#i don't actually ship this but it has an appeal somewhere
umahumahumah · 1 month
Can you rate all hetalia ships and your fav
I'll try. Let's go alphabetical order!
America/Australia: 0/10
It feels incestuous. I do find it funny how apparently Australia, someone clearly younger than America, is apparently in his 20's while the latter is 19.
America/Austria: 5/10
I think the fun part about this ship is how America has the potential to annoy Austria so much. Still, I can't really see the appeal.
America/Belarus: 5/10
I like the concept of this ship because both characters have contrasting personalities and are on opposing sides! I'm a sucker for that type of thing, which is kind of surprising that this ship doesn't compell me too much. At least not enough to make content of them.
America/Belgium: 6/10
I think America would really like Belgium's waffles, that fatass...
America/Bulgaria: 5/10
Clearly Bulgaria has dedicated his heart to one man and one man only. I don't see any chemistry between him and America... Actually maybe a little. I like the dynamic between normie and pathetic loser. Though I think if Bulgaria is not with Romania he would kill himself
America/Cameroon: 4/10
I think America would take a liking to Cameroon due to their shared interests in sports, but Cameroon feels way too mature to take any of America's tomfoolery.
America/Canada: 0/10
Blatantly incest.
America/China: 8/10
It feels like an alternate version of RusAme, with one side clearly maturer than the other. Though tbh I think the fun of this ship would be seeing how long it takes for America to break China
(+1 Point for that Wash My Belly Dude! Roblox game)
America/Croatia: 6/10
I think I made fanart of this ship once. I never finished it and it's on my dead phone, so... From the very minor appearance Croatia made in the entirety of Hetalia's existence, he seems like a very lethargic character, a great contrast to America's personality. Unfortunately, since Croatia is less than bare bones, I can't rank it any higher. If he was developed more I could easily ship him with America.
America/Cuba: 7/10
Cuba has a very strong hatred for America, doesn't he? Though whether America reciprocates that hatred or not is up to question. Considering his other rivalries though, America is probably very dismissive or unaware about Cuba's hatred. Whether it is reciprocated or not, I love a good ol' rivalry!
America/Cyprus: 3/10
I guess there's nothing bad about it, but what can I say about this? Cyprus would probably be scared of America or at least uncomfortable with his presence.
America/Czechia: 6/10
Anything to cuck Slovakia.
America/Denmark: 7/10
I think these two would be a very chaotic duo! They'd get into all sorts of shenanigans and probably plant a stink bomb somewhere in the meeting room. Them in a romantic context doesn't compell me, but they seem like they'd be good friends.
America/Ecuador: 6/10
There's nothing wrong with it, but I can't say much about it since Ecuador's barely a character. I can imagine them being good friends though.
America/Egypt: 6/10
There's something interesting about the dynamic of someone who doesn't talk and someone who doesn't know how to shut up.
America/England: -100000000/10
We got to USUK.... Honestly man I don't think I can describe the absolute HATE BONER I have for this ship. Reading the world itself feels like a walk through the fiery coals that make up the ground of hell. The ship is a bastardization of the characters involved and I am glad that it is finally dying out. Putting aside the incestuous and pedophilic undertones, most USUK content I've seen heavily mischaracterize America and England. I could probably replace the two characters with Generic Yaoi Couple™ and nobody would be able to tell the difference!!!!
America/Estonia: 0/10
No idea why but Himaruya made Estonia 17... I know ages are almost obsolete in Hetalia nowadays but maaan still
America/Finland: 1/10
Honestly I've always imagined Finland acting more like a father figure to America than anything romantic.
America/France: 0/10
America/Germany: 7/10
Couples with one wild party and one that keeps them in check are always fun!
America/Greece: 3/10
Honestly I'd feel bad for Greece if he has to deal with America all the time. Let him nap pls
America/Hong Kong: 0/10
Hong Kong is 16-17
America/Hungary: 3/10
I think she'd just be trying her hardest trying to set him up with Austria instead.
America/Iceland: 0/10
Iceland is 16-17.
America/India: 4/10
I think I see potential in this ship. The two are both described as pretty wild characters, with India still being pretty mature. I see America instigating India to act more upon his wild side. But honestly I don't know much about India to actually determine what the nature of their relationship would be like.
America/Indonesia: 6/10
Again, I see potential. I think these two might be cute together, but I can't really get invested in it.
America/Ireland: 7/10
I think America and Ireland would be really close considering the history of Irish immigrants in America. Maybe they could've lived with each other at some point? Considering there were a lot of Irish immigrants to the country back then....
America/Italy: 7/10
It sounds pretty fun! I like both characters, I think a relationship with each other is enjoyable. Dumb + dumb stick together!
America/Japan: 9/10
I think America and Japan have a pretty wholesome relationship, I really like them together. Their dynamic also interests me with it being extrovert x introvert. Also also cultural exchanges between the two are always fun
America/Korea: 0/10
Korea is 15-16
America/Latvia: 0/10
Latvia is 15
America/Liechtenstein: 0/10
Liechtenstein feels too young.
America/Lithuania: 5/10
Ehhh, I think it's fine. Most of the content I've seen of Ameliet falls into the pitfalls of typical yaoi tropes and I can't really get into it. It seems homey though so extra point.
America/Luxembourg: 0/10
Luxembourg is under 18... Apparently? I'm not sure where this age came from but I got it from the wiki.
America/Macau: 4/10
Ehhhh.... I guess it's fine. + Extra points for gambling
America/Malaysia: 5/10
This ship seems fun. Malaysia kun is such a cute character and he would have very funny interactions with America, I like imagining the latter helping him build his confidence.
America/Moldova: 0/10
America/Monaco: 0/10
Monaco is under 18.
America/Netherlands: 2/10
I don't know, doesn't seem that interesting to me.
America/New Zealand: 0/10
Feels kind of incestuous but idk
America/Norway: 1/10
It's not bad but I'm not that invested in Norway.
America/Philippines: 0/10
There's a dynamic between them I built in my head that makes it hard to put them in a relationship...
America/Poland: 6/10
Dense Character x Cheeky Character? I wonder how long it'll take for either party to become annoyed.
America/Prussia: 0/10
While I think a ship between two characters with both of their personalities would be cute, it's important to note that Prussia was America's mentor during the American revolution. So it just kinda feels weird tbh....
America/Romania: 3/10
It's fine, I could see how it may interest some people but ultimately I don't really care about it.
America/Romano: 2/10
I think it's fine but explosive tsunderes aren't really my cup of tea anymore, I've grown out of that phase :( a platonic relationship between them would be fun though.
America/Russia: 9/10
OTP!!! Honestly though I've gotten quite bored of it, but I especially like this ship because America and Russia are my favourite characters in Hetalia.
America/Seychelles: 0/10
I think Seychelles is underaged... Idk
America/Singapore: 0/10
Singapore is under 18, I guess.
America/Slovakia: 2/10
I don't think Slovakia is able to be with anyone other than Czechia.
America/Spain: 5/10
It seems interesting! I see potential in it but I can't really bring myself to ship it.
America/Sweden: 1/10
Same as Finland, for some reason Sweden/Finland and America have been depicted in a lot of parental relationships in the fandom. Can't unseen it tbh.
America/Switzerland: 2/10
I think it could be interesting, but I really can't see these two work at all.
America/Taiwan: 0/10
Pretty sure Taiwan's underaged + shipping her with a guy feels wrong.
America/Thailand: 3/10
These two could be interesting together, but ultimately... ?idk
America/Turkey: 3/10
Don't see any romance between them but I think these guys would be pretty epic drinking buddies.
America/Ukraine: 2/10
I'm gonna be tbh guys I don't think Ukraine will be able to handle a manchild like America, then again, I don't think anybody can handle America.
America/Vietnam: 2/10
Idk most of the content I've seen of this ship involves Vietnam War stuff and sometimes it does feel a little messed up but... I do think that if I researched more about it it could be more interesting
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magpod-confessions · 3 months
hi. so because i'm normal about jonathan sims and jmart. um.
i really like jmart. i think there could have been MUCH better buildup, but... ultimately it's a very cute ship. i think the appeal, yeah, is a lot that it's just canon. but.
they're both deeply broken people. jon wasn't loved enough. his grandmother tried her best, but he was never cuddled, never read to, never had a chance to *be a little kid*, really. and martin was never loved. maybe he convinced himself he was just never loved the right way, that his mum just didn't know how to show it because he was so *insufferable* and *incompetant*, but no matter the lies he tells himself, martin was not shown love by his mother.
and then they meet. and martin gives and gives and gives because that's all he knows. and jon has no idea how to receive because he never really had anything to receive. and jon's coping mechanism, with that unknown situation, is to reinforce his emotional walls. martin does not know how to stop giving. so they don't work at this point, not at all.
and then jon's emotional walls come tumbling down. well, moreso that they were violently destroyed, with prentiss and all. jon has no support system!!! tim hates him because he's a fucking *stalker*, martin... well... he can't rely on martin, of all people. and sasha... he never knew her too well, but she's acting strange. so jon and martin don't work together at that point, romantically, i think partially because jon won't let it.
