell through a toothy grin, earning a laugh from her.
“You’re fiiiiiiine, hun. Just enjoy the moment! Now, do you want anything to drink?”
“…Red Bull please. Flavored is preferred, but no coconut.”
“Got it!” Becca saunters off to the drink stand, leaving you alone. Already feeling warm from the arena (the anxiety wasn’t helping), you decide to slip off your blazer. You stand to drape it over the back of your seat, leaving you in a sleeveless mock turtle neck.
Suddenly, you hear a small voice from your right - one you wouldn’t have heard if they weren’t right next to you. “I’m assuming you’re a fan of The Ocean?” You look up to see Suga pointing to your right arm, sporting a sea-themed sleeve.
“Well I hope I do, seeing as I’m a Marine Biologist.” Sitting down, you instantly regret what came out of your mouth - hoping the sarcasm wouldn’t be too lost in translation.
He laughed, surprising you that he didn’t think the line was cringy. “Marine Biologist? Do you study ocean animals then?”
“Not right now - kinda hard when you live in the mid western part of the United States. Currently I’m working with more lake, river and pond life. I’m hoping to switch to more oceanic when I finish my Master’s though.”
“So you’re not from LA?” Apparently he’d caught something in your ramblings.
Shaking your head, you answer “nope, I’m visiting my friend, Becca” you pointed to her still empty seat. “I currently live in Montana.”
“Ahh okay!” He nods, “I’ve never been there, but I want to someday. I hear it’s really pretty. Also! I didn’t catch your name!” Suga gives an apologetic look as you mentally slap yourself for not introducing yourself.
“I’m y/n! I didn’t mean to come across as rude, Sug-“
“Yoongi” he interrupts. You look at him with a confused look, your brain short circuiting. “You can call me Yoongi. Also, you weren’t being rude, I was the one that caught you off guard.” He gives you a soft smile, holding out his hand to shake yours. He then introduces his manager that’s sitting off to his left. As you two finish introductions, you feel something cool press against your cheek. Grabbing the can from Becca, you thank her before you take a drink.
“Oooh! They had my favorite flavor.” Tonight may just be okay.
“How did the refs miss an obvious travel?? Like he went almost half way across the court.” It’s coming close to the end of the 2nd quarter (not period, as you were immediately corrected by both Yoongi and Becca. “Don’t mind her, she’s more of a hockey fan.” Becca leans across you to apologize, getting a smile out of him), and while you are enjoying the game, you’re also enjoying the company around you. When the three of you aren’t yelling at the refs for missing blatant calls, you would carry conversations amongst the three of you (as well as you could in a loud arena); small talk quickly turning into more personal topics. Soon, the buzzer went off; indicating the end of the quarter.
“I’m going to head to the locker room to go see my man, then grab drinks on the way back - you want another Red Bull?” Becca asks you as she’s standing up. You nod, then she heads off. At the same time, you see Yoongi’s manager leave, leaving Yoongi and yourself alone. You feel the anxiety come back to you - while you were comfortable being around Yoongi, not having Becca there to back you up was slightly intimidating. As soon as you zone out though, you’re quickly brought back by a small touch on your forearm. You look to your left to see the hand belonging to Yoongi, who was wearing a slightly concerned look. “Are you okay, y/n?”
You blink a couple times before you nod, “yes! Sorry, I tend to zone out when my anxiety gets to be a bit much.” You then let out a breath you didn’t even think you were holding.
“Is the crowd becoming a bit much for you?” He asks, hand still on your arm. You nod. He sighs, “I’m glad I’m not the only one overwhelmed.”
It’s your turn to wear the concerned look, “I’m guessing this isn’t the same as performing, is it?”
He shakes his head, “there’s a reason I’m more of a background person” he laughs nervously.
“We suffer together then?” You suggest, hating yourself again for the cringy comment. He smiles, making you feel a bit better. The announcer then comes over the arena speakers, announcing the arrival of the Laker Dancers. You both shift your attention to the dancers on the court as Mic Drop begins to play over the speakers. You see a shift in Yoongi’s demeanor, becoming more stoic, bobbing his head to the beat. When the camera spans over to him, he gives a tight smile and a wave. Once the dancers left the court, Yoongi turns back to you, going back to being relaxed. The two of you trade more conversation while waiting for the second half to start, not even noticing when Becca and his manager return to their seats.
The game is closing in on the end of the 3rd quarter. At this point, you and Yoongi aren’t paying a lot of attention to what’s going on on the court - too engrossed in your conversation. You two were so engrossed in conversation that you didn’t even notice the play stop, what was said over the speakers or Becca calling for you.
“Y/N LOOK UP!! AT THE JUMBOTRON!!” You direct your attention to the screen above you - to see yourself.
And Yoongi.
Featured on the Kiss Cam.
He must have caught it too; because if looks could kill, most of Staples Center would be gone. Instead of getting the hint that you two weren’t happy about this, the Cam stayed focused on you two for a lot longer than necessary. Becca then reached over and grabbed your face, just to plant a big kiss on your cheek. The Cam moves on, giving some much needed relief to both you and Yoongi. Once the awkwardness of the moment had passed over, both of you turned to face each other.
“I’m so sorry!!” You both blurted out at the same time.
Yoongi throws you a confused look, “why are you sorry?”
“I feel me sitting here conversing with you in The Public Eye may look questionable to those around us - I don’t want to ruin anything for you.” You quietly confessed, looking down at your hands.
Yoongi smirks, shaking his head, “if I was so worried about that, I wouldn’t have said a word to you in the first place! Besides, I was the one that started our conversation. If anything, I’m sorry you had to be put on the spot like that. I wasn’t even aware they were gonna feature me on that - not that they had a reason to anyways.”
“Well I have a small feeling somebody is gonna lose their job today.” You looked over Yoongi’s shoulder to see his Manager in a heated conversation with Lakers Staff. He looked over to his manager, then turned back to you wearing a grimace. You both began laughing, covering your mouths with your hands as an attempt to hide it.
Sometime later, the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game. “Do you mind waiting a bit, hun? I wanna see my man before we head out. Should only be about 15 minutes.” Becca asked, gathering her stuff. You shrug, nodding - there was no other way you would get back to her house anyways.
As she walked off, you began gathering your stuff, then turned to Yoongi. Taking a deep breath, you blurted out without thinking, “thank you for making the game a bit more enjoyable! It was really nice meeting you!” You immediately cringed at yourself, apologizing. I really need to think before I speak my dear god, you thought.
“You’re okay, y/n! I enjoyed your company too.” Yoongi gave you a small smile, causing you to smile back. There was a moment of comfortable silence between the two of you - even though the arena was still loud. “Oh! You said you were here for the weekend, are you busy tomorrow night?” Yoongi asked, breaking the silence.
“Other than I’m visiting UCLA before noon and probably going to go shopping once Becca is off work, I have nothing else planned!” Your heart began to race, you cannot believe this is happening.
“Awesome! Well we’re thinking of hitting a club downtown tomorrow evening, around 9? Would you guys want to join us? If that’s your thing, haha” Yoongi asked, looking nervous while looking for his phone.
“I would be down! Though you’d have to tell me where to go cause I no idea where that place is at.” You smile. Yoongi smiles back, looking like he let out a sigh of relief. He then hands over his phone, asking for your number.
“I’ll text you when I get back to my hotel?” He asks.
“Okay! Can you send those photos over that you took then?” You respond, Yoongi nodded in response. His manager then came back to his side, noting his departure. You two waved, sharing huge smiles. Becca soon returns to your side. “Why the big grin, hun?”
“I’ll tell you in the car!” You say, wearing a huge smile on your face, silently praying to your higher powers to not mess up this weekend.
Unknown number: Hey! It’s Yoongi! ☺️
Y/N🐙: Hey! I’m assuming you made it back to your hotel okay?
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Yes! Only had to deal with Army’s; no paps thank goodness.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Did you make it home yet?
Y/N🐙: Yes - like we just pulled up to her apartment.
Y/N🐙: Also didn’t have to deal with paps 💁🏼
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Oh thank goodness 😮‍💨
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Attachment - 2 photos
Y/N🐙: Ooh! I like those!
Y/N🐙: Attachment - 3 photos
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Ooh these ones are cute
Y/N🐙: Cute?? 👀
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Like I said, wouldn’t have talked to you if I didn’t want to - wanted to cause I think you’re cute 🤷🏼‍♀️
Y/N🐙: …🤭
Y/N🐙: That’s as good of a flirty comeback as I can conjure at the moment cause it’s past my bedtime 🥲
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: I understand - it’s past mine too. I have a mid morning photo shoot tomorrow; I’ll text you in the morning?
Y/N🐙: Works for me! 😌
“What time are you going to the college?” Becca asked the next morning while she was feeding her dog, Vanya.
“I meet with the Head of the Post Grad Biology department at 11, so probs head out at 10. Will that be enough time for me to get there?” You asked, pulling up the subway schedules.
“It should be. But I’ve gotta go - I’ll be home around 4 and we can go shopping for outfits for tonight?” You nodded in response as your phone pinged, showing a new message. Becca leaned over to peek at your phone to see a message from Yoongi. “My dear Gods this man must like you enough to text you at 8 am on a Saturday!” She smirks as you try to hide the blush on your face.
“Get to work, loser. I’ll see you later!” You laugh as her and Vanya run out the door.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Morning! ☺️ What time are you headed to the college this morning?
Y/N🐙: Morning!! I meet with the Department Head at 11, so I’m headed out a bit before 10!
Y/N🐙: What time is your shoot?
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: It starts at 9 - thankfully I’m not having to go far cause I’m not even awake enough to order the right coffee this morning
Y/N🐙: Speaking of, I should probs make sure my route to the college includes a coffee stop. I’m still dealing with jet lag.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: You’re preaching to the choir, Y/N.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Aish, my manager is calling for me, I’ll give you a call after I’m done with the shoot!
Y/N🐙: Okay! Have fun! ☺️
After finishing breakfast, you changed into a simple pair of Khakis, a hunter green blouse and white vans. Donning a simple make up look, you completed the look with a simple ballet bun. Throwing on your AirPods, you headed out the door, making your trek towards the Subway station and hopefully some coffee.
“MIss L/N, I feel you would be an excellent addition to the Master’s Marine Bio Program! We could use a new Reseaarch Lab manager as well - plus you’d get credit for working.” You’d spent the last hour with the Department Head, him chatting your ear off. You’d grown more excited about attending; the lab job making the deal more enticing. Off hand, you’d mentioned your earlier lab work with your professor; the name immediately catching the Dept Head’s ear. “I thought I’d seen you were coming from MSUB! I had the honor of working with your Animal Bio professor years ago! Still love his research on scorpions - fascinating work.” You nod, having worked on it as your first lab project. Walking back to his office, he’d asked if there were any questions you’d had.
“Yes! I’d heard that Research Diving would be added to the curriculum - when is that happening?” You’d just finished your SCUBA certification for the subject - might as well use it.
“This next school year - right when you’d be starting if you enrolled by the end of next month!” You nodded, seriously contemplating applying. He handed you a business card, mention to email him once you had enrolled - if you choose to. You place the card in your wallet, standing to shake hands. Once you were out of his office, almost out of the building, you’d decided to check your phone. You look to see 3 messages from Yoongi, 2 from Becca and the Family Group Chat flooded with messages. Ignoring the group chat, you see that Becca is stuck working a double and won’t be able to join tonight. Internally cursing, you reply that it’s okay and you’d probably see her later tonight or in the morning. You then check the messages from Yoongi; 2 of them complaining about the shoot, and one asking if you were still at the college. You decide to call him instead.
“Hey, Y/N!” Yoongi picks up after 2 rings.
“Hey, Yoongi! I just saw your text messages; I just finished the college tour! Also, sorry about the shoot being so boring.”
“It’s no problem, but I was wondering if you’d have time to do lunch right now? I’m near the college and there’s a small restaurant nearby that I frequent anytime I’m in town.”
“Sure! I’m free for the afternoon. Can you send me the address?”
“Of course! Do you need a ride there?” You hear the text notification and check the address on Maps.
“Nah, it’s a block outside the campus - I can be there in 20 max!” Thank goodness you didn’t wear heels.
“Okay! I’ll meet you there then!” Hanging up the phone and putting your AirPods in, you began the trek to the restaurant. I’m really getting my steps in today I guess, you thought.
As you approach your destination, you pull out your phone to see if Yoongi is here yet (you’d made it in 10 minutes instead of 20), when you suddenly get a text notification from him.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: You know, that was one of my favorite songs to perform live - wish we could’ve performed it more than once.
Y/N🐙: …wut
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: UGH! It’s one of my favorites.
Yoongi🐈‍⬛: Also, it’s not good to listen to your music that loud.
Y/N🐙: …you’re scaring me
You feel a tap on your shoulder, so you quickly spin around and nearly give the perp, Yoongi, The Elbow. Pulling out one of your headphones, you shout “DONT DO THAAAAAT YOU SCARED ME!” wearing a frightened look. Yoongi was wearing a mischievous smile in return, which then made you glare at him.
He laughs, “I am so sorry - I just saw an open opportunity and took it!”
“I could’ve hurt you though!!”
“I don’t think you would’ve cause that much damage - now follow me!” He quickly changes the subject and you follow him into the restaurant, which happened to be Tradtional Korean. The older lady at the host stand looked up and her face lit up as soon as she saw Yoongi.
“Yoongi!! It’s been a while! How are you doing??” Yoongi bows to her, you follow in respect.
“Hae Won-nim, hello! It has been a while! Everything is going well! You have room for two more in here?” Yoongi jokes, looking around the crowded restaurant. Hae Won chuckles, giving the two of you a huge smile.
“Of course I do! I’ll have you and your friend follow me this way.” She then glanced over at you, putting emphasis on the word ‘friend’. Following the two, you decided not to put too much thought into it. Once sitting and handed menus, Yoongi helped you order (you asked him if there was something not too spicy; or at least milk to help with the spiciness), then filed you in on how the shoot went. You updated him on your decision for college; having chosen to apply to UCLA. When the meals came out, a comfortable silence enveloped the two of you; even with a busy restaurant.
“Ooooh Becca is gonna LOVE this for her after work meal! Thank you again, Yoongi.” You beam, happily full from lunch. Yoongi and you are wandering around the neighborhood, still in-depth with the conversation you were having at lunch. As you were meandering, you’d passed by a Record Shop - Yoongi insisted you both stop in. Which it’s a good thing you did - you were able to finally get your hands on some B-Side 7-inches from Slipknot and Foo Fighters.
“I’m taking it you’re a vinyl collector?” Yoongi inquires, chuckling as you dove head first into the vinyl section.
“…yes. It’s a soft spot of mine. My ex used to complain about how many I had, so I stopped buying any for a while. Now that I don’t have to worry about his opinion, I’m going a bit crazy with it. Besides, I have a lot of catching up to do.” Fishing out your vinyl list on your phone, you show it to him.
“You were not joking. But no BTS?” Yoongi looks in surprise.
“I already have what’s available on vinyl. But it’d be cool if you’d release Map of the Soul 7. And maybe Young Forever?” Tilting your head to the side, you smile and wiggle your eyebrows.
“…I’ll see what I can do.” Yoongi repsonds, smirking as he shakes his head.
After letting time slip from the both of you, Yoongi walks you back to the subway station. “Are you still on for tonight?” He asks as you reach the station.
“Yes! Though Becca won’t be joining - apparently she’s stuck working.” You sigh.
