#i don’t even mean that depressedly
myrammmortal · 4 months
Chapter 43, fucking hell
AN: I fink after dis I wil hav abott 2 or three mor chapterz. Fangz 2 all muh revyooers not das flamers if u flamed sis story den u suk!!!!!!!!!111111 if u flam den fukk u!!!111
I walked sexily into the Great Hall. It was empty except for one person. Richard was there!! He sat der in deddly bloom in his blak 666 t-shirt and his baggy blak pants. He had slit his wrists!!!!!111 I felt mad at him for having sexwith Snape but I felt sorry for him. He looked just like Gerard Way with his red eyes and his pale white face.
“Richard are you okay????” I asked.
“I’m not okay.” he screamed depressedly. I thought of the MCR song nd I got even more depressed koz that song always makes me cry. I gave him a pot cigarette and he started to smoke it. Clearly showing that I know about drugs
“Oh Richard why did you do it with that fucking bastard Snape?” I asked teardully.
“I-” Draco began to say but suddenly Lupin and Mr. Norris appearated in2 da room!! They didn’t see us.
“Im so glad we me and Snape were freed.” said Loopin.
“Dam, this job would be great if it wasn’t 4 da fukking students!” Mr. Norris argreed. "I mean, meow"
“Pop addelum!!!!!111” I yielded angrily pointing my wand at them. A rain of papadums started. "Whoops, wrong spell"
“Noooooooo!!!!1” Lupin shouted as chains came on him. Mr. Norris ran away.
“You fukking perv.” I said laughing wiv depths of evil and depressedness in my voice. “Now u have 2 tell us where Voldimort is or I’m gong 2 torture u!!!!”
“I don’t now where he is!!!!1111” said Loopin. Suddenly Satan and Vampire ran in2 da room. Vampir didn’t know who Satan was really.
“Oh my satan, we were so worried about u guys!!1” Vampire said. I looked sexily at Richard with his goffik red eyes with contacts, blak t-shirt that said 666 on it and pale skin like Gerord Way, Vampir with his sexy blak hair and red eyes just like Frank Iero and Satan who looked jist like Brandan Urie then.
I selectively took the caramel from my pocket. And then….. I began frenching Richard sexily. Loopin gasped. Richard began to take all of his cloves off and I could see his white sex-pack. Then Vampire took his own clotes off too. We all began making out 2gther sexily. I took off my blak leather bra, my blak lace thong and the rest of my clothes. Every1 took their glocks out except 4 me im a girl lol. “Oh mi satan!! Richard!!!!” I screamed as he put his hardness in my thingy Den he did da same fing to Harry. He had two hardnessess. I began making out wiv Satan and he joined in. “OMS!!!111” cried Vampire. “Oh Vampire! Vampire!!!” I screamed screamed. “Oh Satan!!!!!” yelled Harry in pleasore. Loopin watched in shock. Wee took turns doing torture curses on him koz we were all sadists. Suddenly……………………………..
………….a big blak car that said 666 on the license plate flew strait through da windows. And Snap wuz in it!!!!!!!
"I am still not Snape, I am Flake and I want in on the hot sex orgy porn!" he screamed. We let him join because he was so hot and lanky. He could bend in all the right directions and the sexy sex thing was even better because of it.
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redgoldblue · 3 years
I cannot deal with the levels of subtext and metaphor that the whole conversation at the start of Captain Dobey You’re Dead is on. like, going straight from Hutch being withdrawn from Starsky because of… something mysterious… that happened last night…. between the two of them….. to Hutch telling Starsky he needs to learn to hide a societally excluded part of himself better. 
First of all, I know left-handedness has historically been a trait discriminated against (fun fact: the English word ‘sinister’ comes from the same root as the Italian word for ‘left’) but I’m pretty sure that by the mid-70s it. maybe still was but not to the point where a grown adult would genuinely be expected to change it. Secondly, even if it was, “If your best friend can’t tell you, who can?” would still be a REALLY WEIRD thing to say about it - obviously Starsky knows he’s left-handed, and the ways in which it would actually be inconvenient for him day-to-day are all… physical things that only affect him (grips not quite working right, things being on the wrong side, etc) and wouldn’t even be hugely visible to anyone outside himself. Hutch would still see them, but wouldn’t be inconvenienced/annoyed by them, and Starsky definitely wouldn’t need to be informed of them. But, okay. Let’s just spell this out. 
(Under the cut bc this got long)
Having said that, I’m starting us off with another Fun Fact: left-handedness has been specifically associated with homosexuality to the point of multiple scientific studies being conducted on it. Those studies were mostly in the ‘80s and ‘90s, but if they were being conducted in the ‘80s, that definitely means the association was already floating around in the ‘70s. The scientific institution is not (usually) a fast-moving beast. Weirdly, more recent studies and meta-studies have actually suggested that the association might be valid, and that homosexual men or women ARE actually marginally more likely to be left-handed. I don’t know whether there’s any data on bisexual people, but I’d like to think we’re more likely to be ambidextrous, just for the symmetry of it all. (source)
But to the scene itself:
1. Starsky is worried that Hutch is mad at him about something that happened last night. We never get told what happened. Hutch denies being mad about whatever it is, but is clearly being withdrawn and evasive. 
2. Not to be discounted, Hutch asks about car colours and Starsky responds with ‘flamingo’, which, I don’t care what your ma’s ‘47 Studebaker was painted in, that’s not a straight thing to call a colour. Hutch looks vaguely annoyed by this, Starsky repeats the question about last night, and Hutch immediately-
3. Pulls out a book outlining voluntary left-handedness conversion therapy and tosses it to Starsky, who understandably looks more than a little baffled by it - strongly suggesting that whatever happened last night, it didn’t have anything to do with Starsky being left-handed, or the book would have made some kind of sense to him. 
4. When questioned on this, Hutch says, “If your best friend can’t tell you, who can?”, which, see above. Extremely weird to the point of nonsensical thing to say if you’re genuinely talking about left-handedness. 
5. “Sooner or later, you’ve got to realise that this whole world is designed for right-handed people. You’re just out of step.” Do I even need to expand? I’m going to anyway.                                                            
Hutch, who has known he’s queer for a long time, been very aware that this is something the world Does Not Like about him for even longer, and has buried himself deep in the closet because this is basically the only thing about him that the world doesn’t like, so he can (depressedly) adapt by squashing it.          
Talking to Starsky, who is Jewish and ADHD (even if he doesn’t have the term for that) (and left-handed) and is perfectly aware the world doesn’t really like these things about him but has his entire life taken the view that, well, he can’t repress 85% of who he is as a person so the world may as well put up with it. (side note: when I told my mother about the maybe-homosexuals-actually-are-more-likely-to-be-left-handed thing, entirely outside the context of why I was looking it up, her response was ‘maybe left-handed people are just more likely to be out, because they’re used to experiencing discrimination from being teased in school’ so. there’s that.)                                                                        
Talking about something (if we’re running with the most obvious metaphor here) which Starsky probably regards as much the same as all of these things, but which Hutch is starkly aware is different specifically in the sense that this is something which will directly affect him, above and beyond just having to watch Starsky’s back about it. Starsky knows he’s out of step, he’s out of step in a lot of things. He is, to expand the metaphor, doing a completely unstructured dance with his whole life, but the steps of this one are going to break directly into Hutch’s very controlled two-step.
6. “I do alright.” “Aren’t you tired of doing just ‘alright’?” Again. Do I even need to expand? No. Am I going to anyway? Yes. Double meanings abound.            
Hutch’s view of this exchange: ‘Starsky: “I manage to live my life like this with minimal enough damage and discord that I’m not seriously harmed by it.” Hutch: “Don’t you want to be able to eliminate damage and discord? Don’t you want to not be harmed at all?”’                        
Starsky’s view of this exchange: ‘Starsky: “I can deal with the friction I get about this with very minimal hiding, and it’s far preferable to having to stop being who I am.” Hutch: “Aren’t you sick of even having to do that much hiding?”’                                                                                        
The completely objective third person view of this, as pointed out by @faorism​ (personal communication, 2021): this is a circumstance where Hutch’s ‘getting by alright’ is directly impacted by Starsky’s ‘getting by alright’. Maybe Hutch is tired of just getting by. 
7. I think Starsky’s expression and tiny little “Oh.” at the end of this exchange need to be acknowledged. 
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 I actually AM going to leave that uncommented on, except that it’s a VERY serious ‘oh’ for the notoriously unserious Starsky. Way too serious for a conversation about left-handedness. 
8. Also, while we’re here, the next time we see them, Starsky is reading the book - in his right hand - while conspicuously and for seemingly no reason holding his gun and holster [phallic symbol but also symbol of being-a-cop, the biggest thing in his life that’s an open conflict with being queer] in his left hand, which is also the side Hutch is on. 
And then even later when they talk about Maxie Malone, they draw the connection straight from Starsk saying he was left-handed to him having been arrested for something Hutch’s mum ‘never let him read about’… 
I know the intended implication was probably (given the historical left-handedness = sexual perversion stereotypes) CSA, or at least something equally horrendous that a child actually shouldn’t be exposed to, but you know what else, associated with ‘sexual perversion’ and also left-handedness, a guy could have been arrested for in the ‘50s that a nice middle-class Minnesotan mother wouldn’t have wanted her son reading about? Yeah. 
The aunt exchange… does your left-handed aunt maybe live with… another left-handed woman, Hutch? Are you getting even more mysterious and circumspect about this topic because Dobey is now right there and you don’t want him to figure out what’s going on?
Also, after Starsky has been doing some things right-handed through the course of the episode (reading the book, picking up the pitcher when they’re having breakfast with weird old racist dude), after all these exchanges we get basically the only time they’re affectionately touchy this ep -
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- where Starsky reaches out to grab Hutch’s arm with his left hand before they go in to interrogation, and Hutch reciprocates.
Anyway my hypothesis is, what happened ‘last night’ is that Starsky made a move on Hutch, probably in a semi-public space (Huggy’s? Familiar enough that Starsky would have felt safe to let his guard down but public enough that Hutch would have still rightfully felt exposed), and Hutch spends the entire episode trying to tell him in extremely unsubtle code that it’s too dangerous for them to (at least publicly) be together. To which Starsky responds by acknowledging it but also refusing to back down, and the episode ends with an affirmation of the naturalness and, notably, innocence of ‘left-handedness’ via Rosie. Starsky’s absolute delight upon finding out that she’s Like Him (…/them) combined with the turn to Hutch, the almost daring him to tell this kid they both love that she should hide a part of herself, and Hutch’s inability to do so.
 (Hutch’s ending comment (”one out of two isn’t bad”) as far as I can tell makes zero sense whatever you’re talking about, but that kind of makes sense with them having been talking in metaphor the entire time - there was nothing genuine about left-handedness he could say, but he also couldn’t really say anything about the actual thing they were talking about in front of Rosie and the rest of the Dobeys, so a completely meaningless statement is probably more or less the only reply he could have made). Also, we all know they didn’t really care about little things like ‘continuity’, but I’d like to note that (apart from the left-handed touching earlier), in the next episode they’re being very light-heartedly affectionate with each other and Hutch is taking Starsky to things which it really, really only makes sense to take a spouse to, so. they worked it out. 
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quazartranslates · 4 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game - CH116
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 116: The Dream of the Holy Nun (VI)
Out of habit, Qi Leren went to Chen Baiqi to buy some information about the Holy City. Unfortunately, Chen Baiqi didn't have any details on it, only an old map of the Holy City from decades ago that she made Qi Leren pay for. Chen Baiqi reserved the task information of "The Dream of the Holy Nun" from him, to be sold to her when he finished his task.
Qi Leren also asked her if she had any interest in this task. Although the number for the task was already full, if Chen Baiqi was willing to join, he could consider persuading Dr. Lu to stay safe in the clinic.
Chen Baiqi gave him an inscrutable look: "I’ve been able to  live in this world for eight years by holding a principle."
"What principle?" Qi Leren asked.
"Never die easily unless you have to," Chen Baiqi said.
"This kind of task involving the demon invasion from more than 20 years ago is either epic difficulty or a chain task that will go through eighty-one difficulties before finally becoming epic difficulty. Anyway, it won't be easy. I wouldn't be surprised to see demons all over the city as soon as you enter the Holy City. Please Qi Leren, don't let me sweep your grave again," Chen Baiqi patted Qi Leren on the shoulder and said with a smile.
"Hey, don't give me a flag," Qi Leren said depressedly.
"You'd better hold Su He’s thighs. He may have items that force him out of the task. He would never let himself die from not being able to stand the difficulty. After all, there’s still a long way to go. It's a pity that you are a little poor, otherwise I could sell you some high-quality items. Right now I can only sell you cheap little miniature bombs, I really can't make a lot of money." Although Qi Leren had earned a lot of survival days, he was still a poor wretch in Chen Baiqi's view. She couldn't extort money before he was fattened.
Qi Leren, after paying for the task’s necessities, went home depressed.
The mandatory task for the first month had arrived. In the first month, Qi Leren performed two tasks, namely, Witchcraft Sacrifice and Castle Cry; one was a main world task and the other was a copy world task. During the tasks’ execution, the players’ remaining survival days would not be consumed, but they were still counted as survival time spent by players.