in big part, jmart is built on mutual trauma (NOT traumabonding!! i know it's used that way in podcast, but that's not the correct definition) and ... martin being pretty much the only person jon has left. of course, there's basira and melanie and georgie, but they don't *get it*. they didn't go through everything jon did alongside him. sure, martin didn't either, but martin has been there the whole time.
it's partially a relationship of proximity, partially shared trauma, but i do think a lot of it is genuine care for each other (even if that care stems from the former two reasons).
anyways. theyre really cute. tma could have been just as good without it, but---and im saying this as someone who typically despises most romance in media---i really adore them and their dynamic. it opens up so many doors for both character- and self-exploration.
martin learning to love without sacrificing himself. jon learning to love openly, period. explorations of trust and how mutual trauma that affected people in different ways can shape them, etc etc etc. and of course, this is all in fics and in my own mind, because . theyre dead . (i wont accept any ending but that, honestly. theyre not Somewhere Else to me). but. it's nice. they mean a lot to me as characters and as people and as a pair. thumbs up.
and some jon ranting!! because i. admit. finally. that i might be a bit of a jon kinnie.
jon doubts himself, constantly, unless his decision is completely impulsive (ex. the coffin). he can't *let* himself feel, fully, because as a child it was always annoying/obnoxious, or too much, or wrong in some ambiguous, nebulous way.
he's out of touch with himself emotionally. it's... not so much that he doesn't get emotions, it's moreso that he's repressed the majority of his own so intensely that he has a hard time dealing with others' emotions because he's not too sure what it's supposed to feel like without a heavy flavouring of shame.
he's read a lot of books. he knows, in theory, what sadness or romantic love or anger or excitement feels like---and occasionally in practice, when the repression and 'compartmentalisation' (bottling it up) becomes too much and it all boils over---but he has a hard time relating those hypothetical and heat-of-the-moment feelings to actual, real life people.
he struggles with empathy, severely. partially an autistic thing, partially a trauma response. yknow. he's genuinely well-meaning when it comes to comforting those he cares about, but he's not sure of the right thing to say because of how severely that muscle has atrophied. he was never taught that with his grandmother and her neglect (and yes, no matter what he says on tape, it was emotional neglect) and then not having very many friends... he missed those prime developmental stages as a child.
he never empathised with book characters, i don't think. he was always the observer, never really fully putting himself in the role of the protagonist. he definitely used books as an escapist coping mechanism, but it wasn't in a visiting-this-fictional-world way, it was more of a losing-himself-in-the-story way, if that makes sense. there was always a sense of detachment. reading was an *in between* of his life and the life of the protagonist.
he struggles with his and others' feelings because, from his perspective, his emotions are uniquely shameful, uniquely embarrassing, and uniquely *harmful* to other people. so, he represses them, and doesn't let himself feel them unless they're 'useful'. and then, when he can't apply this ideology to others' emotions, he has no way to deal with them. he freezes up because this is a situation in which he has no real experience in, and, as a child who was punished for behaving autistically *wrong* ---whether by his peers or his grandmother---he's scared to make a wrong move.
he sees himself as a person who is uniquely capable of harm. other people can hurt other people, sure, but jon can hurt them in a *special* way, a *worse* way, because he is a fundamentally wrong, bad person.
I AM EATING THIS I agree with this yea
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 8 months
Something I've noticed in the Ghost fandom (and others) is some fans feeling "unrepresented" in fanfiction...and thinking that this is a huge moral problem for which they must receive compensation. Which. No.
Does feeling unrepresented in fanfics (and fan art) suck? Yeah, it does. Been there, more than once. Hell, I'm not even really represented in my own actual real life. Does that entitle you to essentially demand that other people make fan works for you, lest they be labeled as "bigoted" or "bad" or otherwise uncaring? No. You're not entitled to people making things that appeal to you, just because.
You're entitled to want this, to feel like you're getting the short end of the fandom stick (and you might be, not gonna deny that), but other people not catering to you doesn't really say much about them at all.
There's solutions to this problem, though. One of them is seeking out people who are already making the kind of fan works you like, that appeal to you/your demographic. Granted, they may be difficult to find (and you may have to look off Tumblr and in more obscure places to find them), but you can't just give up without looking. Look for them, and if you find them, try to develop a friendship or friendly mutual-following-ship with them. (Sometimes easier said than done, I know. Idk how to people, either. But an attempt must be made. God's peed or however that goes.). And hype them up! Promote them! Share the joy with others!
Another solution is making the fan works yourself. You see the stuff that's already here, already made, already in progress? That stuff largely exists because a fan said "I wanna write/draw this", and they went and did it. You can do that too, and in fact you should! Engaging in the creative process is part of the fun of fandom, and you should know and experience this. Now, your skill level may not be where you want it to be or what you think it should be...but since when has that actually stopped anyone? (It certainly never stopped me lmaooo). You have an idea that you'd like to see realized? Draw it. Write it. Who cares if it's "bad"? Everyone's gotta start somewhere, and why shouldn't you let yourself start? Maybe your fan works won't be as popular as others, but who cares? (I never do. Also, fuck popularity. That means you get Perceived™. Gross.). Fandom ain't about popularity. It's about fun and community.
And in order to have that community, you have to participate in it. Even if you're not confident, even if you're awkward, even if you don't think you're as skilled or talented as other people. You gotta do it, and you gotta do it for the love of it.
Teal Dear: In order to get the things you want out of a fandom, you gotta be proactive. Go forth and make some stuff that appeals to you specifically. Be unapologetic about it and have fun. (That's what I do, and I love doing it!)
Okay. I'm tired. I'm going to bed 💤
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rainbowcarousels · 8 months
Nicki for the character asks thing
Sexuality Headcanon: Somewhere on the bisexual spectrum but god only knows where. I think it's harder to label him because he doesn't really ascribe to them, but the way I see it, Nicki finds someone interesting or he doesn't, what's under their clothes is generally not part of that decision making process.
Gender Headcanon: Cis dude.
A ship I have with said character: Lestat/Nicki might be my OG m/m ship. I did ship Buffy/Faith Back In The Day, but this was the ship that lit things up for me because the interplay of them being sort of Sun and Moon really appeals to me. The bitterness of it and the beauty, that it's a tragedy that leaves such a mark on Lestat (and I think to a degree, Armand because of where he was mentally at the time) and that they got to have this brief period of being happy lost boys before they lost each other.
A BROTP I have with said character: I mean, I did literally write Nicki & Bianca's Excellent adventure but I understand why that might be a strange choice. Other than that, definitely Eleni, like she gets him and he doesn't want to set her on fire. That's as close as it gets.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't know if I have one. Maybe Louis, actually, because I feel like he'd gack at the idea of it.
A random headcanon: That he talks to himself a lot, but it was generally under his breath before he became a vampire or just looked like pacing. Post-death, it comes out in full blown alliterative monologues. I think I showcased it pretty well in the disobedience that holds us together, but I think it's just that switch between being able to show a level of control and losing that control so everything just spills out like a broken faucet. I love looking at what gets amplified by the process of being a vampire and I think a semblence of civility is up there for Nicki, like the control of his mental vs what comes out is definitely compromised.
General Opinion over said character: He's an asshole and I love him. There's just something about the sheer will of it, like discovering the thing that brings you joy a little bit too late and wanting more time but the moment you get more time, you're too broken by a traumatic experience with a cult and the sense of betrayal with Lestat.
It is something I think gets forgotten sometimes, that he got gaslighted over his experience of seeing him pulled away out the window and everything he see's at Renaud's is dismissed so he spirals. Music is the only thing that makes sense and there's all this desolation of the soul wrapped up in that.
Also, he was Armand's first connection to the world after being out of it for so long, and I think some of that bitterness towards the world did infect him too. Nicki has one of the strongest imprints on the series while having so little 'screen'time, his ghost haunts those hallways and leaves its mark everywhere. There's always going to be something of him in Lestat's shadow.
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getvalentined · 5 months
Vinveld for 11– I'm so curious what you think tbh
11. Their first impressions of each other.
Vincent had a huge amount of respect and admiration for Veld right from jump just based on what he knew about what he did for a living and what he was capable of, with the fact that he was extremely hot being a fun bonus. He definitely referred to him as "senpai" when he first got into the department, and was eager to earn his approval.
Veld's opinion of Vincent was...far less complimentary right out the gate. He saw Vincent as some arrogant pretty rich kid just trying to look like a badass or attempting to piss off his dad, and wrote him off as not worth the time of day. When Vincent proved himself to be staggeringly capable and undeniably competent, Veld was pissed the fuck off and kinda wanted him dead.
See, when Vincent was about in his older teen years (I waffle between 17 and 19), he saw Veld (then somewhere between 20 and 23) sparring with another Turk in the company gym, and he was immediately infatuated. Beyond Veld's appearance falling squarely into Vincent's preferences in men—broad shoulders, strong features, bright eyes—he has this sort of carriage and confidence to him that Vincent finds very appealing. Turks also have to be both intelligent and dangerous, and Vincent knew that, which only added to his interest.