“That’s too bad - but I’m happy you can still join. I’ll have a driver come pick you up from her place at 9 - I’ll need you to send me the address.” You nod, sending it over to him.
“Well, I had fun, Yoongi. Thank you again for lunch - and the vinyls! I’ll see you tonight!” You open your arms to hug him, and thankfully he did the same. After holding each other for what feels like forever, you both let go. You look down at his lips,he does the same. Just as the both of you were moving in closer, the subway is pulling up, screeching to a halt. The announcer calls for your destination over the intercom, signaling its your time to leave. Sighing, you gather your stuff and head for the open doors. Before you board on, you turn to Yoongi, waving and yelling “I’ll see you tonight!!”, almost tripping as you enter the car. Yoongi giggles, shaking his head with a smile.
“I need to see your ID, please”, the bouncer outside the door asks. You hand him your ID, noting to him that you’re supposed to meet somebody in the VIP area. Checking his list and your name, he confirms you, letting you in. “He’s in the third booth on the left, just so you know.” You thank him as you head up the stairs. You immediately notice Yoongi within the crowd; he must have been watching the door. You immediately rush over to him, being enveloped in a bear hug before you can say anything.
“Hey, Y/N! I was just about to grab drinks - come with me!” Yoongi weaves his arm through yours, pulling you towards the bar. Once up to the bar, he ordered a neat whiskey for himself and a blueberry Red Bull for you. “This outfit is a 180 from this afternoon!” He points out, giving your outfit a once over. You’d ditched the khaki outfit for a pleather mini skirt, black bralette, mesh top, fishnets and Dr. Martens.
“Well I wanted to go with something more…comfortable.” You smirk, moving closer to Yoongi.
“Well, I think this outfit looks amazing on you.” He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You blush, biting your lower lip and look away. It’s Yoongi’s turn to smirk, passing you your drink. He offers his hand, which you take, and leads you over to the booth; where you’re introduced to some of his friends.
“So, did you want to go dance?” Yoongi asked, tilting his head towards the dance floor. You nod, following him out. Once you two are towards the center of the floor, Yoongi grabs your waist from behind, pulling you into his chest. As you two start dancing, all you can hear is the music and Yoongi’s soft, deep voice. One song turns into a few; simple dancing turns into sensual grinding. Yoongi is leaving small kisses and nips on the back of your neck; each one shooting sensations down to your core. You reach back, looping your arms around his neck as he pulls you flush with his front. You can feel his hard on, so you begin to tease him more, eliciting a low growl from him.
As another song ends, he pulls you back to the booth and before you can even try to sit next to him, he pulls you into his lap; your back to his chest and legs hooked around his. The implied dominance turns you on even more. As he is talking to his buddies, his gorgeous hands sit on your thighs, playing with the strings of the fish nets. While you nonchalantly carry on conversation with those around you, you shifted in his lap, eliciting another low growl. His hands begin to go higher up your legs, almost under the mini skirt. You look over your shoulder to try and catch his eye - he’s enveloped in a conversation next to you. You ‘readjust’ in his lap again, trying to catch his attention - he moves one hand dangerously close to your core. You sharply inhale, trying to pull your skirt hem down a bit. You feel Yoongi’s lips on the tip of your ear, “you best behave, baby.” Your face and ears feel like they’re on fire - his fingers brushing over your bare folds, making you inhale sharply again. He stops his movement, pulling his hand from you skirt. “Let’s go dance again.” He pulls you from his lap, then grabs your hand, dragging you across the dance floor before you can even register what’s going on.
On the other side of the dance floor, in a dark corner, sat a couple private rooms. Yoongi opened a door, made sure nobody was in there, then pulled you in. He slammed the door shut, then pinned you against the door with your hands over your head. With the hand on your thigh, he pushes your skirt up, resting his hand on your hip. He leans close to your ear again, speaking in a deep voice that made you even more wet. “First, you come here looking irresistible” his hand moves to your core. “Secondly, you feel the need to tease me” he finger slides along your slit, eliciting a small moan from you. “And the final strike, you’re not wearing panties?” He beings to play with your clit before inserting a finger into your pussy. “Y/N, I thought you were a good girl?” A second finger joins, causing you to moan even louder.
Gathering yourself for a moment, you look up at Yoongi. “I AM a good girl! Most of the time.” You smirked. Yoongi stopped his ministrations, pulling his fingers from you. The two of you lock eyes and Yoongi grabs your face, hungrily kissing you while pinning your body with his to the door. Letting out a moan, he takes the chance to explore your mouth with his tongue. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you grab his hair at the nape and slightly pull, causing him to growl and bite your bottom lip. He begins to kiss your jaw line, making his way down your neck and finally making purchase at the junction of your neck and collar bone. He sucks a mark there, drawing another moan from you. “I honestly don’t think I could ever get tired of that sound” Yoongi begins to kneel, propping a leg on his shoulder. “Now, let’s hear how you sound when I do this-“ licking a strip from the bottom of your slit to your clit, causing you to moan out his name. “Fuck, baby; you sound AND taste AMAZING.” Yoongi moans against your clit, causing you to moan as well. He dove in, lapping at your hole like a starved man. He soon moved his tongue up to your clit, inserting two fingers into your hole. You started feeling your core tightening when he found your sensitive spot, your hand immediately grabbing onto his hair.
“F-f-fuuuck, Yoongi. I’m close!” Your thighs begin to tremble, causing him to hook your other leg over his shoulder. He inserted a third finger into you, eliciting his name from your lips again.
“Baby, cum for me; let me have a taste.” As if you were a puppet under his control, your orgasm washed over you while Yoongi lapped up your cum from your pussy, not letting a drop go to waste. He kept lapping at you after you came down, causing you to pull him away due to overstimulation. Yoongi then adjusts your mini skirt, standing to meet your slightly fucked out gaze with his own. He then gently cradled your chin, kissing you softly. Breaking the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, releasing a deep, but content, sigh. “Would you like to continue this at my hotel room?” His eyes felt like they were looking into your soul at this point; but you couldn’t look away either. With a big smile and a glint in your eye, you say in a small voice:
“Yes. Please.”
The hotel room door isn’t even fully shut before you two were all over one another, a trail of clothing following the two of you while making your way to the bedroom. Once fully stripped, Yoongi lifted you under your thighs and placed you on the bed. As he hovered over you, he gazed down at your figure - your hair fanned over the pillow, eyes dilated and bottom lip bitten. To him, you were the most beautiful thing on earth. He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on your lips, “baby, I don’t think I have condoms with me, I cou-“
You quickly interrupted him, “as long as you’re clean, I’m good. Had my check up a couple weeks ago and I’m in the clear, plus haven’t hooked up with anybody since my ex. Also, am on the pill religiously, so if you’re good to go, so am I.”
Yoongi looks at you with his signature gummy smile, “fuck, baby.” His lips find your sensitive spot on your neck immediately, sucking another mark there. His hands glide south gently along your curves, then onto your inner thighs, touching just enough to send sparks up your spine and to your pussy. As his fingers lightly touch your folds, his mouth begins to move to your chest, capturing a nipple with it. He then plunges two fingers into you, “still so wet for me, baby.”
“Yoongi, fuuuuck”, still slightly sensitive from the orgasm before, you feel yourself coming to the edge a bit quicker than usual. He moves from one nipple to the other, using his fingers to scissor you pussy wider. “I’m gonna cu-“ Yoongi then pulled his fingers out, leaving you on edge. Your eyes grew big and you let out a strained whine, completely astonished at what he just pulled.
“I want you to cum on my cock, can you be a good girl and do that for me?” He asks as he sticks his fingers into your mouth, having you taste yourself. You nod, then he pulls his fingers from your mouth, pumping his thick cock before he slid the tip along your pussy lips a couple times to collect some of your arousal. He wraps your legs around his waist, then began to slowly enter you. He leaned over to trap your lips and the loud moan that they would inevitably release as he filled you to the hilt.
“Fuuuuck, I already feel so full”, you moan out. Yoongi’s cock was probably the biggest you’d taken, the stretch causing a little pain, but it was immediately blocked by the immense pleasure. Just from him entering you, you already felt you were gonna cum.
“Ahhh, Y/N baby, I can already feel you clenching around me. You gonna cum already?” Thrust. “My cock feel that good, baby?” Thrust. “You even look fucked out already, can’t even answer me!” Thrust. “Cum for me, baby - now.” You then let go on command, feeling your core unravel as Yoongi continued to thrust through your comedown. He then took your legs up, pushing the back of your thighs to bring your legs down to your chest - putting you in a mating press.
As he began to pump into you again, you looked down at where you two connected. “Oh my god, right there, Yoongi. FUCK.” He was hitting that spot again, better than last time. Your brain was starting to turn cock-drunk; all you could think of was the pure pleasure Yoongi was giving you as you looked down again.
“Ohhh, you like seeing my cock split this pretty pussy, don’t you? This. Pretty. Pussy. Feels. Amazing. Like. It’s. MADE. For. Me.” He punctuated each word with a thrust, his hands pushing your legs wider so he could see more of you. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m getting close. Gonna fill this pretty pussy full of me - gonna make it mine.” He brought a thumb to you clit, drawing figure eights to bring you to his level again. You were a bumbling mess; not even able to form words or thoughts as you were getting close. Just as your orgasm hit for the third time tonight, your clenching triggered his release, painting your walls white. After a couple thrusts to get out all the semen, Yoongi then collapsed on top of you, still inside. Both of you took a moment to catch your breath, staring deep into each other. Yoongi smiled, kissing your nose, then bringing his forehead to yours. “You okay, babe?” You smile and nodded, still feeling slightly fuzzy. As he softened, he pulled out, watching some of your mixed cum leak out. Letting out a content sigh, he stood up, picking you up bridal style. “Come on - let’s get cleaned up.”
Once out of the shower; which included you being fucked on the wall from behind (his excuse: Not my fault all of you is irresistible). You got dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers, then went to grab water as he got dressed as well. As you hand him his water, Yoongi notices a glint of a worried look on your face. Putting a finger under your chin to have you make eye contact, he asks, “penny for your thoughts?” You sigh, contemplating just saying no. But you couldn’t, as it immediately bugged you.
“Do I need to have Becca pick me up? And if so, do you want her to do it soon or earlier in the morning? I mean I don’t want to cause any dra-“ Yoongi pulls you into an intense kiss, shutting you up immediately.
“Y/N, baby, you worry too much. I want you to stay the night and I’ll take you back tomorrow when we both feel like it. Maybe we’ll get brunch first or something like that. I would like to get as much time with you as I can before I leave.” You left as though a weight was off your shoulders as you smile at him. After finishing your waters, you both head to bed, lying on Yoongi’s chest. His steady heartbeat, breathing and his fingers combing your hair helped you fall asleep. Yoongi then softly cradled your cheek, placing a kiss on your head. I hope to be able to see you again, baby, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
Waking up the next morning, you and Yoongi decide to go to a small cafe a couple blocks from his hotel. After orders are placed and juices are brought to the table, he grabs your hands with his. You look up at him and he asks, “So since you’re going to UCLA, when are you moving here?”
“I will probably move here next month, depending on when the apartment next to Becca’s is ready to go. Why?”
“Well, somebody has to help you move - that somebody being me.” he kissed your knuckles.
A/N pt 2: This legit was sitting in my drafts for almost a month because writing the not smut part was harder than it needed to be 🥴
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bosinclairz · 1 year
thinking abt how mean bo can be sometimes . im not talkin light shit . this wasn’t supposed to be a fic and it wasn’t supposed to end like this lol deeply inspired by @ventiswampwater’s fic squall ( go read it rn )
warnings; abuse , mentions of past abuse , broken bones, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, mommy kink , bo is a piece of shit in this , mentions of rough oral (m receiving) , sub!bo tho :3 , weird dynamic , stockholm syndrome , kinda ooc bo idk , bro suckin on nipples and is weird abt it fr , oral (f receiving) bo cries . i hate this this was a mistake lol my bad yall
he’s not at all the perfect boyfriend . he won’t let you even call him that, but you’ve been in ambrose for two years now , the better half spent with his hand wrapped around your throat, telling you the awfullest things . most times you’ll wake up half way through the day , his cock buried so deep in your throat you’re sure he’s touching whatever’s left of your heart . it belonged to him anyways . other times you’d wake up kneeling in broken glass , bo screaming at you over this little mistake , and the feeling of his hand coming down harshly across your cheek you’re sure you’ve got whiplash now . stupid , you’ve already made a mess and now you’ve gone and gotten hurt doing so . or you’d wake up in the shop , watching bo work underneath a car as he mumbled about tools he needed you to grab for him . you remember when he broke your foot with a wrench once , the metal making short work of cracking your ankle . vincent was the one to wrap it up , and bo never helped you walk after that . you hobbled around everywhere until the pain subsided enough to walk at least a little normally . if you were good , he’d let you lean on him , maybe he’d even carry you back to the house . you always tried your best to appease him , but he’s unpredictable and you can never guess his moods or how he feels about you one minute versus the next .
this is no different . this isn’t something you could ever predict . you didn’t follow him down to the station today . he didn’t want you to . said you were getting on his nerves too much recently , said he couldn’t stand the sight of you . you slept on the couch last night , for the few hours that weren’t filled by your silent sobs . he came home and you almost didn’t recognize him as the cruel man you previously knew , but either way you greeted him with a smile . how was his day ? you asked , making movements to take off his shoes .
“long day, mama,” he muttered. it was so soft you could’ve sworn the sentence ended in a whine . “yeah? tell me about it?” after removing your captors shoes, you stood to full height , ushering him to the couch you had made your bed on . “been thinkin’ too much,” a whisper, “been pushin’ you away an’ i don’ know why.” poor baby , too in his head . who was really the unfortunate one here ? you wouldn’t dare voice this , he’d kill you without a second thought . he never liked being weak .
“lemme make it up t’ya, mama. lemme be good for ya,” his eyes , when they found their way to yours , were broken . he pawed at your chest , silently begging for your permission . you’ve only had the pleasure of seeing him like this twice before . you know what to do by now .
“go on, baby,” you whisper , voice shuddering as he starts to pull up your shirt . somewhere beneath your clothes , bo’s searching for forgiveness.
his mouth wraps around your nipple , sucking and nipping gently . he doesn’t ignore the other , pinching and tugging at it . comfort . he finds comfort in this . why tell you how he feels when he can show it , as long as you never bring this up again .
your hand finds it’s way into his hair, tugging on curls softly as your breath hitches with each tug of his teeth . “you’re so good to me, baby,” you murmur . he’s searching for penance in your warmth , needing to right all the wrongs within your arms . “i have to admit,” your voice is shaky, worrying your words will cause an unwanted shift, “what you said last night has been on my mind today, baby.” a whine .
baby blues open, looking up at you with the most guilt you’ve ever seen bo have . your nipple falls from his mouth , an apology spilling from his lips , “i didn’t mean it, mama, i promise.” it’s sweet , too sweet , and you’re sure the taste of it is rotting his teeth .
silence falls over the both of you , and you wonder who will break first .
you pull him up , your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss . unlike every other time , there’s no malice , no teeth , and maybe if you tasted him hard enough , there was love there . his love tastes like copper , the kind that spills from the fresh wounds he leaves on your skin , reminding you who you belong to . it tastes like gasoline , and a match .
bo is the first to pull back , desperate eyes meeting yours . “lemme make you feel good, mama.” a hand drifts between your thighs , cupping at your sex . “please?” it’s soft and if you weren’t waiting for it , you could’ve missed it .