Every mandatory task could be postponed for one week. If a player failed to start after the deadline, he would be forced into the task world. If a player performed a task that lasted for two months, he must complete a mandatory task within one week after the task was finished, and then complete another mandatory task within one week.
Players in the Nightmare World hated the "monthly exam", because there was almost no task reward (unless the degree of completion was extremely high), and the difficulty was also raised every month. By the third year, those players who were not qualified and neglected to improve themselves began to fall off one after another and were eliminated by the cruel monthly exam without the chance of a make up exam.
Qi Leren wasn't worried about his own strength. Ning Zhou said that his skill cards and his own strength were enough to cope with the compulsory tasks of the first three years, but he was often flustered because he frequently met tasks with unusual difficulty.
Dr. Lu, however, looked frightened, fearing that he couldn't pass the first monthly exam, and came to Qi Leren's home to start the task together. Although most of the first compulsory tasks were single-person tasks and starting together didn’t mean they would be in a task together, it made Dr. Lu feel a little safer.
"You, you, you, you, hello*!" After seeing Ning Zhou standing by the window, Dr. Lu suddenly remembered that Su He had talked about a friend in Qi Leren’s home last time.
*{E/N: Dr. Lu is trying to cover up his shock by making “you” (你) into “hello” (你好)}
At the moment when Qi Leren opened the door, he wanted to throw the door in Dr. Lu's face. However, if you thought about it carefully, Ning Zhou and Dr. Lu would meet each other sooner or later. Seeing him early was the same as later since he had to introduce people to Ning Zhou.
"Dr. Lu, this is Ning Zhou, who will participate in the 'Dream of the Holy Nun' task. Ning Zhou, this is Dr. Lu, whose full name is Lu Cangshu, he’s my friend from the same Novice Village who’s a healer," Qi Leren briefly introduced the two men.
Stopped on the sofa, the big black bird cawed angrily, forcing Qi Leren to introduce it to Dr. Lu to get it to stop.
Dr. Lu looked at the person from head to toe with his mouth open, pulled Qi Leren’s ear to him, and asked, "Your goddess?"
Can you not be so quick with this? Qi Leren vomited in his mind and nodded honestly.
So Dr. Lu sat down with a strange smile, looked hard at Ning Zhou, and looked hard at Qi Leren, as if he knew everything. Qi Leren felt that he couldn't explain clearly even if he had one hundred mouths.
Poor Ning Zhou didn't know why he was being scrutinized. He was completely out of the situation and was not used to getting along with strangers. He sat for a while and then went upstairs.
When Ning Zhou left, Dr. Lu tried to suppress the excitement of getting gossip, and forced him to align himself with Qi Leren seriously, saying, "I don't discriminate against homosexuals. Really, I’ve seen many as a doctor. Several little gays came to the anorectal department every day to ask my brother for a finger examination. His technique isn’t bad. It takes 30 seconds to milk a prostate..."
"...You’ve misunderstood, we’re not that kind of relationship."
Dr. Lu had a look of "Excuse me, you are living together".
"Ning Zhou just came to help me train. The training menu I gave you last time was set by him," Qi Leren explained.
"I see..." Dr. Lu suddenly realized, then looked at him askance, and asked, "Do you think I’ll believe this nonsense? Didn't your relationship die as soon as the mission was over? Why is it that now he cordially trains and practices with you? A while ago, you suddenly disappeared. I couldn't find you all over the world. I really wondered if you’d given up and chased your goddess. Now that you’ve finally caught this goddess, you actually say that you have a pure straight man friendship, hehe."
Qi Leren was speechless.
Although it was normal for two men to live together, Qi Leren believed that Ning Zhou didn't think much about it at all, but it was unconvincing in front of Dr. Lu who knew the previous episode... After all, more than half a month ago, they’d fallen in love at first sight and went through fire and water, dying to live... and then died when it was all laid bare. As a result, it took less than half a month for them to live under the same roof. This development didn’t seem quite right…
However, Qi Leren couldn't explain the Slaughter Secret Society undercover task to Dr. Lu - although he feels that after the explanation, Dr. Lu would only be more convinced that they weren’t innocent, and even Qi Leren himself began to wonder if there is something really wrong between him and Ning Zhou.
Qi Leren asked himself, if he had met Ning Zhou as a woman at a different time and place, would he fall in love with her? The answer was: he would. As a woman, Ning Zhou perfectly met all his expectations for the other half. Whenever and wherever he met her, he would definitely fall in love with her.
But if he met Ning Zhou, who was a male, would he still fall in love with him?
Qi Leren thought that the answer was probably no.
He may worship him, yearn for him, want to be friends with him, and even go through life and death for him, but he wouldn't fall in love with him, because he wouldn't consider the possibility of exceeding the limit of friends at all, and Ning Zhou would only be more stubborn than him. Even if they went through hardships and died together, they may have a deeper friendship and even affection than love, but that would never turn into love.
Feelings were so simple and complicated, neither one was deeper than the other, but only a small error would completely change them.
"Although there was something wrong at the beginning, the misunderstanding has been solved now. I think we’ll become good friends, very good friends," Qi Leren said, speaking slowly. Maybe he was a little confused, but he still said so, inexplicably determined.
Dr. Lu looked at him carefully for a long time with disbelief: "...Oh."
"Time is almost up, let's start the mandatory task." Qi Leren cast aside his distractions and concentrated on dealing with the present difficulties.
He opened the system’s menu bar and selected the mandatory task for this month. Qi Leren and Dr. Lu disappeared from the room one after another.
The eagle, who stopped on the sofa, patted its wings and flew up the stairs to return to its master. Ning Zhou, who stood on the stairs, stretched out his arm to let it land. The eagle that understood speech affectionately rubbed the side of Ning Zhou's face and felt it’s master's mood. It was very clever at times.
The two people in the living room had disappeared. Ning Zhou wanted to go downstairs to help them prepare but instead heard Qi Leren and Dr. Lu talking about him, so he had stopped on the stairs.
This should be the most appropriate distance.
Editor’s Notes:
Qi Leren: “I’m not gay.”
Dr. Lu: “Okay but like have you tried having a finger up your ass? For science.”
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Saber thoughts. Negative, I guess? But it’s mostly constructive
Some things on why this episode and plotline as a whole isn’t really working for me
1. I think I just have to accept on some level that it’s not a show that works for me honestly. I mean there’s a lot wrong with it, and I’m trying to go into this here; but I think even if those flaws were fixed despite the themes appealing to me I don’t think this show would work for me. Even at its best I haven’t really felt anything for it aside from Dragon Alangina. And I really want to, like... get across as best I can that a lot of my ambivalence for Saber is more on just me not being into it less than it being a bad show. That said. Yeah, problems
2. I really think the big one here is Genta’s Master Logos’ whole deal. The big entire theme of the show is writing your own destiny and going against fate -- Touma’s whole catchphrase is “I decide how this story ends”, all the fights he’s had with the other swordsmen to try and get them on his side is about Going Against The Way Things Should Go, the show’s movie - which generally tries to nail the show’s themes - has Touma fighting against Bacht’s invented fate, Kento as the dark swordsman is all about unavoidable futures, etc. It’s very blunt about all this. So... so Logos’ whole thing does not work for that. I don’t like going down the route of criticism that goes “this is bad because it’s not about this instead” rather than saying why what it’s about isn’t portrayed well, but I really think for Logos to work as a villain he needed to be like... well, he needed to be like Kento. Doing what he’s doing because he believes it has to happen or must happen or something like that. An invented fate that he’s depressedly fulfilling, not realising that it’s a future only coming to past because he’s making it so. THAT’S the sort of thing that would thematically tie together most of the Swordsmens’ motivations and clash directly with what Touma’s character is about. It would make him a much more tragic figure and that would also filter down to Sabela and Durandal too. Instead, it’s just... I’m gonna use the swords to become god because I’m crazy. It just does not work and beyond the performance of the actor is very dull and unengaging to watch.
3. fuck me man it might not be being portrayed as a romance or anything but i really goddamn hate the optics of luna staying a child while her friends are adults it’s just. it’s just creepy as fucking hell. stop that
4. I’m not a big Explain This Plot person or anything but... a lot of what happened in this episode was just strange, even on (especially on, in fact) a thematic and metaphorical level? Yuuri didn’t get trapped within his sword or his books or anything, he explicitly got caught in Calibur and Falchion’s finishers to save someone else. It’s a very standard heroic sacrifice. I’m not against him coming back to life, but the way it happened in episode 35 doesn’t really make a lot of sense?? He comes back from the books and swords being freed when that wasn’t a thing at all. And then Emotional Dragon comes out of Master Logos’ book, and after Touma uses it to defeat Falchion, it just... it de-transforms him and leads to defeat and that’s just casually matter-of-fact passed over? It’s also very unclear why Calibur’s sealing just doesn’t... work, at all. I don’t know, just a lot in this episode was strange to watch and not in the best way.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: “Romantic Rail Getaway” Lu Jinghe Route, Day 3
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Translation Masterlist | Event Masterlist
Lu Jinghe Route: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Videos, where applicable, are hyperlinked on the headings in the post.
See under cut!
Part 1: Rainforest Landscape
Part 2: Forest Lake
 Part 3: Ecology Park
 Part 4: Imana Wetlands
 Part 5: Rainforest Tribe Village – “Slash-and-burn Agriculture Crisis”
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Indigenous Leader: I’m warning you, don’t touch the parrot-tail fairy flowers that we’ve planted, or I won’t be so polite with you!
Akka: We’ve already told you multiple times, what you’ve grown aren’t parrot-tail fairy flowers at all!
Indigenous Leader: So it isn’t just because you say it isn’t?!
Indigenous Leader: I bet you foreigners just want to get rid of us, to plant flowers and make money with your group of natives in the rainforest!
Akka: All of you always have such an aggressive attitude, so how can we continue discussing with you?
Indigenous Leader: As if we want to discuss with you! Get out, get out now!
We’d just stepped into the Imana Rainforest tribe village when I heard the sounds of a fierce argument.
MC: It’s Akka? He’s fighting with the group of indigenous people we ran into yesterday?
Lu Jinghe: Mhmm, what a coincidence… running into them again right after arriving at Imana Rainforest.
Indigenous Leader: Your group of scientists are always talking to us about reason from day to night, but what use is there to it! Can reason be exchanged for money?!
Seeing how the indigenous people looked, refusing to listen to excuses and as if they were preparing to continue cutting down the rainforest trees, I walked up and blocked them with Akka.
MC: Cutting down trees and burning the rainforest is a severely illegal act. Please stop immediately!
Indigenous Leader: You people again? You foreigners really are so goddamn annoying!
Indigenous Leader: What does what we do have to do with you foreigners?!
Probably due to how he couldn’t defeat us with words, the indigenous leader started to glare furiously, shoving his false arguments at us.
I originally had prepared to argue with him until the very end. Luckily, the commotion in the rainforest caught the attention of villagers from nearby tribes…
The people who came to stop this increased more and more, and the indigenous people could only leave resentfully.
It was just that they didn’t look hurried at all, as if they had gotten used to circumstances like these long ago.
Akka: CEO Lu, Lawyer MC, thank you for your help.
Seeing Akka’s heavy expression… I could tell that today’s issue might have troubled him for a long time.
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Reason for coming to the Rainforest
MC: Akka, why are you here? [1]
Akka: Ugh, I came because of the help-requesting call from a colleague I got that day at Xiangya City.
Akka: He noticed some vine plants that were in an unusual state in Imana Rainforest, and had me come to collect related information.
Akka: I didn’t think that after arriving, we’d run into that group of indigenous people…
Akka: They took advantage of when everyone wasn’t paying attention and cut down all the vine plants we’d marked off! Seriously…
 [1] In the game, this was mistakenly written as being said by Akka.
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Rainforest-Burning Indigenous People
MC: Exactly what’s the matter with this group of indigenous people? We ran into them too yesterday…
I told Akka about what had happened yesterday. The expression on his face became even heavier after he finished hearing it all.
Akka: They’re a group of indigenous people who live near Napo Jungle.
Akka: I don’t know where they found out about the miraculous medicinal effects of the parrot-tail fairy flower, but it made them start planting like mad and wanting to profit from this.
Akka: But the issue is, what they’re planting aren’t parrot-tail fairy flowers at all!
Akka: I explained to them a lot of times, but they didn’t believe me at all, and they even thought I wanted to prevent them from making money…
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The Truth of the Fake Flowers
Lu Jinghe: Then what are the flowers they’re planting?
Akka: It’s the parrot impatiens flower that’s commonly seen in the rainforest. It doesn’t have any medicinal value at all.
Akka pointed depressedly at the area in front of the trees that had been completely emptied out.
Akka: The worst part is, they think that planting flowers is just like planting wheat and corn, needing to clear out a large area…
Akka: So they’ve been incessantly cutting down the trees in the rainforest, competing for land resources.
Akka: Look, this area that originally had shrubbery and trees is now completely cleared out…
MC: (So this is what they were talking about yesterday – the truth about the large flower field in Imana Rainforest.)