Years later, when Veld was in his mid-twenties, Vincent took the physical assessments to join the Turks. This was the first time they actually interacted, and Veld had his initial concept of what he expected from Vincent, what kind of person he believed he must have been—and Vincent blew that concept right out of the water by actually being really good at what he was doing. This left Veld feeling entirely out of control of the situation, as he's normally a good judge of character and has a gift for figuring out people's motivations and capabilities very quickly, as well as making him feel quite inferior. Most of Vincent's scores were the highest of anyone testing into the department, and only went up after he settled into his role as a Turk; as far as Veld was concerned, this wasn't how anything worked, and Vincent shook up his entire worldview.
People with prospects don't generally join the Turks. Especially not the attractive genius sons of world-renowned Junonese doctors descended from old nobility. And they particularly didn't join the Turks and turn out to be really good at the job. And yet, Vincent did just that, and didn't seem to understand why it mattered. Veld wanted him gone by whatever means necessary so that the world would start making sense again.
...He changed his tune, obviously.
(For the ship asks game.)
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decepti-thots · 1 year
(I’ll preface by saying: huge JP fan who has no problem with people not liking it)
Anyways I’m actually super curious…
How are most JP fics “boring”? 🤔 I’ve always found their dynamic to be more entertaining than most, given the dichotomy of their characters.
So I’m curious as to how you’ve wound up at “boring” of all the possible reasons to dislike it. 🤣
I'm going to be a bit blunter here than I usually would be on the topic, as I was directly asked. So I'll cut the uh… negativity? I guess? For those who prefer not to see folks talk shit about a ship they like, lol.
First and foremost Jazz/Prowl is basically just… essentially made up and purely based on fanon inventions/additions, and made up fanon stuff is usually not of real interest to me without a very strong hook somewhere in the actual canon material. It is 99% fanon by volume that draws on little to no canon material of any kind but just... years of fanon, reproducing itself and mutating almost like a fanfic game of telephone, all developed in fandom echo chambers. Which renders the characters in the vast majority of fic a) largely unrelated to any canon material I like in a meaningful sense and b) tbqh, the kind of generic stuff found in a lot of typical, large dudeslash fandoms where the characters are… they're Dudeslash Fandom Archetypes with a gloss of paint on top, you know? People come in, look for which character in a fandom fits their favourite m/m trope the most, and then squish the character down to fit into that pre-existing archetype.
And the thing is, J/P has historically made a certain kind of sense for this, because the appeal was basically that… they didn't HAVE that much canon material? In the Marvel G1 comics, they have a little more specific characterisation and canon, but the G1 cartoon is not exactly a character exploration piece ANYWAY, and for Prowl especially he is a blank slate you can functionally project an OC onto. Which like, that's fine! That makes a lot of sense even if it's not what usually draws me into something.
My issue has become that if I read one more G1-fanon-soup fest mistagged "IDW" I'm gonna scream. I like IDW Prowl (and IDW Jazz too!) for the fact that these characters have specific, strongly delineated canon personalities, arcs and dynamics, and both of these characters- Prowl especially, but both of them!- have like. Things about them which are true, and which J/P fic not only tends to ignore but actively treats in a loooot of cases as somehow Inferior To Our Fanon and something to be "fixed" with idk, the power of Extremely Generic Dudeslash Tropes. I've been in many a fandom with Migratory Dudeslash Fandoms writing fic. J/P is extremely rote to me as a result, if nothing else.
It warrants mentioning that J/P fandom is where one does find a lot of examples of just undeniably racist treatment of Jazz in fic, both the truly inexcusable phonetic accent bullshit and also a lot of bad decisions around tropes. I don't think this is a function of the ship, per se, but that its specific persistence in J/P fandom (bc trust me: this has been a point of criticism for A Long Fucking Time) is in part due to it having this long entrenched fanon-to-fanon game of telephone going on? It would be better to talk about the fandom's issues there outside ship talk so I'll leave it at that, but I can't deny it has not… helped my feelings. TBH. And I know that's where a lot of the resentment you will find in the fandom obviously stems from.
IDK. It's just. It's usually fanfic of itself, you know? J/P largely feels to me, in most cases, like fanfic of fanfic of fanfic, and I come to TF fandom for fanfic of a canon. So. Yeah. Not a fan. At all.
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kobitoshiningneedle · 6 months
For the ship bingo, RyuuSusa! :D
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The first ask and the first bingo~
Actually, my history with the ship is somewhat interesting. I remember starting TGAA with some expectations that I set for myself - one of them is "this cute kimono girl" that in future will the the MC's wife and another Phoenix's ancestor (I don't really remember what made me think that aymore though)... So I guess I was biased towards the ship since the day one
However, I wasn't always so obsessed with them. I remember reacting 'normally' to the "bolt of lightning" line, but then the plot bubbled out and the arc of Susato getting used to her new companion in London/sort-of-pupil began, which combined with teo of them going through usual protagonist-assistant shenanigans. Also, I wasn't really a fan of how often Susato was tossing Ryu (and even now I honestly think that gag was a bit overdone). BUT! One of the ship's appeal is gradual development of their dynamic, this was something I would realize a tad later
And indeed - literally in Adventures's finale, when Susie has to go back to Japan, the way they grew attached to each other became so apparent..... But I actually started paying attention to the signs, these throwaway lines, the way Ryunosuke was fawning over his judical assistant almost explicitly were slowly gathered in my memory like golden particles extracted from sand. It all culminated in the epilogue in which they make a concious and very logical considering their personal and emotional journey decision to stay working together.
"...the path you're going to follow from now on… I wonder…if I might follow it at your side..."
I somehow doubt they were talking only about Ryu's career path. you know
Like, I can't read that last Susato-Kazuma conversation, hear about Yujin being so forthright with Ryunosuke, hear these voiced lines and not see that these kids are down bad for each other and everyone around acknowledge it. I know, Ryususa is a controversial pairing fandom-wide and I even understand why people may feel uncomfortable about it - but everytime the controversy sucks me in I assure myself that somewhere in the middle of the vast-vast ocean two young people drift among the waves, reminisce about their turbulent adventures and prepare to spend their lives together. I know they do.
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thevindicativevordan · 8 months
What is your opinion about the "supertwins" otho-ra and osul-ra?
They've got more potential to be good than Jon currently does, but the odds of them ever actualizing said potential is slim to none.
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Two orphans raised in Space Hell, taught to hate themselves and their culture, forced to kill and fight in gladiator pits, whom ultimately find a new father figure in Superman, who reconnects them with the culture their enslavers tried to stamp out, is a hell of a concept. They have more going on in their backstory than Chris Kent had, and more freedom to tell stories with than kid Jon had. Despite my wishes, most writers chose to write Jon as a mini version of his father. Osul and Otho have such an utterly different backstory from Kal, that there's simply no way to feasibly hollow them out into being the "yes sir" dutiful son that Jon was. Physical and emotional trauma that they carry is the sort that you carry to the grave, and marks them in a way only Kara could potentially understand.
Of the two I'm on record as preferring Otho, the daughter, more than Osul the son. In her I see a fascinating similarity to Kara. Kara was meant to raise Kal in an environment that could have been hostile towards them both. Otho-Ra actually had to do that, protecting her brother alongside herself. We know Otho has killed, she has the chains to prove it. I want to see some writer expand on that - what was it like to kill someone? Does she still agonize over the lives she took? Does she regret killing? Did it get easier over time for her? Does some part of her resent having to protect her brother on Warworld? How much does she really buy into Superman's morality? That scene in PKJ's Action run where Metallo empathizes with her excited me, I want more stories with her like that which touch on how she has all the markings of someone who could break bad. I'd like to see someone really unpack her history, relationship with her brother, and her place within the Superfamily.
Osul meanwhile is the weaker of the two character wise. PKJ seems to have made him deliberately as a replacement for kid Jon, and because of that, Osul is likewise fairly bland. His empathetic nature is a plus, he picked up on Jon's uncomfortableness towards his new siblings. But it's mostly the nature of his "New God" status that appeals to me. How he is connected to Olgrun, the other Aspects, and the Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips is a story I want to see told. Otherwise? PKJ wanted to kill Otho and keep Osul originally before deciding to keep both. Personally I'd either kill him off or "ascend" Osul out of the Superfamily and keep Otho.
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Now I say all this while knowing that the Twins are not likely to stick around. The Superfamily has more members than it can feasibly support, and the Twins are the easiest ones to ship off somewhere. Making them the "brown" rep within the Superfamily would have mitigated this somewhat. I wish PKJ had stuck with his original conception of them not being white, that would've helped increase their chances of sticking around, instead they're easy pickings. Osul ending up having to go to New Genesis because of his transformation while Otho tags along to watch over her brother, both of them joining the Phaelosians on their new home planet, either of those would be a believable way to shoo them off-stage. Was hoping PKJ would get JL, and thus could exert some pull over the Superbooks even after he left Action, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards in the short term.
Right now? Let's see if anyone else takes an interest in and uses them. Otherwise I fear they may end up sharing the fate of Chris Kent, another example of how adopted kids outside the Batfamily don't fare well in the long run.