“yeah - yeah, please, bo.” his body moves down , leaving kisses in his wake as he makes his way between your legs . bo’s tugging down your shorts , exposing your needy , wet core . you didn’t wear underwear anymore , bo’s ripped and torn them all to shreds . that was months ago , and by the way he looks at you , he must’ve forgotten .
“you’re a whore, mama, ain’t that right?” a smirk , and you wonder if this moment would end with a hand around your throat and his dick stuffed deep inside you . you hope it doesn’t . you like this softer side of him . he hasn’t hit you , yet .and if you’re lucky , he won’t .
“yes-“ you gasp as he laps at your cunt , licking up the juices . “you did this,” you mumble, “you gotta fix it. don’t you wanna fix it?” he’s silent , and whether that be from his mouth making you see stars , or from some response dying in his throat , you weren’t sure . but with the way he sucks at your clit , you didn’t much care .
you liked this . you liked this control . in this moment , he was yours in every sense of the word . you wondered if you’d met under other circumstances if it would’ve ended like this , him between your thighs , going down on you with so much fervor you thought he was starving man .
you felt a wetness , and for a moment you thought you must’ve cum without thinking until you realized it was tears . bo was crying , continuing to eat you out like his life depended on it . he mumbled words you soon found out to be “m’sorry mama, please forgive me”.
it made your heart twist in a way that made you nauseous , and you regretted making this about control in that fucked up head of yours . he‘s broken , just as much as you are .
“it’s - fuck - it’s ok, baby,” your high was coming in fast , unable to stop the buck of your hips when he pushes two fingers into you , immediately curling and finding that spot he knows so well .
“ i forgive you “
a hushed cry , and you come undone on his tongue and fingers , pulling at his hair . and for a moment , you forgot who this was for .
“thank you,” bo mumbles , laying his head against your thigh .
it’s soft , so soft you’re sure you’re imagining it , but you swear you hear him utter those three words you’ve been dying to hear ;
“i love you.”
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opluffys · 3 years
Teach Me
i’m goin off fr. this was supposed to be super short but it didn’t work out lol. like always i post this first to my archive, luffys. pls let me know if it copied weird it happens sometimes. also pls let me know if there are errors. i hope you like it :)!!!
-Michael Myers x Reader-
"Who the hell taught you how to drive?" You giggled, watching a man in a white halloween mask climb out of the destroyed car groggily.
He turned towards you, and you squinted at him, wondering why he was staring at you. He started walking towards you, and you started walking towards him.
Then you noticed how big he was, and you felt something primal stir within.
"I could teach you how, if you want." You winked, sauntering pass him, truly seeing how badly he totalled the car.
"Hope you have insurance," You sighed, walking around the car while the man in the halloween costume watched you intently.
Poking the hood of the car while seemingly fascinated at how the metal folded over itself, you felt the sting of pain radiate around your skull, hissing out in the extreme discomfort. The mans fingers laced through your hair, a tight grip on it.
You were about to start cursing the man, yelling and screaming and kicking him.
Then you felt it, the knife.
You stilled instantly, the cool steel teasing the curve of your spine, accidentally slicing through your thin top.
He froze, feeling an abnormal reaction run through his body. He continued to move the knife, slicing your entire outfit to ribbons.
You didn't think how he ruined your outfit, though you were a bit angry, you were embarrassed with the fact that you felt heat pool in your abdomen.
You knew he felt the same when you heard a zip of a uniform, the one he had donned that resembled a mechanic.
You just knew he would be big, the man himself was fucking huge.
Your suspicions had been confirmed after feeling his thick and heavy cock press against your leaking entrance, mewling in response.
He paused, teasing his tip into your hole, gaping around nothing.
After thinking he was just going to teasing you forever, he suddenly forced all of him into your gummy walls. He groaned in pleasure, even surprising himself that he was being somewhat vocal.
You screamed out, you were far from used to the feeling of being stretched to such limits. You had half a mind to tell him to slow down, but fuck it felt good.
Placing the knife far away enough from you, he grabbed your hips, leaving long finger shaped bruises that would glow a dark purple when you woke up in the morning, if you ever did, and started pumping into you.
"Oh! Fuck, h-holy shit!" You whimpered, feeling him piston into you, cock crashing against your cervix the second he was inside of you.
He didn't even fit inside of you properly.
He practically folded over you, hard muscles meeting your softer back. He pressed into your neck, his mouth opening in attempt to bite and mark you. He remembered that he had the mask on, and he actually contemplated taking it off.
Slamming into you while panting and groaning into your shoulder, he rolled his mask up just enough for his mouth to show, the shift of the mask forcing some curls in his face. Sinking his teeth into you at the same time of his cock stretching and filling you to the brim with him. You bit your lip to try to stop a scream, to no avail. He didn't care, he wanted it to hurt.
Rolling his mask up just a bit more so it would be easier for him to breathe, he leaned into you once more. He took your scent in, it seemed to further his need for you, breathing you in deeply.
Continuing to feel your pussy suck his cock in, at some point his train of thought convinced him to ditch his mask completely. You barely noticed until you felt him press a sloppy kiss against your neck. You purred in response to such a soft feeling from the unusually violent man, before you felt him bite the area where he had just kissed. Yelling in pain, you cried when you felt the crimson river flow.
You felt the sting of his canines mark you up especially bad, moaning and shaking as you felt his dick stretch and break you open inch by inch.
He straightened himself, feeling your orgasm over him countless times has made him near his high, too.
Keen eye trained on how you pulled his cock back into your velvety and squishy walls while your arousal had coated his length, making him grunt in want.
He watched as your ass jiggled with every movement from him, grabbing the curve of your ass while still shoving himself into you, he groaned how amazing you felt under him.
You convulsed lightly, your legs slightly shaking as your most powerful orgasm of the night hit you like a tidal wave. Your pussy squirting against his dick as he filled you to the brim with his cum, you lost count of how many times he filled you.
Slightly surprised that he finished inside of you, you sighed contently as you were stuffed full of him. Attempting to stand up and stretch, your legs wobbled, nearly falling if you didn't have the car to support you.
Not even getting a glimpse of his pretty face and stunning curls that shape his strong face, he secured the mask back on.
Pressing the remnants of your bra to yourself so you weren't streaking anyone, you yawned looking up at the large man. His hand reached out, you flinched a bit, the large knife in his hand not helping matters.
He caressed the mark of his teeth on your neck, moving his hand to rest lightly on your neck. You leaned into him, smiling tiredly while closing your eyes. This is possibly the easiest kill you could've gave him, yet, all he did was move to hold your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"So, did you want those lessons?" You smiled, too sickly sweet for his taste.
To your surprise, he nods.
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47-shades-of-hitman · 4 years
Seven days of Valentine with Agent 47 | Day 1
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Day 1 - Semi-date | SFW
Your date leaves you hanging, but Agent 47 always shows up at the most unexpected of places. 
Warnings: Attempted sexual assault
Link to my Hitman-related Discord server
A heavy sigh left your lips and you rubbed your furrowed brow before bringing the glass of watered down whiskey to your lips. Whatever trace of make-up you were wearing was gone anyway. Not that it mattered – it wasn’t like you were meeting anyone… Not anymore.
You stared at your dark phone screen, waiting for the display to light up. He didn’t even text, and you were getting an inkling that he wasn’t going to show up at all.
“Fuck.” you swore, unlocking your phone and deleting the dating app altogether. Right after, you threw back your drink in one big gulp, flinching at the sharpness of the liquor.
You gestured over to the bartender to pour you another. His eyes locked with yours and you felt your stomach churn – a familiar shade of blue, a whole different man than the one who had given you your first order.
“Forty-sev—” “He didn’t show up.” he interrupted, grabbing a bottle of whiskey before pouring it into your glass. “What are you doing here?” you asked him. “What happened to the bartender?” He grabbed a rag and began to clean the bar right in front of you, leaning closer. “See that man over at that table next to the painting?”
Discreetly, you looked over your shoulder. “The one in green?” “Yes, with the cigar.”
You huffed. It was almost too much of a coincidence that you met 47 outside of your own working hours, let alone that your supposed-to-be date took place at the exact spot his target was currently located.
The target sipped from a glass of scotch and had a blonde bimbo on his lap, his fingers scooting ever closer to her ass. You flinched at the sight, for the girl was obviously half his age.
“You knocked out Johnny?” “Who?” 47 quizzed. “The bartender.” “Oh, he’s in the closet in the hallway.”
You hummed, looking at his target again. The man caught your gaze and winked, causing you to shudder.
“So, your date didn’t go too well.” “You don’t need to rub it in…” you muttered, taking a sip from your drink.
Agent 47 studied your dishevelled state – your mascara was smudged under your eye and in the corner of your mouth there was a trace of lipstick.
“How many drinks did you have, (Y/n)?” “Four? Five?” you replied. “You should go home. You don’t want to be here.”
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “First of all, you’re not my mom. Secondly, I haven’t finished my drink. Lastly, fuck you. I just got left hanging for a date and you want to send me home to rot in my own misery.”
Agent 47 scoffed and shook his head. “You’re far gone, (Y/n). Sleep it off.”
“This is the worst fucking Valentine’s Day ever.” you stated, drinking the rest of your liquor. Gripping at the edge of the bar, you stabilised yourself.
Next to you, the man brushed up, ordering some drinks. 47 set to work, and meanwhile, the man eyed you with much interest.
“What’s a pretty doll like you doing here on your own? I got some boys over there, in case you want to sit with us. Romeo thinks your ass looks really good in that dress. He’s the one on the left.”
A boy way younger than you nodded at you and grinned, a toothpick between his teeth. “No, thanks.” “Damn woman, your loss. After all, it’s not like you’re getting anything else soon, seeing your current state. Date didn’t show up? He dodged a bullet there—”
With a slam, 47 placed a full glass of scotch onto the bar. The empty tube of rat poison on the counter, just out of his target's line of sight, said enough. “Your drink, sir. And stop harassing my fr—Customer.”
You wryly smiled at him as the target rolled his eyes, stalking off. “Thanks.” you breathed, taken aback by how a man like that could compliment you one second and completely insult right after.
Agent 47 narrowed his eyes at his target as he witnessed him take a drink. “Don’t look behind you,” 47 said, “I’ll be back.”
He tossed the rag onto the counter and strode around it, tailing his target on his way to the bathroom.
Your legs felt numb, the alcohol settling in your abdomen and leaving you in a pleasant haze. Staring into nothingness, you didn’t notice the younger man named Romeo sit down next to you.
“Hello señorita, damn, I put my eyes on you and my pants felt a whole lot tighter!” “Get lost.” you huffed. “You look like you’ve had better days. Come on, baby, let’s have some fun.” He sneaked his hand onto your leg and you slapped it away immediately.
“Are you deaf? I said, get lost.” “Oh, I know you want it. Women your age are desperate. Stop playing and let’s get back to my place.”
“She won’t be going anywhere with you.” 47’s voice sounded behind you. He handed you a random coat and donned one himself as well. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We had a rough day and you need to rest.”
The young man frowned. “Wait, where did you come from?” “Oh, there you are, babe.” you played along, quickly hugging 47. A pleasant tingle surged through you at his warmth.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere. I get that you’re upset about my mother being in hospital, but I just returned from visiting her and the doctor said that she’ll be fine.”
“Really?” you said in feign relief, “Oh, that’s fantastic. Shit, I really need to work on my drinking problem, do I not?”
Agent 47 let you hook your arm around his and guided you outside, “Yes, sweetheart. We can discuss that tomorrow, let’s go home now.”
Upon leaving the muggy building, you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. “Thanks for that.” “No problem. I had no idea how else I could’ve gotten you out of that situation.
You released him, but immediately wobbled on your feet again. The whiskey was taking its effect now. The fact that you were wearing heels wasn’t exactly helping, either.
“Easy, (Y/n). Here, just keep holding onto me.” He didn’t need to tell you twice.
“Hey,” you began when he was about to get you into the getaway car, “Why don’t you come over to my place? I think I owe you a drink.”
“I think you’ve had enough drinks for tonight, (Y/n).” You breathed a laugh. “I mean tea, coffee, whatever.”
47 blinked a few times at the request. “I need to report to Diana, though.” “You can do that at my place. I need to change out of this dress anyway.”
He seemed to think for a second.
“Okay.” “Okay.” you smiled, feeling a flush build on your cheeks, blaming it on the alcohol, looking at 47 from the corner of your eyes, something else pleasant fluttering in your stomach other than the buzz of the whiskey.
Perhaps this Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad, after all.
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toriliashine · 3 years
mius fte continuation
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Miu: I'm not a normal person...
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Saihara: oh you thought i knew u were a cyborg? I was literally just being mean to u :///
glad to see that despte his dislike, he still cares for her as a person, poggers. we have humane care in the house legends!!!
as the ftes continue its like
Shuichi: yeah im getting 'closer' to her but at what cost. My peace of mind, that's what.
it's cute how a lot of gifts she likes are related to robot building and robot maintenance
why are we getting naked, miu please. she's flustered and uses sexual themes as a sort of distraction or lee way of sorts hmmm leee way?? is that the right word/saying for the thing hrmm
*this is so sexual and confusing for here, alexa play 'falling for you' from teen beach movie*
REJECTION OOOOOOOHHHHFFFF ASKNIADN. okay saihara assesrted he did NOT day he was in love with her at the start but hrrng/ she ran of waILING, NOOOO. Saihara-chan i know she isnt one of ur favourites but don some prince gear and freakin explain to her rn.
jj she made him a pie with her hair in it???
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girl are you okay?? queen? Shuichi i know i said u were being extra on some of these but u deserve this one(1) shocked expression
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'at least her confession was genuine; thanks fr understanding she's going through a lot, king aksjndakda
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Saihara said; girl you ain't Jesus I am not eating ur dang-
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*insert, gosh i wish that were me, meme here* but like, minus (what i assuming) is her underwear in hand bc girl please.
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Mans is so tired but ,k salkdnsf fjmcz,kjvsxnvdfjdvbc
Hope they have fun sjbdas,db
He's very nervous about their connection but still wants them to get out of there together! how nice
end/summary thots mius ftes followed a main plot which was her thinking shes an augmented human after a huge life or death accident she was part off that made her unconcious for a while. Augmented part may be true but there is also an excellent miu analysis(that i'll link) that suggests that this may have just been her way of coping with her life/death experience. Personally i do believe she was smart even before the accident and did has great engineering expertise. The accident brought the ideas but she needed the knowledge of how to make such (or at least base machinery) before hand. before she could have only been able to fix and remake what already existed, said car incident made her able (or just more confident?) to build new things on her own. She wants attention, someone to genuinely listen to her and get excited by her inventions. maybe even get construction criticism from someone with a brain nearly as gorgeous as hers
irouma time *is throttled*
*alexa play 'Wanted' by one republic*
Anyway from watching these her 'vulgarity' is not the major issue she has. She has attachment issues, i'm deriving? And believes that people ( or person, saihara in this case) who show her attention or even basic humane affection must want her in some other way?? be it romantically or sexually or hmmmmm. or to see her inventions. or that may be too far fetched. she was excited that someone liked her and made it seem like that was expected but was still super happy to show her inventions and mind off to them so hmm.
on shuichi: this fte, especially for a character a lot knows he dislikes. brings up pretty stark differences betweem some quotes, his general character and how some relationships just may not work but that's a convo for later - i shld sleep. loveee <333
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Anon asked: could you write a fic/imagine of your promptlist (the new one) angst #21 and #22 with hank loza💖
21. “Please, talk to me”.