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The Goal of the Indigenous People
MC: Why are they doing this…
Akka: Of course, it’s to earn money.
Akka: The indigenous people typically rely on mining, digging, and making some simple handicrafts to maintain their livelihoods. The income they can get is severely limited.
Akka: So, as soon as they heard that the parrot-tail fairy flower had value, they started to plant them desperately, trying to exchange them for greater wealth.
Akka: However, not only can they not get rich from these blind actions, but they’ll also damage the ecosystem, pressing on their own survival space.
Akka: If the balance of the rainforest ecosystem is damaged, this will be a catastrophic blow to all of Tambuyani.
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Akka’s expression was very troubled, and he kept sighing.
Akka: The villagers who live in the rainforest have tried to help convince them several times, but it was basically fruitless.
Akka: These two days, I’m even planning to station myself in the tribal village and patrol with the villagers, to prevent them from coming again to damage the rainforest.
Lu Jinghe: It is indeed a troublesome issue…
MC: It would be great if a way to solve this was found.
I could tell that Akka had been troubled a lot by that group of indigenous people in the past while.
However, keeping guard could only prevent it all for a period of time. To truly solve this difficult issue, there was still a long road ahead.
  Part 6: Brand-New Plan
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Imana Rainforest Tribe Village
After a long and complicated day, Imana Rainforest was finally shrouded by the night.
The clamor went far away, and the people who lived in the rainforest lit up a bonfire. The fire wavered slightly and the insects cried, and the slight scent of smoke and fire finally permeated the air.
Lu Jinghe and I sat beside the bonfire, casually chatting about what had happened during the day.
MC: Looks like this matter is, from top to bottom, a behemoth of an issue.
The indigenous people outside the rainforest wholeheartedly thought that they had found a shortcut to wealth, not realizing that it was all futile labour…
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Lu Jinghe: I really don’t know how I should talk about them.
Their actions in cutting down trees and damaging the rainforest were wrong.
But they blindly planted flowers to get rich because they were compelled to by their living circumstances, and I couldn’t help feeling somewhat bad for them.
They were just a group of people that were struggling on the edge of survival. They did this solely in the hopes that they could live a little better.
However… their simple original intentions gave rise to an erroneous result.
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Lu Jinghe: They were stopped this time, but there will be a next time, and a time after the next… it’ll be endless.
Lu Jinghe: If no feasible solution can be found from the root, this issue will not end.
MC: … I understand.
I got all of what Lu Jinghe was saying, but…
MC: I want to do something to help them.
Lu Jinghe: Don’t frown anymore. You’ve got me, right?
Lu Jinghe reached out and stroked the space between my brows, and the warmth was transmitted from the fingers to that space. I froze, lifted my head, and my gaze collided with his.
Lu Jinghe: Isn’t there a phrase like this in the old Chinese farmer almanacs… as long as it’s a problem that can be solved by money, then it’s not a problem.
Lu Jinghe: Won’t it be solved if we think up of a way for them to earn some more money?
Amused by him, the anxiety that had just been at the bottom of my heart was significantly alleviated.
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MC: Pfft… where did you find such an almanac.
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Lu Jinghe: The Lu family’s almanac, passed down from ancestors.
Lu Jinghe: Alright, I’m gonna say a serious problem-solving method.  
Lu Jinghe: Tomorrow, the train is going to arrive at the Napo Jungle stop. The biological research station that Pax funded the construction of is nearby.
Lu Jinghe: Let’s see first how miraculous the parrot-tail fairy flowers are, and how high its medicinal and economic value really is.
Lu Jinghe: If it really is that miraculous, then it would be pretty nice to find some more people to help grow it together.
MC: You mean… finding a professional to instruct them to plant flowers and gain wealth?
Hearing this, I did get the concept of what Lu Jinghe was saying.
True, if they could get science-backed skills on planting the parrot-tail fairy flowers, and with the addition of skill instruction…
With Pax’s power, creating a scientific planting business chain shouldn’t be a difficult issue.
MC: Lu Jinghe, you’re really amazing!
Lu Jinghe didn’t respond. He was uncharacteristically shaking his head, looking extremely cautious.
Lu Jinghe: Everything’s still in envisioning stages. I can’t guarantee that it will definitely be successful.
Lu Jinghe: So I’ve got to save your praise… after the issue ends, you can praise me several times more.
He winked at me, the moonlight passing through the thick, dense foliage and brushing over his face, flickering in front of my eyes.
On his handsome and leisurely face, I could see a firm and relieving power.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
🖊️🖊️ one for your husband and one for any of your kids!!
okay so the original meme is buried somewhere in my blog, but i very distinctly recall this one being something to do with favorite f/o quotes and talking/gushing about them?
even if it wasn’t that latter part, that’s what i’m doing, because i’ve had it on my mind for the last several times (”times for what?” shut up, language is all made up, i can unmake it if i damn well please.)
Unfortunately I won’t be able to answer for any of my kids, because I can’t think of anything of theirs that sticks out to me, after all this time this has been in my inbox. More importantly, this is already going to be a long post; I’m not about to make it longer.
Lance:  "I never give up, no matter what. You must be the same?"
This quote.... hits. A lot. Like, OHKO level. Handful of reasons for that but namely it all shifts down to timing. 
(Head’s up, this is gonna be some heavy stuff, including depression, life frustrations, and parental death mention.)
The year is some fuckass year like 2011 or 2012, maybe even 2013. I’m pretty sure it was still the year that BW2 came out, or the spring quarter in the year right after. I’m in my college/university’s small food court, sitting in a quiet fume near the section that normally housed that college’s anime club that I could never quite integrate myself into as seamlessly as I could my community college’s anime club. Mostly on my part, as I was going through a lot at the time. I don’t even know if this was right before the calm of the storm or its aftermath, but it’s all a very shitty, shitty time for me.
I’m just trying to, very angrily, depressedly, distract myself from everything in my life at the time. College is already hard, but I like learning, I’m getting a BA in English, and I had a lot of fun at my community college, and could probably easily find friends here if I tried. There certainly were a few other people I ran into from high school. Even some classmates somehow managed to like me in some classes. I’m here by sheer luck of the financial draw, as FAFSA and my CalGrant level are both taking care of things like tuition and books, and I haven’t needed to get a job yet.  Things, with regards to college, are going pretty well. I should be happy. Happy about that, at least.
Outside of that wonderful, fun, interesting and amazing bubble that was college? Life. My mom is dying. Maybe she’s already dead by this point; I don’t really remember, because I made it a point to rely on my shitty memory to get through that time and not have to remember every single day of those years. I’m not sure if I regret that, but it was the only coping tool I had available to me other than video games, since drugs and alcohol were not things I was interested in, even if I could have afforded it. Books were normally also an escape, but the downside of English Major is that you have to read so many large texts and sometimes dense stories, that you can’t really squeeze much fun reading in-between. If my mom died/was dying, I was having to prepare for moving on top of her death finally striking, after a long, slow battle with cancer that I knew she’d lose all along. (That’s an entirely different, albeit shorter, story). I didn’t want to move, was hoping I could stay, but I think, if this was after her death, I had to uproot my life for the first time. I had moved to a mobile home trailer park to live with an old woman who was very critical of some things and I just didn’t feel comfortable staying there for anything other than sleep or a shower. So I felt out of place, removed and detached from everything, because I had to uproot my entire life in a manner of days, because my dad had sold the house I grew up in, for reasons that felt entirely shitty at the time. And, maybe, a little shitty, but were somewhat good reasons, if they had been given or explained more properly (or from anyone other than my dad, aunt, and grandmother).
I kind of lost myself just now, so I’mma try this again. Mother, dead or dying. House, sold before I could move out, and forcibly moved out in a manner of days. Everything I’ve ever known for a, at the time, lukewarm but familiar life, taken from after years of expecting it, and hoping it’d be just a little bit later, just a little further on, when I could maybe financially support myself. Income? Nonexistent. Barely lucking out on tuition fees by only the good grace of my state’s grants, FAFSA, and going to two of the cheapest schools in the state and maybe the nation (at the time). So I’m just feeling shitty, pissy, angry, depressed, just, so much all at once, everything happening all at once, and I’m taking on extra units to make sure I graduate in a spring semester rather than take 2-3 classes and graduate in the fall of a sixth year. I’ve felt lied to about the time it takes to get a degree, and even though I’m the first in my family to actually do all of the education on time, it just sucks. 
I’m trying to escape it. And what else do I turn to, but Pokemon?
And I’ve already beaten bw2 by this point, and I’m just trying to do the Champions Tournament, because I was a shameless fangirl and eager to fight against Lance. And win (Note: I did not win as often as I’d’ve liked in the PWT or was used to throughout normal gameplay). I’ve seen the phrase he says when you lose against him about 5 or 6 times now, so I know what it says. I know what he says. I’m forgetful, however, so while I’m sitting in that busy corner of the food court, fuming about life and existing and everything happening all at once, mindlessly pressing the A buttong while playing a game to escape it all for just a little bit until I can come back and deal, his words strike a chord within me for once, that it made me want to cry.
"I never give up, no matter what. You must be the same?"
Like, I think I had made his rp blog about this time, and I had used a variant of that quote as the sidebar header/quote. Maybe. But I knew that he said that, and it didn’t affect me those times before-- outside of general fangirling for getting to him. But at that moment, on that day, it just made me burst into tears that I had to close my ds and move away. Because I grew up on too much anime, too much power of friendship and hope and not ever giving up. Of course I was the same, or I had been for the longest time. But at that point, I was just so tired, I just wanted a break for so long already, that it cut me to the core.
It was like a reminder that, no matter how shitty things got, to not give up.
That’s why it’s my favorite quote of his. It means so much to me. He means a lot to me, but not nearly as much as this quote did at that moment. 
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cherrylining · 4 years
Kakuriyo Light Novel Volume 5: Chapter 9- Where The Truth Is (PT 1.)
This is not a drill. To the old Kakuriyo fans, welcome back. To the new, welcome!
This chapter is also the last episode of the anime. If you’re wondering why I started here, the reason is that it actually contains some pretty crucial information for the development of the show. They omitted it in ep26, so I thought this would be the best place to start. Plus, this is a great place to refresh your memory!
I translated this from Chinese with the help of google translate, and I feel obligated to put a disclaimer that I haven’t read anything Chinese in a super long time. But hey, I’m pretty sure I’m not a disgrace to my ancestors. Yet.
PT2. will be up soon, so please have mercy. In the meantime, feel free to revive this fandom along with me!
This work was translated from this website. All credits go to 友麻碧 and 深夜读书会. I do not own anything. 
“Did you come today to see me too?”
This is what happened with the ayakashi with the mask, on the last day that he came to see me.
In the darkness he said nothing, looking down on the me that laid on the cold floor. 
“Do you have any wish?”
Upon being asked, I dazedly pondered it. 
“...then how about, you call my name.”
Or else I will never be able to understand, what the meaning of my birth was. 
“... Aoi, you are Tsubaki Aoi.”
The me from the present can now clearly recall the moment when the ayakashi with the white mask called my name. 
Having my name called by someone means that someone in this world knows my existence. 
I don’t know whether this should be happiness or sadness.
Because I know that as long as ‘the will to live’ has been crafted, this bitter existence of human living will continue on. 
“Do you have any other wishes?”
“... I am hungry.”
“What would you like to eat?”
“I would like to eat curry…”
“Curry...hm...what type of food is that?”
The white masked ayakashi pondered with a hand gripping his chin, as if he did not know what kind of food ‘curry’ was.
Did he exhibit such human reaction back then? 
I couldn’t help but remember it, inexplicably leaving an impression.
Memories of the white masked ayakashi’s specific outline, clear voice and speech, radiated atmosphere gradually started to come back to me. 
Now I know… He really was similar to an ayakashi that I’m familiar with. 
“I would like to eat curry… I would like to eat my mother’s curry.”
“About this… I’m very sorry, I have no way to help you.”
I couldn’t see his expression, but he carried a sad tone and slumped his shoulders depressedly. 
I know that he was a kind ayakashi. 
“I might not have curry… but please take this to eat.” 
He brought out an unknown glowing white object, and brought it to my mouth. 
It looked like a white riceball, or a steamed bun. 
But it did not belong to any category of food I knew, as if it was something I had yet to know…
“Take this to eat.” 
Once again, he repeated himself with a strong pleading tone, and gave the unknown object to me. 
I weakly opened my mouth, like an animal struggling against fate, and bit it. 
I didn’t know what I had eaten, half of it due to being in a trance-state like. 
But I was sure that it was ‘delicious’ food. 
So delicious that I couldn’t help but devour it without caring about anything else. 
Something told me that if I were to stop, I would definitely die. 
The pain of starvation and the emptiness of being abandoned by my mother, was replaced by all new feelings of others. 
In the same moment that my heart pumped out fresh blood, a new chance of living appeared in the world that was black and white, as if it was being filled with colour. 
“Is it tasty?”
“Mm...mm, very tasty.”
“Really, that’s really good… I’m sure that man will definitely feel gratified…….” 
That man? 
His words exuded relief. 
But it also carried a breed of indescribable sadness and regret.