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acidmatze · 1 year
I’ll be there for you (Yes, like the Friends theme) Chapter 2
Summary: After being in a coma for two years Vash wakes up, not being able to remember Anything that has happened since he was “a teenager”. How is he gonna adapt to living in a world so strange and unfamilliar? Not very well yet but at least there's candy! Pairings: None so far
Warnings: Vash has panic attacks sometimes. Hospital setting (for now). Is “This is Extremely slow-paced” a warning…? It is now. Discussion of Vash's injuries and scars.
Words: ~3.6k
Chapter 1 here Chapter 3 4 5 6 7
Vash thought he knew how to dress himself but turned out that was harder than expected with one hand. Luckily, the nurse helped him out.
Now he was sitting on the bed with fresh clothes that allegedly belong to him already but he didn't recognise; besides his red jacket, which he clings onto like a lifeline.
A different nurse brought him a whole lot of stuff to occupy himself with that was now cluttering the bedside table, the broad headboard of the bed and the shelves on the other side of the room.
He was also given a flower in a pot. Vash had only a vague idea of Flowers so seeing one and being able to touch it and smell it was mindblowing to him.
And now he has his very own!
He had thought all flowers would be red, cuz way back Rem only ever described red ones but this one was actually blue!
He gently touches one of the petals. It feels very soft, almost fuzzy.
Not at all like what Vash has expected.
But it turns out a whole lot of things are not the way he expected them to be.
He touches the petal again and pushes it up and down like a handshake.
„Hello flower. I don't know what you are but you're very pretty. I just woke up and have never seen something like you before. I thought you were all red.“
Vash looks over to his bedside table.
Apparently the staff only had a vague idea of what might appeal to a teenager, or well, someone who thinks is a teenager, so they just brought seemingly Everything.
There are various plushies, colouring books and coloured pens, stacks of white paper for him to draw on, some really funny magazines that seem to be for teens? a few knicknacks for him to toy around with, something that vaguely looks like a tablet they had on the ship but smaller and not see-through, something that looks even more like a tablet but still not see-through, something that he could identify as an Actual Radio, candies, books and other stuff. It was everywhere. Everywhere.
On the floor sits a large plastic box on wheels filled with funny shaped colourful blocks. Vash assumes he had to stack them together and build things with them?
He lets himself on the ground and is surprised to be still much higher up than he thought. Just how tall had he gotten?
He waddles over to the box and starts digging around in it.
It is kinda weird to do that one-handed but it's not like he has a choice anymore.
Vash decides not to waste too much time thinking about it or else he would cry again and he was left with a slight headache from the last time.
What should he build?
There are wheels in the box as well so he grabs four of them. Maybe he can build a jeep?
He needs bars to connect them and also a thin square piece.
While digging through the blocks he can't find what he is looking for but finds a whole lot of other interesting shapes.
Maybe a jeep isn't the best idea and he should start with something easy?
Houses should be easy, right? They are just squares.
All the blocks are so colourful but the buildings outside are rather dull to look at.
Maybe he should build a house with many colours then. Maybe somewhere they exist.
But no, he wants to be realistic.
So Vash digs out only the white blocks for now. Turns out there aren't that many of them though. So he digs out all the blue blocks as well.
After a while he realises that all he does so far is sorting them by colour and he ended up with five piles with one colour each.
This is stupid. Or maybe he is too stupid for this.
His stomach starts to growl.
Lunch was only soup, as a precaution just in case eating actual Food for the first time in eternities would get him sick.
So now Vash is mighty hungry again.
What would he do for a burger.
He wonders when the last time was he had a burger.
Or pizza. Oh man, pizza.
Now his stomach is really growling.
He doesn't have pizza here but the nurse did bring him candy.
Vash gets up again and hobbles over to the bedside table. He's still wobbly but its's only a few steps so he can manage.
There's a colourful bag with long red strips of something squishy inside.
It says „sour“ on the bag but Vash doesn't have much experience with Sour things so he rips it open with his teeth and stuffs three of those strips in his mouth.
And it instantly feels like an explosion. As if a basket full of berries exploded in his mouth and then someone threw lemons at him.
Vash scrunches his eyes shut and shakes his head like it's wet and he needs to dry it off.
Panicked squeaky noises escape his mouth.
Oh shit, this is Sour! And very very chewy.
Vash quickly starts chomping down on the weird sour gummy-like stuff while fighting the tears in his eyes.
Theres also some funky powder sprinkled on it and that prickles even stronger on his tongue than the Soda did.
Oh no he does Not like this very much, thank you!
He washes the unbelievably sour taste down with the rest of his soda but sadly that tastes terribly sour right now as well.
Vash thinks he's not going to be able to taste anything else for a while.
The whole world is now prickly and sour. His tongue feels so raw he feels like he could scrape a carpet clean with it.
Vash coughs a few times and it sounds an awful lot like choking.
He then flings the bag into the nearest trash can.
What's the next thing?
It's chocolate.
He knows chocolate! He had it a few times at Home, but not very often.
Vash opens the purple wrapper around the chocolate bar and breaks off a piece.
It's even sweeter than the one he knows. It's a different kind of sweet than the soda, this time more gentle and calming on his tongue.
Another piece goes in his mouth. And another. And another.
After two minutes of happily munching on sweet chocolate-y goodness Vash realises he managed to eat the entire bar.
The door opens again.
It's yet another nurse holding a tray with what seems to be Vash's dinner.
She looks at him holding the very obvious chocolate wrapper in his hand and Vash feels slightly guilty.
Just like when Luida caught him eating in bed. Or in his room, period.
He would bring food in his room with him and then forget to take the dirty plates back to the kitchen.
„Oh, after eating all that I hope you still have room for dinner. We are having tomato soup and sandwiches today.“
Oh boy, even more soup. But tomato soup has more „weight“ to it than the stuff he had for lunch, which was just a bit more than broth with star-shaped tiny noodles.
The nurse sets the tray down carefully on that moveable table thing connected to the hospital bed.
„After dinner the physical therapist will come over to talk to you. Were you prepared for that?“
„Uh.. Yeah.“
Vash flops back down on his bed and starts dissecting the sandwiches.
One has salmon on it and two things he doesn't know.
Both sliced, one green and one yellow.
The yellow slice is thicker and feels a bit oily almost.
The green feels cold and wet and is very thin.
„Have you never seen cheese and lettuce before?“ the nurse asks.
Oh! The yellow one is cheese! Vash knows cheese but never saw one that looked like this.
„I know what cheese is but never saw cheese like this before.“
The nurse nods.
„I assume it was extremely rare when you were younger. In cities like this it's almost common now. Thanks to the geodomes farming is now an actual possibility and not just a fairy tale.“
„What's a geodome?“ Vash shoves the cheese in his mouth and makes a disappointed face. It doesn't taste very cheesy.
„Oh they are giant indoor greenhouses, completely made of glass. They are pretty much self-sustained once we got enough plants growing in them and we can farm in them.“ „Plants?“
Now Vash is confused.
„Oh! No, no not those Plants.“ The nurse grabs the potted flower and shows it to Vash.
„Plants like these. Only the first geodome had to be powered by a Plant and by now it doesn't need it anymore either. As long as everything is taken care of they keep themselves going without humans having to do much. Maybe you can visit one one day? I think you would like it.“
Vash nods and digs out the pieces of salmon from his sandwich.
He would like to visit very much even though he cannot imagine at all how such a place would look like. All he knows is the desert.
„Do you always eat every ingredient one by one?“
„I... uhh.... I dunno.“
Vash takes the second sandwich, egg tomato and ham, and eats it normally.
The egg makes everything mushy and Vash scrunches up his face again.
The taste isn't bad but the texture makes his skin itchy.
He finishes it in a few big bites to get it over with and then tries the soup to take his mind off the bad texture.
The physical therapist is a tall thin lady with slightly greying blonde hair who introduces herself to Vash as Christine. Or Mrs. Kleinert. But it's okay if Vash calls her Christine.
„I want to take a good look at you first. Damage assessment, so to speak. Can you take your shirt off by yourself? Also, do you want me to talk to you like you're a teenager or an adult?“ Vash wrestles his shirt off as gracefully as a dog trying to run on hardwood flooring.
„I.. I don't know. I know I'm not actually 15 but I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this yet.“
„That shirt looks awfully big on you. Seems like you lost some weight. We could get you new clothes if you want? You didn't had much on you when you were brought here. Also, I will talk to you like a teenager then. If this starts to bother you let me know.“
Vash sits back down on his bed and Christine scoots a bit closer to him on her small stool.
„I have to touch you for this. If you can't take it then tell me. This is an uncomfortable situation for you and I don't want to make it worse. But it's easier for me if you do let me touch you.“
Vash nods.
He had already caught glimpses of his very battered body while changing his clothes. Of course he had no idea where all these scars and metal plates and weird wirings thats seemed to be under his skin came from. He was especially scared about what looked like metal grating over his heart. Just what happened? But maybe he also didn't wanted to know. Not yet.
Christine prods around some of the larger scars on his chest and abdomen.
„Do you feel this? Does it hurt?“
Vash shakes his head.