22. “You’re hurting me”.
Word Count: 1.3k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba  ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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💬 : i think i have strength enough to have a beer
Long day. Bad week. Worst month. Finally, you have four days off from the hospital. You're driving on the way to Tranq's house, when your phone dings, lightning the screen. He replies to your last message telling you that he's at the club, and that you can come if you want. Actually, no. You don't want. You just want to lie down on the sofa, with him holding you and filling your face with a bunch of kisses. Stopping by a side of the road, you take the phone with a heavy sight dying in your lips.
💬 : okay
He just read it, but there's no answer back. Sometimes, you hate him. It's supposed he promised to spend the night together, but now seems like another Mayans party is more important than your mental health. He's not your boyfriend, not officially at least, but everybody knows that you're hanging out; even so, you can't reproach him for nothing because of that. You have to settle for being around him for a while.
The yard is full of Mayans from other charters, looking like a big meeting and a celebration. Parking your car before reaching it, you step out covering your mouth with a hand to drown a yawn. You're dressed with the white uniform of the hospital and a leather jacket. Your hair tied in a braid is a little mess and there are two slight eye bags over your cheeks. Yes, you look like shit, and Angel has to highlight it as soon as he sees you.
“Damn, mami”. He hugs you tightly, leaving a kiss on your temple. “Hey, Coco! Bring a beer to our nurse!”
“Thanks”. You just say, letting the oldest Reyes lead you inside the clubhouse.
But your steps stop dead when you find Tranq sitting in a couch with one of Vicki's girl on his lap and her waist being surrounded by the man. They're laughing with other members crew, sharing some drinks and old stories. Angel doesn't give credit either. Letting yourself go from his grip, you turn over your sneakers going out of there. No words. Just some tears running down your face, while you go downstairs to the yard.
“(Y/N)! Wait”.
You don't turn at the characteristic hoarse voice of the man, continuing your way to the black car parked outside.
“Hey, hey, wait! Where are you going?”
Tranq stops you, holding your forearm to make you face him, clicking the tongue loudly when he finds out you're actually crying.
“It's just a fr—”.
“I don' care, Hank. You don' owe me any explanation”.
“No? Then, why are you crying? Why don't you stay? Please… talk to me”.
“'Cause I came for you, but you're already busy”.
“She's my friend”.
“So am I”.
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“I don' sit on my friends lap and I don' let them touch me as you do. That's ‘the fuck’ I'm talking about”.
Tranq has both eyebrows raised up, crossing his arms against his stomach, because he knows you haven't finished talking.
“I'm… tired. It's been a bad month, and you promised me that…”
You think you're sounding so stupid that you don't continue de sentence, rubbing your face with both hands and cleaning the tears. Then, you have a deep breath.
“I'm sorry, Hank. I'm just… going home. Enjoy the party”. You just said licking your lower lip.
“Lemme' grab my things and I'll follow you”.
“I wanna be alone”.
“'Cause you're hurting me right now”.
He just nods with pursed lips, realizing he fucked up things for not giving you the place and the respect you deserve. Under his constant look, you step in your car to turn it on, and drive away from the clubhouse.
Your flat is empty, assuming that your two house-mates are having a party somewhere around Santa Madre. So it's kinda good have some time alone, crying without no one asking you what happened. You take a warm shower until the tips of your fingers wrinkle. After that, you lie down on your big bed hugging a pillow, without having a dinner. The little hunger you have, you lost a while ago. You're trying to figure out why he acted like this. Why he didn't keep his promise. And why he was holding a Vicki's girl, being or not being friends. But, who are you to asking for anything?
The cry appears again, more bitter than before, trying to keep yourself awake waiting for him to come, even if you told him to not doing it. Having the little hope that he would to do it anyway. But you end up falling asleep alone.
When you open your eyes, feeling somewhat rested, instinctively your left hand travels to your phone. Unlocking it you check on the notifications, but there are no calls, or messages from him. Maybe it means that you broke up last night, in case you were having a relationship. A knot grows inside your chest, leaving down the phone to rest your face on the pillow spitting a sad sigh. Some minutes after you decide to get up from bed, walking barefoot through the main hallway towards the kitchen, stopping your legs when you see Hank sitting at the table with a mug of coffee supported against his lips, having a sip.
“Morning”. He just says, sounding a little nervous, putting the drink over the wood.
“How did you get in?” You ask with a fine thread of voice, noticing how much your throat hurts speaking.
“Patricia was leaving when I came”. The man gets up from his chair, doubting between getting closer or not. “Are you ok?”
You just shrug your shoulders in silence.
“I'm sorry about last night, I swear to God”.
“It doesn't matter, Tranq. She's your friend”. Even if it sounds like a passive and aggressive comment, it's not intentionally.
“And you're mi reina. You were right. There are some things I mustn't do 'cause I owe you a respect”.
“You don' owe me nothing, Tranq. It's your friend, that's all”.
“Yeah, but at the end of the night, she just wanted to ‘make it up to me’ because I was fucked up by you”.
Your heart jumps hearing those words, quickly creating a movie in your head of what happened, letting your head falls down to your chest. You're about to cry again when he wraps your body between his arms, kissing your head.
“I did nothing”. He's quick to say. “I went home when you left… Uh, well… I actually sat for an hour at your door, waiting you to call me, at least to tell me that I was being an asshole. I didn' want to bother you, so I just went home”.
You surround his back with both arms, resting your cheek on his chest, tightly and closer. You feel stupid, so he does.
“Listen… I was thinking about packing some things and spend these four days at LA”. Pulling himself away, Tranq cups your face in his huge hands. “Just you and me, riding the coast. What you say… Would you like?”
You nod with your lips pursed in a blissful smile.
“Or we can go to Chihuahua. You're always saying you would like to visit it”. Suddenly he sound excited about traveling together for the first time, after six months together.
“Chihuahua”. You say then starting to laugh, after clearing your throat.
“Ok. Pack your things while I prepare you some breakfast”.
Leaning forward, he presses his lips on yours, placing his hands on the back of your head to push you a little closer.
“I love you, okay? Only you, mi reina”.
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derireo · 4 years
may i request,,soff hugcanons for itaru,misumi,tsumugi and azuma after they havent seen reader for awhile (sorry if thats too much its fine if u wanna shorten it thank u 💕)
np!! i got everything for u right here <3
Itaru, Misumi, Tsumugi, Azuma: They Miss You
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He doesn't like showing it, but he's one of the needy types when you two haven't seen each other for a long time. Either because of work or because your schedules overlap, Itaru gets quite frustrated when he doesn't see you every two or three days.
He starts cursing under his breath more and runs his fingers through his hair, and you two normally don't text because he's always playing a game on his phone and can't afford to be interrupted during it.
At times, when he feels that he's had enough of this separation, he'll text you late at night when he has nothing else to do: 'Yo. Let's meet at the convenience store or smth."
And then he'll don his usual tracksuit combo, but sub the jacket with his bomber. U know the one.
He breathes a huge sigh of relief when he sees you waiting for him at the front of the store with your hands in your pockets and your cap on low. You almost look like a sketchy stranger, but Itaru knows better
"You look creepy like that, Dummy." He'd tease you and flip your cap off your head with a cheesy grin. You'd scurry after him when he enters the store, cap on his head as he bites into a lollipop he had saved in his pocket earlier.
He buys whatever snacks you're craving for and adds an energy drink for himself. When you've got all your supplies, the both of you share a seat outside, with you curled up in his lap.
You're feeding both him and yourself as he plays a game on his phone, wrapped up in his jacket and arms as the cool night breeze rustles your hair.
This becomes the usual routine whenever you guys are stuck with a heavy schedule during the day.
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Surprisingly, Misumi is someone who doesn't show he misses you until he actually bumps into you.
It's almost like he completely forgot LOL
Okay, but fr, when he bumps into you he gasps.
"Ah!!! I missed you!!!" He exclaims and launches himself at you with a laugh. It's so all of a sudden that it makes both of you nearly topple over, but he saves you with his quick reflexes.
He's been so busy looking for triangles (and sleeping) that he almost totally forgot about you. No offense, really, but his mind is so taken up with triangles, acting, and onigiri that he'll temporarily forget about anything else.
When he does see you, you take up all of the space in his head!!!! He's basically got tunnel vision on and he can only focus on you!
"Where have you been?" He'd ask curiously. I don't think he has a phone (unless it's canon) so it's pretty difficult to contact Misumi at all. Most of the time you get updates from Kazunari since he's closer in age with Misumi than the other troupe members, but they're all weird messages lol
You explain why you have been so busy lately, but Misumi waves it off since it's not really a bother. Literally he couldn't care less, he just wants to talk. Idk why he asked pft I'm writing this shit
He takes you on a walk since whenever he goes out, the weather is always super nice! Not too hot, not too cold, but just right!
He's always holding your hand; he's a bit worried he'll lose you if he doesn't.
You go eat snacks with him at some point and he babbles on and on about how he was thinking of you and was trying to figure out a way to track you down.
You cough,,, Ahem . . . Bebs u don't have a phone....
You actually offer to give him one of ur old phones so you can talk through a messaging app but he quickly makes an X with his arms to decline.
"It's fun when I talk to you with Kazu!" He beams and you don't have the heart to say anything but....
Kazunari had the same idea as you though so the very next day you actually receive a message from Misumi himself LOL
'There's triangles!!!!! ∆∆∆☆'
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He gets fidgety when you're not around; doing things like fiddling with the watch on his wrist, readjusting his sleeves, or tapping a pen on his leg. He got real used to you being in his arms most of the time, and he doesn't know what to do when he's not doing it.
Tasuku ends up noticing right away and he rolls his eyes, suggests that Tsumugi make the move first and see you at whatever place you're chilling at.
Tsumugi gets flustered when he's caught thinking about you, and he shakes his head and slaps the back of his neck with an awkward smile as he claims that he doesn't want to disturb you.
"Look. I don't really know much about dating, but if you want to see them just say something."
So with what little skills he has with technology, manages to call you! And even manages to set a time and place to meet the next day!
His heart flutters when he sees you at your designated meeting place and immediately starts to walk faster to greet you!!!
He brought a couple of flowers too because he passed by a flower shop on his way to you.
You jump up when you see him come inside and both of you immediately latch onto each other for a hug. It's a warm, very tight hug that smells like vanilla and cherry blossoms and you're getting happy just because of it.
You're both giggling excitedly when you pull away, and Tsumugi cups your cheeks in his hands to give your widdle nose a kiss!
"I missed you." He pouts and you pout back at him, motioning for him to sit in the seat that was across from yours.
His energy never dissipates as you both talk about how your week has been going, and you know he's listening in earnest when he brushes his thumb along the back of your hand while staring at you with wide, sparkling eyes.
You guys definitely have the best dates when you haven't seen each other in a while.
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Azuma's emotions are really difficult to pinpoint. Not many can tell when he's missing you other than Sakyo, who spends the most time with him out of all of the dorm members.
He tends to stare off into space when he's thinking about you, and it looks really poetic when he has a mug in his hand because he traces the rim with his index finger as he looks lost in thought.
The corners of his mouth will be tilted upward as his mind races with images of you laughing and smiling, and he slumps forward in his seat as he cups his mug in his palms. He really loves it when you look at him like that.
Sakyo gets a little disgusted sometimes and tells him straight away that Azuma needs to go and see you or something.
Only thing is that Azuma isn't fond of going out during the day because of the sun (it's canon don't @ me) so you two actually have a bit of trouble seeing each other considering you don't find it safe to venture outside at night.
BUT!!!!!!!! Azuma drives! :o
It'll take him some time to find the location you send him on his phone, but he . . . . . gets there
His smile is all coy when you enter the car, but the 'I've missed you.' that falls from his lips is unmistakable.
You two go out and eat at one of those nice cafes that are open late at night as bars aren't in question anymore. He used to go and drink with clients, but it wasn't something he wanted to do with you. He felt you deserved more than just a couple lousy drinks at some stinky place.
And once you guys find a nice seat at the window, he's all over you <3 He wraps his arm around your shoulders first and scoots your chairs closer so that they're touching. He waits for you to lean into his side on your own, and when you're relaxing, his other arm comes, a hand resting on your thigh as you tuck your head against the spot between his neck and shoulder.
It's very chill, and you two talk idly about what has been going on lately as you take sips from your drinks.
You two end up staying very late at the cafe... ;; Haha
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Warped Tour/Roadie For A Day Blog: July 13, 2018
Okay, wow! I have A LOT to talk about today. This blog might be all over the place because I am terrible at this, but I really want to share my experience with everyone! 
So, Doll Skin. If you haven’t heard of them before, let me educate! Doll Skin is a punk/rock band from Phoenix, AZ. In my opinion, they are beyond wonderful and extremely underrated and I try to bring their music to everyone’s attention as much as I possibly can. The members are as follows:
Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar: Sydney Dolezal | Lead Guitar: Alex Snowden | Bass: Nicole Rich | Drums/Vocals: Meghan Herring
Doll Skin played at Warped Tour 2017 and are currently playing at Warped Tour 2018 on the Owly stage! SO. A few months ago, I had learned about this contest sponsored by an organization called “Girls Behind the Rock Scene.” Basically, this organization helps bring more females into the music industry and showing women what it’s like in the backstage/roadie scenes of band life. I support this 100% because well, being a female myself, I love getting any opportunity that comes my way in a “male-dominated” world. Women are truly making breakthroughs all over the world and I could not be more proud to be a woman in this day and age. Well GBTRS partnered with Doll Skin for Warped Tour 2018 to have a contest, where for each tour date, someone would be selected to shadow/be their roadie for that day. I really wanted to apply, so I did, but at first I had no confidence that I was going to win. I was blessed with that email saying I was going to be Doll Skin’s roadie in Camden, NJ’s Warped Tour show. I had no idea how to prepare or even if I needed to prepare. So I just read up a little bit on what roadies do and took it from there!
So, I rode to Warped with my best friend, Kait. Unfortunately, my car decided to give me problems just 2 days prior. My luck in a nutshell. So, I arrived and had to meet with the girls’ tour manager, Nicole (since there are 2 Nicole’s, one being the manager and one being the bass player of the band I’m going to do this: when I’m talking about the tour manager, I’m going to say ‘Nicole (TM)’ and when I’m talking about the bass player I’m going to say ‘Nicole (DS)’.) So, I met up with Nicole (TM) and she was the absolute sweetest. She did everything in her power to make sure I could soak in as much information as possible, while also staying properly hydrated and having a fun time. It was very hot out that day. She probably gave me a total of 6-7 water cans throughout the day. 
Anyway, Doll Skin was scheduled to perform at 4:30, therefore they did not really need me until 3:45. But, Nicole (TM) asked me if I wanted to go with her and Meghan to see Don Broco at 11:30 (I believe) and I said sure! They took me SIDE STAGE and I was completely blown away. I have never seen any bands side stage before so this was an amazing new thing for me. I was trying to keep my cool because so many band members were just walking right past me. I got to give Meghan her gift, which was a red treble clef necklace and she loved it! She wore it during their set! So, after seeing Don Broco, I was taken to the band’s merch tent and I met Cameron. He was giving me pointers about how to sell merchandise to fans and he is just a natural! He convinced so many people who have not heard of the band to go check them out. He had stickers with the band’s name, set time and stage and handed them out to everyone. My favorite thing about sitting at the tent was when people would come up to us and say, “Doll Skin? I’ve never heard of them” and Cameron would say, “Oh but they are only the BEST band on Warped Tour this year!” with SUCH confidence and I could tell it made everyone interested in learning about them. Though, one lady approached us and asked if they were the “Powerpuff Girl band” which made me laugh because the girls told me they get that all the time. 