And then he extended his white and slender finger to wipe the tears around my eyes, and stood. 
“Are you leaving?”
“I won’t be coming back again, since there shouldn’t be a need anymore.”
“...... we will meet again, right?”
“We, will meet again in some other place right?”
I want to meet you.
I still want to meet you one more time. 
If crossing the life and death juncture of the other side means you will be there, then I will live. 
Before that moment comes, I will definitely bravely live on in this world. 
“......Eat well, keep up your spirits…… live on……” 
In the moment where his shadow completely blended into the darkness, he turned around and took off his mask. 
“When you grow up into an adult, we will definitely meet again.”
That face was undoubtedly the smiling face of Ginji-san. 
“Cough cough…… cough cough cough cough!”
“Aoi-san, are you okay?”
This is the other seaside of ChangDao. (the island where the ceremony took place)
Ginji-san entered the ocean to save me from the big wave that washed me away, and pulled me up here. 
He had already returned back to his usual young man appearance, and was not the actress that performed the kagura anymore. 
Seeing that I was soaking wet from the ocean and even choking on the sea water, he worriedly caressed my back.
But I……
“Ginij-san, listen to me……”
I slowly opened my mouth to say-
“In the darkness of the ocean bottom, I…… saw the you from before.”
Presented with my words without any context, Ginji-san didn’t know how to respond, obviously. I calmly breathed in, and raised my head.
And then I faced him directly, asking him without any more hesitation. 
“I ask you…...are you the ayakashi who saved my life before?”
“Aren’t you the ayakashi who bore the white theatre mask, who came to find me locked in the dark room, who gave me food to eat?”
Ginji-san stared at me with shaky eyes, then lowered his gaze silently and slowly nodded his head.
In this moment, I can finally be sure. 
I tightly gripped Ginji-san’s hand, and continued to ask him with a trembling voice. 
“Why have you not told me until now?”
Ginji-san lifted his face, but he still frowned tightly.
“Back then it really was me who went to find you and send food, until you were saved by humans……”
The rippling waves gave a soft crashing sound, the truth being given within. 
“But, there is something that I need to clarify, the ayakashi you saw was not only me.”
“The most important bit is, the one who prepared your ‘last meal’ and saved your life…… wasn’t me.”
How…...could this be?
All this time I concluded that the ayakashi then and now were the same one, but the situation isn’t so?
“Excluding the ayakashi with the white mask that you saw on the first day when you were young, it was me that you met for the rest, that is correct. In short…… only the ayakashi that you met on the first day wasn’t me, but was another, just that we wore the same mask.”
The mask was left aside, symbolising a line drawn between this ceremony and my past. 
Ginji-san quietly picked it up. 
“In the days leading up to the preparation of ‘the final meal that would change your fate’ by him, I merely helped him to go see you.”
…...the final meal that would change my fate?
“Yes, according to fate, you should’ve starved to death then, this is attributable to the curse borne by the sinful Tsubaki Shiro.”
“What does this mean? Grandpa’s curse? Fate…… Wasn’t I merely just abandoned by my mother, starving to death alone?”
“That is just the inevitable result of the curse. The curse I talk about is…… if then, you were rescued, ate normal food and survived, death would continue to wait for you in different ways, so we needed to completely rewrite your fate.”
Ginji-san slowly explained bit by bit.
Confusedly but politely, he explains it. 
But there was a trace of confusion…...hesitating whether to tell me the truth now. 
There were a lot of facts that left me confused, and I was unable to understand it now. Even so, I still continued to listen to Ginji-san’s explanation.
“The final meal that would change your fate, to the you that was dying then, was an urgent emergency measure. But that type of food was hard to get, and had a degree that was higher than all the treasures needed to gather for this ceremony. But he still managed to do it for you.”
“Then……’he’ is……”
Is it……
“He is…...the Odanna?”
The name was blurted out my mouth.
Unconsciously I said it, shocking my own self.
“I am unable to reply to this question.”
- “Then I will definitely take you as my wife, and I hope you…...will be willing to love me.”
I suddenly recalled this sentence, leaving my chest with an uncomfortable feeling. 
Lowering my eyes onto the beach, I merely stared at it, stunned.
The final meal that I ate…… what was it?
And you…
“In the end, I could only stay by your side; speaking to you…… it was just that. When you were in pain and lonely, I could only powerlessly watch you.”
“How, how could you say that…… it was no such thing!”
Ginji-san was wrong, it wasn’t like that to me.
So I lifted my head with panic, and desperately told him. 
“It was no such thing…… that time, when Ginji-san came to find me everyday, it gave me an inexplicable amount of relief and salvation. Even if mom never came home again, I had you to come see me, just this…… it gave me a hope to continue living.”
“Don’t say that you were powerless; to me, you were my savior, my savior for life. This bit hasn’t changed, and will never change……”
The confided words made me emotional, and I couldn’t help crying. 
Tear droplets dripped onto the beach. 
With my full-face of tears and trembles, I tightly gripped Ginji-san’s hands. The gratitude I have for you, I have never been able to count it. 
“Thank you, Ginji-san. Thank you, thank you……”
And then I leaned my head onto his chest, repeating countless runs of thank-yous. 
Ginji-san replied me: “How could I dare to be……”
But his sentence came to a trembling halt, and he couldn’t utter another word, seemingly suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart. 
“The one who should be thanking…... should be me. If it wasn’t for Aoi-san, the ceremony would not have succeeded this time. What you have left behind for this piece of land, is definitely bigger, and greater than you think.” 
“I think, you coming to this land…...it must have been fate interwoven by the encounter at that time, and it was an inevitable coincidence.” 
I silently lifted my face. 
I saw Ginji-san gripping the mask tightly with one hand, tears flowing down his face. 
But he used his other hand to touch my head, just like the ayakashi from before used to do. 
“Yet you appeared in front of me again. When I saw the grown you then in the big hall, I didn’t even know how happy I was, how full of excitement…...the small kid from before, really safely grew up.” 
Ginji-san half-cried and half-smiled at me, and I could feel all his gentleness. 
“But this all must’ve been so hard for you at first. Not being able to acquire anyone’s approval from Tenjin-ya, and even receiving hostility. But you still bravely continued to live on in this world of ayakashi, saving both me, and this piece of land like that. As if our very first encounter was all for this day to come.” 
Before I could call his name, he quickly lowered his head. 
“Thank you for continuing to live, for overcoming the difficulties and coming to this Hidden World, appearing in front of me again. I really thank you, Aoi-san.”
Do you think I didn’t cry enough just now?
The tears kept coming uncontrollably, I wasn’t able to control it. 
I just wanted to express my thanks to my saviour, so I stretched out my arms to tightly hug Ginji-san, as if entirely wrapping him.  
Thank you. 
Thank you, Ginji-san. 
You’ve always taken extra care of me since I first came to the Hidden World, and that was because you could still remember that period of my past childhood, so you probably couldn’t stop worrying about me. 
Yet I knew nothing about anything, all this time, I have never known anything……
Dawn’s sky was red like fire.
Both of us below the sky, enveloped by the white sandy beach and the gentle crashing waves, tightly hugged each other while crying, without another word said. 
This is the feeling of gratitude to each other.
Grateful that you came to see the young me. 
Grateful that I have the power now, and am able to slightly share your burden. 
Grateful that our fate was not a coincidence, but was set in stone since the beginning. 
Our hearts were merely grateful, that we had each other by our side. 
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lildevyl · 5 years
Swap!AU Sneak Peak
Okay, so I’m having a little Writer’s Block on how to start this piece!  But I want to write something that goes with this AU for @weirdmixofweirdness Live Stream and yes, I know I’m putting pressure on myself with me only having two weeks to write it!  But I want to do it!  So, please don’t @ me with that!  Instead, feel free to @ me with any kinds of advice on dialog!  I completely suck at that and can use all the help I can get!
Okay, enough of my rambling that’s not what you came to here to read!  On with the show
Enjoy the Story!
@10th-no-name-person and @thebluehearted  Sorry, for the teaser, but here the Boss Villain is revealed!
@huffletrax, Hey Lou! If this is something that your not interested in, please let me know and I’ll tag ya for another series!
I can’t breathe!  It hurts so much!  Even now as I lie here and I’m going to die, my thoughts go to you, but why?  Why am I thinking of you?  I was never your favorite, was I?  Oh, now I see these   .   .   .   are my memories of when we first met.  I’ll admit, I was so arrogant, I actually thought there must’ve been some kind of a mistake!  How could you be my Creator?  You weren’t strong, you didn’t know what you were doing, didn’t know how to use your Creator Power.  But boy, was I wrong!  You were strong, just in a different way.  Your strength came from your spirit, your heart, your compassion, your empathy, your kindness towards others.
When I first came to Septic City, I thought I was invincible, that I was the one that could do no wrong.  I got sick of the Corruption, having to play by the rules, having to be the “Good Guy” All the time.  So, when one of the gangs wanted to start a war, I decided to take action.  I rounded them all up, all arrogant, cocky, reckless, not even caring what happens.  Then I was face to face with the gang’s Boss.  He was outright to kill me too.  But that’s not what happened, instead, I wound up killing him.  I was so confused.  I felt bad for killing him, glad that stopped him, relieved that he would no longer be around.  But this was not what a Superhero did.  I didn’t know what to think!  I came to you, late at night, bloodshot eyes, tear-stained face, you let me cry in private.  Telling you what had happened, wore a hole in your floor from my constant pacing.
You listened, you didn’t judge me, not once, didn’t kick me out or had me fade.  Instead, you took me in, held me, and told about some heroes who did kill.  They do it if they have too.  If it was a,  you or them, situation.  Where you will have to kill because there’s no other choice.  Deadpool, the Punisher, the heroes who did kill, the Antiheroes, the fans called them.  Anti-Hero.  I really liked that!
Then you made me brothers.  Jackie, who became my sidekick in fighting crime.  The one that I finally realized that I had to change my outlook, what I thought a Hero should be.  Jameson Jackson, the Magician.  The one that came about because you wanted to branch out, try something new, instead of just video games.  And the fans loved him!  Chase, again because you wanted to do something different, but at the same time, all those “Doctor Games” were the inspiration for him.  You wanted to make sure that I was well taken care of and Chase was the perfect fit.  Henrik, the eccentric Ego, but I soon started to like his outlook on life.  Always trying to find a theory and whether or not it was true.  Experimenting became his thing with his friend MatPat.  And then came Marvin.  You wanted to do something special for Halloween, and you loved the old-time movies.  But neither you nor I knew that Dark would show up.  Putting doubt in me and the Community,  maybe even you.
I failed them.  I failed them all!
I failed Jackie.  I couldn’t stop Dark from taking him.  Corrupting him.  Making him think that the Community had forgotten him, replace him.  I failed Henrik.  I should have been there.  I could’ve stopped him, could’ve stopped Dark from kidnapping Henrik.   I could’ve stopped MatPat from becoming Matmare and I could’ve stopped Henrik from ever paying the ultimate price in escaping Dark’s clutches.  I could’ve saved Marvin.   I could’ve stopped Dark from ever trying to puppet him.  From making the Community think that he was ever a puppet!  I could’ve saved them all!  But I was reckless, impatient, needing to prove that I am the Hero that you made me, to be.  That I am Septic City’s Anti-Hero.
Maybe, it’s a good thing that I failed, because now.  Now, Sean, you can make the right hero.  Now, Sean, you can make a better Ego.  A better Anti-Hero.  A better Superhero.  One that you and the others need and the one that the City depressedly needs.  I’m so sorry Sean.  I failed you.  I failed to be the Hero, you wanted me to be.  The Ego, you created me to be.  Maybe now, you finally have a chance to make a new one, and start again.  Make a new Hero Ego, a better hero, then me.  Save them, save my brothers and the City.
Sean   .   .   .   I’m - so   .   .   .  Sorry   .   .   .  That I  .   .   .  Failed   .   .    .   You.
(Sean’s Apartment)
“Aaahhhh!”  Sean screamed holding his chest.  Pain.  Sheer white-hot pain just coursed through him.  That only happens if one of the Egos is in trouble!  Sean closes his eyes, he can sense everyone.  Everyone but Anti.  Oh, God what did Anti get himself into this time?
“Sean?”  Evelyn called bursting through the door. “Are you alright?”
“No. Anti’s in trouble.”
Evelyn didn’t know what to do.  She was so new to the whole Ego thing, but Anti needed Sean’s help.  It was very rare that he ever called out especially to Sean, but Anti was one of her favorite Egos next to Jameson.  Anti might not know it but he is one of Sean’s favorites as well.  
Evelyn sat down across from Sean, and put her hands on his and concentrated on Septic City and focused all of her energy on finding Anti.
‘Anti, if you're out there.  Hang in there!  You’re still one of Sean’s favorites!  Please don’t leave us!  Don’t leave your brothers!  Don’t leave Sean!  We still love you!’
Sean sat Indian style constraining on Anti.  He needed his help, Sean just hoped and prayed that he wasn’t too late!
‘Connect with me!  Please, Anti.  Please connect with me.  I don't want to lose you. ANTONIO!’