„Doesn't hurt and I don't feel much.“
„We have no idea what exactly happened but some of these wounds look like you've been shot at. There are also burn scars on your back. And some titanium rods in your spine and hips, to keep your bones together. So you had a spinal injury at some point. And this-“ she points at the metal grating over his heart „This looks like someone was seriously out to kill you. And they almost succeeded. But the way it was treated seems so old-fashioned to me. Nobody would use materials like these anymore. If you want, the surgeon can take a look at it at some point and we can talk about if we can maybe exchange it with something more... subtle. Or maybe not. Maybe you like looking tough.“
She chuckles.
„What about all these wires?“ „Hmm.. that is a good question. We don't know. We could risk it and remove them but they may be serving an important purpose. Like those in your left arm. It seems like they connected to your prosthetic. And from there they run all the way up to the top of your spine. It's very intricate and clever, really. So you get your nerve signals directly from your brain and not your muscles in your arm. Gave you a lot of feedback as well too, probably.“
Christine was done prodding around and gestures for Vash to put his shirt back on.
„You seem very calm and collected about this. I honestly thought you would freak out when you see how you look like now.“
Vash shakes his head.
„I guess I have accepted that what I remember last is not very helpful anymore. I don't even know how much time has passed.“
„Well, we can only guess. But at least I can tell you that you have been here for a little over a year. In a coma though. Sometimes you were awake for a bit but doesn't seem like you can remember that. Maybe it's for the best. You looked a whole lot worse back then.
Anyway. You're in fairly good shape now. There's no reason for me not to start regular therapy. Do you wanna walk around the hospital a bit? Think you can do that?“
Vash nods.
„I think my soupy brain can handle more things I haven't seen yet.“
Christine let out a giggle.
„Soupy brain? Where did you get that one from?“ „I don't know. It was just in my head suddenly.“
Vash decided that he didn't liked the hospital very much. Nothing to do with the staff or anything, he didn't like how it looked. The wallpaper in his room is already boring and outside in the hallway the situation did not exactly improve. He counted a grand total of five pictures on the wall and the only splash of colour was a green sign in front of the nurses room.
To be fair, he had only seen the floor he was on. Maybe the other ones are looking better but he got tired pretty quickly and wanted to go back.
Christine did a few dexterity exercises with Vash for his right arm and then left.
Now he was lying in bed and had no idea what to do.
The nurse had also brought him a pajama that luckily fit him cuz Vash absolutely did not wanted to sleep in his day clothes but also not in the hospital gown.
The nurse also told him that she was on night shift and if he needed anything he could call her. Karina was her name.
Well, maybe he should indeed call her.
Vash was feeling a bit uneasy.
He pressed the button on his bed and a few seconds later the speaker went off.
„This is nurse Ramona, how can I help you?“
„Uh.. this is Vash.. Uhm.. I don't know what room I'm in but nurse Kari-“ „Oh is that Vash?“
There was some commotion and shuffling on the other end.
„Hey this is Karina, what do you need?“
„Uh.. you said if I need anything I should call you. I think I could need someone to talk to before i go to sleep, if that's okay.“
„Oh sure! I got a bit of time right now. I'll just go check on another patient and then I'm right with you, okay?“
„Okay, thank you.“
And then Vash rolls back onto his back and stares at the ceiling. So he is awake. Truly awake, no doubt about that.
He is not „15“ anymore, seemingly in a body he barely recognises as his own and everyone he knows is probably long dead. Plus, he has no idea what happened in the time between his last memory and now.
He is surrounded by so many things he has never seen before and barely knows what they are called and nothing about how they function.
It's like waking up in a completely different world.
The door opens and nurse Karina walks in.
„Hey, are you still awake?“
„Yeah. How's the other patient doing?“ Karina sits down on the same stool Christine had sat before and leans her arms on the bed.
„Oh she's fine. Just some minor surgery but she's very worried about everything so I went to tell her that her vitals are fine and there's no need to be anxious. How are you?“
„I'm worried.“ Vash sighs.
„Oh no! Not you too!“ Karina giggles and playfully hits his shoulder.
Vash wonders how old she is. Older than him? But how old exactly is he?
„What are you worried about?“ Vash sighs again.
„Everything. It's just... a lot. I wonder if I am really awake now? Will I instead wake up in my old room again? Is this real? Or am I maybe already dead? Will I wake up at all after falling asleep? What if I fall into a coma again?“
Karina hums.
„That's an awful lot of questions. And none of them are great material to fall asleep to. But there's only one way to find out! Do you wanna fall asleep by yourself or should I get the baseball bat?“
„The what?“
Karina stares at Vash as if he just asked what air is.
„You don't know what a baseball bat is? You don't know baseball?“
Karina huffs and quickly gets out one of those small tablet-like things he has seen a few other patients use. She taps around on it while muttering.
„Doesn't know what baseball is. I can't believe it.“
„Hey! I literally just woke up! I'm happy I know what my name is.“ Vash feels a bit insulted. Also flustered.
As if he Should know what all of this is but somehow doesn't. Did he know before? Did he also have one of those things?
Karina holds the tablet-like thing directly in front of his face.
On it are several pictures of... something.
It's long like a pipe but not hollow. Also one part is much narrower than the other.
„I'm just teasing you, don't worry. Also, this is a baseball bat. You hit baseballs with it. Or unruly patients who don't want to sleep.“
Vash kicks the blanket up a bit.
Karina giggles.
„Don't take everything I say so serious. No patient will get hit with a baseball bat. Except for you.“
Vash lets out a snort.
Then his attention is back on the device in her hand.
„What is that?“
Karina lifts it up, the screen now showing a dog instead of pictures of this... baseball bat.
„Oh this? This is a phone. You can call people, among many other things. You can also play games on it. Or show people what a baseball bat is.“
Vash sighs and flops back into the pillow.
„I will never live that down, will I...?“
Calling people. Does it have a maximum distance? Or can he call people from all across the planet? That would be so cool but how does that work?
„Did I also have one of those on me?“ Karina shakes her head and then points at the small radio.
„No but this is yours actually. We found it in your backpack. There wasn't a lot of stuff in it though. Another shirt that was so dirty and sandy we had to throw it away, a few pairs of socks.. nothing spectacular. We also found painkillers. Are you in pain right now?“
„Well, my left arm hurts. It's as if the skin is too tight. And like I'm lying on it but that can't be cuz I don't have...“
Vash swallows thickly.
This isn't even what he thinks is the worst about this whole situation. Eventually he will get used to it and learn how to do everything one-handed. But it's the thing that brings him back to reality the hardest.
„Ah so I guess that's what the painkillers were for. Do you want some now?“
Vash shakes his head.
„No. The pain only comes for a few seconds and then its gone again for a bit. How do you call people? How do you know who you're calling? Can you choose who to call? How does it work? Is it like a walkie-talkie?“
His rapid fire of questions makes Karina laugh again.
„I don't know exactly How it works but I can show you more tomorrow. I don't have to work tomorrow but I can come as a visitor if you want?“
„Yeah that would be cool.“
Karina reaches over and ruffles Vash's hair.
„You should get this cut short. Long hair really doesn't suit you that much. You look old. I'm gonna bring some clippers tomorrow and give you a haircut. But now you should sleep. I promise you that you will wake up again. Sadly not in your old room but you will wake up. Okay?“
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So, there's a lot going on with Doctor Who right now, and I'm not sure it's all gonna work out, but I really want to give RTD the benefit of the doubt right now, because he's got a nearly impossible task here.
The show went through a dip in ratings and he was brought back in to rescue it. He revived the series from the dead in the first place. But, he now has to create something keeping a very diverse audience in mind. I don't mean "diverse" in a race/gender/sexuality sense, though that's certainly also true. I mean diverse in what they actually want from the show. I mean, you've got:
Fans of the Classic series who generally hate everything new.
Long time fans who like the new series, but weren't really into the Chibnall era.
These can be divided between "We didn't like Chibnall and we want things to be like they were before him" and "We didn't like Chibnall and we want something completely new."
People who stopped watching the show some time between 2010 and 2022 who want to get back into it, because it looks like it did when they were watching it.
Literal children who just watch Doctor Who.
Fans of the Chibnall era that don't like that it ended.
Fans very critical of the first RTD era who just don't want him back in general.
Fans who think the Chibnall era was "too political"
Fans who think the Chibnall era played it too safe politically. (Compare the treatment of capitalism in Oxygen to the treatment of capitalism in Kerblam.)
And I'm definitely forgetting some people here. He has to make the show like it was in the classic era, like it was the last time he was running things, like the Moffat era, like the Chibnall, and like something completely new. Something different, but not too different. Something inoffensive, including to people who get offended by attempts to be inoffensive. Something that appeals to children without seeming too childish for adult fans. And it all has to bring up ratings and turn a profit.
So everything he's done so far that you don't like was done in an attempt to cater to someone else.
David Tennant's back for the people who stopped watching after he left. This is stupid to everyone else.
Series 14 is a new Series 1 for new people who feel weird starting a show in its 14th season, who we don't want to binge 13 seasons to catch up. It ruins the numbering system for anyone keeping track.
13's cloths changing when she regenerated into 14 was an attempt to avoid controversy with one group which created controversy with others. Same thing with all the Davros stuff recently.
Meanwhile, you have Tales of the TARDIS, a popular dw comic villain appearing in the show, and the return of a one-off villain from 1966 to appeal to classic series and eu fans, as well as make new fans curious about those things.