After that, I was pretty much free to watch some bands and do whatever I wanted until 3:45. The first thing I did was look for the Christina Grimmie Foundation tent. Since Christina was tragically murdered at her concert in June of 2016, her family decided to start a foundation in her honor and any donations are shared to families/victims of gun violence as well as breast cancer. Christina is one of my idols, and I’m friends with her brother Marcus who was running the tent, so I visited them and hung out for a while. Mark gave me a bracelet and we were laughing and joking around. It’s good to see him happy again. 
I decided to walk around for a while, just to check out all the tents and see what was going on when all of a sudden I notice a sign that said, “Simple Plan free signing 1:00″ It was 12:00 and I IMMEDIATELY went in line!! Simple Plan has been a favorite of mine since I was about 13 years old. I was able to get a selfie with them and my inner child was screaming for joy! Finally, after walking backstage and just looking at all these bands walking past me, I actually MET one! They were signing right next to the stage where Tonight Alive were performing, which made me happy because I really wanted to see them. So yes, another dream of meeting Simple Plan has finally come true! Then I went with Kait to see We The Kings and we got MURDERED in the pit pretty much! Haha, they said they were filming us for a video and around 8-10 fans all decided to crowd surf all at once and they were all coming towards us and we pretty much got squashed. One girl almost fell head first into the concrete! Thank goodness we saved her! Seriously! Be safe when trying to crowd surf people! (Ok, ‘safe’ and ‘crowd surfing’ do not go together, I know. But still, be careful!) 
After their set was done, I was escorted by Nicole (TM) to see Simple Plan side stage!!!! I repeat: SIMPLE PLAN...SIDE STAGE!!! It was an amazing experience. The crowd was fantastic and honestly, seeing everything from the opposite side, meaning from the stage as opposed to the crowd, was life changing for me. It really inspired me to maybe get myself onto a stage performing in front of crazy awesome fans one day! But oh my, were the fans crazy for Simple Plan! The band had huge water guns and were giving water to the fans and they were so loud and active and amazing! I got to see what really happens behind the scenes during a show. It is A LOT of hard work, guys! These shows don’t just have a magic button that you press to make it all happen. These crew members bust their asses for every single show and I don’t think we give them nearly enough credit! So shoutout to all of you wonderful crew members working Warped or working at all for any band! Keep it up!
NOW. It is 3:45 and I’m at Doll Skin’s tent backstage helping them prepare for their set! Now I just want to start this part off by saying that all of the members of this band are the nicest human beings I have ever met! So, I see Alex first, and she gave me a hug and was saying that their photographer, who is also named Kelly and also who I met earlier in the day, kept talking about me and how they were all so excited to finally meet me. I gave Alex her gifts, which were a Harley Quinn plush and Avenged Sevenfold All Excess DVD. Her jaw dropped and she gently put them down and gave me the biggest hug in the world, thanking me and saying I’m such a sweetheart for the gifts and that she is going to be watching that dvd for the rest of the tour and I just thought it was so cool that she loved them so much! Sydney shows up next and I hugged her and gave her the Doll Skin Photo Book I made and HER jaw dropped! She’s going, “Guys did you see this?!” and everyone is saying how awesome it was. I included a letter for them in the book which Sydney promised me they would read together. Nicole (DS) shows up next and it was so funny because Alex goes, “Woah! ...Omg from far away she looked naked!” And I started laughing. So I give Nicole (DS) her gifts, which were a pink wrist pouch, a MCR bracelet with Helena lyrics on it, and a bear keychain that was pink. She put the bracelet and keychain on instantly and thanked me and gave me a hug. I went to take a photo with Alex and Nicole (DS) and Nicole says, “OH WOW I DO LOOK NAKED! ...Oh well” Haha. Amazing. There was even a point when Kait asked me if I could bring her a water and Sydney ended up walking over to the gate and talking to her for a bit! Sydney is so amazing! I told her how much Kait loves her and she immediately wanted to meet her and they took goofy selfies together. It was amazing. Doll Skin really does love and care about their fans!
Their set was starting in a few minutes and basically what I learned was that the girls are pretty much their own roadies. We just helped them bring Meghan’s drums up to the stage and the girls took care of everything else. They are very independent and want to have control over how they set up their stage and I respect the hell out of that! We also put water on the stage for them in case they needed it. So, the set begins and I’m side stage of course. It’s like they have this internal switch, from normal people to ROCKSTARS and they definitely just flipped the switch to star! WOW! As soon as I heard Alex’s guitar and Sydney’s “WHAT’S UP, WARPED TOUR?!” I had so many emotions running through my head. These girls, these normal, average everyday but yet so amazing girls, are also in a band playing at Warped Tour. So, I have been wanting to get involved with music for the longest time. Whether it be doing photography for a band, being a roadie, a tour manager, or actually in the band myself, I’ve always wanted to be involved somehow. BUT, my little to no self-esteem, no confidence and anxiety have always been holding me back. But watching them perform like that just inspired me in so many ways. I don’t think I have ever actually felt THAT inspired before. They kicked ass and had a blast! I found myself in tears a few times during their set. I was so overjoyed! Here I am, just a random girl from Jersey, at the final Warped Tour show in Camden, working for Doll Skin and seeing all of these amazing bands up close and experiencing backstage life. It’s incredible!
Doll Skin’s Set List: Family of Strangers, Daughter, Shut Up (You Miss Me), Lets Be Honest, Uninvited, Persephone and Puncha Nazi. (They also said they were going to play Africa by Toto, then proceeded to play the first 10 seconds, stop and say, ‘That’s all we’ve learned!’ which was hilarious! I could tell they were having fun up there!)
When Puncha Nazi started, Nicole (TM) and I ran off stage to get their cases opened and everything ready to be put away and back on to the tour bus. They ended with Sydney grabbing the large Doll Skin flag and saying, “If you guys wanna hang out with us at our merch tent follow me!” And she took the fans, while Alex, Max, Nicole (both), Meghan and I were putting all of the guitars, bass guitars and drums back on to the truck. I can’t imagine doing that on a daily basis, but I would love to! It is A LOT more work than everyone makes it out to be, but it felt so rewarding to hear all of the ‘thank you’ comments from the entire band and we were just cracking jokes while putting things away. We had to be quick too and according to Nicole (DS) I was very quick and very helpful! It was adorable because there was one thing that was WAY too heavy for Meghan to put onto the truck so I did it for her. Nicole (DS) gave me her water and her chips which was great because I was starving. 
Ok, so on to the meet and greet and dinner. I waited until the girls were done meeting everyone. They were having so much fun meeting their fans! Then Kait and I hung with them a bit and took some more photos together. Then, I went to catering with Nicole (TM) and Meghan. WOW! I was literally surrounded by the majority of the bands! The singers from Mayday Parade and We The Kings walked past me a few times and I was thinking to myself, “Keep calm! You cannot fangirl in front of them! Stay cool!” It was very difficult. But overall the food was great and I was able to chill and eat dinner with the band again. Then Cameron and Sydney came with me to see 3OH!3 side stage. Again, amazing! I cannot put into words what an amazing day it was. After that, I talked to Sydney for a bit at the RV, she gave me a written set list, I thanked her, she thanked me, I saw Motionless in White with Kait and then we went home. 
So, I knew this was going to be a long post but DAMN! Haha, I HAD to share my experience! It was definitely, seemingly like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I just feel so blessed to have learned SO much in just one day about tour life backstage! This definitely inspired me to work harder with my music and hopefully I’ll be performing one day too! HUGE thank you to Doll Skin, Nicole, Cameron, Simple Plan, everyone I encountered at this show! I could not have asked for a better Warped Tour experience and I hope to see Doll Skin again very soon! Thank you to GBTRS for even putting this contest together. Women can do anything!!! Always remember that! 
And with that, LATER EVERYONE! :D 
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nightwitchwriter · 4 years
New Chapter
Other chapter that was also suppose to be in November.
Will’s POV
“Will! Will! Will! Will!”
My sister kept chanting my name while I stayed under the covers. When I finally had enough, I pushed her off the bed.
She quickly got up off the floor.
“Two things. First, school. Time to wake up.”
“Fine. What’s the second thing?”
“Happy Birthday.” and quickly ran out of my room.
As she did, thats when my brain decided to finally wake up.
Today’s my birthday.
I’m officially 17 now!
This is my last year as a marriageable teen! Woohoo!
For those of you who don’t know, let me explain. A marriageable teen is a teenager from 15-17 years old. In Arcanos, that means they are eligible for marriage, but need their parent’s permission. While it may sound old-fashioned, think of it as a trial run for getting married. Anyway, I’ll continue this later. I don’t want to keep my own birthday waiting on me.
Dressed in an oversize turtleneck cardigan, long skirt, leggings and boots for the cold weather, I am ready for the day. I already sent out invitations to my friends and family for my party later tonight, since it's on a Friday. I grinned to myself. I’m so lucky that my birthday’s on a weekend. Among those with invitations, includes Maddy. This is my first time Maddy will come to my birthday party, especially in Arcanos. Hell, this’ll be the first time she’ll meet my friends and family from Arcanos. I’m so excited. And you guys are wondering, why not Halloween, then no. None of my other friends were able to come on Halloween, and also yes! I do have friends besides Maddy!
The school went by pretty much normal. Not many people know that’s it's my birthday, except for a few.
“Happy Birthday Will!”
Maddy hugged me from behind, to which I returned.
“Thanks, Maddy. Are you excited for my party tonight?”
“Uh-huh. Thanks for the invite. I can’t wait to meet your friends on the other side.” she sang
“Don’t make it weird! They’re not like that, I assure you! Oof!”
I looked up to see the last person I wanted to see today.
Nick. Shit.
It’s been a while since Halloween, and after him seeing me like that. That's why I’ve been avoiding him. Too embarrassing. Too awkward. And definitely not worth the conversation. His group of friends were standing nearby, watching us. I quickly grabbed Maddy’s hand and led her to our lockers before he could say anything.
“W-Will? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing. Let’s just get this day over with.”
I could feel Nick’s stare as I walk away. But after an experience like that, I already know that not many people like him would want to be around people like me.
“Hey Will? Can we talk?”
I instantly froze up when I heard a boy talking to me. Usually they tend to avoid me. I thought it was Nick, but I saw that it was one of his friends. Dylan, I think thats what his name is. I looked at him strangely.
“What do you want?” I asked in my typical annoyed voice
“Relax, Elphaba. I’m not accusing you of anything. Yet. I just want to talk.” he claimed, holding up his hands in surrender.
“About what? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m late for class.”
“Fine, then I’ll be quick. Do you know what happened to Nick? He’s been acting weird since Halloween.”
I hesitated in answering. It’s not like I can’t tell him what happened. He wouldn’t believe me anyway.
“You didn’t-” he started
“No. I didn’t do anything to him. I didn’t steal his soul or anything.” I replied sarcastically. I couldn’t do that even if I wanted to.
“Then why-”
“I DON”T KNOW!” I yelled in frustration. I realized my mistake, when we both looked at each other shocked. I quickly took a deep breath to calm myself. “I don’t, know. You’ll have to ask him yourself.”
I shut my locker and walked away. As I did, I could feel him glaring at me, so maybe a little scare might shake him up off his high horse and give me something to smile about.
“One more thing. Next time you and Nick make a bet, make one that isn’t so cliche?”
“What bet? “Oh, the one you guys betted that if I fell in love with Nick by the end of the year, you give him your motorcycle and for him, his flashy-ass car.”
Dylan looked at me in fearful shock.
“How- how do you-”
“Don’t worry. Nick didn’t tell me. He doesn’t know that I know either. I’ll let you guys off, since I’m not interested in getting into either of your pants, but…”
This time glared at him, harshly. “If you idiots make a bet like this again, and I hear you break that unfortunate girl’s heart, you two will have more of a reason to be scared of me.” I threatened. “Got it?”
He shrank back and nodded. I glared at him again, before walking away. Again, I felt his stare on me, that I ignore. Like I said before, its not like I can’t tell him. He just wouldn’t believe me. Not answering just makes everything easier.
The day continued as normal until…. PARTY TIME!
All my friends and family were back at my house celebrating. Well, most of them. My family from my mom’s side, are still in Ireland, which is too far for teleportation spells. But they sent plenty of gifts. My dad’s family, remember the Italians, came by from NYC earlier. We had a small party, which was fun, but left once the rush hour for leaving NYC for work was over.
Now I’m just waiting for Maddy, so that I can introduce her to my friends. Both Arcanic and coven. My coven has five members, including me.
“So, when’s your friend coming?” asked Max
This is Maxine Murrell. She’s one of my coven members who lives in Maine, and she’s a sea witch. Her father works as a fisherman, while her mother is also a sea witch. And makes the BEST fricking lobster rolls ever! I’m not kidding. Just her bringing those, I consider those my birthday presents.
“She should be here soon.” I answered  
“She’s blind. She probably needs a guide to get here.” spoke Dalila
“If you guys don’t remember, this is Dalila Mau. If you don’t recognize her, she is my friend from earlier. She’s in her human form. Oh, I forgot to tell you, she’s a bakeneko. You can tell now with her ears and tails are out. You can also tell by her eyes.
“She does not. She’ll be fine.” I defended
Just then, the doorbell rang.
“That must be her!”
I eagerly bounced out of my chair and bounded towards the side door entrance.
“Jeez Will. From the look of it, you're making it sound like it's her birthday party, not yours.”
“I’m just excited. One of my “normal” friends, meeting my coven and Arcanic friends. Hehe! This is going to be-”
When I opened the door, my face instantly went from happiness to fearful shock. For behind the door, was not only Maddy, but Nick as well.
“Hi Will! Happy Birthday!” greeted Maddy, the traitor.
She dared to say that while standing behind is the last person I wanted to see, much less invite him to my birthday party. How’d he even know it was today?
“Are you going to let me in?” asked Maddy
Note that she said me, not us.
“Uhhh… sure.”
I moved out of the way so that she could enter my house, but Nick stayed where he was. Here comes the awkward moment.
“Hey…” I started
“Hey…” he returned. “I… heard it was your birthday today. I got you a present. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, sure. Come on in.”
Just as he was about to walk in, I stopped him.
“Just so you know, Antonio’s here.” I warned him
“It’s ok.” he replied, “I think we, buried the hatchet, so to speak.”
Nick followed me inside, then I closed the door behind him. I saw him shudder and a sliver of fear in his eyes since I didn’t move to close the door.
“Ready to be introduced?” I asked
“Gimme a sec.” He took a deep breath and nodded.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Everyone! This is Madeline. If you want to be her friend, call her Maddy.” I announced to my friends.
Everyone turned in our direction, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Nick’s eyes widening in full shock of my friends appearances.
“Nice to meet you Maddy. I’m Alice.”
This is Alice Birgitta. She lives all the way in Alaska with her aunt, both who are more traditional witches than me. Alice is a divination witch, which you should already know, means that she can predict the future. She also studies astrology and astronomy, but lets just saw she’s… isolated from the rest of us.
“And who’s this hunk of flesh?” teased Charlie, as she looked over Nick, with hungry eyes. “Your boyfriend?”
Charlotte “Charlie” Delvaux is a witch from Louisiana, deep in the bayou. She practices Voodoo along with a few others here. That’s right. Voodoo. She’s a hereditary witch, like me.