(Dark’s Mansion)
Jackie woke not remembering a thing.  Head pounding, lights blinding, and the room began to spin.  It took Jackie a moment or two to get his bearings.  When he did though, that was when he noticed this wasn’t his room.  The walls were painted maroon, the silk sheets were a soft grey, the currents blocking out the sun were a heavy charcoal grey.  Oh, yeah he was not at the Septic House anymore!  But where was he?  The last thing Jackie remembered was the interview that he, Anti, and Game Girl were doing live.  He doesn’t remember anything after that.
The door clicked and swung open, grabbing Jackie’s attention, and instantly froze upon seeing who it was.  “Ah, I see that ̧͡you'̵r͘͟͢e awake.”
Jackie’s breath caught in his throat.  No, no, no, no!  This can’t be happening!  Jackie was in the house, staring at the Dark Ego, which caused all of this!  The one that kept going after Sean!  Trying to get rid of him!  Get rid of Anti!  Of him! All of them!  Not even thinking twice of actions, Jackie lunged forward.  Grabbing a feather and using what Anti taught him, morphed into a feather shape dagger. And went to stab this son of a bitch!
DarkSepticeye just sidestepped Jackie and grabbed his wrist with ease.  Twisting it and his entire arm, forcing Jackie to drop the dagger.  Jackie tried to punch, slap, anything with his free hand.  Only for Dark to easily grab that one too.  Jackie struggled with all his might to get DarkSepticeye to let go.  But to no avail.  He just gripped him tighter, waiting until Jackie tire himself out.
“Is that a͟ny̵̴͠wa̸y̴ to thank the E͜͝go̵͏̕ that s̸͝҉av̕͡ed ͞ y̸̷o̸͞u̕r l̛í̵f̸e?̛͘͜”  DarkSepticeye asked.
Jackie stopped struggling.  Save his life?  “What?”
“So, you d͟҉o̕͜͞n͡'t know?  Typical that ḩé͞ would keep̶͡ ş͘͡om͞e͘͟͝t͟h̷̶͞ing͠ like this from y̶͡͡o͞u͟,”  DarkSepticeye said
“What do you mean?  Who kept what from me?”  Jackie asked despite himself.  He knew not to trust DarkSepticeye.  Not to trust what this - this Ego has to say!  But Jackie couldn’t help himself.  What was being kept from him?  What did Dark mean that he saved Jackie’s life?
“Oh, Jackie,” Dark said in an almost sympathetic way and let go of his hands.  “You were fading, my friend.”
Fading?!  Fading?  FADING?!  No!  NO!  NO!!!  That - that can’t be true!  He’s still here!  The Community still believed in him?  Didn’t they?  Sean still cared about him!  Right?  Anti, wouldn’t keep that from him!  He wouldn’t!  NO!  Not Anti!  He - he  .  .  .
“I’m afraid, what your ę̶͠x̧͏p̴̧ȩ̸͟riȩ̕n̸ç̷̵e is, what we all E̛͡g҉͝o͞s̡̀͞ go through.  It’s called D̕͢e̢͜͡n͝ia҉̡l̵, Jackie.  But yes, you were f̧͞a̵̛d̛in̸̨͡g͘͞.̶”
Jackie furiously shook his head.  “No!  No, no, no!  No, that’s impossible!  Anti - he  .   .  . would have told me!  The - the Community still believes in me!  And Sean!  Sean - he - he s-still  .   .   .”
“If you don’t bę͡l̶̀͞i̵̶e̵̸̷ve̶̡҉  me, Jackie.  Feel f̷̡ŗ̀͝ee to look for y̶o҉͘u̢҉̡ŗ̀͜s̵eĺ̕f.̧͘͝”
Against his better judgment, Jackie did just that.  Grabbing the laptop that appeared out of nowhere and heading to the desk.  Jackie opened up the laptop and scoured the internet.  On several social media, the Community posted several, fanfictions, stories, fan art, theories, and fan comics all of Anti-Hero and Game Girl.  He checked Septic City in Egopocalpse and just like the Community. 
News stories, articles, videos, vines, and even YouTube Videos were popping up everywhere.  But only with Anti-Hero and Game Girl and some of the Egos, that Jackie once called brothers.  How could this have happened?  Anti told Jackie when he first started training him that he was one of the Community’s favorite but now?
“H-how did this h-happened?”  Jackie managed to choke out.
“It appeared that Àn̸͘t͝i-̷͡He̵̢͞ro was the C͏̧̨o҉͢mmu̕͝ni̶ţ͘͠y’̀ś͠͝ favorite aĺ͝l ͏̨̨t̶̛͠his͞ tim̷e̸̷. He just d̢id̸n̡͢’t want to share the s̡͢pot̕͏lí̸gḩ̷̡t nor did he want the g̢ui̶l̵͢t͏̸ a҉ņ͟͡d ̵sha̸̡m̷͢e of you f̧͟͜adi̵̸ng being on his c͏̡͘ơn̷̷͝sc̸̀͠iou̧͘s.̷”
Jackie just sat there staring at nothing.  His brain refused to comprehend what was going on.  He felt so numb.  Was Dark right?  Was Jackie really not their favorite anymore?  Was he ever their favorite?
“Oh, don’t waste your tears, J҉a͝ck̀͜҉i͝e̷̡͘.  I can heĺ̷p ̛͝y̵͠ou̢͟ get back at them.  Get back at Sean.  Get back at Anti.  Get back at t̸he ͘̕̕Ć̵o͠m̷͞͠m̛̀̕u̷͜n̴̕i҉ty,̢͝”  DarkSepticeye extended his hand.  “Fo̶҉ŗ҉ ̵̨́a ̵͡pr̴͠҉ice̷̸͜.̡”
Tagging:  @weirdmixofweirdness, @a-humble-narcissus, @juju-on-that-yeet, @m4delin, @marshmallowmischief, @dolphintreasureart, @reverseblackholeofwords, @dezzydynamite, @nightfuryobsessed
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satanfm · 4 years
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lux and ivy’s playlist @ivcsisms THINKING ABOUT A GIRL.
It’s 2 am and I’m thinking about the girl I have a crush on but she’s taken so I spend your night writing about her instead while wondering how it feels to make out with her.
the less i know the better by tame impala --- “someone said they left together i ran out the door to get her she was holding hands with trevor not the greatest feeling ever said, "pull yourself together you should try your luck with heather" then i heard they slept together oh, the less i know the better the less i know the better oh my love, can't you see yourself by my side no surprise when you're on his shoulder like every night oh my love, can't you see that you're on my mind don't suppose we could convince your lover to change his mind so goodbye she said, "it's not now or never wait ten years, we'll be together" i said, "better late than never just don't make me wait forever" don't make me wait forever.”
i kissed a girl and she kissed me by kid bloom --- “i get excited when you come round won't you try to make it right i know i've been waiting don't start with me baby i don't know don't sympathize lately let it go this time my heart can't take much more don't start with me baby i don't know.”
her heart isn’t beating for me by semi attractive boy --- “she's got the look of love out of her cheeks she doesn't seem the want to give it to me i've got the feeling that i could be setting her free she's got her eyes so wrong she's seeing my friend she doesn't see the love that i think it feel i got the feeling that her heart isn't beating for me.”
lovefool by no vacation --- “guess i was a fool for believing you. yeah the truth hurts more than a lie or two. more than a lie or two. door closes and you're gone. you left me hangin' on this love. for far too long.”
getting it on by the sales --- “what did you forget was something what did you get, what did you get a part of it was always there and i found out on the way, out of your heart.”
a million other things by pronoun --- “is this how it ends is this how it starts when you love somebody while they falling apart love somebody while they falling don't know where it leads don't know if you know when you keep on holding tight instead of letting go keep on holding tight instead of letting go but you gotta come home come back baby, come back first gotta come home first come back baby, even if it hurts cause there's a million other things we can do in the world.”
come on mess me up by cub sport --- “i found comfort, i fell in love with avoiding problems we were riding on smith street we were right on track i left it behind without sinking, they all said i wasn't thinking i found comfort, i fell in love with avoiding problems but i want this, you know i want this so come on, mess me up and you can break me if you'll still take me ruin me, if you'll let me be one of the ones you say you won't forget 'cause i want this, you know i want this.”
let it lie by morning tv --- “i wanna know why, i’m still crying i know its time to let it all lie  i wanna be with you, i want for you to be with me but all of our ideals of ourselves they fall from a reality.”
you might be sleeping by jakob ogawa & clairo --- “baby, when you're near it's warm inside sometimes when you stare our hearts entwine and in the morning i'll be here you might be sleeping without a care and in the morning i'll be here you might be dreaming play with your hair.”
rivers bend by the doorbells --- “cut me open sew my wounds shut i wanna be yours truly meet me at the rivers bend i wanna feel what you feel i wanna lose when you lose i wanna cry with you i wanna smile when you smile.”
fool by frankie cosmos --- “your name is a triangle your heart is a square i'd love to see you way over there once i was happy you found it intriguing then you got to me left me bleeding you make me feel like a fool waiting for you you make me feel like a fool waiting for you.”
not my baby by alvvays --- “now that you're not my baby i'll go do whatever i want no need to turn around to see what's behind me i don't care and it's true, i've been checking out lately i go do whatever i want no need to turn around to see what's behind me i don't care because i'm really not there i'm really not there.”
dreaming by mac demarco --- “someday i'll find her and i'm still reminded maybe she's the best in dreams she's still the best i've seen dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' baby, i'm dreamin' out on her windowsill baby remember maybe i'm out of luck maybe it's running still dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' baby, i'm dreamin'.”
velvet sheets by goth babe --- “i've got my feelings on they've got a mind of their own can i call you now please won't you pick up the phone i need a face to touch mine is getting old where is my home im really feeling old, old, old some day soon i'll run with you.”
i’m never going to understand by elvis depressedly --- “trembling for forgiveness tiny calloused hands i'm never going to understand  i will love you bunny as long as i can i'm never going to understand  now me and your sickness forever hand in hand i'm never going to understand i can't love you bunny try as hard as i can i'm never going to understand.”
best friend by rex orange county --- “i should've stayed at home 'cause right now i see all these people that love me but i still feel alone can't help but check my phone i could've made you mine but no, it wasn't meant to be and see, i wasn't made for you and you weren't made for me though it seemed so easy.”
warned you by good morning --- “she looked to me, it's no surprise well i well i i could die but i warned you.”
lose it by swmrs --- “when we drove up the coast we had a soundtrack we made it feel like a film on a reel and our story didn't have a happy ending but it still sounded good despite the way i feel the last thing i want is another broken heart to drive me to the brink of crazy in the end i couldn't take it cuz i knew we wouldn't make it so come on, come on and tell me why'd you have to have such a damn good taste in music? ya if all my favorite songs make me think of you i'm gonna lose it.”
little uneasy by fazerdaze --- “we are young, so we untie we are young, we get tired walking on rooftops, feel so heavy i could never leave you if you let me try go on and let me try steady now, but falling slack stepping out, but falling back under-passing all your dreaming i'll admit feeling a little uneasy about you want to cut me out just one more take i'm still feeling my way.”
love song by bad luck --- “i spent 5 years nailing myself to a cross, that i destroyed overnight, through what we'll call "a talk", in a parking lot, in a town that would, later on become, where i lay my head with you. i'd say we all rise up from the dead here again and again. ooh, wouldn't you, say you do too, say you do too, say, "i'm like you", oh i like you, and in some time more, we'll be home somewhere else, with our dog and our children, but i'm in no rush, we have all our lives, we can just get high, and watch time pass by, then again there's nothing we can't do. and i think i'd be fine living life wanting to die with you.”
i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red --- “i don't wanna be your friend i wanna kiss your lips i wanna kiss you until i lose my breath i don't wanna be your friend i wanna kiss your lips i wanna kiss you until i lose my breath oh hannah tell me something nice like flowers and blue skies oh hannah i will follow you home although my lips are blue and i'm cold.”
one last time by summer salt --- “baby girl when was it that you had decided you'd call it off and on you were just having fun with loving one last time still i'd catch you when the days through at my side passing by wishin' someday you'd make up your mind alone, alone again on valentine.”
why do i wait (when i know you have a lover) by the zolas --- “i can lose a day in a gothic maze. why do i wait when i know you've got a lover? barcelona crush half-capped in the sun. why do i wait when i know you've got a lover? the hands flail up in the clouds. i am their king with the chemical crown. why do i wait, do i pace a figure-eight ain't it easy to decide to go?”
talia by king princess --- “hey, my love i buried you a month or two ago i keep thinking that you're standing on my floor that you're waiting there for me hey, my love you've walked out a hundred times out of us supposed to know this time that you wouldn't call that you wouldn't come home but four drinks i'm wasted i can see you dancing, i can lay down next to you at the foot of my bed if i drink enough i can taste your lipstick, i can lay down next to you but it's all in my head if i drink enough i swear that i will wake up next to you.”
malibu by lucys --- “baby you see my love is ever changing like the candle light that keeps melting but that don't mean i'm over you like this rose i hold for you oh sweet girl you've made me blue time and time again i feel out of tune you wind me up and spin me round tear me up and tell me how baby i just want to make you mine and i die for a bit of your time oh love you’ve got me enticed … enticed.”