He's trying to do something for everyone, but some things that are for one group are against another. Still, I can't be mad at him for trying. He's being giving a near-impossible task of saving a sinking ship, which wasn't sinking for half of its passengers, and already underwater for a good portion of the other half. Things are going to go wrong in there somewhere.
I'm still going to wait and see how this next season goes before calling it a success or failure. I don't believe Doctor Who can be Ruined Forever. Even if it's cancelled, it'll come back eventually. It's already happened. And even if it's not on TV, we're still got a lot of other stuff. This show, even if it's doing things you hate, is unkillable.
I know I have absolutely no sway over this fandom, but I think we should try to be patient. Even if you didn't like the RTD era, he's still trying here. If you didn't like the first RTD era, don't be surprised if you don't like this one. This era will end and you might like the next one. If you don't, whatever you do like will still be there.
Everything's gonna be fine by someone's standards.
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
if ur still doing character asks: dipper pines!
oh yes absolutely!!! okay i was really hoping someone would ask me about gravity falls bc i can feel myself Entering Gravity Falls Mode
How I feel about this character: i love dipper i am picking him up and putting him in my pocket oh my god. local twelve year old (technically not a teen!) is fueled by pure determination and insecurity and he's so. baby..............dipper............................how serious he wants to be but how silly he's still capable of being because he's just twelve!!! he's just a kid!!!!!!!! and he's such a well-written kid. trying to grow up too fast so he can be respected because he's too young to be taken seriously, thinking he has to solve all the problems, acting like a kid and being scared.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: i see the appeal with pacifica but if i'm going to ship pacifica with anyone, actually, it's mabel, bc i think they have a more interesting connection. also reunion falls was the best au and that was what really sold me on them. ANYWAY THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT DIPPER
i don't think i really ship him with anyone? dipper's gotta get himself together a little more first.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: okay but pacifica here though. pacifica and dipper get to be the BEST secretly super petty friends, and i think the conversation they have about her parents in northwest mansion mystery is always really touching and they could be quietly understanding of each other. (even if that conversation was about pacifica's problems, point stands.)
hold on i've brought up my forbidden abandoned gravity falls/peaks sort of crossover au plans. but i have never, i think, brought up my gravity falls/x files crossover au plans, where pacifica and dipper were scully and mulder (it was still mabifica though) and i'm just still so enamored at the idea of them being these grumbly enemies to best friends and working with and defending each other as they learn about each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he's twelve............he's literally a kid making mistakes and trying to figure life out.........why it's 2024 and people still treat the kids and especially mabel like they should have known everything, should have done this or that better, acted unrealistically or something when they were seriously just acting like kids, makes me worry a little
also back in the day dipper got a lot of whump and that never sat right with me. whump doesn't sit right with me in the first place but the like, 2015 era of tumblr, somewhere around there, just really.......dug into it on this kid. escalating his very canon trauma that is totally enough to deal with to levels even beyond that
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more sousaphone. i want more dipper the band kid. untapped opportunity for silliness
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 months
Hey Ray, how are you? I've read about your flu recently. I'm very sorry and I hope you get better soon. Have a fast recovery, ok?
Regarding confessions, I have nothing much to say. I think other anons already mentioned lots of valid points. Sure- porn fics are obv exaggerated, characters get mischaracterized and ships get pushed down out throats all the time but hey, that's just an average fandom experience, right?
So I'm trying to ignore/filter all the negativity and allow only good, quality content on my dash. Unfortunately, the content is few and not many appreciate writers and artists here on Tumblr. So it's for the best if they'd just change platforms and try their luck somewhere else that offers more positive interaction/involvement. I miss Tumblr reblog culture and nice feedback on dif stories/art. Nothing is the same anymore...
Regarding mischaracterization- it's not a problem to headcanon things, in fact, to each their own. But it's a problem when people openly accept headcanon as canon and unapologetically fight others over inaccurate opinions. It's so beyond me. And the funniest thing- it's mostly minors. Can we get rid of the minors in for-them-inappropriate fandom spaces pls? Tumblr staff where you at?
I noticed that fans of less popular characters are more fun. I'm not that big into Choso you see, but his fans made the whole fandom experience so much more enjoyable. And I don't think that Mahito fans are weird if you compare Toji smut fics (I'm not calling out people but I'm calling out people). Sukuna fans I'm looking at you too...
I'm forever grateful for Nanami, Higuruma, Kusakabe and Shiu quartet. Gege, thank you for feeding us while it lasted. The fics are divine and I understand why Shoko didn't see the appeal in stsg, like girl I get you.
I'll come out and say it- stsg is overrated. And jjk girls deserve more content that isn't ship-oriented.
I think Gege needs to make up his mind because Yuta and Yuji can't exist as two mains at once. Everyone is taking away Yuji's spotlight, but they're dying and dying until nobody's left except Yuji... I don't know how jjk will end.
I miss Yuki and Todo's dynamic and all the funny stuff, I wish jjk was a comedy fr... Gege is writing an idol manga after this one so I can't wait for the things he has in store for us!
Hello! Thank you for your concern about my cold. Honestly, with all of you wishing me to get better, I'm recovering a little faster! 💜💜💜
I agree with mischaracterization, but imo, unless a mangaka explicitly states something, then a fictional character is always subject to having HC's being formed about them depending on the writer. What gets problematic though, is when fans of a writer start looking at those HC's as an actual canon, and now they're picking fights/sending hate to other creators who have different opinions.
Fans of less popular characters tend to be more chill from what I've seen. They just want to talk about their faves and have a good time, and are less bothered with what could be canon or not. They have their HC's and are open to hearing different ones too.
I feel like JJK gave us this genre of 'tired men in suits' which is very appealing, even to us older girlies who are in the same age range as these men.
Stsg being overrated...imo I don't feel that way. I think they had great potential as a couple and I'm filled with sadness at the thought that they didn't catch Suguru's spiral when it happened. I can see them with heterosexual partners too, but I love the concept of Stsg.
The JJK women definitely need content not surrounding ships or smut. Something more action-related or just let her shine in her own right in a fic.
IDK what'll happen going forward...The story is supposed to center on Yuji but it feels like he's constantly being pushed aside. I hope things resolve soon but it looks like Sukuna might win after all this. I'm just sad thinking about it.
I miss the slice of life feel to the story as well but what can ya do...Gege is the mangaka, so he'll do what he wants. But if he brings back Nanami I ain't complaining lol.
Thank you for your confession!
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divinedeathbed · 3 months
Dove (mostly Dove/John ship) lore master post GOOOO
Things are subject to change ofc when I learn more about Shoreside and we're given more information with new episodes.
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General information ofc
She/they/he basically any! She's bigender so some days she leans toward a more masculine look or more feminine look. Gender at birth is ambiguous. I don't know where I lean. Both appeal to me and exist simultaneously. Shrodingers gender. Bisexual/pansexual :]
5 foot 5 inches tall (almost a foot shorter than John at 6'4")
She's 25 years old, birthday: 5/12/1998 (using the day I first ever talked about the concept of her, may 12th! 1998 since I asked when shoreside is set, and it's set in 2023, time just yknow catches up on you when you make things so in 2023 shes 25. John is 35 in 2023 so this makes him 10 years older than her)
She lives in Florida around the Daytona Beach area with her grandparents! I imagine she's originally from another state (coughs. Pennsylvania) but probably got sent down to Florida to be raised by her grandparents due to some shitty parent drama ofc.
She works in the local library with her grandmother. Does all the running around putting books away that the older librarians can't do. Outside of that she also helps her grandparents around the house. Very helpful woman. Does a lot of the yard work, puts up Christmas lights. She'd be unassumedly strong for how she looks imo.
Some of her hobbies include jogging, writing, drawing, reading, baking. Kind of asocial until you get to know her, then she's a silly fellow. Sarcastic by nature, but harmless. I named her after bleeding heart doves, and which bleeding heart can kind of be used to describe her. Very soft hearted and kind most of the time which can be detrimental lol. Lol. (Her working with John probably makes her morals more aligned with his overtime, changing her personality slightly to be more similar)
Uh. Random facts: She has really bad eyesight. Has an old fat orange cat actually named Garfield funnily enough. Shades of blue are her favorite colors. She smells sweet. Carries uh. A sketchbook, other miscellaneous note taking stuff. Always has candy on her hajfjsjdj favorite animals include ofc pigeons, cats, axolotls, snakes. Her music taste is very all over the place, she likes Frank Sinatra and other that era crooners thanks to her grandparents, while also enjoying hard rock music, metal, pop, some techno, punk. Her faaaavorite TV show is Twin Peaks. Good lord she can't shut up about it. Has a crush on Dale Cooper.
Rest under cut for length reasons. Some shoreside spoilers.
In 2011, when the massacre happened and pieces of people were washing up on beaches, Dove was ~13 at the time and remembers seeing that shit in person on the beaches of Daytona, and all over the news. Traumatizing! But puts a want to understand what's Going On till adulthood. Probably has a phobia about the ocean! Hahaha:)
I've been playing with the idea of maybe doves grandparents being involved in the house club? But I don't think they would be!
when she hits adulthood, and specifically in her 20s, she puts effort into researching this shit in her free time.