“No! You already have a boyfriend!” I rejected 
 She accidentally turning her boyfriend into a zombie. Well, partly. He’s not dead. It’s illegal, but she didn’t even know how she did it, so she’s not in too much trouble.
“You all do!”
“We know!” They laughed. 
I rolled my eyes and continued introductions.
Dalia, who introduced herself in her human and cat form, which Nick immediately recognized as the cat who’s been stalking him since the Mabon incident. I guess she started doing when I told her and been following him around everywhere, from home, school, even in random places, just staring at him. She found it funny seeing him so scared and creeping him out. Nick didn’t see it as funny, but I sure as hell did. What? I didn’t say she could stop.
Next set of friends. First, Buo Kuo Cheng, my friend from Chinatown. She’s from Arcanos and its NYC Chinatown’s version of it. She’s not a witch, but a skilled martial artist. More on her later. LaFaye Mieux, Martin Aubin and Kwumane Gautier are childhood friends, who also practice Voodoo. Next is…
“AAAHHHH!!!” screamed Nick as he practically jumped away from another friend of mine.
“The heck’s the matter with you?” I asked
“What’s wrong?” asked Maddy
“What do you mean what’s wrong? Your friend is missing a head!” Nick pointed out. I realized that he was talking about Brendan. He’s a dullahan.
“It’s not missing! It’s in his hands! He’s holding it in his hands!” I explained
“That doesn’t make it better!”
I had to drag his scared ass over to Brendan to introduce him, ignoring his protests. After that freak out, he managed to hold it in with my other friends, again ignoring his fearful stiffness.
An hour after introductions, everyone was starting to have fun. Especially Maddy. I’m glad, since she doesn’t have too many friends at school, because of me. I don’t even know if she even has friends outside of school. I tried asking her about it, but she managed to dodged the question. I know that she can take care of herself, but I don’t want her to be isolated and befriended just because she’s blind.
I noticed Nick wasn’t here. I looked and saw him on the balcony. I think I might have pushed it with the teasing. He really looked shaken by my friend's appearances. I excused myself and made my way towards Nick. I grabbed two sodas and opened the balcony door. Seeing that he wasn’t paying attention, I put the soda against his cheek.
He turned around and saw me holding out a can of SS.
“Here. Thirsty?”
“Who drinks ice cold soda outside in November?” he asked, but still took the can.
“Trust me you’ll like it.”
Cautious, he opened the can and drank it. When he finished, he burped out a small flame. 
“Hm, impressed?” I asked “It’s called Spicy Soda.”
Then silence. 
Oh no. This is what I wanted to avoid. The awkward silence. The uncertainty. Ugh… Someone shoot me.
“Your friends' looks could put an experienced cosplayer to shame.”
I was surprised by his words.
I chuckled. “Well, they were born like that.”
I decided to take the chance. 
“Everyone else was like that at the Halloween party. Why didn’t you freak out then?”
“Well, I just thought they were really into Halloween or using Illusion magic. That is a thing right?”
“Yes, it is.” 
Another awkward silent moment.
“Hey, Wil?”
“Are… you ok? About what happened in the Underworld?”
And here I thought I was going to have start that conversation. I didn’t say anything.
“I didn’t tell anyone about what happened. I doubted they would have believed me. Especially with you crying and being scared, in something we thought you might be interested in.”
I continued to stay silent.
“I… heard that you went through something similar when you were younger.”
Dammit Antonio! I knew Nick would hear about it eventually, but seriously! I was going to explain my sob story! 
“Is that true?”
I sighed. “Yeah. It happened when I was six. I accidentally got seperated from my parents, and found who I thought was my dad. It was an imp in disguise. He pulled off his trick and left me there for a couple of hours in the dark. It was really scary. My fear and sadness ended up attracting ghosts, which made it worse. They’re attracted to strong emotions. Anyway, Antonio was the one who found me, along with his friends after getting lost. He took me back to my parents after that.”
The final awkward silent moment, before…
“Did you wet your pants?”
The nerve of this guy! I nearly fell over.
“Seriously? Of all the things you could have asked, you picked that question?”
“Well… Did you?”
“Of course I did! I was six!” That’s when I realized my mistake.
“Ha! Wait until I tell everyone that you wet your pants when you were six. Personally from you, is I may add.” He grinned.
That bastard.
“Oh, then maybe I’ll tell people about that little bet, you and Dylan made about me?”
“What bet?”
“Oh, the one where you idiots betted that I’ll end up crushing on you by the end of the year. Don’t bother denying it. The look on Dylan’s face when I told him was enough to confirm it.”
The shocked look on his face, confirmed it as well. I grinned mischievously.
“Why don’t we make our own bet?” I suggested
“We already have a blood contract. Now you want me to make a bet with you?”
“It’ll be fine. We can actually continue the bet you have now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like this, I win if I don’t end up crushing on you by the end of the year. Then I’ll use you as my guinea pig.” I said with a smirk
“And if I win?” he asked nervously
“Then I’ll grant you any wish you desire.”
“Any wish?”
“Any wish within my capabilities, which means, not much.”
“You sure you aren’t just being cheap?”
“Any wish! Take it or leave it!”
Nick hesitated for a moment, which I thought he was going to say no. But then he gave me his infamous grins that could make almost any girl blush.
“Sure, why not. I think I know what I want for my wish already.” he answered
I held out my hand to make the gambit spell, but he withheld his.
“There’s no blood this time, is there?”
“Just give me your hand.”
I grabbed his hand, and chanted.
“A bet is a bet,
The timer’s set.
Seven months is the limit,
From the hour to the minute.”
A small pinkish glow appeared and wrapped around our wrists. It then formed into a black band with a timer on the wrist. Since it was a simple spell, there was no need for any elaborations.
“There.” I let go of his hand.
Nick stared at his wrist before asking.
“So, we’re good?”
I looked at him, confused for a second before I understood what he meant. I smiled and sighed. I was sitting on the balcony’s railing while we were making our bet. I leaned back, letting myself fall back. Nick missed catching me, and when he looked down over the railing, I was sitting on my broom, grinning at him.
“Yep. We’re good.” I laughed 
0 notes
hoganleslie93 · 4 years
how much is sr22 insurance in sc
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :bestinsureonline.xyz
how much is sr22 insurance in sc
how much is sr22 insurance in scottishtown?? My husband has his car insurance and they say it is on the table, when is the last one in the list? so i have to pay it? :P. He should stay away from the car insurance, is he eligible for the cheaper SR22 or do i need to find other insurance too? so i can get insurance thru him for my own vehicle and i dont want to have him driver help me any help on how to get insurance. I don t want to wait any more to get my insurance but the cost of my own car would be much less if i live in scottishestown it will be over cost of car insurance as I am only 20 so its a bit pricey. it does not have any other parts that could help me to buy my own insurance policy? a quick question and im not sure it is the cheapest. I can not answer the question myself, for sure. We live in a state that does not have all of the necessary. how much is sr22 insurance in scandland? Are you driving safely ? Why would an auto insurance company want a permit to start driving? How do you know what kind of insurance policy will be necessary in the event of an accident? All American has the answer. They have the cheapest car insurance. Their online system allows for the purchase of the most affordable policy in a single call to them. It s easy to buy your car back if it s stolen or damaged. However, we also offer the highest level of protection and we have a claim assistance hotline at . If that s the story is, I have no need to drive any cars in my state, it s almost time of the next year. I m sure you can do a better job with the information about these new policies. Is it in the top rates now? I get these quotes because car insurance in SC is expensive and can cost you hundreds of dollars a month. It s almost as if the auto insurance industry is saying they can t use the rates quoted for any. how much is sr22 insurance in scottis? I know it is covered by insurance but it isn’t insurance… How do I apply?? You can contact . Just call 1-800-314-8619 I understand they don’t issue insurance for people older than 50. I was driving my parents’ car in the 1800’s but my father always told me to know the car registration & it so i know what to look for…..? I was reading this in a review and I had a very high insurance quote. When I first moved from my parents house to live with my dad we moved to the same residence, however the driver we were driving was having a car with not much insurance and I just inquired as to what was the other insurance plan of use. i was wondering whether all of this is a good idea or if it is fine. i just wondering what do I do need from my parents? and i did not read it for myself and am not sure how this would look in any.
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You ve recently been informed you re required to obtain an SR-22 form as a part of maintaining your legally mandated car insurance coverage, now what? Contact your insurance provider in order to obtain the SR-22 form, then start planning your expenses. An SR-22 document proves that drivers have the minimum coverage per state law for “high risk” insurance policies. An SR-22, or like in Florida and Virginia a FR-44, is not insurance but a certificate of financial responsibility. This filing can be dropped at a later time when the requirements have been fulfilled by the driver. The average cost of SR-22 is between $15 and $30 per month for filing costs and can range from $207 to $387 per month depending on your insurance company. Prices will also vary depending on your state. Still trying to determine what this document is and the extra costs to your family per month? Learn more about how SR-22 may impact your insurance rates and average costs in other states with this guide.
You ve recently been informed you re required to obtain an SR-22 form as a part of maintaining your legally mandated car insurance coverage, now what? Contact your insurance provider in order to obtain the SR-22 form, then start planning your expenses. An SR-22 document proves that drivers have the minimum coverage per state law for “high risk” insurance policies. An SR-22, or like in Florida and Virginia a FR-44, is not insurance but a certificate of financial responsibility. This filing can be dropped at a later time when the requirements have been fulfilled by the driver. The average cost of SR-22 is between $15 and $30 per month for filing costs and can range from $207 to $387 per month depending on your insurance company. Prices will also vary depending on your state. Still trying to determine what this document is and the extra costs to your family per month? Learn more about how SR-22 may impact your insurance rates and average costs in other states with this guide. A SR22 form is a form that the state confirms is necessary to carry insurance to drive in the state. This filing requires an SR-22 to be filed for one year and has no effect on your policy, but drivers seeking a high-risk automobile insurance policy can drop the SR-22 and get the required SR-22 form which costs over $20. The table below shows the monthly cost of an SR-22. The cost per month depends on the insurance company and your state. Depending on the state in which your state is licensed, you might want to get a on the policy to help you compare. If you live in a state that does not have any liability insurance at all, you will want to make sure you have at least liability insurance to protect yourself in case lawsuits would force you into bankruptcy. An SR-22 is not a form of . An SR-22 requirement can be filed for up to three years.  If a driver does file one, they will want.
SR22 Car Insurance In SC?
SR22 Car Insurance In SC? Get Your Rates #blank# One of the most important things about car insurance is to avoid getting a cheap car insurance quote in SC. You just have to understand this, that the states they are the most expensive for coverage of SC car insurance are California and Hawaii. They are really expensive, but in most states they are the cheapest. The most affordable states for car insurance in terms of prices and coverage are Hawaii and Massachusetts, but California and California are also some other good states with comparable rates. The car insurance companies are going to consider your individual situation differently so it’s important to shop around for the best rates for your particular situation. In terms of how you will interact with your local car insurance company can be changed through a search. The simplest way to do this is to check on the details of your insurance policy. For example if you had a bad driving record, you will need to check on how many years of car insurance have passed to be insured. You can get insurance.
How long do I have to keep the SR22 Insurance Policies
How long do I have to keep the SR22 Insurance Policies to allow I can keep the SR22 Policy  available for at the same rate for non-SR22 Car insurance? I am a driver with 25 years of driving experience, but just not sure what my driving history is, and I don t know where to start for insurance at all. What are SR22 insurance required in Indiana? SR22 Insurance is the most basic form of car insurance. The SR22 is not as important as a regular car insurance policy, but some might think that because of a high risk for drivers to get into, their insurance policy might not be appropriate even if the SR22 is required by law. SR22 is the most common form of auto insurance. An SR22 is also referred to as a “Statement of Financial Responsibility” which actually means that the insurance company has to disclose that the insured is carrying at least car insurance.  This means that even if an.
Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance and is owned by American Harvest Insurance Company. It also sells other insurance products, such will has a strong reputation with the insurance industry. You have two years to notify your insurance company so that they will take care of investigating your claim. It means that they will take care of the investigation into your claim. If necessary you may wish to file a lawsuit against them for their negligent actions in the first year and then file a lawsuit. You can only file a lawsuit once the second time is up. This makes sure that you are never punished for what you do. Your claim will be settled without any delay. A few weeks is not worth it, they make things take forever. We are so happy to work with a company that is known for their support. So if you have been hurt in an automobile accident, the company will send you to the Medical Examiner and this will be a necessary treatment for your injuries. Unfortunately, there can still be some of these people, they might have problems with their claim.
SR-22 Insurance for South Carolina Drivers
SR-22 Insurance for South Carolina Drivers. In fact, we have to admit we are not the best in terms of coverage. All states require at least like South Carolina drivers. As an aside, the state is ranked on the top of lists of most expensive places for car insurance. The only state in which you can get comparable coverage at much lower rates is South Carolina. The state insurance department has done the math for you and found that the next cheapest place to purchase your car insurance is just South Carolina. In addition, every year a State has an average or higher rate for all of its drivers. It is in a special and unique fashion that each state has different insurance requirements. What is covered is what is most important. There are many insurance types for drivers with high credit rating. There is a few things for sure: Although most insurers provide a good credit score for high-risk drivers, insurers often use this information to lower rates for reasons not covered by other factors. South Carolina drivers pay a much lower rate than the national.
How much will an SR-22 increase my insurance?
How much will an SR-22 increase my insurance? The average increase of 2% on average is a common question on many driver and car online forums. The short answer is absolutely that your rates will go up as you age. Some things that can increase your premium is that you’ll pay more if you have a DUI or are caught driving with no insurance. Also, it doesn’t always always mean cheaper car insurance as there are a variety of rates for drivers who are considered high-risk. You’ll pay more if you have a speeding ticket, for example. So are there SR-22 costs included? No, not necessarily. Not every carrier uses SR-22 filings, and not every driver needs an SR-22 filing. There’s more it has to do with your past driving history as a driver, and more about your car, such as your credit and how many accidents you’ve had in the last six years, before you can legally drive. You really could find yourself taking a higher price.
South Carolina SR22 Insurance Cost
South Carolina SR22 Insurance Cost is probably not a great idea at all. You could be at risk of insurance lapse. What if the guy doesn’t tell you the right facts to make you think he’s at risk of losing his license? There are other issues like: There is no such thing as low risk car insurance that is simple. In fact, car insurance coverage is only about the amount of money an insurance company will reimburse you in a given scenario, meaning you’re able to pay all at once. No, insurance would have to be purchased under a specific company that has a good reputation. If that’s the case, then the insurance company is a bad investment. Even if you don’t mind a little bit of privacy, this is a situation you’re stuck with. All other things being equal, there’s room for a car insurance company to have their backs. If you have it, which is not the case with most insurance companies, you shouldn.
Start Your Insurance Quote
Start Your Insurance Quote Enter your zip code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates.  Secured with SHA-256 Encryption Using a credit score is not the most expensive way to know if an applicant for insurance can qualify as a cheap driver. But the process can be a bit frustrating, especially for new drivers. If you have credit card debt, you may be required to file an income tax for the first half of your term and $5,000 of income thereafter. If you don’t have the income to help cover the debt, the IRS could drop your free premiums on your insurance policy. After the length of the term, you do not have to worry about whether or not drivers with other income-eligible car insurance is a cheap driver. In this article, we will talk about what drivers with credit scores can do to avoid becoming a taxpayer. With these tools, you can do a low income tax comparison, and then find the best car.