i want you by alex lahey --- “you're the kind of person who likes going to the movies alone you only drink cider and you're aching to move out of home i don't know much more about you but it seems to me that you're my kind i get so excited when i hear that you are coming 'round it used to surprise me when you'd say that you weren't homeward-bound i don't know much more about you but it seems to me that you do things that people only do when they think that they like me too i want you even when you're out of town even when we're up and down i want you even when i'm all alone even when we're on the phone i want you even though you'll never know from the day you said hello i want you.”
by your side by flatsound --- “see myself in a screen wasting days, counting weeks getting more familiar with how you speak while you're away from me but i don't want to say goodbye because it's safer when i'm by your side it's safer when i'm by your side i want to be near you like i'm meant to.”
yellow by pity party (girls club) --- “love is sick, but we could try. i really like, i really like the things you do to me. the things you do to me. love is sick, i really mean. i want you close, right next to me. love is dumb, but we could try. i really like, i really like the way you stare at me. the way you stare at me. love is yellow, i really mean. i want you close, to die with me.”
mixed up and confused by gromz --- “we used to be, part-time lovers, our hands underneath the covers. now you've got me all, mixed up and confused. i don't know what to do, you got me all yeah you got me all i'm just searching for a way out but instead i'm just going back to you and it hurts me to think that you've got it going on with other guys.”
a shitty love song by jye --- “roses are red, violets are blue and i think i'm in love with you making me blush every time that i'm with you roses are red, violets are blue and i think i'm in love with you making me blush every time that i'm with you something about you that make's me wanna light up inside it's to do with you eyes nothing you say or do is ever gonna change my mind cause i'm in love.”
i think you’re alright by jay som --- “when i wake up in the morning i'll make you some coffee we'll lay about and let the day pass i'll wipe your blood off the concrete take you to the party we'll drink until our brains black out and god, you're so pretty your smile's unforgiving i'll place it where nobody can find i'll play all your favorite songs and shake when the lights go off i'll hide us in the warm night oh, i think you're alright.”
hourglass by catfish & the bottlemen --- “you know when you're gone i struggle at night dreams of you fucking me all the time and i know your tied up and i know your phone's fucked i'm craving your calls like a soldier's wife i wanna bring you home myself bring you home myself come back, move in, mess my place chest infect me, waste my days 'cause i know you love to drive me up the wall i know you love to drive me up the wall.”
girls by girl in red --- “i've been hiding for so long these feelings, they're not gone could i tell anyone? afraid of what they'll say so i push them away i'm acting so strange they're so pretty it hurts i'm not talking 'bout boys i'm talking 'bout girls.”
mice by billie marten --- “i don't understand why most of the time i'm living my life all wrong i felt nothing at all the freedom of the fall my smile is on the backseat, the back wall watch me as i go and separate the ones that i am made to love and hate.”
the way you used to love me by diamond cafe --- “searching for your touch i've been feeling lonely i know that it's my fault honey i'm sorry nothing can compare to the way you used to love me to the way you used to love me i've been dreaming for somebody to hold me not just anybody it's you that i'm holding nothing can compare to the way you used to love me.”
soft by babygirl --- “i feel soft around you i feel soft around you comfortable and warm and far from any harm i’m lost without you a broken clock without you and when i pull away i’m begging you to stay  oh you would swear i lost my mind, the things i do i know i’m hard to love sometimes but i’m soft around you  i’d be a mess without you fucked up depressed without you life would be worthwhile and sometimes i’d still smile but just less without you i’m so obsessed about you i know i’m touch and go i’m yes and then i’m no no no no.”
i’ll be around by floor cry --- “just like a sad song on a rainy day just like a heartache that won't go away all i've ever known is feeling alone just like a treasure that i cannot reach i bring a cake but i can't have a piece now something has changed my life rearranged sleepless nights i don't get no time off still i can't get enough you fit my heart like a glove sleepy days my head's no longer hurting i'm not sure if it's working i think about you too much.”
yellow velvet by wydes --- “tired friend, wash out my eyes burn into my head that if the moon is never gonna make things better instead i'll ride away come back to yellow velvet days when all the cops would run away  only diamonds for my baby girl only diamonds when i will afford them i've been in love before when i let you run away.”
valentine by suki waterhouse --- “guess it all goes somewhere unknown turn around and leave it all behind once again, i've drawn a line there must be a place where lost love overflows  tell the truth that in my mind we were always on borrowed time is it just that it always goes to a place where love lost overflows?  seems to me it's over i'll get used to it eventually over and over again, brutally it's just the way it's meant to be now your love's no good for me  beneath my smile my thoughts run wild though i try my best, i can't forget my past so once again i send it on to the place where love lost overflows.”
make me your queen by declan mckenna --- “i know that i mean nothing to you, babe i've tried my best to keep these thoughts away oh, i've tried to speak but there's nothing left to say 'cause i mean nothing to you, babe i know that i mean nothing to you, dear if ever i stop by, you're never here and i don't mean shit, i know you've made that clear 'cause i mean nothing to you, dear so make me your queen.”
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fastsalad · 6 years
Undertale the Musical ramblings
I’ve been watching Man on the Internet’s Undertale the Musical and have some thoughts about what I would do if I made an actual onstage one. This is kind of a rambley post but if you think stuff like this is cool than by all means, read it. Ramblings below the cut.
•one upon a time would be the overture, no words.
•flowey would be a puppet (technically two, one for his happy face and one for his kill or be killed face.)
•the beginning in the ruins would be very similar to Man on the Internet’s musical.
•Frisk would have a lot of lines about how nothing makes sense and nearly every character would ignore these lines.
•the guard dogs would be the Snowdin ensemble.
•bonetrousle would be a dance number (tap & ballet)
•papyrus either wouldn’t sing at all or wouldn’t sing until after the neutral ending phone call. (The running joke would be that the great Papyrus doesn’t sing)
•the dogs would be papyrus’ backup dancers
•the blue attack would just be the dogs running around frisk with blue cloth while frisk stands completely still looking weirded out
•papyrus’ date would mostly consist of frisk walking around his house asking questions about every little thing (Why is your sink so big? Isn’t mtt the name of those products you kept putting behind your ear that you don’t have? Why is your bed a car? Why do you have action figures of sexy robots that look like dogs?)
•Blooky, Shyren and Mad Dummy would all be puppets.
•the echo flowers would be the waterfall ensemble.
•undyne does a super deep voice to sound threatening, throughout the course of the show she ranges from sounding like Jasper from Steven Universe to Peridot from Steven Universe.
•undyne’s number is also very dance heavy (a fighting kind of dancing, think Newsies)
•the echo flowers are her backup singers
•undynes hangout consists of frisk silently walking around her house and touching everything while undyne jabbers on about her stuff.
•alphys’ catchphrase is “Mettaton no”
•Mettaton classic is a puppet
•not even a good one he’s like a little paper bag
•his puppeteer/actor wears heelies
•the royal guards kill frisk repeatedly until frisk get so frustrated they skip the battle and angrily tell the guards to go fall in love.
•spider dance is another dance heavy number (think Irish step dancing!)
•Mettaton falls down the stairs during Oh! One True Love
•There are several scenes that just consist of frisk calling undyne and papyrus
•mettaton’s number is extremely dance heavy as well! (This is almost the last one I swear) his backup dancers are the tiny mettatons he launched at you during the battle.
•they all do solo stunts except for one backup dancer who just does a dorky little hokey-pokey-like dance.
•when Mettaton looses his legs he just shouts “oh no! My legs just FELL OFF! I am JUST A TORSO!” In a really dramatic way and falls to the ground instead of, you know, actually loosing his limbs because he’s being played by an actual person at this point.
•for the fans is a duet between Mettaton and Napstablook.
•undertale is an ensemble song but Chara has solos in it (and maybe Asriel)
•asgores number is not dance heavy. (I know. Disappointing)
•the song/scene itself is pretty similar to Man on the Internet’s as well.
•the friendliness pellets that kill Asgore are played by actual people (as are all the attacks in the game/show)
•photoshop flowey is part projector screen and part elaborate puppet (similar setup to starship by team StarKid)
•the six human souls are played by the same actors as sans,(Aqua) alphys,(orange) papyrus,(blue) Toriel,(purple) undyne (green) and Mettaton.(yellow)
•frisk starts to sing a song when they are alone after they spare flowey, but they are interrupted by sans’ phone call.
•flowey appears to talk to frisk as a new puppet, his serious/sad face.
•when flowey leaves, frisk attempts once again to sing their song only to be interrupted by Undyne’s call.
•The alphys date/unyne and alphys’ confession scene is a tap number between Undyne, Alphys, Frisk and Papyrus.
•After the tap number, Frisk tries one more time to sing their song but is interrupted by Papyrus’ phone call.
•Frisk runs into Mettaton in Alphys’ lab who is lying on the floor depressedly without his arms attatched. The galaxies are swirling around the lab. Frisk comes to a shocking revaltation that Mettaton is Napstablook’s cousin and starts freaking out like a conspiracy theorist only to remember Alphys and run into the lab.
•The true lab has a very similar feel to Havin’ a Hunch from Seussical.
•Mettaton falls over when trying to point to Alphys and Undyne with his leg due to his lack of arms. This causes him to be in the finale. It is heavily made fun of. (”This feel unnatural, there’s an odd number of us.” etc.)
•Asriel’s number is very disco and crazy (Think rock and roll musicals)
•Asriel’s final form is a puppet.
•His Theme is a duet between Asriel and Chara.
•All of the post-pacifist dialogue from the main bosses is in the game plus more.
• Right before they go through the door, Frisk finally gets to sing their song.
•Bring it in, Guys! is the bows.
•Every character has a sign with their yellow description on it.
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poppyknitt · 6 years
Just Like Before- A JSE Egos Fanfic; Jameson Jackson Birthday Special
Recap: Marvin has gone MIA since the last big fight against Anti, because Seán, Jackieboyman and Henrik cut off all further communications with him, and Chase, JJ, and Robbie are each caught up in their own problems. In lighter news, however, Chase is utilizing his time as a ghost to spend every last second he can with his kids, and figure out exactly what’s been happening between Stacy’s new, apparently abusive, boyfriend, and three of the most important people in his life. Jackie’s apparently been with his girlfriend much longer than we thought, and, celebrated his anniversary with her on a luxurious cruise ship, where he also proposed. Oh, and apparently, they’re expecting a son, so that’s pretty fun, I guess. Robbie’s been spending most of his time making sure his brothers are all doing well, which includes making sure the nurses at the hospital are taking the absolute best care of Chase and JJ as possible, keeping an eye on Henrik and confiscating any coffee he makes after 5PM, trying to find Marvin(he still thinks Marvin can be redeemed. but so do I, so I can’t really judge him on that one.), and constantly bugging Jackie about not using his powers while he’s still recovering from the first anti fight that happened in these stories whenever said hero is around. Oh. I forgot to mention! JJ’s out of his little coma! And he’s back in the egos’ house, too, so... Yay, it’s almost normal again! ... right..? Lmao, what am I saying? It probably is. At least, I hope. Haven’t heard from Anti for a while though...
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[October 31st]
JJ sat on the balcony railing, staring blankly into the distance, his mind still depressedly numb after everything that had happened only a few weeks ago. He could no longer stand to be home without Seán or Henrik being in a place where they could come to help almost immediately if anything were to happen, and he hadn’t even put a single hair in the living room since he got back from the hospital only a few days ago. Seán was trying his hardest to help JJ move past the trauma that resulted from Marvin’s attack, and he was sure Robbie and Henrik would be, too, if it weren’t for the fact that Henrik is constantly busy with work from the hopsital, and Robbie is always running around trying to help hold everyone together in the wake of the chaos and pain caused by Marvin’s corrupt plan to defeat Anti “once and for all”, and “protect” the others in a more long-term way than the usual. Chase still refused to come back to his body, and whenever asked why, he would always respond with “Hard to explain. All you need to know is that Stacy and the kids need help, and only I can help them.”
JJ perked up, hearing the balcony door loudly sliding open, and turned to see Robbie standing there, a sad, almost sullen look on his face. It hurt a little to see the little guy stare at him like that, because he knew Robbie was only upset because he was worried about him.
“Good evening, Robbie...” He signed hesitantly.
“Jamie look sad again... Please don’t sad... Don’t want you to sad.. Is scary when you guys sad.” Robbie responded. JJ took mental note that Robbie was starting to care more and more about how broken his speech really was. And, yeah, sure, since the guy was sorta undead, and had a bit of brain decay as a result, he obviously wasn’t going to be totally perfect at speech, but that was okay, since it was a little comforting to have someone who spoke in an almost child-like kind of way try to cheer him up from time to time.
“I’m fine, Robbie. Just a little nervous still. I’ll be better in a while, I promise.” He fake-smiled, hoping it looked believable enough. Robbie’s face shifted a bit, looking a tiny bit more distrusting or hurt at this response. Jameson internally cringed, immediately knowing that Robbie could probably tell he had withheld a fair amount of information with his response.