(A lot of this is speculation and not knowing shit after this)
The first time she meets John Gein (outside of seeing him on the TV back in 2011 when he used to work for CNN) in person, I'm sure it was because she was probably trespassing somewhere she shouldn't be while he was investigating the area simultaneously where he runs into her. First it's of course all suspicion and you can't be here, and he kicks her out.
She being the stubborn woman she is, she keeps showing up and keeps having run-ins with John who, out of some begrudging admiration for her dedication to discover things, reluctantly lets her begin helping him with the shit he's more interested in, and not the goals of the company he's working for.
(He's both relieved and annoyed that Dove doesn't want payment. Yaay he doesn't have to pay her and ugh. Unpaid labor. That's okay John the only thing she wants is you to pay for both of you when you go out to eat and discuss the things you've discovered)
They probably met and began this whole thing maybe a couple years before the events in 2023, maybe 2020 idk? She'd be just out of college. At first they're just uneasy acquaintances, but eventually as they continue working together, they become friends (as they grow closer you just KNOW dove is sending him silly memes. The more weird the better), the two warming up to each other. They both greatly appreciate each other and enjoy being in the other's company, at some point both crossing a "i have romantic feelings for you but neither of us have admitted this yet" threshold where their friendship holds a more tender feeling, where they begin sharing drinks ("one large strawberry milkshake please. No we don't need two, just one for the two of us please! :]") and what not.
Everyone assumes they're dating at this point. They're not yet, but ofc dove gets teased relentlessly by her grandparents. ("Ooohhh Doveee your boyfriend is here!!" "He's not- not my boyfriend." cue very amused John look. "Oh make sure you're being safe and protected!" Wink wink nudge. "MOM-MOM PLEASE.")
Do they love each other? Of course they do. I think it would inevitably be John to say he loves her first. He'd probably say it while she's panicking about something and being worried so he decides to like. Catch her off guard and get it off her mind via kissing her, which works! Works very well because sure enough she can only focus on him holding her, cupping her face and letting her know he loves her and not to worry about whatever she was freaking out about. Yaaaay entering the actually dating now era yippeeee
Cue them now actually doing couple things outside of their working together... John gifting her sweet things like flowers, candy. Gets her a little pigeon plushie because it reminded him of her. (That plush will now be cuddled to death when she sleeps alone bc of him jfjsjfjsj) Dove's grandparents would probably trust John so much they'd give him a key to their house to let himself in to see Dove whenever tbh. Sometimes he lets her know when he's coming, othertimes not so. Showing up while she's not expecting him and jumpscaring her a lot hahaha. I'm sure he finds it funny (he does). That's fine you keep jumpscaring her like that John, well fuck you get your hat STOLEN loser! Yoink! Ope girl now you're getting grabbed and hoisted into his arms and- ooohh they're cute together actually hehehe
Their relationship is very equal despite the 10 year age gap ("MYS THATS BAD" - they are two consenting adults. It's fine. 35 isn't old. Leave me alone), Dove, unfortunately, would probably be too dedicated to him even as he kind of becomes more uh. Crazy? Ig I can use that to describe it. Not seeing anything wrong with him harassing Noah Risse for answers, only kind of at least being mad at John's attitude toward Porter's and Bryan's deaths and John being fired for it, but being just as eager to get the information they want. Would definitely help him kill someone if she had to. Hah. (Idk why I enjoy the idea of him teaching her how to shoot his gun. Yknow. Just in case. No reason! :] )
Um. I don't know what else to add. If you read this and have questions about her feel free to reply/shoot me an ask.
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hecatombi · 11 months
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Here's my wishlist of threads and interactions! Just things I hope to eventually get, if you want to thread any of this with me sometime feel free to always slip into my dms about it! I will on and off write / add to this.
I hope these don't really feel super samey, but i apologize if they do!! ALSO, more AU's are always on the table, you can ask more detail about au ideas i have in mind. trust me, i go to INSANE depths for my wishlists. but. i do want to keep this list as general and accessible as possible in case any one of youse want to pick one to play around with.
good omens or OFMD muses would be cool to interact with!!
More super hero muses interacting with my more powerful guys.
Miraculous ladybug portrals of any kind for randy / rex would be fun!!
Action threads with any of my muses would be pretty fire actually but i'd love it with randy particularly
MORE NORISU NINE MEMBERS!! I would love to establish who becomes linked to a kaiju and who could take on more roles as a ninja! so far, the only established new member has been hachi of @standbowed!! i need 7 more, though. and 8 more spirits to go with every ninja!! dm me if interested :D
travelling through the remaining 8 lands of ninja legend would be sooo fucked but so fun.. twirls hair.... who wants an Adventure long termmmm...
identity reveal. superhero shenanigans. PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MA BOY! just hang out with him, it'd be nice.
chai and vash .. i do personally ship them but i'd never force another vash to ship it with me. even them interacting would be so fun though!!
chai moving to somewhere safer or people joining his resistance is always a fun time
honestly i just really want a ship with chai in general. who wants to smoochie the default mii
i have so many ideas for him living with others, trying to find work elsewhere, his status as a brand ambassador to the megacorp that vandelay is,
If your muse is a musician, specdifically a famous one, oh my god let chai fanboy over them!!!!!!!!
i have a million more ideas but i'll refrain from putting them LOL so many ideas.
A non freaky interaction with knives who don't ship plan.tcest would be nice :'D younger vash interactions, dream interactions, fucked up pre death interactions.... anything. would be interesting to explore since we saw so little of them.
bUT ALSO anyone from trigun!! I don't really ship vash super easily personally, but there's like 5 versions of him imuse. i don't really do vashwood personally but i can see why it would appeal to some.
i think vash deserves to not be feared so a thread where he gets appreciation for something he did would be nice. since he gets it so little
someone he could confide in and help heal with given how much he bottles up ..
getting comfortable enough with a muse that he can show off his uncanny true plantlike form!!!! which is SO RARE for him!!!!!!
interactions with other powerful protagonists or people who challenge his morality strongly would be so epic to interact with. it would be so cool.
any interactions with fellow jjba muses! especially caesar, lisa lisa, suzi q, jonathan, dio, johnny, gyro!
would love a thread where he does magician stuff since he's canonically into street magic
any thread where he gets to pull a your next line is and stun your guy. idc the context i just think it'd be REALLY funny
oldseph threads would also be really fun to have if i can get enough peeps interested........
him learning how to make bubbles from caesar or like caesar if caesars dead atp. :D
Tbh more of him dancing and goofing off would be really fun
Adopting more kids always. he's such a good dad!!!!
Maybe someone who breaks his isolation sooner than Avocato did in season1 before everythang went to shit..?
i'd generally like to rewrite season 3 and beyond. like i love final space but i dont like the direction it went all that much personally.. <:/
help him get more comfortable with a new look, as i hc him to be more transfeminine nowadays! would be nice helping him get comfortable in his own skin.
MORE SLASHERS. this is my only real note for now
well that and maybe more. like. medieval interactions.... since mine's a knight and all given AOD.
be on a fixer mission with aiden. you can be co worker,hostage, or even his torturer. i dont care as long as its cool.
meeting more watchdogs muses in general though there.. doesnt seem to be many of those aside from myself
if anyone wants to deal with his edgy fuck ass be prepared for him to be relatively standoffish / prickly, but he can warm up to you if he has to be your work partner.
she needs to make herself some PROPER FRANDS.
Intergalactic jobs on your muses planet!! that would be so fun!! Like imagine she gets a temp job working for your muse....
Terrible room mate anyone? :) give her more roomies cause i doubt there's another puppycat active atm..
bee also flexing her insane robot powers could be epic. rare, but epic. i dont know if she entirely processes how unusual that is though.. huh!
escaping providence would be nice.
thread where he's deprogrammed from the culty weird propaganda of providence
doing normal kjid things like hanging out at th epark, learning memes, playing video games, going to school stuff -- this is allt hings he's never been allowed to do!!
Drawing your muse and entering them into his JOURNALS... ohh the importance of those can NOT be understated.
curing your muse from turning into an EVO!
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megamattzx · 9 months
This is going to be a thread that I never expected to make.
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I'm going to start working on chapter 5 of this #GoChi story again in a couple of weeks, but I want to celebrate the fact that this officially reached a thousand hits. I was inspired by other FanFictions centered around this canonical ship and even Dragon Ball as a whole. It made me realize that I, myself was slowly coming to terms with the fact that Dragon Ball is a series that has impacted people for generations at this point. And that it is a franchise where not a single individual's experience is going to be the exact same. There will always be a slightly different perspective, even if there are tons of disagreements. It is also possibly one of the reasons why I ended up the writer I am now.
And I know damn well I cannot speak for every Dragon Ball fan, nor any aspect of the fandom, but I've grown to realize that Dragon Ball fans simply just don't actually know what they want. And fan projects, as amazing as they can be, are simply not real Dragon Ball. I will never try to advocate for the idea that fans can just objectively write better stories than the people officially involved, because I myself now understand just how difficult writing can be. It's not that simple. And it can be difficult to come up with ideas. There's a reason why fanfiction, unfortunately has the bad reputation that it has. It's because a lot of fanfic writers, not all, think they know better and the people who have to officially write the story, possibly with more restrictions than a fan writer.