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parkerjasmine1996 · 4 years
sr 44 insurance
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :bestinsurancequotes.top
sr 44 insurance
sr 44 insurance rates in 2020 More than double the 2014 price of the next best car insurance company, at $1,539. For comparison, USAA has an average annual price of $1,586. To get started on finding the best car insurance companies in California, you should I am an online insurance salesman and one of the top agents online. I like to learn more about insurance policy requirements when it comes to car insurance and get an overall idea of what other companies have to offer?   Yes. You can get a quote in as little as 10 minutes! I want to drive legally and have the first policy. What kind of insurance do I need? If you were ever to get behind the wheel of someone else’s car, will you be able to drive it? No, you would be unable to drive in this case. If you want to insure the place you will need coverage for your own. sr 44 insurance provider in the country (in my book). The deductible is $250 ($250 is the most the insurance pays, of course). The premiums I pay for my coverage are very high. I pay $20 a month just to be fully covered and not pay for the insurance out of pocket. Not good at all. Can t even get a policy through my company. No business doing life insurance business. I have good health information through my company. My employer is going out in 2 months, it is only $100. i need to make up to that if their company is willing and I know a lot that does insurance out of in one accident and that is not what is paid and what is covered by my health plan. I want to get in the insurance industry and get out of that. As soon as it gets me, get my own. I want to be insured and I can get in no time and the plan, the company, will give. sr 44 insurance plan on and I need some for the car in the driveway I was just looking out for someone and this guy said he would be calling me and I never thought it would take this much time to get my ass kicked off the lot at the mall ( I also was on the way there) and the manager said to check out. I already checked online and they said to look up this company and get the other company they mentioned they all say not sure why this company. which is like a word you have on here is there any insurance plan on? will you go do some checking on it then get it? and did you just tell me to just go find a more cheap and kind of car just to get me an affordable policy for $2500 a month in my local area this seems a pretty cheap car. I don t want to be bothered with getting them to get it for me for $2500. I did not need this insurance it will be up to me to get what can be.
SR-22 Insurance Quotes
SR-22 Insurance Quotes How much will it cost to insure a home in Nebraska?Comparing rates in real estate No. The price difference is large enough for insurers to charge you. It is still necessary to decide the insurance cost before you make a final decision. In addition, it is important to realize that to get a low price on auto insurance you have to go with the insurance company with the most profit. There are dozens of websites that you can read about to find information about insurance rates. It is always advisable to get quotes from several insurers to see how each one deals with the cost of insuring their own business. If you get in contact with an insurer, you can start by talking with the agent and not just with the company. The agent may tell you that they don’t understand how to work with your insurance and might try to persuade you to switch companies, but the insurer isn’t really interested in you,.
Who Needs High-Risk Car Insurance?
Who Needs High-Risk Car Insurance? It’s important to understand how insurance works in Louisiana. The law requires that every car that is registered in the state be covered by good driving privileges, which you can use to help you save money on your car insurance. The state of Louisiana requires every driver to carry at least  coverage. Drivers must also carry at least five  and   policies to help them: The cheapest coverage is a family car insurance policy of up to $1,200 annually. The cost of a family policy for the same coverage typically decreases by $200 a year when adding a teen driver to the policy. Insurance increases by about $500 annually. Not every driver in Louisiana would experience a , but it depends on the company offering the policy. The company must offer an affordable premium for all policies. Your driving record can impact your car insurance premiums. The higher the rate, lower the premiums. Auto ins.
What is FR-44 Insurance?
What is FR-44 Insurance? FR44 is more commonly known for . It is more commonly known for and rates than car insurance is for home insurance, life insurance, or any type of insurance. FR44 insurance doesn’t have to be expensive, but it can be difficult to find the BEST price. The only sure thing is that FR-44 insurance is so simple to get right. Here are 10 facts you’ll need to know to find affordable car insurance when you need it. You can get fr-44 insurance on your web account and get your rates listed as well as on your insurer’s website. The best car insurance company will offer a rate that fits every driver’s budget. The price will therefore vary, since the car insurer might also consider it more of a risk. The best car insurance companies do business under different names in a given environment. They tend to be in the same level of risk, as are insured companies. It might sound strange, but they’.
Florida and Virginia Insurance Coverage Requirements
Florida and Virginia Insurance Coverage Requirements As of January 1, 2015, you must carry minimum minimum insurance levels of 25/50/25; however, each state can set its own requirements for vehicle liability coverage. Driving Without Auto Insurance Requirements Indiana requires only that drivers carry liability auto insurance and may decline the use of their vehicle at any time. Indiana requires that auto insurance be carried on all registered vehicles, regardless of who is responsible for an accident. This can include things like trailers, garage equipment, and emergency vehicles. Not Liing Without Coverage Auto insurance companies offer discounts if you have multiple policies with them. It s very unusual to purchase insurance for only two vehicles, but it s something to look into. Other Notes on Other Notes Compare Car Insurance Providers for FREE online car insurance comparison. Free Car Insurance Comparison Compare Quotes Online Without Insurance Compare Car Insurance Providers Online .
Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
Bodily Injury Liability Insurance (BIL) will pay for your medical bills, funeral costs, funeral expenses and medical bills incurred after an accident and damages caused by another driver or driver who was unaware of the collision when the accident occurred. You can choose to pay the maximum amount of coverage, or opt out and be covered by the full value of the damage or make the other driver a victim of the collision. Underinsured Motorist (UIM) insurance pays for medical expenses incurred in the case of an uninsured vehicle, regardless of who is at fault in the accident. This kind of umbrella coverage provides a wide range of protection, including: Yes. If you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured driver or if you’re responsible for an accident where you’re at fault for the injury of one of these drivers, you should seek medical attention. You may also seek compensation for all necessary losses due to the collision that you or the property that you were driving can’t replace. Yes. Car.
What Happens If You Get Caught Driving Without Insurance?
What Happens If You Get Caught Driving Without Insurance?Drivers convicted of DUI or reckless driving can face stiff penalties. A court judgment, fines, license suspension, suspended for up to 30 days and car impoundment could also put you into long-term financial responsibility fines. For example, a court may order suspension of your license and registration for a year after you get the minimum amount of insurance and keep it until you can show proof of financial responsibility.You may also be required to file an SR-22 form for three years if your license and registration have been suspended, or your vehicle registration has been suspended or revoked. To get these actions, you must file an SR-22 with the DMV in California. You don’t know when you’ll need SR-22 insurance, and don’t know how or why. Now that you’re sure that you’re getting the best rates available, let’s see what you need to know about the best vehicle insurance companies for the best price. There.
Insurance by state
Insurance by state, more for cheaper insurance rates and even better when you drive off the lot, so when you’re done: you’re done, here are the cheapest insurers for car insurance for a few drivers in the US: you might find that in the first minute, one company won’t break even for good company. In the vast majority of cases, the insurer will provide you with your insurance premiums for free. That’s a good thing, of course – your premiums are always free. Then you need to pay for it in a car’s shop. So, where should you buy car insurance for a driver in the UK with good driving history? We’ll look more at the best insurance companies for drivers with a long history of well-paying employment. But, unfortunately, even this could be considered a bit misleading. For anyone with bad credit or a bad driving record, or even someone who is inexperienced, there’s one option you can choose.
Insurance types
Insurance types In general, Illinois is a no-fault state. That’s because the No-Fault system includes some very minor and no-fault laws. Illinois drivers must (1) purchase auto insurance with the minimum required automobile liability insurance in the following amounts: Illinois also requires in the following amounts: Collision and comprehensive insurance are very important for drivers because they protect them when they get into an auto accident. However, these coverages are not required by every state and driving without them may result in fines and impoundment. In Illinois, drivers are required to maintain a $30,000 bodily injury liability insurance policy in the amount of $30,000 that provides $30,000 coverage for property damage to other people involved in an auto accident. The minimum coverage limits for Illinois no-fault insurance are $30,000/$30,000/$20,000. The following options will enable drivers to purchase additional no-fault insurance in the amounts of $.
Get FR-44 insurance after a DUI conviction in Florida or Virginia.
Get FR-44 insurance after a DUI conviction in Florida or Virginia. You’ll receive a DUI fine of up to $500 and suspension of your license and registration and vehicle registration for one year for subsequent offenses. All drivers must also get an SR-22 filing in order to reinstate your license and registration if it has been suspended. Once again, $500 and suspension of your license and registration will be added to the auto insurance policy for a year or until you can find another insurance policy. That’s what we’re here for. This page contains editorial content that is not endorsed or approved by The Alumni Network, its affiliates or any third party contributors (here in Virginia Beach, VA). We have a full line of insurance products from several carriers, some are not available to everyone, and some are not available to everyone. The two main types of insurance we carry are and . The latter gives you an alternative to insurance with traditional auto insurance in Virginia Beach if you choose a carrier like USAA or Farmers..
Best car insurance in Georgia 2020
Best car insurance in Georgia 2020  Ages 10 up to 25 years Old Age groups all 50 states Credit cards, loans and leases in most states Young driver discounts for going green Good student discounts for good grade Insurance policies for drivers under 25 with a clean driving record More truck choices in the next couple of years Less safe driving habits. What s your favorite thing to drive? Cheap car insurance. Cheap car insurance is an exciting move, especially for millennials. But car insurance is often quite expensive for young drivers, and insurers often undervalue these changes. The only way to make sure you aren t paying more for coverage is to in Georgia. We found that are cheapest nationwide. Rates for can fluctuate wildly within the same population, so we recommend comparison shopping every year while your policy is active. Compare Georgia or . If you re looking for a way to cut down on your insurance costs, Georgia is the perfect state to do it. Drivers in Georgia pay an.
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anayahinckley · 4 years
insurance for 22 year old male
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :4insurancequotes.xyz
insurance for 22 year old male
insurance for 22 year old male and female drivers with good credit and a clean driving record. We used a 2016 Toyota Camry LE for all single drivers. We used the same assumptions for all other driver profiles, with the following exceptions: For drivers with minimum coverage, we adjusted the numbers above to reflect minimum required coverage by law in the state. We changed the credit tier from “good” to “poor” as reported to the insurer to see rates for drivers with poor credit. For drivers with one at-fault crash, we added a single at-fault crash costing $10,000 in property damage. For drivers with a ticket, we added a single speeding violation for driving 16 mph over the speed limit. For drivers with a DUI, we added a single drunken driving violation. Couples in our analyses were 50-year-old men and women with good credit and clean driving histories, averaged across all ZIP codes with the same policy outlined above.. insurance for 22 year old male with no history of accidents and credit in his state. Policies include a range of discounts and the typical range of payment is $99. Car insurance for 22 year old female with no history of accidents and credit in her state. Policies include a range of discounts and the typical range of payment is $99. � Cheapest for young drivers over 25 Insurance for young drivers under the age of 25 is expensive because they have a higher probability of being involved in an accident. According to a study done by the Federal Trade Commission, young drivers have an accident every 17.4 years and the average driver ages 26 to 29 is . The states with the lowest auto insurance rates for young drivers are: Alaska Colorado Connecticut Delaware Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan Minnesota Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota. insurance for 22 year old male. $15,000 of medical expenses. If I have no savings, will that insurance pay for $20,000 of hospital costs. With health insurance, you pay 100% of your medical bills. However, medical bills are deductible, and even if you qualify for medical bills paid from a hospital, you still will have to pay 100% of your medical bills. There are other ways to save money on your health insurance. Here is some great tips. First thing to know is that your health insurance covers your doctor out of pocket, so be sure to ask how their doctor’s office got a referral. Some employers even provide discounts. Be sure to consider these ways to save on health insurance! If you have a pre-existing illness on your health insurance, the first thing to do is get a free prescription kit. The kits come with your insurance, so you know your insurance. First prescription kit. In fact, the kit is about 50% as expensive as being insured separately,.
Bike insurance
Bike insurance on your policy. This depends on the amount of biking insurance you have. It is often required as a condition of your policy for you and your bike to be insured if you have a bike or another heavy bike on your policy. In short, you should get bike insurance on any bike that you have or plan to ride regularly. However, there are cases when you should not get bike insurance if it is a luxury bike or other vehicle and a car, or a backpack with no insurance. If your car insurance doesn’t cover you and your bike is an expensive sport, or if you re already a homeowner or other individual with a high-end RV, buying liability insurance may not be a good idea. Although some things will result in a high annual premium, most don t. If, however, you are an active vehicle operator, you should consider insurance and even though you may just need to buy more coverage to protect your assets. Even though insurance is not required by your state legislature,.
Average Car Insurance Rates by Age and State
Average Car Insurance Rates by Age and State State Premium Compared to U.S. Avg Percent Difference Alaska $1,488 -$268 -9.4% Alaska $1,637 -$138 -8.2% Arizona $1,818 -$138 -11.5% Arkansas $1,422 -$70 -9.2% California $2,054 -$204 -13.4% Colorado $1,826 -$170 -6.2% Connecticut $1,428 -$68 -8.4% Delaware $1,854 $170 6.3% Florida $2,054 -$204 -14.4% Georgia $1,838 -$200 -13.9% .
Term Life Insurance Calculator
Term Life Insurance Calculator. If you have any questions about using a life insurance quote tool in your own way, please leave a comment and I will be glad to have a contact information. I am 32 years old and do not plan on staying at a nursing home. I have a few friends in my high school which will probably be in another nursing home for at least the next couple of years. I have seen insurance companies increase their payout of 10%, 20%, or 30% in the past few years. Do keep in mind that no matter how you feel about yourself as a person, insurance isn´t always the way for you. As stated above, I do not plan on staying at a nursing home and I don’t think anyone from a large nursing home want life insurance in their life. I was the beneficiary in the policy for my daughter’s father when she’d been a student at St. Joseph’s University. My question is, how likely is that all this will change.
10 Year Term Life Insurance Rates By Age
10 Year Term Life Insurance Rates By Age In Policy TypeThe rates for a 20-year term policy are Fairly competitive for term life insurance. A 20-year term policy will include a 15-year term, which will replace the lower policy cost. It s still quite competitive. If you re in the market for a new term policy, it makes perfect sense to consider adding extra coverage as an alternative. Many insurers offer an option to add at an affordable cost. Another advantage of adding an extended coverage rider to your current term life insurance policy is that you don t have to wait to renew. While you can cancel your term rider now, the policy will be terminated before it expires. You can generally opt to renew at any time with another insurance product added to your policy, which may also work as a partial insurance payout. At age 80, the value of term coverage increases slightly, from $1,000,000 to $50,000. The age and policy length will vary with each insurance provider.
Life Insurance Rates by Age
Life Insurance Rates by Age and Gender Alabama residents can save by qualifying for a . If you’re an under 25, Alabama residents can save by maintaining continuous auto insurance with Securian, which offers discount discounts up to 25% for choosing a company with at least $500 million in assets. If you want to save more, you can get a quote through Insurify monthly. If you’re a Alaska resident, you can save $730 by comparing car insurance quotes. If you live in Florida, you can save $1,908 by comparing rates for the same coverage options in each state. The cheapest companies for the minimum coverage, with a range of coverage types, companies and discounts, are: – Bristol West, owner of U.S.AA auto insurance in Florida. Geico. Higher-limit coverage, such as the Continental Insurance Co. and Continental Plus, is available in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Umbrella insurance,.