“... Truth. I want whole truth. No lie.” Robbie said, his tone becoming a bit more stern.
“... I...” Jamie hesitated, because, I mean, if this pure little bean asked you to tell the truth about how badly a recent, extremely traumatic event had been affecting you, would you know how to respond? I think the hecklety specklety not!
“Jamie not need be scared. Promise not tell others Jamie secret if Jamie tell truth.” Robbie said, smiling a little, as if trying to let him know it was okay to trust him.
“... Fine. But, just... make sure to keep that promise, okay?” He signed, stopping mid-sentence to slide off the railing and onto the balcony. He sat down with his back leaning against the bars of the railing, and Robbie quickly shuffled over, sitting happily next to him.
“No one home but me an’ you. No need keep lookout.” Robbie assured him.
“... Okay, fine, I’ll start.” He signed, smiling softly in amusement, “... I guess the problem is that I can’t stop thinking about what happened... Why did he feel the need to lash out so cruelly on his two youngest brothers? Why lie? Why won’t he face his wrong-doings, and come back? I so desperately wish to believe that Marvin is innocent, and he only meant well, but... All Seán and Henrik ever say is to just forget about him, that he’s not ever coming back, and he’ll never be able to regret it? Why doesn’t anyone believe in him anymore..? Was... Were our bonds really that fragile..?”
“... Don’ kno’... Mavvy only thought he was protecting us. I think he still good. He just not very happy right now. Henry an’ Seán mean because they think he let badness get to head. But he still good. He come back. He just need alone time. We see soon!” Robbie speculated, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation.
“... I don’t know... He was... so violent, when he lashed out... I’m scared, Robbie... What if our dear, wonderful brother went too far, and is doomed to become something like... like him? I do not wish to loose our dear brother to the darkness, Robbie. I don’t understand why Seán and the others are so content with leaving him to fend off his inner demons on his own. It is surely too cruel a thing to do to someone who’s done so much good for us, right?” He continued.
“Is true. It mean, leaving Mavvy behind in dark world. They say fight happen in dark torture world, yes?” Robbie asked.
“Yeah...” He started, but cringed and shunk into a tight ball as he started having minor flashbacks to the moment Marvin had violently lashed out at them in their own home.
“Jamie! Calm! Calm! Is okay! No scare! No scare! Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!” Robbie exclaimed, worriedly attempting to hug JJ.
“I-..I’m okay! I’m okay! Just got a little spooked, that’s all! It’s okay now, Robs. D-..Don’t freak out over my panic attacks..” He signed, his hands shaking a bit as he hesitantly tried to find the right words.
“We go celebrate hap birth tonight, Jamie?” Robbie asked, and JJ paused. Oh, yeah! It’s the 31st! He should be celebrating his birthday!
“Yeah! We’ll do it as soon as everyone’s here, okay, Robs?” The Jemmie-Jammie bean smiled, and Robbie beamed in response.
“‘K-kay.” Robbie gave his brother a big ol’ bear hug, and he hugged back this time.
[October 31st]
Jameson happily sat at the dining room table with the rest of the egos(aside from Chase, who was still a ghost), enjoying himself as they all ate the cake that Seán had gotten him for his birthday. Jackie had returned from the cruise he’d taken his girlfriend on, but refused to tell anyone the details. Henrik was the only one not asking questions, so JJ had a feeling that Jackie had spoken to him about the details of the cruise beforehand, since that would be one of the only reasons the doctor would not be constantly pestering Jackie about it. He did, however, take note of the fact that Jackie had a ring on now, so he had a feeling something very special indeed had happened on that boat between the two.
“Hey, Jackie, what’s with the ring, anyways?” Seán piped up.
“That’s need-to-know information, too.” Jackie responded flatly, though, it was pretty easy to spot the cheekiness in his expression.
“Guys, leave him be. He obviously does not vant to share zhe details of his private vacation vizh us, so ve should be polite, and vait until he is ready to say anyzhing to us about it.” Henrik stated, his expression calm and sincere.
“Yes, let’s leave this topic for another day. I would much prefer we all just celebrate today for what it is supposed to be a celebration of, rather than spend it pestering our eldest about things that are not of our business.” Jamie signed, and Seán and Robbie briefly glanced at each other, and returned to the festivities.
“Oh! Jamie have birtda’ gift! Jamie open soon, yes?” Robbie exclaimed, suddenly remembering the small pile of gifts stacked on the coffee table, which had been carried into the dining room by Henrik and Seán, since Jameson still couldn’t bear to even look at the living room after Marvin’s outburst.
“Oh, yes! I nearly forgot about them. Yes, we’ll get to them soon, Robbie.” He signed, smiling happily. Robbie’s face lit up in childish joy, and he hugged the silent ego, grinning like a big, goofy idiot.
The rest of the day was spent filled with joy and cheer, as the egos slowly let themselves forget all their worries, and really enjoyed themselves for once. They each got into costumes when it came about time for trick-or-treaters to start showing up at the door, aside from Jackie, who pretended to be a really good cosplayer of himself, since he’d forgotten to buy a costume for this year, like he had for the previous one... and the first one.
Everything calmed down around 9pm, and they found themselves back in the dining room, sharing jokes, stories, and just overall having a fun time for what felt like ages. Thankfully, though, they all managed to fall asleep before midnight that night, so no one would be staying up to the ungodly hours of the morning.
Even though there were still some egos missing from the celebration that night, Jameson was sure it was safe to say that this had been one of the best birthday celebrations they had had in a long while.
Whoops! Super late birthday fic! Guess that’s what happens when I cram too much writing stuff into one month. Oh well! At least I’m done with it now! And we’re one step closer to my endgame, too, so that’s fun, I guess!
Next Chapter
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st-percocet · 6 years
rec masterpost
yo here’s some tunes that i recommend cause i get asked to rec bands/songs a lot so yea bold = absolute bangers that i can’t get sick of
SONGS: 1 trillion dollars - anti-flag 17 crimes - afi 302 - the lippies 5 to 9 - fidlar 6969 - ninja sex party acid baby - spilt addicted - simple plan afraid of heights - billy talent alfie - lily allen aliens are real don’t tweak - netherfriends all american girl - adickdid alone and stoned - king tuff alone is no together - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds a mask of my own face - lemon demon a more perfect union - titus andronicus a new wave - sleater-kinney anxiety - pinact atmosphere - joy division bad egg - hands off gretal bad habit - the kooks bad kids - black lips beach bones - more amor ft ryan ross beck and call - sundressed better man - jamie campbell bower better than sex - the midnight beast billionaire - travie mccoy ft bruna mars bitch theme - bratmobile black me out - against me bleed - out came the wolves bleed american - jimmy eat world body - mother mother boy grinder - jack off jill boyfriend - best coast boys wanna be her - peaches bubblegum - mystery jets but a nightmare - danzig byob - system of a down california uber alles - dead kennedys can we laugh now? - 7 year bitch cannonball - the breeders can’t go to hell - sin shake sin cardiac arrest - bad suns carried away - passion pit cat-o-nine-tails - L7 cemeterysexxx - doyle cheer up london - slaves chop suey - system of a down cold hands - the dose colder quicker - real friends come on eileen - dexys mightnight runners constant headache - joyce manor corrine - black honey crazy - gnarls barkley (cee lo green) creature - it looks sad. daddy issues - the neighbourhood dance like a maniac - the dollyrots danny don’t you know - ninja sex party dark necessities - red hot chilli peppers dark nights - dorothy death cup - mom jeans devilgirl - gorgeous frankenstein don’t come home - all human don’t mess with me - brody dalle don’t you wait - cloves dreaming dead girls - doyle egg - shoe. empty apartment - yellowcard even when the water’s cold - !!! evil eye - franz ferdinand faking the benz - from oslo family tree - black lips feels blind - bikini kill fill in the blank - car seat headrest firetruck vagina - baby guts first light - django django flannel - cardboard swords full circle - aerosmith fyi i wanna f your a - ninja sex party genghis khan - miike snow get busy - jimothy lacoste gia - fabulous disaster girls and boys - blur golden - travie mccoy ft sia good rhymes for bad times - bears in trees gothic roccata from the suite - léon boëllmann, roman penicki grace kelly - mika green eyes - wavves ha ha ha - the julie ruin hands down - dashboard confessional happy pills - weathers happy today - the wowz headfirst for halos - my chemical romance heroin - badflower hopeless - screaming females hung like jesus - cancerslug hypnotize - system of a down i killed abor day for you - panucci’s pizza i’ll be your butcher - cancerslug i look good - chantal claret it’s amazing - jamie campbell bower / the darling buds i wanna get better - bleachers i was a teenage anarchist - against me idiot - jeff the brotherhood is this sound okay? - coconut records i’m not crying you’re not crying are you? - dear and the headlights i’m not part of me - cloud nothings jellybean - video nasties jerk it out - caesers jerk of all trades - lunachicks just like you - nial harvest killer ball - gesu no kiwami otome kiss this - the struts la la lainey - forever the sickest kids ластоска - leningrad lezbophobia - tribe 8 liar - the dying arts lights out - royal blood lillibulero - bellowhead loner - fangclub lost on me - peace love bites (so do i) - halestorm makin’ whoopee - neil gaiman, amanda palmer max can’t surf - fidlar maxwell murder - rancid me and the bean - spoon miley - smwrs miss murder - AFI mixtape 2003 - the academic modern swinger - the pink spiders mother - danzig move (i’m coming) - chantal claret my best friend’s hot - the dollyrots my sharona - the knack nagoya - it looks sad. new born - purple nightmare - avenged sevenfold nite vision - mean jeans no surprise - the shacks not my girl - tokyo police club nothing can stop me - heavens to betsy nothing is wrong - analog rebellion no waves - fidlar oh bondage! up yours! - x-ray spex old folks home - cottonwood firing squad olly olly oxen free - amanda palmer (piano is evil version) only acting - kero kero bonito on your side - a rocket to the moon orgy for one - ninja sex party overdose - fidlar palm trees - smwrs panic switch - silversun pickups paradigm - avenged sevenfold paris - magic man psychedelic ascension - mr traumatik pudding - joel cossette rats - ghost red flag - billy talent river - eminem ft ed sheeran romance - wild flag romans - adam walicki salad days - mac demarco samantha - hole same damn life - seether same old blues - phantogram save me - aimee mann say it ain’t so - weezer schism - tool shia labeouf live - rob cantor shit twins - dads sick boy - kill hannah sick shit - together pangea silly boy - the blue van skulls and daisies - danzig slob - artificial fever soldier - dover southern comforting - hotel mira (prev. known as jpnsgrls) speak life - damien marley spooky ghosts - snckpck strange town - the moderates supermodel, superficial - voodoo queens sur la planche 2013 - la femme sweet ‘69 - babes in toyland sæla - black foxxes tears don’t fall (acoustic) - bullet for my valentine teenage whore - hole televisor - morningwood the beer - kimya dawson the devil’s son - creepshow the hounds - the protomen the sound of silence - simon and garfunkel the times they are a-changin’ - bob dylan think of you - bleached time bomb - rancid toy box - ward xvi transylvania - iron maiden trophy wifey - partyline turn me on (radio mix) - wet fingers twin sized mattress - the front bottoms typical girl - the slits ukulele anthem - amanda palmer us - regina spektor vampire’s kiss - john gold virgin sacrifice - doyle volcano girls - veruca salt wait for me - motopony waiting - jamie campbell bower waste of time - elvis depressedly weekend - smith westerns west coast - coconut records whole wide world - big tree without me - eminem you are going to hate this - the frights you’ll fall in love - mrs magician you’re gonna go far kid - offspring
BANDS: against me! - amanda palmer - artificial fever - avenged sevenfold - bellowhead - black foxxes - bleachers - bloodnun - blunderpuss - bullet for my valentine - cancerslug - cobra starship - counterfeit - danzig - dead! - death spells - doyle - earl. - electric century - fidlar - foo fighters - frank iero and the patience - ghost - good charlotte - gorgeous frankenstein - green day - hole - hotel mira - hounding - iron maiden - jimothy lacoste - kero kero bonito -leathermouth - leningrad - marilyn manson - mindless self indulgence - misfits - my chemical romance - ninja sex party - nirvana - papa roach - paramore - pencey prep - poison crow - pup - queen - queens of the stone age - rage against the machine - ramones - rancid - reggie and the full effect - simple plan - slipknot - spilt - sum 41 - swmrs - system of a down - taking back sunday - the darling buds / jamie campbell bower - the dead xiii - the dollyrots - the dresden dolls - the killers - the left rights - the levellers - the pretty reckless - the used - the world you love - video nasties - ward xvi - weathers - weezer - wolfe sunday - yellowcard
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suburbanchildhood · 7 years
1, 2, 20 and 27
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.rock n roll- elvis depressedly/ easy to forget- drug dealer ft. ariel pink/ bobby puns- cbmc/ proud- alex g/ round and round- ariel pinks haunted graffiti/ drink to me only with thine eyes- swans/ can i kick it?- a tribe called quest2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?cher or lil peep (rip) or lil xan tbh (i don’t even like lil xan’s music i just thinks he’s hot)20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?oh yes for both27) What was the last movie you saw?mean girls!! i watched it in inpatient !!