And it's also a lot more challenging when you have to try to be consistent with your own writing. It's a lot easier said than done. You're sometimes going to make mistakes. And I know I'm slowly beginning to understand why you shouldn't always listen to fans. Honestly sometimes you shouldn't even listen to fans at all when you know damn well that people don't know exactly what they want at times. Take the Dragon Ball community for example, there was pushback for Broly in the super movie and it ended up becoming a loved film.
Super and GT may both have their naysayers but they also have their fans. Daima might be the same but it also might not. Dragon Ball Xenoverse as mixed as it has been from what I've seen, also has a strong community which I can confirm because I play the game. Which is something I cannot say the same for when it comes to Dragon Ball the Breakers, but that's another thing all together. I've read plenty of FanFictions for Dragon Ball at this point that have a variety of things. Some purely smut and not "canon compliant".
Some purely based on ships that the writer themselves wanted to see or enjoy, even if it isn't a canon ship. I've had plenty of disagreements on how the story is to be honest compared to my younger days, I'm a lot more tame now. I can disagree with people now. And believe me, Dragon Ball fans have a variety of different opinions on stuff. Some I agree with, some I don't agree with, or some I'm somewhere in between. But this really gets me to my point. Something that I myself had to come to terms with.
You will never be able to make everyone happy. You will never be able to write something that everyone likes. And you will never be able to write a story that the entire fandom wants. All you could really do is write about what you want to see in a series you love. That's it. If people like your writing, that's great. If not, it's whatever. None of your works are going to appeal to everyone. And that's a fact. It's like when I say there's always someone better than you out there, I don't mean it in a mean spirited way.
I only say it because it's true. You're always going to have some level of insecurity about your own works. You're always going to find someone who's better than you in your eyes, especially if they've been in the game longer and you were able to feel their stories. But you're probably not going to enjoy everything they write. And they might not enjoy what you wrote. And that's okay. You don't have to like everything. And who knows, people might like your work when you least expect it.
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Which brings me to why I'm bringing up, my technically multiversal #GoChi story, A Light in the Darkest of Tunnels. That is because something I never expected to happen with that story, happened. In less than a year, this story has officially passed a thousand hits. This may not be a big deal to the more prominent GoChi writers, however, this is a huge significant deal for me, for being the new kid in the block, for New blood, so to speak. These numbers here were things I didn't expect. I wrote something for myself. No one else.
I was actually expecting the story to be loathed and despised. I was expecting death threats and nasty comments, but instead I got kudos, and comments expressing enjoyment and expressing actually having emotional gut punches. I didn't expect people to enjoy what I wrote. I was actually expecting the story to be loathed and despised. I was expecting death threats and nasty comments, but instead I got kudos, and comments expressing enjoyment and expressing actually having emotional gut punches. I didn't expect people to enjoy what I wrote.
And in all honesty, to those who have generally enjoyed my story, to those who took the time to read it, to put the comment or just leaving a kudos, I truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I wasn't expecting it to get as far as it did. Not just leaving their positive feedback on AO3, but also in DMs, in VCs, videos (I know who you all are.) I'm truly overwhelmed with the reception I wish words could express how grateful I am, but the truth is they can't. So again thank you. I'm truly grateful.
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 9 months
2023 AO3 Stats Breakdown
I did this last year and I thought it was interesting for me to see if nothing else, so I'm doing it again this year! I didn't get my main goal done (which was finishing all my outstanding WIPs....or any of my wips....) but let's see what I did do!
Total Wordcount (approximate*): 62,285 words across 7 fics in 1 fandom
Most popular (by hits): Soldier, Poet, King (5,435) [Although if we'd like to go based on fics that were actually finished in 2023, the winner would be Why Not Me?, which I finished posting on January 29th and currently has 3,885 hits)
Most popular (by kudos): Why Not Me? (486)
Least Popular (by hits): The Romance of Anonymity (615)
Least Popular (by kudos): The Romance of Anonymity (100)
Highest Wordcount: Soldier, Poet, King (101,359) (up 22,669 words from last year, which would still put it above anything else in the list)
Lowest Wordcount: Outta Time (4,737)
*This year my approximate wordcount is EXTREMELY off. Partially because I know how much of SPK I wrote this year but not how much of Why Not Me? technically fell in 2023 so that one's more than it should be. Also, though, because I have two fics that I've been working on that I have posted absolutely nothing of, one of which is collaborative. These two projects together are another 200k easily, and while I don't know exactly how much I've contributed numerically to the collaborative fic, I've probably done roughly half, probably a bit less. That's still another ~150k that y'all haven't seen yet, and that's partly why my numbers feel so much lower than what they've been in the past.
Fic Breakdown
I only wrote for the MDZS/CQL fandom this year, and with the exception of Why Not Me? everything that I've written for has been 3zun (and that actually includes my secret projects as well). I haven't had nearly as much time to write this year as I would've liked due to real life shit, so when I do have the opportunity to write I'm much more likely to write about 3zun than anyone else as they remain my favorite ship. If we don't include Soldier, Poet, King and Why Not Me? in this year's lists, as I started them both in 2022, then in 2023 I wrote a total of 5 fics.
These 5 fics account for 35,422 words out of my total (dubious) wordcount as calculated by AO3.
1/5 was a total standalone oneshot: Cut From The Same, which was inspired by art/posts from littlesmartart and guqinandflute here on tumblr, was written for Polyship Week 2023, days 4 & 8 "Soulmates/Free Day" (I wanted to do it for day 4 but ran out of time, so I posted it on day 8 instead).
2/5 are parts of a new series: Outta Time and Roses Are Falling are the first two installments in the Orville Peck Cinematic Universe series, sparked by conversations between myself and littlesmartart about my tentative ongoing Brokeback Mountain AU, Orville Peck's music, and the appeal of cowboy culture in general.
2/5 are additions to ongoing series from 2022: The Romance of Anonymity is an installment in my 90's Strip Mall AU series, Tales From Jianghu Shopping Center, and was written to fulfill Polyship Week 2023 prompts for days 1 and 3, "Roadtrip" and "Bed Sharing", respectively. You're Safe Here is an extra for my 1970's Wangxian AU, The Sculptor, and the series is now called Lavender and Free Love. I wrote it for Polyship Week 2023 day 2, "Missing Scene" (which I didn't realize at the time meant a missing scene from somewhere in canon not from one of my own fics, but oops oh well).
With all that said - what did I actually write?
I almost exclusively posted one-shots this year, with the exception being The Romance of Anonymity, which is two brief chapters written for two separate prompts. Like I said, it's been a busy year in a lot of very good ways, but they weren't very conducive to hammering out chaptered/massive fics very quickly. That being said, Secret Project 1 is currently at 12.5 chapters with 103,939 words written, and by the time I'm done it'll probably wind up somewhere around 15 chapters/~130k at my current trajectory. Secret Project 2, the collaborative one, is currently at (I believe) 14 chapters, with ~111k words written, pre-final editing and logistics. It'll also include at least 4 extras which are currently being written. I also currently have two more active WIPs for the OPCU: a prequel NieLan-centered fic centered on Mingjue acquiring the ranch, and a post-main-timeline SangCheng fic the summer after the original fic(s) (that will also become its own series/universe like the 3zun works).
So big things coming in 2024!! I've been writing a lot behind the scenes, even with things like my first public exhibition back in May, working 40+ hours a week while also visting family back home over the summer, and now (as of September) working through the final year of my undergrad degree while simultaneously continuing to make professional connections so I'll (hopefully) have jobs to fall back on once I graduate in June.
What did I enjoy writing the most this year?
The Orville Peck Cinematic Universe, hands down. I absolutely love this universe and the art that littlesmartart makes as the other half of it, I'm slightly feral for my 3zun modern-day cowboys in love. The same as with Tales From Jianghu Shopping Center last year, I love love love having a fun, relaxing, low-stakes universe to play around in and write fluffy things that make me happy to help me offset some of the stresses of life, and I really love flexing my AU muscles to make sure everyone still (hopefully 😅) feels very natural and right in a setting so far removed from canon.
I didn't accomplish my goal of finishing any of my longstanding WIPs this year, but I'm okay with that! I still don't consider any of them to be abandoned and I do genuinely want to see them all finished one day, but for now I've given myself permission to let them sit there languishing while I make things that give me that good brain juice while my life is going through a lot of transition stages that leave me very little energy to enjoy my hobbies.
Looking ahead, this year I'll be graduating from art college; attempting to find a 'real' job that will satisfy immigration laws so I can continue to stay where I am and begin working on becoming a naturalized citizen; making and selling my ceramics on the side to begin building a solid studio practice in my local community; exhibiting my more artistic work in exhibitions both local and foreign as well as submitting it for awards to begin building up a CV; and trying to start saving money in the hopes that I can buy my house in a few years' time. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm busy as all hell and that's not going to change anytime soon, but hopefully I'll have some good writing time in 2024 and continue to be active in this fandom/community that I love so much!
Y'all are really the best and thanks for another great year 🥰
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