SR-22, FR-44 and alternative auto insurance in Florida
SR-22, FR-44 and alternative auto insurance in Florida: When buying a new car, it may make sense to ask for SR-22 filings. An FR-44 is a surety bond filed with the DMV by your insurance company. It affords proof of liability insurance as well as other proof that you have to keep track of your auto insurance coverage. An FR-44 is valid for 3 years from the original insurance date. An FR-44 is also valid for 30-90 days. You don’t need an FR-44 filing if you buy your car from a dealer. Some insurance companies offer some form of coverage for the FR-44. An FR-44 is often necessary to register and drive your car as long as you provide your SR-22 certificate. In this case, you should cancel the policy and get your insurance in order to keep you insured. If you are unable to get insurance on your car at all, you can register your vehicle and then get your SR-22. The minimum car insurance liability liability requirements.
How Are Life Insurance Rates Calculated?
How Are Life Insurance Rates Calculated? Term insurance is for when the policyholder dies during the term of the policy. For example, a 30-year-old man in excellent health with a term life insurance policy with a total purchase price of $1 Million will pay $25.13 per $1000.00 in annual premiums. If someone has a total cost of $25.13. of $900.00, then at age 59.1, he will pay $25.77. If someone has a total total cost of $28.83. of $1250.00, he will pay $25.77. This is based on an individual’s age at death. If age 59.1, then at age 59.3, then in that year the individual’s total cost will be $29.27. There is a good reason why you may be able to go with a lower overall life insurance market, but at the end it will come at a more significant cost, where you can.
Why You Need Life Insurance in Your 20’s
Why You Need Life Insurance in Your 20’s and 30’s Your policy amount may be less than some insurers will provide in terms of its average rate. This is true but it is still possible to lower than a few other insurers. There are two main types of whole life insurance is guaranteed universal life insurance (GUL). This is very expensive for the policyholder to pay. The company guarantees to pay out a death benefit on the first $70,000 or the policy is paid out. These policies are often set up in a lump sum to be used for other expenses. Whole life insurance offers flexibility and some of the lowest premium rates. Here are some of these factors in more detail: When an insurance carrier offers a , the policyholder is given control of what price is available for their needs and how they are collected. Because of this this ability to make monthly premiums change throughout the entire policy term in an attempt to save money for as many reasons as possible, insurance companies offer lower premiums to members of the family. Another thing that.
UL Universal Life Insurance Quotes
UL Universal Life Insurance Quotes: If you have term life, or it is your only option, you can purchase a policy with whole life insurance as the end result. Term life insurance is used when you’re seeking to provide protection for the “term”, your young age and any years you’re young enough age. Universal life insurance policies are cheaper because you’re opting for more permanent life insurance coverage when it comes to full coverage. Universal life insurance is cheaper than whole life insurance because the premiums are paid for your whole life. Some of our friends, clients, or employees who have lived through this phase of being employed and do not qualify for cash incentives from the insurer. We work with more than 23,000 independent agents and we can help you find a policy right outside of the coverage period. When applying for a Universal Life policy, it’s important to be aware that a number of factors affect your application, just like in a traditional life insurance policy. Many people�.
Home insurance
Home insurance is often called auto insurance because you can purchase it online. Whether you are purchasing your first or a new policy to cover you, getting a new quote is simple as you can fill out a online quote form or call an agent directly. The online market is open to almost anyone. However, new drivers, people with multiple drivers on their licence or someone just looking to save money, can also buy car insurance. What does  mean to you? The reason car insurance is necessary in the first place is that the current value of a car doesn’t justify the cost. The current value of a vehicle is either just the cost of replacing it without having to replace it regularly (which is not a smart idea), or it’s based on depreciation in the current value. If you had a new car and you wanted to get a  (which you probably already do), you’d have to either buy a policy with a smaller car and/or buy one with a bigger.
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angelllawfirm · 4 years
Motorcycle Accident Injury Victims Urged To Seek Legal Aid At The Angell Law Firm
The Angell Law Firm, based in Atlanta, GA, is pleased to announce that they are offering professional legal assistance to motorcycle accident victims who wish to pursue compensation. The firm encourages victims to get in touch as soon as possible following an accident to give their cases the best chance of success.
Motorcycle accidents can happen to anyone, even the most experienced and skilled motorcyclists. No one can control the vehicles' actions around them so that motorcyclists can be drawn into an accident regardless of their skill or experience. This is particularly dangerous because they usually are not as protected as other motorists are.
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Motorcyclists who get into accidents are likely to endure far more serious injuries than motorists. A motorcyclist can have all of their organs damaged in such an incident, including their heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen. It is also common for them to sustain internal injuries, such as internal bleeding and organ damage, which are usually life-threatening conditions that warrant immediate medical attention.
Accidents of this nature may also cause brain injuries, which are usually debilitating and life-changing. More often than not, brain injuries affect a person’s life and body, from their cognitive skills to their motor skills. They can also lead to other dangerous issues, such as paralysis, depression, and mood swings. Brain injuries are very devastating as they affect the victims in the present and far into the future.
Another common type of injury that motorcyclists may incur is rib injuries, mostly because they usually do not have anything to protect their ribcage. Rib injuries are serious as they can affect other important internal organs. Broken ribs can also lead to life-threatening puncture wounds if they come into contact with critical organs (such as major arteries, the heart, and the lungs). Rib injuries require medical attention as they may prove fatal if left untreated.
Compensation should be awarded to accident victims for the harm they endure, especially when other people's negligence caused the accident. The Angell Law Firm offers legal services for Atlanta motorcycle accidents and is composed of experienced and skilled lawyers who understand the dangers that motorcycle accidents pose to victims. They represent their clients honestly and aggressively to make sure they receive the compensation they deserve. They also offer to represent other victims of personal injury accidents, truck accidents, car accidents, and more. Explore further here: Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Attorney.
The Angell Law Firm has an average rating of 4.7/5 Stars (out of more than 200 Google reviews) and has received high praise for its legal services.
Kiara Nichole also says in a 5-Star Google review, “I chose this law firm due to the great reviews that I read online, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! From start to finish, the staff at Angell handled my cases really well. They are very professional, they know what they’re doing and they have no problem answering questions and taking time to walk you through the process. When dealing with big insurance companies, it’s great to have a team to help negotiate to get what you truly deserve. Special thanks to Annie and Deanna, as I worked more closely with them, but the entire staff is amazing! If you need a lawyer, I definitely recommend them. Thanks so much!”
The Angell Law firm was founded by Bryce Angell, an award-winning lawyer who has provided legal help to countless motorcycle accident victims. The firm has earned a reputation for being one of the best personal injury law firms in the area by providing every one of their clients with honest and aggressive representation. Their team of experienced lawyers fights without rest to ensure that their clients receive the compensation they deserve.
Interested parties may learn more about The Angell Law Firm by visiting the firm’s official website. Clients may also schedule a free consultation with them today.
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Our law firm is located in the center of Lenox, right near the JW Marriott Atlanta Buckhead and the Shops Around Lenox. We are also just a short drive away about 17 miles from the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.", "priceRange": "", "url": "https://www.georgiainjurylawyer.com/", "currenciesAccepted": "", "hasMap": "https://www.google.com.ph/maps/place/The+Angell+Law+Firm,+LLC/@33.8481176,-84.3695114,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88f50f56c5801959:0x1ee8d30badf3994b!8m2!3d33.848161!4d-84.365295", "logo": "https://cdn.georgiainjurylawyer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/logo.png ", "serviceArea": { "@type": "GeoCircle", "name": "The Angell Law Firm, LLC service area", "geoMidpoint": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "postalCode": "30326", "latitude": "33.848721", "longitude": "-84.365479", "description": "Our office location can be found in Atlanta, Georgia", "name": "The Angell Law Firm, LLC geo location" }, "description": " The Angell Law Firm, LLC is proudly serving the Atlanta and Toccoa Areas, as well as Greenville, SC" }, "sameAs": [ "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVx0IhqPN_aLXDFYcEgNCA", "https://www.facebook.com/atlantalawfirm", "https://twitter.com/gainjuryhelp" ], "@id": "https://www.georgiainjurylawyer.com/" }{"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"VideoObject","name":"Will Not Wearing A Helmet Affect My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?\u00a0","description":"A Helmet Will Help Strengthen Your Claim\r\nMile for mile, motorcyclists and their passengers are 27 times more likely to be killed in an accident than those in traditional motor vehicles.\u00a0\r\n\r\nMotorcycles are less stable. \r\n\r\nThat makes it harder for other drivers to see and offer very little protection in the event of a crash.\u00a0\r\n\r\nNot only are motorcycle helmets considered an essential piece of personal protective equipment for motorcyclists. \r\n\r\nHowever, they also prevent severe injuries and save thousands of lives every year.\r\n\r\nOne of the first factors the insurance company will try to discern after a motorcycle helmet is whether or not you were wearing a helmet when the accident occurred.\r\n\r\nMotorcycle helmet use, or a lack thereof, is critical in motorcycle accident claims and suits. \r\n\r\nThis is something many motorcyclists don't think about.\r\n\r\nIn Georgia, there is a universal law requiring all riders to wear a helmet at all times.\u00a0\r\n\r\nIf you're not wearing a motorcycle helmet when your accident occurs, you can expect the other party or insurance company to try to use that against you to assign fault\/liability for the accident to you.\r\n\r\nIn the article below, we will look at how not wearing a motorcycle helmet could affect your claim.\r\n\r\nTable of Contents\r\n\r\n \tHow Does Helmet Usage Affect My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?\r\n \tWhat If I Don\u2019t Have A Head Injury?\r\n \tRecovering Compensation From the Other Driver\r\n \tWhat Kind of Evidence Can Fight Against Helmet Usage Arguments?\r\n \tContact The Angell Law Firm If You\u2019ve Been In A Motorcycle Accident.\r\n\r\nHow Does Helmet Usage Affect My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?\u00a0\r\nJust like any other accident, all motorcycle accident claims hinge on the concept of negligence.\r\n\r\nThe party found negligent or at fault for the crash is responsible for paying for the damages.\r\n\r\nThe insurance companies or the courts will look at all the factors involved in the case. \r\n\r\nThis will help them determine liability for the accident.\r\n\r\nThey will ask questions like:\r\n\r\n \tWas speed a factor in the accident?\r\n \tDid a driver make a turn without looking for oncoming traffic?\r\n \tWas a driver driving distracted?\r\n \tWere drugs or alcohol a factor in the accident?\r\n \tWere any citations issued at the scene?\r\n\r\nThe next thing they ask is whether or not you were wearing a helmet.\u00a0\r\n\r\nAnd they'll make sure it meets national safety standards. Wearing a vanity helmet is as good as wearing no helmet at all.\r\n\r\nLike speeding, not wearing a helmet breaches your duty of care to others on the road and can likewise be evident of fault or negligence, legally speaking.\r\n\r\nOnce all the facts are reviewed, the insurance company will assign each party a portion of the liability.\u00a0\r\n\r\nFor example, if the driver was driving distracted and crashed into you on his cell phone and weren't wearing a helmet, the insurance company may say the driver is 75 percent at fault for your injuries, and you are 25 percent at fault.\r\n\r\nThis can be very frustrating, especially when you know the other driver was the one who was entirely at fault.\u00a0\r\n\r\nWhy should you get less money if you were involved in an accident that was someone else's fault?\r\n\r\nAs frustrating as it may be, the insurance companies will argue that you might not have suffered any injuries if you were wearing a helmet, or your injuries wouldn't have been as bad as they were.\r\n\r\nThat's why they will consider you at least partly liable for your injuries.\r\n\r\n-back to top\r\n\r\nWhat If I Didn't Have A Head Injury?\r\nIf you're in an accident without a helmet and you don't suffer head or neck injuries, the fact that you weren't wearing a helmet shouldn't have an impact on liability.\u00a0\r\n\r\nSo if you sustained severe injuries that the insurance company can not link to helmet use, like a leg or back injury, the fact that you didn't have a helmet on would not have made a difference.\u00a0\r\n\r\nTechnically, helmet use is technically irrelevant in this case.\r\n\r\nBut just because it's obvious the helmet wouldn't have prevented your specific injuries doesn't mean the attorneys of the negligent driver or the insurance company won't try to use it against you.\u00a0\r\n\r\nYou will have to present medical evidence that supports your case and shows that helmet usage had no bearing on your injuries.\r\n\r\n-back to top\r\nRecovering Compensation From the Other Driver\r\nIt does not matter how you feel about motorcycle helmets. \r\n\r\nYou should know that riding without a helmet could impact your ability to pursue a personal injury claim successfully.\r\n\r\nGeorgia is a comparative negligence state, but it's comparative negligence with a catch.\u00a0\r\n\r\nIn Georgia, the number of damages a victim can recover in a personal injury claim is reduced based on the degree to which the victim\u2019s negligence contributed to the injury.\u00a0\r\n\r\nHowever, the catch is that the plaintiff may only be eligible for compensation if they are 49% or less responsible for damages claimed.\u00a0\r\n\r\nIf the courts find the plaintiff 50% or more at fault, they will lose the right to recovery.\r\n\r\nEven when the accident is undoubtedly the fault of another motorist, if the case can be made that your failure to wear a helmet played a significant role in the severity of your injuries, your compensation may be drastically reduced.\r\n\r\nIt's difficult to argue that failing to wear a helmet contributed to road rash or a broken arm\/leg, but that doesn't mean they won't try to make that argument.\r\n\r\nIf you suffered a head injury or TBI, you can be sure the insurance company will do all they can to shift a large portion of comparative negligence onto you.\r\n\r\n-back to top\r\nWhat Kind of Evidence Can Fight Against Helmet Usage Arguments?\r\nTo fight against helmet usage arguments, you will need substantial evidence. \r\n\r\nYou must prove that not wearing a helmet during your accident did not affect your injuries' seriousness.\r\n\r\nTwo critical pieces of evidence that will help you prove this are your medical records and testimony from a medical expert.\r\n\r\nYou also need to enlist in the help of a motorcycle accident attorney in Georgia for help compiling and presenting evidence.\u00a0\r\n\r\nYour attorney will gather your records, locate local medical experts with experience in the legal claims process, and provide legal testimonies.\u00a0\r\n\r\nIf the expert states that your injuries' severity would not have changed even if you wore a helmet, it will significantly bolster your claim.\r\n\r\n-back to top\r\n\r\nContact The Angell Law Firm If You've Been In A Motorcycle Accident.\r\nDo not try to fight the insurance companies without an attorney on your side. \r\n\r\nAs a result, your attorney will look out for your best interests.\r\n\r\nThe Angell Law Firm has a team of motorcycle accident lawyers ready to work for you.\u00a0\r\n\r\nThis will increase the value of your accident claim, even if you didn't wear a helmet.\r\n\r\nYou need someone in your corner, willing to fight for your rights after your motorcycle accident.\u00a0\r\n\r\nThis is because insurance companies won't feel obligated to negotiate fairly.\r\n\r\nThe Angell Law Firm works on a strict no-win no-fee policy. \r\n\r\nThis means you will never pay attorneys fees unless we win your case and get you compensation.\u00a0\r\n\r\nYou can contact the accident lawyers at the Angell Law Firm 24 hours a day by email or phone. Or, you can contact us to schedule your free consultation by clicking the button below.","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"The Angell Law Firm","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/www.georgiainjurylawyer.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/10\/AdobeStock_227336243-90x60.jpeg","width":90,"height":60}},"thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/www.georgiainjurylawyer.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/10\/AdobeStock_227336243.jpeg","uploadDate":"2020-10-19T19:47:20+0000"}
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