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katiecat446 · 8 years
all the questions
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others thanyou?
Not really, no.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark areyou?
A solid 1.5?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
My fiance’s ex, probably because I would want to hither.  I saw her once from a distance andthat was bad enough.
4. What is your favorite word?
Anything with a hard “ck” sound in the middle.  Monarchical, for example.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
I would love to be a cherry blossom tree.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was thefirst thing you thought?
7. What shirt are you wearing?
An oversized grey one from my university
8. What do you label yourself as?
Uh, I have many labels I guess? Feminist, queer, empathwould probably be 3 of them
9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Discussing the pros and cons of different forms oflightsaber combat, specifically Forms III (Soresu), IV (Ataru) and V (Shien)with my fiancé Nathaniel (aka @mr-villainous, the asker of these questions)
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
This one (19) or maybe when I was juuuust barely 18.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
13. Your worst enemy?
My mental health problems, let’s be real.
14. What is your current desktop picture?
A picture of a mountain with starry skies behind it, and mylocked desktop background is a picture of the Coruscant skyline
15. Do you like someone?
I may in fact, like like someone. Enough to marry them, infact
16. The last song you listened to?
Sugar Daddy, Original Broadway Cast, from Hedwig and theAngry Inch
17. You can press a button that will make any one personexplode. Who would you blow up?
Steve Bannon, for sure.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it beand what would they have to do?
Not really a fan of answering ~cute questions~ about slaverylmao
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing saidattribute is optional)
…none? The color ofmy eyes maybe?
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would youlook like and what would you do?
I would look like I do now, but more masc I guess? And Iwould probably bask in the glory of not having massive weights on my chest and thereforethe glory of not having back problems.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I do not. I don’t even have a non-secret talent. I’m not atalented person.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I’m afraid of most things. Clowns, spiders, most bugsreally.  OH WAIT. Whales.  Whales and deep ocean terrify me.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwichingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
This isn’t a question, so I all I can say is “nice!”
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Either my next tattoo (Rebel Alliance symbol boiii) or useit to buy Nathaniel the Horizon Zero Dawn game that he’s been salivating overfor months
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in theworld, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Back home to Portland so I can see Nathaniel lmao
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetimesupply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says.Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’ssomething you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Oh shit. Uh, that’s hard. I’d want to choose between Midori,Svedka (Orange Creamsicle Flavor), Khalua, or Kraken Spiced Rum.  Probably Kraken.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may buildyour own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put intoplace?
Official form of economy and government = democraticsocialism
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Fuck, it’s so versatile
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enoughtime to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your lovedones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’regoing to save from that blazing inferno?
Please do not make me choose this is rude.  I’m going to assume that I’m coming home tothe blaze, which means that I will already have my backpack with my laptop andphone on my person.  I’d have to go withmy box of things/letters I’ve received from Nathaniel.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past.What will it be?
When I told my mom I hated her when I was 8.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being atime-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. Butcheck out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Is this asking me where I would move to? I would go withCanada, lbr. I know its boring bc I live right next to it, but living in Canada= same relative climate, easier for family to visit me, not an entire lifestyleupheaval, plus universal healthcare!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to yoursurprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As itturns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in afantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. ofyour choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I’ve not really experienced death personally yet, except formy paternal grandfather whom I was not close to.  But I think I would say him, because my dadchanged a lot after he passed, and not in many good ways.  If bringing my grandpa back would bring mydad back, I’d like that.
34. What was your last dream about?
Something about Nathaniel and I in the Star Wars universe. Ithink we were having a threesome with “General Kenobi” aged Obi-Wan tbh
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
The asker of this question was lazy and didn’t specifyanything for this question.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
When I was a few weeks old, for massive dehydration.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Yes I have
38. What is the color of your socks?
Pink, grey, and purple
39. What type of music do you like?
Indie-pop (The Mowglis, The Wombats), Lo-fi (ElvisDepressedly, Mac DeMarco), Broadway soundtracks, I don’t know what the genre is but female artists that are unapologetic about their sexuality (Melanie Martinez, Lana, Marina and the Diamonds, Nicole Dollanganger) and NineInch Nails as its own untouchable genre.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrises, I think.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Cookies and cream!
42. What football team do you support?
It’s not a question of who I support, its who I don’t.  I refuse to support the Patriots, Steelers,or Saints.
43. Do you have any scars?
Yes, though they’re mainly from self-harm. I have one on theback of my right hand from scratching at it during a panic attack, several onmy left wrist, 2 on my right ankle, and one on my right arm from when I closeda hot oven door on it.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Who knows!!!1!  I’dlove to continue in academia as a professor. But I’d also love to work in a museum. But I’d also like to work at a university providing student support. ButI’d also like to do community activism and service for underprivileged groups,specifically those that have experienced sexual assault and/or relationshipabuse. So, its up in the air at the moment
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what wouldit be?
My weight. I’d like to be about 30/40 pounds lighter
46. Are you reliable?
Depends on who you ask t b h
47. If you could ask your future self one question, whatwould it be?
What actions do I need to take now to ensure financialstability for myself and the family I am building?
48. Do you hold grudges?
I really try not to, but there are times that I do. They’renot usually petty though. They’re for solid reasons.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the lawsof nature, what new animal would you create?
I would create the Beargle. Half bear, half eagle.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Someone came into my office and asked if we had a Furry Clubon campus, so.
51. Are you a good liar?
Not really, no
52. How long could you go without talking?
I’ve gone like 4 or 5 days before
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
When I cut my own hair at age 5
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Of course
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Lmao no
56. What do you like on your toast?
Just salted butter, sometimes with cinnamon sugar too.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Probably a mock up of something event related for work
58. What would be your dream car?
One that doesn’t squeak when it drives like my current one.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in theshower? Explain.
I sing Broadway showtunes in the shower when I’m home alone
60. Do you believe in aliens?
I believe in forms of life that we haven’t yet discovered.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
When someone shows it to me lmao
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
N, I think. Or C.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragons tbh.
64. What do you think about babies?
Sketchy on ones that belong to other people, really reallywanting my own with Nathaniel
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Again, Nathaniel was lazy and didn’t specify anything in hisask.
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For the last year I've been really close to this girl in my class I met in my new school, up to the point where we didn't talk to literally anyone else in school but each other, and she abandoned her friends in the school (we both have friends outside of school). This year, I graduated while she failed senior year, so we don't really see each other that much, so instead we text each other and spend the night together alone every now and then.Up until now, it's been a big rollercoaster of emotions because I couldn't tell if she liked me, she gave out tons of mixed signals. Last Friday night, I finally manned up. After some drinking, playing on the swing, and talking about how "it's more fun when we spend time with each other", I walked her home. I hugged her, we let go but we still had each other in our arms, we looked into each eyes, I leaned in... And she just turned her head as I awkwardly booped my nose on her cheek.So now I'm just kinda depressedly thinking on what to do. We haven't talked since Friday night, except to tell her through Instagram that I got my phone stolen that night on the way home (way to add salt to the wound, you fuckers). I'm waiting for her to bring up what happened, but I don't think she will. I think it's best to just spend some time away from her and not even texting her, at least not until she does, but at the same time, I don't feel comfortable at all doing that. Like, for the last entire year, I've spent countless hours with her, only her and nobody else, so just ending everything with an awkward kiss attempt just doesn't feel right. I want to tell her everything I feel, even if only through text, and even if she already knows I like her. I think she deserves to know exactly how I feel for her, and I think I deserve to know how she feels for me, like me or not.Is it all worth it? I mean, she already knows I like her, since I tried kissing her and all, but is reinstating what she already knows, and just clearing up everything that has happened since we've met (including the fact that we've been social outcasts since we know each other), is it really worth it? via /r/dating_advice
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theklcblog · 8 years
10 Portland Shows to Catch This Month
By Ben Weinstein
Spring is (slowly but surely) arriving, and as Portland begins to dry up, artists are growing less and less apprehensive to come play shows here. Now, while this is by no means an accurate statement, it would at least help explain why March boasts so many fantastic shows across town. If you’re looking to leave your room and experience some live music in March, consider making one of these concerts your destination.
Wed. March 1: Vince Staples, Kilo Kish @ Roseland Theater ($25, AA)
It’s unclear—to me, at least—why Long Beach rapper Vince Staples would choose Wes Anderson’s underwhelming 2004 film The Life Aquatic as a theme for his tour. Perhaps he saw Seu Jorge on his own recent Life Aquatic tour and found inspiration in it? Whatever the case, this Roseland Theater show promises to be as captivating as his discography has been thus far. Vince’s next full-length project seems imminent, and he’ll definitely be playing quite a bit of new material from said project on this tour. Support from The Internet collaborator Kilo Kish gives further reason not to miss this show.
Wed. March 1: Mykki Blanco, Cakes Da Killa @ Holocene ($13, 21+)
It’s a shame that this show has to be the same night as Vince Staples, but also great that there are multiple opportunities to see fantastic hip-hop shows this month. Mykki Blanco is both an exciting musician and an inspiring poet and activist, and both Blanco as well as Englewood-based Cakes Da Killa are two of the most outspoken LGBTQ+ voices in hip-hop. If you’re of age, don’t sleep on this double bill. 
Fri. March 3: Jens Lekman @ Revolution Hall ($25, AA)
Fresh off the release of his fourth LP Life Will See You Now, lovable Swede Jens Lekman is playing a sitting-room only show at the beginning of the month. The concert will undoubtedly be filled with the witticisms that make his music so hysterical (and, just as often, heartbreaking). Based on the entirely seated layout of the show, it seems as though it will be an intimate evening—or at least as intimate as a concert at a decently large-sized public venue can be. It’s anybody’s guess as to when the next times Jens will be in the US is, so take advantage of the opportunity to catch him live while you can. 
Thurs. March 9: Denzel Curry @ Doug Fir ($3, 21+)
As part of their Sound Select series, Red Bull are bringing Florida MC Denzel Curry to Doug Fir Lounge for only $3 (as long as you RSVP online). You might recognize him from XXL’s Freshman Class of last year, or perhaps from collaborating with artists such as Lil Ugly Mane and SpaceGhostPurrp. Curry has proven himself as a rapper to keep your eye on, and at only 22 years old, it seems as though his already accomplished career is only beginning. 
Mon. March 20: Xenia Rubinos @ Holocene ($10, 21+)
New York singer Xenia Rubinos first caught my attention because of a fantastic Tiny Desk Concert she played last summer, in which she presented a pretty unique mixture of a variety of clear influences: soul, funk, beat music, indie rock, etc. Her band seemed especially tight, and she’s sure to turn into Holocene into some kind of dance party. 
Wed. March 22: Xiu Xiu @ Holocene ($13, AA)
Xiu Xiu, the project of songwriter Jamie Stewart, has been a fixture in experimental music for nearly a decade and a half, and they don’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. Last year saw the band release an album of covers from the amazing Twin Peaks soundtrack, and their new album of original material, FORGET, comes out this month. Xiu Xiu boast an expansive discography and a cult following, and—for only $13—this is as great a time to see them as ever.
Wed. March 22: Elvis Depressedly, Boreen, Clovver @ Parkway North ($15, AA)
Boreen may just be my favorite Portland band, and—spoiler—the mastermind behind the project is also on the KLC Board. Does that make this a conflict of interests of sorts? I don’t really give a fuck if it does, because Boreen’s intimate, evocative music is something any and all should experience live. The fact that they’re playing with lo-fi legends Elvis Depressedly is amazing (and amazingly well-deserved), so do yourself a favor and head on over to PSU for this show.
Thurs. March 23: Teenage Fanclub @ Wonder Ballroom ($20, 21+)
Scottish power poppers Teenage Fanclub might not be as young as they were in their ‘90s heyday (duh), but that should by no means be a deterrent from catching them at the Wonder Ballroom. On their latest LP, 2016′s Here, the band proved that they are still highly capable songwriters, and their set will likely be heavy with material from that release. Songs from their more celebrated albums, however, are sure to still be played, and if you haven’t checked out their classic records like Bandwagonesque and Grand Prix, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not diving in as soon as possible. Also, KLC is giving away a pair of tickets to this show! Enter here to win.
Fri. March 24: WHY?, Open Mike Eagle @ Revolution Hall ($16, AA)
I’m truthfully not as well-versed in the music of WHY? as many I know, but their blend of indie rock and hip-hop is something I’ve seen praised by critics and friends alike. Open Mike Eagle, on the other hand, is a rapper I’ve been familiar with for a few years now, mainly through the Hellfyre Club collective he’s a member of. His shows have always been a blast in my experience, and he’s just as funny as you’d expect someone who is good friends with Hannibal Buress to be.
Mon. March 27: Maggie Rogers @ Doug Fir ($15, 21+)
Maggie Rogers’ recent and sudden rise to success is a unique one, mainly involving a glowing review from Pharrell after hearing her song “Alaska” at an NYU class. The praise was well-earned; Rogers writes gorgeous pop songs, blending elements of electronic music with her own live instrumentation. She just released her debut EP, Now That the Light Is Fading, and is embarking on a huge tour in support of it.
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